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Performance Piano

In compiling this syllabus the New Zealand Music Examinations Board has endeavoured to use readily available and affordable editions as
indicated in the text. The Board has used each book to the fullest extent possible, however any edition is acceptable. Editions are mentioned
solely as a means of identification, and any standard edition will be accepted.

New Zealand music is available from SOUNZ, the Centre for New Zealand Music, Level 1, 39 Cambridge Terrace, Wellington, 6001.Tel
04-801 8602, Fax 04-801 8604,

Alfred publications have their book number for ease of reference.

Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8 has been used from Grade 1 through to Grade 7, Alfred No 4619
C.D.s are available for both Kjos, and Hal Leonard books.

Examination Music
Entrants may not use photocopies for performance (other than for facilitating page turns) in examinations, as this is prohibited by the Copyright
Act. When Entrants enter the examination room they must hand copies of all list pieces being performed, to the examiner, together with their
examination slip. Copies for examiner use of study list pieces in the Performance syllabuses are optional.

Dominant Seventh arpeggios are to be played in the key.
Diminished seventh arpeggios are to start on the key note.

Study List: Samples of entrant’s work for the year

From Grades 1 to Grade 7 all entrants must present other pieces of their choice, as evidence of study beyond those presented for the examination.
These should be at a similar level to those already in the syllabus, and may come from the syllabus or from a source other than the lists below.
Examiners, at their discretion, will ask entrants to demonstrate familiarity with these pieces by performing the whole or any part of them during
the examination. Entrants must bring a copy of the music to the examination room.
The following minimum requirements apply:
Grade 1 - one piece
Grades 2 to 7 - two pieces

Entrants should not play repeats in examinations, however any da capo must be played.

In Grades 6, 7 & 8 Dominant Seventh arpeggios are to be played in the key
Diminished Seventh arpeggios are to start on the key note

Co-requisites - to complete Grade 6 practical, a pass is required in NZMEB Grade 3 Theory

Grade 7 practical, a pass is required in NZMEB Grade 4 Theory
Grade 8 practical, a pass is required in NZMEB Grade 5 Theory
AMusNZ, a credit pass is required in NZMEB Grade 5 Theory
LMusNZ, a pass is required in NZMEB Grade 6 Theory

Entrants have 36 months in which to complete the co-requisite theory component.



For clapping tests entrants may count aloud using any recognized counting system eg French Time Names. A steady pulse at a moderate speed
is expected.

• To join in and clap the beats in simple duple or triple time, to a harmonized passage played by the examiner and to continue clapping the
beats when the music stops.
• To clap or tap at sight, a simple written rhythm, in simple time.
• To visually recognize step or skip movement (seconds and thirds) over three notes within the compass of a fifth. We suggest entrants use
their own pieces to develop fluency.


Grade One
• To visually recognize written combined step/skip movements over three notes within the compass of a fifth. We suggest entrants use their
own pieces to develop fluency.

• To clap or tap at sight, a simple written rhythm, in simple time.
• To play the same pattern as a given melody, using only seconds and thirds, within the compass of a fifth in the keys of C or G major.
Pianists are required to play the tonic chord with the left hand as marked.



• To aurally identify major seconds and major thirds (number only), played twice by the examiner. Entrants may sing or hum the notes
before answering.
• To echo clap a short rhythm pattern clapped once by the examiner. A second attempt will be allowed if necessary.

Grade Two
• To visually recognize any written interval within the compass of a fifth. We suggest entrants use their own pieces to develop fluency.

• To clap or tap at sight, a simple written rhythm in simple time. May include crotchet rests and quavers.
• To play the same pattern as a given melody in the keys of G or D major. Pianists are required to play the perfect cadence with the left hand
as marked.



• To aurally identify major and perfect intervals up to and including perfect fifths (number only) played twice by the examiner. Entrants
may sing or hum the notes before answering.

• To echo clap a short rhythmic pattern clapped once by the examiner. A second attempt will be allowed if necessary.

Grade Three
• To visually recognize written intervals within the compass of an octave at sight. We suggest entrants use their own pieces to develop

• To clap or tap at sight, a simple written rhythm, in simple time. In addition to the rhythmic figures in previous grades, dotted crotchets,
quavers and minim rests may be included.

• To play the same rhythm pattern as a melody within the compass of an octave in the keys of D or A major. Pianists are required to play
the perfect cadence with their left hand as marked.




• To aurally identify major and perfect intervals up to and including perfect fifths (number only) played twice by the examiner. Entrants
may sing or hum the notes before answering.
• To aurally identify root position triads as major or minor (notes sounded together) played twice by the examiner.
• To echo clap a short rhythm pattern clapped once by the examiner. A second attempt will be allowed if necessary.


Teaching Tip
Tonic sol fa and French Time
Names are useful tools to have in
your repertoire.

Grade Four
• To clap or tap at sight, a written four bar rhythm, in simple time or compound duple. In addition to the rhythmic figures in previous grades,
semiquavers, dotted quavers and quaver rests may be added.


• To name the tonic key and play a given melody in the keys of F or A major. Pianists are required to play the perfect cadence with their left
hand as marked.






• To aurally identify major and perfect intervals up to and including major sixths, (number only) played twice by the examiner. Entrants
may sing or hum the notes before answering.
• To aurally identify root position triads as major or minor (notes sounded together) played twice by the examiner.
• To echo clap a rhythmic pattern clapped once by the examiner. A second attempt will be allowed if necessary.


Grade Five
• To clap or tap at sight, a written four bar rhythm, in simple or compound time. In addition to the rhythmic figures in previous grades,
triplets and tied notes may be added.


3 3

• To name the tonic key and play a given melody in the keys of B♭ major/G minor or E♭ major. Pianists are required to play the perfect
cadence between the hands as marked.

 F B

3 3 V I



• To aurally identify by quality and number major and perfect intervals up to and including a perfect octave, played twice by the examiner.
Entrants may sing or hum the notes before answering.
• To identify root position triads as major or minor (notes sounded together) played twice by the examiner.
• To echo clap a four bar rhythmic pattern clapped once by the examiner. A second attempt will be allowed if necessary.

Grade Six
• To clap or tap at sight, a written eight bar rhythm, in simple or compound time. In addition to the rhythmic figures in previous grades,
syncopation may be added.




• To name the tonic key and play a given melody in the keys or E♭ major/C minor or A♭ major. Pianists are required to play an imperfect
cadence at the end of the first phrase and a perfect or plagal cadence for the final cadence, between the hands, as marked.


3 3




• To aurally identify by quality and number, all major and perfect intervals up to and including a perfect octave, played twice by the
examiner. Entrants may sing or hum the notes before answering. To aurally identify root position triads as major, minor, or augmented
(notes sounded together) played twice by the examiner.

Grade Seven
• To clap or tap at sight, a written rhythm in simple or compound time. In addition to the rhythmic figures in previous grades, syncopation
may be added.

3 3




• To name the tonic key and play a given melody in the keys of A♭ major/F minor or E major/C♯ minor. Pianists are required to play an
imperfect or interrupted cadence at the end of the first phrase and a perfect or plagal cadence for the final cadence, between the hands, as

C m


   B E



Gdim C C Fm


• To aurally identify by quality and number all major and perfect intervals, and minor thirds, up to and including a perfect octave, played
twice by the examiner. Entrants may sing or hum the notes before answering.
• To aurally identify root position triads as major, minor, augmented or diminished (notes sounded together) played twice by the examiner.

Grade Eight
• To clap or tap at sight, a written eight bar rhythm, in any time signature.




• Entrants will be given two minutes to sight a simple melody in keys up to three flats, major / minor; three sharps major, one sharp minor.
A simple left hand accompaniment and clearly defined cadences are expected. Entrants need not restrict themselves to this vocabulary.
F m G dim C



D G dim C F m



F Gm F


B Gm E Cm B F7 B


• To aurally identify by quality and number all major and perfect intervals, minor thirds and sixths, up to and including a perfect octave,
played twice by the examiner. Entrants may sing or hum the notes before answering.
• To aurally identify root position triads as major, minor, augmented or diminished (notes sounded together) played twice by the examiner.

Teaching Tip
Being able to put in a bass to a
melody is one of the great
enjoyments of music making. It
requires effort, practice, more
practice, patience, interest and

Musical Knowledge
In practical examinations examiners will ask entrants questions on the following aspects of list pieces (excluding study list)

Level One - Preliminary to Grade 3

• The notes, rests, signs, terms and titles of pieces.
• Keys or tonalities in which the pieces are written.

Level Two - Grades 4 and 5

• The notes, rests, signs, terms and titles of pieces.
• Keys or tonalities in which the pieces are written.
• Modulations which occur in the pieces at main cadence points.
• Broad formal structure of pieces.
• Name the period and give its time frame.
• Give the nationality of composers.

Level Three - Grade 6

• The notes, rests, signs, terms and titles of pieces.
• Keys or tonalities in which the pieces are written.
• Modulations which occur in the pieces.
• Broad formal structure and analysis of the pieces.
• Some knowledge of the period and stylistic characteristics.
• Some knowledge of the composers.

Level Four - Grades 7 and 8

• The notes, rests, signs, terms and titles of pieces.
• Keys and tonalities in which the pieces are written.
• Modulations which occur in the pieces.
• Broad knowledge of the structure and analysis of the pieces.
• Broad knowledge of the period and stylistic characteristics of the pieces.
• Some knowledge of the composers of the pieces presented for examination including range of repertoire and major contributions to the
development of musical style.

Level Five - Associate Diploma

• The notes, rests, signs, terms and titles of pieces.
• Keys and tonalities in which the pieces are written.
• Modulations which occur in the pieces.
• Detailed knowledge of the structure and analysis of the pieces.
• Detailed knowledge of the period and stylistic characteristics of the pieces.
Knowledge of other works by the composers of the pieces presented for examination with emphasis on the repertoire for the entrant’s


• Knowledge of the development of the entrant’s instrument through the various musical periods, and how the development of the instrument
affected the composer’s writing.

Level Seven - Licentiate Diploma

• The notes, rests, signs, terms and titles of pieces.
• Keys and tonalities in which the pieces are written.
• Modulations which occur in the pieces.
• Detailed knowledge of the structure and analysis of the pieces.
• Detailed knowledge of the period and stylistic characteristics of the pieces.
• Knowledge of other works by the composers of the pieces presented for examination with special reference to their major works.
• Knowledge of the development of the entrant’s instrument through the various musical periods, and how the development of the instrument
affected the composer’s writing.

Pre-Preliminary Test for ages Four to Eight years

Age restriction applies to age of entrant at the close of entries date

1. Exercises:
C, G, D, A major, hands separately (legato) - Five finger position, ascending and descending.
Example (C major):

1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1

2 1 2 3 4 
5 4 3 5

2. Pieces:
List A: Any piece in Simple Triple Time
List B: Any piece in Simple Quadruple Time

3. Aural:
• Clap the beats of a simple chord passage played in two or three beat time by the examiner and continue clapping after the examiner stops
• To sing or hum the notes of a short melodic phrase of five or six notes of one beat length. The examiner will play the phrase first and then
repeat it, waiting on each note for the entrant to sing it.
• To state which is the higher or lower of any two notes played separately not less than a third apart.


Criteria Level 1 - Preliminary to Grade 3
Processes are limited in range, repetitive and familiar, employing recall and a narrow range of knowledge and cognitive skills. These are applied
in activities which are closely supervised by the teacher.

Examiners will use these criteria in assessing all level 1 entrants.

• Comfortable and well balanced seating position

• Appropriate hand and finger shape
• Beginning to acquire:

• Independent articulation of the fingers

• Smooth passing of the thumb in scales
• Systematic fingering in scales
• Fingering of broken chords as specified
• Accurate and prompt performance from memory of all technical work
• Performance of the technical work at the minimum tempo or faster
• Awareness of underlying pulse in the pieces
• Awareness of the dynamic range of the piano
• Accurate and fluent performance of pieces
• Awareness and control of dynamics, tempo and touch

1. Scales
C G D A Major, hands separate, 2 octaves.
C G D A Tonic triad, hands separate, in the key after the scale
A Harmonic minor, hands separate, 2 octaves.
A Tonic triad, hands separate in the key, after the scale
CG Major contrary, 1 octave
Triad - as per the following pattern


Tempo - ascending and descending, minimum metronome speed 100, one note per beat
Contrary motion 66, one note per beat
Touch - clear even legato

2. Pieces – one Canon, and 3 pieces - one from each list.

Bartòk Canon at the Octave Mikrokosmos, Vol 1, No 28


Bartòk Dialogue (Canon) 1st term at the piano
Beyer Round Dance Kjos, R & 20thC , Level 1
Künz A Serious Event Kjos, Etudes, Preparatory
Milne, Elissa Canon & On Hal Leonard Getting to Prelim
Pozzoli Canon No 12 Hal Leonard Getting to Prelim
Williams, Michael F Canon in G major, Mischievous Shadows Available free on our website
Op 12. no. 2
Williams, Michael F Canon in G major, The Fairy Princess Op. Available free on our website
12 no. 5
Williams, Michael F Canon in a minor, SOS Op. 12 no. 3 Available free on our website
Williams, Michael F Canon in b minor, Trouble in Paradise Op. Available free on our website
12 no. 4
Williams, Michael F Canon in d minor, Pirates Op. 12 no. 1 Available free on our website

List A
Kabalevsky Song, Op 39 No 8 Kjos, Etudes, Preparatory
Köhler Pleasant Play Kjos, Etudes, Preparatory
Praetorius Old German Dance Kjos, B & C, Preparatory
Purcell Prelude Suite in G Z.660
Reinagle Procession Hal Leonard Getting to Prelim
Reinagle Promenade Kjos, B & C, Preparatory; Hal Leonard Getting to Prelim
Schein Allemande Kjos, B & C, level 1
Türk March in C and Minuet in G Kjos, B & C, Preparatory
Türk March in G and Lament Kjos, B & C, Preparatory
Wedgwood Old Fashioned Minuet No 6 Up-Grade! Piano Grades O - 1 Faber
Wedgwood Surrender No 3 Up-Grade! Piano Grades O - 1 Faber

Preliminary: continued from previous page

Wilton Little Sonata (Allegro) Kjos, B & C, Preparatory
Wilton Minuet Kjos, B & C, Preparatory

List B
Diabelli Bagatelle in C Kjos, B & C, level 1; Hal Leonard Getting to Prelim
Gnyesina Danse Ancienne Hal Leonard Getting to Prelim
Gurlitt Anyone Home (Trumpet Tune) Hal Leonard Getting to Prelim
Haydn Quadrille Kjos, B & C, level 1; Hal Leonard Getting to Prelim
Hook Allegretto Op 81, No 4 James Hook Album, Novello
Hook Gavotta in C Op 81, No 3 Music Through Time Bk 1 OUP; Hal Leonard Getting to Prelim
Hook Minuet Op 37 No 2 Kjos, B & C, level 1
Hässler Minuetto Kjos, B & C, level 1
Köhler Carefree Stroll Kjos, R & 20thC, level 1
Reinagle Minuet Kjos, B & C, Preparatory
Türk Dance Kjos, B & C, level 1
Von der Hofe Canario Kjos, B & C, Preparatory
Wedgwood Apple Pie Waltz No 4 Up-Grade! Piano Grades O - 1 Faber

List C
Aucott, Clive The Friendly Imp SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Bartòk Folk Dance Kjos, R & 20thC, level 1
Carey, Ross Any two of Simple Song, Sad Song,Black SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
and White Tag
Chapple Hop Scotch Lazy Days, Chester
Farquar, David A Sad Song On Your Own, Waiteata Press
Farquar, David Sighing, On Your Own, Waiteata Press
Gillock Swinging Sioux Hal Leonard Getting to Prelim
Kabalevsky A Little Joke Op 38 No 6
Kabalevsky A Porcupine Dance Hal Leonard Getting to Prelim
Kabalevsky Any two of Melody Op 39 No 1, Polka Op Kjos, R & 20thC, Prelim
39 No 2 and Marching Op 39 No 3
Kabalevsky Dance, Op 39 No 9 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 1
Kabalevsky Funny Event, Op 39 No 7, Kjos, R & 20thC, level 1
Kabalevsky Scherzo Op 39 No 12 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 1
Lynch, Sandra Japanese Winter All Keyed Up Level 1
Lynch, Sandra Lost All Keyed Up Level 2
Lynch, Sandra The Mad Professor Thumbs on C
Milne, Elissa Salt & Pepper Hal Leonard Getting to Prelim; Easy little Peppers
Milne, Elissa Smooth and Crunchy Very Easy little Peppers
Milne, Elissa Square-O Very Easy little Peppers
Milne, Elissa Storm in a Teacup No 3 Very Easy little Peppers
Salutrinskaya The Shepherds Flute Kjos, R & 20thC, level 1
Sharman, Lionel Work Chant SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Shostakovich March Hal Leonard Getting to Prelim; Kjos, R & 20thC, level 2
Utting, Craig There is a Tui in my Garden SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Wedgwood Antics No 9 Up-Grade! Piano Grades O - 1 Faber
Wedgwood Hocus Pocus No 8 Up-Grade! Piano Grades O - 1 Faber
Wedgwood Make way for the King! No 1 Up-Grade! Piano Grades O - 1 Faber
Wedgwood Mission Impossible No 11 Up-Grade! Piano Grades O - 1 Faber
Wedgwood O’Reilly’s Whistle No 10 Up-Grade! Piano Grades O - 1 Faber
Wedgwood Saturday Night Shuffle No 18 Up-Grade! Piano Grades O - 1 Faber
Wedgwood Temple of Doom More Upgrade O - 1
Wedgwood The Brave Knight More Upgrade O - 1; Getting to Preliminary: The New Mix
Wedgwood The Little Donkey More Upgrade O - 1
Wells, John Bumblebee Stew Bumblebee Stew SOUNZ
Wells, John Stilts and Cornflakes, Bumblebee Stew SOUNZ
Wells, John Thimblespring Bumblebee Stew SOUNZ

3. Musicianship
4. Musical Knowledge

Grade One
1. Scales
CGDA Major and harmonic minor, hands separate and together, 2 octaves
CGDA Tonic triad, hands separate, in key after the scale
CGD Major contrary 2 octaves
CG Chromatic, hands separate, 1 octave
C maj A min Broken chords, hands separate
Triad - as per the following pattern


Broken Chords - as per the following pattern
5 5 3 1 5 3 1 5 2 1 5 3 1

1 3 5 1 2 1 3 5 1 3 5 1

1 5 3 1 1 5 3 1 1 3 5 1 2 1 3 5 1 3 
5 3 5 2 5 5 5

Tempo - ascending and descending, minimum metronome speed 100, two notes per beat
Contrary motion 66, two notes per beat
Broken chords 48, three notes per beat
Touch - clear even legato

2. Pieces – Three to be chosen, one from each list, plus one in study list.
List A
Arnold Gigue Kjos, Etudes, level 2; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
Bach Aria in D (Pipe), BWV 515
Bach Aria in F, BWV 131 Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1;Kjos, B & C, level 2
Bach Chorale in C, BWV 514 Anna Magdelena, Alfred 605
Bach Minuet in A Min, BWV 120 Associated Board
Bach Minuet in G min Kjos, B & C, level 1
Bach Minuet in G, BWV 114 Kjos, Anna Magdalena; Kjos, B & C, level 2
Bach Musette English Suite 3 Kjos, B & C, level 3
Beethoven Village Dance Kjos, Etudes, level 1
Beyer Two in One Kjos, Etudes, level 1
Burgmüller Arabesque Op 100 No 2 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 3; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
Clarke King William’s March Music Through Time Bk 2 OUP
Czerny Etude in G Op 139 No 24 Hello Mr Gillock! Carl Czerny; (Breitkopf & Härtel)
Duncombe Sonatina in C Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
Graupner Bourree Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
Gurlitt Invention Etude Kjos, Etudes, level 1
Krieger Menuet in A min Joy of Baroque


Kuhnau Menuet in F Joy of Baroque
Köhler Etude in A min Kjos, Etudes, level 1
L. Mozart Menuet In F Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
Le Couppey Melody in C Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
Purcell Air in D min Z.T676 93 Short Classics, Most Popular Series No 7, Century
Purcell Minuet in A min Z. 649 Music Through Time Bk 1 OUP
Purcell Saraband Z.D219/2 93 Short Classics, Most Popular Series No 7, Century
Rameau Minuet Kjos, B & C, level 1
Sheeles Jigg Music Through Time Bk 2, OUP
Telemann Gavotte in C Kjos, B & C, level 1; Hal Leonard Getting to Preliminary
Telemann Gigue a L’Angloise Classics to Modern Bk 2
Telemann Minuet in G Kjos, B & C, level 1; Hal Leonard Getting to Preliminary

List B
Bach, J.C Menuett G maj Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Beethoven Allemande Music through Time, Bk 2.
Beethoven Ecossaise WoO 23 Kjos, B & C, level 2; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
Beethoven Russian Folk Song Op 107 No 3 Kjos, B & C, level 2; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
Biehl Sonatina in C Kjos, R & 20thC, level 2
Clementi Sonatina Op 36 No1 1st mvt Kjos, B & C, level 3
Diabelli Bagatelle Classics to Modern Bk 2
Gurlitt Arabesque Kjos, Etudes, level 2
Gurlitt The Hunt Kjos, R & 20thC, level 1

Grade One: continued from previous page

Haydn German Dance Kjos, B & C, level 2
Haydn Minuet Kjos, B & C, level 2; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
Hook Allegro Moderato Op 37 No 5 James Hook Album, Novello
Hook Quick March Op 81 No 9 James Hook Album, Novello
Hässler Allegro Music Through Time. Bk1; Kjos, B & C, level 3
Latour Sonatina in C 1stmvt Kjos, B & C, level 2
Mozart Allegro in B♭ 93 Short Classics, Most Popular Series No 7, Century
Mozart German Dance (Sleigh Ride) Classics to Modern Bk 2
Mozart Minuet K2 Kjos, B & C, level 2
Mozart Minuet K6 Kjos, B & C, level 2 ; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
Pleyel Courtly Dance Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
Reinagle Minuet Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
Schumann First Sorrow Op 68 No 16 Kjos, B & C, level 4
Schumann Soldiers March OP 68 No 2 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 2
Steibelt Adagio Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1

List C
Anderson, Barry Little Boy Lost A Book of Dreams for piano solo (The Keys Press)Available
Bailey Raggy Blues Jazzin Around 2
Bartòk Follow the Leader (Spiel) Kjos, R & 20thC Level 2
Bartòk Lost Cat Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1; For Children Volume 1. No’s 5,
1,or3 (Boosey & Hawkes)
Bartòk Spiel (Play Song), Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1; For Children Volume 1. No’s 5,
1,or3 (Boosey & Hawkes)
Bartòk Toy Shop Tune, Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1; For Children Volume 1. No’s 5,
1,or3 (Boosey & Hawkes)
Berkahn, Jonathan Mousetrap SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Bibby, Gillian Bird Looks in the Window SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Bibby, Gillian Russian Bells SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Carey, Ross Day’s End and c.c. that! SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Carey, Ross Odd Dodos Do Add and The Giant SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Caskie, Helen Fierce Dog Seven Tingley pieces for children (1991)
Caskie, Helen Spooky Story Halloween (1991)
Caskie, Helen Witches on Broomsticks, Halloween (1991)
Clark, Ewan Day Dreaming SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Farquhar, David Echoes On Your Own, Waiteata Press
Farquhar, David In Black and White On Your Own, Waiteata Press
Goedicke Dance Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
Gretchaninoff A Tale. No 1 Album for Children Op 98
Jordansky Lullaby Classics to Modern Bk 2
Kabalevsky A Little Song Op 27 No 2 Kjos, R & 20thC level 2
Kabalevsky Galloping Op 39 No 15 Kjos, R & 20thC level 2
Kabalevsky Waltz Op 39 No13 Kjos, R & 20thC level 2
Khachaturian Skipping Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
MacFarlane Butterfly Rock Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Jungle Jog Piano Fun Bk 1
MacFarlane Jungle Jog II Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Licorice Allsort Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Shortbread Shuffle Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Sleeping Koala Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane The Mosquito Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Worried Man Blues Piano Fun Bk 2
Milne, Elissa Cat and Mouse Easy little Peppers
Milne, Elissa Chase Little Peppers (Pepperpot Music)
Milne, Elissa Mozzie Pepper Box Jazz 1; Easy little Peppers
Milne, Elissa Wake Up Little Peppers (Pepperpot Music)
Milne, Elissa Who’s been Bouncing on My Bed Easy little Peppers
Norton, C Down South Microstyles 1
Sands, Vivienne Jack Frost or Summer Afternoon Stepping Up, Kale Print available SOUNZ
Schmitz Mini Hit Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
Sebba Jane’s Zebra Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
Sharman, Elaine Winter Rain SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Sharman, Lionel Monster Story SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Shostakovich Waltz Kjos, R & 20thC level 2

Grade One: continued from previous page

Smither, Michael Prelude 1 21 Piano Pieces (Waiteata Press, 1983)
Utting, Craig Ghosts SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Villa Lobos Fly, Little Bird Classics to Modern Bk 2
Wedgwood Cool Calypso No 1 Upgrade! Piano Grades 1-2 Faber
Wedgwood Minnie Mouse Hits Town No 13 Upgrade! Piano Grades 0-1 Faber
Wedgwood Pluto No 14 Upgrade! Piano Grades 0-1 Faber
Wedgwood Running Free No 21 Upgrade! Piano Grades 0-1 Faber
Wedgwood Rush Hour Dash No 5 Upgrade! Piano Grades 1-2 Faber
Wedgwood The Cantankerous Camel No 10 Upgrade! Piano Grades 1-2 Faber
Wedgwood The Detective No 6 Upgrade! Piano Grades 1-2 Faber
Wedgwood The Snake Charmer No 8 Upgrade! Piano Grades 1-2 Faber
Wells, John Walking Moving Along
Whitehead, Gillian Sad song on a rainy day SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Wilby, Gary No.1 (Fast) Simple Simon’s Piano Pieces (1994) SOUNZ

3. Musicianship
4. Musical Knowledge



Grade Two
1. Scales
DAEF Major and harmonic minor, hands separate and together, 2 octaves
DAEF Major and minor I V I triads, hands separate, in key after the scale
DAEF Major contrary 2 octaves
DAEF Chromatic, hands separate, 2 octaves
DAE Melodic minor, hands separate and together. 2 octaves
F maj, A min Broken chords, hands separate

Triad - as per the following pattern


Broken Chords - as per the following pattern

5 1 2 4 5 5 5 5 4
2 1 5 4 2 1 5 3 2 1
1 2 3 5 1 2 4 1 2 3 3 2 1 1

2 1 5 4 2 1 5 3 2 1 5 4 2 1 1 2 4 5 1 2 3 5 1 2 4
1 2 
5 4 4 5

Tempo - ascending and descending minimum metronome speed 120, two notes per beat
Contrary motion 80, two notes per beat
Broken chords 80, two notes per beat
Touch - clear even legato

2. Pieces – Three Pieces to be chosen, one from each list, plus two in study list.
List A
Bach March in D BWV 122 Kjos, B & C, level 3
Bach Minuet in C min BWV 121 Kjos, B & C, level 4
Bach Minuet in D min BWV 132 Kjos, B & C, level 3
Bach Minuet in G min, BWV 115 Kjos B & C, level 2; Anna Magdalena
Bach Minuet in G, BWV 116 Kjos, Anna Magdalena
Bach Musette in D, BWV 126 Kjos B & C, level 2; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Bach Polonaise in G min, BWV 119 Kjos, B & C, level 3
Blow Theatre Tune Joy of Baroque
Burgmüller Innocence. Op 100 No 5 Kjos Burgmüller, Kjos Etudes, level 4
Burgmüller Inquietude Op 100 No 18 Kjos Burgmüller, Kjos Etudes, level 4
Burgmüller La Candeur Op 100 No 1
Burgmüller Pastorale Op 100 No 3
Burgmüller Progress Op 100 No 6 Kjos Burgmüller, Kjos Etudes, level 4
Burgmüller Tender Flower Op 100 No 10 Kjos Burgmüller
Buttstedt Menuet in D min Joy of Baroque
Couperin Le Petit Rien Kjos, B & C, level 3
Czerny Etude in C Op 139 No 72 Hello Mr Gillock! Carl Czerny; (Breitkopf & Härtel)
Handel Bourrée Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 1
Handel Impertinence Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Handel Menuett in C min Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Handel Minuet in F Kjos, B & C, level 3
Handel Sarabande Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Kabalevsky Prelude Op 39 No 19 Kjos, Etudes, level 3
Purcell Air in D Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Purcell Ayre in G min Z. T693/2
Purcell Hornpipe in B bZ.T 683 Music Through Time Bk 2 OUP; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Schytte Melody for the left hand Kjos, Etudes, level 1
Telemann Graceful Dance, 3rdmvt, Fantasy 21 in E Telemann, Fantasies, Second Dozen Easier Piano Pieces No 44,
min Associated Board
Telemann Rigaudon Kjos, B & C, level 2

List B
Bach, C.P.E Allegro Kjos, B & C, level 4
Beethoven German Dance Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Beethoven Sonatina in G 1st or 2nd mvt Kjos, B & C, level 2; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Czerny Etude in D Op 599 No 73 Hello Mr Gillock! Carl Czerny; (Breitkopf & Härtel)
Czerny German Song Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Diabelli Sonatina in C, Op168 No 3, 1st or last mvt Diabelli, Seven Sonatinas Op 168, Easier Piano Pieces No. 73
Associated Board, More Allans Sonatinas 1176
Gretchaninoff On Horseback, No 5 Album for Children Op 98
Gretchaninoff On the Lawn, No 6 Album for Children Op 98

