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(Left) A fealure of the test installation is this Kahn

50,000 hp high-speed, waterbtake dynamoneter,

one of the largest ever built. lt is one ol the lew types
of lest equipnent that could be econanically cou-
pled to the lurbine for loading and neasurement.

reverberant field "listen" to the very

low level noise transnitted dtrough the
engine enclosures. Inlet and exhaust
noise is isolated from the chamber by
the close coupling of the engine enclo-
surc to the thcility stacks.
The Test Cell is constructed of 12"
thick leinfort ed concrere. urilizing er.
ternal pre \tre.sed flrch beam design.
This design pemits free clear spans in
all dircctions on the cell interior while
climinaling thc need for a full ring
tbundation beneath the exterior walls.
Each arch beam is supported on con-
clete piers at grade. The pier connec-
tion employs a hinged-key design with
iltelal tie. betueen piels.
This type design results in a stable.
economical, high Ioad capacity struc
ture. This structure not only supports
itself and the ordinary live loads nor-
mally imposed, but also suppol'ts roof
mounted loads from the intake and ex-
haust stacks. and the module handling
crane with a l.ift capacity of nearly
250.000 lb.
Concrete was also chosen fol the
cell structule te provide efl'ective, eco-
rromical acoustic isolation flom the
prevailing ambient noise levels in tlte
area which is typical fbr an industrial
alea. Since the noise transmitted
through the moduJe enclosure is approx-
50,|l00 hp Dynamometer Utrhzed,,, imately ambient level, it is necessary
that the sound level in the Reverberant
Chambel fron sources other than the
Load lest Facility For module be at least I0 db less so that
lhe acoustic perlurmrnce oI the engine
enclosure can be measured and evalu-

GE's tM2500 Engine Module afed accurately.

