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Int Ophthalmol

DOI 10.1007/s10792-015-0091-5


Influence of indoor and outdoor activities on progression

of myopia during puberty
Veysi Öner . Asker Bulut . Yavuz Oruç .
Gökhan Özgür

Received: 10 March 2015 / Accepted: 26 May 2015

Ó Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015

Abstract The purpose of this study was to investi- present study showed that myopia progression was
gate whether time spent on indoor and outdoor associated with time spent on reading and writing and
activities or the other possible risk factors including initial refraction value, during puberty. However,
age, gender, parental history, and initial refraction was myopia progression was not associated with parental
associated with progression of myopia, during puberty. myopia, age, gender, and daily times spent on using
Fifty eyes of 50 myopic children aged 9–14 years were computer, watching TV, and outdoor activities.
enrolled in the study. The parents were interviewed to
determine the amounts of time in hours per day spent Keywords Myopia progression  Reading and
on reading and writing, using computer, watching TV, writing  Computer use  Watching TV  Outdoor
and outdoor activities (i.e., sports, games, or being activities
outdoor with no activities) on an average day. The
annual myopia progression rate (diopters per year) was
calculated for each subject and was used in the
statistical analyses. The mean initial age of the subjects Introduction
was 10.9 ± 1.5 (ranging from 9 to 14) years. The mean
follow-up period was 33.3 ± 10.3 (ranging from 17 to Myopia is the most common cause of visual impairment
55) months. There was a significant increase in the worldwide [1, 2]. Although myopia is rare in early
mean myopia value of the subjects after follow-up childhood, its prevalence rises gradually to 25–80 % in
period (p \ 0.001). The mean daily time spent on young adults [3, 4]. Myopia has been found to be
reading and writing and initial refraction value were associated with genetic factors [5]. Nevertheless, the
independently associated with annual myopic progres- increasing prevalence of myopia in the world makes it
sion rate. On the other hand, age, gender, parental difficult to explain without taking environmental factors
myopia, and the mean daily times spent on computer into account [6, 7]. The daily amounts of time spent on
use, watching TV, and outdoor activities had no reading, watching TV, using computer, and outdoor
correlations with annual myopia progression rate. The activities have been suggested as environmental factors
associated with onset of myopia [8, 9].
Several previous studies have also investigated the
V. Öner (&)  A. Bulut  Y. Oruç  G. Özgür influence of near work and outdoor activities on
Department of Ophthalmology, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
progression of myopia after its onset. It has been
University Medical School Education and Research
Hospital, Rize, Turkey reported that less physical activity and more time spent
e-mail: on reading were associated with accelerated myopia