Grade Two: continued from previous page

Gurlitt Night Journey Op 82 No 65 Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2; Music Through Time Bk 1 OUP;
Kjos Etudes Level 3
Haydn Allegro Hob XVI/8 Kjos, B & C, level 4
Haydn Minuet in C Music Through Time Bk 1 OUP
Haydn Scherzo Hob XV1/9 Kjos, B & C, level 3
Hook Allegro Moderato Op 37 No 12or James Hook Album Novello
Hook Minuetto Op 81 No 5 James Hook Album Novello
Hook Temp di Minuetto Op 37 No 4 James Hook Album Novello
Hässler Ecossaise in G maj Op 38 No 23 Essential Piano Repertoire Vol 8; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2;
Lynes Sonatina Op 39 No 1, first mvt. Kjos Sonatinas
Mendelssohn Romanze Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 3
Mozart Menuett in D K94
Mozart Minuet in F K5 Kjos, B & C, level 3
Pleyel Minuet in C Kjos, B & C, level 3
Schubert Waltz in A Kjos, R & 20thC, level 3
Schumann Wild Horsemen Op 68 No 8 Music Through Time Bk 2 OUP; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 3
Spindler Sonatina in C Op 157 No 1, 1st or 2nd mvt Kjos, R & 20thC, level 2
Tchaikovsky Legend Music through Time Bk 1 OUP
Tchaikovsky Old French Song Op 39 No 16 Kjos, Tchaikovsky
Tchaikovsky Soldiers’ March Op 39 No 5 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 3
Ticciati Sonatina Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 3
Vanhal Sonatina Op 41 No 1 complete More Sonatinas, Allans 1176
Vanhal Sonatina Op 41 No 2, 1st mvt
Vanhal Sonatina Op 41 No 2, 2nd mvt Allegretto Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2

List C
Adams, Chris Hurunui Gorge SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Bailey Count Basics Jazzin’ Around 2
Bailey Two Part Intention Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Bartòk Little Scherzo Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Bartòk Rhythmic Dance Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Bibby, Gillian Blackbird in the Rain SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Bibby, Gillian Dangerous Mission SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Bibby, Gillian Evening: Passacaglia SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Bibby, Gillian Prelude: The Sun has Risen SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Bibby, Gillian Tui in the Flax Bush and Bird Hopping SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Caskie, Helen Hunt Cat’s World (1991) Available SOUNZ
Chapple Lazy Days Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Chapple Petite Valse Lazy Days. Chester
Cornick Blues in Two, Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 3; Easy Jazzy Piano Universal
Cornick Two part Invention Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 3; Easy Jazzy Piano Universal
Elaine Sharman Fish Take Flight, SOUNZ


Elaine Sharman Icicles Take Flight, SOUNZ
Elmsly, John Tui SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Farquhar, David Black And White Rag Off-Beat (SOUNZ, 1992)
Gillock Carnival in Rio, Yo Yo Tricks, Hello Mr Gillock! Carl Czerny; (Brietkpof & Härtel)
Gillock Fiesta Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Gillock Moonlight Hello Mr Gillock! Carl Czerny; (Brietkpof & Härtel)
Graham Parsons The farm at night Take Flight, SOUNZ
Greave Three Blue Mice Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Griffiths Grasshopper from Six Legs Or More (Waiteata Press, 1992) SOUNZ
Harris, Ross Piece No 8 10 Easy Pieces for Piano 1997 SOUNZ
Kabalevsky Hopping Op 39 No 18 Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Kabalevsky Night on the River Op 27 No 4 Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Kabalevsky The Clown Op 39 N0. 20 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 3; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Kadosa Hommage to Bartòk Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 3
Lynch, Sandra Autumn All Keyed Up, Level 3
Lynch, Sandra Chat-a-box All Keyed Up, Level 3
Lynch, Sandra Discovery All Keyed Up, Level 3
MacFarlane A Dog’s Tale Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Ballad Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Bent Spoon Swing Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Charmed I’m Sure Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Flat Chat Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Grandma and Pop Piano Fun Bk 1
MacFarlane Jungle Jog III Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Look Left Piano Fun Bk 2

Grade Two: continued from previous page

MacFarlane Pete and Dave Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Pixie Parade Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Return of the Ape Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Worried Man Blues III Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Worried man Blues IV Piano Fun Bk 3
Maykapar Fleeting Vision Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 3
Milne, Elissa Cloak and Dagger More Little Peppers
Milne, Elissa Deadline More Little Peppers
Milne, Elissa Gold Rush Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Milne, Elissa Grouch More Little Peppers
Milne, Elissa Jungle Jingle Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Milne, Elissa Prowler More Little Peppers
Norton, C Fax Blues Microstyles 1
Norton, C Galloping Microstyles 2
Norton, C Open Space Microjazz Collection 2
Peeters Chagrin d’enfant Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Powell, Kit Whale Song SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Ritchie, Anthony Running on the Beach Caroline Bay Suite (1999) SOUNZ
Ritchie, Anthony Singers in the Islands SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Rollin Blue Bayou Waltz The Best of Catherine Rollin, Alfred 18099
Rollin Nights in Spain The Best of Catherine Rollin, Alfred 18099
Sands, Vivienne Paper Darts Stepping Up, Kale Print available SOUNZ
Seiber Jazz Etudiette Easy dances Bk 2 Schott; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 3
Seiber Tango Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Sharman, Lionel Hora SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Smither, Michael A Droll for Tony 21 Piano Pieces (Waiteata Press, 1983)
Smither, Michael Prelude 2 21 Piano Pieces (Waiteata Press, 1983)
Susan Beresford Kokako Take Flight, SOUNZ
Utting, Craig The Microwave won’t stop Beeping...My SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Cat is Dancing on the Piano
Wedgwood Half a minute Waltz No 1 Upgrade! Piano Grades 2-3 Faber
Wedgwood Homework Blues No 3, Clowning About Upgrade! Piano Grades 1-2 Faber
No 12,or
Wedgwood Tarantella No 14 Upgrade! Piano Grades 1-2 Faber
Wedgwood Wild Bill Hiccup No 2 Upgrade! Piano Grades 2-3 Faber
Whitehead, Gillian What’s the Taniwha’s Story? SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Wilby, Gary Sorry, Can’t Stop Five Bagatelles for Piano (1989) SOUNZ

3. Musicianship
4. Musical Knowledge

Grade Three
1. Scales
E B F B♭ Major, Harmonic minor, Melodic minor, hands separate and together, 3 octaves
E B F B♭ Major and minor, I IV V I triads, hands separate
E B F B♭ Major contrary 2 octaves
E B F B♭ Chromatic, hands separate and together, 3 octaves
F, B maj E min Arpeggios, hands separate, 2 octaves.
F maj, E min Broken chords, hands separate and together

Triad - as per the following pattern


Broken Chords - as per the following pattern

2 5 5 2 4

1 3 2 5 1 4 2 5 1 4 1 3 2 5 5 2 3 1 1 5 2 4 1 5 2 3 1 1

2 4
2 3 1
5 2 4
1 1 4 2
1 3 2
4 2 5


Tempo - ascending and descending, minimum metronome speed 90, three notes per beat
Contrary motion 54, four notes per beat
Broken chords and arpeggios 54, four notes per beat
Touch - clear even legato

2. Pieces – Three pieces to be chosen, one from each list, plus two in study list.
List A
Bach Little Prelude in C maj, BWV 939 Kjos, Eighteen Little Preludes
Bach Little Prelude in F maj, BWV 927 Kjos, Eighteen Little Preludes, Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Bach March in E♭ BWV 127 Anna Magdalena
Bach Minuet in B♭ BWV 118 Anna Magdalena
Bach Polonaise in E, Fr Suite 6 Kjos B & C Level 10
Bach Polonaise in F, BWV 117 Anna Magdalena
Bach Polonaise in G min, BWV 125 Kjos, B&C, level 4; Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 3
Bach, C.P.E March in G, BWV 125 Kjos, B & C, level 4
Bach, W F Minuet in G maj Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Burgmüller Babillarde Op 100 No 17
Burgmüller Ballade No 15 Kjos, Etudes, level 4; Kjos Burgmüller. Twenty Five Easy And
Progressive Studies, Op 100
Burgmüller Harmony of the Angels, Op 100 No 21 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 5; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 3
Burgmüller La Bergeronnette No 11 Kjos, Etudes, level 4; Kjos Burgmüller. Twenty Five Easy And
Progressive Studies, Op 100


Burgmüller La Chasse Op 100 No 9
Burgmüller La Tarantelle No 20 Kjos, Etudes, level 5
Burgmüller Petit Reunion Op 100 No 4
Czerny Study in A Op 718 No 11 Hello Mr Gillock! Carl Czerny; (Breitkpof & Härtel)
Handel Gigue in D min Suite 4 Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Heller Avalanche Op 45 No 2 Kjos, Etudes, level 5; Music Through Time Bk 2 OUP Hal
Leonard Getting to Grade 3
Kabalevsky Little Joke Op 27 No 13 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 5
Kirnberger La Lutine Joy of Baroque
L. Mozart Bourrée C min Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Pescetti Presto Joy of Baroque
Purcell Festival Rondo Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 3
Purcell Hornpipe in E min Z.T685 Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 3
Rameau Tambourin More Classics to Moderns Bk 4
Scarlatti Sonata in D min, K 32, L 423 Kjos, B & C, level 4
Scarlatti Sonata in G, K 431, L 83 Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Türk Gigue Kjos, B & C, level 4
Zipoli Fughetto in E min Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 3
Zipoli Little Fugue in F More Classics to Moderns Bk 4

List B
Beethoven Allemande in A WoO 81 Easier Piano Pieces No 20, Associated Board
Beethoven Bagatelle Op119 No 9 Kjos, B & C, level 3 or Kjos Beethoven
Beethoven Sonatina in F 1st or 2nd mvt Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 3; Kjos B & C level 4, Kjos
Beethoven, Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4

Grade Three: continued from previous page

Benda Sonatina D min
Berg Sonatina No 4 complete More Sonatinas Allans Publishing 1176
Bray, Jillian Classical Rondo Four Characteristic Pieces; Sounz
Clementi Sonatina in C, Op 36 No 1, 2nd & 3rd
Clementi Sonatina in G, Op 36 No 2, 1st mvt Kjos, B & C, level 4
Diabelli Sonatina in F, Op 168 No 1, 1st or last mvt
Gurlitt Sonatina Op 214 No 4, 1st & 2nd or 2nd
& 3rd mvts
Haslinger Sonatina in C 1st or 2nd mvt More Sonatinas Allans Publishing 1176
Haydn Menuet & Trio Hob XVI/1
Haydn Menuet & Trio Hob XVI/4
Hook Allegro Op 81 No 8 James Hook Album, Novello
Hook Minuetto Op 37 No 8 James Hook Album, Novello
Karganov Little Waltz Op 25 No 3 Easier Piano Pieces No 8 Associated Board
Kuhlau Sonatina in C Op 55 No 1, Allegro or Kjos, B & C, level 4
Lichner Sonatina Op 66 No 1, 1st or 3rd mvt
Lichner Sonatina in C Op 4 No 1, 1st mvt More Sonatinas Allans Pubishing 1176
Mozart Allegretto K15a & 15c
Mozart Menuet & Trio K1 Kjos, B & C, level 4
Schumann Hunting Song Op 68 No 7 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 4
Tchaikovsky Italian song Op 39 No 15 Kjos, Tchaikovsky
Tchaikovsky Polka Op 39 No14 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 6

List C
Alwyn The Sea is Angry Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 3
Anderson, Bruce Frog Dance A Book of Dreams for Piano Solo (The Keys Press, 2004).
Bailey Breezin’ Jazzin’ around 2 (Bailey/Music Sales)
Bailey Study in Latin Jazzin’ around 2 (Bailey/Music Sales)
Bartòk Jeering Song Kjos, R&20thC, level 4
Bartòk Teasing Song Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 3
Britten Waltz No 1 5 Waltzes ( Faber)
Caskie, Helen Space Dance Of Things Intangible 1979 ,SOUNZ
Chapple The Snow Melts Lazy Days (Chester)
Chapple Waltz Variation Lazy Days (Chester)
Chris Adams Mysterious Take Flight, SOUNZ
Chris Cree Brown Jurassic pond Take Flight, SOUNZ
Cornick Ragtime, Easy Jazzy Piano (Universal)
Cornick Waltz for Michael Easy Jazzy Piano (Universal)
David Hamilton Spring breezes Take Flight, SOUNZ
David Hamilton Waikato fog Take Flight, SOUNZ
Farquhar, David Musette Off-Beat (available SOUNZ)
Gillock Capriccietto Hello Mr Gillock! Carl Czerny; (Brietkpof & Härtel)
Gillock Castanets Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 3; Hello Mr Gillock! Carl
Czerny; (Brietkpof & Härtel)
Gillock Flamenco Hello Mr Gillock! Carl Czerny; (Brietkpof & Härtel)
Graham Parsons Morning milking Take Flight, SOUNZ
Grieg Albumleaf Op 12 No 7
Griffiths, David Centipede Six legs or more (Waiteata Press, 1992)
John Elmsly At the water’s edge Take Flight, SOUNZ
Kabalevsky An old Dance Op 27 No 7
Kabalevsky Toccatina Op 27 No 12 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 4; Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 3
Kabalevsky Variations on a Russian Folk Song Kjos, R & 20thC, level 3
Kabalevsky Waltz Op 39 No 23
Khachaturian Ivan Sings Kjos, R & 20thC, level 4
Lilburn, Douglas No 2. Moderato from Two Christmas Occasional Pieces, (available SOUNZ)
Pieces for L.B.1949
MacFarlane Banana Bender Blues Piano Fun
MacFarlane Blues Ballad Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Dance of the Red Sox Piano Fun
MacFarlane Jaws 5 Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Moody Blues Piano Fun Bk 3
MacFarlane Piano Fun Piano Fun
MacFarlane Sinister Blues Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Sydney Sleuth Piano Fun Bk 2

Grade Three: continued from previous page

MacFarlane Sydney Stomp Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Sydney Swing Music My Way
MacFarlane True Blues Music My Way
Milne, Elissa Antarctic Breeze Pepperpot Jazz 1
Milne, Elissa Late Night Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 3
Milne, Elissa Lucky Duck Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 3
Milne, Elissa Times Two Little Peppers
Norton, C Bubble Gum, Skipping Rope Microstyles 2
Norton, C In the Bag Microstyles 1
Norton, C Mechanics Rag Microjazz Collection 3
Norton, C Misty Day Microstyles 2
Prokofiev Marche Op 65 No 10 Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Prokofiev Promenade No 2 Children’s Pieces Op 65
Ritchie, Anthony Children Playing Caroline Bay Suite (1999)
Rollin Jazz Cat The Best of Catherine Rollin Bk 1 Alfred 18099
Rollin Nocturne for the Left Hand The Best of Catherine Rollin Bk 1 Alfred 18099
Sands, Vivienne Waterboy’s Lullaby Stepping Up, Kale Print available SOUNZ
Seiber Gipsy Tango Easy Dances Bk2, Schott
Shostakovich Mechanical Doll Kjos R & 20thC level 3, Six Children’s Pieces, Hal Leonard
Getting to Gr 4
Smither, Michael Coming out Tune 21 Piano Pieces (Waiteata Press, 1983)
Speak, Jeroen Dreaming SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Tremain, Ronald Drums and Trumpets Eight Children’s Pieces for Pianoforte (available SOUNZ)
Tremain, Ronald Ghosts Eight Children’s Pieces for Pianoforte (available SOUNZ)
Tremain, Ronald Sleigh Ride Eight Children’s Pieces for Pianoforte (available SOUNZ)
Utting, Craig Lazy Cat SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Utting, Craig Moa and her Chick SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Utting, Craig My Nightmare is a Train SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Wedgwood Hubble Bubble No 12 Upgrade! Piano Grades 2-3 Faber
Wedgwood Mr Blue Shoes No 10 Upgrade! Piano Grades 2-3 Faber
Wedgwood Sweet Marianne No 5 Upgrade! Piano Grades 2-3 Faber
Whitehead, Gillian Pukeko SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Wilby, Gary Festival Five Bagatelles for Piano (available SOUNZ)

3. Musicianship
4. Musical Knowledge


Teaching Tip
It is a good idea to get entrants to
sit an early grade theory exam
before they get up to Grade 6 in
their practical work where Grade
3 is a co-requisite.


Criteria Level 2 - Grades 4 and 5
Processes are moderate in range, established and familiar, employing basic operational skills using readily available information. These are
applied in directed activities which are supervised by the teacher. Learners have some responsibility for quantity and quality.

Examiners will use these criteria in assessing all level 2 entrants.

• Comfortable and well balanced seating position

• Appropriate hand and finger shape
• Technical facility, sufficient to allow:

• Developing independent articulation of the fingers

• Smooth passing of the thumb
• Rhythmic stability
• Systematic fingering in scales and arpeggios
• Developing controlled co-ordination of the hands
• Controlled, clear, even legato touch and tone
• Accurate and prompt performance from memory of all technical work
• at the minimum tempo or faster
• A developing sense of pulse to allow accurate performance of rhythmic figures
• Accurate and fluent performance of pieces through controlled touch and tone
• Awareness and control of dynamics, tempo and touch
• The ability to articulate legato and staccato textures as required
• Awareness of Phrasing
• Beginning to develop reliable legato pedalling technique

Grade Four
1. Scales
B F B♭ E♭ Major, harmonic minor, melodic minor, hands separate and together, 4 octaves
B F B♭ E♭ All majors in 3rds, left hand on keynote, legato, 2 octaves
B F B♭ E♭ Major and minor triads I IV V I, between hands
F Major staccato, hands separate and together, four octaves
B F B♭ E♭ Major contrary 2 octaves
B F B♭ E♭ Chromatic, hands separate & together, 4 octaves
B F B♭ E♭ Arpeggios major & minor, hands separate and together, 2 octaves.
Chordal Progression - as per the following pattern
Tempo - ascending and descending, minimum metronome speed 80, four notes per beat
Contrary motion and staccato: 60, four notes per beat
Arpeggios: 60, four notes per beat
Touch - clear even legato

2. Pieces – Four pieces to be chosen, one from each list, plus two in study list.
List A
Arne Presto Sonata No 6 in G Faber
Bach Air in E♭, French suite 4
Bach Gavotte I, in G min, English suite
Bach Gavotte in G, French suite 5
Bach Invention No 1 in C, BWV 772
Bach Invention No 4 in D min, BWV 775
Bach Little Fugue in C min BWV 961 Kjos, Little Fugues and Little Preludes with Fugues GP 405
Bach Little Prelude in C min, BWV 934 Kjos, J.S. Bach Eighteen Little Preludes
Bach Little Prelude in C, BWV 933 Kjos, B & C, level 6
Bach Little Prelude in D min, BWV 935 Kjos, J.S. Bach Eighteen Little Preludes
Bach Little Prelude in D, BWV 936 Kjos, J.S. Bach Eighteen Little Preludes
Bach Little Prelude in E min, BWV 941 Kjos, J.S. Bach Eighteen Little Preludes

Grade Four: continued from previous page

Bach Menuet in C min, Fr suite 2
Bach, F Allegro in A major Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Bartòk Canon Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Bray, Jillian Baroque Invention Four Characteristic Pieces; Sounz
Burgmüller No 12 Adieu Kjos, Burgmüller Twenty-Five Easy and Progressive Studies,
Opus 100
Burgmüller No 14 La Styrienne Kjos, Burgmüller Twenty-Five Easy and Progressive Studies,
Opus 100
Burgmüller No 19 Ave Maria Kjos, Burgmüller Twenty-Five Easy and Progressive Studies,
Opus 100
Burgmüller No 22 Barcarolle Kjos, Burgmüller Twenty-Five Easy and Progressive Studies,
Opus 100
Burgmüller No 25 La Chevaleresque Kjos, Burgmüller Twenty-Five Easy and Progressive Studies,
Opus 100
Burgmüller No 8 La Gracieuse Kjos, Burgmüller Twenty-Five Easy and Progressive Studies,
Opus 100
CPE Bach Solfeggietto Kjos, B & C, level 5Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Czerny Etude 1 Kjos, Etudes, level 6
Czerny Study in F, Op 139 No 38 or 40 Hello Mr Gillock! Carl Czerny; (Brietkpof & Härtel)
Fischer Chaconne Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Handel Courante Kjos, B & C, level 5; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Handel Sonata in A Joy of Baroque
Handel Sonatina in B♭ 93 Short Classics, Most Popular Series No 7 Century Publishing
Heller Curious Story Op 138 No 9 Kjos, Etudes, level 5Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Heller Etude A min Op 47 No 3 Kjos, Etudes, level 6
Heller Study in A♭ Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 4
Kabalevsky Dance Op 27 No 27 Kjos, Etudes, level 6; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Kabalevsky Etude in A minor Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Kirnberger Two Bourrées Kjos, B & C, level 5
Milne, Elissa Tartan Pepperpot Jazz 1
Purcell A Ground in Gamut Z.645
Purcell Prelude Suite No 5 in C, Z.666
Scarlatti Sonata in A min K149, L93 Joy of Baroque
Scarlatti Sonata in C, K 95, L 358 Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 6
Telemann Courante, Suite in A Kjos, B & C, level 8
Telemann Fantasia in D Joy of Baroque

List B
Beethoven Bagatelle Op 119 No 1 in G min
Beethoven Bagatelle Op 119 No 2 in C
Beethoven Bagatelle Op 119 No 3 in D Kjos, B & C, level 6
Beethoven Bagatelle Op 33 No 3 in F


Beethoven Leichte Sonate in C, WoO51 2nd mvt
Clementi Sonatina Op 36 No 2, 3rd mvt Kjos, B & C, level 4
Clementi Sonatina Op 36 No 3, 1st or 3rd mvt Kjos, B & C, level 5
Clementi Sonatina in F Op 36 No 4, 1st mvt Kjos, B & C, level 6
Diabelli Largo Maestoso & Rondo Op 151 No 4
Diabelli Sonatina Op 151 No 1, 3rd mvt
Diabelli Sonatina Op 151 No 3, 1st mvt
Dussek Sonatina in G Op 20 No 1 complete More Sonatinas Allans 1176
Haydn Allegro Scherzando Hob 111:75/4 Kjos, B & C, level 5
Haydn German Dance Classics to Modern Bk 4
Haydn Sonata Hob XV1/G1 1st mvt
Haydn Sonata in D Hob XVI/37 Finale Kjos, B & C, level 9; Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 4
Haydn Vivace in D Hob1:92/4 Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Hook Andante Op 37 No 23 James Hook Album, Novello
Hook Andantino Op 81 No 7 James Hook Album, Novello
Kuhlau Sonatina Op 55 No 3 1st or 2nd mvt Kjos, B & C, level 5
Kuhlau Sonatina in C, Op 20 No 1 1st mvt Kjos, B & C, level 6 Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Lichner Sonatina Op 4 No 1 in C, 1st & 2nd or 2nd More Sonatinas Allans 1176
& 3rd mvts
Lichner Sonatina in F, Op 4 No 2, 1st mvt More Sonatinas Allans 1176
Mozart No 1 Menuetto Viennese Sonatinas
Mozart No 5 Larghetto Viennese Sonatinas
Mozart No 6 Menuetto Viennese Sonatinas
Mozart Sonata in C, K545 1st mvt Kjos, B & C, level 6
Mysliveček Divertimento No 1 in F Essential Keyboard Repertoire V8

Grade Four: continued from previous page

List C
Bray, Jillian Romantic Nocturne Four Characteristic Pieces; Sounz
Chaminade Orientals Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Chopin Mazurka Op 67 No 2 Alfred 635
Chopin Prelude in B min Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Gade Boys’ Merry Go Round Op 36 No 2 Easter Piano Pieces, No. 61 Associated Board
Gade Little Girls’ Dance Op 36 No 3 Easter Piano Pieces, No. 61 Associated Board
Granados Poetic Valse No 5 Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Granados The Evening Bell Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Grieg Elfin Dance Op 12 No 4 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 4; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Grieg Grandmother’s Minuet Op 68 No.2 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 5
Grieg National Song Op 12 No 8 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 4; Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Grieg Waltz in A min Op 12 No 2
Grieg Watchman’s Song Op 12 No 3 Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Kullak Grandmother Tells a Ghost Story Op 81 Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
No 3
MacDowell To a Wild Rose Kjos, R & 20thC, level 6
Moy The Shepherd With a Pipe Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 4
Mussorgsky Une Larme Eight Various Pieces, Breitkopf & Hartel Ed No 8125
Schumann Sicilianish Op 68 No 11 Album for the Young; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Schumann The Happy Farmer Op 68 No 10 Album for the Young; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Sibelius Valsette Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Tchaikovsky Mazurka Op 39 No 10 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 5
Tchaikovsky Reverie Op 39 No 21 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 7 Kjos, Tchaikovsky
Tchaikovsky Song of the Lark Op 39 No 22 Kjos, Tchaikovsky
Tchaikovsky The Witch Op 39 No 20 Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4

List D
Adams Witches in the Wind Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Alexander Sneyd & Dodge ‘em Take Flight, SOUNZ
Craig Utting
Bailey Triplet Falls Bailey
Bartòk Evening in the country Kjos, R & 20thC, level 5
Bennett Diversion 2 Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Bibby, Gillian Dawn Chorus SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Bray, Jillian Twentieth Century Four Square Four Characteristic Pieces; Sounz
Britten Waltz No 5 Five Waltzes, Faber
Casella Galop Final Casella Children’s Pieces, Universal No. 6878
Caskie, Helen The Yeti Of Things Intangible (1979)
Chapple Blues Lazy Days (Chester)
Charles Wilson Medievo cacciatore Take Flight, SOUNZ
Charles, John Five Little Pieces, any two of Stroll, First Fifteen,( SOUNZ edition, 1996)
Blues, Boogie
Claire Cowan Paper dragonfly Take Flight, SOUNZ
Cornick Bossa Nova Easy Jazzy Piano Universal
David Hamilton Clouds over Aoraki Take Flight, SOUNZ
Elaine Sharman Deep water Take Flight, SOUNZ
Farquhar, David Clouds Set 3 No 4 Black, White and Coloured, Waiteata Press (2003) Available at
Farquhar, David Steps Sixes for Piano 1997 (SouNZ)
Gillian Bibby Grey warbler in the shadows Take Flight, SOUNZ
Gillian Whitehead Landscape with quail Take Flight, SOUNZ
Gillock Constant Bass New Orleans Jazz Style, Willis Music WM R000506
Gillock Mister Trumpet Man New Orleans Jazz Style, Willis Music WM R000506
Gillock The Juggler Hello Mr Gillock! Carl Czerny; (Brietkpof & Härtel)
Griffiths, David Spider Six legs or more (Waiteata Press, 1992)
Harris, Ross No. 9 10 Easy pieces for piano (1997)
Hengeveld Cha-Cha-Cha Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Jereon Speak Down Take Flight, SOUNZ
Kabalevsky Rondo Op 60 No 2 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 6
Kabalevsky Rondo Op 60 No 4 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 6
Kabalevsky Sonatina Op 27 No 18 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 4
Kabalevsky War Dance Op 27 No 19 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 5
Lilburn, Douglas Prelude No. 1 & 2 or 3 & 4 Four Preludes, 1942-4 Occasional Pieces for Piano (Price
Milburn 1975)

Grade Four: continued from previous page

Lutoslawski Gaik Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
MacFarlane Carnival Piano Fun Book 2
MacFarlane Jelly Bean Jig Piano Fun Book 3
MacFarlane Radical Rag Piano Fun Book 3
MacFarlane Tarantula Tango Music My Way
Maykapar The Blacksmith Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Miller-Stott, For Kate Sheppard No 4 from Votes For Women
Milne, Elissa Clumsy Cowboy Pepperpot Jazz 1
Milne, Elissa Cool Bananas Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 4
Milne, Elissa Mischief Pepperpot Jazz 1
Milne, Elissa Moon on the Mountain Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 4
Milne, Elissa Vendetta Pepperpot Jazz 1
Norton, C Hideaway Microstyles 1
Norton, C Rocking Turkey Microstyles 4
Norton, C Short and Sweet Microstyles 1
Norton, C Wombling Microjazz Collection 3; More Microjazz 2
Prokofiev Grasshoppers’ Procession No 7 Children’s Pieces Op 65
Rocherolle Court Jester 7 scenes, Kjos
Rocherolle Island Breeze Rainbows End, Kjos
Rollin Kitten ‘n Mousin
Ross Carey Bells Take Flight, SOUNZ
Seiber Foxtrot II Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Seiber Mazurka Easy Dances Bk 2 Schott
Shostakovich Gavotte No 2 Dances of the Dolls
Shostakovich Hurdy Gurdy No 6 Dances of the Dolls Boosey & Hawkes
Shostakovich Romance No 3 Dances of the Dolls Boosey & Hawkes
Shostakovich Russian Menuet Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Smither, Michael Attack and Run Away 21 Piano Pieces, Waiteata 1983
Smither, Michael For Brass 21 Piano Pieces, Waiteata 1983
Sutermeister Erster Ferienmorgen Bergsommer, Schott
Vine Semplice Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Wells, John Mist Over Waitemata Wells Ed., Auckland 1991

3. Musicianship
4. Musical Knowledge


Teaching Tip
Really successful entrants can
play their scales fluently by the
closing date of entries.

