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an " ho nest"

February 1974

for radio amateurs



•• '" canno t tell a lie . . ."


V Your assurance of Performance and Quality

IYAESU I x Transceiver

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More For Your Money
FTdx401 $599.00
Built-in A C Power Su p p ly No cha rge
Built-in WWV 10 MHz Ban d No c h a rg e
Built-in N o ise Blanker No c h a rg e
25 an d 10 0 KH z Calibrators No c harge
VOX No c ha rg e
Cla ri fie r No ch a rge
B reak -i n C W wit h S idetone N o c h a r ge
1 kHz Rea d o ut N o c h a r ge
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Total only $599.00
Am ateur Price Net
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Tomorrow's Transceiver Today: 20 tubes plus 50 silicon semiconduct ors,

passive crystal filter (6 pole) , velvet smooth tuning, superb noise blanker,
sta ndard electrica l parts. This is t ruly the best buy in th e amat eur f ield to-
day. See your local dealer for brochure & demonstration .
hctory Service is ava ilable even after your warranty has expi red for the cost of labor and parts.
AOl ft O ND 4 C J[ ftA D IO S U P P L Y liIl 4 II:LE CTIIO'<IC S 11 7 ·. 01 .... .... " A II II I"" .. 11"' 0'0 S ' ' '"3-7 _ WE.STE II RA DIO 109-22 '-.5 " 1
~ 1 ... n~ :lM 133 ~ o h s, .• I ' ~ ~II s ,~ so 0 ' .1 , ~. 1 1 7n ~: A........ •·.. _ C .. ,7J:K
,U . '. ... .... St . A _ ", NY 1:10'0 H"" R .. O 'O {" E.. n :R u ~~ "ES IIT 11 .. 0 10 21 1 .2 12-0 " 1 w l L so .. E LEC TRO.. , C S 7 0 2 "' S I _ ~
..... ... T E O .
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t L r. CT II O'U C S U •• L Y n u 0 10... Bh d .. 5' Lou.. \1 0 ~ 1l 12 1 1 un", ,,, . ..._ Bh d "ft......
I. . .. C .. . 0 . O X 'I i . • ", ........ V .90U
H ... .. 11 .. 010 O I 'TLII:T ., 54' 2.5757 .....,.; . I"I. ECTR O .. , C EX CH .. N liE C O . ~.a1.·_
..n '0"", d ~ .... < ........ ~ .. ou......,
"'':0 H o r-d urt'n C ,\ "4010 1:0 J l:liE II: U :CTR ON IC S 817 ·' :505211 608 Pap " .14' L" 70t10S
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11 TRONIC S 2I54 S7 . 1400 1.~1 s ' " '",,' h Tll 7 ~ ll " Q UU:S CITY I: LII:TI: S I 3-' U. I 577
4 ..... T II: VII II: LII: C T It O N I C SU P . L Y 0033 ...... _ "". Md . . T ......... P , 11t047 I SIll ..dhk<o A...... l~ ...,... ", " " 05231
ao ~ " __ 1 1:IA
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.III1: C I[ 11 "010 su p n Y 70 t ·1U_~ '
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7625 E. Rosecrans Avenue, Unit # 29
Paramount, California 90723 Phone 213·633·4007

magazine # 161 FEBRUARY 1974
- for radio amateuui - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2 Never Say Die W2NSO/l 10 QS L Contest
4 Socia l Events 11 Caveat Emptor
4 Hamburglar 14 Rep eater Atlas Registrat ion

4 Virgi nia aso
Party 14 Repeater Up date
6 AMSAT News 14 L o o king West
Way ne Green W2N SO/l 6 Ham Help 16 Ne w Prod ucts
Ron Subka WA9F PP/ l 6 T rave ling Ham 18 OX Foot no tes
Yvette Grimes WA8UlU / l 7 Leaky Lines 99 Letters
8 SSTV Scene 100 Circu its. Circuits, Circ uits
ASSOCIATES 10 50 MHz Band 128 Ad Index
Gu s Br owning W4BPD 128 Propagation
T om DiB iase WB8KZD
Bill H o isington K 1e l l CONTENTS
Dave I" gram K4TWJ
J oe Kasser G3ZCZ /W3
J on T ara WaSDBN 20 Understanding the Slow Scan Monitor •.• .• . . . • . . . . . . .• K4TWJ
Bill Turner WA0ABI tts awf ul ly sim p le ... re ally.
25 In tegrated Circuit Au dio Amplifiers Kenney
PRODUCTION IC Aud io Amp lifi ers Ha nd b o o kett e .
Rut hmary Davis 32 A Si mple Sweep Generator for Mon itor Scopes , WA2 HNJ
Karen Hebert Very. very simple .
3 4 New Reg ulations (1938) . , ., . . , . , .. . , . .• .• . ' .. ,. K2PMM/F8
Bift Mahoney
A date d a rticle.
Peri Mahoney 3 7 Ou ic k ' n Easy 15 or 20 Meter Ve rtical , , .. , . , . , , . . . .. KH6HDM
Janet Ox ley Using e! c beaoo T V mast s.
Lynn Pan ci er a-Frase r 41 Telephone Cont rol a nd Monit o r System " ... . , . .. . , .. , ,K1CLL
Bob Sawyer Operat e yo ur rig by phone .
Bil l Su ndbe rg 50 Modific at ions to He athkit GC -l00 5 Digital Readout CiockWA0KHV
Yo u 're out of luc k if you r day has o nly 23 hr s a nd 56 mins in it ,
BUSINESS 52 Cook a Better Circu it Board , , • . . . . . . .• . . WB4MYL
Knud E. M . K ell er KV4GG /l Do n' t forget t o use a dash o f carda mom.
54 A Variable Q Audio Filte r " •. . . , .. , , WA4 DCN
Barbara Block 57 Ano ther Blown Fuse In dica t o r fo r Low Vol ta ge K6 HK B/l
Dorothy G ibson Using an LED .
60 Building with Ten-Fee Modules WB2WYO
A 20/4Qm GRP tr ansmitter usi ng m odules.
Wal ter Pence 69 Simple Audio Preamp W6J OO
DR AFT ING Ho w to increase your in t ell igib ility a nd live a fuller a nd m o re I
T , M . Graham W8FKW useful life .
71 An Integrated Circ uit SW L Re ceive r , ", W1GOG
B ill Mon.-1I0
Wayne Peeler K4MVW Hey . here 's a n easy a nd fu n proj ect !
77 432'er Fina l Asse m bly , on th e Air , K1CLL
At last!
90 Transist o r Keying Circ uit K60LG
You 'It never u se relays aga in.
95 Lo w Cost Seven Segme nt Re adout , . • . ,. " , . . . . , ." WA2AOO
Inte rfac ed wit h Nix ie d rive r .

73 sto eastne is p ublish ed m onthly by 73 , In c ., Pete r b oro u gh , New H amp shire 03458.
Subscriptio n rate s are $7 fo r o ne yea r in Nor t h America a n d U.S, Zip Code areas o verseas.
$8 per year else wh e re . T w o veare. 512 an d $ 13 overseas. Th re e years, 5 15. and 5 16
overseas. Sec ond class p o stage p aid a t P eterbo ro u gh N H 03 458 and a t additional mailing
offices, Pr inted a t .Ue n asha,J Wisc o nsin 5 4952 U S A . E n t ire con ten ts copyright 1 974 by 73
In c .. Pete r b orough N H 034;)8, Ph o ne : 603 ·924·3873. st tcrotum edit ion of 73 available fro m
U nivers ity .\Iicro fil ms:.., A n n Arb o r, "U I 4 81 0 6 . M agn etic tap es available fro m S c ie n ce for t he
Blin d . 332 R o c k H illlCd ., B ala Cy nwy d PA 1 9 9 04.

F EBRUAR Y 1974 1
How do you win the go lden ante
award? Assumi ng that you are not
singled out by t he administration to
be screwed, or by a vindictive qover-
no r, o r by a business competi tor with
po litical pull, and you're not a lour-
nalist who nee ds the fea r of God put
in him, or a judge or other person
against whom t he IAS has a vendetta,
EDITORIAL BY WAYNE GREEN then all you have to worry about is
no t having the big IAS computer light
I RS The purpose of the "witness" was to up tilt when your form is processed.
It took quite a bit to get my prove that 73 Magazine did indeed The computer is programmed to
attention, but now the I AS has defi- buy the item. 73's counsel offered to balk when certain standards of deduc-
nitely got my attention and. if you're stipulate that 73 did indeed purchase t ions are exceeded . If you overdo on
interested, I'll pass along some of the the item so that it would be com- medical expenses, for instance, you 're
fascinatng things that I've been find - pletely unnecessary for the "witness" up for an audit. It makes no dit-
ing out about them. Some of the to testify. The special agent, apparent- ference that your expenses were com-
stories are right out of the Nazi storm ly much more interested in having a pletely legitimate. The computer only
trooper notebooks. host of unneeded witnesses to impress knows that you deducted more than
In addition to the tales of horror of a jury and to carry out the Taxpayer was set as "reasonable" by the IAS.
persecution by the I RS there are t he Compliance Program refused to accept The I AS figures of what is reasonable
sto ries of brave people who have been the stipulation or to let the witness are very closely guarded for if they
standing up to these tyrants and win- leave the country to make his business were known the taxpayers could take
ning. I didn't realize that thousands deal. This shows the callous disregard the limit of reasonable deductions and
upon thousands of people have been fo r the taxpayers that this special save a whole lot of money.
in revolt against the income tax ... age nt has. Once your return has been rejected
successfully! I'll be lo ok ing mo re and Whether the item in question by the computer you stand a good
more in to this phase and reporting should have been disallowed or not is chance of bei ng in for an audit and a
back to you .. . if you're interested. no t relevant to this witness and his nice big bil1. Worse than that, once
I t hink that all of us are honest perso nal loss. It was just a small thing you've been hit for an extra payment,
enough to agree that we shou ld pay t hat was used for decoration of the 73 you are a pidgeon and you can expect
O U f share of the cost of running o ur Magazine waiting room and it was sold to have them looking to you for
town, ou r state an d our country. I when the ro om was redecorated . . . continued big profits in t he fu tu re.
t hink most of us fee l t hat t hese thi ngs sold fo r t he same price that was pa id These are called "subsequent audits"
are not being ru n very efficien tly at for it. and are a goldmine fo r the I RS. In the
present and are unhappy over the last few mo nths o f 19 72 t he IAS
whole situat ion. I've read some inter- pic ked up an average of almost $4000
esti ng proposa ls for alternates t o th e eac h fro m 13 th ou san d people in t h is
income tax. There are enough dit- One of t he things that can flag an
I RS aud it is a substantia l tax refund. group .
ferent id eas - some o f them very They also do a ro using business
good - o n better ways t o pay fo r the Since t here is virtually no way to go
t hrough an aud it wit hout it costing with this group in going over th eir
services we nee d so I can sympath ize back retu rns and figu re that t h is y ields
with many of th e peop le who are in you mo ney, it should be obvious t hat
an audit is t o be avoi ded li ke a swim about $5000 per man hour spen t on
revot against t he present system. that.
in t he rap ids of the Colorado River.
Ma ny people are quite angry about Obviously it is extremely important
Th is is an interesting piece of news
cont inu ing tax lo op ho les which per - not to have your retu rn light up tilt .
mit people and businesses which you for people who understate their de-
pendents o n their withholding as a One more statistic for you . . . in
might expect to be help ing to pay for 1973 the people who asked for sub-
t he country to run to pay little or no form of enforced savings. Then they
cla im t he right number of dependents stantial refunds ended up paying an
t axes. Did you know that the middle average additional tax of $234! That's
income people pay over 80% of t he at t ax time and get the difference in
withholding tax. T hey also stand a big right, not only didn't they get their
income taxes? Did you know t hat expected refund, they had to shell out
71.4% of the tax income of the chance of an audit which will lose
them everything they saved and more. a bundle.
government for 1973 came from in- How can such a thing be, you are
come and social security taxes - out Just how much does the IAS take
away from you as a result of an audit? asking? Very simple, your revenue
of your paycheck? Corporation taxes agent knows all the tricks with the tax
furnish only 16 .1% of receipts! T here The average for 1973 on taxpayer
audits was $796 each! Perhaps you returns and you don't. He not only
must be some better system than this!
can see why an audit is to be avoided makes this sort of extortion his
I RS HARRASMENT if at all possible. Add to that $800 business. .. and his progress within the
One of the "witnesses" in the your cost in lost time at work and the I AS depends to a large degree on how
trurrced-uo case against 73 Magazine wear and tear on your ulcers . much he brings in . ..the rules he goes
called recently to tell a story of how The IRS can't audit all returns, of by are unavailable to you . . .they're
the I RS needlessly forced him to lose course, so they pick out about two secret. All else failing, he can blithely
a $25,000 business deal. Does he have million to get the works . If your disal low any deductions he wants, and
any recourse against the IAS special number comes up you are in for a big what are you going to do about it? If
agent for this lost income? Of course headache. About $800 worth, on the you don't pay, he can come to your
not. average. Of course the chances are house and take your car, your son 's
Briefly, this person sold a small that you are a little above average in car, your watch, etc., and put them up
item to 73 Magazine several years ago income , so you 'll get hit even harder. for public auction. You may even find
which the special agent decided he The average amateur should assay out yourself ridiculed in the newspapers in
would disallow as a business expense. to about $926. an ad for the sale of your confiscated

property as one California chap did. taxpayer and the sma ll businessman, Hish am writes t hat a new class for
Don't make waves if you don't the o nes that can't afford to fight. beginning hams will be starting in
want trouble with the IRS . January and a large number of vou nq-
On the other hand , there is a sters are already signed up . . . so look
growing number of people who are IRS & YOU? for more and mo re active hams in
intentionally mak ing waves...and If you've had any QRM from the Jordan.
with some success. _.revotttnq aga inst I AS you might send along some de- Several U.S. amateurs have already
the I AS. tails . .. we'll keep your name confi · packed up some unused gear and sent
dential. The best way to get this it along to the embassy in Washington
TA X REVOLT bunch of pirates to shape up is to put to be forwarded to the clubs in
The people who have been leading the spotlight on them and expose Jordan. If you have any qood equip-
the way toward a revolt against the their methods. Let's back them down. ment that you want to offer to some
IRS and the whole tax system have kids that will very much appreciate it ,
worked out some interesting ways of this is a good ro u te to go. T he address
doing things. I' m not sure how well MORE ? is: Embassy of Jordan, 23 19 Wyoming
t hey are getti ng away with it, bu t the The more research I do the mo re Ave., N.W., Washington DC. Let' s get
claims are t hat no one has yet gone to horrified I am at t he callous lengths t hese great kids some rigs, some reo
prison t ha t has done it just righ t. some IRS agen ts have go ne in harras- ceivers, and parts for bu ilding and
One of t he basics seems to be a sing peo ple who we re un able to bu ck experime nti ng.
matter o f crossi ng out the perjury the ir raw power. If you'd like to here
sta teme nt on t he tax ret u rn . If you more abou t this and t he ways peop le NON -HAM SCM ELECTED!
stop and t hink about it, there shou ld are figh ting back , just give me some A note from a reader ou t in Nevad a
be a Miranda warning right there encouragement. brings fasci nating news of the A AA L
above that perjury statement for it is and its election of Leo nard Norman as
MIDEAST TEN SION S SCM. Norman is the chap who ru ns
truly said that you are signing a ticket
to jail when you sign the tax form. As lo ng as the mideast is as tense as the yearly Saroc ripoff.
You already know that no two IRS it is, even though it is entirely safe to The FCC called up Norman, who
agents filling out the same tax form visit Jordan, it seems likely that many had a Conditional license, for re-exem
come up with the same results. Several amateurs will want to wait for things in July 1972 and he failed both the
newspapers have exposed this in tests, to coo l down in the neighboring General and Technician exams.
much to the embarrassment of the countries. Thus, reluctantly , it has Though AAAL HQ knew Norman had
IRS. You also know that the I AS can been decided to delay o ur ham tour to failed both license tests they still ran
put almost anyone they want in jail Jordan until fall , hoping that some him for SCM in the September etec-
for fraud on the basis of their tax solutions to the problems will have tion, where he beat out W7SJA by
returns, no matter how honest they been found by that time . only 17 votes.
were. During the war between Israel , When word of Norman losing his
When you sign that return you are Egypt and Syria there was little dis. license got to t he local League memo
guaranteei ng t hat it is accurate and t u rbance in Jordan. Amateur radio bersnip. Norman was finally fo rced to
complete and there is no possible way continued without interruption, as d id resign. Norman appoi nted his bud dy
for you to know t hat. you are everything else. There was some ner- K7Z0K at SCM, th us fi nessing W7SJ A
lying whe n you sign it an d you are vo usness becau se of the nearness of out of t he jo b.
imme diately up for grabs, if they want the conflict, of course. It is interesting T his is all fact, back ed up by letters
you. that the border be tween Israel and from Walker testifyi ng t hat Norman
Jordan remained open throughout the had failed the exams, and from
The tax revolt peop le cross out the
war. Hu nto o n saying he knew that No rman
perjury statement en the return ,
thereby making the job of the I AS And, lest you forget what a tantas- had failed, but that since Norman had
extremely difficult if not impossible tic experience you will have visiting not yet surrendered his license to the
when it comes to prosecuting them, if Jordan, here is a photo of Martha FCC, he was still eligible to run for
it ever comes to that. Blackburn, the wife of Blackie SCM.
Another group has been trying to JY9BB, with lin (my wife) , eating at
the beautiful and clean restaurant at FCC LIMITATIONS
make headway via the route of point·
ing out that it is unconstitutional for Karak with the head of the boy 's club A letter from a reader out in
the IRS, which is part of the executive and Hisham JY5HA . Arizona told about how he had gone
branch of the government, to confis- to a tot of trouble to direction find
cate property without going through and smoke out qui te a bu nch of illegal
the judicial branch of the govern- CBers (are t here any legal ones left?)
ment. . .with no court order, etc. The an d tu rned their names, addresses,
fact that t he protesters appea r to be psuedonyms and car license p late
clea rly righ t has not yet enabled t hem numbers over to th e FCC. He sug
to win. Chal k up one more to t he gested that o ther co ncerned amateurs
incred ible power of the IRS...even d o li kewise .
the United States Const it u tion has not From New Mexi co anot he r reader
been able to stop t hem. wrote to tell us that the ama teurs
One of the majo r problems with th ere had also bec ome co nce rned with
regard to tax revolt is t hat it depends We have some late news fro m inte rference to radi o commu nica tio ns
entirely upon little peop le and they Amman ... it seems t hat th e repeater on the sheriff's frequencies. This con-
don't have the resources to put up I brought over in June and helped set sisted of jammi ng, profane language
much of a fight . The big corporations up has been popular and a second and attempts to misguide or confuse
like the present system. . .after all, repeater is being installed. Quite a few officers. When it was proposed to the
they don't .have to pay much in taxes, hand transceivers have been pur- FCC inspector, he told them they
so why should they rock the boat? chased, so activity will be increasing were spinning their wheels, and even if
The big load is on the middle inco me there . (Contin ued on page 12)

The Wheaton Commun ity Radio
Amateurs (WCRA I will hold their
12th Annual Midwin ter Swap and
Shop on Sunday . February 10, at the
DuPage Cou nty Fairgrounds Wheaton
I L. Hou rs are 8 A M to 5 PM . T ickets
$1 50 advance; $2 .00 at th e door.
Two buildings agai n th is year and
IN- AR C unlim ited park ing. Bring y our own
The LaPorte IN, Amateur Radio tables. Free co ffee and donuts 9:00 -
C lub wil l ho ld i ts annual 9:30 AM . For more information and
Swaotest-Auction on February 10. advance t ick et s contact : L. O. Shaw
The Ha m b ur g la r
1974, inside the LaPorte Civic W90K E, 433 S. Villa Ave.• Villa Park
Auditorium. beginning at 1DAM ; I L 60 18 1. Advance t icket orders must STRIKES AGAIN!
auction beginning at 1 PM . Talk -in be postmark ed no later th an Febru ary Li.t Irom Pa.II ........:
w ill be on .9 4 Sim plex and 22/82 . For 3, 1974, MI, .• Model. Se<. No. Ow ner I .~

further in fo rmation con tact : A lan AF68 No. 10888 K5LK L >/73
Rutz WA9GKA, R.R.2, P. O. Box SOUTH E RN TIE R FEST PMR 8 No. 1091 8
M1070 pwr .upply
410, LaPo rte IN 463 50 . Th e 15 t h Annual H am f est Trio TR 2200 No. 2 41969 WA2 ZBV 1/7 3
sponsored by the Sou thern Tier Arne- clew 22.. No . 1900-578 W10 HP 2173
INTERCITY AUCTION teur Radio Club, is scheduled f or 2:00 Standard 826M.No. 112007 WAO'CG 3173
The Intercity Radio Club annual PM, March 30, 1974, at St. John's
auction will be held Friday Febru ary Ukranian Hall , Johnson City NY. Ad- FM27B No , 27013-11 41 W2lNI <73
FM-144-10l No . F4S9 WA6WOA .nJ
1, at the Naval Reserve Training mission to lect ures and flea market is NPC 107 m pwr ... pply
Center on Ashland Road. Doors open f ree; awards and excellent dinner, 2. 5AJ IPL O""ro Gen.,
No. 327885
at 6 PM. Look , swap, buy at 7:30 PM. $6.00. For t ick ets o r f urther i nforrna- R4B No. 11578G WA8GV K 6nJ
No flea fees o r commissio n charged. tion wri te to STAR C, P.O. 80x 11 , T4 XB No. 17801 G
W4 wattmete. No. 8390
Au ction at 8 PM Eat s. Donat ion of Endicott NY 13760. Ad vance tick et Swaro 250 No. F 1548 06
Swaro ae pw< . ... p. No. 0653556 .
$ 1 at th e door. For mo re in f ormation sales only by March 27. 1974. HR -2 No. 04 C287 9 W6GSR 6 /7 3
w rite KBJP F. 120 Ho mewood. $8·34 No. 211828
STO B26 No. 011 268 WA2FSD 6173
Mansfield OH 44906 . HT220 No. GJ7327 Stale Urol¥. 6173
CU Y A H OGA FALLS A UCTI ON Y....... fT -l 01 W," ' 7/73
The Playground Amateur Radio No. BlG 12279 iCW
The Cu yahoga Falls Radio Club Club of Fort Walton ueach F L. HR -2 N.J . 0302030
Clew 27B No . 720 13-1068 W3BXL 7/73
proudly announces the annual announces the Fourth Annual North se . B26MA No , 2080]8 W820EW ms
Cuyahoga Falls Radio Clu b Auction Flo rida Swapfest to be held on March Orake ML 2 No. 10582 W3 MSN 6nJ
Tektro....cs 45 3 Scope W82FZU 'nJ
to be held Friday , February 22. at t he 3 1. 1974, from 3 AM to 5 PM at the So..... FR 25 28 No. 21 -42!>O Uo "'~ 12/ 73
United Elec t ronics Insti t utde Build Com mu nity Center located on U.S. se. Ire·85 1 SH No. 9 7 25
inq, 1225 Oplen Ave., Cuyahoga Fall s High way 98 in th e down to wn Beach se . Ire·707C No 2833
TP L PA-6 -IOE No, 109 2
OH. Hours are 7 PM to 11 PM. Flyers area. T ick ets and details are available RP MEA22 No. 212
bearing more details are avai lable f rom f rom th e P.A.R .C., P. O. Box 873. Two L.. r~ ro anten......
Swan 270 No. 1.4 252616 W4NTB 12' 73
Tom Carroll WA8ZG L, Cuyah oga Fort Walton Beach F L 32548 . Std. orc-146A No _208070 W70KB 12/73
Fall s RA dio Club, P. O. Box 106. Marker Lux ury No . 2296 W7BVP/ 6 V"
Cuyahoga FAlls OH 44222.
The Great Plains Amateur Radio
On Saturday. March 9 , 1974, the Club of Woodwa rd OK, is happy to VIRGINIA aso PARTY
Toledo Mobi le Radio A ssociation will annou nce its second annual wood -
hold it s 19th annual amateur radio ward Hamfest-Swapfest will be held
auctio n at th e Lucas Coun ty Hecrea- on March 30·31 , 1974. The event w it!
t ion Center in Maumee OH. For mo re be held at th e Woodward County
inf ormat ion contac t : Barry C. Leeper, Fairbuildin g in Woodward. For mo re
1811 Wellsley o-, To ledo OH 43606. information contact : T yl er L. Todd
WA5YQP , Hamfest Promo t ion Chair-
man, P. O. Box 893 . Woodward OK
Th e For est V iew ARC Hamfest w ill 73801.
be held on Sunday, February 3. at
Forest View High School, 2 121
Goebert Road, A rl ington Heights, Des M IOWINTER SWAP
Plaines I L, fr om 8 AM t o 5 PM. The Tri-County AR C Midwinter
Features include f ree parking, all in- Swap f est is March 10, 9 AM t o 5 PM ,
door facili ties, f ood and ref resh ment at the National Guard Armory , White-
stand, manufact urer 's display and a water WI. $ 1 advance, $1.50 at t he
brand new Drake TR ·22 for a door door (additional $1 reserves one d is-
The V irginia QSO Party , sponsored
prize. Bring gear t o swap , sell or play table). Advance tickets eligible
by the Sterli ng Park Amateur Radio
auction. Talk-in on .94. Advance for special prize. Talk -in on .94. Re- Club, will be held from 1800 GMT
registration $1 .50 or $2.00 at the freshments, free parki ng. everythi ng March 9, t o 0200 GMT March 11 ,
door. For advance reservations or indoors. f or t ickets and deta ils con- 1974. For further informatio n con-
more information write to Tony tact : Dan Servais WA9AJW, Rt . 4, tact : Don Wi les W4l ML , 9801
Mazzeffi WB9G EC, 490 Easy St., Des P.O. Box 309AA. Elkh orn WI 53 12 1. L o m ond Dr., Manassas, Vi rginia
Plaines I L 600 16 . T el, 414 -723-2227 , SAS E, 22110.

sr-c 826MA Rear panel test jacks for complete
Tx and Ax metering and discr iminator
output for crystal netting; Input for
externa l tone burst and Touchtones:
Provision for external speaker.
Conservative 10 Watt tra nsmitter
with an effective IDC circuit to main-
tain narrow band devi ation ( +5KHz)
for l od ay's repeater s; Au tomatic
current Control and final protection
against high VSWR.
__ Pro vision for front panel sel ect-
able "Private Channel" tone coded
squelch (CTCSS) on both receive and
tran smit.
Trip le tuned recei ver "Heli ca l
Resonators" for maximu m interrnod-
ulation interference rejecti on.
Built-in speaker.
The heart of a quality rad io -a
commercial grade receiver featuring
Front-end MOS- FETS and a highly
sel ective 9 section ceramic I.F. filter
-neces sary for t oda y's active 2
Meter band ; Reserve audio for noisy
,.....:::,.. Ind ividual " Netting" capacitors on
both Tx and Rx crystals ; 12 channel
pr ovis ion with popular channel s
94 /94 , 34 /94, 16/7 6 and 52/52
- .. included ; Easy access to crystal deck
through "sna p-o pe n" trap door.
TouchloneS -lrademark 0 1 A.T.&T. Co.


STANDARD 's "ASTROPOIN T" system PC boards used thro ugho ut, backed by
gives the no comp romise performance our 6 m onth warranty. INSIST ON
for the active amateur, unlike the claim s TOTAL PERFORMANCE - INSIST ON
made b y the " cheapie s . " Don 't be STANDARD .
misled by gimmicks or gadgets- it's The 826MA co m es co m p l et e wi t h
what' s in s ide that co unts. Re liable, microph one, m ou nting bra cke t s, 4
solid stat e c irc uit ry and Glass-Epoxy channel s and li n e filter.

For detaile d info rmation on th e 826 MA, the complete Standard line
and the name 01your nea rest dealer write:

213/835-3134 • 639 North Marine Avenue, Wilmington, Cal ifornia 90744

FE8RUARY 1974 5

AMSAT Orbit Date

Time longi tude of Eq.
(GMT! Crossing OW
5927 0002.4

NEWS 5940
0 147.1
75 .8
This column is for those need ing
he lp in obtaini ng their amateur radio
5990 6 0047.0 59.5 license.
6003 7 0 142.0 73.2
If you are interested, send 73 your
Mike Frye WBBLBP 60 15 8 0041 .9 58.2
640 Dauville Dr. 6028 9 0 136.8 7 1.9
name , address and phone nu mbe r.
Dayton OH 45429 6040 10 0036.8 56.9 Don't be bashfu l - remember, it 's
6053 11 01 3 1.7 70.6 always easie r when you have someone
6065 12 0031.6 55.6 to give you that added bit o f con-
AM5AT Exp ands OSCAR 6 Operating 6078 13 0 126.6 69.3 fide nce.
Sched ule
6090 14 0026.5 54.3 73 would appreciate amateurs and
6103 15 0 121.4 68.1 clubs looking this list over and helping
AMSAT has announced a change in 6115 16 0021.4 53.0 whoever they can. Do you remember
OSCAR 6's operating schedule. effec- 6128 17 01 16.3 66.8 when you needed help?
tive December 1 the new schedule is: 6140 18 0016.2 51 .8
Thursdays, Saturdays, Mondays (GMT 6153 0111.2 65.5 Ardeth Lawson
days) - Satellite repeater ON for com- 6 165 "
20 0011.1 50.5 1317 Scoville Ave.,
munications during south-to-north 6178 21 0106.0 64.2 Pom ona, California
passes only (same as presen t). These 6190 22 0006.0 64.2
ascending node passes occur in the 6203 23 0 100.9 62.9
6215 24 0000.8 47.9
late afte rnoon and evenings. 6 228 25 0055.7 61.6 Davy Rinker
Tuesd ay s, Friday s, Sundays (GM T 6241 26 0 150.7 75.4 10961 S.W. 121st St.
days) - Beginning Dec. 2, the repeater 6253 27 0050.6 60.4 Miami fL 33156
will be ON during north-to-south 6266 28 0 145.5 74.1 251 ·6503
(local morning) passes, primarily for
use in educational demonstrations. Allen Reed
Telemetry data witl continue to be 808 Oliver SI.
taken on the reference orbits, i.e.. This month I am including a sum- Gastonia NC 18052
about 5-15 minutes after the first mary of the AMSAT·OSCAR 6 Users 867-6532
equatorial crossing of each Greenwich List, as a commemorative to the 1816
day. amateurs in 74 countries who made Eric Will ia ms
AMSAT is expecting greatly in - successful GSO's through OSCAR 6 410 Woodland Dr.
creasing temperatures d uring the next du ring t he first year of its operation. Sa nta Cruz CA 95066
408·353-3 142
four mo nths, and this new operating Th is list indicates the high interest and
schedu le is intended to prevent the ded icat ion of ama teurs throughout Thomas G. Valosin
ba ttery from overcharging and over- t he worl d who have worked lo ng and RD I. Warrior Way
heat ing durin g this critical period. hard in achieving their goal. Middleburgh NY 12122

Total USA, 737 (40%1

Rodney Patches
R.D. I, Boll. 78
Total Outside USA: 1079 (60%1 Lebanon PA 17042
Total Countries; 74 717-949-6552
Total Stations: 1816 -- 1025 confirmed

Ranking of AMSAT·OSCAR 6 Users by Cou ntry on a Per-Amateur Capita

Basis (As of Oct. 15, 1973 ). ~N"'VElING
0<::) ~
Rank Country Total Amateurs OSCAR 6 Percentage of ham s
Users using OSCAR 6
'.)<:) 0t;:)
1 New Zealand 4,641 70 1.5%
2 Australia 6,461 85 1.3% un
Joe Kasser
3 Finland 2,000 23 1.1 5%
4 France 7,500 1701 East ·West Highway, A p r. 2 05
81 1.1 %
5 Sweden 4,400 44 Sil ver Spring M D 209 10
6 Czechoslovakia 2,070 20 0.97%
7 W_ Germany 20,380 168 0.82%
Th is month we shall take a look at
8 England 16,837 113 0.67% 2m FM activity along a narrow strip
9 Japan 14,576 90 0.61 % of road between Wash ington and
10 Canada 12,892 57 0.44% Cleveland OH. Leaving Washington
11 Italy 6.000 24 0.4% and driving up 1·70s the 31191 and
12 USA 282,850 737 0.26% 28/88 Washington area repeaters are
,3 USSR 15,085 30 0.20% easily workable. A few miles up the
,4 Argentina 17,500 22 0.13% ro ad the 13/73 mac h ine on a
T otal: 1564 mo u ntain i n Frederick MD is
(86% of all OSCA R users) available. It has an extremely wide
ran ge. The nex t repeater is the 34/94
...WB8LBP machine in Hagerstown. Now up to

the Pennsy lva nia Turnp ike and along hear from you so that I can pass on control o peration be continued),
it to Pittsb urgh. Stay on 94 or 52. the information to any p rospective illega l use of li near amp lifiers in open
Alt hough snatches o f activi ty can be visitors to your area. Afte r a ll sp ring is de f ia nce of p o w er limitations,
heard o n 76, there does not appea r to o n its way, and in sp ri ng a you ng outrageo us disregard of identi ficat ion
be anyth ing with in range. There is man's fancy is supposed to turn requ ireme nts and p rocedu res, total
activi ty o n 94 both from passersby t o ... fl o ut ing of prescribed sta ndards of
and from the locals. Also you never G3ZCZ d ecency in content and context of
kn ow, you may be warned of bac ku ps comm un ications, and many othe r
well ahead of ti me and be able to get perfectly o bvious violations wh ich are
off the rest ricted access highway in now so widesp read in CB operations.
t ime. Any idea that these evi ls would
Pittsbu rgh has repeaters on 19/79, a utomat ica lly vanish with this
28/88 and 37/97 . The majority o f the f re q u ency c ha nge, would be
users on the 37/9 7 mach ine are the
KDKA gang. And a friendly c rowd
LEAKY LINES un realistic indeed.
Th e most glarin g p roblem lies in th e
t hey were when I wo rked them as I appa rent inability of the FCC to
passed through the area last Tha nks- David Man n K2AGZ po lice the presentl y alloca ted Citizens
givi ng weekend. The city repeaters are Daniel Lane Band , due to a lack o f fundi ng and a
a bit spotty along the tu rn pike, b ut Kinnelon NH 07405 shortage o f adequate manpower to do
ca n be .read llv wo rked fo r quite some the job. Unqu estio nably, th ere is good
dista nce. It need not even be stated, b ut reason t o think that there is as much
A li ttl e furth er alo ng the 25/8 5 a lmost every single amate ur is aghast (or mo re) di re need of stiff
repeater at Beaver Valley comes into at the prospect of th e un warranted enfo rcement on th is band than on
range. It has its best coverage between proposal to grant a significant po rtion almost any other slice of FCC
ex its 3 and 4 in t he big city area and is of o ne of o ur VHF bands to a group admin istered spectru m space. In fact,
located near ex it 2. Crossing th e bor - of id lers and d illetantes who have the p ro blem of repeater vio lat ions on
der into Ohio the 3 1/9 1 You ngstown demonstrated little or no qu al ification CB has become exacerbated in d irect
mach ine is heard at good strength as it for its stewa rdship. This group, (wi th proportion to t he CBe r's growin g
is a new o ne on 37/97. When I passed so me excep tio ns, of cou rse, but not aware ness that t he Comm ission is
through they were testing it , ru nning many ), has demonstrated over and eit he r un able o r unwil ling to deal with
abo ut 3 watts at a low site (o ne of t he ove r again th at it is un fi t to be the m as severely as the regulati ons call
QT H's o f o ne of t he gro up's mem- entrusted with so p recious a resource. for. What, we'd like to kn ow, makes
bers). It was workable fo r a good 30 Their record of lawlessness and t he FCC think that when this bedlam
miles. Just wait u nti l they get th at irresponsibility is a gl aring matter of shifts over to 220, it's going to get
th ing u p in th e air! public knowledge. It is perhaps better?
Cleveland has three repeate rs. The regrettable th at the few responsible How, just for a f'rinsta nce, could
16/76 machine is PL or tone co n- and conscientious ind ivid ua ls among the Com mission emplo y sanct ions or
tr o lled to avoid G RM from Detro it them must bea r the onus and st igma penalt ies against th ose n umb erless
MI. The 28/88 and 34/94 repeate rs brought about by the iniq uit ies and statio ns which are being operated
are o pen to anyone. mi sdeeds of the many. But the piain without any licenses at al l? Th ere have
2m FM seems' to be great fo r truth is th at the 11 meter band which been vario us est imates conce rning
driv ing vacat ions o r trips of any k ind . they have been occu pying for some this, and appare ntly it ru ns into
Most operators are very friend ly to fifteen yea rs, and wh ich was taken astro nomical proportio ns. CB licenses
strangers and will ing to pass out help- away fro m amateurs in a sim ilar way cos t a great dea l of money, and if they
fu l an d useful info rma tion to (and for similar reasons as those now ca n o perate clandestinely , why shou ld
travelers. Some will even call u p you r cited), is as rife wit h lawlessness as a the Comm ission expec t them to
friends or relat ives o n t he landli ne and dark st ree t in any cri me -infested city comply with the law? Th is is
inform them that you have arrived in slu m. espec ially t rue in cases where illicit
to wn and that you ca n be expected The vio la tors far outn umber the use is t h e ru le .. .peop le using
shortly. Th ey will even dial up the law-abidin g users, at least so far as ident ifyin g names like Pussy cat, the
au topatch for you if the rep eater is so the ir noti ceable p resence on th e air is Swamp Rat, the Rambling Red skin,
equ ipped. concerned, and there is little reason to Alligato r Pete, and Sam the Man?
However, driving through the rush sup pose tha t a mere transposition to Th ey may be forced to stop their
hou r to wo rk in your home to wn and another band wo uld ca use any DXing due to th e fo rced change to a
listen ing to the repeater is anoth er si gnificant change, eithe r in attitude grou nd wave band, but they will find
story. In ma ny p laces it is impossi ble of co ntempt toward regulations, or in some othe r way to operate illegall y,
to get a wo rd in edgeways. What's the excessively poor operating practices. fo r that is apparently the way th ey get
matte r, more repeaters? At o ne time Th e so le w or th wh il e the ir "jollies." The move to 220 will
one Detro it group figured o ut t hat the accomplish ment o f th is cha nge wo uld n ot fos te r a ny apprec iab le
nu mber o f use rs o n th eir repeate r was be the elimi nation of t he skip imp rovement.
such that everyone was entitled to ten co nd ition wh ich contributes greatly to It an amateur operator, th rough
minutes a day an d any o ne exceeding th e most persistent violat io n catego ry. rep eated violations, is deemed by the
his allotment was gently remin ded of But thi s wo uld cu t off only one FCC to be an incorrig ible case, he is
that fact by the other use rs. After a o ppo rtu nity to fl out th e regulat ions su mma rily dep rived of his ticket, per-
while the repeate r began to re ma in which govern th e Citizens Band. There haps fi ned , and may even face imp ris-
id le wi th everybody liste ning ra the r would st ill remain many a reas open c nment. There is a record on file of
than tra nsmitti ng and QSO's between for co nt inued infractio ns, and the re is h is identity and h is whereabou ts.
two stations were kept short. Perhaps virtually no justification t o imagine Also, he is req uired to know and
that sort of time division usage may t ha t the y wo ul d stop t he i r unde rstand th e regulations, for th ere
come in to vogue. misbehavior. The re would sti ll be is a body of questions relat ing to th is
What is the coverage of your local antenne-he lqht infractions, use o f subject matter in the exam wh ich he is
repeater like? I'd very much li ke to unauthori zed V FOs (should crystal req uired to pass in order to obtai n his
(Contin ued on page 97)

FEBRUA RY 19 74 7
not cou nt. Since th ese rul es we re MHz Band s. 2 points per contact on
p ublished, it h as come to our the 28.0 MHz Band , can be utili zed on
atte ntio n t hat a few o ther countries each Ba nd. J n add ition to the AR RL
also require id entifi cation o f SSTV Cou ntries t he W call areas W0 to W9
t ransmissio n on aud io (Aus t ralia is a and VE Call areas from VO to VE7.
Dave Ingram K 4TWJ
good example). Although I have no t The same Co nti nen ts and Cou nt ry
Rte. II, Box 499, Eastwood Vii. 50N
yet clea red this with Professor Fan ti, are only valid o nce o n each Band . The
Birmingham AL 35210
I' m su re t hose countries will also be same station can only be wo rked once
One of the biggest innovatio ns in exerro t from the SSTV on ly clause. o n each ba nd (Max 5 contacts) during
SSTV, the Direct Slow to Fast Scan (Obviously we don' t want anyone Contest pe riod.
Digita l converter, is slowly but surely getti ng cltetlonsl) Remember I will be 5} SCORING
approaching reality and 19 74 may be tallyi ng U.S. logs and sending the Total exchange points mu ltiplied
t he year fo r it . Although this is a scores o n to Franco , so tha t we (73 by t he mul tiplier to tal.
many year project, it is growing in a Magazine) can issue ce rtificates to t he 61 SECTIONS
n u m b e r of steps , which has top U.S.A. contenders. My dead line is a) Entran ts t ransmi tting and
accelerated its development, and there March 10 , so I will have time to mai l receiving video.
is a possibility that a prototype may the results on to Franco , whose b) Entrants rece iving vi deo o nly.
be displayed at Dayton thi s April. deadline is the 20th. I wish you all the Fo r t h is purp ose the same general
Basicall y the conversion process best of luck in the contest , and would rules apply and the same sta tions
consists of reading a digitalized copy like to hear you r comments and hea rd is valid o nce o nly on each Band.
of the complete Slow Scan TV video opinions when you send in your logs, A separate results ta ble will be
frame into computer memory ICs, and along with any pictures you might made for each of these two classes o f
then playing back the picture at a high lend fo r use in this column . Watch fo r entry.
speed into a regular TV receiver. these "results and comments" in a few 71 LOGS
Memory capacity requirements for mo nths! Logs should co ntai n: Date, Time of
th is u nit are large, (between 100,000 Another weather satellite was contact (GMT), Band in u se, Call sign,
and 200,000 bits) and previous placed into sun sy nch ronous orbit Report ( RSTl sent and rece ived . Serial
memory cost of 1 or 2 cents per b it during November, and was due to nu mbers sent and received, p oin ts.
have made t his unit too expensive for begin operation by mld -Januarv . The multipliers and final sco re.
t he average ham ($2000). Recently, sate llite is termed NOAA·3 and is Although not essential, it wo uld be
however, these chips have begun to capa ble o f Auto ma tic Picture apprecia ted jf entrants cou ld enclose a
show up on t he surp lus ma rket as Transmi ssio n, t hus hopefu lly replacing cover sheet wit h a short description of
"seconds" at approx imately 5/ 100 the dying NOAA-2 satell ite. I th e Sta tio n (With photo if possible)
understa nd it will u se t he same together wit h any comments on the
ce nts per bi t, t hus lowering memory
cost to between $35 and $50. Addi ng fre q u e nci e s as N OAA·2. More Contest.
to this t he support ICs and addit ional informatio n on th is as it becomes All ent rants are kind ly requested to
p arts gives an approximate ove rall cost re p o r t on any ser ious Contest
of $200. The scan converter will wo rk RULES irregularities, e.g. Exchanges in oth er
somethi ng li ke t his: Th e first 8 second Th e I t al ian Ma ga z ine C O modes.
SST V p ict ure will load t he memory Hettronlca and 73 Magazine tak es For entrants in t he b. Classificati on
u nit, then during t he second 8 second p leasu re in annou ncing th e 4th it is only necessary to record the
period t his will read out at Fast Scan Worldwid e Slow Scan Televi si on message of the statio n heard .
rates into a regular big, bri ght TV. A Contest. Th e purp ose of thi s Contest Se nd U.S. logs to:
f rame hold switch can be used for is to promo te increased interest in the Dave Ingram K4TWJ
contin ually reading a p ictu re out of SSTV mode of operation as used by
t he me mo ry wh ile the t ransmitt ing Rad io Ama teu rs. BI RU LES OF BE HAV IOR AN D
statio n describes that particular 1) PERIOO OF CONTEST PENALISATION
p ictu re. Succeeding phases of the scan Pa r t 1: 150 0-2200 GM T on The Logs must be compiled in
conve rte r will inclu de image Feb ruary 9th, 1974. accorda nce wit h th e Rules listed in
en hancement (averaging ou t the no ise Pa rt 2: 070 0-1400 GMT on sectio n 7 . Th e contacts must be made
compo ne nt by integrating the Feb ruary 10th, 1974 . by means o f the SST V mode and it is
incomi ng video with the video already 2) BANOS no t permitted to use another mode of
received and stored), color SSTV All authorised freque ncies within transmission either before, durin g or
(color frames loaded sequentially into the 3.5·7.0·14.0-2 1.0 and 28.0 MHz afte r the exchange of t he message by
memory , then played back all at once bands. Slow Scan Television .
into the home color TV set! plus some 31 MESSAGES During the Con test it is ex pected
other " st unts." Those present working Messages will consist of : Exchange t hat Amateu rs will observe t he
on the converter include W0LMB, of pictures and also included are al fu ndamental rules of cou rtesy and
W9NT P and W6MXV. Our thanks to the call sign : bl report (RST) : 31 serial good operating du ring contacts.
W0LM D for the previous information. number. Failure to observe any of th e above
The 'joint" Worldwide Slow Scan The serial number must start at 001 Rules will result in the exclu sion of
contest is coming up on the 9th and and is increased by one for each the ent ry from th e final resu lts and
10th of this month (see following successive contact during the period any such Lo gs received will be
rules fo r specific details) and activity of the Contest and the serial number considered as check Logs.
promises to be good . The contest is is irrespective of the Band(sJ used. All Logs received become th e
scheduled a little earlier this year to Exchange must be made exclusively property of t he Edition CO and will
avoid conflict with other major with the SSTV mode. Fo r the " W" are not be retu rn ed.
contests. Furth er, the U.S. is exempt accepted t he FCC Ru les. The decision of the organising
fro m video only contacts, h owever a 4 1 EXCHANGE POINTS ANO Commi ttee in any d isp ute will be final
Slow Scan picture containing the call M U LTI PLI ER an d any subsequ ent controversy
sign , rep ort and OSO number mus t be a) Contact score 1 poin t per ca nnot be referred to th e Civ il Co urt .
exchanged . Audio o nly co ntacts do contact o n the 3.5, 7.0, 14. 0, 28.0 K4TWJ

• 15800 cornmet'ce pork d rive,
tromcs brook parX. ohio 44142
L-J:: orporatJ
ship (at 52 .001 and receiving t he club
newsletter and ce rtificate should con-

50 MHz BAND tact the secretary , Ray mond J .

Schmidt WA9 FXT, 1450 Windsor
Circle , Carpentersville IL 60110
Bill Turner WAQABI
Five Chestnut Court
Tom DiBiase WBBKZD
Sf. Peters MO 63376
708 6th A venue
WA 1EXN wo rked a short au rora S teubenville OH 43952
the 12t h of November, only 3'5 were
active during the 30 minute opening.
Art is look ing for scatter con- Fe b. 9 -1 0 Ten-Te n International
tacts - he remarks of having worked Net Contest
KBLEE and WB4YAB but ''Where Feb. 23-2S Vermont 050 Party
have all the scatter stations gone? Mar.9-10 Worldwide VHF
Hear K8MMM oc casionally on Activity
Sunday . KBBBN is consp icuous by his Apr. 12- 15 Cou nter Hunters sse
abse nce," Contest
Paul K 1TO L was active f rom Lewi s- Ap r. 20-22 Zero Dist rict QSO Party
ton, Maine during December before
retu rning to UCL A to fi nish u p his The boom 10 element clamp of the new
masters degree . His father (K1GPJ) KLM six meter antennas. The aluminum is THIS MONTH
aU 606 3-T832, the hardware stainless steel.
will be operating the SB-l10A and Ten-Ten
modified 58 -200 for a while (beard KLM Elec tro n ics, 1600 Decker International Net Contest
Paul working WB4V LH around 0345Z Avenue, San Martin CA 95046 manu- Starts OOOOZ Feb. 9 , ends 2400Z
the 12th). fac tu res two versions of the Oliver Feb. 10. Exchange name, QTH, and
Late November and early December Swan bandpass antenna desi gn. Avail- lOX or. Score 1 pt. for each member
b ro ught several openings t o the able in 8 and 1 1 eleme nt versio ns, contacted, 1 extra pt. if OX member,
Misso uri area. November 26th heard the se a n te n n as a re made of Y l-XYL, or Cha pter Head. A c orop ri-
and/or wo rked W1GAO, W5TDZ, 6063-T8 32 alumi num wit h st ainl ess ate awa rds . Logs go to Grace Du nlap
W B2 PSV , K2 LC K. K1 ZFE and steel hardwa re. The booms are 2 " in K5MRU , Contest Manager, Box 445,
WAl ILN. The last two were making d iame ter, th e eleme nts %", The fre- La Feria, Texas 78559 , and must be
t he most of new S8E S8·S0·s. The quency range is 4 9.5 to 52.5 with a received by Mar. 15 , 19 74 . SASE fo r
27t h worked WA4GM, the 29th max imum VSWR of 1.15:1. The resul ts.
WA1EXN, K2 LCK again plus others. impedance in both cases is 50n
December 9th worked WA0V PY. balanced . Other specifications are as
8 ruce in Sioux Falls, heard K2ZYX foUoINS :
(working WAS RBI) , W82DN E, Vermo nt 050 Party
WA2SAZ and o thers. Gain over isotro pic 8 e le. 11 ele. Fro m 2 100Z Feb . 23 to 0100Z
WB2K LD writes that he is back on Boom le ngt h 14.3 16.3 Feb . 25. Stations may be wo rked once
6m fo ll owing an abse nce o f five years. 3 dB po ints 18'3" 30' per band/mo de. Frequ enc ies are 3685,
0 0
Tom is ru nn ing a Swa n 250 with an Weigh t 24 21 39 09, 3932, 7060, 7290 , 14060,
FET preamp and five elements at 69S' Price, 12 1bs 27 1bs 14290, 14325, 2 1060, 2 137~. 281 00,
AMSL and monitors SO_1 10 dai ly Fo .O.B. San Martin 28600, 50260, 50360 , 14 4-1 44.5,
from 0730-0830 and 2 130-2300 F.O. B. San Martin $55.95 $89.95 145.8. Out-of-sta te stations score 3
local. Tom is looking for schedules, pts. per VT OSO and multip ly by
tropo or scatter. You may contact WAMHI total Vt. counties worked on each
him at RD No.1 Warrior Way, ba nd. Vermont stations score 1 p t. per
Middleburgh NY 121 22 . QSO and multiply by total A RRL
The Six Meter Inter natio nal Radio
Kl ub, "SMI RK," has bee n establ ished QSL sectio ns and cou nt ries worked. Ex-
change QSO nr.. RS/T an d ARRL
b y W5Q D8, K5 ZM S, K5H VC,
CONTEST sect io n (Cou nty for Vermon t ). Send
logs wit h SAS E before Mar. 3 1 to
effort to increase band ac tivity. The Peter Kragh, W1AYK, 170 Summit
group plans to issue a membership AIoh, From Ave., Ramsey NJ 07446 .
certificate and publish a newsletter. ...W88KZD
Fo r details contact WSQDB.
Another club with similar aims is
"SPECM," the Society fo r t he Preser-
KH6HFJ Ronald Pitt' KH6H FJ . wins t he
vation and Encouragement of Six
QS L Contes t t his mon th . Pictu red on
Meters. As t h e name impli es, t he
o bjec t is to keep Six ac tive and t he right o f his card is t he Haleak ala
encou rage more hams to try ou r first Crater. On the left are the West Maui
love. The club ho ld s its mee t ings on Mountain s, th e Pacific Ocean and the
50. 12S at 9 pm Central time Sunday
evenings, in the event of a contest or Kealia Fish Pond where t he Humunu -
ba nd open ing the frequency is shifted kuhapuhaha love to swim. You too
to SO.150. All stations, AM, SS8, and can win a one year subscription to 731
FM are welcome to check in. At Send your QS L to: QS L Contest,
p resent the membersh ip includes hams
in Illi nois, Wisconsin, Michigan and 7 3 Magazine, Peterbo rough NH
Indi ana. Those interested in mem be r- 03458 .

