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Name: Sitti Hainna M. Usman Sec: K31 Date: Dec.

22, 2017

Test I. True or False. Write True of the statement is correct and False if incorrect.
1. Environmental science is a broader field of study than ecology.True
2. Human population growth is an irrelevant topic in environmental science. False
3. Man cannot escape the laws of nature.True
4. In any ecosystem, energy input = energy output. True
5. Plants feed the whole world. True
6. Decomposers do not respire. False
7. The organisms at the lower trophic level are generally more in number and larger in size than those in
the next higher level.True
8. Air is the driving force in the cycle of all matter through the ecosystem.True
9. An ecosystem is self-regulating and self-perpetuating.True
10. Biogeochemical cycles retain nutrients in the ecosystem where they are contimually recycled between
living organisms and the physical environment.True
11. Food avialability does not affect the growth and survival of a young population in an ecosystem.True
12. Intraspecific competition occurs between species of organisms with similar ecological
13. The capacity of a population to increase is termed as population growth.True
14. Exponential model suggests that population growth will be regualted as populaton density
15. A forest in distinct from other terrestrial ecosystems by its closed canopy characteristic.False

Test II.
1. Classify the areas of ecological study according to increasing level of complexity: (6 pts)
Organisms Biosphere
Populations Biomes
Communities Ecosystems

Most Complex

Answer: Organisms, Populations, Communities, Ecosystems, Biomes, Biosphere

2. The following organisms are found in a lake ecosystem. Classify them according to the sybsystem to which
they belong. (e.g. camachili tree – primary producer). (7 pts)
a. fishes - carnivores e. lumot – primary producer
b. water hyacinth – primary producer f. crabs- carnivores
c. bacteria - ominivores g. snails- carnvores
d. protozoa- omnivores

3. Coral reef forming animals are found only in shallow inshore waters of tropical seas. They grow best in sea
water temperature ranging from 23-25°C. The highest water temperatures where they can be found are from 36-
40°C. the lowest water temperature they can tolerate is 18°C. (4 pts)

Their optimum temperature range is 21.7—29.6 °C; the maximum limit is 29.6_while the minimum limit is

4. Encircle the best answer: Cogon grass can be found in the lowland and on top of mountain where the
temperature can be warm to cool. This grass thrives well in open spaces where there is abundance of sunlight.
The best way to eradicate cogon is to allow tall grasses or trees shade it. The limiting factor for growth is this
grass is (3 p ts): low intensity, elevation, temperature.
5. There are two types of food webs in an ecosystem, the grazing food web found above the ground and the
detritus food web or soil-based organisms.

Place in column A organisms that are members of grazing and in column B organisms that are part of detritus
food web. Place in both columns those that belong to both food webs. (17 pts)
Mosquitos termites grasses
Mites animal manure grasshoppers
Mushrooms cow larvae of fruit flies
Horse crows earthworms
Plant litter Toads

Column A
Plant litter
animal manure
larvae of fruit flies

Column B


6. Predict the consequence of the following situations in the population size (3 pts)
a. Immigration = emigration : No increase or decrease in population
b. Immigration > emigration : Increase in population
c. Immigration < emigration :Decrease in population

7. An area’s population may be increased either by birth within the area or by migration into the area from
another area. It can also be decreased by either the death of an individual within the area or migration out to
another area. Come up with an equation that calculates for the final population of species in a specified area at
specified interval. Use the following denotations for values: (10 pts)
FP = final population
SP = starting population
B = births during inter
D = deaths
I = in- migration during interval
O = out-migration during interval


8. Show the feeding relationship of the following organisms using food web/ chain: (10 pts)
Rice, chicken, snake, hawk, cow, man

Rice Man

Snake Hawk


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