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II. DATE OF EXPERIMENT : Monday, May 14th 2018
To know the characteristics of aluminium and its compound.

A. Aluminium

Aluminum (in the form of bauxite) is a mineral derived from acid magma that
undergoes residual weathering and sedimentation process. The residual deposition
process itself is a process of mineral mineral concentration in place. Understanding
aluminum in general is a lightweight metal, not corrosive, very strong, especially if made
aliation. (Basset, 1994)
The chemistry of aluminum is greatly determined by the large charge and the
small radius of the Al3+ ion, which is a large charge density. (Tim Anorganik, 2018)
Aluminum is symbolized by Al, Aluminum is present in class III A metal,
chemical element with atomic number 13 and atomic mass 26, 9815. Generally the metal
of Group III A tends less reactive and less metal than group IA and II A. Bisa compared
with some amphoteric or amphiprotic properties and the formation of covalent
compounds. Group III A can also be called a post-transition metal because it exists after
the ranks of transitional elements. Among the metals III A, aluminum is one of the most
important metals found in the earth's crust. The aluminum ore used for the production of
aluminum is bauxite. This ore contains aluminum oxide hydrates, Al2O3.H2O and
Al2O3.H2O as well as iron oxide, silicon, titanium, a little clay and silicate. The level of
aluminum oxide (alumina) can reach 35-60%. Aluminum properties :

1. Aluminum is a silver-white metal.

2. Aluminum can be formed in accordance with the desire because it has a fairly
high plasticity properties.
3. It is the most abundant metallic element in the earth's crust after after silisium and
oxygen. (Wilknson, 1989)
Aluminum is a very popular silvery and metal metal that has many useful uses
and properties. No other metal has as many uses as aluminum. Aluminum has recyclable
properties, this metal is enough to meet all our daily needs. Aluminum is used in homes,
in construction, in some parts of the car and also in most modes of transport. It is quite
surprising to see that there is so much metal use. (Sugiyarto, 2000)
Aluminum alloys with copper are less resistant to corrosion due to galvanic
reaction with copper alloys. Aluminum is also a good heat and electrical conductor.
When compared to its mass, aluminum has advantages over copper, which is currently a
good conductor of heat and electricity, but quite heavy. Because of these properties,
aluminum is used to make light and energy-efficient vehicles and for cable
manufacturing, airplane frames, automobiles and household appliances products. The
compound can be used as medicine, water purifier, photography as well as herb paint,
dye, emery and synthetic gem. Similarly, aluminum is widely used in modern buildings
from window frames to the framework of office space. Aluminum is the most abundant
metal element in the earth's crust. (Cotton, 1989)
Aluminum is a silvery-white metal with a low density. Has a density of 2.7 gr
cm-3. The properties of aluminum include:

1. Lightweight, corrosion resistant and non-toxic then widely used for household
appliance such as pot, wok and others.
2. Reflective, in the form of aluminum foil used as food wrappers, drugs, and
3. Electrical conductivity is twice as big as Cu then Al is used as electrical pole
4. Al alloys with other metals produce strong metals such as Duralium (mixtures of
Al, Cu, mg) for the manufacture of peswat bodies.
5. Al as a reducing agent for MnO2 and Cr2O3 oxides.

Aluminum is a very abundant metal in nature. Nevertheless, iron can still be

more widely used than aluminum, because the cost of making aluminum is too high.
Aluminum is present as silicate, clay, shale, slate, etc. In bauxite, Al2O3.2H2O, cryolite,
Na3AlF6; alunit or / alum ston, KaI(SO4).2Al(OH)3 etc. (Ahmad, 1997)
B. Some Aluminium Compounds
1. Aluminium oxide (Al2O3)

Aluminum oxide with hydrochloric acid produces a good reaction, but with
unreacted nitric acid due to strong Al-O bonds. Al2O3 aluminum oxide formation is also
large, 399 kcal. Therefore aluminum can be used to reduce other metal oxides. Iron (III )
oxide can be reduced by aluminum by releasing many heat:

2Al(p) + 3/2 O2(g) → Al2O3 + 399 kkal

Fe2O3(p) → 2 Fe(p) + 3/2 O2(g) - 197 kkal


2Al (p)+ Fe2O3 → 2 Fe (p) + Al2O3(g) + 202 kkal

The heat is liberated enough to melt the reactions, iron and aluminum oxide. This
reaction can generate temperatures up to 3000oC.Reactive reaction is used to weld iron
and bomb fuel. Because of the stability of aluminum oxide, this metal can be used to
reduce the oxide - Other metals oxide, for example magnesium oxide and manganoxide.
Reduction with carbon or hydrogen produces metals mixed with carbides and hydrides.
hence, sometimes aluminum is used to reduce.

