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The Reviewers
Eric Helms
Eric Helms is a coach, athlete, author, and educator. He is a coach for drug-free strength and
physique competitors at all levels as a part of team 3D Muscle Journey. Eric regularly publishes
peer-reviewed articles in exercise science and nutrition journals on physique and strength sport, in
addition to writing for commercial fitness publications. He’s taught undergraduate- and graduate-
level nutrition and exercise science and speaks internationally at academic and commercial
conferences. He has a B.S. in fitness and wellness, an M.S. in exercise science, a second Master’s
in sports nutrition, a Ph.D. in strength and conditioning, and is a research fellow for the Sports
Performance Research Institute New Zealand at Auckland University of Technology. Eric earned pro status as a natural
bodybuilder with the PNBA in 2011 and competes in the IPF at international-level events as an unequipped powerlifter.

Greg Nuckols
Greg Nuckols has over a decade of experience under the bar and a B.S. in exercise and sports
science. Greg is currently enrolled in the exercise science M.A. program at the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill. He’s held three all-time world records in powerlifting in the 220lb and
242lb classes. He’s trained hundreds of athletes and regular folks, both online and in-person.
He’s written for many of the major magazines and websites in the fitness industry, including Men’s
Health, Men’s Fitness, Muscle & Fitness,, T-Nation, and
Furthermore, he’s had the opportunity to work with and learn from numerous record holders,
champion athletes, and collegiate and professional strength and conditioning coaches through his previous job as Chief
Content Director for Juggernaut Training Systems and current full-time work on

Michael C. Zourdos
Michael (Mike) C. Zourdos, Ph.D, CSCS, is an associate professor in exercise science at Florida
Atlantic University (FAU) in Boca Raton, FL., USA, with a specialization in strength and conditioning
and skeletal muscle physiology.  He earned his Ph.D. in exercise physiology from The Florida State
University (FSU) in 2012 under the guidance of Dr. Jeong-Su Kim. Prior to attending FSU, Mike
received his B.S. in exercise science from Marietta College and M.S. in applied health physiology
from Salisbury University. Mike served as the head powerlifting coach of FSU’s 2011 and 2012
state championship teams. As an associate professor at FAU, Mike is the director of the FAU
Muscle Physiology Research Laboratory. He also competes as a powerlifter in the USAPL, and
among his best competition lifts is a 230kg (507lbs) raw squat at a body weight of 76kg. Mike
owns the company Training Revolution, LLC., where he has coached more than 100 lifters, including a USAPL open
division national champion.

Note from Ben Pollack

hen Greg reached out to me about MASS, I was pretty excited, because as
you guys probably know, I put a lot of faith in the scientific process myself.
That said, I also understand that it takes a lot of time to pour over academic
publications; that interpreting that research requires a specific skill set; and that the
research itself is far from infallible. With MASS, Greg, Eric, and Mike have done
most of the work for you.
The MASS library is pretty extensive, so to help you get started, I’ve hand-picked
a few articles that I believe are the most directly relevant to the programs at phdead- and packaged them together in a special issue. (Well – I picked them. Greg
packaged them.) The first half of the issue covers periodization, and the three vari-
ables we focus on the most in the Unf*ck Your Program course: volume, intensity,
and frequency. Having a bit of a better grasp on the research supporting the meth-
ods will, I hope, give you all that much more confidence in them, especially if you’re
just starting out.
The second half deals with some of the extras from the “Bonuses” section of UYP:
finding the right mindset, improving the quality of your recovery, and incorporating
cardio. I think you might be surprised by these! You probably already know the im-
portance of getting the little stuff, right, but the evidence of that can really help drive
the point home and give you that extra bit of motivation you need to give 100%,
inside and outside of the gym.
I hope you enjoy this special issue, and that you find MASS helpful in improving
your own training and understanding of your body. I’m pretty sure you will.

– Ben Pollack

Table of Contents


Does Periodization Lead to Faster Strength Gains?

A recent meta-analysis showed that periodized training leads to bigger strength
gains than non-periodized training. However, the abstract doesn’t tell the whole


Recovery from Training: High Intensity vs. High Volume

Depending on who you talk to, they might tell you that their recovery is hindered by
heavy training or by performing a lot of volume. Which type of training causes more
muscle damage, inflammation, and force production suppression? Read here to find


More Frequency is Not Always Better

We know that more volume is not always better. This study shows us that, similarly,
more frequency is not always better. But is it really that simple? Sometimes a critical
analysis of a study’s methods is necessary to establish true takeaways from a single


Mind Over Matter: Mental Training Increases Strength Gains

Everyone focuses on physical training, but mental training is a powerful, oft-overlooked
tool that can boost your strength gains.


Which Sleep Interventions Help the Most with Recovery and

Everyone pays lip service to the importance of sleep, but what sorts of interventions
actually improve sleep and performance the most?


Is It Better to Combine Lifting With High Intensity or Traditional Cardio?

If you need to add cardio to your lifting, is it better to stick with high intensity intervals
(which some have called “anabolic cardio”), or to opt for traditional moderate intensity
cardio? This was the first study designed to actually answer that question.

Study Reviewed: Comparison of Periodized and Non-Periodized Resistance
Training on Maximal Strength: A Meta-Analysis. Williams et al. (2017)

Does Periodization Lead to

Faster Strength Gains?

A recent meta-analysis showed that periodized training leads to

bigger strength gains than non-periodized training. However, the
abstract doesn’t tell the whole story.

1. A quantitative analysis of the entirety of the literature showed that periodized training
leads to larger strength gains than non-periodized training.
2. However, there were marked differences in study results, with some evidence of
publication bias in favor of periodized training. When accounting for those issues,
the relative benefits of periodization was nearly halved, though they remained
3. While periodization isn’t a more important factor than simply training hard (training
volume and intensity), periodizing your training will likely increase your rate of
strength gains.

eriodization is defined as “a logi- change over time.
cal method of organizing training This meta-analysis (a quantitative com-
into sequential phases and cyclical parison of all the studies on the topic)
time periods in order to increase the po- set out to determine whether periodized
tential for achieving specific performance training was truly superior for strength
goals while minimizing the potential for gains compared to non-periodized train-
overtraining” (1). In layman’s terms, pe- ing, as is often claimed. Based on the 18
riodized training involves manipulating studies that met the inclusion criteria, pe-
training variables over time instead of riodized training is superior to non-peri-
holding all variables constant. For exam- odized training, though the relative bene-
ple, if you simply do 5 sets of 5 reps on fit is likely minor, at least over the average
the bench press twice per week, just add- study duration in this meta (15 weeks).
ing weight as you’re able, your program However, this relatively minor effect may
would be non-periodized, as volume, rel- undersell the benefits of periodization, as
ative intensity, and frequency would be most studies don’t systematically prog-
unchanged every week. However, if you ress training volume over time, which is
did 5 sets of 8 reps on week 1 with 70% one of the strongest tools periodization
of your 1RM, 5 sets of 5 reps on week 2 equips you with.
with 75% of your 1RM, 5 sets of 3 reps
on week 3 with 80% of your 1RM, and
then start over with 5 sets of 8 reps on Purpose and Research
week 4 with a slightly heavier load than
you used on week 1, that would be a very Questions
simple periodized program as volume The purpose of this meta-analysis
(volume load) and relative intensity did was to see whether periodized train-

ing is truly superior to non-periodized Once the eligible studies were identi-
training for increasing strength by an- fied and coded (the key features of the
alyzing the entirety of the literature subjects and training plans were iden-
on the subject. tified), the authors calculated the effect
sizes for each study and the mean effect
size for all effects, adjusted for nested ef-
Subjects and Methods fects, assessed heterogeneity and poten-
tial bias, and identified potential mod-
Subjects erators. Don’t worry if this sentence
This meta-analysis drew from all stud- sounds a bit overwhelming; it’ll all make
ies comparing periodized and non-pe- sense in the next section.
riodized training, regardless of subjects.
As such, it included studies on both men
and women, people of all age ranges, and Findings
people of all training statuses. The big, bottom line finding of this me-
ta-analysis was that periodized training
Methods was superior to non-periodized train-
The inclusion criteria for this me- ing for increasing maximal strength; the
ta-analysis (the rules to determine which mean effect was small (0.43±0.08) and
studies to include) were as follows: significant (p<0.001).
1. The study needed to be peer-re- When adjusting for nested effects,
viewed. the mean effect decreased slightly and
the variability of the effect increased
2. The full text of the study needed to
(0.38±0.14), but the effect was still sig-
be available in English.
nificant (p=0.012). Nested effects are
3. The study needed to include at least multiple effects found in a single study.
one group doing non-periodized Without adjusting for nested effects,
resistance training, and at least one you can wind up giving a single study
group doing periodized resistance too much weight, if it compared, say,
training. two periodized groups to one non-pe-
4. Maximal strength needed to be riodized group at four different time
measured via the squat, bench press, points (you could extract six effects from
or leg press. that) versus a similar study comparing
5. The studies needed to provide one periodized group to one non-pe-
means and standard deviations for riodized group at only two time points
their strength measures. (you could only extract one effect from

Figure 1 Effect sizes from Williams et al.

7.0 Mean ES = 0.43 (95% CI 0.27-0.58)

Favors periodized training




Hedges’ d ES


Favors non-periodized training



Effects larger than zero favor periodized training and effect smaller than zero favor non-periodized training.

The results were found to be sufficient- ators associated with changes in 1RM
ly heterogeneous that the difference in strength. In other words, undulating pe-
the results between the studies couldn’t riodization models led to larger strength
simply be explained by sampling error. gains (in these studies) than linear mod-
As such, the authors looked for moder- els, less experienced lifters gained more
ating factors that could explain the ob- strength than more experienced lifters,
served heterogeneity. people gained more strength in longer
Periodization model, training status, studies versus shorter studies, and peo-
study length, and training frequency ple gained more strength with higher
were all found to be significant moder- training frequencies versus lower train-
ing frequencies.

Finally, the authors undertook a bias bottom of the graph, where the funnel
assessment. This was an important step, widens). As you can see in Figure 2, the
because statistically significant findings effects skew right, and quite a few effects
are much more likely to get published fall outside the 95% confidence interval
than non-significant findings; with 18 of the funnel – 11 effects on the right
published studies meeting the inclusion side, indicating larger-than-expected
criteria of this meta-analysis, it’s impos- effects in favor or periodized training,
sible to know how many other studies and 3 effects on the left side, indicating
comparing periodized and non-peri- smaller-than-expected effects in favor of
odized training were conducted but periodized training, or effects in favor of
never published. The authors calculat- non-periodized training that exceed the
ed that an additional 1,038 null effects variation you could attribute to sampling
from studies with an average sample size error. When removing these outliers, the
would need to be published to decrease previously observed heterogeneity was
the mean effect size below the threshold effectively eliminated (p=0.91), and the
of significance. Furthermore, a single mean effect size in favor of periodized
null finding from a study with at least training was nearly halved (0.23±0.05),
252 participants would decrease the though it remained highly significant
mean effect size below the threshold of (p<0.001).
significance. In short, it’s very unlikely
that publication bias fully explains the
observed superiority of periodized train- Interpretation
ing over non-periodized training. It’s good to have this new meta-anal-
However, it was revealed that there ysis, as the previous meta comparing
was still a high risk of publication bias, periodized and non-periodized training
so the authors performed a sensitivity was published all the way back in 2004
analysis and constructed a funnel plot to and actually had to make use of unpub-
identify outliers (Figure 2). You should lished data since there weren’t enough
expect all effect sizes to fall within the published studies at the time to analyze
funnel (which represents the 95% con- (2). There were 10 studies included in
fidence interval). With lower standard this meta-analysis that had been pub-
errors (near the top of the graph), the lished since the previous meta-analysis
measured effects should cluster right came out, so we were due for an update.
around the mean effect (the line down Though I’m a strong proponent of
the middle of the funnel), while you ex- periodized training for strength devel-
pect more spread due to sampling er- opment, I think the most epistemically
ror as standard errors increase (near the honest interpretation of this meta-anal-

Figure 2 Funnel plot of effects.




