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Two-Couple Orthodontic Appliance

Systems: Activations in the

Transverse Dimension
Joe RebeUato

Partially bracketed arch wires can be activated in the transverse dimension

to produce first-order rotations of the molars and constriction or expansion
of intermolar width. A 2 x 6 arch wire is ideal for such activations because of
the minimal side effects to the anterior teeth. As with other two-couple
o r t h o d o n t i c appliance systems, symmetrical V-bends, a s y m m e t r i c a l
V-bends and step bends are used to generate moments of the couples
whose associated equilibrium forces can be used to produce desired tooth
Copyright © 1995 by W.B. Saunders Company

A 2 × 6 arch wire is a partially bracketed, Symmetrical V-bends, asymmetrical

two-couple appliance system that can be V-bends and step bends are the three basic cate-
activated in the transverse dimension, result- gories o f wire bends used in p r o d u c i n g couples
ing in first-order rotations o f the molars and in a two-bracket o r t h o d o n t i c appliance system.
c o n s t r i c t i o n or expansion of intermolar width, T h e s e principles apply to a 2 × 6 arch wire
with minimal side effects to the anterior teeth because it is a two-couple system. :~ A rectangu-
and premolars. Although wire bends in other lar wire is used and, in this case, bends are
dimensions are certainly possible, this section made in the transverse (occlusal plane) dimen-
will deal exclusively with couples, m o m e n t s o f sion to generate couples at the molar and ca-
the couples (Mcs) and their associated equilib- nine brackets. T h e r e s u h a n t Mcs are for first-
rium ibrces g e n e r a t e d in the occlusal plane. o r d e r rotations and their associated equilib-
Partially bracketed appliance systems such rium forces are transversely o r i e n t e d in the
as the torquing arch and the utility arch 1'2 (di- occlusa] plane. Because o f the fact that the
agrammatically r e p r e s e n t e d as two-bracket sys- transverse force systems are applied coronally
tems) have the advantage of long wire spans to the Cae ~, a t h i r d - o r d e r rotation is always cre-
resulting in low load deflection rate properties ated. Some molar t h i r d - o r d e r control is inher-
and a wide range of activeness. T h e long span ent because of the edgewise nature o f the arch
facilitates a m o r e accurate placement o f bends wire but, if m o r e torque control is required,
in the wire to create dissimilar couples, that is, the transpatatal arch may be a better choice.
couples whose associated equilibrium forces However, if the molar bands are not e q u i p p e d
will not cancel each o t h e r out. Although the with lingual sheaths, the 2 x 6 arch wire is still
associated equilibrium forces can be the source a good option.
o f clinical surprises if not p r o p e r l y u n d e r - T h e 2 x 6 arch wire can be used in a fully
stood, they can be harnessed in long span ap- b r a c k e t e d dentition by placing c o n v e n i e n c e
pliances to p r o d u c e desired tooth movement. bends to bypass the p r e m o l a r brackets. T h e s e
bends should remain passive as the appliance is
From the Department of Orthodontics, School of DentistTy, inserted and will not contribute toward the
Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University, generation o f couples or forces by the active
Richmond, VA. appliance.
Address reprint requests to Joe Rebellato, DDS, Department of T r a n s v e r s e activations can be placed in a 2
Orthodontics, School o["Dentistu, Medical College of Virginia, x 2 or 2 x 4 orthodontic appliance system.
Virginia Commonwealth University, PO Box 980566, Rich-
mond, VA 23298-0566. However, the best feature of the 2 x 6 arch
Copyright © 1995 W.B. Saunders Company wire is the ability to control molar first-order
1073-8746/95/0101-000555.00/0 rotations and intermolar width with minimal

Seminars in Orthodontics, Vol 1, No 1 (March), I995: pp 37-43 37

38 Joe Rebellato

side effects to the a n t e r i o r teeth. This is be-

cause the 2 x 6 arch wire has an a n t e r i o r seg-
~ m

m e n t of six teeth that can be visualized as one

large tooth. 4'5 T h e r e d u c e d wire tlexibility in
the short i n t e r b r a c k e t distances between the

