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1. Diagram below shows reactions involving solid S.

When heated, solid S decomposes

to solid T, brown gas U and colourless gas W. Gas U relights glowing wooden splinter.

+ Colourless gas W
White solid S Solid T + Brown gas U +

+ HNO3 acid

Colourless solution X

White precipitate White precipitate

soluble in excess NaOH soluble in excess NH3

a) Identify solid S, solid T, gas U and gas W. [4m]

b) Write the chemical equation for the heating of solid S. [2m]

c) Briefly describe a test to verify the anion in white solid S. [3m]

d) State one observation when solid S decomposes into solid T. [1m]

e) Describe a chemical test to verify the identity of gas W. [2m]

2. Diagram below shows the reaction scheme of zinc carbonate.

CuCO3 + HCl X + Gas Y + Colourless liquid W

Heating Crystallization

X + Gas Y Salt Z

Zinc carbonate react with nitric acid to produce salt X, gas Y and colourless liquid W
which has a pH value of 7. Gas Y turns lime water chalky.

a) Based on the diagram, identify salt X, gas Y, colourless liquid W and

substance Z. [4m]

b) Describe briefly chemical tests to verify the cation and anion substance Z. [5m]

c) State one observation when CuCO3 is heated to form X and gas Y. [1m]

d) If hydrochloric acid is replaced with sulphuric acid, substance P, gas Y and

colourless liquid W are formed.
(i) Name the substance P. [1m]
(ii) State one observation in this reaction. [1m]
(iii) Describe a chemical test to verify the anion in substance P. [3m]
3. Diagram below shows the reaction between oxide metal T which is white in colour with
sulphuric acid to form colourless salt solution W. Element T is located in group 13 in
the Periodic Table. Oxide metal T is an amphoteric oxide.
Salt solution W reacts with barium nitrate solution to form salt solution X and insoluble
salt, solid Y.
Oxide Metal T Salt solution W + Water

+ Ba(NO3)2

Salt solution X + Solid Y

a) Based on the diagram, identify oxide metal T, salt W, salt X and solid Y. [4m]

b) (i) State one observation when salt solution W reacts with barium nitrate
Solution. [1m]

(ii) Name the type of reaction occurred. [1m]

(iii) Write an ionic equation for the formation of solid Y. [1m]

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