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Cat Overpopulation Taskforce Meeting Notes

January 20, 2012 2:30 pm (EST)

Attendees: Kelly Mullaly, , Barb Cartwright, Jack Kinch, Frances Wach, Tiffany Koback, Geoff Urton, Craig
Naherniak, Lynn Cadigan, Bill MacDonald, Sharon Miko,

Regrets: Kristin Williams, Denys Pelletier, Mike Murphy and Patricia Cameron


 Introduction to new members and agenda items (Barb)

 Review of action items from December meeting (Barb)
 Updates on any new progress (All)
 Discussion and feedback on Terms of Reference (All)
 Next steps to defining the research tools (All)
 Action plan for February and next meeting date (All)


Barb updated the taskforce on the developments with PetSmart Charities, discussions with Geoff Urton
about research support and new members joining the taskforce.

Kelly brought forward that Dr. Margaret Slater from the ASPCA is coming to PEI on March 20th for two
presentations and she is an expert in pet overpopulation with specific focus on cats. Dr. Slater may be
able to help us with some knowledge and has expressed an interest in letting PEIHS video tape her
presentations. CFHS would be happy to post them on our website and if possible do a webinar.

Geoff from BCSPCA informed the taskforce of some new developments in their work on cat
overpopulation with regards to cat identification. BCSPCA is similar to WHS in the overpopulation stats
of lost cats and no ID with low return to owner rates. Early research is showing that the municipalities
that do have ID requirements have no definitive results and anecdotally not seen an impact. Similarly in
Australia, the province of Victoria brought in mandatory ID and have not seen an improvement in the
stats and feel that it is too hard to enforce. They have started doing their own micro chipping clinics as a
next effort.

Ottawa has differential licensing and a 6 – 8% return rate. Sharon indicated that enforcement is the key
and maybe a solution is free licensing with a micro chip.

The Task force was happy with the Terms of Reference document and felt it adequately outlined the
intention of the Taskforce. Craig suggested changes to text or stats be sent to me directly.
We discussed hiring a data coordinator and the taskforce agreed that it was a good idea and something
we could approach PetSmart Charities on.

We also discussed pulling together different data sources to help mitigate the amount of data collection.
These include the research from MUN, CFHS shelter stats, Petlynx data and we talked about using the
different sources and having the taskforce author the final report.

Action Items

1. Kelly will speak to Dr. Slater about sharing her video tape presentation on our website,
possibilities of doing a webinar and about lessons learned or tips for data collection
2. Lynn Cadigan will ask MUN about sharing the data/tool they recently collected
3. Barb will speak with PSC about funding opportunities
4. Barb will call FCM and see about meeting with them for data collection
5. Geoff will send around the PetLynx data
6. Each taskforce member will review the survey tool from BCSPCA as well as the PetLynx survey
tool and send Barb comments by Jan 27th on if the survey gather the right data, if there are
other suggested data points we need to include or data areas and what groups we need to
include in the research in order to build an accurate picture of the problem.
7. Barb will collate the information from the members and send out a new document on Feb 3rd
8. Barb will update the TOR with contact information for each member.
9. The next meeting is set for February 24 at 2:30pm (EST).

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