2. Aluminium Chloride (AlCl3)

In the formula of AlCl3 orbital 3s and 3p of Al Hybridized atom. Three of these

hybrid orbitals are filled with electron pairs (each one electron from three chlorine atoms
and three of the Al atoms), the fourth empty orbitals, therefore these compounds can be
Lewis acids.

In the Al2Cl6 dimer Al atom in the AlCl3 unit obtains an octet by wearing a pair
of electrons donated by Cl atoms from other AlCl3 units.

Al2Cl6 can dissociate into AlCl3.

AlCl6 ↔ 2 AlCl3
Aluminum chloride in water will be hydrolyzed according to the reaction:

Al3+(aq) + 3 H2O(l) ↔ Al(OH)3(s) + 3H+ (aq)

3. Aluminium Sulphate (Al2(SO4)3)

Aluminum sulfate is used in the paper and paperboard industries. Other uses are
as liquid processing and drinking water purification. Aqueous solutions containing the
same molar amounts of Al2(SO4)3 and K2SO4 crystallize as potassium aluminum sulfate
with the formula KAl(SO4)2.12 H2O. This salt is known as alum.

4. Aluminium Hidride (AlH3)

Aluminum hydride or AlH3 is as Lewis acid

AlH3 + H+ → AlH4+

One of the most important and widely used agents of agent reduction is LiAlH4.
This compound in water will be hydrolyzed according to the reaction:

AlH4+ + 4H2O → Al(OH)3 + 4H2 + OH-

Aluminum salt solutions such as AlCl3 or Al2(SO4)3 are acidic due to hydrolysis:

Al3+ + H2O → AlOH2+ + H+

In addition to alkali, a white precipitate will be formed:

Al3+ +
3OH- → Al(OH)3


Al(H2O)63+ +
3OH- → Al(OH)3(H2O)3 + 3H2O

The addition of a sulphide or carbonate salt also provides a precipitate of Al

Al(OH)3 because the solution of the salts is alkaline. The Al(OH)3 content will dissolve
by the addition of an excess base or the addition of acids due to the amphoteric nature.
Added bases:

Al(OH)3(p) + OH- ↔ Al(OH)4-


Al(OH)3(H2O)3(p) + OH- ↔ Al(OH)4(H2O)- + H2O

Added acids :

Al(OH)3(p) + 3H+ ↔ Al3+ + 3H2O

Al(OH)3(H2O)3(p) + 3H+ ↔ Al(H2O)63+

Aluminum hydroxide is widely used as a mordant, the binder of dye on the fabric.

(Wilkinson, 1989)

C. The reactions of aluminum

1. Reaactions between Al33+ ion in water

When the aluminum salt is dissolved into water, the Al3+ ion undergoes hydroxy.

Al3+ + H2  [Al(H2O)6]3+

hexa aquao aluminium (III) ion / (Al3+(aq))

Because the ion density is so large, it can attract electrons in the OH- bond from
nearby water, so water is a proton donor.

[ Al(H2O)6)]3+ + H2O  [Al(H2O)5(OH)2+] + H3O

Therefore, Al3+ salt solution is acidic, acetic acids. If a stronger base of water such
as S2- and CO22- is added to the aluminum solution, the H+ ion is released [ Al(H2O)6)]3+

[Al(H2O)6]3+ + 3 S-  [Al(H2O)3(OH)3] + 2 H2S

A similar reaction occurs when a strong base such as NaOH (aq) is added to an Al
salt solution.
[Al(H2O)6]3+ + 3OH- (aq)  [Al(H2O)3(OH)3] + (H2O)3

With NaOH (aq) excess precipitate will dissolve.

