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[-]X Direction of Pipe Line [+]X Direction of Pipe Line

Load for Selected

Installation Min. Length of Pin to Max. Length of Pin Min. Angle in Max. Angle in Min. Angle in Max. Angle in Max. Length of Pin Min. Angle in Max. Angle in Min. Angle in Max. Angle in
Node Support Tag Number Type of Shock Type of Absorber Selected Plane Min. Length of Pin to Pin for Installation Selected Plane to
Support Function Stroke Type Stroke Pin for Installation to Pin for Installation Horizontal Plane Horizontal Plane Vertical Plane Vertical Plane Stroke Type Stroke to Pin for Installation Horizontal Plane Horizontal Plane Vertical Plane Vertical Plane
Absorber to Installation [mm] Installation
[mm] [mm] [Degree] [Degree] [Degree] [Degree] [mm] [Degree] [Degree] [Degree] [Degree]

30 18 16 Compression 60 279 321 2 2 -1 -1 Horizontal Plane Extension 60 219 261 -2 -2 1 1 Horizontal Plane

10LBD10-BQ006 XSNB 1575
30 18 16 [Plus Extension 33 18 18] Compression 60 454 813 1 1 0 -1 Horizontal Plane Extension 60 394 753 -1 -1 0 1 Horizontal Plane


Shock Absorber Type 30 Details

Added 5% Margin
Max. Abs. Load [N]
Load [N] Normal Load Stroke Pin to Pin Distance Max. Rotation Angle for Max. Rotation Angle for Vertical
Type of Absorbers A[1] [mm] E(3) Min. [mm] E(3) Mean [mm] E(3) Max [mm]
1140 [N] [mm] [mm] Horizontal Plane [Degree] Plane [Degree]
30 18 16 3003 102 XX 219 270 321 587 7 -4
XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 855 5 -3
1249 3 -2
Shock Absorber Type 30 Plus Extension Type 33 Details
1500 1575
Normal Load Stroke E [1],[2] Mean.
Type of Absorbers A[1] [mm] E [1],[2] Min. [mm] E [1],[2] Max. [mm]
[N] [mm] [mm] Denote : Calculation Solution
30 18 16 [Plus Extension 33 18 18] 3004 102 241 394 603 813 A--->X
L[+-]1 1/2" Mean. L[+-]1 1/2" Max.
Max. Deformation in Each Directions L[+-]1 1/2" Min. [mm]
[mm] [mm] C--->Z
Max. Dx Max. Dy Max. Dz 203 362 521 (A-B)/(A-C) = (X-Y)/(X-Z)
-40 9 -4 XX XX XX Y=X-(A-B)*(X-Z)/(A-C)
Initial Installation Point
Total Length After
Pipe Line Deformation @ Node Deformation of
[-]X Direction [+]X Direction Shock Absorbers [-]X Direction of Pipe Line [+]X Direction of Pipe Line
Initial Length to
Support Tag Operation
Node Installation Support Function Node & Cases Type of Absorber Installation [Pin to Pin
Number Cases
Checked Compression Max. Compression Min. Max. Horizontal Max. Vertical Checked Min. Max. Horizontal Max. Vertical
Max. Abs. Dx Stroke Plus Horizontal Vertical Plane Min. Vertical Stroke Extension Case Horizontal Max. Horizontal Vertical Plane Max. Vertical Extension Case Horizontal Vertical Min. Vertical
Abs. Total [-]X [+]X Stroke Max. Abs. Stroke Stroke Case : Min. Horizontal Vertical Plane Angle Max. Vertical Plane Case : Max. Horizontal Plane Horizontal Plane Angle Plane Angle Selected Plane to Stroke Max. Abs. Stroke Plus Margin Stroke Horizontal Plane Angle Plane Angle Selected Plane to
Dx [mm] Plus Margin Dy [mm] Dz [mm] X Y Z X Y Z Stroke Type Margin 20 mm Plane Angle Angle Plane Angle Installation Plane Installation Plane Stroke Type Selected to : Min. Length to Plane Angle Plane Angle Angle Plane Angle : Max. Length Plane Angle Plane Angle Plane Angle Installation Plane Installation Plane
Length [mm] Direction Direction [mm] Stroke [mm] Selected Length to Length to Plane Angle [Degree] Angle [Degree] Length to Angle [Degree] Plane Angle Selected Selected Installation [mm] Stroke [mm] 20 mm [mm] Length to Plane Angle Selected Selected Installation
20 mm [mm] [mm] [Degree] [Degree] [Degree] Calcilation Installation [Degree] [Degree] [Degree] [Degree] to Installation [Degree] [Degree] [Degree]
Installation Installation [Degree] Installation [Degree] [Degree] [Degree] Installation [Degree] [Degree] [Degree]
Stroke Stroke
1140 10LBD10-BQ006 XSNB MAX. Load 1140MAX. Load -40 60 9 -4 0 30 18 16 270 -270 0 0 270 0 0 230 310 -39 Compression 39 59 60 279 2 2 -1 -1 321 2 2 -1 -1 2 Free Plane -1 Horizontal Plane Horizontal Plane 40 Extension 40 60 60 219 -2 -2 1 1 261 -2 -2 1 1 -2 Free Plane 1 Horizontal Plane Horizontal Plane
Length Pass Length Pass
Stroke Stroke
30 18 16 [Plus Extension 33 18 18] 603 -603 0 0 603 0 0 563 643 -39 Compression 39 59 60 454 1 1 -1 -1 813 1 1 0 0 1 Free Plane -1 Horizontal Plane Horizontal Plane 40 Extension 40 60 60 394 -1 -1 1 1 753 -1 -1 0 0 -1 Free Plane 1 Horizontal Plane Horizontal Plane
Length Pass Length Pass