An interestil'tg f'eature of tl'te tcst cell
i\ lhe InethoJ b5 uhich the engine
a n 1972 General Elecnic's Aircraft cility provides test capability lor the module is handled and positioned with
I Engine Group dedicrted r multi- Ilea\ulcmen( o[ snloke. exhlusl ernis in the chamber The module, which is
I million dollar lacility at its Even- sions, structure-born noise, viblatron approxirnately 26 fi. long,9 ft. wide
I dale, Ohio plant, lbr testing manne isolation, and airborne noise perforn- and l0 fi. high. is delivered to the test
and industrial gas turbine shaft en ance of the gas turbine engine. cell mounted to a structural test base.
gines. Now, mole than three years The Load Test Facility consists of Over-the-toad transportation is pro-
later, this facility has logged over 3500 five major elements: l) Main Test Cell vided by a standard low-boy trailer
hours of opemtion in testing the 25.000 Reverberant Chamber, 2) Waterbrake truck. This moduie and test basc u!-
hp class LM2500 modulal powerplant, Loading Device,3) Fuel Stolage and sembly (gross weight of 65,000 1b.) is
one of the most technologically ad Conditioning, zl) Watel Cooling and lifted from the traiier truck bed with
vanced lightweight gas turbine engines Recycling and 5) Instrumentation and the module handling crane. The trailer
available. Data Recording. is then driven from beneath and the
The Load Test Facility, which was The Test Cell or Reverberant Test nrodule is then set on the cell floor. Six
designed and built by the Evendale Test Chamber, which is 43 1't. long by 30 fi. (36 in. diameter) air caster bearings
Facilities Engineering section, provides wide by 23 fi. high is designed so as to which are mounted integrally on the
capability to perforn full load tests, provide a reverberanl acor.rstic field underside of the test base are inflated
variable load tests, fuel consumption around the engine module enclosure. by l5 PSI air fiom the ccll compressed
and endurance tests. ln addition, the ta- Sensitive microphones located in this air supply. The rrodule test base as,
sembly may then be pushecl manurl)y and ultrasonicaliy inspected.
by two men laterally across the tloor The finished mitchined rotol is then
,rn r thirr lilnr irrtn the tert posi- magnetic particle inspected, flrme
tion. Shatiing. stacks. services (fuel. sprayed \\,ith a .120 Sefies stainless
ai[. wate[) and inslrLrrenlalion lnd steel and then tinally ground lo r 32
(llnUlrl: rr. .r,rrc( le(l rrnd the unit i. RMS l'irri:lr. The r orrpleted rolor i:
feady to rLln. The entire setLrp crn bc then coated with a phcnolic sealer.
pertbrmed in lcss than tilul houls. Each prrt of the rotol. shaft encl r,"-
The control roorn. which is locatcd sentbly is indiviclually balaDced aud
rd.ilccDt 1() the test charnber. houses all theD brlanced as an assembly rvith l
contr'ol. dltlr displry rnd dal{ 1fllns- remaining unbalance of 3 oz. in. The
nlission eclLripmcDt. All operating data rotor shaft end nrateri{l is:1340 steel.
pafirmetels tbr-the engine modrrle and The rcrson tbr the stainlcss steel flalre
test facilily ilrc clisplayed ancl con- sprrying ancl phenolic sealer is to pre-
lrollcd fl()m a control panel. Data lbr vent any colrosioll on the workitg luel
rec,'rdiIi ilnJ cur)rputcr' .r|lrl].i{ i. of the rotol-s.
trilnsmittccl from tlris area to the test The above method of lotor manulac-
inrlrtttttcnluliort L|rlir (crler lr'L irtcJ itt tttttng is iitrilrl to thrt nteth,',1 u.ed in
the Everdrle test complcx. TIre test the assembly of large gas and steam
celi is equipped to handle 150 chan- tutbines. Each shaft end is splined to
nels ol' display instrumentation. 150 mate with r flexible coupling. The
channels of control ard 2-50 channels housing consists of fir'e stator castings
of recording instrumentation. and two end cap clstings. all split on a Part of the well instrumenled canlrol roon,
Another t'eature of the test installa- horizontal centerline and held together which is located next to the lest chanbet at
tion is a 50.000 hp high speed water- with pre-stressed tie bolts. Water pas- GE s Load Test Facility.
brake dynamometer. among the largest sages are integrally cast into the sta-
ever clesigned, rnd built by Kahn Indus- tors and end caps. thus allowing water is then accelerated by the rotor discs
tries. It js one of the few types of test feed to each side of every rotor at the and thrown out by centrifugal fbrce.
equipment that could be economically innel diameter of the statol area. The Thcre it forrns ir conlinuou\ r-llter ling
coupled to the turbine for'loading and stator walls are flame splayed with which rotates at approximately one-
measulenent. Because of its method stainless steel as were the rotor clisks. half of the rotor speed. However, the
of power absorption. the Kahn ,106- 160 The cenler of each lotol churrrbel i' thin layer of water that is in contact
tll namomelel tl,,es nrrl cr\itJle. letding vented to iltmosphele to prevent any with the rotor luns at approximately
to minimum maintenance and a high de- vacuun buildup within the waterbmke the same speed as the rctol while the
gree of accuracy. Atjer over 3500 hours housing during the operation. layer of watel in contact with the sta-
ol opcrrtion. no er idcnce itati.rn Each rotol charnber is ladially di- tor wall i. irlmo't rr I \trndstill. It i\
damage has been discovered. The dyna vided into two compartments, the this action that creates a viscous shear
mometer also has a |elatively low mo- working comprrrtnrent lnd the rlis-
ment of inertia compared to its size. churge cornpir rnent- b5 rr brrrnze di.
thereby permitting testing of the tur charge ring which allows the high
bines thrLt could not be easily pertbrmed velocity water in the working compart-
by other types of load absorbing test ment to discharge on both sides of the
equlpment. rotor at 360 degrees around the rotor,
The machine is a smooth disc water lhus rllo\ring lbr u \mooth waler dis-
brake dynamometer with maxirnuur charge and eliminating any turbulence
horsepower rating at 50,000 hp at 3,600 or di\errions thlL are eleated by rr sin-
rpm and maximum toque. 75,000 gle water outlet port. Each rotor conl-
Total unit weight is 32 tons with the partment is then separated from the
rotor weighing 15.250 lb. other by nleans of labytinth seals.
Much ol the design and conslrucrion Cold water enters the waterbrake
of this dynamometer departs fiom what through an overhead distributor tank
rright be called standard waterbrake which has a manitbld arranged above
construction. Perhaps the most impor- the brake and is rigidly connected k)
tant featurc ef the smooth disc water- the base. Frorn the manifold there are
brake is the rotor configuration itself. six sphetical flex joints connected to
Thc rcrtu| nsrentbll (on\i.t. ol- .ix the waterbrnke housing that allows
smooth tlrpered uniform slress discs freedom of movement of the water-
and two fil-eetl shaft ends. Each rotor blake housing within the trunnion bear
fbrging has a nrale and t-emale rabbet ings. With the individual water feed ro
ancl are press-fit to eacl'r other. Once each rotor stilgc. it is possible 1o run
the initial stack-up of shaft ends and Iow loads at hish speed by only havinr
Dynanoneter water cooling and recycling area.
lotors is conrpleted. there ale l6 tic two or three rotol'stages actutlly oper-
The four cooling towerc built by Havens arc
bolts pre-stlcsscd to 50.000 psi that lrtins. lllll: irrr'r'err.irri tlr< r'rngelrbilitr double units (eighl cooling units tolal) wilh a
lun the length of thc rolol assembly. ol the waterbrlkc. naxinun specificalion input of 4500 gpm ca-
Each rotol is fotgetl into a plncake Colcl watel eDtefs the totor charrr- pacity at 150.F inlet tempenlwe and an 85 F
shape. he{l lleiltcd and thcn nachinecl bers neal the hub ol'cach fok)r stage. It outlet tenperature.
Nnd resultirs lriction which dissipates of I00.(XX) pounds. Hot watcf ( 130"F lnrx.) is lecyclecl
the enelgy cl'clted by the gi,ts turtltne. The iacility corlplex supplies wilter flonr the flcility to new cooling k)wers
Tlrc u,rtet lcrci in tlrc ri\1,'r'ilr.rrrheI i\ to thc watefbfake. punrpecl lirrm on which hlve an installecl cooling capac
contlolled bv \.irlve positions on tl'te site teservoirs wilh an rggregate slor- ity of ll5 rrillion Btu/hr. ln this rvay.
outlet \ide ol thc watelbllke. age ci.ipacily of a hrlf ntillion gallons. willer rcsoufces itfe consefved and thc
Thc lorLcl absolbecl lt iuly given tllue Nlaxinrunr wilter llow capacity tbl thc thermill pollution ol thc local watcr-
is a lirnction ol thc Natef level in the facility is -5.(XX) gpnr. which allows tbr' wuys is prevenlcd.
rotor chrrnbcf ilncl the rolol spced. consicletable growlh potential. Wittel' f'ucl li)f engir'tc opetttion is plo
Maximunr Iolcl is absorbecl tvhen all ll,,\\ l,' llr( hlrrkc li'r' llrr,l , I ( I , I
i iI i
r vided to 1hc cell fiorn a.50.(X)0 galbn
the rotol charrbels are ncitrly filled is controlletl autonliiticall\ by eiec- lubort. lr','rrrrrl lrrcl .t r,rl. lr|crr. FrrL.l i.
with wrter. Wl'tile ll prrticular wirler trollic corltrollecl pneLln]tlic flow con stoled in lwo hetted/insultted ti,lt't^".
level is nrilinlainecl fbr a given operat- trol vrlves. 'fhis controller is spcecl ancl is punrped lhroll-gh hetled. insLl-
ing point. it continuous flow ol watel sensing i:tntl ilpplies load (vilries water latcd strinless stcel piping to the en
is lequirecl to carfy liwlLy the heut gcD- flow) so as 1o t'tlaintilin the speed sct- -sine. Thc cell tirel package in aclclition
errted try the lfiction o1'thc viscous point. Spcecl lluctultions ill miixilnuot to conttolling plessllrc irnd flow. is cit-
l rule ol'thurnb. tour grllons
sltear. As lond (1600 rprn) arc within plus ot pirblc of heating rnd conlr'olliDg tlel
per hour pef hofsepo$er is rcquirecl. nrinus 3 rpm s. terrperalule for tlrc DtaitrtenilDce oi'
Thc nrrin belrings tle oi tilting pird Wtter pressuLc is controllecl and sta stable luel viscosity al thc cngilte inlcl
Journrl bearirg design. Both bearings bilized by an air pressurized level con- coutl'ols-
ate split ancl nrounted in sphcricol sets tlolled 5.000 gal. sur'-qe tank ntolrnted Thc total titcilily. as describecl. u,ls
to allow ersy tssernbly and illignnrcnt. itbole thc blake. Brake inlct plessures blrilt in one year to nreet
clcsi-tned iurd
The mrin thrust bealing is of the king- afe contlolled rcadily with 13 Psig ol' U.S. Navy requilemeDts fbr accepttnce
bury tiltinl prrJ-t1pe with rr lorrd rirting sct point with the installed systcrr. of lnarine gas tLlrbines. *

