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An Application of Ordinary Differential Equations in Economics: Modeling

Consumer's Preferences Using Marginal Rates of Substitution

Conference Paper · October 2014

DOI: 10.13140/2.1.1144.9288


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1 author:

Jorge Marques
University of Coimbra


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An Application of Ordinary Differential Equations in Economics:
Modeling Consumer’s Preferences Using Marginal Rates of
University of Coimbra
Faculty of Economics
Av. Dias da Silva 165, 3004-512 Coimbra

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to define consumer’s preferences from the differentiable point of view in the sense
of Debreu. In this setting we can consider a marginal rate of substitution to represent consumer’s preferences on the
space of two goods. By definition, for each point we have a vector that gives the direction orthogonal to an unknown
indifference curve. We solve a first order ordinary differential equation in order to determine the indifference
map. Our results are representation theorems for the following classes: linear, quasi-linear, separable, homothetic,
homothetic and separable. We show that this alternative approach is connected with the formulation concerning
the representability of preferences by smooth utility functions. Moreover, we deduce the general expression of
utility functions in the context of ordinal utility.

Key–Words: smooth preferences, marginal rates of substitution, differential equations, indifference map, ordinal

1 Introduction Georgescu-Roegen [7], Samuelson [19] with the pur-

pose of discussing the integrability of the demand
In the context of ordinal utility, an individual con- function.
sumer is assumed to have a preference relation based
on axioms of rational decision, being represented by In section 2 we introduce the concepts and the ba-
a utility function. In general, a preference relation has sic results of a smooth preference relation on space of
some properties that impose conditions on the regular- goods. In the neoclassical approach, it is represented
ity of a utility function, such as continuity, differentia- by a twice continuously differentiable utility function
bility and convexity. Following an idea that goes as far with assumptions of monotony (no critical point) and
back as Antonelli [2] and Pareto [17], Debreu [6] and strict convexity. Taking into account that Pareto made
Mas-Colell [15] have proposed that a smooth prefer- the discovery that a utility function is not necessary
ence relation can be represented by a vector field using a priori to explain the theory of consumer behavior,
the Gauss map to indicate a direction of consumer’s so it can be dispensed in mathematical modeling ac-
preferences. cording to the principle of Occam’s razor. Hence,
we use a marginal rate of substitution to represent the
In this paper, in line with Debreu’s work [6],
consumer’s preferences on each unknown indifference
we will define a smooth preference relation on space
curve. Geometrically, for each point we have a vector
of two goods represented by a marginal rate of sub-
that gives a direction orthogonal to the tangent line
stitution. It was Hicks who introduced the concept
of an indifference curve. In fact, this formulation is
of marginal rate of substitution between two goods,
based on the smoothness of indifference sets and does
which is defined for every indifference set, as the in-
not depend of the existence of a smooth utility repre-
cremental amount of one good that the consumer is
sentation. We show that it is possible to deduce utility
willing to give up in order to gain an incremental in-
functions. Moreover, it is shown the equivalence be-
crease of consumption of other good. Further, Hicks
tween both representations on space of goods.
and Allen [10] showed that the principle of diminish-
ing marginal utility should be replaced by the princi- In section 3 we establish sufficient conditions to
ple of diminishing marginal rate of substitution. These construct the indifference map on space of two goods.
rates has been taken, for instance, by Antonelli [2], It is enough to make differentiability assumptions on
a marginal rate of substitution to generate many of the strict preference and ∼ denotes indifference. In addi-
traditional results from the consumer’s preferences. tion, the axioms of continuity, monotonicity and strict
Hence, we show representation theorems for the fol- convexity are usually imposed on  in the differen-
lowing classes: linear, quasi-linear, separable, homo- tiable setting [15]. In the context of ordinal utility, a
thetic, both homothetic and separable preferences. In utility function aims to construct a ranking of choices
our approach, we represent first consumer’s prefer- based on the consumer’s preference relation.
ences on each unknown indifference curve using a
marginal rate of substitution. Then we solve a first Definition 1 Let  be a preference relation on Rn+ . A
order ordinary differential equation (ODE). Thereby real-valued function u : Rn+ → R is a utility function
we obtain a functional form of one parameter fam- if it a representation of  in the sense that
ily of curves, written in the explicit way, that yields
x  y ⇐⇒ u(x) ≥ u(y)
the indifference map. Finally, we deduce the gen-
eral expression of utility functions in the context of for all x ∈ Rn+ and y ∈ Rn+ .
ordinal utility. Differential equations have been a
powerful tool, being used by Pareto [17], Hicks and We can say that every utility function is only deter-
Allen [10], Leontief [13], Samuelson [18], Hurwicz mined up to strictly increasing transformations.
and Uzawa [11], Tyson [22] among others.
In section 4 we present final remarks to explain Proposition 2 Let g : R → R be a continuous strictly
that our results to characterize preferences on the increasing function. So u is a utility function if and