The fol lowing list of gear unless 2m w ith PL, 5175. RCA Supercarfone
otherwise noted, consists of brand 450 MHz , $ 195. Both are solid -sta te
new equipme nt purchased for testing except for final s and are in excellen t
purp oses only. Some have been tested, cond it ion. Robert Bli ss, Jr., 1440
some remain unopened in ori ginal La k eview Ave., M inneapolis MN
cartons. We are offering this gear at a 55416.
considerable discount on a first-c ome- H A I. LlCR A FT ER HT32A, mint with
P" ce - 52 pI" 25 word. 10 ' no,,-<:omme,ci al
ads ; $ 10 per 2 5 wo'd s l o' b u s,,,es, ve"Tu'n. No
fi rst-served basis. Please send Money man ual , W1JSS. 6 17·762·5252.
d,splay ad. 0 ' agency d 'seo u n l . Inclu de y Ou , Orders or Cert ified Checks only to 73
c~k ... ,t h 0 ,d9<" . Magazine, Peterborough NH 03458. TEKTRO:\' lX OSCILLOSCOI'E-53 1A
.Rack Mou n t with CA dual trace plug-
~adlo"e lor ado 's Ihe lsi of Ih e mon th IWO In, 15 MHz Bandw idth. Both mint
mQnths p , io , to publocatlQn . Fo, e~amp le :
Jan ue 'y h i 'I the d eadline for Ih e Ma,ch " 'ue
cond it ion , 5475. J . R. McNeil,6 17A
which wi ll he ma iled o n The 10 t h 01 Februa,y . Cap Com 4QM solid state sse xcvr Groton CT, Dayton OH 45431.
$150.00 GLA UIJli"C 25 with GE preamp, all
Type " O()y . Ph,..... -..;l punctuate .... K tl y as
y ou ....... ;ltO appea, . No 111 -<:",,"1'Mb .
Gladding 12V power supply 560.00 crystals and p ad, 25 watt 2m FM
SBE Scanavision $650.00 transceiver, $150. Bill Montag, P. O.
We .... ,11 be Ihe jUt9 o f sui l eb ,loty o f lid •. o u ' M id land 13509220 xcvr $200.00 Box 788 , Cologne NJ 08213.
, espo ns, b ,loly 10' e rr o , . e" le"d. only t o p ' in t- Tempo CL·220 220 xcvr 5200.00 609-296-447 11
"'9 e co rrec t l d in a 1. 11" ,.sue . Clegg FM-21 220 scvr $255.00
T M E-H-LM U 16 channel rcvr $255.00 SELL : Heath S8-3 10 receiver w ith
For $ 1 1'''''. we can """ n ta,n " , e ply 00" lor Diqital logic-d ocks sao_oo best CW and sse filters and with
,~ .

Wil son 7 eleme nt 10 and 15M beam SBA -31D-3 13 & 15m modif ication
We ( ...." 0 1 c he.:k im o "Kh a dverl 'ser. so C.... eat pick up onl y 5250.00 kit, all for 5200.• .Heath DX -60B
Emp IO' ... W:jll er 60A powe r supply S10500 transmitter w ith extra final , for $50.
Pic kering KB-l keyobard $200' 00 Bill Morse, 90 1 N. Halifax Apt. B.,
FREE: 18 crystals of your choice Heath HWA-202-1 530 '00 D a y t on a Bea ch FL 3 20 18 .
with the purchase of a new Genave
GTX-200 at 5259 .95. Se nd cashier's Heath HA-2022 amp li fier 570:00 904-253-8859
check or money order for same-day Gladding HI Scan $150.00 GREATEST of them all! That's the
shipme nt. For equally good deals on Regency TMR-8-U Scanner $140.00 ARRL 1974 National Convention,
D r ak e, Swan , Standard , Clegg, Temp o f mh chercer $25.00 sponsored by Hudson Ama teur Rad io
Regency , Hallicratters, Tempo, Ken- GTX-2 FM rcvr 5225.00 Council. Remember the dates - July
wood , Midland , Ten -Tee . Galax v, Newsome 2M KW ampl ifier 5350.00 19, 20, 21 at the Waldorf-Astoria,
Hy -Ga in, Cush Craft, Mosley , Sony, Heath rC-2009 calculator 590.00 New York City . Three days of ex-
and Hustler, w rite t o Hoosier Elec- SBE 450 FM xcvr 5340.00 citing eventsl! Wide array of demon-
t ronics, your ham headquarters in t he st rat ions, exhibits and f orums featur-
heart of the Midwest, Become one of Mits 908M w/ac and case $130.00 ing latest in FM, SSTV , A TV, RTTY,
our many happy and sat isf ied cus- Memory Matic 8000 S320.00 FAX , Satellites, Antenna design, Tran-
tomers. Write or call today for our IC-3D 5450.00 sis to rs, Integrated Circuits, OX,
low quote and t ry our ind ividu al, IC-60 $400.00 MA RS, ARPSC and mu ch more.
personal servi ce. Hoosier Electron ics, RP Synthesizer MFA 22 $225.00 Something to do every excit ing
R,R. # 25, Box 403, Terre Haute, AX 190 amateu r xcvr 5200.00 minute for YLs & XY Ls - Tours,
Indiana 47802. 813-894-2397 Picker ing KB · l keyboard $200.00 New York sigh tseeing, visits to popu -
FPM 300 sse rcvr $480.00 lar T V shows, Parties, Fashion Shows.
WE n UY late model Coutns-Drak e-
SBE-450 FM xcvr 5340.00 Meet the ARRL President, Vlce-presi-
Swan. Top prices, cash. A ssoc iated
GYX -200 (sli ghtly m odif ied) 5200.00 dents, and all 16 Directors! Famous-
RAdio, 8012 Conser, Overland Park,
Heath 1B-l0l count er w it h name Speakers at Saturday Night Ban-
Kansas 66204 . Call : 913-38 1-5901 .
Vanguard sca ler $250,00 quet! Everything for th e Non-Ham,
KLM AN Il MAlliSON ELEC· Standard SRC. 120/5 New Ham and Old T imer. For Info,
T RO~ ICS present the f inest in VHF power supp ly $44.00 Contact : AR RL Convention, 303
antennas. 144-148 MHz , 7 elements to T enafl y Road, Englew ood, N.J.
16 elements; 9 elements 531.95; 14 07631.
elements 545.95; 16 elements 549 .94; ANTIQUE RA DIO BUFFS . Do you
420-450 MHz, 14 elements, $ 19.95; need a schematic for your radio? For
27 elements $41 .95. Wr ite for litera- information send S.A.S.E. showing
ture. Shipping ch arges coll ect either make and model number. Joseph C.
factory shipment or Houston stock . CAI.C ULATOR OW:"ER S: Use your Crockett K3KU L, 762 S. Gulph Road,
Madison Electronics, 1508 Mc Kinney, +-x+ calculato r to compu te square King o f Prussia PA 19406.
Houston TX 77002. 713-224·2668, roo ts, cube roots, sintx}, costx),
Nite/Weekend 7 13-497 -5683 tantx] , arceinfx]. arccoslxl , arctantxl , FO R SAl.E : Drake T4XB R4B, AC·4,
logarithms, exponential s and more! MS-4. Excellent condit ion with all
OA YTOX II A:'tI \' E :\"T IO~ expands t o Quickly , accurat ely, easily! Send to- cabl es and manuals, $750, shipped
three days April 26, 27, 28, 1974 at day for t he IMPROVED AND EX- po stpa id . J im Gysan W1VYB ,
HARA ARENA and Exhib ition Cen- PANDED EDI TIO N of the First and 617 -922 -3850.
ter . Brochures mailed March 15th. Best Calcu lator Manual - now in use
t hroughout t he world .. .only $2.00. PRI N T EIl C II\CU IT
Write fo r inf ormat ion if you h ave not H CII·
atte nded the last two years. P.O. Box Unconditional money back gu arantee NIQUES FD R THE H088YI ST. Fer·
44 , Dayton, Ohio 4540 l. ri c ch loride "su spension Etch ing,"
- and FA ST service! Mallmann Optics
and Electron ics, Dept. -E2, 836 cu tting epoxy glass, screen printing,
:'t-IITE UGC-41 TTY w it h spare case etc ., BOOKLET 52.00. Trumbull , 833
South 113, West Allis WI 53214 .
.end PC card s; 3 speed gears, brand Ba lra Dr., EI Cerrito CA 94530.
new cond ition ; ST6 converter bu ilt VE H Y I NT ERESTI NG! Next 5 isues
f rom HAL kit, wide and narrowshift, " I 1.0VE THE BA;\JO· · my latest 51. " The Ham Trader " , Sycamore, I L
eurostart: all manuals; 5450 for pack - Stereo LP 36 tunes Dix ie to Classic 60178. (A sk about our " H A M EQU IP-
age; you pay sh ipping. W1BRJ, 7 banj o solo 54.95 PP. RicheHeu, T he ME NT BU YERS GUIDE" covering
Pick wick , Marblehead MA 01945. Banjo Man, W9JS, 215 S. Washington, Receivers. Transmitters, Transceivers,
617·631 ·1308. Wheaton , nr.60 187. Amplifiers 1945-74. Indlsoensablel )

FEBRUAR Y 1974 11
(; " I.,\\Y H.5:Wrec e iver , Mi nt. T unes 2 m ..\:\IPLIFIER, 1 watt in - 25 wa tts CO I. 1.1 ;\ S 10'01{ SALE;
Comple te
500 k Hz th rough 50 MHz con- o u t, $40; 10 wa tts in - 4 5 watts out, S -Line p urchased new in Dece mber
t inuously . AM, CW, RTTY, SSB. Has 5 3 5. SASE fo r details. Griff K4IA E, 1972. Very ve ry rmn t conditio ns:
.5 , 2.1 and 6 k Hz filters. Noise 203A Branson St.. Chapel Hill , North 75S·3C, 32S·3A, 5 16F·2, 3 12B·4,
blanker, Pict u re in most current h am Caroli na 2 75 14 . 3 0 L· 1, SM ·3 m ic. Receiver includes
magazines. $495 firm you ship. Bryan 200 Hz filter and MA RS crystals -
GOO D ~ EW ~ - T he S R RC Hamf est
Davidson, P.O. _ Box 11 9 , Salem, cost t oday over 54000. Will sell com-
J u ne 2, 1974 at fabulous n @'IN site in
Illinois 62881. 6 18-548·21888 plete package fo r 52 ,950. R. O . Lions
Pr i n c e t o n , I ll i n o is Fa irgro u nds.
K6ZWG17, 326 Morris Aven ue So.,
S R RCIW9MKS, R FD No.1, Bo x 17 1,
R-290 \\ITU \1:\~ UAI. $450. Eico Oqlesbv. Illinois 6 1348. Ren tan WA 98055.
753 with ac supply 5 125. BAPEB·6
eight level teletype punch 5BO. HT·32 \I0 BlU: I G'In o.'\ shielding gives BUY ·:-'El.l-TR:\UE. Wri te for mon th-
with manual 51 00. W1GBO, North mo re ra nge, no noise. E'le ry t h ing ly ma iler. Give na me , address, call
Fa lmo uth MA 02556. from economical su ppressio n kits to le tters. Complete stock of ma jor
custom shield ing. Litera ture. Este s brands, new and recond it ioned equip-
Engineerin g, 5 43-A West 184 th si., ment. Call us fo r best d eals. We b u y
FA\ PAPEI{; Fo r Desk -Fax. new (not Gardena CA 90248 .
su rplus), precut (not ro ll s), $ 15 per Collins, Drake, Swan, etc., SSB & FM.
t ho usan d sheets, postpaid worldwide. ACTIVE IIA\l S - monthl y m a ile r o f Assoc iated Podio . 8 01 2 Conse r, Ove r-
Bill J ohn ston , 18 08 Pomo na , Las recond it ioned and new equi pment l and Pa r k , Ka n s a s 66 204.
Cruces, Ne w Mex ico 8800 1. speci als. Se ll _. Buy - T rade . Write: 9 13·381·590 1
Associated Radio, 80 12 Co nse r, Over-
i"tlO'l'OHOLA pORT" nU:S - Expe rt la nd Park, Kansas 66204 . T EC II .\ IA :"' UA LS for Government
repairs, re asonable p ric es, fa st turn- C I.EGG 22('r 1"1\1 with rep ea ter surpl us gea r, $6.50 e ac h : R-2 20 / U RR ,
arou nd time. More d etail s and flat ra te c ry st als $295. Clegg 22er AM $297. R·274/FRR , R·390/URR , U RM ·25D,
catalog F REE. Id eal Services, 666 3 Mo re goodies. Send ad dress t o : Dale UR M·32, TT·63A1F GC, TS·382D/U ,
Ind ustrial Lo op , Greend a le WI 531 29. Hut chin son WA9 KQ D, 824 Re ad USM· 16, BC·779B , TS-49 7B/UR R.
STreet, Lock po rt IL 6 0 4 4 1. W3 IH D, 7218 Ro an ne Dri ve , Wash-
Street, Loc kpo rt I L 6 044 1, ington, DC 20021.
(Continued from page 3)
he, as an FCC inspector, should walk
MOBILE DXing confirme d a n d Bo b K a pl a n
in and find the violator in the act, the
WA4WT G/M 4 is sixth wi th 150 con-
FCC would be powerless to do any- As if it isn't difficult enough to
thing. He said that the only way the rack up t he count ries, t here are a few fi rmed.
There's only about fourteen memo
interference could be stopped would masochists who are ma naging the feat
be fo r the state legislature to pass a while operati ng mobile - on the order bers of the Mo bile Ce ntury Club, so
law prohibit ing such operation and of ro win g the Channel with one arm maybe you'd better t hi nk about givi ng
t hen have t he lo ca l officers clean it t ied behind your back . that o ne a t ry? Yo u can get in fo a nd
up. awa rds fro m N.A.S. Fitch G3 FPK, 40
T he hands down leader of t he
The visit of another FCC inspecto r supe r -m o bit es IS Gle n Til lac k Eskdale Gardens, Purley , Su rrey, CR2
t o a local b ro adcast statio n to give W6 KZ L/M 6 , who 1EZ, England .
no w ha s 253
t hem a ci ta tio n for havin g a powe r c o u ntr ies c o nfirmed! G len cla ims tha t
meter 10% o ut of t o le rance (rea d ing t hese a re all ho nest contac ts, made RUSSI AN BOOTLEGGER S
h igh !) p rovided a n oppor tu nity t o wh ile he was in the car and using the A stri nger fo r t he Los An ge les
d isc uss th is ja mmi ng b usiness a t great- c ar a nte n na, not back ed up t o a 20 T ime s had a n in te resti ng story, se nt in
er le ngth . e lement beam o n a 200 foo t to we r o n by WB6 ZGF (and thanks. Dave) a bo ut
The answer give n was t ha t the FCC a mountai n overlook ing the ocean. the big rise in bo o t leg rad io stat io ns
has a signed contract with licensed Glen is also extreme ly active o n slow within the USSR these days. Ap-
stations and t hey intend to enforce it, scan te levision wi th one of t he parently the restrictions are so severe
but do not have a contract wi th worl d's better ' SS TV signals and no on getting ham licenses that ma ny
unlicensed people . This might explain fe w countries racked up on t hat youngsters who become interested in
the lack of aggressiveness with CB mode. He was one of the few to d rop radio turn to building rigs that inte r-
bootleggers. t ry ing to work a JA while I was active fere w it h aircraft c ommunicatio ns ,
Alas, for the days Of yore, when on slow scan from Navassa last year, rai lroad traffic information , and
amateurs looked up to the FCC as t hus getti ng one more o n the less th ings like that. The la rgest number
sitting on the right hand of God They wide-awake brethren. are set up as broadcast stations on the
seem to have changed their location. The number two man , world med ium and short wave bands w here
wide, in mobi le DXing is J acq ues they ru n disc jockey p rograms a nd
Bo isanf ray F3 DJ / M wi t h 22 Lcou n- talk shows.
ANOTH ER COLUMN ? t ries confi rmed . The radio o fficia ls a re abou t as
Is there anyone o u t t here who Ou r o ld frie nd Edgar Wagner effective as our FCC vs ca, which is
keeps up o n the latest solid state G3 BID/ M is hol d ing d own third p lace abou t as ineffective as is possib le. In
developmen ts? T he new gadgets a re wit h 205 confir me d . I wo nd e r if he is one area 115 ille gal b roadcasts we re
comi ng along so fa st t hese day s tha t it still mobilin g in his Ben tley? Edgar heard in o ne eve ning, Some of t he
isn ' t possible t o keep u p with them via would have a lot more if he d id n't illegal sta tio ns ha ve siz ab le audiences
articles. Pe rhaps a short mont hl y spend so much time too ling a rou nd in as a resul t of the boring programs o f
column in t he newspages wou ld bridge ot he r cou ntries - he must have the government stations. Th ere are no
t he gap. o perated from a cou ple dozen or more commercial broadcast sta tions in t he
If there are any engi neers out there mobile so far . If you ' re in to wines, USSR , of course.
who would like considerable fame , you' re good fo r an hour con tact with T he illegal operators c omplain that
some money and lots of free samples, Edgar. there is one and only o ne ham club
then let us hear from you . It is Eric Stoss DL6UH/M has 189 con- for the country and that it is almost
beneficial if you already know how to fi rmed , making him fo urth . Fred impossib le to get a lice nse if y ou are a
write. Hock WA3 HDU/M3 is fifth with 168 teenager.
(Continued on page 98)

Wilson Electronics Presents The Finest 2 Meter Handie Talkie
With th e Hottest Rx Front End on The Market.
F REQU ENCY 140 . 150 M HZ
Supplied with 146.94 Simpl ex
146 .34 /94 - 146 .1 6/76
R.F . Out put 2 Watts mini mum
Sen si ti vit y better than 0 .3
M V / 20 DB Q.S.
Au dio Out put 500 mv
Meter Mon itors ba ttery vo ltage
o n T x, S meter on Rx
We ight 1 lb . 4 o u nces
w it ho ut
battie res
Current drain 15 MA Rx
4 10 M A T x
Size 8 7/8" x 1 7/8" x 2 7/8"
Includes Adju stab le Whip A nt

Net Price
1410A 12 Watt Power Amplifier
Al so Ineludes Steel Case
For 1402SM . Charge s 1402 SM
Whe n Pluged in to Cigarette
Lighter 99.00

WilS'Oll GleC/FOllicS'
P.O . Box 794 Henderson, Nevada 89015
Telephone (702) 451-5791 451 -6650








01 certif y th a, I he ve received
no oUls ide . s. isu nce w h ile com-
p let ing ,hi s f o rm.


East, including being able to have an

WA Wfl1A CE Ml. Spoloone 146.34-146.94
active part in getti ng t he new
WI Wfl9AB F Milwaukee 147.99·1 47.39
Brook lyn Repea ter (now locate d in
Ma nhattan at t he same site as
.REPEATr:R UPDATE) WV Wfl8ACD Chorlestnwn
146.28-1 46.88
WR2AAl on t he air. As most of you
LISTENING ) already know, I was one o f the people
94 76 88 73 70 64 82. . . j
who put up th e o rig inal Brooklyn
= ,rww 8iiM& 0 w," . " " '

machine about two years ago. Unfo r-

t u nate circumstances led to its "le av-
ing t he air" in ea rly 1973, and I made
CT WR 1AAF Oxford 141.49·146.49
u, WR9AAF Chiclgo 146.34-146.94 a pledge to myself to try my best to
E•• "",ill. ~2.920-52.515 get both t he machine and th e Kings
WR IABW Me" i.m
WR]AB O 8111;mo"
146.Ql· 14ti.67
County Repeater Assoc iat ion going
M' WR8AB I a.hlemo 1 46. 1!- 1 46 ,~ again. When we put up the origi nal
WA4HUO A$h""ill.
WR4A BK Chlrtottl
146.n146.B2 46.76
<"fIN'JJ.-in!l mach ine, it became more than just
another repeater to us. Rath er, it was
He WR 4A BT Ch.rtotto 146.22-1 46.82
WB 40 H Oo rhom
W4E HF flyetteville
WR4AB l Groe...boro
146.22-1 46.82
146.1 6-146,76
West assu ming an importan t respon sibility
to t h ose who had shown th e KCRA
He WR4ABP Grifton 146.1 6·146.76 support a nd had contributed th eir
He WR4A BY H. ndeno..ill. 146.114-146,64 Bill Pasternak WA2H VKI6 hard ea rned gree n stu ff to make
He WR4A8X lt~inglon 14lU 1-146 .91
14732 Blythe Street # 17
He WA4 BVW Mt. Pi,gah 14&.16·14&.7& WA2ZWP a reali ty. S ince man y of
222.34- 223.94 Panorama City CA t hese supporters were friends, I to ok
He WR4ACF Ral eigh 14&.04·1 4&. &4
He Wfl4AB F Shelby 14&.2B·14& .88
t his responsi bility perso na lly. Luckil y
"Visiti ng a large overc rowded sar- th ere were others back in New Yo rk
" WA42AT
Wi n·Solem
Cente' Point
dine can," I suppose t hat about sums who felt t he way I d id and refu sed to
PA WRJAC H Pittsburgh 146.22·146.82
up my personal fee lings about going let t he pro ject die. A new Kings
PA WRJABY Erie W1477 146_22-146.82 back to New York. Not th at I d isli ke Cou nty Repeater Associa tion was
PA WRJACA Erie 146.34·146.94 the p lace - far from it . It' s just that in
146_1!I·1 46_94 for med, mostly out of the members of
50 WR4ABM Llncaster 146.10-146.1n th e past year and a half we have t he old gro up and work was begu n on
TX WR5ABN Midllnd 146.16·146.16 beco me so accu stomed to t he sp read getti ng bo th a new site and a new
TX WR5ABZ Son Antonio 141.JO·141.18 out design o f Los Angel es that seei ng
TX Wfl5AC F Lulk;n 146.34-146.93 mach ine.
VA WB 40FS floonolo. 146.J8·146.98 t he way we used to live just about Under t he guiding hand of Lou
VA Wfl4ABU Lexington 146.01-1 46 61 gave me a case o f cla ustrophobia. Bu t, Belsk y K2VM R, the new trustee, Phil
WA Wfl1 AC F
146.2B-1 46_ 88 there were ma ny good times in t he
449.85-444.85 t wo and a half weeks we spent back (Con tin ued on page 16)

14 73 MAGAZ IN E
Tired of Inflated Prices?
Check Sentry's Pre-Season Offer to hold
down your 2 Meter FM crystal expenses.
-"'- F l.
~ -4 "tIOI\!

_, "_, . ~, "_ ' . _ ._, _;_._~ '. _ ., ~ _~ •. d ••• ;W,-,-.

68 69 70 71 72 73 74
BUY ANY THREE Repeater or 2 Meter FM crystals at the regular price and
receive ONE CRYSTAL AT 25% OFF!
NO PRICE CHANGE IN THE LAST 5 YEARS - and in some cases, volume
prices have been slashed.
• Warranty - Sentry guarantees any Sentry crystal to be free of defects
in workmansh ip for an unlimited time.
• Customer Service - When you buy a Sentry crystal, service is part of
the package.
• Ease of Ordering - You need only specify manufacturer, model and
channel frequency. Sentry maintains up-to-the-minute files
on all fixed station, mobile, aircraft and marine radios.
• One Stop Shopping - Sentry offers a complete series of amateur,
general purpose, commercial, precision, CB,I.F., 2M FM,
aircraft and marine crystals (32 KHz to 210 MHz) crystals
to MI L 3098 also.
• Fast Delivery - Any tolerance on any crystal, 5 working days for one
to three crystals. " 0 ~ ou or0d1Jer ,
\J\J"e 'I '1
All of this "PLUS" Inflation Fighting Prices. iU:~:~ ,t3,nne.
13 N\a9 l:

If you don 't have our 1974 c atal og, write for yours today.
Crystal Park, Chickasha, Oklahoma 73018
TT PHONE: (405) 224·6780 TWX· 910 - 830 ·6425
(Continued from page 14)
Knoll WB 2VGK , and Abe Sc hwartz fro m fello w passengers when my back The variation in length of the charac-
WB2POR , a number of meet ings open pocket sta rted t o talk. " Ru bber ters means that you have to wait quite
to all interested parti es were held last Duckie" antennas are a definite ad- a while for the zero to be co mp leted
sp ring and enough money was col- vantage if you ever decide to try you r and the next character started , and
lected to p urchase a dup lexer, anten na ha nd at this one. you have to be nimble when sending
and asso rted accesso ries. In th e in- Another high point of our t rip was an "e", for it is no sooner sta rt ed than
t eri m I had w ritten b oth Lou and Abe a visit to the town of Woodstock it has ended and . if you are not
threatening t o come to New York and about 90 miles north of New York attentive, you're send ing a st ring of
put up the machine myself if no o ne City. Sharon and I spent three delight- •
else would do it. I didn't th ink they ful days with our non-ham friends The HAL unit was particularly
would take my th reat literally, but in Abby and Jim, just relaxing and tak - handy for the making of the 73 Morse
part they did. Abe and Stu WA2JN F ing in the scenery of this most oic- Code cassettes. We calibrated the code
had started building a solid state turesq ute commu nity. It is best speed on the basis of the length of an
rep eater from a Sonar han d held known as an artist colony an d home " t", which seemed median and found
tra nsceiver. Before they cou ld f inish of the famo us Woodstock Rock t hat the keyboard would send from
the job, Abe had to take a personne l Festival a few years ago. Most lrnpor- about 4.5 t o 30 wpm . We could
leave fro m t he gro up . Though t he u nit tant, though, it's the kind of place in manage to type and keep up with it to
wou ld rep eat, it had a tendency to whic h you can stil l do your own thing aro und 15 wpm, but had some p rob.
desense itself and lacked oth er refin e- without having to expla in to o th ers lems wit h pe rfect send ing above t hat
ments. I was vo lu nteered t o do wh at I why yo u are doing it. Where else can speed .
co uld to remedy the sit uat io n. When I you s t for five hours over a couple of In order to not make any mistakes
left NY, all t hat was left t o do was run cups of coffee in a restaurant and ju st on the cassette code courses we did
the coax and co nnect the cont rol t alk . Th ey also have some o f th e f inest them at half tape speed (seven and
lines. I had hoped to fin ish the ent ire galleries and craft shops t o be foun d 10.5 wpm) and then doubled t he tape
job, but t ime and o bligat io ns would anywhe re, and only about 1% ho urs speed fo r making the cassettes.
not permit it. It 93ve me a perso nal f rom t he heart of Manhattan. If you One of the real pleasures of the
sense of satisfac tion t o know that I ever get the chance, visit Woodstock. HA L unit is the inclusion of eight
had been o f some small amount of You won' t be sorry. special amateur keys to give such
hel p to a real nice group of people; . . .WA2HVK/6 comb inations as KN, SK , BT, CO, DX,
people I am proud to call friends. AR , AS and DE . The DE key also is
Help in the fo rm of a repeater site availa ble with your call so that if y ou
came from other u nexpected sources. hold it down you get the works ...
After looking vainly for several DE W2NSD/1 ... in our case. It cer-
months for a place to put the tainly makes calling CO easy, as well
machine, a nother friend ma de his as CO OX.
prese nce known. George Le Doux The philosophical argument over
K1T KJ (who owns seve ral rep eaters in whether it is better to send using a
the Northeast includ ing WR2A AA) straight key or a kever or a keyboa rd
offered to make space ava ilable for is one t hat can go on fo r ever. Each
the KCR A machine at his locat ion in has its staunch adherents w ho are
lower Manhattan. In ad di ti on, he a lso emotionally t ied to their favo ri te.
offered to help with the necessary Some CW me n feel t hat it is t he
pap erwork to get a license fo r t he abil ity to copy t hat is importa nt, not
repeater. So, now there a re t wo VH F how you send. For th at matter, any
rep eaters operat ing a bout 20 feet way you do send wilt take ski ll and
from one an other wit hou t any inter- practice. and t hat includes the key-
feren ce t o eac h o ther. Accordi ng to boards when you get up over 10wpm.
George t he secret of th is success is in The HA L keyboard ha s outputs for
t he one meg sp lit t hat both mach ines cathode keying a rig, for grid-block
use. WR 1AAA is on 73/73 and the THE HAL MORSE KEYBOARD key ing, and for tone output. It has a
KC RA uses 43/43 . When the KCRA built in mon itor speaker. The controls
Having tried out just about every
machine gets its license an d goes into vary the speed, the weight. the tone
code typing device to be put on the
full time operation it will be open for and the volume . There is also a jack to
market , vve couldn 't pass up the
all to use. I have been asked to invite p lug in your hand key for t imes when
chance to have a go at the HAL unit .
visiti ng VHF FMers t o u se it. By the you want to send manually.
To save some suspense, it is superb.
t ime you read t h is, they shou ld be The HAL MKB-l is available for
It is the easiest to use of any th at
"on the ai r." 5 175 in k it form and for 527 5 com-
vve've tried , and by a wide marg in over
Bac k East , I got a chance to say some of them. The keyboard works plete. If you 're into CW, this is a way
hello to ma ny ol d friends and ma ke a very smooth ly and posit ively. to have a lot of fun for a reasonab le
couple o f new ones. I operated a One other keyboard that we've pnce.
number of different machin es incl ud- used qu it e a bit recently was okay,
ing WR2AAA {ex WA2S U Rl, bu t some keys had t o be pushed hard, NEW FIL TER FOR HTs
WR 2ACD (ex WA2KEC l and the others li ghtly , and you had to reme m- Crysta l filters have reach ed a new
WA2UWC machine in New Jersey . On be r whic h we re w hich to p reve nt miniatu rit y in the Spectrum Int er-
every mach ine I used , I found t he double letters bei ng sen t. na t ional XF- l02. This complete
at mosp here wa rm and t he greetings It doesn't tak e long to get used to crysta l filter is bu ilt into an HC·18 /U
friend ly. I even go t a chance to pu ll a using t he keyboard. You do have to crysta l can. It consists of a single 10 .7
"Wayne Green " and operate Subway listen to what you are ty p ing, for MHz crystal with two resonators
Mobi le usin g a Standard S RC146 there is no memory in t he unit and plated o n it, thus forming a two pole
while crossi ng the Manhattan Bridge t his means that you have to listen for filte r. The bandwidth is only 14 kHz,
on the BMT "N" t rai n. You should each character to be started before so with this filter added to your hand
have seen some o f the startled looks you move your finger to another key. transceiver you can be sure of avoid -

ing spillover from the nex t cha nnel, so K ENTERPRISES PRESCALER cently int roduced a new series of 8
often a misery with t hese small rigs. pin octal base plug in rectifiers. Th is
Now how much do you thi nk t h is series designed " Mu lt i· Pu rpose Rect i-
remarkable filter costs? One would fier" (MR P) can be programmed into
expect it t o run around S20, but the various rectif ier co nfigu ration:; such as
fact is it sells fo r only S8.50 rrom center-taps, bridges, vo ltage mu lti ·
Spectrum International, Box 1084, plie rs, half wave elements, etc, by
Concord MA 01142. simply wiring t he 8 pin sockets per
Th e insertion loss is only t .5 dB, so t he instructions.
you'll hardly know it is in t he ci rcu it. A prescaler. In case you' re a little The " MPR" ser ies consists of four
The shoulders are fairly steep on the beh ind cu rren t techn ol ogy like t he vo ltage types w ith each t ype cont ain-
f ilter, wi t h the signal down 20 d B at rest of us, is a help ful li tt le p iece of ing 4 independent/e lect rically isolat ed
50 k Hz and BOdB at 80 kHz . test equipment that divides by ten. diode elements. Basic peak reverse
If you 're looking for an even The fac t is it is most useful for anyone voltages at 500, 1000 1500 and 2000
sharper filter there is the XM -107, a messing with the VH F or UH F bands. volts are available . Depending on the
fou r pole filter mounted in an HC·6t U You are no doubt aware that coun- type of recti f ier con figuration and
crysta l can . T h is one has the same 15 ters are so inexpensive and ubiqu itous device type being progra mmed recti-
kH z passband , but is dow n 40 d B at t oday t hat frequen cy meters have fi ed cu rrent output cu rre nts from
42 kHz , w hich is way , way d own been rendered virtuall y obsolete ... a 0.05 t o 3 0 amperes average are ob-
there. very sad development f or hams who t ainable.
We're loo k in g f or someone with have in vested in General Rad io freq Pric ing in 1 t o 4 qu antities is $4.85
some good lab gear to t ry out one o f meters (whic h used t o sell u sed for $7 .3 5, $9.60 and $12.25 for respec-
these crysta l fi lters and come up wit h over $2000). One of t he limitations of tive M P R 10 5 (500V), MPR 110
good before and after bandpass curves most counters is that they cu t off ( 1000V), M RP11 5 11500V} and
usi ng a Temp o F MH or a Standard somewhere in the 20-30 MHz range. MPR120 {2oooVI. For more infor-
146 ... and volunteers? Write 73 and Th is is d andy for the [ow band op , but ma tion, contact : Rectifier Com.
tell u s ho w soon you 'll be able to creates some problems for the chap ponents coro.. 11 12 Lousons Rd.,
p rovide the story. who wants to put h is two meter r ig on Un ion N.J. 01083.
channel or who wants to try and help MINIATURE
NEW SILICON f end o ff the ElA by p opul at ing 2 20 PULSE TONE ENCOOER
T he prescaler is just the thin g for
Motorola's new 2 16 page Silicon extending the range o f a 3 0 M Hz
Rectifier Handbook is a true tech nical counter to 300 M Hz ... and K Ente r-
prises happens to have one of the
handbook , not a catalog type " d ata
most reasonable and excellent work-
book ."
The easily absorbed tex t is well ing units yet available . You can also
ill ustrat ed, w ith tables, graph s, and sca le do wn to a low band receiver and
do a reaso nab le j ob of adjusti ng V H F
circu its on almost every page. Much
frequ encies. If you want to zero in on
material is presented th at has never
appeared in a rectifier handbook be- 146.19 you j ust tune you r receiver to
14,619 and you' re read y to go.
When t he crew at 73 Magazine were
Progressin g from basics t hrough the
setting up t he Clegg 220 M Hz repeater
latest rect if ier app lications, this book
is well suited for self study as well as recen tly t here was a problem . . . how
to get the repeater and the t rans-
techn ical ref erence use. At $2.50 it
ceivers to be used w ith it all exactly
should be a welcome addition to t he
on channel. Even with three d ifferent
solid sta te book shelf.
The Silicon Rectifi er Handbook coun ters on hand, plus two other
may be ordered f or $2.50 per single prescalers (which went t o abo ut 150
copy, from M otorola Inc.. P. O. Box MHz ). noth ing worked way up there A lpha Electron ics Services has been
20924, Phoenix . Arizona 85036, or on 220 MHz . The x -Enterpri ses pre- at it aga in and has come up with an
f ro m you r nearest Motoro la Fran- scaler did the jo b and w orked ju st fin e
even smaller to ne bu rst o scill at or. This
ch ised Distributor. w ith all three of the cou n ters (Hea th,
one- is small enough to fit inside an
Miida , and Rege ncy ). HT -220 and will provide any f requ en-
OX ost, GUIOE The PD·301 p rescater comes with cy from 20-3000 Hz, for a duration
built in power supply and pre- of from 0.1 -15 seconds. lt will even
Now you can fill out all of your
amplifier. I t will read a hand trans-
QSL cards in the language of t he chap provide a continuous tone if desired.
ceiver all t he way across the room, so
you've worked ... well , in most o f The size is 1W' x 15/1 6" x %". Up to
it is sensitive ... and t hat is one of t he
the languages. The K3C HP Guide giv es eight tones can be generated fro m one
pro blems many ops report wit h some
t rans la t io ns i n t o 54 different un it. For mo re in fo contact Alpha at
of the less ex pensive prescafers. Y ou
languages, and that reatly sho u ld ju st 8431 Monro e, Stanto n CA 90680.
can't ask f or a much better price
about take care o f anyt hing. T he AE -50 uses a plu g-in th ick film
eit her, f or at $55.50, th is is a real
hybrid module for fre quency deter-
barga in t oday .
The Guide includes not only the mination instead of old fash ion ed
More inf o on the PD·301 and other
basic QSL information in translation , reeds or other mechanical systems.
K ·Enterprises gadgets is available f rom
but also such perso nal things as your Alpha also has an encoder-decoder
them at 1401 North Tucker, Shawnee
age and things like that. unit which will handle up t o six
OK 74801.
frequencies of tone, from 20-250 Hz.
T h e Gu ide is availa ble f rom MULTI -PURPOSE RECPFIER Th is will fit in most mobile units, b ut
K3CHP, 69 13 Furman Pk y, Riverdale T he Rectif ier Components Corpora- is a bit big for HTs. Ask about the
M D 20840 fo r $3.9 5 or 30 I RCs. t ion of Union , New Jersey has re- SS ~B OJ~ 19U .

FEBRU A RY 197 4 17
W4KA w hose CBA is all O.K. He has their was around and knows t he r ight
been Quite active on both 20 and 40. " offi ci al" over there can t urn t his t rick
seems to like CW better than SSB. I am sure. They did it wi th Mount
I have received some wonderful Athos which looked a tot harder than
mail f rom readers of this column and The Royal O rder of T he Kn ights of
Gus Browning W4BPO I would like to t hank t hem very m uc n. Malta set -up. H ow abou t i t IIRB ?
Drawer " OX" The respo nse regardi ng our new award You seem t o "know you r way arou nd"
Cordova, SC 29039 The Super WTW, t he one that wi ll pretty we ll and you kn ow th e excit e-
Now with you r travelli ng curta il ed on really pr ov es who Works The Wo rld, ment on the bands wh en a brand new
account of the gaso line situat io n I the A WA RD th at calls t he various OX cou nt ry shows up.
would th ink t here is more interest in places, " OX Areas" and doesn't use D oes anyone have a ci rcui t of a
working OX , but, if they start cutting the word countries any more. By the t ransistorized mu lti-vi brator that will
down your power line voltage you had t ime you are read ing this I will have lock in on 5 and (by turning a swi tch)
better get yourself some sort of a the rules and OX Area lists made up also 10 kc from a sub-harmonic of a
transformer " arrangement " to boost and printed in the form of a " check 100kc crystal osc.? I have tried many
your line voltage back up to at least list" and entry form. I will be glad to and have had not much of a success so
enough to make t he rig work. Being send any of you t wo sets of forms on far. Would like it t o be for NPN (of
an o ld hand in t he electronic business the recei pt o f 50c to cover p rin t ing & cou rse a FET wou ld be FB t oo) . Al l I
all my lif e I have had many occasio ns maili ng costs. You keep one set for have tri ed so f ar are very "tou chy" and
t o eith er need more or maybe less your records and mail m e one, we do n' t w ant t o st art osc. unless you
line vo ltage and th i s is no problem at both can k eep these forms and use snap pow er o n and off qu ite a nr of
al l. Get one of t hose filament trans- them as you work more OX from the t imes t o get t hem sta rted. A ny hel p.
formers out of t he attic. If your rig Super WTW list. Of course we will anyone?
uses about a KW get one that will put issue you a nice, pretty certificate if If you work one of t hese st ations
out about ten amps or so with the you Qualify and will have stickers that in Turkey and get his address be sure
filament voltage you need to boost can be attached to the certificate as to not mention the word radio o n any
your line up to. Just put whatever you work more from the list. I can mail you send him. It seems th at all
line vo ltage you have on its primary definitely state that t he fellow who of t hese ham statio ns have no legal
and correctly polarize the fil am ent has t he hi ghest score in ou r new Super license and are actually worki ng und er
vo lta ge in series wit h t he line voltage WTW is t he one w ho has worked m ore cover. In fact it is a goo d idea t o not
th at goes t o you r ri g. O f course if you and better OX t han anyo ne else in t he menti on th e w ord rad io in Quite a few
need more vol tage you can use two worl d , t hats why we cal l it T he Super countr ies, may be t hey are legal, but
transformers or you can use two Worked The World Award! Do not do not want to " rock t he boat" !
(o r more) windings on the same trans- confuse it with our regular WTW award, In fact I know a few stations righ t
formers as long as each winding will they are two completely different here in the U.S.A . that don 't want
put out the amperage your rig needs. awards and the rules are completely the fact that they are a ham adver-
(will send anyone a drawing of all this different. tised. They would be blamed for
if t hey send me an sese.) If you still need Old VS9K every street . cross-hatch, snow , o r
OX co ndi tions have been pretty Kamaran Island (in t he Red sea, off even T V tro ubl e t hei r neighbors have !
good considering t he low sunspot the coast of Yemen about 3 miles or One fellow d ow n in M iami, Flor ida
count , all you have to do is d o a little so) you might keep your eyes and has up an "lnvlsable" antenna, it's
deeper d iggi ng and hu nt ing fo r t he ears open for eit her (or both ), 4WI AF made of number 28 w ire and run s
rare ones..T hey are in t here and they and FL80M w ho may go t here at a from h is 28th. f loo r hotel room t o
are bei ng worked by the serious OX 'er . moments notice almost any time, it is a building across the street. and he
T he pref i x chasers should be having a possible they may at times also go to works FB OX and runs a KW. It's
real busy time tryinq.not to miss any other islands in the Red Sea. (ed.- really "Invisebte" that's a fact ! He
of the many FB prefixes that seem to and how about a trip now and then to has been using it for a num ber of
keep changing. Any kind of a big South Yemen (t hat 's Old Aden.vS9- years.
celebration or special event brings out land , remember them ?). As t o when I would like t o make up a listof
man y new prefixes. th ese are usual ly a you wi ll hear any activ ity f ro m Ir aq, t he m ost needed cou nt ries, so how
" one sho t" deal, i f you miss t hem your guess is as good as mine (m aybe abo ut sendi ng m e a list of the o nes
y ou may never get another chance to better). While w e are t alk ing about you need. I w ill tabul ate them all and
w ork th at prefix again. Some of the "rare ones" , h ow abo ut Cl ipperto n give the results in this colum n. It
prefixes t hat have been used in the Island, jus t a few hu ndred m iles ou t would be a sort of gu ide t o f ello ws
past few months include: ZY2, VA6, in t he Pacif ic fro m the west coast of making OXpedition plans and jus t
SK~. HW3. VA l. 4Kl, XQ3. VA6, northern Mexico. I have as yet to migh t activate some of the pl aces you
CV 4, VA7, PT2, PT!, JX4, XG1, 3D6, hear a "ptau sable" explaination why it need. Send t he list directly here to
H A~ , XF4, XX6, JE 1, VA~, HG5, seems t o be "off limits" to hams, why me and while you are writi ng me you
EX5 , SY5, v ia. J Fl . IB3. OT9. OT~. is this anyhow ?, I wonder if t here might send along a few choice OX
WPl, U 2, K EG, ZM2, KJ3. KJ7 is something " h idden" down t here? tidbits, but keep in mind that w hat I
and th e list keeps righ t on grow ing. May be o ne of t hese d ay s our Ole wr ite is not in print fo r abo ut 2
The prefix chasers are a bu sy lot and Buddy, Barry Goldwater w il l butto n months. You might also suggest any
they can alw ays keep busy if t hey hole t he French Am bassador up in ways you have in m ind to improve
m ake up th eir mi nd t hat t hey do n't WaShing to n and get t he t ruth out from this colum n. We are always o pen t o
w ant to m iss any prefi xes that pop-up. him (or would it be more beat ing suggestions.
Our good f riend who lives in Greece arou nd t he bush ?). T hen there is t hat T h is is the OX season and I hope
near t he Mount Athas border has place right in the middle of Rome, you are getting you r share. Th e sun
been fairly busy and goes over to Mt . called T he Royal Order of the Knights spot cycle are about to start on it's
Athas quite frequently where he op- of Malta. ARR L once told me that it up-hill climb so things should be
erates $Y5MA. He was W3AG back had all the are-marks of being a new improving almost anytime now.
in t he sta tes, he has moved over to country if someone was t o go there on. See YOU next month. 73 es D X-
Greece now. His QSL manager is and operate. Someone w ho k now s eo r
J?j~'L-.. D


It's the little things that

make a GTX the value it is:

• Operation over the entire z-merer band

(including MARS and CAP frequencies)
without tuning
GTX·200 $269. 95•
(30 watts output power,
• No automatic shutdown on SWR bridge. ncm .. up to 100 channel
Operate with mismatched antenna with-
out damage. due to balanced emitter out-
put transistors
• Lowest AM detection level of any com-
parable unit (including many commercial

• Power : the GTX-2 and GTX·200 boast GTX·2 $259. 95•

30 watts nom . output (30 watts output power,
nom., accommodates 10

• Lightweight: manufactured to aviation

industry standards

• High-sensitivity receiver pre-amp in-

c1uded as standard (GTX-2 and GTX-

GTX-l0 $209. 95"

• v.. " phone jack included as standard
(GTX·2 and GTX-200) (10 watts output power,
nom., accommodates 10
* Includes 146.94 MHz.
Add'i. crystals $6.50 ea .

Don't Let An Honest Price Scare You Away-

See Your Amateur Dealer Today!

General Alialion Electronics, Inc.. 4141 Kingman Orin, Indianapolis, Indiana 4G226 - Area 317 - 546·1111

FEBRUARY 1974 19
Dave Ingram K4TWJ
UNDERSTANDING R te. 11, Box 4 99, Eastwood Vii. SON
Birm ingham AL 3 52 10

SCAN 0/1 r 51011 ' SCI/I/ Editor toke s liS bv the lunul.

O ft en prosp ective Slow Scanners shy
awa y from th e fascinating world o f
SST V under th e misconception that co mpli·
swe ep and h igh volt age circu itry, let's start
o ur discussion with th e fr ont a nd work back.
Later we will co nsid er "frills" and trouble-
cate d video circuitry is utili zed. Oth er times, sho ot ing tec h niqu es.
Slow Scann ers would lik e t o build a monitor
of th eir o wn d esign, but are not abso lute ly
sure how t o go a bo ut it. Monitor Front End
It is th e o bjective o f this article to Figure I is th e block diagram of a typical
describ e th e simp le circ uit ry used, an d give basic monitor. The Slo w Scan TV audio
you eno ugh knowl edge of the basic monit or signa l fir st ente rs a co nve ntio nal amplifier,
so you can plan and/ or troubl e shoot a which also li mits the signal. This gives us a
typical unit , plus evalua te a monit or's high level, co nsta nt amp lit u de signal we can
e ffec tive ness by its blo ck diagram o r run through so me fre q ue ncy sensit ive cir-
schema tic . cuits, (discri mi nators ) and ret rieve th e sy nc
Scan monit ors are ba sically simp le, whil e a nd video information.
th e addit ional circuitry which mak es th em The pulses a ppearing at the sy nc discrimi-
more ela bo rate mak es th em mo re co rn p li- nat or out pu t are now amp lified, dete cted,
cat e d. An ideal monitor might be e xpand- and se para te d (ve rtica l in teg rat o r) so they
abl e - sim ple circuitry and spacio usly laid ca n trigger t h e pro p er swee p circuits, eit her
out , whi ch we can a d d ont o as de sired fo r in a n oscilloscope or a monitor. During this
in creased performance. sa me p eriod . the signal being fed t o th e
Let's sta rt with the basic monitor, wh ich vid eo discriminato r ( whic h sho uld pass o n ly
we will divide into two sec t io ns for simp li- 1500 Hz to 230 0 Hz) is slo pe det ect ed :
cit y, and call the " fro nt end" and th e high o utpu t fo r 23 00 li z, lo w (or zero ) for
" disp lay end." Since th e front end is th e 1500 liz. Notice that any sy nc pulses (1200 II, )
" busi ness e nd ," (a ctual Slow Sca n circ u it ry ) mak in g it throu gh th e vid eo disc riminator
and th e rema inder is basically co nventi o nal still will not be see n, as th ey wi ll not
r---- --------- - ,

V <,
m I



Fig. 1. Block dia gram of a ty pical SS TV monitor.

SYNC proper level of drive th rough t he tun ed
~-l L E V E L
c ircuit. a va riable resis to r co u ld be used
2 0 0mfoi ~ (shown in Fig. I as t he "sy nc level pot").

