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To port models from different websites like XNALara, tf3dm or any other website. You should need to know that tool that mod Illusion games called
SB3Utility only support formats: MQO (Metasequoia), DAE (Collada), FBX (Autodesk), OBJ

I am going to use this model as an example to port to Honey Select Studio.

When you download the unity file Template. Please place the file in location: HoneySelect\abdata\studio\itemobj\honey folder

1. First you need to create a "Unity File". Good news is that you don't need to create the unity.3d file as I have created a template. I use this template
in every model that I have ported to HS or SBPR studio. Download the file here.
2. Rename the Template to whatever model you are porting. In this case, I am going to rename it as Succubus Bed
3. Open file using the tool SB3Utility the latest the version the better.
4. When file is opened inside the tool you will see the Animator name. It is also named as Template. You will also have to re-name the animator according
to the scenario. Either you can name it as “Succubus Bed” or just simply a “Bed”. Re-naming the animator is important because animator’s and the
file name will used to create a notepad for HIR. I will discuss the notepad and HiR soon. Now click on the animator first, then go to the Asset and click
Rename. A new window will appear rename it. I think example I chose to rename is simply as “Bed” and once done click “OK”

5. Now you need to generate a CAB String to make this file functional in game. The old Illusion games (SBPR and PC) are based on Unity 4 engine and
did not care about the CAB String and it still accept the game. Honey Select is a new and is based on Unity 5 engine. Creating CAB String manually will
be difficult, you will need Roy12’s CAB String Generator Tool. It will generate for you. You only need to copy and paste in the SB3UGS tool. Open the
string generator tool. Click on “Generate” it will create the codes, copy it and close the tool. Go back to the SB3tool, click File>CABinet. You will see
the CAB-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Replace CAB-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with one you copied from string generator tool CAB-abcxyz123. Save your
work here. The tool will create backup file every time you save your progress just in case if you have made a mistake and want to go back. To go back
close the tool, delete the current file, rename the previous back file and open it again with the SB3tool

6. Now click on animator “Bed” and it will load on new window. You will tabs name Object Tree, Mesh, Material and Texture.
7. Time to port the model into the unity file. Open the model you have downloaded and drag and drop to SB3UGS tool.

8. The porting process starts here. The model that is drop in tool has four trees. Imported Frames, Imported Mesh, Imported Material and Imported
Textures. You will first need to start from Imported Textures. Click on Imported Texture drag it to the Object Tree and drop it in blue colored region.
You will see a lovely codes and texts of Scripts and Log following down. Repeat the same process with Imported Material. The model’s material will
use the existing unity material as a template to create the files.

9. Importing the Mesh. Re-do the same as done with Imported Texture and Material. This time it will be a slight different. A new window with pop. Next
step is assign which options should be set. In screen-shot look at the Destination Transform and its number. Set the number to “1” and you will see
the mesh will be drop in “Stage”. There are check-boxes that needs to be enable before importing the model. The screenshot below will tell you
which are the ones that need to set in the Option before importing the model. Once the settings are done and assigned click on OK & Continue

10. Go to Mesh and click on the bed_root to view your work. There is another model in it called Template. It is not needed now because the model bed
is now finally imported. Click on Template and to the right side of UIs near the Renderer View window. Click on Remove to delete the extra model
that is not needed. Save your work! Congratulation! You have become what thousands are too lazy to become a “Modder”

Writing codes to run on HiR:

I did mention that you need to create codes to run on HiR so that it will appear on Studio. Here are very simple steps:

• Go to folder HoneyselectItemResolver. The location of this folder will be look like this:
Illusion\HoneySelect\abdata\studio\itemobj\honey\HoneyselectItemResolver. Create notepad/text document inside that folder.
• Create a notepad/Text document file and name the same as you named your unity file. Example the unity file I named is Succubus Bed.unity3d,
the notepad should also renamed exact! is Succubus Bed.txt
• Open the txt file and look the codes written below:

<><><><Desired category number><item name><path of unity3d file as seen from [abdata]><object Animator>

• The first three “<>” are empty. It should be remained blank.

• Inside <> is “<Desired category number>”. This category number tells you which studio section the model should be place. Below are 11 categories
number and it will tell you are these categories means.

0 = Furniture (chairs, tables, beds, etc.)

1 = Walls + Floors (modular items used to make rooms, plus doors, stairs, etc.)
2 = House (house items that are smaller than furniture: TVs, plants, pillows, posters, etc.)
3 = Small (handheld items like phones and cigarettes and such)
4 = Food (and drinks)
5 = Weapons
6 = Other (everybody uses this for MAPS - and stuff like static monsters, outdoor items, etc.)
7 = H-Items (sex toys, condoms etc)
8 = Liquid (static liquid props)
9 = Screen (shadows, lens flares, text balloons, etc.)
10 = Medical
11 = Effect (moving streams of water, fogs, smoke etc)

• Now that you know what these category numbers mean it is up to you to decide which number to choose for the item. If the item is a sword, the
category number should be chosen above is 5 i.e. Weapons. File that is used in the tutorial is a bed, so category number is 0 i.e. Furniture.
• Next is “<item name>” This slot will determine what you want the name to be appear in Studio Item. The model used in this example is a Succubus
Bed. You can use that name.
• Next is “<path of unity3d file as seen from [abdata]>” usually all the studio items are found and placed abdata folder under:
studio>itemobj>honey. Set a path to that place. It should look like this <studio/itemobj/honey/Name of the unity file.unity3d>. Using the tutorial
an example it should look like this: <studio/itemobj/honey/ Succubus Bed.unity3d>
• Final is naming the object animator “<object Animator>”. When opening the SB3UGS tool and renaming the animator. Use the same animator
name in the text documents. In point 4 of porting models. The animator was named as Bed using above reference it will go like this <Bed>
• So the finally the codes that will look inside will look like this:

<><><><0><Succubus Bed>< studio/itemobj/honey/ Succubus Bed.unity3d ><Bed>

• Save the text file and run HiR and done!


HoneySelect Neo released recently and currently no knowledge right now if the HiR tool and it’s codes will work on HoneySelect Neo. Currently
under learning phase. The tutorial of HiR code above was for the Standard Studio NOT Honey Select Neo

HS Studio tutorial images uploaded in imgbox:

Related Tutorial Links:!ABhHVD6A!ODrbJyC3QhvG7M-ZoY4CfDpmsdvMNbcMYjLEbJSqsto







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