Shock Absorber Type 30 Details

Max. Abs. Added 5% Margin
Load [N] Load [N] Normal Load
Type of Absorbers Stroke [mm] A[1] [mm] E[3] Min E[3] Mean E[3] Max
30 18 16 3003 102 XX 219 270 321

Shock Absorber Type 33 Details

1500 1575
Normal Load E [1],[2] Min. E [1],[2] E [1],[2] Max.
Type of Absorbers Stroke [mm] A[1] [mm]
[N] [mm] Mean. [mm] [mm]
30 18 16 [Plus Extension 33 18 18] 3004 102 241 394 603 813
L[+-]1 1/2" L[+-]1 1/2" L[+-]1 1/2"
Min. [mm] Mean. [mm] Max. [mm]
203 362 521

Condition to Installation
Compression Case : Min. Length to Installation
Compression Case : Max. Length to Installation
Extension Case : Min. Length to Installation
Extension Case : Max. Length to Installation
[-]Y Direction of Pipe Line [+]Y Direction of Pipe Line
Load for Selected
Installation Min. Length of Pin to Max. Length of Pin Min. Angle in Max. Angle in Max. Angle in Max. Length of Pin Min. Angle in Max. Angle in Max. Angle in
Node Support Tag Number Type of Shock Type of Absorber Min. Angle in Vertical Selected Plane Min. Length of Pin to Pin for Min. Angle in Vertical Selected Plane to
Support Function Stroke Type Stroke Pin for Installation to Pin for Installation Horizontal Plane Horizontal Plane Vertical Plane Stroke Type Stroke to Pin for Installation Horizontal Plane Horizontal Plane Vertical Plane
Absorber Plane [Degree] to Installation Installation [mm] Plane [Degree] Installation
[mm] [mm] [Degree] [Degree] [Degree] [mm] [Degree] [Degree] [Degree]
Selected New
30 18 16 Extension 50 219 271 10 12 -6 -7 Compression 46 265 321 -7 -8 5 6 Selected New Typ
Typ of Shock
of Shock Absorber
10LBA35-BQ013 YSNB 2835
30 18 16 [Plus Extension 33 18 18] Extension 48 394 765 3 7 -2 -4 Horizontal Plane Compression 46 440 813 -3 -5 2 4 Horizontal Plane


Shock Absorber Type 30 Details

Added 5% Margin
Max. Abs. Load [N]
Load [N] Normal Load Pin to Pin Max. Rotation Angle for Max. Rotation Angle for
Type of Absorbers Stroke [mm] A[1] [mm] E(3) Min. [mm] E(3) Mean [mm] E(3) Max [mm]
3370 [N] Distance [mm] Horizontal Plane [Degree] Vertical Plane [Degree]
30 18 16 3003 102 XX 219 270 321 587 7 -4
XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 855 5 -3
1249 3 -2
Shock Absorber Type 30 Plus Extension Type 33 Details
2700 2835
Normal Load
Type of Absorbers Stroke [mm] A[1] [mm] E [1],[2] Min. [mm] E [1],[2] Mean. [mm] E [1],[2] Max. [mm]
[N] Denote : Calculation Solution
30 18 16 [Plus Extension 33 18 18] 3004 102 241 394 603 813 A--->X
L[+-]1 1/2" Mean. L[+-]1 1/2" Max.
Max. Deformation in Each Directions L[+-]1 1/2" Min. [mm]
[mm] [mm] C--->Z
Max. Dx Max. Dy Max. Dz 203 362 521 (A-B)/(A-C) = (X-Y)/(X-Z)
-42 26 28 XX XX XX Y=X-(A-B)*(X-Z)/(A-C)
Initial Installation Point
Total Length After
Pipe Line Deformation @ Node Deformation of
[-]X Direction [+]X Direction Shock Absorbers [-]Y Direction of Pipe Line [+]Y Direction of Pipe Line