[Al(H2O)3(OH)3] (s) + OH-  [Al(H2O)3(OH)3] + H2O

Although not correct, the reaction between the aluminum ion with NaOH (aq), the
baisa is written as follows:

Al3+(aq) + 3OH-(aq)  Al(OH)3(s)

Al(OH)3(s) + OH-(aq)  Al(OH)4-(aq)

Aluminum hydroxide as well as aluminum oxide is amphoter, dissolves in the

base membenttuk aluminat and in acid form Aluminum salt.According to the price of its
electrode potential (-1.66 V) can be predicted that aluminum is more reactive than zinc
and this metal readily reacts with oxygen, in dilute acids and liberating hydrogen.
Although not visible premises obviously, aluminum reacts with oxygen. However, any
new aluminum surface is immediately coated by very thin aluminum oxide. The only 104
m thick oxide layer is very hard, stable and non-porous, protecting aluminum from
reaction with oxygen to prevent further oxide.

 Reaction with air

Aluminum does not react with dry air, but with moist air will form a thin layer of
oxide on the surface. Burning with oxygen produces a glow.

4 Al(s) + 3O2(g)  2Al2O3

 Reaction with water

Pure aluminum reacts with pure water, but can not be corroded if water contains
salt. With boiling water, aluminum decomposes by liberating hydrogen.

2Al (s) + 6H2O(l)  2 Al(OH)3 + 3 H2(g)

 Reaction with alkali

Aluminum dissolves soda (NaOH) by liberating hydrogen gas and forming
aluminate of solution.
2 Al(s) + 2 NaOH(aq) + 2 H2O(l)  2 Na[Al(OH)4](aq) + 3H2(g)

 Reaction with acid

Aluminum dissolves in concentrated HCl and H2SO4 by releasing hydrogen.

2Al(s) + 6 HCl(aq)  2 AlCl3 (aq)+ 3H2 (g)

2 Al(s) + 6 H2SO4(aq)  Al2(SO4)3(aq)+3SO2(g) +6H2O(l)

 Reaction with halogen

The fine aluminum powder can bind to the halogen when it is passed on it.
2 Al(s) + 3 Cl2(g)  2 AlCl3

 Aluminum ions in solution

Two factors to consider for assessing the solubility of aluminum compounds in
water are the small size and high charge of Al3 + ions and the high energy of hydration (-
4613 kJ / mol). If Al3+ joins a small, high-loaded anion, the high lattice energy generated
in the solid causes the compound to be water-soluble. For example Al2O3. AlCl3 , AlBr3,
AlI3, have covalent properties. The compounds are very soluble in water. Aluminum is
tervalent in its compounds. The aluminum ions form colorless salts with colorless anions.
Halides, nitrates, and sulfates are soluble in water. This solution shows an acid reaction
due to hydrolysis
 Aluminum and Hydrogen Chloride

HgCl2 + Al2O3 2 AlCl3 + 3HgO

HgCl2 can effectively clean the surface layer of aluminum foil, because it can
release oxide from aluminum in accordance with the above reaction.

(Sugiyarto, 2000)

Equipment :

 Porcelain cup 1 piece

 Test tube 7 pieces
 Pippete 5 pieces
 Funnel 1 piece


 NaOH 0,1 M
 NaOH 1 M
 HgCl2 0,1 M
 HCl 0,1 M
 (NH4)2S
 Na2CO3 0,1M
 Al2(SO4)3 0,1 M
 Al metal
 Litmus paper
 Cotton
 Filter paper

1. A small pieces of aluminium

- Dip a few minutes into test

tube that filled 1 mL NaOH
1 M untl appear gas
- Washed with water
- Rub with cotton that has
been soaked by HgCl2
solution 0,1 M
- Let it some minutes until
- Observe that change on



- Sliced until small pieces

- Put into each test tube

- Put into test tube - Put into test tube - Put into test tube
that filled 1 mL that filled 1 mL that filled 1 mL
NaOH 0,1 M Na2CO3 0,1 M HCl 0,1 M