T UNE TO 1200 Hl
Typical values are 0 to 500K. Once you've
o bta ined th e proper level, tak e the pot out ,
measure its resistance , fi nd repla ce it wit h a,
r- L EVEL fixe d resist or o f this value. Follo win g the
sy nc d iscriminat or is a st raight fo rwa rd de
; r 'ZZ
~ , 18
a mp lifie r follo wed b y a sim p le diod e d etec-
( to r. T his detec to r co nverts t he ou t put of t he
sync amplifie r into d c pulses, fo r pulsing ou r
sweep sectio ns. The vertical pulses a re se pa-
LEVEL ; :::: .01
.0' ,," rate d fr om th e ho rizontal in th e vertical
'" . in te gra to r, thu s o btaining se pa ra te horizon-
'0" '"
~I n • tal an d vert ical pu lses. T he video discrimina-
tor may be a t uned circ uit wh ich is broad ly
VAR IE S SYNC T UNIN G FROM 1l00' I"300 foi l
reso na nt (I500 Hz to 23 00 Hz) but
Fig. 2 Typical ban d pass filters used In sync "peaked " at 23 00 Hz, so 1500 Hz gives low
output, a nd 230 0 Hz gives h igh ou t put.
produce as mu ch voltage as even bla ck Above 23 0 0 Hz this tuned circu it will drop
frequency (1500 Hz). The voltage n ow o ff in o u t pu t. This voltage is now amplified
proportional to our received video frequen cy in a simp le dc a mp lifier. The out put is t h en
is amplified, detect ed , ran through a low rect ified (interstage t ra nsfo rmer probably
pass filter (the last t h ing we need is "t rash" needed here) th en passed throu gh a simp le
in the vid eo ) an d t he n used to in te nsity lo-p ass filte r hefore being a pp lied to the
modulat e t he cat hode ray tube. Basicall y. control grid o f t he crt (lo-pass filte r design
th is de scrib es t he "fro nt e nd" operatio n. fo r t he c rt is cove red in de tail in the 73 Slow
Now le t 's co nsider so me specifics . The Scan TV Hand ho ok) . Full wave rectification
first bloc k th e limiter/amplifier. ma y be a ny wo uld be preferable fo r both th e vid eo a nd
reasonably good a ud io amplifi er, from a o ne sy nc detecto rs for ma ximum outp ut, and
o r two tube job to a ua7 09 int egrat ed circ uit less rip ple . I su ggest y ou co mpare the moni-
unit. All we are afte r is bo ostin g t he le vel to r circ ui t you are co nside ring to the (t ypi-
high e nough to use. Li miti ng is necessary so cal) block diagram in Fig. 1 fo r act ual
vary ing levels will no t upset picture quality. circuit ry values.
This is easiest accomplished with back-to- Now assum ing you wou ld like to ex pa nd
back diodes. (I h ave t he di od es in fro nt o f a n ex ist ing monitor. yo u co uld add more
th e a m p lifie r becau se it is easie r to cl ip featu res as d esired . For ex a mp le , a 1200 Hz
before a mp li fica tio n. ) Nex t is t he sy nc dis- hand pass filter might be ad de d between t he
c rimina tor, wh ich is a sha rply tun ed circ uit limiter a nd th e sy nc discriminat or. If we
for 1200 Hz. Figure 2 gives some ty pical made th is a tunabl e fil ter, li ke in th e
exa mples. Altho ugh you ca n use simp le W6 MXV mo nitor, we not o nly wou ld have a
"loopstick" coil /capacitor tu ned circuits very sharp filte r, fo r eli mi nati ng QRM , we
here, to ro id al bandp ass filte rs have a high er co uld also "move arou nd" slight ly in fre-
Q a nd bet te r selectivi ty . Na tu rally, t un a hle que ncy to a void QRM. A In-pass filt er co uld
lC bandpass filt ers (see 73 Slow Scan TV
Handb o o k ) would be even hett e r a nd t h ree 'OM
o r four pole filt er s wou ld be o ptimu m. >---... OR
Resonan ce may be c hec ked on any of o ur CI RC UI T UNOE R T ES T

home brew circuits by co nnecting it as in Fig . ,,

3, a nd shifti ng t he audio oscillator's output
frequency while compari ng on a YOM to ,
find th e effect ive ness an d sha ping factor of
the tun ed c ircu it. In order to a tta in th e F ig . 3 Te st setup for aligning t he sync fil t er s.

FEBRUAR Y 19 74 21

also be added o n th e ou t pu t of th e sy nc co nventio nal Slow Scan circuitry fro nt ends.

discriminato r thus making o ur sy nc prac ti- One e xample is the 'sco pe ada pte r which
cally noise and QRM free. (Again, specific ap peared in Jun e, 19 70 QS T. Note t ha t Fig.
circu its will be found in the Slow Scan TV 4 has its o wn horizontal and vertical sweep
Handbo ok, appx . pg. 46). A pulse sha ping circ uitry, and also the 'sco pe ada pte r -has its
integrated circuit co uld be added in series own vert ical sweep section (since this is not
with the o ut put of th e horizontal and in osc uloscpes) so we would skip ba ck to the
vertical "pulse" lines, thu s gaining perfe ct vertical trigger, when rigging these up, rather
syncing even when only "half a sync pulse" than having two sweep sections. The out-
is received. An example o f this is WB 8DQT's puts, horizontal and vertical, o f our "front
monitor which appeared in August, 1973 73 end" connec t through a va riable resistor, as
Magaz ine . A bandpass filter to pass 1500 Hz sho wn o n the input of Fig. 4. A typical high
to 2300 Hz could be placed on the o ut p ut o f volt age arra ngeme nt is sho wn in Fig. 5, and
the video discriminator to assure only 1500 ca n supply voltages to an electro magneti-
to 2300 Hz is applied to the video amplifier, call y deflected crt like the 5FP7. I have built
thus eli mina ting QRM to th e video. Again, so me 5 to 10 kV su pplies, and alway s used
these are "accesso ries," and not necessary any "junk" fly back I co uld find. They all
for perfect monitor operation . (However worked fine . . . so me had more output
they do help!) The output of our "front voltage than others, but we're not too particu-
end" now co nsists of horizontal, vertical, lar . .. just get so me high voltage on the
and inten sity voltages which we may use to accelerat or, and it'll work fine.
dri ve the "display end. " Basically , the above is th e the ory behind
aU Slow Scan monitors. Some are more
The Display End so phistica ted, but o ur outline still shows the
Figure 4 is a basic schema tic o f a "display main pa rts. Note that any of the fron t ends
end" o f a Slow Scan monitor (c irc uit from ma y be connecte d to this, or any other
WB 8DQT circuit in August 1973 73 Maga - t ypical display end provided we do it
zine ) and can be driven from any o f the through a variable resistor. Adjust it like

IN 9 14
4 70 0
1" 0 1 MJE 520

IN 914
" )
~ !)()... F
7 4 1:"::-- 6
0 2 MJE
~PU LS E· '0' /' ) ''0 1/2 "" YOKE
INPUT I >on>

"VER TICAL '" '00'


- 15 '0'
l' r
1I2 W

" 00 ;1; ' 0 1 M JE52 0

- 2MEG
IN 91 4

, ~
, ., <,
" •
7 4 1C
r non
HOR IZONTA L 2N697 , ./, 02 MJE
''0 non
'n o
, '" r:
I ron I

'" '00'
· 15 '0'
1" ron

Fig. 4. Vertical and horizontal sweep sections from the "display end."

22 73 M A GA Z I N E

photo laken

venuS/lo-/can TV monitor SOURCE

from the
Po larOid
Autom atic Independent
SELECT Color Pack /I
CAMERA Ree., Tape. Camera mounted
ADAPTER CRT Burn Contrast
Protectio n Camera Off n the Venus
Mounting Conlrol & Instant On
0·1 Camera

Your call sign

Zinc Die
Cas t Front
with Extruded
Alum Sides
tO~.. " Wx13wD Arnat.Net '34900
x51h "Ht.
OPTIMUM Diagnostic and
31/.. " x 3 \11 " STAND RE-SCAN SELECT
lor POLAROID Coll a psible Retrac e
LAND reDrodu ct ion Ba il Vertical


you to take photograph s " rtqht-otf-tne-
ai r" and accepts a Polaroid Col or Pac k
or a Polaroid Square Shooter.
• Allows photographing in a lit room
• Simple-snap mounting for quick and
accurate picture laking
• Simullaneous hood viewing of picture CAMERA
being -teken by camera ADAPTER
• Insfant QSL via SSTV PACK
• Amal. Nef 13450

VENUS' SLO-SCAN CAMERA Write today lor detailed inlormatio-;;;'n\

has arrived! D VENUS SLO-SCAN CAMERA C-1 I
I would also like more inform at ion on :
VENUS' Sio-Scan Cam era will project FAST o VENUS SLO·SCAN TV MONITOR SS2
SCAN VIDEO real-tim e on any conventional
home TV and with a simple fli p of a sw itc h
co nve rts the FAST SCAN VIDEO to Sio-S can.
• Full, Half and Quarter Frame. Positive Negative Reversa' I NAME' CALL _

• RF output for viewing on conventiona' home TV set. I STREET _

• Built-in BAR GENERATOR for foolproof means of setting

your brightness and contrast contra's.


NEW YORK (Metropo litan Area) aarr., Radio. MASS. (Me llo rd) A. W. Electronics _ CALIFORNIA (Bu rlingh am)
H.IIm R.IId Jo nunet _ FLORIDA (Pensacol a) Goldlleln's • NEBRASKA (Om aha) Radiosmllh

Venus Scientific Inc. ~;~~~~1l~~~~:,·ori1735

The compeny thet put high vOl tege on the moon, now b,ings you nding e me te u, , ed iOIIKhnoiOfly. TWX 510 -224-6492
5 TO 1 K
-- 20 KV RATI NG

.- .

NO. re

2 "11 1 3
± SOOp F
5 TO 1 KV


'" <0
c, 220 K - IOOV
+0' "------- ORIGIN AL HV COIL ON FL veA CK

'" m
250V • <V rt.r aec
'\ soon

Fig. 5 . The crt circuitry and its power supply that will develop 5 -7 kV from 12 -18V de .

previously described on the "sync level pot" pulses, on a vorn; the horizontal at a 15 Hz
to drop the level feeding the display end , as rate (fast " jiggling" of meter pointer) and
overdriving will result in improper syncing the vertical with one every eight seconds.
and underdriving will not produce sweep. The output of th e integrated circuits will
vary also when scan ning. Typical values are
+1 V to +12V (or vice versa - just so it
Monitor Operating Characteristics crosses through zero ). This voltage will be
Looking at the block diagram in Fig. I, used to bias th e co mp lime ntary transistors.
let's consider what sh ou ld be happening in a The co mp li me ntary transistor output circuit
typical monitor upon reception of a Slow (between emitters and ground) will then
Scan signal. The input voltage to the moni- vary between positive and negative supply
tor will be too low to read (appx ..05V). The voltages, which in this particular case is
limiter's output sho uld be high and probably +1 2V. You can almo st visualize a raster
square wave (appx , 24V peak to peak, or at sweeping (on any monitor) by watching this
least 12V as read on a v.o.m .) A pair of voltage on a vcm. Again, the horizontal
phones between here and ground sho uld "j iggles" up and down at a 15 Hz rate o n a
blow your ears off with audio ; The output vom, while the vertical kicks to approxi-
of the sync amplifier will probably be low mately 12V and slowly decay s down to zero
(less than .5V) and best mea sured using an in four seconds, at which t ime you can turn
oscilloscope. The output from the sy nc th e meter over and see it start from zero and
dete ctor should be pulses at a 15 Hz rat e, go up to 4 V in the other direction. Should
again measured on an oscillo scope. The you want to sweep th e monitor screen
output of the vertical integrator sho uldssho w vertically, merely pulse the input to the
a pulse every 8 seconds also. The output of vertical IC, which will cause the circu it to
the video amplifier sho uld be approximately sweep." Ditto the horizontal.
OV with an input frequency of 1500 Hz; One of the best ways to assure lo ng,
however, this output shou ld increase (at relia ble use of Slow Scan gear is to rna ke
least above 15V) when the input frequen cy typical operating measurements, like pre-
swings to 2300 Hz. This indicates the reso- viously outlined , and reco rd these on a
nance of the video discriminator and the sch ematic . When future questions arise, we
slope detection increasing in output as the have a known reference guide to then
input SSTV frequency increases. A lo-pass consid er.
filter will not affect this voltage, thus the This article ha s tried to present , in simple
vid eo voltage should be apparent at the crt terms, a basic outline on SSTV, primarily
control grid lead. focused on the monitor. As you become
Moving now to the "display end" we find involved in Slow Scan you will see how th ese
the two transistors in the horizontal and principles may also be applied to the camera
vertical sweep circu its (01 and 02) used as and flying sp ot scanner. I sincere ly hope you
"triggers," t hus the collector on each, of will find this information useful in future
these circuits (they are identical except for experimentation of this outstanding mode.
time constants) will give some indication of ... K4TWJ

Donald J . Kenn ey
P.O. Box 1668
Santa Monica CA 90406

e are now several yea rs into the age inte rnal amplifier capable of considerable
W o f in tegrated circuits. They are be-
ginning to appear very frequen tly in sche ma-
gain. Most are matched t o low impedance
(4 - 16[1) lo ad s, but so me require matching
tics in amateur publications. One of the t ransfo rmers. T he higher po wer units will
commoner special pu rp ose circ uits is t he require heat sin king. So far as I know, no
audio am plifier. After all , every, receiver has chi ps include built-in overload protection , a
an audio stage, and there is no question th at fea t ure so me times built into Hi Fi ampli-
an IC stage requires less space than it s fiers.
discrete component amplifiers in terms o f Audio ICs are, like other integrated cir-
cost and performance . They are getting cuits, complete circuit su bsystems built on a
cheaper and better all the time . . single silicon chip. T he " classical" configu ra-
Audio amplifier ICs are therefo re o f tio n co nsits of a differential amplifier feed-
interest· to the amate u r and experimenter . ing a Class B final stage. The use o f a Class B
This article discusses audio amplifier ICs in fina l is mandatory because th e major prob-
general, presents so me comparative d ata on lem in integra te d circuit design is the dissipa-
some of th e commoner varieties, and pre- tion o f internally generated heat. The Class
sen ts some circ uits. B circuit is not o nly three times as efficient
Audio amplifier ICs have a fairly wide as the Class A co nfiguration, but also it
variety o f configurations and ca pabilities. draws o nly a sma ll idling curren t at zero
Comparisons are complicate d because each drive whereas the Class A co nfigu ratio n mu st
typ e (even different types from t he same act ually dissipate more power at zero drive
manufacturer) see ms to have different types than at full o utp u t. This sit uatio n recom-
o f informat ion specifie d o n its data shee t. v+
Table I atte mp ts t o summa rize the in form a-
tion from data shee ts for a number of
devices. Most values are dire ct from the d ata
sheet. An attempt has been made to convert
the sensitivity figures t o a co mmon basis
fro m the wide variety of systems used by
manufacturers. Table II list s so me other v-
audio am plifier ICs for which no d ata shee ts FINAL
are available .
It will be o bserve d th at ICs will d eliver Fig. 1. Basic audio IC. Rl an d R2 control voltage
moderate powers o f 250 mW to 5W. T hese gain . C1 is not req uired if a dual po wer supply is
use d (as is sho wn) bu t is required for sin gle supply
powers are adequate for amateu r usage . (By operatio n. For sin gle supply operation the n on -
way of co mpariso n, my HQ-1 60 is rated at -inverting input terminal m ust be biased above
I W audio o u t p ut. ) Usually they contain an groun d.

FEBRUARY 1974 25
mends against th e use of voltage regulator ground , considerable biasing is required in-
ICs suc h as the UL723 as audio amplifiers . te rn ally (or exte rn ally) to obta in a voltage
Voltage regula tor ICs utili ze Class A ou t pu t reference half way bet ween B+ and gro und.
stages. The circuit can be co nsidera bly simplified by
In addition to the input amplifier and the use o f a d ual po wer su pply - at th e cost
output stages, there will be an intermediate of requiring two power su pplies. Ope ratio nal
phase inverter and possibly a low impedance amplifiers generally req uire du al po wer sup-
intermediate amplifier sta ge. The output plies. IC audio amplifiers o n t he o t he r hand
from th e latte r will be bro ught ou t to a are design ed fo r co nsu mer product s and have
terminal so that the input amplifier may be (generally) been designed fo r single supp ly
tre ated as an o pera tio nal amplifier whose operation. This requires the use of a high
gain and freq ue ncy response may then be valu e capacitor in the o u tpu t circuit and
con trolled by negative feedback in normal (often) o ther exte rnal biasing compo nen ts .
o p-arn p fashion.
In additio n to the input , output , B+, and There are two spe cial problems in d ealing
ground terminals which ap pea r mandatory , a with th ese ICs - po wer su p plies and feed-
number of o ther in te rnal points may be back . We'll discu ss feedback first. Many of
brought o ut to extern al pins. The op-amp these chips have gain capabililities wh ich
output has already been mentioned. Both border on the fantastic . T he Amperex
the inverting and non-inverting differential TAA300 is speed to be able to deliver I W
am plifier in pu ts may be b rought o ut to out pu t give n 10mV into its in put irn-
terminals. Whether the latter is true depends pedance of 10K. This a moun ts to an 80 dB
to so me extent upon ano ther problem. The po wer gain which is so mew ha t greater than
Class B final will . wh en driven , produce a the differen ce bet ween its 1W o u tpu t and
signal which varies ab out a voltage half way the po wer o u t p ut o f the world's most
between B+ and the most negative voltage powerful broad cast t ransmitters. 80 d B is a
applied. If th e mo st negative voltage is lot of gain to package in a TOS case . A little


" '-;. "
~ l:l _ ,

PRESCALER MODEL PD-301 Counters . . . 300 MHz . . . $350.00

$55.50 plus $1.50 postage Oscil/ators
Model PO 301 "a 300 MHl prescoler des,gnee! 10 e 'tene! lhe .a ngt u' Marker Generators
you' counter len nmes. Th's pn:sca ll:f has a Innlt ,n Wearnp w,th a
sem'l lv't y 01 50 mV <It 150 MHt . 100 mV "t 760MHl. 175 "'v al300 Frequency Standards
MH l . The 95 H90 seater 's f;,(l:d at 320 MHt To '" su ,e eno ugh n.tve for
all counters. a POSl amp. WilS h LJtIt 'n. The p.eamr h"s" self conl",nI'U Electronic Clocks
power supply .egu lared at 5,2V • 08"", lin put 50 Ot1ms. OU11->Ul H, z!
All prescaters ere shipped ,n a 4" by 4" by 1"" ca l"nel. All a'e w'.ed Write for Catalog
J nu cahUraled .


26 73 M A GA ZINE
• v

ae , J 0 ~ : oo o
",F 4 ,7K
2 1'45486

I C~
~ th 0'
; :::::~ jl F 4 .7K

- 2~""
f£~~E~W ,.V
'b 24'

l ·02
2 N~ 486

\t ),HEP
24 .
~ tav mW
400 - IUW
Fig. 2. Regula te d dual voltage power supply. Th e
2NS486s are cons tant current sources. Ql and Q2
are ine x pensive Si transistors - Just about an Y thin 9
..... ZEN ER

, f .Q2
4 .7K

will do, altho ugh some uni ts will regulate be tter

tha n o thers. Th e H EP 24 5 an d H EP 24 6 must be
hea tsunk using silicon grease.

analy sis will sho w that at higher audio to e nd up delivering a watt or so of i-f to the
frequencies (20 kHz o r so ), a few p F of amplifier o utput.
capacity back to a non-inverting input termi - Not all oscilla tions are caused by fe edback
nal is quite sufficie nt to kick th e amplifier throu gh the input stage. T hey may b e ca used
int o oscillat io n, Careful circuit lay out is by the po wer su p ply . An o utp u t of 1W in to
important. The o bvio us (a n d advisab le) alter- an sn load will genera te a 3 .2 V signal
nat ive o f reducing the gain is so mewhat alien drawing 280 m A . Tho se are rrns volts and
to the average ex perime nter. In th e world o f milliamperes. At the peak , 4 .5V at 36 0 rnA
ICs, ga in is cheap and the user is ex pected will be required o n each side o f ze ro. For a
to apply so me restraint in his design . single su pply, th e p eak vo ltage an d c urre n t
The amateur confro nte d with an oscilla t- will be 9V and 720 m A, 720 rnA may n o t
ing amplifier has several alternatives: sound very impressive , bu t it is more th an
I. Reduce the B+ voltage . two -third s o f a n a mpere. Sud de nly slap ping
2. Reduce the gain (t he dat a sheet will a 720 rnA load on a po wer sup ply imp ose s a
in dica te how ). load o n that power su pply, an d in t y pical
3. Em ploy negative fee dback to reduce usage , that load is being tu rned on and off
the gain. hundreds of time s a second . When a lo ad is
Oscill ations don't have to be ca used by imposed on a power supply, the o utput
audio fee dback. Most of the ch ips we are voltage d rop s. Depending o n the ty pe o f
discussing will opera te very well at seve ral s u p pl y, the transformer po wering it ,
hundred kll z, o r even up to a few do zen e tc ., - the voltage drop might b e n egligible
MHz. If a ' few pF can ca use feedb ack o r it might be catastrophic. A semico nducto r
problems at audio frequencies, it isn 't hard regulated supply can b e built with a n egli-
to imagin e what a fe w fra ctions of a pF can gible voltage drop . A fresh , large capacity
do at a co uple o f megahertz unless ste ps are battery will do well also . On the o ther hand ,
taken to limit the high frequency resp onse. an unregulated power supply, a low capacit y
The necessary bypass co mpo ne n ts (if any ) batt ery , o r an old, partially depleted b att ery
will be indi cated o n th e manufacturer's data will change voltage drastically . In a test , a
sheet. If the lC is to be used in a receiver, 750 rnA drain on a se miconducto r supply
one must not forget to put a low pass filter sho wed a drop from I I to 10 .5 V. On t he
betwee n the de tec tor and the l C if o ne is not ot h er hand , a 330 rnA lo ad o n a batt ery

FEBRU AR Y 19 74 27
which was (and is) normall y used to deliver th e Allie d/ Ra d io Shack quad pa ck (catal og
3 m A to a FET preamplifier , cu t the voltage 276-530 ) provides 24 tran sistors for $ 1.98,
fro m 5 t o U.5V. Attempting to operate an IC the driving tra nsis tors can be so cket mount-
audio am plifier from a power su pply lik e the ed , and regarde d as 84 fuses. The 2N54 86s
latt er would be hopeless. T he circ uit would are used as consta nt cu rren t sou rces fo r th e
simply cu t itself o ff whenever it sta rted to
delive r any appreciable powe r, resulting in a
thumpi ng low freque ncy oscillatio n kno wn
as " moto rboating.,. 2
A regulated power su p ply is highly re -
co mme nde d fo r development of th e circ uit , e
in whic h th e IC is to be run ~ even if it is
event ua lly to be used with a battery , Figu re .IIL74 1

2 inclu des the sche ma tic for a satisfactory

po wer su pply . It does not include overload
pro tec tion excep t in th e sense th at t he
epoxy driving transistors will generally pop OfFSET NVL.L v+
be fore the o u t pu t t ransisto rs ex pire , Sin ce


.IILT41 .'O- --...-()

COMPfNSATI ON -l::-tOJl...



6 ,81<

, ~p----.>----~--<: + 11'1


L-f,,'Js-, 2 .2.1\,

- "'
2 "'-TOO ;
>----.--~ - - - - _) I- - - - - - - -~--...- OUTPUT

.4 7 .11 '
2 .2"" •

GAIN · R2 /R I

,. ;;0
L ~'_-----4----_+-0-lJV

Fig. 3 . (a) A very simp le op-amp am plifier . (b ) Base d iagrams for th r ee popular op-amps. (c) An
op-amp used as a dr iver for a high p ower ed outpu t st eqe,

Table I - Audio Amplifier Integrated Cilcu it Data
Amplifer Power Power Man ufacturer Inp ut Output Input for z ere Distortion Price
Tvpe Outpu t Supply /Source Im pedance Impedance Full Output Output (Perce ntage
(See Tab le II I) (Into 1I11 Eurra nt Dlstortionl
except CA3020) Ilrain Power)
Ilisctete 1.4W Single9 - 12V --/2 2K 1I & 16 11 'm V t2mA 10%l. lIW 6.95
Dp Amp .2 -.5W Dual !3-111 V Many/l ,3,4,6 56K 150- 4001l See Text 3-5mA Unknown .35«' up
CA3020 } .550W Single 3-9V RCA/3 1K (1I - 35 rnA 10%1.55W 2.99
CA30Z0A ) tW Single 3- 25V RC Al3 cr 200H (1 4-30 rnA 10%!l W 349
KD2115 ) .55W Single 3-9V RCAl4,5 50K I see ted
MC1454 1.4W Dual ! lIV MotolOla/3 3- 10K 0,411 Optional 11 - 20 mA 5%/1W 3.50
MCt554 1.lIW Dual t lI V Motolola!3 7- 10 K 0,211 for all three 11 -1 5rnA 5%/l .1 W 17 .10
HEP 593 See text Dual ±8V Motorola!manV 2l10 mV,155 mV 7.95
75 mV
MC1306 .2W Single 9-1 2V Motolola!3 High 0.511 3 mV 'rn A 1%1.2W 1.10
MF C4000P .25W Single 3- 12V Motorola!3 Modera te 15 mV 'mA 3%/.2W .99
TAA l fl O .aw Single 6-9V Arnpelex/2 16K HI 10 rn V 9 mA 3%!.5W 3.95
PA237 2W Single 9-27V G.E ./unk. 40 K .lI5H a mV 3- 15 rnA 5%/ZW unknow n
TT·1W tW Single 20V Westinghouse!l 50- 400K 0.311 140 mV 5- 10%ItW 1.98

Ta ble II _ Add,tional Audio ICs

Ide nt Ma nufactu rerl Powe, Price
ze ners. They require a 4 t o 5 V vol tage drop
So urce (See Tab le III ) fo r pro pe r opera t io n . They can be replaced
PA263 G EJ l lW 295
MF C9 0 20 Motoro la/3 'NI 2.50
wit h resistors selec ted to set ze ner c urre n t at
C6004 Mo to ro la/ 3 lW 2.90 5 mA or more a t ma xim u m load . T he ze ners
C60 05 MOforol a/3 4 .3 5
C6006 Mot or o la/ 3 5 ,60 may have t o be repl aced with high er power
SE54 0 L Signe tic.17 Driv e' Un kn own
NE540L S ignellcsn,l O""er 2 ,50 u nits.
SL630 Ple sseyl3 Un known 5.35 If an overlo ad protected su pply is to be
S N7 600 l T ex as Inst / 3 lW Unknown
S N76003 Texas Inn /3 3W Un known used , th e c urre n t limit mu st be se t high
S N7 6 005 Te xas Inst /3 5W Unk nown
S N7 60 13 Te xas Inst /3 3W Un known e no ugh to perm it ma ximum power peak s to
SGS 4 San ke n ' W 2,50
pass. If th e a mplifie r is even t ua lly t o be ru n
Tab le I II _ Ie Suppli ers
from a batt ery sup ply , a large value cap aci-
(Numbe rs refer to " source·' In T abl es I .. nd III to r across the power lead s will h elp so me in
1. Polypa k,
P,O , Bo x 9 42R
Pile" d oes nOi incl u de po st aqe . 25% ex te ndi ng t he a mo un t of internal resista n ce
depo, it on C.O, D .' . No mlllim um o rd er.
Ly n nf ie ld MA 0 1940 Ofl"n (bu ! nOI dlwa y sl .oc toce s data wh ich ca n be t olerat ed in th e batte ry -
sheet> o n ICs.
th ereb y ex tending th e useful li fe of the
2. AI!;e dlRadio S hack , Nationwide 'ranchl>ed SIOfes - c heck
yo ur !e lep ho ne d.rectorv Ad".. rt ,ses
battery .
th at "ems from ;nd ustr 'al cdl a log m ay be O ne fi na l no te before we ge t into discus-
ordered ff Om loca l stor e s, wh lth wo uld
ma ke m ost ICs availahle Iro m rhern . sio n of th e in divid ual ICs. Audio amplifier
3. Circuit Speci alists A dd 35i fo r shipp,ng No mm'mum ICs are intended for speech reproduction.
80 ~ 3043 o rder. Somel ,mes inclu des data sheets.
scousoere AZ 85 257 They ind icate t hey Ca n SUl-lply ju st about
T his means th ey mu st handl e voice peak s
any semiconducto r Or IC, a nd therefore without disto rti on . Sine waves pack a lot
t hey ma y be a good so urce for S, gne lics,
Motor o la. elc.. Wh fCh are nol carrie d b y more energy than ty pical voice waves. When
Alli ed .
testing an amplifi er wit h a n a udio oscilla to r
4 . Allied Indu'trial Post age is nOl included. M' nimum orde r an d a sco pe , avoid driving th e amplifier for
2400 W. Wash lnglon Blvd is $ 5, wll h a $ 1 h and li ng cha rge on or·
Chic ago IL d ers up to$ 10 , T han ks to the nation w 'de any length of tim e at anyw he re near the
existence o f Allied lR adio S h ack stores.
sales t ax is requ ired in mOSl st a tes . D ata level a t which th e wave peaks sta rt t o be
sheets are no t in c luded , See 2 above for
an atrer natwe orderin g method .
clip ped, since it will probably b e d elivering
far more po wer than it was designed to
5, Lafa yette Corp . Postage not ," eluded , A dd 50,.. ha nd ling
1 11 Jericho Tu rnp ike cha, ge On orders of less than $5.00. deliver, and will sho rtly co rrec t that sit ua-
Svosset. L. I., NY 1 1791 P roba b ly will sh ,p UPS despite ex p lic it
requ est for p arc e l cos t. tio n by melt ing after which it will not
6 . H A L Devices Postage nOi ,nclu de d, add 75,.. Will st np
deliver any power at all.
Bo x 365H UPS u nless otherwise speci f ied
Urb ana IL 61801
T he Amplifiers in Table I.
7 S ,gn et lcs Cor p Si gneti cs supp lier s a re hard 10 cOm e b y
8 11 Ea st Arq ues Ave . A poli te tetter to t h is add ress m ay
Discrete. T h is is a fou r tran sistor, tran s-
Su nn yvale CA 9 4086 prod uce an indication o f who can sUl-lply fo rme r co uple d a m plifie r. It requires ab out
the CltC", t for y o u A ltern dflvely , try
SOu rCe 3 above six cu bic in ches of space. It was included to

FEBR U AR Y 1974 29
demonstrate that ICs are competit ive wit h patience 10 waiti ng for a mail-ordered
discrete amplifiers in all significant areas. MC 1454 instead of rushing down to th e
Op-A mp, We do not ordinarily think of store to buy an HEP59 3 is well rewarde d .
operational amplifiers as audio output The principal drawback of this IC is the
stages, primarily because their package dis - requirement for dual power supplies. If,
sipations are rather low and t heir output however, the equipme nt already h ad dua l
impedance is rather high . However, when supplies and more power was required t han
used with high impedance phones or t rans- t he 200 mW or so that can be coaxed ou t of
former coupled to low impedance pho nes an op-arnp , this wou ld probably be the lC to
t hey will produce all the earphone volume choose.
which co uld possibly be desired. Loudspeak- MC1306. T his is listed in some p laces as a
er volume is marginal, b ut sa t isfactory for a 500 mW IC, a nd t he max imum package
qu iet e nviro n me nt. T he am plifier o f Fig. 3a dissipati on is eve n higher. Ho weve r, th e
has got to be about as si mp le as you ca n get : harmonic distortion cu rve goes th rough a
two batteries, a pot, a n IC and h eadph ones. righ t a ngle be n d a nd heads straigh t up
It provides a comfortab le liste ning level o n I between 200 a nd 300 mW. With in its power
m V input. Figure 3c shows the u se of an limitations, th is is an outstan ding bargain at
op-arnp as a driver. Q I and Q2 are inexpe n- $ 1. ] O. The specs are very good . It seems an
sive epoxy transistors. The diodes a re silicon excelle nt choice for portable equipme nt
computer types. The output transistors re- (alt hough my own choice would be the
quire heatsinks. R 1 and R2 cont rol gain - in op-amp of Fig . 1a), a nd for receivers which
Fig. 3c it is set to 10 . The capacitor CI may are generally used with earphones, but may
be required to cut a tendency toward high occasio nally be used with speakers when
frequency oscillation . Power output is more demonstrating the radio to friends.
than adequate and t he fidelity is excellent. MFC4000P. This is intended for portable
Frequency response is fla t fro m 5 Hz to rad ios. It is a four term inal deivce, whic h is
above 10 0 k Hz. about as simple as you ca n get. In gene ra l,
CA3020, CA3020A, KD2115. These are o ne wo u ld be inclined to use it in t he sa me
three versio ns of t he sa me ch ip which is so rts of app licatio ns as the MCI 30.61'. It has
nom inally a high power, wide ban d a m plifier. a lot of gain, a nd (u nlike the MC1 3061') no
The KD2 115 is sold in a package wit h obvio us way to co nt ro l the gain . T his co uld
2-KD2114 a nd 2-KD2 1 16. The price is make it so mew hat hard to ta me.
$5 .90, which isn 't too bad since t he KD211 4 TAA300. T his widely -available IC f re-
is the CA30 18 transistor array . T he KD2 1 16 que nt ly appears in articles . It requires a heat
seems to be the same as the CA3036 dual sink for maximum powe r output. It will
darlington array . The CA3020 is somewhat deliver e nough power for any reasonable
unusual. Among its peculiarities are an application. Certainly a better choice t ha n
optional emitter follower input stage which the CA3020 for a receiver output stage, the
permits a choice of input impedances; the worst problem in using it will probab ly be
connection of the final emitters to exte rna l tha t of tryi ng to get anything like t he
contacts to allow emitter resisto rs to be pote ntia l se nsitivity out of it wit hout feed -
provided, and a h igh output imped an ce bac k proble ms.
which requires t ransformer coupli ng. Al- PA237. This IC has ap pea red as t he
t hough excellent for suc h uses as Q RP 4 0 ou t pu t stage o f ma ny rece ivers in 73, QST,
and 80 meter tra nsm itte rs, etc., th is ch ip and Ham Radi o during th e past tw o yea rs.
wou ld no t be my choice fo r a receiver aud io The specs a re excelle n t. T he grea tes t diffi-
amplifier. culty is findi ng a su pplier. Yo u migh t t ry
MC1454, MC1554, HEP5 93. Again th e your local GE dist ribu tor o r Circu it Special-
same chip in three differe nt guises . T he ists (see Table III ).
MC1554 is the premium versio n, the TT-l W. The specs on t his look fine a nd
MCI454 the commercial version, a nd the t he price is certain ly moderate enough .
HEP593 is the experimenter's version . An
examination of the prices shows that Kenney


ROHN manufacturers
towers that are designed and
engineered to do specific jobs
and that is why we have the FOLD-
OVER TOWER ... designed for the amateur. •
When yo u need to "get at" your antenna just turr (
the handle and there it is. Like other RO HN big
communication tower s, th e y're hot dip galvanized
after fabri cati on to provi de a mai ntenance free,
long li ved and attrac tive install ation . RO HN towers
are known and used throughout the world ... for
almost a quarter century . . . in most every type of
operation . You ·1I be in good company. Why not
check with your distributor today?

P.O . Box 2000 I
Pe ori a , III. 6 160 1

FEBRUARY 1974 31
David Schmarder WA2HNJ
4 Pin wood Circle
Corning NY 14830




Sh ort lime ago I finished building a volt age th at these bulbs will fire at , usually
A monitor sco pe for my SSB rig and I
found th at I need ed a 30 Hz sweep genera-
abou t 70 vo lts.
Referring to th e circu it diagram, R2 , R3
tor. It had to be a sawtooth wave, so that let and CI is just a simple RC timing circuit.
out using a 60 Hz sine wave . Not needing a The rate in which the co ndenser charges,
fancy generator I thought back to a simplex dep ends on the values of R2, R3 and C l.
experiment that I performed at college using However , when CI charges to a certain value
a neon bulb as a relax ation oscillat or for of voltage, the neon bulbs which are co n-
producing a sawtoo th wave . nect ed across it will fire and the condenser
This is a simple circuit to understand if a will then discharge through the neon bu lb.
few basic facts are kn own abo ut neon bulb s. Then the co ndenser will start charging again
First is its resistance . When the neon bulb is and the cycle starts over. and a sa wtoo th
not firing, the resistance is in the megohm wave is being ge nera ted.
range. But wh en th e bulb is firing , h eavy R I is a pot which is used as a voltage
conductio n occurs which mean s that the cont ro l fo r th e circuit. The top en d of the
resistance is low. Second . there is a certain po t is co nnec ted to a vo ltage so urce o f
abou t 500 vo lts. The po lar ity makes no
HV diffe rence . The value of this pot shou ld be at
., .z least 500 Kn .
The n eon b ulbs are NE-2 type, or what
have you . For C I I used a .005 /IF with an
adequate vo ltage ra ting.
The larger th e sweep width you wan t t he
more neon bulbs should be placed in series . I
fo und that four bulbs in series gave me a
Co .0 5 MFO good sweep width .
This circuit I fo und was the simplest and
the cheapest th at could be built to produ ce
the sweep needed to make my monitor go .
Fig. 1. Circuit diagram. . . .WA 2HNJ


come In



v' I

That description fits the INOUE IC-22. What other 2 meter unit has 22
channel capability in a 2%" X 6" X 8Y:." package for under $300.007
The IC-22 incorporates the latest in miniaturization and printed
circuitry. Once you look inside an IC-22, you will immediately realize
why I NOUE is rated tops in the 2 meter FM field.
Supplied with five channels, this little package is ready to go at $289.00
plus sales tax if applicable, UPS pre-paid to your door.
Call us today or better still, drop in for a demonstration. Bank-
Americard accepted ... PHONE 518-842-8350


Serving th e radio amateur since 1936

185 W. Main St. Amsterdam, NY 12010 Tel. (5181 842·8350

FEBRUARY 1974 33
W. Njel Coward K2PMMI F8
clo 73 MAgazine
Peterborough NH 03458

- ...

hose new repea ter regulatio ns remind The "poll of membership sentiment" men-
T me of a tim e in ham histo ry, another
time in wh ich we were give n the business by
tio ned above was taken fro m QS L or post-
card mail retu rns in answer to the propo sal
new regulations. We didn 't ne ed them then , ( No. I ) made in t he J uly 193 8 issue of QS T,
either. o n page 26 . The poll was _.. en only to
On Octo ber 4, 19 38, the FCC adopted a me mbe rs of the League . Answers could no t
set o f new ama te ur regulations, effective be qualified ; th ey had to be " Yes" or "No"
Decem ber I , 193 8. This was a complete and they had to be received at A RRL
rewrite of Chapter XII. Of particular interest Headquarters by noon o f September 1,
to us were Parts 152.4 1 and 152.4 2. To quote 193 8. It is interesting to note that the
fro m QST, Decem ber 193 8, page 14 : "No A RRL request to change these rules was
mo re modulated oscilla tors and raw ac in th e ac te d u pon by the FCC on October 4, 19 38 !
5-me te r band . The requirement to use ade- Our S me ter band in those day s was S6 to
q uately-filte red de su pply, have stab le signa ls 60 MHz, years later to become part of T V
and to avoid o ver-mo dulatio n and frequency Cha nnel 2 as we were shifted to 50-5 4 MHz
modulation is now exte nde d to 60 MH z. The to form the 6 meter band. And these were
same rules now ap ply to t his band t hat have the pre-World War II depressio n yea rs. Like
previously ap plied be ing 30 MH z. QS T re- most other teen-age hams of that era we had
cently took a poll of membership sentiment no money to spend o n expensive communi-
o n t his questio n and found about 87% of the cation receivers, high power tube s and parts
replies in favor of thevcha nge, so we are su re required to get us o n phone on the lower
it will be generally acceptable. Simple tra ns- frequency bands where the actio n was .
ceive rs and self-excited osc illa to rs and other Ho wever, on 5 me ters we could use receiving
e xperi me ntal appara tus may still be used tubes and o ther pa rts scrounged from o ld
above 11 2 MH z." bro adcast radios. On 5 me ters we co uld talk
The new regulations we re th e dire ct result with our co ntemp o ra ries, o ther teenagers
of the ARRL requesting a change o f ru les. with that same inexp licab le desire to build ,

create, and talk via radio. Most o f us were
NURMI ELECTRONIC SUPPLY not ARRL members and o nly an o ccasional
Departments 28 25¢ was spen t for a newsstand copy of QST.
1727 Donna Road ' West Palm Beach, Fl ori da 33401
PHONE - (305) 686·8553 The $2. 50 per year for a su bscrip tio n and
membership in the ARRL was more than

HEP170's m this teenager earned in a week with his

newspaper route.
Motorola is catch ing up on the backlog and we've ga l t ho usand s But we were all having a ball o n 5 meters!
of them back in stock . 10/53,00 ·- 100/525.00 Receivers were simp le su per-regens with a
OOcn3LJO 40673'8 56, 76 , or a 6J5 as the dete ctor, followed by
THE MOST POPU LAA DUAL GAT E PROTECTED MOS FET two stages of audio . Transmitters were near-
around. Good to over 4 00 MHZ. We qot'm and vou get 'em
for only. . . . . . . 5/$6.00 ly all of the uncomplicated self-excited
" TNT" type , using 76's, 45 's, or I O's: later
OTHER FET'S the dual triod e 53 or the 6A6. Modulators
2N4220A N ·JFE T $2.0 7 were o f the Heising type, where we could
lN4221A N · JFET 2.03
2N4222 N-JFET
use a filter choke as a modulation choke.
2N4222A N · JFET 2.03 (Who could affo rd a modulation trans-
2N5454 N · JFET 2.00 fo rmer? ) And the antennas were something.
2N5592 N · JFET 2.00
2N5593 N ·JFET 2.00 Towers - hah! We used fence wire guyed
MFE3004 N · MOSFET 1.80 wood masts made from hand-cut 2 X 2's or
spliced bamboo rug poles. Trees, if handy,
were also utilized. We built our antennas out
We are au thorized Belden Distribu tors and new shipments
of cop per wire usually ; so me times we were
have come in Irom the factory. Split a 500' spool with a friend eve n able to scrou nge (? ) an 8-fo ot pie ce of
and save $$$$$ ~-i n c h copper pipe. Coax was so mething we
BELDEN NO. 82 16 101Y/$4.S0 - 500'/$17.85
read abou t. We used 2-inch spaced open wire
LED Readouts
m '
feeders with waxed wo od spreaders, delta-
mat ched to a vertical half-wave rad iator.
SIZE COLOR OECIMA L EACH SPEC IAL Twisted lamp cord was frequently used to
OPCOA SLA· l .33 Red Yes 2,95 4/$11 feed a " J" antenna. Antenna relays were
OPCOA S LA· l 1C .33 Green Yes 4.95 4/$1 6
OPCOA S LA·3H .70 Red Yes 4.50 4/$1 6 virtually nonexistent. A good many of us
A ll use 7447 Drivers. Specs included.
used two blade porcelain-base knife switches
We did it again · All brand new with standard m ar kings and
most were manufactured t his year. A major manufactu rer
stocke d by hardware sto res for antenna
dropped his RF power line and we bought his inventory. changeover. The more so phis ticated 5 meter
2N55S9 3 Walts Out $ 3.50
statio ns had two antennas, one for receiving
2N5590 10 Watts Out 6.00
2N5S91 25 Watts Out 12.00 and the other for transmitting. With this
2N6080 4 wens Out 5.00
2N6082 25 Walts Oul 10.00 arrangement we found we could work du-
2N6083 30 Wa tts Out 12.00
2N6084 40 Walls Out 15.00 plex! Here was the height of hamming!
AU are Silicon NPN and power output ra tings are good to
175 MHZ. Hurrv some Quantities are limited. Then the roof fell in on December I,
KEYSTONE PERF 1938 . Suddenly 5 meters became a vast,
G·l0 Glass Epo xy
<j> '<j> <j>- <j> $ almost emp ty, wasteland. Where was that
Perf Board 3/64" Thick. T ~·.· ~ 87%? We suspected they had never left 20
<j>'HH> $ and 75 meters in the first place. Too late we
N o. Size (in.1 Price realized that limiting that poll to ARRL
·· UNCLAD···
4229 2 x 4% $ .85 members was decidedly unfair. Right up to
4230 2x6 1.09
4231 4% x 6 1.55
our entry into World War II in December of
4232 17x 6 5. 75 1941, 5 meters rema ined unused for all
4238 2 x 4% 1.35
practical purposes.
4239 2x 6 1.85 Will we see a similar fate result in repeater
424 0 4% x 6 3.20
4241 17 x 6 6.70 activity?
.. .K2PMM/F8
w. ship UPS whoo.-. poUlbl•. G i... nr_1 add..... lncludll
",aug/! for PDI~, u,,"" "'fur>d&d in cash. Floridol ......U
Includll4% Til•.

FEBRUARY 1974 35
is the answer

to your ampli ier needs

If repeaters are your thing, TPL has
the answer. Order any TPL amp in
the repeater configuration. Designed
to mount in standard 19" rack.
Completely RF shielded with AC
PA3 - 1AEll AS (2 meters) supply and forced air cooling.
(220 coming soon)

TPL 20 to 35W Amp. If your needs

are 450, this is your amp. Up to 35
watts or more when driven by your
mobile or handheld.

PA3 - 1EEll AEll DE (2 meters)

Now here Is some great news from TPL ...

,. .....

-... ~
- • . •
TPL 5010

Swan MB 40 20W PEP -140W PEP OUTPUT

Put a pair of shoes on your new solid state transceiver
from Swan on any low power rig between 2 to 30M Hz.
TPL carries a complete line of amplifiers up to 400
watts between 2MHz and 516MHz.

13125 YUKON AVENUE/HAWTHORNE , CALIF. 90250/(213) 1171·0131
204 Makee Road
H onolulu HI 9681 5

• , . /\

For quick 'Il easy c o n tacts ,

A ve rt ical fo r 15 or 20 meter opera tion

is real easy and inexpensive to put
up. In a clear a nd ope n space, drive a
insta nce, for 15 me te rs cut fo ur radial s 3 20
e m long and fix insula tors with co nnecting
ny lo n lin es. One end of th e nylon lin e is
woo de n stake in the eart h for abou t o ne attac hed to th e wo oden stake base of the
foo t . T his is t he base for a T V pole which vertica l. A lead fro m each ra dia l is joined to
has been loose ly attac hed to a second pole fix to th e o ther side of the coa x co nnec to r.
with two " U" clamps (see Fig. I and Parts Each e nd o f th e radial is fanned o ut to 9 0°
List ). By sliding the seco nd pol e t rombone- a nd stak es sup po rt the o t he r end o f the
sty le, o ne ca n adjust the second pole from radial wires whi ch are att ached to th e
the ground for late r t uning with an swr insula tors. Wire lengt h for 20 meter o pera-
meter. I set the h eight off the grou nd of th e ti on I found to be 4 70 e m.
lower end of the vertical at three feet more
or less. Adjustment
Now three lengths o f nylon line are With yo ur swr meter and a transmitted
att ache d to th e up p er "U" cla mp an d the signa l yo u can bring you r Quick 'N Easy
vertica l is elevate d by lashing the TV pole to vert ica l quit e clo se to I: I by adju sting the
the driven stake and fix ing the lengths of lengt h o f the vertica l eleme nt. Then tighten
nylon line to th e driven steady stakes. Your t he " U" cla mps which hold the two poles
vert ical is no w in the air a nd can be firme d toge t he r.
u p at t he base a nd with t he nylon guys. Raising and lowe ring th e rad ial attac h-
Pick out your choice of opera tio n of men t at th e base of th e vertical will give a
eit her 15 o r 20 mete rs a nd fix t he TV pole goo d impedan ce rna tch with imp roved swr
len gth at a test length of 320 e m for 15 reading. From th e tie do wn, th e radial s are
meters o r 4 70 e m for 20 mete rs. Put th e pa ralle l with th e gro u nd.
third and last "U" clamp a t the base around
the wo oden sta ke an d the TV pole . A sho rt Modifications
length o f wire from the " U" c lamp to one There are several modifications wit h
side o f the coax co nnecto r will co mple te the whi ch you might experiment.
vertical part of this antenna. First, you could try subst it uting a water
pip e, spri nkler syste m, o r a rod driven in the
earth for the radial sys te m. Also , I've added
The Radial System a base tuner to th is type o f groundi ng
Yo ur quarter wave gro und pla ne vertical syste m. Chic ke n wire st re tc hed from the
will work best with a wire ra dia l syste m vertical base will ac t almo st as well as the
which is quick a nd easy to make . For rad ial wi res. In yo ur shack, yo u co uld use a

FEBRUARY 1974 37
KITS Sub-Audible tone
operating as a type o f comp ro mise o n both
15 and 20 meters. My vertical will o ut per-
form this unit and has a better swr across the
Encoder $8.95 band ,

• Compat ible wi th all sub-au d ible t o ne sy st ems su ch as Advantages

Priva te Line, C ha n ne l G ua rd, Quiet Chan ne l, etc .
• G lass epoxy PC B 's & Silic on x str s throu ghout. This t ype of antenna has many advan-
• A ny reeds, e xcep t special d ual COl i ty pes may be u sed:
Motorola , G .E ., RCA , S. D. L., Bra mco , e tc. tages.
• All a re powe re d b y 12 vee .
• Use on any tone freq uency 67 H l to 250 H z First, one builds this antenna in t he
e Smau size 1 .5 x 4 x .75" absence of formula s, slide ru les, calculato rs.
• A ll p a r ts inc lu ded exce p t reed a-nd r eed socket
• Post paid - Ca lif. resident s add 5 % sales ta x
a lot o f real estate o r a great kn owledge of
COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALISTS electronics. Your transmitter, an swr meter
P. . 80x 15 r aCA 221
and a little limberness is all that is need ed ,
ACTIVE AUDIO FILTERS Second , the vertical is built j ust o ff the
ground with no necessit y o f poles, towers or
CW F ILTER (CWF·21 Gel razOl"
sharp select iVity; No «roeoe-ce
0<=. " ~ ... ............ "
., high trees. This redu ces the costs and the
matching' 8W lw lec rab lel 80 Hz,
1 10 Hz , 18 0 Hz, Cente, 1 -
'. ......"..

