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7“' 203-0860
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WERTE 0(ch jätcet* 4
cymeß of'ch lee-es' _ :
Blume-1177:2116, _“ _ t4;." x 4]
begynnyng where the Wyble o; Sci-W.» “
totes leaue, and continuyng to-tde vttet:
lubueetiqn and latte -del'truccion of that
tounteek and people. Weinen in
_bene by lok'cyb Zen Cotton, a noble x „7 y
, man oftbe fame counttey, who. “ , , "
a - "aloe-“the moff tbyng'oe byni- ,43: p 7 z: '
.. kelfe, and was-auttßoux.
R '*- and doec ofa great (Z- zc. ,.
J '8 part ofthe _ *'
., Ax_ „ .c *

. *ktäoflacecl 'mw [anhf'bcl-Y * *

Rx Lcccc WothoZ, 06MB* *
äalcn (011cche'11t . x
* * - - NFA-(ie. f >
R - Andnoiyeeewlycozmtsd x* -"»
, - - » andatüendedbythe - _ _x7
x ' .. taydetranfla- _, ._- _;
t x o '-tour. 2 '
*F* ' ; - ' . 7
'*Z" - LZD-4]_
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t0 the ?ZL-ZW?,
QBqu moqed and tequelkcd of a eertapne
honelt man, a sztet of London (23t
. charde 31115ge)_ttubioua in his vocanon
of the commodttie of this our countrey,
‘ that J! mutate takein hende to tranflate
this part of the hyftoxie of the JK ewes, to thin
tent that as there is amonglk vs alredy in out
natiue tongue, the oziginatl be nnyng of that
nation, E the contfnuaunce alfo oz a long fpace,
tn the Byble, and annexed to the [eme z l'o time
myght be lykefvyfe an vnderftandyng and oe
daratiou to all men in the Onglythe tongue, af
melt as in other, ofthe deltroction of fo famous
a common iveale :JJ both thought it honelt to 'r' -' -
further fo good an attempt, pea and almefk dic;
honeft to repulfe hts reqch (opoetuntcie _cmd
1eyl'ure (etuyng me) centimetan alfo hufiae ma
up ptophcfies there be in the (captures, of the‘
delkructton not only of the tttie J] erufalcm, but
alfo of the whole countrey, and no [peciaittc not(
Verification m our tongue of the fulfiuing of the I
ame. , - . _. .
Fo; the perfourmounce whereof, after long »7
wayghyng und debatyng of the matter, it was
thought mutt conuenient not to butthen the de
(trons hereaf imth the ptouyding of fo chatgco:
ble a volume as isthe great hyltoeie ofMaums
_ Jofcphus, that men the oil'courfe of the fame to
the [Romance, together with many other octcs
of other nations, ngthpng at ail patteynpngm -
To the ?Let er.
our ruftch ende nboundanntlyx with a karte
mote bzieke, much leite comp, and as fufl’ititnt ‘
a tommcntane tot our purpol'e, nocht-ng inferi
nut to the other inveritie, pea mgttten by the
fame waepbus, as thetenot nnd contentes of
both the hocke; do impott, although he name
bpm fette in this Wen Oorion (that is) the
fonne of Got-ion, and in the other the i'onnt of
?attachiam which is a thmg fo common in the
.eines genealogies, that men ntde not (eke
karte fox the lyke, tot one man to deduct hie dif
tent from Diners names of father, graundfather
ot great graundtather, of the fathers fyde oe of
the inc-there fyde, twine takyng the name of the
next, mine of the matte noble of hie kynredc.
~ Wut howfoeuer the names be vnlike,rhe hyfto
tits do l'o agree, that they map well be thought
to be jpzittcn hy onetnan : this vnto his coun
tceymcn the Z memo; in; them that befite no
'note tur a tuft reheatl‘ail of the thiugee concer
npngthat only coiintrcy : the other tot the Ko
mama, o; to; them that del'rte to vnderltande
ot the fettes of the Romance-:in the tune “that
age, fmhtthe we thought not to bc neceil'arie kee
out purpofe. we determined therfote to take in
hende thrs Jiofcphmy. rather this hie owne epi
come ot held-:Zement of hrs grth bathe, yet the
inhale hpttom cf the J] ewes netwtthfianptmg.
n the ttanflatton inhetof, what paynee is ta
cn, not only in reiten-ng diuch monies that
were Demnach end cotrnptcd in the laune texte,
pea am: [eine *whole members of fentencce jekte
out, which were etptefl'eiy in the Het-tue, but
atio that the Bewerten four-nes. of ipcache ko
dijcrcpant from eur phtalc end eccnltomed ma
m Rip-WMI: might be itemed veto out* vol_
gate end fämylyer communication, that tkeh
myght ve the better bnderlkanded : J] rckerte it
vnto the tudgment of them that be expertin tbe
tongues, .ivho yf they lylte to conferre both the
fettes, they lhall cuerpwhtre el'pye a great dif
fimüitude betweene the wozdes of both , and.
fometyme kynde whole membets of kentenccs
tranlpefed c yet J trufftve [hallykejvyfc con
fell'e both that J1 baue not :va-:ned any thx-ng
from the fmfe and meanyng of the allcthour,
fvhlch J molk attenttkely dyd alwäyes pondcr
and confider, as the thyng molke pzofitabie fox
out purpofe,and alfo that it Das *neccfl'ary- [o to
do, tofachion it vnto out maner of fpeakyng.
Fox wherevnto fctueth 1e, if it khoulde not be
Wet-(kandch were itnotas good to remayne
ftyll not vnderlkandtd m a (traunge tongue, es
not vnderäanded m our div-1e, yt [uch tränuä:
tions, wozde fox *wos-de, be to be tounted in out
ton ue, deyngxtnrned mtv our wozdes onlye.
Th therefoze was cbiefely endeuom-ed, that
it myght be fcamed and come moct nye vnto oue
vulgare tongue , not to ont vulgare wozdes oa.
[ya : and yet tt (homde not he dkfftamed, mx, pf
gtefke frag-,the true mtanyng of :the Dyftom
ap ec' the"
Ü... WW
. ft- 'Wye naive be read
_, _ .in out -

mother tongW,aud Week-team alfo,out hopx

le that-1m: tcauayle _ ll mt he [Wu vue, cha.
thou lykewyfe koe- t y. peter (ge-1m Reader)
1»th düigmußpecufe and eeade _tms hyctozje,
Wxthy of [vg-WWW. to. be. beltowed vpon
it. both fm, the- famztnefl'e of the mäuse-,and _
"Lowe the me 'mablexxofite that, chou mayth
Weiber-by- Foz pls-1 are. wha Mum nat-ve
* t _ f Y
7*'0 the Rex-(Zee.
the ende, and what became at length vpon ("uch
o people, that he hath hearde fo muche of, as
euety man hath read and hearde of the J eit-es
m the Wykle and otherwife 7* bekydes the delet
tation,-inpeteeyuyng thpnges of fo great anti
quitie ?Query man delighteth to behold the pic
tures okeuncient perfonsäts of Herculesahet
tot, J] ultus Cel'ar, Arthur, and teuerenceth
them es though they ivere halte Gods c hokre
muche meet pleafure [homo it be to beholde the
huely images of theyx myndes,ivhiche appeate"
m they?, actes and deedes whyle they were here
in this lyfe, whetby ive thould learne to knowe
good from euyll, and by the applying of theyz
deedts vnto our mann-s, ivith conüderyng the
euent end fuccell'e they had of th x acttons,
jvc may take eyther an example, ot ome admo
nition,oe occeuon to amende out 1ines,ivvetem
befides plealure, ts aud pzo 6te. Ws when thon
feel] the J! ewes here aiklicted with dtuers
kyndes ofmifetie, becaul'e they fell from God e
then mayelt chou be admonilhed hereby, to fee
the better to thme owne Weyer-,left the like ca -
[Unities light vpon thee,vn1el[e thou be fo fond
to thinke God jvyll .note l'pare theeävhiche att
but a wylde Olitte,e but gtaffed into the ftocke
'of fayth,ik thou beyng eyther naughtie freute oz
no kruite,then he did the naturall hzaunches the
ewes, whiche kpzang naturally of the roote it
* lfe. Theo thalt reade here of terrible and hoz
rtble euentes of [edition and rebellion,yea,there
*was no fache crueltie exercil'ed bpon them by
theye externen memies, as they vl'ed amongu
them feines one vpon enorhet,fubiectes ogamll
theyt peu-ces, * and fuhiectes egomlt l'ubtectes:
info-nocht that nothyng hattened there
- 1
'* t
7**9 the ?Lee-Zee.
tion t'o greatly, as theye owne doggldnetke und
mteltme hatted. We chou warned thetekoze dv
theyz hat-mes, and take heede that thon meyelt
auoyde e'ltke. Thunder mozeouer and marke
Foel,the mes Xpert counted Gods people,the
Moments tontrat-y his enemies e as *without
all doubt,hauingno knowledge of Gewand be
yngidolaters as they were at that tyme, they .
could net ve Gods people t yet fox all this, God
would they chould pzeuayle egatnft theJlewes,
and ("ubdue them vnder theyz yoke. whereby
Lee max learne home greatly God is tncenl'ed
ageyn iniqm'tie, infonmch that he wyll rather
bzyng in vpon his owne childten a nation mote
wt>ed,thm to leaue them vnpunifhed to runne
foxwerde in theyt wicked race. Suche pzofite: *
ble enfamples and lefl'ons ate in this htlkotte
without number t whiche if Jl thould refite all,
J thoulde bzyng the whole booke into the pze:
face. we ivyll thcrkoze be content with - thcke
tewe at this pzet'ent, neythcr es all, not es the
chttte: defiring and wyl'hyng chier (good tea
dtr) that thon maycit finde out not the checkt
onlye,but all, and not onlye finde them out, but
note them, and imitate them in chy *lyuyng
and ozderyng of thy doyngts : whtche tt
chou do, then baue wc the expected
ende of our payncs and tra
uayle,and chou the pzo;
fite, jehercwtth
all parties may iuctly, ot Kult
gladly be contented and
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If D
:HM-e TOMTOM wett/t)) t0/ . e
4 *-“ .lu-1'., 50m* tbe*Wach3bce8, tutto
- :the laftdeltructionßnd l'ubuer
„ W _. ttonofihet'ahje. 7 1* l_ -*
* “z CtoeWanto
thol'e thynges'
that we va'ue -
founde' in the x ,
boke of Jofcpb (
the p3iefl,fonne Z
o' (Forjon, and
- in' other bokos
' . * * '* wsytten -accot
dyng to the molte- certaine veririe: we
wyll-dzaw foeth t reveacte fome thinges
kueche comfoet that may come there:on
efpeciatly-feyng all the peophetee haue .
dent t directed their peophefies (to-etel
tyngee of thing-es to eome,to this prcke,
that the kingdome of thehoufe -of-Oau'xä
lhoulde be refloxed, and flogyfhe in tyme
tocome. Thecfoee,ifthere had bey-any ,y x
kinges of-*the haute of Dauää,.durtng the -
tyme of the [econde hmm-„os fecond-tem
ple, then ihuld we baue bett in [ufpence, ' „
; Av Lea *j
-* WÜi

*A16 Nate of' '

yea,euen nowe alcedie onc hope bad hei.
dalht . Wut there was no kyngdome of
the heute of Mimi in that age, "ane on
lye a certayne dominion that Zen-babe]
and Wehen-i'm had. zeeagkathec the king
dome remained at that time to the heute
7-W okthe Mäcbabcex, and them that were > Ä
towards them and they; “kernel-kite..
Wut nowe to the purpofe. '
When .file-Mutter the fyslk, kyng of"
e the Orekes had foztitied and ei'fablylhed
his kingdome, he dyed beyng yet-,hut a
younngan, and his kyngdome waede.
uided amongfouce of, his captaineszas it
'anja-ö] is 'mitten . 77MG he je 7c.: aliqxxbü '
lc'mgäome (be-[be bkqlcen, anä-äeuiäecl
'mio kom-e coaftez of'cbe'bcauene. De_ left*
behinde him ti fon-1e of' tender yeresjcalx
led 7 Ütcbclxiiu, whofe tutour- oe gemer
nom: perceyning him to betowamgaße
him impoyfoned deinke, and made hym
away. The-ie captaynes made warte
one bpon another, of whö one that was
named Drolomec, psocnred M107-er law
to be tcanitated into Oceke, to thentent
he myght finde come occafionto picke a.
7.,: quarreil agaymk -chael. Foe by they:
' iewe he_ [might meant-'s to withdißwo
2.: c em
cbt: Wachaheee, Z »"
them from their-religion, atcozdyng te '
the Dtalme. Wanz- 4 tune baue chez- at'- [JF-ZUM,
[hätte] 1116570 m7 70qtl1 'y nütz- :ltr-el' '7 )
110W [-17. There were tenentie auntf- “" '
ent men that tranflated the lawezw'homZ
ycolamee thekyng fepetatedx one from
another. puttyng euery man apart in a» -
heute hy himfelfe. Wut they all agteed
[n one (ente, albeit they thaunged_ thir
teene plates, which was not done with- i
out mitaclex that_ they all agree together h
in the meaning and wzytyngNs though
one alone had weinen itheferiil.- plaai x
(Es be thel'e. FW,60> cke-tal 'm the be (ZW-e j »
Zion'mZ. Here no wezde o; thyng is put »' ' x
bekose the nenne _WGT-,and alte to; that * ' * - l
in the Oreke tongußthe_ thing that both_
ispnt veto-e, and that that ts made is
placed after, [eau this wezdeöhcchqich. *
would be taken fox a creatout, t-hlohjm:
tos a creature. The fetondeklihöl-mahäßeve*i Z
man accatäjnzk td' WeimaÄe*än311tceflet:-J fon
that it'fhoulde n'ot be" thought as.:th -. , h 7
bewece'dneYtdnfulted with echte-:chec
in. BROOKS-ul (Joä (WM-3&1'- ches-Wü ,
(det äh äö>tcfteäthe [eüeotfif Ltlk' fl; *Fit
'theme Wßythdu'gh What-_WWW teetxthz!
thing in the feuentv dayze mit endedjhts .> ; ,Y
'Kb' . “ 7 ' ZZ_ 7*'
*7- , .'L'be fkateof'-7
:Z weekyng. The tourth. 60 t0, 1 .tz-11 Za
*"_. . -„ (Loewe-,NW there 77711 confounäe chert' x
Rue-1!- lannge,lelke by (peakytigi'n theplnral
,*7 - w? W* numbetzhe (hoe-[de baue ben thought “to
, bemany. The fyft. Mesa-älaugvee,
JF-NUUL- (Waltz-(13 rextb them tbat'ftooelel))- bet.
Become Nco10mcethekyi1g_ (hould not '
y hu, ko?, mocke them, and tag, Who _thewedyou
t hetfelfe. what the fayoe to ber fette 7!., -Ißhe [yet.
., _ Becaq(*e'mt]1e'1et“uc7 >67 kYLl'e'tl'a'o 0s,
ZRH?“ anti 'm tbch »xx-ll (c't-Um
ION) Lemke kyng wouldeoetgdethentz
, We, What hat!) a ment-.ho wtth ah ;
:- xml W O: e The (euenth. Nazi Motezquze_ hu
(chat Zhat »ez-fe .mel bie[oem-ee, :mel (ex-them r),th
mld beare :bat that coalch beat-e ee tete-.thx Welte the
-k, W ko?- kyng weewedelftwedxtt Nähere/latex.
Z' ' beceefe-hexoyevWW IW? Akt-LW '
t * dewenldnetkey. .VWL (ße-.11d att-AW.
- Warsaw-*WeanL-:WW WW
:e Z* _, . wouldneuteheßxldooetccxyßT hoo
7:? i -ben-..besser . ever on. .KW h
WMu'Wclkbqth-e W3 WW?,
kaeL'm Lgyytemxotbocd * I ,4.39.
, XZ W4 .- 7W*Nocwitvlundenexztbetkbyd W?
- e 4* „ iq 7537 Wut-310,» tete-MW that-is
Z :Q -.yF wettbeirtathet--xacqh-tolgexhere:
_ .7
k' , ,
- . Ü" WÄo-Fe-Wlet-HWBÄWRZHW
4 il'
F*-_- __ .. r :kh
the Meckel-ce'. Z
in Hebel-e llgnitle 11c.) tbz'cbct. Further
meet, the compntation of 470.“ hem-io
ttö the yere that Mac wao vom?, which t
was the holy feede vnto ltd-thanx. :The 15W!, A
nynth. Nm] 'etw (bc 11t1e'0nc30ftbc zum om
cbylcjten ok lfiaclfitetcbeä'bc 1101: [118 fo? "l-We
han-Ic. As who would [ay, Zeea alle vn.
to their litle ones he utet'ched not his
vaude. Euen becam'e he thould not lay,
the great men efcapeo, but the chylogcn
of the konnte. of-Jltael el'caped not. The
tentb. l tokc oktbcm notme of 'allet-e.
Welt he chould (ay, the toke not an Alle, "um-o
but he toke one rewacde. The eleuenth. WWW
?Whicbtbjoxzcz tl))k [,0ch CRX bach (lc
uiclccj,tbat cbt-7 m27 (bim: 'yon e] Deutäjjj
plc. Lefle he fhoulde take an argument Thstthe
thetof, and [ay, Moe the holy and blefledeZM"
Kozdehath deuided them to all-people, e' '
h'ath geuö thetYFlicem-e to woethNmä
The tweltth. e "ent an nor 1 c .- .
(tretan Zoclz, Ulm!) l c0mmout1>c320t
t0 1707( hty. Left be tho'ulde [aye, Nowx .ww i3 W,
hall thou called them to llraung'e tout-»W
lhlppyng of gods. The thirteenth.Thc2 . :_ -
ttanfleted an Date, Lttl-kufez'becaule *.7 *
-the kynges wife was called hate, left _the t,»
thonloe (ay; the Jeweemotke me. , - ,- “ . -
' * '* WWU.
. _ 'l'lte (täte 0E*
When there feuentie eldets had tcanfla
ted the law into the Gteke tongue,[)t0
Lomec reioyüng much in their wifdome,
hondueed them with psincely appacell
.and great rewatdes, btought them
_ , home agayne mery and glad. Woxeouer,
_he "ent by them oblatidns to out God. '
At that time there were many that con
deftended to fdlow the lawes ofthe Ore
cians, but thele feuentie reful'ed. Not
_long after,captayne 8e]cucu8,["t010mcct
cdmpanton in office dyed, in whofe flede
antocbuä caigned in Waccäonja,T-h'i3 '
' Qntjochdämakyng warte vpdn 9:010- e
* mcc,bercft him o'f al his dominione,and
' flewe him. After that,he lubdued all the
lande of chael then vndet the regiment '
of yt010mcc,and wated very pzoudeaße
hated-Jfrael aud bedanke the." loued Vw
1011166,( ayded him in' thewactes agaim't
bim. This is that Zot'locltuz that buil
ded a gceat title vpdn the [ea toafk, and
'called it Zoc'mcbläz wherein he made a
'golden idoll,comntaunding tbattve chil
dsen of chael thould be bxought vnto ft,
- _and wdefhip it. Wut fo'me of them choce
,rather to futter death fo; the religion' df
their God; and (eme Wet felt from the
h ._t / ' 1 .* "
the Wacöabeex, . 4,
xynagogne theyz mother Chucche'löe
fine this he toke away alio their Dab
both,theic newe mooneand leage of cir
cnmciüon t feel-(doing that in any wyte
they ihoulde obl'erue theie commaunde
.hüte-,in any place thotowouthis whole
domintons. Fo; the which he put many
otthe Jleaelites to death, andoppzeffed '
them mate,ch did euer any of their ene
mies,o3 adneriaries. The i'econde man
in honouc next him [elfe in Vietufalem,
was one Dolly-1:, he erecced an image in
the temple,commaundyng the people of
Jlrael to woeihlp it,and wholoeuer was
dtiobedienmo be oayne.Thetfo3e he put
to death l-lanna and het-.bitchildeem ae
it i. mentioned in other places, . When
Uncut-:111.18 peceeiued this,it increai'ed hie ,
hacred toward Mikael, infomuch that he
did hie endeuonr, 1) none ol them ihould:
(tape o3 be left aliue,etcepti"uch ae wold
wozihip the image. Then ned many _of . t
theJi'caeliteS to theniount mam-19min
iolcrjcb0,vecanfeofthelawe ofyohpnz-7 _- . '*
aud anjocbut his lo;de,hauing to their
gouernouc the hie peieit thatbjaMönß ,
vllobati, othecwyce called Calmooanlc.
The Rieu enioyncd .them *to kalt, ano: :' -.
, . - *- '“ puntlhß
_L7 t 7
* 711e (täte of*
punithe chemielues bctoee theLtoed with
wepyng, fachcioth, t aiihes. And-after,
this he iaith vnto the e Jt ye wyl ieopacd
your lyues fozthe holy Rhede, why dye
we lyke women 7-' Iiet vs go e fight with
Volipue, andtf we dy e, we thai dye with
x h'onomft peradueniuce the holy and blei
ieo Odo wyli hetpe vs, e well not roote i
out the cemnaunt - ot Jicael. To this
councel euery man aflented, and made a.
couenaunt with hym vpen this thyng.
[>0ljpu3 heatyng this, gatheced hie fozce
together, and made towatd themto de
ltcoy them, and what Maelite 1'oeuer he
founde in his way, he flewe hym; Wat'.
tachiaa the Wielt-and ai the temnaunt of
Jicael vnderflanding that yoliyue came
agayntt them, they went vp vp'on the
mount-Woäjjc- with their wyues e chyl
dem. When put he himteite e his Conne
in acmout. the had v. ionnes, luclaa the
eldeft, the nett Lehonachanz'the thiede
weh-man, the tourth Ichtmeon, the kyl't
Lie-.N17, All theie' were vali'ahnt t good
men ofwaete. When hohl-ug camsto
. them, -he ccaftyiye [pake' to Watcachja'z,ä
l'ayingi Thon axt one of the chiefe »
tn zii-ae!, e ax man ot-hohezxahd eßiima- Z
*F* , * f - . 7 on.