Grade Five
1. Scales
B B♭ E♭ A♭ Major, harmonic minor, melodic minor. hands separate and together, legato and staccato,
4 octaves
B B♭ E♭ A♭ Major and minor triads I IV V I, between the hands, legato pedalled
B B♭ E♭ A♭ All majors in 3rds; left hand on the keynote, right hand major third above, legato, 4
B B♭ E♭ A♭ Major contrary, legato, 2 octaves.
B B♭ E♭ A♭ Chromatic, hands separate and together, legato, 4 octaves
B B♭ E♭ A♭ Arpeggios major and minor, hands separate and together, legato, 4 octaves.
C major Staccato double thirds, hands separate beginning on C and E using second and fourth
fingers, ascending and descending two octaves.
Chordal Progression - as per the following pattern
Tempo - ascending and descending minimum metronome speed 88, four notes per beat
Contrary motion, and staccato 66, four notes per beat
Staccato double thirds 66, two notes per beat
Arpeggios 66, four notes per beat
Touch - clear even legato or staccato

2. Pieces – Four pieces to be chosen, one from each list, plus two in study list.
List A
Arne Sonata No 7 in A 1st mvt Faber
Bach Courante in E, Fr Suite 6 Kjos B & C Level 10
Bach Invention No 5, 6, 8, 13, 14, or 15
Bach Scherzo in A min Partita No 3
Burgmüller Study Op 109 No 1, 3, 7 or 13 18 Characteristic Studies
Burgmüller The Storm Op 109 No 13 Kjos, Etudes, level 6
Burgmüller The Swallow Op 100 No 24 Kjos, Burgmüller
Concone Winter Wind Kjos, Etudes, level 6
Handel Allegro from Sonata in C Kjos, B & C, level 6
Handel Allegro in G Suite No 14
Handel Allemande Suite No 7
Handel Gigue in G min Suite No 7
Heller Tarantella Op 47 No 6 Kjos, Etudes, level 6
Khachaturian Etude (from Adventures of Ivan) Kjos, Etudes, level 6
Pescetti Sonata in C min 3rd mvt Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Purcell Ground in C min Z. D221
Purcell Prelude in G Suite Z 666 Chester
Scarlatti Capriccio in G K 63, L 84 Alfred 109
Scarlatti Sonata in A, K 322, L 483 Kjos, B & C, level 7
Scarlatti Sonata in D, K397, L 208
Scarlatti Sonata in F, K 85, L 166
Scarlatti Sonata in G, K 391, L 79 Kjos, B & C, level 6
Scarlatti Sonata in G, K455, L209
Schchedrin Thirds, No 5 Notebook for Young People, Universal
Telemann Fantasia No 6 in C min 1st mvt Telemann Fantasias Third Dozen Assoc. Bd
Telemann Fantasy in D min 1st mvt Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Zipoli Gigue in G min Allans B8384

List B
Beethoven Leichte Sonate WoO51, 1st mvt
Beethoven Sonata in E Op 14 No 1, 2nd mvt
Beethoven Sonata in G Op 14 No 2, 2nd mvt
Beethoven Sonata in G Op 49 No 2, 1st or 2nd mvt Kjos, B & C, level 7
Benda Sonatina in C min Bohemian Piano Music Vol 1
Clementi Sonatina Op 36 No 5 Rondo
Clementi Sonatina in D Op 36 No 6 1st or 2nd mvt Kjos, B & C, level 6
Clementi Sonatina in F Op 36 No 4, 2nd & 3rd mvts Kjos, B & C, level 6
Haydn Sonata in C Hob XV1/7 1st mvt Kjos, Six Easy Haydn Sonatas GP 395
Haydn Sonata in C Hob XVI/10 1st mvt Kjos, B & C, level 6Kjos, Six Easy Haydn Sonatas GP 395

Grade Five: continued from previous page

Haydn Sonata in C♯ min, Hob XVI/36, 3rd mvt
Haydn Sonata in D Hob XVI/4 Kjos, B & C, level 7Kjos, Six Easy Haydn Sonatas GP 395
Haydn Sonata in F Hob XV1/9 complete Kjos, Six Easy Haydn Sonatas GP 395
Haydn Sonata in G Hob XVI/8 complete Kjos, Six Easy Haydn Sonatas GP 395
Kuhlau Sonatina A min Op 88 No 3, last mvt Kjos, B & C, level 8
Kuhlau Sonatina in C, Op 20 No 1, 2nd & 3rd mvt Kjos, B & C, level 6
Mozart Minuets I and II from Sonata in E flat, K
Mozart Rondo K.15hh More Classics to Modern 4
Mozart Sonata in C K330 2nd mvt Kjos, B & C, level 10
Mozart Sonata in C K545 Rondo
Mozart Viennese Sonatina No 1, 1st mvt Kjos, B & C, level 5
Mozart Viennese Sonatina No 6, 1st mvt Allans Publishing
Vanhal Sonatina Op 2 No 1 Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5

List C
Albeniz Malaguena op 165 Espana
Beethoven Waltz in E♭ WoO 84 A Book of Dances, Easier Piano Pieces No 20 Associated Board
Chopin Mazurka in A min Op 67 No 4 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 6
Chopin Mazurka in A min Op 68 No 2
Chopin Mazurka in G min Op 67 No 2
Chopin Polonaise in G min Op Post Kjos, R & 20thC, level 6
Chopin Waltz in A min Op post Kjos, R & 20thC, level 6
Field Sehnsüchts-Walzer Op 51 John Field, Selected Piano Works, Carl Fischer 05051
Gade Elegy, Op 19 No 1 Aquarelles and Other Pieces, Easier Piano Pieces No 61
Associated Board
Gade Scherzo Op 19 No 2 Associated Board
Granados Escenas Poeticas No 3 Book 1 Dover
Granados Poetic Valse No 6 Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8Hal Leonard Getting to
Grade 5
Grieg Arietta Op 12 No 1 Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Grieg Waltz, op 38/7 Lyric Pieces
Kullak The Ghost in the Chimney Op 81 No 10
Liszt Consolation No 1. S172 Alfred 2416
Mendelssohn Song Without Words Op 19 No 4
Mendelssohn Song Without Words Op 30 No 3 Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Mendelssohn Venetian Boat Song Op 19 No 6 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 7 Kjos, Mendelssohn
Rebikov Waltz in F♯ min Kjos, R & 20thC, level 5
Reger Fast Zu Keck Op 12 No 17 Short Romantic Pieces Book 4 Associated Board
Schubert Scherzo No 1 in B♭ D 593 Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Schubert Waltz Sentimental Op 50 No 13 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 6
Schubert Waltz in B min D145.6 Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8


Schubert Waltz in B min Op 18 No 5 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 4
Schumann Einsame Blumen No 3 Waldszenen Op 82
Schumann Erinnerung Op 68 No 28 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 8
Schumann Fantasy Dance Op 124 No 5 Kjos, R & 20thC level 6
Schumann Jagdlied No 8 Waldszenen Op 82
Schumann Knecht Ruprecht Op 68 No 12 Album for the Young; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 5
Schumann Kuriose Geschichte No 2 Kinderszenen Op 15
Schumann Von fremden Ländern und Menschen No 1 Kinderszenen Op 15
Schumann Waltz Op 124 No 4 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 6
Tchaikovsky Valse Op 39 No 8 in E♭ Kjos, Tchaikovsky

List D
Bailey Left Hand Drive Jazzin’ Around 5Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Bailey Time’s Up Jazzin’ Around 5Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Bartòk Clashing Sounds No 110 Mikrokosmos Vol 1V, Boosey and Hawkes
Bartòk Drunkard’s Song No 36 in For Children Book 1
Bartòk Harmonics No 102 Mikrokosmos Vol 1V, Boosey and Hawkes
Bartòk Village Joke No 130 Mikrokosmos Vol V, Boosey and Hawkes
Bennett Eight Maids a-milking No 2 Partridge Pie Bk 2, Novello
Bennett Nine drummers drumming No 3 Partridge Pie Bk 2, Novello
Britten Waltz No 2 5 Waltzes ( Faber)
Cornick Honeysuckle Rag 6 Easy Pieces for Solo Piano, Universal 30413
Cornick Ragtime Blues 6 Easy Pieces for Solo Piano, Universal 30413
Craig Utting Mad hair day Take Flight, SOUNZ

Grade Five: continued from previous page

David Hamilton Kaimanawa wild horses Take Flight, SOUNZ
Debussy Le Petit Nègre Kjos, R & 20thC, level 5; Kjos, Debussy selected worksHal
Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Farquhar, David Barcarolle Off-Beat (1992)
Farquhar, David Silver-grey: Moonlight Black, White and Coloured First Set (Waiteata Press) 2003
Farquhar, David Song No 4 Sixes for Piano (1997.)
Farquhar, David Story Off-Beat (1992)
Gillian Whitehead Outlines through rising mist Take Flight, SOUNZ
Gillock Bourbon Street Saturday Night New Orleans Jazz Style, Willis Music WM R000506
Gillock Canal Street Blues New Orleans Jazz Style, Willis Music WM R000506
Goedicke Miniature Op 8 No 10 Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Helen Caskie Let’s boogie Take Flight, SOUNZ
Ibert A giddy girl No 4 Histoires
Jeroen Speak This old man, he played jazz Take Flight, SOUNZ
John Elmsly Very strange clocks Take Flight, SOUNZ
Kabalevsky Cavalry Gallop Op 27 No 29 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 5
Kabalevsky Theme & Variations Op 51 No 4
Khachaturian Cat on a Swing Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Khachaturian Etude from Children’s Pieces Vol 1 Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Khachaturian Waltz Kjos, R & 20thC, level 6
Kodaly Il pluet dans la Ville Op 11 No 3 Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Lees, Heath The Jack of Clubs The Winning Hand, Allans
Lilburn Andante and Poco Lento Occasional Pieces for Piano, Price Milburn (1975)
Lutoslawski The Schoolmaster Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Lynch, Sandra Rush Hour Red Hill Publishing
MacFarlane Angeline Music My Way
MacFarlane Aussie Rag Piano Fun
MacFarlane Carousel Vamp Piano Fun
MacFarlane Dreaming Piano Fun Bk 1
MacFarlane Gemmas Dance Piano Fun Bk 1
MacFarlane Hit Parade Piano Fun Bk 3
MacFarlane Lemon Rind Rag Piano Fun Bk 3
MacFarlane Mad Mary Piano Fun Bk 3
MacFarlane Superkid Music My Way
MacFarlane True Love Music My Way
Miller-Stott, For Kate Edger and The White Ribboners Votes for Women
Miller-Stott, Petitions for Parliament and Jubilation Votes for Women
Milne, Elissa Bittersweet Pepperpot Jazz 1
Milne, Elissa Blackberry Jam Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Norton, Christopher At Peace Connections for Piano 8 Frederick Harris Music Co
Norton, Christopher Celtic Lament Connections for Piano 8 Frederick Harris Music Co
Norton, Christopher Oriental Flower Microstyles 1
Prokofiev Tarantella Op 65 No 4 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 6
Prokofiev Waltz Op 65 No 6
Russell-Smith Girl on a Cat-Walk Jazzy Piano 2 for Young Players, Universal 19363
Russell-Smith Wistful Prelude Jazzy Piano 2 for Young Players, Universal 19363
Sands, Vivienne Wasp Strike 1 Stepping Up, Kale Print available SOUNZ
Seiber Cakewalk Easy Dances Bk 2 Schott
Shostakovich Dance No 7 Dances of the Dolls Boosey & Hawkes
Shostakovich Lyrical Waltz No 1 Dances of the Dolls
Shostakovich Polka No 4 Dances of the Dolls
Tcherepnin Bagatelle Op 5 No 6 Alfred 551
Vivienne Sands Cat chasing flax Take Flight, SOUNZ

3. Musicianship
4. Musical Knowledge


Criteria Level 3 - Grade 6
Processes require a range of developing skills within a range of familiar contexts. These are applied using relevant theoretical knowledge,
interpretative skills, discretion and judgment within a range of known responses to familiar problems. Although activities are directed by the
teacher, learners have significant responsibility for the quantity and quality of output.

Examiners will use these criteria in assessing all level 3 entrants.

• Comfortable and well balanced seating position

• Appropriate hand and finger shape
• Technical facility, to allow:

• Accurate and prompt performance from memory of all technical work at the minimum tempo or faster
• Systematic fingering in technical work
• Independent articulation of the fingers
• Controlled co-ordination of the hands
• A well developed sense of pulse to allow accurate performance of rhythmic figures.
• Increased control of variations in tempo, tone and touch
• Increased control of variations in the tonal balance between the hands
• A developing sense of phrasing, style and ornamentation as appropriate to each musical period.
• Developing legato pedalling technique.

Grade Six
1. Scales
B♭ E♭ A♭ F♯ Major, Harmonic minor, Melodic minor, hands separate and together, legato and
staccato, 4 octaves
B♭ E♭ A♭ F♯ Major and minor triads I IV IC V I, legato pedalled
B♭ E♭ A♭ F♯ All majors in 3rds, left hand on keynote, legato, 4 octaves
B♭ E♭ A♭ F♯ Major contrary, legato, 2 octaves
B♭ E♭ A♭ F♯ Chromatic, hands separate and together, legato and staccato, 4 octaves
B♭ E♭ A♭ F♯ Arpeggios major, minor, hands separate and together, legato. 4 octaves
B♭ E♭ A♭ F♯ Dominant sevenths & Diminished sevenths (on the note) hands separate and together,
legato, 4 octaves
C major Staccato double sixths, hands separate beginning on E and C, using first and fifth fingers,
ascending and descending, 2 octaves.
Chordal Progression - as per the following pattern




Tempo - ascending and descending minimum metronome speed 92, four notes per beat
Contrary motion, and staccato 72, four notes per beat
Staccato double sixths 72, two notes per beat
Arpeggios 72, four notes per beat
Touch - All similar motion scales to be played legato, either ascending and descending mezzo-forte, ascending and
descending piano, ascending and descending forte or with crescendo ascending and diminuendo
descending as requested by the examiner.
All contrary scales to be played legato, mezzo-forte.
All similar motion scales, major, both minors and chromatic to be played staccato, mezzo-forte.
All arpeggios to be played legato, ascending and descending mezzo-forte.

2. Pieces – Four pieces to be chosen, one from each list plus two in study list.
List A
Arne Andante Sonata No 2 in E min Faber
Arne Minuet in G, Sonata No 3 Faber
Bach Allemande in G, French Suite 5
Bach Allemande or Gigue in E, Fr Suite 6 Kjos B & C Level 10
Bach Gigue from French Suite No 3 in B minor
BWV 814
Bach Gigue in E♭, French Suite 4
Bach Sinfonia No 3, 4, 12, 14 or 15

Grade Six: continued from previous page

Burgmüller Study Op 109 No 5, 6, 10, 11, 14 or 15 18 Characteristic Studies
Cimarosa, D No 7 from Sonatas, Bk I Broeckmans & Van Poppel
Daquin The Cuckoo Kjos, B & C, level 8
Galuppi Sonata in D, Op 1 No 4, 1st mvt
Handel Allemande, Suite 8 in F min Handel, Suites for harpsichord Bk 1, ed Kite (Stainer & Bell)
Handel Courante, Suite in E min
Handel Gigue, Suite 10 in D min
Heller Etude Op 46 No 1 Kjos, Etudes, level 7
Heller The Storm Op 46 No 18 Kjos, Etudes, level 7
Kabalevsky Etude in F Op 27 No 24 Kjos, Etudes, level 6
Mac Dowell Romance Op 39 No 3 Kjos, Etudes, level 7
Mac Dowell Tarantella Op 39 No 2 Kjos, Etudes, level 7
Nielsen The Top Op 11 No 2 Humorous Bagatelles Op 11 Easier Piano Pieces No 32
Associated Board
Purcell Prelude and Almand in A min Z.663
Scarlatti Sonata Pastoral in D min K 9, L 413 Scarlatti Sonatas ed. C. Kite Bk 1 Stainer & Bell
Scarlatti Sonata in D min, K 64, L 58 Kjos, B & C, level 8, Kjos Scarlatti
Scarlatti Sonata in D, K 512, L 339 Scarlatti Sonatas Series 1, Dover
Scarlatti Sonata in E, K 380, L 23 Kjos, B & C, level 10, Kjos
Scarlatti Sonata in F min, K 481, L 187 Alfred 109
Scarlatti Sonata in G, K 2, L 388 Alfred 109
Telemann Allemande or Gigue, Suite in A Kjos, B & C, level 8
Telemann Fantasia No 1 in D, 1stMvt Telemann Fantasias First Dozen Assoc Bd

List B
Beethoven Six Variations on a Swiss Song Kjos, B & C, level 6
Beethoven Sonata in A♭ Op 26 Scherzo & Trio
Beethoven Sonata in B♭ Op 22 Min & Trio
Beethoven Sonata in D Op 10 No 3 Min & Trio
Beethoven Sonata in G min Op 49 No 1, 1st or 2nd Kjos, B & C, level 8
Beethoven Sonatina in F min Wo0 47 1st mvt
Dussek La Matinée Rondo Bohemian Piano Music Bk 1, Universal
Dussek Sonatina in E♭ Op 20 No 6 1st mvt Six Sonatinas Easier Piano Pieces No 12 Associated Board
Haydn Sonata in C Hob XVI/35 1st or 2nd mvt Kjos, B & C, level 8
Haydn Sonata in D XVII/D1 complete
Haydn Sonata in G Hob XVI/27 Finale
Kuhlau Sonatina in F Op 20 No 3 1st mvt Kjos, B & C, level 7
Mozart Sonata in E♭ K282 Finale
Mozart Sonata in F K280 Presto
Mozart Sonata in G K283 Andante
Mozart Variations K180
Voříšek Rondo Mignon Op 18/2 Bohemian Piano Music Bk 2, Universal

List C
Albeniz Aragon No 6 Suite española Nr 1 Op 47 Allans 1018
Albeniz Sevilla No 3 Suite española Nr 1 Op 47 Allans 1018
Chopin Mazurka Op 24 No 1 in G min
Chopin Mazurka in A min Op 7 No 2
Chopin Mazurka in C maj Op 67 No 3
Chopin Mazurka in F min Op 63 No 2
Chopin Waltz in B min Op 69 No 2 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 7
Field Nocturne No 13 in D min
Gade Capriccio from Album leaves Aquarelles and Other Pieces, Easier Piano Pieces No 61
Associated Board
Gade Humoreske Op 19 No 4 Aquarelles and Other Pieces, Easier Piano Pieces No 61
Associated Board
Grieg Puck Op 71 No 3 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 6
Liszt Frühling S480/2 Alfred 2416
Liszt Ländler in A♭ S211 Alfred 2416
Mendelssohn Song without Words Op 19 No 2
Mendelssohn Song without Words in E♭ Op 53 No 2
Mendelssohn Venetian Boat Song Op 30 No 6 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 8
Rebikov Valse Melancolique Op 2 No 3 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 7
Reger Burletta Op 44 No 2 Ed. Breitkopf 8342
Reger Moment Musical Op 44 No 5

Grade Six: continued from previous page

Reger Reigen Op 36 No 4 Ed. Breitkopf 8342
Schubert Scherzo No 2 in D♭ D 593
Schumann Eintritt No 1 Waldscenen Op 82
Schumann Glückes genug No 5 Kinderszenen Op 15
Schumann Hasche-Mann No 3 Kinderszenen Op 15
Schumann Träumerei No 7 Kinderszenen Op 15
Schumann Wichtige Begebenheit No 6 Kinderszenen Op 15
Scriabin Prelude No 2, 4, or 6 24 Preludes Op 11
Tchaikovsky Chanson Triste Op 40 No 2

List D
Anthony Young Oystercatchers at Mangemangeroa Inlet Take Flight, SOUNZ
Bartòk Grasshoppers’ Wedding Kjos, R & 20thC, level 5; Kjos Bartòk
Bartòk Merry Andrew No 139 Mikrokosmos Vol V Boosey & Hawkes
Bartòk Peasant Dance No 128 Mikrokosmos Vol V Boosey & Hawkes
Bennett Eleven ladies dancing No 5 Partridge Pie Bk 2, Novello
Bennett Twelve lords a leaping No 6 Partridge Pie Bk 2, Novello
Berkeley Moderato Op 4 No 3 Five Short Pieces Chester
Berkeley No 4 Andante Five Short Pieces Chester
Bonsor Feelin’ Good Jazzy Piano 2 for Young Players, Universal
Bray, Jillian Gnats and Fireflies Insect Suite Sounz
Bray, Jillian Kapua Sounz
Craig Utting The Final Chapter Take Flight, SOUNZ
Crowe, Peter Tuis and Wetas Easy Piano Pieces (SOUNZ)
Debussy Album Leaf L.133 Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Debussy Jimbo’s Lullaby No 2 Childrens Corner, Selected works; Kjos
Debussy The little shepherd No 5 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 7, or Children’s Corner Suite
Freed, Dorothy ed. Prelude Rondo 1973 Available SOUNZ
Gillian Bibby Diablo dances with a demented cuckoo Take Flight, SOUNZ
Gillian Bibby Flight of Bells Take Flight, SOUNZ
Gillian Bibby Jack jigs with the ghost of Gershwin Take Flight, SOUNZ
Gillian Whitehead Hoar frost with fire siren Take Flight, SOUNZ
Gillock Bill Bailey New Orleans Jazz Styles, Willis Music (WM R000506)
Gillock Downtown Beat New Orleans Jazz Styles, Willis Music (WM R000506)
Gillock New Orleans Blues New Orleans Jazz Styles, Willis Music (WM R000506)
Grovlez Berceuse de la poupée, No 2 L’Almanach aux images
Grovlez Petites litanies de Jésus No 8 L’Almanach aux images
Hindemith Dance Das Neue Klavierbuch (vol 2) Schott
Ibert La cage de cristal No 8 Histoires,
Ibert La marchande d’eau fraîche No 9 Histoires,
Jenny McLeod Mysterious whirly square dance Take Flight, SOUNZ


Jereon Speak Silent (and relaxing) night Take Flight, SOUNZ
Kabalevsky Sonatina Op 13 No 1, 2nd mvt Kjos, R & 20thC, level 7
Kabalevsky Variations Op 40 No 1 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 8
Kenneth Young Homage to Chopin Take Flight, SOUNZ
Kenneth Young Homage to Ravel Take Flight, SOUNZ
Khachaturian Two Quarrelling Aunts Volume 2 Album for Children
Lees, Heath The Ace of Spades The Winning Hand, Allans Publishing
Lilburn, Douglas Nos. 1, 2, & 3 Nine Short Pieces for Piano (Albert Edition)
Lilburn, Douglas Three Sea Changes No 1 Waiteata Press 1996
Lynch, Sandra Sunrise Red Hill Publishing
MacFarlane Boogey Babe Piano Fun Bk 3
MacFarlane Cheering up the Blues Piano Fun Bk 3
MacFarlane Melissa’s Magical Melody Music My Way
MacFarlane Piano on Fire Piano Fun Bk 1
MacFarlane Three Blind Mice Piano Fun Bk 3
Martinů Das schüchterne Püppchen Early 20thC Barenreiter 6555
Mompou Cris Dans la Rue Scènes des enfants; Salabert
Norton, Christopher Cause for Rejoicing Connections for Piano 8, Frederick Harris Music Co
Norton, Christopher Country Sentimental Connections for Piano 8, Frederick Harris Music Co
Norton, Christopher Hot Day Connections for Piano 8, Frederick Harris Music Co
Norton, Christopher Last September Connections for Piano 8, Frederick Harris Music Co
Norton, Christopher Mambo Queen Connections for Piano 8, Frederick Harris Music Co
Norton, Christopher Top of the Class Connections for Piano 8, Frederick Harris Music Co
Poulenc Carillon No 7 Suite Française, Allans
Poulenc Nocturne No 4

Grade Six: continued from previous page

Prokofiev Attrape qui peut Op 65 No 9 Music For Children Op 65
Salmon, Christopher Fantaisie à... Christopher Salmon, 2002
Sands, Vivienne Out of Petrol on the Motorway Stepping Up, Kale Print available SOUNZ
Sands, Vivienne Wasp Strike 2 Stepping Up, Kale Print available SOUNZ
Shostakovich Prelude No 14 24 Preludes Op 34 Boosey & Hawkes
Shostakovich Prelude No 7, Op 34
Tcherepnin Bagatelle Op 5 No 9 Alfred 551

3. Musicianship
4. Musical Knowledge

Teaching Tip
Entrants having a well developed
knowledge of harmony find it
easier to learn their pieces. They
also have a more comprehensive
foundation for the musicianship
and musical knowledge.


Level 4 - Grades 7, 8 and Performers Certificate
Processes require a wide range of technical skills involving a considerable choice of procedures in a variety of familiar and un-familiar contexts.
The learning demands a broad knowledge base incorporating some theoretical concepts and analytical interpretation of information. The
learning demand requires informed judgment within a range of innovative responses to concrete but often unfamiliar problems. Learners have
complete responsibility for the quantity and quality of output under broad guidance and evaluation from their teacher.

Examiners will use these criteria in assessing all level 4 entrants.

In addition to those criteria at level 1, 2, & 3 the entrants will demonstrate:

• Accurate and fluent performance throughout

• Rhythmic stability and vitality
• A full exploration of the dynamic range of the instrument.
• A confident projection of the style and character of chosen works
• Sensitivity to subtleties of nuance, rubato and ornamentation
• A reliable pedal technique, showing a well developed aural awareness.

Grade Seven
1. Scales
E♭ A♭ F♯ C♯ Major, harmonic minor, melodic minor. hands separate and together legato and staccato,
4 octaves
E♭ A♭ F♯ C♯ Major and minor triads I IIb Ic V I legato pedalled
E♭ A♭ F♯ C♯ Major 3rds & 6ths legato, 4 octaves
E♭ A♭ F♯ C♯ Major contrary, legato, 2 octaves
E♭ A♭ F♯ C♯ Staccato double octaves, major and melodic minor, in 2 keys own choice from grade list.
hands separate and together, 2 octaves
E♭ A♭ F♯ C♯ Chromatic, hands separate and together, legato and staccato, 4 octaves
E♭ A♭ F♯ C♯ Arpeggios, major & minor, legato, hands separate and together, 4 octaves
E♭ A♭ F♯ C♯ Dominant sevenths, diminished sevenths (on the note), legato, hands separate and
together, 4 octaves.
Chordal Progression - as per the following pattern


Tempo - ascending and descending, minimum metronome speed 100, four notes per beat
Contrary motion and staccato 80, four notes per beat
Staccato double octaves 100, two notes per beat
Arpeggios 80, four notes per beat
Touch - All similar motion scales to be played legato, either ascending and descending mezzo-forte, ascending and
descending piano, ascending and descending forte or with crescendo ascending and diminuendo
descending as requested by the examiner.
All contrary scales to be played legato, mezzo-forte.
All similar motion scales, major, both minors and chromatic to be played staccato, mezzo-forte.
All arpeggios to be played legato, ascending and descending mezzo-forte.