Standard error







-2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

Hedges’ d ES

An effect larger than zero indicates greater strength gains for periodized, and an effect smaller than zero
indicates greater strength gains for non-periodized. You should expect most effects to fall within the funnel.

ysis is that the true effect in favor of pe- ing versus non-periodized resistance
riodized training is relatively small, and training roughly equated for average
closer to the effect size of 0.23 reported intensity and volume versus single-set
after eliminating outliers, instead of the non-periodized resistance training. In
larger effect size of 0.43 reported in the those studies, you’d extract one effect for
abstract. challenging periodized versus challeng-
Several of the effects eliminated weren’t ing non-periodized training, and one
“fair” comparisons of periodized and effect for challenging periodized versus
non-periodized training. A few studies incredibly easy non-periodized train-
compared periodized resistance train- ing. The first effect may have shown a

slight benefit for periodized training, (0.43) with all comparisons included.
while the second effect may have shown However, it should be noted that the
a massive benefit for periodized train- true effect of periodization may be larg-
ing, though the second effect would be er than the effect observed in this me-
comparing apples and oranges. A cou- ta-analysis. It’s theorized that the true
ple other studies compared challenging benefits of periodization manifest them-
periodized training to only single set selves in long-term (i.e. a year or longer)
non-periodized training (3, 4, 5, 6). training organization. The longest stud-
It may be easy to fault the authors for ies included in this meta-analysis were
using inclusion criteria that allowed 32 weeks, and the average study dura-
studies like that to slip into the analysis, tion was 15 weeks. As such, there’s a
but I think that would be an unfair crit- distinct gap between theory and data.
icism. Inclusion criteria have to be hard, It’s also possible that the benefits of pe-
objective cutoffs, and a stipulation such riodization manifest themselves quickly,
as requiring volume and intensity to be perhaps due to varied practice increas-
matched may have done more harm than ing the rate of motor skill acquisition
good if, for example, some studies didn’t (7), and that non-periodized training
specifically report that volume and in- would close the gap over the long term,
tensity were matched, or if volume and or that the gap would persist and not
intensity in some studies were very sim- meaningfully change in magnitude. I
ilar but not perfectly matched. As prac- personally think the first possibility
titioners, we can read a study and say, (the superiority of periodized training
“these training programs may not have becoming more clear over time) is the
been perfectly equated, but they were most likely one, but we won’t know until
definitely similar enough to make a valid a bold, patient (well-funded) soul car-
comparison.” That degree of reasonable ries out a multi-year study to test this
subjectivity isn’t allowed in a meta-anal- idea. Incidentally – and counter to my
ysis, so I like the authors’ decision to use self-admitted biases – the most appli-
slightly laxer inclusion criteria and then cable 32-week study in this meta-anal-
axe the less applicable comparisons later ysis actually showed that the gap be-
via the funnel plot and sensitivity analy- tween periodized and non-periodized
sis. However, since this is the route they may shrink over time rather than widen
chose, we need to be careful when inter- (8). Over three and six months, the pe-
preting this meta; it’s probably best to riodized training group gained signifi-
pay more attention to the smaller effect cantly more strength on the bench press
size (0.23) after the outlier effects were and shoulder press, but there weren’t
discarded instead of the mean effect size significant between-group differences in

One of the benefits of periodized train-
ing is that it allows you to logically and
PERIODIZATION DOES SEEM systematically increase training volume
TO MEANINGFULLY IMPROVE over time. Therefore, it is still reasonable
to assume that the relative advantage of
STRENGTH GAINS, BUT periodized training over non-periodized
training would tend to increase over
THE EFFECT IS RELATIVELY time, as the training volumes required
to sustain progress also tend to increase
THIS ANALYSIS – CERTAINLY I’d also caution against getting too
caught up in the moderator analysis. Re-
SMALLER THAN THE EFFECTS member, when looking for moderators
that could explain some of the observed
OF VOLUME AND INTENSITY. heterogeneity, the authors reported that
undulating periodization models led to
larger strength gains than linear models,
higher frequencies were associated with
strength gains after nine months, show- larger strength gains, less experienced
ing that, in this study at least, the rela- lifters gained more strength, and people
tive advantage of periodization was rel- gained more strength when training for
atively short-lived. On the other hand, a longer period of time. I hope we can
a four-month study by Willoughby (not accept the last two moderators as almost
included in this review because it only self-evidently true (training length and
reported increases in strength as multi- training status). However, I think it’s im-
ples of body weight, rather than abso- portant to keep the scope of a moderator
lute increases in strength) showed that analysis in mind when interpreting this
periodized and non-periodized training study’s findings regarding periodization
caused similar increases in squat and style and training frequency.
bench press strength over 4-12 weeks,
A moderator analysis tells you about
but that periodized training proved su-
the effects of a training variable in the
perior for the bench from week 8 on-
studies that met the inclusion criteria
ward, and for the squat by week 16 (12).
for the meta-analysis. As such, its scope
It’s also worth pointing out that most of
is pretty narrow. Though there is some
the studies included in this meta-anal-
evidence that higher training frequen-
ysis kept training volume (number of
cies may be beneficial for strength de-
sets performed per exercise per week)
velopment (9), this wasn’t a meta-anal-
constant over the duration of the study.

ysis to determine the effects of training
frequency on strength development, and
the comparisons resulting from a mod- IT’S IMPORTANT TO RECOGNIZE
erator analysis would be apples-to-or-
anges comparisons (i.e. higher versus THAT PERIODIZATION
lower frequencies from different studies
with different volumes, intensities, study
populations, etc.), so this meta-anal-
ysis shouldn’t be used to argue for the
superiority of higher training frequen- BETWEEN LINEAR OR
cies. Similarly, this wasn’t a meta-anal-
ysis constructed to compare undulating UNDULATING PERIODIZATION.
versus linear periodization models. A
2015 meta-analysis by Harries et. al (10)
specifically set out to compare linear and
undulating periodization models, find- Periodization does seem to meaning-
ing no significant difference between fully improve strength gains, but the ef-
the two styles for strength gains in the fect is relatively small, at least based on
squat, bench press, or leg press (though this analysis – certainly smaller than the
there was a non-significant difference in effects of volume and intensity. To con-
favor of undulating periodization mod- textualize the mean effect of 0.23±0.05
els for leg press strength; p=0.07). The (once outlier effects were discarded),
authors note that of the 17 studies in- that means that if a group of people have
cluded by Harries et al in their analy- a 500±50kg powerlifting total initially,
sis, only three included non-periodized people on a periodized training program
groups and were thus included in the could expect to add an additional 9-14kg
present meta-analysis. As such, this me- on their total compared to people on a
ta-analysis shouldn’t be used to argue for non-periodized training program over
the superiority of undulating periodiza- 15 weeks (the average study duration in
tion models over linear models, as that this meta-analysis). An extra 3-5kg per
was not the question it was set up to in- lift is great, but it’s probably not going to
vestigate. make or break a training program. You
don’t have to periodize your training to
Finally, I think it’s important that we see results, but periodization is helpful
think about periodization conceptual- to making faster progress.
ly, instead of simply seeing periodized
training as inherently good and non-pe- Furthermore, it’s important to recog-
riodized training as inherently bad. nize that periodization concepts aren’t
binary. You don’t have to choose between

1. Periodized training leads to strength gains that are modestly but consistently larger
than non-periodized training.
2. Don’t waste your time looking for the single best periodization model. Instead,
focus on how you can manipulate volume, intensity, and frequency to solve specific
problems and reach specific goals for yourself and your clients.

linear or undulating periodization. You entire 12 weeks to accumulate adequate

may increase intensity and decrease vol- volume while sacrificing the highly spe-
ume linearly across a training program, cific practice you need to prepare for the
while undulating volume and intensity platform, or train with very heavy loads
between the training days within each the whole time while sacrificing train-
week of training, for example. In fact, ing volume and perhaps increasing injury
that’s exactly what Dr. Zourdos did in risk. Periodization gives you tools to solve
the study he performed for his disserta- this very simple problem. You could start
tion (11). with lower loads and higher volume and
Periodization is simply a set of tools that then increase load and decrease volume
helps you solve problems you’ll face when as the meet approaches, giving you plenty
designing a program. For an incredibly of practice along the way and still allow-
basic example, if you have a powerlifting ing for experience with 90%+ loads near
meet 12 weeks from now, you’re probably the meet. You could split your training
going to want to get some practice with into 3-week blocks, working up to 90%+
loads in excess of 90% of 1RM before you loads on the last week of each block to
hit the platform so you’re confident lift- spread out your practice with very heavy
ing near-max loads. However, you may loads. You could even have one flexible
not want to lift 90%+ loads every week, day per week where you work up to 90%+
and you almost certainly won’t want to loads if you’re feeling good, or stick with
lift 90%+ loads every session leading up lighter loads for higher volumes if you
to your meet as this could limit training don’t think you could perform optimally
volume, limit the total amount of reps you on that day. This is obviously a very sim-
could complete for practicing and hon- ple example of a problem you can solve
ing technique, and lead to wear and tear better with periodized training versus
injuries. If using non-periodized train- non-periodized training, but the range
ing, you’ll have to make a sacrifice: Either of problems you may need to address are
train with somewhat lighter loads for the endless: how to structure an offseason of
training to allow for hypertrophy without

sacrificing strength, how to accommodate
a week-long vacation without gym access
and ease back into training when you re-
turn, or even how to structure a block of
training focused on a specific lift without
letting your other lifts suffer. All of those
examples will benefit from manipulat-
ing volume, intensity, frequency, or exer-
cise selection to address the problem and
reach your goal; hence, they’d all benefit
from periodization.

Next Steps
While a multi-year periodization
study would be amazing and fill a huge
gap in the literature, I don’t expect to see
one anytime soon. Two other facets of
periodization for resistance training that
aren’t adequately studied are the effects
of block periodization and the effects of
combined periodization models versus a
single model in isolation (i.e. DUP with
the same average volume and intensity
each week versus DUP with increasing
intensity and decreasing volume week to

1. Williams TD, Tolusso DV, Fedewa MV, Esco MR. Comparison of Periodized and Non-Peri-
odized Resistance Training on Maximal Strength: A Meta-Analysis. Sports Med. 2017 May 12. doi:
2. Rhea MR, Alderman BL. A meta-analysis of periodized versus nonperiodized strength and power
training programs. Res Q Exerc Sport. 2004 Dec;75(4):413-22.
3. Marx JO, Ratamess NA, Nindl BC, Gotshalk LA, Volek JS, Dohi K, Bush JA, Gómez AL, Mazzetti
SA, Fleck SJ, Häkkinen K, Newton RU, Kraemer WJ. Low-volume circuit versus high-volume peri-
odized resistance training in women. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2001 Apr;33(4):635-43.
4. Kraemer WJ, Ratamess N, Fry AC, Triplett-McBride T, Koziris LP, Bauer JA, Lynch JM, Fleck SJ.
Influence of resistance training volume and periodization on physiological and performance adapta-
tions in collegiate women tennis players. Am J Sports Med. 2000 Sep-Oct;28(5):626-33.
5. Kramer J, Stone M, Bryant H, Conley M, Johnson R, Nieman D, Honeycutt D, Hoke T. Effects of
Single vs. Multiple Sets of Weight Training: Impact of Volume, Intensity, and Variation. Journal of
Strength & Conditioning Research: August 1997.
6. McGee D, Jessee C, Stone M, Blessing D. Leg and Hip Endurance Adaptations to Three
Weight-training Programs. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research: May 1992.
7. Soderstrom NC, Bjork RA. Learning versus performance: an integrative review. Perspect Psychol
Sci. 2015 Mar;10(2):176-99. doi: 10.1177/1745691615569000.
8. Kraemer WJ, Hakkinen K, Triplett-Mcbride NT, Fry AC, Koziris LP, Ratamess NA, Bauer JE,
Volek JS, McConnell T, Newton RU, Gordon SE, Cummings D, Hauth J, Pullo F, Lynch JM, Fleck
SJ, Mazzetti SA, Knuttgen HG. Physiological changes with periodized resistance training in women
tennis players. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2003 Jan;35(1):157-68. Erratum in: Med Sci Sports Exerc.
2003 May;35(5):889.
9. McLester J, Bishop E, Guilliams E. Comparison of 1 Day and 3 Days Per Week of Equal-Volume
Resistance Training in Experienced Subjects. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research: August
10. Harries SK, Lubans DR, Callister R. Systematic review and meta-analysis of linear and undu-
lating periodized resistance training programs on muscular strength. J Strength Cond Res. 2015
Apr;29(4):1113-25. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000000712.
11. Zourdos MC. Physiological Responses to Two Different Models of Daily Undulating Periodization
in Trained Powerlifters. 2012.
12. Willoughby D. The Effects of Mesocycle-Length Weight Training Programs Involving Periodiza-
tion and Partially Equated Volumes on Upper and Lower Body Strength. Journal of Strength &
Conditioning Research: February 1993.

Study Reviewed: Comparison of the Recovery Response From High-
Intensity and High-Volume Resistance Exercise in Trained Men.
Bartolomei et al. (2017)

Recovery from Training: High

Intensity vs. High Volume

Depending on who you talk to, they might tell you that their recovery
is hindered by heavy training or by performing a lot of volume. Which
type of training causes more muscle damage, inflammation, and force
production suppression? Read here to find out.