Int Ophthalmol

progression rate in university students [10, 11]. On the writing, using computer, watching TV, and outdoor
other hand, other studies have found no relationship activities (i.e., sports, games, or being outdoor with no
between myopia progression rate and hours spent on activities) on an average day. Both week and weekend
near work or outdoor activities in children aged 6–12 days were included to analyses. After the first
and 7–9 years [12, 13]. examination and questionnaire, the subjects were
Recently, it has been shown that children have peak examined every 6 months. The annual myopia pro-
spherical equivalent or axial length velocity related to gression rate (diopters per year) was calculated for
growth spurts in puberty [14, 15]. In the present study, each subject and was used in the statistical analyses.
we aimed to investigate whether time spent on indoor Parental history of myopia was also noted.
(reading and writing, using computer, and watching
TV) and outdoor (i.e., sports, games) activities or the Statistical analyses
other possible risk factors including age, gender,
parental history, and initial refraction was associated Statistical analyses were carried out by SPSS version
with progression of myopia, during puberty. 16.0. The distribution of variables was checked with
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. Quantitative variables
were given as mean ± standard deviation. Categorical
Methods variables were given in percentage. Pearson correla-
tion coefficients were used to assess relations between
Fifty eyes of 50 children, aged 9–14 years, who had the variables. Multiple linear regression analyses were
-0.25 diopter or more myopia were enrolled in the carried out to evaluate the independent influence of the
study. The right eye of each subject was used for the possible risk factors on annual myopia progression
analyses. The age range of the study subjects was rate (confidence interval (CI): 95 %). A p \ 0.05 was
decided according to the puberty ages of Turkish considered as statistically significant.
children [16]. The subjects who would be in puberty
during follow-up period were chosen. Subjects who
had any eye disorder reducing best-corrected visual Results
acuity (i.e., cataract, corneal scar), astigmatism higher
than 2 diopter, and amblyopia were excluded. All The mean initial age of the study subjects was
subjects and parents were informed about the study 10.9 ± 1.5 (ranging from 9 to 14) years. The mean
and they consented to contribute. The study was in follow-up period was 33.3 ± 10.3 (ranging from 17 to
accordance with the Tenets of the Declaration of 55) months. The mean indoor and outdoor activity
Helsinki and was approved by the Local Ethics times and refraction measurements of the study
Committee. subjects are given in Tables 1 and 2. There was a
Each subject underwent ophthalmological standard significant increase in the mean myopia value of the
examination including determination of refractive study subjects after follow-up period (p \ 0.001).
error, measurement of visual acuity (by Snellen Table 3 shows the results of correlation analyses
charts), slit-lamp examination, and funduscopy. The (Pearson correlation coefficients) between the mean
refractive error value was calculated via the spherical daily times spent on activities and annual myopia
equivalent by an ophthalmologic examination after a progression rate. The mean daily time spent on reading
cycloplegic refraction test. Cycloplegia was made by
administration of one drop of cyclopentolate 1 % for
three times (with 5 min intervals). Refractive error Table 1 The times spent on indoor and outdoor activities of
the study subjects (mean ± SD)
measurement was performed by an autokeratorefrac-
tometer, at least 30 min after the last drop of Activity Time (minutes/day)
cyclopentolate 1 %. The results of the autokeratore- Reading and writing 130.0 ± 86.0 (20–420)
fractometer were used to decide the distance refractive Using computer 90.6 ± 92.8 (0–360)
error. Watching TV 125.7 ± 65.0 (0–300)
The parents were interviewed to determine the
Outdoor activities 80.4 ± 60.1 (30–240)
amounts of time in hours per day spent on reading and

Int Ophthalmol

Table 2 The refraction measurements of study subjects had no correlations with annual myopia progression
(mean ± SD) rate.
Measurement SE value (diopters) The outcomes of multiple linear regression analysis
evaluating the independent influence of the possible
Initial refraction -1.8 ± 1.3 risk factors on annual myopia progression rate are
The last refraction -2.8 ± 1.6 given in Table 4. The mean daily time spent on
Total myopia progression -0.9 ± 0.8 reading and writing and initial refraction were inde-
Annual myopia progression (per year) -0.3 ± 0.2 pendently associated with annual myopia progression
SE spherical equivalent rate (b1 = -0.379, p1 = 0.017 and b2 = 0.345,
p2 = 0.030, respectively). However, the other possi-
ble risk factors including age, gender, parental history,
Table 3 Correlation analyses between the mean daily times and the mean daily times spent on computer use,
spent on activities and the mean annual myopia progression watching TV, and outdoor activities were not associ-
rate ated with annual progression rate of myopia.
Activity Myopic progression per year (SE)
Correlation coefficient (r) p value
Reading and writing -0.362 0.010
Using computer -0.074 0.612 The current study demonstrated that time spent on
Watching TV -0.018 0.899 reading and writing and initial refraction value were
Outdoor activities -0.041 0.766 associated with myopia progression during puberty.
However, there was no relation between myopia
Significant p value is given in bold
progression and age, gender, parental history, and
SE spherical equivalent
times spent on using computer, watching TV, and
outdoor activities.
and writing had a negative correlation with annual Myopia has been found to be associated with
myopic progression rate (r = -0.362, p = 0.010) individual educational levels and close-work jobs
(Fig. 1). On the other hand, the mean daily times spent [17]. Therefore, near work has been suggested as an
on computer use, watching TV, and outdoor activities environmental risk factor for the development of
myopia [8, 18]. Although accommodation and con-
vergence during prolonged near work have been
suggested as the mechanisms for the development of
myopia, strong associations between accommodation
and myopia have not been found [19]. Forced
hyperopic defocus has been demonstrated as an
influential stimulus for eye growth in experimental
studies [17]. Therefore, hyperopic defocus induced by
accommodative lag has been considered as another
mechanism to explain the relation between near work
and myopia. It has been shown that myopic children
have higher accommodative lag compared with em-
metropic children [17].
In the present study, we investigated the effects of
daily times spent on reading and writing, using
computer, and watching TV, separately, on myopia
progression. Our results showed that although the daily
reading and writing time was related with myopia
Fig. 1 Correlation between the mean annual myopia progres-
sion rate and the mean daily time spent on reading and writing in progression, time spent on using computer and watch-
the study subjects ing TV had no correlation with myopia progression.