space of two goods can be generalized to the space only if the composition U = g ◦ u is a utility function.
of n goods, n > 2.
It was necessary to find conditions on utility functions
to describe a smooth preference relation. Debreu [6]
showed that there exists a monotonic utility function
2 Smooth Preferences of class C 2 with no critical point if and only if  sat-
Let us study the mathematical formulation of smooth isfies the following properties:
preferences in the microeconomic theory, exclud-
1. Continuity:  is closed in Rn+ × Rn+ ;
ing from our analysis the revealed preference theory.
From the point of view of methodology we will re- 2. Monotonicity: x >> y implies x  y, where
late two distinct approaches to represent consumer’s x >> y means that xi > yi for all i = 1, . . . , n;
preferences on the set of all bundles of two goods. In
the traditional approach it is defined a representation 3. Smoothness: {(x, y) ∈ Rn+ × Rn+ : x ∼ y } is a
that requires the determination of an arbitrary utility hypersurface of class C 2 .
function of class C 2 . In our approach it is consid-
ered a representation using an exchange rate between In this sense, the indifference sets of u (or ) will be
two goods, called marginal rate of substitution, which hypersurfaces of class C 2 .
is independent of the notion of utility function. Fol-
Definition 3 Let u be a utility function of class C 2 on
lowing these alternative approaches, it is shown the
Rn+ and c ∈ R. The set
equivalence between both representations.
I = {(x1 , . . . , xn ) ∈ Rn+ : u(x1 , . . . , xn ) = c}
2.1 Representation of preferences by a utility is closed in Rn+ . It is called an indifference hypersur-
function face and the family of all indifference hypersurfaces is
We introduce the basic concepts regarding preferences called the indifference map.
and their representability by utility functions. The
neoclassical approach in the microeconomic theory Definition 4 [4] A preference relation  on Rn+ is
begins with the definition of consumer’s preference smooth if it is represented by a utility function u such
relation. An individual consumer is assumed to have that:
a preference relation  on (i) A function u is of class C 2 on Rn+ , that is, u and
its first and second order partial derivatives are
Rn+ = {(x1 , . . . , xn ) ∈ Rn : xi > 0} continuous on Rn+ ;
represented by a binary relation which satisfies three ∂u
axioms: reflexivity, transitivity and completeness. (ii) All first order partial derivatives of u, , are
From  we derive two other relations:  denotes positive on Rn+ ;
(iii) The restriction of the quadratic form defined It is clear than (i*) is consequence of smoothness of
by the Hessian matrix of second order partial curves. The assumption (ii*) states that the compo-
derivatives of u, H(x), to the tangent hyperplane nents of v = (τ, 1) are positive and the assumption
at P ∈ I is negative definite. (iii*) expresses strict convexity of every indifference
curve I because its curvature at each point P is given
In this approach, once ensuring the existence of a ∂τ ∂τ
by τ (P ) (P ) − (P ).
known utility function, it is relatively easy to construct ∂y ∂x
the indifference map. Note that the marginal rate of substitution of X1 for
X2 is defined by
2.2 Representation of preferences by a dx 1
=− , for all (x, y) ∈ I . (2)
marginal rate of substitution dy τ (x, y)
Now suppose that a utility function of class C 2 is un-
When consumer’s preferences are locally integrable,
known. A smooth preference relation can be repre-
every marginal rate of substitution is also interpreted
sented by a vector field, following an idea that goes as
as the ratio between marginal utilities of two goods.
far back as Antonelli [2] and Pareto [17]. From now
on, we consider the space of two goods X1 and X2 : Proposition 6 If consumer’s preferences are locally
integrable on R2+ then there exists a utility function u
R2+ = {(x, y) ∈ R2 : x > 0 ∧ y > 0} .
such that
We present a weaker formulation based on the ∂u
∂x (x, y)
smoothness of indifference curves. In our approach τ (x, y) = ∂u
, for all (x, y) ∈ Vδ (P ).
we use a marginal rate of substitution to describe con- ∂y (x, y)
sumer’s preferences.
Proof: Suppose that the consumer’s preferences rep-
resented by τ on R2+ satisfy (1) in some neighborhood
Definition 5 Let I be an indifference curve on R2+ .
of given point P , Vδ (P ). Let I be an indifference
We say that τ is the marginal rate of substitution of
curve through P written in the differential form
X2 for X1 if there exists a function of class C 2 defined
by y = f (x) such that τ (x, y)dx + dy = 0 . (3)
dy By definition, λ(x, y) 6= 0 is an integrate factor for
= −τ (x, y) , for all (x, y) ∈ I . (1)
dx the equation (3) if
We say that the consumer’s preferences are locally in- λ(x, y)τ (x, y)dx + λ(x, y)dy = 0 (4)
tegrable on R2+ if (1) holds in some neighborhood of
each point P , Vδ (P ). is a total differential equation. Hence λ(x, y) is nec-
essarily solution of the following partial differential
The real valued function τ : R2+ → R+ is well defined equation
since y = f (x) can be identified with a smooth curve ∂λ ∂(λτ )
(x, y) = (x, y).
through the map h : R+ → R2+ , defined by h(x) = ∂x ∂y
(x, f (x)). Indeed, h is a local diffeomorphism, where Once it has been determined, there exists a function u
h−1 : R2+ → R+ is defined by h−1 (x, y) = x. Hence of class C 2 such that (4) is equivalent to du(x, z) = 0,
locally there exists a tangent line to I at each point P where
that has v = (τ, 1) as a normal vector. We remember
that Debreu [6] and Mas-Colell [15] have described ∂u ∂u
du(x, y) = (x, y)dx + (x, y)dy
a smooth preference relation in an analogous manner ∂x ∂y
using the Gauss map instead of τ .
In according to Hicks and Allen [10], it is assumed is the total differential of u(x, z). So
that τ has the following properties:
∂u ∂u
(x, y) = (λτ )(x, y) ∧ = λ(x, y)
(i*) Differentiability: τ is of class C1 on R2+ ; ∂x ∂y