Initial Length to
Support Tag Operation
Node Installation Support Function Node & Cases Type of Absorber Installation [Pin to
Number Cases
Pin Distances]
Checked Max. Horizontal Max. Vertical Checked Compression Compression Min. Max. Horizontal Max. Vertical
Max. Abs. Dy Stroke Plus Extension Case Horizontal Max. Horizontal Extension Case Min. Horizontal Stroke Horizontal Max. Horizontal Vertical Plane Max. Vertical Horizontal Vertical Min. Vertical
Abs. Total [-]X [+]X Stroke Max. Abs. Stroke Stroke Vertical Plane Max. Vertical Plane Horizontal Plane Vertical Plane Angle Min. Vertical Plane Plane Angle Plane Angle Selected Plane to Stroke Max. Abs. Stroke Plus Margin Stroke Case : Min. Case : Max. Horizontal Plane Angle Plane Angle Selected Plane to
Dx [mm] Dy [mm] Plus Margin Dz [mm] X Y Z X Y Z Stroke Type Margin 20 mm : Min. Length to Plane Angle Plane Angle : Max. Length Plane Angle Installation Plane Installation Plane Stroke Type Selected to Plane Angle Plane Angle Angle Plane Angle Plane Angle Plane Angle Plane Angle Installation Plane Installation Plane
Length [mm] Direction Direction [mm] Stroke [mm] Selected Length to Angle [Degree] Angle [Degree] Angle [Degree] [Degree] Angle [Degree] Selected Selected Installation [mm] Stroke [mm] 20 mm [mm] Length to Length to Length to Plane Angle Selected Selected Installation
20 mm [mm] [mm] Installation [Degree] [Degree] to Installation [Degree] Calcilation [Degree] [Degree] [Degree] [Degree] [Degree] [Degree] [Degree]
Installation [Degree] [Degree] Installation Installation Installation [Degree] [Degree] [Degree]

Worst-Case Worst-Case
Stroke Stroke
3370 10LBA35-BQ013 YSNB MAX. Load 3370MAX. Load -42 26 46 28 0 30 18 16 270 0 -270 0 0 270 0 300 249 30 Extension 30 50 50 219 12 12 -7 -7 271 10 10 -6 -6 12 Horizontal Plane -7 Vertical Plane Selected New Typ of -20 Compression 20 40 46 265 -8 -8 6 6 321 -7 -7 5 5 -8 Horizontal Plane 6 Vertical Plane Selected New Typ of
Length Pass Length Pass
Shock Absorber Shock Absorber

Stroke Stroke
30 18 16 [Plus Extension 33 18 18] 603 0 -603 0 0 603 0 631 579 28 Extension 28 48 48 394 7 7 -4 -4 765 3 3 -2 -2 7 Horizontal Plane -4 Horizontal Plane Horizontal Plane -23 Compression 23 43 46 440 -5 -5 4 4 813 -3 -3 2 2 -5 Free Plane 4 Horizontal Plane Horizontal Plane
Length Pass Length Pass


Shock Absorber Type 30 Details

Max. Abs. Added 5% Margin
Load [N] Load [N] Normal Load
Type of Absorbers Stroke [mm] A[1] [mm] E[3] Min E[3] Mean E[3] Max
30 18 16 3003 102 XX 219 270 321

Shock Absorber Type 33 Details

2700 2835
Normal Load E [1],[2] Min. E [1],[2] E [1],[2]
Type of Absorbers Stroke [mm] A[1] [mm]
[N] [mm] Mean. [mm] Max. [mm]
30 18 16 [Plus Extension 33 18 18] 3004 102 241 394 603 813
L[+-]1 1/2" L[+-]1 1/2" L[+-]1 1/2"
Min. [mm] Mean. [mm] Max. [mm]
203 362 521

Condition to Installation
Compression Case : Min. Length to Installation
Compression Case : Max. Length to Installation
Extension Case : Min. Length to Installation
Extension Case : Max. Length to Installation
Support Tag Support Operation Max. Abs. Deformation
NODE Node & Cases Fx N. Fy N. Fz N. Mx N.m. My N.m. Mz N.m. Dx mm. Dy mm. Dz mm. Abs. Load [N]
Number Function Cases Load [N] Length mm.