2. Pieces – Four pieces to be chosen, one from each list, plus two in study list.
List A
Arne Allegro from Sonata No 1 in F Faber
Bach Corrente Partita No 5 BWV 829
Bach Little Fugue No 1 in C maj, BWV 952 Kjos, Little Fugues and Little Preludes with Fugues GP 405
Bach Little Fugue No 2 in C maj, BWV 953 Kjos, Little Fugues and Little Preludes with Fugues GP 405
Bach Little Fugue No 3 in G maj, BWV 957
Bach Little Prelude & Fugue in A min BWV Kjos, Little Fugues and Little Preludes with Fugues GP 405
Bach Little Prelude & Fugue in D min BWV Kjos, Little Fugues and Little Preludes with Fugues GP 405
Bach Little Prelude & Fugue in E min BWV Kjos, Little Fugues and Little Preludes with Fugues GP 405
Bach Partita No 1 Praeludium & Allemande,
BWV 825

Grade Seven: continued from previous page

Bach Partita No 5 Praeludium, BWV 829
Bach Prelude & Fugue, No 15 The Well Tempered Clavier Book 2
Bach Prelude & Fugue, No 21 The Well Tempered Clavier Book 1
Bach Prelude & Fugue, No 5 The Well Tempered Clavier Book 1
Bach Prelude & Fugue, No 7 The Well Tempered Clavier Book 2
Burgmüller Study Op 109 No 16, 17, or 18 18 Characteristic Studies
Cimarosa No 10, Sonata in B flat from Sonatas, Bk I Broeckmans & Van Poppel
Handel Allemande Suite No 4 in E min
Handel Gigue, Suite No 14 in G
Handel Presto, Suite No 3 in D min
Heller Sprites & Mermaids Op 45 No 21 Universal
Liszt Etude in D min Op 1 No 4 Kjos, Etudes, level 9
Paradisi Toccata, Sonata in A Kjos, B & C, level 9
Purcell Suite in A min Z663 Complete
Scarlatti Sonata in C, K 159, L 104 Kjos, Scarlatti
Scarlatti Sonata in D min, K 141, L 422 Kjos, B & C, level 10, Kjos Scarlatti
Scarlatti Sonata in D, K 430, L 463 Kjos, B & C, level 9
Scarlatti Sonata in D, K 478 , L 12 Scarlatti, Series 1 Dover

List B
Beethoven Rondo in C Op 51 No 1 Kjos Beethoven
Beethoven Six Bagatelles Op 126, Nos 3 & 4 or 5 & 6
Beethoven Six Variations on a theme by Paisiello Henle
Wo0 70
Beethoven Sonata in B♭ Op 22 Adagio
Beethoven Sonata in C Op 2 No 3 Scherzo & Trio
Beethoven Sonata in C min Op 13 3rd mvt
Beethoven Variations in G WoO 77 Kjos, Beethoven
Clementi Sonata in F♯ min Op 25 No 5, 1st mvt Henle
Clementi Sonata in F♯ min Op 26 No 2, 1st mvt Schirmer
Haydn Fantasy in C, Hob XV11/4
Haydn Six Little Variations Hob XVII/5
Haydn Sonata in C Hob XVI/48 1st or 2nd mvt
Haydn Sonata in D Hob XVI/19 1st mvt
Haydn Sonata in D Hob XVI/37 1st mvt Kjos, B & C, level 9
Haydn Sonata in G Hob XV1/27 1st & 2nd mvt
Mozart Adagio in B min K540
Mozart Fantasy in D min K397 Kjos, B & C, level 9
Mozart Rondo in D K485 Kjos, B & C, level 9
Mozart Six Variations on an Allegretto K54
Mozart Sonata in C K330 1st mvt
Mozart Sonata in F K280 1st mvt
Mozart Sonata in F K332 1st mvt
Mozart Sonata in G K283 1st mvt
Voříšek Sonata Quasi una Fantasia Op 20 1st mvt

List C
Albeniz Tango, Op 165 No 2 Espana
Brahms Intermezzo in A min Op 76 No 7
Chopin Mazurka Op 7 No 1 in B♭
Chopin Mazurka in G♯ min Op 33 No 1 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 7
Chopin Nocturne in E♭ Op 9 No 2
Chopin Nocturne in F min Op 55 No 1 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 10
Chopin Nocturne in G min Op 15 No 3
Chopin Waltz in A min Op 34 No 2
Chopin Waltz in A♭ Op 69 No 1 Kjos, R & 20thC Level 8
Field Nocturne No 10 in E min
Field Nocturne No 9 in E♭
Field Nocturne in B♭ No 5
Gade Arabesque Op 27 No 3 Aquarelles and Other Pieces, Easier Piano Pieces No 61
Associated Board
Granados Spanish Dance No 1, 2 or 5 Dover
Grieg Butterfly Op 43 No 1 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 8
Grieg Nocturne Op 54 No 4 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 9
Grieg Scherzo Op 54 No 5
Liszt Mazurka S384 Alfred 2416

Grade Seven: continued from previous page

Mendelssohn Song Without Words Op 102 No 4
Mendelssohn Tarantella Op 102 No 3 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 7
Mussorgsky Méditation Feuillet d’album Ed Breitkopf 8125
Reger Humoresque No 1 Five Humoresques Op 20 Universal 1173
Reger Romanze, Blätter und Blüten No 10 Breitkopf 8342
Schubert Moments musicaux D 780 No 3
Schumann Herberge No 6 Waldszenen Op 82
Schumann No’s 1 to 5 inclusive Papillons Op 2
Schumann Vogel als Prophet No 7 Waldszenen Op 82
Schumann Warum Op 12 No 3
Schumann, Clara Larghetto Op 15 No 1 Alfred No 1200
Tchaikovsky Gentle Reproaches Op 72 No 3 18 Piano Pieces
Tchaikovsky March or April Die Jahreszeiten Op 37b

List D
Bartòk Bagatelle Op 6 No 2 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 8
Bartòk Sonatina 1st or 3rd mvt Kjos, R & 20thC, level 7
Berkeley Allegro Moderato Op 4 No 2 Five Short Pieces Chester 02233
Body, Jack Lachrymae Sarajevo - Waiteata Press 1996
Bonsor Dreamy Jazzy Piano 2 for Young Players, Universal 19363
Bonsor Willy Wagglestick’s Walkabout Jazzy Piano 2 for Young Players, Universal 19363
Bray, Jillian Spiders and Bugs Insect Suite; Sounz
Crowe, Peter Tuis, Wetas, Magpies and Whitebait Easy Piano Pieces
Debussy Arabesque No 1 Kjos, Debussy
Debussy Dr Gradus ad Parnassum No 1 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 8; Children’s Corner Suite
Debussy Golliwog’s Cake-Walk No 6 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 8; Children’s Corner Suite
Debussy La fille aux cheveux de lin No 8 Préludes Bk 1; Kjos, R & 20thC, level 9; Essential Keyboard
Repertoire Vol 8
Debussy Minstrels No 12 Préludes Bk 1
Elmsly, John A Birthday Prelude and Quiet Dreams Five Miniatures for Solo Piano
Farquhar, David Chopin Set 2 No 3 Black, White and Coloured, Waiteata press 2003, (available
Farquhar, David Homage to G.G. Set 1 No 5 Black, White and Coloured, Waiteata press 2003, (available
Farquhar, David Mahler & Schubert Set 3 No 5 Black, White and Coloured, Waiteata press 2003, (available
Farquhar, David Mahler & Schubert, any one. Black, White and Coloured, Waiteata press 2003, (available
Gillian Whitehead River talk Take Flight, SOUNZ
Grovlez Chanson de L’escarpolette No 7 L’Almanach aux Images
Grovlez Les marionettes No 1 L’Almanach aux Images


Ibert Le petit ane blanc No 2 Histoires
Jenny McLeod Loss Take Flight, SOUNZ
Kabalevsky Prelude Op 38 No 2 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 9
Kabalevsky Sonatina Op 13 No 1, 1st or 3rd mvt Kjos, R & 20thC, level 7
Khachaturian Sonatina 1st mvt Kjos, R & 20thC, level 8
Lilburn, Douglas Sonatina No 1, 2nd mvt Price Milburn (1973/89) available SOUNZ
Lilburn, Douglas Sonatina No 2, 1962, 1st mvt Price Milburn (1973/89)
Mompou Jeux Sur la Plage & Jeu 2 Scenes d’enfant (Salabert)
Nock, Mike Serenity from Four Pieces for NZMEB Available from National Administrator
Norton, Christopher Hot Breakfast, Grand March, Veiled in Connections for Piano 8, Frederick Harris Music Co
Norton, Christopher In Spain Connections for Piano 8, Frederick Harris Music Co
Poulenc Waltz Kjos, R & 20thC, level 9
Prokofiev No 16 and 17 Visions Fugitives
Pärt Sonatina Op 1 No 1, 2nd mvt Two Sonatinas for Piano Op 1, Universal
Schchedrin Let’s Play an Opera by Rossini Notebook for Young People, Universal
Shostakovich Prelude No 4, 15 or 19, Op 34
Susan Beresford Fantail Take Flight, SOUNZ
Tcherepnin Bagatelle Op 5 No 1, 2 or 3 Alfred 551
Tremain, Ronald Bagatell No 2 Two Bagatelles from First Fifteen, 1949 SOUNZ
Tremain, Ronald Bagatelle No 1 Two Bagatelles from First Fifteen, 1949 SOUNZ
Whitehead, Gillian Lullaby for Matthew SOUNZ

3. Musicianship
4. Musical Knowledge

Grade Eight
1. Scales
Choose one key group: Major, harmonic minor, melodic minor and chromatic, hands separate and together, legato
and staccato, 4 octaves
1. D B E♭ Major contrary, legato, 2 octaves
2. C♯ A♭ F Major, harmonic minor, and chromatic, in 3rds & 6ths, legato and staccato, 4 octaves
3. G F♯ B♭ Double octaves - one key, own choice from group, Major, harmonic minor, melodic minor
and chromatic, hands separate and together, staccato, 2 octaves
Arpeggios and inversions, hands separate and together, legato, 4 octaves
Dominant sevenths and inversions, Diminished sevenths (on the note), hands separate and
together, legato, 4 octaves
C E♭ Chromatic double thirds, hands separate and together, legato, 2 octaves
Tempo - ascending and descending minimum metronome speed 108, four notes per beat
Contrary motion and staccato 84, four notes per beat
Staccato double octaves 84, four notes per beat
Double thirds 104, two notes per beat
Arpeggios 84, four notes per beat
Touch - All similar motion scales to be played legato, either ascending and descending mezzo-forte, ascending and
descending piano, ascending and descending forte or with crescendo ascending and diminuendo
descending as requested by the examiner.
All contrary scales to be played legato, mezzo-forte.
All similar motion scales, major, both minors and chromatic to be played staccato, mezzo-forte.
All arpeggios to be played legato, ascending and descending mezzo-forte.

2. Pieces – Four pieces to be chosen, one from each list.

List A
Bach Capriccio from Partita No 2, C min
Bach Fantasia in D min BWV 903
Bach Italian Concerto 1st or 3rd mvt
Bach Prelude & Fugue, No 12 F min The Well Tempered Clavier Book 2
Bach Prelude & Fugue, No 6, 9, 10, 11, 15, or The Well Tempered Clavier Book 1
Carr, Edwin All’ Inglese Ten Concert Studies for Piano, Massey University Press 1996
Handel Air and Variations, Suite 5 in E maj
Handel Prelude & Allegro Suite No 3 HWV428 D
Handel Sonata in A min Kjos, B&C, level 9
Handel Suite HWV433, No 8 in F min Prelude & Barenreiter
Allegro (Fugue)
Handel Suite No 4 in E min, Allegro (Fugue)
Mendelssohn Prelude & Fugue Op 35 No 2 in D
Purcell Suite in G Z662 complete
Scarlatti Sonata in G min (Cat Fugue) K 30 (L 499)
Scarlatti Two Sonatas in A, K208, 209 (L 238, 428) Alfred No 29
Schumann, C Prelude & Fugue in B♭ Op 16 No 2 Alfred No 1200
Tremain, Ronald Invention No 3 (1961-2) Waiteata Press 1996

List B
Beethoven Sonata in A♭ Op 26, 1st or last mvt
Beethoven Sonata in C♯ min Op 27 No 2, 2nd & 3rd
Beethoven Sonata in D Op 10 No 3, 1st or last mvt
Beethoven Sonata in D Op 28, 1st or 2nd mvt
Beethoven Sonata in E Op 14 No 1, 1st mvt
Beethoven Sonata in F Op 10 No 2, 1st or 3rd mvt
Clementi Sonata Op 13 No 6 (complete) Henle
Clementi Sonata Op 7 No 3 (complete) Henle
Haydn Sonata in A HobXVI/26 1st mvt
Haydn Sonata in D Hob XVI/24 1st mvt
Haydn Sonata in D Hob XVI/42 1st mvt
Haydn Sonata in E Hob XVI/22 1st mvt
Haydn Sonata in E♭ Hob XVI/38 1st mvt
Haydn Sonata in G Hob XVI/40 1st mvt
Haydn Variations in E♭ Hob XVI1/3
Jadin Sonata in E♭ Op 3 No 1 1st mvt Mersich & Kiess
Mozart Fantasia in C min K396

Grade Eight: continued from previous page

Mozart Fantasia in C min K475
Mozart Rondo in A min K511
Mozart Sonata in A K331 1st mvt
Mozart Sonata in C K309 1st mvt
Mozart Sonata in D K284 1st or last mvt
Schubert Sonata in E D459 1st mvt
Schubert Sonata in G D894 1st mvt

List C
Albeniz, I Cordòba No 4 Cantos de España Op 232
Albeniz, I Seguidillas No 7 Cantos de España Op 232
Brahms Intermezzo Op 116 No 4 in E
Brahms Intermezzo Op 116 No 6 in E
Brahms Intermezzo Op 76 No 4 in B♭
Chopin Nocturne in B Op 32 No 1
Chopin Nocturne in C min Op Post Kjos, R & 20thC, level 7
Chopin Polonaise in C♯ minor Op 26 No 1
Chopin Waltz in C♯ min Op 64 No 2
Chopin Waltz in D♭ Op 64 No 1 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 9
Chopin Waltz in F min Op 70 No 2
Doorly, Gerald Doraldina Waltz SOUNZ
Field Nocturne No 1 in E♭,
Field Nocturne No 15 in C
Granados Jota ‘Rondlla Aragonesa’ No 6, Danza Española
Granados Spanish Dance No 12
Grieg March of the Dwarfs Op 54 No 3 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 8
Liszt Consolation D♭ Kjos, R & 20thC, level 9
Mendelssohn Duetto Op 38 No 6
Mendelssohn Hunting Song Op 19 No 3 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 9
Mendelssohn Scherzo in E min Op 16 No 2 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 10, Kjos Mendelssohn
Rachmaninoff Polichinelle Op 3 No 4 Schott
Rachmaninoff Prelude Op 32 No 11
Schubert Impromptu in A♭ Op 142 No 2 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 9
Schubert Moment Musicaux Op 94, No. 2 or 4
Schumann Abschied Op 82 No 9 Waldszenen
Schumann Intermezzo Op 26 No 4
Schumann Romance in F♯ Op 28 No 2
Schumann, C Mazurka Op 6 No 3 Alfred No 1200
Schumann, C Romance Op 5 No 3 Alfred No 1200
Scriabin Any one of Preludes No 9, 11, 13 or 15 Preludes Op 11
Tchaikovsky June Die Jahreszeiten Op 37b


List D
Bartòk Dance No 1 in Bulgarian Rhythm Mikrokosmos Vol 6 Boosey & Hawkes
Bartòk Dance No 4 in Bulgarian Rhythm Mikrokosmos Vol 6 Boosey & Hawkes
Bartòk From the Diary of a Fly No 142 Mikrokosmos Vol 6 Boosey & Hawkes
Bartòk No 148 Mikrokosmos Vol 6 Boosey & Hawkes
Bartòk No 151 Mikrokosmos Vol 6 Boosey & Hawkes
Bartòk Suite Op 14 No 1
Berkeley Impromptu No 1
Berkeley Polka Chester 02221
Body, Jack Silver Threads Among the Gold Adventures: New Zealand Music for the New Millenium,
IRMTNZ Ed (2000)
Copland The Cat and the Mouse Kjos, R & 20thC level 10
Debussy Arabesque No 2
Debussy La cathédral engloutie No 10 Préludes Bk 1;
Debussy La plus que lente
Farquhar, David Marimba Dance Black White & Coloured 2ndset Waiteata Press (2003)
Gershwin Prelude No 1 Three Preludes Boosey & Hawkes
Hindemith Interludium and Fuga No 3, 6 or 12 Ludis Tonalis Schott
Ibert Bajo la Mesa No 7 Histoires
Ireland Month’s Mind, Ragamuffin
Ireland The Towing-Path
Khachaturian Dance in G min
Khachaturian Sonatina in C 3rd mvt Kjos, R & 20thC, level 8
Lilburn, Douglas No’s 4, 6 & 9 Nine Short Pieces Waiteata Press

Grade Eight: continued from previous page

Lilburn, Douglas Sonatina No 1, 1st or 3rd mvts Price Milburn (1973/89) (available SOUNZ)
Mompou Jeu No 3 Scenes d’enfant, Salabert
Mompou Jeunes Filles Au Jardin Scenes d’enfant, Salabert
Nock, Mike Green Cycle Available from National Administrator
Nock, Mike Red Descending from Four Pieces for Available from National Administrator
Norton, Christopher Cuban Romance Connections for Piano 8, Frederick Harris Music Co
Norton, Christopher Perpetuo, Jane’s Song, Too Sad for Words Connections for Piano 8, Frederick Harris Music Co
Poulenc Any one of Trois Novellettes
Poulenc Nocturne No 1 in C
Prokofiev Légend Op 12 No 6 Boosey & Hawkes
Prokofiev Scherzo Humoristique Op 12 No 9 Boosey & Hawkes
Ravel Sonatine 2nd mvt
Ritchie, Anthony Birds & a Steam Train in the Catlins First Fifteen (SOUNZ)
Sands, Vivienne Spirits of the Kaimanawas Stepping Up, Kale Print available SOUNZ
Schönberg Nos 1, 2 and 3 or 4, 5 and 6 6 Kleine Klavierstücke, Op 19 Universal
Sculthorpe Snow, Moon and Flowers Night Pieces, Faber
Shostakovich Fantastic Dance No 1
Shostakovich Prelude No 5, 18, or24 24 Preludes Op 34
Williamson Theatres Five Preludes Weinberger

3. Musicianship
4. Musical Knowledge

Teaching Tip
It is advisable for entrants to
have at least a B pass in Grade 8
before attempting Level 5. The
Performance Certificate in Piano
can be a useful stepping stone.


Level 5 - Associate Diploma
Processes require a wide range of specialised technical skills involving a wide choice of standard and non standard procedures in a variety of
routine and non-routine contexts. The learning demands a broad knowledge base with substantial depth in some areas, employing analytical
interpretation and the determination of appropriate methods and procedures in response to a range of concrete problems, with some theoretical
elements. Learners have full responsibility for the nature, quantity and quality of outcomes under broad general guidelines in self directed and
sometimes directive activity.

Examiners will use these criteria in assessing all level 5 entrants.

From a programme of four works the entrants will demonstrate

• understanding of the works as to their structure, musical content and their particular character
• technical and stylistic mastery leading to a coherent, expressive performance
• command of special effects appropriate to the instrument
• ability to differentiate between a broad range of musical styles
• a developing sense of professional presentation, with attention to posture, appearance and normal performance conventions.

Diploma AMUSNZ
1. Pieces
Entrants may choose alternatives to those listed below, but must submit their alternative programme for approval prior to entry.

The entrant will select a programme of four pieces contrasting in style and era, with a playing time of between 20 - 35 minutes. The chosen
repertoire must reflect sufficient technical/musical challenges to fulfil the criteria for Level Five.

List A
Bach Fantasia & Allemande Partita No 3 in A
min BWV 827
Bach Overture Partita No 4 in D BWV 828
Bach Prelude & Fugue No 1, 3, 6, 9, 19, 20 or The Well Tempered Clavier Book 2
Bach Prelude & Fugue No 13, 16, or 18 The Well Tempered Clavier Book 1
Bach Prelude, English Suite No 2 in A min,


BWV 806
Bach Sinfonia Partita No 2 in C min BWV 826
Bach Toccata Partita No 6 in E min BWV 830
Handel Grand Fugue No 3 in B♭
Handel Grand Fugue No 4 in B min
Handel Suite No 13 in B♭ HWV440 complete
Mendelssohn Prelude & Fugue Op 35 No 4 in A♭
Scarlatti Two Sonatas in A, K 219, 220 (L393, 342) Scarlatti Sonatas ed C. Kite, Bk 3 Stainer & Bell
Scarlatti Two Sonatas in C, K 270, 271 (L459, 155)
Scarlatti Two Sonatas in D, K 281, 282 (L56, 484)
Shostakovich Prelude & Fugue No 2, 4, 7, 15 or 22 24 Preludes and Fugues Op 87
Tremain, Ronald Three Inventions (1961-2) No 2 Waiteata Press 1996

List B
Beethoven Sonata Op 10 No 1 in C min
Beethoven Sonata Op 10 No 2 in F
Beethoven Sonata Op 13 in C min
Beethoven Sonata Op 14 No 1 in E
Beethoven Sonata Op 14 No 2 in G
Beethoven Sonata Op 2 No 1 in F min
Beethoven Sonata Op 22 in B♭
Beethoven Sonata Op 27 No 1 in E♭
Beethoven Sonata Op 54 in F
Beethoven Sonata Op 78 in F♯
Clementi Sonata in B min Op 40 No 2
Clementi Sonata in D Op 40 No 3
Haydn Sonata Hob XV1/19 in D
Haydn Sonata Hob XV1/23 in F
Haydn Sonata Hob XV1/28 in E♭

Diploma AMusNZ: continued from previous page

Haydn Sonata Hob XV1/32 in B min
Haydn Sonata Hob XV1/34 in E min Kjos, B & C level 10
Haydn Sonata Hob XV1/37 in D Kjos, B & C level 9
Haydn Sonata Hob XV1/46 in A♭
Haydn Sonata Hob XV1/48 in C
Haydn Sonata Hob XV1/49 in E♭
Haydn Sonata HobXV1/33 in D
Jadin Sonata In C Op 3 No 3 Mersich & Kiess
Jadin Sonata in C min Op 5 No 3 Mersich & Kiess
Jadin Sonata in C♯ min Op 4 No 3 Mersich & Kiess
Jadin Sonata in F Op 6 No 3 Mersich & Kiess
Mozart Sonata in B♭ K281
Mozart Sonata in B♭ K333
Mozart Sonata in B♭ K570
Mozart Sonata in C K279
Mozart Sonata in C K330 Kjos, B & C level 10
Mozart Sonata in F K280
Mozart Sonata in F K332
Mozart Sonata in F K533/494
Mozart Sonata in G K283
Schubert Sonata in A Op 120 D 664 Henle
Schubert Sonata in A min Op 143 D784
Schubert Sonata in A min Op 164 D 537 Henle
Schubert Sonata in E♭ Op 122 D 568

List C
Albéniz, I El puerto Iberia Book 1 Belwin
Brahms Capriccio Op 76 No 1 in F♯ min
Brahms Intermezzo Op 117 No 2 in B♭ min
Brahms Intermezzo Op 118 No 2 in A
Brahms Intermezzo Op 119 No 2 in E min
Brahms Rhapsody Op 79 No 2 in G min
Chopin Berceuse Op 57
Chopin Etudes Op 25 No 1, 2, 7 or 9
Chopin Fantasie Impromptu Op 66
Chopin Mazurka Op 33 No 2 in D
Chopin Mazurka Op 63 No 3 in C♯ min
Chopin Nocturne Op 15 No 2 in F♯
Chopin Nocturne Op 55 No 2 in E♭
Chopin Nocturne Op 9 No 1 in B♭ min,
Chopin Waltz Op 34 No 3 in F,
Chopin Waltz Op 64 No 3 in A♭
Chopin Waltz Op Post in E min
Fauré Barcarolle Op 26 No 1
Field Nocturne No 3 in A♭ Peters
Field Nocturne No 4 in A Peters
Liszt Sonetto del Petraca No 47, 104 or 123 Années de Pèlerinage Deuxième Année
Liszt Sposalizio No 1 Années de Pèlerinage Deuxième Année
Mendelssohn Andante & Rondo Capriccioso Op 14
Rachmaninoff Elegie Op 3 No 1
Rachmaninoff Prelude No 2, 5, 7, or 12 Preludes Op 32 Boosey & Hawkes
Rachmaninoff Prelude No 6 or 7 Preludes Op 23
Schubert Impromptu Op 90 No 3
Schumann Aufschwung No 2 Fantasiestücke Op 12
Schumann Des Abends, No 1 Fantasiestücke Op 12
Schumann Novellette No 1 in F Novelletten Op 21
Scriabin Etude Op 2 No 1 in C♯ min
Scriabin Etude Op 8 No 11 in B♭ min
Scriabin Preludes Op 11 any two contrasting
Tchaikovsky January, October, November or December Die Jahreszeiten Op 37b

List D
Axtens, Penelope Torrent Firestarters 2, Promethean
Bartòk 6 Roumanian Folk Dances Universal
Bartòk Bagatelle Op 6 No 10
Bartòk Burlesque No 1 or No 2 Three Burlesques Boosey & Hawkes

Diploma AMusNZ: continued from previous page

Bartòk Roumanian Christmas Carols Set 1 Universal
Bartòk Suite Op 14 No 2 or 3
Carr, Edwin Ten Concert Studies for Piano - any two Massey University Music (1996), available SOUNZ
Debussy General Lavine-eccentric No 6 Preludes Bk 2
Debussy Hommage à S. Pickwick Esqu.P.P.M.P.C Preludes Bk 2
No 9
Debussy La soirée dans Grenade Estampes
Debussy Les collines d’ Anacapri No 5 Preludes Bk 1,
Debussy Prelude Suite Bergamasque
Elmsly, John Fifths-a-pealing Five Minatures for Solo Piano (avaliable SOUNZ)
Freed, Dorothy The Chinese Terracotta Soldiers (1982)
Harris, Ross Five Piano Pieces First Fifteen SOUNZ
Hindemith Interludium and Fuga No 8 or 10 Ludis Tonalis Schott
Lilburn, Douglas Sonatina No 1 (complete) Price Milburn (1973/89) SOUNZ
Lilburn, Douglas Three Sea Changes (complete) Waiteata Press 1996
Lutoslawski 5 Bukoliki (complete)
Messiaen Vingt Regards sur l’enfant Jesus No 2, 4 Durand
or 9
Milhaud Suite for Piano 3rd mvt
Moeran Three Fancies (complete)
Nock, Mike In the Time of Sakura from Four Pieces Available from National Administrator
Poulenc Mouvements Perpetuels (complete)
Poulenc Presto Suite for Piano
Poulenc Toccata Trois Pièces
Prokofiev Harp Prelude Op 12 No 7
Pruden, Larry Looking for a lost guinea-pig at Daybreak Collected Edition, Vol. 1, available SOUNZ
Ravel Oiseaux Tristes Miroirs
Ravel Sonatine 1st or 3rd mvt
Rimmer, John For the Kokako (complete) First Fifteen. Available SOUNZ
Ritchie, Anthony No. 15 24 Preludes for Piano (SOUNZ)
Ritchie, Anthony Ritual Firestarters 2, Promethean
Shostakovich Three Fantastic Dances (complete)
Speirs, Jack Any 3 or more of Mini-suite for Piano Adventures: NZ Music for the New Millenium, SOUNZ
Tremain Two Bagatelles First Fifteen SOUNZ
Vine Bagatelles No 1 & 2 Faber


2. Musical Knowledge
3. Co-requisite Theory


Level 7 - Licentiate Diploma
Learners will carry out processes that require a command of wide ranging highly specialised technical skills involving a wide choice of standard
and non standard procedures often in non standard combinations. They are employed in highly variable routine and non-routine contexts. The
learning demands employ a specialist knowledge base with depth in more than one area, employing the analysis and evaluation of a wide range
of information and the formulation of appropriate responses to resolve both concrete and abstract problems. Learners have full responsibility
in managing the learning processes and complete accountability for determining and achieving personal outcomes within broad parameters for
defined activities.

Examiners will use these criteria in assessing all level 7 entrants.

From a programme of four works the entrants will demonstrate

• their ability to build a varied and coherent programme worthy of public performance
• understanding of the works as to their structure, musical content and their particular character
• technical and stylistic mastery leading to a coherent, expressive performance,
• command of special effects appropriate to the instrument,
• ability to differentiate between a broad range of musical styles,
• a developing sense of professional presentation, with attention to posture, appearance and normal performance conventions
• performance from memory as required in the syllabus.

Diploma LMUSNZ
1. Pieces
Entrants may choose alternatives to those listed below, but must submit their alternative programme for approval prior to entry.

The entrant will select a programme of four pieces contrasting in style and era, with a playing time of between 30 - 45 minutes. The chosen
repertoire must reflect sufficient technical/musical challenges to fulfil the criteria for Level Seven.