~ .......
•• obj ections o f your XYL o r neighbors,

frequency F-75Q HI, Skirts 60
:1 ..
db down at Y, F ..nd 2F ; 4 up
..... Third, there is no need to climb ladders,
amps; 2" x3" PC hoard; 514 95
wired , tested. !IlJdfanteed.
5 12.95 kit .
...- _2
'" ;~_
towers, tre es, the ro of, o r fences.
CWF·2 : $ 12.95 KIT, $ 14.95W IRED
CW MINI FIL T ER ICWF·3) l Y," ~2" PC board; Center freQuency F ~750
Adju stments for improved frequen cy and
Hz; 30 db down al 'f,F and 2F ; BW 110 Hz; 2 op amps. S8 .95 wored ,
tes ted, guaranteed. S7.95 kit.
impedance are done by merely tilting the
LOW PASS FILT E R {LP F· lj ReSlS1or~ WI cu tofl 500 Hz to 2'0 KH z; vert ical eleme nt after loosening the su pports.
FactOfv set to 2.5 KHz . Rollolf 48 db pe ' oct eve: Input imp 1 M . Gam 1,
5 OP arT'lP5 ; 2",,3" PC boa,d. 516.95 W1r'Pd. te'lled. guaranteed ; S 1495 k 't. The radia ls are right at hand for cha nging
••• ' p~ _ inclu de 55c pQstq on all order's · · · ·
lengths, direction . height abo ve the ea rth
P.O . 80" 494 C and th e angle at which th e radials leave the
MFJ ENTERPRISES Miss. State. Ms 39762
vertica l elemen t. The placing o f th e antenna
long wire tuner with any o f these arrays.
With my long wire tuner I have worked both
15 and 20 meters with this vertical and a TV POLE
3 0 0 CM
- - , :----.JI
good water pipe ground. A variation here
with your long wire tun er might be th at you
could join to gether the cen te r, and th e braid
of the coax. so that the vertica ls , radials, and
the transmission line might act as a q uarter
wave for tuning in all of th e ama te u r bands.
All this can be worked and tuned against a STAKE
ground o btained from a water pip e. '"'
Beautiful gain can be o btained by co n-
st ructing a seco nd antenna a correct distan ce WOODEN R ADIAL
away for directional phasing. Tapped coils at
the base and in line traps co uld find you Fig. 1. Quick 'N Easy 15 or 20 m eter vertical made
enough research challenges to keep you off with two 3 00 em TV p oles and a gro und radial
that third stool in Joe's Bar for several system
Parts List
TV po les ca n be easily fi tted into each
2 - 300 em TV pores.
o t her and guy ed so that a 40 and 80 meter 3 - " U" cla mps t o fi t across th e p oles.
vertical ca n be co nstructe d. I haven 't tr ied 5 - wooden st a kes.
this ye t. 1 - coax co nnector (suc h as HQ1 , Budw ig Manu-
factur ing Company, Bo x 97 , Ram on a CA 9 2065.
Comparison Price $2.951.
1 - roll . of ny lon line (#20 . Sears Roebuck &
I've had a chance to co mpare the Quick Company . Price $1.29).
'N Easy vertical with a commercial vertical 1 - 1500 c m of #12 or thereabouts w ire .
whi ch is 550 em hiah with 1000 em radials 8 - i nsu lat ors.

in its fu nctio ning position is simple, with
minimal effo rt, with no pulleys, cra n ks, ~ FASCINATING HOBBY!
climbing or o ther hazard s. VINTAGE RA DIO brings y ou the pioneer
Some arrays costing manyfold more than days of wireless and radio in pictures. The
t his simple an te n na are often out of reso- collector's bible , it opens the doors to a
nance plus other problems which redu ce the new hobby. Great browsing , too. Over
efficiency, causing T VI and o th er critica l 1,000 pictures, 263 pages. 188 7-1929 .
sit uatio ns. Solu tio ns and co rrect io ns to these
problems in more complica ted arrays tak e
instruments and experience which aren't
easy to co me by .
T his vertical depends o n its radials, with
no need for a particular t yp e o f gro u nd o r I
eart h and the radials bring a simple ground i
right up t o the level o f an tenna function. AVOID DELAY; SEND TO DAY
Be su re to put the antenna ou t in the Mail che ck to Vintage Radio, Dep't 7,
Bo x 2045 , Palos Verdes Peninsula. CA.• 90274
clear, as th e ma ximal cu rren t at the base o f
Vintage Radio , hard cover $6.95 0
the vertical wit h the low angle o f radiation Vin tage Radio, handbook 4 .95 0
will defeat th is type o f installation in a Radio Collect or s Guide 3.95 0
Postage Pai d . C a li f o rn i a res i dents a d d 5 % T ax .
N am e _
Table I
St reet _
15m 20m
Vert. el. 320cm 470 cm C ity Sta te _ Zip _
Radial length 320cm 470 cm
Height of base
from ground 9 0 cm 120 cm
Four radials are used on each band.
boxed-in lo cation . For e xa mp le, I o nce
installed a store-bought vertical close to the lCOMMUNICATIONS
HOT CAR RIE R 010 oES· H~2aon "..$ .90.121S I0 OD M. "' hod Il, IlAL ....",.... 41S4 2~
house near a tree. After I cut the limbs off .
ZENERS. Itt4119136.). lN41J)l l lo l, I tt 4/ l ~ ( 6 1 . 1 , lN4 /Ja I8.b) ,
1N413919 1v). IN4/_Z IIM. 1N4142112.1, 1 ""l S , 1~
the tree and made my XYL hopping mad , I _
, LI NIARICS l ogN ,. S I ~ 10!1 L. 1l 0N
MC14Z9G . Sll~ MCI496G. ..
. S1 1~ 141 N .. ,
S32~ M C 1 ~ 9 0 G ,
, .S l . ~O
" SU O
moved it into the cle ar. The an ten na worked OIG HAL ICS f e l 9 Z L ...S 9D MCl61P ,.. ". S3.30 MC12lP ".".,.",. S 9~
MRTL MCI8IP. SI.lO MClaDP Sl~ MC89OP ,.", ,..Sl OO
great, but I still get static on that darned MCn_p, M 0 1 ~P . MC189f , MCJ91P
MC/J 1P SII~ MCnOP .." SJ JO MC9160f
$1 O~
O(~ T fl 1400. J401, J401. 141 0. J410. 14JQ . 144n. .. .. " ,.. S _,
tree. J4G'. J4 0~ S .ti O 1441, J49 ~. 1496 ",.. , nno 1441 , ,. S2 2 ~
J411 S./~ 1413,1411 , " , . S 1. 0 ~ J4H , ", S2 40
J48ti ,., S I .l~ 1490, 1492 J19J S2 1Q J4ll1 " , $140
Last summe r I construct ed two phased 40 H TS 4061JM OSH T" SHO MPfl Ol. ..., 5 .60 1N3119 S ~§
TO ROIOS l od.... G.o IC fI0106 .Cfln101,Cf lQI 01 S . ~n
meter verticals in the border of o ur yard. c n02 03, SI 2~ H RIIO XCU BE fER RITE BEAOS ..,1O !S U ~
CINC MICSOC KETS 8 ICS, 14 0 If . S6 0 10ICS.1 ti- 0 IP ....S ./ 0
The rf was so co mp le tely absorbed that a MAN Y OTH ER OEVICES ANO CO MfO NE NTS IN STon .wIlIH fOR CATAL OG
stro ng wind would only carry my signal a
couple of blocks. HAL COMMUNICATIONS
Box 365l, Urbana IL 61801 • 217·359·7373
Lastly , I tried an alu min um rod o ver the
balc ony o f this st eel monster high-rise co n-
dominium. This tipp ed-over vertical pushed COMMUNICATIONS
all of the rf into the building . I now use my
fish-p ole antenna which clears the building .... . _
In.''> -., _ _

and it works great.

So, be sure to put the Quick ' N Easy in Circuit board wired & tested $75.00
the clear. I' ve learned. With rack w/cabinet $115.00
The measurements in Table I give you the TTL logi c. Po wer line frequency cou nte r for 3
minute or less t im ing and co nt ro l. Easily re-
set of figures in my QTH with it s set of programmabl e di ode ROM uses onl y 27 diodes
circu mstances. You ma y need to try your (depending on cal l) t o se nd DE " any call". Low
own measurements. So pick up cou rage and impedance aud io with volu me and tone cont rol.
All circu itry incl uding PS o n sma ll G 10 glass PC
be with it. board. Write f or f u l l d etail s. HAL COMMUNI·
. .. KH6HDM CATIONS. 8 0 x 365L. Urbana IL 61801

FEBRUARY 1974 39
New Heathkit
2-meter Transceiver
ONLY $17995 *
It's an all solid-state design that you can build
and completely align without special instru-
HW.202 SPECIFICATIONS-RECEIVER-Sensitivity: 12 dB ments. And this compact little beauty gives you
SINAO· (o r 15 dB of quieti ng) at .5.uv or less. Squelch 36 channel capability with independent push-
threshold : 0.3,uv o r less. Audio output: 2 W at less than 10 %
total harm oni c d ist orti on (T HO). Operating frequency ete- button selection of 6 transmit and 6 receive
billty:Belter th an ±.0015% . Image rejection : Greater than crystals. 10 watts minimum output. Operates
55 dB. Spurious rejection: Greater than 60 dB . IF rejecUon: into an infinite VSWR without failure. And for the
Gre ater th an 75 dB. First IF frequency: 10.7 MHz ± 2 kHz .
Second IF frequency: 455 kHz (adj ustab le). Receiver band- ultimate in convenience there's the optional
width: 22 kHz nominal. De.emphasls: -6 dB per octave tone burst encoder for front panel selection of
from 300 to 3000 Hz nominal. Modulation acceptance: 7.5 four presettable tones. The HW-202 kit includes
kHz minim um . TRANSMITTER - Power output: 10 watts
min imum . Spurious oulput: Bel ow -45 dB from carrier. two crystals for set-up and alignment and sim-
Stability: Better t han ±.00 15%. Oscillator frequency: 6 plex operation on 146.94; push-to-talk mike;
MHl, app ro xi ma te ly. Multiplier factor: X 24 . Modulation: 12-volt hook-up cable ; heavy duty clips (or use
Phase, adju stab le 0-7.5 kHz , w ith instantaneous limiting .
Duly cycle : 100% w ith 00 VSWR . High VSWR shutdown :
with temporary battery ; antenna coax jack; gim-
None. GENERAL - Speaker impedance: 4 ohms. Operat· bal bracket, and mobile mounting plate.
Ing frequency range: 143.9 to 148.3 MHz. Current con-
sumption: Receiver (squelched) : Le ss than 200 mAoTran s- Kit HW.202, 11 lbs., mailable . ... •............ . 1U.95"
mitter : Le ss th an 2.2 amperes. Operaling temperture Kit HWA·202-2, Tone Burst En coder, 1 lb 24.35"
range: _10° to 122°F (_240 to +500C ). Operating vert-
age range: 12.6 to 16.0 VD C (13.8 VDC nom inal) . Dimen- Kit HWA·202·', AC Power Supply, 7 Ibs 29.95"
sions: 2;'4 11 H x 8 Y4 " W X 97,/8" D. Kit HWA~202-3, Mobile a-Meter Antenna, 2 Ibs...• . 17.95"
·SINAO = Sig nal + +
noi se di st ortion Kit HWA.202-4, Fixed Station 2-Meter
Noi se + d ist orti on Antenna, 4 Ibs... ......... ••. •.•..... .... ... .. . 15.95"

· .. and here's 40 watts out for your 10 watts in

The Heathkit HA-202 2-Meter Amplifier works with any 2-meter exciter
delivering 5-15 watts while pulling a meager 7 amps from any 12 VDC
system. No additional power supplies are required. All solid-state com-
ponents mount on a single circuit board for easy two-evening assembly.
Manual shows exact alignment procedures using a YOM or VTVM. con-
necting c able and antenna cable are included.
Kit HA-202, 4 Ibs 69.95"
HA~202 SPECIFICATIONS - Frequency range: 143-149 MHz . Power output: 20W @ 5 W
in , 30W @ 7.5W in , 40W @ 10 Win, 50W @ 15 W in. Power Input (rf drive): 5 to 15W.
Input/output impedance: 50 ohms, nom inal. Input VSWR: 1.5 :1 max. Load VSWR: 3 :1
max. Power supply requirements: 12 to 16 VDC, 7 amps max. Operallng temperature $
69 95 *
range: -30° F. to +140° F. Dimension!: 3" H x 4% " W x 5Y2 11 D.

. . . then there's this perfect 2-meter tune-up tool

The Heathkit VHF/SWR Bridge tests transmitter output in power ranges of 1 to
• 25 watts and 10 to 250 watts ± 10% of full scale. 50 ohm nominal impedance
permits placement in transmission line permanently with little or no loss. Built-
• in SWR bridge for tuning 2-meter antenna for proper match, has less than
10-watt sensitivity.
., Kit HM-2102, 4 Ibs 29.95"
HM·2102 SPECIFICATIONS - Frequency range : 50 MHz to 160 MHz. Wattmeter accuracy: ±10%
of full-sc al e re ading .· Power capability: To 250 W . SWR lenlillvity: less than 10 W. Impedance:
50 o hms nom in al. SWR bridge: Continuous to 250 W. Connector.: UHF type 50-239. Dlmen·
etone: 5Y4" W, 5)..{l' Hand 61h" 0 , assembled as one unit.
·U sing a 50 n noninductive load.

See them at your r;;;A-:;-H~~~;~:;~1-:;- ~ ". •. 1

Heathkit Electronic Center - I Benton Harbor, Michigan 49022 I
Ana he im . EI Cerrito, Los Angeles, Pomona. Redw ood Ci ty, San
Diego (La Mesal . Wood land Hi ll s ; CO LO.: De nver; CO NN.:
I 0 Please send FREE Heathkit Catalog.
I Enclosed is $
, plus shipping I
Hartfo rd (Avon): FLA .: Miami (H ia leah) : GA .: Atlanta ; IL L. :
Chicago, Do wners Grove; IN D.: In d ianapol is ; KAN SAS: Kan sas I 0 Please send model(s) I
City (Mission) : M D.: Baltimore, Roc kvi ll e; MASS .: Bo ston
(Wellesley): MI CH.: Det ro it; MINN .: M inneapol is (Hopkins) ;
I Name I
MO .: St Louis ; N.J .: Fair Lawn ; N .Y.: Buffalo (Amherst) , New I Addres s I
Yo rk City, Jericho; L. I.: Rochester: OH IO: Cinc innati (Wo od-
lawn) , Cleveland; PA. : Phil adelphia , Pittsb urgh; A.!. : Prov i- I City State Zip I
dence (warwtc k): TEXAS: Da llas, Houston : WASH.: Seattle : IL "Mail order prices; F.O.B . factory AM·287A I
W IS. : M ilwa ukee.

Bm Hoisington K1 eLL
Farover Farm
Peterborough NH 03458

Control every thing in your shack [rommiles away via th e telephon e wires.

would you like to d ia l your ho me anywhere proceed as usual , until you call
p ho ne (fro m anywhere), cu t out the
ring, listen to what's going on in your'shack ,
from outside and actuate the pocket beeper.
This 2 kHz signal goes through th e amp lifier,
turn your receiver or transmitter on or off, and turns o n an SCR (silicon co ntro lled
etc .? rectifier) which terminat es the line with
This article tells you how to build your around 300n which causes central office to
o wn automatic phone monitoring and re- prevent any bell ring, and make the co nnec-
mote co ntro l sy stem. Basic items are a tion. In effect, an elec tronic, non-mechani-
ring-blocking, 2 kHz narrow band amplifier, cal, handset-lift er.
with simulated handset lift-off, and a pocket With a high-gain mike and amplifier built
beeper to carry with you away from hom e. into the system, you can now listen in, even
Just connect the red and green wires to the to very minute sounds, in yo ur shack. Also,
input. Incoming and o utgo ing calls from with more af transformers connected In , or


~ (10 VOLTS)
2 KHZ •

nc, TRIG.

'"T I , .

GATE- prH.

Fig. 1. Block diagram, 2 kHz amplifier.

F EBRUARY 1974 41
td4't~HR~2B gives
WHeN .r;== ~=:;;l...
a lot to talk over

:::q :::: <, "CERMAG"

Fig. 2. Cup core for 2 kHz amplifier.

branched off, yo u can act uate , by different

beeper to nes, almo st any thing yo u want ,
including yo ur rig. So, start building.
American Made Qualify at Import Pn c e Figure I , block diagram , sh ows the essen-
tials of the amp li fier , where the in pu t and
output circuit are the principal item s differ-
ing from "ra dio" work . The amplifier itself
Full 12 Channel, 15 Watts is esse ntially the same as an i-f job, just on a
with HI/LO power switch lower frequency. So lo w in fact that yo u can
listen to it if you wan t to , bein g o n 200 0 Hz.
Here is everything you need , at a price The coils can be wound by the amate ur
you like, for exc ellent 2 meter FM builder onc e the high-permeability (mag-
performance. Th e 12 transmit channels netic) cup-co res are obtained . Addresses of
hav e individual trimmer capacitors suppliers are included.
for optimum workability in point- Vari ous additional telep hone circuits are
to-point repeater applications. sho wn to give y ou a few ideas o f what can
Operate on 15 watts (minimum) be done fo r syste ms yo u might lik e to dream
or switch to 1 watt. 0.35 uv sensitivity up yo urself. The input and o utput circuits
and 3 watts of audio output will be detailed last because these w ill be o f
make for pleasant, reliable listening. yo ur o wn cho ice, and not nec essarily the
And the compact package is same as the examples sho wn here.
match ed by its price. $ 00 The Tuned Amplifier
Tuned circuits are the bread and but-
ter, also th e main co urse, in radio work
Am ateur Net by the home-brewer. Before the days o f
crystal filters for everybody, so und waves in
metal, and the newer ceramic resonato rs , i-f

circuits for narrow band CW work were put
INC. on 50 kHz with expensive transformers using
7707 Records Street Lit z (many strands o f enamelled wire fo rm-
Indianapolis, Indiana 46226 ing one wire) wire and air-variable capacito rs
for tuning. They worked , but were large and
not low cost. Then came the era o f high
An FM Model For Every Purpose . . . magnetic permeability mat erials, which, in
Every Purse the shape o f a small cup-core, see Fig. 2,
about 1/ 2" cube with as little as thirty turns

!j~~i>;~~~ I\~ ~ o f wire, co uld be tun ed to 100 kH z. From

this work came the little 1/4 " 4 55 kH z i-f
HR·6 HR·22D ACT 10-H/l1U jobs produced in the many millions by t he
12 Channel·IS Wall 12 Channels·l0 Walts 3 Band· l0 Channel FM "Nagasaki Hardware" co mpanies. Also,
6 Met e' FM Transceiver 220 MHz FM Tran sceiver Scanne, Aeceiur

42 73 M A GAZINE
sticking closer to home , "Cer rnag" cores,
and similar items with a magnetic per- HERE IS A FIST FULL
meability several thousand times greater of 2 METER POWER
than air became available. Figure 2 shows
size and shape of one of these, with a nice
little bobbin for winding th e co il included
by some suppliers.
This particular design does not have the
familiar i-f tuning slug but does allo w yo u to
wind up a tuned circuit for 2 kHz which is
the goal in this article . The la ck o f the
tuning slug can be o verco me by the use of
several fix ed capacito rs across the co il, the
value of these capaci to rs being determin ed
by the handy little item sho wn in Fig. 3
which takes the place of a variable capacito r
quite nicely at those frequen cies. Steps of America n Made
1000 p F are quite ad equate fo r use a t 2 kH z Qua lity at Import Price

or whichever of the telephone audio fre-

quencies you wish to use. You can see the
problem at a glance ; 455 kHz coils need
Model HRT-2
capacito rs in the range of 100 - 50 0 pF, 5 Channel, Narrow Band
13 5 kHz units can use up to 200 0 pF or 2.2 watt FM Transceiver
more, but at 2 kHz y ou need tuning capaci-
tors in the 50 ,000 to 100,000 ran ge . This light weight, " take anywhere"
I have seen, in day s gone by , varia ble transceiver has the "Regency-type"
electrolitic capacit ors that co uld tun e tho se interior componentery to give you
values, even up to severa l Ji F, but doubt very what others are looking for in
much if any are now available today . At any portable communications. You get a
rate they would not do a good job here heavyweight 2.2 watt signal ... or if
being made o f a po ol of elec troly te with a you want, flip the HI/LO switch to
coating (anodic) o f thin insulation o n th e 1 watt and the receiver gives you
rotary vane dipping into it. 0.7 uv sensitivity and 0.5 watts
So , let 's get in to the coil details. On t he audio. Both transmitter and receiver
bobbin sho wn in Fig. 2, wind so me 240 employ band-pass circuitry so that
turns o f #36 enamel wire. The exact numb er power and sensitivity are maintained
is not too important because y ou have to across the entire band. Get one
tune them up individually with fixed capaci- to go... . only $ 00
003.c>04 005 .QQ6 007 .04 .0 5 .06 .07
1:;;r Amateur Net

7707 Records Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46226
An FM Model For Every Purpose , , ,
Every Purse
~kllli=iO~!~, toO, • . /
Fig. 3. Variable capacitor, 1000 - 100,000 p F (2 HR-2M S HR-212 AR·2
kHz amplifier). 8 Channe l Transcan 12 Channel·20 Watt 2 Meter FM
2 Meter FM Transceiver 2 Meter FM Transceiver Po wer Amplifier

FEBRUAR Y 1974 43
tors, using the ca pacity b o x of Fig. 3. You
can , o f co urse, d o without th at it em but it FOUR COMMON
takes longe r and that b o x is very handy to PINS

have arou nd an ex perime n ter-bu il der's sh ack

anyway . The winding can be done by hand BAKELI TE OR F IBERGL ASS

using th e set up shown in Fig. 4 , which is the

way I did it , an d it is not too hard . Fasten a
hand drill in a vise o n t he edge o f the table ,
use a 2/5 6 bolt as in Fig. 4b, and wind . The
hand drill I have gives ab out fo ur turns o f
the ch uck to o ne turn o f t he cra nk, so that
makes co un ting easier. Afte r winding o n the
240 turns, wind t he secondary on top of
that , being sure to use different wire, or at
least be sure and ident ify the windings. You
ca n easily tell wi th an ohmmet er, but it's Fig. S. Tran sform er core m o unt (2 kHz am p l ifier ).
bett er to be sure first abo ut such things. I
used single silk-covered #38 for th e seco n- After windin g, insert th e bo bbin ca refu lly
into one o f the cup co res an d place th e o t her
half over it , takin g care to lin e up the co re
, RIG HT HAN D slo ts so that th e fo ur wires ca n be b rought
easily ou t. Keeping the slo ts lined up (see
Fig . 5a) insert and tighten the 2/5 6 bolt and
nut through th e cen ter of t he cores . In case
you wish to ma ke a miniat ure job o u t of it ,
__lL_...c~~/L_~~ the transform er moun ting met hod sho wn in
Fig. 5 may help. Drill the pin h oles shown
o ne size smaller t han a co mmon pin , which
ma y call for an .020 h ole an d a number 76
drill , and hammer t hem carefu lly in to the
bakelite o r fib erglass sq uares using so ft so ap
for lubrica tion . You will prob ably have to
use a micrometer in this wo rk . Put a piece o f
insulation, such as 5 mil fib erglass under t he
2/56 J •
square plate to keep t he pin h eads from
HAND DRILL touching th e co pper, if you use a co pper-
clad board to mo u nt them o n.
Figure 6 shows o ne of the tra nsfo rmer
Fig. 4. Hand win din g set-up (2 k Hz am p lifier ). circ uits with several fixed capacito rs fo r
tuning. Aft er fi nding t he co rrect value using
the method sho wn in Fig . 3, DO NOT rely
The number of t urns o n th e secon dary,
on the values prin ted on said capacito rs,
which will fee d the next base inpu t , can be
very impo rtant. I found ten turns to be
e no ugh for the intersta ge transformers, and ADD SMALL CAPS.
eighty tu rns for th e last transformer feeding / AS NEEDED
the diode. T he numb er of these t u rns plus
5 .01
t he cou pling ca pacitor to the base, h ave a
large effec t on the gain, reduction o f self-
oscilla tio n caused by feed back, and rejection
o f the ringing voltage. A tenden cy towards
more co upling turns a nd less capacito r is Fig. 6 . Added capacitors fo r 2 k Hz t uning of
pro bably best. transformers.

44 73 MAGAZ IN E
+ 30V

G +

*.1 4 .7K
,...,...SCR G.E. 2 N877

+ 30V >---, AR-176.r--+W~-.J


Fig. 7. Schematic of 2 kHz amplifier.

unless they are high precision , high cost jo bs, mers and careful choice o f base input capaci-
which is not necessary . Just use your signal tors. Anti-ringing is greatly con tro lled by the
generator ca refully and watch your ae volt- size of the base capacito rs, so watch this
meter across the last seco nd ary, put th em all point. Between about 1-5 mV at ttie input
o n the sa me frequ en cy , and chec k aft er all gives 5 o r 6V at the output , with clean and
three stages are workin g. DO NOT rely on stable ampli ficatio n and no oscillation .
gue ss work for this item. With a selec tio n of Do not be surprised if, on listening to the
.0 0 I, .0 I, and possibly .02 or .05 ca pacito rs, output, you hear a two kHz tone without
you will do alright. If you need so me o f the signal generator being co nnec ted ! Re-
these in a hurry . you ca n find a selectio n at member that you can tune in on the o u tp u t
one of the Radio Shack stores. You can, o f o f a high gain i-f system with a suitable
cou rse, use a variety of loose capacito rs and receiver. Well, you can do just this here but
clip leads if yo u don 't want to make up the as the amp lifier is o n an audible freq uen cy
box sho wn in Fig. 3. you will now be able to hear it dire ctly by
The Circuit Due to th e large number of turns of small
Figure 7 sho ws the co mplete circuit wir e in t he collec to r circu it s, with
including the anti-ring input filt er , th e dc 100 - 200.11 o f de resistance, do not expec t
power leads, and the scr o u t pu t sectio n, any too mu ch power in eac h stage. All we need
o f which yo u may or ma y not want. for · turning on the so lid state relay (scr)
Note the series 8 plus filtering to eac h (pick the right one in th e G .E. catalog,
stage which is quite essen tial at these fre- 2N8 77 is used here) is so me 4 - 5/1 OV and
quencies. The total gain available with three not too many J.1A .
transistors is quite high but is kept down,
along with self-oscillatio n, and the band- Low Frequency Signal Generator
width sharpness is kept up , by the u se of A low cost sine wave/square wave genera-
small secondaries on the in te rstage transfor- tor running from 20 - 200 kH z was used

FEBRUAR Y 1974 45
which come in with the ringing signal, I
TOTAL found that three items were needed besides
good selectivity in the main amplifier. These
5uF + .TUNE
are, the Zener diode and bypass to hold
down the line-derived 10V de power supply
IIF .1 for the amplifier ; the scr gate input filter and
, ---i F-+
,...- I --:::ti---J r-
L_ 0 UT
its turn-off resistor; and the input filter
150 + being described .
The ring voltage is supposed to be 20 Hz ,
+9V but just wait until you see that inductive
LI- MILLER 9009, 180 TO 750 mH, kick on a scope! It has a real bang to it and
it is hard to keep it from ringing the coils
and triggering the scr gate. One of the
Fig. 8. Test oscillator - sig. - gen. 2 kHz.
biggest aids to cutting these pulses down to
size is the input filter shown in Fig. 7, the
here for the signal source, but if you don't main schematic. The use of capacitors that
have one on hand you can use a 2 kHz "favor" 2 kHz and cut down 20 cycles is
oscillator, an example of which is shown in seen, plus four diodes in between , in reverse
Fig. 8 . You will have to calibrate it from polarity pairs. You have to put this item
some other lad's generator in this case. right up in the front end otherwise it would
Ll may be one of the cup cores shown in cut down the 2 kHz also . As it is, some
Figs. 2 and 5, or you can use a Miller reduction of the desired tone signal occurs,
adjustable inductor, #9009, 180 - 750 mH, but is not severe, whereas removing the
by adding some 80 turns as shown in Fig. 8. diodes does let the ring voltage kick off the
Be sure and add them in the same direction scr gate. If you do let one of those big ring
and connect them so they add. You can then pulses hit the resonant 2 kHz coils, you'll
tune it with the adjustable core to match the never be able to stop them ringing on pulses,
precise frequency of the amplifier. One which you do not want. As it is, some of the
circuit is easier to tune than four! pulse does get through but greatly reduced
I find about 5 - 6V ac (2000 Hz) at the by the four diodes.
collector and about .1 V at the output tap The 2 kHz, at a relatively low input level
shown. I also used a variable attenuator, of a few mV gets by those diodes with only
audio type, to cut this down" to a few m V a little attenuation , and by integration
for use as the amplifier gain grew towards (steady addition and build up) through the
it's final figure. I should mention here that amplifier builds up to some 5 or 6V ac at the
you can plan on four stages if you like, to third stage collector pin. Nothing stops you
give you more of everything you need, like from putting more sections in the input
gain, narrower bandwidth, more ring rejec- filter if you want, but as shown the whole
tion, etc., but this is up to you. circuit triggers every time on tone and never
If you are going to do much of this low triggers on the ring. What more could you
frequency work you will probably have want?
considerable need for a "store-bought" The Zener Diode
generator, which generally will have both
The ring voltage , that 70V plus ac across
sine and square wave outputs and run from
the line, acting on the quad automatic
20 - 20,000 Hz in frequency .
polarity reversing switch, caused a build-up
in the line-derived amplifier B+ circuit from,
fnput Filter for example, IOV up to 15V. Then, when
If you wish to operate your decoder that big cut-off pulse arrived on top of the
without being troubled by the terrific 15V, the scr sometimes triggered . You
70 - 100V ac at 20 Hz plus some inductive couldn't live with this , so a zener diode of
cut-off pulses much higher in voltage than 10V was installed across the plus I OV , and
that (and in frequency components too!) also a large capacitor of 200 IlF . This did the

(ch~ck one)

City State ZIP


o 146.0 1-61 0
o 146.04-64 0
o 146.0 7-67 0
a 146.10-70 0

146.16 -76
o 146.22- 8 2 0
o 146.25- 8 5 0
o 146.28- 88 0
o Drake TR ·22 o Swan FM2X n
146 .31 -91
o Drake TR-72 o Tempo FMH o
146 .37- 97 0
146.40-147.00 0
o Drake ML-2 o Tempo FMP o
146.52- 52
146 .94-94
o Ken KP 202 o Tempo FMV o
147 .00-00
147 .99-39
o Regency HR o Tempo FMA u
'47.93- 33
o Simpson o Tempo FMC o
o SB·144 o T r io 2200 a 147.84- 24
14 7. 8 1 - 2 1
o Sonar 3601 o Tr io TR 7200 l}
' 4 7.78- 18 0
o Standard o
147.75- 15
147.69 -09
o 147.66-06 u
u 147 .63 -03 0
lJ 147 .60 -00 0

------- --- ------------------
Th e only way we can make crysta ls availab le at the $3.75 price is by maki ng
them in large quantities - so we ask th at you order from the above
list - and ONL Y from t he above list. Special orders ca n be handled, but we
don 't enco urage th em since th ey
t ake much longer to fi ll and cost
considera bly more. If yo ur order
ca n be check ed o ff on th e above . . .plu s 50<1 per co mplete order for postage
order blan k it ca n be f illed quick- and handl ing.

Eas t ern cu stomers may a p prec iate our fast mail service . _. it ca n save you days to wee ks on your
ord e r. Western c ustome rs may apprec iate getting c ryst als that work o n c ha n ne l the very fir st time and
don 't have t o be returned for fu rt her c o m pe n sat io n to ma tc h your set .

Valpey Fisher - 40 long hard years of experience.

CORP. Oealers - Have we got a deal for you!!!

FEBRUA R Y 1974 47
job in fine style. The I OV sta ys at ten right is going o n, but makin g sure that o nly the
through the ring and that item was cured. initiated can ac tually ma ke any thing useful
The large scr gate ca pacito r o f 1000 J.l F o u t of what you are saying) and I o nly hope
was the final nail that held those ringing y ou can wade thro ugh them and fi nd o ut
pulses down from triggering the SCT. The what they mean. In fairness to G.E., and
tone signal of course, hold s on for a time others to o, I should say that this is a very
determined by the finger o n the tone signal common fault . A specialized branch of
oscillator, which may be miles away . The semi conductor techniqu e such as silicon
total integration through the system, includ- controlled re ctifiers has to develop new
ing that 1000 J.lF job , is long eno ugh to keep words in order to talk about so me thing
the pulses d own but allo w the de sired 2 kHz never before mad e. However, they do n ot
through and build up the de o n the gate to explain either the new word s o r the new
where it will trigger the scr. This takes a methods with any t hing like t he cla rity
certain number of milliseconds, as y ou will needed by someone starting in to wo rk with
see. ser.
However, o nce you pu t that 1000 J.l F on You will find th ings li ke gra phs with big
the gate you have to think about how y ou're shaded areas indi cating "minimum tum o n
going to turn o ff the SC T when you want to. voltage from minus so and so C to plus so
Those smart little "controlled re ctifiers" are and so C. " Don't worry about that one
nicely controlled as to turn-on , but not at all unless you're going to take the amplifier to
so for the turn-off! Not o nly do es the gat e Alaska and then down to the eq ua tor. In
lose control when the anode is latched o n. plane s o r in space that's a different thin g.
but even a momentary break in the ano de Figure 9 shows the scr circuit I used
voltage will do no goo d if t he gat e is still which works fine for the purp o se shown.
positive. With the scr ind icat ed and 1000 J.l F Once the scr is triggered it stays on, but
across the gat e I fo u nd t ha t over 4 50n fo r go od . The n on load shown lo o ks like t he
RI in Fig. 9 would discharge C I fast en ough handset yo u did not lift o ff the crad le
to cu t o ff the anode latch-up, while less than (be cause you weren 't there) and central
lOOn would prove too low for a good de office can't tell the differen ce so it
trigger build up. 250n for R I does work obligingly accepts the line termination
"de-lat ching" the scr nicely every time y ou (nOn) cuts off the ringin g, and gives a busy
hang up the remote handset , wh ich causes a signal to anyo ne else that calls afterwards,
reversal o f the input polarity of the line . and let s yo u proceed w ith YQur re mo te
This causes a momentary drop to zero of the business as need ed by you r system. As
scr anode, which is long eno ugh for RI to mentioned , you ca n also talk on the air, and
discharge CI . receive vo ice also .
Note that th e anode voltage mu st d rop o r
pass through zero level for the scr to tum
These little wonders require a little get- off. This o cc urs auto ma tically when you
ting used to but are quite likeable devices hang up so that's tak en care of.
once you get th e hang o f them. They do There is a slight question o f different
turn on every time the gate hits about 4/1 OV telephone companies having perhaps differ-
positive, at quite a low number of /lA , and ent vo ltages and sensitivities to line termina-
they also turn o ff every tim e you b reak the tion resist ances, but I have been assu red that
ano de ci rcuit for even a few mic roseconds.
That is, providing the gate is not left hanging 2 KHZ RI GATE

up o n positive de . Just be sure and use the ~ lei 250 'i- ANOOE
right scr for the job. The one in the r: .... .F- -r-
schematic is the G.E. 2N877. 1: 7
The books on these marvels, and even the LOAD

spe cs included with the package , are in - +

themselves marvels of obscurantism (the
practi ce of pretending to let you know what Fig. 9. SCR circu it.

48 73 M A GAZI NE
most of them are pretty well standardize d also , I und erstand. Fo r normal repeater work
on these points. The lin e I use is in northern you won't need that many anyway .
New England.
Talk Back
Power Supply You can modulate th e lin e very easily, to
This ca n get a little t rick y . First o f a ll it is listen to a receiver o n the air, o r whatever
perfectly po ssible to use the telephone line use you may wish. Figure 7 sho ws th e ea sy
as the po wer su pply because y o u can find a way to do it by simply includ ing a
nice 4 2V waiting for you acro ss the red and Lafayette , or similar, AR-1 76 transformer in
green wires. However, as soon as th e con- series with the line. This has ab out 62n ac
nection is made to the desired number and impedance o n the line side and 8S1 on th e
eit her the line is term inated by the 220n modulation side. This 8S1 is because my
resist or , or the handset is picked up , the favorit e small af amplifier at th e moment is
polarity reverses with a bang. This is called the Amperex TAA-300 , which has an 8n
"tipping" by telep hone co mpanies. This in transformerless outpu t impedan ce.
it self is not to o bad as the diode quad switch The bypass across the termination resistor
auto matically gives yo u plu s o n o ne o f it' s avoids audio lo ss when modulating . You can
de o utpu t wires, and a 4K resistor brings this use a medium power transistor for th e load
down to l OY, and the zener diode hold s it resistor and modulate it , but your power
there. However, there is o ne little fly in the supplies get more involved then . As sho wn in
ointment, if the telephone company checks Fig. 7 you can take the voltage for the af
this line and finds a resistance o f so me thing amplifier right o ff of the termination resist or
lik e 5 to 10 thousand n across yo ur lin e and because o f the isolation provid ed b y the
a merry little 10 mils draining o ut o n a modulation transformer.
ste ady state basis? I have been told that they
may have a slight aversion to this state o f Overall System Use
affa irs , so don 't say I didn't warn you. It just The main body o f t he amplifier is o ne
means you might have to furnish your o wn thing, which is a good tuned job for tele-
lOY . At a te nt h of a watt a 100 amp ere hour phone work . The input and o utpu t circuits
charged battery would last 10 ,000 h ours , are sho wn as a particular example o f o ne
unl ess my arith metic fails me (which is quite particular system that can be made up using
easy) . So that's abou t 400 days. this ampli fier. Fro m there on you can figure
Also , mo st rep eaters have an ac line o ut (if yo u're lucky) what system yo u may
arou nd any way. If you have to run one up need fo r your particular use.
to a mountain , be prepared fo r a lot o f hard For insta nce, y ou can use a power transis-
wo rk. I did this for 1/ 2 mile u p th e last 1000 tor to key o n a single relay or a ste pping
feet of elevatio n of a 3 000 fo oter in 19 50, relay. This transistor will not latch-up like
and I k now. the scr and is thus easier to use in certain
cases. On the other hand it must be keyed
Bandwidth on all the time , whil e the scr does not
On this parame ter depends the number of require this. Also the scr can be keyed and
tone code channels y ou can build into a you can talk o ve r the circuit. As mentioned ,
proposed system. Here are th e figures I this article is essentially about a low cost
found fo r the finished unit exactly as shown I - 4000 Hz tuned amplifier.
in Fig. 7 : 10 dB d own at 280 Hz (140 each .. .K I e L L
Critical Supply Items
side o f ce n ter) , and 25 dB down at 600 Hz. Cup Cores . Arnold Engineering Co., Marengo , IL or
Granted , y ou are hemmed in o n the low Stackpo le Carbo n Co. , St. Marys St. , St. Marys,
frequency side by the increasing size of the PA .
tuned circuits, and on the high frequency SCR. G .E. No . 2N877 , Gerber Electronics, 85 2
Providence Highway, Dedham, MA.
side by the inherent cu t-o ff of a normal
Quad Recti fier Stack. No . 18DB4 A-e. Int er-
telephone vo ice circuit. However, y ou cou ld national Rectifier Co., 233 Kansa s s r., El Segundo ,
get ten cha n nels in between 50 0 and 4000 CA.
Hz, with luck . Some lads go lower than 50 0 AR -176 , AF tra nsfo rmer. La fa yette Radio.
Ralph J. Rom;g WA0KHV
Box 16 3
Assaria KS 67416

"\ r ' \'

- '-,\.

r "\ --/\
'\.. ,I \

T he new Heathkit GC-l 00 5 digital read-

o ut clock makes a nice addition to the
modern harnshack , since y ou can use it to
Emitting Diodes on a small pie ce of per-
forated fib erglass board and wiring them
into the low vo ltage B+ circuit , via a pair of
indicate 24 hour time , lo cal or GMT , and limiting resistors. This assembly was then
can sy nchro nize it with WWV quite easily. inserted into th e space between the display
However, the read abil ity o f the face tubes fo r the hours and the minutes.
leaves so me thing to be desired , since there is The result was 12: 34 56 instead of 12 34
only a narrow space betwe en the h ours and 56.
minutes, and another space o f th e same The P200 I LED is ra ted by the manufac-
width between minutes and seco nds . That is, turer at a maximum curre nt o f 40 rnA , and
an indicated time of 12 :34 plus 56 seconds emits a reddish light at an intensity depend-
would be displayed : 12 34 56. What is
need ed , obviously, is so me me ans of se pa-
rating the hours and minute s from the
seco nds.
, --,


I "'-'" I
It would be a maj o r p roject , and probably I { I HEP I 2200.1\ 1/2 W I
I '\::: I P2001 I
somewhat doubtful o f success, to try to I I I
move the display tubes apart any appre ciable I I
2 200;\ 112 W
dist ance to achieve this condition . I I P2 0 0 1
L -,_
The problem can be so lved, or at least I
L __ -'
improved upon, by attacking it from another
direction with a relatively simp le modifi ca- 24 vee
It was done in my shack by mounting a Fig. 1. Schema tic use d in ad ding th e LED's to th e
pair o f Motorola HEP ty pe P200 I Light clock.

The LED board is
visible between the dis-
play tubes for the hours
and minutes. The resis-
tor board is visible at
the lower right hand
corner of the chassis,
directly underneath the
right side of the
seconds display tu be.

ing upon the amount of current p assmg dress. The positive leads can be simply run
through it. along the back of the top of the minute and
After experimenting with different values second display tubes and down to the floor
of limiting resistors I finally settled on a of the clock, where they are connected to
current of about 9 m A, flowing through a the resistors.
2.2 kn half watt resistor. This combination The resistors are mounted on a piece of
yields a light intensity approximately equal circuit board about 2.5 em by 2.5 em in size
to that of the numerals on the clock, which is secured to the same bolt which
although slightly redder in color, and is well holds down one end of the power transfor-
within the ratings of the LED. mer.
The LED's are mounted on a piece of From this point a single lead runs to the
perforated fiberglass circuit board approxi- Source of voltage, about +24 V de, which is
mately 2.5 cm long by 0.75 ern wide, and tapped by connecting directly to the ex-
are offset slightly so they assume a slanted posed positive lead of the 1200 J1F filter
attitude of about the same angle as the capacitor.
numerals. They are mounted vertically about Be Sure you connect to the right capaci-
0'.75 ern apart. tor, as 230V is present on the other one. If
The edges of the board were carefully in doubt, use a voltmeter.
shaved down with a small file until it could The ground lead from the LED board is
be pressed into place between the adjacent dressed with the positive leads until they
edges of the hour and minute display tubes. connect to the resistor board, at which point
A drop or two of epoxy glue was used to it separates and goes back along the top of
secure the board, once positioning was satis- the chassis to a ground ·po int. Any exposed
factory. Be sure to position the board so the ground point can be used, but I grounded
LED's are vertically centered with respect to the wire by connecting to the negative lead
the numerals. of the filter capacitor, since it is also
The cathode leads of the diodes are exposed and convenient to solder to.
connected together, and a single wire runs In use, the two LED's are lit at all times
from this point to ground . In addition, a the clock is in use, and form a double dot
lead runs from each diode's anode to its between hours and minutes. Their intensity
limiting resistor, both of which are mounted is approximately the same as the numerals,
on another piece of circuit board . but the color is slightly redder, although not
Since this is entirely a de circuit , there is enough to be objectionable.
nothing critical about the layout or lead ... WA\JKHV

FEBRUARY 1974 51
Walt Pinner WB4MYL
7304 Lorenzo Lane
Lcuisviile K Y 40228


,. .one that fits YOUR parts!

o yo u saw a swell article in 73 ancies, the original drawi ng may be altere d

S Magazine yo u would like to b uild'? Of
course . being consistent with today 's tech-
befo re t he board is coated wit h the resist
pai nt (airplane dope, fingernail polish.
nology, most of these fine articles incor- etc.). Ho wever, if many of your parts just
porate a print for an etched circu it board . wo n't fit, as mine often do n't, then design
If you have never made your o wn board, you r own boa rd as fo llows.
read on. If yo u have etched yo ur ow n, you
have then probably enco u ntere d th e fol- Step #2
'lowing d ifficulty - my parts WOll 't fi t the Take a flat piece of styrofoam, available
au thor 's board #*@%¢$ @. So read on everyw here nowadays (packing mate rial,
anyway . hobby or dime stores, or borrow the picnic
Over the past several years I have used cooler lid). On the styrofoam lay a plain
t he fo llowing procedure for alte ring circuit sheet of paper. Using the schematic of your
boards o r even creating a completely new project, build the circuit by inserting the
layout. It 's ' simple, does not req uire any co mpone nt leads th rough th e paper and
special eq uipme n t and in many cases d e- into the styro foa m, in th e same manner
signing a new board takes li ttle o r no more you woul d moun t parts o n th e board it sel f.
tim e t han using the one suggested , T he end In most insta nces the physical placemen t
result is a project to be proud of, no of the parts and the schematic layout will
bunched up components, no messy lead be very similar. The major advantage of
extensions and the darn th ing really lo oks this o peration is you may alter the size or
pro fessional. shape of the final board to fix a box you
already have o r fit a particu lar space
Step # 1 requirem ent.
Having selec ted a project, assem ble all Figu re I shows a flat schema tic ty pe
the components befo re you. Compare your layou t which is not only neat, but should
parts with the space allotted in t he author's you at some future date wish to modify it ,
circuit board layout. Most layou ts provided all parts are accessible . Should you wish to
are fu ll size an d this comparison is simp ly a mi niaturize a circuit , the vertical mount ing
matter of laying your pa rts o n t he d rawing. of pa rts may be utilized. As you are
Assum ing t here are o nly minor discrep- construc ting yo ur circ uit, should an area of

52 73 MAG AZ IN E
and remove the template. Check over the
board for any unwanted spray or runs. If
any are noted they are easily removed with
the wood portion o f a broken pencil. Do
no t attempt to use so lvent, as a fine film
will remain and incomplete etching will
Once the paint has dried completely ,
Clf'CU t- *MlS
about 30 minutes (or hurry it along with a
WITH l"£LT P!:N hair dryer) , etch your board with any of
lIAR!< sc.. ""'"'
WITH FELT PEN the solutions commonly available at mail
Fig. 1. Typical lay out on styro foam and paper, as order houses. I etch in a Pyrex glass dish ,
described in Step #2 above. borro wed fro m the kitchen , and heated o n
t he range to abou t 150 • A co mb i na t io ~ of

the boa rd become ja mmed, at th is stage it heat a nd gentle rocking will cu t the etc hing
is a simple matter to remove the compo- tim e by ab out 50%. Using su rplus board
nents involved and reorient them to elimin- which generally has rath er heavy co p per ,
ate the problem . takes about 20 to 30 minutes.

Step # 3 Step # 6
Now that yo u have simula ted the circuit No w that your custo m board is etched ,
on the paper covered blo ck, usc a felt tip remove the remaining paint with a Brillo
pen to circle all the areas where part s are to pad and hot water. This clean-up takes
be soldered. Draw in the connecting foil only seconds and leaves a nice shiny circuit
runs and any islands where leads from parts to go to work o n. In the interest of keeping
not mounted o n the bo ard are to be the board 's appearance new , before solder-
connected. Should fo il runs have to cross ing I give the co m plete board a light coat
merely break o ne run and mark it for a of clear Krylon spray. No problem solder-
jumper to be inst alled later. An alternate ing will be en countered as a result o f this
but somewhat more co mplica ted method is spray and should you desire to mark
to etch the reverse side of the board to connec tio ns, values, o r o ther identification
supply these crossing foil runs. o n the bo ard with a felt pen , these will also
be protected .
Step # 4 There is really nothing sacred abo ut
Remove all the co mpo nents from the circuit boards, and no o ne ever said yo u
board and, using a hobby knife o r razo r must riddle it with holes for compo nent
blad e, cu t out all the marked islands and mounting. I generally mount the parts o n
foil runs, as though y ou were makin g a the foil side, eliminating all the drilling. It
template. As a matter o f fa ct you are looks just as neat and now you don't even
making a template . Take the paper tem- need a chassis. Several of my projects are
plate and steam one side over boiling water circuit boards laying flat as a base with a
until it is limp, but not really wet. Imme- front panel made from the same sto ck (no
diately lay th e template o n th e blan k need for hardware as the panel may be
circuit board stoc k. Ste aming allo ws it to so ldered in place) and a wrap-around cover
lay flat and gives some degree of adhesio n. with front panel o verhang. Thin aluminum
covered with stic k-on vinyl make s an at-
Step # 5 tractive and inexpensive cabinet.
Spray a light coating o f clear Krylon o r Well , that's the story. If you can sweet-
similar material o n the template covered talk the XYL into letting you use her hair
stock. Common spray enamel may also be dryer, range, dish , and nail polish, let's
used , but any notes you may have made o n make a board .
th e template will no longer be legibl e.
Allow 2 or 3 minutes for the paint to set . .. WB4MYL

FEBRUARY 1974 53
Charles Townsen d WA4DCN
1440· 1 N o. Meridian Rd.
Tallahassee FL 32303


he selectivity of modern amate ur re- Q3. Since there are no w two out-of-p hase
T ceivers has beco me quite good in re cen t
yea rs but there is still ro om for improve-
signals feedi ng amplifier Q3, its net outp ut is
severely reduced. The degree of cancellatio n,
ment, especially with the bands as crowded therefore the selectivity, can be controlJed
as the y are . The fo llo wing audio filt er was by the selling of R4 , whic h determin es the
designed and built to imp ro ve the selectivity amo unt o f inverte d signal reaching the base
o f my Heath SB-303 , but ca n be used with o f Q3 . This pro ce ss occurs at all frequencies
any re ceiver provided it is reasonably stable. e xce pt the chose n resonant fre quency. At
T he filter' s bandwidth a t -6 dB, fera ce n ter resonance no inverte d signal will be passed
freque ncy o f 1 kHz, is variable from ap- by the twin-T network , allo wing the o riginal
proximately 40 0 Hz to less than 50 Hz. T he in put signal to be amplified by Q3 . T he
e ntire unit is solid state. requires no bulky filtered o u tput is then boosted by am plifiers
L-C com pone nts, and is built as an external Q4 and Q5 to drive a small speake r or
rece iver accessory. Cost of the project using phones.
all new components is abo ut $35 . Since it is possible to overdrive Q3. it is
necessary to have so me way to know when
The Circ uit the input level is correct. This is accom-
The filte r is a tuned amplifie r usin g plished by sampling a portion of Q3's output
inverse fee dback. Audio from the re ce ive r with meter amp lifier Q6 and rectifying it to
enters through e mitter follo wer Q I and is drive a I rnA meter. The meter is calibra ted
passed o n to amplifier Q3. which inverts the by t he selli ng of R5 so tha t 4 V Pop at th e
signal's phase. Part o f this inverted signa l is collector of Q3 read s 0.4 o n the meter. This
then fed back to twin-T network , R I , R2, is just belo w the overdrive point o f the
R3 and CI , C2, C3. The particular network tuned ampli fier.
presents high imp edance to ground at all
frequencies excep t its resonant frequ en cy, Construction Not es
similar to a series tun ed L-C circ uit. T he Mo st of the circu it (excl udi ng tra nsfor-
unatt enuated signal next enters emitter fol- mers) was constru cted on Vectorboa rd using
lo wer Q2, and witho ut fu rt her phase shift, is press-fit terminals , but could be built o n a
added to the uninver ted inpu t at the base of PC board with the accompanying reductio n
• .• • .- ,-. -~-:"l"" ~"":~r"I'~
•• • • • •
•• • •
• • ••• • •••••• • • •• • • •
•• • • • • • • • • ••
• • •• • • •
• • • • ••• • •
• •
... . .
• • • • • • • •• •
•• • •• . ••
. . • •
• • •

. ..' ..•

• •
. ' ., • ••• •
• • •
•• • •

, .'
. ' • •
• •
. '
• •
' .