the Mechaheet. * :x
tion. Come down'e thetetoxe, and all
that he with thee', wozlhyppe the image, '
and fleine not agaynfl the kyng z that
yemay line and not be deärohed. Thon
(halt be theie- Dei-ice atio,yk thou wth
he confirmable . Wut the pgielt in no
wyl'e woulde be reduced by hym, but ea
:2 *d ther tucted and teuiied hym.“ Wattäthjax
x, had an aultet "at the foote of the hyll,
-wherebpon when he had offered cacrifite
Z_ to the moi! blefled God, there came one
h, Ü the wieked thaelites out of [Whput
:ok tampe,and killedhpon it a fwyne. This
hf; villayne was* young and [tinte, but the
peiefl; was oldet yet when he fawe what
oz» this lewde felowe had done, trying bnto
1m his God to helpe hym t flrengthen hym,
ch he thaltnged a tumbatc betweene hym
1h* fette .and the felowe . Whithe thyng
ict. beyng lyked ' both ot* the ttlowt, and of
hi ?014.113 with 'his whole armie 'e' Wat* ,
cdi] cache-3 came - downe with hie deawen
tu! t'wozoe in his hand, and the felowc ttode
pod* agaynft hym tedie to teceane hym. But
3w the pgielk tui'thhng vpon hym, by the ai"
Wyk üflence of *his God. ouettame hym, cut
.eit ofhie head. 8nd cat! bis cerkeavnmt tkm.
'l'he (tete ok'
hoeftwere much aflonied,beholdfng ene
another. The peicft tkode ftill by the anl
, ter,crying c whiche of you wy'l come to
me man to; man :- Then Volipux picked
, out a ftronge champion,the belt in al his
armie, and bzought hym out of the ar
rayeeof his hoalt, to teache hym his let
tomhowhe (hould behaue himkelte with
the peielk. The peieft thertoee deewe to
warde the campe wich hie naked fwozde
. in his hande,as though he came to ioyne
with their champion: but leaning dem,
he turned bis Wozde, vppon Dohpuz,
[frohe okhie head, and fled to the hyll.
Then blowyng they; home-z and ma
kyng a thoute together , they ruffhed
. downe bpon the Orecians campe. Wut
when the Oreciane tawe that' theyx
gramide captayne was tlayne, they fled.
Chafinomhje and bis (onnes with al]
Jfrael folowed the that's, oqcrtheewo
them,and made a great claughter. This '
done, Wetteth'iez the psielt went ro tete
rnfelem, purlfied the temple, reftoeed
the woxlhipping of-Oodtand com-neun.:
ded all that were home during the tyme
ot 90hth _to be circumtized, to; by the
meanee othie inhibition, they were vn.
' * i ' tircmna_
Ü l z the Meckel-tee, '6

tittumcized. Theis beyng Wohnidee-,he

"ate vppon the theone otthe kyngdome,
and deoue the Otekes ont ofthe lande ot
Jita el. this kingdome endoted one here,
whiche was the. tc. tif. yere from the
building ot' the feconde hohle. After this
he fell ficke, and lyke to die, charged his
lonnes to kcpe the obietuations of the
Lowe, and to“ walke in his wayeo. Alto
to play the men againll-the Otcci'aneFoe
the religion of the Kom. Then beought.
he foozth lucläe, 'a' toll man and a hatdie,:
and platin!! dem in the (antworte, toke
a hozne of oyle, and poweed it vpon his
head, whereat all the chaelitee clapped
they; handes, and gone a great (heute,
[aying : O'od faue the kyng, God latte.
the kyng. Doone after, lucläe gothcted;
an atmie ot Jfrael, ond made-an expedi
tion againll the temnaunt ofthe Orekes
that wece lefte in the holdes of Moth
ond whatl'oeuec hetoke in hende, God
gone it good fuccel'te. Notwitftondyng- 4
Notmchiiz [ent agaynft him a puiftatlnt
atmie vnder theleoding of onecepteine*
yclon'utq, agaynl't whom Luoa8fo- wat- -
redzthat the Oretiane went to Wache, x
tot he el'yied hie _tyme when they* were*
_. X5 ii dtflttnte - _
g 71x6 l'cace of
deftitute of viuuelßand (pedely tet-bpm;
them,beat them downebandimoth. and
appxoched to captayne pc10njuz, gewg'
the -valiaunteik about hym,yea,and hym
atioW-hrn Notiochux heaede ofthis,he _
was iu a great tage: wherefoee he thot'e_
out a moft valiaunt captayue called [.7
haN ient ,him agayui't Hietuialem with.
a thoul'ande hozlemen, and footemen“
without number. [mia: hauyng knowe
- [edge theroßcommaunded a fait thzough
- out all Jirgeltosthiee dayes t after toke
mutter oi all hisarmie, and made ouee
them captayiis of thoulandszhuudeedes„
fitties, and tennes. Thele (ayde to their
(ouldidurs. Ä/*Ä7boloeucr je akt-3)*ch 8te..
Wherehpon many of the .people retur- -
nedhome, yet there remayned. vu. SN.
and i'iite huudseth, otheiuche tourage all,
that one woulde not baue runne awahe
from an , hundeeth. [Mas deuided his
health into thiee partee, tömittyng them
vnto 'theee captaynes, Uicanor,833rie,
aud l)c010mce. 'But after the thaelites
had once geuen a great (heute the Kozde
het downe the .Vi-elite, lo that the Fri-a
elitce deftroyco nhne thoufonde hotte
meh of them, ä cpoyled the whole hohl!,
. and
the Macbabccs. ' 7.
_and they that remayned algae, teuke'
them telnes rd aygvt. The next nape
kyng [udas kept his babhnth, toge
thee with all Jl'rael in the' campe, fox
_the battayle was vppon the (Yet days.
The moeowe after, the Jl'raelitcs re
turned to the fpoyle 'of thnfe that were
kylled , and after to' purtue “other that
were not able to refill: but they_ tounde
none, to; they were flee into Afla'rozh'
Kama'lim .f Onryng the tyme of thel'e
wart-es, Anuochus innaded the lande of
Perfia, fo; they had moned warte a.
gamut hym, and done hum intutte. '
Wherefose he tought agaynlt them:
but hauyng the onertheowe at them
handes, he retonrned to :Cncmclna 'with _-_y I
great theme, where alto he komme his „
armies with another dilhononr and ‘
Eagle. Wherewith he was tn'fuch a'
tage, that he gathered together all the
hallauntelt andbelkel'warriours in all
Greciacyea, all that were able to' bear-e
weapon, -fwearyng he woulde dxyng _
with hem ("uch an" armie, that all the x
grounde about Dierk-talent [houlde' not h
(office them to (Lande vppon, that he
hunlue haue~tntth hem.“ ene-1 weht-s
* ~ ' . f t'qateglgu
Thc‘flatc of*
footemen onlye. And fo he l'et foewarde
: hishoxtemen, with hozles and wagons
: laden with all manec of munition to:
; the warte-3 z as boweßwteldesnnrgetsz
(wozdes, and (pearls, bzeltplates, and
mont-ene, bet'ydes a huge number of
Elephantest ant-lush: that a _deten va
; liaunt men myghtfightbpon one Ele
-phant, the Elephantes beyng to them
as a foztrefie. Wut kyng Iudas takyng
heart to him, put his mu! in 'his God,
nnd toyned battaile with him. At length .
when he with the power of Mael ap
pzoched to the Elephantes, they llewe
them down-e ryght, 'to that the Ele
_phantes rom-ed, the llaogfzs and *all the
beafles that dtewe the baggan and fut
nitutes were very [on afcayde, Mug
Antiochus alto beyng mounted* vppon
his mate, and notable _to Ether in her _.
flight, was_ thtowen downe. Die [er
minutes thcrfoze ttndinghynt, toke him
bp, and bare hyma whyle vpon they;
-lhoulders, and (beyng-a coepulent and
» grofle man) they were not able to cache
him further, hat call hymdowne _in the
may, The Mozde had plaged hum alto,
am his ,whole hoafl befose with, a page ,
, . ' "techL ,
t|e Nach-tth. 8. Y

(cab, oz totten matter, and with other

mott hoerible diieaiescthetioee ae he iaw
all theie thinge s, he conielied it to be the
hande ot'Ood. Wherevpon he madea
bowe, that if he eicaped, he woulde tic
tumet'le him ielfe with al hie fo uldioute,
and wo x2 ld tonnert them to the woethip- t
ping of the Oodof Jieaelt butgod heard'
hym not. De fied therfoee afoote al'well Repeat
ae be might, and dyed by the way tho- withou
towe his greeuoueano tote oiieatesNNd eye* *
0pjter his kenne raigned in hie Wade.
Kpng lache with all Mae', returned
with great ioy to the houie of the Kotde,
olkced latrificea: and att-they had layed
wood vppon the aulter, and the lattiiice
bppon that, they called vnto the Lowe,
lonynglp to accept they: iacrifice,and in
the mea-1e tpace, iyeecame toozth of the
aultet by the owne actotde, coninmed
the facrit'ite and the wood, the lyke ne
uer thannted -vnto. them to this day.:
This miracle was weought the. rtv. ;
daye ot the ntoneth hlul. The Kyng WM(
made an etpeoitionalio into Media to
waere vppon the people theteot, and
madeof them a great flaughtec,b3ought
them into inhienion 7 ano made the?
* * “ *' ' t q
*Mio (kat: of'
tributaries. Jin hie returne he tet bp
oh a great citie ot the Orekee, wan it,
and rated it. After that he made a roade
into Grete ten daycs iourney, whereas
came agaynft hym with a' huge armie,
the chiefe man in kyng Solcch realme
tiert his period: but lach: difeomfited
hym and all hie people. From theme
be weht .to the title 8'1y01'18, that was
wider the Romanes, where as came
tooeth to meete hym (Joäaljaa- with a
toyall pzei'ent, infotmyng hym that they
had euer home the Jiraelites good wyll,
were their neyghbours, tlvewed them
pleafures . The hyng eramined the
matter, and fomide their woedes true:
fo receauyng their peefentes, departed
theme. 'After this 60r30riu3 a captayne
of the Romanes moved warte with
1110133, but ,koche ftroke a battayle with
hym, and dettroyed his whole armie, fo
that none eicaped. Qyiecr forme ot an.»
ciochuz hearyng, what altes Lutlae dyd
“ inailcountreys tour-de aboutthe mut-
fred all his people, leu'ied a puii'faunte
armie,wherwith he came ond befieged
Lethal'. Then cryed luck-.8 and all Zitat'
vaio their God with falkyng.aiid karri
, fices.
'l ä* lfhe Wachaheet. “ i 9

[lets. Che nygvt after„ lucläedeuided into certayne bandes, come -
maundyng them to gene the Mecians
acamjfaäo , and to enter theye campe
whyles it .was datke: which they dyd,
aud flewe very many of the belle of the
Gemeine, about a foure thoutande,p3e
yacyng neuerthelelke tot the tielde a
gaan the moeowe: where as alle the
chaelitee dyd beat downe manyot the
Geckos. In that battayle was ilayne
Lleafitr forme of Wattatbiae, the kyuges
beother. Fo; when be eipied .one-*with '
agoldeu (wozde vyon an Elephantz h'e
thought hym to be kyng Skater, who
haarrWleyhanteo in his armie. Ther- .
tote he toke heart to hym“, e beat downe
the touldiours of the Orekee on both
iydes hym, were they neuer fe ilrong,
tyllhe came to the Elephant. And be- ,
taufe the Elephant was fo' hye thathe
coulde not reache them that iatebyon
hym, he thoued hie iwogde into the belly
ot the bcait to ouertheowe the“ kyng,
wheteat the Elephant theonk'e together
and tell upon Llcatar, that he dyso there; '
Fox whole fake all Zfraelmoutned aud'
unde great lamentation . Wut'O-y'tccc
*' x . hcafynsii
- J. H6 HICC 0L'
hearyng this , matte inane made [alte
to kyng [udas to; peace , ano a league-z. to
be made hetwene them , which; .after
Iudas had confented vnto , he returned
.home into Grete. agayne , and by the
way fell into the handes of his_ enemies
that flewe him. After him futceded Dc
metrius his enemye , who was the taufe
othis death . There were at that tyme
certayne euyll difpofed peclone of the
games, that l'erued the king ok the Ore
cians in his wat-res , namely one Alki
mus : who went to the king of the, Oce- .
Res at that tyme lying at Annochia,ano
flirced him to moue warte Upon chael,
and kynge Iudas . By whole l'uggelkion
Demetrius rent agayntl ludas a captayn »
called Ulcaookguith a thong army. ?e
now commyng to iBierufalemJet lu as
bnderlland that he bare him good my“, -
and was oefitons to make peace ,e en»
ter into a league with hym . Therefoae
ae Iudas came fozth accompanyed with
his hzethzen the tonnes of Cbafmooa
nic , Nicanor met him in the way , inte*
:hzal’eb hym., and kitten hym c after that
led hym to his pam'llion ,1 and fett-e, hym_
Upon hie [rate of hononrz Kyng Infuas
. .4 , o
7:116 Wäcbabcetx *- 10
elfo after he 'returned from the Campe,
made vnto Wcunor a great feafle ,cal
Zyng bym and bis noble men with him
.mo Vierufalem, where tvey. eat and
»anke at the kinges table . Dyng (uääz
wasyet vnmacied , wherefoze Manor
moved bym to take a wyfe ,that bee
mygbtvaue itfue, and not lofe bis fm
ceflion , whol'e countayle luäue alowed.
This done , the lewde pickthanke .M
Lcmmx' declared to kyng Ocmccciux the
league that WWW badde made with
kyug [ml-13 . Wheratyemecrmzbeyng
wotbezmitvnto UiUnox-,fbatbe had
intelligence of bis tcaitcous peactilee.
d]“10mm- was in Dierufalem when this
letter wa. deliuered him. When lucjäz
beard oftbe contentes oftbe letter 7 be
fledde out of Pierufale'm into Santana,
wbece be founded a tcnmpet,and gatbeä'
red Jfrael together . Wcanor vpon thele
letters, entced into the voufe ot the loede
to [eeke [lt-:[38 , but he tounde bym- not.
Then he examined the Mielkes , who
[were they knewe not where ve was
become.Aftec be bad nowe fougvt dem
in euecye coznec theougvout Dietuta
-leuhand could notfynd .hym e ina tung:
- .1' ...u-.- 1...

be [wate he wonlde beat d'owne the

temple: And gathetyng together allbi.
boal'tzhe made fpeede agayntk [mw. ' l
When he heatd ot Uicxmorx commyrtg]
4 he iffued out ofßamacia' to meets hymz
and after theyhao ficoke the betta'yle,
Iuäaxnewe ot* the'Gcekes to the nam."
bec of. tvitj. thoufanoe hoel'emett, toke*
Utcanot alyue, and was mynded-to kyll
W„_-,. k - hym.Wut>Lccac10k befought him 'ok hac
don, alledgyng that the kyng knewe
well inough,that he beganne-not this
battayle with his good wyll, but left he
thoulo tcanfgcelte the commaunoement
**. .-WJ.: ot the kyng his mailkec. Whetefose
(tayth he)*J humblye befeche youc ma
teflie not to kyll me, and J tweace bm '
to you thatI-wyllneuec beace atm-me;
agaynft you, no; anoy you in any wyfe. ;
*;“L.. Uppon this the kyng made a league'
with hem, and oimitced'hym. Do he ce- 7
U“-7 _turned to the kyng his mailtec with;
theme inongh. After this Nemeter
dyedzano (.75- his [anne caigned in his '
fleade. Yet the wickeo'men teatted not, x
x-3?“ .butmoucoagayne kyng [753 .to'make '
-a voyage in hie owne perfon "with a h
puitlaunt atmieagayntt (mia-x* but ha- D
" 'RW
. the Wachaheat.“ o
tyngthe onertheoweot kyng lachs, h.
'led vnto Mfäotum tyll he hadfl'ronglye
:cpayeed agayne hie armye. Then
:ame he the ietonde ty'me vpon Luäale
phich tonfiiae the Jiraelites wereput
o flyghtahyug luclat notwithitanding,
led nocher one waye nos other, but
:alted' to his_ men, and exhosted them»
o tetnrne and ftitke by bym, yet they
ooulde not obey bym. Do he ahyd a..
one with hie deawen lwoaoe in hie
arndt, bnto whom none of hie tnemiee
-urtt appeothe nye, hut with charettes
*nd hoeicmen they enuironned hymy
nd art-,here that at hym,wounding him
des, tyll'he fell downe dead vppon the
:rom-ide, and they that were about hym
dere taken alyue. The tyme that he
aigncd euer zlcael wae l'ire yeteWany
i the Grekte captaynee were ilayne
tio in that battayle, and-thekyng hym
elfe fo wounded, that he was fayne to
*et hym: into_ his countrey to he tured, -
this wenttdee. After he had -retoue
cd hie health» he returned agayne,
ame to Dierhialcm, and to all the ti
les of zitat-l with the power of the -l
ticket'. whecwith he fo ati-line); then::
* 'i
'l'be [täte 0L'
at that tyme to; the [hate of teure u'toi
nethee after the death 'of (miele , that the
lyketrivolation was neuer feene in Ji
rael . In the meant keafon- the Jl'cae
“lites rekoeted to [N13th the kenne ot
Wert-china , and made hym kyng in lu
iii clxiaikeade , and were twozne vnto hyu't. 1
This [0113:1133 toughte diritto* »great'e
battaille's agaynfl the Orekes , hauyng
the aide otone Zaujoua otthe kynred ot
King ale-Noack the immwho had made
a league with lonathae, t toke his parte
agaynü Gretia ,' waltedand (poyled- it
wie, tyll at length the kings of the Ore
cians oewe [mi-.that by a trayne hats
raigne ouer Fitael _Then
was ZcbImeoli bis beother hinge in bis
liedeA'gainX him hahaha-the feeond
hynge _of the Gt'etians came' to warte.
Wut Zebjmeoll met hymz and' layed fil'lk
an ambulhe to entrappe _the (Stehe-t, »
ant-*then oedered bie vatt'ayles in aeaye
* agaynft Unejocliua. After that, hk' with
hie whole hoaft made a face , tay'nynge
ae though they-tledde, and rette-ed: , tyll'
they perteaued Qutiocleus who parfu
ed them ,- to bee within they; trauriger, ,
then the Ambufhe beake 'teeth--vpon the
WWW, i
""MY the Macllabees. ti .