1140 10LBD10-BQ006 XSNB MAX. Load 1140MAX. Load 1500 0 0 0 0 0 -40 9 -4 1500 1500 41.19
Support Tag Support Node &
NODE Operation Case Fx N. Fy N.
Number Function Case
3370 10LBA35-BQ013 YSNB MAX. Load 3370MAX. Load 2700
Fz N. Mx N.m. My N.m. Mz N.m. Dx mm. Dy mm. Dz mm. Abs. Load

0 0 0 0 -42 26 28 2700
Max. Abs. Deformation Length
Load [N] mm.

2700 57
Shock Absorbers Type 30 Specification
BS Units
Nomal Load (lbs) Emergency
Level C
Stroke ÆD Æd3 E(3) min E(3) Mean E(3) Max F R SG Weight (lbs)
30 18 16 675 900 4 2 1/8 0.393 8 5/8 10 5/8 12 5/8 11/16 11/16 0.36 4
30 38 16 1800 2380 4 2 3/4 0.472 12 3/8 14 3/8 16 3/8 2 13/16 0.4 10
30 39 16 1800 2380 8 2 3/4 0.472 16 1/8 20 1/8 24 1/8 2 13/16 0.4 13
30 42 16 4000 5380 5 7/8 3 3/8 0.59 15 1/2 18 4/9 21 3/8 2 5/16 7/8 0.48 18
30 43 16 4000 5380 11 3/4 3 3/8 0.59 21 1/2 27 3/8 33 1/4 2 5/16 7/8 0.48 26
30 52 13 10350 13700 5 7/8 5 5/16 0.787 17 1/2 20 4/9 23 3/8 2 9/16 1 3/16 0.63 44
30 53 13 10350 13700 11 3/4 5 5/16 0.787 23 1/2 29 3/8 35 1/4 2 9/16 1 3/16 0.63 64
30 62 16 22450 31700 5 7/8 6 11/16 1.181 21 1/16 24 26 15/16 3 15/16 1 3/4 0.87 82
30 63 16 22450 31700 11 3/4 6 11/16 1.181 27 32 7/8 38 3/4 3 15/16 1 3/4 0.87 112
30 72 16 44900 60000 5 7/8 7 7/8 1.968 24 3/16 27 1/8 30 1/16 5 1/8 2 3/8 1.38 135
30 73 16 44900 60000 11 3/4 7 7/8 1.968 30 1/8 36 41 7/8 5 1/8 2 3/8 1.38 175
30 82 16 78600 106000 5 7/8 10 5/8 2.361 28 3/4 31 2/3 34 5/8 6 1/2 2 15/16 1.74 270
30 83 16 78600 106000 11 3/4 10 5/8 2.361 34 5/8 40 1/2 46 3/8 6 1/2 2 15/16 1.74 325
30 92 13 123500 165000 5 7/8 11 3/4 2.755 30 32 8/9 35 7/8 6 1/2 4 1/8 1.93 385
30 93 13 123500 165000 11 3/4 11 3/4 2.755 35 7/8 41 3/4 47 5/8 6 1/2 4 1/8 1.93 460
30 02 12 224000 300000 5 7/8 15 3/8 3.936 36 7/8 39 4/5 42 3/4 9 1/2 5 3/4 2.76 860
30 03 12 224000 300000 11 3/4 15 3/8 3.936 42 3/4 48 5/8 54 1/2 9 1/2 5 3/4 2.76 1015

Unit Convertor

BS Unit SI Unit
1 inch 25.4 mm
1 lb [Pound Mass] 0.45359237 kg
1 lb [Pound Mass] 0.45359237 kilogram-Force]
1 lbf [Pound-Force] 4.448221615 N

Dimension of Shock Absorbers Type 30

SI Units 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Nomal Emergenc Nomal Emergenc
Nomal Load [N] Emergency ÆD E [3] min E [3]Mean E [3]Max Nomal Stroke Æd3 E(3) min E(3) Mean E(3) Max Weight Nomal Stroke Æd3 E(3) min E(3) Mean E(3) Max t
Level C [N]
Stroke [mm] Æd3 [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
F [mm] R [mm] SG [mm] Weight (kgf)
Load (N)
Type Load [N] y Level C
[mm] ÆD [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
F [mm] R [mm] SG [mm]
(kgf) Load (N)
Type Load [N] y Level C
[mm] ÆD [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
F [mm] R [mm] SG [mm]
[mm] [N] [mm] [N] [mm]

