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Análisis del video de SouthPark: Tienes 0 Amigos

El aprecio por las relaciones sociales virtuales es criticado por el video, en tanto que la apatía o
desinterés de por utilizar las TIC para tal fin son satirizadas como una fuente de conflicto social en
medio de un vertiginoso y casi impositivo modo de interacción social no real.

La dependencia a las redes sociales (particularmente al Facebook) puede tener una repercusión
nociva para la sociedad que pretenda sustituir la socialización personal cara a cara, por la
socialización virtual.

Sinopsis: Stan no está interesado en tener un perfil de Facebook, pero por presiones de sus amigos
y familiares se ve obligado a condescender. Cuando intenta eliminar su perfil, se le hace imposible
hacerlo, quedando atrapado en un juego parecido al del Legado de Tron. Por otra parte, Kip anhela
hacer amigos en Facebook, y a diferencia de Stan, no tiene vida social real, posiblemente sufre de
trastorno de ansiedad social. La máxima del video se puede resumir en una afirmación de uno de los
amigos de Stan: “Todos deben tener un amigo en Facebook”.

Análisis de la conversación: Puede realizarse cuando se producen varios actos simultáneos durante
la conversación, al conceder el turno para conversar, iniciar y cerrar un diálogo, manifestación de
acuerdo (o desacuerdo), etc.

Ontología del lenguaje: Es la comprensión genérica de lo que significa el lenguaje para los
interlocutores, representando la interrelación entre dos personas. Por ejemplo, en una interacción
social vía email o chat, el lenguaje no viene acompañado de gestos, movimientos o posturas en una
relación cara a cara; los cuales son facilitadores u obstaculizadores de la comunicación.

Contexto situacional del hablante: Básicamente, se compone de las intenciones, conocimientos y

opiniones de cada uno de los sujetos en la comunicación.

Emisión de los actos del habla (o acto elocutivo): Consiste en las características del discurso que
permiten su apropiado desarrollo, tales como son la aserción, la pregunta, una promesa, una
amenaza, una felicitación, etc.

Lenguaje: Es el vehículo de comunicación de ideas entre varias personas, el cual está compuesto de
símbolos de comprensión e interpretación en común para sus interlocutores, como son las palabras,
las señales de tránsito, el lenguaje de señas o los formalismos del lenguaje algebraico.

1. My house
I live in my house with my brother. It’s a small house, with one bathroom, the kitchen, two
rooms and the courtyard. There’s also a restroom and a place to wash my clothing.

My room is comfortable, there’s one bed, a sofa and the wardrobe. I’ve been living there
for more than a year; however I’m planning to move to Pereira pretty soon, closer to my
workplace. However I want to find the same comfort I have at this very moment in my
house. Services are not that expensive, and the transportation is easy to get from the
location of my house.

2. My daily routine.
Every morning I wake up around 6 AM, but I get up around 6:30, to prepare my breakfast
and the lunch I’m going to take to my workplace. But before I go to the kitchen, I wash my
teeth and my face. I put on my dress and get everything ready at home to avoid any
inconvenience when I’m back in the evening.

I take my transportation right in front of my house, and around 30 minutes I get Pereira.
After that, I walk until I reach out my workplace. This can take me around 12-15 minutes.
However, when it’s raining, I use to take a taxi. I start my shift at 8:00 AM, and around 1 or
2 PM I have my lunch. One hour later, I get back to work, until my shift ends around 6 PM.

I get back home around 7PM. I have a shower, and prepare my dinner. I use to play my
violin for half an hour, and do my home works as much as I can, before I go to bed early,
around 9PM, since I use to sleep too much, around 9 hours; otherwise, I don’t have a nice
time the next day at my job.

3. My Hobbies
I’d like to listen to my favorite music genders: Alternative Rock, Vocal Trance and Classic
(Baroque) Music. Actually, I used to play some guitar, but not that much. At this very
moment I’m learning to play the violin, but I’ve just started learning to do it, effective one
month ago.

When it comes to sports, I used to play basketball. However, due to my work schedules I
get home too tired, as to go to play with my friends.

I like reading a lot about science related topics. I always get excited at discovering how the
world works, and the last accomplishments in the fields of technology.

I consider spirituality a very important part of my life, even though I quitted on being a
religious person 7 years ago. Nonetheless, the study of people’s beliefs is still a very
appealing topic of study for me.

4. My Links
I’m running a foundation that still hasn’t started its operations, due to the absorbing
schedule of my current job as representative of a call center in Pereira. My goal is to work
partial time in 2019 to devote my efforts in freely teaching English language to some
interested people located on an unprivileged neighborhood in Pereira.
5. For my Teacher
I can completely understand that I’ve failed you almost all of the time with my home
works, and I don’t pretend to justify my lack of management of my time to complete and
hand you in the completion of my activities before the schedule.

I couldn’t interact with my classmates, and I didn’t have a video conference with you either.
Actually, I haven’t interacted with the other classmates and teachers of the other classes I’m
taking on my first semester of Psychology. And the reason for this is that I wouldn’t dare to
negatively compromise the performance of others for my time management.

The reason why I choose to study at UNAD is because I want to study without the pressure
of the traditional time format of the other universities, and I prefer to be responsible for the
outcome of my own performance, and not for others’ performance.

My first activity was never sent to you, teacher, because I sent it to another group in the
UNAD platform, and I could never locate where it went to after I’ve realized you couldn’t
test my mp3 audio describing my daily routine.

The second time I failed to you was when I presented the third assessment, and I hadn’t
noticed that it was needed to schedule a video conference with you via Skype, as well as
sending a video. It was too late for me to do that, and the platform was closed at that
moment to send you the video I attached on this blog.

This is not an apology, teacher, since I recognize that the responsibility lies on me for my
study. No question about it. The reason why I’ve sent you this blog after the deadline to do
it expired is to show you my appreciation for your willingness to be my English teacher this
semester. It’s much appreciated!

Unknown Source - Nadjanema (Temple One Remix)

Temple One feat. Sarah Lynn - Show Me The Stars (Original Mix)

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DNS Project feat. Madelin Zero - Another Day

Masoud Feat. Aneym - No More

Talla 2XLC & Sarah Russell - Build These Walls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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