Gtekes,and made a 'verye great flaugh.
tet.Aktec this Schimté returned to Die» “
rufalem with great ioy.Then [ent Ptoa
lomec kynge of Egypt an imbaffage to ~_A“WI-.q.4-r._4_.=.“;42<-,:7—~,

Schimcé king ofchaethkecing him his

daughter in mai-lage . To this requeft
when kyng Zchuncon had toniented,
Ptolomcc came to JDiet-uie.lö,whec. was
made him a great fealf , t they were alt..
ed togethcc.Wherbpon>nc'10c[m5 king
of the Oreciäe weit to Ptolomcc king of
Egypt,p3iuily to mutoeeSchimeon king
of JitaehWhö Ptolomcc darf! not but
.bey , to; at that tome the kynge of E.
gypt was in inbiection to the Orekes.
Merfoae when Schimcon came into E
gtpt to [e his father in law yc010mec,he
was receaued wit-h great feeuyng: but
in the fame he had poylon genen hem,
that he died thereof. Weitdes this alto,
his tonne which came with. him , ?c0ch
mcc catk in peiion. Theke thinges wing
chaunted vnio Schimeonjo: that he had
. Wo_-._-M,WH-
ttanigtefled the woeheof the tome,- e '
that togbao all altauuee with theOen-;
roles. Theft-me that he raigned ouet
glue! was.tviii.yetes. Then Iohn bis:
tonne tatgneo in his fleade 3 who was:
i* . taileo
The ltqtcof - 1‘ l
called Hircanus in the Geeks tongue.
The lame Ptolomec kyng of Egypt ind
“ uaded Jil-ae] with all the power that he
coulde make. Wut Iohn the tonne of
Schimcon met hym, and the Lowe o
verthzewe Ptolomcc with his whole
hoafl, that they were flame of the Frea
elites, and purfued to the title Pagan,
about the whiche the chaelltes made
trenches, and bcfieged it. gnome within
the totem they _had the mother ofky'ng
Htr'canus, whom Ptelomce caude to* be »
[et -vpon- the malles, and' to be ("tour
ged with whyppes in »the (y'ghta of ber
[ohne. When Hircanus l'aw'e the* great
atfliction of his mother, hewdulde haue
rayled his liege, and 'departed ?from
Ptolomcc. Wut his mother called hate
hym and fayde; thy oeate fon'ne [011 .gee
gacde not my trouble, to: all chane
nynges come from GOD. Moccade
mentally with thy liege agaynfte this
eine, to; it is in great dub-elle,- and re
uenge me, thy father and_ Mother, muc
deced by Ptolomce. The hghgtoloineo
het aduil'e,and manfully called a mount,
from the which'he- batteced the molten
with" engynes ok men lyhe -thartettexjL
.~ ty
1‘ l
...1..- 1!.1mtxlcuyccd."K LJ.

cyllit vegan to lhake. Wherefoze many

ofthe fouldtoursotthetowne fled, and
they: companieo began to l'cattee . eco.
-10mee teyng this, commanndedyto af.
flict his mother yet ntoee,and to encreate
her fcourgynges, vntyll the enn-atte
ot l-Llrcanuzwae moned, that he rontde '
abide no longer to lee his mother to cru
elly handelt-mdr'th the üege, and tet
Draw-nee efcaye: who nemrthelelte
kylled his mother., and ,fled into Egypt.
Ju the four-th yore ot kyng L-llrcanue
ratgne, 911.13 king otOrece came and he
tteged Heere-(81ern with agreat power
and tkcengtv, - whomkl'trcnnue was. Wk .
able to meets. and entountec :wjthall in
the fielde, but futter-ed hym fell-'e to he
cloted bp in the citie *The kyng ofthe _ .
Orc-:tan- therefoee raytedgreatcowyyg *» - . -
agayntt the titte apart, from the wall,
dygged a trenthßand ralf bp a mounte.
Then planted they they: engine named
Roms agaynlk the ,satte-:lo ..that ..the
title washatdehefiegehetoe they ,kette
downennodf the Wreck-es that'ftoode' "
Lyon the wall, whereat all Jtrael-wao
Ntcayoq and* agrecd together to :il'rue- - .
out-end_- fktrmflhe withxhthZ-:whatcx -
"1'.3 ' l „ku '
'kkwltäreok ' '
euer thoulde come thereon,lyte oe death.“
Whiche although Ujrcanuz lykcd not;
yet they [odyd, and ilewe many oitheyj
enemiee, pxut them atio to fiigb'tz tbat
they were conurayned to encampe them'
[eines further of from Durotale Phi
the Jiraeiitee came to the towers that
the Orekee had vuüdem'and-raied them
to the grounde . Thue they *itkued* out
* dayly, ikirmifhing with .171113, vntyll
the feat! ofthetabetnacles." *Then "ent
kyngL-L'trcanuz to [hoe, delyeyng hynjt
that he woulde graunt them truite, and
let them be in-peace whyte the teait ta- »
Red. Die requefl 1)'1113 gtauntedzand fen!
'a fette ore to he offered to' the' Ood of
Jirael,-coucryng»hih hoenes with bee'
ten golde,and dzellyng hem with fillet.
of Trittau, and other peecious (toner:
Ciao hym elio in a gar-ment of *pm-pie,
und diuers other' pzetious ckothes . V'
ientmozconer-*plate both of iyiner and
golde, wil ofdiuerskynde otipices, all
x to he offer-ed vntothe Ita-de. When
kyng L-jjtcxmue tawe tdi', [Js- we'nt ,out
'onto M113, end after he had made peace
with dem, ht made hym ano hie chief.
. men oi warte a! great. tea'lk, and» “gtx-t
. l y . p x h
_ad .tagen-'WEA'
hem-a weten: of theee hani-:mh pounde.
wayght.. of* goldex. the weutalio, with-9
[du: they-:te ,dem agaenuxthe lie-'1g :et:
Vernanhat at that time rebelied agaiyfi:
bim. But hetaryeo there not lougz: bee
tante the ,_tyme of Penttcotte* _was at;
vaude. *Wherctote kyug Uttcanntan'dz,
the heatt of- Jl'raelretoumede _but ?tue
andhie army.: of the Oreeiane:peotee-,
lied. Whomthe; hehe-:Wye .cette-1e..
met in thefielde, (leide Linz ymielfej
and _hanqnithedtherehduexthat almoit
none remayned. Whereotwhen 'ti-; -
dyngee came to Utrequ _he was 7 very
glad; and returned to Hieruialem with
peace 'and iqee-_ After." this., ,
made mahykgteat hattayleewith the?
nations' abdut' bein, and* had *euer the] .
birtosy.- 'Ve atio-*tante* tojthex mount of
tv- Dectarfxeaydwmahtaqe- tue *
' raledoow'nt ,tb-ß ?SW the? thetjteectai,
nee had, there
.ae they; battle of. Sant*:
tuWy lubithe' »they-*.büyldedhy the' iii-,x '
teure ole-eatapijet the'fNEMngftßs ',
Großes. ehothatvqyideou hat?) L '
mfl'e the Witz-worker io Zehtttzeon the_ * '
init. Butth l. _ :the vz.;thT ZDF; „ -
[ ,
7 F *
'file Nate ok ' '
- led it downe. ct. yere after it was buy]
dkdr Fromthente he went to-the title
otZamäria, and befieged it. This was
the mother citie ot the Zamantam and
Zeäarlct, whiehe was we tight to fache
dii'treile by the long liege ot klärt-tim,
that they within were fayne to eate the
tarkafes otdogges. The kraft of Dropi.
ciat'loiithen beyng at hunde, L-lircaou.
made ipeede to'ixzieruialem to erecnte
bis office in that teaik (kde hewas thehi'e“
peiefl) appoyntyng tot generelles of his
' armie, Mitteln-lux his-eideit lonne,and“
bis ieconde ionne *Notiz-Donna. In the
meant [eaten, they within the towne
weyt to the kyngof Orete, to come to
i'ntcour them,whith he dyd with a great
power. wat theietwo young men the_
kingta konnte-went-to meete them with
the iirength of the Jiraelitee, and gaue
them the outrtheow'e, kyllyngthem hp
almtfl curry oneto the number“ of. rri.
W.fighting niemand the tell tled. That
done, the young men returned to the
. liege erst-thanx.. Myng l-l'ucanux theyz
father had tydt'ngte otthetommyng of
* 'theGrenaneagaynftRoxanne-,ioth
he percraiiedthty thouite haut the Ore
- » e *- Y tan.
tbe Weck-1W. * x;
eians of the one .(de of them, and ibo
Hamarifans and Metal-tes ofthe other.
But he kneipe notbyng what was hap
pened, fox'tvat bictozie chaunced the. ix.
day of 'kW-e.. *Vis heart therefoze was &Seen
carefull fo: bis cookie-,and ko; chael.
Notwifbl'fandYngzbe pzoceeded fu' bis
ytkjice accosdyng 'as ,the fealk required.
Us ve entceq into'the' haute of 8311.qu
Fanaomm„d2xhe'*molte holye'lk tmc-_Fer . _
intense? and 'co 'call ko*: mercye cos. his
.xvyldsenänd werbe'acmie, 'be bearde“ ä . ' *
voyce (WW-g vnto'htm x' Neue'.- tron- *-j
ble the Wade' with thy cvyldzen, and
with the hd'an of Ikea-el, fo; .yeflerday'
_the Lowe' öfhiß mel-ey heardethe'mMnd
.accozdyug to the 'gesatneflfe Wie g'ooax
_ 'nette ko; 'Ünyafljers (ak-xs. . Let tby *
heart _therefoe'eöeöyg'htzand'tby hände
: W_ WedekYnggqyng ,ont of the .
- ,'amtua'ßfez declakeö "fx to 'the people.
Met-'W _day ve (ent, pofte
eo Mißxugszalwcedly certified
. * .
Haste-ue. ercet'oze
,*„HasL'iuag-iified _gxeacly
?Laßt-*FUXWÜ *thqßc the
7! Özdeaccepfefibls _dk-enge?, i_n
jyltb. _the-the SKF-Vaud m
E ici" cceafiu'g
_ - "l'bo lkateok" 7
xfeafyn'g bis kyug'dome, (mix :pzje-fthäöd. '_x
Mer;th bet-ke bis .ion-W „tg Hamm -
., "tja, befieged icqwbple yece'z TU '_
. wan-wit, flewejall Hilfstvöafbace _ to
* within it. We catedxhx LgPlethepaY
laicß, and: bumt* bp the. cixißkxf k ?ay-7
watreslalfgwjtb the-IMMO?“ nd; x
WW tokein- 'banquMb-xi!
.Guy We vyn'jcelk anfi-qxlieW „Z ,key-,11! thatdwelmbducbyfii; c't-Wi]
his_ Wenn's-,j fo that Jcrael_ tslfed_'hquy
'- xyein peace andtranc'xgijlitfiW-lxißfiäl'e;
*Oak-1W*:the:an"WARUM Bo :all
,- . ?QMM-..WK l, that-"PWM" t
;n1qke_goddcveace with Wu (FAW „s
'MgpleafauntlydifpfzfqdzheMyMIZ!? »
.youc (cc-ler, 8nd' Waffe-?WI .dd-.Mt
' do I by your auccvoxitie; _Wheeefozy 1 '
psuy yo!! 'Won (Wk-MW!? WW N. x
. .J do noc a:-.b2cx3n'1.m:e.rv :cell med,
> :ic,tv_ac 31 maytefoyxxxxex?! 'Wu iwa
?öh-n, ?NEUMANN *MY-11x" .
. cdmmendkth_zfßWQz _WWW
"*bnto thez:ouchp3K“ .„
,okthßkyji I'M-W: „ ,4U -
:tablsi'figv qwoakes-:WWN '
'px-nefyzwxqzqd hfhianejjj_.jöh>he "
fxe'Bckahece, [x
oltodone ko mache good to Jkraele The p
keng was very well pleated with they;
Laufwerch reioyfed greatlygeet was »
there one amongeft them an vndltcrete
man, called Lleal'ar, who tpake bnad- -4
.titel-ly w the kyug. And it pleale your
mateftie , it were futficient fo; you to
baue the ccowne of the kyngdome, ye
myght leaue of the crowne of the peietke
hood to the feede of .Alarmxgozafmuch as
your mother, was captiue in the mounte
Matjth . Jncontinent the kyng was
moved ?md (W dl'q'lcaked WWW _the
whiehe cectayne of hie feruaum
tee that hated_ the Hages, and tmelled
tomwhat of "mes percsenyngwne oc
them intournted the kynth that whatto
euer that vttdiccrete perfon had fpolte'nz '
tt was ,not .with-tut the aduife :of 'the
Pages . Wherhpon the kyng demeem
'ed of the Pages; What lawe (hall x
that man hatte, that-ln ,the defptte -ofthe
kyng:_kp.eaketh tbynses in his ?speeche- '
Idee-11W 'anch-ech het'- woztve. to -.* „ *
.be whypt. Then laydcdne- ot the Sa
* :ll-mee, the matte; ie playne', that etc-
cozdyng to_the- myndeoot the Hage-z_ 4
.endet they; beddyngz_ he_ vpheayded
7 'l'be (Late of' - J _
thee,' and theteioze they welehe-'not *e
wa'rde hym io dye . Whereet 'the'kynnt '
beide hie peace and gente neuere mode' -
to anniwere. Ko all 'the ioy weh dai'hed
ond turned into iadneile. The nert day
atthecommaundement“ of the' kyng,x
peoctametione went out to allthe cities
inthe kyngee dominione, :that 'they
woulde itande to the oedinannce -ot 8e*
hoch end thbuo't and whoioeuerihoold
reinfe to folowe theye-derreee,oe wo'nlde'
obierue the traditione ofthe Kageßand
obey theye wyll , i'houlde (offer »dea-th."
This was John the hye peiefi, whiche
had the peieflhood. rl. yeres, and in- the_
ende became a Bad-tree. Netwithi'tanö
dyng, ' the Jiraelitee obeyed not the
kynges commeundement z - but reicher
peiuilie iolowed the ozdere oi- the' Ha'
ge'e. Thekyng hym leite and allhis Y
iertiountee folowed the traditione" of
the Hadnceee, makyng inqniiltion to) '
them that (kacke to the eonftitutions ot 1
the Pages , and puityng to death as
many es he roulde gette knowledge ok.
13512 this meanee he dzewe muehe people
of Michelinto this opinion. The tyme
that kliccanoe raigned ?euer Mae',
“ - was
the Machabeet. 17
waartriyere, and then-he died. After
bym raigned his ionne arti'cohuluz, to; 7
he had three (MWHMi-“tfiohulnß >th
Z0nu8 and Z1cxanäer.This Mena-inet
wu hated ot hie father, and banywed
ont of his perlence. the went thereioee
and made warte vpponl'tre and Z'icjon,
iuhoued them and compelled them to
bie* circumcii'ed. Artftobuluttegat'ded
not the byghe peieflhood , but [et lyght
by it, wherfoee he woulde not erecute
the office“ therot , but take thekingdome
bpon hym z “and fette the crowne vppon
his headdetand was called the gteate -
*kyng .*-'-1l5eiyoe'e tdi. he'banythed hie
mother and :Metternich her. [om-.e his
younger-btothet', and woulde not fun-'er
them to dweu in Hierufaletn.. Wut he
i louedhie beother .auctin ,and made
hytn- limott'naunt generall of all hi.
warten -z- fettyng hem “toswaroe into
the war-es againit hie"-eneniies,Wher
in the young-man-hnrtgomh :hadgood
komme',- and-pzoipered in jall“ thyugea
that-he telte-inhande , and returned fake
to hiecniate'm, where he entredinto the
-hoi'ie 'ofthei'anttnarye -to 'pzaye io. die
lmtherth'e :kyngzwhieheat that tyme
'tua' C v
was grenouflye ficke: and to. tee-5
knowledge betoee the LoVo-WINE
goodneife and merty towardee_ html,- in;
that he ayded hem agaynite _hie ene-
mies. Thentamea certaynewytked;
perfon vnto the king, and, integrated..
him with eine tale . Edewecht-c Earth,
he)returning from the wMWinqniredZ
of the health , and when it-was toide:
himthou waflfitkezhe [Kylie: J weil's".
to hintto-daye ..and rid hem out of the
*wo-ideW-ven the kyno heart-thi- ,-,he
Weltweiter-.werde .the Sager. com_
inaimded to beapptevmded
and,.taeied_ toxtheyalaiteot Marten,
there-to _he kept. in wilder, tell he
made further inquiiltjqktof-his taufe., .z
. ,;,_- -Nn,the:meaneipate7the Nate-te the
[tengo-:weitr-eommaundedhemto .bie
afthe klinge- menu -, 15er. when .the
kyng heardethat- his hierher - kyly
led , terre-d-mainelee aut
tmytyng :hie die!! in. cache a [osteyith
hie, vaude 3-tth ve [own-li) *ine .Wehe
.hloedifutdout tivi- moeth. Hk. xaio- *
:ned-Wk Kittel two tere-,AWMhi.
W W'
Av' 7 x: i? Z4)- “ 9 _ o_
.ifo called kyng lanai,beyng Wka
t out ofpeil'on wbere bis' bzotbec had-pu
him,and made kyng_ ofzfeael. De wa'
.myghty man , and vateaunt tn' att hjx_
warme age!an bis enemiee'z- Öse-Kay*:
lit'tg age-int! them. De bad-wartet? WM) .
the Dhüiüines , namely 82'311: arte-R9'.
Ilon;zw11om **ve pytto_ the wo":er and'
Mette-me *them - _This _man cetufed'
nottve' psfeWodz but was hye pzieüx??
Jt :bäutitsd- ot' 'g tytnez* when ve Jfood'e
:tl-*e qultßxo' Felt-:fettificee sus* Ls!
*a 'e .mee-Uponkem'z
kaWt-bnbwrygbe hende-»ou
.the-auktqu Use-1e*ns-*my (wos-*ez
Wet-the: ..ego-Weled- usw-e
' z“ e nd _ are theydyq it-ttot of _tn-He'
. ?dyßmet-.Pqtrather(kat-WWW?wa
ihn-'kyoetxyg 'NÖ-e the WKN-,uwe
NW" "j on ebye" o eye:
* chehe-Y- e3- feruatxntez avnltöetez.
Weiß Na aszayinge :Atmoqu ye
Me Metiqyee-z- *yet (tft. noch ma
;üfe't “ok- ,Ltö' v'cs env- tneb da'.
'ieer-c'ijüqme with-WWW. :DJ-[je -
“' * _ntiofi-'wakefibotkmongfletbemz
WM e . ?.Ük-*Bügeseyeße-euyu .je
L' tth-mtistutvth-.W
'W 1. 11c (cab: oc :7
was an bnhallowed and tut'pended .per
fon , cmd chat bis gcaunquther on the
fatch- fide was a captine in the moqxef
WW-mwvereby vor feede was fleaned."
The kyng was foze moued atthat,1ipez
to much that he commaundqd all Zch'x
Hage.. to _be flayne. Thecefose ,Mum
(osx-cc they foundethlem , ,in'xt'be (an-:mg
acye o; in the ucetes'of Vierqfaxemxhey
kylled them foschwitb _- The-1_ the, kyng
Zammaunded chat _eqch 4xxxx!) xhoulde
Mey-tv.e -gWecmynceand-KWW '
,vftvo KMWEE* *vc-..iu ?KOMM bad
xhe Dages great _tribalatfoq ,pf-_1W _Fell
hpon the (wc-ode, "We-,Wß:,-WW
WOW-Mey at, vqmelpith-duhqnds
M.- wanxe-, : 'After ,tveks- MOMO? '
KW - .made an :WiWi-xt!:&Fady
Mced-chx:chW MWH-*xls .W
»yfvhe 9quld,erz1cfte».asF-W Mk*
* kylz's- of - 41.7*ij ' (md
Sande .ZW-xbatybe WWW'
- MAI-ih?-SWW ZDNeWW. , .-0
:Puder trihußszWqu.stMQ , „
Mix-:W HSM-12W_-„k "F-W.
file Macbobeee. - .7- . 7