.. •
• ••
• •

The filter can be assembled [or rack m oun ting as sho wn or in its o wn box as a receiver accessory.

<Iy ec
4 701(
,. 8.2 K
22< ,
390 ,
561( lOO K

~ - 41.U , " 0'
¢)" '.'
" " , " ". 0' 20<
'" -25v zov
RI 50 1( R2 50 K v.c. JI ,iHONES
'" '" " 220 ., 5OOl"F
~K voc
'" "0 lOO K

.I~ •I? MET E R
' M'
S "R

33 0K 4 70 1( 3 9 01(
5.6 K

I " " 0)f


r ,/
.. 1\
1. 0 l' F
~~ Im A

r¥:.' 08 ;
~ IK

"O ~~
680 1(

V 2 ~ ~ ~~OI'F
'" 50V
'" 02
2 sov

- .e- SET AT +15

Fig. 1. Schema tic o f th e Varia ble Q Audio Filter. A l th ough i t: is designed aro un d a cen ter fre quency of
1000 Hz, in forma tion is given in the text to mo dify the freq uency to suit any need. Q1 through Q6
are GE-20 transistors, an d Q7 may be a GE- 14 or GE·28.

in size. The circuit board and o utpu t tra ns- o ut to be just wide eno ugh to mou nt all the
former were h oused in a 7 x 11 x 2 in ch co n tro ls, me ter, and a sma ll speaker. T he
chassis, whi ch was to o small to acco m- 150011 outp u t of the amp lifier was matched
modate th e power transformer too, so it was to the speaker by using a 70V line transfor-
mounted o u t board o n t he rear o f the chassis. mer co nnec te d at t he SW tap. T he heat sink
The front panel is a ra ck pa ne l, which turned fo r the regulator transistor in the power

This vie w shows the assem bly on a piece of Vectorbaord. Th e size can be re duced considera bly
with miniature com ponen ts and denser packagin g.

FEBRU AR Y 1974 55
supply was later found to be unn ece ssary. the way may res ult in a regenerative ho wl
The use o f poorly matched capacito rs in the due to excessive feedback in the circ uit
tw in-T net wo rk will! result in a low-Q filt er. it self, even with no in put signal. This is
Capacitors should be 1% silver mica for CI, normal, and the selectivity is too nar-
C2, C3 , or th ey should be rnatched on a ro w to be useful anyhow (40 Hz or less).
bridge. Do not atte mpt to substitute ceramic Under the right conditions the circuit will
capacitors. narrow down to a ridiculo us II Hz at -6 dB.
When tu nin g th e twi n-T, you will prob ab-
Calibration ly find that the circu it will peak almost
A scope is best for making fin al adjust- any where near 1 kHz, whic h mayor may
men ts but a VTVM will do . Disconnect the , not be the point of best selectivity. T he re-
power sup ply o ut put an d switch on th e ac. fore, rock the receiver or generator dial as
Set th e out pu t voltage at + 15V dc . Rip ple you tune for a peak in the outp ut. T here will
sho uld be less th an 6 m V POp. Reconne ct the be o ne frequency which gives a significantly
po wer sup ply and disconnect the selec tivity larger output than any other. This frequency
control. Fee d in a I kHz tone from the is the one to adjust to.
receive r or a genera tor and adjust the input
level co ntrol for 4V pop ou tp u t a t the Operation
collector of Q3. Adjust the meter amplifier Tunc in a signal in a noisy , crowded
to read 0.4 rn A o n the me te r . Preset th e t wo portion o f a CW ba nd wit hout using the
pots in the ar ms of t he t win -T to 32K. filter. Set the filter's vo lume at 3 o ' clock and
Reconnect the selectivity co ntro l, set it at the selectivity at abou t 12 o'clock . Now tum
12 o'clock, and alterna tely tri m t he pots in up the input level on the filter and retune
the twin-T for a peak at or near I kHz. In the receiver until the desired signal suddenly

my filter the peak occ urred at 95 0 Hz as peaks up in the filte r an d reads 0.4 rnA on
measured o n a GR 11 91 freq uency counte r. the me ter. Set the selectivity as desired, 100
Advance the selectivity and repeak the Hz (2 o'clock) being a good sta rting place.
t win-T , retuning the receiver o r genera tor to While peake d o n a signal, switch off the
keep o n the nose of the filte r's selectivity rece iver's speaker and listen o n the fi lter
curve. Turning the selectiv ity control up all instead . Tuning is quite sharp, peaking the
desired station and severely attenuating all
ot her noise and adjacent QR M. To resume
o r'\ normal operatio n, reduce the filter's volume
• -.I I\. - -6db ' 5 B- 3 0 3
setting and switch the regular statio n speaker
BANDWIDTH ' 7 , H, back on. This syste m will allow for switching
T WIN -T FI LTER rSB -303 I·F F ILTER fro m "norma l" to "sharp" selectivity with a
., 0
( 400HZ CW)
min imu m of effort .
..- -,
Some operators may prefer a diffe rent
" 0 - aoee frequency of filter responses, such as 900 Hz
inst ead of I k Hz. Or, perha ps filters fo r two
·.0 different frequencies are needed , as in RTTY
conversion. If this is the case , the values of
· 00
C I , C2, and C3 mu st be alte red using the
foll o win g method .
,J \, ., Let R3 equal 16K. R 1 an d R2 are th en
-- , 2 0KHz
- 0 <0
t wice this value. C3 is calculated so that at
the frequen cy of resonance, its reactance
-'.0 -.5 0 .~ , , '0 , equals R3, o r 16 Kn.
C = 1/2rrfXc where Xc = 16 Kn , or more
simp ly C = 1/0 . 1f where C is in mi cro farads
Fig. 2. Graph showing the filter 's effect on the and f is in Hz. C 1 and C2 are each half of the
bandwidth of a receiver wi th an internal 4 0 0 Hz value o f C3.
filter. . ..WM DCN

56 73 MAGAZ IN E
ANOTHER BLOWN Joh n A . Carroll K6HKB /l
18 Ferguson Road
M alden MA 0 214 8

n the March '72 issu e of 73, W\l EDO
I d escribed a method o f using in cand escent
lamps to detect blo wn fuses in low-voltage
th e resistan ce is R = (E - 1.2V)jl and the
power dissipation is P = 12R . In an ac circuit,
a ca pacito r or inductor may be substit ute d,
equip men t. Light emitting diodes can do the with a reac ta nce equal to th e resistance given
same thing, using the circuit shown. T he ab ove.
main ad vantages are small size, very lo w The reverse d diode across the LED is
indicato r curren t after the fuse blows, and need ed in an ac circuit to short it during the
high reliabili ty . The d isadva n tage is cost. reverse h alf of the cycle and prevent reverse
Sin ce LE D' s haven 't been heard fro m voltage from ap pearin g across the LED .
very mu ch in ham gear, a few words abo u t While it isn 't necessary fo r de, it does se rve
their charac teris tics are in orde r befo re as insuran ce in case the circ uit is initially
lo oking a t the circuit ry. installed backwards. In the rare case of a de
Like rectifying diodes, LED's have a sup ply o f unpredict able or changeable po-
nearly co nstan t fo rward voltage drop across larity, it would be possible to use another
a wid e range of curre n ts (ty pically abo ut LED for th e protective diode , so that eac h
1.2V). This means that an ex ternal resisto r is wo uld protect the o ther and one would
necessary to con trol the curre n t when always light , o r else place a single LED in a
opera ting from a constan t voltage sup ply. 4-diode rectifying bridge .
The safe reverse voltage is genera lly o nly
about 3V. Light is emi tte d on ly wh en
forward curren t is ap pli ed , so po lari ty must FR OM LOGIC
be observed . T he negative termin al is usually
marked with a wide lead , a color d o t , o r a
notch in the rim o f the case. I' ve fou nd that
3 mA will produce just abou t enough light
to see when lo oking closely at the LED ,
while 20 mA will make a bright eno ugh glow Fig. 2. L ogic r eadout.
to draw atten tion in a well-lit ro om . T he
ma ximum safe cu rren t is in th e range o f
Most industrial electro n ics deal ers carry
50-100 mA. The operating cu rren t should
suc h LED 's as the Monsanto MV50 or its
be ch ose n some whe re within th ese limits,
pan el-mounting equivalent the MV5020.
con sistent with th e needs of th e sit uation
and the ma ximum safe cu rrent und er blown These are priced in the 75 ¢ to $ 1.5 0 range .
Almost any inex pensive red-emitting LED
fuse conditions . No socket is used .
sho uld work eq ually well . As for the reverse
The voltage ac ross the series resistor is the
pro t e c tion diod e, practically anything
su p ply voltage less the LED fo rward drop, so
sho uld be satis fac tory, though a small silicon
diode would have the smallest leakage. I
:- LED
prefer th e 1N4 148 b ecause it 's availab le for
+ - as little as 8¢.
- +
Ano ther use fo r LED's worth ment ioning
FROM + is read out from logic circuits. They will run
dire ctly fro m a logic gate and ne ed no
special driver or po wer supply .
Fig. 1. Blown f use indicator . . . .K6HKBfl

FEBRU ARV 1974 57

Pride in knowing that you own today's ultimate in state-of-the-art tech-
nology ... pleasure in operating a rig whose day in, day out performance will
show you why the Kenwood name is world-famous for reliability and value.
- ----
Kenwood's superb
solid state SSB transceiver ••':1••
1S·900 ...

•• • the ultimate transceiver. The promise of the too numerous to list. Its specifications are superb•
transistor has been fulfilled. Here is the transceiver The TS-900 is unquestionably the best transceiver
you will want to own •.• whatever you have now, of its kind ever offered. The price •..• $795.00
get ready to trade up. Its important features are far PS·900 lAC Supplv) $120.00. the DS-900 $140.00

18 520 •
Kenwood's go every place
. .. do everything transceiver
The new TS·520 is the transceiver you have wanted. but
could not buy until now. It is a non-compromise, do
everyth ing, go everywhere 5 band transceiver for SSB or
CW that performs equally well at home, in an automobile,
airplane, boat or trailer. The TS-520 features built-in AC
power supply. built-in 12 volt DC power supply, built-in
VOX with adjustable gain delay and anti-VOX.
The price • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . $599.00

AM.N and FM.

The price $439.00
The T·599A Is mostly solid state ..• only 3 tubes,
The R·599A Is the most complete receiver ever has built-in power supply, full metering (ALC, Ip,
offered. It is solid state, superbly reliable, small RF output and high voltage), CW·LSB-USB-AM
and lightweight, covers the full amateur band operation.
••• 10 thru 160 meters, CW, LSB, USB, AM, The price $4S9.00
See the Kenwood line at the following dealers: CALIFORNIA Communications Headquarters, San Diego
• Gary Radio, Inc., San Diego • Ham Radio Outlet, Burlingame. Henry Radio, Anaheim. Henry Radio,
Los Angeles. Sequoia Stereo, Arcata. Webster Radio, Fresno. FLORIDA Amateur Electronic Supply,
Orlando. Amateur-Wholesale Electronics, Miami. IDAHO United Electronics Wholesale, Twin Falls
ILLINOIS Erickson Communications, Chicago. Klaus Radio, tnc., Peoria. INDIANA Graham Electronics,
Indianapolis. Hoosier Electronics, Terre Haute. Radio Distributing Company, South Bend. IOWA Hobby
Industry, ccuncu Bluffs _ KANSAS Associated Radio Communications, Overland Park _ LOUISIANA Trl-
ontcs, rnc., New Orleans _ MARYLAND Electronic International Service corc., Wheaton _ Professional Elec-
tronics, Baltimore _ MICHIGAN Electronic Distributors, Muskegon _ Radio Supply & Engineering Company,
Detroit _ MINNESOTA Electronic Center, Minneapolis _ MISSOURI Ham Radio Center, St. Louis _ Henry
Radio, Butier _ MONTANA Conley Radio Supply. Billings _ NEW JERSEY Simon Side Band Company, Oak
Ridge _ NEW YORK Adirondack Radio Supply, tnc., Amsterdam. Harrison Radio Corp., Farmingdale
NORTH CAROLINA Vickers Electronics, Durham _ OHiO Amateur Electronic Supply, Cleveland _ Commu-
nications World, Cleveland _ Queen City Electronics, Cincinnati _ srepco Electronics, Dayton _ OKLAHOMA
Derrick Electronics. Broken Arrow • Radio, tnc., Tulsa. OREGON Portland Radio Supply, Portland
PENNSYLVANIA JR5 Distributors, York. Kass Electronics, Drexel Hill. SOUTH CAROLINA Accutek,
tnc., Greenville. SOUTH DAKOTA Burghardt Amateur Center, Watertown. TEXAS Douglas Electronics,
Corpus Christi. Electronics Center, rnc., Dallas. Industrial Distributors, Dallas. Ed Juge Electronics, rnc.,
Fort Worth _ Madison Electronics, Houston. UTAH Manwlll Supply Company, Salt Lake City _ WASH-
INGTON Amateur Radio Supply Company, Seattle _ WISCONSIN Amateur Electronic Supply, Milwaukee

Prices subject to change without notice.

o o •
IS Ine
..u~~ finest qualit~.u~~ best value
Tempo 's Commercial Line VHF transceiv-
ers offer commercial performance at
amateur prices. Compare these transceiv-
ers with any other available. Compare
their performance, their quality of con-
struction, their ease of maintenance, and
then compare prices. Your choice will
have to be Tempo.

- -
The Te mp o 6N 2 meets th e demand f o r a h igh po wer s i x
mete r and tw o me te r po we r am plif ier. Us ing a p ai r of
Ermac 887 4 t u be s i f pro v ide s 2000 w a t t s P E P i np ut on
~SB a nd 1000 w atts in put on CW and FM . Completel y
s-t t-co ntatneo i n on e sm a ll d esk m o unt ca b inet w it h in-
te rnar soli d sta te power su pply , b u ilt in bl ower a nd AF
rt; iative p ow er i nd icalor. $695.00

The CL-146 offe rs ope ratio n on the 146 MHz
amateu r ba nd. The price includes a mic ro-
phone, power cord, mountin g bracket and on e TEMPO /bub
pai r of c rys tals. A full line of accessories is also
ava ilable. So m uch l o r so lillie ! 2 walt VHF /FM ha nd
he ld . 6 Ch a nnel c a pa bili ty, so li d sla te, 12
• 12 c ha nne l ca pa bility . 13 wa tts or a power VDC, 14 4- 148 M Hz (a ny tw o MHZ) , incl ud es 1
saving 3 watts . All so lid sta te, 12 vac • 144 p a ir of c ryst a ls, b uilt- in chargi ng termi n als fo r
nr-c ao c ells, g-mete r. battery level me te r.
to 148 MHz (any two MHz wit ho ut retunin g) te le sc op ing whi p an tenn a , interna l s pe a ke r &
• Supplied wi th one pai r of c rysta ls . RF out- microphone $199 .00
put meter, S-mete r, re ceiver detecto r meter
• Provisi on s for externa l osci llator • Monito r
feature. Audio output at fro nt panel. Internal
speaker . The Price : $299.00

high po_e..
TEMPO / liD BlDpIlUe...
T PL 100 2 -3
510 2 E>W
OUTPUT (m in)
10 0 · 13 E> W
TPL 10 02·3 B 1·3W BOW 2M
TPL802 5W BOW 2M
T PL 802B 1 to 3 W BOW 2M
As new as tomorrow! The superb CL-220 em- T PL 502 5 10 15W 35-55W 2M
bod ies the same gene ra l specifications as th e TPL 50 2 B 1 to 3 W 4 5W 2M
T PL 2 5 2 ·A2 lW 25W 2M
CL-146, but operate s in th e frequency range of T PL44 5·10 1 102. 5W 12W 440MHl
T P L 4 45 -3 0 4W 3 0W 440MH l
220-225 MHz (any two MHz without retuning). T PL 4 45 ·30B lW 30W 440 M H l
At $329.00 it is undoubted ly the best value rcp 1:: \ Control Head
availabl e today. Prices subject 10 change without notice


FEBRU AR Y 1974 59
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --1
Bud M ichaels WB2WY O
71 3 High Street
Victor NY 14564

A 40/20 METER

ha t's this - an other QRP trans- pa t ie nce to o pe ra te low power successfu lly.
W ceiver'! The magazines are full of
them these day s. What's the sudden interest
So , if yo u are jus t gett in g starte d in ham
radi o , o r if y our frus tra t io n level is low,
in flea -power o pera tio n? perha ps yo u had best leav e QRP alone for a
QRP has indeed mad e a strong co me bac k. wh ile.
And there are good rea sons. Simple but T en-Tee Cor po rat io n o f Sevierville , T en-
efficient transistor circ uits mak e po ssible nessee , offe rs a lin e o f so lid-sta te modules
co mpac t rigs that appeal to the traveler a nd
cam pe r. Stable vfo's are replacing th ose
o ld-t ime ro ckbound peanut whistles we used
a whil e back. ( Re me mbe r the 3V4 and a
handful of crys tals? For every ro ck you h ad ,
th ere were a dozen guys o n the sa me
fre q ue ncy. eac h running a gallon !)
And there is another rea son. More and
more fellows a re fin ding that y ou ('an
co m mu nica te wit h o nly a fe w watts. And
what's more , it 's fun an d challenging. When
the band is o pe n, and y ou get a 589 from
that OH in Helsinki, and y our input power is
o nly 2 W, well, wha t more is there to say ?
But QRP isn't fo r everyone, and be fore I
lead you astray , it's o nly fair to p oint ou t Complete QR P station in a box. Key, headph ones,
that th e calls-vs-con tac t ratio can be pretty an tenna an d logbook fi t in to deep cover on au thor's
low, especially during the cro wd ed evening transc eiver. Two lan tern ba t teries fi t alon gside lo ud-
hours. It takes skill , special te chniques a nd speaker, un der bottom panel.

that le ts yo u put to gether QRP CW tran s- PARTS LIST
ce ivers cove ring 80 thro ugh I S me ters. Yo u Transceiver
ca n buy their MR I kit wit h whic h you ca n M O D U L ES: (O rder from T en-Tee , tn c ., Sevierv ille
ma ke a 2W rig coveri ng 80, 40 , 20 or 15 TN 37B62)
me ters. O r you can buy their basic modules V Ol Oscilla to r
M X 1 M ix er
a nd build a 5 walter for 4 0 and 20 meters. AA 1 Au d io Amp l if ier
Eit her tra nsceiver ca n be powered from 12 V A C6 20 meter d oubl e & sidetone osci llato r
lan tern , moto rcy cle or auto ba tte ries. Of T X 2 40/20 m eter tr ansmitter
cou rse, you can also buy these rigs alrea dy
• Tl - 1000 oh m t o 8 o h m rmnrature ou tp u t
built a nd in a hand some cabi ne t , but if you
transformer (R adi o Shac k N o.1380)
like t o tailo r your rigs to your o wn particu- R1 - 220 o hm %W
lar sty le, the modul es are th e way to go . R 2 - 33 00 ohm %W
For my ca mp ing trip s I chose to build a R3 - 25,000 vo lu me con t ro l with on /off swi tc h
(Radio Shack No.0941
5W transceiver t o cover 40 and 20 meters,
R4 - 6 .800 ohm %W
but th e general co nst ruc t io n tips a nd acces- C l , C3, C4 - 365 pF vari ab le (R adi o Shack
sories described h ere ca n be ap plied to the N o.1344. Lafayette N o .110341
o t h er rigs possible u sin g th e Ten-Tee C2 - 560 pF mi ca
modules. M y rig features o ne-k nob band- C5 - .22 IlF 3 5V
C6. C7 - . 1 IlF 35V
swit c hing, CW side to ne , a b uilt-in an ten na C8 - 82 pF m ica
tu ner a nd SW T bridge (a must fo r those Speake r - 2 " diamete r 8 ohm (R adi o Shac k
ra ndo m le ngt h ante n nas), dial lamp s for No.2451
n igh tt ime operatio n and a loudspeake r. In Dial - R adi o Shack N o.3 88 (5"), Lafay ette
No.25660 14%")
a d dition , I selec te d a cabi ne t wit h enough Cabi ne t - Gle nwood Sales, 594 H agu e St. ,
ro o m to house the batte ries, headphones, R ochester N Y 14609
key , logb oo k , scra tc h pad a nd o th er o dds 5 1 - 5 PST (part of R3 1
a nd e nds, tru ly giving me a "sta tio n in a 52 - Fi ve p ole, two p o smon rotary (M all ory
3 263J o r 4M2323 usabl e)
bo x. "
53 , 54 - DPDT rocker swi tc hes (R adi o Shac k
No.030 kit of two)
Circuit Description
LMP1 , LMP2 - 6. 3V panel lamps, No.47
A blo ck d iagram of th e transceiver is
shown in Fig. I . The re ceiver utilizes the o u tp u t of the produ ct detector estab lish es
sy nchro dy ne principle , a lso kn own as dire ct th e selec tivit y o f the receiver , which is
co nversio n. A b fo, o pera ti ng at th e receiving a ro u nd 2 kH z. The se nsit ivity of this simp le
freq ue ncy, b eats with th e in coming signa l in receiver is surprisingly good , an d it ap pears
a p ro duc t d ete cto r. The resu lta n t freq ue ncy to be co mparable in perfo rma nce to medi-
is a n audio signa l which is processed by a u rn- p rice d co m mu nica tio ns receivers.
high-ga in audio amplifier to d rive the lo ud- In the tra nsmi tter po rtio n, th e bfo fu nc-
speake r or head phones. A filter in the tions as a vfo, and you tra nsrnif o n the sa me
fre q ue ncy you rece ive on . A buffer stage
isola tes the vfo fro m th e driver an d power
a mp lifie r. ( For 20-me ter o perat io n, a doub-
ler circ u it is switc he d in between th e buffer
r-r- OE TE CT OR AMPL ifIER --, a nd the drive r.) The o u t p u t co m prises a
push-pull power a mp li fie r feed ing a pi n et-
Rev work
, de signed to work into 50- 75!J. loads.
'"T o \ The antenna tuner and swr bridge circuits
were taken fro m various articles in recent
magazines. The tuner com prises a tapp ed
.'0 t oroid coil an d a single 365 p F variable
A~PL IF IE R 8 " FO ca paci tor. The swr bridge also u ses a t oroid
coil t o boost t he sensitivity t o provid e
ade qua te meter deflection at these low
F j g. 1. Block djagram po we r levels .

FEBRUAR Y 1974 61
Ti ,..
I• a
6 0

•- ~

i1 ,~ -If-
> •

,- =
r*+ •
u -"

u ~


, .~
" "
'i"" ~

G~ ~ •"
~ ••
w -
• (f ~

"~ • • L
"w0 •
:.- •
-• •
'- a • u L
0 "

• •
• 0


[@ w
• •


- ~f-
u %

• -,
• [@

• • - •
.~ ~
u " 0




• • u
. ~ •• "u

• rOO . ,~
<. , >-
•" -, •"
m N

•%%<W ~.
•~l w%
" t-
"% ~

Fig. 2 Widng diagra m for transc eiver.

Exclusive sale to licensed Amateur Only
-While they last- NOW
%" VTR (was $1050) $350
%" VTR/solenoid operated (was $1295) $400
Service Manual $ 10

RECORDING SYSTEM: Helical Scan, dual rotating heads (long-life pressure
sintered ferrite), 12in.lsec., 30 frames/sec., 2 fields/frame. VIDEO INPUT: 1
volt POp, 75 ohm unbalanced, composite video, sync neg. VIDEO OUTPUT: 1
volt POp, 75 ohm unbalanced, composite video, sync neg. HORIZONTAL
RESOLUTION: Better than 260 lines. VIDEO AMP. FRED. RESPONSE: 2
MHz at higher than -6 dB . SIG/NOISE RA TlO: Better than 40 dB. AUDIO
50-12,000 Hz. POWER CON-
SUMPTION: 80 watts. RE-
DIMENSIONS: 16%x16%x10 :.
WEIGHT: 60 Ibs.
Empty reel, monitor cable,
power cord, splicing tape.

These video tape recorders are sold as new or factory reconditioned. Should
any operating failure occur during the first 60 days after purchase due to
manufacturers' defect, the VTR will be repaired or replaced at no cost to the
purchaser (except shipping charges), by Concord Communications Systems of
Jacksonville. Check with order. Shipped freight collect.


869 Townsend Blvd. Jacksonville, Fla. 32211
Attn: Jerry Anderson W41QT

Watch for our ad next month featuring limited quantity specials on the
famous Concord vidicon cameras including their hand-held 2/3" separate
mesh view-finder camera. If you can't wait, call Jerry at
(904) 724-6844
FEBRUARY 1974 63
Reference s to articles con tammg details co rrec ted by su bstit u ting a 365 pF o r 4 0 5
o f the sy nch ro dy ne principle , basic Ten-Tee pF capa cito r th at o pe ns clo ckwise.
tran sceiv ers and th e o ther circuits are provi- A wire is wrapped arou nd th e MOSFET
d ed at th e end of the article. lead s o n th e mi x er bo ard fo r prote cti on
against voltage spikes which may occur
dur ing co nstruc tio n. Be sure yo u leave this
Construction wire in place while you construct the rig.
Connectio ns are made to so lder pins o n Remove the wire prior to opera tion, afte r all
the boards, which are coded for easy identi- soldering is co mplete .
fica tio n. T he boards come packed with In retrospect I fou nd the dial lam ps to be
spacers fo r mounting, aligning to ols ( whe re a nonessential additio n. Howe ver, shou ld
requ ire d) and data shee ts giving the schema- you decide to use lights, keep in mind th ey
tic of the board and signal spec ificatio ns. draw mo re curre nt than do es the receiver !
It is do ubtfu l t hat you will want to For th is reason I inclu de d an on /off swit ch
duplicate my cabine t layout , so I won't go just fo r the ligh ts, to keep fro m de pleti ng
into t he nitty-gritty details of chassis d imen- the lantern batteries.
sio ns. e tc . - the photos give you a good idea I had never wound to roid coils before , so
of my particular constructio n . Placement of it was an interesting learning ex perience
boards with respect to o ne ano ther is not makin g the coils for the ante nna tu ner and
critica l, bu t co mmo n sense sho uld be used to the swr bridge. It' s really very simple. Take a
prevent unnecessarily long lead s, especially short length of wire of th e size you will be
from the boards to th e ba ndswi tch. The vfo usin g for th e coil, and wrap o ne turn arou nd
bo ard must be mounted as rigidly as po ssib le the co re. Unwind the wire and flatten it o ut ,
for frequency sta bility . then measu re its length. Multi ply th e length
The variable capacito r that co mes moun- by th e number of turns, and add a few
ted o n th e VO I board o pens co u nterclock- inches for safe ty. Place the toroid co re in the
wise. If you couple it to a vernier dial of th e center o f this length o f wire and begin
typ e sho wn in th e photo s, the lower fre- winding the turns, carefully forming each
quencies will be at the right hand side, and turn around the core snugly by hand. When
the higher frequencies at the left , contrary you have wrapped one-half the number of
to normal practic e . If you want the frequen- turn s, begin with the o the r end of the wire.
cies to be in keeping with the "logical" Be careful not to kink the wire. This
rotation o f th e kno b, this can be easily technique redu ces th e number o f twist s and

Two fron t views of the transceiver, one showing battery compartmen t behin d loudspeaker panel. No te
how panel space is conserve d by placing SWR meter with in dial assem bly .

64 73 M A GAZ INE
turns on the wire , and makes the o verall job ante nna to serve as a dummy antenna and,
easier. In th e case of the an te nna tune r , taps with the swr meter co n trol at mid range,
are made to th e coil using stiff co p pe r wire close the key and adjust the tune and lo ad
which is solde red to th e l l-p osition rotary con tro ls for an ind icatio n o f rf on the meter.
switch. T his p rovid es th e mechanical mount- If you get an indication , fin e and dandy.
ing for th e coil. Leave th e t ransmitter for now, and let 's
The parts fo r th e swr bridge should be calibrate the little fellow.
laid o ut as sy mme trically as possible fo r
accurate results. The toroid transformer pro- Calibration
vides more th an su fficie n t drive fo r the You can use a commu nicatio ns receiver
meter, which in my rig is a 500 jJA move- for calibratio n - o ne whose calibra tion you
ment. Once th e brid ge is built and wired in ca n trust - or a signal generato r. The follow-
pla ce, it mu st be nulled ; this is covered later ing calib ratio n procedure is based o n using a
o n in the article. receiver.
Chec k th at the tuning capacitor o n the
Testing vfo board is fully meshed wh en th e vern ier
Once WIfing I S comp lete, remove the dial pointer is at zero. Pla ce the transceiver
shorting wire from around the MO SFET.nn bandwit ch to 40 meters, then set the cali-
the mixer board. Co nnec t th e battery and brating receiver' s dial to exactly 7.0 MHz
ante nna and pla ce the band switch , to 40 and turn on th e transceiver. Using th e plastic
meters. With the mode switch In RECEIV E, alignment to ol that came with the vfo board,
turn th e unit on and peak the receive co ntro l care fully place it in th e metal can on the
for best reception . Swit ch to 20 meter board , down past the first slug (there are
operation and repeak the receive con trol; t wo slugs - the top o ne is for 80-me ter use).
yo u will notice it is a bit tou chy o n .i this Slo wly adjust the bottom slug until you hear
band , but you should have no problem in the bfo signal in th e co mmu nicatio ns receiv-
getting good recep tion on 20 meters. er's speaker. You will be amazed at how
Sin ce you are probably itching to see stro ng th e radiatio n o f this little oscillato r is!
whether the transmitter sec tio n works, co n- Adjust th e slug for zero beat and mark the
nect a 5 watt non-inductive load to th e dial face with a pencil.

VOl (VFO) MXI 10101 Ace


ANT. TUNER ----- , ~ ,." _..-



Two views sho win g placement of Ten-Tee mo dules in th e author 's un it. Thumbn u t above external 1 2 V
jack is groun d term inal

FEBRUARY 1974 65
peak the coil with the transceiver set at
14..)50 MHz; t he setting will hold for the
TO AN T. CW po rtio n of the ba nd .
To null the swr bridge , use the dummy
LI Cl load , and tune th e transmitter. Adjust t he
bridge for full-scale deflec tio n in FWD.
DE DIRECT TO ANTENNA Switch t o REF an d adjust the trimmer
capacitor at the inp u t end of the bridge (C l)
Fig. 3. Sch ematic of an tenna tuner.
for a null on the meter. Temporarily un-
solder the input and output to the bridge
Antenna Tuner
and reverse the m, then null C2, with the
L 1 - 30 turns N o.20 ename led w ire over Am id on switch in FWD. (Don't lose any slee p if you
T-1 30·2 toro id co re (A midon A ssocia tes, 12033 can't get a perfe ct null; reme mber you are
Otsego s r .. N . Hollywood C A 9 160 71. Taps every 3 looking for relative fron t-to-back read ings.)
or 4 turns. Space t urns evenl y .
S l - 11 p ositi on rotary switc h (M allo ry 4 M 21111) Power Supplies
C l - 36 5 pF varia ble (A adi o Shack N o.1344,
L af ay ette N o.ll034l
The transceiver requires a 12V power
supply. Current drain in receive is abou t 30
Now, by moving the calibrating receiver's rn A, and in tra nsmit , can run 480 rnA. You
dial, a divisio n at a time (the increment is up can use a pair of 6V lantern batteries in
to y ou - I u sed every 10 kHz), and position-
ing the transceiver dial until you get a zero
beat in the calibra ting receiver, yo u can VJ
mark the transceiver dial from 7.0 to 7.3 INPUT ;~ CI "# OUTPUT
MHz. Repeat th is operatio n fo r th e 20-me ter
band, keeping in mind that the frequency " CRI CR2

sprea d is one-half o f the 40-meter display
(you're doubling the fre quency, re me m-
ber?). If you are lazy , you can transfe r the "1 • RF C = Ce 1 04

calibratio n marks from the 40-meter dial to IBQI

the 20-me te r dial, kee ping in mind that 7. 0 1 (METER] R3 ~~
will be 14.02 and so on.

Tuneup and Adjustment Fig. 4. Schematic of SWR bridge.

With the dummy lo ad in place , switch to

20 meters and tune the transmitter for PARTS LIST
ma ximum rf output using the TUN E and SWR Br idge
LO AD controls (make sure the anten na Tl - 6 0 turns No.3 0 enameled wi re over Amidon
tuner is out o f the circuit ). Don 't keep the T -68-2 toro id core . Cr o se wi nd the t urns . Prima ry
key down fo r p rolo nged periods o f time ; just is two turns N o.2 2 or 2 4 hook up wi re wound over
cente r of secondary .
e nough to ge t a reading. Adjust the trimmer
C l C2 - 1.5-7 p F cera mic trimme r ( Lafayette
capacit or nearest to the output transistors N o.68386 mi ca u sabl e)
on the transmitter b oard (TX2) for ma xi- A1 , A2 - 120 ohm Y2W
mum rf outpu t on the meter, maintaining CR1, C A2 - 1N 3 4 A or equivalent (Radio Shack
resonan ce with th e TUNE an d LOAD con- No. 8 21 for p ack of 10; se lect tw o t hat matc h th e
closest) .
t ro ls. Switch to 40 me ters and adju st the C3, C4 - .0 0 5 J1F disc type
TUNE an d LOAD contro ls for maximum rf C5 - 330 pF cera mic or silver m ica
o ut put, then adjust th e trimmer on T X2 AF C - 1 mH choke
farthest from th e output transistors fo r Sl - SPOT (U se OPOT Radio Shack rocker;
N o. 0 3 0 for kit of two)
maximum rf.
A3 - 25,000 ohm li near ta per con t ro l ( Radio
Switch back to 20 meters and adjus t the Shack No.0941
slu g in the coil o n the AC6 d ou bler b oard Mete r - 50 J1A to 1 m A movement (Lafayette 500
for maximu m rf o utput. For CW opera tio n, /lA N o. 5036 1 a good siz e)


• Learn th e truth about you r a nt e n na .
• Find it s resonant frequen cy .
Mo torcycle batteries make good portable powe: • Find R a n d X o ff- resona nce .
supplies. Two 6 volt, 2 amplhour units such as thi: • Independent R & X d ials greatly simplify
can fit into case along with a small ba ttery charger t uning beams, arrays.
Care must be taken to keep batteries upright tc • Com pact, li ghtwei ght , battery operated .
prevent' acid spillage. • S im p le t o us e. Self co nta ined.
• Br oadband 1-1 00 M Hz.
series or a 12V lantern battery and get • Free broch ure on requ est .
pretty good performance from t hem. But it • Order direct. $39.9 5 PPD U.S. & Ca nada
is highly reco mme nd ed that you use a power (add sa les t ax in Calif.l
source t hat presents a "stiffer" lo ad to t he
rig, such as an automobile battery or motor- PALOMAR
cycle storage battery. These sources will go a ENGINEERS
long way in preven ting un wan ted deviatio ns BOX 455 , ESCONDIDO, CA 92025
in supply voltage and th e possibility of
chirpy signals. You can buy two 6V 2
arnp/hr batteries for a sma ll Honda motor-
bike from Sea rs or Montgomery-Ward fo r
around $4 each. T he batteries are sma ll
enough to fit into the cover of the cabine t I THE NEW DELUXE DIGITAL
used, along with a small charger.

- - .-, FP FROM

T he built-in anten na t uner will let you

load a varie ty of radiators. I often use just a
65 ft long piece of wire, tying o ne end to a
length of nylon builde r's twine and a rock,
and tossing it in to a t ree . By tu ning the
transmitt er , watching the FWD and RE F MFA·22 DUAL VERSION
readings, and adjusting the La nd C, a bit at Also Available MFA·2 SINGLE VERSION

a time, you can usu ally get a good rna tc h • Transmit and Receive Operation: All units
have both Simplex and Repe.ter Modes
and make worthwhile co ntacts. But you may • Accur.te Frequency Control: .000 5% ac-
find the rig is "hot" with rf, and to uching • Stable Low Drift Outputs: 20 Hz per degree
C typical
the case may detune the rig! • Full 2 Meter Sand Cover•• e: 144.00 to 147.99
MHz. in 10KC step's
A better solutio n to the ante n na problem • Fast Acting CirCUit: 0 .15 second typical set-
is to use a simple trap dipole covering 40 and t1ing time
• Low Impedance ( SO ohm) Outputs: Allow long
20 meters. The imp rovemen t over the long ca b le runs for mobiles
• Low Spurious Output Level: similar to crystal
wi re justifies t he extra wo rk involved in output
setting up such an antenna. Of course you • PRICES R.. Electronics
could also use a vertical, such as the 14AVQ. M FA -22 $27 5.00 -P
M FA-2 $2 10.00 Box 1201 B
as long as you use a good ground ro d or S h ip pi n g $3. 0 0 Champaign, IL 61820
make a set of radia ls. SEND FOR FREE DETAILS

FEBRUARY '974 67
Operating Tips
MORE RANGE .•• You will learn very quickly that it takes a

with NO NOISE bit o f p atience and a slightly different

operating techniq ue t o be a successful Q RP
man. Experie nce has proven it's better to
~o\l. ~\.\. answer a CQ than to call one yourself. You
will usually do b etter wh en the band isn't
tIIO~\\.~ "l\\1S too cro wde d, and before the noise level gets
up . My best operating has been early mo m-
ing through late aft ernoons. And with so
many transceivers o n the air th ese days , if
you tune to th e high-frequency side of the
other fellow 's signal, y ou will establish the
CU STOM SYSTEMS correct freq uency offset so he will be able to
KITS' ACCESSORIES hear you without having t o re t une his
/ receiver.
On 20 meters, y ou may hear foreign
broadcast statio ns all over the band, regard-
less o f the position of the main tu ning dial.
ELIMINATE IG NITIO N NOI SE This is due to overloading of the simple
ELECTRO· SHIELD ~ receiver front end. and ca n be reduced bv
,..-,:;;;:~YO~U R ENGINE care fu lly pe aking the RECEIV E co ntrol. If
FROM t hey still lea k t hro ugh, and adjus ti ng the
ante nna tun er doesn't attenuate them in to
th e noise level , yo u ma y need a trap in the
antenna lead to the receiver. I've been able
t o peak up t he con tro ls so that whil e the
For BCI is st ill t he re, it is far e no ugh d own in dB
so as not to bother my o peratio n.
FREQ. One last co mme n t. Please use tact wh en
STABILITY you rece ive better signal reports fro m fel-
Depend on JAN Crystals .
Our large stock quartz
crystal materials a n d comp onents assures Fast
0' lo ws running 100 times the pow er you are,
t ha n you give them. They'll most lik ely call
Deli very Ir om us . you a liar whe n yo u repe at for t he third tim e
CRYSTAL SPECIALS that you are o nly running a few watts in put.
2·METER FM for most Tran sc eivers ea . $3 .75 It's just that they haven't learned yet that
144- 148 MH z - .002 5 T a l.
y ou can get o ut wit h you r little flea power
Frequen cy St andard s
10 0 KHz ( He 13 lU l 4.50 j ob almost as well as they can !
1000 KH z (He 6/ U) 4.50 A special th anks is in orde r to Mr. J ack
Almost all CB Set s . Tr . or Re c . 2.50
(e e Synthe si zer Cryst a l o n requ est)
Birchfield o f T en-Tee, Inc. , fo r his invaluable
An y Amateu r Band in FT -243 1.50 tec h nical assista nce, and to Mr. Cou rt Packer
(80·meter . $3 .00 - 160- me te r n ot ; p... .1d) 41 0r 5.00 for his photo graphy .
For 1st cla ss ma i l. a d d 20c p er c rys ta l. For
Airmail. add 251: . Send che c « or m on ey orde r.
.. .WB 2WYO
N o deal ers . pl ea se . References
Equ ipment Report - Ten-Tee PM 2, J une 1970
QST (DeMaw)
Di v is i on 01 B ob Whan Direct Co nvetsion - November 1968 QST (Hay-
& So n El e ctr oni c s . In c . ward, Bingham)
2400 Crys ta l Dr ive
Fl. M yer s . Fl ori da Synchro dy ne De tectors, April 1969 QST (DeMaw)
33901 Antenna Tuner - Windowsill Vertica l, Jun e 1967
QS T (McCoy)
CRYSTALS Al l Phones
(813 ) 936-2397 SWR Bridge - QRP Console, September 197 0 QST
(De Maw)
Se n d 10e fo r ne w ca talog wi th 12 OSCi ll ator
ci rc uits an d li sts of tr eq u en ci es In sla ck Toro id Coils "The Whole o f the Doughnut" , June
1967 73 (Klein)

Bob Banin gton W6JDD
1087 Hewitt Drive
San Carlos CA 94070

'\ r '\

I .J

Increase y our average talk-power with this simple device.

ike a "Mini- Linear" for u nder te n Where d o you star!'! Comb through th e
L bucks? That would be almost some-
thi ng fo r nothing, now, wouldn't it? Of
past two o r three years of articles in t he
various ham publications if you like. But if
course you can't build a li near for that price you'd prefer to make it a little easie r on
bu t you ca n dramatically increase the effec- yourself, an d inexpensive. play arou nd wit h
tive ness of you r single sideba nd signal at low the circuit shown below. It has wo rked
cost , wit h a li tt le care fu l experime ntat io n, won de rs wit h Swan's, S BE's and many o ther
How? With speech processin g - ca ll it pre- t ra nsceive rs.
amp lification with clipping, co m pression - The basic circ uit is prett y simp le and
whatever yo u will, the name of th e ga me is stra igh tfo rwa rd: the correct use an d adjust-
higher average level, increased in telligibil it y me nt of it, not ne cessaril y so. Here are the
of commu nica tio ns. There have bee n all guide ru les: whe n the unit is prope rly aidi ng
kinds of circuits publishe d fo r accomp lishi ng your average talk -power level. an rf b rid ge
t his . The secret though, whatever approach on forward power o r a wattmeter will clearly
you use, is to do p lenty of experimenting for "ha ng up," like d elay ed A VC actio n o n the
best results tailore d to y ou r part icu lar voice, "S " mete r reading of a strongly received
your microphone, yo ur exciter. signa l. Your "Ch rist mas t ree" pattern on a
You can 't do this blind folded, any more sco pe will demonstrat e th e difference, to o.
than y ou could expect to repair a co mp li- And a brother ham can co n fi rm th is o n his
cate d piece o f elec tronic gear with a wad o f "S" meter at a distant receiving p oint.
chewing gu m. But t he k ind of tools you .,
need are not t ha t diffi cult to come by . . .
and yo u may have so me of them already on 2 .8K

h and in the shack : a go od output meter (rf

t---, OR' 0.1 JlF
bridge or wa ttmeter); a mo nito r scope; and a

pair of good ears, prefe ra bly be lo nging to an eR'
unprejudiced frie nd in the ama teu r frater- ,
nity. Better y et, ins tead of so mebo dy else's
.01 )IF
HEP ~4 "
ears, why n ot a tap e recorder? You d on 't
" 0.1JlF
have to argu e with it . .. it is up to y ou to
IN270, IN~38. HEP 1~6.
acce pt or reject t he reco rder's co m p lete ly
unbiased ju dgme n t ! Fig. 1. W6 JDD's au dio preamp comp ressor .

FEBRU AR Y 1974 69
CFP ENTERPRISES You can co ntrol the degree of compres-
866 Ridge Ro ad sion to some extent by setting the mike level
Lansing, NY 14882 into t he circuit through adjustment of the
Central Upstate New York's l OOK input potentiometer. Then compen-
Mail·Order Headquarters sate for the overall level by readjustment of
Specializing in Two-Meter FM you r exciter's own mike level control. T he
and Quality Used Gear o utboard circuitry ends up wit h passive
O f fice a nd Salesroo m Ho urs by Appoi ntme nt O n ly diode com p ression. T he number of dB's of
24-Hour Phone: 607·533·4297 co mp ressio n will vary here if you ex peri-
Send SASE" for Bi-M on thly Listing of:
Used Eq uipmen t and Bargain Goodies ment wit h vario us types o f diodes. Since the
T r ade- i ns accepted o n bot h new a n d used time consta nt is controlled by the 50 IlF
eq u ipme nt . Cash deals get prepa id shipp i ng i n capacitor and the 5K resistor, some ex peri-
t he Continental USA plus a 1 5 % discount on
t he items o n our regular listing!l1!! me ntation here too will provide some differ-
ent and measurable results in the output.
CLEARANCE SALE Regardless of what t he output meter
Send for FREE list of select used says, the acid test is how it sou nds. Distorted
compression is worse than no comp ression at
equipment at a spec ial discount all! Here's whe re your frie ndly tape record er
of 40% off regular prices. Savings is better t han your friend ly "friend's" ears.
galore!! T.T. Freck, W4WL If you hanker fo r some of t hat o ld D· I04
pe netrati ng quality with high talk-power
FRECK RADIO & SUPPL Y CO. pu nch for mowing down the DX, you can
40 Bi ltmo re Avenue get it. Depending on your mike and your
P.O. Box 7287 voice , experiment with input coupling capa-
Asheville, North Carol in a, 28807 citors ranging from .0 0 1 to .1 IlF. Run a test
Telephone: 704·254·9551 through a tape recorder . .. you'll know
when it's right. The .0 I is just right for my
voice; it may not be for yours .

FM Schematic Digest This ty pe of circuit will perform with

almost any kind of an audio transistor at
voltages ra nging fro m two penlight cells to a
MOTOROLA SCHEMATICS sta ndard 9V tra nsistor battery . Germanium
Alignment, Crystal , and Techni cal Notes diodes are p referred to silicon diodes due to
operating ref'erence levels .
covering 1947·1960
One final word of caution. Always shield
136 pages 11 Y,' x 17" ppd S6.50 such a circuit well in a suitable minibox. An
S. Wolf rf choke and small bypass filter is desirab le
in the hot input mike lead. If you run a
Box 535
linear kee p an eye o n a scope fo r "fuzzing"
lexington, MA 02173 of t he pa ttern as an indicato r of rf leak age
into the unit. Circui ts like t his lend them-
5200 P.Nma Ave., Richmond CA USA 94804
selves idea lly to perfboard lay ou t and con-
struct io n.
THE ONLY aSL BUREAU to hendle ell of If you possibly can, play with matching
your QSLs t o .nywh". ; next door , the " • • t
stete the next county . the whole world . Just the critical components to your custom
bund'ie t h e m up (p lease arr ange alphabet ically)
and send t hem to us with p ayment of sc: each. tailored requirements, utilizing the tape re-
corder as the judge . Th en put it on the
air .. . and better yet . . . don't use a linear.
That will prove to you (if you have done
your homew ork right) tha t you rea lly have
gotten so met hing - almost - for no t hing !

. . .W6JDD

7!1' 73 MAGAZ INE

Gerald &y WIGQG
47 Rockspring Rd.
Stamford CT 06906


any hams received their introducti on The receiver described in the following
M to radio t h rough listening t o the
international short wave listen ing (S WL)
sectio ns met these objectives and has pro-
vided many hours of pleasant listening to
bands. T he t hrill of sitting in your own stations in fo reign lands.
home listening to a broadcast by a sta tion in The Integrated Circuit
a foreign land was only exceeded by the
Upon review of the numerous analog of
realiza tion that one could become a ham and
ICs available, the Amperex TAD-IOO was
conduct an international two-way conversa-
selec ted. This device provides all the active
components needed for a complete AM
broadcast receiver exce pt for the comple-
The trends to SSB and all ham band
mentary pair audio o utput transistors. The
transceivers increased the effec tiveness and
internal oscillator is only o perable to about
pleasure of hamming. However , the capa-
3 MHz but the mixer gives go od results to 27
bility to browse the intern ational broadcast
MH z when driven by an exte rnal o scillator.
bands is often missed. Building a simple
converter ahea d of a SS B receiver is no t T he circ ui t of th e TAD-IOO is sho wn in
sufficient since the bro adcast stations use Fig. 1. Q I an d Q 2 comp rise a long-tailed-pair
AM. mi xer and Q3 is a d c cou pled oscillator. In
the SWL receiver, Q3 is prevented from
oscillating and the external oscillato r injec-
In addition to the construction of a
tion is applied t o th e emitters of Q I and Q2.
receiver converting the SWL bands, I wanted
An ex te rnal ceramic filter provides selec-
to build a receiver using integrated circuits
tivity be tween the mixer and i-f amplifier.
to the maximum exte n t possible. Design
objectives included: covera ge of the 9, 11 , A three stage i-f, consisting of Q4, Q5,
and 15 MHz bands plus WWV at 10 and 15 and Q6 provides amplification. A de feed-
MHz; Sufficient selectivity to adequately back circuit (pins 10 and I I are de connec-
separa te sign als o n the o ften crowded bands ; ted ) aids st ability. Q7 is the AM detector
good sensitivity without the use of an and Q8 a nd Q9 fo rm a long-tailed-p air audio
ex ternal antenna; reasonable fidelity and preamp lifier section. A Darlington circuit ,
stability : and simplicity and low cos t. Q10 an d Q II , drive a 2N4107 complernen-

FEBRUARY 1974 71



e @@ 4 .7K
0' CR'

0' 0'
~ @ \ ) I~
07 08 0' $ 0 10

i7' ~ b
IO~ ~ d
-' '" 7
6.8' 0 0 ' 70 ~
0 '" " (0 680 •
0 2.7K

Fig. 1. Internal circuitry of the TAD-100.

ta ry pair to 0.7 watt au dio outp ut with a 6 A ferrite rod an te nna gives the receiver
volt su pply. some degree of portability. This also allows
Ex te rn al circuitry provides 20 dB nega- an increased Q of th e coil to improve
tive fe edback fro m the external audi o out- sele ctivity. The ferrite rod was scrounged
put stage to the audio preamp to ensure from a transistor radio so its characterist ics
consistent performance and to reduce the are unknown. Some experimentation with
effec t of supply voltage fluctuations. The the number of turns may be required to
age voltage derived from the emitter of the achieve proper coverage with different rods.
detecto r co ntrols th e gain of the mixer If the receiver is used near a transmitter,
thro ugh an exte rn al d ecoupling network and back-to-hack diodes should be connected
gives approximately 60 dB of age range . across Ll to prevent damage to the IC.
The cerami c i-f fil ter has a 3 dB band- The receiver tunes from 9.3 to 18 MHz.
width of 5 kHz and is 33 dB d own at +9 The elimination of bandswitching reduces
kHz. Ultimate attenuation is 90 dB. Audio circuit complexity. An imported dial from
distortion is under 2% at 0.6 watts output. Allied Radio Shack serves as the main tuning
Sen sitivity for a 10 dB signal-to-noise ratio is dial. Bandspread is a little marginal using this
just under I j1V into 50n at I MHz . This approa ch but it takes only a few minutes to
figure will degrade so mewhat at the frequen- develop the necessary skill.
cies covered by th e SWL receiver. The sensi- C 1 is a surplus variable which has 3
tivity is quite adequate and signals from all sections of 50 pF per section. Only two
over the world are easily received that are sections were used. Similar capacitors can be
well ab ove th e no ise even though an external substitu ted. CI A tunes the antenna circuit
antenna is not used. while CI B tunes the high frequency oscilla-
tor. C2 is a trimmer which achieves tracking
Circuit between the antenna circuit and the oscilla-
Figure 2 shows the circuit of th e SWL tor.
receiver. Where possible , junk box or surplus The oscillator uses an RCA 40240 tr ansis-
parts were used to hold down cost. The tor. T his inexpensive unit has a high beta
valu es shown for the components in the and a high jt. Numerous oscillators have
aud io and age circuits are the recommended been construc te d with this device and it
valu es from Arn perex's Report No. S-144. In always performs flawl essly. To cover the
my receiver , su bstit u te values were often wide frequency range, a Hartley circuit was
used which close ly ap pro ximated re com- designed. The tuning capacitor comprises
mended values. almost the entire tuned circuit capacitance

The F.M. Transceiver •

Here it is. the FMer's dream. a fully synthesized transceiver that'll cover the entire two
meter band, PLUS a built-in scanning receiver that'll locate any repeater frequency in
your area that's in use.