1. An acute bout of high volume, moderate load training with short rest intervals (8
sets of 10 reps at 70% 1RM with 75 seconds rest between sets) suppresses force
production to a greater degree and for a longer period than a bout of moderate
volume, high load training with longer rest intervals (8 sets of 3 reps at 90% 1RM
with 3 minutes rest between sets).
2. In the 72-hour period after high volume training, increases in cross-sectional area
(CSA) occurred as a result of inflammation, evidenced by relationships (r=0.60-0.66,
p<0.05) between increases in CSA and interleukin-6 (a myokine which increases
in response to contraction induced inflammation) and creatine kinase (a biomarker
for muscle damage).
3. Additionally, changes in CSA were inversely related (r=-0.58- -0.80, p<0.05) with
various measures of muscular strength and power. Thus, performance is impeded
proportionally to the degree of inflammation and muscle damage from high volume
training for at least 72 hours. Therefore, volume should be distributed over a
microcycle so as not to impede performance in subsequent sessions. Additionally,
volume should be increased gradually (on an as-needed basis) so the repeated
bout effect is elicited, protecting against excessive damage while accomplishing
progressive overload.

n appropriate training config- protocol at 30 minutes, 24 hours, 48
uration within a microcycle of hours, and 72 hours post-training. Spe-
training depends partially on cifically, performance was assessed via
managing fatigue from previous train- counter-movement jump (CMJ) peak
ing sessions. To better understand how power, isokinetic (fixed speed) leg exten-
to distribute training sessions, you have sion strength, isometric (a fixed joint po-
to know which days produce more fa- sition) leg extension maximum voluntary
tigue than others. In this study, 12 males contraction (MVC) strength, isometric
(18-35 years old) with at least two years mid-thigh pull strength, and isometric
of training experience and a minimum half squat strength. Additionally, vas-
squat one-repetition maximum (1RM) tus lateralis (a muscle of the quadriceps
of 1.5 times bodyweight completed group) cross-sectional area (CSA) was
two protocols – a high volume (HV, assessed at each time point to determine
8x10x70% 1RM), and a high intensi- the degree of swelling and inflammation
ty (HI, 8x3x90% 1RM) protocol – in a in response to training. Finally, blood
counterbalanced crossover design. Vari- draws were taken from the participants
ous tests were then conducted after this to assess changes in endocrine (testos-

terone and cortisol), inflammatory (in- stated that the acute response to training
terleukin-6 and C-reactive protein), is dependent on training experience and
and muscle damage (creatine kinase, the protocol utilized. Thus, while the
lactate dehydrogenase, and myoglobin) authors likely expected HV training to
markers, in addition to subjective rat- suppress force production more and re-
ings of pain and soreness. In response to quire a longer recovery period, they left
training, the HI group had lower levels the door open for the possibility that the
of soreness and blood lactate, and had trained males in this study might have
higher CMJ, isometric leg extension, responses that diverged from those seen
and MVC strength compared to HV at in prior research.
various time points. Additionally, cor-
tisol, interleukin-6, and vastus lateralis
CSA were elevated from baseline only Subjects and Methods
in HV at specific time points, but not
HI. Thus, it seems that the HV protocol Subjects
produced more damage, soreness, and Twelve experienced, resistance-trained
suppressed force production to a greater men (body mass, 82.3 ± 8.4 kg; height,
degree than the HI protocol over a 72- 175.2 ± 5.5 cm; body fat, 13.5 ± 3.4%)
hour period. volunteered to participate in this study.
Participants had to be between 18 and
35 years old with at least two years of re-
Purpose and Research sistance training experience (actual, 6.3
Questions ± 3.4 years). Additionally, participants
had to be able to squat at least 1.5 times
Purpose their body mass (actual, 173.4 ± 31.7
kg). Participants could not use dietary
The purpose of this investigation was
supplements or performance enhancing
to compare the acute effects of a HV
drugs during the trial and were screened
and HI training protocol on perfor-
for prior use.
mance and recovery post-exercise in ex-
perienced, resistance-trained men.
Overall Design
Hypotheses In this crossover design, the partici-
pants were assessed a total of 11 times.
While not directly stated, the authors
The first assessment was to test their
cited previous work showing HV train-
squat 1RM and to have their descrip-
ing to suppress force production. Much
tive characteristics measured (height,
of the prior work cited, however, was in
weight, body composition, etc.). After at
untrained individuals, and the authors

Figure 1

p-30 p-24 p-48 p-72

BL Day 1 min hr hr hr

� Anthropometric
� Muscle
� Muscle
� Muscle
� Muscle
� Muscle

� Performance
� Blood
� Blood
� Blood
� Blood
� Blood

� Squat 1RM � Training

� Performance
� Performance
� Performance
� Performance
(HV or HI)

Reproduced from Bartolomei et al. 2017 (1)

least 72 hours, the participants returned etitions at 70% 1RM with 75 seconds
to perform either the HI or HV proto- between sets. During both protocols, if
col (half started with one, half the other) the required number of repetitions per
after baseline assessment of muscle CSA set was not completed, the load was
and baseline blood collection. Then, at reduced in the subsequent set to allow
30 minutes, 24 hours, 48 hours, and 72 participants to complete the required
hours post-training, blood, CSA, and number of repetitions. No forced repe-
performance analyses were conducted. titions were performed and all training
The participants then performed the op- was supervised.
posite training protocol, and this process
was repeated. This is shown schemati- Performance, Biochemical, Ultrasound,
cally in Figure 1. and Subjective Testing
At each testing time interval, CMJ
Resistance Training peak power, isokinetic leg extension
After a standardized warm-up, par- strength at a speed of 60 and 180 de-
ticipants performed either the HI or grees per second, isometric leg extension
HV protocol. Both HI and HV were MVC, isometric mid-thigh pull, and
comprised of only the squat. During isometric half squat were assessed. Prior
HI, participants performed 8 sets of 3 to performance testing, serum concen-
repetitions at 90% of their previous- trations of testosterone, cortisol, myo-
ly measured 1RM with three-minute globin, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)
rest intervals between sets. During HV, activity, and creatine kinase (CK), as
participants performed 8 sets of 10 rep- well as plasma interleukin-6 (IL-6) and

Table 1 Significant changes in high volume group relative to baseline and high intensity group

30 minutes post 24 hours post 48 hours post 72 hours post

VARIABLE From Baseline From HI From Baseline From HI From Baseline From HI From Baseline From HI

CMJ Both lower Lower Lower No difference Lower Lower No difference No difference

MVC Lower No difference No difference No difference No difference Lower Lower Lower

Iso60 Lower Lower Lower Lower No difference No difference No difference No difference

CSA Higher Higher Higher Higher Higher Higher No difference No difference

Soreness Higher Higher Higher Higher Higher Higher Higher Higher

Cortisol Higher Higher No difference No difference No difference No difference No difference No difference

IL-6 Higher Higher No difference No difference No difference No difference No difference No difference

Both higher Higher No difference No difference No difference No difference No difference No difference

CMJ: counter-movement jump peak power, MVC: maximum voluntary isometric leg extension strength,
Iso60: isometric leg extension strength at 60 degrees per second, CSA: vastus lateralis cross sectional
area, IL-6: interleukin-6.

C-reactive protein (CRP) were assayed. second experimental trial, participants

Additionally, muscle CSA of the vastus were required to duplicate the content,
lateralis was measured via ultrasound. quantity, and timing of their daily diet
Finally, participants were asked to assess from the first trial. Participants were in-
their perception of pain and soreness on structed not to eat or drink anything ex-
a 0-100 visual scale. cept water within 10 hours of reporting
to the laboratory for testing sessions.
Dietary Control
Participants were instructed to record
everything they consumed during both Findings
the HI and HV four-day trial. For the Table 1 lists all variables where signif-

icant differences were reported in the
HV group relative to baseline and rel-
ative to the HI group. It’s worth point- WHILE THE DATA DO CONVINCINGLY
ing out that mean changes in many of
the performance metrics that were not
significantly different between groups HIGH VOLUME TRAINING CAUSES
still followed a similar pattern of greater
suppression in HV than HI, and a slow- MORE INFLAMMATION, CAUSES
er return to baseline levels over 72 hours.
For example, in the HI group, the mid-
thigh pull peak force bottomed out at
98% and was slightly higher than base-
line levels at some time points during TO A GREATER DEGREE, AND FOR
the post-training measurement period,
while the HV group dropped to 92% of A LONGER TIME PERIOD THAN
baseline values at 30 minutes post and
gradually recovered back up to 97.5% of
baseline at 72 hours. Similarly, the iso- DOES MORE THAN THAT.
metric half squat peak force dropped
to 85% of baseline values at 30 minutes
post-training in the HV group then re-
turned to 95% baseline values at 48 hours, 30 minutes post-training in HV was
while the HI group dropped to 93% at inversely related to changes in CMJ
30 minutes post-training and returned (r = -0.68; p = 0.01), MVC (r = -0.58;
to 95% in only 24 hours. Likewise, cor- p=0.05), and isokinetic leg extension
tisol reached a peak at 24 hours relative strength at 180 degrees per second (r
to baseline in both groups, increasing = -0.80; p=0.001). Inverse relationships
by roughly two-thirds in the HI group, were also reported for changes in CSA
but by over two-fold in the HV group. from baseline to 24 hours post-training
The p-values were relatively low, yet not in both isokinetic leg extension strength
quite significant in the above examples. at 60 (r = -0.787; p = 0.002) and 180 de-
They likely would have reached signifi- grees per second (r = -0.678; p = 0.015)
cance with more precise measurements after HV training.
or a larger sample size.
Additionally, correlations were report-
Correlation between variables ed between IL-6 and the magnitude of
reduction in CMJ performance at both
The change in CSA from baseline to
30 minutes (r = 0.76; p = 0.004) and 48

hours post-training (r = 0.66; p = 0.798) high volume training causes more in-
in the HV group. In addition, a signifi- flammation, causes more muscle dam-
cant correlation (r = 0.660; p = 0.019) was age, and suppresses force production to
reported between IL-6 and the increase a greater degree, and for a longer time
in CSA at 24 hours post-training in the period than high intensity training, it
HV group. Finally, a correlation was also does more than that. This acute study is
observed between CK levels 72 hours also illustrative of a number of concepts
post-training and the change in CSA we’ve discussed previously in MASS,
from baseline to 72 hours post-training yet also combines them in such a way to
in HV (r = 0.60; p = 0.037). show the practical relevance in the im-
mediate microcycle-length term.
While there is a clear relationship be-
Interpretation tween training volume and hypertrophy
At first glance, this study seems to (2, 3) and, to a lesser degree, strength (4,
simply answer the question, “What is 5), we’ve previously discussed why more
more fatiguing, high volume or high volume is not always better and that
intensity training?” While the data do prematurely increasing training volume
convincingly demonstrate that, indeed, beyond what is appropriate for one’s
training age can actually be counterpro-
ductive (6). This study gives more mech-
anistic insight into why doing massive
VOLUME IS ONLY USEFUL IF volumes in a single session is counter-
productive. If one were to simplistically
ONE CAN RECOVER FROM IT consider the relationship of volume with
AND, AS DEMONSTRATED BY hypertrophy and strength, they might
conclude that doing as much volume as
THIS STUDY, DOING A MASSIVE possible at all times would be optimal.
However, volume is only useful if one
VOLUME OF WORK YOU ARE NOT can recover from it and, as demonstrat-
ed by this study, doing a massive volume
ACCUSTOMED TO IN A SINGLE of work you are not accustomed to in
a single session can negatively impact
SESSION CAN NEGATIVELY your performance for at least 72 hours.
IMPACT YOUR PERFORMANCE Getting stronger over time is a result of
stringing multiple days, weeks, months,
FOR AT LEAST 72 HOURS. and years of effective training together,
meaning that your training configura-

1. In the short term, 8 sets of 10 reps at 70% of 1RM will produce a large level of
fatigue that will suppress strength for at least 72 hours to a larger degree than
performing 8 sets of 3 reps at 90% 1RM.
2. While this level of volume is not a realistic example for most people, when performing
a high-volume session relative to your own work capacity, it would be tactically
advantageous to place an easier training day (one that could be accomplished
with strength levels below normal) after this session (and maybe in conjunction
with a rest day) to allow more time for intra-week recovery before performing any
heavy sessions.
3. When you do attempt to increase volume or overreach through an increase in total
number of sets, it would behoove you to perform a microcycle (or two) in which
you gradually build up to the target volume. This will elicit the repeated bout effect
and make the coming sessions less damaging and fatiguing, so that you can
complete more of the prescribed workload.

tion in the short term should pay respect sult in greater joint stress, higher injury
to the long term. In fact, we’ve previous- risk, and more generalized “burn out,”
ly discussed the merits of setting up a as sessions would take much longer be-
microcycle of training in an intelligent cause you’d have to perform many more
way to manage fatigue, and how doing sets to equal the workload of the high-
so in a logical way can improve perfor- er-repetition group (8).
mance over an entire mesocycle (7). Finally, it’s also worth addressing the
Also, another thing you’ve probably potential conclusion some people might
heard about lifting heavy is that it will draw when reading this study: that the
cause “CNS burnout” if done too often. damage and inflammation from HV
While this study didn’t address that (and training is an inherently good thing for
I’m not sure that is something I would hypertrophy. While it is true that mus-
even know how to quantify or measure), cle damage likely plays a role in muscle
it did show that on a per set basis, heavy growth (9), in this previous review I dis-
lifting actually did not suppress force cussed why muscle damage should not
production to the same degree as mod- be viewed as having a direct causative
erate load lifting. With that said, if you and proportional relationship with hy-
were to actually match volume (not just pertrophy, and why it likely doesn’t need
the number of sets), you would more to be deliberately sought out in training.
than likely run into issues lifting heavy Indeed, a systematic review from 2007
exclusively in the long term. It would re- found that rates of hypertrophy peaked

in the bicep and quadriceps when per- will always be impacted by the previous
forming ~40-70 repetitions 2-3 times training of the participants and what
per week (for a total of ~80-210 repe- type and how much training they were
titions), and then slowed when more previously acclimated to. It would also
volume was performed (on average, in a be interesting to see the effects of dif-
mixed group of studies primarily on un- ferent lengths and types of introductory
trained and recreationally trained lifters, microcycles designed to acclimate the
with only some well-trained lifters) (10). participants to the HV training proto-
While the subjects in the present study col to come. This would allow us to see
were actually quite well-trained (on av- how much the inflammation and mus-
erage, over two times bodyweight squat cle damage response could be mitigated,
with about six years in the gym), achiev- and if this results in a faster recovery of
ing the low end of the volume range performance.
presented in the aforementioned sys-
tematic review (~80 repetitions) in a sin-
gle session, from just a single exercise, is
probably overkill (even more so if it was
performed in addition to other exercis-
es for other multiple groups with similar
levels of volume). If you still remain un-
convinced, I’d also refer you back to our
review of the now infamous “German
volume training” study in which trained
(not well-trained, but trained nonethe-
less) lifters gained less muscle perform-
ing 10 sets per muscle group three times
per week compared to performing five