(ii*) Positivity: τ is positive on R2+ ; hence we have

∂τ ∂τ ∂x (x, y)
(iii*) Convexity: −τ is negative on R2+ . τ (x, y) = ∂u
∂x ∂y ∂y (x, y)
for all (x, y) ∈ Vδ (P ). t
u Then y = f (x) is the unique solution of (1) since
We stress that marginal rates of substitution are ∂u
∂x (x, y)
independent of a utility function chosen to represent τ (x, y) = ∂u and thus consumer’s preferences
the consumer’s preference relation. ∂y (x, y)
are locally integrable on R2+ . t
Corollary 7 If consumer’s preferences are locally in-
tegrable on R2+ then for any utility function U we have
3 Representation of Smooth Prefer-
τ (x, y) = ∂x (x, y)
, for all (x, y) ∈ Vδ (P ). ences on R2+
∂y (x, y) Theorem 9 If consumer’s preferences are locally in-
Proof: Let I be an indifference curve on R2+ defined tegrable on R2+ and τ satisfies (i*), (ii*) and (iii*) then
by u(x, y) = c, where u is a utility function and c is for every indifference curve there exists a function f
a constant. By Proposition 2, there exists a function g defined by y = f (x) of class C 2 satisfying (1) which
strictly increasing such that U = g ◦ u. Applying the is strictly decreasing and strictly convex.
chain rule gives Proof: Let I be an indifference curve on R2+ .
∂U ∂u Suppose that consumer’s preferences are locally inte-
(x, y) = g 0 (u(x, y)) (x, y) grable on R2+ . It means that there exists a function of
∂x ∂x
class C 2 defined by y = f (x) satisfying (1). By hy-
and pothesis τ (x, y) > 0, we have f 0 (x) < 0 so that f is
∂U ∂u
(x, y) = g 0 (u(x, y)) (x, y) strictly decreasing. Using chain rule we obtain
∂y ∂y
that is, d2 y ∂τ ∂τ
∂U ∂u = − (x, y) + τ (x, y) (x, y) .
∂x (x, y) ∂x (x, y) dx2 ∂x ∂y
= ∂u
∂y (x, y) ∂y (x, y) Since τ satisfies (iii*), we have f 00 (x) > 0 so that f is
because uy (x, y) > 0 and Uy (x, y) > 0 and therefore strictly convex. t
by the Proposition 6 we obtain From the qualitative and analytical study of first
order ODE’s, the family of all indifference curves is
∂x (x, y) a partition of R2+ . It means that the indifference map
τ (x, y) = ∂U is the set of curves whose graphs are pairwise disjoint
∂y (x, y)
and have R2+ as their union. From Theorem 9 it fol-
for all (x, y) ∈ Vδ (P ). t
u lows that every indifference curve is the graph of a
We deduce a utility function from the marginal function f : D ⊂ R+ → R, defined by y = f (x), of
rate of substitution by Proposition 6. On the other class C 2 , positive, strictly decreasing and strictly con-
hand, we determine the marginal rate of substitution vex.
assuming that we know a utility function by the next We characterize the consumer’s preferences for the
proposition. following classes: linear, quasi-linear, separable, ho-
mothetic, homothetic and separable. Moreover, we
Proposition 8 If there exists a utility function u then deduce the general expression of utility functions in
the consumer’s preferences are locally integrable on the context of ordinal utility.
2 ∂x (x, y)
R+ where τ (x, y) = ∂u .
∂y (x, y) 3.1 Linear Preferences
Definition 10 Two goods X1 and X2 are called per-
Proof: Let I be an indifference hipersurface on R2+
fect substitutes if marginal rates of substitution are
defined by u(x, y) = c, where u is a utility function
∂u positive constants for all bundles.
and c is a constant. From (ii) we have (x, y) 6= 0,
∂y We say that consumer’s preferences are linear when
then by implicit function theorem u(x, y) = c has a the goods are perfect substitutes. These preferences
unique solution of the form y = f (x) in the neighbor- do not hold the assumption of strict convexity (iii*).
hood of each point P ∈ I, Vδ (P ), and the differentia-
tion of the u(x, f (x)) = c gives Proposition 11 Consumer’s preferences on R2+ are
linear if and only if the indifference map is represented
∂u ∂u dy dy ∂x (x, y) by a family of lines of the equation y = −kx + c,
(x, y) + (x, y) = 0 ⇐⇒ = − ∂u .
∂x ∂y dx dx ∂y (x, y) where k is a positive constant.
By Proposition 2 linear preferences are represented by 3.3 Separable Preferences
any utility function Definition 15 Consumer’s preferences on R2+ are
U (x, y) = g(kx + y) said to be separable if there exist a positive and
strictly decreasing function η and a positive and
where g is strictly increasing and k > 0. strictly increasing φ on R+ such that