Result Result Result

3. Al2(SO4)3 solution

- Put into test tube

- Tested with litmus paper
- observed

4. 1 mL Al2(SO4)3 solution 0,1 M

- Put into test tube

- Added NaOH 0,1 M drop by drop until formed
precipitate (calculated the drop)
- Added NaOH 0,1 M drop by drop until precipitate
dissapear ( calculated the drop)
- Added HCl0,1 M drop by drop until doesn’t formed
precipitate (calculated the drop)


5. 1 mL Al2(SO4)3 solution 0,1 M

- Added 3 drops of (NH4)2S

- filtered

Residue Filtrate

- Added NaOH 0,1 M until

precipitate soluble
(calculated the drops)


No. Procedure Observation Result Hypothesis / Reaction Conclusion

1. Before: - 2Al (s) + 2NaOH Aluminium can
Aluminium = gray metal (aq) + 6H2O(l) → react with base
NaOH = colorless solution 2Na[Al(OH)4] (aq) + solution and HgCl2
HgCl2 = colorless solution 3 H2 (g via amalgam
After: reaction to
- Aluminium is dipped in Amalgam reaction produces amalgam
NaOH 1M produces bubbles - 2Al (s) + 3HgCl2 (aq) compound which is
gas, H2 and colorless solution + 6H2O(l) → HgAl
- Washed with distilled water 2Al(OH)3 (s) + 6HCl
= aluminium gray metal (aq) + 3Hg (s)
- Rubbed with HgCl2 = the - Hg (s) + Al (s) →
surface become black HgAl (s)
because aluminium react
with Hg via produces
amalgam compound
2. Before: Test tube 1 Aluminium can
Aluminium = silver plate 2Al (s) + 2NaOH (aq) + react with acid,
NaOH = colorless solution 6H2O (l) → base, and slt
HCl = colorless solution 2Na[Al(OH)4] (aq) + because it’s
Na2CO3 = colorless solution 3H2 (g) amphoter.
After: The solubility of
Test tube 1 Test tube 2 aluminium in
Aluminium metal react with 4Al (s) + Na2CO3 (aq) + NaOH > Na2CO3 >
NaOH produces bubbles gas, 7H2O (l) → HCl
H2 (+++) 2Na[Al(OH)4] (aq) +
Test tube 2 3CO2 (g) + 6H+ (aq)
Aluminium metal react with
Na2CO3 produces bubbles gas, Test tube 3
H2 (++) 2Al (s) + 6HCl (aq) →
Test tube 3 2AlCl3 (aq) + 3H2 (g)
Aluminium metal react with
HCl produces bubbles gas, H2
3. Before: Al2(SO4)3 is an acid Al2(SO4)3 is an acid
Al2(SO4)3 = colorless solution solution because it can solution because it
Litmus paper = blue change the color of can change the
After: litmus paper from blue color of litmus
Al2(SO4)3 is checked use blue into red paper from blue
litmus paper = the color of into red
litmus paper changes from blue
into red
4. Before: - Al2(SO4)3 (aq) + Aluminium is
Al2(SO4)3 = colorless solution 6NaOH (aq) → amphoter because it
NaOH = colorless solution 2Al(OH)3 (s) + can react with acid
HCl = colorless solution 3Na2SO4 (aq) and base solution
After: Al(OH)3 (s) + NaOH
- Al2(SO4)3 is reacted with (aq) → Na[Al(OH)4]
NaOH = white precipitate. (aq)
The amount of NaOH = 25 - Na[Al(OH)4] (aq) +
drops HCl (aq) → NaCl (aq)
- Added excess NaOH = + Al(OH)3 (s) + H2O
precipitate dissolve (l)
The amount of NaOH = 70 Al(OH)3 (s) + HCl (aq)
drops → AlCl3 (aq) + 3H2O
- Added HCl = white (l)
The amount of HCl = 60
- Added excess HCl =
precipitate dissolve
The amount of HCl = 40
5. Before: - Al2(SO4)3 (aq) + Aluminium is
Al2(SO4)3 = colorless solution 3(NH4)2S (aq) → amphoter because it
NaOH = colorless solution Al(OH)3 (s) + 3H2 (g) can react with
(NH4)2S = yellow solution + 3(NH4)2S (aq) alkaline compound
After: - Al(OH)3 (s) + NaOH
- Al2(SO4)3 is added 3 drops (aq) → Na[Al(OH)4]
of (NH4)2S = white (aq)
precipitate, H2 gas, and
colorless solution
- Filtered:
Filtrate: colorless solution
Residue: white precipitate
- Added 5 drops of NaOH =
precipitate is partial
- Added 30 drops of NaOH =
precipitate dissolve