Next Steps
So much can be done in the area of
acute recovery from training. Most ob-
viously, different amounts of volume at
different intensities could be compared.
However, no matter how much of this
type of data is collected, the response

1. Bartolomei, S., et al., Comparison of the recovery response from high-intensity and high-volume
resistance exercise in trained men. Eur J Appl Physiol, 2017. 117(7): p. 1287-1298.
2. Krieger, J.W., Single vs. multiple sets of resistance exercise for muscle hypertrophy: a meta-analysis.
J Strength Cond Res, 2010. 24(4): p. 1150-9.
3. Schoenfeld, B.J., D. Ogborn, and J.W. Krieger, Dose-response relationship between weekly resis-
tance training volume and increases in muscle mass: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Sports
Sci, 2017. 35(11): p. 1073-1082.
4. Krieger, J.W., Single versus multiple sets of resistance exercise: a meta-regression. J Strength Cond
Res, 2009. 23(6): p. 1890-901.
5. Robbins, D.W., P.W. Marshall, and M. McEwen, The effect of training volume on lower-body
strength. J Strength Cond Res, 2012. 26(1): p. 34-9.
6. Gonzalez-Badillo, J.J., et al., Moderate resistance training volume produces more favorable strength
gains than high or low volumes during a short-term training cycle. J Strength Cond Res, 2005. 19(3):
p. 689-97.
7. Zourdos, M.C., et al., Modified Daily Undulating Periodization Model Produces Greater Perfor-
mance Than a Traditional Configuration in Powerlifters. J Strength Cond Res, 2016. 30(3): p. 784-
8. Schoenfeld, B.J., et al., Effects of different volume-equated resistance training loading strategies on
muscular adaptations in well-trained men. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2014.
29(10): p. 2909-18.
9. Schoenfeld, B., Does exercise-induced muscle damage play a role in skeletal muscle hypertrophy? J
Strength Cond Res, 2012. 26(5): p. 1441-53.
10. Wernbom, M., J. Augustsson, and R. Thomee, The influence of frequency, intensity, volume and
mode of strength training on whole muscle cross-sectional area in humans. Sports Med, 2007. 37(3):
p. 225-64.

Study Reviewed: Comparison of Two Equated Resistance Training Weekly
Volume Routines Using Different Frequencies on Body Composition and
Performance in Trained Males. Yue et al. (2017)

More Frequency is
Not Always Better

We know that more volume is not always better. This study shows us
that, similarly, more frequency is not always better. But is it really that
simple? Sometimes a critical analysis of a study’s methods is necessary to
establish true takeaways from a single study.

1. This study compared two equated volume programs but with different training
frequencies for performance and body composition. The study compared a frequency
of two versus four times per week for some muscle groups, and two versus one time
per week for other muscle groups.
2. The main results showed no differences between groups for any performance or
body composition measure. When volume is equated and there is a frequency of at
least two times per week, additional frequency may not matter too much.
3. Importantly, both groups in this study met the already-established recommendations
for weekly volume, which likely explains the lack of differences between groups.

ait a second. First, “More Volume Per-session volume was just higher in the
is Not Always Better” and now low frequency group. The main variables
“More Frequency is not Always assessed from pre- to post-study and
Better”? I know, we are calling everything between groups were: squat and bench
into question, but that’s a good thing, and one-repetition maximum (1RM); quad-
that’s how we move forward. Despite the riceps, biceps, and deltoid hypertrophy;
title of this article, meta-analyses have body composition; and bench press pow-
concluded that a frequency of at least two er (power output at 50% of 1RM). There
times per muscle group per week is better were no statistically significant differenc-
than once per week for hypertrophy (2) es between groups for any measure, and
and strength (3). So how did this study both groups experienced hypertrophy
show that more frequency wasn’t better? and improved 1RM strength and power
This study had two groups which were output. However, there were some im-
volume-equated and trained for six weeks: portant meaningful differences. Specif-
1) High frequency (n=9), which per- ically, between-group effect sizes (ES)
formed four total sessions per week with revealed a large effect (0.89) in favor of
a frequency of twice per week on a mus- low frequency for bench press 1RM and a
cle group but with a low per-session vol- moderate effect (0.53) also in favor of low
ume, and 2) Low frequency (n=9), which frequency for biceps hypertrophy. Also of
performed two total sessions per week note was a small effect (0.45) again in fa-
with a frequency of once per week on a vor of low frequency for improvement in
muscle group, but with a high per-session fat-free mass. At first glance, these ES re-
volume. For clarity, volume was equated sults are a little jarring in that they point
between groups and across all six weeks. to a huge win for lower frequency. How-

Table 1 Subject Characteristics

Body Mass Training Age

Subjects Age (years) Height (cm) (kg) (yrs.)

21 ± 3 180.4 ± 4.8 76.63 ± 14.72 3.0 ± 0.5

28 ± 8 178.6 ± 6.7 79.38 ± 14.22 2.9 ± 0.4

Data are Mean ± SD

Subjects characteristics from Yue et al. 2017 (1)

ever, there are some statistical questions maximal strength, hypertrophy, power,
and methodology considerations, which I and body composition over six weeks in
believe explain, and – in some ways – call trained males.
into question the authors’ conclusions.
So, let’s not count it as a point in the col- Research Question
umn of low frequency yet. Let’s critically Does a frequency of twice per week
analyze everything in play here. on a muscle group (four total sessions)
produce greater performance and better
body composition outcomes than train-
Purpose and Research ing a muscle group once per week (two
Questions total sessions)? Quick Note: Although the
actual paper pitches this study as a one ver-
Purpose sus two time per week frequency for each
muscle group, it’s more like a two versus
The purpose of this study was to ex-
four time per week, as I’ll explicitly point
amine the effects of equated volume but
out in a bit.
different weekly training frequencies on

Hypotheses estimated via a BOD POD. The high
Although a hypothesis was not ex- frequency group trained Monday, Tues-
pressly stated, the introduction indicates day, Thursday, and Friday. Monday’s
that the authors expected the high fre- and Thursday’s sessions (Routine 1) di-
quency group to experience better re- rectly targeted the chest, shoulders, and
sults than the low frequency group. biceps. Tuesday’s and Friday’s sessions
(Routine 2) directly targeted the legs,
back, and triceps. The low frequency
Subjects and Methods group trained on only Mondays (Rou-
tine 1) and Thursdays (Routine 2). The
Subjects high frequency group performed two
sets per exercise, and the low frequency
This study had 18 men who had
group performed four sets per exercise.
trained 2-3 times per week using a
All sets were performed at approxi-
whole-body routine for 2-5 years prior
mately 75% of 1RM and were taken ei-
to the start of the study; however, there
ther to failure or to 12 reps, whichever
were no baseline strength criteria – just
was reached first. If 12 reps were per-
a training experience criteria. The de-
formed and subjects thought they could
scriptive statistics for each group can be
do additional reps, then 2.5kg was add-
seen in Table 1.
ed to the load for the next set. Table 2
shows the specific exercises completed
Study Protocol
for both groups.
This study spanned a total of seven
Importantly, this study is billed as a
weeks. The first week, subjects came to
comparison of training a muscle group
the lab three times for familiarization
two times versus one time per week (so
sessions to ensure proper exercise tech-
that’s how our purpose and research ques-
nique. The next six weeks served as the
tions were written); however, after review-
training program. In short, both the
ing Table 2, you can see that’s not really
high frequency group (n=9) and the low
the case. Most muscle groups were trained
frequency group (n=9) trained for six
more than that, at least indirectly. There-
weeks with pre- and post-study mea-
fore, I think it’s more accurate to say that
surements for performance and body
this study compared a training frequency of
composition. Strength was measured via
two versus four times per week on a mus-
1RM squat and bench, hypertrophy was
cle group. To illustrate this, I created Table
assessed via muscle thickness and limb
3, which breaks down how many times
circumference, power was assessed by
per week each muscle group was directly
testing power output (Watts) at 50% of
trained and indirectly trained to provide
bench 1RM, and body composition was

Table 2 Training Protocol, Training Variables, and Outcome Measures

Routine 1 Routine 2

Bench Press Lat Pulldown

DB Fly DB Rear Delt

Chest Press Bar Pullover

Bar Curl Bar Triceps Ext.

Seated DB Curl Close Grip Bench

Bench Over Row Triceps Pushdowns

DB Lateral Raise Squat

Military Press Deadlift

Bar Front Raise Leg Curl

This table shows the specific exercises completed for each group.
Both “routines” were performed twice per week in the high frequen-
cy group and once per week in the low frequency group.
DB = Dumbbell, 1RM = One-Repetition Maximum

the truest comparison of weekly frequency.

It’s important to do this, because a recent Findings
meta-analysis (2) – which recommends a There were no statistically significant
frequency of 2-3 times per week for mus- differences between groups, in terms
cle growth – includes indirectly training of p-values, for any outcome measure.
a muscle group (i.e. rows count indirectly However, there were some instances
for biceps) in that recommendation. where an outcome measure statistically

Table 3 Breakdown of Both Direct and Indirect Training Frequencies Per Muscle Group

Weekly Frequency Weekly Frequency What’s Included for Total Weekly Sets
Directly Trained What’s Included for Indirectly / Directly Indirectly / Directly Including All Indirect
Muscle Group LVHF / HVLF Directly Trained Trained LVHF / HVLF Trained Training

Chest 2/4 Bench Press, Chest Press, DB 2/4 Bench Press, Chest Press, DB 16
Fly, Close Grip Bench Press Fly, Close Grip Bench Press

Biceps 1/2 Bar Curl, Seated DB Curl 2/4 Bar Curl, Seated DB Curl, Bent 16
Over Row, Bar Pullover

Back 2/4 Lat Pulldown, Bent Over Row, 2/4 Lat Pulldown, Bent Over Row, 20
Bar Pullover, Deadlift Bar Pullover, Deadlift, DB Rear

Shoulders 2/4 Military Press, Bar Front Raise, 2/4 Military Press, Bar Front Raise, 16
DB Rear Delt DB Rear Delt, Close Grip Bench

Triceps 1/2 Bar Triceps Ext, Close Grip 2/4 Bar Triceps Ext, Close Grip 16
Bench, Triceps Pushdowns Bench, Triceps Pushdowns,
Bench Press

Legs 1/2 Squat, Deadlift, Leg Curl 1/2 Squat, Deadlift, Leg Curl 12

improved from pre- to post-study in the

low frequency group but not in the high Interpretation
frequency group. Those measures were: Although Table 3 shows some effect
fat mass, fat-free mass, arm circumfer- sizes in favor of the low frequency group,
ence, and biceps hypertrophy. Further, I think it’s most important to point out
there were meaningful effect sizes in fa- that there were no significant differenc-
vor of the low frequency group for the es between groups in terms of p-val-
following variables: body mass (loss), fat ues. Further, when you look closely at
mass, fat-free mass, biceps hypertrophy, Table 3, the effect sizes in favor of low
1RM bench, 1RM squat, and bench frequency become less convincing upon
press power. In short, all of the mean- critical analysis. For example, there is
ingful differences were in favor of the what is considered a large ES (0.89) in
low frequency group; therefore, these re- favor of low frequency for 1RM bench
sults suggest a possible benefit for low- press. However, there is a mean change
er frequency training for body compo- of 11kg for bench press in both groups.
sition, strength, and hypertrophy. Table The standard deviation is much tighter
4 displays pre- to post-study means, the for the low frequency group, which may
mean change, the comparison p-value, account for the ES, but the large standard
and the between-group ES for all vari- deviation in the high frequency group at
ables. post-test (SD=30) also means the great-
est individual change may have occurred

Table 4 Pre to Post-Study Changes and Between Group Effect Sizes for All Variables

LVHF (n=9) HVLF (n=9) Group Comparisons

Variable Pre Post Changes Pre Post Changes p-value ES

Body Mass (kg) 76.6 ± 14.72 77.2 ± 16.26 0.61 ± 14.22 79.4 ± 14.22 79.3 ± 13.3 -0.06 ± 2.18 0.054 1.08

Fat Mass (%) 18.1 ± 7.08 17.06 ± 7.6 -1.04 ± 1.29 21.84 ± 6.83 20.18 ± 6.85 -1.67 ± 1.5* 0.679 0.22

Fat mass (kg) 14.47 ± 8.88 13.9 ± 9.54 -0.58 ± 1.12 17.93 ± 8.63 16.52 ± 8.2 -2.41 ± 1.10 0.362 0.45

Fat-free mass (%) 81.9 ± 7.06 82.94 ± 7.6 1.04 ± 1.29 78.15 ± 6.83 79.83 ± 6.85 1.68 ± 1.5* 0.396 0.45

Fat-free mass (kg) 62.16 ± 8.74 63.35 ± 9.77 1.19 ± 1.94* 61.45 ± 7.84 62.8 ± 7.74 1.36 ± 1.06* 0.205 0.59

Arm Circumference (cm) 31.4 ± 5.54 32.1 ± 5.75 0.73 ± 1.24 31.8 ± 3.05 33.0 ± 3.15 1.08 ± 1.47* 0.586 0.30

Thigh Circumference (cm) 44.9 ± 4.78 45.6 ± 6.16 0.70 ± 2.09 46.5 ± 4.02 47.4 ± 4.12 0.87 ± 2.1 0.168 0.76

Vastus Medialis Thickness (mm) 41.1 ± 13 42.9 ± 13.65 1.8 ± 2.43* 35.9 ± 12.48 38.1 ± 13.37 2.18 ± 1.88* 0.798 0.07#