30 18 16 3003 4003 102 54 10 219 270 321 17 17 9 2 0 30 18 16 3003 4003 102 54 10 219 270 321 17 17 9 2 0 30 18 16 3003 4003 102 54 10 219 270 321 17 17 ###
30 38 16 8007 10587 102 70 12 314 365 416 51 21 10 5 3003 30 38 16 8007 10587 102 70 12 314 365 416 51 21 10 5 0 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX
30 39 16 8007 10587 203 70 12 410 511 613 51 21 10 6 8007 30 39 16 8007 10587 203 70 12 410 511 613 51 21 10 6 3003 30 39 16 8007 10587 203 70 12 410 511 613 51 21 ###
30 42 16 17793 23931 149 86 15 394 468 543 59 22 12 8 8007 30 42 16 17793 23931 149 86 15 394 468 543 59 22 12 8 8007 30 42 16 17793 23931 149 86 15 394 468 543 59 22 ###
30 43 16 17793 23931 298 86 15 546 695 845 59 22 12 12 17793 30 43 16 17793 23931 298 86 15 546 695 845 59 22 12 12 8007 30 43 16 17793 23931 298 86 15 546 695 845 59 22 ###
30 52 13 46039 60941 149 135 20 445 519 594 65 30 16 20 17793 30 52 13 46039 60941 149 135 20 445 519 594 65 30 16 20 17793 30 52 13 46039 60941 149 135 20 445 519 594 65 30 ###
30 53 13 46039 60941 298 135 20 597 746 895 65 30 16 29 46039 30 53 13 46039 60941 298 135 20 597 746 895 65 30 16 29 17793 30 53 13 46039 60941 298 135 20 597 746 895 65 30 ###
30 62 16 99863 141009 149 170 30 535 610 684 100 44 22 37 46039 30 62 16 99863 141009 149 170 30 535 610 684 100 44 22 37 46039 30 62 16 99863 141009 149 170 30 535 610 684 100 44 ###
30 63 16 99863 141009 298 170 30 686 835 984 100 44 22 51 99863 30 63 16 99863 141009 298 170 30 686 835 984 100 44 22 51 46039 30 63 16 99863 141009 298 170 30 686 835 984 100 44 ###
30 72 16 199725 266893 149 200 50 614 689 764 130 60 35 61 99863 30 72 16 199725 266893 149 200 50 614 689 764 130 60 35 61 99863 30 72 16 199725 266893 149 200 50 614 689 764 130 60 ###
30 73 16 199725 266893 298 200 50 765 914 1064 130 60 35 79 199725 30 73 16 199725 266893 298 200 50 765 914 1064 130 60 35 79 99863 30 73 16 199725 266893 298 200 50 765 914 1064 130 60 ###
30 82 16 349630 471511 149 270 60 730 805 879 165 75 44 122 199725 30 82 16 349630 471511 149 270 60 730 805 879 165 75 44 122 199725 30 82 16 349630 471511 149 270 60 730 805 879 165 75 ###
30 83 16 349630 471511 298 270 60 879 1029 1178 165 75 44 147 349630 30 83 16 349630 471511 298 270 60 879 1029 1178 165 75 44 147 199725 30 83 16 349630 471511 298 270 60 879 1029 1178 165 75 ###
30 92 13 549355 733957 149 298 70 762 837 911 165 105 49 175 349630 30 92 13 549355 733957 149 298 70 762 837 911 165 105 49 175 349630 30 92 13 549355 733957 149 298 70 762 837 911 165 105 ###
30 93 13 549355 733957 298 298 70 911 1060 1210 165 105 49 209 549355 30 93 13 549355 733957 298 298 70 911 1060 1210 165 105 49 209 349630 30 93 13 549355 733957 298 298 70 911 1060 1210 165 105 ###
30 02 12 996402 1334466 149 391 100 937 1011 1086 241 146 70 390 549355 30 02 12 996402 1334466 149 391 100 937 1011 1086 241 146 70 390 549355 30 02 12 996402 1334466 149 391 100 937 1011 1086 241 146 ###
30 03 12 996402 1334466 298 391 100 1086 1235 1384 241 146 70 460 996402 30 03 12 996402 1334466 298 391 100 1086 1235 1384 241 146 70 460 549355 30 03 12 996402 1334466 298 391 100 1086 1235 1384 241 146 ###
996402 30 03 12 996402 1334466 298 391 100 1086 1235 1384 241 146 70 460 996402 30 03 12 996402 1334466 298 391 100 1086 1235 1384 241 146 ###
996402 30 03 12 996402 1334466 298 391 100 1086 1235 1384 241 146 ###

