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Building Leadership: Chapter 21 Outline and Core Concepts

How do speaking skills/communication and leadership work together?

If you can communicate well to others, it shows you know what you're doing and that you are helpful to the group, inspiring others
to follow you.

Name and explain the three leadership styles.

1. The Technocrat: Someone who is no-nonsense. Just the facts. 'My way or the highway”.

2. The Artist: One who is highly creative and willing to chase new ideas and take big risks.

3. The Craftsman: One who is logical and practical, but also people oriented, taking into account the feelings of others.

Which of these three profiles is considered by the textbook to be the best?

A blend of the artist and the craftsman.

What does a good leader know about motivation and communication?

They are linked. You cannot motivate others if you cannot effectively communicate with them.

Why is it important for all leaders to understand learning styles?

So they know how to effectively speak to as many people as they need to.

Name and explain the four learning styles

1.Discussion: Actively discussing with plenty of brainstorming, opinions, and feedback.

2.Logic: Just the facts, straightforward and logical.

3.Design: Demonstrating the bigger picture and how each detail works toward the end goal

4.Emotion: Hands-on and driven by inspiration and passion.

Which learning style describes you the best? Which learning style describes your best friend?

I think I'm closest to Emotion, with Design being a close second. A lot of my friends I think would be Emotional learners as well.

Name and describe the planks of leadership

·Plank 1: A Leader Has A Sense of Vision


·A visionary leader easily sees the big picture and selectively focuses on areas that need it most.

·Communication strategy:

·Creative thinking, input from others, and multi-perspective thought.

·Plank 2: A Leader Is Willing To Act


·The leader must be self-motivated and take charge in the now.

·Communication strategy:

·Taking charge, inspiring others with the idea of “now”.

·Plank 3: A Leader Makes Good Decisions


·Gathering all the necessary information to make quality, informed decisions, understanding risk, and knowing when to step back
and let more qualified people make decisions.

·Communication strategy:

·Clearly communicating the what, why, and how of the situation and acknowledging the input of others.

·Plank 4: A Leader Can Handle Conflict


·Being able to create a harmonious work environment and communicating to others that their input is valuable and you are

·Communication strategy:

·Clearly showing you are listening to others and are interested in what they have to say.

·Plank 5: A Leader Works To Avoid Pitfalls


·Not being afraid to make mistakes, being aware of the details, sensitive to people, and keeping the goal in mind.

·Communication strategy:

·Be self reflective and remind yourself to actively think of these things before they become a pitfall you've fallen in.

·Plank 6: A Leader Knows How To Motivate_____________________________________________


·Putting forth a good example of yourself and understanding what inspires others.

·Communication strategy:

·Planks 1-5, plus clear emotional communication and allowing room for creativity in the group to blossom.

·List the eight possible factors that create motivation in others.

·1. Integrity shown by a leader.
·2. Exhibiting solid work ethic.
·3. Promoting discussion.
·4. Putting out logic and intelligence.
·5. Offering a plan of action.
·6. Sharing emotion.
·7. Lending creativity.
·8. Putting out decisiveness and confidence
·Food for Thought: Answer the following questions in complete sentences (2-4 sentences)

·Why in today’s world are people often skeptical about many of their leaders? Why don’t they trust some of them?
·Many of today's leaders are lacking in their leadership skills in someway. Some of them are still outdated in their methods like
technocrats, and others simply do not display a good example for others to follow.

·What lessons can you learn about your own leadership from what you see some other leaders doing?

·One mark of a good leader is presenting a good example of themselves to inspire and motivate others, which is probably the best
lesson to take from them. If I can emulate the outward projection a good leader gives off, it will inspire others and help me improve
my own leadership.

·The quality of leadership is often dependent on the quality of the “followership.” Why are followers important? What are
some important responsibilities that followers should have?

·Not everyone can be a leader, because what is a leader without their followers? The followers are the support for a leader and
being able to be a good follower is imperative not only to the success of the leader, but to the success of the group. Followers
should have the same qualities of good communication as leaders, but know that they must step back and work to their fullest
ability in whatever area they are directed to.

·Why is “followership” a vital element in a democracy?

·Again, what are leaders without followers? Followers are the most essential part of a democracy, being that that give the leaders
their power. Without people to govern, a government is nothing. Followers shape that government themselves.

·True or False?
·__F___ 1. Speech and leadership have little to do with each other.
·__T___ 2. America’s best leaders are found among the corporate executives, high-ranking politicians, and military generals.
·__T___ 3. Leadership is hard work.
·___T__ 4. Leadership is often the empowerment of people.
·___F__ 5. A leader should not share much with followers.
·___F__ 6. Leaders need not necessarily be doers.
·___T__ 7. Indecisiveness kills the credibility of a leader.
·___F__ 8. Good leaders value arguments and emotional outbursts to clear the air.
·__T___ 9. The age of “memo management,” or communicating with others only in writing, is virtually over.
·__F___ 10. A good leader should focus on the big picture and not get concerned over the details.
·__T___ 11. What motivates one person will not motivate another.
·__T___ 12. Studies have shown that people like to be told if they are doing things right.
·__F___ 13. The technocrat leader isn’t afraid to show emotion.
·___T__ 14. A leader should be willing to listen to others.
·___F__ 15. A good leader should never take a risk, even if the situation is right.
·Reviewing the Main Ideas: Looking Back (pg.561)

·Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words/phrases to complete the sentences about the main ideas of the chapter.

·_Leadership involves your ability to Motivate yourself and others.

·A leader is a person who puts Leadership skills into action.

·Leadership Styles vary. There is the Technocrat, the Artist, and the Craftsman.

·The best leaders often Blend styles to reach a Broader group.

·The Planks of leadership provide a Framework for leadership.

·A good leader has a Sense of Vision and sees how the Big Picture fits together.

·A good leader is a Doer who will Take Charge of a situation and get things done.

·A good leader is Aware that people Learn differently and Will Adjust his or her leadership style to meet the Demands of
the group.

·A good leader knows not only how to make Decisions but also the Order in which to make them.

·A good leader knows Conflict management skills.

·A good leader is aware of Body Language and the impact of Non Verbal communication.

·A good leader is aware of Pitfalls to avoid.

·A good leader can effectively do whatever it takes to Motivate others

·The Spoken Word should always be used Constructively.


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