Kahn Series 301 Dynamometers for testing auto-
motive diesel and gasoline engines.
FOR IOAD TESTING Kahn Series 101 and 102 Dvnamometers for test-
ing turboshaft engines. light turboproi engines, ApUs,
PTOS, and accessory gearboxes.
PRIME MOVERS rCavitation-tree
Kahn Series 400 Dynamometers or com-
Kahn Dynamometers capable of delivering up to 80,000 hp pact, cost-etfective Kahn Series 100 dvnamometers for
(60,000 kW) and operating at speeds up to 60,000 rpm, are testing gas and steam turbines.
now at work in engine test facilities around the world.
Depending on individual test needs, they are equipped with
either manual, or closed loop automatac leed back control torque Kahn
and are available for a wide range of applications. Series 302
lv,lodel 108-300
for testing
marine diesel
Conlrol Cabinet engrnes, large
electric motors
ano neavy
E turboprop engines.
tl For detailed information,
contact Kahn industries Inc.,
Goft & Wells Road
Wethersfield, CT 06109
Phone: 860-529-8643 Itlodel 102-130
Fax: 860-529-1895 Dynamometer
E-maill with Conlrol Console

oYnafrYoD#fruet*Sl(Al+Itl KAHN INDUSTRIES, INC.

REPRINTED FROM l\4ARCH 1976 DIESEL PROGRESS Engines & Drives Copyrighl Diesel & Gas Turbine Pubticahons
Printed In U.S.A.

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