And get a load of these other features that make the ultimate rig:
• Operates on FM, AM or Modulated CW
• Built-in DC and AC power supplies
• Frequency Range of 143.5 to 148.5 MHz in 5 KHz increments
• Autoscan in 5 KHz steps across entire band, with adjustable speed and frequency limits.
• Synthesizer flexibility that offers choice of 600 KHz up or down, 1 Meg up or down, simplex,
frequency split, or any nonstandard split (programmable) all from a single function switch.
• Receiver Sensitivity of 0.35 My for 12 db SINAD on FM
• Dual power output of 20 watts or 5 watts across entire band
• Adjacent channel rejection 130 KHzl 100 db minimum
• Image spurious and intermodulation lElA) 80 db minimum
• 10 pole, 13 KHz crystal filter
• Receiver Superhet, single conversion
• Frequency stability of 0,0005%
• Built-in tone burst and PL encoders and decoders
• Built-in touch tone pad
• Full LED Digital readout
• Built-in S Meter also serves as VSWR bridge, power output meter, battery indicator, deviation
indicator and discriminator meter .
• Audio output 4 watts @ 10"10 THO
• Speaker built-in to left side of cabinet for maximum mobile reception
• Headphone jack for noise-free mobile operation

Independent selectable priority channel
Built-in Auto CO
Temperature range from _20 0 to 170° Fahrenheit
$100 deposit will insure
• Size: 4" H x 8 " W x 10" 0 Weight: 10 pounds ea rly delive ry an d guarant ee
• One million channels (1000 Rec. x 1000 Trans.I pn ce

You owe it to yourself to go first class. Try an EBC 144 -

You deserve it !

15V River Street
New Rochelle. NY 10801 (914) 235-9400
and thus permits the coverage of the wide Parts List
frequency range. The oscillator operates at C1A ,e Dual-section variable capacitor, 50 pF per
455 k Hz higher than the desired signal. This C2 1.5-7 pF trimmer.
places its harmonics within the range of an FL 1 Ceramic filter, Amperex part No. 8222410
aU ham-band receiver at critical points to 42010.
assist in receiver calibration. L 1 11 turns no. 16 spaced over 2%" of a 5" x
A curious problem developed in the 1/4" ferrite rod.
L2 1 tum link wound over the cold end of L 1.
initial receiver design. L2 approaches self- L3, L5 19 turns no. 24 close wound on %"
resonance in the commercial FM band . diameter form (use an old resistor 1 megohn or
Harmonics from the oscillator were strong larger!.
enough to produce FM signals aU over the L4 Ohmite 2·144.
L6 27 turns no. 24 wound on 3/8" diameter
dial. A simple low pass filter , consisting of
slug-tuned form.
L3, L4, L5, L7 and C8, eliminates the L 7 4 turns no . 24 wound over the cold end of L6.
problem except for a few weak spurious La 1 turn no . 24 wound over L7.
signals outside the SWL bands. My location 012, 13 2N4107 (consists of one each 2N4105
is within a few miles of some very high and 2N41061.
power commercial FM stations. If your 014 40240.
015 Any NPN transistor in TO ·5 can.
location is less severe, the filter may not be Sl On-off switch on R6.
needed . T1 117 V .A .C . to 6.3 V.A.C . transformer, Olson
The signal input is applied to the base of T·76.
Q I and is mixed with the oscillator signal U1 Amperex TAD·l()O integrated circuit .
applied to the emitters of Q I and Q2. The
455 kHz i-f signal is taken from the collector Also, the quiescent operating point of these
of Q I and passed through the ceramic filter, transistors did not appear to be critical so a
FLI. C26 must be a high quality bypass and fixed resistor was substituted.
should be connected directly between pin II The power supply circuit is standard with
and pin 7 of the T AD-lOa using short leads. the exception of the filtered supply to the
Some i-f instability was present using the oscillator. The audio stages draw fairly heavy
rrianufacturer's recommended circuit. This peak current causing the base-emitter im-
was cured by using an additional bypass, pedance of Q 15 to vary. This leads to
C 17, connected between pins 11 and 7 of enough change in output voltage to cause
the i-f filter using short leads. the oscillator frequency to vary if it is
After i-f amplification and detection by connected to the same line. Thus, voltage for
Q4, Q5 , Q6, and Q7, the audio and age the oscillator is taken from the zener diode,
voltage are present at pin 8. R I, R2, and C4 D5, which is much steadier. QI5 is an
comprise a decoupling network with the unmarked NPN junk box transistor. The
proper age time constant. The age voltage is requirements are not critical and nearly
fed back to the mixer through L2. Bypass anything in a TO-5 can will suffice. If Q 15
capacitor C13 is connected to the dc line does not overheat when testing the receiver,
rather than grounded to avoid i-f feedback . it is probably good enough.
R5 and C 18 form a decoupling network to
prevent the 455 kHz i-f signal from entering Construction
the audio stages. A homemade " L" shaped chassis and
The audio stages are fairly straight for- panel was formed from an aluminum cookie
ward. The RC networks are designed to sheet. A surplus walnut cabinet from a small
provide proper bias for the stages, to provide stereo receiver housed the unit. The tuning
negative feedback for improved stability, variable, CI, is mounted in the center of the
and to limit the frequency response to about chassis. The TAD-lOa and its associated
12 kHz. Amperex recommends the use of a parts are mounted on one side of CI, and
potentiometer in parallel with a thermistor the oscillator and power supply are on the
for R 13. The author found no heating of other side. The ferrite rod antenna runs
QI2 and QI3 under normal operating con- parallel to the front panel on the rear lip of
ditions so the thermistor was eliminated. the chassis.


05 06
. / 3.2.{\.
' 90 6:4 V
":'7 (;7 <,

8.2 I(

200J"~ JI
l U;"
~~ =- t;1~

10 K

IK 0 12 0 12
C4 ~ ' 90 2N4 10!5 ± C25 •

;J; 02 _ 320 J,lF

IO )lF C,?±
25V 8 .2 1<
0 0I1 f 6 .4Y

..... R9 013 013

~I~I U:

7: 1f
10K 47 2N4106
II • ~~12
rrr r7/1 ~~
10 ; 0 14

14 C26
3 .9t<

C!5 ,... 3
04:+ C6;:!::: R4
14 10
4 .7 K
.0 05 OlD

27 h
>- '
, If


r7 I

47,J; >-L4
O ",C17

~~;t >-

40240 016
22 K crJ~
50 F
L >-
1 ~ CIO
0, 01 7
'9K .0 4 7
FLO L >- I
0 0
0 r

Ria _ ~ C9
10~7 JOOO
Sl 0 1-4
11 HEPI7!5

1 234567 't' C1 4
~~ CIO < i"
Cl~ -. r
3 00 J,lF 300" ~O IIF HEPIO
141312/110 9 10V IOV V

Fig. 2. Circuit diagram of th e SWL receiver incorporating the TAD-100 Ie chip.

FEBRU AR Y 19 74 75
Layout is not particularly critical but hookup wire antenna from the ham receiver
good rf practice should be followed. Be sure to a point near the SWL receiver. With the
not to enclose the unit in a metal box or plates of Cl fully meshed, tune the slug in
signals will be prevented from reaching the L6, L7, L8 until the third harmonic of the
ferrite rod antenna . oscillator is received by the ham receiver.
The Amperex application note suggests This corresponds to an incoming frequency
mounting the components on a printed selling of the SWI. receiver of 9.3 MHz. If
circuit board and the use of small transistor no signal can be heard, check the polarity of
radio parts. In the interest of simplicity, the windings on the oscillator coil. 1.6 and
direct wiring was used with components 1.7 must be phased properly or the circuit
physically larger than the recommended will not oscillate.
parts . No unusual troubles were experienced. Next, place your fingers on LI to de-Q
The T AD-lOa is turned on its back with its the circuit. As you tune up the dial, the 9
"legs" in the air. Connections are made MHz shortwave band should be present over
directly between the pins (use a minimum the first 20% of the dial and WWV should be
amount of soldering iron heat and applica- heard at 10 MHz.
tion time) and several nearby terminal strips. While listening to WWV at 10 MHz, adjust
All ground connections should be made the spacing of LI, by compressing or spread-
as directly as possible to pin 7. This is ing turns, until the signal strength is maxi-
especially important for C26. CI3 should be mized. Continue tuning up the dial until, at
a small size ce ramic capacitor and is about the midpoint , the II MHz shortwave
mounted as close as possible to pins 8 and 9 band is received. Picking a strong, steady
of the TAD-lOa. signal, adjust C2 for a peak in signal
The ferrite rod is mounted several -inches strength. This is only a temporary adjust-
from other components to avoid feedback ment of C2 to get it into the proper range.
problems. In my receiver, a short piece of Next tune further up the dial to the 15
shielded cable connects 1.2 and the IC MHz shortwave band. Finally, peak C2 on a
circuitry. A small vertical shield is mounted strong signal. The trimmers in FLI can now
between the ferrite rod antenna and the be adjusted for the best sounding signal
oscillator circuitry to prevent oscillator har- quality. After rechecking these adjustments,
monics from reaching the antenna circuit. the receiver is properly tuned. The dial can
The oscillator and harmonic filter com- be calibrated using combinations of oscilla-
ponents should be securely mounted. The tor harmonics as received on the ham band
requirements are not too critical, however, receiver, WWV signals, and received short-
sin ce the received signals are AM. Several wave signals.
hundred cycles of drift will not cause any
noticeable change in the received signal. Conclusions
The receiver performs remarkably well
Testing and Calibration
considering its simplici ty . Sensitivity is more
All semiconductor devices are unforgiving than adequate to fill the dial with signals and
of wiring errors and it is always a good the ceramic i-f filter ensures good selectivity.
practice to recheck your WIring job against Not surprisingly, the lack of image rejection
the schematic . Also inspect carefully for on the higher frequencies is noticeable. A
so lder bridges between pins on the IC and very weak image on the 15 MHz WWV signal
shorts between components. Apply power can be received for instance. Within the SWL
and check for approximately 6 volts at the bands, however. few problems exist.
emiller of Q 15. Some noise should be heard The TAD-lOa is a remarkable device and
from the speaker. certainly should have broader applications.
Calibration can best be accomplished at For example , by using the internal oscillator
night when plentiful signals are present on and tuning the input frequency to 1.5 -2
the bands. The oscillator calibration is the MHz, an excellent back end for a portable
first task to be accomplished. Tune a ham two meter AM set could be constructed.
band receiver to 29 .265 MHz and place a . .. W1GQG

Bill Hoisington KICLL
Peterborough NH 03158


[with the 432'er)

• •

t last into th e home-stretch with o nly a Figure I shows the d etails which by now
A fe w trials and tribulations ahead. You
wo uldn't ex pect a complete station to go
wit h t he use of lumped circuits constit u te
p rac tical ly a sta ndard schematic fo r 4 32
together just like that would yo u? It almost MH z. At least th ey all work well,
did , Nothing really se rious, b u t it might hit Now we. have a t riple r crystal exciter and
you too, so here are the details. three rf stages, but we also have increased
My only 54 Mll z rock , left o ver from drive and more o u t pu t.
dry-cell battery tube work o f ten y ears ago , Another knotty one , Or rather t wo to-
has always had a big "w" in ked o n it. This is get her. When runnin g high gain lo w freq uen-
my sy mbol fo r weak, and it was, Worse th an cy selective circuits, nuisan ce feedback is
that it d evelo ped a particula rly viru len t form easy to come by . T his is o ne you may well
of nastiness, You co uld n't exactly call it encou n ter, so we'll wa rn you no w, and
intermittent , it just fad ed awa y or would n't furnish th e remedy also . The 135 i-f stri p
come on at all . and uf were running fin e, but as soon as the
I plugged in a good 53 MHz crystal and 1.6 5 MH z i-f was plugged in , zilch ... S
the out put power ju mped as did th e exciter meter dr op ped near ze ro, and t he d arnd est
mils as th e multiplier stages go t plenty of lo w af rumble and wa rble you ever heard
drive. This was fine, but of course th e last came out of t he speaker wit h a hashed-u p
d oubler was now on 4 24 instead of o n 4 3 2 signal also. With separate batteries - fi ne -
There re mained the tripler exciter, wh ich but that's no sol ution . Inclusion of a lOon
sho wed an insufficient amou n t of driver, as resistor in th e plus batt ery lead to the B plus
mentioned before . The obvious answer was bus in th e st rip did the j ob, excep t fo r th e
another rf stage, a " pre-dri ver " as it is called second part of the trouble which was the
in solid-sta te circles. There are fo u r rf stages resistance o f t he o uter cond uctor of some
in th e shack now, so o ne was t ried out and old thin braided micro phone cable being
worked even better t ha n the d o ubler exciter used to con nect t he two i-f strips. T he o u ter
alone, like over 150 m W ou tp ut on the fina l. conducto r ac tually measu red I/lOthn, so
All fo u r of these little planks are in use beware o f that stuff. Eve n a good piece of
however, so I had to throw another o ne new RG-58 ca ble when used with co nnec to rs
together for this pre-driver stage. whi ch were not ab solutely new and shiny

FEBRUARY 1974 77
STAGE , 4 32 ER
,--c = __ II FOOT

ARe a


II( 33

NOTES ' eas
Cl o JOHNSOt<l ~PLATE 16 0 -102 .
C4 THRU ct. DIPPED "'leA, 150pF,
2N36 0 0

Uo :5 t URNS COPPER NO. 16,

1/4"0 0, li Z" LONG .
Fig. 1. Pre-driver rf stage, 432'er.

caused trouble. I mean the connectors, of noise figures were obtained with these, as
course. A good short ground between the well as less confusion in circuitry and bat-
two strips did the job right. When you want tery polarity. A negative ground can now be
smooth, trouble-tree operation of high gain used throughout, and you can forget about
stages, you must take certain precautions. PNP transistors except possibly for high
There is something fascinating about a power modulators later on.
good double-frequency i-f that handles well, No change in the coil windings was
is free of feedback, has good ave, and needed, other than to lift the co llector
doesn't cost too much, so your buddy can return from ground and bring it to the plus
duplicate it and take it with him to another 12 volt bus. Figure 2 gives the final i-f circuit
mountain 100 miles away . That is, it's which works like a charm.
fascinating once you get the bugs out of it.
Sorry, OM, but there's another i-f to DC Levels
connect to that same battery. and yes, I When changing transistors in an i-f strip
know, don't tell me, the same thing occurred or of course when making up a new one, it is
again. Low frequency burble and rumble, very important to set up the de levels on the
when the ten meter receiver-tunable i-f was emitter and base of each device including the
plugged into the 1.65 MHz i-f strip, and also diodes. I say diodes because once having
into that one battery. This time the remedy tried separate diodes for af and ave I'll never
was soon applied with another lOOn resistor go back to a single one again.
doing its stuff in the B plus load. There was Referring to Fig. 2, the base de level of
a 100 /IF capacitor to ground already in the QI is set by R2 and R8. These are not
strip from that bus. critical but must be set properly. A balance
between R2 and R8 is important for proper
Improving the I-F Stages avc action. If R2 is too small too much
The i-f stages were originally built with current will go through Q I. If R8 is too large
some five year-old PNP devices I had around, too much ave voltage will be lost in it. The
and in the interests of battery compatibility, values shown work fine with 2N918's. A one
it was thought best to change over to NPN millimeter in the emitter lead of Q I should
jobs. Improvements in burn-out and better drop from 6 or 8 mils to less than 100 /IA

I ~ -!t -b,o
"1 ; :; ~v "'0'
;~ o ~ =
:oc; I" ,l- '"0'
'"'0' - ~

I )~
-, \
r--J 0' ?) r 0'
'E-- °'
/0 ~ 2 '<91 8 1\ ~ 2'<':1 18
" D2

"" '0~ ~ -!
-, z"21<
~~ :o~
)~ i ~ "
SEE NOT ES "'00 "
~ _6 1<
-::: ::; :0
~O " -
• 6:J


Fig. 2. 13 5 kHz i-f strip reworke d for NPN transistors.

wit h almost any kind of a good signal at J I . The choice o f i-f bandwidth can be very
I use a little h omebrewed atte nuato r bo x as useful at time s. The narrow band i-f requires
in Fig. 3 with the La fayette signal generat or careful tuning and can be subject to certain
on 13 5 kH z fo r those low signal level tests. crysta l and o ther oscilla tor drifts, not only
Do no t expect to be able to d o this o n the in yo ur rig but the other lad's as well, and
higher freq uencies tho ugh . Those kind of also with temperature changes and possible
shielded generators are in the $300 to $400 voltage d ro ps. It is smooth and steady when
range instead of the $30 to $40 one . use d on the air, as you will see later, b ut
The two emitter pots in Fig. 2 are whe n it comes to making all sorts of antenna
practically standard items, SOOn or I K , with and r f stage tests the re's nothing like a little
limited resistors of 33 -0 100n, depe nding o n bandwidth. By " little" I mean a "good little
just what devices you are using to kee p amount of it. " The 1.65 MHz st rip provides
maximum current below 10 mils (in most j ust that with about I 00 kHz bandwidth. All
receivers under test here ). Final good , you have to do with the rig (as now put
smooth-working va lues are given in Fig. 2, together) is change over th e af plug from the
usin g the 2N9 18's I have at the mo men t in narrow ba nd to the broad band st rip, et
th e 135 Hz i-f strip. These are higher voila, instant ease of adjustme nt. There
freque ncy devices than needed . 2N9 16's happe ns to be an "S" me te r in this st rip also,
would be just as good . so all kinds of relative measurements can be
Once y ou get t hem adj usted to whe re you made on antennas, cables, rf, etc . The sharp
want the m, you can of course go to o nly o ne i-f rul es th e roo st th ough with the band
pot for th e i-f gain co ntrol. load ed (on 4 32 that 's more than o ne other
station l). And of co u rse when th e band
Choice of Bandwidth and Gain Handling of o pens it is an absolute must.
th e two I-F Strips
This has worked out fine . Each o f these Installing the Two Low Noise Stages in the
strips originally had a pot in each emi tter of Rack.
each stage and o ne for both stages togeth er. Just fo r security against feedback these
In use on the air I find that the last t wo were mounted on a single copper-cla d base-
stages which make up the narrow band h igh 100 TO ONE AT TE NUATOR
selectivity strip o n 135 k Hz ca n be left alone
at a fixed gain, and the over-all gain can be
set by the pot which co n trols both the
emitte rs of the 1. 6 5 MHz st rip . This o ne also
serves to set for maximum the gain of that
strip wh en it is used alone . So much fo r i-f BUO MIN BOX

gam. Fig. 3. 100:1 attenuator for i-f tests.

FEBRUAR Y 1974 79

5 8 / U CABLE

cr C2
" 833 I
'" (/) I C3
• I 2- 30 F

, -

, C
2: 1/4" HIGH
, - / L1 _ _ TO MIXER

1.5 TO 5pF
I .~ TO 5pF -
J O ~N S O N


9 112" WIDE BY 6 112- OE EP
Ll o 2: TURN S NO.••.

Fig. 4. Final layout, low-noise rt stages, receiver, 4 32 'er.

board on th e top shelf an d given the filter receiver pass band . After mounting every-
treatment in each plus 12 volt lead . A small thing o n th e carr ying rack shelves, b eginning
shield near the coil job removed a slight at th e bott om, with t he af and battery, th en
trace of rf feedback und er certain tuning the 135 kH z st rip ; next th e 1.65 MH z j ob;
conditions. The layout is sh own in Fig. 4 , tunabl e i-f mix er, an d local oscillator on the
with the main points for tuneup and adjust- third sh elf, and the two low noise rf st rips
ment being C I, C2 , C3 and C4. No bugs on top . Bonding was installed piece by piece,
showed up here. The manufacturer of these checking 0 11 that weak signal all the time, as
low noise devices, KMC Semi-Conductor, well as for tuning and handling. For this
Inc ., Long Valley, N.J ., sta tes that for the type o f bonding I use No. 12 solid co pper
b est noise figure use only a few mils, like 2 wire in pieces only 2 - 4 in. long between th e
or 3 . This was found to be true , although the cop pe r-clad baseboards on the shelves. While
gain goes up when 10 mils are used. Remem- some o f this bonding cut down the signal
ber though, gain we've already got , low-noise sligh tly due to elimina t ion of nuisance rf
is that illusive thing we're after. On this feedback , the ent ire job brought the signal
subject, the I m W test signal on just a dipole up and eli minated rem aining traces o f feed-
was st ill com in g in five miles away. back and hand capacity .
It is har d to draw the li ne be twee n a
Bonding collec tio n o f mi niboxes an d 100 lbs of iro n
This may sou nd like a low frequen cy ( I mean co ppe r o r alumi nu m) cla d co nst rue-
thing, but it goes for both high and low and "tion co st ing yo u-know-how-much . Wha t I'm
in between. On th e low frequ encies you can afte r, and I think most readers wou ld like
get that nasty af rumble with the S meter also, is to fina lly h ave a good battery-oper-
going toward zero witho ut any sign al ; on hf a te d , lo w-cost receiver that you hea r DX
you ca n get hand capacity when tuning with with on 432 that h and les well, no t too
a narrow band i-f; and o n UHF you can get touchy o r j u m py , an d still h as roo m fo r
mo st a nyt h ing. Like oscillation s in an rf im proveme n t and growth . Sound s li ke a
stage, rf tuning reaction o nto the crystal- pre tty big o rder, and it h as been ac tually
con trolled lo cal oscillator. (Ye p !) Don't for- tha t because - inclu d ing the t ra nsmitte r - it
get the frequ en cy multiplication for the 48 has tak en ove r three month s to build all the
MHz rock up to 432 is nine times, and a units, work out th e bugs, dra w up the
mere 300 cy cles can throw you o u t o f the circ u its an d layou ts, an d get every th ing




; ",- INNER CONDUCTOR sp·600-JX: AM, cw o0.54-54 MHZ coo tlnuo~ 275,00
P38B/ URA , AM, CWo '1, ,3 01', MHZ linear d ial, PTO 325,00
ONE OF THE ANTENNA R390A/UR R: 'I.. 32 MHi bv d;g its, PTO tun ing .. , , ,. 595. 00
CHANGE OVER CONTACTS ANfFRR ·59B Itater vp r ~;on of WAR 2 l: 2-32 MH l d>g ital tune each 500 Hi
o r con unuocs. A t 2.3. 9, F l . 4, FAX FSTT Y. SSB. carfl~r suppres~
T- ' ellh er band Of bo lh tor 2 d, ff",rent ;nl",Ulgences . Stable and aCCurale
enough 10 use as tr eq , """Ier' Ner WI. 276 IIls _m 2 cabme rs ,n 'ack cradle _
WWVB 60 KHz rI!CV' compara lOf ., ...... . . . . . . . . . • . • •. .. 295.00
COPP ER CL A _ ,D / WWVB 1 k Hi tOlll'Sjl l 1 5f"Cond Inlervals 175.00
~ 112 · BY 3"
38-1000 MHi by Band Swilching. 4 bands Separat.. en.... na lor eecn
1/ 16 " SPACING band .AN /A LR 5 mod;!ied for 117 v 50'60 cy II'll". AMIF M. The Tunt' r IS
a p lug-;n conve.ler: the recei~ .., rs 30 MHi IF and all tha t fo llows IF.
Choose selec tivllll'S 200 KHi or 2 MHz eoch side of cenll''' Faclory
NOTE : chec kou l sheet , tv pic al for th e Ori9lnal-p;u;:k Ill"",r you qe t . say~ sensitivitv
KEEP IN'OER CONDUCTOR WIRES TO ra nges Iro m I ,I I' V at 213 MHl 10 7 al 1 gHi. IF auenua ror i~ ceubretee in
CONTACTS Ell:TRE MELY SHORT . 6 dB step s to - 74 dB. D,od!' currenl meter makes th;s revr useful fOf
. ela tlve he ld slrength measuremen ts and harmonic find e•. Rev. un;1 is e~c.
Fig. SA. TR switch, 432'er solid s tate. used and chec ked OUI O K . . . . • . . . .•••••. • . . .. .. " .. . 375.00
30 MHz PANAQAPT ER ma v beuSl'ful wllh above . . . . . . . • . 295.00
A.I .l . 13 230 MHl r(:vr!ampli f,er /atten. canb. . . . . ... . . . . . . • . 99.50
EDDYSTONE AM /CWfFM fNBFM 19-165 MH i rev. . 295.00
ru nning smoo thly. That thre e months, I
might men tion ,i s o n a six-and-a-h alf days per CV-59 1A : SSB Conve rler I'lthe r 5ide band 137.50
MOTORO LA 3 MHz OSCIL. 5 par ts in 1010 11 th , , 19 9.50
wee k basis. And it won't tak e you that long
because we've worked almost everything out ATTENTlON '
Buyers. Engineen . Ad vanced T&d>noc ians:
for you . and you can start from there. We h_ the best tf!1it-eqll",ment & 05C,1I0S1:0I"" ,"""",tory '" the cou ntry $0
,,$1< for vour neerlJ . .. don't ,,$I< for "n owr"fI c" ."log _ "'50 bvv. 50
tell u, what VOU h_. PrICe I t.
The T-R Switch
There is an easy way to handle this in a
bat tery-powered rig; just use a rotary ce r-
amic switch, reworked a little fo r UHF.
Pro o f of the pudding is on the air.
The main deal is to keep the co n tacts as ECM 5A FM Modulation Meter
close as possible to a flat grou nd -pla ne • O,,".ln 3D-SOD Mhl
Only SISOO ':~ ':.~~:
• Cry.llIl tonl' Dtled ID' 1.1 and n ,y
backing for the sw itch, as in Figs. SA and B. Dpe•• I,on
I have tes te d this out on 4 3 2 MH z, and th ere • Pe.k lea di ng
• B,Il.,v pow. ,ed w"h AA pe"".111
is no noticeable loss involved in go ing
through the switch , Use o ne set of con tacts,
as in Fig. SB, for t he anten na changeove r
section; the rest can be use d "as is" for d c
Phone or write "S k'I1'" W9HAK
fOf cOrTln1el'" mforma tlon D,al
8 12·476-2 121
--- --
-.-._ •--
- •
co nnect io ns to tum on t he transmitter, turn
o ff th e receiver, e tc. , with no special precau-
tion needed in their wirin g. ECM Corpor al lon
The switch is mounted on the transmi t- 4 11 N _We'nbach Ave .
Evansville, Ind Iana 4 77 11
ter, although it could be put o n t he receiver
rack just as well. ANT . SPEC . • TEN TEC
With medium size beams and (see later) GUSH - CRAFT . MOSLEV • HUSTLER
an te nna mounts fo r use o n th e sides of both WA9CFU L EE (2 111 13 5- /265 used
th e transmitting and receiving racks, along
wit h t he T- R switc h, co nsiderable flexibility 62656
of operation is obtained . Either the transmit-
ter or the receiver can be use d separa tely
wit h t heir own portable beam in the car o r
shack, or with a really big beam for serio us
mountain-topping. With th e latter the T-R is
righ t th ere ready to be used .
The tra nsmitter and receiver assem blies
have phono jacks across their tu rn-on
switches which allow cables and plugs fro m

FEBRUARY 1974 81



WEAK ONES . ... Fig. 58. Rear view, TR switch ,

the T· R switc h t o turn th em on and off

alo ng with the ant enna cha ngeover. I haven 't
Very senS;I;~e crysta l controlled corwe-ters for ,ece,vIrl9 the VHF bands with seen any lo w-cost battery-operated relays as
vour present receiver 0' transceiver, ldeal lor OX, FM. Satelli te receouon or
for iust talking to the gang, All have built in supplies fo r operat ion from yet, but with the power avai lable fo r UHF
either 117 VAC 0,12 VDC, 10 Meter au tl' Ll! is standard. Be~,,',tuIlV. bui ll
afld carefully resred with modern e!.1u'pmm'lt . solid state at prese nt this can be omitted.
The use of two racks in the car is not so
50 CA, 50 - 52 MHI 574 ,95
144 CA, 144 - 148 MHI _ 51 4.95 handy , but th e units will soo n be boiled
220 CA, 220 ~ 225 MH z ••. . ... .• ......... 579,95
4 32 CA, 432 - 4 36 MHI $7495
down in size t o where they can go on one
rack. First and foremost is the circuit and its
JA N EL can also supply a 011,," Vd""W 0 1 '«ewmg et1l11,,,,,..m fo, "'duJI"..1 co mpo nents. When you have these and they
;lppltc;l fiofl 1. Wrll" or cdll for d el<Jds

A ll ,tems are POStpaid ;lnd lJUiN,mreed Pfe<tSe order d"ecl 0' W"fe fOf OU'
work well , th en you can plan how to put
f' .... Ci" afog them into little boxes. but not before.
ALSO - We nod< a lull hne 01 ile n~tlYe PR EAMP$'

Car-top Antenna Mounts fo r the 432'er

@ JB~ ~.~C~S~::A~~J::;;;es 'rete hone: 201 ·584·652 1

The first thing t o do is make a visit to
Sears & R oebu ck for a $8.9 5 car-t o p carrier.
They have one wit h wood cro ss bars whic h is
WHY FIGHT CRM & CRN ? just fine for m obile beam mo un ts, as well as
The NEW DE·101 lamily o f $igoal
for carrying big beams if you're the arnbi-

~ .-:::.!
Discriminators is designed to fighl
C RM and CRN fo' you without rig
mo dificatio ns. Each d iscrim inator 01,", tio us type . I generally positio n the two
un it consis ts of two 3 pole opera
t ional amp. filters stagger t uned fo r _ " _ _01
, ' tran sverse bars in the norm al fashio n on the
a flal 100 hz b andpass at 1,000 hl ,
A buller amp. is included for ear
car roof and then bolt on a 1 x 8 in. pla nk
phones, or a 3 W pwr amp . for an 8 o hm spkr. No aCljus tmems, fac to rv
tuned, p lug in installation , one yea, warranty, and 15 day return
run ning fore and aft for the beam mount
which is hand-rotated from t he driver's
DE 101 For earphones onlV. 115 VAC . $29.95 + S2 stllp .
DE TOIA For Spk r& p hones, 115 VAC $39.95 + $2 snI p window. See Fig. 6 .
DE · lOIS For Spkr & phones 12 VDC . $29. 95 + $ 1 sn,p.
DE· TOIC For e¥poones only. T2 VDC S19.95 + $ 1 snI p . ......--T V MA$T
CS I W' red & tested DE·IOIC CIi'C'Jlt bd, $ 14.95 ppd .
CR·23 Walt A udio PWR A mp. fo , 8 ohm StJkf. 12 VDC /(/1 S8.95 ppd
Wli'ed & fested $ 10.95 ppd. _ _ NOTCH F' OR

~ 8 0J< 1131 (Heal"'. A L 35601


•• $56.35 up for q uad ki ts . $79.95 for •

• co m p lete qu ad s (p re -d rilled a nd pre -
• ,(.:I~::'~"~

tun ed ). $ 2 69 .9 5 up for ou r new s upe r ST RA P S -~ WOOD BAR OF'

I• qu ad (p re -d ri lled and p re -tu ned. (Quads I


LEF'T $IOE- - -
.~~~ OR I Y E R $

for special purposes 7 to 150 MHz. ask

I fo r esti ma te ) E-Z WAY POWERS at

Ffee l iterature upon reque st ,
SPECIAL DISCOUNT PRICES I Fig. 6A. Car-top antenna 'm oun t, 432'er. View from
rear of car.

1813) 988421 3


Te m p le T" rf...ce. Fl 336 17 The use of a beam an tenna on a car is to
• - • • • me a very mtrigumg affair. You will find

beam o n a mountain-top lo cation , better
carry along tnree small guy ropes for emerg-
ency use, with a rotating collar. Those winds
come up in minutes, and they blow. In many
places you don't need extra elevation , but
sometimes you will find yourself in a park-
ing lo t just enough down off t he top of the
hill to cause you troub le and will need that
Fig. 6B. V iew from righ t side of car. extra 10 ft of h eigh t. Mt. Cadillac is o ne o f
them, Do wn East in Maine .
that most of the time o n the main highways, Handy Beam Mounts and Fittings
the directio n of the beam stays pretty well
As usual the TV boys help us amateurs
put, and only changes over reasonable
out with mass-produced handy items such as
periods of time. For example , when coming
the I I> in. OD aluminum masting for $1.25
into a city from 30 to 40 miles out, you
per 5 ft or $2. 09 for lOft , plain . The $1 .25
keep the beam pointed mainly ahead for half
bit is for "gold anodized " whatever that might
an hour, and - then while you're going
mean . The new style plumbing lads also help
through o r around town, the signal is lo ud
with thei r black plastic PVC (polyvy nl-
enough almost any where you poin t th e,
chloride) pipe w hich fits just nice and snug
beam; as soon as you get ou t of town, you
inside the aluminum roasting.
point the beam astern and leave it that way
Figure 7 sh o ws a handy rig for portable
for ano ther lengt h of time. The advantages
work with the shelf racks, either transmitter
are great! The beam reduces flutter almost
or receiver o r both . The same antennas that
entirely with some 9/1 Oths of your power
plug into these mounts also plug into the
going toward the other lad and not bounding car-to p mount, as you will see.
aU over the scenery . There is 10 dB of gain
for a good 4 elmeent o n two for examp le,
and it can tell you where your friend's house
is if yo u want to dro p in fo r a visit and see
wha t h e loo ks like !
I have started out from Boston at 5 pm
on two meters with a 4 element beam, going
to Washington, D.C., and wound up near the
Bay Bridge in Maryland at 2 am with steady
QSO's one after the other all the way . Fig. 7A. Wood rack antenna-mount, front view.
Using a plug-in type of mast mount y ou
can run a 4 or 8 element beam on the car
and change to a much bigger one when you
get to your favo rite hill-top. You can also STRAP-«;
plug in beams for other bands, o r even two RACK

b ig "wh eels" stacked if you really want to • ,. •

excite comments.
Fig. 78. Side view.
Figure 6 shows details of the car mount,
almost all wood, and after the use of a can
of aluminum sp ray paint (do this off the car) Medium Size Beams for Portable and Car
it looks fine . Use wi th the 432'er
You can use a good height above ground Two and three element designs (Figs. 8
like th e big truck trailers, but watch out for and 9) are given to start you off po rtab le,
places like t he Merrit t Parkway to ll booths. car, and in the sh ack. A high gain 14 element
They were not made for trucks. You have to job that you can install o n you r roof or
stop o ut on the side and cart your dime over carry up the hills o n the car is shown in
to the man o n foot. Fig.IO.
When you use this moun t 'with a larger Figure 8 shows the 2 element unit. This is

FEB RUA RY 1974 83

tRI-t€k. me. 14 " REF LECTOR
P,O. BO X 14206 DEPT 7
PHOENIX , ARIZON .... 85063 RG- ~e/U CABLE

~ ~~:r
· - tolAST
MFC-6034 • • •VA RIABLE UP TO lOY. 200mA ..... 51. 00
M080S, 7R12, 7815, FIXED -VOLTAG E, lA • • • 52.50
a ooa III eec CEDAR
MC7912 . 7915• • • • • • FixeD - VO LTAG E, lA • • . 52.50

13"fl ADlA~
930 . _•• DUAl 4 INPUT NAND GATE. . .•••••• • • S .30 WOOOSC REW S
946 • •••0UAO 2 INPUT NAND GATE S .30
962 ... . TR IPlE 3 IN PUT NAND GA1 E•• • . . . . . • • 5 . 30 21 /2"C ENTER TO CENTER
SN70400, SN7402, $N7410, SN7430 • ••• •• . . . . ••S . 25
JAN2222A • • HIGH SPEED NPN SwnCH • • • • • • • • S .39
MPF 120••• 0 UAl GATE MOS FET ••.. •••• • •..• S . 75 Fig. 8. 2-eJement porta ble beam 43 2 MHz r top view.
MFE 2000 • • • VHf/U HF N CHA N N EL JfET • • • • • • S .75
MFE 2OO1•• • VHF!UHF N CHAN N R JFET •••••• S.80
handy for test use , h idden t ransmitter h un ts
G LA SS SEA L TANTALUMS• • • bV• ••• N EW by your club. and what have you . It 's also
. 47u f, 12/S1 . oo ••• ". 7uf, 10/ SI .00 •• • 6 .a...f, 8/ SI good for making up multi-element nat
72Ouf/ISO V, SI. 2S 36,CJOOyf/I SV, S2 .25 shaped beams whic h carry nicely on t he car.
Next comes the 3-eleme n t o ne, nat u rally,
I N3289. .. 2ooV/ l ooA SILICON RECT IFI ER •• _ S10.OO wit h Fig. 9 showing details. Don't forget you
MMS314 CLOC K CHIP WIT H SPECiFICATiO N S ;9 . 50 can ho ist one of t he se up 2 0 ft in th e air at a
7 SEGMENT LED REA DOUT . 7/10 in CHARACTER ••• s- .oc
RED WIDE ANGLE LEO 'TOSL3 S .25 moment's notice in an emergency with a
RED NARROw ANGLE HI _LUM LEO 'TOSL6 ....• • • • S .25
GREEN HI -LUM CLEAR LENS LED ' TO S11 6 • .•..••• S . SO
co u ple o f 10 ft alum inum mas ts.
ALL ORDERS POSTPAID. MIN IMUM 53 U.S., SIS FOREIGN We t hen make a jump to a 14 eleme nt job
LATEST LI STS, 10 , STAMP • • . • .• PLEASE ADO INSURANCE because t he red cedar boom is still o nly l O ft
-rRANSFORMERS The eleme nts are the sa me l /8th in .
225 VA.
II 1V, P,i. 60 e ve.
8 5" ,0
, cloth esline (alu minu m, that is) and th e tim e
_ Ipecifv II!C . volla!JII hetween 12 & 300V PO$t 0 " 8 lbs involved for build ing should run around half
_ ,petily sec. current between 20 & ,15 amp. . total E • I al l
lec's 225VA Mao Q UANTITY a day if you have all th e mat erial. The gain
_ 'PKdV mount _ add Sl 00 fa, eovm _ ~dd SI .00 la' each DSCOUNT appears to be over 15 dB and of co urse you
HOBBY F ORM ER M F G. T,' ,m983·1555 can always stac k up t wo o f them - altho ugh
P,O. 80X 222 _ PORT ART HUR, TEXAS 11640
th e car-to p carrying and mounti ng gets quite
QUAD OWNERS The perfec t ma rrioJge -
your revcrue tr i-h,md a bit mo re difficult.
qui'd and an " H & H RING TRANSFORMER" . Designed specif ically lor
quad\., {hi, ualun o ffers the conmum imp edance ma tch lJ\I'ng a sing le 50
oI1 m co·• • lt>edIo" e. First Mobile Tests
Now <lV.,ldble ,n th'ee new lr!tllWe'lIh t we<ltherp ,oof mode ls :
Wi th every t hing working (I hoped) the 14
• 2el~t
elem ent was mounted 10 ft from th e seco nd
_ boom,"s
flo o r po rch and pointed o ut alo ng the road
to th e so uth, plugged into th e tra nsmitter,
• 3 or .. eleml!f'lt
and the af gain ope ned up to give some
$24.95 pp modulation. The little 3 element beam was
installed 5 ft ove r th e car ro of o n the
H& H e ng ine
e r ing h",. 68
ha nd-ro tat ed mo unt o f Fig. 6, plugged in to
""" "'IJ'''''''' I"'" .'iLl/d'" I .... ..J " j, la mirada. ('a 9116:1';' th e receiver, and away we went.
d ( "h" ( ; ,''',''''''
Sou nded good as the air conditio ner
Isol ated - Pad · Drill · Mill motors in the shac k ca me through th e af.
Prec iSIo n ctrcu te board construction
w it hOUt etching. F in hand drill , electric
Yes, it d oes get over 80 up here so me times,
drill . Simple. 'all, economical, sate.
Sil "!, , .2 0 , . 1 5, . 10 inc h d ia .
bu t the di fference is you run a heater first at
W ith r .. esc dril l. 5 o r 6 am (when I start wr iti ng !) and t he n at
$6.95 ea .
Ca lif. rl!s,denl1 add 5 ')1, . II am you have to turn on the air condi-
A F STAHLER Co tio ne r. All in the same morning!

84 73 M A G AZ INE
Then at last " CQ from WI SNN , Wal-
__= :: ~ 1/4 "
th am , Mass.," over 50 miles anyway . The
receiver works well. So does the transmitter,
because we then had a nice QSO , my first on
• 432 for quit e a while. I did a lot of switching
back and forth between the tw o bandwidths
on the receiver, with the following results.
With the broad band i-f you can hear all the
stations fine but with all of them being close
to 432, y ou can hear several at once,
Fig. 9A. 3-element portable beam , 432 MHz, top naturally enough.

I 1/8"0 0 pvc
'" 1/'"
12 1/4
13 t
13 314
10 7/ 8
8 107/8
12 1/4
12 r


13.7 11 2.15 12 12
" II II 11
" " " " "

2: 7 • r
The enhance d shado w-effect of 432 as
1. 1 RED CED AR 00U 8 L ED
"-IOlES '
compared to 2 mete rs was quite no ticeable , ALL [ L[ IIl[NTS lI S" ALUMINUM CLD T HSUNE .
at least to yours truly with quite a fe w years
of 2 meter beam mobile work. An 8 el- Fig. 10. 14-element beam , 432 MHz.
eme n t, 4 high by 2 wide, will be tried soon
on 4 32 o n the car. Possibly even a 4 b y 4 At six miles thro ugh trees and small hills,
would be interesting o n 43 2 mobile. This one the signal was still plenty loud and sh owed
will have to be se t back into th e middle o f signs of going further , but the shadow
th e ca r roof, though. CUl with ideas o n that effec ts o f large hills prevented further tests
one . that da y. Also 1 wanted to get th e wh ole rig
in to the car with one o f those 14 element
First Evening on the Air jobs ready for an evening o n Pack Monad-
All 1 can say, as in th e O lson and Johnson no ck Mountain, as it was Wednesday evening
shows, is " Wha t a night , what a night. " After which is 43 2 night on the East Coast at least.
all, this all-so lid state rig has been some The sha rpness o f th e 135 kHz st rip
months building, has a triple-conversion re- sho wed up well, separating even hetero-
ceiver, three amplifie rs in the transmitter dyning statio ns. Yes, even QRM developed
section, and had never been o n the air yet. on the band as the evening wore on . The rest
Would I even hear anyone? o f the log for the evening reads, K I BFA ,
I did. Up o n Monadn ock , with the 14 Westford, Mass.; WIJIZ Harvard , Mass.,
element on top of the car with a 5 ft WA 1JTK Nashua, N.II, and WI EUJ ,
ex tensio n I started listening and calling, a Ty ngsboro, Mass. So the rig d oes work and
little early so it happened. After the usu al it's lots of fu n.
radar signals, FM harmonics from out I'm not crowing, and I don 't intend to
Springfield , Mass. way, an d some o d d slop- kee p th em in th e rig fo rever, but " RCA
py-pulse jobs at ab out len cycles (a nyone ty pe" 5¢ ph ono jacks and plugs are used
kn ow what they are? ) finally a go od CW throughout th e rig, as well a l O-year-old
station came o n, peaking fine o n the beam, RG-58/U cable. Again, I'm not advo cating
pounding in , real good , " K3 EAV portable their use , but it sho ws what can be done o n
on e," I didn't raise him . Evid ently doesn 't 432 if you really try .
listen for fan e. . ..K IC Ll,

FEBRUAR Y 1974 85
ME ro s W1t1ER..


/:/ J"~'
o S 7.00 - 1 year
o $12.00 - 2 years
o $15.00 - 3 years
Foreign: add $1 per year
o new 0 renewal

name _
call _
address _

city _

state •
Zlp _

In September you read a bou t Way ne's ta bu-
lou s trip to Jorda n. No w, y ou t oo can be a
wor ld traveler a nd ad vent u re r. Come wi th us to
Jordan next May fo r o ne fu n f illed fabu lou s
wee k (plu s two day s t ra veling). We'll ma ke the
arra ngeme nts for yo u a nd ta ke ca re of all t he
fin icky deta ils. The very low price of $695 (l ess
tha n what you would no rmally pay for a ir fare
a lo ne l will bring y ou th is onc e in a lifet ime
opport u nity. Sign up no w.

--- ---- •

Th e beach at A qaba.