List A
Bach Chromatic Fantasy & Fugue BWV 903
Bach Fantasia & Fugue in A min BWV 904
Bach Prelude & Fugue No 3 , 7, 8, 12 or 20 The Well Tempered Clavier Book 1
Bach Prelude & Fugues No 2, 5, 14, 16, 18 or The Well Tempered Clavier Book 2
Bach Toccata in C min, BWV 911
Bach Toccata in D, BWV 912
Bach Toccata in G, BWV 916
Mendelssohn Prelude & Fugue Op 35 No 1 in E minor
Mendelssohn Prelude & Fugue Op 35 No 6 in B♭
Scarlatti Two Sonatas in B♭, K 439,440 (L 47, 97) Scarlatti Sonatas ed C. Kite Bk 3 Stainer & Bell
Scarlatti Two Sonatas in C, K 501, 502 (L 137, 3) Scarlatti Sonatas ed C. Kite Bk 3 Stainer & Bell
Scarlatti Two Sonatas in E♭, K 370, 371 (L 316, 17) Scarlatti Sonatas ed C. Kite Bk 3 Stainer & Bell
Shostakovich Prelude and Fugue No 8, 10, 11,12, 16, 21 24 Preludes and Fugues Op 87
or 24

List B
Beethoven Sonata Op 10 No 3 in D
Beethoven Sonata Op 2 No 3 in C
Beethoven Sonata Op 31 No 1 in G, No 2 in D min or
No 3 in E♭
Beethoven Sonata Op 57 in F min
Beethoven Sonata Op 7 in E♭
Beethoven Thirty- two Variations in C min
Berg Sonata Op 1 Lienau
Chopin Sonata in B min Op 58
Chopin Sonata in B♭ min Op 35
Franck Prelude, Chorale and Fugue Hamelle
Ginastera Sonata No 1 (1952) Op 22
Grieg Sonata in E min
Haydn Sonata Hob XV1/20 in C min
Haydn Sonata Hob XV1/50 in C
Haydn Sonata Hob XV1/52 in E♭

Diploma LMusNZ: continued from previous page

Jadin Sonata in C min Op 6 No 1 Mersich & Kiess
Jadin Sonata in D Op 5 No 2 Mersich & Kiess
Jadin Sonata in F min Op 5 No 1 Mersich & Kiess
Jadin Sonata in F♯ min Op 4 No 2 Mersich & Kiess
Mendelssohn Variations Serieuses Op 54
Mozart Sonata in A min K310
Mozart Sonata in D K284
Mozart Sonata in D K576
Prokofieff Sonata No 2, 3, 5, 6 or 7 Boosey & Hawkes
Ravel Sonatine (complete)
Schubert Sonata in A min, D845
Schubert Sonata in A, D959
Schubert Sonata in C min, D958
Schubert Sonata in D D850
Schubert Sonata in G D894
Schumann Sonata in F♯ min Henle
Schumann Sonata in G min, Op 22 Henle
Scriabin Sonata in G♯ min, Op 19
Vine Sonata No 1 or 2

List C
Brahms Ballade Op 118 No 3 in G min
Brahms Capriccio Op 116 No 1 in D min, No 3 in
G min or No 7 in D min
Brahms Capriccio Op 76 No 2 in B min
Brahms Intermezzo Op 117 No 3 in C♯ min
Brahms Intermezzo Op 118 No 6 in E♭ min
Brahms Rhapsody Op 119 No 4 in E♭
Brahms Rhapsody Op 79 No 1 in B min
Chopin Any one of four Ballades
Chopin Any one of four Scherzi
Chopin Barcarolle Op 60
Chopin Etudes any 2 contrasting
Chopin Fantasie in F min Op 49
Chopin Grand Valse Brilliante in E♭ Op 18
Chopin Mazurkas from Op 24 to 59 inclusive -
any complete opus number
Chopin Nocturne Op 27 No 2 in D♭
Chopin Nocturne Op 48 No 1 in C min


Chopin Nocturne Op 62 No 1 in B
Chopin Polonaise Fantasy Op 61
Chopin Waltz in A♭ Op 42
Dohnanyi Rhapsody in C Op 11 No 3
Granados Allegro de concierto UME
Granados Lover and the Nightingale No 4 Goyescas
Liszt ’Un Sospiro’ No 3 in D♭ Trois Etudes de Concert
Liszt Au bord d’une source Années de pèlerinage première année Henle
Liszt Gnomenreigen 2 Concert Studies
Liszt Les jeux d’eau a la Villa d’Este Années de pèlerinage troisième année Henle
Rachmaninoff Etudes Tableaux Op 33 No 5, 6 or 7 Boosey & Hawkes
Rachmaninoff Etudes Tableaux Op 39 No 1, 2 or 6 Boosey & Hawkes
Rachmaninoff Prelude in C min Op 23 No 7
Schumann Abegg Variations Op 1
Schumann In der Nacht No 5 Fantasiestücke Op 12
Schumann Novellette No 2 Novelletten Op 21
Schumann Novellette No 8 Novelletten Op 21
Schumann Traumes-Wirren No 7 Fantasiestücke Op 12
Tchaikovsky August The Seasons Op 37b

List D
Barber Ballade Op 46 Schirmer
Barber Excursions No 1 or 4 Schirmer
Bartòk Allegro Barbaro Kjos
Bartòk Six Bulgarian Dances Mikrokosmos Vol 6 Boosey & Hawkes
Berkeley Six Preludes (complete) Chester
Blake, Christopher Two Score & Two, from Ancient Journeys First Fifteen SOUNZ

Diploma LMusNZ: continued from previous page

Body, Jack Totentanz from Sarajevo Waiteata Press, 1996
Carr, Edwin Ten Concert Studies for Piano, any two Massey Uni, 1996
Debussy Cloches à travers les feuilles Images, Bk 2
Debussy Jardins sous La Pluie Estampes
Debussy L’Isle joyeaux Estampes
Debussy Poissons d’or Images, Bk 2
Falla Andaluza No 4 4 Piezas española Durand
Falla Aragonesa No 1 4 Piezas española Durand
Falla Cubana No 2 4 Piezas española Durand
Falla Montañesa No 3 4 Piezas española Durand
Farr, Gareth Sepulah Jari Promethean Ed.
Fauré Barcarolle Op 66 No 5
Fauré Nocturne Op 36 No 4
Ginastera Argentinian Dance Op 2 No 3 Durand
Harris, Ross Study in Blue and Green (Paekakariki) Ross Harris 2001
Hindemith Ragtime No 5 Suite 1922 Op 26 Schott
Lilburn, Douglas Sonata 1949 Waiteata Press
Lilburn, Douglas Sonata 1956 Waiteata Press
McLeod, Jenny Tone Clock Pieces No’s 5-12 any two Waiteata Press
Messaien Vingt Regards No 8, 11, 14 or 16
Milhaud Three Rag Caprices (complete) Universal
Prokofiev Etude in C min Op 2 No 4
Prokofiev Scherzo Op 12 No 10
Psathas, John Jettatura Promethean Ed.
Psathas, John Waiting for the Aeroplane Promethean Ed SOUNZ
Ravel Alborado del gracioso No 4 Miroirs
Ravel Jeux d’eau Schott
Ravel Noctuelles No 1, Miroirs
Ravel Une barque sur l’océan No 3 Miroirs
Schönberg Piece No 1 or 2 5 Piano Pieces Op 23
Schönberg Piece No 3 Three Pieces Op 11 Universal
Scriabin Poème-Nocturne Op 61
Seiber Scherzando Capriccioso Schott
Stravinsky Piano Rag Music 1919 Chester
Whitehead, Gillian Arapatiki Waiteata Press

2. Musical Knowledge
3. Co-requisite Theory


In compiling this syllabus the New Zealand Music Examinations Board has endeavoured to use readily available and affordable editions as
indicated in the text. The Board has used each book to the fullest extent possible, however any edition is acceptable. Editions are mentioned
solely as a means of identification, and any standard edition will be accepted.

New Zealand music is available from SOUNZ, the Centre for New Zealand Music, Level 1, 39 Cambridge Terrace, Wellington, 6001.Tel
04-801 8602, Fax 04-801 8604,

Alfred publications have their book number for ease of reference. Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8 has been used from Grade 1 through to
Grade 7, Alfred No 4619 C.D.s are available for both Kjos, and Hal Leonard books.

Examination Music
Entrants may not use photocopies for performance (other than for facilitating page turns) in examinations, as this is prohibited by the Copyright
Act. When Entrants enter the examination room they must hand copies of all list pieces being performed, to the examiner, together with their
examination slip. Copies for examiner use of study list pieces in the Performance syllabuses are optional.
Entrants should not play repeats in examinations, however any da capo must be played.

Dominant Seventh arpeggios are to be played in the key.
Diminished seventh arpeggios are to start on the key note.

There are no additional theory requirements for Grades 6-8.

Credit will be awarded for appropriate improvisation. It is acknowledged that within some of the styles presented improvisation will be
appropriate. Care however must be taken to maintain the work’s musical integrity and level of difficulty. A copy of the work with the
improvisation section marked must be brought to the examination for use by the examiner.

Instruments to be used
Entrants will use acoustic piano, or alternatively may provide their own electronic/digital keyboard, stand and power lead with which to sit
their exam. Up to Grade 5 it must have a minimum 5 octave range, and full size velocity sensitive keys. From Grade 3 an external sustain pedal
is necessary. Entrants choice of repertoire must fit within the compass of their keyboard. From Grade 6 onwards keyboards must be full size
with weighted action velocity sensitive keys of standard size. At the time the entry is made the National Administrator must be advised of the
entrant’s intention to use their own keyboard.

Entrants changing from Performance Piano to Piano

Entrants in Performance Piano are permitted to swap to the Piano syllabus by presenting three pieces by different composers two of which must
be in the Performance Piano syllabus of the same grade. The third piece may be an own choice piece and should be at a similar level to those
already in the syllabus. Entrants should advise the examiner of the change when they enter the examination room and mark the appropriate box
on their examination slip.

Syllabus Repertoire
Entrants must perform three works two of which must be selected from the prescribed NZMEB list(s). One alternative “own choice” work may
be substituted and should be at a similar level to those already in the syllabus.
No more than one composition by a specific composer may be presented during the examination.
Entrants from Grade 1 to Grade 8 must take different styles and tempi into consideration when choosing their programme.
It is recommended that Entrants from Grades 1 to 8 include pieces from at least two different style periods in their programme.

For clapping tests entrants may count aloud using any recognized counting system eg French Time Names. A steady pulse at a moderate speed
is expected.

• To join in and clap the beats in simple duple or triple time, to a harmonized passage played by the examiner and to continue clapping the
beats when the music stops.
• To clap or tap at sight, a simple written rhythm, in simple time.
• To visually recognize step or skip movement (seconds and thirds) over three notes within the compass of a fifth. We suggest entrants use
their own pieces to develop fluency.


Grade One
• To visually recognize written combined step/skip movements over three notes within the compass of a fifth. We suggest entrants use their
own pieces to develop fluency.

• To clap or tap at sight, a simple written rhythm, in simple time.
• To play the same pattern as a given melody, using only seconds and thirds, within the compass of a fifth in the keys of C or G major.
Pianists are required to play the tonic chord with the left hand as marked.



• To aurally identify major seconds and major thirds (number only), played twice by the examiner. Entrants may sing or hum the notes
before answering.
• To echo clap a short rhythm pattern clapped once by the examiner. A second attempt will be allowed if necessary.

Grade Two
• To visually recognize any written interval within the compass of a fifth. We suggest entrants use their own pieces to develop fluency.

• To clap or tap at sight, a simple written rhythm in simple time. May include crotchet rests and quavers.
• To play the same pattern as a given melody in the keys of G or D major. Pianists are required to play the perfect cadence with the left hand
as marked.



• To aurally identify major and perfect intervals up to and including perfect fifths (number only) played twice by the examiner. Entrants
may sing or hum the notes before answering.

• To echo clap a short rhythmic pattern clapped once by the examiner. A second attempt will be allowed if necessary.

Grade Three
• To visually recognize written intervals within the compass of an octave at sight. We suggest entrants use their own pieces to develop

• To clap or tap at sight, a simple written rhythm, in simple time. In addition to the rhythmic figures in previous grades, dotted crotchets,
quavers and minim rests may be included.

• To play the same rhythm pattern as a melody within the compass of an octave in the keys of D or A major. Pianists are required to play
the perfect cadence with their left hand as marked.




• To aurally identify major and perfect intervals up to and including perfect fifths (number only) played twice by the examiner. Entrants
may sing or hum the notes before answering.
• To aurally identify root position triads as major or minor (notes sounded together) played twice by the examiner.
• To echo clap a short rhythm pattern clapped once by the examiner. A second attempt will be allowed if necessary.

Musicianship — NZMEB PIANO SYLLABUS ed 16.11

Teaching Tip
Tonic sol fa and French Time
Names are useful tools to have in
your repertoire.

Grade Four
• To clap or tap at sight, a written four bar rhythm, in simple time or compound duple. In addition to the rhythmic figures in previous grades,
semiquavers, dotted quavers and quaver rests may be added.


• To name the tonic key and play a given melody in the keys of F or A major. Pianists are required to play the perfect cadence with their left
hand as marked.






• To aurally identify major and perfect intervals up to and including major sixths, (number only) played twice by the examiner. Entrants
may sing or hum the notes before answering.
• To aurally identify root position triads as major or minor (notes sounded together) played twice by the examiner.
• To echo clap a rhythmic pattern clapped once by the examiner. A second attempt will be allowed if necessary.


Grade Five
• To clap or tap at sight, a written four bar rhythm, in simple or compound time. In addition to the rhythmic figures in previous grades,
triplets and tied notes may be added.


3 3

• To name the tonic key and play a given melody in the keys of B♭ major/G minor or E♭ major. Pianists are required to play the perfect
cadence between the hands as marked.

 F B

3 3 V I



• To aurally identify by quality and number major and perfect intervals up to and including a perfect octave, played twice by the examiner.
Entrants may sing or hum the notes before answering.
• To identify root position triads as major or minor (notes sounded together) played twice by the examiner.
• To echo clap a four bar rhythmic pattern clapped once by the examiner. A second attempt will be allowed if necessary.

Grade Six
• To clap or tap at sight, a written eight bar rhythm, in simple or compound time. In addition to the rhythmic figures in previous grades,
syncopation may be added.




• To name the tonic key and play a given melody in the keys or E♭ major/C minor or A♭ major. Pianists are required to play an imperfect
cadence at the end of the first phrase and a perfect or plagal cadence for the final cadence, between the hands, as marked.


3 3




• To aurally identify by quality and number, all major and perfect intervals up to and including a perfect octave, played twice by the
examiner. Entrants may sing or hum the notes before answering. To aurally identify root position triads as major, minor, or augmented
(notes sounded together) played twice by the examiner.

Grade Seven
• To clap or tap at sight, a written rhythm in simple or compound time. In addition to the rhythmic figures in previous grades, syncopation
may be added.

3 3



Musicianship — NZMEB PIANO SYLLABUS ed 16.11

• To name the tonic key and play a given melody in the keys of A♭ major/F minor or E major/C♯ minor. Pianists are required to play an
imperfect or interrupted cadence at the end of the first phrase and a perfect or plagal cadence for the final cadence, between the hands, as

C m


   B E



Gdim C C Fm


• To aurally identify by quality and number all major and perfect intervals, and minor thirds, up to and including a perfect octave, played
twice by the examiner. Entrants may sing or hum the notes before answering.
• To aurally identify root position triads as major, minor, augmented or diminished (notes sounded together) played twice by the examiner.

Grade Eight
• To clap or tap at sight, a written eight bar rhythm, in any time signature.




• Entrants will be given two minutes to sight a simple melody in keys up to three flats, major / minor; three sharps major, one sharp minor.
A simple left hand accompaniment and clearly defined cadences are expected. Entrants need not restrict themselves to this vocabulary.
F m G dim C



D G dim C F m



F Gm F


B Gm E Cm B F7 B


• To aurally identify by quality and number all major and perfect intervals, minor thirds and sixths, up to and including a perfect octave,
played twice by the examiner. Entrants may sing or hum the notes before answering.
• To aurally identify root position triads as major, minor, augmented or diminished (notes sounded together) played twice by the examiner.

Teaching Tip
Being able to put in a bass to a
melody is one of the great
enjoyments of music making. It
requires effort, practise, more
practise, patience, interest and

Musical Knowledge
In practical examinations examiners will ask entrants questions on the following aspects of list pieces (excluding study list)

Level One - Preliminary to Grade 3

• The notes, rests, signs, terms and titles of pieces.
• Keys or tonalities in which the pieces are written.

Level Two - Grades 4 and 5

• The notes, rests, signs, terms and titles of pieces.
• Keys or tonalities in which the pieces are written.
• Modulations which occur in the pieces at main cadence points.
• Broad formal structure of pieces.
• Name the period and give its time frame.
• Give the nationality of composers.

Level Three - Grade 6

• The notes, rests, signs, terms and titles of pieces.
• Keys or tonalities in which the pieces are written.
• Modulations which occur in the pieces.
• Broad formal structure and analysis of the pieces.
• Some knowledge of the period and stylistic characteristics.
• Some knowledge of the composers.

Level Four - Grades 7 and 8 and Performance Certificate

• The notes, rests, signs, terms and titles of pieces.
• Keys and tonalities in which the pieces are written.
• Modulations which occur in the pieces.
• Broad knowledge of the structure and analysis of the pieces.
• Broad knowledge of the period and stylistic characteristics of the pieces.
• Some knowledge of the composers of the pieces presented for examination including range of repertoire and major contributions to the
development of musical style.

Musical Knowledge — NZMEB PIANO SYLLABUS ed 16.11


Pre-Preliminary Test for ages Four to Eight years

Age restriction applies to age of entrant at the close of entries date

1. Exercises:
C, G, D, A major, hands separately (legato) - Five finger position, ascending and descending.
Example (C major):

1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1

2 1 2 3 4 
5 4 3 5

2. Pieces:
List A: Any piece in Simple Triple Time
List B: Any piece in Simple Quadruple Time

3. Aural:
• Clap the beats of a simple chord passage played in two or three beat time by the examiner and continue clapping after the examiner stops
• To sing or hum the notes of a short melodic phrase of five or six notes of one beat length. The examiner will play the phrase first and then
repeat it, waiting on each note for the entrant to sing it.
• To state which is the higher or lower of any two notes played separately not less than a third apart.


Criteria Level 1 - Preliminary to Grade 3
Processes are limited in range, repetitive and familiar, employing recall and a narrow range of knowledge and cognitive skills. These are applied
in activities which are closely supervised by the teacher.

Examiners will use these criteria in assessing all level 1 entrants.

• Comfortable and well balanced seating position

• Appropriate hand and finger shape
• Beginning to acquire:

• Independent articulation of the fingers

• Smooth passing of the thumb in scales
• Systematic fingering in scales
• Fingering of broken chords as specified
• Accurate and prompt performance from memory of all technical work
• Performance of the technical work at the minimum tempo or faster
• Awareness of underlying pulse in the pieces
• Awareness of the dynamic range of the piano
• Accurate and fluent performance of pieces
• Awareness and control of dynamics, tempo and touch

1. Scales
C G Major, hands separate, 2 octaves.
C G Tonic triad, hands separate, in the key after the scale
A Harmonic minor, hands separate, 2 octaves.
A Tonic triad, hands separate in the key, after the scale
C G Major contrary, 1 octave
Triad - as per the following pattern


Tempo - ascending and descending, minimum metronome speed 100, one note per beat
Contrary motion 66, one note per beat
Touch - clear even legato

2. Pieces
Three pieces to be chosen by three different composers. Two pieces must be from the list below. One alternative “own choice” work may be
substituted and should be at a similar level to those already in the syllabus.

Aucott, Clive The Friendly Imp SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Bartòk Canon at the Octave Mikrokosmos, Vol 1, No 28
Bartòk Dialogue (Canon) 1st term at the piano
Bartòk Folk Dance Kjos, R & 20thC, level 1
Beyer Round Dance Kjos, R & 20thC , Level 1
Carey, Ross Any two of Simple Song, Sad Song,Black SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
and White Tag
Preliminary — NZMEB PIANO SYLLABUS ed 16.11

Chapple Hop Scotch Lazy Days, Chester

Diabelli Bagatelle in C Kjos, B & C, level 1; Hal Leonard Getting to Prelim
Farquar, David A Sad Song On Your Own, Waiteata Press
Farquar, David Sighing, On Your Own, Waiteata Press
Gillock Swinging Sioux Hal Leonard Getting to Prelim
Gnyesina Danse Ancienne Hal Leonard Getting to Prelim
Gurlitt Anyone Home (Trumpet Tune) Hal Leonard Getting to Prelim
Haydn Quadrille Kjos, B & C, level 1; Hal Leonard Getting to Prelim
Hook Allegretto Op 81, No 4 James Hook Album, Novello
Hook Gavotta in C Op 81, No 3 Music Through Time Bk 1 OUP; Hal Leonard Getting to Prelim
Hook Minuet Op 37 No 2 Kjos, B & C, level 1
Hässler Minuetto Kjos, B & C, level 1
Kabalevsky A Little Joke Op 38 No 6
Kabalevsky A Porcupine Dance Hal Leonard Getting to Prelim
Kabalevsky Any two of Melody Op 39 No 1, Polka Op Kjos, R & 20thC, Prelim
39 No 2 and Marching Op 39 No 3
Kabalevsky Dance, Op 39 No 9 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 1
Kabalevsky Funny Event, Op 39 No 7, Kjos, R & 20thC, level 1

Preliminary: continued from previous page

Kabalevsky Scherzo Op 39 No 12 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 1
Kabalevsky Song, Op 39 No 8 Kjos, Etudes, Preparatory
Köhler Carefree Stroll Kjos, R & 20thC, level 1
Köhler Pleasant Play Kjos, Etudes, Preparatory
Künz A Serious Event Kjos, Etudes, Preparatory
Lynch, Sandra Japanese Winter All Keyed Up Level 1
Lynch, Sandra Lost All Keyed Up Level 2
Lynch, Sandra The Mad Professor Thumbs on C
Milne, Elissa Canon & On Hal Leonard Getting to Prelim
Milne, Elissa Salt & Pepper Hal Leonard Getting to Prelim; Easy little Peppers
Milne, Elissa Smooth and Crunchy Very Easy little Peppers
Milne, Elissa Square-O Very Easy little Peppers
Milne, Elissa Storm in a Teacup No 3 Very Easy little Peppers
Pozzoli Canon No 12 Hal Leonard Getting to Prelim
Praetorius Old German Dance Kjos, B & C, Preparatory
Purcell Prelude Suite in G Z.660
Reinagle Minuet Kjos, B & C, Preparatory
Reinagle Procession Hal Leonard Getting to Prelim
Reinagle Promenade Kjos, B & C, Preparatory; Hal Leonard Getting to Prelim
Salutrinskaya The Shepherds Flute Kjos, R & 20thC, level 1
Schein Allemande Kjos, B & C, level 1
Sharman, Lionel Work Chant SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Shostakovich March Hal Leonard Getting to Prelim; Kjos, R & 20thC, level 2
Türk Dance Kjos, B & C, level 1
Türk March in C and Minuet in G Kjos, B & C, Preparatory
Türk March in G and Lament Kjos, B & C, Preparatory
Utting, Craig There is a Tui in my Garden SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Von der Hofe Canario Kjos, B & C, Preparatory
Wedgwood Antics No 9 Up-Grade! Piano Grades O - 1 Faber
Wedgwood Apple Pie Waltz No 4 Up-Grade! Piano Grades O - 1 Faber
Wedgwood Hocus Pocus No 8 Up-Grade! Piano Grades O - 1 Faber
Wedgwood Make way for the King! No 1 Up-Grade! Piano Grades O - 1 Faber
Wedgwood Mission Impossible No 11 Up-Grade! Piano Grades O - 1 Faber
Wedgwood O’Reilly’s Whistle No 10 Up-Grade! Piano Grades O - 1 Faber
Wedgwood Old Fashioned Minuet No 6 Up-Grade! Piano Grades O - 1 Faber
Wedgwood Saturday Night Shuffle No 18 Up-Grade! Piano Grades O - 1 Faber
Wedgwood Surrender No 3 Up-Grade! Piano Grades O - 1 Faber
Wedgwood Temple of Doom More Upgrade O - 1
Wedgwood The Brave Knight More Upgrade O - 1; Getting to Preliminary: The New Mix
Wedgwood The Little Donkey More Upgrade O - 1
Wells, John Bumblebee Stew Bumblebee Stew SOUNZ
Wells, John Stilts and Cornflakes, Bumblebee Stew SOUNZ
Wells, John Thimblespring Bumblebee Stew SOUNZ
Williams, Michael F Canon in G major, Mischievous Shadows Available free on our website
Op 12. no. 2
Williams, Michael F Canon in G major, The Fairy Princess Op. Available free on our website
12 no. 5
Williams, Michael F Canon in a minor, SOS Op. 12 no. 3 Available free on our website
Williams, Michael F Canon in b minor, Trouble in Paradise Op. Available free on our website
12 no. 4
Williams, Michael F Canon in d minor, Pirates Op. 12 no. 1 Available free on our website
Wilton Little Sonata (Allegro) Kjos, B & C, Preparatory
Wilton Minuet Kjos, B & C, Preparatory

Supplementary list, September 2010

Getting to Preliminary The New Mix
any piece
Jazz, Rags & Blues Book 1, Martha Mier
Don’t Wanna’ Leave You Blues
Sneaky Business
Surfboard Boogie
Jazz menagerie Book 1, Catherine Rollin
Parrot Blues

3. Musicianship
4. Musical Knowledge

Grade 1
1. Scales
CG Major and harmonic minor, hands separate and together, 2 octaves
CG Tonic triad, hands separate, in key after the scale
CG Major contrary 2 octaves
CG Chromatic, hands separate, 1 octave
C maj Broken chords, hands separate
Triad - as per the following pattern


Broken Chords - as per the following pattern
5 5 3 1 5 3 1 5 2 1 5 3 1

1 3 5 1 2 1 3 5 1 3 5 1

1 5 3 1 1 5 3 1 1 3 5 1 2 1 3 5 1 3 
5 3 5 2 5 5 5

Tempo - ascending and descending, minimum metronome speed 100, two notes per beat
Contrary motion 66, two notes per beat
Broken chords 48, three notes per beat
Touch - clear even legato

2. Pieces
Three pieces to be chosen by three different composers. Two pieces must be from the list below. One alternative “own choice” work may be
substituted and should be at a similar level to those already in the syllabus.

Anderson, Barry Little Boy Lost A Book of Dreams for piano solo (The Keys Press)Available
Arnold Gigue Kjos, Etudes, level 2; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
Bach Aria in D (Pipe), BWV 515
Bach Aria in F, BWV 131 Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1;Kjos, B & C, level 2
Bach Chorale in C, BWV 514 Anna Magdelena, Alfred 605
Bach Minuet in A Min, BWV 120 Associated Board
Bach Minuet in G min Kjos, B & C, level 1
Bach Minuet in G, BWV 114 Kjos, Anna Magdalena; Kjos, B & C, level 2
Bach Musette English Suite 3 Kjos, B & C, level 3
Bach, J.C Menuett G maj Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Bailey Raggy Blues Jazzin Around 2
Bartòk Follow the Leader (Spiel) Kjos, R & 20thC Level 2
Bartòk Lost Cat Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1; For Children Volume 1. No’s 5,
1,or3 (Boosey & Hawkes)
Bartòk Spiel (Play Song), Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1; For Children Volume 1. No’s 5,
1,or3 (Boosey & Hawkes)
Bartòk Toy Shop Tune, Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1; For Children Volume 1. No’s 5,
1,or3 (Boosey & Hawkes)
Beethoven Allemande Music through Time, Bk 2.
Beethoven Ecossaise WoO 23 Kjos, B & C, level 2; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
Beethoven Russian Folk Song Op 107 No 3 Kjos, B & C, level 2; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
Beethoven Village Dance Kjos, Etudes, level 1
Berkahn, Jonathan Mousetrap SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Grade 1 — NZMEB PIANO SYLLABUS ed 16.11

Beyer Two in One Kjos, Etudes, level 1

Bibby, Gillian Bird Looks in the Window SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Bibby, Gillian Russian Bells SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Biehl Sonatina in C Kjos, R & 20thC, level 2
Burgmüller Arabesque Op 100 No 2 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 3; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
Carey, Ross Day’s End and c.c. that! SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Carey, Ross Odd Dodos Do Add and The Giant SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Caskie, Helen Fierce Dog Seven Tingley pieces for children (1991)
Caskie, Helen Spooky Story Halloween (1991)
Caskie, Helen Witches on Broomsticks, Halloween (1991)
Clark, Ewan Day Dreaming SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Clarke King William’s March Music Through Time Bk 2 OUP
Clementi Sonatina Op 36 No1 1st mvt Kjos, B & C, level 3
Czerny Etude in G Op 139 No 24 Hello Mr Gillock! Carl Czerny; (Breitkopf & Härtel)
Diabelli Bagatelle Classics to Modern Bk 2
Duncombe Sonatina in C Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1

Grade One: continued from previous page

Farquhar, David Echoes On Your Own, Waiteata Press
Farquhar, David In Black and White On Your Own, Waiteata Press
Goedicke Dance Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
Graupner Bourree Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
Gretchaninoff A Tale. No 1 Album for Children Op 98
Gurlitt Arabesque Kjos, Etudes, level 2
Gurlitt Invention Etude Kjos, Etudes, level 1
Gurlitt The Hunt Kjos, R & 20thC, level 1
Haydn German Dance Kjos, B & C, level 2
Haydn Minuet Kjos, B & C, level 2; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
Hook Allegro Moderato Op 37 No 5 James Hook Album, Novello
Hook Quick March Op 81 No 9 James Hook Album, Novello
Hässler Allegro Music Through Time. Bk1; Kjos, B & C, level 3
Jordansky Lullaby Classics to Modern Bk 2
Kabalevsky A Little Song Op 27 No 2 Kjos, R & 20thC level 2
Kabalevsky Galloping Op 39 No 15 Kjos, R & 20thC level 2
Kabalevsky Waltz Op 39 No13 Kjos, R & 20thC level 2
Khachaturian Skipping Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Krieger Menuet in A min Joy of Baroque
Kuhnau Menuet in F Joy of Baroque
Köhler Etude in A min Kjos, Etudes, level 1
L. Mozart Menuet In F Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
Latour Sonatina in C 1stmvt Kjos, B & C, level 2
Le Couppey Melody in C Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
MacFarlane Butterfly Rock Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Jungle Jog Piano Fun Bk 1
MacFarlane Jungle Jog II Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Licorice Allsort Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Shortbread Shuffle Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Sleeping Koala Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane The Mosquito Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Worried Man Blues Piano Fun Bk 2
Milne, Elissa Cat and Mouse Easy little Peppers
Milne, Elissa Chase Little Peppers (Pepperpot Music)
Milne, Elissa Mozzie Pepper Box Jazz 1; Easy little Peppers
Milne, Elissa Wake Up Little Peppers (Pepperpot Music)
Milne, Elissa Who’s been Bouncing on My Bed Easy little Peppers
Mozart Allegro in B♭ 93 Short Classics, Most Popular Series No 7, Century
Mozart German Dance (Sleigh Ride) Classics to Modern Bk 2
Mozart Minuet K2 Kjos, B & C, level 2
Mozart Minuet K6 Kjos, B & C, level 2 ; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
Norton, C Down South Microstyles 1
Pleyel Courtly Dance Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
Purcell Air in D min Z.T676 93 Short Classics, Most Popular Series No 7, Century
Purcell Minuet in A min Z. 649 Music Through Time Bk 1 OUP
Purcell Saraband Z.D219/2 93 Short Classics, Most Popular Series No 7, Century
Rameau Minuet Kjos, B & C, level 1
Reinagle Minuet Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
Sands, Vivienne Jack Frost or Summer Afternoon Stepping Up, Kale Print available SOUNZ
Schmitz Mini Hit Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
Schumann First Sorrow Op 68 No 16 Kjos, B & C, level 4
Schumann Soldiers March OP 68 No 2 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 2
Sebba Jane’s Zebra Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
Sharman, Elaine Winter Rain SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Sharman, Lionel Monster Story SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Sheeles Jigg Music Through Time Bk 2, OUP
Shostakovich Waltz Kjos, R & 20thC level 2
Smither, Michael Prelude 1 21 Piano Pieces (Waiteata Press, 1983)
Steibelt Adagio Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 1
Telemann Gavotte in C Kjos, B & C, level 1; Hal Leonard Getting to Preliminary
Telemann Gigue a L’Angloise Classics to Modern Bk 2
Telemann Minuet in G Kjos, B & C, level 1; Hal Leonard Getting to Preliminary
Utting, Craig Ghosts SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Villa Lobos Fly, Little Bird Classics to Modern Bk 2

Grade One: continued from previous page

Wedgwood Cool Calypso No 1 Upgrade! Piano Grades 1-2 Faber
Wedgwood Minnie Mouse Hits Town No 13 Upgrade! Piano Grades 0-1 Faber
Wedgwood Pluto No 14 Upgrade! Piano Grades 0-1 Faber
Wedgwood Running Free No 21 Upgrade! Piano Grades 0-1 Faber
Wedgwood Rush Hour Dash No 5 Upgrade! Piano Grades 1-2 Faber
Wedgwood The Cantankerous Camel No 10 Upgrade! Piano Grades 1-2 Faber
Wedgwood The Detective No 6 Upgrade! Piano Grades 1-2 Faber
Wedgwood The Snake Charmer No 8 Upgrade! Piano Grades 1-2 Faber
Wells, John Walking Moving Along
Whitehead, Gillian Sad song on a rainy day SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Wilby, Gary No.1 (Fast) Simple Simon’s Piano Pieces (1994) SOUNZ

Supplementary list, September 2010

Getting to Grade One The New Mix
any piece
Jazz, Rags & Blues Book 1, Martha Mier
Downright happy Rag
Just Struttin’ Along
A Neat Beat
Ol’ Rocking’ Chair Blues
Ragtime Do-si-do
Seventh Street Blues
Jazz-a-little, JAZZ-A-LOT Book 1, Catherine Rollin
Cool Jump
Jazz-a-little, JAZZ-A-LOT Book 2, Catherine Rollin
3/4 Jump
Cowboy Blues Waltz
Triplet Blues
Jazz menagerie Book 1, Catherine Rollin
Bear and Birdie Waltz
Camel’s Back Blues
Penguin Waddle Rag
Tiger Boogie
Woodpecker’s Peckin’ Party
Jazz menagerie Book 2, Catherine Rollin
The Roadrunner’s (Beep! Beep!) Boogie Woogie
Jazz, Rags & Blues Book 2, Martha Mier
Slippin’ Around

3. Musicianship
4. Musical Knowledge

Grade 1 — NZMEB PIANO SYLLABUS ed 16.11

Teaching Tip
Piano is a percussion instrument.
It is a good idea for students to
understand how the mechanism

Grade 2
1. Scales
D A Major and harmonic minor, hands separate and together, 2 octaves
D A Major and minor I V I triads, hands separate, in key after the scale
D A Major contrary 2 octaves
D A Chromatic, hands separate, 2 octaves
D A Melodic minor, hands separate and together. 2 octaves
A Minor broken chords, hands separate

Triad - as per the following pattern


Broken Chords - as per the following pattern

5 1 2 4 5 5 5 5 4
2 1 5 4 2 1 5 3 2 1
1 2 3 5 1 2 4 1 2 3 3 2 1 1

2 1 5 4 2 1 5 3 2 1 5 4 2 1 1 2 4 5 1 2 3 5 1 2 4
1 2 
5 4 4 5

Tempo - ascending and descending minimum metronome speed 120, two notes per beat
Contrary motion 80, two notes per beat
Broken chords 80, two notes per beat
Touch - clear even legato

2. Pieces
Three pieces to be chosen by three different composers. Two pieces must be from the list below. One alternative “own choice” work may be
substituted and should be at a similar level to those already in the syllabus.