a n t e r i o r teeth tends to k e e p the canines f r o m

m o v i n g i n d e p e n d e n t l y o f the segment. T h e r e -
fore, the o r t h o d o n t i c effects o f the 2 x 6 arch
wire involve p r e d o m i n a n t l y m o l a r m o v e m e n t .
This is particularly true if identical bends are
placed bilaterally on the 2 x 6 arch wire be-
cause equal and opposite Mcs a n d / o r forces on
the left a n d right canine will tend to cancel out
if the a n t e r i o r s e g m e n t is visualized as o n e
large tooth. Clinically, some side efl'ects to the
canines can still be observed because the wire
in the a n t e r i o r s e g m e n t retains some tlexibility
despite the short i n t e r b r a c k e t distances.
T h e 2 x 6 arch wire systems discussed in
this section will assume the canine a n d m o l a r
bracket slots are collinear, a n d the wire be-
tween is a straight s e g m e n t b e l o r e activation.
Each activation o f the 2 x 6 arch wire will in-
volve identical and bilateral bends, and the sys- Figure 1. Placing a 2 x 6 arch wire with a symmet-
tem will be analyzed according to the princi- rical V-bend over the brackets in which it will be
inserted will reveal opposite but equal angles of wire
ples o f static m e c h a n i c s . A l t h o u g h f o r c e s entry at the two brackets.
p r e s e n t in two-bracket systems are statically in-
d e t e r m i n a t e , ~; clinical analysis is still possible to when the 2 x 6 arch wire is inserted (Fig 2).
d e t e r m i n e the l a r g e r m o m e n t p r e s e n t a n d , T h e left and right canine will both [eel D-out
t h e r e f o r e , tile direction of the net associated m o m e n t s o f the couples but these will tend to
equilibrium forces present in the wire at time cancel each o t h e r out if we visualize the ante-
point zero (ie, b e f o r e the teeth begin to move). rior s e g m e n t as o n e large tooth. Because the
equilibrium forces associated with the Mcs at
Symmetrical V-Bends tile canines a n d molars also cancel each o t h e r
out, only m o l a r M-out rotations remain.
W h e n a 2 x 6 arch wire with a symmetrical
V-bend is placed over the canine a n d m o l a r Clinical Uses
bracket slots, equal but inverse angles o f wire T h i s activation o f the 2 × 6 appliance is useful
entry are o b s e r v e d (Fig 1). T h e Mcs at both when bilateral M-out rotations o f the molars
brackets will also be equal in m a g n i t u d e but are desired without e x p a n s i o n o f i n t e r m o l a r
opposite in direction. T h e i r associated equilib- width (as m e a s u r e d at the CR~.~). T h e Cm.s o f
r i u m forces will cancel each o t h e r out a n d both maxillary molars has b e e n postulated to be lin-
teeth will only feel a t e n d e n c y to rotate a r o u n d gual to the c e n t r a l fossa f r o m an occlusal
their centers o f resistance ((;R~) in opposite s t a n d p o i n t and, b e c a u s e o f the r h o m b o i d a l
directions. shape o f m o l a r crowns, arch p e r i m e t e r is in-
creased a n d m o l a r M-out rotations help to-
Molar Mesial-Out Rotations w a r d the correction o f Class I I malocclusions. 7

Bilateral toe-in b e n d s m a d e a p p r o x i m a t e l y
Molar Mesial-In Rotations
halfway b e t w e e n the canine a n d m o l a r brack-
ets will result in m o l a r mesial-out (M-out) cou- Bilateral toe-out bends made approximately
ples a n d c a n i n e d i s t a l - o u t (D-out) c o u p l e s halfway between the canines and molars will
Transverse Arch Wire Activations 39


Mc Mc
Figure 3. Bilateral toe-outs located halfway between
Figure 2. Bilateral toe-ins located halfway between the molar and canine brackets are symmetrical V-
the molar and canine brackets are symmetrical V-
bends. M-in molar rotations will occur and although
bends. M-out rotations of the molars will be the pre-
not intuitively obvious, no molar expansion will oc-
dominant orthodontic effect in this case.