• A ir t ra nsporta tio n t o a nd fr om
J ord an d eparting fro m New Yo rk
• Accomodat io ns at Jo rd a n's Inter-
c o n t i n e nt al Ho tel , t h e most
lu xu rio u s ho t el in J o rda n
• S ig htseeing t rip s t o the ant iqu it ies
(J a rash , Aq a ba , Karak, Pe t ra ,
Madaba, I r bid , AI Hamma ,
J erusalem)
• Ha m banq uets
• One of the m ost m emorable ex -
perie nces you're e ver fik ely t o
have Treasury at Petra, carved ou t of th e
• J Y8 call (if you a re a ham ) rose colored rock of the mo untain.
o Yes, s ign me up . Enclosed is my 5695 payment in fu ll" for thi s o nce in a lifetime J ordan Tou r.
o Yes, sig n me up . Enclo sed is my $ 100 dep osi t fo r this once in a lifetime Jordan Tour. I wi ll send the
remaini ng 5595" at least 30 days before o ur depa rt ure. (My 5 100 deposit is refun dable up to 30 days
before the departure date .}
o Yes, I would li ke a JY8 call. I have enclosed a photocopy o f my ham license.
The JY8 call I wou ld lik e is :
My alternate choice is:




"Ou r price is subject to ch ange in direct rela tion to the expenses we incu r dealing w i th airlines, hotels, e tc "
Those w ho have paid $695. in full will not be charged any additional am ount should the price of the tou r
package increase. Everyone will benefit should we be ab le t o lower the price.
--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --1

Fascinat in g World o f Rad io Communications $4.00

Novice Class Stu dy Gu ide $4.00
General Class St udy Guide $6.00
Advanced Class Stud y Guide $4.00
Ex t ra Class St ud y Gu ide, reduced price $5.00
VHF Projects f or A m ateur & Experimenter $5.00
VH F Antenna Handbo ok $3.00
How to Use FM, an introduct ion $1.50
FM Repeater A t las, wor ldwide w / maps $ 1.50
* FM Repeater Circuits Manual $5.00
* Digital Control of Repeaters', new $5.00
RTT Y Handbook, radio teletype A to Z $6.00
ATV An th ol ogy , fast sca n VHF TV $3.00
' SST V Han dbook, new, only slow scan avail. $5.00
Di od e Circuits Handboo k, ga lore $1.00
73 T ransistor Circuits, all useful $1.00
Transi stor Projects, mucho $3.00
Solid State Proj ects $4.00
IC Projects , $4.00
108 Q & A , t ran smitting, receiving, ant $2.00
TVI Handbook, why su ff er $1.50
Coax Handbook , cables & connectors $3.00
DX Handboo k, w /map $3.00
World DX Map, wall size, rolled $2.00
Custom DX Bearing Charts, beam headings $4.00
U.S. Maps, for WAS, et c (4 ea) $1.00
Call Sign Badges, for lapel, black or red $1.00
Magnetic Call Signs, for autos $4.00
73 Magazin e Binders, beautiful red $5.00
* Hard boun d versions avail able @ $2.00 more. All items postpaid.
---- ---------- ------
Name _ $ enclosed
Books wanted:
Call _

Address _
City _

State _ Zip _

73 Magazine, Peterborough NH 03458 USA

1 ,- ~I, ~
WAAS Certificate
Th IS Work ed . A l-
mo st All Statescer-!
Dress up the shack
with t his award for
tificate is proof of 2-way slo w scan
your having · television co m mu-
worked 49 of the nications with 10
SO states. It is for \NAAS co u ntries. Endorse-
tho se who are just
unable to get that
_. - ---- -

ment provisions for
s e p a r a te ba nds.
last state con- - --- Dated a nd signed
f irmed. Printed on , by Wayne Gree n ,
goo d paper, 8lh. x E ditor and Pu b-
II , dated and num bered and si; ned by Wayne Green. l ish er of 73 Magazin e. Encl o se po stage for return o f
Ordering this certificate is proof enough that you need QSLs. 8Y.! x J I , ligh t green colo r, dark gree n printing, SI .
it. Light green, bla ck printing ... .•. ...... . .... $ I

\t;.'9Jjf ~p
This Real Rag
Chewers cert iflcatef
RRCC Certificate ';.. ,
~UOa~fy maf~~ ~i~ '
,.. . .
All Mode DXDC \ ... ..
W .. ~-=: ()~::z ~
~_n~:yA~:n W~~~i~~ ~ ~ ~~
is awarded o nly for to
th e feat of a non-,
stop QSO for a t io n s with 10 cou n-
p e dod exceeding -, t l e us ' C.\!" b_ .-gn It. ~
six hours with no ..! - ...- ' ~-SSBs-RITY-Ssr~ _' ~
_ ~.
.._11_ &~1mD_ ':.,'
tim e out for any- - - - modes . Certificat e -- ~
thing. Order must . •" _ • -- d ated and signed - • - - J \3
be accompanied A ~~jl -::~:\..;;; by Wayne Green , ..-:. ~ . ",.., .-
wit h d at e ytl m e!__ ~. Editor and Pub· ,, ~,
(GMT) o f start /end of con tact , statio n contacted , and lisher of 73 Magazine. En clo se su ffic ien t postage fo r
your call. Signed by Wayne Gree n. Light orange co lor . r eturn of QS Ls. 8th x I I , light red co lor, black
black pri nting $I p rinting, S 1.
OX DC Certificate ' " XYl/DM
Available for those An unusual certifi-
who prese nt proof' cate - ge t o ne and
of contact (copy o f. keep your rra te )
log) with 10 di~fer- ~ hap p y. An award to '5
e n t c o u nt rte s. those who have the
A warding this certi- good f ortune o f
ficate makes you a _ . ~ _=::;;;;;;;= having an under-
m e mber of the DX - - - - s t a n d i ng part ne r
Decade C l u b . who appreciates all
Numbered and da t- .'to. goo d things about
ed and personally amateur radi o
signed by Wayne Green, Editor and Publisher of 7 3 (stay ing up all night , s pendi ng mo ney for rigs, etc.).
Magazine . Printed o n good paper, light purple co lor , Swor n sta teme nt attesting to this must be su bmitt ed . 8th
black printing, 8 th x I I , su itable for framing $ I. x I J , light blue co lo r, dark blue printing SI

RITV·DXDC CHC Certificate .-

' ;.
Frame and hang
this o ne above your
Presented t o those
wh o su bmit a swo rn ~
machine. An o pe ra- statement that the y
ting awa rd fo r those h ave never received tS
who h ave submi t- a cert ificate for ra -
ted proo f o f 2-way dio operating and if
teletype commun i- they ever receive
c at io ns with 10 on e, they will ha te .-=.
cou ntries. Endorse - it. This certificate
me nt provisions for shou Id be your first
d i ff eren t ba nds.
Dated and sign ed by Way ne Green, Edito r and Publisher
of 73 Magaz ine . Enclose postage for re t urn of QSLs_8Y.!
x I I , ligh t blue color, black printing, SI
William N . Carver K60LG
Box 1029
Livermore CA 94550

n the last several years a nu mb er of Tra nsistor keying of t ra nsm itters
I excellent electronic key designs have
been presented to the amateur. Whet her
Tra nsistors offer an excllent way to key
the t ransmitter. They are extremely fast,
they have memories, dot insertio n, or a quiet, have no contact bounce and will
variety of other features, they all have been operate almost forever . Tra nsistors do have
second-rate in one respect. The ac tual keyi ng o ne practical drawback . They will not toler-
of a grid-blocked tra nsmitter is u nsa t isfac- ate vo ltages in excess of their "breakdown"
tory. voltage . In t he last few years many NPN
t ran sistors h ave bee n introd uce d whic h ca n
Relay keying of transmitters
key in excess of +350V at low cost. They
Most keys use a re lay for t ra nsmitter will perform ca tho de key ing flawlessly.
key ing. This allows a wide ran ge of voltages
of eit her polarity to be keyed. The re are
Grid block keyi ng ca nnot be do ne q u ite
many drawb acks to th is system, however.
as easily . The t ran sisto r used in this service is
Unless th e re lay is a h igh -s peed ty pe and is
nearly always a 2N398. This is an o ld
properly driven it may not follow eve n
ger maniu m tra nsistor, very leaky , a nd
moderate sending speeds wit hout bias. T he
capable of switching only about - IOOV. The
fact that the integrated circuit keys do not
leakage tends to cause backwave or
have a weight adjustment mea ns you ca nnot
incomplete cutoff of the final amplifier in
compensate for this relay problem.
some transmitters. If the key -up voltage of
Reed relays have been used to obtain
the t ra ns mitter is higher than - I aav seve ral
faster operation. Unfortunately t he co ntacts
2N398s must be "stacked" to p reve nt
of reed relays are delicate and te nd to weld
tra nsis tor b reak dow n. T he usual result of t he
togethe r or "stick" if a protection network
stacki ng pro ced ure is t he lo ss of several
is not co nnected across t hem. Th is net work
transistors at o ne t ime .
must be ta ilored to t he voltage and c urre n t
being key ed .
Eve n the ree d relay has co ntact bou nce. The 3N4888
This co ntact bounce can be overco me by Having gone through every problem
usi ng a merc ury wetted reed . However, the menti oned abo ve in a series of keys using
welding problem of dry ree d con tac ts re- t ubes, transisto rs, and finally integra ted
mains and in ad ditio n the wetted reed re lays circ uits, t he nee d for a high voltage PNP
must be operated vertically at all times. Of tra nsisto r for grid-b lock keyi ng was obvio us.
course all relays make a nnoyi ng clicking Silicon tra nsistors were desirable for their
noises. low leakage current. The cost of silico n

tra nsistors capable o f withstanding a few
hun dred volts was very high - o n the o rder
o f $10 a piece. Then Bob Felton K7 WLX,
" d isco vere d" the 2N4888 . This is a silicon
PNP transistor in an epoxy case. It has
virtually no leak age and can wit hstand abo ut
- 300 V in t he proper circuit. Best o f all, it
costs only ab out $ 1, less than the relay it

Breakdown voltages •

The 2N48 88 is guaran teed to withstand "



at lea st - I SOV. While this is adequa te fo r •
many transmitters, it is possibl e to ex te nd
the b reakd o wn to over - 300 V. This is
because o f the fac t that the voltage at which
a transistor breaks d own is dependent up on ,•
the circuit into wh ich it is placed . If a
voltage is ap plied bet ween the collec to r and
emi tte r o f a t ra nsisto r while the base lead is
left unconnected , the breakdo wn voltage is
called BVceo . If the base is th en shorted to
the emit ter and voltage is ap plied between
collector and emit te r the breakd own voltage
is called BVces. T he fac t of impo rtance to us
is that BVces is always higher tha n BVceo . lt
may b e as much as twice as high fo r so me
transistors. For the ten 2N4888 tran sistors I
have tested BVces ranged from - 27 S to
- 3S0 V, qu it e sufficien t to key any
t ransmit ter in my experie nce.
In a practical circuit the base o f t he
2N48 88 will be sho rte d to th e emit te r b y a
seco nd transisto r to achieve the higher
BVces rating. T he keying would be inverte d -- - - - - -
by this two-transistor circuit so a th ird I Teletron CODE 73
transisto r is ne ed ed to re t u rn keying to t he I C O R P O R AT IO N
29 50 v ete-eos Memo roa l H;ghway
same se nse as t hat of a relay . I Boheeua L.I. . N.Y , 11 716
15 161 981 ·8333
PCMtER SVPPL'r' D k it .:#80-40-20 . . . . . $29.95 plus $1 shipping
- 6 TO -20 VOl. TS
I D c oils only (pair of 4" dia. special coils) $17.951
I plus $1 shipping
IN4°O:I 220 I NY res ident s add 7% sales tax
OF OLO '0' 1. 8 I< I name _ I
2N398 OR
'" I
'c '" '0
Xr.lTR I add ress _ I
" .... Q'~ Q' ::;¥
21 1<
2N488 8 I
I city state _ _ ztp _
r7 I
I Enclose check wi th order-
Fig. 1. Grid block k eying the PNP transistor k eys. We ship UPS upon receipt o f order I
L ----------
FE BRU A R Y 1974 91
·--- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
The 2N4888 in transistor keys tOO K

Figure I shows t he three-tra nsis to r circuit

as it wou ld be co nnected to a PNP t ransistor
key . The original key circuit is immaterial,
usually consisting of 2N107 or 2N404 AO.AlST Alll.E
transistors. The base of Q I is connected in POW'E fl 9..1PP1..Y

place of the relay keying transisto r or the +

2N398. ~}----+
AU three new transistors are silicon. Q 1
L- ,A --l

and 02 were 2N3638, but MPS3638,

Fig. 2. Testing the breakdown ~vHages of the
2N4125, 2N3702, 2N3703, or similar 2N4888.
transistors should work just as well. Q3 is
the 2N4888. Resistor values are not critical
prevent damage to the transistor : power
and the circuit works with the usual power
supply voltage should be raised slowly while
supply voltages found in keys of this type.
watching the microammeter like a hawk.
To prevent inadvertent application of
The moment a microampere or two is
positive voltages to the 2N4888, a silicon
indicated on the meter, read the VTYM and
power diode was placed in series with the
remove the test voltage. High voltage
collector. To prevent current surges from
transistors have different failure modes than
fusing the 2N4888, a 220n resistor is also
the low voltage types and appreciable
placed in series with the collector.
current should not be allowed to flow.
The ac switch of the key should have two
sections. The added section, labeled SI B, Adapting Ie keys with the 2N4888
shorts the 2N4888 collector when the power
Figure 3 shows the 2N4888 in a simple
switch is turned off. This protects the
integrated circuit key, the "Micro-TO"
transistor if the transmitter is left o n and the
described in the August 1967 issue of QST.
key is turned off. Remember, unless the
Common IC's such as those used in the
2N4888 has its base an d emitte r shorted by
Micro-TO require +3.6V. The PN P nature of
02 t he breakdown voltage will be on ly
thc 2N4888 demands negative voltages.
BVceo. In such a case if the key -up voltage
These conflicting requireme nts can be
of the transmitter exceeds - 150 Y t he
satisfied without adding another power
2N4888 could be damaged . Sl B prevents
supply by changing the grou nd reference
this possibility .
terminal of the whole Micro-TO circuit.
All points which were originally grounded
Before usi ng the key, measure the voltage (including the key lever, power supply
between the base and emitter of 03 with transformer center tap , and filter capacito rs)
key power turned on, but not operating the are bussed together and lifted from chassis
key lever. The voltage should be less than a ground . This becomes the -3.6V terminal
few tenths of a volt . Next, with a VTVM, for powering the new circuitry. All points
measure the key -up voltage of the which were formerly +3 .6V are grounded to
transmitter. Since this may depend upon the chassis. Since the ground terminals and
"spotting" or tune positions be sure to look +3.6Y terminals of the circuit are probably
for such differences. If the highest voltage buss wires on a printed circuit or perforated
does not exceed - 250 Y plug in the key and board the change requires moving only a few
start enjoying transistor keying. wires. After this change the integrated
If your voltage lies between - 250 and circuits are, in effect. "standing on their
-325Y it is a good idea to buy several heads." They don't know the difference,
2N4888 transistors and test them to find however, and operate just as before. The
one having highest breakdown voltage. PNP transistors see the - 3 .6 V they require
Figure 2 shows a test setup which can be so everyone is happy . Total cost of the
used to test BYceo and BYces. The test conversion is held to about $2 .50 by this
should be performed carefully as follows to trick .



.00d; BASE

"'" c
! ~ .., "'
.OO~ I
,;;:;:C3 C4+
r--~r---- --- - - - - I NOW - 3.6 V


I ~
I ,. 220
., 10 , I
, 2 •• 3,4,6 3,4 ,6 ...
:I IN4 0 04
" i "a "a "e 2
rc ., '~ I
I 2 N4 8 88 ~ I.'
I .2 ~ I '"
I I- 10 '
! _ ____
L _________ JI
/, 7

OLD + 3 ,0

Fig. 3. Grid block k eyin g with the "Micro -TO."

Fo ur 0 .00 I IlF bypass capacito rs are used wit h a PlY of about 400Y co uld be
in the Micro-TO . Two are u sed to by pass the su bstit u ted for th e I N4004 .
ac line , two bypass th e key lever co ntacts. Testing pro cedure fo r both key and
These bypass capacitors should be e x clud ed transmitter are the same as was describ ed fo r
from the ground change: they remain the tra nsis to r key modifi cation .
between their respective wires and grou nd in Othe r ty pes of IC keys can use th e
order to prevent stray rf from ente ri ng the 2N4 888 by cha nging th e grou nd referen ce as
key. was d one here with th e Micro-TO . My
No te that Fig. 3 d oes not sho w all of t he in tegra ted iambimatic key ( II KEY) uses this
Micro-TO circuitry, just th e power sup ply ide ntical tec hnique and cir cu it.
a n d p o wer co nnections o f the lCs,
Interconnect ing .wires between portions o f Finding the 2N4888
the circuit were not change d in any way The 2N4888 is a Fairchild resis tor and
from the original schema tic . may be hard to find . A letter to Fairchild
QI is a silico n NPN transistor. Almo st Marketing Services, Bo x 1058 , Mountain
anyt hing will work h ere , the 2N3 392-93-94 Vie w, Califo rn ia , ask ing fo r th eir "Fairchild
series, 2N3 704-QS -Q6 series, 2N S183, and Stocking Dis tribu to rs List " will give yo u a
2N70 6 being suitable t ypes which are very so urce fo r their tra nsistors and integrated
inexpensive. Q2 is a silico n PNP , 2N363 8 or cir cuits.
equivalent types discu essed in the tra nsistor
key adaptation. Resistors are not critical and Results
anything wit hin 20% o f the ind icated valu es I've used two homebrew transmitters, an
will be fine . Apache , and an SBIOI with fo ur d ifferent
Th e prote ctive diode , resist or , and switch keys using the 2 N4 88 8 . Results have been
are used in the IC key mo difica tio n ju st as uniformly successful. Transisto r keying is
they were used in the tra nsisto r key quick and fla wless - a definite improvement
modification . Again , any silicon power diode over the clicke ty-clack of relay s.
... K 60LG

FEBRUARY 1974 93
Send To:
a: BO X 1645
ou, Address MASO N CITY , IOWA 50401
w City Se nd me _ _ te n packs at 530.80 ea.
o State Tot al Encl osed

- I
• Th ese fast c ha rge Nickel-
Cadmium s are just th e tic ket
for your han d unit. You can
charge th em up as ofte n as
you like. Buy two sets and
keep one cha rged up for
eme rge ncy purposes . . . a re-
fill , as it we re . In this wa y
you'll have twice the use
from your hand unit and
never be out of action .
Also have huge stoc k o f
Nickl e-Cadm ium AA size Pen-
li t es, $1.50 eac h.

Buy Two! $30.80 ea.

ALEXANDER manufacturing co.

Box 1645· Mason city, Iowa 50401
Phone (515) 423-8955/ TWX 910·523·6978

94 73 M A GA Z IN E
Warren MacDowell W2AOO
11080 Transit Road
East Amherst NY 1405 1


uri ng the construction of an e lec tronic
D clo ck o r frequency counter, the type
of readout e mp loyed can be a deciding
merals of the Nix ie tubes. Therefore it was
necessary to come up with a proper diode
matri x th at wo uld interfa ce the SN 7441
fact or in the o vera ll price of the unit. The a nd SI'-733.
LED (Light Emitt ing Diode ) type of seven We were fo rtu nate enough to find some
segme nt readout is quite a bit more expen- computer boards o n the surp lus market that
sive th an th o se o f the "Nixie" type. The contained o ver 300 glass bead type of silicon
driver integrated circu it fo r the LED read out switching diod es. These boards sold for less
generally is more expensive than the driver than $ 1 each. The silicon diodes were
for the " Nixie " tubes. Most o f the LED pressed into service and worked very well
readouts are low voltage devices (appro xim- without a single failure . The voltage across
ately 5 V) and work with a lo w voltage type
of driver such as the Texas Instruments
SN74471 C.
One o f the better deals we have dis-
covered is the SI'- 733 readout which is
manufa ctured by Sperry Rand. The SI'-733
is used by Heathkit in their new IC-2008A
calculator and sells for about $7 .35 through
Heathkit outlets. Of c ourse these are in-
tended for replacement use in the calcula-
tors. The SI'-733 co nta ins three com ple te
readouts in a single fl at enclosure . Therefore ,
the price per readout comes to $2 .45 each.
The SI'-73 3 is a seven seg me n t d evice ;
however. it is not compatible with either the 2 34 5 6 7 6 '3 10 REAOOJT

SN7447 which is a low voltage seven seg- r '- ,..j i NO"S.

ment driver, o r th e SN74 4 1 which drives I I

I 8 9 13 ~ 11 01 2 ~
individual numeric high voltage "Nixie" SN74 41
tubes. The SI'-733 requires a pproxima tely
200V dc o n e ach of th e seven segme n ts
through a 2 2,000 n !hW cu rre n t lim iting A
resistor in o rder to illuminate the segments.
Due to the reasonable price and compac t-
ness of th e SP-73 3 (4.2 x 2 .8 x 0. 5 em ) we ANOOEJ' 22I<, II2 W

were prompted to try and make it co m-

patible with a "high voltage" Nix ie driver 8'
su ch as the SN 744 1. The SN 7441 was
constructed to ground only the single nu- F ig. 1.

FEBRUARY 1974 95






0 0 0

Bo of Bo of Bo of
oG oG oG

Co oE Co oE Co oE
oD oD oD
0 0
0 0 0

Fjg. 2. SP-733 pin numbers.

the diodes in the matrix varies from lO-15Y

with a 200V potential on the SP-733's.
Another garden variety of silicon diode that
may be used are those that are sold by Radio
Shack in packs of SO. These are untested and
should be checked before placing them in
Here's the book for every ham who the matrix. We found that usually one out of
wants 0 design and build a digital the 50 would be shorted or open.
repeater control system (or who Figure I illustrates the printed board
wants to just think about doing construction. OUf boards measure 5 x 7.5
that). Contains sections on repeat- em and could have been made such smaller
ers, basic logic functions, logic cir- by standing the diodes on end. Use double
cuit design, control systems, sup- sided PC board stock (copper plated on both
port circuits, mobile installations, sides) and follow the Fig . I pattern. The
solid lines indicate top side conductor lines
touch tone, plus a special section on
and the dotted indicate bottom conductors.
a "mini" repeater control system. The easiest way to drill the double sided
224 pages. board so that the holes match after etching
Hardcover $7.00 Paperback $5.00 is to hold the board up to a lamp so that the
bottom lines show through the board . Mark
r----------------------- your drill hole positions with a pencil and
: 73 Magazine, Peterborough NH 03458 then drill. Figure 2 illustrates the SP-733
I Enclosed is $ . Please send _ Dhard- segment pin connections.
I cover ($7)/Dpaperback ($5) copies of The completed diode matrix units are thin
"Digital Control of Repeaters" to: and can be easily stacked in a small area.
I Name Call _ _ Do not hesitate to experiment with dif-
I ferent types of silicon diodes. Almost any
: Address _
high speed switching type of diode will
I City _ function.
I State ZIP I . . .W2AOO
I ,I
(Continued from page 7)
p rivileges in the fi rst place. proposal although it was no secret FCC had o ffered CW privileges only to
On the othe r hand , CBers are not that many Techs were far more the Techs. either as a shared proposi-
required to do anyth ing more than to i n t ere s t e d i n be com i n g tion with the Novices, or on some
fil e an application plus th e req uired commu nicators th an in being bu ilders othe r segment of the HF bands, there
fee . In many cases it has been sh own and ex pe r im e n te rs, (for which are not many hams who wou ld have
that these applicat ions have been and purp ose the Tech class was originally o bjected to it. It has always seemed
are being falsif ied . It has been a very established). As it now stands, Tec hs incomp rehensible to this writer that
co mmo n practice for persons to sign have to struggle in o rder to get enough the FCC has not seen fit to provide
for o th ers. often offspring wh ose in- code under their belts to hand le the some CW space for the express pur-
sufficient years would disqualify req uired speed and facility . pose o f a iding Techs wh o wished to
them A person who signs such a false At one point an ill-advised proposal upgrade themselves by part icip ating in
application is guilty of a serious was made which would have granted o n-the-air CW operation. The p resent
c rime ; t hat of attesting to untru e Techs p ho ne privileges only in th e 28 CW privilege they are assigned simp ly
sta teme nts, to wit: that he (the signa- MHz ba nd, but no CW was included . has an insuffic ient number of CW
t o r) is ap p lying fo r operating LEAKY LI NES o pposed th is on the operators to be consid ered adequate.
p rivileges, when in reality he is fili ng basis th at such a free gran t, with no Having fa iled to perceive any
fo r an individual who is not eligible. code exam invo lved, would amount to valid ity in adopting th is and other
Throujjl this means an out-and-out an unconscionable breach of faith re a so n a b le plans t h a t wou ld
examp le of lawless behavior on the with those who had been forced to effectively improve and consolidate
part of his parent or othe r adult is the accept the validity of the ince ntive the amateur service, one wonders by
juvenile's init ial imp ression regard ing l icensi ng pri nciple, whic h had what manner of "double-th ink" the
the relat ive unimportance of observing previously been piously p ushed by FCC finds merit in a p roposal to hand
the commu nicatio n laws and obey ing both the FCC and th e A RR L, under CB ano the r port ion of the spectrum
t hem. Thi s is a compelli ng impression the pretext that it was altogether o n a silver p latter, wh ich it will
which often molds and sets his p roper for amateurs to justify their undoubtedly destroy, just as they
conduct from that time forward . If privilege by conti nuing to advance destroyed their present band. There is
the adult in question has been able to the ir skills under pain of (again.. .it not a scint ill a of reasonable evidence
falsify the applicatio n document with seems to rear its head as a solution for to show that a relocation to the 220
such ease, why shou ld the rec ipient of ev~ry p ro blem. . 1 under pain, as I MHz band would ca use them to mend
the license view legal operating sa id , ~ f a lo s s o f operating the ir ways and begin to observe
regulations with any respect? .trequencies ! Most hams were so regul at io ns wh ich t hey have never
t h o r o u ghly brainwashed and so bef ore heeded. . .d o not observe
This lamentable cond ition wh ich battered from pillar to post, that they now...and are no t even remote ly
has always infecte d the Citizens Band, finally concu rred and accepted the taking serio usly.
is a direc t outgrowth of the FCC's d octr ine of incentive licensing. Fine! Another crit icism ca n be levelled.
utter failure to u nderstand that they But at the time when it was proposed In a cou ntry in which financial profit
must insist upon more tha n just the that this hank y-panky about giving is the name of the game, it wou ld be
me re filing of an application, with the Techs a back-doo r ent rance into extremel y na ive to imagine tha t such a
a bso lute ly no furth er q uali fying p rivileges on 29.5-29.7 MHz, most of p roposal could grow ou t of the sale
crite ria. Though it is ent ire ly possib le us were o f th e opinio n tha t such a idea t hat i t wou ld really be
fo r admi nistrative miscalcu latio ns to grant wo uld have been an abrogation meritorious fro m the aspect of valid
occu r whe n new mo des o r serv ices are of the incentive licensing princip le, need. We all know whose brainstorm
first inaugu rated, to fait t o take and wou ld have afforded unfair th is proposal was.. .there is no doubt
forceful corrective measures when the preferential favor to th e d isadvantage that i t wa s s pawned by the
e rror is discovered, is a monumental of all who had been forced into m a n u f ac t u rer s of elect ronic
dereliction of responsibility. CB, with working hard enough to upgrade. equipment, who stand to reap millions
all its evils and problems, is the Literally hordes of Technicians in windfall profits, should t he
creature o f the FCC, and they ca nnot wrote indignant protests to this p roposa l be app roved. The very
bla me anyone for th e mess but magazine, accusing th is write r of mo ment it becomes okayed, sales of
themselves. Why th en, should we p rejudice, unfa irness and a score of new equ ipment will begin to burgeon,
ama teu rs be made to pay for the other selfish motives. It was claimed and the eno rmo us sales figu res which
mistake? We paid dearly once, with that the article was aimed solely at ensue are likely to make the o ld CB
the loss of one of our bands. Are we slamming the door o f equal business look like penny-ante stuff! In
expected to pay all over again, simply opp ortunity in the fa ces o f order to avo id being misunderstood,
because the FC C r e f us es to Technicians. Well , of course, that door let's get th is clear, at least . I certainly
acknowl edge t hat CB has been a has always been possible to open. do not begrudge manufacturers their
mise rable fiasco? Why d on't they Th ousands o f Techs had successfu lly right to bu ild and se ll gear. But it
move th e CBers to some body else's u pgraded their license th ro ugh the seems that in this case it was the main
band, rather than to yet another ham o rdinary p rocess o f study ing th eir object in proposi ng th e cha nge. And
band? code and theory, then going to an while th e economic aim may be
A long time ago this co rrespondent FCC exami ning point and passing the perfectly acceptab le, I thin k the loss
suggested in the pages of this test . We s i m p ly happen ed of an ama teu r band is mum to o h igh a
magaz ine that if the FCC was truly to feel strongl y that any Tech wh o price for us to be forced to pay! If
in t ere sted in some constructive rea ll y felt the desire to ex tend his this change were motivated primarily
suggestio ns, one o f the very best opera ting privileges could easily d o so fo r the purpose of improving and
wo uld be the granting of CW privileges by exerting himself to tha t limite d benefiti ng th e rad io spect rum, th en
somewhe re o n the HF ba nds for the extent, and if he was unwilling to secondarily, fo r assisting the elec-
Technicians so that those who might exert th is sma ll effort, he certainly did tronics ind ustry to reap a harvest,
desire to u pgrad e thei r tickets would not deserve p referential treatment. We then the p ro posa l migh t be viewed as
be afforded an opportunity to do so termed the proposal " giving a lollipop acceptable by some. But the move is
with more ease. The Commission to a kid at the barber shop ." advantageo us to ma nufacturers and
evidently recognized no me rit in this I can state confi den tly th at if the the CBers alone. Th e amateurs stand
(Continued on page 98)

FEBRUA RY 1973 97
(Con tinued (rom page 97) But never, from th e outset, was a
(Continued (rom page 12)
o nly to lose stili ano the r slice o f hobby-type operation envisio ned o r
frequency. And what will we gain? co nte mplate d. Amateur radio has
Precisely nothinq ! ex iste d for that pu rpose, and it has
FCC HEARING REPORT " But listen ," say the proponen ts of always been availab le for those who
Copies o f t he three page report the grab . " This partic u lar band is not wer e i n te rested fro m a hobby
made to the FCC Commissioners o n even being used." They try to argue s ta ndpoi nt . T o c ha nge ou r
the need fo r rep eal of th e repeate r that th e idle freq uencies should be fundamental understand ing now, and
regulations are avai lable from 73 re-assigned to people who will make take the pos itio n that radio
Magazi ne , Pe t er b o r o u gh NH better use of th em. We once made an commu nica tio ns are two
03458 . .. send sese. Many amateurs analogy.. .supposing you are storing hobbies. .. o ne, a group of tec hnically
who are no t well informed on the you r win te r overcoat in a cedar c loset. minded devotees of an ongoi ng
seriousness of the impact of the new All of a sudden, in the middle of July, science, who are vitally concerned
regulations would do well to read th is some guy waltzes in and takes your with being a part of its growth. . .and
repo rt and see why it is so important overcoat away, using as justification two, a g roup of unconcerned
that these regs be changed . the argume nt th at you aren 't using it. dilletantes whose only purpose is to
You'd surely feel a sense of outrage. contact one another in a sort of
And rightly so! This rat ionale is as surrogate wireless telephone system,
CONGRESS REPORT cockeyed as it can be. The coat is without the slightest inclination to
There are still copies of the Con- stored in the closet to be used at some probe into the theoretical and the
gress Newsletter - a report written fo r later time, when conditions warraant. public service aspects of the thing, is
you to send along to your Senator or Simila rly, the 220 MHz band seems an abrogation of a concept which has
Congressma n, together with a covering likely to become more important to earned the respect and confidence of
letter, aski ng for his influence in amateurs in the future because of the all thou~tful people, throu~out the
helping amateur rad io fight off the rapid growth of VHF repeater tech- world . No matter how the FCC seeks
new restrictive regulations and the niques. It could easily become one of to rationalize th is projected change, it
assau lts on our 220 and 450 MHz ham rad io's most val uable assets. like can never explain away the ho rrid
bands. th e overcoat in the closet , it will serve inconsistency embodied in the very
its purpose in due course. It would be character and nature of the idea. On
73 VS IRS a tragic error to hand it over without a the one hand it licenses a service
Th e first of a series of newsletters struggle to opportu nists who will which has always risen to every
covering this inte resting development make it a shambles, and to entre- c ha llenge, and has justified its
is in pri nt and availab le if you send a preneu rs who will profit by the mis- existe nce b y pa rt icipa ti ng in
sase. If there is enough inte rest in the use. thousands o f public service activities.
While I'm o n the su bject of On the other hand it has created a
inside d ope o n the IAS and the whole
repeaters, a haunting th ought races mare's nest . ..a Pand ora's Box of atro-
t ax situation, thi s series o f letters will
through my head. Could it possibly be cious ho rro rs, which has never abided
eventua lly be put into bo ok form.
that the FCC, an tic ipating th e by th e conce pts wh ich gave it life, has
Looking into the admi nistration of
th e IAS has turned out to be abo ut advancing repeater technology, and created p ro blems of its own, and
realizing that sooner o r later it must which constitutes an insolu ble mess so
like turning over an innoce nt looking
log and find ing all so rts of scrambl ing inevitably become indispensable to vi le t hat nobod y can dec id e what can
220 MH z, has chose n to implement its be do ne to clea r it up! Th en they have
maggots a nd black beetl es scurryi ng
idiotic and totally ill ogical position the unutterable gall to suggest that
aro und.
vis-a-v is th e Docket wh ich pertains to this ca ncer mu st be allowed to spread
repeaters, in order to c reate t he to anothe r part of th e spectrum.
fundame ntal st ructure within whose Citizens Band has been a failure o n
SUPERLICENsm f ramework it can mai ntai n the 27 MHz. Wherever they chose to put
A note from WA5CON suggests condit io n of d isuse on that band? In it, it will continue to be a fiasco,
some sort of special amateu r call this manner the Commission could unless they stiffen the req uiremen ts
prefix for cos who have managed to almost guaran tee that when the and begin to en force some adult re-
pass all FCC exams. Tic ket collectors proper time came along , and it sponsibility o nto the shou lders of
will have a tou gh job keep ing up with decided to reassign 220 to another these freeloadi ng parasi tes who have
this c hap who now has first ph one service, it could poi nt to the fact that corrupted it. Th ev must be made
with radar endorsement, first te le- amateu rs are not utilizing it, and that accou n table, finally, fo r their
graph wit h radar , six month s mar itime therefore it would be a justifiable undisc iplined excesses. But this can
service endorsement, aircraft tele- re a ssignment. In these days of never happen so lo ng as a na ive
graph, and ama teu r ext ra class. With elaborcete fi nagling on the part of Federal Commu nications Commi ssion
all those licenses on the wall is there govern ment agencies and bu reaus, and co ntinues to believe i n t he
any room for QSL cards? And howdo all sorts of conspiracies and coverups. preposterous notion that the present
you decide which band to use when th is sort of a cabalistic arrangement form of loose criteria in I icensing and
you have a spare moment between would not be as bizarre and arcane as operational regulations and
tests? it appears on the surface. We could enforcement should be maintained.
very easily find ourselves right smack It's a ce rtainty that this proposal
dab in the middle of our own little represents a giant step backward for
Wate rgate. the world of amateur radio. And every
All types o f m ilitary elecuo nM:s eq u ip- I' m perfectly wi lling to grant the ham should be awa re o f his or her
ment and parts. Can collect for t:3sh offer. fact that in the beginning, back in the solemn obligation to make known to
4 0's when it was first proposed, CB the Co mmission exactly how he or she
- - - - - -- - sounded li ke a reaso nably good idea. feels about the matter. Thi s one issue
SPACE ELECTRO NICS d,visi a n a t
MILITAR Y ELECTR ONI CS COR P. And I' m further wi lli ng to agree that is probably the most important single
- - - - - -- - there are many legitimate users of that piece of legislative action an amateur
service who need and deserve a band can take, providing h is hobby mea ns
76 8rOOkslde Or""e. Uppeor Sadd l. R""OI'f
New J... wy 07458 f 12011 32 7-1640 of frequencies in whic h to operate. any thi ng at all to him.
73 de K2AGZ

don' t e ver o -i' r IR S/FCC
b I appreciated your ra m blin g dis-
sertelon o n the perils of the IRS -
n keep u p the fight . I also apprec iated
you r work in fight ing the FCC and in
) J:' n keeping IU S posted on the latest.

ins i st that y o u pr in t ev Lewis I.. I\h um

Ro,..;('\' i ll.~ i\lN
we goofed again
The December cover with Linda WANTED
How about some articles on digital There is one item rega rd ing the
makes an attractive presentation to cons t ruction o f L-Ps (Septem be r 73)
lC's and thei r basic operations? Maybe
the public as well as to us "old which should be stressed . T his is t he
ho w cou nters work , how to use a
timers." Such an idea put in to a importance of transposing between
monthly calendar wou ld increase the d iode memory ,for generating code for
an automatic ident if ie r (T he ARRL t he e lements to ma ke it an e nd-fire
DXing. You all are to be com- array.
FM and Repeater Ha nd boo k is poor in
plimented for an attractive cover do ne T his is accomp fished by e ither of
th is area). Also, maybe an article on
in fine taste. two methods: 1. "Criss-Cross" o r
c ap tu re area, antenna gain, a nd how
Art Grt"enlt',lf WA I EQI t hey're related (I haven 't been able to " ro ll over" the t wo -wi re center fe ede r,
Montpelier VT f ind anything o n th is). Maybe a n between e lements (180 ' phase re-
article on regu lated po we r supplies versal) , o r, 2. Alternately transpose
(trans istor) t oo . t he feed to the eleme nts.
You 've done it aga in - a terrific I have illustrated both methods in
Keep up the good work on the
cover and a terrific package of art ic les my articles but h ave evidently failed
and ads! to stress the importance of this.
Jim Ku(·... i .~ WA91)YH
l'rn gamel She's a beautiful gal and
South Ik-nd I N 4-6628 I have rec e ived two le tters stat ing
what is behind the box is most t ha t t he writers h ad constructed L·Ps
tantatyzi ng! Here's my $3, and if you A DD ITIONA L CALCU LATOR but did no t get a ny forward gain, or
only get $1 of it you 'lt be a millio n- A RT IC L ES WANT ED rather there appeared to be no for-
aire over night. In some future issue Enjoyed very mu ch t he article in ward lobe. One writer who put up a
you might tell us just how close to a the December issue o n Calculators. I vertical mono-pole L-P sa id it was
million you came! would like more articles on the same bi-directional off the sides with no
tun Al lhrigh l W6SLF subject, e. g., c hec king ou t a machine, gain off the fro nt. T his, of course,
occurs if t he t ra nspo siti o n is no t made
how t o tell if it is defective, e tc. since the array is not then an e nd-f ir
MOR E ON T H E COVER jo We...thci mcr WB6KlJC L·P, bu t is a bi-d irectional broadside
Your November 73 cover is in very a rray since a ll e lements are then in
poor taste, but does indicate the GOO D WORK phase.
mentality of the S t aff of 73 . Keep the presses rolling, your maga- In the case o f a horizontal (d ipo le
Although I am not in ag reement zine is not o nly good readi ng but has type) L-P, maximum radiation wou ld
with Mr. Walker in many instances, convi nced several frie nds to pu t down be straight up and stra ight down (in to
the CB rig and start readi ng the li cense the ground) if the elements are in
amateur magaz ines are not the place
manual. Keep up t he good work . phase or are non-transposed . T here
for your kind of politics. wou ld be no forwa rd lobe, nor wou ld
Jo Wood W IA YG "l ike Mekow \VA I<),\ 1K/ 3 there be any ga in except straight up.
Arnold I\IA Under t his condit io n the antenna is
I do wonder where you think the place not a Loa-Periodic but is mere ly t he
is for amateur radio p olitics if n ot in CONGR ESS PAPER old "fish bone" antenna.
the ham magazines? Perhaps you are Please send me the Congress Pape r. F. L Sm ith W4AEO
used to letting the government trod I will forward them to my Senator, as Lamden SC
you into the ground and wish to just soon as I receive them. and again . . .
give up without a figh t, whether you Hopeful ly a large percentage o f t he
are right or not. Thank heavens not all amateurs w il l do t he same. CA LCU LATO R CO R R ECT IO NS
amateurs are that willing to knuckle You have a very fine magazine, Here a re some corrections to my
under. keep up the fine articles. Lots of luck December 73 Calculator article:
. . .wayne t o Wayne in his battle with t he IRS. p. 98, 2 nd col., line 25 : $.010 should
David W. J llbb WA 7KAI be $0.10.
MORE OFF THE COV ER p. 102. 2 nd col., line 8 : 0.00 1 seco nd
Enclosed is the $3 I'm willing to CSers T A KE NOT E shou ld be 0 .000 1 second.
pay to see what's behind the PACK - The FCC does take ac tion on t ips p . 102, 2 nd cot.. line 28: 552.85957
AGE . A lso , I hope it helps build up agai nst CBers. I have been listeni ng should be 552.861277.
your anti-IRS fund. If needed I' ll pay and lo gging about 15 -3 0 m inutes a p . 105 : In the two tables, the le fth a nd
newsstand prices for your magazine day on 1 1m since February 1973. colu mn has a number of dup lications.
just to keep you going. Keep up the Recently I identified by "handle" Whenever two consecutive lines have
good work. [pseu do nv rn) , address, auto lic ense t he same text in column 1, c ross out
n u m ber and name 3 1 good o ld CBe rs. the tex t in this column on the second
A I B. Cap lan K4A V<)/3
I se nt my info rm ation to the Com- line of each pair.
D D EC EN TRY BO F FO mission and have since hea rd from p . 106, 2nd col.. li ne 4 : should read,
IBravo! Now that's a magazi ne t hem. Guess where their mobile en- " . . . is 2.718055, whereas it is sup-
cover. forceme nt un it is going t o strike soon? posed t o be 2.71828 18.
Bob Wier WBt'lI ,I\IC/5 Joe Schlat ter K4F1vf / i Pe lt... A. S tark K20 A W
Fort Wort h TX 1'111:"'011 AZ ;\It. Ki.s co NY

FEBRUARY 1974 99
J J •••
The fnllowil11! circuits IIm'(' appeared ill the reference d boo/~s. magaz ines, application notes, etc.
W h il e lV" try to reproduce all of t h e i niarma t i a n t h ai should be T1f'('(If' d by an experien ced ('(J/lsttll c/(Jr,
/'('udc rs may wan t to Qpail t h e m selves of tll(' oriRinal S()IH'{·('.~ for p eac:e of mind.
Readers are reque sted to pas.~ along an )' i n teresting circuits Owl 111(')' d iscol'cI" in sources utller fila"
U .S. nom magarines, Circuits should be ori(·n fed toward amateur radio and experirnen tarion ratller
than indu strial o r computer tectmotoev, Submit circuit witll all parts l 'olIlCS on it , a verv brief
explanation of tile circuit and an y additional parts infonnahon required , give tile source and a note of
permission to reprint from tile copyrigllt holder, if any , and the reward for a published circuit will be a
choice of a 73 baa/I . Send ~'ollr circuits to 73 Circuits Poee, 73 Jlagazine . Peterborough .-v /I 030158 .

0+9 -, •

..."' 0' J!>V 8A

~. ...
001 'w
,O. J; ., ;1;00
• .1k

Two stage clipper/preamp will increase the talk An audio power amplifier with push pull output
power of your rig. Transistors 0 1 and 02 are using a single transistor in the final stage may be
HEP-54. The diodes are IN456 or HEP-158. obtained with this simple circuit. Only abou t 50
mW is available from this amplifier, but the gain is
flat up to 30 kHz. Both 01 and 02 sho uld be
germaniu m audio transistors such as th e 2N404,
SK3004 or HEP-253.

V38 1/2 UN8

'" co NO. 16 AWG
5/16- DlA )

,,~ ",.
t1 "'"

"6 .,. ".

co o.
This simple one transistor superregenerative re-
ceiver for two meters may be used for copying
many local signals. With the components shown
rhis receiver will tune from about 90 to 150 MHz.
A simp le noise lim iter that can be used with It may be used o n other freq uencies by changing
superregen de tec tors similar to tho se in th e Two'er th e inductor and capacitor Q1 is a GE·9 o r HEP-2.
and Six 'er.

100 73 MAGAZ INE


., ,,
- 10"
10 M .4

., 2N;r;, 01 0'
2N4220 ., 0'
IN4 0 0 1
" \
4b I ., .,
2N4 12~ 0'
., G ("I
'8K \~
MPS33 .4

" " OUT


rtf" r;

Electronic control of a de relay. Circuit courtesy

Long dura tion FET timer wh ich will give a delay Motorola Semiconductor Power Circuits Hand-
up to 10 hours. Circuit courtesy Motorola Semi- book.
conductor Power Circuits Handbook.


"'~-" ~6 "'Ii 190 pl 0'
''''' 2+----' C2
4!5!5 kHI

0' " .71C 4----1 --oOOUTPUT

4M! kHz

'" QI- 2"'29215, 2N3392


31500 pf I~O

10 mH
80 kHz 2200 pI 910 pf 6.2 mH
01- 2N384,2N!52 !5, 501<3004, TH M0 3 100 kill 1800 pI 1150 pI 4,1 InH
01 ,02 - GENERAL PURPOSE SILICON DIODES 200 kHI "'0 ,I 390 pi .,~

This two frequ ency crystal oscillator changes

4!5!5 kttr
1000 kltr
asc ,I
T, • , "'
tee •

frequency by simply reversing the supply v oltage.


When the supply voltage is changed, the transistor

inverts itself; usually transistors m ay n ot be used This simple circuit pro vides an extremely stable
in the inverted mode, but in an oscillator a gain BFO. The frequency of oscillation may be tailor-
of only 1 or 2 is needed and this circuit provides ed to your needs by simply choosing the proper
a novel and simple way of obtaining two frequen - tank componenents listed in the table.
cies from a single stage with a minimum of
." ., "" ,. ca
INPUT o-.L 1~~F

., "'-
( T)jOO.n.
AT 2 5 "C
'- 06

rccx 6.11k ~~-4 00 ..f


i~5 >\-
7.5~ " r-r
" '" +' r-o OOTPUT
'" '" r" r
510k o.

5.6 k
~.2 ,
Although this capaci tance meter will n ot measure electrolytic capacitors, it will measure any other
type from zero to 0.1 J.1F with reasonable accuracy. On the lower and 4 pF can be read accurately
and 2 pF easily estim ated. Transistors Ql and Q2 are 2N168, 2NldOS, 2N2926 , SK3011 or
HEP-54 ; the meter is a 0-50 microampere unit and the range switch a Centralab PAI021.

FEBRUARY 1974 101

-2 0.
14 4 MC
'" L + _ -<> + I.'
This si gnal injec tor/tracer switches from th e
21'1 114 1
injection mo de to a signal tracer by simply
plugging in a pair of high impedance magn etic
earphones. As a tracer it works from a u dio up to

I II 0'
432 MHz. Tr ansistor Q1 is a 2N1 70, 2N388A,
2N1605, SK3011 or GE-7; Q2 Is a 2N 188A,
2N404, 2N2953, SK3004 or HEP-253.

LI B T\lRtOS EllUl 3003 116 T\JRtoIS PER INCM, lI2' OI A"' )
rAPf>ED AT " TUR1\IS FRO'" COLD EItD, -'" ,,~~I'UT I
8 TURNS..:I 16, ~1 6· lUM. l- LOMG
" ~
l2 0.
1.3 3 TURNS 1«), 16 BlF ILAIl WOUND ON (;OL D [N O Of L2 .
01 2N38" , 5.3008, llnI 03
RFC l.flt'" !OHMll [ Z· I.... '

This simple two meter transmitter may be used as a "r ~ ~, 'V

driver for a larger 144 MHz transrrtitter or a signal '" ,~ OUTPUT Z
source [or testing receivers, converters and
antennas. •r '" "
» 0

This phase spli tting circuit provides two OU t of

I r- phase signals fo r driving a push pu ll am plifier

without an expensive transformer. Th e gain of th e
stage as sho wn is 1SO, bu t this may be adjusted by
changin g th e value of th e 22K feedback resist or.
A general-purpose r f detector p robe fo r use with a n Ql and Q2 are a comp limentary pair such as th e
o!rilJoscop e or voltem eter. 2N652 an d 2N388 or 2N2430 and 2N 2706.

on 410
1~ ..
ZOO k ;;

-" ---~.".fy. - - - - ~ ~ - - -
on oo. 0'
'''' ,-:

M ,,,,. 0' oo• 0.

,,,,. ,.. ~L 0' ~ ':',(---0
"" ,
... '''' 4.n
f-o r"

( A) ( B)

Th is high im pedance preamplifier provides up to 20 megohm s input impedance and has a freque ncy
response from 10Hz to 220 kHz . Circuit B was developed fr om circuit A by replacing th e emitter
resistor in A with Q3 and addin g an em itter follo wer to red uce loading. The input im pedance is fu r ther
increased by th e components shown by the dashed line. A ll transistors are 2N2188, S K3005, GE·9 or

102 73 MAGA ZIN E

SAVE $80. SAVE $100.



Purchase a C legg FM- 27B for the Regul ar
Reg. $259.- NOW only $179. price of $479.00 with No Tr ade and yo u ma y
take a $100 c red it toward s t h e purch as e of
Top perform ing a-meter FM transceiver, c utreetures everything any other ne w merchandis e o f yo ur cho ice.
in its class-stands apart as tne exceptional do llar value i n Follow in g a re some po s s ib le s ug g estion s
VHF/FM gea r for Ihe radio amateur. Beautifu lly ccnstructed-. of other me rc handise you might take :
compact and co nveniently installed, 58-144 ha' what il takes
lor rock solid, "through the repealer" contacts. 12 separate * Clegg AC Supp ly f or FM·27B $7 9. 9 5
crystal positions for both transmitter and receiver allow all· * Cushcraft, Gam , Hy-Gain . Larsen Antenna s
repeater pair off or combo receeter/inter-mcene ope ration. * Bird Ham-Nate 4 3 52 w attmeter $79.00
Thr. . . .'- 01 crystal. ar• •upplled w ith trecu en cre e most *If you c an't th ink of an ythin g- Phone us
widely used natio nally lor repeaters. Exira pow er 100- 10 .atta or write fo r our "Cond en s ed I is t ing of
output at only 2.5A 'rom 12V ca r batt ery. "Hoi" double
conversion receiver teeruree FET t ront end for high sensitivity.
Amateu r Radi o Equ ipme n t " .
lOw cross modulation. Panel meter shows re lative power output
or receive signal strength. Set Is all so lid state inc lud ing an
FEr and three I-C's. Supplied with quality dynam ic rnte w/ccn
cordI p lug.
Freq, range: 144-148MHz. Antenna Impedance: 50 ohms
SAVE $40.
Ch ennels: 12 Rae, senslllvll, :
Power output: 10 watts 0.5 p.V lor 20 db quieti ng.
Eml.slon : F3 AF outpul : 1 watt.
Mo:. devlallon: + 15k Hz. hlec1I...lty:
"oeL'system : Phase
Osc. freq. renge: 6MHz band
Operetlng voltage/power:
Transmit : 13.8V fri 1.9A approx.
::!: 12.5 kHz fa 6db.
Flllef: Ceramic type

Crystals supplied:
- 1 .

Recei ve : 13.SV @ 0.35A approx. 34-94 94.94 16-76

Size: 6-11116~. 2-3/S '"H, 9-1116'"0 . • I •

Add $5 for shipping. Exira xl als $5 each.

Closeout Special r DRAKE TR-22

Reg. $219.-NOW only $179.
Reg. Sl6 - Portable 6 c hannel. I watt, 2m F M Xcvr.
With Nic ad s , Xt a ls for 34 /94 . 3 4 /76 & 9 4.
Now Carrying case. Antenna . 12 & 120v cords .
only $12 Extra Xt als $5 e a. Add $5 for shipping.


fo r s h ipp ing 2. C.O .D. (2 0'; DEPOSIT)
& hand l ing 3. MASTER CHA RGE
Penn wood 100E· 24H 24 hr. Clock ( e bo n y c ase) 5. AMERICAN EXP RESS


Bill Du Bard, W0KF
(9 A.M.-5 P.M. Central, daily except Sunday)


We carryall major brands and a large
stock of used reconditioned equipment
Write for used list
8342 OLIVE BL. ST. LOUIS, MO 63132
Semiconductor Supermart

MC 1550 Motorola RF amp $1.80 CORES AND BEADS
CA3020 RCA % Waud io ,$ 3 .0 7 T 200·2 ,., $2.00
CA3020A RCA 1 audio $3 .92 KW Balun kit o n ly $3.50
CA3028A RCA RF amp $ 1.77 T 68 -2 3 co res $ 1.0 0
CA3OO1 RCA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
$6.66 T 50·2 3 cores $ 1.0 0
MC 1306P Motoro la % W audio $1. 10 TSO-6 3 cores $ 1.0 0
MC1350P High ga in R F amp!1 F amp .. $1.15 TSO·10 3 co res , $ 1.0 0
MC1 357P FM If amp Quadrature det . 5 2.2 5 T44-10 3 co res $ 1.0 0
MC1496 Hard to f ind Sal. Mod $3.25 BEAD SPECIAL
MFC9020 Motorola 2 ·Watt audio $ 2 .50
M FC4010 Multi -purpose w ide band amp $1 .25 Ferrite Beads 1 doz _ $ 1.00

MFC8040 Low noise preamp $1 .50
MC1303P Dua l Stereo p reamp _.. $2 .75
MC1304P FM mu lt ip le xe r stereo demod $4.95

, $ .60
MPF 105/2N 5459 JFET ,$.96 NEW LOW PRICES
MPF 10 7/ 2N 5486 JFET V H F/UH F $1.26 L A3018 (Replaces CA3018 $1.60
MP F12 1 Low-cost dual gate VHF RF .. $ .85
M FE3007 Dual -qat• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.98 L A3046 (R epl aces CA3046 ) 1.60
40673 Dual-qat $1 .75 LS370 (Replaces L M370) 4.00
3 N 140 Dual -gat e S 1.95 LS1496 (I mproved MC1496) 2.00
3N 141 Dual-gate $1 .85
LS30 28A (Replaces CA3028) 1.60
NEW FAIRCHILO ECL LP1000 (A new f un-tvpe devi ce 10 make
HIGH SPEEO DIGITAL IC 'S LED f lashers, audio osc, timer etc.) 1.60
9258 Dual " 0 " FF togg les b ey o n d 160 MHZ LP2000 Microt ransmitter 16.00
.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4 .65

9582 Mut tt -t unc no n ga te & amp lif ier$3. 15
95H90 3 0 0 MH z decade counter $ 16.00
A 95 H90 & 9582 makes a n excellent presc a le r
to extend lo w frequency cou nters to V H F - or
use two 9528s for a 160 MHz prescale r.
R-4C •
NE56 1B Phase Lock Loop $ 4.75
NE5628 Phase Loc k Loop $ 4 .75
N51 11 A FMIl F Demodulator. $1.50 T-4XC
NE566V Funct ion Generator $4.75
NE567V T o ne Decoder $ 4 .7 5
Check us out


74 04 $.30
74 10 . . .. . . . . .... . . • . ..• . . . . . .. .. .. $.30 1110 N. Scottsdale Road
7420 ... .. ... .. .. . . . .• ..• . . ...••• • . $.30 Hay den Plaza East
7446 / 7447 . ... . . .. . .. . •.. .. .. .. . . .. $1 .50
7475 $1.00 Please add 35t fo r shi pp ing
7490 $1.00
741 92 • .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . $2.00
Circuit Specialists
Box 3047, Scottsdale, AZ 8 5257
Set of circuit boards t o build Motoro la H EP - Circuit -Stick - Ptessey
All device s are fi rst quality and are
a digita l cl ock $5.00 fully guarant eed.


