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You don’t even have to go to court.

Posted on November 5, 2014 by arnierosner

You don’t even have to go to court.


Writ of Assistance and Affidavit of Truth – RA 393 427 517 US – June 3, 2014

On Nov 5, 2014, at 12:33 PM, Anna von Reitz <> wrote:

Arnie— I think this adequately explains the situation from my perspective.

We, living people who are birthright American State Citizens do NOT have any “civil rights” and we
are not advantaged by claiming that we do. “Civil Rights” are privileges conferred by Congress and
just as easily taken away by Congress. The only entities having “Civil Rights” are “United States
Citizens” who claim “equal civil rights” to American State Citizens. If you think about it for five
seconds you will remember the phrase, “Equal Civil Rights!” —- and if you are sharp enough to be in
the tool shed in the first place, you will ask yourself— “Equal to WHAT?” —- Well, obviously, to the
“Natural and Unalienable Rights” owed to American State Citizens.

For 95% of us, we are merely being self-interestedly “mistaken” for “United States Citizens” in the
first place—- we, the living people, have Natural and Unalienable Rights, not “civil rights”. So when
you file claims alleging violation of “civil rights” you are (1) claiming to be United States Citizens
subject to Congress (as in “subjects” of a King) and (2) you are muddying the waters for any other,
superior claim to Natural and Unalienable Rights.

You are playing a dangerous game of apples and oranges. It is true that the authorities, especially the
courts, are routinely violating the civil rights owed to THEIR citizens—- but lets review the definition
of “federal citizens” —– (1) federal civilian and military employees; (2) African Americans who were
never granted real State Citizenship after the Civil War; (3) those born in “federal” possessions and
territories — Guam, Puerto Rico, et alia; (4) foreigners seeking welfare benefits and/or political
asylum, and (5) most importantly—- corporations formed under the auspices of the United States.
These incorporated entities are invariably the “Defendants” or “DEFENDANTS” being addressed in
court complaints—never the living Americans they are named after.

The Federales sometimes try to claim (thanks to forced Social Security enrollment) that we are all
“foreigners (with respect to the federal enclave) seeking welfare benefits” —- however, that
argument falls apart when it is considered that (1) we were enrolled under conditions of semantic
deceit and force, (2) we and our employers paid for every service and premium we are due, and (3)
Social Security is a private insurance program no different than Geico. Most of the time their entire
schtick depends upon addressing their claims and complaints against incorporated “franchises” they
have created and merely named after living Americans.

So now that we are down to the brass tacks of it—– are we American State Citizens, living and
operating on the land and upon the land jurisdiction of the American States? Or are we “United
States Citizens” operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea, and obligated as “subjects” of
the US Congress and owed only “equal civil rights”?

If we don’t stand up and claim our birthright as American State Citizens on the land and claim our
“Natural and Unalienable Rights” that are due — then pretty soon there will be no standard for
anyone to apply for “equal civil rights” —– because we will all be “equally” enslaved.

I understand that some people are experiencing some degree of success in pressing these civil rights
claims in behalf of the en legis “persons” that have been created and operated under the given
names of living Americans, and that is all well and good so far as it goes—– but it is NOT any true
remedy. It does not address the probate fraud that allowed the creation of all these en legis entities
in the first place. It does not address the actual standing, identity, and status of the living people. It
does not prevent the perpetrators from continuing to play their game as usual. All it does is prevent
individual instances of oppression and confiscation of property in some cases—-and only then at
relatively great cost.

The court battles people engage in in maritime and admiralty jurisdictions are costly both in time and
money. They are also dangerous. They require skills equal to any admiralty lawyer—which the vast
majority of Americans don’t have and can’t reasonably acquire. They are uncertain in outcome.
They require addressing the thugs on their own turf. And any victory comes with the additional cost
that after all that effort, all that has been done with respect to the real issues, is to dig our graves

After all, someone named “John Quincy Adams” complained of civil rights violations, so that means
that “John Quincy Adams” had to be a United States Citizen. Otherwise, if “John Quincy Adams”
were an American State Citizen and was owed his “Natural and Unalienable Rights” —- why would he
EVER consent to being identified as a “United States Citizen” owed only civil rights? If you were
owed a million dollars and a new Cadillac, why would you fight like a tiger shark over a thousand
dollars and a beat up Volkswagon?

Obviously, if you knew who you really are in terms of identity and jurisdiction on the land, you would
never claim “civil rights” —- you would claim Natural and Unalienable Rights—and you would deny
any attachment to or responsibility for all these legal fiction “personas” that have been created using
your given name. You would stand up on your own hind legs and say, “To hell you beller! I have
nothing to do with any legal fiction that was created out of thin air and named after me by Third
Parties acting without my knowledge or consent. I “surrender” all such “persons” to the Court and
require those Usufructuaries that created these legal fictions and benefited from them to pay every
debt and penny THEY may owe.”

The Court cannot reply, and in fact, no Court has even addressed any living American.

ALL of these court cases are addressed to legal fiction entities merely named after living Americans—
without exception. And they are ALL addressed to “United States Citizens”—- legal fiction personas
merely named after living Americans and operated as “franchises” by foreign commercial
corporations and governments.