whertoee he alter-ed hie mynde and bez

gan to make muche otihe Pages z luha'
mitted hym to they; dedinaunce -, and
ensemed' they: tradition. . There were
ali'o at that tyme a kynde ot fette that
were called * Dharii'e'eezofwhom i'uch ,che-.e J
aa hadde ei'caped , thekyng'iente to call take to be
them home againßand when they were the "ame
come into
them bis peeience
comtdetahle ,he iayinchy__hW
too-dee, (pam vnto WZ??
beetheen , ye ihail vnderita'nd , that the? '
thyng that is once-done andpaike , muit
nedee be termed as it is , and tan not be F
teuoked. And trueth it'io , you can not
ercui'e the repeoche that ye dyd me , no;
J can not' call agayne the blood' thatJ
have thed . Noiwiiflandyng J conteile
my fault vnto you ,and haue thaunged
my indignation to loue i peayingyou io
put out of your heart all rancour *and
inalice,laye awaye allo your mournyng :
and [deowfulneite of *your myndes 7 W'
ioyi'yng in your tetontlliation and atto- .
"element withme, and he ot good there. y l
ahnt they madehim auniwereeWe will y. l
not lay-e away our hatred 'and' enmttie, *' - l
tot thou'i'peakett but dtfteiitallyelz and . -
we iyeake that ie trueih'. Furthermkxeß
- , * ou
..-_x h t [tt: ttaroot
then hattkylled our. chieie men endet-,
deta -, neyther hatt thou onelyedone: v.
this mittry 2 but aa [*L'ttcanuz'thy father
began this 1niichiefe_,ioth_ou haft hol
_ den on and rontinuedit.- ertfoeez
. thin_ hatted betwene. thee and vs hatb
. taken iome toote, neyther can we -leatte
' ourioeow andmonrnyngtyl .thonde
and_ God take bengeaunce vyponthee
toeour take-4a :Thenthau we reioyce,
whenwe tee vengeannce. .He they *de
parted front hie peeiencemeyther. dyd
the_ kyng-genethem any aaniwere at
all. But when they perceaued the kyng
to .be incenied age-enn rhein 7. and by
that meanee the matter myght redonnd
to they; owne harme z. after ronfultati
-2.--4 on had,they went to the kyng ofOtete
whole name was Qcmerrtue , thewed
dem wbat_[*]troat1u8 and Nchanclcr
„*. -2- .
bis fonnehad done vnto the Phattiees,
and all-theJiraelitee that -bare them
good wyll, and iolowed theyz traditi
ons: ano howe they alio hated htc-e311.
clerfoethe milchiei that he hath weought
them . So ,that yi anye ,man wouide
coyte and renenge the malice lichte-e»
meter-,they wonlde be ready to haette
- ym.
* K
the Ma‘chabccg u
hynt . Demecrius' mlntutn tbsp: advice,
mu atttmblmg together all his people
to the number of. rl. thoufand-hoeimen,
'nd tootcmen without numbche toke
bis ioucney , and encamped agaynft Zi.
them . Then kyng Alexander waged
vi.thoui'and hoslmen to ayde bim. Bat
the kyng otthe Grecians weit -peimiye
to the auncients of the Beitaries , that
they would not am Alexander. To the
fouldioure alte that Alexander had hy
red heim'cewarde. ,gold and iylucr,
that they returned home to theyscoun
trye,and ayded I’lflfAlcxandcr. Wher
Upon he was not able to withlkaWe l):
mmius. Thetfoee baang that Deme
trius was remoued from SleCm toward
Hieruialem ‚ entendyng to take bum in
the cities he flaunt by nyght with a fewe
um men to the mountaynes, and luc
ken there. When the men et thaelthat
were in ludca heard that the kyng was
fled out-ofßieruialemMnd that the citie V _
was in hafard to come into the hunde-.Ä
of the Orecians : they gathercd them
[eine. together-,and flode to; their lputa,
[as though all had ben one man , to the
number rmx. thoniand , and rette bpm
“ k Be "ate 0'!
Homecriuzeampe , kylled all bis bei! '
men erwarte , and ipoyled* hie whole
hdafl,that he fled from them , e returned
home into his country with theme and
diihonour. This done ,the kyng teeke
heart *onto biene returned to hie kyng
deine, but the Pharil'ees tled to Leitha.
i mea, toetitying them icluee agaynik the
king: who hauyng intelligence--theref,
gathered an armyßand went agaynfte
them, wan the citie , and rohe. viii ..-C.
eiche thieteil Phariceee , bounde them
' in chaynee,and brought them te Viern
talent. Chen banqueted he all hie ier
uauntes vpon the rette of hie-palaite in
a verye hye plate , where hie learned
pearte dyd eate e deinlte , bntyll he and
they were dionk. And in hie emery mode
he tommaunded thoie.biii.C.Phariieee
pain-nero to be heeught teeth eto be han
*ged euery man. otthem tippen gallewee
betoee him,at _which fyght he diente and
l laugbed hartyly. Afterthiszhe -feili'ficke
i the.rriiii.yere er hie raigne of a greuous
» . diieaieaqnartainague,that held him.iii
i yeretyet to; all this he theonke not, nee
letted to go tothe warte, to'entounter e
fight with his menue-,what :nation fe
' ' euer
euer the-y were otrounoe about hym, as
though he had ben a whole man. In" the
rxvit. yere othiscaigne, which was the
thirde of bis ficknee, he made an ecpedt'
tion into the lande ot W031), agaynlk a
c'tttayne citie called Ra53ha, to get it by
koste. At whiche-tyme he was very ficke
and weaketwherfose bis wyke Max-m- M, bo,
.lm the Queene went with him, feat-ing ivyfe.
leau he woulde des bythe' way. And as
he encamped him fette agaynft the citie,
and vcged it rose with afiaultes,his fick
neu'e encreat'ed vpon hym mose E moze,
Wherel'oee bis wife petceyuyng that he
was lykc to dye, wepte bitterly betoze
hym,and [ayde e To whom (hall J he fo
hold as to fhewe my face when _thou art
once dcad,l'eyng tbou halt weought [uch
- milchiefe agaym'f the Phatifees, whom
all the lande kauoutethz and folowyng
theyx traditions,obey their inllitutionse
zt they (halbe ditpol'ed "to wecke them
felues vpon me 8nd thy Young childzen,
they wall baue *ayde otall that dtvell m -
the land; The king' aunl'wcced. Weepe
not,no3 fhewe any refemblaonce ofpen
fimeife x J wyll tell thee what chou (halt
do, and if tdou wylt folowe my coun
. 'ZD i cell.,
t, nc trace 0c __ '
tel[,thou (halt pzofpec and reiht-1ex thoz
and thy chiloten ae thou woulch defire,
We it that J bye, there is no maniu the
wozlde nede knowe thercof.. Tell thott
_cucry man therefoee .that acht fo; me.
that J am ficke, and well not that any
man thall come ac me '.* M1 tbe mean*
whyle anoynt t (eal'on me with balntes,
* 1 fightwithaconrage ag'aynlf this eitt'e,
tyll chou winne it, and then returne to
*Otcrufalem with ioy t and beware chou
' put on no mourning apparel,no3 we'epe,
*but being me into Vierufalem, and lay
* me vpon a bed [ikea ficke man,and. after
-call together the thiete of the Pharifees,
bxyng them where J anhand fpcake vn
to them gentylly in this cott. N]exan*cjlct
hath ben euer Your enemye, J knows
it very-well: wherefoee take hym if ye
. ltlk,and cafi hy'xu into the fyze, _o3 to the
dogges, o; hury hym, it thalt be at your
cboyl'o. J knows well they are pitifull
men,and fo full ofmercy, that they wyll
burye me honoeavly, and that] appoynt
come one of my konnte whom they lyke
. u- .aM befi,to bc kyng. The Queene dyd ther
fose as the was iuüructed *of the kyng.
.And when the had won DYMO???
u t!
the Macbabec'a. :Z
7 fully returned to Diet-Wien!- atter that
' gathered together the Ewers ot the
whariiees, and ipake to them as.the
kyng had adutied her. The Phat-ihrs
hearyng the kyng was dead, and that
his hodye was in they; handes to do
withall what they lyfl, they aunl'wered
the Queene c God toehyd we woulde do
this vnto our Losde the annoynted ot
God. the was the kyng and bye peieft 2
what though he werea (inner, yet hie
death (halbe an erpiation to; hym otall
hieiniquities. Theretoee we wyll be
wayle hym, and mourne ko; hem t yea,
we wyll tary his cotten our felues vpoit
our netkee, and burye hym as it becom
meth a kyngte maieitie, and fo they
dyd. The tyme that he raigned, was _
rrvihyeree. After htm raigned bis wyte
Ulcxanclra in his tteade tft); the Phar(
iees after they had finii'hed the feuenth
dayea of the moenyng, they committed
the kyngd'ome vuto her . Ihe had two"
konnte hy the kyng; the elder wastal- -> -
led L-Llrcanoozthe othectflr'tttobuluM-l'ir
mm5 wog a iutt man and righteouezhut
.hriitohuluz was the warrieru a'm'an of *
pe'welfe t hettdeethat, ota familier and 4
D ij * louyng
*['lte (tote 0L*
*louing countenaunte. Ve fauouted alte :
the learned men, and iolowed they; in- »
. lktmtion. 15m Une-nu: hie elder beo
ther loued the pharifees. On a time ther
foee when the anene late in the theone
. other kyngdome, (he called the atmet'
entee ot thezhhariices befoee her,honou
red* them, and commaundcd to teleai'e
and tet at ltvertie all iuche Dhariiece as
the kyng her hnibande and her father in
lawe had taff in ptyfon t any taltyng the
zhhariieee by the handee, the commann
ded all Jfrael to obey they: dedinaunces'.
Then made the theme-rz her ionne hye
zielt, and hrjitohuluz liefetenaunt of
the wat-ces. Zehe (ent atio to all the lan
dee that her hulband ano father in lawe
had fubdued , and demaunded the no
ble mens lonnes foe plrdges, whirhe the
kept in Dierulalem. Ko the Loede gaue“
bnto the Queenequietnee from alt that
were tender her fu-bicction . She .gane
atio the zhhariicce aucthoeitie' oner the
learned [det, puttyng thtminto they;
hanch to oxder at they; plrafure. .
W hertvpon iteayght waye they founde
one _1)0Ztu8 a great man amongttt the
leained kottzwhom they hewezand much >
-* - : x , x people
cke Wacbabcez.
people befides of the auncimtes of that
fett, co that the Becearieswece in gceat
diflceu'e. They gathered them' felues to
gether therefoze, and came to srxl'colzu
1u- the lteketenaunt otthe watt-es , and
mtb va they came to the Qneenßfay- :
ing bnto her t *Thon knowelk the en
mltie that is betwene vs and the Phari
fees, which'e hate thy hutbande and-fa
ther tn law'ez y'ea, and thy chyldten alfa.
Wewece his men of warte that went
with hym in all bis affa-yzes, and ayded
hymt nowe- thou _haft geuen vs into
they; hanpes-eo* be- inuctheced and ham'
lhed outotthe lande. What well l-Lar
cam kyngof-Qr'abm do,when he heacetb
tdi., tth we Wilkotl'akethee s Hewitt
come and» emenge-vym “et- 'alt .the bat.
tayle that tv! haft-ende ,-th *agayntk
'mxth zes-a, the Ybattfess Wu' take hie
pam" 'and delyuec thee and thy chyldten
mgbisb'andesz thattherethall not be
l'üeTWGZWK-canue the kyngand bis '
wuns?.'2Llß1-Lknclek thy 7'hufbande, any _Z
mate-'de reitet-.avm at W,- The Queene *
:c tee-woZde to aunfwere,wher
px zt stiftWült-x was angeye, attd "tet-tee
l [16 ltate 0L'
the wonlde notheare hyut. Wherefotc
miiiczbulue countelled the Ketteriee to
go theye wayes, and depart out ol' Vie
ruialem,to thoi'e them cities in the land
otlucla, where they myght-dwell with_
they; honourt and not to futter them
feines to be ilayne vnder the [Sharii'ees
bandee. Whertoze departing from wie»
ruialem,they dwelt in the cities etwa-1._
Not long after this, it foetuned-_the
Queeneiellfoxe ficke, that the waslyke
to dye: Whereof when öriilohqlae
beard,he feared lelk thexhharile'es would
malte hie hierher l-lircanuz hyng, and
at length apyeehende hymt whereteee *
he fled _away by night to-the cities efthe
HaduceWto be they- bead, and malie
warte vpon hie _brotherifhe would pee
iumete raigne. _De tante theretoee to
' the peinte oi the Qadutees called _6:1
luftiua, who was a hl', warte.
* And after he had gathered'.-a* _lxroug ac
rnye hot-the Mentees., bis mother the
-Queene rent bnto bymzthache lhoulde
-returne vnto ber-,weiche Wheeler .not
do t hut rather _went towarxe; typen
nations that dweltabonthymz where"
he wanne.rr.citiee,and
x &i ' * renowule_
'Mob-me thetby'. Nowe as the Queene
hiemothec-wared ficker und kicker: the -
chiefe -Dharil'ees came vnto het, with
hec_ ("o-me L-li :ca-11:8, wepyng bett-3e her, '
md [Aying, bowe they were atrayd'e ot;
her forme Nr'tfwlzuluhwlto _ifhe thouldo
'toute into Dierul'alem and take ihhe
wottlde deliuet them bp into the handesy
: rot-the Haducee's. Unto ,whom the atm
' iwered t. Jam as you lee .at the poynt
ofdeathx :not able to talke muche with_
eve! : there. Vhs-,ein 'me hour- great
Wur- tvat me dafl-We and: me ta
tt the-*potteritie *of* Chafin01jah'12take *
thatvnto you, and-,maße myfonne Air.;
cam:: kyng ouer YU!: J!" Stilto'oulut
toyll perttttbe hy'm and make'warre a.
gainlthim z ye WDVS men of werte .
fherwith,and fuccont him as you thtnke. .
good.- .At-d euer-*with this the key-icon 7:*:
ano o'yed,and*wae buryed amongefl-"hey . ;-; „
people ,* *after the had raigneo -nyne'
yere ouetJlirael. The Pharitees- there. * 7
we and Veieifes-withjalt the tnbabia :. y
tauntes-ot Dierm'alemzmade Alreanuzz :
her [ohne kyng inher ueade. Srjiko. .
huhu hearyng cydyngeg ot thete
'* w iitj thynges.
thynges, 'allembled his_armie,ahd.e : _,
_ towarde ihzierufalemzto fight againik '
beoth'er . But einc-mhz mette hynßajd
entountred with bein_ 'nee' ' hitto zo;
dane Jericho. The Hadutees ot Milte),
bulus hoalt were goed. tuen _of warte,
and to iteong tot the Pbariieea' .Whe'r-,.
tote Ü'ttcanut and tbk'Pbärifcek had the
ouerthzowe at öriitohuluä and the Ha
ducers handesz who .witb- this .victoeio
peoceeded fooeth to VieruiaientMefieged
the thought it to great diitrette.Whete
tote the peieftes and theauncient ok the;
people coniuited together.; 'e cametoozth
to Unite-beugt, tell ptofirate Won-the x
* _eaethafotehyuhand befought hytn that
hewoulde not ("rettet aheode the inheri
taunee ot- the Kdtde. Dewndefceßded
bntoZtheye defires„ bpon „thefe conditi
. one t that he fhoulde.enter into 'Sternta
lem with them and be. kpu'gz and his
beother l-l'ttcattua ihoqlhe the hye
ptielk. Whervnto they, agreed. Chen
as Nrjitohuluz entted ihtoV'ierui'alem,
his beother came hut ot the caught-_tete
to meete hyummd with_ embeatinges_ ho
ityffed hem. Bo stilwhuluewas kyng,
and kitxcanux executed the ottice of lthe
4 pe
the Mechaheoa; ez
bye Deielk . The hoede atio gaue Jirael
reif and peace ko; a whyle . Wut after
warde the Ihr-_ode [ent an euyll ipiriie a
mongit them , whiche was the taufe ot
trantlatyng the kingdom tro'm the [tech
of ChatmonoojMnd otthedelltuction of
his poikeritie , fo; the (inne 'of Una-x
mit the great „and the i'innoot Mercan
.ler his i'onne,in that they thed io muche
innotent blood , and dxue Jirael from
thobedience of the theophetea, vnto the
lies e trifies of the Hadut'eee ., Fox thus
it thaüced. The Haductee het into Nm.
Nobuluo head -, that aslong as hie beo
tbec Ujrcaom lyued , he» not his-king
dome could neuer he itahiiihed.Where-:
hpon örtltobulus deuiied_ how tontake
Kwayl-ljrcanua.Which ,thing a certaiue»
man called Suttpater was a ware of, a
man ot moi! power in all. Jirgel ,: and .
therto alcoawil'e» expert, and learneo' i
in all wiidome: .hothin the lautes-,- and ' ,
in the knowledgeofLWque t. mit of. _ -
bis , andpeqdent inMy ("WWE
os newe ntatterszcchaunteduhieotipeing Z
was notout _of-the childsen ofIlrael,but al?“ ,hi
otthoce Romanee whiche 'chaunted to. i .1. i
bed ndhecame [nb den:: _2
.c Wh, .Voith-ATM p
'l'ltc (Late of
the dominion oftheJliraelitee,heing hat
tkraungers,and of no noble houl'e in zt.;

dewthe nette-61113 , the thyzd [Tremolo,

and the.iiii. ?bet-oraz . Theke had atio a_
filter called Zelum'ttb. Qnttyaret tation-_
red L-l'ttcanus fo intirely fo; hie iuflice
e vpeightnee fake , that he opened vnto'
him his beotherthxtitohulua and the Da.:
dnteea intent,geuing him couniel to es.
to Uni-cam king of Krabi-tt but Vorige-*
ecrhimielte went betoee to 'beeake the
matter to klare-111' , otwhoie commyng
[Fakt-nn was very glad. Mn Kneipe-"
tet- derlat'eo to him how Ulrcanuakyng
of Dieruialem was in mind to-fiee 'vnto
him,becanfe of hctltobulue hie beother.
thhonwilt helpe him (faith he) and let
him hatte 'tpeedy ayde , thon (halt entity
tet Ük'tftobulna'
, tot all beildestothe
Jirael ie inelineo kingoome, t
fanonr nonr'tltolznlue t klar-cam ann.
iwereo t Jam atraioe of the Iewee and
their wilinee. ale-canclcr his father put
me thziie- to 'the foyleiit' haetaile hy' hie
inbtiltie , and toke my dominierte icon!"
me . Then anciyatcr-iware bnto hyth
He ihalhe (fayth he ) the ttneand tet-ny
' . *' 7 WMS.
" the Weltabeet; '38'
wende ,to do whatfoeuer thy heart dew
teth,Thusk-lart4m was pecfipayed,and
they made a league together. Chen
Wcjyaccr cetucnyng to* Dierutalemt :