AGe Aud,o & VH~. O

AUDIO RESPO"lSe 80 10.000 101 ,
POWER AEQUIREM EN 1S !']V DC. 10 "'.' "
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C H A RG ER "'_ 10!>905 ,<><:I" do <1
(Records Only) RESOLU TIO N 5~5 1 , ne ' HOR . RESOLUT ION soo".....
This is a portable system and comes with HDR f RED 15. 150 H / l EI A I
rec o rd e r, came ra and c ha rger. Camera in- VID EO OUTPU T l a p P. 10; ohm, ""~",",,od
""1'0 IlU,JMI NA lIO N )()Iu .
c ludes built-in Microp hone and Zoom lens. VIEWFINDE R 1 ',~ I '" CRT ..... .....,' ...'1
Rec ord ing time is 20 mi nutes o n 5" ta pe. LE N S 5 1 , oom F 2
SHI PPI NG WT 35 ' h\
n LIST: $1595
Recordin g is bot h video and audio .
OUR PRICE (NEW) $550.0
RECHAR GEAB L E BATTER IE S N...... 10' Poru Pak 5 36.00 a" " EXPERIMENTER S DELIG H T - " sed "SI$ .-epa,,""le. Physoc~IV
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not beal 10 hell. b"1 , e'1,,'''n9 ..,"'" wOlk,
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Problem' and plOb. ble c.","" listed wi lh elOCh
an v 81 .., k and While VTR to co nve rt 10 NTSC mach,,,,",
colo r. f6C",d playb.>ck d0('5 nOl ,mpai r monochrome
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Th is video reco rder wi ll record di rectly from a standard
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RE SOLUT ION : 5 25 h n!". S... ndard T V Ot' CCTV 'IICOfdonll
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All equ ipme nt so ld as is. 9519 MAIN STREET P.O. BOX 463
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106 73 MAGAZ IN E
MITS Presents
eNew908M ries
Handheld Calculator
•••8 Functions Mean a Handful of Features!


Multiplication _~

Division _ _--.:
--- ~
,_.... Reciprocals
Subtraction _ _
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100% American Made
Chain & Mixed Operations
Special Readouts:
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- Low Battery
Fixed Decimal
-8 Dig it Readout ·Algebraic Logic
(Alway s the most significant digits)
PRICES*$129.95 Assembled
-Bright Led Display $ 99.95 Kit
Full 1 Year Warranty
SIZE: 5-3/4" x 3-1/4 " X 1-1 /2 "
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Carrying Case ( Ieatherettel $5.95
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o Please Send Information on Entire MilS line.
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6328 Linn, N.E., Albuquerque, New Mexico 87108 I CITY I
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1IITS/1J21llnll, N.E., AlbuqUtfllut . N", ...... 111. 1IIIZH-7553 660401
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Thinking Deluxe? Clegg 27B Swan 700CX $569.95?

Don't believe it!

Standard SR-C14U $595.00?

Not on your cherry tree!

Collins KWMZA $1493.00?
Better call George No sir - CALL!

IMH,) • 1.1 1.1
144 PA2 -12B
5-1 5
PA2-70B 14 70
PA 10-140B 5·15 140
PA 21408 '4 140

The Hamtronics Crystal Bank $4.95 ea.

Now there is no chance of you ever having outdated crystals. Make a deposit in the
Hamtronics Crystal Bank today.
All you need is your sales slip and a crystal - get another crystal - no questions

The Hamtronics Exchange Program

We will exchange Bird wattmeter slugs (in good RAMTRONICS
condition) bought from Hamtronics (sales slip needed) 4033 BROWNSVILLE RO.,
for arwother slug that you may need in the future -
no charge. except for shipping. Your wattmeter can
TREVOSE, PA. 19047
never be outdated! (215) 357·1400. (215) 757·5300


ne Tbe BIRD'
Y AESU FT1 01 B includes
160m - at no extra charge!

• Ant it rip in put

only $649
• Sidetone out pu t
• VFO (w arning lite) on or off
Y ES • Clarifier (wa rn ing litel on or off We have a comple te stock of all Bird
A u. No ise bla nke r o n insert card watt meters a nd slu gs o n hand . . .
V • 8 pole filter f or better rece pt io n immed iate d elive ry . Order a new BIRD
Ham-ma te wa ttmeter fo r o nly $ 79, but
A ma l~u ", and im~ " I""n '"......., und lh~ .." rld h.. ~ d; ""o~~ .... d t h~ FTIOI '.
p lease specify if you wa nt t he 200 / 1000
. of l h~ "" ",. n,lin~ .;~n.l. .v.;" h~., a,p " ,in , ,h,
" ·n.'ili,, and v. Manv wa tt m od el o r t he 200/200 0 watt m odel.
F'TIO L It '• • 11 h r. _A '\! . CVi. ~SR. R......iwT ..."" i'; vih 0,3 mi,·r" Mlt. IO.lR .,,,,,.1
10 noj... ro , in. 160 mrlr.. th,o "," 10 mr' ..... , Citi...,,', lUn d. WWV. 25 a.. tI 100 ke
• • lib'.'0,". 5 kr d ...ifi, r (0. Dr' or mohil . " 1"',"1;0 ". Th. bu ill -in "oj... ftl an k.r . , "
.ur... in·mol ;" " m"bi l"p".k I""rlMmanr' .. i,h minimum of ""i....,
Tnn ,mi llrr "uhHil ~ "ndr. m"o' . dv
SS B. 80 ..·.u. AM. 180
("(Indi'i"". i. ' ''I'''',b, P EP 260 ".•
n. f.\\'. I I; \' C . oppt. built· in. 12 V 1)(: fu...d 1"""
.o hl• . ..I.e r.hl• • all ac' lrv 1'1 ,,1'" a.... furn i. h " t. \t . "' h i n ~ u"i" avai la hle tOT,
FTIOIB, FrlOl p.t ch. FPIO!. .pra krT F\'Hll \' FO, FL 2 100 linrae. s.... vnue l"c.1
dealre f"e drm u and hr'''' h" .....


1002-3 5-25 watts 100 135 watts $220
• 16 2+ channels, sim plex o r o ffs e t (60 0 kHz ) 1002-3 6 1-2.5wans 120,130 watts $235
f or repeaters 802 5-12 watts 70-90 watts $180
8028 1-2.5 watts 60-90 watts $195
• All m odula r construct ion 502 5-15 watts 35·55 watts $105
• Super hot MOSFET/h el ical coi l .4/lV recei ver 5028 1·2 .5 watts 45-50 watts $130
. A V AI L ABLE N OW! ... on ly $447.50
220 Amps also available


4033 BROWNSVILLE ROAO , TREVOSE , PA. 19047 PHONES : (215) 357·1400/(215) 757 ·5300

. FEBRU AR Y 19 74 109
The most popular three
band beam in the world!

iJlD TH3Mk3


supenor performance
Superior const ruct io n an d perfo rmance make t he difference in Hy- Gain 's popular
3-e lement Thun derbird .
• Thunderbird 's " Hy-Q" t raps provide separate t raps fo r each ba nd. " Hy· Q" traps
are electro nically t uned at th e fac tory to perfo rm better at any f requency in the
b and- eith er p hone or CWoAnd you ca n t u ne t he antenna, using charts suppl ied
in t he manu al , to substan t ially ou tp erfo rm any other anten nas made.
• Thunderbird 's su p erio r co nst ruct ion inc lu d es a new, cast aluminum , tilt-head
un iversal boom-to-mast b racket that accommodates masts from 1114 " to 2Y2".
Allows easy ti ltin g for insta llation , mainte nance and tuning and p rovides mast
feed-thru for beam stacking.
Taper swaged , slotted t ubing on all elements allows easy ad ju stment and re-
adjustment. Tap er swaged to pe rmit larger dia mete r t ubm g w here it c ounts!
And less win d loadin g. Full circu mfere nce co m press ion clam ps are mech anicall y
and electrica lly super io r to sett-ta ppmq metal sc rews .
• Thunderbird's exclusive Beta Mat ch ac hieves balanced input , optimum match -
ing on all 3 b ands and provides DC g rou nd to eli min ate precipitation static.
• Up to 8 db gain
• 25 db f ro nt to b ac k rati o
• Power capab ili ty 1Kw AM , 2Kw PEP
• SWR less than 2:1
• Extra heavy gauge, machine formed , eleme nt to boo m brackets with plast ic
sleeves u sed o nly for insulation . Bracket desig n allows fu ll mechanical support.
Model 388 $154.95
Other tri~band beams to choose from :
• s-ereme nt Supe r Thund erbi rd TH6DXX Model 389 $189.95
• a-eleme nt Th underbird Jr. TH3JR Model 221 $109.95
• 2-ele me nt Th underb ird TH2Mk3 Model 390 $ 99.95

iI,n Dept. CB .8601 Northeast Hi g hw ay Six . Li ncoln . NE 68507
402/464 -9151 Telex 48-6424
Distributed in Canada by: LECTRON RADIO SALES. LTD. 211 Hunter Street West. Peterboroug h , Ontario

11 0 73 MA GAZINE
FEBRUARY 1974 111
the most powerful antennas under the sun!

The Best Vertical There IS!

80 through 10 meters

iJln 18AVT/WB
New, from the inventors of wideband verticals.
Pack some pun ch ! All the omnidirectional performance of Hy-Gain 's
famous 14AVQlWB... plus 80 meter capability! Unrivaled performan ce .
rugged extra heavy duty construction . and the price you want.. .all in
one powerful package!

• Automati c switching on all five bands through the use of three

beefed-up Hy-Q traps .. . featuring extra large diameter coils for ex-
ceptional LIC ratio and extremely high Q.
• Recessed r oax connector furnished.
• Top loading coil and four element static hat.
• Constru cted of extra heavy wall high tensile aluminum.
• Hot performance all the way across the band wttf just one setting
(10 through 40).
• Hy-Q traps effectively isolate antenna sections for full 1/4 wave
resonance on all bands.
• No dissimilar metals to cause noise.
• SWR 2 :1 or less at band edges.
• Maximum legal power with low frequency drift.
• Exceedingly low radiation angle makes DX and long haul contacts
a cinch ... whether roof or ground mounted.
• Very low RF absorption from insulating materials.

The 18AVT/WB is constructed of extra heavy duty,

taper swaged. seamless aircraft aluminum with full
circumference , corrosion resistant compression
clamps at all tubing joints. This antenna is so rigid.
so rugged ... that its full 25' height may be mounted
using only a 12" double grip mast bracket. guy
wires , no extra support.. .the 18AVT/WB just stands
up and dishes it out!

Order No. 386 $79.95

Get the strength . the performance and the price you want ... from the
man who sells the complete line of quality Hy-Gain equipment.


Dept. CB 8601 Northeast Highway Six Lincoln . NE 68507
402/464-9151 Telex 48-6424


All you need to know about

2 meter mobile antennas!
263 Special no-hole trun k lip mount. 3 db gain . 130-
174 MHz . 5/8 wave . 16 ' coa x. DC g r o u n d . Base
match ing coil for 52 ohm match . 17-7 ph stainless
steel wh ip.
264 High efficiency, verticall y polarized omnidirec-
tional roof top wh ip. 3 db gain. Base matching coil
for perfect 52 ohm match . DC ground. Coax and con-
nector furnished.
265 Special magnetic mount. 3 db gain . Performance
equal to permanent mounts. 12' coax and connector.
Base matching coil for 52 ohm match. 17-7 ph sta in-
less steel whip. DC ground .
Rugged , continuously loaded , flexible VHF portable
antennas. Completely insulated with vinyl coating .
Bend at all angles without cracking or breaking . Can-
not be accidentally shorted out.
723N With UHF connector.
269 With 5/16-32 base for Motorola HT; Johnson ;
RCA Personalfone ; Federal Sign & Signal ; and cer-
tain KAAR, Aerotron , Comco and Repco units.
723A With BNC co nnecto r. 264
260 Commercial duty, 1/4 wave, claw mount, roof
top whip . Precision tunable to any discrete frequency
108-470 MHz.
261 Same as above, with 18' coax and connector.
262 Magnetic mount whip, 108-470 MHz. 52 ohm
match. Complete with coa x and connector.

Write for details 265 723N

iI,n Dept ce . 860 1 No rt heast Highway Six. Lin co ln . NE 68507
402/464-91 51 Telex 48-6424
Distnbuted In Ca nada by· LECTRON RADI O SALES. L TD. 2 11 Hunter Street West. Peterboro ugh . On tario

FEBRUAR Y 1974 113

The possibilities are virtually unlimited
and the prices are unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!

Start with the basics and pay as you go.

Write or call for details . . .

"your inspiration is our motivation"

320 WATER ST. POB 1921 BINGHAMTON. NY 13902 607 -723-9574


Then you'lllove
Data Engineering's
new catalog
Write for your free copy today!


More features than any other pad including butlt-In
monitor speaker and latest Pha s e-Lo c k loop circuitry.
TTP·l Standa rd pad for portable trans c e ive r
mo unting.
TTp ·2 Standard pad in attractive case for h o m e o r
mobile use.
TIP-3 Min i-pad in attractive case for home or
mobile use.
TTp·4 Mini·pad for portable t ra ns c e ive r mou nting.
TIP.I, 2, 3 & 4, Sh. wt. 1 lb $44.50
TTP.IK, 2K, 3K & 4 K, Sh. wt. 1 lb $34.50

A popu larly priced Ie keyer with more f ea t u r es fo r
your dol lar. Cricket 1 is a sma ll size, so l id s tate keyer
designed for t he beginner as we ll as t h e most ad ·
vanced o p e r a tor . It provides the u ser with I a t tg u e-t ree
sending and its clean, crisp CW allows for easy ccpv-
i n g at a ll speeds. Turned o n its side, the Cricket can
be used as a straight key for manual keying.
CRICKET 1 Sh. Wt. 3 Ibs. $49.95

Specially made for both OLD and NEW receivers. T h e
smallest and most powerfu l preamp available. Pro-
vides 20 d S ga in at 2.5 N .F. to bring in t he weakest
signa ls. Sh. wt. 4 0%. $9.50 kit
$12.50 wired

Please include sufficient postage f o r s hi p ping.


Ravenswood Industrial Park, Springfield, Va. 22151
5554 Port Royal Road • 703·321·7171

FEBRUARY 1974 115

Here is a SPECIA L DEAL for 6 and 10 meter fans • • •

RCA model CMFT-50
Covers 25 to 54 M
without coil ch anges!

--- ~


50 watts output .
transistorized re~elver. Standb po~er supply an
v:'lth transistor
Regularly $12 5.00 y drain is onl y 2 .2 amps.
d partly

- th is m onth only $100 .00 , wit

. h accesso ries.

We stili These
have a few 30 watt TPLs I f
are for use'In the two
e t for onl y $1 55.00
meter band . •

. T ERMS: All . DuPage FM I

Include ante n Items sold as is A
represented nas 0' crystals. Ii ccessories do n ot PO B , nc.
OX 1

~~'PPlng d~YS
o •
01 receipt ' retur
. n I 0' exchan eq ujp. rnent
e nt iIS no ' as
residents add Lombard , II I. 60148
sales taxCha
. ,ge,ge prepaid.
wit hin five III 'In OIS
•• • tlvtliJtlbJe DAY!
tChe e,,&itinll aJJ new


· .. and put 67+ CHANNELS* of 2-meter FM pleasure in the palms of
your hands ... with the SUPER COMPACT (2.3" x 6.'" x 9.7") IC-230.
Feature-w ise . .. th e IC-230 is fu lly synthesized (with the new excl usive " Phase
Lock Loop System") .. . all modular construction (servicing is a snap-in and o ut)
· . . a rece ive r t hat is very sensitive and se lect ive as t o wha t it hears (better t ha n
OA UV / 20dbl . with uniq ue Ino ue he lica l fi lters to e li minate int ermod
· . . plus a su pe r E filter mo sfet front end , maki ng copy a pleasure .
* And not a crysta l to buy w ith th e exclusive " Phase Lock Loop System ",
(That' s close to $650.00 worth of x tals!)


' -:::::-:::=-==-=::-

- Dea lerships Available -
SUit e 2 32 - B ldg. II
300 · 120th Ave. N.E .
Bellevue, Wash. 9 8 00 5
(20S1 454-2470
185 West Main Street
Am st erdam , N.Y. 12010
Oiv ACS , Inc .
BOll: 331
Richardson, 'rex . 75080
(214) 235-0 479

FEBRUARY 1974 117

Do you have the latest
parts information from


Those of you who do not have our latest catalog really ought to
send for it. You'll be surprised and impressed at the new items we
have added. For example:







These, added to our already full range of digital and linear IC's,
10% resistors, ceramic disc capacitors, dual-in-line IC sockets, LED
and incandescent displays, diodes, and other items, make us a very
complete supplier. Why not write or phone our order desk today
for your free copy of our Winter 1973 catalog and see for
yourself? 800-325-2595 and 800-325·2981 (Toll Freel



11 8 73 M A GA ZI NE
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Sat isfac t io n guaranteed. All items except as noted are fully tested .

..,-,- _..-...... ._._._... Minimum o rder $5.00 prepaid in U.S. and Canada. Ca lif. residents
add sales ta x. Orders filled within three days from receipt .
................. DOl'

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D1~ ""T O' .
P.O. BOX 1708R
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Monterey. Calif. 93940

FEBRU AR Y 1974 119

LEO READOUTS OPCOA S lA-l Sim ila r t o MA N-l ..33" h igh. 20 m A per segme nt . With deci mal
point. Every one chec ked - all segme n ts ope rating. Red - $2.65 each , 6/$15 .00
Green - $3.50
.7 inch readouts .. . $5.55 each
CLOCK I.C., Nat ional MM5314, fo r 12 or 24 hou rs, 50 or 6 0 Hz, 4 or 6 dig its . Only $ 1 1 .9 5 each
LED - molded plast ic d ome sha p e wit h leads. .31 2 inc hes in diameter . Red - $ .35 each , 3 /$1.00
Green - $ .50 each , 6 /$1.00
KODAK REO Wratten Filters Perfec t fo r light filter over red LEOs. 4 " sq., .005 " thick .
$ .35 each. 3/$1.00
lM 309 Voltage Regulator IC. 5 volts at 1 Am p . ma x. current. 52.00 each
PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD 2 oz. co pper o n glass epoxy base, ep prox . 5" x 6 " . Your ch oice cop per
o n o ne or bot h sides. 3/$1 .25
ETCHANT FOR P.C. BOARDS Ammo niu m persulfate, 1 lb. of crystal s, just dissol ve in H20 . 5 1.25
IN 914 DIODES $.10 each , $1 .00 a dozen
PLUG·INS for Tektroni x scopes: 540.00 each. Typ e A, Wide-band; 0 , High-gain DC differential, 1
mv.lcm. ( Hickok); E, High -gain AC Different ial ; G, Wide -band Differential; K, Fast-rise ; Type P,
Fast -rise Mercury pulser test un it $ 25.00
HUGHES WS -4 Preampl ifier Plug-in $25.00
PLUG-INS for H·P 524 Counters. 526·A Video Am plifier, $40.00; 526-B Time Interval Unit . $25.00
FILAMENT TRANSFORMER, 6 .3 v , ct. @25am ps., 115 /230 v. 60 Hz pti . Herm sealed. Shpg. wt .
141 00. $4.00 each ,4/$ 14.00
SILICON RECTIFIER International Ree l. R - 21 0 -F, epoxy , 100 0 PIV, 2 amps . 5.4 0 each , 10/$ 3 .5O

Matrix Plug·Soard. Wired in 25 h orizontal & 24 ve rt ica l rows .

By inse rti ng ju mper p lugs, any hor, row ca n be co nnected to
any vert . row. Co nst ruc ted of Elc o "Va ricc ns." Can be
disassem bled or rewired for o ther app lica tions. Great for
breadboard ing, switc hing, p rogramming , I.C. test ing. Dime n- - I
--., --
_ • _
sio ns : 8 %" x 16%" . Shpg . wt. Sibs. Used , exc. cond owi th 30 - I .. _
sho rt in g plu gs. Only $10.00

Matri x Board wit h 2 5 x 12 rows. (Hal f of above boa rd.] With

15 plu gs. $5.50

Teletype Model 28 Tape Equipment. Tape reader LBXD &

Perf ora t or BRP E o n LR XB9 Base, m ounted o n LTH S Tap e
Han dling Unit . Reader is 60-75- 100 vvpm. Perforator is
high -speed (600 \/vpm ). Exc . Co nd. , as rem oved fro m service.
Shpg. wt. '00 lbs. $75.00 each

H·P 5221 -A Digital Counter , So lid-Sta te, 10 rv'\ Hz. Like new. $ 150.00
Empire Devices (Si nged NF-l0 5 Receiver with T- 2, T-3 , T-A Tuners, Exc . Co nd o $ 180 0 .0 0
Stoddart NM-20B Radio Interference & Field Intensity Rece iver , with po wer supply , lo op antennas,
cabl es. Exc . Co ndo $385.00
P.C. Board Edge Sockets. Am ph enol. 3116" contact sp acing. 6-eo ntacts,- wit h solder term inals . 25t!
15-eontac ts, w it h wire-wrap terminals, used, exc . 25e ea. 5 for $1.00

TTL ICs 74 7 3 .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . •..... •55

7400 $ .3 0 747 4 ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . •. 55
7 4 02 • ..• . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . ..30 7 4 7 5 . . . . . . . . .. •.. ... .. . . .. .. . . . •85
7404 ... ... . . . . . . . ... .. . .•.. . . . . .35 7 476 .. . .. ... •..... .. .. . . . . . •... .60
740 8 .. . .. . .... ... .... ... •. .. . ...3 0 749 0 1 .00
744 1 •. . ... . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . 1.7 5 74 121 . • . .... . . .. .... .. .. . . . . . . ..6 0
744 7 .. . . . . . . . . •.. ... ... . .. . . . . 1 .6 0 7 4 192 .. .. •.. .. .. . . .. . .. . . . . . • . 1 .90
7448 ..•... .... . .. . .. . .. .. • . . . . 1.6 5 7 4 1 op amp • . .• . . •• • . . •• • . . . • . . • • •55

MINIMUM MAil ORDER $2.00 - Please add shipping charges • Mastercharge •

- I S
1916 Clark Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44109
120 73 MAGAZIN E
Attra cti vel y ded gnedl Exc e llen t c ra f tsman-
ship. Cas e and keyboard (des i gned 88 One •• • ,.
unit). Cabi ne t 18 ma de of high- impac t
plastic be ige co lo r with black be zel KR8l0 Rec t . 50Y 1A .10
and amber wind ow . Ke yboard co nBia u
of 8 ) -poa l t lo n a l i da . wi tch and 2S
ke ys, S o f whi ch a re used fo r me-- Special 8II: Hex Inverter
o ry f unc t ion . 20 key. gray, 5 keys TTL DIP Hex I nverter; pio interc hangeabl e
ora nge . Al l ke y• .enlnced on Do e wit h S:- 74 0L0. Psrt s . r e brand new and s re
print ed c i rcu i t boa rd . Thh -odu - r-------- - - - - - --1 br and ed Signe t ic s snd lU r ked " 811."

2 : ~~ ~l
lar unit 1. wall sui t ed for ou r EACH •• . ••. . $
cs leub en ... ch i ps . I d eal f or t he 10 FOR• ••..
CT5005 . Case a nd Keyboa rd Ca.ple te: LED's 100 FOR •••• 23 .00 ~
.Q!!1! $29.95 1000 FOR••• 220 . 00

G- 9 plu s
RCA NUMI TRON ' lette rs . M A N 3M
EACH • •••• • ••• •• • $ 5.00
$ . 75
10 FOR 6 .50
Ri ght-hand dec i . .l poi nt .
Flat- p. ck t ype case. Long
ope ra t ing llf. . I C vo l - EACH 52 .50
SPECIAL: 5 FOR $20.00
TJir t a ge requ i r _ a u. t des l
f or pocke t c alcu l a tors!
1 0 DR MORI: 1 .90
WIO DEC DlAL 1 . 50

3- CHIP CA LCULATO R MA N4 Seven-segmen t . G-9 pl u s let-

This ca lcu la- t e rs . Ri ght- ha nd de c 1lllal po i n t . Sna ps in
t or ae t pro- !4- pin DIP soc ke t or Molex. I C voltsge re-
vide s a U of
the ele ctroni c .
S P EC IAL 874 qui r _n ts . I d eal f or d e s k o r pocket calcu-
25 6- BI T ~~ ACCESS KEHORY l at orsl ""a a aa
f or 8n 8-d ig l t , TTL bi- polar f u lly-d e c oded 256 x "'R .. .. ... ' ,",5 IL en II
fl oati ng point calculato r wit h l e ft - TEN OR KORE. 2 .50 EACH v ' ~vv
ha lld entry . Ke ybc.rd. display , cloc k 1 bi t :
geue r at c r , and dh play d rive r is an
that need be add ed t o ..lte a c. lcu l~ ­
_Si ngl e 5V su pply
s 8 0 lO S acces s t ille CD-2 Counter Kit
t or th. t will .dd , .ubt r.c t , .ul t i p ly _Simp l e memory exps osio n t h ru Thi a kit provide s II h ighly soph is t ica t e d
. nd d i v ide . Ove r flow .nd nega t iv e ) - c h ip s e l ec t li ne s d iap l ay .ec t ion DOdd l e f or c loc ks . coun t e r l .
signa ls a re .lso p r ovid ed . COllpl e te o r ,o t he r nume r ica l d is pl. y needs. The un i t
instruction s t o bu i l d a ca lc u la to r D.t. wit h c hip . 16-Pio DIP . i s . 8" wid e a nd 4 3/8" long. A li ngl e 5-v olt
included . $5 .00 1 0 FOR $39 . 9 5 powe r aou rce powe n bo th t h e tC s .Dd the
CH I PS AND DATA• ..•..•.. . . . S8 . 95 dis p lay t ube . It can a t ta i o typi cal cou nt
DATA ONLY ( Re f und .ble ) • ••• 1. 00
3-Amp Power Silicon Rectifiers rste s o f lip t o 30 MHz a nd s lso ha s s lazllp
t e at . caus i ng a l l 7 s e gme n ts t o light . Kit
CT5005 CALCU LATO R Marked Epoxy Axial Package includ u a 2-sided (with plsted t hru ho l e s )
fibergl a s l printed c i rc ui t boa r d . s 1490 , s
Thi a c a lcu l a tor c hip ha s a f u ll four-
PRY PRICE PRY PRICE 1475 , II 7447 , a DR 20 10 RCA Numitr on displsy
function lIemory . whi ch i s con t ro l l ed
by f our keys. !tt (add s e n try i nt o 100 .. . . . $ .10 800 ..... $ . 30 t u be . comp l e t e inst ru ctions. and enough
melllOry). .:!!. (s ub t r ac ts ent ry fro", 200 • . . • . . 15 1000 . . . • • 40 Molel< pins f or the t Cs . . NOTE: boards can
memory). CM (c lear mellory . wit hout 400 18 1200 50 be su ppli ed in II si ng l e panel of up to 10
600 ..... .23 1500.... .65
clearing rest of r e gist ers ) , RM ( rea d 1 _"':===="':~""::::="':-:":::"---1 digit s (with a l l interconnects); therefore.
e ee cr y or us . as entry). - r when Qr d e rin g , please specify whether you
l2-D igit d ispla y and c alcu - CMOS want th<'1l1 in single psnels or in one multi-
C04023 s .7 5

i; ./". :
Iste CD4001 s . 75 ple digit board. Not spec ifying will result
Fixed decilllal a t 0 , 1 , 2 . CD 4002 .75 74COO . 75 in shipping de lsy. ~

3.4 , or5 CD4010 1.00 74C20 .75 COMPLIITE KIT ,

Lesding zero s uppre ss io n CD4011 .75 74C16 0 3 . 25 ONLY $11. 95 \. .~ 0
1-5egmeot multipl ex ed ou t pu t C04012 .75 FlJt~i~A~~~~~ED ·J7'~~.,;'~-, ,,t~,,
True c r ed i t si gn d is play
Single 28-pio c h i p
DIP f-"::...:::::::.:...------ - - - --
$ . 30
Board l c a n be supplied
pe r d i g it .
separate ly @ $2. 00

DATA ONLY (Refund.b le ) • . . ... . 1. 00 74L51

74H5l .J>
5001 CA LCU LATO R 7453 .20 LINEARS
745 4 .2$ NE540 7G-wa t t power d r i v e r IImp ••••..•• $2 .00
40-Pio c . l c u lato r ch i p will edd , au b-
tr.ct . lIultiply , . nd d i v ide . 12-Digit
14L54 . J> NE555 pre c ision timer .. .••.••• • ••..•.• 1.50
display .nd calcul. te . Ch. in c a lc u la -
74 L55 . J> NE560 phas e l ock. loop DIP 3 . 25
74 60 .20 N£ 561 phaa e l ock l oop DI P .• • ••.•..• .•. 3.25
tion s . True credi t balance s ig n ou t - NE56 5 ph.le l oc k loop TO-5 ••••.••.•• . . 3.25
74LH .30
put . Au t omatic over- f low i ndic .tion.
Fixed de c i ... l poin t a t I , 2 , 3 . or 4 .
Leading zero supp ress ion . eomple te
74 72
14 L72
. 50
NE 567
f unction ge ne ra to r TO-5 •••••.. . . 4.00
t one decode r 4.00
74 73 .60 NE5558 dus l 14 1 op a ap KINI DI P .... . . • • 1.00
dsta aupp l ied wi th ch i p . 109 popula r op ....p DIP ... . . . ....•• .. . 4 5
7loL73 .75
CH I P ~~ DATA• • • • . • •• ONLy $9 . 95 110 voltsge coapa ra to r DIP . . .. •••.•. . 1 5
7474 . 65
DATA OstY (Re fund.ble) • • •• 1. 00 111 du. l comp. r a to r DIP .... . . • • . • • • • • 40
74L74 . 80
All I C• •r e e ev .od f ull y-te sted; 74H14 . 80 12 3 pr e c ision voltage re gubt or DIP . 1. 00
7475 1. 40 14 1 o p allp TO-5/K I NI DIP . •••• ••. •••• .55
l e ads . re plat e d wit h gold o r solde r .
Orde rs f o r $5 o r _ re will be s h ip ped 74 76 .60 747 d.,. 1 74 1 op amp DI P . • • • • ••••••• • 1. 00
prepaid . Add 35e fo r haDd U ng and 74L18 . 80 748 op lUIp TO- 5 1.00
7480 . 65 CA3018 2 i . ol.ted transi ator s and II D. r -
post. ge f or _ l le r o rde rs ; r e sid eots
7483 1.00 lingt on-connect e d trsnsistor pai r 1. 00
o f caUf orn is .dd sa les tax . I C o r -
der s . re sh ip ped wit hin 2 wor kd .ys- - 7489 4 . 00 CAl045 5 NPN tr.nsistor a r r . y • . . . . . . . . • 1. 00
74 90 1.20 CA102 6 dual differe nti.l amp . . . . . •.•••. 1.00
kit s . re .hi p ped wi t hin 1 0 d.ys o f
74 91 1. 00 LHloo po. i t i ve DC regulator TO- 5 . • • .•. 1 . 00
receipt o f o rd er. $10.00 lIiniDua o n
74 92 . 90 LHl0 5 volt a ge r e gulato r . . . ..••• . . . . . . • 1. 25
C.O. D.s ( phone in) .
74 93 1.15 LM102 op sap volt . ge f ollower To- 5 . . • • 1.25
P . O. !lox J 48 11 Kyr t le Ave . 749 4 LIS ut30 1 op ."P ... .......... ..... . 50
74 95 1.15 ut30 8 op sap TO- 5 2. 00
ca I"llic hael, CA Sacr_en to . CA
74L95 2. 00 U Ull comp. r a tor TO- 5 • . • . . • • • . • • • • • • • • 1. 75
9560 8 (9 16) 334 -21 61 u n 1 0 AGe lUIplifier ••.. • • • •••••••••• • • 2 .00
74121 1. 25
~E! !~K_GfJ..~~E..:..O !!.Lf. £OOD! ~ LH1 0 3 RF-IF amp epoxy TO-5... . • • • •••• • . 4 5
741 23 1. 50
SEND FOR FREE FLYER LISTING l00's OF 74154 2.3 0 LKJ09K 5V- l A power supp ly module TO- 3 •• 2 .00
HONEY·SAVING BARGAINS~ 74 161 2 . 00 ut390D quad op .Illp 2 .00
ut1 59 5 4-quad r a nt . u l t i p l i e r • .• .•••.. . . 2 .00
BRBYLOnl 14163
2 .00
1. 50 8038 sine s qua r e tri.ngle function
ELECTROnlC:~ 74195 1. 00 gener.tor .. . . . • . . ..... . . . • • .. 4 .95

FEB RU A R Y 19 74 121
It's High Time ...

. .. Amateurs had access to

a good, up-to-date used gear list.
For too long now, most used gear lists
have been made up no more than once a
month. Because used equipment stocks change daily,
most distributors "pad" their lists with prices of items which may
not be in stock, but which do come through fairly often. This is
not intended to mislead the customer, but does often result in
orders which can't be filled. These lists are actually lists of "what
it will cost you, if we happen to have it when you order".

NOW - we have put in a new Hewlett-Packard data processing

system, which will cure all of this.

When you write us for a used gear list, you will receive a list which
is current - as of the previous day's close of business!

Of course this means our list won't be as big as others, because it

won't be " padded " . Also, items listed will be subject to prior sale,
but you can be sure that we do have it the day we mail your list,
so don't be disappointed the next time you want to buy a used
item ...

Write for Our Used Gear List First!

Write our Ft. Worth store today for your list.


H. WORTH, TEX 76110 DALLAS, TEX 75229
Closed Sun. & Mon.

122 73 MAGAZ INE

lED 7 segment similar to Dl 704 pins same as MAN 4,.3 char
. . .. . . ... . . . .. .. .. . . . ...... .. .... ......... .. .. . ..$2.75 ea 10/$22.50
7 SEGMENT asse mbly 3 in 1 dip pac sim to MAN 33. Ideal for ca lcu lators. S
digits and mi nu s sign $7.95
11 digits and minu s sign $10.50
7 SEGMENT read outs 2 in 1 pac plus space. Ideal for clo cks. 6 digits for $5.95
CLOCKS ship ped with prints #5314 $9.50
#5316 alarm cloc k $13.50
CALCULATORS shipped with prints 5001 basi c 4 functi on $6.95
5002 4 fun ction/l ow power drain $7.95
50054 function w/memory register : $9.95
low no ise dual FETs. Ideal for stere o preamp si m to 2N5454 2/1.00
RF FETS sim to 2N4416 211.00
RF dual FETS $1.00
2N2907 5/$1.00
2N2222 ',' 5/$1 .00
Bipolar memory lx256 Bit 74200 $9.50
1000 Assorted Resistors, Capacitors, Diodes in cludin g ove r 100 TTL
DTL & Linear ICs on PC boards (i ncl ude postage fo r 4 Ibs.1 10.00
12V BA REGULATED power supply parts kit. Ideal for powe ring
FM rigs. Everything except the chassis .. . (include postage fo r S ibs.) 12.95
ICs, m ost TTL & LINEAR in stock - Send Stamp for FREE Catalog
74C 195
3. 15
1.25 R@pl""", HEP590
Feb. special for 73 readers only
74C04 85 C04001 .60 LM372 US
74Cl0 .60 C04002 60 lM374 2.00 555 t imers , $.85.
74C20 .60 C04009 1.00 lM382 1 75 4 194 adjustable du al
74C73 1.65 C040 10 1.00 741 T .4 5
74C74 1.25 C040 1 T 60 74 I M ini .45 HI/3 .95 trackin g regs. DIP $2.00
74C76 1.75 C040 12 60 CA30:l8 .75
74C107 1.7& C040 13 1.25 CA3065 .75
74C15 1 3.30 C040 16 1.25 CA3Ol.l6 .45
74C160 3.25 C04019 1.45 Buy 10 IC' s - 10% disco unt
14C161 3.25 C04023 .60
74C162 325 C04025 50 Buy 100 Ie 's - 20% di scount
14C1 63 3.25 C04035 3 .10
All IC's t ested a nd guara nteed
LM 309K 5V 1A REG 2.00
LM 320K NEG Reg available in 5V 12V & 15V 2.25
LM 340K POS Reg availab le in 6V 12V & 15V 2.25
LM 723 Adju stable precision reg 1.00
TRANSISTOR GRAB BAG mixed NPN PNP 100 for 2.95
All ITEMS IN STOCK and will be shipped with in 24 working hours of receipt of order!
Include 50/ postage and handling on orders under $10.00, all others postpaid.
FEBRU AR Y 1974 123
MaS LSI random access memory #N EC 6003. All
inputs except clock are TTL compatible. 2048
word by 1 bit. 22 pin ceramic DIP. With specs.
$9.00 each, 2/$17.00


Brand new keyboards for hand held calculators. Rare item. See Pop. Elect. Mag. Oct. 1973 for uses.
Two styles available. One for
TEX CAL In 14 pin DIP package.
5001-5002-5012 or MOSTE K 5010-5012. An- #B038C $9.95 each, 2/$18.00
other for use with GEN INSTR C500.
$8.00 each, 2/$15.00


Single MOS chip with all logic required for 12 digit
4 function desk top calculator with extra storage
register for memory or constant. Multiplexed 7
segment outputs for LED. Incandescent, Fluor-
escent or Gas Discharge displays. Brand new and
bargain priced. With Specs.
$8.00 each, 2/$15.00
From Raytheon, new or like new. 5 extra function
buttons each side . Open faced, no cabinet.
Brand new Schematic provided. Price is postpaid world wide .
4-on ·strip LED $46.00
display . End butt
two strips and come
up with 8 digit
readout. An
unheard of SUPER
.. . -,.;;
VALLIE at $8.00
per strip of 4 digits. n 1'2'''1 rt
I fll rr:
Two strips 18 digitsl
$15.00. Another strip this one a clock readout. r r r'r t r t r.t t t t
The strip has 2 digits space ... 2 digits. Perfect 1111 I I I II I I
for readiRg hours & minutes.
S8.00 per strip. 2/$15.00
I I I I I I J I I· I I I
I I I I I I I I I I I 111
I . JJ U I I I II 11111 ,
•• •
DIP with operation 3-18 Volts. Dual diode
protection against static charge destruction.
Dielectrically isolated complimentary MOS. 7400 SERIES IC,
$1.00 each, 12/$10.00
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ; Talk about bargains ... this is a whopper. Due to
quantity on meno, we are reducing this item to a
devices, all marked and easily removed. With
Serial MOS by PHI LCO in TO-5 case. Brand new shrinking supplies and upward direction of prices.
with 2 page specs. this makes it well worth going into the salvage
#PLR 532 $1.00 each, 12/$1.00 business. This Super Mother Board can be stolen
1--- -1 for $6.00 each or 6 for $25.00. We also have these
in ST 600 series DTL. So give your choice .. .
7400 series or ST 600 series. Mix·N-Match if you
Includes all parts, instructions, cabinet. wish.
AM PATCH - $5.00 SSB PATCH - $9.00 #SAN $6.00 each, 6/$25.00

Poslage extra on above. MESHNA PO Bx 62 E. lynn Mass. 01904

Measures 12 x 7 x 1 inches. Utilizes TTL With built-in stereo pre-amp, 115 volt drive
ICs. 10240 memory cores. 9 installed sense motor, channel indicator lamps. Unused.
amps, addressed as 1024 locations. I/O lines original boxed, Jess cabinet. Customize your
include 9 data -in, 9 data-out, 10 address-in, stereo music center with one of these tape
powering status and control. Only 40 sys- decks.
tems on hand. Schematics included. #46 $14.00
# DCU $150pp

Brand new fully assembled, ready to install
in your car to give 3rd dimension concert
Info co OOOb
hall effect. Complete with instructions, rear
seat speaker, grill, wires, plugs. I~a.. [OooeOeo] J~
A1<I! URR-13
# 05 $7.00
Listen in to jet planes. Air Force 1. U·2 spy planes.
15 AMP BATTERY CHARGER FBI, etc. They use the frequency covered by this
receiver • . . 220 to 400 me. Possibilities of
Brand new G E transformer, 25 amp
covering the 220-450 me band by re-tuning.
full wave bridge. Output approximately Operates from regular 115 Volt 60 cycle. requires
15 volts up to 15 amps . Ideal battery only antenna and sp ea ke r. Tuneable through the
charger or DC source for general use . frequency. direct reading dial. Schema t ic and write
With instructions. assembled in minutes. up on this se t furnished .

PK-4 $7.50 Visually OK condition ... URR-13 - $50.00


Original packaged, each factory marked,
with spec sheet .
$1.25 each, 5/$5.00.


A complete assembled PC board, spares from
a video tape machine. Many many fine
components to be found. One section of the
board used as a 12 volt and 24 volt regulated
power supply. You add the transformer and
output will be 24 volts transistor regulated Used, look good, with schematic, receiver or
as well as another output of 12 volts transmitter. Frequency range 1.5 to 12 MC.
transistor regulated. 3 amps on the 12 volts Three bands, VFO or crystal, voice and
and 1 amp on the 24 volt section. Full CWo These sets Collins design, becoming
schematic of the complete board included.
These are unused and cost in excess of $200. scarce.
# B74-1 $6 or 3/$15 RCVR or XMTR $35.00

Postage extra on above MESHNA PO Bx 62 E. Lynn Mass. 01904

FEBRUARY 1974 125

7400 s .25 7440 .25 7496 1.00 TRANSISTOR S
740 1 .25 7442 1.10 74107 .60 NPN TO· 18 ge neral purpose
7402 .25 7446 1.35 74121 .60 silicon .15
7403 .25 7447 1.25 74122 .60 10 0r more. .10
7404 .3 0 7448 1.25 741 23 1.10 PN PTO ·1 8 general purpose
7405 .30 7450 .25 74125 .65 silicon .15
740 6 .50 7451 .2 5 74126 .65 10 or more, .10
7407 .50 7453 .25 74 141 1.25 2N2222 INPN I TO·18 .25
7408 .30 7454 .25 74151 1.10 10 or more, .20
7409 .30 7473 .50 74153 1.40 2N2907 IPN PI TO·1 8 .25
7410 .2 5 7474 .50 74154 1.70 10 or more, .20
7411 .30 747 5 1.00 741 57 1.40
74 13 .85 747 6 .65 74 164 2.00 UNTESTED on
7416 .50 7483 1. 25 74165 2.00
7417 .50 All ma rked units, dual in-li ne
7486 .50 74166 2.00
7420 .2 5 7489 3.25 74181 4.50 packages. 20/S1.00
7430 .25 7490 1.00 74 192 1.75
7432 .30 7492 1.00 74193 1.50 POWE RSUPPLY KIT PS 5·1
7437 .50 7493 .80 74195 1.1 5 5 volt 1 amp regulated power supply kit
7438 .50 7495 1.00 74200 9. 00 with p.c. board and instructio ns. Board
me asures 2"x6"; completed kit is 2" high.
Transformer has internal d . shield.
MAN3 $2 .00 4/$6. 00
co m. cat., .125 in. high WI RE WRAP SOC KETS
Man 4 $2.75 4/S8.00 14 pin s .50
com. cat., 2 in. high 16 pi n .60
(ta ke your chances; no ch oice) 28 pi n 1.35
MAN 3 $.25 40 pin 1.80
MA N4 .50 wire-wrap socket pins .05
100 or more, .04
MV10 TO ·18 $.25 .20 LEOS
MV5Dtiny .35 .30 LED lOR - Pack of 10 discrete red lens
MV5024 diffused .35 .30 LEO s, vario us MV5020·series types. S1.50
bright red lens .50 LE D lO C- Pack of 10 discrete clear lens
clear lens, fish ev e .50 LEOs, various MV5020-series types. $1.50
DISCRETE COLORED LEOS Applicatio n note included.
MV1 amber .50
MV5020 type , amber .50 RECTIFIERS & DIDOE S
MV2 TO·1 8 green .75 .70 lamp 50PIV silic on rectifier s .1 0
MV5222 green 1.00 3amp 400PIV silico n rectifier .25
MV5322 yell ow 2.00 FB50 lamp 50PI V bridge rect ifier .60
40429 triac 4amp 200PIV, brand new 1.00
JUNCTION HTs, rn-t acese 1- 9 10- 99 100+
N·C HANN EL : SIM ILARTO: 1N91 4, brand new $.10 .07 .0 5
NJ FlO 2N4416. MPF102 3/$1 .00
NJF 11 2N4091 ·93 4/61 .00 MEMORIES
NJF1 2 2N433841 4/$1 .00 MM1101 256·bi t static RAM S2.2 5
NJF1 3 2N 3089 3/$1.00 MM 5260 1024·bit dynamic RAM 6. 00
NJF1 4 2N4221 ·22 4/$1.00
PJF 11 2N3382·86 all values listed are $.05; 10 or more, .04 ,
4/S 1.00
PJF 14 2N2608 4/$1.00 We have: 150n , 2.2 K, 2.7K, 10K, 12K, 18K, 47K, 220K
All FETs come with data sh eets. Please specify how many you want and of which values.

RGS ELECTRONICS (408) 247-0158

3650 Charles St., Suite K, Santa Clara, CA 95050
We sell many ICs and components not listed in this ad. Send a stamp for our free
flyer. TERMS OF SALE: All orders prepaid; we pay postage. $1.00 handling charge
on orders under $10.00. California residents add 5 % sales tax. Please include name,
address and zip code on all orders and flyer requests.

1 .95 Mfa.'. TYIN Sa..
2 .95 o 51.1010Y 10 S • .••
2 .10 o 51.10251: 25 1 • .••
2 .05 o SI.1050l: so 29.95
2 .50
3 .20
3 .20
2 .10
2 .10
2 .10
1 ,20
4 .90
2 .50 HI·F. 1 "
1 .95
1 .25
2 .50
2 .50
2 .65

Lm Readouts MR •• '

...1.1. LED c!..... ct.. Color

M"'N·l eq 1
.2 7 ........
SI:r. O'.pl.y b tc: im.1
V• •
0.1 .....
3 for $10.
MAN ·JI eq_1
1. .2 7
. 11 5 ........ V• •
V•• ,.,.
2. SN7447
1 .&'
3 for
3 for
MAN .3'" a-q...I '
MAN -3M _ I '
.127 ........ V• •
1.,. SN744.
1 .&.
1 ,&'
3 for
3 for
4 .50
MAN -JI equ.1 .11S
,. SN744. 1 .50 3 for $4.

MAN ·JlM a Qu a l '
M ...N·4 equ.I'
M"'N·4 a q u. I '
. 12 7
. 19 0
A• •

Y• • •••
V• • • • •
1 .50
2 .25
3 for
3 for
3 for

"REFLECTIVE LITE BAR" (Segment LII:0 R ,.douU)

fJ 707" (MAN·l) .3 3 Rad Y., 20 SN7447 2 ,7S 3 for S6.
o 704" (MAN.4) ,33 Rad Y.. 20 SN7448 2.75 3 for $6.
o SLA _l" (MAN·U .3 3 Red Y.. 20 SN7447 2 .7S 3 for $6.
o 5 I-A· I " (MAN-U .:U AM IlI0 20 SIlI7447 2 .25 3 for $5. R l' m o v e d t r o m new I'Quip-
m e ntl I n el u d e . p op u l • • 3 for
3 to.- S6_ 2 ~ 174 ' d o o r k n o b ' Ir. nai" .
3 for $1 ••
3 for $13.
3f... S , .

Poffer & Brumfield

o 10.pc. kit Same ... o ur fam ous Us k
41 6 b\lt 0/. lI qu ~. t op, f or KAPRELAYS $2.98
O·to-. _Iy,.
3 SO

4tJ1J; /

_;r th~e who wi.h t o d ...l.-n
_ ~. all t ype. of t oueh-tone a ya ·
tern.. n umber eon t rol f or
EIcelle.. 1 fot " HAM" uu ....nten... . wiIC hi flC. I.tchin• •
tr.... m lt . receive. e l c.• Uld 1 0 0 'a o f eommerdal o r ill_
d uatr ial u..... Incl ude . pl. .l lc d ual · co v.. r with diU'''''
Uld hookup in lo . ii_ p in p lu. _ln b.... eont.aeta m o vab le
CALCULATOR Ha m work...quipment of .all a-old ll... tl~ d .il v... at.t io n... y overl ay. w ilh a ilv u .,11.<I_
KEYBOARD t yp.... alarm o r IntrUSion mium e m o v. bln. All cont .cta 10 am p 3 P OT . con
• y. te ms of all type•. d . t • •ll I1 VAC 22 11 0 ohm•. 17. 11 m• . 12 VOC 21 m il •
SWITCH KITS 1 6 8 otlm • . Si .. ; 2 ./,,"' ,. 1 11/ 1 6 .... Wt." ou . Ce otu pi n 0 12 VDe
mi ni... . Com• • MIa-. typ~ ~qu.l too . 0 II" VAc


0 5 3 11
lpllo.. ..,. '8gs
e ••• m ..... .ny .....:Ioul. S8.8.
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conn" e t o • • •id ... m ou nt in g d ip aoc ket. LED . I'lidout n f 0 MAN· I .27 h . M t ..
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