result in a diametrically o p p o s e d situation to

librium force acting at each bracket is zero be-
the o n e above with all couples, m o m e n t s and
cause the two Mcs are equal a n d opposite. As
forces reversed (Fig 3). T h e clinical result will
the b e n d is located progressively closer to the
be bilateral m o l a r mesial-in (M-in) rotations
m o l a r bracket, the m a g n i t u d e o f the net equi-
a r o u n d their respective CR~~.
librium forces increases as the M c at the m o l a r
Clinical Uses increases and the M c at the canine decreases.
At one-third the length o f the wire s e g m e n t
Bilateral M-in rotations of the maxillary molars away f r o m the molar, the angle o f wire e n t r y at
to decrease arch p e r i m e t e r are often required the canine bracket becomes zero a n d no couple
in u p p e r p r e m o l a r extraction cases to c o m p e n - is g e n e r a t e d 6 ; the only e q u i l i b r i u m f o r c e s
sate for small-sized maxillary second p r e m o - present are those that are associated with the
lars. M c at the molar. As the b e n d is progressively
located closer to the m o l a r bracket f r o m this
one-third point, the couple at the canine be-
A s y m m e t r i c a l V Bends
gins to increase, but it is now in the s a m e di-
W h e n a 2 x 6 arch wire with an asymmetrical rection as the m o l a r couple. T h e equilibrium
V-bend is placed o v e r the canine and m o l a r forces associated with the Mcs at the m o l a r a n d
bracket slots, the larger angle o f wire entry canine will be additive at this point. T h e r e f o r e ,
and, hence, the larger M c is shown (Fig 4). locating the bends progressively closer to the
This will d e t e r m i n e the direction but not the m o l a r brackets will, in turn, lead to net associ-
m a g n i t u d e o f the net associated equilibrium ated equilibrium forces o f g r e a t e r m a g n i t u d e .
forces acting at each bracket, s-t° T h e same conditions occur as the b e n d is
Once again, if the b e n d is located halfway l o c a t e d p r o g r e s s i v e l y closer to the c a n i n e
along the posterior wire s e g m e n t between the bracket f r o m the m i d p o i n t o f the p o s t e r i o r
canine and m o l a r brackets, then the net equi- wire segment. T h e m a g n i t u d e o f the net equi-
40 Joe Rebellato

Figure 4. The larger angle of wire entry of a 2 x 6
arch wire with an asymmetrical V-bend can be de- Figure 5. Toe-in bends closer to the molar than the
termined by placing the wire over the brackets as canine brackets result primarily in molar expansion
shown. In this case, the larger M c is at the molar and M-out molar rotations. The orientation of the
bracket. The equilibrium forces of the smaller Mc smaller M c at the canine will determine whether its
will either enhance or attenuate the magnitude but, associated equilibrium forces wiI1be additive or sub-
will not change the direction of, the net equilibrium tractive with those associated with the M c at the mo-
forces acting at each bracket. lar.

librium forces increases, only this time, their

with m o l a r M-out rotations. O n c e again, it is
direction is d e t e r m i n e d by the orientation of
i m p o r t a n t not to tie the 2 x 6 arch wire into
the Mcs at the canines.
the p r e m o l a r brackets. I f the 2 x 6 a r c h wire is
tied into the p r e m o l a r brackets, it b e c o m e s an
Molar Mesial-Out Rotations arch wire with a symmetrical V - b e n d if the toe-
in is located halfway between the p r e m o l a r a n d
Bilateral toe-in b e n d s placed closer to the mo- m o l a r bracket (Fig 6). No e x p a n s i o n o f inter-
lars t h a n the canines will result in a g r e a t e r m o l a r width will occur in this case.
angle o f wire entry at the m o l a r bracket and,
consequently, a couple o f g r e a t e r m a g n i t u d e at
the m o l a r on insertion o f the 2 x 6 arch wire Molar Mesial-In Rotations
(Fig 5). M-out Mcs at the molars and associated
equilibrium forces that will be facially directed Bilateral toe-out bends placed closer to the mo-
at the m o l a r a n d lingually directed at the ca- lars will result in a reversal o f the situation
nine will result. H o w e v e r , all bilateral forces above with all couples, m o m e n t s a n d forces in
a n d / o r couples at the canines, being equal and the opposite direction (Fig 7).
opposite, will t e n d to cancel out across the stiff
a n t e r i o r arch wire segment. Clinical Uses
T h i s activation o f the 2 x 6 arch wire is useful
Clinical Uses when constriction o f i n t e r m o l a r width is de-
T h i s activation o f the 2 × 6 arch wire is useful sired in addition to bilateral m o l a r M-in rota-
w h e n i n t e r m o l a r e x p a n s i o n is desired along tions.
Transverse Arch Wire Activatior~s 41