Wed L-LjycättuY to floe in* theqnyght-,ä *

end they both went 'together to the,
kyng of :mt-bet, whq mache reioyl'ed.
at körth commyng tend receaued;
hym henotably.When they came toge
thetto entreat of the league, l-Larcam. ,
demaunded relkitntion* ot, fache cities, -
ae L-Ljrcanuä father badde taken from.
hmm to whym L-[jrcanue ,concented in
all thynges. Whecefoxe Wye-1m rayred;
all the people of Krabi-tz and led them.
to Dietufalemto warte- vppon it . Lo*
L-ltrcanug _alfa came .all the men of Butle
tatte onely they that dwe'u .at-Viewfß!
lem t Bo betwixt them they beketthe xi.
tie rounde about .-th fpztuhetttdgt in
the folemnitie ofhthe_,xeqlkeouet,_ they
coulde not haue they., (ewige of, the_ (ox
lemnicwjn. the hhlye exe-,o4;
*bewegte* Wye-,Wu :a WWU-1c;
t Ww man* of the toweoxWfiooz-.r
M'- ?otto-ke ente-iq] .incl-..thean ELW.
of “>3qu and QUOTE-HWS :WWW: x
ter.. WWt the!!! W MWG-?31*
*fl-1e (late of'
and teares “,thatthey woulde graunt tt? '
trucehnto heteruialem while the tea! 7
ot iweete hieadlafied, that theymig'ht'
eretute the ieruice of iolemnitie'in the
holy place. The whom l-[ircanue layde.
Thon att a inite man , and often when .
thou hat! piayed , the lie-de hath hearw i
theeipiay nowe therkoie bitte thy Morde »
God, to deliuer, Sriitohulue into our
handee, and that Jira'el may haue rem_- »
L-loMaui-'Ya aunfiiiered. Am FREUND? * '
able to temoue batteilee that be ftirred
bp to; many mennee iniquities? ?if-bus »
when he teemed to bie vnwyllyng- te '
p2ay,l-lircanu8 men tompeliRi-h'imz dea
wyng their [we-idee, ano tayiii'ge zr i
then wylt not piay,thou-lhalt eye toi it. j
Lherefose ae he» [aide bis ly'te* in ieoy 3
pardie,- he tryediinte *the-"leozdm O
'beide euerl'aityng , which halt-“choi'en
thy people 31min outdtall people-and *
halt tet thy name'in this heute-e , 'may 'it
pleaie thy maititii' tex-laut among* the
thyldten ol* Ii'rae'l trendihyppe-a'nd bee- *
therhood,takeawayttemantolthhem '
-thie-hatred which is ryi'en ol' nothyiig'j' ,
- and-lernte the one oitheie 'actions pet-i_ ;
Welt agaiuutheotheraeyngtheyaiwbe
Z - . “ - - ' L
the Wach-ich 7,7" W!

(hy fernanntcs , and chyldeen of thy co

oenannt.W hen the fctuauntes of t-ljr.
Wu: heard him (ay fo,they ranne bpm
him with their l'woedee, and killed him. J
But God-detected not hie vengeaunce t l“
to: he lkrake the han aiwell otthe Omi*
hianHas of l-Fjrcaout,with a greeuous
peflüeneeAt the fame tyme came from , er
Rome a fame-ue captayne called D0111- Dzyczuzl
pcjuzz to warte agaynfl the countrey'ot At
'Rt-venta. This Pompejuz [ent one ot
his chiete men to DamatcoNk whom as -
aciilolzulua (thus beficged) had hearde,
t that anarmye otthe Romayncs was, q:
route into Danielle-*it he "ent him a 11W * Z
"ent ot., litt. C. pounde weight- ot golde, -
delirtng him to remo ue the armye otthe :
&Ambient from him, and tayie thefirge. _7
In thot'e dayes all the woelde obeyed
the Romaynes.That captayne therfoge _
weyt vnto l-lartam hyng of .Arabia in '-1
this wyt*e t Depart from Dieruialem, yf Z
not, thon (halt vndcrfiande thou hafte 4 ', 7!
broken thy league wtththe Senate ot *.F :Y
Rome z and the hole atmye of the Ro- *-; - *kl
maan (hall thoetly inuade thy lande. » . :*3i»
[kt-tem vppon the tyghtot this letter > :i*4 ll
tayt'ed hie firge,and departed from Ilhte- ;.- »i
' rulalem.
I _ e-z
The flat: ok*
mfalem . Hircanus all'o and Antipatcr
departed with lhame and cepeoehe. Ari
(l0bu1u3 bppon that gathered apowec
and purl'ued after them , gaue the Ara
bians and Jl'caelites that tooke Hirca
nus part a great ouertbeow,and after re
tourned to Oferul'alem with much ioye.
Hhostlye after, Pompcius came to Da
matc0,where Ariflobulus peelentcd him
with a vine oi' golde, merueylous artifie_
cially wzought. The mates of the vtne,
leauesnlufterme grapes that were bpm*
it were pure gold,the weight therof was
b. T. pound . Pompcius waavery glad -
therof, and [ent it to .Rome to the Con
[ul. And
which theatwhole
was bench atthe
the number 'Senate
natoee , wondered at the cunnyng and
wet of him that made itsand with great .
tape they bare (tinte the temple otthey;
goes , placyng tt in the peelence otthat
great Jdoll-lupjtcr , fa called after the ' '
name-of the planet Lukvtcr. Pompeius
mm hys letters to Ariflobulus , with
great thank-ess. 'commendation' fa: the
lame,afluring him how both he and the
inhale Senate fauoured hinßand that he
(huld baue a fred of him ta fpeake tn b?! _
rau a
dame as long as he itued. kllrcanuthea'
ring of this , was tleane daihed e in dii
hatt-e. _But Zntjpatct töfoated him,iay
ing t let not the trenthip that is betwirt
Lawyean e. thy beother diimaye theei J
wil go to him and make him thy trend.
Upö that he went to yöpelux a periwa
ded his mind to hate arlilohnlut e to ta
uour klärt-max, intotming him thus. Jf
thou(i'aith he) defend L-llrcauule Jirael
wil he content to be hnder ihy pzotettrö,
tee they loue him euery-ntanehhutitthou
defend örtltobuwa , the people will not ,
ohey thread; they hate hym. yompelue
charged him that no mä thould he made
psiuy of theye communication . Foo J
(quoth he ) wyll "ende to; einflohuluz to
come vnto me to Damotcozt then wilJi
taufe to lay handee oi' hinkt deliuer him
bound to hie beothemettoeyng the king
dom to him. erttohulut hpon the light
otKompcju: letters, reiteted detto hem..
klircanud atio came from ,thetotke ot
the wyldernefie . And ae they ?appear-ed .
together hefoee Nomptjua, Guttpater. '
dei'yted hym, that he woulde do iu
ilite hetwirt Uma-ms thehyng. , and
Müobttha hye heother, that _re-'Zel
y ed
'l'bo (tete ok'
teo agaynft hym , andtoke hie hyn'g
dome from him without cau'ie. Whole
'fayingee a thoufand of the elders ole'd
rael ttode vp and witnetked to be true,
Net) 1t0bulu8 made auufwere . J neuer
ftroue with him foe the kingdom, vntyfl
"uch tyme as J] fawe all thefe that made
L-lh-canoe king-,to run in great obloqui,
and to iuttay'ne much repeoche becanfe
he was io feeble a petfö and of no great
wyt,no3 foxced much of the kyngdomet
yea,till al nations that were about him,
whole domiuione our peogeniioee *eon
quered, began nowe to diipyie hym , to
pafte litle io; offendyng
him trivutefoe hym , and
hie fimplicitie to denye
pithnee,wtth-lacke of courage. When
m1ft0hulu3 had iayde, there (todevp a
great inultitude of goodly and beauti
full young men , apparayled in clotb o'f
Utac'mtb and purple z with mightie tar
,gettes vpon them , and other oenamen
tee 'of gold,cheiftall,and' pzecious ftonee:
aXirming with one atcoede that Zellku
bulue fayde theiruth, namel'y that l-lit
cxnntt toeced not of the kyngdome . Af
whom *Nompciue marueyled ,fayiugt
'happy _is this people hauyng ,fo many
the Wacbabeet. 29
haute-me men,ttue in they: woedeßand J'.-.
wyte: Happy alfo were the Benate of *--2
Kommt they coulde beyng to paffe, that
this great nation myght be bndec they;
gouetnaunce. Bo he toke hie ioueney
to j[,xztetufalem with l-[ircanm and am WW"

[tobuluä. But after ärjftohuluz percea

neo chat Dompcjus lkoode not to the peo
mife he made hym at the begynnyng fox
the vine,: he tet lyght by -hym, and fled
from him to ölexanclrja in Egyptgvhy. . .m-. .IW

thet 90m pe'tuz folowed wtth bis hoalk.

and befieged >lcxanär'1a. From theme
Zh l'cobulus fled agayne to Hietufalem,
ano yomyejux putfued hym au'o thy
thetz weytyng to Nuitobulaz a _letter ot
tcuce and pat-don.. Ho .Artftohulux came
fooeth to hym, ano Dompc'ms dyd hy'm 7.7"*

at that tyme no hacme, but demannded

to be genen vnto bym all the belkele of
the houl'e otthe Ibo-dßwhiche öfiftobu.
1118 cetufyng to do, yomye'mZ in a:
cauled to laye hym kalt intheahyeteottz: 4
thaine., and altaulted Dietut'alem, bat-z. F _Z - "
tetyng the walleo very tote, tyll they of
thetowne itlued outagaynlt hym, ano: ny!?-

fine of his hoaftwii. W. men. After this

badthe Maelitee cinill warte-*within .
. . . Ei Hitm
x72" *kde (Late of *
' - Thierutalem, becaute the fiege was greedk!
nous vnto them, fo; they were dent-t' Y
e ded into factions: on'e part tayde,Itet vs
- open the gates to Lompe'mz and-Let hym
- in,that we may cubmit ,our feluea bm
h der his pzotettion. The other [ayd c Let
- vs fight agaynff t *hyttt vnto the death.
. W ut mache people mifliked that, fo that
. that [yde pteuayled, that woulde yelde.
,Whecfoze ?moped-*8 entred the towne,
and the hohle ot the fanttuam'e, kytled
mathe people of the p2ieltes,and the peo
ple ofthe lande made .l-l'ttcamta kyng of
, Jfrael the fetonde tyme, and Zntjpater
his counteler. Mozeoueczhe [et one 8cm
rosa Romane in the counttetho receatte '
the ttibote, and departed, leadyng. mt
Nobulux with him »bounde in icons. And
became he toke-hie-ioucneytoward Aca
bia, kittcaoua and Gotthath went with
htm to .condu'tt-hym . > ötäftobulttz thus '
being' peifonec,an'd his two [atmet-'with _
htm, it toztuned that one ot them called*
>1exat1cick,:efcapedc AW hauingt'ntelli
gente that Mom 11113 and his tountellouc
, were gone out of Dierm'alem z he *came
thytvcc ano rehelled agayntt Uitcadue; *'
made vp the beeaxhes of- the wall: LKW
' f _ ?amye'ma
tbe Wacbahce-Y. i '

Lomi)ch had hattet-edeyea, the' Jil-ae

lites reioeted vnto himzt made him king -
in-ktjrcahuxplWWhervpon he gat-he-t ,
red an army, -aitdwent tooath to -meete *
with* Uiccanuz ashe came-*homewatdec
from 90m tec-'magath hegaust-thcänua
theduertheowe,and &cm-utthe receanew
otthe tribnte,- fledcaud _efcapem Then?
Mexamlcrteturned to Vieruiale, from.
whence (hoztly after, Cabin'ina. a :Ro-r
Wnewith a-ltrongetmie-,töpelled him*:
td [lee-to exlexamjti-WAWWW the
fame place befiegedrail'o of Kalzium-3W;
Wrrexriftohglqewtfßwent foon ..Ü-_

Witt-(1x wepingMnghthimW?
bswould not deltroyheeidnnezfoeiwolez
take hedid Zlcxnnclrrno WrWthbl-YZ
ninttherfoee althe :land-oh.
wil-3,st oftlhtetufalö'
aowe-thethirde 'We:Who-tet Romane
Ws' WW mtlwichoNnd [7126* :im.N-e.*1

plwrijitnd tho'gowe alIthe land of-Zkfraek

It ketonedafterthirtjhat *Wii-hitler'
get mtr-Speyfon at Atomezt came :intq
Brecht. whö än-msrytfide reioeted-mö
ürfnrh fottzthät he italia pniflaunt l)an
Wheels: thwhenhehad taken _ 7NL3B7-2-:3-:
muüe ' - -o ,7 *.
:ti-_xxl ßhechofe gt“ W
ti MZ
c:: Lkw (Late 01-' .73 x 1 x
and with them went* againlk Eabjojuxj “. , x
where-was atozybamyle foung 'te-:Z
tweenethemztyuflw [1M of Qfiüobuluz k
men were flaynmmd onlye oneM. left, ä* x
wherewith he fled to the mountaynes. x
Wut the Romane- folowed the ovale-,S .;
and-flewe them euery man. yet Ritto.. x
[ze-Luz would not yeldo,but fonght alonez
although bis helmet was bet-ken, tyll he .
had divers (m woundes in. his head-t
und then fcll he fache* grounde, and the?
Manenokehhm yet -aliue, wought
wmv Cubm'mz, who comwzted bym;
commanndyngxhis “wege-ms to; W:
wm, and afteeientthym to the Cox-W
WchenUteof RomWhecehe wa. put"
ict-.WW onceagaynez .Met this,
tbRWätUhkthieof OWL-111W
wyfezwhiche was top-med to .bc a, very'
wyce woman-Dumas. her-twaonue.;
outaf-psyfonx anfitet WWW
Mexa'ßßiceche omeon tbot'e; Wußten-tx;
be-'coittenß buch-ebenso oncmgaym 8'_
gayufij-Litmnusandthe BoW-2M
ueeuours; FHTW-SWM: together_
Mucke people oh-Jfraeleoönnu'k_
with ones-tk .the RomaneäfgouWW »
that (Jab'm'ms hay-appoyntedNnd ?am
. ». 2 em
the Wachath zt
hymthe ouerthoowee tant peoceedyng
furtherto fight with (Kabiniua, had the ' i
Make. and mMtheairaelitee - were
ne,yethe d. x elfeandfled.
Wfdone, (Jabw-Wme to Hiern
ialem, and renewed the kyngdome ot
Jirael to a L-llccanm the fourth tyme.
Mont ihie tyme,one.oithe Henatours
wynes at Rome rdnceaurd a thyldez
and dyed in the hyath and trauayle eher. oc:»3'4

of. They therefoee-that were abouther, . -3 7 -“7 -7 D;

[rayght way rypte-het body, andgatte -

the rhylde out aliue, whom they named -
luliue,and betauiehis mother wasche„ Ä
they called hym-Caclhr. This ,chylde-Ctei'ae. 'x
growyng to great towardnesmnd tom :i

myng to mans Kate, the Conioll and Z

Benate ient hym into the wartest and
whatioeuer he dydzhe had good fo;
tune and peol'peroue iuctei'ie. the-,de t, i
peiued the (Brett-1113 of the Empire and
dominiert, 'tranilating it: to* the *Lao h
manee. Many peouincee alio bei'tdee h
that,dyd he i'uhdue. and returnyng to , - i7
Rome with a power, attempted. to get
the dominiert aud idle regiinent oder x
them. tönt they hadmadeiolemyneua- t * ,
totes in the tyme reihen pre-gemietet, 4 xx
"9" Kl* *'
3 . Weitere-'05 .j
neuer to futter mit! kyngamongft theme-7 '
oe any man-to haue perpetuall rule* once?
them twhereiotethey-woulde-noemake'
Lulmxkyng. Upon-mise'roie amongelk
them great 'and mottallwareee, fo that
Lohne tlewe wendetqu many of .themj
and without number. When yompet;
ua enderftode* that »':Ceeiar ' raigned: ' at '
Rome,had*kylled:the .Coniull and the
Henate, with anthemvintie dt* Rome:
he gathered together hie whole'armie
out of Arabia,andjtnadetowarde hym;
Lultuehauyng. intelligence. of hie rom
myng agaynlt hym,fent tot ariitobulue
out of pzyt'on, fpake frendl'yvnto hym,
gaue hym a powerä- and made- hym
graunde captayne theteot,byddyng„him
to go: and encountee -with- Komet-wa.
Jin deede hie armiewas attrong armie:
and he hym ielfe was a byng ofno [mall
ptowefie and valeauntnette. yompc'uta
-hearyng that* articobuluz came agaynfi
hym, was tote afraydeof his baleaunt
» _ tnotle,and oihis'hoafit-Whereioeehe:
' [ent to *the inhabitauntea of thierufa
;:- lem that were vnderhis obedieure, that
* *they fhoulde peeient Srtfiobübn :with
z keine :gyttez wheteby: they .myghhde
» ceaue
cet-ue hym, ano poylon hynt. The im
habitauntes ot Dtetnl'alem at biete?
quelk, (ent, bnto mjltohuluz a pzefent,
by certayne noble men, wheceat ext-zt
Nobulue was tight ioyous, and eate and'
hanqqeted with themtyll he watt» euere_
commed with deinke t then they impoy
t'oned hymzand he dyed. Thetyme the;
he _cats-'ed .euer chael,_wae toute yecte
and fiye'mottethes. the was a good
man of warte, hatdie in tight, and a *YP-1.7 73*:
man otan amiable countenaunce.
Domyciuz ceteauyng tydynges ot his *IFF*

t.k. -.. ;1.-

death , the moee gladdet yeoceeded with
hiehoafle to Rome to beltege it. Wut
11111113 met hym ,in ,the way, and dettcoy
ed hym any-his hoatt: whechy the Em
pire was eltahlyl'hed vnto lul'tux. _the
after this, [ent peei'entcs to the kyng of
SitiaNno into Egypt by his captayuee,
,toallure them to bjäffendchypt. _Hetti- - ':_'P_
-LJ'_3-F_7j'L F'Y;1“

,paket WW' (*1than to ayde luliuß..

