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Rafael Bertelli

Professor Nakra

History 1700

30 May 2018

Beginning of Semester Reflection

What are your thoughts about History 1700/American Civilization?

At this point in the semester, I am really enjoying this class. I had assumed that sitting for a 2-
hour class would have me feeling uneasy, but the lectures have been very informative, and
enlightening. My understanding of American history is basic and being able to learn about the
how’s and why’s of specific moments in history has been intriguing. I also appreciate the images
that have been provided in this course, as it helps me retain information better.

Why did you select History 1700 over any other American institutions course?

What attracted me to this course specifically was that it covers Pre-Columbian societies. This
course was also the only available in the American Institutions category that went back far
enough to give me a better understanding of America’s beginning.

What do you expect to learn in this course?

I don’t have any specific expectations; however, I am interested in learning about the cause and
effects as a result of pivotal moments in history. Personally, I believe that understanding the
events that led up to a major outcome is always beneficial – this expectation has been met.

What are some of your favorite topics in American History and why?

The race to space and getting to the moon, for sure. Growing up I watched a lot of World War II
documentaries, so that has always been an interest of mine as well. Being an immigrant, I am
thankful for what America has to offer – I am however, very interested in learning about
American scandals; specifically, ones involving the CIA and foreign countries.

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