Elbow Flexors Thickness (mm) 40.5 ± 9.59 41.9 ± 10.58 1.4 ± 2.35 38.8 ± 7.41 41.0 ± 9.62 2.21 ± 2.81* 0.259 0.53

Ant. Deltoids Thickness (mm) 25.6 ± 7.48 26.7 ± 7.7 1.1 ± 1.66 20.9 ± 5.64 22.0 ± 5.99 1.08 ± 1.16 0.803 0.14#

1RM Bench Press (kg) 77 ± 27 88 ± 30 11.67 ± 4.33* 70 ± 17 81 ± 15 10.83 ± 3.95* 0.067 0.89

0.98 ± 0.23 1.13 ± 0.22 0.14 ± 0.01* 0.90 ± 0.23 1.04 ± 0.22 0.14 ± 0.01* 0.726 0.18#
1 RM Bench Press (kg body mass-1)

103 ± 27 115 ± 34 11.94 ± 7.68* 90 ± 9 103 ± 13 13.83 ± 6.35* 0.880 0.06#

1RM Squat (kg)

1 RM Squat (kg body mass-1) 1.35 ± 0.28 1.49 ± 0.32 0.14 ± 0.06* 1.14 ± 0.11 1.31 ± 0.13 0.17 ± 0.01* 0.396 0.43

Bench Press Power (watts) at 50% 1RM 305 ± 101 324 ± 104 18.72 ± 14.53* 249 ± 46 271 ± 53 21.72 ± 16.07* 0.661 0.23

Bench Press Power (watts body mass-1) 3.93 ± 0.93 4.15 ± 0.9 0.22 ± 0.25* 3.18 ± 0.58 3.46 ± 0.63 0.27 ± 0.22* 0.675 0.22

This table shows the pre and post-study means + SD, the mean change + SD, the between group p-values, and between group effect sizes (ES) for every outcome measure.
*, Significant change from pre-study; #, Effect size is >0.20 indicating at least a small effect in favor of HVLF; LVHF, Low Volume High Frequency; HVLF, High Volume Low Frequency; 1RM, One-Repetition Maximum

in that group. Ultimately, with only nine was an analysis of covariance (ANCO-
subjects in each group and similar mean VA), and then converted the effect sizes
changes, I think these effect sizes should to a between-group Cohen’s d (the lat-
be interpreted cautiously. ter is what you see in our interpreting
Continuing with the ES discussion, the research document). When you look
effect sizes in this study were calculated at the mean changes (i.e. bench press
in an unorthodox manner. The authors 1RM mean change is identical between
calculated partial eta squared effect sizes groups) in Table 3, it seems impossible
from their main statistical model, which that the meaningful effects in favor of

low frequency would show up as such if training in the present study, all muscle
a Cohen’s d was calculated directly. This groups met the 10+ sets per week recom-
does not mean that the effect sizes are mendation which we gave previously in
invalid, nor does it mean that the au- MASS. When all of these factors are tak-
thors were wrong in their reporting, but en together: both groups in this study had
it does mean that it’s an unorthodox ap- a frequency of >1 time per week, volume
proach. So, when compiling everything was equated between groups, both groups
in play – lack of p-value differences be- performed 10+ sets per muscle group, and
tween groups, similar mean changes, there was no statistical difference between
a low sample size, and unorthodox ES groups. So, although the abstract of the
calculations – I think it’s prudent to paper suggests better results for the low
again stress a cautious interpretation of frequency group for some measures, I am
the effect sizes and important to keep in less convinced, and based upon the design,
mind that there was no statistical differ- I don’t find the lack of differences surpris-
ence between groups. ing. So, even though Table 3 shows effect
Now that the stats discussion is out of sizes in favor of low frequency for some
the way, let’s break down the methodolo- measures, take another look at how sim-
gy a little more. As previously stated, this ilar the mean changes are; can we really
study is billed as a two versus four total say with confidence that the low frequen-
session frequency study and a one versus cy protocol produced superior results? I
two times per week muscle group study; can’t say that with confidence. However,
however, as you can see in Table 3, this despite my lack of confidence that those
isn’t really the case. All muscle groups effect sizes do exist, I could be wrong.
(except for legs) were trained directly or With that in mind, let’s now indulge the
indirectly at least twice per week, which possibility that there may be a difference
means it was a two versus four time per in some of these measures and speculate
week per muscle group study. What do we as to why.
currently know about training frequency If we argue for a second that a mean-
for hypertrophy and strength? Well, the ingful difference is present, I would pro-
aforementioned meta-analysis demon- pose three possible reasons: 1) The high
strates that a two time per week frequen- frequency group was under-recovered
cy promotes greater hypertrophy than a throughout, 2) The higher frequency was
one time per week frequency (2). Previous too much for the relatively low training
data also have shown that hypertrophy status, and 3) The possibility of greater
and strength adaptations are similar be- metabolic byproduct accumulation in the
tween groups when volume is equated (4). low frequency group.
Further, when accounting for all indirect

1) The high frequency group was un- could conceivably count as added volume.
der-recovered Thus, this could be a case of simply too
In this study, all sets were taken to fail- much frequency or volume for the high
ure, and failure training causes greater fa- frequency group. Finally, even though we
tigue than non-failure training for 48-72 know that a frequency of two times per
hours (More in Eric’s recent articles) (5). week produces larger strength gains than
While it is true that the high frequency once per week, we can’t conclude that
group did less volume per session than the three is better than two (3). We shouldn’t
low frequency group in the present study expect four times to have an added bene-
(1), the high frequency group trained two fit in a population not far past the novice
days in a row at least once per week. Also, lifting phase.
we know from Table 3 that the subjects
in the high frequency group trained most 3) Possibility of greater metabolic by-
muscle groups on back-to-back days (at products
least indirectly); therefore, training to fail- Although metabolite build-up may not
ure could have placed the subjects in the play a huge role in hypertrophy (6), it may
high frequency group in a high state of play some role (7). In this study, the low
fatigue on their second consecutive train- frequency group did more volume per ses-
ing day, compromising recoverability and sion, so it’s possible that the low frequency
subsequent adaptation. group had a greater metabolite build-up,
which could possibly account for the ef-
2) Training Status fect sizes in its favor.
In a way, this goes hand-in-hand with Before we present some next steps, let’s
the under-recovered hypothesis. Both have some last words to clarify our inter-
groups in this study had a starting 1RM pretation. The results seem fairly straight-
bench of <80kg, making them relative forward to me: this study had a low sample
novices (check out Figure 1 here) at this size and compared different frequencies
exercise. Therefore, training to failure four with equated volume and found no dif-
times per week in the high frequency ferences between groups for any outcome
group may have simply been too much. measure. However, despite the unortho-
Also, even though volume was equated in dox ES calculation, we cannot discount
terms of working sets (Table 3), the high the possibility of a meaningful difference,
frequency group had to warm-up each so we presented some theories as to why
day. Since the working sets were at 75%, these differences may have occurred. Ul-
that means they likely had some warm-up timately, I wouldn’t take this as a win for
sets from 60-70% of 1RM. For someone low frequency. I would take this as anoth-
with a relatively low training status, that er point in the column of equated vol-

1. When equating for training volume, training frequency doesn’t seem to be a huge
variable influencing adaptations as long as a frequency of at least two times per
week is met and muscle group volume is 10+ sets for the week.
2. We cannot yet say if greater than two times per week frequency is necessary to
maximize adaptations in highly trained lifters, but if it is, it should likely include
increased volume.
3. When counting sets per week on a muscle group, it is important to count when a
muscle group is both directly and indirectly trained.

ume leading to similar training outcomes.

Finally, if you do choose to take it as a
win for lower frequency, remember that
the training frequency for most muscle
groups was actually twice per week, which
is in line with previous recommendations.

Next Steps
We first need clarify whether a frequen-
cy of three times per week is better than
two times per week for hypertrophy and
strength. I theorize that in trained lifters,
three times per week may be better be-
cause it allows for more volume and also
allows that volume to be distributed in a
way that makes it is easier to achieve high
intensity work. I would like to see this
study carried out in a more highly trained
population and also with muscle groups
not being indirectly trained on days they
aren’t directly trained. This could be done
with a training setup of training legs, back,
and biceps together and chest, shoulders,
and triceps together.

1. Yue, F, Karsten, B, Larumbe-Zabala, Seijo, M, Naclerio, F. Comparison of two equated training
weekly volume routines using different frequencies on body composition and performance in trained
males. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. 2017,ja.
2. Schoenfeld BJ, Ogborn D, Krieger JW. Effects of resistance training frequency on measures of muscle
hypertrophy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine. 2016 Nov 1;46(11):1689-97.
3. Peterson MD, Rhea MR, Alvar BA. Maximizing strength development in athletes: a meta-analysis
to determine the dose-response relationship. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research.
2004 May 1;18(2):377-82.
4. Klemp A, Dolan C, Quiles JM, Blanco R, Zoeller RF, Graves BS, Zourdos MC. Volume-equated
high-and low-repetition daily undulating programming strategies produce similar hypertrophy and
strength adaptations. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. 2016 Feb 16;41(7):699-705.
5. Morán-Navarro R, Pérez CE, Mora-Rodríguez R, de la Cruz-Sánchez E, González-Badillo JJ, Sán-
chez-Medina L, Pallarés JG. Time course of recovery following resistance training leading or not to
failure. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2017 Jan 1:1-3.
6. Dankel SJ, Mattocks KT, Jessee MB, Buckner SL, Mouser JG, Loenneke JP. Do metabolites that
are produced during resistance exercise enhance muscle hypertrophy? European Journal of Applied
Physiology. 2017 Nov 1;117(11):2125-35.
7. Schoenfeld BJ. The mechanisms of muscle hypertrophy and their application to resistance training.
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 2010 Oct 1;24(10):2857-72.

Study Reviewed: Effects of Mental Training on Muscular Force, Hormonal
and Physiological Changes in Kickboxers. Slimani et al. (2017)

Mind Over Matter: Mental

Training Increases Strength Gains

Everyone focuses on physical training, but mental training is a

powerful, oft-overlooked tool that can boost your strength gains.

1. Two groups of high-level kickboxers performed the same lifting program over 12
weeks. One of the groups did additional mental training, including motivational self-
talk and visualization.
2. While both groups experienced increased performance, the group doing additional
mental training made larger gains. For our purposes here, their additional strength
gains in the bench press and half squat are most relevant.
3. The group doing additional mental training also showed markers of decreased
stress, including an elevation in testosterone:cortisol ratio and larger decreases in
resting heart rate and blood pressure than the group not performing mental training.

W Purpose and Research

hen you talk to elite lifters,
you’ll notice that, in addition
to discussing their training Questions
approach, a lot of them also talk about The authors of this study had three hy-
their mental approach to training and potheses:
competing. This study set out to test the
degree to which mental training could 1. Physical training plus mental train-
augment physical training. ing would lead to larger strength
gains than physical training alone.
Over 12 weeks, two groups of
high-level kickboxers followed the 2. Physical training plus mental train-
same strength training program, but one ing would lead to larger increases in
group also performed additional men- testosterone and a larger increase in
tal training (self-talk and visualization). testosterone:cortisol ratio than phys-
While both groups got stronger in the ical training alone.
bench press and half squat, the group 3. Physical training plus mental train-
doing additional mental training expe- ing would lead to larger decreases in
rienced larger strength increases, along cortisol, heart rate, and blood pres-
with decreases in heart rate and blood sure than physical training alone.
pressure, and increases in testosterone:-
cortisol ratio. Therefore, purposefully
adding self-talk and visualization train- Subjects and Methods
ing to your lifting may help you make
faster strength gains without incurring Subjects
additional recovery demands. The subjects were 53 male elite (n=9)

or sub-elite kickboxers (n=44), meaning themselves with the tests.
they competed in at least four national At the start of training, after 6 weeks of
or international competitions per year. training, and after 12 weeks of training,
They were 24.2±4.4 years old, weighing all groups completed those same physi-
70.4±10.4kg, and all had at least one year cal tests again. In addition, the research-
of resistance training experience. ers measured the subjects’ resting heart
To be included in the study, they had rate and blood pressure and drew blood
to meet these criteria: to analyze testosterone and cortisol lev-
1. They’d never done any sort of dedi- els. All tests, measurements, and blood
cated mental training with the goal draws were performed at the same times
of improving sport performance. of day (7-8 a.m. for blood draws, blood
pressure, and heart rate and 5:30-7 p.m.
2. They didn’t use any drugs or dietary
for physical tests) at all three time points
to minimize the effect of diurnal fluctua-
3. They had no recent injuries. tions in hormone levels, heart rate, blood
4. They had no history of using drugs pressure, and performance.
or medications that could affect It’s worth noting that the half squats
the hypothalamic-adrenal-gonadal used in this study were actually relatively
axis. close to legal squats in powerlifting. The
5. They had no history of chronic dis- participants were required to squat until
ease. the greater trochanter of the femur was
6. They had regular eating patterns. parallel with the knee – probably ~2-3
inches above legal powerlifting depth,
7. They had no depressive illnesses. depending on quad size.
8. They had no severe cognitive im-
Training Protocol
9. They had to have at least moderate
The participants were split into three
mental imagery ability, according to
the Sport Imagery Ability Measure.
1. One group (n=20) performed only
physical training (PT).
2. One group (n=18) performed phys-
One week before the start of the study, ical training plus mental training
the participants all tested 1RM bench (PT-MT).
press, 1RM half squat, max distance
3. One group (n=15) served as a control
medicine ball throw, and max height
group, doing no physical or mental
countermovement jump to familiarize