(Merchant-ice b' myghc wynne, his tet-- .- *
„mn-,Wiebe [Fire-*11.1.18 dyd .c and Wh.- ,.
' [>qu- -wae cat-faellt .ok the .ho-?We tuvo
played-'the man, and foundethche fa
uout with- WW; that he made _hym' - *
WW Wi- lders-*ene akteche ,t „-z

teile W
.'l'be [toto of' '
had 'konght fundzy an'd'gteat- battay'l'esz* 7 1
he returned to Wiecufalem“ with 'great
hononr, and by the way pzofpered much
moee. l-llrcanua after this, made? ?ball-i
lm hnnpaten l'onne gonernour of Die.
' rukalem , and Derode his thyede kenne,
peefident ofGalilee. There was a “tm
talne young man at that time in 'Viern
talent, called l-l12lc'133, a valeant man of '
warte t to whom tlane all koche as were
tn any diflreflßan' he became they; tay
tayne. Theke went and raunged 'about
in Sitia, couyng e' mntthery'ng tn fache
fost,that the Hirians were' wery of their '
lines, to; keare ot*them. Wherefode the
kyng of Siria (ent vnto '-KJerode, tuler
'* .Oalüeeßdefirlnghym tokyll'that U12:
.* 161.13 and hie tompliteo, Wherebpon peepared vom cette, and"w tto
meete with l-l12lcjaä as he returned om*
the fpoyle* of Sitia: came 'vyon h'ym at
dnwaree, and flne hym and his tuen.
Whereofwhen the kyn'g'of ?Bieta um
certified, he ("ent a noble towarde vnto
Wrede, of unter, 'golde , and peeth
ttones; by whiche, and by lyk'e meanes, '
-he became very famouo.- The noble
l, men ofJava “made their-tomth dx'
-t - - > o
» thl-[jrcamu vypon Nötipateyahhxhts
ionnee to; they: tote dpi-teil'an ot the
läd of luclae- defiring that l-'Lexociamighr
lie iummoned fromsahlee, Way peace
in inogment- and aunfwer with other
tot the kylling ot i-lielciae. 'The kyng
thertoee i'ent tot hynt , and he 'vpon'that
came to Hiernfalem , appeared kehrte"
' theindgesNincely appare'lled *,-with 'a
gyit iwoed girde about him? whdl'e-'peide
an auntient man called Jam-iiblamed,
and repzeh'ended .alfa his float- 'hearts (-1'.)
hut he woulde not gene eare' 'onto him,
not' yet regarde the indges, When
l-l'trcanoz perceaned that the iudgeh hat *--.i

almoit determined to gene t'udgeinent

agaynlte the young man , aud td malte
v.-:1,:-i9. .2P
bym awawhetoke pitie vpoii hymzand
iayde e We wyll not-gehe (entence to K *
daye, to most-we tea neweidaye", and :43 x
by that meanes oeliuered hymj ont *iii -*
theye hani-es. -L-Lero'cie knewe“not KW
that it was a *matter ot tyie;and death.
Phat night thertoie he 'ed' “ iii-the kyng
.ist-ia ,*declattng all what "had" happe
ned knto him . - The kyng-ot Zirta 'iette L
him haut-a" mhhgarmymnireame with ' - , .
WWerkengw -
.l etc, um.: ok J

W» Wut his father Untjpatek W

die eideik hzothec ?hai-:Lux-came iooeth:
bneo,hym,and rebukedhym,.iayingt Js
this the rewaede that thou- rendzetk td,
king Jimmy-8 thai: take pitiei vpdnfhezz
and woulde nothaue tvy blood Geddes
Mei-ecm they welled hem :to dei-arte*
from Vieruiaiemwntd idhdm heeondifz
cended-„aiteche had -once.,!etekhe inha
bitauntes »oclßiechcaiem-Nnewe what
hett-We ,lu-,andihaddeszewedthemhis
> [wider fix-..YUV QmpeiZWNf.Rome a
-bout-that tyme, as woslhyp
. pyxigin the heute_ Wis-Vohwas muc
- z: -deced-by the, conipicacie ofeectayne di'
-' -tbem which had iecuedeleßeiqzthac
e -bjasflayne, hsisafoeemehcjohed .4-, 7
The name of dne- okthem-khat_ kyiied
h hym W,c:a[3juz.of the co'untrye. oi'
*,4 Mac-WW. who fledde thythec beyng
.Mayde-td tacey at RomßKßuis-:Chiäjuz
hadde-geeate dominions in; [WWW.
3 &mix-Wetde ofwhat-nrw? Wk?- was
_ageeate (mul-goto thenohlemenne: of
Lucia,:andxd.gceatdeaieiosec manchen
W' UitW;-vym ielfe .* YOUR-Zal
_ m18 unit-exit.; _nochyng »inß WWW-1
evolution-hett. 34,
hat WWterLaiidflJih konnte bateall
WIR-JN? mWy*thzoughohethe,whote r'ealm'e.
Meeouer ,: Snap-ice*: was in: great
eilimation with all7'the kyngee'.. oft'hat
tyme. Aiid'toeaimuth as» he io tote-om;
peeiked the Jewea ,- they :thertoze-hated:
hymzand conipired -tokylthyut. Where
wasa man-in *great -auithoeitie about
L-l'trcanua nameTMalcl-iaa ,-by wbdfe
mea-tee they wlought this matter-.- the
cotrupted the kyngee "butter wiihre
wardszto put poyi'onin Wtipater; cup,
which aitoue -aehe had dzonckaherdyed;
*1x Mheie thingee hie ionne platith and
Decade diilimuledand winked at, aa
though they knewe nothyng. Notwith.
itandyng they pu'uily woyt dnto Geiz-lu:
that raigned in Macccloola ,- ,tertifying
*hyni ot this deede., Hot-ne after came
Weine fo')*_'1re 5 -trom .whence heiente
mea-..gem co Ultrium? to come vnto
- hem o who camezand ,with hem lit-xl*
.kl-ijne, :ybaf'olue , and kletolle.- Catania
*enterteynyng them: allein-hie lohgiug,
wylled his men, that -wxhatioeuer: Ihe
,rode bad them,il1ey-il;ouid doit. lherode
wylled them-to kWh-leichtes, theyeewe
him thertoze iyttyngheatd hy l-*LjfLZULZ
.KLM-BMU!) ' ""'7*[

Witte-uurdemaunded of the kenne.

ot nnen-acer the caufe hereof,who atm
fweredt Js it not maniteft that kyng
Canius feruauntes flewe hym , and we
knowe not whye t' Therefoge [-L'trcantu
Rode in teare of pbafelue and eräc,
being certayne thatthis was their dede.
Whecfote he fayde vnto them.- This
Wal.:th was woethye of inch -a death,
tot he was a crafty'man and- an hinter.
Theke thynges, done , 0>utjat1 Queu
.fl-ue -, bsothers fonne vnto [ohne that
was murdered , came vnto Route t and
the people ot Rome made hym they;
EmpetoutWe had a felowe in offite,na
med Wat-cut .Automat bis vncle ._, t i
ottautanue theretote teyng to* the go
uernement at ,Rome , (ent Wat-citath
tonjuato warte vpon Catrin-,and to re
uenge luhue death.- Unto him ["ltrcänue
fent aptefente , a crowne of golde , in
which were tet funoty peecioue (toner,
pzaying hym to ikcengthen bis kyng
»dom in hie handee,"and-to bee ameanee
ot ateague to bee made .betwene 0&1.
"tion Ruguftue king of hinge-t, and bim:
a. there was betwene hym and' (ul-tue,
which .Automat grannted .. About that
-* tyme
-tbechaBeee. ' Bi _
i tyme .Anti-30ml: tot-meet 'WWU
J weytto ?3311W kyng hof the Duft-ne“ ' _
5 to ayde him agaian [-l'lrcanueto temoue Damme.
- hymi, and rectoee the kyngoome te hym.
- telfe,peomyfyng togeue hymu'ot his
- ttaoayte fine hundseth younde weyght -
ofgolde , and a hund-tech Jfraelytylhe
vicgine . Ko 9713111113 gathered an heat! *
- againtk Jtrael,and antjgonuz-depate ;
ted out ot Viechtalem with much people Z
' ot Meet that toke hie part , and toyned
them te1ues to ya rue. Theke came
to Viecufalem, gedit,fought many
tkyemtlhes , and gene manye great ax
muttee vnto it , tyll at length they - vn.
decmined the eitte. Then tohe they kler
cauqu one ybaWux . ?And-tothein
WWW-1113 (houlde be tieane rente-7 x
ned from the Defeat-.oo , hu'hgomn 3
thathad depsiued _htm-now of hie.- king.
donte , entre ofbefidee thetz meet-:hie:
'ate- .- Wut tiert-tio eceayed and hett; to:
auguft Empmuc of Rome. yet-zuku
hauyng made exotjxotmexkytg:
otthtecufalemxetutned home tote-(Zen: , _
fia,.wcying WmnW-Wpulonec with Ä '
hymwut *Ruhm-cut ayyoynted*:t1let0cie - -- *
_to bekyngottec' all koch-,getiyngto ?ZZ ' _,
h; .I; a
?? 'l'lte (istch 7 l
ahety (trong armyot the Roma-tes* .to- l
obtet'n it withau . Jnthe way thythec. -'
*_ : Decade met wich MWanöraan-W
daughter,and*h/lan'jn1 her dehtetthnt:
thehad vyxtllexcmäex fonne of-chälta
bnlos,and beought them agayn int-ehe.
land olerael ,wherein- .tooke Matt-tn
to »- wife x, 1 and [olenmized the mar-tage*
with-her in themount ofWUilte.: h Fo:
there chethiet of. allWel dweltet with
whomhewke peace.; War-:ot Mntovjm*
comyanlon'in offtte with' Ott-toten Zu
Zultnazahoucthav tyntemade avanage
thhongh* all the welt * countries, .to-:kW:
dne*them vnto the Romane-4, together!
with Egypt, Dtm-atm and er'ta .
Mrddeactompanyedto the find oft-Zu.
ylttotexzand helped hynt not a litle.- Fox*
the Arabia-1o lay btw-tft foe himtn the
way,--7 and interceptingallthat woulde
ayde :Wat-cn; Rntnolnazäluethem. Out
Decode met withx'themzand .vanqutcheo
the. ?Wherfaee -Nntoo'tns-was becyxgjau
ot-“the'todes valeauntnellez and-tmngho t
hym agayne into-Atmel?, together with
Tatana-he's captaine-and- üefttenaunt of '
hie watreatthaning altdhiolettersto au
the taptalnee ot 8trtä,;aftec.thts.tenonr.
kh 2 -2 -5 _ 397g
tböWaähibera; zz_
Fe iholl briderftand that our Lozde and
mutter Ottawa!) Que-,th, king oft
kinges,hath appointed Decade the ionne '
of Kotlpater to be kyng of all the land
ot [mia-.Cheth allone as thel'e letter-t
(hall come vnto you , ye lhall with all
ipeede ayde hym. No man thalve* drm-f
led -: all that- can beate weapott -ihallgo
with_ hem td -Vierul'alem , to vanqu'yihe
.tint- 3011113 the kyngee adueriary c who
l'o retuieth to go.with him,it ihalbelawe
mit too the watrionrs to flea him wech.
with. J Wal-ala Kototilur baue WW'
by my [wood , that I wyll not "alter this
that z haue cayde.When the raptaynee
ot 8m;- had read chic-,they reform whol
ly to Verodegorhathis hoal't was won
detttilly encrealed. hhtlßonuthearyng
ofthis , "ent one 90m961118 *-liettenatmt
of- his warte-s againlt them'zwholonght
aim battayle with them', that mache
people were _hayat-'on both *Wee-,elo
('ch kyng'lßetoder beachte, was flaynei
inthat hattaylo» Notwithltatidyngz? at- _
lengthe Nuri-56W hoalk WW ?the
waste ,and hdd the onertheow; vo the.
rode and (IW-ile 'peoreade'd :to *Dietliko
r.- ..- and
i Wgrdit“ the thysdyeroattec
, . 'lneltaceot
kiemäewas madekyng oftzkrael. And
when theyhad battceddowne a- po'ece of
the-walhcäeiuz with the Romance en
tced thetowne z t made a great flat-gh
tec in thieruialem.They entred atio into_ '
the Sanctuary , and ,attempted to enter
into _the (anäum (knew-*uth l-leroe]
andhis men lept betwene it and them,
and flode with theyedeWen-iivozdes
in the Temple doze to. withi'tand theyg.
enterpeifes . [-leroäc was atio_ dtipleai'ed
with '638'118 the his tcueltie, and iaydet.
Jiyewill deitcoy all the inhabitanntes
ofthe citie , vppon whom (hall J reigne
inthis kingdome that ZuZuicuz hoch
gehen *me e' Wherefoee .itcaighti ways
Cam-xx cauced peoclamation th be made;
thzough-all-his hoalt, manva
pamuiofdeath wouldkyu one' zii-achte
mde. Phi-done, [Le-9m: _appzehended
QofigonuHand deiigeoed him, bouud to
(Laßt-i3; the tewatded alio (Lai-weitem
diogrs both with gold and [yluecz Then
Caßjuedteced a pzeient_ Int-.the Loeb.,
a etowne of gold,foe he was idee akt-aide_ ,
ofGods difpleaiuce:,-becanie:he,hadde x
foughtagayntiethehoiye citie .. What
done,hetoke his ionrney. Wette-tim!!
' . nid
qu- aixx-aqukmw. l J7 *

into 'Egygtz and " lllecmne as poiioner“

with hym . Thither ient -lherode *vnto'
him a royall reward to make away 8h
(lcd-onna, and to murder him, feat-ing tee
' he thoulde make tlaime vnto the kyng.
dome agayne. Wherevnto Caitlin con
icnted,and flue_ antlgonua Thea w e
the kyngdonie iurely eitablyihed to e
rode. Then made he wart-ea byon all
the nations that were about hym, »con
[training them to become tributarieo,by
which meanee he grewe to iuche power,
ae neuer any ot hie ptedecei'fours" were
to be compared bnto him. After all this, ,
VaZurua kyngoqherilazreleaied out of
peyion klärt-mut, ionne of Meet-matt,
anopeomoted hymto he head of all the
Jtraelttee that were ned o1 flitted into
the lande of Zenuaar, andinco 'che-doeh:- . ' - YM D-.*N-YFM-j x-
nion oi the'zherfiana, and he became
theye kyng. Obi-_kijxtauut had a fer
uentdei'ireto iee theholy citie, and the
hoaie of the ianctuarie; alio howe De
tode (whom he toke fo. hie ionne) and
hie kyngdome dyd. Werder' hearyng '
(hat lkj'trcanua (who had bei' per-toner
at Babylon) was nowe tet at libertie',
and in great honour, he was'eirayde ,ot ,e

Fi "him
' * .l tio trace 01' '
hym z milktuityng left the Jiraelitex
would rei'toze vnto themfelues the king
dome oi they; fathers. Whetefo;e- he
eau in hie mynde howe to do hym mik
ehiefe. then weit hie letters bnto ya
Zuruzg ,4e contentes whereoiwere [uch.
The-x halt vndetftaude that Linea-111:
is he that b;ought me bp, and died me
euer at. hie fonne. Nowe therefo;e fince
J came to be king in Hieruialele hatte
called to my remembeaunre the goodnes
that he hath done to me, wherefoee my
deiyeeie to rewarde hym acco;dyng to
hie benefitee. Therefon J require thee
to tende hym to me; otherwyfe failure
thy felfe ot warres betweene thee and
the Jfraelites, with they; confederates.
D21me hauyng read this letter,fent fo;
kino-nur, doyng hym to vndetttande,
that if he would go to Derodehe might;
, Wut notwithfianding that-ode cheates,
7_ --heceatted not to gehe to Uli-came: all
x good councell he eouldet aduifing hym
* „to take heede of Derode, beraufe he .is
Y? (iayeth he) a bloodfheader , a beeaker of
- hie league. Und he hath called thee fo;
no loue he beareth thee, but becauie he
teareththee. Ua longae thou liutftzihßll
" e
CDC neromanS.

he neuer flepefounne flethefl the king

dome fheuld'e be deuolutedvnto thee. at
ie better therefoee to; thee to remayne
here in come-bottom', though it be not of
[uch eftate, then to go thither to die ,with
great det'pite, and ende thyne olde age
with a bloodydeath. Furthermoee thou
thaltknowe, kurve is the ,difpoütion ot
mans heart z If there be two men, .the
one in honourzthe other in conte'mpt,at.
tec time (hat come, that the difpited (hal
be had in honouand the honoured to be
neglected z neuer wyll he that te news
konnt-'red and befoze was in* contempt,
be content to tee hym that was berm
honouredme; fpeake frendly to hinnFoz
hemp“ think-te: Ditherto accoedyng to
bis accuüomed matter, he hath decpited
me z vowe much maze when hie domint
on is taken from hym, and bie feruaun-t
raigneth in bis totem: e ,Wetter-er, hee
rode knoweth ryght well, that mens
beartesj are tnclined-to hum, that te the
true 1:an. emu itmyght code, it than
were meetetoe the-peteflhood, that he
woutde peomete the: vnto it, and be go- .
uernour of the kingdome him fette. 355a:
teens then art difmehzedazalt one ot the
, - . r F it ' carte h Y
1. [l'- lkflk'. U'.