Aluminum is the third most abundant element in the Earth's crust. Commonly
used in households, in handicrafts such as dyeing and pottery, and also in construction to
make alloys. Aluminum can react with oxygen to produce ionic compounds, and can
react with halides, acids and bases.
In the experiments of Aluminum and its compounds we can see the reaction
between aluminum compounds with acids and bases, and can compare the properties of
acidity and alkalinity of aluminum with magnesium. In this experiment, praktikan can
see the difference between aluminum and magnesium metal although both lies in the
same period that is the third period. Here's an explanation of the experiments that have
been done. From experiments that have been done and have been obtained from the
observations, then the data analysis in this experiment is as follows:

Experiment 1
This first experiment aims to determine the properties of aluminum by adding
reagents such as NaOH and HgCl2. In this experiment, the first step is to take a small
piece of aluminum plate that is gray size ± (0.5 x 0.5 cm) inserted in a test tube
containing 2 mL of 1 M NaOH then a gas bubble will appear on the plate the. The
incidence of gas bubbles and turbid solutions indicates the presence of H2 gas.
In theory, if the aluminum metal is reacted with an alkali hydroxide, a tetra
hydrososoaluminate (complex) solution and hydrogen gas will be formed. Aluminum can
form complex compounds ie sodium tetrahydroxoaluminate which is colorless clear.
Aluminum is tervalent in its compounds. The aluminum ions form colorless salts with
colorless anions. Conditions for forming complex compounds are:
1. Small atomic size, 2. The load is large, 3. The existence of empty orbital at
low energy to form bonds. Aluminum has one of the requirements to form complex
compound ie Aluminum ion has a large payload that is +3. The Al3+ ion has a tensile
force against the electrons that tend to be large so that when other elements donate one or
more electrons to bind to the aluminum ion, the electrons are easy to bind by the
aluminum ions because the aluminum ions have a less stable configuration. Thus, the
Al3+ ion capable of attracting electrons from other elements causes aluminum which
belongs to the main group to form complex compounds.

In accordance with our experimental results, which does not form precipitate when the
aluminum plate is added NaOH which signifies the formation of a tetra
hydrocalsoaluminate complex. In addition to this experiment gas bubbles bubble up over
the aluminum plate that indicates the formation of H2 gas as mentioned in theory. The
reaction of the aluminum plate with 2M NaOH solution is shown as follows:
Al(s) + 2NaOH(aq) + 6H2O(aq) → 2Na[Al(OH)4](aq) + 3H2(g)
This shows that the aluminum metal is reactive.
Aluminum is tervalent in its compounds. Aluminum ions (Al3+), forming colorless
salts with colorless anions.
The reactivity of the aluminum metal is also shown in the subsequent treatment, ie
when the aluminum metal is rubbed with cotton wetted with HgCl2 solution,
The next step is to take the aluminum plate inside the test tube and then washed
with water to neutralize the remaining NaOH that is still attached to the aluminum plate.
The washing function by using water is that the remains of NaOH are completely lost.
Next prepare a little cotton that had been soaked in a solution of 0.1 M HgCl 2. The cotton
is then rubbed on the aluminum plate that had been washed with water. Theoretically
there will be amalgam of aluminum and dissolved aluminum ions like the following
reaction equation:
Al(s) + HgCl2(aq) → AlCl3(aq) + Hg(s)

HgCl2 serves as an oxidizing agent in this experiment. The equation of the reaction
is as follows:

Al3+(aq)+ O2(g) → Al2O3(s)

The remaining mercury [Al(s) + HgCl2(aq) → AlCl3(aq) + Hg(s) ] will form a

number of amalgam with aluminum to be reoxidized, a large quantity of aluminum will
be so corrosive that it becomes brittle. Here's a picture of aluminum after silenced in the
air is open some time.
After that step, the aluminum plate is left to dry, the aluminum plate is white but not
shiny because the layer has been peeled off by HgCl2.
When the aluminum metal is rubbed with cotton wetted with HgCl2 solution, the
aluminum is blistered and there is ash on its surface and heat flares. This can be explained
when a clean aluminum metal is rubbed with cotton wetted with HgCl2 solution, an
aluminum amalgam and dissolved aluminum ions are formed:
3Hg22+ + 2Al  2Al3+ + 6Hg↓
The amalgam-soluble aluminum is oxidized by oxygen from the air, and forming a
large volume of aluminum oxide precipitate. The remaining mercury will reshape some
amalgam with aluminum, which will be oxidized again and a large amount of aluminum will
be corroded..