3.2 Quasi-Linear Preferences τ (x, y) = η(x)φ(y) , for all (x, y) ∈ R2+ .

Consumer’s preferences are said to be quasi-linear
with respect to Xi when the marginal rates of sub- According to the original Leontief-Sono definition of
stitution do not depend of the quantity consumed of separability [12], [20], the marginal rates of substitu-
Xi . tion between two goods are written in the multiplica-
tive form of the quantities of the goods.
Definition 12 Consumer’s preferences on R2+ are
said to be: Proposition 16 Consumer’s preferences on R2+ are
(i) Quasi-linear with respect to X2 if there exists a separable if and only if the indifference map is rep-
positive and strictly decreasing function η on R+ resented by a family of curves of equation y =
such that G (c − F (x)) where G is strictly increasing and
strictly convex and F is strictly increasing and strictly
τ (x, y) = η(x) , for all (x, y) ∈ R2+ ; concave.
(ii) Quasi-linear with respect to X1 if there exists a dG−1 (y) 1
positive and strictly decreasing function φ on R+ Note that F 0 (x) = η(x) and = .
dy φ(y)
such that
By Proposition 2 separable preferences are repre-
τ (x, y) = φ(y) , for all (x, y) ∈ R2+ . sented by any utility function

Proposition 13 Consumer’s preferences on R2+ are U (x, y) = g (F (x) + H(y))