catcstnt of, and thereby arte vnmeete

tot the ptiefthood: thou (halt remayne
in Oferufalcm deptlned, both ot kyng
dome and peietthood, whithe ie vncome
lye fox there Such tounfaile gaue ?QZ-u
rne king ot' the Lern-nu vnto klärt-moz
yea, and all the Jewes that were in Ba
bylon befough't hym that he woulde not
go vnto J[het-ode. Notwithflandyng he
wonlde not be pecfwaded, and why s
Fox it was the Leaves wyll and his
dt'ede,that the iniurie done vnto the Ha
gcs,whom hie father and granndtather
Rewe, and the iniurie committed to U0
117 a11r133,myght returne hpon bis head,
and be teuengedt l'o that no remnaunt
of the honl'e ot* Cba(m0nat1l,_no name,
' no reltdne , no kynl'man o3 potterttte,
thouide be left alYne. L-l'trcanus thettoee
toke his ioncney towarde Vietnfalem, ,
and Ztherodetame tooeth to meets“ hym,
embeaftd hym, and kyll'ed hym: after
/hzought hym into his honle,and featted x
hym dayly,-callyn"g hym hie *father be- t l
tote all men, albeit' in his heart he'eon
t'pired to-mnrther hym. 'And that knewe
ölexon'clra his daughter, and mother
tn lawe to Decade: who opened it» vnto
' ""7 L-l'ttcannt,
tbel-Lctocijant. zo'
Ujrcanutzbut he-woulde not credite her
at the fyelk, "tyll on a tyme he perceaned
the matter cleare to be io: then deuil'ed
be howe to fleeto W10.; kyng ot Ara
bia. De l'ent thertoee to Wawc, to tende
bym hool'es and a charet .to flee withall;
but the mellenger dealt vnfaythkullye
and leaudely with hymz "fox- he .thought
l-ltrcaout letterekpeiuily vnto iherode,
who rewarded hym well io; his labour,
and bad hem go to Mawc, and to let
hym knowe what anniwere maloc
gane. Themenenger vpon this, went
and deliueced the letters to Walter', who
'nlfylled L-“llrcanuo requelk , l'ent hym
[mies, and a rharet, weytyng in this _
l'oet., J hauefent thee hotiea and hotte
menz* come therkoee vnto mezand what
toeuer thy* heart del'yeetvN wyll do it fo;
thy fake. So the meilenger beonght the
amtiwere. iecretely tolherode: where
vpon he l'ent ,ltrayght tothe place in
Mühe he bnderitode dit-1310ch .men to
[nt-ke, waytyng to: klima-1113, and cau
t'ed to appeebende them alyue. When
Decade commannded to call together
the elders, befoae whom he wylled atio
[litt-unit to be bsought, and otbym the
*- F ill' kyna
'kl-te [Late of'
kyng demannded.; Tell' me whetbec ,
thon hatt weyten .any letters to Waloc
king of Nadia-Ve auniweredzJ weote
none. Then was R1itjuathemeitengec
beonght in as hie accuiec „and-the, man ,
ofwarre atio of Arabia that were'ap
pechEnded, whichedectaced the whole
matter veto-e the conncell, io. that klic
(anna was quite daithedtThen the king '
commannded hym to be pat. tadeath,
and fo was* the kyngdome et'tablithed
bnto Pet-ode . The, tymetvattlircaoue
eaigneo was. el. yecea e lite-.monethes.
After the death of bis ,mother-,ehe -ratg
nedthoe'e yetes , and m-ttcohulua his
beothet temoned hym_, makyng hym '
peieü. Agayne theee Yereaattee he ce“
tourned td his kyngdome 7 and raigned
etyereSZ. Then anchaouezconneok >
:iilohulua deipoied hym , tattyng of his
eace,and banythyng him ont of the holy
x odes in
Citie. _Ho akteewhen Lhetodehis tec
! hende. uannt came to the kyme he 'retur
ned to i(hietiil'atem, and the-:ode the-d his
*blood gilttea. Nethenotwtthflandyng x
»had detiueeedy-Decddefcom-the handes
ofthe elders , who would hatte, put hym
.tat-eatth the death of Wal-"taz, Front
*M_ l :.- 7* '
cnet-teromana. 4."
that tyme l-ljccanuz weought uoueeuyll
in the light of the Mosdemox otkended
hym in any great mattecflaue ouelye in
this , that he bare to much with Vet-ode Judgem
iu fheadyng the iuuotent blood , wher- Wh ijk
foxe his owne lyfe went too the other. WWW
Thecfose happy is he that neuec tosget- 4(- .
teth any parte ofhts dutie . Wat-Im] the *
daughter of .ale-canacrthe tonne of 6- »
rätcabulux ,thewyfe of Decode, had a o
bzothec wvofe uamewas arjttohowzc
hym Oetode woulde in no wyfe pzo
mote to the hye Pxiofthood, becauce he
teaced the chyldeen of Cbafinonanj , ale
though di. wyfe made earuefle tuite
and laye tote vppou hym to: the (amo
matter . Wut the kyug made hye peiefk
one that was nothyug of the kynted of
Chafmonanj, whole-name was ("Lautch
Notwinndynmwhen he hadde once
difpatched Ujrcatma his wings .Nage
nitouc z rtlth of &lexancjra bis-'WWU
in lawex: then .he depofed klamc'tthe. _,
hye patent, and pecterted bis wiues 'bzo- ' .
um: Zr'tltobulus to the dignitie, who_ ' _
although he were but achttd,yec he was.“ z 4;
wyfe , aud ofgood bnderffandyug , and
beautifull wuhau, fo that iu all Jl'cael .
'* '“ ' F_ iii-j wa.
'l'lteitate ot
wae not a goodlier not hani'omer young
i man,then he was. And this l'lantcl wa.
the mit that euer was depoied from that
office ofthe hye peieühood, kde neuer did
kyng ot Jirael attempt the lyke afo;e
Vorrede t who dyd thie to “quiethie wiw,
and to fulfil hie mother in lawee minde.
Notwithflandyng this Mexx-nam his x
“wyuee mother, was not content no; fa
tiffied, fo; the death ot her father was
iuche a griefe t but alwayes fpake inap.
pyfhly to the kyng,that he committed
her to warde. Then the weyt to Cleo
Ttm Queene of Egypt, wyie vnto
areas ancott'ntHa noble man of Rome,
declaring vnto her all the miichiefe that »
therode had done to the poiteritie of
Ehaimomni, and deiyeyng her of ayde.
Wo whom Cleopatra made this ann
twere. Ilfthou canit fynde; the meanes
to come to mefecretely, thou thalt per
.eeaue what Zi wyli do fo; thee.. When
F* ' Glexantlra
herreadthe letter,fhe
forme the fent
bye ptielk, td

wyng hym that the would aee to.the tea

)apll0zfind front themewould take thin
pyug into Egypt,periwadyug hem atio
to flet with her. *We .willil'aieth [ZZ
the Herodians. 4.x
make two mXecs,one to; me, Q another
to: thee: and we will with rewacdee al
lnre our [emanates to cary vs out peinl
ly,wherby we may flafetu Cane out lines.
Ellis they; beagle was perceaued of
one of Herodes [etuauntesflnbn foezth
mm; made the king peiuie vnco it. The
kyng tommaunded his fecuaunt- that
btweayed them,that when they -did con- .
neg the taffeta , they would being "them
to him , whiche the fernaunt dyd .i :Ko
when the cofiiers, were bzougvt 'to :the
kinges peefence , be caufed them to bee
opened,and make out Alcxandmanu ‘ -
her funneAriftobulus,to whom the king
fpake fhacpely,and cebuked them (dees
Wut Alexandra aunl'weced bim againe
u (hut,inl'omuc.h that the hung moved' *
with anger, flangeaway from her ,into
bis chamber , tax-ing: at is better to 8t
folltacy in a comee of the houle .then
with a bgawlyng and [koldyng woman
in an open place . The Being .meledx
the matter, and theweth .ne great die
pleafure.A here after asAxifmbulus the '
die patel't appamtlen in his pentificalve
flutes , (tone in the temple me hate the
Kalter to Wee. fatcifiees _: the thqelite.
. \. Fv - -heheld
7 The flat: of
behelh his beautie, his wiihome,and be
uiouc in the minickecie, wheceat -euecy
man reioyied,peayffng God that had net
taken all away, but left one to reueng'e'
the intutiee done to the houie' of Chaf
monani. The hung bearyng this; was
tote atraide,e not a title diipleaied z thin.
king to himielfe the Jicaelites would re;
mee the kyngdome of their fathers vnto
him. De peteeaueh eueey man. heart-'fo
be inclimd towacdee hem c* wherein»
he ush'heeaten a inhuman in the feat! of
the tahetnaclee, he temoued to Iericho
wich al his houiholde, whereas he' made
a great teaik to au hie nobles e iew'ätm
tes, placing them eueeh mä 'after hist
gree vefotehim.Ariflobulus the hie p‘tieit
he iet vpon his right bande.And ale-they
eate,d3onke,and made mety,certayneof
the kynges [emanates were .diipoied to
go ?c iwim in 10tääne.To'theie the‘ktng.
had genen -iecret eommaundemenczthat
, they would deiice Atiflrobulus‘fl go aud
hath with them in Iordnnc, aud then-fo
deowne himzHo when they mm going;
theieame to Ariitobulusqmneeu him-te
kepe themmmpanthicvhev-onld not
-- - » k; e
the tiere-thanx; "4:,
he ailted the kyng leaue, but he denyed
him at the firit, yet at length. .the young
man intreated him io inftantly, that the
kyng bad hym do what he woulde.. the
went therfose with ß otheryouug mento
iwim. The king toke hie hoeie lkraight *
way,and returnedto lericho with all hw -
traine,leaoyng the young men behindez
whirhe continued l'wimmingtill l'unne
ietting, and aa it began to hedarke,they
diowned the peielk artnohqlutantongeit
them. Whereot when ridingee came to_
the kiugwndttwas knowen that he was
dead; *thepeoplexwept and made great
lamontationzconüdering his_ bertuemoe
Wielt-,and beautie, euery man waetull
ottozowethat heihoulde' hanelothoet a
life-anothey -bewayled [nmlich, that it
WS heardafatre ohllhnt Marino-ewaa
lee-ano &Lexaprltatheyoung manaino
thee codldjnmokwiie he rontfootedt-Yea'.
tveking-alcozweptt madezgrrat-'monez
'otitrepented-hymtbathe had-:done to_
wickelt an attezeet :all thepeople kuewe
.weth that-thethyngwas ptotllo
tedhy the-kiWJnioumththot Qi.:an
(lobte-»motheoinlawez letter .not to tell
it himtohio-face, that hewtiathe mut
.)7_ x * * therer " i
*the* [Late of' '
" therer other huiband , and hert'ather,
and now tail otal of her kenne-towhom
the kyng annlwered neyther good nos
bad .. From that da-ye toewardes there
was perpetual hatredhetwene alexan
clra and Wat-“mn , .Llyarlm' the mother
otlherode , and Zalnmlcb his filter-,that
came oi' bare andi'ecmte bloothoe Wa'
ejnn eau in their teeth to their faces,
that they were not of the [rede otJii-aetr
but plophaneMnholy; and ot bate'birtb;
Notwithlkanding Decadeloned Wal-W
ae hia life,whertooe he would neuer dit'
pleaie her as long ae (bekommst [ay "ri
much to her as why faWthonl'o-Thefe
thinges donWarcuaRnwtij a “noble
man “of Rome', nett bntWWnlan m15* ,
guitar king olkingee,being cent hy *fin
Zuüua towarte vpon the 'kinhes ofthe
wett ronnmia , raigned-int'yp't, and
by the peoudcation ofhiawyite, rebelled
againflOotaulan Suznltnhzmade war
with hintvoth'by ieaandtandMnd-fdp '
aimnch aaEhypt is nye adioynyng_ *td
the land ot Jlraet , Hetode ioynea 'with
him and helped hinaFoeh-larrue anto
muz hadayded himbetoeeintnehe [det,
that no kingdnritnteddlewith hier? tod
cnc :act-Watts. . 4.7
Ww ofWat-cua Not-mitn. Wbekbpdli *
when Warme conl'piced agaynfte bis _
Pointe and maiftec , Derode ayded hym
with an army, with ho;l'meu,'and with
thippes all'o againfl »OU-mielan which
wars GEW-'12:1 gat the bictozy, tlue An
tonie and al his people comming by (hip
to theJile of Rhoäex,and l'o into the land
otEgyptOei-ode hearyng,that Warme
Sntoo'iua was flaine 7 and that 08Mi
an auZuiLue was come into Egypt , he
faynied fo; feace of the dilpleaiure of
Oftau'ian . yet at length he tooke heact
vnio him 1 peepared a coyatl“p;eleut to
becaryed afoZe him , aud tolowed after
hlmlelfe to Götaujan ZnZuftue. - And
fettyng fozwardes , he called loicph the
duibaude of Zalumjth his filter , whont
he made chiefe of his houiholde“, com
mauudyng hym, that yf Oäaulan .Km
Zattoo put hym to death, he thould poy
ion Wat-ij his wife, iayiug e it thoulde
not bo'e l'o'emclye to; kynges , that anye
meaue and bafe man thould mary with .*-W-Mz-.WP-
akinges wydowe, ano tlepe with het
'won-a kynges bedde . Ho then he toke
bla ioucney towacde 0831111311 auZui.
wawho then was at the Kbocjexzwtho
» e
.l [16 URL: 0]."
he vndecfiode Götz-niht) to be difpleated
with him, fo; that he had ayded [Wa-w
ton'tut. Therfoee alkone as Det-ode came
to VWuKan ZuZuftuß pxefence-,hauyng
bis ccowne vpon hie head,he toke it ohe
fell downe pzockrate vpon the ground at
Väaujxmx feete,l'aytng:QNoff noble Em
perout,Jl confefce my tcel'pnl'fe agaynfle
youc maieflie,that J loued W.>nc0n'nu
my eompanion in league a who was my
neighbonc and ayded me.And it is true,
that youc mai-:lkw [ente the tyme yon
made me king,haue heard of mine affai
res that hauehappened vnto me,but ne- '
uet fuctoured me . This h1 . waoju.
did not "oz confelte therkoee that in his
-worres againft your maicflie , J ayded
*him wich an armie, with hozlemen and
»thipseNeythec went J out with hym fo;
iany warres vppon mine owne bozdeco,
but whenfoeuee J went with me , J
holpe. him to the vttecmolt of my pow
ec.When he was Wings] bollfred him
vpsand when he flumbled,J[ rayfed hym
-agayne.Amongfl all thefe J] pzotelk otto,
that J woulde not be counted of your
e maieflie a bgeakec ofleague: but nowe
W. Notonäus i8 dead. Wherfoze Luthe
“ “ t. ec
- K
the Herodians; 44;
therthat-it mall pleafe your maiet'tie to
münze me to my foemer eflate os no;an
almuch as a hatte kept touch with M.
Antonius againtt your maietlie amongü
other: if you put me to do
me no weong,but inllite, betonte by the
lawe ot armes Il baue delerued death.
When 0&auian Augmearn him (peaks
lo,he am vnto him : für“: thou king of
arm! in peace ‚ be ot good summt, and
feate not, fa; thou att woethy to be we,
yea nett to my perl'on.J knows that M.
Antonius was intited by his wife ‚ and
would not totem thy tonnlell , fog ythe
hats] dare "ay be would neuer hatte con
l'pited againl'f me . Ko he commaunded
the trauma to be l'et agayne vpon Oe
tones head,and made a league with him.
Then they went both together towatd
Egypt: to be reuenged vpon Cleopatra,
But that wycked woman when the'
Iain: het tttie to be ouercome, put on
ker motto peectous apparel! , and fitting
bpon the thsone of her kingdome ‚ tom
maunded a viper to bee bzought Unto
bet z whlthe allone as the had [ua-'red to
mug bet beeafl ‚ the died . As Daauam
*Bully- came to the palayce,and faßt::
. e
'l 11-*: Nate ot
her fit there ,he ceioyled that he myght
We teuenged of her, and commaunded
to thqu het from het-zthzone 2 but when
they that came to her e tounde her dead,
it dil'pleat'ed Gäuu'wo and greeued him
very foee . Zn this whyle,10ieph Zulu.
mitbez hut'hand dilcloied vnto Nimmt,
_ that the kyng had tommaunded, yf it
to komme hym to *bee put to death by
NYutcux,thathe fhoulde poyfon her.
Whecebpon Wet-'1111i conceaued yet a
gteatec hatted towatde the kyng, in
fomuthe , that when the kyng was ce
toucned in fatetye,counde , end with
bottom-e atio from Ottaujan , 'and that
allhie menue and whole houtholdere
ioyied gtcatlyW-rxmi thewed no conn
tenmmce of gladnefie , no not when
the kyng hymielte tolde het , howe
greatlye he was magnified and honou
red ot Ottawa-1: hut alwayes the was
fadde. Zulum'itb the kynges filter per.
ceauyng that We'rth fo vet-ed the king,
the tolde hym howe ]0t"ep[1 het hufvand
had lyne with Wzrjmt whyles he was
with (RuZuftux. Wut Z[Peter-e (key what
the could) gaue no ctedite to het woedes,
knowyng that the ennted Warjmhvntyx
, „K a
. 7. ,'
[[16 UEkGU'JlLJ.

ailength he atked the canie ot Waalle

wby the reioyled not ae other did, when
he returned in l'afetie from thx-Zattoo,
but. was euer fad, whiche lhewed her to
hane l'otne tautonre and malice in het
heart towardrs hynt.- She auniwered. ;
Thon halt l'ayde heretoioee that thou lo. -
nedlt ine aboue all thyne other wyuea
and concubines: yet thou dyddett wyll
lol*er thy filters hul'hande to p'oyion
me. When Verode heard this, he was
erceedyngly abaihed , that loieyh-had
diicloied hie leckere, and began to mil'
lrull with hym l'elfe that whiche Zain
tn'ltll had told him,that he had ilept with
bis wyte in deede, and bpon that had de
tected that iecttte. Theretooe he depar
ted out of his palaice in a great anger
aud rage,whercby Zalum'itli perteaued
that he detel'ted Martini, and therefoee
we accuied her further, iuhoznyng falle
accniere and toegere oflyee,-to wytneiie
that Wal-Im] woulde haue poyioned the
kyng, whereotwe had diuera peeiump
tions all'o by her countenaunce. She
added mozeouer, it thou (iayethfhe to
thekyng) let her icape thus, thewylt
l'peedyly defltoy thee,and betreue fit-Zeiler
. ' j G e
-' _*x_. *._'
'the (täte of
thy kyngdome. The lawe geneth a man
thieconncell. Jt any man go about to
morther thee, peeuent him and tlea hym
tyett. With this and fache lyke woedea,
the io moued the kyng, that he com
mauneed to beyng Warlml tooeth, and
to be behraoed in the hye ttreate ot the
citie. And ae the was thought tooeth vn
to the marketplace ot the ritte, _all the
women otthe citie tolowed her . Meat
:mam her mother atio cnried and rayted
at her, taying: come out, thou that hatt
abhoered thy hutbande, and contpired a
gaynttthyiosde. Mexanclra wept atio
as though it had ben to; the wyrkednes
that her daughter had tommitted t thin
kyng turelyto pleate the kyng by that
meanes,'and to blearehie eyes, it per
adnentnro he might futter ber to line,titt
the myght hane opoetunttie to poyl'on
hym. Mari-111 thus goyng to executi
on, helde her'peace, and looked neythec
to the ryght hande, noe to the lette, no;
yet teared death any thyng, knowyng
that the was innocent in deede and
thought, and theretoee God wonlde ren
der her a good etwarde in the woelde to
come. Wheretoee the bared'her _necke
' * “ without
cbt: kletoclj'aua. 48
without feat-ez and they cutofhet head, -
thedyng the innoceut blood . Wut Ood
made no delay in punychyn'g the fame t
fo: there fell a l'o3e plague and peflilence
in the houte othherode, fo that hie chiefe
leruauntes, bis noblewomen and ton
tubines dyed l'oee thereof. zeeaaheough
out all [Uclca raigned the peftilence vehea.
mently t whiche atfliction _ all Jicael
kuewe well inougb chaunced vnto them
fo; the blood of Wal-ij -, They cryed
therefoze vuto the Loede, taying 2 Wylt
t-hou fo; the otkence of one man, deale fo
ctnelly with the whole eongtegatione
Che Loede toke pitie thetefoze vpon the
lande, and withdeewe ethe plague from *
the peopleThe kyng repented him alio,
that he had ihed blood without caufe t
audloue fo gcewe in hie heart, that he
was ficke *and at deathes dote. Then
Alexanclra Watjmja mother ,. fought
meanes howe to poyl'on hym. Whiche
beyng vtteted vuto the kyng: he com
maunded to appzehende her, and to kyll
het. Zn this manec dealt J[Yeti-de with
illl the potteritie ot the Wacbabcce, lea
uyng none alyue that were called by the
name. We put to death alte lofcph the
. Vg c huibauds
'* 'l'lie Nateot'
huibande of 831um'1ch. The kyng had
two ['onnes, Mcxainjct and Ürjflobujus',
by Warij his wyfe. (They were both
W. -
at Rome when they; mother futtred, to:
theyz father the kyng had "ent them thy
thrr to learne the Romane tounge.
- When they hearde tydynges of theyz
mothers death, they wept and mourned
- fo; her, hatyng theye father to: his cru
eltie. Booneatternhe king they: father
recouered ot* his fickenes, was eftably
_th-ed in hie kyngdome, buylded itrong
cities, and rote to great peoiperitie. Zn
the. riii.yere of his raigne, there fell a
great dearth in the lande, wherel'oee the
*kyng toke out of his treat'ure muche
goldr and fyluer, and peecious lfones,
wherewith he (ent into Egyptnind peo
ruryng pleniie of come, and refrelhed
with beead all that lacht, and was' in
difltefl'e ot hunger: yea,he "pat-ed nothis
owne peoper goedes. And not onlye to
the Jiraeh'tes fhcwed he thie liberalitiee
hut alt'o to all that came vnto hym "ont
ot otherftraunge nations, hearyng of
his renowme. Woeeouer in all his
wart-es he had good' toetune . Weihdes
thie,he thought it good to renewe the
the Herodtans. 4.7
haute ofthe "annual-y, whervpon he de»
llberated with the Maelitts, to haue
they; auntie foethe building of it, after
the fame quantitie and meatute that
Solomon_ king of Jirael huylded it. Fo;
the Jewes returnyng from captiuitie in 7
the tyme of Corcfch, began to buylde it
after the meatute that Corcfch pzelcti- Cm“,
bed them, and not as itwas tinge. The
people of Jfrael heatyng that the kyng
was purpoer to pull downe the temple
to the ground,and builde it a freiheethey
»made hym none aunfwece, tearyng [elf
when he had pallet: it downe,he woulde
not veto hameto bnylde it hp agayne. _
Out the kyng perceauyng what they
feared in their myndes,fayde c he would
,not (Lacke the manu-,nos tell tyll he had
bwught it to packe. the "ayde mnzeouec.
that he wonlde take out at his tceafuce ,. -._ ‘.
*plentie of golde and filuec,nnd gene ic to*
granyng z alfo peecious Renee, flones ol'
Thafies and Marble. To the Carpen
. tere all'n and Malone, he woulde deliuec
timher and ltdnes,gold_ and filuet, beaffe
*and icon, to make all thynges necelkaty
to the , woske . Whecefoze if_he pnlled _...- w..--. P- -
_downe thehonle, he [nase,de to hnylde
x t
'l hc ltate ol
it ftcayght wayes agayne. Bo he pulled
downe the houfe,and repayeed it againe,
ane finilhed it in length a hundeeth cu
bites, in beeadth lykewyie a hundseth
cubites, and in heyght a hundeeth tu
bites, all of whyte marble, td that the
whole height of the Lone weeks was in
allza hundzeth and twentie cubitee. Fo:
the foundation was. tt. tubites within
the gounde, and a hunoxeth aboue. The
beeadth of euery flotte was. rii, cubites,
and the thickne-tle thereof.-viii. tuhites,
euecy flotte was of lyke hygnetle. The
gates ofthehoufe he coue'red with fine
golde and peecious (fettes tinely tet chee
in: the thsel'holdeewece otfiiuer,and the
toppes allo. De made all'o a bitte ofgold,
a matuayloue cunnyng peece of woeke.
- .the acmesthereotoe bigger beauncbes,
were glitteeiug golde, the leiter beamt
ches,ftips, oz latelk thutes, otgolde "om
'“ what red, and all aboue was yelowe
*- gold,wheevpon hung tluftets of criflall.
The vine was to great, that it wayed a
Mpounde wayght ofpucegoldazn all
the woelde was not theltlteto be feene. '
the made alle a poeth,e betote the poech,
two wallee ot Aktiver-umwawa con
i'" the rterocllan'a'.