Table 1 Training Program

15 minutes 30 minutes 80 seconds 30 minutes 15 minutes

Bench Press and Half 80 seconds of rest

Physical Training Neural Cognitive Tasks
Squat (4 x 8 @ 70% 1RM) between sets
General and Specific Cooldown (Jogging,
Warm-up Medicine Ball Throws and Stretching, Shadow
Counter Movement Boxing)
80 seconds of First-Person Motor Imagery for Bench
Physical Plus Jumps
Motivational Self-Talk Press, Half Squat, Medicie Ball Throws,
Mental Training (4 x 10-12 each)
(MST)between sets and Counter Movement Jump

Training for the PT and PT-MT motivational statements each time a new
groups took place three days per week piece of negative self-talk arose.
for 12 weeks, consisting of a 15-min- Mental imagery consisted of internal
ute warm-up, 4 sets of 8 half squat and kinesthetic imagery. This means that the
bench presses with 70% 1RM loads, and participants were instructed to imagine
4 sets of 10-12 medicine ball throws or themselves performing each exercise,
countermovement jumps. They rested looking out through their own eyes (i.e.
80 seconds between sets of all exercises. a first-person view, instead of imagining
Unfortunately, the authors don’t explic- watching themselves performing the ex-
itly state how load was progressed for ercise), and maximally exerting them-
the half squat and bench press. selves through the exercise. The study
In addition to the physical training, also notes that they “urged the muscles
the PT-MT group also performed mo- to contract maximally,” though it’s un-
tivational self-talk between sets and per- clear whether the participants actually
formed mental imagery training at the maximally contracted their muscles, or
end of each workout. just imagined their muscles contracting.
The motivational self-talk was self-se- While the PT-MT group performed
lected, in accordance with self-determi- their mental training post-exercise, the
nation theory. The athletes were told to PT group performed neural cognitive
identify negative self-talk before, during, tasks. The study doesn’t make the nature
or after training, write down the nega- of those tasks clear, simply stating that
tive statement, and to restate that neg- they “never involved the abilities needed
ative statement as a positive or motivat- to form mental images.” I honestly have
ing statement. For example, if an athlete no idea whatsoever what those tasks in-
caught himself thinking “I’m not sure I volved.
can lift this much weight,” they’d instead Finally, the PT and PT-MT groups per-
be instructed to repeat something like, formed two 90-minute sessions of kick-
“I could lift more weight” between sets. boxing training per week, mostly focusing
The athletes were asked to change their on technique and sport-specific training.

Figure 1 Relative Increases in Performance

Physical Plus Mental Training

Physical Training Only

2.0 ** 0.74*



CMJ (cm) MBT (m) Bench press (kg) Half squat (kg)

* = Medium between-group effect size; ** = Large between-group effect size

CMJ = Counter-movement jump; MBT = Medicine ball throw

tests reported didn’t check to see if gains

Findings were significantly different, strangely (i.e.
While the PT and PT-MT groups both they reported that relative bench press was
improved significantly (p<0.05) in all mea- higher post-training for the PT-MT group
sures of performance, improvements were than the PT group, but I don’t think they
larger in the PT-MT group across the ran tests to see if the actual increase itself
board. Performance decreased non-signifi- was larger). However, between-group effect
cantly in the control group. The statistical sizes can be seen in Figure 1.

Figure 2 Mean ± SD Values for Resting Testosterone, Cortisol Concentrations When looking at the hormonal
and T/C Ratio During 12-weeks of Mental Training in Male Trained Kickboxers data, I think the authors had report-
ing issues. For testosterone, the au-
Mental Group Physical Group Control Group thors report in the results section and
in their figure that testosterone con-
centrations increased in both the PT
Testosterone (ng/ml)

† and PT-MT groups, and they don’t
mention a significant change in the
5 control group. So far, so good.
4 For cortisol, the authors report in
the results section that cortisol was
0 6 12 higher post-training in the PT-MT
Training Period
group than the PT or control groups.
However, that doesn’t match their fig-
ure, which shows significant increases

in the PT and control groups and a
Cortisol (ng/ml)

110 non-significant decrease in the PT-

100 MT group. In the discussion section,
the authors report a decrease in corti-
sol in the PT-MT group.
Finally, for T:C ratio, the authors
0 6 12 report that T:C ratio was higher
Training Period post-training for the PT-MT group
than the PT and control groups.
0,1 That seems to indicate that the au-
# thors simply misstated the cortisol
0,08 data in their results section, but cor-
rectly reported it in on their graphs
T/C Ratio

and in their discussion (as a decrease
in cortisol would increase T:C ratio).
However, if we assume the graphs for
0,04 testosterone and cortisol are accurate,
0 6 12
Training Period
we run into another problem with
the T:C graph. Testosterone concen-
* = Significant difference at post-training compared with pre-training at p < 0.05; ** = Significant trations decreased non-significantly
difference at post-training compared with pre-training at p < 0.001; # = Higher values for the
mental group at post-training compared to physical and control groups at p < 0.05; † = Higher for the control group on the graphs,
values for the physical group at post-training compared to the control group at p < 0.05
while cortisol levels increased sig-

Figure 3 Physical Plus Mental Training and Physical Training Only

Physical Plus Mental Training

Physical Training Only

** = Large between-group
effect size (negative means a
larger decrease in the PT-MT


Resting Heart Rate Mean Arterial Pressure
(beats/min) (mmHg)

** = Large between-group effect size (negative means a larger decrease in the PT-MT group)

nificantly. That would necessarily mean Lastly, resting heart rate and blood
that T:C ratio would decrease over the pressure decreased in both the PT and
course of the study. However, the T:C PT-MT groups, with larger decreases in
graph shows unchanged T:C ratios for the PT-MT group.
the control group. All pre- and post-training perfor-
It’s impossible to square this circle giv- mance and physiological characteristics
en the data reported. We can make the of the PT and PT-MT groups can be
reported results for the PT and PT-MT seen in Table 2.
groups add up if we assume the authors
just made a typo in their results section,
but even if we do that, there’s no way we Interpretation
can wind up with a coherent picture for The beauty of mental training is that
all three groups. As such, I’m not going it can increase strength gains without
to pay too much attention to the hor- making it more challenging to recov-
monal data for the rest of this review, as er from training. In fact, if you take the
there seem to be unresolvable data re- hormonal data reported in this study
porting issues.

Table 2 Results For Both Training Groups

Physical Plus Mental Physical Training

Training Group Group

CMJ (cm)

Pre 32.6 ± 2.6 33 ± 2.5

Post 37.9 ± 2.8 25.8 ± 2.7

MBT (m)

Pre 4.3 ± 0.3 4.2 ± 0.3

Post 5.5 ± 0.3 4.8 ± 0.3

Bench Press (kg)

Pre 60.2 ± 7.8 60.3 ± 7.7

Post 76.2 ± 8.7 69.8 ± 8.7

Half Squat (kg)

Pre 89.2 ± 12.5 90.1 ± 13.4

Post 113.5 ± 14.1 104.8 ± 14.7

Resting HR (bpm)

Pre 69.6 ± 2.5 69.7 ± 2.4

Post 63.2 ± 3.3 67.6 ± 2.8

MAP (mmHg)

Pre 89.1 ± 2.3 90.2 ± 2.6

Post 81.5 ± 3.1 85.4 ± 3.5

at face value (which, again, may not be In this study, the PT-MT group per-
prudent), the mental training performed formed two different types of men-
by the PT-MT group in this study may tal training: motivational self-talk, and
have put them in a hormonal state in- mental imagery.
dicative of lower fatigue (increased T:C The way they used self-talk – during
ratio). That’s corroborated by the larger rest periods to mentally prepare them-
decreases in resting heart rate and blood selves for their next set – is something
pressure in the PT-MT group as well. we can all implement. At the very least,

it will keep you engaged and focused on
your training instead of wasting time
goofing off or checking Instagram. I THE BEAUTY OF MENTAL
think the way they determined the self-
talk to use was instructive as well: the TRAINING IS THAT IT CAN
participants identified negative self-talk
they already had and turned it around
to make it positive. That shifts the fo-
cus from your perceived shortcomings
to your ability to overcome those short- IT MORE CHALLENGING TO
comings. For example, if your speed off
the floor is slow when deadlifting, you’ll RECOVER FROM TRAINING.
be in a much better mental space if you
focus more on overcoming that issue (“I
can pull these reps faster off the floor”)
press than people not performing vi-
rather than simply dwelling on it in a
sualization exercises between sets (2).
negative light (“well, my deadlifts are al-
ways slow, so I’m sure this next set will The most effective form of imagery
be slow too”). tends to be the first-person style used
in this study (looking through your
The way mental imagery was used
own eyes as you imagine the task, rath-
in this study, on the other hand (for
er than observing yourself performing
30 minutes post-training), may be less
the task from a third-person point of
convenient for most people to imple-
view) (3). Furthermore, the more de-
ment. I’d assume most people don’t
tails you can evoke from the experi-
want to hang around the gym for an-
ence – the bar digging into your hands,
other half hour when they’re done
the feeling of your muscles straining
training to do visualization exercises.
against the load, the music you listen
However, I doubt that the timing of
to when you train, etc. – the more ef-
your mental imagery is crucially im-
fective your mental imagery training
portant. Furthermore, if self-talk (es-
will be. If the details of using mental
pecially through the entire duration of
imagery to enhance performance in-
a rest period) feels hokey to you, you
terest you, I’d highly recommend this
could perform your mental imagery
review (4). The nitty gritty details are
between sets as well. In a prior study,
outside the purview of this article, but
for example, people doing visualiza-
the linked review is very well-written.
tion exercises between their training
sets gained more strength on the leg

Adding mental training to your current program will likely boost your strength gains
and may even decrease markers of physiological stress. Positive self-talk and first
person kinesthetic mental imagery absolutely don’t replace slinging around heavy iron,
obviously, but they can help you get larger gains from your training program.

Next Steps
One drawback of this study was that
it was performed on people who were
prescreened to have at least moderate
mental imagery ability. It would be in-
teresting for future studies to address 1)
the degree to which that skill is trainable
and 2) the relationship between mental
imagery ability and the additive strength
benefits one can expect from mental
Furthermore, while this study used
participants with some degree of train-
ing experience, they were far from elite
lifters. Future studies should determine
the degree to which high-level lifters
benefit from added mental training.

1. Slimani M, Taylor L, Baker JS, Elleuch A, Ayedi FM, Chamari K, Chéour F. Effects of mental
training on muscular force, hormonal and physiological changes in kickboxers. J Sports Med Phys
Fitness. 2017 Jul-Aug;57(7-8):1069-1079. doi: 10.23736/S0022-4707.16.06421-5.
2. Lebon F, Collet C, Guillot A. Benefits of motor imagery training on muscle strength. J Strength
Cond Res. 2010 Jun;24(6):1680-7. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181d8e936.
3. Yao WX, Ranganathan VK, Allexandre D, Siemionow V, Yue GH. Kinesthetic imagery training of
forceful muscle contractions increases brain signal and muscle strength. Front Hum Neurosci. 2013
Sep 26;7:561. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00561.
4. Wakefield C, Smith D. Perfecting Practice: Applying the PETTLEP Model of Motor Imagery.
Journal of Sport Psychology in Action. 2012 Volume 3, Issue 1.

Study Reviewed: Sleep Interventions Designed to Improve Athletic
Performance and Recovery: A Systematic Review of Current
Approaches. Bonnar et al. (2018)

Which Sleep Interventions Help the Most

With Recovery and Performance?

Everyone pays lip service to the importance of sleep, but what sorts
of interventions actually improve sleep and performance the most?