Adams, Chris Hurunui Gorge SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Bach March in D BWV 122 Kjos, B & C, level 3
Bach Minuet in C min BWV 121 Kjos, B & C, level 4
Bach Minuet in D min BWV 132 Kjos, B & C, level 3
Bach Minuet in G min, BWV 115 Kjos B & C, level 2; Anna Magdalena
Bach Minuet in G, BWV 116 Kjos, Anna Magdalena
Bach Musette in D, BWV 126 Kjos B & C, level 2; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Bach Polonaise in G min, BWV 119 Kjos, B & C, level 3
Bach, C.P.E Allegro Kjos, B & C, level 4
Bailey Count Basics Jazzin’ Around 2
Bailey Two Part Intention Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Bartòk Little Scherzo Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Bartòk Rhythmic Dance Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Beethoven German Dance Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Beethoven Sonatina in G 1st or 2nd mvt Kjos, B & C, level 2; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Bibby, Gillian Blackbird in the Rain SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Bibby, Gillian Dangerous Mission SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Bibby, Gillian Evening: Passacaglia SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Bibby, Gillian Prelude: The Sun has Risen SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Bibby, Gillian Tui in the Flax Bush and Bird Hopping SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Blow Theatre Tune Joy of Baroque
Burgmüller Innocence. Op 100 No 5 Kjos Burgmüller, Kjos Etudes, level 4
Burgmüller Inquietude Op 100 No 18 Kjos Burgmüller, Kjos Etudes, level 4
Burgmüller La Candeur Op 100 No 1
Burgmüller Pastorale Op 100 No 3
Burgmüller Progress Op 100 No 6 Kjos Burgmüller, Kjos Etudes, level 4
Burgmüller Tender Flower Op 100 No 10 Kjos Burgmüller
Buttstedt Menuet in D min Joy of Baroque
Caskie, Helen Hunt Cat’s World (1991) Available SOUNZ
Chapple Lazy Days Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Chapple Petite Valse Lazy Days. Chester
Cornick Blues in Two, Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 3; Easy Jazzy Piano Universal
Cornick Two part Invention Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 3; Easy Jazzy Piano Universal
Couperin Le Petit Rien Kjos, B & C, level 3
Czerny Etude in C Op 139 No 72 Hello Mr Gillock! Carl Czerny; (Breitkopf & Härtel)
Czerny Etude in D Op 599 No 73 Hello Mr Gillock! Carl Czerny; (Breitkopf & Härtel)
Czerny German Song Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Diabelli Sonatina in C, Op168 No 3, 1st or last mvt Diabelli, Seven Sonatinas Op 168, Easier Piano Pieces No. 73
Associated Board, More Allans Sonatinas 1176
Elaine Sharman Fish Take Flight, SOUNZ

Grade Two: continued from previous page

Elaine Sharman Icicles Take Flight, SOUNZ
Elmsly, John Tui SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Farquhar, David Black And White Rag Off-Beat (SOUNZ, 1992)
Gillock Carnival in Rio, Yo Yo Tricks, Hello Mr Gillock! Carl Czerny; (Brietkpof & Härtel)
Gillock Fiesta Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Gillock Moonlight Hello Mr Gillock! Carl Czerny; (Brietkpof & Härtel)
Graham Parsons The farm at night Take Flight, SOUNZ
Greave Three Blue Mice Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Gretchaninoff On Horseback, No 5 Album for Children Op 98
Gretchaninoff On the Lawn, No 6 Album for Children Op 98
Griffiths Grasshopper from Six Legs Or More (Waiteata Press, 1992) SOUNZ
Gurlitt Night Journey Op 82 No 65 Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2; Music Through Time Bk 1 OUP;
Kjos Etudes Level 3
Handel Bourrée Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 1
Handel Impertinence Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Handel Menuett in C min Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Handel Minuet in F Kjos, B & C, level 3
Handel Sarabande Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Harris, Ross Piece No 8 10 Easy Pieces for Piano 1997 SOUNZ
Haydn Allegro Hob XVI/8 Kjos, B & C, level 4
Haydn Minuet in C Music Through Time Bk 1 OUP
Haydn Scherzo Hob XV1/9 Kjos, B & C, level 3
Hook Allegro Moderato Op 37 No 12or James Hook Album Novello
Hook Minuetto Op 81 No 5 James Hook Album Novello
Hook Temp di Minuetto Op 37 No 4 James Hook Album Novello
Hässler Ecossaise in G maj Op 38 No 23 Essential Piano Repertoire Vol 8; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2;
Kabalevsky Hopping Op 39 No 18 Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Kabalevsky Night on the River Op 27 No 4 Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Kabalevsky Prelude Op 39 No 19 Kjos, Etudes, level 3
Kabalevsky The Clown Op 39 N0. 20 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 3; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Kadosa Hommage to Bartòk Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 3
Lynch, Sandra Autumn All Keyed Up, Level 3
Lynch, Sandra Chat-a-box All Keyed Up, Level 3
Lynch, Sandra Discovery All Keyed Up, Level 3
Lynes Sonatina Op 39 No 1, first mvt. Kjos Sonatinas
MacFarlane A Dog’s Tale Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Ballad Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Bent Spoon Swing Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Charmed I’m Sure Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Flat Chat Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Grandma and Pop Piano Fun Bk 1
MacFarlane Jungle Jog III Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Look Left Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Pete and Dave Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Pixie Parade Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Return of the Ape Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Worried Man Blues III Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Worried man Blues IV Piano Fun Bk 3
Maykapar Fleeting Vision Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 3
Mendelssohn Romanze Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 3
Grade 2 — NZMEB PIANO SYLLABUS ed 16.11

Milne, Elissa Cloak and Dagger More Little Peppers

Milne, Elissa Deadline More Little Peppers
Milne, Elissa Gold Rush Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Milne, Elissa Grouch More Little Peppers
Milne, Elissa Jungle Jingle Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Milne, Elissa Prowler More Little Peppers
Mozart Menuett in D K94
Mozart Minuet in F K5 Kjos, B & C, level 3
Norton, C Fax Blues Microstyles 1
Norton, C Galloping Microstyles 2
Norton, C Open Space Microjazz Collection 2
Peeters Chagrin d’enfant Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Pleyel Minuet in C Kjos, B & C, level 3
Powell, Kit Whale Song SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Purcell Air in D Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Purcell Ayre in G min Z. T693/2
Purcell Hornpipe in B bZ.T 683 Music Through Time Bk 2 OUP; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2

Grade Two: continued from previous page

Ritchie, Anthony Running on the Beach Caroline Bay Suite (1999) SOUNZ
Ritchie, Anthony Singers in the Islands SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Rollin Blue Bayou Waltz The Best of Catherine Rollin, Alfred 18099
Rollin Nights in Spain The Best of Catherine Rollin, Alfred 18099
Sands, Vivienne Paper Darts Stepping Up, Kale Print available SOUNZ
Schubert Waltz in A Kjos, R & 20thC, level 3
Schumann Wild Horsemen Op 68 No 8 Music Through Time Bk 2 OUP; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 3
Schytte Melody for the left hand Kjos, Etudes, level 1
Seiber Jazz Etudiette Easy dances Bk 2 Schott; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 3
Seiber Tango Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Sharman, Lionel Hora SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Smither, Michael A Droll for Tony 21 Piano Pieces (Waiteata Press, 1983)
Smither, Michael Prelude 2 21 Piano Pieces (Waiteata Press, 1983)
Spindler Sonatina in C Op 157 No 1, 1st or 2nd mvt Kjos, R & 20thC, level 2
Susan Beresford Kokako Take Flight, SOUNZ
Tchaikovsky Legend Music through Time Bk 1 OUP
Tchaikovsky Old French Song Op 39 No 16 Kjos, Tchaikovsky
Tchaikovsky Soldiers’ March Op 39 No 5 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 3
Telemann Graceful Dance, 3rdmvt, Fantasy 21 in E Telemann, Fantasies, Second Dozen Easier Piano Pieces No 44,
min Associated Board
Telemann Rigaudon Kjos, B & C, level 2
Ticciati Sonatina Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 3
Utting, Craig The Microwave won’t stop Beeping...My SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Cat is Dancing on the Piano
Vanhal Sonatina Op 41 No 1 complete More Sonatinas, Allans 1176
Vanhal Sonatina Op 41 No 2, 1st mvt
Vanhal Sonatina Op 41 No 2, 2nd mvt Allegretto Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 2
Wedgwood Half a minute Waltz No 1 Upgrade! Piano Grades 2-3 Faber
Wedgwood Homework Blues No 3, Clowning About Upgrade! Piano Grades 1-2 Faber
No 12,or
Wedgwood Tarantella No 14 Upgrade! Piano Grades 1-2 Faber
Wedgwood Wild Bill Hiccup No 2 Upgrade! Piano Grades 2-3 Faber
Whitehead, Gillian What’s the Taniwha’s Story? SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Wilby, Gary Sorry, Can’t Stop Five Bagatelles for Piano (1989) SOUNZ

Supplementary list, September 2010

Jazz-a-little, JAZZ-A-LOT Book 2, Catherine Rollin
Bebop Hop
Boogie ‘round the Clock
Easy Does it Blues
Jazz menagerie Book 1, Catherine Rollin
The Hip Hoppity Frog
Jazz menagerie Book 2, Catherine Rollin
Animal Chit Chat
Jazzy Joey
Jazz, Rags & Blues Book 2, Martha Mier
Beach Buggy Boogie
Clarinet Blues
Jelly Bean Rag
Jazz, Rags & Blues Book 3, Martha Mier
Persistent Rhythm
Jazzin’ About, Wedgwood
Summer Song
The Stranger
Pink Lady
Broadway Television Movies Alfred Solo Book Complete, Levels 2 & 3
Any piece from the beginning to Page 16
Solo Spectacular, Alfred Book 3
Baroque Swirls, Mier
Best of Friends, Hartsell
Rock Ballad, Rollin

3. Musicianship
4. Musical Knowledge

Grade 2 — NZMEB PIANO SYLLABUS ed 16.11

Teaching Tip
If scales and arpeggios are good,
passagework in pieces will

Grade 3
1. Scales
EB Major, Harmonic minor, Melodic minor, hands separate and together, 3 octaves
EB Major and minor, I IV V I triads, hands separate
EB Major contrary 2 octaves
EB Chromatic, hands separate and together, 3 octaves
EB Major and Minor Arpeggios, hands separate, 2 octaves.
E min Broken chords, hands separate

Triad - as per the following pattern


Broken Chords - as per the following pattern

5 5 2 3
5 1 3 2 1 5 2 4

1 3 2 5 1 4 2 5 1 4 2 1 5 2 4 1 5 2 3 1 1

2 4
2 3 1 5 2 4 1 1 4 2 5 1 3 2
4 2 5


Tempo - ascending and descending, minimum metronome speed 90, three notes per beat
Contrary motion 54, four notes per beat
Broken chords and arpeggios 54, four notes per beat
Touch - clear even legato

2. Pieces
Three pieces to be chosen by three different composers. Two pieces must be from the list below. One alternative “own choice” work may be
substituted and should be at a similar level to those already in the syllabus.

Alwyn The Sea is Angry Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 3

Anderson, Bruce Frog Dance A Book of Dreams for Piano Solo (The Keys Press, 2004).
Bach Little Prelude in C maj, BWV 939 Kjos, Eighteen Little Preludes
Bach Little Prelude in F maj, BWV 927 Kjos, Eighteen Little Preludes, Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Bach March in E♭ BWV 127 Anna Magdalena
Bach Minuet in B♭ BWV 118 Anna Magdalena
Bach Polonaise in E, Fr Suite 6 Kjos B & C Level 10
Bach Polonaise in F, BWV 117 Anna Magdalena
Bach Polonaise in G min, BWV 125 Kjos, B&C, level 4; Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 3
Bach, C.P.E March in G, BWV 125 Kjos, B & C, level 4
Bach, W F Minuet in G maj Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Bailey Breezin’ Jazzin’ around 2 (Bailey/Music Sales)
Bailey Study in Latin Jazzin’ around 2 (Bailey/Music Sales)
Bartòk Jeering Song Kjos, R&20thC, level 4
Bartòk Teasing Song Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 3
Beethoven Allemande in A WoO 81 Easier Piano Pieces No 20, Associated Board
Beethoven Bagatelle Op119 No 9 Kjos, B & C, level 3 or Kjos Beethoven
Beethoven Sonatina in F 1st or 2nd mvt Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 3; Kjos B & C level 4, Kjos
Beethoven, Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Benda Sonatina D min
Berg Sonatina No 4 complete More Sonatinas Allans Publishing 1176
Bray, Jillian Classical Rondo Four Characteristic Pieces; Sounz
Britten Waltz No 1 5 Waltzes ( Faber)
Burgmüller Babillarde Op 100 No 17
Burgmüller Ballade No 15 Kjos, Etudes, level 4; Kjos Burgmüller. Twenty Five Easy And
Progressive Studies, Op 100
Burgmüller Harmony of the Angels, Op 100 No 21 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 5; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 3
Burgmüller La Bergeronnette No 11 Kjos, Etudes, level 4; Kjos Burgmüller. Twenty Five Easy And
Progressive Studies, Op 100
Burgmüller La Chasse Op 100 No 9
Burgmüller La Tarantelle No 20 Kjos, Etudes, level 5
Burgmüller Petit Reunion Op 100 No 4
Caskie, Helen Space Dance Of Things Intangible 1979 ,SOUNZ
Chapple The Snow Melts Lazy Days (Chester)
Chapple Waltz Variation Lazy Days (Chester)
Chris Adams Mysterious Take Flight, SOUNZ
Chris Cree Brown Jurassic pond Take Flight, SOUNZ
Clementi Sonatina in C, Op 36 No 1, 2nd & 3rd

Grade Three: continued from previous page

Clementi Sonatina in G, Op 36 No 2, 1st mvt Kjos, B & C, level 4
Cornick Ragtime, Easy Jazzy Piano (Universal)
Cornick Waltz for Michael Easy Jazzy Piano (Universal)
Czerny Study in A Op 718 No 11 Hello Mr Gillock! Carl Czerny; (Breitkpof & Härtel)
David Hamilton Spring breezes Take Flight, SOUNZ
David Hamilton Waikato fog Take Flight, SOUNZ
Diabelli Sonatina in F, Op 168 No 1, 1st or last mvt
Farquhar, David Musette Off-Beat (available SOUNZ)
Gillock Capriccietto Hello Mr Gillock! Carl Czerny; (Brietkpof & Härtel)
Gillock Castanets Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 3; Hello Mr Gillock! Carl
Czerny; (Brietkpof & Härtel)
Gillock Flamenco Hello Mr Gillock! Carl Czerny; (Brietkpof & Härtel)
Graham Parsons Morning milking Take Flight, SOUNZ
Grieg Albumleaf Op 12 No 7
Griffiths, David Centipede Six legs or more (Waiteata Press, 1992)
Gurlitt Sonatina Op 214 No 4, 1st & 2nd or 2nd
& 3rd mvts
Handel Gigue in D min Suite 4 Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Haslinger Sonatina in C 1st or 2nd mvt More Sonatinas Allans Publishing 1176
Haydn Menuet & Trio Hob XVI/1
Haydn Menuet & Trio Hob XVI/4
Heller Avalanche Op 45 No 2 Kjos, Etudes, level 5; Music Through Time Bk 2 OUP Hal
Leonard Getting to Grade 3
Hook Allegro Op 81 No 8 James Hook Album, Novello
Hook Minuetto Op 37 No 8 James Hook Album, Novello
John Elmsly At the water’s edge Take Flight, SOUNZ
Kabalevsky An old Dance Op 27 No 7
Kabalevsky Little Joke Op 27 No 13 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 5
Kabalevsky Toccatina Op 27 No 12 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 4; Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 3
Kabalevsky Variations on a Russian Folk Song Kjos, R & 20thC, level 3
Kabalevsky Waltz Op 39 No 23
Karganov Little Waltz Op 25 No 3 Easier Piano Pieces No 8 Associated Board
Khachaturian Ivan Sings Kjos, R & 20thC, level 4
Kirnberger La Lutine Joy of Baroque
Kuhlau Sonatina in C Op 55 No 1, Allegro or Kjos, B & C, level 4
L. Mozart Bourrée C min Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Lichner Sonatina Op 66 No 1, 1st or 3rd mvt
Lichner Sonatina in C Op 4 No 1, 1st mvt More Sonatinas Allans Pubishing 1176
Lilburn, Douglas No 2. Moderato from Two Christmas Occasional Pieces, (available SOUNZ)
Pieces for L.B.1949
MacFarlane Banana Bender Blues Piano Fun
MacFarlane Blues Ballad Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Dance of the Red Sox Piano Fun
MacFarlane Jaws 5 Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Moody Blues Piano Fun Bk 3
MacFarlane Piano Fun Piano Fun
MacFarlane Sinister Blues Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Sydney Sleuth Piano Fun Bk 2
MacFarlane Sydney Stomp Piano Fun Bk 2
Grade 3 — NZMEB PIANO SYLLABUS ed 16.11

MacFarlane Sydney Swing Music My Way

MacFarlane True Blues Music My Way
Milne, Elissa Antarctic Breeze Pepperpot Jazz 1
Milne, Elissa Late Night Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 3
Milne, Elissa Lucky Duck Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 3
Milne, Elissa Times Two Little Peppers
Mozart Allegretto K15a & 15c
Mozart Menuet & Trio K1 Kjos, B & C, level 4
Norton, C Bubble Gum, Skipping Rope Microstyles 2
Norton, C In the Bag Microstyles 1
Norton, C Mechanics Rag Microjazz Collection 3
Norton, C Misty Day Microstyles 2
Pescetti Presto Joy of Baroque
Prokofiev Marche Op 65 No 10 Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Prokofiev Promenade No 2 Children’s Pieces Op 65
Purcell Festival Rondo Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 3
Purcell Hornpipe in E min Z.T685 Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 3

Grade Three: continued from previous page

Rameau Tambourin More Classics to Moderns Bk 4
Ritchie, Anthony Children Playing Caroline Bay Suite (1999)
Rollin Jazz Cat The Best of Catherine Rollin Bk 1 Alfred 18099
Rollin Nocturne for the Left Hand The Best of Catherine Rollin Bk 1 Alfred 18099
Sands, Vivienne Waterboy’s Lullaby Stepping Up, Kale Print available SOUNZ
Scarlatti Sonata in D min, K 32, L 423 Kjos, B & C, level 4
Scarlatti Sonata in G, K 431, L 83 Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Schumann Hunting Song Op 68 No 7 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 4
Seiber Gipsy Tango Easy Dances Bk2, Schott
Shostakovich Mechanical Doll Kjos R & 20thC level 3, Six Children’s Pieces, Hal Leonard
Getting to Gr 4
Smither, Michael Coming out Tune 21 Piano Pieces (Waiteata Press, 1983)
Speak, Jeroen Dreaming SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Tchaikovsky Italian song Op 39 No 15 Kjos, Tchaikovsky
Tchaikovsky Polka Op 39 No14 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 6
Tremain, Ronald Drums and Trumpets Eight Children’s Pieces for Pianoforte (available SOUNZ)
Tremain, Ronald Ghosts Eight Children’s Pieces for Pianoforte (available SOUNZ)
Tremain, Ronald Sleigh Ride Eight Children’s Pieces for Pianoforte (available SOUNZ)
Türk Gigue Kjos, B & C, level 4
Utting, Craig Lazy Cat SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Utting, Craig Moa and her Chick SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Utting, Craig My Nightmare is a Train SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Wedgwood Hubble Bubble No 12 Upgrade! Piano Grades 2-3 Faber
Wedgwood Mr Blue Shoes No 10 Upgrade! Piano Grades 2-3 Faber
Wedgwood Sweet Marianne No 5 Upgrade! Piano Grades 2-3 Faber
Whitehead, Gillian Pukeko SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Wilby, Gary Festival Five Bagatelles for Piano (available SOUNZ)
Zipoli Fughetto in E min Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 3
Zipoli Little Fugue in F More Classics to Moderns Bk 4

Supplementary list, September 2010

Jazz-a-little, JAZZ-A-LOT Book 2, Catherine Rollin Martha Mier’s Favourite Solos Book 3
Minor Trance Dance Jazzin’ Jesse
Jazz menagerie Book 2, Catherine Rollin Jazzin’ About, Wedgwood
Swan Waltz Take it from here
Swingin’ Through the Trees Never let go
The best of Catherine Rollin Book 2 Laid-back Blues
Peanut Butter Rag Up-Grade! Piano Grades 4-5, Wedgwood
Rockin’ in New Orleans Snowdrop
Jazz, Rags & Blues Book 2, Martha Mier Brighton Boogie
Lazy Days Beauly Abbey
Misty Night Blues Broadway Television Movies Alfred Solo Book Complete Levels 2 & 3
Red Rose Rendezvous Any piece from Page 17 to the end
Jazz, Rags & Blues Book 3, Martha Mier Solo Spectacular Alfred Book 3
Dandelion Rag Castle in the Mist, Montgomery
Fickle Fourths Dreamin’, Alexander
Low C Boogie Jazzin’ Around, Mier
Pine Cone Rag Nocturne in Blue, Rollin
What A Glorious Day October Moon, Hartsell
Ragtime Charlie, Mier

3. Musicianship
4. Musical Knowledge

Grade 3 — NZMEB PIANO SYLLABUS ed 16.11

Teaching Tip
Relaxation does not mean a total
collapse. Relax the muscles you
donâĂŹt need so that those you
do need can be used.


Criteria Level 2 - Grades 4 and 5
Processes are moderate in range, established and familiar, employing basic operational skills using readily available information. These are
applied in directed activities which are supervised by the teacher. Learners have some responsibility for quantity and quality.

Examiners will use these criteria in assessing all level 2 entrants.

• Comfortable and well balanced seating position

• Appropriate hand and finger shape
• Technical facility, sufficient to allow:

• Developing independent articulation of the fingers

• Smooth passing of the thumb
• Rhythmic stability
• Systematic fingering in scales and arpeggios
• Developing controlled co-ordination of the hands
• Controlled, clear, even legato touch and tone
• Accurate and prompt performance from memory of all technical work
• at the minimum tempo or faster
• A developing sense of pulse to allow accurate performance of rhythmic figures
• Accurate and fluent performance of pieces through controlled touch and tone
• Awareness and control of dynamics, tempo and touch
• The ability to articulate legato and staccato textures as required
• Awareness of Phrasing
• Beginning to develop reliable legato pedalling technique

Grade 4
1. Scales
F B♭ Major, harmonic minor, melodic minor, hands separate and together, 4 octaves
F B♭ Majors in 3rds, left hand on keynote, legato, 2 octaves
F B♭ Major and minor chordal progression I IV V I, between hands
F B♭ Major contrary 2 octaves
F B♭ Chromatic, hands separate & together, 4 octaves
F B♭ Arpeggios major & minor, hands separate and together, 2 octaves.
Chordal Progression - as per the following pattern
Tempo - ascending and descending, minimum metronome speed 80, four notes per beat
Contrary motion and staccato: 60, four notes per beat
Arpeggios: 60, four notes per beat
Touch - clear even legato

2. Pieces
Three pieces to be chosen by three different composers. Two pieces must be from the list below. One alternative “own choice” work may be
substituted and should be at a similar level to those already in the syllabus.

