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Intelligence & Gifted Identification in NPS

Conceptions of Giftedness The Role of Intelligence in the Measures of Intelligence and Gifted Identification
Conception of Giftedness
The Literature Says: The Literature Says: The Literature Says:
All conceptions of giftedness in the Modern models of gifted education recommend:
potential gifted education eminence
extant literature include well-above 1. Using testing as only one part of gifted identification
gifted gifted education talented 2. Using different types of testing at different ages, focusing on ability in
average intelligence as at least one
the early grades and achievement in the secondary grades
factor in their models. 3. Using ability tests that reduce bias such as non-verbal tests
Focus: talent development Additional factors of equal importance 4. Using only alternative assessments such as performance
giftedness = developmental process cited in models developed after about assessments in decision-making

NPS Conception Alignment: NPS Conception Alignment: NPS Conception Alignment:

NPS administers the CogAT test of ability at the
Renzulli Carroll elementary level, the ITBS and ITED tests of
g achievement in Middle and High School
Broad abilities
Effective Gifted Models:
Narrow abilities
1. Use of multiple and varied assessments (to
Potential and creativity stated in definition, but not reduce bias)
measured consistently in ID protocol. 2. Take into account nonintellective personal
variables such as motivation, creativity, wisdom,
Nonintellective factors not considered consistently in initiative, courage
ID, but are present in some NPS gifted education 3. Take into account contextual variables, such
models as enculturation and socialization (ELLs, SES,
ethnic cultures).

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