1. Based on the available evidence, sleep extension (getting in bed for at least 9-10
hours per night) seems to most directly increase performance. The optimal amount
of sleep for athletes may be greater than the optimal amount of sleep for the general
2. Sleep hygiene interventions have mixed results but may improve sleep and aid in
performance without requiring much time or energy, making them a safe bet.
3. Ultimately, you can’t really hack sleep, and sleeping enough will improve performance.
Make sure you have good sleeping conditions, and get yourself in bed for enough
hours each night.

leep is a pretty un-sexy subject. improving sleep and subsequent per-
While everyone loves geeking out formance in athletes, I jumped on the
about the latest training or nutri- chance to review it. While this review
tion fad, most people don’t pay as much covers a variety of sleep interventions,
attention to sleep as they should. I think the biggest takeaway is that sleep hy-
there are a couple of reasons for that. giene (everything related to your night
People who are into lifting tend to be the time routine and sleeping conditions)
type of people who actively try to make and simply getting yourself in bed for 9+
positive changes in their life, and most hours per night will give you the most
of the time, getting better involves doing bang for your buck.
something. Sleep, on the other hand, in-
volves doing nothing for long periods of
time. I think a lot of people view time Purpose and Research
spent sleeping as something bordering
on time wasted that could be spent do-
ing something more productive. Fur- The purpose of this systematic review
thermore, while there’s a lot of research was to examine all of the research on spe-
on the deleterious effects of insufficient cific sleep interventions in athletes and to
sleep, there’s not much research on the identify the interventions most effective
potential for sleep interventions to im- at improving performance or recovery.
prove performance. A secondary aim was to outline possible
strategies for athletes, based on the results
With that in mind, when I saw that a
of the systematic review.
systematic review came out this month
covering all of the studies aimed at

Subjects and Methods
To be included in this systematic re-
view, a study had to meet several criteria:
1. It had to implement an interven- RESEARCH ON THE DELETERIOUS
tion aimed at improving both sleep
and either performance, recovery, EFFECTS OF INSUFFICIENT
sleepiness, or fatigue. SLEEP, THERE’S NOT MUCH
2. Subjects in the study needed to be
competitive athletes (of any level) RESEARCH ON THE POTENTIAL
and needed to be at least 18 years
old, on average.
3. Studies needed to be published in a TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE.
peer-reviewed journal and available
in English.
4. The studies needed to include group
interventions (i.e. review articles Sleep Extension
and case studies were excluded). Two studies examined the effects of
5. The study could not focus on medi- sleep extension. One study (2) had a
cation or sleep apnea. group of basketball players increase their
habitual time in bed each night from ~7
hours to 10+ hours for 5-7 weeks. Mean
Findings time spent sleeping increased by nearly
two hours (6.6 to 8.4 hours), and self-re-
Description of the included studies ported ratings of sleepiness decreased
by nearly two thirds. Performance on a
Ten studies made the cut. Mean par- timed sprint improved from 16.2 sec-
ticipant ages in the studies ranged from onds to 15.5 seconds, on average (a
18-24 years old, and the studies includ- large effect; d>0.8), while free throw and
ed between 6 and 84 subjects. Seven of three-point shooting accuracy improved
the ten studies used only male athletes, by 9-9.2%. Additionally, reaction times
two studies used only female athletes, significantly decreased, subjective mood
and one study used a mix of male and state significantly improved, and subjec-
female athletes. Eight of the ten studies tive fatigue levels decreased by over 80%,
were rated as being of moderate quality, on average.
one study was rated as high quality, and
one study was rated as low quality. The other study (3) was performed on

varsity athletes), but it’s still a weakness
in design.
PERFORMANCE, AND IT Two studies examined the effects of
INCREASED THE AMOUNT napping on recovery. One study (4)
found that 90-minute naps at 11:30 a.m.
OF TIME NEEDED TO FALL resulted in more slow-wave sleep than
napping at 10:30 a.m. This study also
ASLEEP THE NEXT NIGHT IN found that starting a nap two hours after
training increased subjective prepared-
SUBJECTS WHO WEREN’T ness to train in a later session, compared
to starting a nap one hour after training.
HABITUAL NAPPERS. The other study (5) examined whether
a 20-minute nap after lunch would in-
crease performance on a bike sprint test,
using simulated jet lag conditions. In
tennis players. The players were instruct- this study, napping did not increase per-
ed to get at least 9 hours of sleep per formance, and it increased the amount of
day for one week. Actual sleep time in- time needed to fall asleep the next night
creased from 7.14 to 8.85 hours (rough- in subjects who weren’t habitual nappers.
ly one sleep cycle). Subjective ratings of
sleepiness decreased, and serving accu- Sleep Hygiene
racy increased by 14.3%, on average. Four studies investigated the effects
A weakness of both of these stud- of various sleep hygiene strategies. One
ies is that they used a within-subject, study (6) compared a one-night sleep
non-counterbalanced design. This means hygiene strategy (lights out at 12:00
that all subjects slept normally initially a.m. with no electronics for at least 15-
for baseline testing, and then increased 30 minutes prior to sleep) to a normal
their sleep duration. Scores after sleep routine (lights out after 2:00 a.m.) in
extension were compared to scores be- amateur soccer players following a late-
fore sleep extension. It’s possible that the night match. The athletes going to bed
athletes would have still improved just at midnight slept longer, but woke up
as much regardless of the intervention. more times throughout the night. Fur-
The magnitude of improvements sug- thermore, there were no differences in
gests otherwise (the improvements were time required to fall asleep or sleep ef-
quite large, and the subjects were college ficiency. There were no differences be-

tween groups the next day on a variety
of performance and perceived recovery
tests, and there were no differences in NOTHING BEATS MAKING
various markers of muscle damage and
Two other studies (7, 8) used lon- PILLOW FOR ENOUGH HOURS
ger sleep hygiene interventions, lasting
four and six weeks. These interventions EACH NIGHT. BOTH STUDIES
were education-based (the players were
taught strategies aimed to improve EXAMINING THE EFFECTS OF
sleep). In the first study, participants re-
ported that they had implemented more
sleep hygiene strategies at the end of TIME IN BED TO 9-10+ HOURS
the month, they reported higher sleep
quality, and they reported subjective im- PER NIGHT) FOUND MARKED
provements in soccer performance. The
subjective increases in performance were PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENTS
most pronounced three months later in
the subjects who reported shifting to an
earlier chronotype (i.e. early to bed, early A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME
to rise). In the second study, there were
no objective improvements in sleep, and
subjective assessments of daytime sleepi-
ness, sleep quality, and chronotype didn’t The subjects receiving the intervention
change. However, subjective feelings of didn’t increase sleep duration compared
fatigue decreased, and subjective feelings to a control group during the three days
of vigor increased from pre- to post-in- this intervention took place. Howev-
tervention. er, subjective sleep quality was high-
Finally, one study (9) examined wheth- er one day after the simulated travel in
er a combination of sleep hygiene strate- the sleep hygiene and bright light ther-
gies and bright light therapy could help apy group, and fewer jet lag symptoms
athletes after simulated international air were reported. In spite of increased sleep
travel (I’ll spare you the details of how quality and decreased jet lag symptoms,
they attempted to simulate internation- performance in variety of physical tests
al air travel, but I will tell you that you was the same between groups after sim-
would have needed to pay me a lot of ulated travel.
money to be a participant in this study).

Effects of recovery strategies on sleep performance. There are so many interest-
Two studied the effects of post-train- ing things about sleep – for example, do
ing recovery strategies intended to im- you know why you feel tired after your first
prove sleep and subsequent performance. night of sleep in a new place? Only half
One study (10) examined the effects of of your brain is fully asleep! (12) – but I
whole-body cryotherapy during a period have to draw the line somewhere. I’ll try
of increased training stress, using a cross- to keep this discussion focused on the stuff
over design. Sleep duration, onset, and ef- covered in the systematic review.
ficiency were sustained when the subjects The biggest takeaway from all of these
received cryotherapy, but decreased during studies is that nothing beats making sure
the control condition when they didn’t re- your head is on your pillow for enough
ceive cryotherapy. However, sleep quality hours each night. Both studies examin-
didn’t differ between conditions. Further- ing the effects of sleep extension (increas-
more, heart rate and blood lactate respons- ing time in bed to 9-10+ hours per night)
es to exercise indicated less physical fatigue found marked performance improvements
with the cryotherapy condition. in high-level athletes in a short period of
The other study (11) examined the effects time, while all other interventions had
of two weeks of night time red light thera- mixed results. An additional conference
py. Participants receiving red light therapy abstract examining the effects of sleep ex-
reported improvement in subjective sleep tension in elite swimmers had similarly
quality compared to a placebo treatment eye-popping findings. Furthermore, an-
(non-red light exposure). Morning mela- other recent study found that more suc-
tonin levels were also higher with red light cessful netball teams tend to sleep more
therapy, however, potentially indicating during multi-day competitions than less
a shift in circadian rhythm. Participants successful teams (13). In spite of these find-
tended to increase their performance on ings, and in spite of the fact that sufficient
a distance running test during their two sleep decreases injury risk and improves
weeks of red light therapy, while there were body composition (14), most athletes av-
no performance changes with the placebo erage fewer than 8 hours of sleep per night
therapy. (15). It’s likely that the sleep requirements
for athletes to perform and adapt optimal-
ly are greater than the sleep needs of the
Interpretation general population: 9-10 hours per night
instead of the commonly-recommended
In the interest of not letting this snow- 7-8 hours per night.
ball into a 50 page novella, I’ll take a cue
from this review and only discuss the as- The strategy with the second most sup-
pects of sleep that are directly relevant for port was improving sleep hygiene. Good

To improve your sleep quality, focus on keeping a consistent sleep/wake cycle and
proper sleep hygiene. To really reap the benefits of sleep for athletic performance, aim
to spend at least 9-10 hours per night in bed. If you’re training hard but still having
trouble sleeping, it’s worth dialing back your training and eating more for a couple of
weeks, since poor sleep in spite of intense training is a leading indicator of overtraining.

sleep hygiene habits include: ensuring that liably than napping does, I’d recommend
your bedroom is dark (blackout curtains using the time you’d otherwise spend nap-
can help immensely), quiet, and cool but ping to get more sleep at night.
comfortable; avoiding light from electron- One other strategy not discussed in this
ic devices for at least 30 minutes before systematic review worth paying attention
bed; using your bedroom only for sleep to is keeping a consistent circadian rhythm.
and sex (not for work or TV); and having This means you go to sleep and wake up at
a consistent bedtime schedule to help you roughly the same time each day. Keeping
wind down. While sleep hygiene isn’t the a consistent sleep/wake schedule can also
most exciting topic, it may decrease time increase sleep duration and quality (17).
required to fall asleep and improve sleep
It’s worth keeping in mind that poor
quality. Sleep hygiene won’t trump sleep
sleep is both a cause and a symptom of
duration, but sleep hygiene strategies are
overtraining. If you find yourself feeling
generally free/cheap and easy to imple-
worn down and you have issues sleeping
in spite of feeling exhausted (inability to
Overall, the evidence regarding nap- fall asleep, waking up a lot throughout the
ping and the various recovery strategies is night, etc.), it may be wise to dial back your
pretty lackluster. While the cryotherapy training and increase calorie intake for a
intervention seems promising, it’s not fea- couple of weeks to see if your sleep issues
sible for most people, and it may actual- are being caused by excessive accumulated
ly hamper training adaptations, assuming training stress.
it affects muscles post-exercise the same
way cold water immersion does (16). I can
see the acute efficacy of napping if you’re Next Steps
training twice per day, but since it has the
potential to hinder night time sleep, and You may have noticed a glaring lack of
since we know that getting more night studies on strength athletes in the pres-
time sleep increases performance more re- ent systematic review. While we know

that one night of poor sleep doesn’t seem
to affect maximal strength much (18), I’d
love to see a chronic sleep extension study
in strength athletes. My anecdotal experi-
ence indicates that sleeping 9-10+ hours
per night massively aids in strength gains,
but I’d love to see some solid evidence on
the topic.

1. Bonnar D, Bartel K, Kakoschke N, Lang C. Sleep Interventions Designed to Improve Athlet-
ic Performance and Recovery: A Systematic Review of Current Approaches. Sports Med. 2018
2. Mah CD, Mah KE, Kezirian EJ, Dement WC. The effects of sleep extension on the athletic perfor-
mance of collegiate basketball players. Sleep. 2011 Jul 1;34(7):943-50.
3. Schwartz J, Simon RD Jr. Sleep extension improves serving accuracy: A study with college varsity
tennis players. Physiol Behav. 2015 Nov 1;151:541-4.
4. Davies DJ, Graham KS, Chow CM. The effect of prior endurance training on nap sleep patterns. Int
J Sports Physiol Perform. 2010 Mar;5(1):87-97.
5. Petit E, Mougin F, Bourdin H, Tio G, Haffen E. A 20-min nap in athletes changes subsequent sleep
architecture but does not alter physical performances after normal sleep or 5-h phase-advance con-
ditions. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2014 Feb;114(2):305-15.
6. Fullagar H, Skorski S, Duffield R, Meyer T. The effect of an acute sleep hygiene strategy following a
late-night soccer match on recovery of players. Chronobiol Int. 2016;33(5):490-505.
7. Harada, T., Wada, K., Tsuji, F. et al. Intervention study using a leaflet entitled ‘three benefits of “go to
bed early! get up early! and intake nutritionally rich breakfast!” a message for athletes’ to improve the
soccer performance of university soccer team. Sleep Biol. Rhythms (2016) 14(Suppl 1): 65.
8. Van Ryswyk E, Weeks R, Bandick L, O’Keefe M, Vakulin A, Catcheside P, Barger L, Potter A, Pou-
los N, Wallace J, Antic NA. A novel sleep optimisation programme to improve athletes’ well-being
and performance. Eur J Sport Sci. 2017 Mar;17(2):144-151.
9. Fowler PM, Duffield R, Morrow I, Roach G, Vaile J. Effects of sleep hygiene and artificial bright
light interventions on recovery from simulated international air travel. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2015
10. Schaal K, LE Meur Y, Louis J, Filliard JR, Hellard P, Casazza G, Hausswirth C. Whole-Body Cryo-
stimulation Limits Overreaching in Elite Synchronized Swimmers. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2015
11. Zhao J, Tian Y, Nie J, Xu J, Liu D. Red light and the sleep quality and endurance performance of
Chinese female basketball players. J Athl Train. 2012 Nov-Dec;47(6):673-8.
12. Tamaki M, Bang JW, Watanabe T, Sasaki Y. Night Watch in One Brain Hemisphere during Sleep
Associated with the First-Night Effect in Humans. Curr Biol. 2016 May 9;26(9):1190-4.
13. Juliff LE, Halson SL, Hebert JJ, Forsyth PL, Peiffer JJ. Longer Sleep Durations Are Positively As-
sociated With Finishing Place During a National Multiday Netball Competition. J Strength Cond
Res. 2018 Jan;32(1):189-194.
14. Nedeltcheva AV, Kilkus JM, Imperial J, Schoeller DA, Penev PD. Insufficient sleep undermines
dietary efforts to reduce adiposity. Ann Intern Med. 2010 Oct 5;153(7):435-41.
15. Fullagar HH, Skorski S, Duffield R, Hammes D, Coutts AJ, Meyer T. Sleep and athletic perfor-
mance: the effects of sleep loss on exercise performance, and physiological and cognitive responses to
exercise. Sports Med. 2015 Feb;45(2):161-86.

