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Alex Li
6730 North Palmerston Drive – Mentor, OH - 44060
Seeking part-time job in the summer
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
B.S. Computer Science Engineering, Expected Graduation: May, 2021
B.S. Theoretical Mathematics, Expected Graduation: May, 2021 (Taking Honors courses)
Overall GPA (4.00 scale): 4.00; Major GPA: 4.00
Credit Hours Completed: 90
Software Experience:
- Strong knowledge of Java and Python.
- Introductory experience with MATLAB, Solidworks, HTML, CSS
- Can use LaTeX, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.
- Mastered Programming Techniques include Amortized Analysis, Dynamic Programming, Memoization,
Recursion, Graph Theory, Greedy Algorithms, Bit Manipulation, and Object-Oriented Programming.
- In-depth knowledge of Algebra, Calculus, Formal Proof Writing, and Number Theory.
- Programming Contests – Create short programs under time constraints to solve difficult problems. Took 2nd in
AMC-ICPC contest for Ohio State out of >20 teams, qualifying for the regional contest. Leadership position in
Ohio State ACM student chapter (March 2015 – Present)
- Green Engineering Scholar – Ohio State Honors program that incorporates community service and both teaches
and encourages Green Engineering principles. (August 2017 - Present)
- Code 4 Community – Create websites for humanitarian causes (October 2017 – Present)
- Design Develop Deploy – Create projects and present them at end of semester. (Jan 2018 –April 2018)
- Epee Fencing – Got onto OSU varsity fencing team (1st or 2nd best in nation) (Summer 2012 - October 2017)
Research (April, 2018 – Present)
- Implement “FastKernelRegression”, a kernel-based machine learning algorithm that improves the convergence
speed of stochastic gradient descent by creating a RHKS where the input has smaller eigenvalues.
- Publish algorithm in the sklearn machine learning library
- Study kernel algorithms to approaching machine learning and learn to code production-quality code in python
Ohio State Software 1 TA and Grader (January, 2018 – April, 2018)
- Work 5-8 hours per week while maintaining full course load
- Help confused students learn material, write clear, working code, and fix bugs.
- Grade student projects and homework assignments.
- Tremo – Using the phone accelerometer to collect data and a fourier transform to process signal, quantify tremor
for in Parkinson’s, Essential Tremor, etc. App won 2 major categories in Brain Heath Hackathon and was
presented in 2018 Brain Health Performance Summit. Created LLC with others.
- AI Hackathon – Created an algorithm that guessed if a given tweet was written by Trump using Native Bayes

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