quasi-linear with respect to X2 if and only if the in-
difference map is represented by a family of curves of where g is strictly increasing, F and H = G−1 are
equation y = c − F (x), where F is strictly increasing strictly increasing and strictly concave.
and strictly concave.
Note that F 0 (x) = η(x), x > 0. 3.4 Homothetic Preferences
It is well known that these preferences admit a partic- Definition 17 Consumer’s preferences on R2+ are
ular representation that is additive in the good X2 and said to be homothetic if there exists a positive and
by Proposition 2 are represented by any utility func- strictly increasing function h : R+ → R such that
U (x, y) = g (F (x) + y) τ (x, y) = h , for all (x, y) ∈ R2+ .
where g is strictly increasing and F is strictly increas- x
ing and strictly concave.
By definition, τ is a homogeneous function of degree
Proposition 14 Consumer’s preferences on R2+
are p = 0.
quasi-linear with respect to X1 if and only if the in-
difference map is represented by a family of curves of Proposition 18 Consumer’s preferences on R2+ are
equation y = F (c − x), where F is strictly increasing homothetic if and only if the indifference map is
and strictly convex. represented by a family of curves of equation y =
xF ln ( xc ) where F is strictly increasing and strictly
dF −1 (y) 1 convex.
Note that = , y > 0.
dy φ(y)
It is well known that these preferences admit a partic- y
Proof: We consider a new variable ν = . Since τ
ular representation that is additive in the good X1 and x
by Proposition 2 are represented by any utility func- is a homogeneous function of degree p = 0 we have
dy dν
tion τ (1, ν) = h(ν). Replacing dx = x dx + ν and y in (1)
U (x, y) = g (x + H(y)) we obtain a homogeneous ODE
where g is strictly increasing and H = F −1 is strictly dν
increasing and strictly concave. x = − (h(ν) + ν) . (5)
The equation (5) is equivalent to a separable ODE The Proposition 19 states that both separable and
homothetic are precisely the preferences that admit
dν dx constant elasticity of substitution (CES) utility func-
=− . (6)
h(ν) + ν x tions. This positive constant is given by σ = 1/(1−δ).
It is well known that these preferences have a partic-
By integration gives ular representation which is homogeneous of degree
  c  p = 1.
xeH(y/x) = c ⇐⇒ y = xF ln We define Cobb-Douglas preferences taking a =
α/(1 − α) with 0 < α < 1 and δ = 0 in the Proposi-
dH 1 tion 19.
where = and F = H −1 . t
dν ν + h(ν)
By Proposition 2 homothetic preferences are rep- Definition 20 Consumer’s preferences on R2+ are
resented by any utility function said to be Cobb-Douglas if there exists a constant
 0 < α < 1 such that
U (x, y) = g xeH ( x ) αy
τ (x, y) = , for all (x, y) ∈ R2+ .
(1 − α)x
where g is strictly increasing and H is strictly increas-
ing and strictly concave.
Proposition 21 Consumer’s preferences on R2+ are
Cobb-Douglas if and only if the indifference map
3.5 Separable and Homothetic Preferences is represented by a family of curves of equation
Proposition 19 Consumer’s preferences on R2+ are y = cx− 1−α .
separable and homothetic if and only if there exist
constants a > 0 and δ < 1 such that τ (x, y) = Note that we solve (5) with h(ν) = ν.
axδ−1 y 1−δ . 1−α
Taking into account the Proposition 2, the class of
Proof: We suppose that consumer’s preferences on Cobb-Douglas utility functions [5] is represented by
R2+ are separable, that is τ (x, y) = f (x)g(y). Its par- any
tial derivatives are given by U (x, y) = g(xα y 1−α )
where g is strictly increasing and 0 < α < 1.
∂τ ∂τ dg
(x, y) = f 0 (x)g(y) ∧ (x, y) = f (x) . (7) We define CES preferences taking a = α/(1−α) with
∂x ∂y dy 0 < α < 1 and δ 6= 0 in the Proposition 19.
We now suppose that consumer’s preferences are ho-
y Definition 22 Consumer’s preferences on R2+ are
mothetic. Considering a new variable ν = we have said to be CES if there exist constants 0 < α < 1
τ (1, ν) = h(ν) = f (1)g(ν). By Euler’s theorem we and δ < 1 such that
∂τ ∂τ α  y 1−δ
(1, ν) + ν (1, ν) = 0 . τ (x, y) = , for all (x, y) ∈ R2+ .
∂x ∂y 1−α x
Using (7) it follows
Proposition 23 Consumer’s preferences on R2+ are
f 0 (1) ν dg CES (δ 6= 0) if and only if the indifference map
=− . (8) is represented by a family of curves of equation
f (1) g(ν) dν 1/δ
c − αxδ

Since f is positive and strictly decreasing, there exists y= .
0 (1)
a constant δ < 1 such that δ = 1 + ff (1) . Solving the
separable equation (8) there exists a constant b > 0 Note that we solve (5) with h(ν) = ν 1/δ .
such that 1−α
By Proposition 2 the class of CES utility functions [3]
g(ν) = bν 1−δ .
is represented by any
Therefore we conclude that  
 y 1−δ U (x, y) = g (αxδ + (1 − α)y δ )1/δ
τ (x, y) = a = axδ−1 y 1−δ
where g is strictly increasing, 0 < α < 1 and 0 6= δ <
where a = f (1)b. t
u 1.
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