1. Roberts LA, Raastad T, Markworth JF, Figueiredo VC, Egner IM, Shield A, Cameron-Smith D,
Coombes JS, Peake JM. Post-exercise cold water immersion attenuates acute anabolic signalling and
long-term adaptations in muscle to strength training. J Physiol. 2015 Sep 15;593(18):4285-301.
2. Kang JH, Chen SC. Effects of an irregular bedtime schedule on sleep quality, daytime sleepiness, and
fatigue among university students in Taiwan. BMC Public Health. 2009 Jul 19;9:248.
3. Fullagar HH, Skorski S, Duffield R, Hammes D, Coutts AJ, Meyer T. Sleep and athletic perfor-
mance: the effects of sleep loss on exercise performance, and physiological and cognitive responses to
exercise. Sports Med. 2015 Feb;45(2):161-86.

Study Reviewed: Endurance Training Intensity Does Not Mediate
Interference To Maximal Lower-Body Strength Gain During Short-Term
Concurrent Training. Fyfe et al. (2016)

Is It Better to Combine Lifting

With High Intensity or Traditional

If you need to add cardio to your lifting, is it better to stick

with high intensity intervals (which some have called “anabolic
cardio”), or to opt for traditional moderate intensity cardio? This
was the first study designed to actually answer that question.

1. The interference effect describes the relatively smaller gains in strength and
hypertrophy seen when combining strength and endurance training versus
performing strength training in isolation.
2. This study set out to see whether high intensity intervals or moderate intensity
steady state cardio interfered more with hypertrophy and strength gains when
combined with strength training.
3. High and moderate intensity cardio interfered with strength gains and hypertrophy
to a similar degree – the subjects made gains, but smaller gains than the folks
only doing strength training.
4. When looking at both results and effort invested, moderate intensity cardio came
out on top. The participants consistently rated high intensity interval training as
consistently more challenging than moderate intensity cardio, even though time
and workload were equated.

oncurrent training is the simul- only performing resistance training, and
taneous inclusion of both resis- unsurprisingly, measures of endurance
tance and endurance training (VO2 peak, and peak aerobic power)
within the same training program. Pre- favored the concurrent training groups.
vious research (1) suggests that concur- The concurrent training group doing
rent training leads to somewhat small- moderate intensity endurance train-
er gains in strength and muscle mass ing gained roughly the same amount of
than resistance training alone. However, lower body lean mass compared to the
to this point, no studies had compared group only performing resistance train-
concurrent training utilizing high inten- ing, while the concurrent training group
sity endurance training (intervals) versus doing high intensity endurance training
moderate intensity endurance training. gained slightly less lower body lean mass.
In this study, both concurrent train-
ing groups gained a similar amount
of strength in the bench press and leg Purpose and Research
press, but less strength in the leg press Questions
than the group only performing strength
Numerous studies have compared con-
training. Measures of explosive strength
current training with resistance training.
(peak force and peak power in the count-
However, the endurance training aspect
er-movement jump) favored the group
of concurrent training can take many

Table 1 Progression of resistance training prescription

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

MON./FRI. PROGRAM: leg press, bench press, seated row, leg extension, and leg curl
Sets × repetitions 3×12 3×10 3×8 3×6 4×6 4×6 4×4 5×4
RM load 14 12 9 7 7 7 4 4
Rest period (min) 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3
% 1RM load 65 70 77.5 82.5 82.5 87.5 90 90
WED. PROGRAM: leg press, DB bench press, lat pulldown, DB lunges, and leg curl
Sets × repetitions 3×12 3×12 3×10 3×10 3×8 3×8 4×6 3×6
RM load 14 14 12 12 9 9 7 7
Rest period (min) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
% 1RM load 65 65 70 70 77.5 77.5 87.5 87.5

RM = repetition maximum | 1RM=one-repetition maximum

forms, running the gamut from very low

intensity cardio to very high intensity Subjects and Methods
intervals. To this point, no studies had The subjects were males, mostly 25-35
directly compared concurrent training years old, who participated in some form
programs utilizing two different ap- of resistance or aerobic exercise at least
proaches to endurance training. twice per week.
The authors hypothesized that high At the outset of the study, they were
intensity endurance training (HIT) DXA scanned, tested their 1RM bench
would compromise gains in strength presses and leg presses, took a graded ex-
more so than moderate intensity endur- ercise test on a cycle ergometer, and per-
ance training (MOD), since HIT tends formed a counter-movement jump test.
to be more fatiguing and lead to larger All of these tests were repeated at the
acute decreases in strength when com- end of the study, and the exercise tests
pared to MOD with similar volumes. were also performed again at the mid-
Alternately, various prominent writers point of the training intervention.
and coaches have proposed that MOD The participants were assigned to one
will cause muscle atrophy and strength of three training programs: resistance
losses, while HIT will help one build training only, resistance training plus
muscle and strength. HIT, and resistance training plus MOD.
All groups carried out the same resis-

tance training program three days per
week, which utilized a basic linear peri- Table 2
odization design, starting with 3 sets of
12 with 65% of 1RM, and progressing HIT MOD
to 5 sets of 4 with 90% of 1RM over 8 No. of Training Duration of Training
2-min intensity continuous intensity
weeks. intervals (% LT) training (min) (% LT)
1 5 120 15 80


The endurance training was performed 2 6 120 18 80
3 7 120 21 80
directly before the strength training (lift-
1 6 120 18 80
ing started 10 minutes after the endur- 2 8 120 24 80

ance training session finished). HIT and 3 7 120 21 80

MOD were matched for both time and 1


total training volume. HIT consisted of 3 8 130 24 86.7

cycling intervals consisting of 2 minutes 1 7 130 21 86.7

2 6 130 18 86.7
of high exertion and 1 minute of rest.

3 5 130 15 86.7
Volume and intensity increased over the 1 7 140 21 93.3
course of the study, from 5 intervals at 5
120% of lactate threshold (roughly 70-
1 8 140 24 93.3
75% of VO2 peak) to a max of 11 inter- 2 9 140 27 93.3

3 10 140 30 93.3
vals at 150% of lactate threshold (rough-
ly 90% of VO2 peak). MOD consisted 1

of steady-state cycling, starting with 3 10 150 30 100

15 minutes at 80% of lactate threshold 1 9 150 27 100


2 7 150 21 100
(roughly 50% of VO2 peak) and peak-
ing at 33 minutes at lactate threshold
(roughly 60% of VO2 peak).
more challenging than resistance train-
The researchers also monitored diet and ing alone, unsurprisingly.
per-session rating of perceived exertion.

Findings All three groups had similar caloric in-

take and macronutrient profiles. Most
important for our purposes here, protein
Perceived difficulty
intake was similar, at 1.1-1.3g/kg, which
The participants gave HIT a higher is below or at the very bottom end of the
rating of perceived exertion, indicat- 1.3-1.8g/kg range (2) proposed to max-
ing that they found it more challenging imize muscular adaptations to resistance
than MOD. Both concurrent training training.
conditions were rated as substantially

Figure 1 Strength gains

38.5% RT = Resistance Training

50 ± 8.5% RT + HIT = Resistance Training with High Intensity Intervals
RT + MOD = Resistance Training with Moderate Intensity Cardio

± 5.3% 27.5
± 4.6%

30 20.5%
± 6.2%

20 ± 2.6%
± 2.3%




Strength current training group and 14.8 ± 2.3%

The resistance training group gained for the MOD concurrent training group.
more strength in both the leg press
and the bench press than either of the Counter-movement jump
concurrent training groups. However, The improvements in all measures
there were only meaningful effect size (peak force, peak power, peak velocity,
differences for the leg press. The resis- and peak displacement) tended to favor
tance training group gained 38.5 ± 8.5% the resistance training group over either
on the leg press, versus 28.7 ± 5.3% for concurrent training group, but there
the HIT concurrent training group, and were no statistically significant differ-
27.5 ± 4.6% for the MOD concurrent ences between groups.
training group. For the bench press, the
resistance training group gained 20.5 ± Hypertrophy and body composition
6.2%, vs. 15.9 ± 2.6% for the HIT con- Lower body lean mass increased slight-

ly more in the resistance training group it cardio. The magnitude of interference
(4.1 ± 2.0%) and MOD concurrent effects seems to depend on the frequen-
group (3.6 ± 2.4%) versus the HIT con- cy (3), volume, and mode of the cardio
current group (1.8 ± 1.6%), but the dif- you do (1), with lower frequencies, low-
ference wasn’t significant. er volumes, and lower impact forms of
Upper body lean mass and total lean cardio (i.e. cycling instead of jogging or
mass didn’t increase to a meaningful de- running) leading to a smaller interfer-
gree in any of the groups (only 0.4-1.8% ence effect. However, these measures do
and 1.6-2.4%, respectively). None of the not negate the effect entirely.
groups had a significant change in body The main finding of this study was that
fat percentages, with decreases ranging intensity of endurance training doesn’t
from 0.2-0.9%. seem to influence the interference effect
if volume is matched; both moderate
Aerobic fitness and high intensity cardio led to simi-
Both concurrent training groups expe- lar decrements in strength gains. Since
rienced similar increases in VO2 peak the changes in body composition in this
(5.3 ± 2.7% for HIT, and 6.1 ± 5.0% for study were small, and between-group
MOD). The MOD concurrent training differences were small and non-signifi-
group had the largest increase in lactate cant, it’s hard to say whether cardio in-
threshold (12.6 ± 8.0%), with similar tensity would have a meaningful impact
gains seen in the resistance training (7.4 on hypertrophy, muscle maintenance in
± 9.4%) and HIT concurrent training a calorie deficit, or overall body compo-
(8.3 ± 6.5%) groups. There were no sig- sition in a longer-term concurrent train-
nificant between-group differences. ing program.
The HIT concurrent training group One could contend that moderate in-
was the only one that experienced an in- tensity cardio came out ahead in this
crease in peak aerobic power (8.8 ± 4.1%). study for hypertrophy since the MOD
The gains seen in the MOD concurrent concurrent training group gained twice
training group (4.9 ± 4.8%) weren’t sig- as much lower body lean mass as the
nificant. There was a small, non-signifi- HIT concurrent training group, but
cant decrease in the resistance training the changes were small in both groups
group (−2.2 ± 6.5%). (which makes it easier to see larger per-
cent differences), and the difference be-
tween groups wasn’t particularly close
Interpretation to statistical significance (the p-value
for this particular relationship wasn’t
If you want to maximize rates of
reported, but it can be inferred to be
strength gains, your best bet is to lim-

1. If your goal is to maximize gains in strength and muscle mass, your best bet is to
limit any sort of endurance training to a bare minimum (or exclude it entirely).
2. If you need to perform endurance training, both high intensity intervals and moderate
intensity aerobic exercise seem to elicit the interference effect to roughly the same
3. As moderate intensity cardio was rated to be easier than high intensity intervals per
unit of workload, it may be the better choice. However, feel free to use whichever
mode of cardio you find to be the most enjoyable and easiest to stick with, assuming
you need to do it in the first place.

substantially higher than 0.05 based on would likely help mitigate the interfer-
what was reported). Before reaching that ence effect on a molecular level (4), and
conclusion, I’d need to see a longer study also, on a more practical level, allow for
with a larger sample size. resistance training to take place with less
One other important takeaway from acute fatigue from cardiovascular train-
this study was that moderate intensity ing (which would be a bigger issue with
cardio seemed to be more effective per HIT than MOD).
unit of effort invested. Training vol- The major takeaway of this study is
ume (total time and workload) of en- that if you want to maximize your rate
durance training was matched between of strength gains, you should try to avoid
the two concurrent training groups, but cardio or limit the amount you do. If
the per-session RPE was higher for the you undertake concurrent training, the
group doing HIT. However, both groups intensity of the endurance training you
experienced very similar adaptations. do doesn’t seem to meaningfully affect
Finally, it’s important to keep timing in the magnitude of the interference effect.
mind. In this study, the strength training However, moderate intensity endurance
took place directly after the endurance training is less difficult per unit of train-
training. The effects may have been dif- ing volume.
ferent if the participants did the strength
training first, if they separated their
strength training and endurance train- Next Steps
ing sessions by several hours, or if they To further elucidate the impact of en-
performed strength training and endur- durance training intensity on the in-
ance training on different days. Doing so terference effect, future studies should

include a low intensity group, test dif-
ferent populations (such as athletes with
more strength training experience), and
experiment with the impact of timing of
the endurance exercise training.

1. Wilson JM, Marin PJ, Rhea MR, Wilson SM, Loenneke JP, Anderson JC. Concurrent training:
a meta-analysis examining interference of aerobic and resistance exercises. J Strength Cond Res. 2012
Aug;26(8):2293-307. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e31823a3e2d.
2. Phillips SM, Van Loon LJ. Dietary protein for athletes: from requirements to optimum adaptation. J
Sports Sci. 2011;29 Suppl 1:S29-38. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2011.619204.
3. Jones TW, Howatson G, Russell M, French DN. Performance and Endocrine Responses to Differing
Ratios of Concurrent Strength and Endurance Training. J Strength Cond Res. 2016 Mar;30(3):693-
702. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000001135.
4. Baar K. Using Molecular Biology to Maximize Concurrent Training. Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.z).
2014;44(Suppl 2):117-125. doi:10.1007/s40279-014-0252-0.

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