wire entry at the canine brackets and, t h e r e f o r e ,

couples o f larger m a g n i t u d e at the canines o n
insertion o f the 2 × 6 arch wire (Fig 8). D - o u t
Mcs at the canines a n d associated equilibrium
forces that will be facially directed at the canines
a n d lingually directed at the molars will result.
T h e constrictive fbrces at the molars will be en-
h a n c e d as the b e n d is m o v e d progressively closer
-M c to the canines. T h e m o l a r brackets will have a
smaller Me, the m a g n i t u d e a n d direction o f
which will d e p e n d o n w h e r e the V - b e n d is lo-
cated along the wire. It is also possible that the
angle o f entry o f the wire is zero d e g r e e s at the
m o l a r bracket o n insertion o f the 2 x 6 arch wire
a n d that only tile equilibrium forces associated
with the Mcs at tile canines are present. This
Mc would occur only if tile b e n d is placed o n e - t h i r d
Figure 6. I~igating the 2 x 6 arch wire into premolar o f the length o f the posterior wire s e g m e n t away
brackets creates a symmetrical V-bend and molar f r o m the canine bracket.
expansive forces are negated.
Clinical Uses
Molar Constriction ~l'his activation o f the 2 × 6 a r c h wire allows t b r
Bilateral toe-ins placed closer to the canines constriction o f i n t e r m o l a r width with m i n i m a l
t h a n the m o l a r s will result in a g r e a t e r angle o f effects o n m o l a r f i r s t - o r d e r rotations.

Figure 7. Toe-out bends closer to the molar than
the canine brackets result primarily in molar con- Figure 8. Toe-in bends close to the canine brackets
striction and M-in rotations. The orientation of the result primarily in molar constrictiori with little or
smaller M c at the canine will determine whether its no molar rotation. The smaller M c at the molars will
associated equilibrium forces will be additive or sub- have associated equilibrium forces that will either
tractive with those associated with the M c at the mo- slightly enhance or attenuate the net constrictive
lar, equilibrium forces at the molar brackets.
42 Joe RebelIato

Molar Expansion
Mo Bilateral toe-outs placed closer to the canines
will result in a reversal of the previous situation
with all couples, m o m e n t s a n d forces in the
opposite direction (Fig 9).

Clinical Uses
This activation of the 2 x 6 a r c h wire allows for
e x p a n s i o n o f i n t e r m o l a r width with minimal
changes in m o l a r first-order rotations.

Step Bends
W h e n a 2 × 6 arch wire with a step b e n d is
placed over the canine a n d m o l a r bracket slots,
Me similarly oriented angles o f entry are revealed.
Figure 9. Toe-out bends close to the canine brackets T h e Mcs at the canine and m o l a r brackets will
result primarily in molar expansion with little or no both be in the same direction with respect to
molar rotation. The smaller Mc at the molars will each o t h e r and their associated e q u i l i b r i u m
either slightly enhance or attenuate the net expan- forces will always be additive (Fig 10). Locating
sive equilibrium forces at the molar brackets. the bends progressively closer to the brackets
will result in g r e a t e r angles of wire entry at the
brackets and g r e a t e r Mcs p r e s e n t on insertion.
This in turn, will lead to associated equilibrium
Mc forces o f g r e a t e r m a g n i t u d e .


Me Me
Figure 10, A 2 x 6 arch wire with step bends will
have angles of wire entry and resultant couples that Figure 11. Toe-outs at the canines and toe-ins at the
are similarly oriented. The magnitudes of the Mcs molars result primarily in M-out molar rotations
do not have to be equal, but their associated equi- with enhanced expansive equilibrium forces at the
librium forces will always be additive. molars.
Transverse Arch Wire Activatior~ 43

Clinical U s e s
This activation o f the 2 x 6 arch wire is useful
J,.,, w h e n m o l a r M - o u t r o t a t i o n s are r e q u i r e d
along with greater molar expansive forces than
can be obtained with asymmetrical V-bends.

Step Bend for Molar Constriction

Bilateral toe-ins closer to the canines with toe-
outs closer to the molars results in a reverse o f
the previous situation with couples, m o m e n t s ,
and forces in the opposite direction (Fig 19).
Clinical U s e s
This activation o f the 2 x 6 arch wire is useful
w h e n molar M-in rotations are required along
with greater molar constrictive forces than can
be obtained with asymmetrical V-bends.

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