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Verily all praise belongs only to Allah Almighty who has bestowed His
grace and guidance on the author so that the writer can finish this paper well.
Shalawat and greetings may remain poured out to the Prophet Muhammad. along
with his wives, his family, friends, martyrs, and his followers who always try and
istiqomah until the end of the day. In this paper the author will explain about adobe
photoshop. Hopefully this paper will be useful for the author and for the readers.
Finally, the writer can complete this paper as the task of Kombiuter Arabi course
with the title "Adobe Photoshop". In God also the author thanks the power of mind
and mind that has been awarded to the author and thanks to all those who have
helped in the completion of this task. For the perfection and completeness of this
paper the authors can really expect input and criticism from all parties. Hopefully
this paper provides many benefits for us all. Amen.

Makassar, April 2018

1. Background Issues.
2. Problem Formulation.
3. Purpose of Writing.
4. Writing Method.
5. Systematics Writing.
A. Photoshop History
B. Understanding Photoshop
C. Photoshop Interface
D. Main menu Photoshop
E. Use of Photoshop Selection Tool
F. Layer
G. Tool Box and Funsinya
1. Conclusion.
2. Suggestions.

A. Background
Today, the development of computers with software and hardware is increasingly widespread with
diverse and sophisticated models. This is influenced by the human wisdom that utilizes the computer in its work in
the hope of facilitating its work.
Included in it, a computer program that is very useful and facilitate human work, especially in terms of
drawing design. Application of computer technology has been widespread to every field including the field of art,
both art and music art. At this time a designer can easily make his work using a computer. There are several graphic
design softwares commonly used including Adobe Photoshop, Coreldraw, Adobe Freehand, Adobe Illustrator.

B. Problem Formulation

Based on the above background, then comes the formulation of the problem as follows:

1. How is adobe photoshop history?

2. What tools in adobe photoshop?

3. What are the menus in Photoshop?

4. What is the Layer and its Fun?

C. Purpose of Writing

The purpose of writing this paper is as follows:

1. Knowing the history of adobe photoahop.

2. Knowing the tools adobe photoshop.

3. Know the menus and Funsi layers inside Photoshop

D. Writing Method
In the preparation of this paper, the authors retrieve and analyze several internet pages as sources.
E. Systematics Writing





1. Background

2. Problem Formulation

3. Purpose

4. Systematics Writing


1. Photoshop History

2. Understanding Photoshop

3. Photoshop interface

4. Main menu Photoshop

5. Use of Photoshop Selection Tool

6. Layer

7. Tool Box and Funsinya


1. Conclusion

2. Suggestions


A. History of Adobe Photoshop

In 1987, Thomas Knoll, PhD student at the University of Michigan,

began writing a program on his Macintosh Plus to display grayscale images
on a monochrome screen. This program, called Display, caught the attention
of his brother John Knoll, an employee at Industrial Light & Magic, who
recommended Thomas to turn his program into a full-featured image editor.
Thomas took a six-month break from a study in 1988 to collaborate with his
brother on the program, which has been renamed ImagePro. After that year,
Thomas changed the name of his program to Photoshop and worked in the
short term with Barneyscan scanner manufacturers to distribute copies of the
program with slide scanners; "A total of about 200 copies of Photoshop have
been delivered" this way.

During that time, John traveled to Silicon Valley in California and gave
a demonstration of the program to engineers at Apple Computer Inc. and
Russell Brown, art director at Adobe. Both demonstrations were successful,
and Adobe decided to purchase a license to distribute in September 1988.
While John worked on plug-ins in California, Thomas remained in Ann
Arbor to write program code. Photoshop 1.0 was released in 1990 specifically
for the Macintosh.

B. Understanding Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is one of the graphics programs used for

manipulate image. In terms of images managed by Photoshop devoted

as an image management app for the often-called bitmap type images

with the term raster. Raster is an image consisting of color grids. Grid
is a basic element of an image that can be called a unit of pixels.

C. Photoshop Interface

1. Menu Bar

Contains a command line of menus, such as file menu, edit, image, etc.

2. ToolBox

Contains an icon representing the tool or device used to create or

editing images and objects.

3. Option Line

Contains an icon row that is used for additional settings according to

which toolbox

is currently selected.

4. Status bar

Displays information about the object being selected.

5. Working Windows

Is a window used to work and edit images.

6. Windows

Used to organize all the menus used to modify the image.

D. Main Menu Photoshop

1. Adjust, is a coloring manipulation in the image.

2. Duplicate, used to duplicate images.

3. Image size, is a tool used to zoom in or out

reduce the image.

4. Canvas size, used to change paper size.

5. Filter, used to give effect to the picture.

E. Use of Photoshop Selection Tool

1. Use Selection Tool

Selection tool is one of the tools used to select the image.

Some selection menu include Rectangular marquee tool, Elliptical


tool, Single Row marquee tool, Single Column marquee tool.

2. Use of Lasso

Lasso tool is a form of irregular selection according to our wishes. There


several kinds of motive choices are used to select objects with

using lasso tool including lasso tool, polygonal lasso tool, magnetic lasso


3. Use of Magig Wand

Magic wand tool will select areas of equal or similar color.

The selected area will include the clicked spot and the surrounding area

which has almost the same color.

4. Use Selection Menu

Multiple selection menu to optimize selection:

• All, to complete all images.

• Deselect, to eliminate selection.

• Reselect, bringing back the removed selection.

• Inverse, reversing the selection area.

• Color range, to extract the desired color.

• Modify, to change the selection made.

• Grow, to enlarge the selection area.

• Transform selection, to change the selection.

• Save selection, save selection.

F. Know the Layer

Layer is the layer of an object, where every single layer can consist of
one object.

At the time of making the object image or writing should be placed on

the layer

different, so at the time of modifying the object then the object change is

affect the image object between one another.

1. Layer Visibility, used to show or hide each layer.

2. Active Layer, dugunakan to determine at which layer we will work.

3. Lock, useful to lock the layer.

4. Opacity, used to determine the level of transparency of a layer against


5. Mode, contains various layer models and their effects on other layers.

6. New Layer, used to create a new layer.

7. Deleta Layer, used to remove the layer.

8. Merge, to merge multiple layers.



So what can we describe about the subject matter in this paper, there are still
many weaknesses and shortcomings because of the limited knowledge and
references or references that have to do with the title of this paper.
constructive criticism and suggestion to the author for the sake of perfection
of this paper and and the writing of papers on subsequent occasions.
Hopefully this paper is useful for writers in particular also the readers.

A. Conclusion

Photoshop is adobe photoshop is one of professional standard image

processing program. Adobe photoshop or commonly called photoshop is an
adobe image editing software made by adobe system devoted to image / photo
editing and effects creation. By applying the workspace functions found in
adobe photoshop we can easily edit photos or images properly.

B. Suggestions

Understanding of the use of adobe photoshop for educators, in addition to be

a provision in the use of information technology is good and true in everyday
life can also be useful in coaching the ability of editing photos or images. Thus,
this material must be completely mastered and understood.


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