Experiment 2

In experiment II, the same size Aluminum plate as in experiment I was inserted on
three tubes. The experiment was also to identify the properties of aluminum metal reactivity
and the ability of dissolved aluminum when reacted with strong acids, strong bases and
alkaline salts.

This experiment was carried out by preparing 3 small aluminum plates and then each
inserted into successive test tubes containing 2Ml strong base solution (NaOH 0.1M), basic
salt (Na2CO3), and strong acid (HCl). Based on the theory, the aluminum plate will form a
complex compound of tetrahydrosoaluminate and hydrogen gas when reacted with an alkali
hydroxide. This is in accordance with our experimental results, where gas bubbles (++) are
detected as hydrogen gas (H2). The formation of the precipitate indicates that the
hydrosoaluminate complex (Al(OH)4]- is formed in the form of a colorless solution. The
reaction of aluminum with NaOH is shown as follows:
Al(s) + 2NaOH(aq) + 6H2O(aq) → 2Na[Al(OH)4](aq) + 3H2(g)

The presence of H2 gas is characterized by the incidence of bubbles when the

aluminum plate is inserted in tube I. The resulting solution is very cloudy, but when
compared to experiment I, the solution in experiment I is more turbid because the
concentration of NaOH used in experiments I is more concentrated.
The second step is to react the aluminum plate with Na2CO3 base salt. Theoretically,
CO2 and acid (H+) are generated from the decomposition of Na2CO3 solution. This is in
accordance with our experimental results, where gas bubbles (+) above the known aluminum
plate are produced CO2 gas. The formation of the precipitate indicates that the
hydrosoaluminate complex (Al(OH)4]- is formed in the form of a colorless solution. Because
it is reacted with an alkaline salt, to neutralize the charge an acid is produced. The reaction
of aluminum with an alkaline salt is shown as follows:

2Al(s) + Na2CO3(aq) + 7H2O(l) → 2Na[Al(OH)4](aq) + CO2(g) + 6H+(aq)

The aluminum plate inserted in tube II containing 2mL of Na2CO3 heat solution
yields the following reaction:
- first aluminum reacts in water to form precipitate and H + ions:
Al3+ + 3H2O  Al(OH)3 ↓ + 3H+
- then the resulting H + ion reacts with Na2CO3:
Na2CO3 + 2H+  2Na+ + CO2 ↑ + H2O
the formation of CO2 gas is characterized by gas bubbles and a bit of cloudy solution.
- the precipitate dissolves in reagent (Na2CO3) excess,
Al(OH)3 ↓ + Na2CO3 + H2O  Na[Al(OH)4] + H2CO3
so the solution remains cloudy with no precipitate.
The third step is to react the aluminum plate with a strong acid, HCl. In theory,
hydrochloric acid reacted with aluminum will not dissolve aluminum. This is in
accordance with our experimental results, where no gas bubbles are produced. The
absence of the precipitates signifies that Al3 + and Cl- or AlCl3 compounds form in
colorless solutions.
From 3 steps of the experiment, it can be seen that aluminum is reactive to base,
alkaline salt but does not react with acid. Kereaktifan Tb 1> Tb 2> Tb 3 this is in
accordance with the theory.

Experiment 3

The next experiment is to test the nature of aluminum compound, ie Al2(SO4)3

solution which is given litmus paper. The observations show that blue litmus paper turns
red in this solution. This shows that Al2(SO4)3 solution is acidic.