E [3] Min. E [3]Mean. E [3]Max

Load Test Type Selected Normal Load (N) Stroke [mm]
[mm [mm] [mm]
30 02 12 996402 149 937 1011 1086
30 03 12 996402 298 1086 1235 1384
Shock Absorber Type 33 Specification
BS Units
D Max. E [1],[2] Min. E [1],[2] Mean. E [1],[2] Max. L[+-]1 1/2" Min. L[+-]1 1/2" Mean. L[+-]1 1/2" Max. Weight [lbs] L Weight [lbs] L
Type Nomal Load [lbs.] Stroke [Inch.] A[1] [Inch.] d3 [Inch.]
[Inch.] [Inch.] [Inch.] [Inch.] [Inch.] [Inch.] [Inch.] Min. [Inch.] [+] per 1 "
33 18 18 675 4 9 1/2 0.393 1 17 1/2 23 3/4 30 8 14 1/4 20 1/2 1 0.22
33 38 18 1800 4 12 3/8 0.472 1 1/4 20 25 30 7 5/8 12 5/8 17 5/8 1.3 0.31
33 39 18 1800 8 18 1/8 0.472 1 1/4 25 3/4 26 1/2 27 1/4 7 5/8 8 3/8 9 1/8 1.3 0.31
33 42 18 4000 5 7/8 16 1/4 0.59 1 3/8 24 1/4 35 1/4 46 1/4 8 19 30 2 0.42
33 43 18 4000 11 3/4 25 0.59 1 3/8 33 36 4/5 40 5/8 8 11 4/5 15 5/8 2 0.42
33 52 13 10350 5 7/8 17 7/8 0.787 1 7/8 26 1/4 40 3/4 55 1/4 8 5/8 23 37 3/8 3.3 0.41
33 53 13 10350 11 3/4 26 3/4 0.787 1 7/8 35 3/8 42 7/8 50 3/8 8 5/8 16 1/8 23 5/8 3.3 0.41
33 62 18 22450 5 7/8 20 1/8 1.181 2 1/2 30 7/8 53 4/5 76 3/4 10 3/4 33 2/3 56 5/8 5 1.1
33 63 18 22450 11 3/4 29 1.181 2 1/2 39 3/4 56 1/3 72 7/8 10 3/4 27 1/3 43 7/8 5 1.1
33 72 18 44900 5 7/8 22 1.968 3 1/4 34 1/2 64 3/4 95 12 1/2 42 3/4 73 11 2
33 73 18 44900 11 3/4 30 7/8 1.968 3 1/4 43 3/8 63 4/5 84 1/4 12 1/2 32 8/9 53 3/8 11 2
33 82 18 78600 5 7/8 25 1/4 2.361 3 1/2 40 5/8 54 67 3/8 15 3/8 28 3/4 42 1/8 22 1.9
33 82 18 78600 5 7/8 25 1/4 2.361 4 67 1/2 81 94 1/2 42 1/4 55 3/4 69 1/4 99 2.65
33 83 18 78600 11 3/4 34 2.361 3 1/2 49 3/8 59 1/8 68 7/8 15 3/8 25 1/8 34 7/8 22 1.9
33 83 18 78600 11 3/4 34 2.361 4 69 80 1/5 91 3/8 35 46 1/5 57 3/8 80 2.65
33 92 13 123500 5 7/8 26 3/8 2.755 4 1/2 43 3/4 78 3/8 113 17 3/8 52 86 5/8 73 3.1
33 93 13 123500 11 3/4 35 1/4 2.755 4 1/2 52 5/8 81 1/3 110 17 3/8 46 1/9 74 3/4 73 3.1
33 02 12 224000 5 7/8 30 3/8 3.936 6 1/4 52 1/4 78 1/3 104 3/8 21 7/8 47 8/9 74 200 5.35
33 03 12 224000 11 3/4 39 1/8 3.936 6 1/4 61 80 2/3 100 3/8 21 7/8 41 5/9 61 1/4 200 5.35

Unit Convertor

BS Unit SI Unit
1 Inch 25.4 mm
1 lb [Pound Mass] 0.45359237 kg
1 lbf [Pound-Force] 4.448221615 N

