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What is your reaction to the ideas about learning styles presented in this


I found learning about the different learning styles insightful in that I never

considered my own learning style in much depth until now. Becoming aware of my

learning style which seems to be abstract experiencer/reflective observer = Assimilating

Style (Kiser, 2017) which likes to work with ideas. I agree that this style describes me

because this type of learner is said to like to analyze their experiences, make

observations, and conceptualize them and come up with abstract conclusions with value

placed on logic, and precision of ideas rather than practical application (Kiser, 2017).

This perhaps explains why I can never put two and two together until way later. I am

getting better at practical application however.

In working with Integrative Processing Model (IPM), which steps in the process

are most natural and comfortable for you?

Gathering data from concrete experience comes natural for me in that I like to

reflect on my experiences to better my understanding of a process. I can relate this to

my driving experience as I can always remember how to get to a destination after

having driven there once. The steps that I find to be the most difficult are examining

dissonance in that once there is an incidence of discontent I need to assess the

situation in order to correct response. I have to be aware of my personal views and not

allow them to guide my decisions if they conflict with what I should do. My learning style

is connected to the steps in the IPM in that I usually gather information before I make

decisions. Using the IPM on a daily basis may cause me to gain greater cognitive
flexibility in that I will allow for the ideas of others and for the views of others to be


The IPM involves students in thinking about their experiences in both abstract

and concrete ways. What parallels do you see between the steps of the IPM and

the steps in KOLB’s Experimental Learning Cycle? How are the two similar to

each other and different from each other?

The IPM and Kolb’s Experimental Learning Cycle parallel each other in that they

both provide a model that can be used to help you with some structure for reflexing and

critical thinking. Kolb’s experimental learning style helps us understand our thinking

process while the IPM allows us to use our learning style along with other ways of

thinking in order to maximize our potential learning from our experiences.

In what other areas of your life might the IPM provide a useful framework for

thinking through your experiences?

IPM can be used in the future to assist me in understanding and learning from

my experiences in all walks of life whether it be my family life or my professional life in

that it can help me think things through before I make decisions.

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