The steps taken in this experiment were to insert a solution of Al2(SO4)3 3 0.1 M
(colorless) into the test tube, then added aquades and tested with red litmus paper. The
results obtained when the red litmus paper test does not change color. This is because
Al2(SO4)3 is acidic salt because it is formed from weak base and strong acid that is weak
base Al(OH)3 and strong acid H2SO4. And it can be concluded that litmus paper test results
showed alum solution of Al(OH)3 is acidic. The reaction that occurred in this experiment

Al2(SO4)3(aq)+ 6H2O(l) → 2Al(OH)3(s)+ 3H2SO4(aq)

Experiment 4

In experiment 4 it was aimed to test the amphoteric properties of ammonium

hydroxide solution. In theory Aluminum hydroxide is an amphoteric substance which can
carry out neutralization reaction either with acid or with base (more precisely, both with
hydrogen ion and hydroxyl ion.This step is done by reacting with NaOH and HCl. 1 mL
Al2(SO4)3 solution 0,1 M is added to the reaction tube and then added 0.1 M NaOH
dropwise until the precipitate and solution becomes cloudy and precipitate at the time of
the NaOH droplet 25. The reaction is:
Al2(SO4)3(aq) + NaOH(aq)  Na2SO4(aq) + Al(OH)3(s)
After formation of Al(OH)3 precipitate, the solution continues to drop with NaOH
dropwise until the soluble re-sludge, at the 70th droplet Al(OH)3 3 dissolves again. This
indicates that the precipitate formed has dissolved again. This reaction is an alternating
reaction so that when a very alkaline solution or an excess base solution is added, the
precipitated hydroxide can be dissolved again. This precipitate dissolves because the
compound of Na[Al(OH)4] complexes is clear and colorless. The reaction is:
Al(OH)3(s)+ NaOH(aq) Na[Al(OH)4](aq)
In this reaction aluminum hydroxide is acidic so it can react with the basic solution ie
NaOH. The subsequent Na[Al(OH)4] solution is added with HCl 1 M dropwise until re-
formed. The solution becomes turbid and there is sediment after the 60 HCl droplets. This
precipitate is a precipitated Al (OH) 3 precipitate as the addition of HCl causes the solution
to be precisely saturated. The reaction is:
Na[Al(OH)4](aq) + HCl(aq)  Al(OH)3(s) + NaCl(aq) + H2O(l)
After the precipitate is formed, the HCl solution is added dropwise until the deposit
is dissolved again. The solution becomes clear and the sediment dissolves on the 20th HCl
droplets. The sediment dissolves and forms the AlCl3 compound. The reactions that occur
Al2(SO4)3 + NaOH + HCl the 40th droplet is clear again
Al(OH)3(s)+ HCl(aq)  AlCl3(aq) + H2O(l)
In this reaction aluminum hydroxide is as base so it can react with acidic solution ie

Experiment 5

In experiment 5, 1 mL of solution 𝐴𝑙2 (𝑆𝑂4 )3 was added with a bit (NH4)2S

according to the reaction:
2𝐴𝑙2 (𝑆𝑂4 )3 + 3(𝑁𝐻4 )2 𝑆 + 𝐻2 𝑂 → 2𝐴𝑙 𝑂𝐻 3 ↓ +3𝐻2 𝑆 + 6(𝑁𝐻4 )2 𝑆𝑂4
White deposits such as gelatin, known as aluminum hydroxide gel [Al(OH)3]are
formed. The precipitate is formed by the ammonium salt which reduces solubility. The
precipitate is then filtered, then the residue is removed in the test tube with hot water
sprinkled. This is so that the residue attached to the filter paper is easily taken.
Furthermore, in the reaction tube was added 1M NaOH until the soluble sediment
𝐴𝑙(𝑂𝐻)3 ↓ +𝑁𝑎𝑂𝐻 → 𝑁𝑎 𝐴𝑙(𝑂𝐻)4
It can be explained that the newly formed [Al(OH)3 is soluble when added with
strong acid or strong base. In this experiment [Al(OH)3 was added with a strong base ie

Based on experiments that have been done and has done data analysis, it can be
drawn conclusion as follows:
1. Aluminum metal is reactive.
2. The aluminum metal acts as a reducing agent when reacted with Hg.
3. Aluminum is soluble with strong acids.
4. Aluminum in its amphoteric compounds can act as acid and can act as a base.
5. Compounds of aluminum 𝐴𝑙2 (𝑆𝑂4 )3 may react with ammonium salts to form
aluminum hydroxide gel.