Dimension of Shock Absorber Type 33

SI Units 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Weight [kg] L E [1],[2] E [1],[2] L[+-]1 1/2" Weight Weight [kg] L E [1],[2] E [1],[2]
D Max. E [1],[2] Min. E [1],[2] Mean. E [1],[2] Max. L[+-]1 1/2" Min. L[+-]1 1/2" Mean. L[+-]1 1/2" Min. Weight [kg] L Nomal Nomal Stroke A[1] d3 D Max. E [1],[2] L[+-]1 1/2" L[+-]1 1/2" Nomal Nomal Stroke A[1] d3 D Max. E [1],[2] L[+-]1 1/2" L[+-]1 1/2" L[+-]1 1/2" Weight [kg] L [+]
Type Nomal Load [N] Stroke [mm] A[1] [mm] d3 [mm] [+] per 25.4 Type Mean Max. mean. [kg] L [+] per 25.4 Type Mean. Max.
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] Min. Load (N) Load [N] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] Min. [mm] Min. [mm] Max. [mm] Load (N) Load [N] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] Min. [mm] Min. [mm] Mean. [mm] Max. [mm] [kg] L Min. per 25.4
mm. [mm] [mm] [mm] Min. mm [mm] [mm]
30 18 16 [Plus Extension 33 18 18] 3004 102 241 10 25 394 603 813 203 362 521 0.5 0.1 0 30 18 16 [Plus Extension 33 18 18] 3004 102 241 10 25 394 603 813 203 362 521 0.5 0.1 0 30 18 16 [Plus Extension 33 18 18] 3004 102 241 10 25 394 603 813 203 362 521 0.5 0.1
30 38 16 [Plus Extension 33 38 18] 8010 102 314 12 32 457 635 813 194 321 448 0.6 0.1 3004 30 38 16 [Plus Extension 33 38 18] 8010 102 314 12 32 457 635 813 194 321 448 0.6 0.1 0 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX
30 39 16 [Plus Extension 33 39 18] 8010 203 460 12 32 552 673 794 194 213 232 0.6 0.1 8010 30 39 16 [Plus Extension 33 39 18] 8010 203 460 12 32 552 673 794 194 213 232 0.6 0.1 3003 30 39 16 [Plus Extension 33 39 18] 8010 203 460 12 32 552 673 794 194 213 232 0.6 0.1
30 42 16 [Plus Extension 33 42 18] 17799 149 413 15 35 541 895 1249 203 483 762 0.9 0.2 8010 30 42 16 [Plus Extension 33 42 18] 17799 149 413 15 35 541 895 1249 203 483 762 0.9 0.2 8007 30 42 16 [Plus Extension 33 42 18] 17799 149 413 15 35 541 895 1249 203 483 762 0.9 0.2
30 43 16 [Plus Extension 33 43 18] 17799 298 635 15 35 689 935 1181 203 300 397 0.9 0.2 17799 30 43 16 [Plus Extension 33 43 18] 17799 298 635 15 35 689 935 1181 203 300 397 0.9 0.2 8007 30 43 16 [Plus Extension 33 43 18] 17799 298 635 15 35 689 935 1181 203 300 397 0.9 0.2
30 52 13 [Plus Extension 33 52 13] 46055 149 454 20 48 592 1035 1478 219 584 949 1.5 0.2 17799 30 52 13 [Plus Extension 33 52 13] 46055 149 454 20 48 592 1035 1478 219 584 949 1.5 0.2 17793 30 52 13 [Plus Extension 33 52 13] 46055 149 454 20 48 592 1035 1478 219 584 949 1.5 0.2
30 53 13 [Plus Extension 33 53 13] 46055 298 679 20 48 749 1089 1429 219 410 600 1.5 0.2 46055 30 53 13 [Plus Extension 33 53 13] 46055 298 679 20 48 749 1089 1429 219 410 600 1.5 0.2 17793 30 53 13 [Plus Extension 33 53 13] 46055 298 679 20 48 749 1089 1429 219 410 600 1.5 0.2
30 62 16 [Plus Extension 33 62 18] 99897 149 511 30 64 710 1367 2024 273 856 1438 2.5 0.5 46055 30 62 16 [Plus Extension 33 62 18] 99897 149 511 30 64 710 1367 2024 273 856 1438 2.5 0.5 46039 30 62 16 [Plus Extension 33 62 18] 99897 149 511 30 64 710 1367 2024 273 856 1438 2.5 0.5
30 63 16 [Plus Extension 33 63 18] 99897 298 737 30 64 860 1430 2000 273 694 1114 2.5 0.5 99897 30 63 16 [Plus Extension 33 63 18] 99897 298 737 30 64 860 1430 2000 273 694 1114 2.5 0.5 46039 30 63 16 [Plus Extension 33 63 18] 99897 298 737 30 64 860 1430 2000 273 694 1114 2.5 0.5