Int Ophthalmol

Table 4 Multiple linear regression analysis evaluating the association between possible risk factors and annual myopia progression
rate (Dependent variable: annual myopia progression rate)
Covariates Unstandardized Standardized 95 % CI p value
coefficient (B) coefficient (b)

Age (years) 0.054 0.284 -0.004 to 0.113 0.068

Gender 0.021 0.032 -0.179 to 0.221 0.834
Parental history -0.003 -0.005 -0.174 to 0.168 0.970
Initial refraction 0.0679 0.345 0.008 to 0.149 0.030
Time spent on reading and writing (h/d) -0.001 -0.379 -0.002 to 0.000 0.017
Time spent on computer use (h/d) 0.000 -0.089 -0.001 to 0.001 0.550
Time spent on watching TV (h/d) 0.000 0.027 -0.001 to 0.002 0.859
Time spent on outdoor activities (h/d) 0.000 0.037 -0.001 to 0.002 0.791
Significant p values have been given in bold
CI confidence interval

These three activities have different effects on the between outdoor activities and myopia are also
suggested mechanisms (accommodation, convergence, conflicting. Although several previous studies have
and accommodative lag) to explain the relation between found an association between outdoor activities and
near work and myopia. Reading and writing are the onset of myopia [9, 22], Jones-Jordan et al. [23]
performed with relatively lower light levels and have reported no significant correlation between
small-sized words compared with computer use which outdoor activities and the rate of myopia progression,
is related with flashing images. In addition, different in accordance with our results.
working distances are used for these viewing activities. In the present study, multiple regression analysis
These dissimilarities among the activities cause differ- showed that the severity of myopia at the beginning of
ent accommodative patterns and, as a result, might the study was also independently associated with
affect myopia progression differentially [20]. progression of myopia. In accordance with our results,
The results of previous studies investigating the Parssinen et al. [19] and Saw et al. [13] have found that
association between myopia progression and near myopia progression was faster for children who had
work are conflicting. Saw et al. [13] have found no severe initial myopia values. On the other hand, we
correlation between near work and myopia progression could not find a relationship between the parental
in children aged 6–12 years. Tan et al. [21] reported myopia and annual progression rate. Similarly, Huang
that there were no statistically significant correlations et al. [24] reported that there was no association
between myopia progression and near work in children between parental myopia and progression of myopia
aged 7, 9, and 12 years, after a follow-up period of one in school children aged 7–9 years. Conversely, Lee
year. In another study, Saw et al. showed that there was et al. [25] displayed an association between parental
no relationship between axial elongation and reading in myopia and myopia progression in subjects aged
myopic children aged 7–9 years [12]. On the other 18–24 years. The conflicting results might be due to
hand, Parssinen et al. [19] found that myopic progres- the different age ranges of the study populations.
sion was associated with time spent on reading and In the current study, subjects who were aged
close work in schoolchildren with a mean age of between 9 and 14 years were chosen. The mean
10.9 years. It can be speculated that the different age follow-up period was 33.3 ± 10.3 months. Therefore,
groups might cause the contradictory results. Our although we did not examine the sex characters or the
results were in accordance with the study by Parssinen hormone levels of the subjects, we considered that
et al. [19]. We believe that it might be because of the subjects should be in the puberty period, which was
similar age ranges of study populations. determined for Turkish population previously [16],
We failed to find an association between outdoor during follow-up period. However, lacking examina-
activities and myopia progression during puberty. The tions of the sex characters or hormone level measure-
results of previous studies investigating association ments is the limitation of the study.

Int Ophthalmol

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