Adams Witches in the Wind Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4

Alexander Sneyd & Dodge ‘em Take Flight, SOUNZ
Craig Utting
Arne Presto Sonata No 6 in G Faber
Bach Air in E♭, French suite 4
Bach Gavotte I, in G min, English suite
Bach Gavotte in G, French suite 5
Bach Invention No 1 in C, BWV 772
Bach Invention No 4 in D min, BWV 775
Bach Little Fugue in C min BWV 961 Kjos, Little Fugues and Little Preludes with Fugues GP 405
Bach Little Prelude in C min, BWV 934 Kjos, J.S. Bach Eighteen Little Preludes

Grade Four: continued from previous page

Bach Little Prelude in C, BWV 933 Kjos, B & C, level 6
Bach Little Prelude in D min, BWV 935 Kjos, J.S. Bach Eighteen Little Preludes
Bach Little Prelude in D, BWV 936 Kjos, J.S. Bach Eighteen Little Preludes
Bach Little Prelude in E min, BWV 941 Kjos, J.S. Bach Eighteen Little Preludes
Bach Menuet in C min, Fr suite 2
Bach, F Allegro in A major Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Bailey Triplet Falls Bailey
Bartòk Canon Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Bartòk Evening in the country Kjos, R & 20thC, level 5
Beethoven Bagatelle Op 119 No 1 in G min
Beethoven Bagatelle Op 119 No 2 in C
Beethoven Bagatelle Op 119 No 3 in D Kjos, B & C, level 6
Beethoven Bagatelle Op 33 No 3 in F
Beethoven Leichte Sonate in C, WoO51 2nd mvt
Bennett Diversion 2 Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Bibby, Gillian Dawn Chorus SUNRISE: Music from New Zealand for Young Pianists
Bray, Jillian Baroque Invention Four Characteristic Pieces; Sounz
Bray, Jillian Romantic Nocturne Four Characteristic Pieces; Sounz
Bray, Jillian Twentieth Century Four Square Four Characteristic Pieces; Sounz
Britten Waltz No 5 Five Waltzes, Faber
Burgmüller No 12 Adieu Kjos, Burgmüller Twenty-Five Easy and Progressive Studies,
Opus 100
Burgmüller No 14 La Styrienne Kjos, Burgmüller Twenty-Five Easy and Progressive Studies,
Opus 100
Burgmüller No 19 Ave Maria Kjos, Burgmüller Twenty-Five Easy and Progressive Studies,
Opus 100
Burgmüller No 22 Barcarolle Kjos, Burgmüller Twenty-Five Easy and Progressive Studies,
Opus 100
Burgmüller No 25 La Chevaleresque Kjos, Burgmüller Twenty-Five Easy and Progressive Studies,
Opus 100
Burgmüller No 8 La Gracieuse Kjos, Burgmüller Twenty-Five Easy and Progressive Studies,
Opus 100
CPE Bach Solfeggietto Kjos, B & C, level 5Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Casella Galop Final Casella Children’s Pieces, Universal No. 6878
Caskie, Helen The Yeti Of Things Intangible (1979)
Chaminade Orientals Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Chapple Blues Lazy Days (Chester)
Charles Wilson Medievo cacciatore Take Flight, SOUNZ
Charles, John Five Little Pieces, any two of Stroll, First Fifteen,( SOUNZ edition, 1996)
Blues, Boogie
Chopin Mazurka Op 67 No 2 Alfred 635
Chopin Prelude in B min Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Claire Cowan Paper dragonfly Take Flight, SOUNZ
Clementi Sonatina Op 36 No 2, 3rd mvt Kjos, B & C, level 4
Clementi Sonatina Op 36 No 3, 1st or 3rd mvt Kjos, B & C, level 5
Clementi Sonatina in F Op 36 No 4, 1st mvt Kjos, B & C, level 6
Cornick Bossa Nova Easy Jazzy Piano Universal
Czerny Etude 1 Kjos, Etudes, level 6
Czerny Study in F, Op 139 No 38 or 40 Hello Mr Gillock! Carl Czerny; (Brietkpof & Härtel)
David Hamilton Clouds over Aoraki Take Flight, SOUNZ
Grade 4 — NZMEB PIANO SYLLABUS ed 16.11

Diabelli Largo Maestoso & Rondo Op 151 No 4

Diabelli Sonatina Op 151 No 1, 3rd mvt
Diabelli Sonatina Op 151 No 3, 1st mvt
Dussek Sonatina in G Op 20 No 1 complete More Sonatinas Allans 1176
Elaine Sharman Deep water Take Flight, SOUNZ
Farquhar, David Clouds Set 3 No 4 Black, White and Coloured, Waiteata Press (2003) Available at
Farquhar, David Steps Sixes for Piano 1997 (SouNZ)
Fischer Chaconne Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Gade Boys’ Merry Go Round Op 36 No 2 Easter Piano Pieces, No. 61 Associated Board
Gade Little Girls’ Dance Op 36 No 3 Easter Piano Pieces, No. 61 Associated Board
Gillian Bibby Grey warbler in the shadows Take Flight, SOUNZ
Gillian Whitehead Landscape with quail Take Flight, SOUNZ
Gillock Constant Bass New Orleans Jazz Style, Willis Music WM R000506
Gillock Mister Trumpet Man New Orleans Jazz Style, Willis Music WM R000506
Gillock The Juggler Hello Mr Gillock! Carl Czerny; (Brietkpof & Härtel)
Granados Poetic Valse No 5 Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8

Grade Four: continued from previous page

Granados The Evening Bell Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Grieg Elfin Dance Op 12 No 4 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 4; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Grieg Grandmother’s Minuet Op 68 No.2 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 5
Grieg National Song Op 12 No 8 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 4; Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Grieg Waltz in A min Op 12 No 2
Grieg Watchman’s Song Op 12 No 3 Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Griffiths, David Spider Six legs or more (Waiteata Press, 1992)
Handel Courante Kjos, B & C, level 5; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Handel Sonata in A Joy of Baroque
Handel Sonatina in B♭ 93 Short Classics, Most Popular Series No 7 Century Publishing
Harris, Ross No. 9 10 Easy pieces for piano (1997)
Haydn Allegro Scherzando Hob 111:75/4 Kjos, B & C, level 5
Haydn German Dance Classics to Modern Bk 4
Haydn Sonata Hob XV1/G1 1st mvt
Haydn Sonata in D Hob XVI/37 Finale Kjos, B & C, level 9; Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 4
Haydn Vivace in D Hob1:92/4 Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Heller Curious Story Op 138 No 9 Kjos, Etudes, level 5Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Heller Etude A min Op 47 No 3 Kjos, Etudes, level 6
Heller Study in A♭ Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 4
Hengeveld Cha-Cha-Cha Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Hook Andante Op 37 No 23 James Hook Album, Novello
Hook Andantino Op 81 No 7 James Hook Album, Novello
Jereon Speak Down Take Flight, SOUNZ
Kabalevsky Dance Op 27 No 27 Kjos, Etudes, level 6; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Kabalevsky Etude in A minor Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Kabalevsky Rondo Op 60 No 2 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 6
Kabalevsky Rondo Op 60 No 4 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 6
Kabalevsky Sonatina Op 27 No 18 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 4
Kabalevsky War Dance Op 27 No 19 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 5
Kirnberger Two Bourrées Kjos, B & C, level 5
Kuhlau Sonatina Op 55 No 3 1st or 2nd mvt Kjos, B & C, level 5
Kuhlau Sonatina in C, Op 20 No 1 1st mvt Kjos, B & C, level 6 Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Kullak Grandmother Tells a Ghost Story Op 81 Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
No 3
Lichner Sonatina Op 4 No 1 in C, 1st & 2nd or 2nd More Sonatinas Allans 1176
& 3rd mvts
Lichner Sonatina in F, Op 4 No 2, 1st mvt More Sonatinas Allans 1176
Lilburn, Douglas Prelude No. 1 & 2 or 3 & 4 Four Preludes, 1942-4 Occasional Pieces for Piano (Price
Milburn 1975)
Lutoslawski Gaik Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
MacDowell To a Wild Rose Kjos, R & 20thC, level 6
MacFarlane Carnival Piano Fun Book 2
MacFarlane Jelly Bean Jig Piano Fun Book 3
MacFarlane Radical Rag Piano Fun Book 3
MacFarlane Tarantula Tango Music My Way
Maykapar The Blacksmith Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Miller-Stott, For Kate Sheppard No 4 from Votes For Women
Milne, Elissa Clumsy Cowboy Pepperpot Jazz 1
Milne, Elissa Cool Bananas Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 4
Milne, Elissa Mischief Pepperpot Jazz 1
Milne, Elissa Moon on the Mountain Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 4
Milne, Elissa Tartan Pepperpot Jazz 1
Milne, Elissa Vendetta Pepperpot Jazz 1
Moy The Shepherd With a Pipe Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 4
Mozart No 1 Menuetto Viennese Sonatinas
Mozart No 5 Larghetto Viennese Sonatinas
Mozart No 6 Menuetto Viennese Sonatinas
Mozart Sonata in C, K545 1st mvt Kjos, B & C, level 6
Mussorgsky Une Larme Eight Various Pieces, Breitkopf & Hartel Ed No 8125
Mysliveček Divertimento No 1 in F Essential Keyboard Repertoire V8
Norton, C Hideaway Microstyles 1
Norton, C Rocking Turkey Microstyles 4
Norton, C Short and Sweet Microstyles 1
Norton, C Wombling Microjazz Collection 3; More Microjazz 2
Prokofiev Grasshoppers’ Procession No 7 Children’s Pieces Op 65
Purcell A Ground in Gamut Z.645

Grade Four: continued from previous page

Purcell Prelude Suite No 5 in C, Z.666
Rocherolle Court Jester 7 scenes, Kjos
Rocherolle Island Breeze Rainbows End, Kjos
Rollin Kitten ‘n Mousin
Ross Carey Bells Take Flight, SOUNZ
Scarlatti Sonata in A min K149, L93 Joy of Baroque
Scarlatti Sonata in C, K 95, L 358 Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 6
Schumann Sicilianish Op 68 No 11 Album for the Young; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Schumann The Happy Farmer Op 68 No 10 Album for the Young; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Seiber Foxtrot II Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Seiber Mazurka Easy Dances Bk 2 Schott
Shostakovich Gavotte No 2 Dances of the Dolls
Shostakovich Hurdy Gurdy No 6 Dances of the Dolls Boosey & Hawkes
Shostakovich Romance No 3 Dances of the Dolls Boosey & Hawkes
Shostakovich Russian Menuet Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Sibelius Valsette Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Smither, Michael Attack and Run Away 21 Piano Pieces, Waiteata 1983
Smither, Michael For Brass 21 Piano Pieces, Waiteata 1983
Sutermeister Erster Ferienmorgen Bergsommer, Schott
Tchaikovsky Mazurka Op 39 No 10 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 5
Tchaikovsky Reverie Op 39 No 21 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 7 Kjos, Tchaikovsky
Tchaikovsky Song of the Lark Op 39 No 22 Kjos, Tchaikovsky
Tchaikovsky The Witch Op 39 No 20 Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Telemann Courante, Suite in A Kjos, B & C, level 8
Telemann Fantasia in D Joy of Baroque
Vine Semplice Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 4
Wells, John Mist Over Waitemata Wells Ed., Auckland 1991

Supplementary list, September 2010

Broadway Television Movies, Alfred, Solo Book Complete Level 4 Martha Mier’s Favourite Solos Book 3
Any piece Autumn Nocturne
Catherine Rollin’s Favourite Solos Book 3 Golden Reflections
Dreams of the Heart Melissa’s melody
Great American Boogie Woogie Morning Has Broken
Memory Winter Starlight
Nashville Rag After Hours for Solo Piano Book 2, Wedgwood
Prelude in F Major The Man with the Crooked Stick
Song of Hope After Hours for Solo Piano Book 3, Wedgwood
Jazz menagerie Book 2, Catherine Rollin Wild Poppies
Kitten ‘n’ Mousin’ on the Keys Flinders Street
The best of Catherine Rollin Book 2 Jazzin’ About, Wedgwood
Forest Dawn Just passing by
Stars and Wind Jack in a Juke Box
Summer’s Nocturne Back to the Wall
Jazz, Rags & Blues Book 3, Martha Mier Wheels of Time
Railroad Street Blues Up-Grade! Piano Grades 4-5, Wedgwood
Taking It Easy Florrie
Waterfront Jazz Tequila Sunrise
Grade 4 — NZMEB PIANO SYLLABUS ed 16.11

Worriesome Blues Jay Walk

Jazz, Rags & Blues Book 4, Martha Mier Chasing Rainbows
Katy’s Dance The Striker
Mr Trumpet Man Diversion
Steam Boat Rag

3. Musicianship
4. Musical Knowledge

Grade 5
1. Scales
B♭ E♭ Major, harmonic minor, melodic minor. hands separate and together, legato and staccato, 4
B♭ E♭ Chordal progression I IV V I, between the hands, legato pedalled
B♭ E♭ Majors in 3rds; left hand on the keynote, right hand major third above, legato, 4 octaves
B♭ E♭ Major contrary, legato, 2 octaves.
B♭ E♭ Chromatic, hands separate and together, legato, 4 octaves
B♭ E♭ Arpeggios major and minor, hands separate and together, legato, 4 octaves.
C major Staccato double thirds, hands separate beginning on C and E, using second and fourth
fingers, ascending and descending, 2 octaves.
Chordal Progression - as per the following pattern
Tempo - ascending and descending minimum metronome speed 88, four notes per beat
Contrary motion, 66, four notes per beat
Arpeggios 66, four notes per beat
Staccato double thirds, 66, two notes per beat.
Touch - clear even legato

2. Pieces
Three pieces to be chosen by three different composers. Two pieces must be from the list below. One alternative “own choice” work may be
substituted and should be at a similar level to those already in the syllabus.

Albeniz Malaguena op 165 Espana

Arne Sonata No 7 in A 1st mvt Faber
Bach Courante in E, Fr Suite 6 Kjos B & C Level 10
Bach Invention No 5, 6, 8, 13, 14, or 15
Bach Scherzo in A min Partita No 3
Bailey Left Hand Drive Jazzin’ Around 5Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Bailey Time’s Up Jazzin’ Around 5Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Bartòk Clashing Sounds No 110 Mikrokosmos Vol 1V, Boosey and Hawkes
Bartòk Drunkard’s Song No 36 in For Children Book 1
Bartòk Harmonics No 102 Mikrokosmos Vol 1V, Boosey and Hawkes
Bartòk Village Joke No 130 Mikrokosmos Vol V, Boosey and Hawkes
Beethoven Leichte Sonate WoO51, 1st mvt
Beethoven Sonata in E Op 14 No 1, 2nd mvt
Beethoven Sonata in G Op 14 No 2, 2nd mvt
Beethoven Sonata in G Op 49 No 2, 1st or 2nd mvt Kjos, B & C, level 7
Beethoven Waltz in E♭ WoO 84 A Book of Dances, Easier Piano Pieces No 20 Associated Board
Benda Sonatina in C min Bohemian Piano Music Vol 1
Bennett Eight Maids a-milking No 2 Partridge Pie Bk 2, Novello
Bennett Nine drummers drumming No 3 Partridge Pie Bk 2, Novello
Britten Waltz No 2 5 Waltzes ( Faber)
Burgmüller Study Op 109 No 1, 3, 7 or 13 18 Characteristic Studies
Burgmüller The Storm Op 109 No 13 Kjos, Etudes, level 6
Burgmüller The Swallow Op 100 No 24 Kjos, Burgmüller
Chopin Mazurka in A min Op 67 No 4 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 6
Chopin Mazurka in A min Op 68 No 2
Chopin Mazurka in G min Op 67 No 2
Chopin Polonaise in G min Op Post Kjos, R & 20thC, level 6
Chopin Waltz in A min Op post Kjos, R & 20thC, level 6
Clementi Sonatina Op 36 No 5 Rondo
Clementi Sonatina in D Op 36 No 6 1st or 2nd mvt Kjos, B & C, level 6
Clementi Sonatina in F Op 36 No 4, 2nd & 3rd mvts Kjos, B & C, level 6
Concone Winter Wind Kjos, Etudes, level 6
Cornick Honeysuckle Rag 6 Easy Pieces for Solo Piano, Universal 30413
Cornick Ragtime Blues 6 Easy Pieces for Solo Piano, Universal 30413
Craig Utting Mad hair day Take Flight, SOUNZ
David Hamilton Kaimanawa wild horses Take Flight, SOUNZ
Debussy Le Petit Nègre Kjos, R & 20thC, level 5; Kjos, Debussy selected worksHal
Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Farquhar, David Barcarolle Off-Beat (1992)

Grade Five: continued from previous page

Farquhar, David Silver-grey: Moonlight Black, White and Coloured First Set (Waiteata Press) 2003
Farquhar, David Song No 4 Sixes for Piano (1997.)
Farquhar, David Story Off-Beat (1992)
Field Sehnsüchts-Walzer Op 51 John Field, Selected Piano Works, Carl Fischer 05051
Gade Elegy, Op 19 No 1 Aquarelles and Other Pieces, Easier Piano Pieces No 61
Associated Board
Gade Scherzo Op 19 No 2 Associated Board
Gillian Whitehead Outlines through rising mist Take Flight, SOUNZ
Gillock Bourbon Street Saturday Night New Orleans Jazz Style, Willis Music WM R000506
Gillock Canal Street Blues New Orleans Jazz Style, Willis Music WM R000506
Goedicke Miniature Op 8 No 10 Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Granados Escenas Poeticas No 3 Book 1 Dover
Granados Poetic Valse No 6 Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8Hal Leonard Getting to
Grade 5
Grieg Arietta Op 12 No 1 Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Grieg Waltz, op 38/7 Lyric Pieces
Handel Allegro from Sonata in C Kjos, B & C, level 6
Handel Allegro in G Suite No 14
Handel Allemande Suite No 7
Handel Gigue in G min Suite No 7
Haydn Sonata in C Hob XV1/7 1st mvt Kjos, Six Easy Haydn Sonatas GP 395
Haydn Sonata in C Hob XVI/10 1st mvt Kjos, B & C, level 6Kjos, Six Easy Haydn Sonatas GP 395
Haydn Sonata in C♯ min, Hob XVI/36, 3rd mvt
Haydn Sonata in D Hob XVI/4 Kjos, B & C, level 7Kjos, Six Easy Haydn Sonatas GP 395
Haydn Sonata in F Hob XV1/9 complete Kjos, Six Easy Haydn Sonatas GP 395
Haydn Sonata in G Hob XVI/8 complete Kjos, Six Easy Haydn Sonatas GP 395
Helen Caskie Let’s boogie Take Flight, SOUNZ
Heller Tarantella Op 47 No 6 Kjos, Etudes, level 6
Ibert A giddy girl No 4 Histoires
Jeroen Speak This old man, he played jazz Take Flight, SOUNZ
John Elmsly Very strange clocks Take Flight, SOUNZ
Kabalevsky Cavalry Gallop Op 27 No 29 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 5
Kabalevsky Theme & Variations Op 51 No 4
Khachaturian Cat on a Swing Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Khachaturian Etude (from Adventures of Ivan) Kjos, Etudes, level 6
Khachaturian Etude from Children’s Pieces Vol 1 Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Khachaturian Waltz Kjos, R & 20thC, level 6
Kodaly Il pluet dans la Ville Op 11 No 3 Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Kuhlau Sonatina A min Op 88 No 3, last mvt Kjos, B & C, level 8
Kuhlau Sonatina in C, Op 20 No 1, 2nd & 3rd mvt Kjos, B & C, level 6
Kullak The Ghost in the Chimney Op 81 No 10
Lees, Heath The Jack of Clubs The Winning Hand, Allans
Lilburn Andante and Poco Lento Occasional Pieces for Piano, Price Milburn (1975)
Liszt Consolation No 1. S172 Alfred 2416
Lutoslawski The Schoolmaster Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Lynch, Sandra Rush Hour Red Hill Publishing
MacFarlane Angeline Music My Way
MacFarlane Aussie Rag Piano Fun
MacFarlane Carousel Vamp Piano Fun
MacFarlane Dreaming Piano Fun Bk 1
Grade 5 — NZMEB PIANO SYLLABUS ed 16.11

MacFarlane Gemmas Dance Piano Fun Bk 1

MacFarlane Hit Parade Piano Fun Bk 3
MacFarlane Lemon Rind Rag Piano Fun Bk 3
MacFarlane Mad Mary Piano Fun Bk 3
MacFarlane Superkid Music My Way
MacFarlane True Love Music My Way
Mendelssohn Song Without Words Op 19 No 4
Mendelssohn Song Without Words Op 30 No 3 Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Mendelssohn Venetian Boat Song Op 19 No 6 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 7 Kjos, Mendelssohn
Miller-Stott, For Kate Edger and The White Ribboners Votes for Women
Miller-Stott, Petitions for Parliament and Jubilation Votes for Women
Milne, Elissa Bittersweet Pepperpot Jazz 1
Milne, Elissa Blackberry Jam Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Mozart Minuets I and II from Sonata in E flat, K

Grade Five: continued from previous page

Mozart Rondo K.15hh More Classics to Modern 4
Mozart Sonata in C K330 2nd mvt Kjos, B & C, level 10
Mozart Sonata in C K545 Rondo
Mozart Viennese Sonatina No 1, 1st mvt Kjos, B & C, level 5
Mozart Viennese Sonatina No 6, 1st mvt Allans Publishing
Norton, Christopher At Peace Connections for Piano 8 Frederick Harris Music Co
Norton, Christopher Celtic Lament Connections for Piano 8 Frederick Harris Music Co
Norton, Christopher Oriental Flower Microstyles 1
Pescetti Sonata in C min 3rd mvt Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Prokofiev Tarantella Op 65 No 4 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 6
Prokofiev Waltz Op 65 No 6
Purcell Ground in C min Z. D221
Purcell Prelude in G Suite Z 666 Chester
Rebikov Waltz in F♯ min Kjos, R & 20thC, level 5
Reger Fast Zu Keck Op 12 No 17 Short Romantic Pieces Book 4 Associated Board
Russell-Smith Girl on a Cat-Walk Jazzy Piano 2 for Young Players, Universal 19363
Russell-Smith Wistful Prelude Jazzy Piano 2 for Young Players, Universal 19363
Sands, Vivienne Wasp Strike 1 Stepping Up, Kale Print available SOUNZ
Scarlatti Capriccio in G K 63, L 84 Alfred 109
Scarlatti Sonata in A, K 322, L 483 Kjos, B & C, level 7
Scarlatti Sonata in D, K397, L 208
Scarlatti Sonata in F, K 85, L 166
Scarlatti Sonata in G, K 391, L 79 Kjos, B & C, level 6
Scarlatti Sonata in G, K455, L209
Schchedrin Thirds, No 5 Notebook for Young People, Universal
Schubert Scherzo No 1 in B♭ D 593 Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Schubert Waltz Sentimental Op 50 No 13 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 6
Schubert Waltz in B min D145.6 Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Schubert Waltz in B min Op 18 No 5 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 4
Schumann Einsame Blumen No 3 Waldszenen Op 82
Schumann Erinnerung Op 68 No 28 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 8
Schumann Fantasy Dance Op 124 No 5 Kjos, R & 20thC level 6
Schumann Jagdlied No 8 Waldszenen Op 82
Schumann Knecht Ruprecht Op 68 No 12 Album for the Young; Hal Leonard Getting to Gr 5
Schumann Kuriose Geschichte No 2 Kinderszenen Op 15
Schumann Von fremden Ländern und Menschen No 1 Kinderszenen Op 15
Schumann Waltz Op 124 No 4 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 6
Seiber Cakewalk Easy Dances Bk 2 Schott
Shostakovich Dance No 7 Dances of the Dolls Boosey & Hawkes
Shostakovich Lyrical Waltz No 1 Dances of the Dolls
Shostakovich Polka No 4 Dances of the Dolls
Tchaikovsky Valse Op 39 No 8 in E♭ Kjos, Tchaikovsky
Tcherepnin Bagatelle Op 5 No 6 Alfred 551
Telemann Fantasia No 6 in C min 1st mvt Telemann Fantasias Third Dozen Assoc. Bd
Telemann Fantasy in D min 1st mvt Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Vanhal Sonatina Op 2 No 1 Hal Leonard Getting to Grade 5
Vivienne Sands Cat chasing flax Take Flight, SOUNZ
Zipoli Gigue in G min Allans B8384

Supplementary list, September 2010

Catherine Rollin’s Favourite Solos Book 3 No regrets

Big City Blues Crazy Days
Night Dance Punchline
Martha Mier’s Favourite Solos Book 3 Aquarius
Festival Fanfare Summer Nights
Reflections of the heart Song without Words
Sunshine Jamboree After Hours for Solo Piano Book 3, Wedgwood
Jazz, Rags & Blues Book 4, Martha Mier Forgotten dreams
Birmingham Blues Hang-up
Grandview Boulevard Strut The friends
Last Chance Blues Sleep little baby
Tuxedo Jazz Up-Grade! Piano Grades 4-5, Wedgwood
After Hours for Solo Piano Book 2, Wedgwood Labyrinth
Dreamboat Film Piece
Grade 5 — NZMEB PIANO SYLLABUS ed 16.11

4. Musical Knowledge
3. Musicianship


Criteria Level 3 - Grade 6
Processes require a range of developing skills within a range of familiar contexts. These are applied using relevant theoretical knowledge,
interpretative skills, discretion and judgment within a range of known responses to familiar problems. Although activities are directed by the
teacher, learners have significant responsibility for the quantity and quality of output.

Examiners will use these criteria in assessing all level 3 entrants.

• Comfortable and well balanced seating position

• Appropriate hand and finger shape
• Technical facility, to allow:

• Accurate and prompt performance from memory of all technical work at the minimum tempo or faster
• Systematic fingering in technical work
• Independent articulation of the fingers
• Controlled co-ordination of the hands
• A well developed sense of pulse to allow accurate performance of rhythmic figures.
• Increased control of variations in tempo, tone and touch
• Increased control of variations in the tonal balance between the hands
• A developing sense of phrasing, style and ornamentation as appropriate to each musical period.
• Developing legato pedalling technique.

Grade 6
1. Scales
E♭ A♭ Major, Harmonic minor, Melodic minor,
E♭ A♭ hands separate and together, legato and staccato, 4 octaves
E♭ A♭ Chordal Progression: I IV IC V I, legato pedalled
E♭ A♭ Majors in 3rds, left hand on keynote, legato, 4 octaves
E♭ A♭ Major contrary, legato, 2 octaves
E♭ A♭ Chromatic, hands separate and together, legato and staccato, 4 octaves
E♭ A♭ Arpeggios major, minor, hands separate and together, legato. 4 octaves
E♭ A♭ Dominant sevenths & Diminished sevenths (on the note) hands separate and together, legato,
4 octaves
C major Staccato double sixths, hands separate beginning on E and C, using first and fifth fingers,
ascending and descending, 2 octaves.
Chordal Progression - as per the following pattern


Tempo - ascending and descending minimum metronome speed 92, four notes per beat
Contrary motion, and staccato 72, four notes per beat
Arpeggios 72, four notes per beat
Staccato Double Sixths 72, two notes per beat.
Touch - All similar motion scales to be played legato, either ascending and descending mezzo-forte, ascending and
descending piano, ascending and descending forte or with crescendo ascending and diminuendo
descending as requested by the examiner.
All contrary scales to be played legato, mezzo-forte.
All similar motion scales, major, both minors and chromatic to be played staccato, mezzo-forte.
All arpeggios to be played legato, ascending and descending mezzo-forte.

2. Pieces
Three pieces to be chosen by three different composers. Two pieces must be from the list below. One alternative “own choice” work may be
substituted and should be at a similar level to those already in the syllabus.