30 72 16 [Plus Extension 33 72 18] 199793 149 559 50 83 802 1645 2488 318 1086 1854 5.0 0.9 99897 30 72 16 [Plus Extension 33 72 18] 199793 149 559 50 83 802 1645 2488 318 1086 1854 5.0 0.9 99863 30 72 16 [Plus Extension 33 72 18] 199793 149 559 50 83 802 1645 2488 318 1086 1854 5.0 0.9
30 73 16 [Plus Extension 33 73 18] 199793 298 784 50 83 953 1621 2289 318 837 1356 5.0 0.9 199793 30 73 16 [Plus Extension 33 73 18] 199793 298 784 50 83 953 1621 2289 318 837 1356 5.0 0.9 99863 30 73 16 [Plus Extension 33 73 18] 199793 298 784 50 83 953 1621 2289 318 837 1356 5.0 0.9
30 82 16 [Plus Extension 33 82 18] 349750 149 641 60 102 1640 2057 2475 1073 1416 1759 50.0 1.2 199793 30 82 16 [Plus Extension 33 82 18] 349750 149 641 60 102 1640 2057 2475 1073 1416 1759 50.0 1.2 199725 30 82 16 [Plus Extension 33 82 18] 349750 149 641 60 102 1640 2057 2475 1073 1416 1759 50.0 1.2
30 83 16 [Plus Extension 33 83 18] 349750 298 864 60 102 1603 2037 2470 889 1173 1457 36.5 1.2 349750 30 83 16 [Plus Extension 33 83 18] 349750 298 864 60 102 1603 2037 2470 889 1173 1457 36.5 1.2 199725 30 83 16 [Plus Extension 33 83 18] 349750 298 864 60 102 1603 2037 2470 889 1173 1457 36.5 1.2
30 92 13 [Plus Extwnsion 33 92 13] 549543 149 670 70 114 1037 1991 2945 441 1321 2200 33.5 1.4 349750 30 92 13 [Plus Extwnsion 33 92 13] 549543 149 670 70 114 1037 1991 2945 441 1321 2200 33.5 1.4 349630 30 92 13 [Plus Extwnsion 33 92 13] 549543 149 670 70 114 1037 1991 2945 441 1321 2200 33.5 1.4
30 92 13 [Plus Extension 33 93 13] 549543 298 895 70 114 1187 2065 2943 441 1170 1899 33.5 1.4 549543 30 92 13 [Plus Extension 33 93 13] 549543 298 895 70 114 1187 2065 2943 441 1170 1899 33.5 1.4 349630 30 92 13 [Plus Extension 33 93 13] 549543 298 895 70 114 1187 2065 2943 441 1170 1899 33.5 1.4
30 02 12 [Plus Extension 33 02 12] 996742 149 772 100 159 1253 1989 2726 556 1218 1880 91.0 2.4 549543 30 02 12 [Plus Extension 33 02 12] 996742 149 772 100 159 1253 1989 2726 556 1218 1880 91.0 2.4 549355 30 02 12 [Plus Extension 33 02 12] 996742 149 772 100 159 1253 1989 2726 556 1218 1880 91.0 2.4
30 03 12 [Plus Extension 33 03 12] 996742 298 994 100 159 1400 2049 2699 556 1056 1556 91.0 2.4 996742 30 03 12 [Plus Extension 33 03 12] 996742 298 994 100 159 1400 2049 2699 556 1056 1556 91.0 2.4 549355 30 03 12 [Plus Extension 33 03 12] 996742 298 994 100 159 1400 2049 2699 556 1056 1556 91.0 2.4
996742 30 03 12 [Plus Extension 33 03 12] 996742 298 994 100 159 1400 2049 2699 556 1056 1556 91.0 2.4 996402 30 03 12 [Plus Extension 33 03 12] 996742 298 994 100 159 1400 2049 2699 556 1056 1556 91.0 2.4
996402 30 03 12 [Plus Extension 33 03 12] 996742 298 994 100 159 1400 2049 2699 556 1056 1556 91.0 2.4
Stroke E [1],[2] Min. E [1],[2] Mean. E [1],[2] Max. L[+-]1 1/2" L[+-]1 1/2" L[+-]1 1/2" Max.
Load Test [N] Type Selected Normal Load (N) A[1] [mm]
[mm] [mm [mm [mm] Min. [mm] Mean. [mm] [mm]
30 92 13 [Plus Extwnsion 33 92 13] 549543 149 670 1037 1991 2945 441 1321 2200
30 92 13 [Plus Extension 33 93 13] 549543 298 895 1187 2065 2943 441 1170 1899
Line : XXX

Maximum Pre
Maximum Selecte
Pin to Pin Rotation Directio Angle
Shock Rotation d Plane
Support Tag Stroke Length Initial Length Angle for Installation n to [Min. =
Node Load [KN] Stroke [Type] Absorber Angle for to
Number [mm] to Installation Vertical Type Installa 3°]
Selected Type Horizontal Installa
[mm] Plane tion [Degree
Plane [Degree] tion
[Degree] ]

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