1. Explain the amphoter characteristic of alumunium based on your experiment result !
Answer :
The amphoter characteristic of alumunium can explain by experiment 4 which is
alumunium can react with base solution (NaOH solution) and acid solution (HCl
solution). When NaOH solution added to Al2(SO4)3 solution, it was produce white
precipitate, then it is added by excess NaOH solution, the precipitate was dissolve
produce colorless solution. After that, it is added by HCl solution, then it was produce
again white precipitate and it is added by excess HCl solution, the precipitate was
dissolve. It shown that alumunium has amphoteric characteristic which is can react
with acid or base solution. The reaction that occur is given below :
Al2(SO4)3(aq) + 2NaOH(aq)  Al(OH)3↓(s) + Na2SO4(aq)

Al(OH)3(s) + NaOH(aq)  Na[Al(OH)4](aq) + H2O (l)

Na[Al(OH)4](aq) + HCl(aq)  Al(OH)3↓(s) + NaCl(aq) + H2O(l)

Al(OH)3(s) + HCl(aq)  AlCl3(aq) + H2O(l)

2. Write the reaction that happened in the experiment !
Answer :
 Experiment 1
2Al(s) + 2NaOH(aq) + 6H2O(l)  2Na[Al(OH)4](aq) + 3H2↑(g)
2Al(s) + 3HgCl2(aq)  2AlCl3(aq) + 3Hg↓(s)
 Experiment 2
Test tube 1:
2Al(s) + 2NaOH(aq) + 6H2O(l)  2Na[Al(OH)4](aq) + 3H2↑(g)
Test tube 2 :
2Al (s) + 2Na2CO3 (aq) + 7H2O(g) 2Na[Al(OH)4] (aq) + 3H2(g) + CO2 ↑(g)
Test tube 3:
2Al(s) + 6HCl(aq)  2AlCl3 (aq) + 3H2 (g)
 Experiment 3
Al2(SO4)3 (aq) +H2O (l) Al2(SO4)3 (aq)
 Experiment 4
Al2(SO4)3(aq) + 2NaOH(aq)  Al(OH)3↓(s) + Na2SO4(aq)

Al(OH)3(s) + NaOH(aq)  Na[Al(OH)4](aq) + H2O (l)

Na[Al(OH)4](aq) + HCl(aq)  Al(OH)3↓(s) + NaCl(aq) + H2O(l)

Al(OH)3(s) + HCl(aq)  AlCl3(aq) + H2O(l)

 Experiment 5
Al2(SO4)3(aq) + (NH4)2S(aq)  2Al(OH)3(s) + 3(NH4)2SO4(aq) + 3H2S(g)
Al(OH)3(s) + NaOH(aq)  Na[Al(OH)4](aq) + H2O (l)
3. Explain the use of alumunium !
Answer :
 Transportation : it is used in in transportation because of its unbeatable strength to
weight ratio
 Construction : building made with alumunium are virtually maintenance free due
to alumunium’s resistance to corrosion
 Electrical : alumunium’s low density makes it the best option for long distance
power lines
 Packaging
 Food and beverage containers : because of its resistance to corrosion
 A wide range of household items, from cooking utensils to baseball bats and
 Production of hydrogen gas by reaction with water or sodium hydroxide
 In alloy with magnesium to make aircraft bodies and other transportation
 Musical instrument : some guitar models sport alumunium diamond plates on the
surface of the instrument

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Experiment 1

Alumunium in the test tube Pouring NaOH 1M solution into test tube

Alumunium after react with Hg

Experiment 2

Three solution is dipped by alumunium solid

Experiment 3

Al2(SO4)3 is checked use blue litmus paper = the color of litmus paper changes from blue into

Experiment 4

Alumunium is dropped by NaOH 0.1M Alumuium is dropped by excess NaOH 0.1M

25 drops produce white precipitate 70 drops produce colorless solution
Experiment 5

Pouring (NH4)2S into test tube After added by NaOH 0.1M

that filled by Al2(SO4)3 solution solution becomes dissolve

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