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I AM (yo soy/yo estoy) I AM NOT (yo no soy/ yo no estoy) AM I…? (¿soy yo…/ estoy yo…?)
YOU ARE (tú eres/ tú estás) YOU ARE NOT (tú no eres/ tú no estás) ARE YOU…? (¿eres tu…/ estás tu?)
HE IS (é les/él está) HE IS NOT (él no es/ él no está) IS HE…? (¿es él…/ está él…?)
SHE IS (ella es/ ella está) SHE IS NOT (ella no es/ ella no está) IS SHE…? (¿es ella…/ está ella…?)
IT IS (esto es/ esto está) IT IS NOT (esto no es/ esto no está) IS IT…? (¿es esto…/ está esto…?)
WE ARE (nosotros somos/ nosotros estamos) WE ARE NOT (nosotros no somos/ nosotros no estamos) ARE WE…? (¿somos nosotros…/ estamos
YOU ARE (vosotros sois/ vosotros estáis) YOU ARE NOT (vosotros no sois/ vosotros no estáis) nosotros…?)
THEY ARE (Ellos son/ ellos están) THEY ARE NOT (ellos no son/ ellos no están) ARE YOU…? (¿sois vosotros…/ estáis vosotros…?)
ARE THEY…? (¿son ellos…/ están ellos…?)

3. The cat is white.

1. Complete the sentences with am, is or are.
1. The table ………………………… big.
4. I am ten years old.
2. My brothers ………………………… at home.
3. I ………………………… at school today.
5. You are in the park.
4. Tom and I ………………………… near the school.
5. ………………………… our teacher here today?
6. The cat ………………………… in the house.
7. Ben and Tom ………………………… near the park.
3. Write the sentences in the interrogative.
8. ………………………… that your dad?
1. The pupils are in the classroom.
9. You ………………………… happy today.
10. We ………………………… in Year 7.
2. Jane is in the house.
3. The books are on the desk.
2. Write the sentences in the negative.
1. David is at school.
4. They are at school.
2. My friends are at my house.
5. The flower is red.

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