The swift and effective means of “informing” the Court is to enter Special Appearance, stating
something to the effect— “I am the living man and my appellation is ________________ and the
proper legal style to use when addressing me is all small letters. I am here in the flesh for the honor
of the name. I have received mis-addressed correspondence directed to legal fiction entities bearing
similar names that were created by commercial companies and foreign governments without my
knowledge or consent. I am an American State Citizen standing on the land jurisdiction of the united
(small “u”) States of America. I fly the civil flag of The (capital “T”) United States of America and I
want this matter cleared up. Any taxes, tithes, fees, fines, mortgages, bills, or other matters
associated with the Defendants/DEFENDANTS are owed by the commercial corporations and foreign
governments that created them, which own them, and which operate them. I do not condone their
existence, don’t own them, don’t operate them, and don’t act as an accommodation party for them
absent forcible duress. I surrender all such foreign “persons” operated under names similar to mine
to the Court which is the securities intermediary responsible for discharging or otherwise paying the
debts of these corporate franchises. They are in no respect my responsibility. I do not consent to any
disruption of my day to day life and I wish to make it clear that I am (1) not the Party responsible for
answering mail addressed to these foreign legal fictions, (2) not responsible for appearing in court for
them, (3) not responsible for paying their debts, and (4) cannot be held in contempt of court for
failure to obey court “Orders” which are not addressed to me and which are issued in foreign
jurisdictions. I am not subject to the United States via any voluntary contract nor am I subject to any
administrative law. I am not “dead” in any respect. Any pretensions otherwise are an admission of
fraud upon the probate court and a violation of the Hague Conventions (IV). Please inform the
officers of the court to cease and desist sending any more misaddressed correspondence to my
attention, as this would from now on be considered harassment of an unarmed and peaceful civilian
and could additionally be interpreted as an act perpetuating willful fraud through the U.S. Mail. If
you have any unpaid bills or complaints addressed to any en legis entities operated under names
similar to mine, here is the list of owner-operators that need to be addressed: For names styled as:
John Quincy Adams — this is a defunct, bankrupted foreign situs trust owned by the federal “State
of______” which were franchises of the United States of America, Inc. All debts related to them were
discharged in bankruptcy as of July 1, 2013. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS — is a Washington DC Municipal
ESTATE trust operated out of Puerto Rico by the UNITED STATES (INC.) and its “STATE OF _______”
franchises, [I believe these entities have applied for bankruptcy protection as of October 2014.] John
Q. Adams — is a federal “state” level transmitting utility operated by the UN Corporation dba
“FEDERAL RESERVE” dba “ALASKA” (or NEVADA or whichever other STATE). JOHN Q. ADAMS — is a
transmitting utility owned and operated by the UN Corporation dba “FEDERAL RESERVE”. The
addresses of these corporations and their officers are readily available. — Sincerely, john quincy
adams, non-negotiable autograph, all rights reserved.”

Te Deum. You don’t even have to go to court. You can simply enter Special Appearance as an
Interested Third Party by sending a handwritten letter such as this via Registered Mail and returning
the misaddressed correspondence to the Court. In 99.9% of the cases you never hear a word back
from them, no further action is taken against you or your estate, and all it costs is the time to write
the note to “The Clerk of the Court” and the postage to send it together with the misaddressed
correspondence back to them. The time to do this is the moment you receive any such misaddressed
correspondence. Nip it in the bud and cut to the chase—without any involved legal procedures,
without addressing their court on their court’s turf, without mistakenly alleging that you have, want,
or claim “civil rights”. Simply assert your true identity and lawful standing with respect to the court
and these doppelganger legal fictions—- and hold the Usufructuaries feet first to the fire to pay their
own debts owed under the Rules of Usufruct and the Hague Conventions.

The only exception is if you commit a true crime, in which case you are liable as a living man or
woman to be tried by a jury of your Peers—- other American State Citizens—under American
Common Law. So long as you have harmed no living individual and did not destroy any living
individual’s property, you cannot be accused of any crime by “the state”—-with again, the one
exception of murder, wherein the victim’s body— the “corpus delecti”– becomes the Witness and
the Coroner and the Prosecutor act in the victim’s behalf.

I hope this clears up the whole issue of “civil rights” which are granted by Congress to “United States
Citizens” and “Natural and Unalienable Rights” which are the birthright of American State Citizens
and why the entire convoluted legal process that various people are advocating is both unnecessary
and dangerous for average people to pursue. Going into maritime and admiralty jurisdictions as an
unarmed civilian is tantamount to putting a potato farmer at the helm of a tall ship and expecting
good results. It is much simpler, cleaner, and clearer to pursue things as I have outlined above, and
doing so prevents any later presumption that you have knowingly and willingly claimed to be a
“United States Citizen” having “civil rights” and have therefore “voluntarily” subjected yourself to the
jurisdiction of the United States.

Take a good close look at The Articles of Confederation (1781) and you will see two separate entities
defined—- one of which is called simply the “United States”.

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