Albeniz Aragon No 6 Suite española Nr 1 Op 47 Allans 1018

Albeniz Sevilla No 3 Suite española Nr 1 Op 47 Allans 1018
Anthony Young Oystercatchers at Mangemangeroa Inlet Take Flight, SOUNZ
Arne Andante Sonata No 2 in E min Faber

Grade Six: continued from previous page

Arne Minuet in G, Sonata No 3 Faber
Bach Allemande in G, French Suite 5
Bach Allemande or Gigue in E, Fr Suite 6 Kjos B & C Level 10
Bach Gigue from French Suite No 3 in B minor
BWV 814
Bach Gigue in E♭, French Suite 4
Bach Sinfonia No 3, 4, 12, 14 or 15
Bartòk Grasshoppers’ Wedding Kjos, R & 20thC, level 5; Kjos Bartòk
Bartòk Merry Andrew No 139 Mikrokosmos Vol V Boosey & Hawkes
Bartòk Peasant Dance No 128 Mikrokosmos Vol V Boosey & Hawkes
Beethoven Six Variations on a Swiss Song Kjos, B & C, level 6
Beethoven Sonata in A♭ Op 26 Scherzo & Trio
Beethoven Sonata in B♭ Op 22 Min & Trio
Beethoven Sonata in D Op 10 No 3 Min & Trio
Beethoven Sonata in G min Op 49 No 1, 1st or 2nd Kjos, B & C, level 8
Beethoven Sonatina in F min Wo0 47 1st mvt
Bennett Eleven ladies dancing No 5 Partridge Pie Bk 2, Novello
Bennett Twelve lords a leaping No 6 Partridge Pie Bk 2, Novello
Berkeley Moderato Op 4 No 3 Five Short Pieces Chester
Berkeley No 4 Andante Five Short Pieces Chester
Bonsor Feelin’ Good Jazzy Piano 2 for Young Players, Universal
Bray, Jillian Gnats and Fireflies Insect Suite Sounz
Bray, Jillian Kapua Sounz
Burgmüller Study Op 109 No 5, 6, 10, 11, 14 or 15 18 Characteristic Studies
Chopin Mazurka Op 24 No 1 in G min
Chopin Mazurka in A min Op 7 No 2
Chopin Mazurka in C maj Op 67 No 3
Chopin Mazurka in F min Op 63 No 2
Chopin Waltz in B min Op 69 No 2 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 7
Cimarosa, D No 7 from Sonatas, Bk I Broeckmans & Van Poppel
Craig Utting The Final Chapter Take Flight, SOUNZ
Crowe, Peter Tuis and Wetas Easy Piano Pieces (SOUNZ)
Daquin The Cuckoo Kjos, B & C, level 8
Debussy Album Leaf L.133 Essential Keyboard Repertoire Vol 8
Debussy Jimbo’s Lullaby No 2 Childrens Corner, Selected works; Kjos
Debussy The little shepherd No 5 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 7, or Children’s Corner Suite
Dussek La Matinée Rondo Bohemian Piano Music Bk 1, Universal
Dussek Sonatina in E♭ Op 20 No 6 1st mvt Six Sonatinas Easier Piano Pieces No 12 Associated Board
Field Nocturne No 13 in D min
Freed, Dorothy ed. Prelude Rondo 1973 Available SOUNZ
Gade Capriccio from Album leaves Aquarelles and Other Pieces, Easier Piano Pieces No 61
Associated Board
Gade Humoreske Op 19 No 4 Aquarelles and Other Pieces, Easier Piano Pieces No 61
Associated Board
Galuppi Sonata in D, Op 1 No 4, 1st mvt
Gillian Bibby Diablo dances with a demented cuckoo Take Flight, SOUNZ
Gillian Bibby Flight of Bells Take Flight, SOUNZ
Gillian Bibby Jack jigs with the ghost of Gershwin Take Flight, SOUNZ
Grade 6 — NZMEB PIANO SYLLABUS ed 16.11

Gillian Whitehead Hoar frost with fire siren Take Flight, SOUNZ
Gillock Bill Bailey New Orleans Jazz Styles, Willis Music (WM R000506)
Gillock Downtown Beat New Orleans Jazz Styles, Willis Music (WM R000506)
Gillock New Orleans Blues New Orleans Jazz Styles, Willis Music (WM R000506)
Grieg Puck Op 71 No 3 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 6
Grovlez Berceuse de la poupée, No 2 L’Almanach aux images
Grovlez Petites litanies de Jésus No 8 L’Almanach aux images
Handel Allemande, Suite 8 in F min Handel, Suites for harpsichord Bk 1, ed Kite (Stainer & Bell)
Handel Courante, Suite in E min
Handel Gigue, Suite 10 in D min
Haydn Sonata in C Hob XVI/35 1st or 2nd mvt Kjos, B & C, level 8
Haydn Sonata in D XVII/D1 complete
Haydn Sonata in G Hob XVI/27 Finale
Heller Etude Op 46 No 1 Kjos, Etudes, level 7
Heller The Storm Op 46 No 18 Kjos, Etudes, level 7
Hindemith Dance Das Neue Klavierbuch (vol 2) Schott
Ibert La cage de cristal No 8 Histoires,

Grade Six: continued from previous page

Ibert La marchande d’eau fraîche No 9 Histoires,
Jenny McLeod Mysterious whirly square dance Take Flight, SOUNZ
Jereon Speak Silent (and relaxing) night Take Flight, SOUNZ
Kabalevsky Etude in F Op 27 No 24 Kjos, Etudes, level 6
Kabalevsky Sonatina Op 13 No 1, 2nd mvt Kjos, R & 20thC, level 7
Kabalevsky Variations Op 40 No 1 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 8
Kenneth Young Homage to Chopin Take Flight, SOUNZ
Kenneth Young Homage to Ravel Take Flight, SOUNZ
Khachaturian Two Quarrelling Aunts Volume 2 Album for Children
Kuhlau Sonatina in F Op 20 No 3 1st mvt Kjos, B & C, level 7
Lees, Heath The Ace of Spades The Winning Hand, Allans Publishing
Lilburn, Douglas Nos. 1, 2, & 3 Nine Short Pieces for Piano (Albert Edition)
Lilburn, Douglas Three Sea Changes No 1 Waiteata Press 1996
Liszt Frühling S480/2 Alfred 2416
Liszt Ländler in A♭ S211 Alfred 2416
Lynch, Sandra Sunrise Red Hill Publishing
Mac Dowell Romance Op 39 No 3 Kjos, Etudes, level 7
Mac Dowell Tarantella Op 39 No 2 Kjos, Etudes, level 7
MacFarlane Boogey Babe Piano Fun Bk 3
MacFarlane Cheering up the Blues Piano Fun Bk 3
MacFarlane Melissa’s Magical Melody Music My Way
MacFarlane Piano on Fire Piano Fun Bk 1
MacFarlane Three Blind Mice Piano Fun Bk 3
Martinů Das schüchterne Püppchen Early 20thC Barenreiter 6555
Mendelssohn Song without Words Op 19 No 2
Mendelssohn Song without Words in E♭ Op 53 No 2
Mendelssohn Venetian Boat Song Op 30 No 6 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 8
Mompou Cris Dans la Rue Scènes des enfants; Salabert
Mozart Sonata in E♭ K282 Finale
Mozart Sonata in F K280 Presto
Mozart Sonata in G K283 Andante
Mozart Variations K180
Nielsen The Top Op 11 No 2 Humorous Bagatelles Op 11 Easier Piano Pieces No 32
Associated Board
Norton, Christopher Cause for Rejoicing Connections for Piano 8, Frederick Harris Music Co
Norton, Christopher Country Sentimental Connections for Piano 8, Frederick Harris Music Co
Norton, Christopher Hot Day Connections for Piano 8, Frederick Harris Music Co
Norton, Christopher Last September Connections for Piano 8, Frederick Harris Music Co
Norton, Christopher Mambo Queen Connections for Piano 8, Frederick Harris Music Co
Norton, Christopher Top of the Class Connections for Piano 8, Frederick Harris Music Co
Poulenc Carillon No 7 Suite Française, Allans
Poulenc Nocturne No 4
Prokofiev Attrape qui peut Op 65 No 9 Music For Children Op 65
Purcell Prelude and Almand in A min Z.663
Rebikov Valse Melancolique Op 2 No 3 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 7
Reger Burletta Op 44 No 2 Ed. Breitkopf 8342
Reger Moment Musical Op 44 No 5
Reger Reigen Op 36 No 4 Ed. Breitkopf 8342
Salmon, Christopher Fantaisie à... Christopher Salmon, 2002
Sands, Vivienne Out of Petrol on the Motorway Stepping Up, Kale Print available SOUNZ
Sands, Vivienne Wasp Strike 2 Stepping Up, Kale Print available SOUNZ
Scarlatti Sonata Pastoral in D min K 9, L 413 Scarlatti Sonatas ed. C. Kite Bk 1 Stainer & Bell
Scarlatti Sonata in D min, K 64, L 58 Kjos, B & C, level 8, Kjos Scarlatti
Scarlatti Sonata in D, K 512, L 339 Scarlatti Sonatas Series 1, Dover
Scarlatti Sonata in E, K 380, L 23 Kjos, B & C, level 10, Kjos
Scarlatti Sonata in F min, K 481, L 187 Alfred 109
Scarlatti Sonata in G, K 2, L 388 Alfred 109
Schubert Scherzo No 2 in D♭ D 593
Schumann Eintritt No 1 Waldscenen Op 82
Schumann Glückes genug No 5 Kinderszenen Op 15
Schumann Hasche-Mann No 3 Kinderszenen Op 15
Schumann Träumerei No 7 Kinderszenen Op 15
Schumann Wichtige Begebenheit No 6 Kinderszenen Op 15
Scriabin Prelude No 2, 4, or 6 24 Preludes Op 11
Shostakovich Prelude No 14 24 Preludes Op 34 Boosey & Hawkes
Shostakovich Prelude No 7, Op 34
Tchaikovsky Chanson Triste Op 40 No 2

Grade Six: continued from previous page

Tcherepnin Bagatelle Op 5 No 9 Alfred 551
Telemann Allemande or Gigue, Suite in A Kjos, B & C, level 8
Telemann Fantasia No 1 in D, 1stMvt Telemann Fantasias First Dozen Assoc Bd
Voříšek Rondo Mignon Op 18/2 Bohemian Piano Music Bk 2, Universal

Supplementary list, September 2010

Jazz, Rags & Blues Book 4, Martha Mier
Good Time Rag
Jackson Street Blues
After Hours for Solo Piano Book 2, Wedgwood
Key West
Living in the fast lane
After Hours for Solo Piano Book 3, Wedgwood
Sliding doors
Strange Encounter
Message in a Bottle
Table for 2
After Hours

3. Musicianship
4. Musical Knowledge

Grade 6 — NZMEB PIANO SYLLABUS ed 16.11

Teaching Tip
Tone is controlled by the amount
of energy used to play the keys.
The more energy used the louder
the sound.


Level 4 - Grades 7, 8 and Performers Certificate
Processes require a wide range of technical skills involving a considerable choice of procedures in a variety of familiar and un-familiar contexts.
The learning demands a broad knowledge base incorporating some theoretical concepts and analytical interpretation of information. The
learning demand requires informed judgment within a range of innovative responses to concrete but often unfamiliar problems. Learners have
complete responsibility for the quantity and quality of output under broad guidance and evaluation from their teacher.

Examiners will use these criteria in assessing all level 4 entrants.

In addition to those criteria at level 1, 2, & 3 the entrants will demonstrate:

• Accurate and fluent performance throughout

• Rhythmic stability and vitality
• A full exploration of the dynamic range of the instrument.
• A confident projection of the style and character of chosen works
• Sensitivity to subtleties of nuance, rubato and ornamentation
• A reliable pedal technique, showing a well developed aural awareness.

Grade 7
1. Scales
F♯ C♯ Major, harmonic minor, melodic minor. hands separate and together legato and staccato, 4
F♯ C♯ Chordal progression I IIb Ic V I legato pedalled
F♯ C♯ Majors in 3rds, left hand on keynote, legato, 4 octaves
F♯ C♯ Major contrary, legato, 2 octaves
F♯ C♯ Chromatic, hands separate and together, legato and staccato, 4 octaves
F♯ C♯ Arpeggios, major & minor, legato, hands separate and together, 4 octaves
F♯ C♯ Dominant sevenths, diminished sevenths (on the note), legato, hands separate and together, 4
Double octaves in one major key of own choice, separate and together, staccato, 2 octaves.
Chordal Progression - as per the following pattern
Tempo - Similar motion scales ascending and descending, minimum metronome speed 100, four notes per beat
Contrary motion and staccato 80, four notes per beat
Arpeggios 80, four notes per beat
Staccato double octaves 100, two notes per beat.
Touch - All similar motion scales to be played legato, either ascending and descending mezzo-forte, ascending and
descending piano, ascending and descending forte or with crescendo ascending and diminuendo
descending as requested by the examiner.
All contrary scales to be played legato, mezzo-forte.
All similar motion scales, major, both minors and chromatic to be played staccato, mezzo-forte.
All arpeggios to be played legato, ascending and descending mezzo-forte.

2. Pieces
Three pieces to be chosen by three different composers. Two pieces must be from the list below. One alternative “own choice” work may be
substituted and should be at a similar level to those already in the syllabus.

Albeniz Tango, Op 165 No 2 Espana

Arne Allegro from Sonata No 1 in F Faber
Bach Corrente Partita No 5 BWV 829
Bach Little Fugue No 1 in C maj, BWV 952 Kjos, Little Fugues and Little Preludes with Fugues GP 405
Bach Little Fugue No 2 in C maj, BWV 953 Kjos, Little Fugues and Little Preludes with Fugues GP 405
Bach Little Fugue No 3 in G maj, BWV 957
Bach Little Prelude & Fugue in A min BWV Kjos, Little Fugues and Little Preludes with Fugues GP 405

Grade Seven: continued from previous page

Bach Little Prelude & Fugue in D min BWV Kjos, Little Fugues and Little Preludes with Fugues GP 405
Bach Little Prelude & Fugue in E min BWV Kjos, Little Fugues and Little Preludes with Fugues GP 405
Bach Partita No 1 Praeludium & Allemande,
BWV 825
Bach Partita No 5 Praeludium, BWV 829
Bach Prelude & Fugue, No 15 The Well Tempered Clavier Book 2
Bach Prelude & Fugue, No 21 The Well Tempered Clavier Book 1
Bach Prelude & Fugue, No 5 The Well Tempered Clavier Book 1
Bach Prelude & Fugue, No 7 The Well Tempered Clavier Book 2
Bartòk Bagatelle Op 6 No 2 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 8
Bartòk Sonatina 1st or 3rd mvt Kjos, R & 20thC, level 7
Beethoven Rondo in C Op 51 No 1 Kjos Beethoven
Beethoven Six Bagatelles Op 126, Nos 3 & 4 or 5 & 6
Beethoven Six Variations on a theme by Paisiello Henle
Wo0 70
Beethoven Sonata in B♭ Op 22 Adagio
Beethoven Sonata in C Op 2 No 3 Scherzo & Trio
Beethoven Sonata in C min Op 13 3rd mvt
Beethoven Variations in G WoO 77 Kjos, Beethoven
Berkeley Allegro Moderato Op 4 No 2 Five Short Pieces Chester 02233
Body, Jack Lachrymae Sarajevo - Waiteata Press 1996
Bonsor Dreamy Jazzy Piano 2 for Young Players, Universal 19363
Bonsor Willy Wagglestick’s Walkabout Jazzy Piano 2 for Young Players, Universal 19363
Brahms Intermezzo in A min Op 76 No 7
Bray, Jillian Spiders and Bugs Insect Suite; Sounz
Burgmüller Study Op 109 No 16, 17, or 18 18 Characteristic Studies
Chopin Mazurka Op 7 No 1 in B♭
Chopin Mazurka in G♯ min Op 33 No 1 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 7
Chopin Nocturne in E♭ Op 9 No 2
Chopin Nocturne in F min Op 55 No 1 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 10
Chopin Nocturne in G min Op 15 No 3
Chopin Waltz in A min Op 34 No 2
Chopin Waltz in A♭ Op 69 No 1 Kjos, R & 20thC Level 8
Cimarosa No 10, Sonata in B flat from Sonatas, Bk I Broeckmans & Van Poppel
Clementi Sonata in F♯ min Op 25 No 5, 1st mvt Henle
Clementi Sonata in F♯ min Op 26 No 2, 1st mvt Schirmer
Crowe, Peter Tuis, Wetas, Magpies and Whitebait Easy Piano Pieces
Debussy Arabesque No 1 Kjos, Debussy
Debussy Dr Gradus ad Parnassum No 1 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 8; Children’s Corner Suite
Debussy Golliwog’s Cake-Walk No 6 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 8; Children’s Corner Suite
Debussy La fille aux cheveux de lin No 8 Préludes Bk 1; Kjos, R & 20thC, level 9; Essential Keyboard
Repertoire Vol 8
Debussy Minstrels No 12 Préludes Bk 1
Elmsly, John A Birthday Prelude and Quiet Dreams Five Miniatures for Solo Piano
Farquhar, David Chopin Set 2 No 3 Black, White and Coloured, Waiteata press 2003, (available
Farquhar, David Homage to G.G. Set 1 No 5 Black, White and Coloured, Waiteata press 2003, (available
Grade 7 — NZMEB PIANO SYLLABUS ed 16.11

Farquhar, David Mahler & Schubert Set 3 No 5 Black, White and Coloured, Waiteata press 2003, (available
Farquhar, David Mahler & Schubert, any one. Black, White and Coloured, Waiteata press 2003, (available
Field Nocturne No 10 in E min
Field Nocturne No 9 in E♭
Field Nocturne in B♭ No 5
Gade Arabesque Op 27 No 3 Aquarelles and Other Pieces, Easier Piano Pieces No 61
Associated Board
Gillian Whitehead River talk Take Flight, SOUNZ
Granados Spanish Dance No 1, 2 or 5 Dover
Grieg Butterfly Op 43 No 1 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 8
Grieg Nocturne Op 54 No 4 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 9
Grieg Scherzo Op 54 No 5
Grovlez Chanson de L’escarpolette No 7 L’Almanach aux Images
Grovlez Les marionettes No 1 L’Almanach aux Images
Handel Allemande Suite No 4 in E min

Grade Seven: continued from previous page

Handel Gigue, Suite No 14 in G
Handel Presto, Suite No 3 in D min
Haydn Fantasy in C, Hob XV11/4
Haydn Six Little Variations Hob XVII/5
Haydn Sonata in C Hob XVI/48 1st or 2nd mvt
Haydn Sonata in D Hob XVI/19 1st mvt
Haydn Sonata in D Hob XVI/37 1st mvt Kjos, B & C, level 9
Haydn Sonata in G Hob XV1/27 1st & 2nd mvt
Heller Sprites & Mermaids Op 45 No 21 Universal
Ibert Le petit ane blanc No 2 Histoires
Jenny McLeod Loss Take Flight, SOUNZ
Kabalevsky Prelude Op 38 No 2 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 9
Kabalevsky Sonatina Op 13 No 1, 1st or 3rd mvt Kjos, R & 20thC, level 7
Khachaturian Sonatina 1st mvt Kjos, R & 20thC, level 8
Lilburn, Douglas Sonatina No 1, 2nd mvt Price Milburn (1973/89) available SOUNZ
Lilburn, Douglas Sonatina No 2, 1962, 1st mvt Price Milburn (1973/89)
Liszt Etude in D min Op 1 No 4 Kjos, Etudes, level 9
Liszt Mazurka S384 Alfred 2416
Mendelssohn Song Without Words Op 102 No 4
Mendelssohn Tarantella Op 102 No 3 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 7
Mompou Jeux Sur la Plage & Jeu 2 Scenes d’enfant (Salabert)
Mozart Adagio in B min K540
Mozart Fantasy in D min K397 Kjos, B & C, level 9
Mozart Rondo in D K485 Kjos, B & C, level 9
Mozart Six Variations on an Allegretto K54
Mozart Sonata in C K330 1st mvt
Mozart Sonata in F K280 1st mvt
Mozart Sonata in F K332 1st mvt
Mozart Sonata in G K283 1st mvt
Mussorgsky Méditation Feuillet d’album Ed Breitkopf 8125
Nock, Mike Serenity from Four Pieces for NZMEB Available from National Administrator
Norton, Christopher Hot Breakfast, Grand March, Veiled in Connections for Piano 8, Frederick Harris Music Co
Norton, Christopher In Spain Connections for Piano 8, Frederick Harris Music Co
Paradisi Toccata, Sonata in A Kjos, B & C, level 9
Poulenc Waltz Kjos, R & 20thC, level 9
Prokofiev No 16 and 17 Visions Fugitives
Purcell Suite in A min Z663 Complete
Pärt Sonatina Op 1 No 1, 2nd mvt Two Sonatinas for Piano Op 1, Universal
Reger Humoresque No 1 Five Humoresques Op 20 Universal 1173
Reger Romanze, Blätter und Blüten No 10 Breitkopf 8342
Scarlatti Sonata in C, K 159, L 104 Kjos, Scarlatti
Scarlatti Sonata in D min, K 141, L 422 Kjos, B & C, level 10, Kjos Scarlatti
Scarlatti Sonata in D, K 430, L 463 Kjos, B & C, level 9
Scarlatti Sonata in D, K 478 , L 12 Scarlatti, Series 1 Dover
Schchedrin Let’s Play an Opera by Rossini Notebook for Young People, Universal
Schubert Moments musicaux D 780 No 3
Schumann Herberge No 6 Waldszenen Op 82
Schumann No’s 1 to 5 inclusive Papillons Op 2
Schumann Vogel als Prophet No 7 Waldszenen Op 82
Schumann Warum Op 12 No 3
Schumann, Clara Larghetto Op 15 No 1 Alfred No 1200
Shostakovich Prelude No 4, 15 or 19, Op 34
Susan Beresford Fantail Take Flight, SOUNZ
Tchaikovsky Gentle Reproaches Op 72 No 3 18 Piano Pieces
Tchaikovsky March or April Die Jahreszeiten Op 37b
Tcherepnin Bagatelle Op 5 No 1, 2 or 3 Alfred 551
Tremain, Ronald Bagatell No 2 Two Bagatelles from First Fifteen, 1949 SOUNZ
Tremain, Ronald Bagatelle No 1 Two Bagatelles from First Fifteen, 1949 SOUNZ
Voříšek Sonata Quasi una Fantasia Op 20 1st mvt
Whitehead, Gillian Lullaby for Matthew SOUNZ

Supplementary list, September 2010

After Hours for Solo Piano Book 3, Wedgwood
Cunning Mr Fox
Black and White Rag, Atwell

Alligator Crawl, Waller

Basin Street Blues, Williams

3. Musicianship
4. Musical Knowledge

Grade 7 — NZMEB PIANO SYLLABUS ed 16.11


Grade 8
1. Scales
Choose one key group: Major, harmonic minor, melodic minor and chromatic, hands separate and together, legato
and staccato, 4 octaves
1. D B E♭ Major contrary, legato, 2 octaves
2. C♯ A♭ F Majors in 3rds , legato and staccato, 4 octaves
3. G F♯ B♭ Double octaves - one major key, own choice from group, hands separate and together,
staccato, 2 octaves
Arpeggios, hands separate and together, legato, 4 octaves
Dominant sevenths, diminished sevenths (on the note), legato, hands separate and together,
4 octaves.
Tempo - ascending and descending minimum metronome speed 108, four notes per beat
Contrary motion and staccato 84, four notes per beat
Staccato double octaves 84, four notes per beat
Arpeggios 84, four notes per beat
Touch - All similar motion scales to be played legato, either ascending and descending mezzo-forte, ascending and
descending piano, ascending and descending forte or with crescendo ascending and diminuendo
descending as requested by the examiner.
All contrary scales to be played legato, mezzo-forte.
All similar motion scales, major, both minors and chromatic to be played staccato, mezzo-forte.
All arpeggios to be played legato, ascending and descending mezzo-forte.

2. Pieces
Three pieces to be chosen by three different composers. Two pieces must be from the list below. One alternative “own choice” work may be
substituted and should be at a similar level to those already in the syllabus.

Albeniz, I Cordòba No 4 Cantos de España Op 232

Albeniz, I Seguidillas No 7 Cantos de España Op 232
Bach Capriccio from Partita No 2, C min
Bach Fantasia in D min BWV 903
Bach Italian Concerto 1st or 3rd mvt
Bach Prelude & Fugue, No 12 F min The Well Tempered Clavier Book 2
Bach Prelude & Fugue, No 6, 9, 10, 11, 15, or The Well Tempered Clavier Book 1
Bartòk Dance No 1 in Bulgarian Rhythm Mikrokosmos Vol 6 Boosey & Hawkes
Bartòk Dance No 4 in Bulgarian Rhythm Mikrokosmos Vol 6 Boosey & Hawkes
Bartòk From the Diary of a Fly No 142 Mikrokosmos Vol 6 Boosey & Hawkes
Bartòk No 148 Mikrokosmos Vol 6 Boosey & Hawkes
Bartòk No 151 Mikrokosmos Vol 6 Boosey & Hawkes
Bartòk Suite Op 14 No 1
Beethoven Sonata in A♭ Op 26, 1st or last mvt
Beethoven Sonata in C♯ min Op 27 No 2, 2nd & 3rd
Beethoven Sonata in D Op 10 No 3, 1st or last mvt
Beethoven Sonata in D Op 28, 1st or 2nd mvt
Beethoven Sonata in E Op 14 No 1, 1st mvt
Beethoven Sonata in F Op 10 No 2, 1st or 3rd mvt
Berkeley Impromptu No 1
Berkeley Polka Chester 02221
Body, Jack Silver Threads Among the Gold Adventures: New Zealand Music for the New Millenium,
IRMTNZ Ed (2000)
Brahms Intermezzo Op 116 No 4 in E
Brahms Intermezzo Op 116 No 6 in E
Brahms Intermezzo Op 76 No 4 in B♭
Carr, Edwin All’ Inglese Ten Concert Studies for Piano, Massey University Press 1996
Chopin Nocturne in B Op 32 No 1
Chopin Nocturne in C min Op Post Kjos, R & 20thC, level 7
Chopin Polonaise in C♯ minor Op 26 No 1
Chopin Waltz in C♯ min Op 64 No 2
Chopin Waltz in D♭ Op 64 No 1 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 9
Chopin Waltz in F min Op 70 No 2
Clementi Sonata Op 13 No 6 (complete) Henle
Clementi Sonata Op 7 No 3 (complete) Henle
Copland The Cat and the Mouse Kjos, R & 20thC level 10
Debussy Arabesque No 2
Debussy La cathédral engloutie No 10 Préludes Bk 1;
Debussy La plus que lente

Grade Eight: continued from previous page

Doorly, Gerald Doraldina Waltz SOUNZ
Farquhar, David Marimba Dance Black White & Coloured 2ndset Waiteata Press (2003)
Field Nocturne No 1 in E♭,
Field Nocturne No 15 in C
Gershwin Prelude No 1 Three Preludes Boosey & Hawkes
Granados Jota ‘Rondlla Aragonesa’ No 6, Danza Española
Granados Spanish Dance No 12
Grieg March of the Dwarfs Op 54 No 3 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 8
Handel Air and Variations, Suite 5 in E maj
Handel Prelude & Allegro Suite No 3 HWV428 D
Handel Sonata in A min Kjos, B&C, level 9
Handel Suite HWV433, No 8 in F min Prelude & Barenreiter
Allegro (Fugue)
Handel Suite No 4 in E min, Allegro (Fugue)
Haydn Sonata in A HobXVI/26 1st mvt
Haydn Sonata in D Hob XVI/24 1st mvt
Haydn Sonata in D Hob XVI/42 1st mvt
Haydn Sonata in E Hob XVI/22 1st mvt
Haydn Sonata in E♭ Hob XVI/38 1st mvt
Haydn Sonata in G Hob XVI/40 1st mvt
Haydn Variations in E♭ Hob XVI1/3
Hindemith Interludium and Fuga No 3, 6 or 12 Ludis Tonalis Schott
Ibert Bajo la Mesa No 7 Histoires
Ireland Month’s Mind, Ragamuffin
Ireland The Towing-Path
Jadin Sonata in E♭ Op 3 No 1 1st mvt Mersich & Kiess
Khachaturian Dance in G min
Khachaturian Sonatina in C 3rd mvt Kjos, R & 20thC, level 8
Lilburn, Douglas No’s 4, 6 & 9 Nine Short Pieces Waiteata Press
Lilburn, Douglas Sonatina No 1, 1st or 3rd mvts Price Milburn (1973/89) (available SOUNZ)
Liszt Consolation D♭ Kjos, R & 20thC, level 9
Mendelssohn Duetto Op 38 No 6
Mendelssohn Hunting Song Op 19 No 3 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 9
Mendelssohn Prelude & Fugue Op 35 No 2 in D
Mendelssohn Scherzo in E min Op 16 No 2 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 10, Kjos Mendelssohn
Mompou Jeu No 3 Scenes d’enfant, Salabert
Mompou Jeunes Filles Au Jardin Scenes d’enfant, Salabert
Mozart Fantasia in C min K396
Mozart Fantasia in C min K475
Mozart Rondo in A min K511
Mozart Sonata in A K331 1st mvt
Mozart Sonata in C K309 1st mvt
Mozart Sonata in D K284 1st or last mvt
Nock, Mike Green Cycle Available from National Administrator
Nock, Mike Red Descending from Four Pieces for Available from National Administrator
Norton, Christopher Cuban Romance Connections for Piano 8, Frederick Harris Music Co
Norton, Christopher Perpetuo, Jane’s Song, Too Sad for Words Connections for Piano 8, Frederick Harris Music Co
Poulenc Any one of Trois Novellettes
Grade 8 — NZMEB PIANO SYLLABUS ed 16.11

Poulenc Nocturne No 1 in C
Prokofiev Légend Op 12 No 6 Boosey & Hawkes
Prokofiev Scherzo Humoristique Op 12 No 9 Boosey & Hawkes
Purcell Suite in G Z662 complete
Rachmaninoff Polichinelle Op 3 No 4 Schott
Rachmaninoff Prelude Op 32 No 11
Ravel Sonatine 2nd mvt
Ritchie, Anthony Birds & a Steam Train in the Catlins First Fifteen (SOUNZ)
Sands, Vivienne Spirits of the Kaimanawas Stepping Up, Kale Print available SOUNZ
Scarlatti Sonata in G min (Cat Fugue) K 30 (L 499)
Scarlatti Two Sonatas in A, K208, 209 (L 238, 428) Alfred No 29
Schubert Impromptu in A♭ Op 142 No 2 Kjos, R & 20thC, level 9
Schubert Moment Musicaux Op 94, No. 2 or 4
Schubert Sonata in E D459 1st mvt
Schubert Sonata in G D894 1st mvt
Schumann Abschied Op 82 No 9 Waldszenen
Schumann Intermezzo Op 26 No 4

Grade Eight: continued from previous page

Schumann Romance in F♯ Op 28 No 2
Schumann, C Mazurka Op 6 No 3 Alfred No 1200
Schumann, C Prelude & Fugue in B♭ Op 16 No 2 Alfred No 1200
Schumann, C Romance Op 5 No 3 Alfred No 1200
Schönberg Nos 1, 2 and 3 or 4, 5 and 6 6 Kleine Klavierstücke, Op 19 Universal
Scriabin Any one of Preludes No 9, 11, 13 or 15 Preludes Op 11
Sculthorpe Snow, Moon and Flowers Night Pieces, Faber
Shostakovich Fantastic Dance No 1
Shostakovich Prelude No 5, 18, or24 24 Preludes Op 34
Tchaikovsky June Die Jahreszeiten Op 37b
Tremain, Ronald Invention No 3 (1961-2) Waiteata Press 1996
Williamson Theatres Five Preludes Weinberger

Supplementary list, September 2010

Dixie Boogie, Atwell
Maple Leaf Rag, Joplin
Rustle of Spring, Sinding

3. Musicianship
4. Musical Knowledge

Performance Certificate
Entrants will submit their programme for approval with their entry

1. Pieces
The entrant will select a programme of pieces with a playing time of between twenty-five and thirty-five minutes. The programme must show
a variety of styles and be of sufficient technical/musical challenges to fulfill the criteria for Level Four.

2. Musical Knowledge
As for Level Four

Piano examination list pieces available in Kjos Books as per NZMEB grade
Kjos Baroque and Classical Kjos Etudes
P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Prep X Prep X
L1 X X X L1 X X
L2 X X L2 X
Kjos Book Level

Kjos Book Level

L3 X X X L3 X
L4 X X X X L4 X X X
L5 X X L5 X X
L6 X X X L6 X X X
L7 X X L7 X
L8 X X X L8
L9 X X X L9 X
L10 X X X L10
Kjos Romantic and 20th Century
P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Prep X
L1 X X
L2 X X X
Kjos Book Level

L3 X X X
L4 X X X X
L5 X X X X
L6 X X X X
L7 X X X X X

Piano examination list pieces available in Kjos Books as per NZMEB grade — NZMEB PIANO SYLLABUSES
L8 X X X X
L9 X X X
L10 X X

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