ningly weought. wehynde the houl'e to

warde the welt, be made a court WC. l..
cnbites long,aud a. E. in beeadthanhich
was yaued with pure marble.Towarde
the iouth a noeth,the length of the court
was atio. C.l.cubitee,a beeadth.
the erected in it alio.C.l. pillers otwhite
marbiein toute rankea. The length ot
oneranke was tonrtie cubites, and eue
rye pillerwas fonrtie cubites hye, aud '
there ruhites thithe. The pyllete were
all otlyhe meaiure, asthr court of the
nozth (ide, and ok the l'ontv, was alio ot
like meaiure,with all the pillere thereot.
Lowarde the eaff, the court contayned -
7 eacubiteßeuen to the beooke Cecil-011.
No man euer iawe the lyhe building in_
al the woeld.lll:he bine that he made,pla
red he beioze the poethe. Jnthe extreme
hartes of the court, he made alio walhra
and galleries ot wehe heyght, that they
that walked thetin,tnigb_t eallly lkry the
watere runnyng in the beoohe Cecil-01).,
by the ipace _ota tubite. wetwrene the
poerh t the houie alle tas-though itwere
a bayle o; partition) the *kyng made a
wall oi filuer, ,ofhaliea handl'ull thiche.
In the whieh_ waaa 'doee'ofbeateugolw , * I.

DW* ou! "

Kl hC ltate Of: 7 F
and vpdn the gate,a {insane ot golde dt
twelue pounde waightLhere were cer
' taine pores grauen in the [magmas this.
VVhat firaungcr (oc-ter approchcth nic
bet-,1er hym dye for it. 90 the thynges
that Z(Hercrde made in the temple, were
wonderfullt eneythrr was there euer
hearde of-in all the madman? kyng that
was vable to make kurve a buyldyng.
When the (drehe was finithedghe kyng .
[ent to Sarons his patkures fox his eattel,
from whence were btought hum thzee
hunneeth young butlockes , and very
many cheepe, accdedyngto his peincely
el'tate. Ho then they dedicated and halo'
men the boufe with great ioy and glad
nelfe. There was one certayne day in
'the yerßwhen as the kyng was euer ac
ruttomed to make a great tealk to all his
_l,A _,l. _E V mart,‘ to all his nobles arm Hage-3 in
Jtrael. Agaynl't that relfe lame day the
king was mynded to ünifhe his makes, .
whiche made both hem maze glad, and
all hie people. The [ame alt'o com
maunded herd be *done in'all the pzo
*uinces of his hpngnnme ,_ fendyng his
letters by his purreguaunteste the, ne
-bte men, captaynes, and pzellneuteev
...ab z ...quo-n... _'q

otthe peduiuces , that they thonlde '

ferne that daye after the [ame maner
euery yere . The people alto that were
flytted into they; enemiee rountryes,
theye head rulece and taptaynee came
outoteuery rountrye tat-re and nereto
(te the houte andthe king, tot they could
neuer beleueit tyll they haddetseneite
and when they had "sene it , it erceeded
_karte that they had hearde otit . Th ete
thyngee done , the kyngee two to mies,
Mexanäcr and Übl'cobulua whiche he
bad by Warjmi,rame home from Rome
to Diecul'alem in a great heate and fnrie
with a throug- company , yea their har
tes were very hautyxalio ifo; elle-can
cler the eldechadde macyed the kyng ot
Cayaäoclee daughter , and öt'iftobulue
the daughter ot Zalumltb the kyng hie
tathers filter . Theke rommyng to Pie
tulalem , went not to the tourte to do
' theye duetie to the kyng they; tathee,- 7
neythet woulde ca hymt' wheceby 'the
kyng gatheeed they went about tome
uniehiete agayntt hym .. Wateouer , all
his men gaue hym wacnyng to take **:f:
heede ot- them, and to kept hie power o5
satde about hym . the hadde a wyfe .ot
“"* - . G v _bare
x “v akku.» vb '

bat'e tft-cke out of the tonnttey,befoee h.

came to the kyngdome , by whom he
hadde a forme named Antrpzttcr. And
when he hadde put Marimi his halogen
wyfe to death z he called home his wyfe
whiche he had dildayned befoee , to his
matte. Wherefoge nowe feing the two
tonnes of Marimi hated him,he appoin
m Antipatcr his kenne to be his heme
é appacaunt,and to rayfe his elkimation,
- gaue him al hi5 tceal'ure, made htm mu
and rule: of all that he had , am'an
that he lhoulde teigne after him . This
Antipatcr had a kubtyle mutant: :1 trat
tie , and this talks was dale td ,hie fa
ther . ' If tt lyke your, Mattie ,4 whectd
thank): yon gene me all thefe thinges,
w ,when astheletwolione (halbe ettecin
my fox-,and helm to nettth me. 1152_ (uch
fucmifed meaneshe cayfed dil'tozd a ha
tted betwene them and_ their father. Al
vhetftthe kyng mas loch .to huet-his two
(tunes. Not long after he take his tout.
hey to .Rome to Qmuiamanhhis kenne
,Alcxandsr waeted dpa-.1 heute home
that 0&agianmntllhz he'e a memes to; Z
him to tum": his kathe'cshattedqftö him,
tput WWW W_ o!hit-My: ..WL-ev“
. l
'xxx'- .'. xvloqtau 1.).

the king was come thythetNEtäuian te.

ioyced much of his comming, [aying- 2 z
haue thought long to kee the'eT-o whom
haft chou left the land of [mia 7- Vet-ode
aimfwecedFoZ the homage that Y owe
vnto my lozd the Emperoutöi am como
to appeare befoze him , t to declace hym
my chaunces with this my ["onne his fet
ua'cmt . Ho he tolde him the 'whole mat
teptcom the beginning to the end . The
0Ctou'1em SuZuftW blamed the young
mambecaufe he hated his father . The
young mä auniwecedähow tan J other
wife doe s Howe can Ii'fozget the moft
chau wombethat bare me, whiche was
ot the holy flocke.JfJ foxget my mothec
that was flaine giltles c without ctimee
chen let me toeget mytight hand.Theie
and [uch lyke fpake the young man, not
without teures, in the peefence ot 0W,
man , fo that his bowelles was mache'
owned: and the noble menue atio that.
were aboute *OWUKW ,-coulde not äh
'ttaine ftom weping,hut lamextted great
lye . “ oääut'mu firm: tepeoned WWW
to; hie gteat' tcanfgtetrion and ccm-te
- tie :thmlahoeed he to yacifie the-young
manne- with „ can't-'stable woedes -z
mx“ " ' " * het-dene
/ K [l'- “ct-c; U'.

byddyng bym to hononc hie father, and

to t'ubmit hym t'elie vnto dem . When
he had done as he was wylled (fo; he
wolo not (keine again!! the Emperours
tommaundement) Sätaujan tooke the
young man by the handßand put tt into
Herodee betonte . Then hie father kit".
"ed and embeaiedhim, fo that they both
wept.Aftec that , they toke theyt leaue
:and departed from Sätaujan, who com.
toeted them,and gaue them-a gyttez
-commtttyng it into Verodes handen.: -
Verode yet peteeaued that the' hattet-,of
the chyldeen och-lation wonlde not. be
apeafed. Whecvpon when be- came
home to Viecuialem , he called together
all the eldere ol' Jltael , and fayde vnto
them t J had determined once, to place
ene ot my lonnee captayn ouee the peo
ple of the Loede, but J myght not do it
without the content of 083mm) ÜqZu.
(tue . Newe theretoee J hatte appoynted
my thtee ionnee z and hatte, deoided my
* *kingdomeqnatly amongitthem..thetpe
ee them againt't they; enemiee z but in.
no wyie [hall: es helpe one-of them a- '
- gaynit another - And-it ye peteeane any
,bzeaeh oftcettdthyy betwene themx :, oo
"- that
cnc x1 etonlauo. zt
that lfeth in you to take it away. Wher
vnto he made them lineare ptel'e'ntly in
Jeruialem; e the honde made, eche man
departed home to his houie. But to; all
thhhthe hatred betweene
his two beetheen antipatcr
was nothyng and
i dimini
thedt Fo: he teared them, becauie they
were otthe houl'e oi Chaimonanl, and
alied with kynges of great power. the
iuboened thertose l'all'e accuiers, to iaye
bnto the kyng,that the young me,ibnes
oihizrimi, were determined to delkroye
bim. Kikewiie betet bariaunce betwene
Zalurnltb c them: for the was in greater
elkimaiion then he,* iul'omuch that-the
kyng dyd uothyng without her rouncel.
The fame wronght he alio betweene
Microtle the kyngee beother and them.
tönt to Zalum'ttb he iayr-e t Doelt thou
notcoul'ider how the ionnea ol' Warimi *
lmowe that they; mother was put to
death by thy councell s Theretoee yt
they maye beyng to palie to malte the
king away-,they wyl hew thee to precee. '
lhutwhö the young men heard otthie,
they came betose the ky-ng- t [ware they
neuer intended to hart their father, and
with weepyng they heriwaded the exp??

* 1. lle [WL: 0|."
that he beleued them, and they gote his
fauour agayne.Whecat Ünc'tpacck was
not a litle dikpleal'ed c _wherfoxe he biced
falle witnelles,to "ay they law Memo
cler the kynges fonne vppon a cectayne
nygbt wich hie (loved deawen befoxe the
kinges palaice , myndyng to muttth
Notlpaccl; De iuhomed alio certayne of
the kynges iecuauntes to wytneikefaz
gaynft >12x3nclcr,thathe ihouldc geue
them great rewatdeg to alluce them to
bis plealnre , mid to abui'e them in vn
natucall venccy, whiche they cefuied.
Wozeouerzthat he defired them to poikon
the kyng ,which they would not alio a
'gce'e to do . Whecevpon the kyng was
(des difpleaied toward him ,communit
dyng not only hym,but all that toke his
pacte,o; dekcndcd his integritie,to bo'e
appeehcnded and put in p2ifon,-,that ere
y, cution might be done vpon them.Kl:-hen
ölexäncjcr wxit vnto örcbelätö bis fa'.
they in lawe , deficyng hym to come t.o
Dierul'alem to his father Verode . This
- Krebelauz (nes a very wyl'e mamt a no- 3
>z.->- :,- table conncellerthen he was come to l
- Dieruialö , Wert-de was very glad of his
romming : t demaunded what matters
k ..,- beoughc
K. -
*t _Wklcroäjausj “B
thought him thyther at that p3efent.Ve
aunl'wered, Il hane heard that Mattias*:
thy iouue,and myl'onue in lawzbath at
tempted to rebell agaynlt their 2 it ie not
poilible but my daughter hie wyfe thuld
de arcel'cary of this thyng, t Yet the hath
not wewed it bnto the'e t whertoee J ht
terly detet't her, as one that hath conl'pi
red againft thee. zeet ueuerthelette , J -
know well that to: the loue thou bearett -
vnto me,thou wouldett ipare herttoothio -
taufe Z am come vnto the , that when
thou hatt put thy "ohne to death 7 Il alio -
may ilea my daughter . Fee it ie better
that we t'hould make them» away ,then
tch ve. Derode hearyug this,wae very
glad , and gaue credite to hie trendthip.
When arch-:13118 perreaued that the
todebad a good opinion of hym , he al
tered his communication , l'aying to the
kings-irn let be diligently eramiue and
well trye the taufe, tozatmuche ae there
ate many talie witueites and lying per
lone in lthe woeldet and let he not fhed
innoctt blu-d vpon an vucertaiutie. Fox
archelauz had great peetumptioue,th,at
Drrode had geuö to light rredite,kuow
ing how redy _he was to here an ruft-11|
* ' ' it
l [16 [face 01.'

whiche was the taufe okall the mich

that befcl vpon the people of his houl'e.
Well , Decor-e thought bis counceu
good . .One of them that accufed the,
kynges chyldzen was ?bot-oraz the kin
ges b3other,-and to "ay the trueth , he
was'the chiefe ofall. Verode _loued N*:
cbelaux the kyng of Cayacjocja *as hym
fette , whiche Ürcbeläuz perceauyt'tg,
tom-ned his talks to rebuke the kyng, ,
(aytng x Thou arte nowe waren olue,
and well (tryken in yet-cs., thon luf
trelt there backbiters io rule tbee , who
flit-rc thee to woeke all thefe mifchiefes
inthy houle. ?Sea ?become thy bu.
ther hath talfely Neouoked thce agaynlf
thy fonncs . When [Wer-oraz hearde
thel'e wozdes, hewas foee att-aide fox in
deede he had reduced the* kyng. There
foee came ?bel-01'313 to Ucbcwuz , and
- befoughc him to (auc his*lyfe.>rcbe]au3
aunlwered bym'x yf tbou wilt obtayne
pacdon fox thy wickednecke , come and
?2,Z fall betoee" bis feete and confelte that
:xx chou haft fpoken fatfclye agaynü bis
[onnes: chen will I vamife thee that he
[halbe mercifull,vnto thce,and to his
fonneKyhcrotax did (o, confefied that he
.- had
"' the l-lewcijxme.
hadfaWy acc'ul'ed the kynges fonnee. -
Then arcbctouz befoughc the kyng to:
pacdon,and he gtauntedit. After that,he
intreated him that the young men might
be diimilLed und deliueted out ot peylon,
which *the king commaunded to be done. -
The'young men therefoee came to the
kYngee peefence, and fell downe ,befoze
his.feete,and the kyng was louyng vnto
them,emb3afed them,aud kyu them. the
made great ioy atio that tKrc-'bclaus came
info good an houte vnto him : to whout
he gaue foea gyft.vii. hunoeeth poundes
wayght of. golde, withmany pzecious
Tones, and concubinee, and oifmified,
hym. Wut .Wt'lpetcr agayne luboened
kalte accufeos, and wxyt „counterfaite let.“- '
tere in the name of the kyngee ion-tes;
to one- of the* *taptaynee , - detlaryng
howe they wouldeeonipite und kyll the
ky'ngi; and-by koche meanee he eucteae
[ed the enemities betweene them and
they; father_ ! x diuec-s wayee, that the
kyng commaundeo'them to be» put in
pxylonmnd moft Wrong itone to he layde -
vpon them.) Weiß-.dee this, Mncjpecer
bad [utpeifedand wohne the heart-es of
de“ kinges objekt tulere an d fecuuuntee.
15 i that
'l'lte (Late of*
thatthey ptotured-hie barbec to heave
talie witneike agayntt Mexatiäet, howe;
that he hyeed hym to kyll the kyng ae
"uch tyme as he thonlde matte his heard.
When the king heard his barber [peakez
he was wonderfullye troabled in hi.
mynde, inl'omuthe that he [aydet J am '
weerie oimylyfe, to heace thet'e pieke
thankes that open myne eaten and .fyll
my head with tales. J can do no way
bettec,then to gene charge, that whoio
euer beyngce me any lache accufations
hereatcee of any body, ve thall futter
death fo; it .. Whereioee he commaun
ded the hacker to he tlayne, and hie two
[onnee to be heought tooeth,and hanged
vpon gallowes, lheadyng they; inno
cent blood . Then r'et'oyced öntjpatct,
(uppofing hym (elfe to be as cure et the
y kyngoome, as though he had it in his
-handea. W hen ae he was net; aware.
that Acht->qu bc Heere neuer ("0 [1te alok'fx,
76c e738 there 0116 aboue, ijber cbm bt?,
detto Onfiäeteä bla >07nZeNZ ..ALTANA
had two ionnee, '['biZat-ua. and* »Kt-'1W'- ;
bnluz, And Zeitwbuluz hadthee'efonnesz
l-lewcie , ZZrtpya , *and >18 Ram-ict'.
'When the kyng returnedto Viechta
the Herodians. 9+
im (in; he was tn'teamaria by the lake
fine, when bis tonnes were put to ere
cution) he commaunded that his ne
phewes fhoulde be thought to the court,
and takyhg pirie ofthem, embgafen and
_ [ix-'led them, wepyng very (nae, x both he
and all bis fernauutes.3T-og it greatly re
pented hym of the heynoue deedes that
he had -done. 115m when the time of the
mournyng was paff,he caufed to call all
the chiefe of Jfrael together, and (abna
vnto them :- J) am nowe growen in age,
and waren graye headed , vnrertayne
bowethoxtlp Z] fhalldye. F fee here be
fine me tbefe title fathetlette thpluzen,
Inbicbc J neuer can beholde without
great anguth ofmy mynde. Fox when
J lake vpon them, -J call to my remem
Mame what great do mage J haue done
vnto they; fathers in my rage and head
long kurioufnes. Now chert-:2e J would
commit them to the tuitition and entko
Die of come man that might be a patron,
and as a father vnto them, to fuccour
them continuallp to his power . ml the
people aunfwered, that he had well (po
ken. De fpake thettoze vnto his bzothee
Hrcrorastflbou [halt be their patrone g
‚ 19 q deten
The Rate of
defendouc, and malt geue thy daughtec
to ThigarusAlcxanders kenne. Ve com
maunded alto hie kenne Antipatcr to:
geue his_ daughter to flauwe the kenne
of AritlobuluS. And the mat-tages were
[mit, and compofitfone made in the»
kinch ptefence. When Antipatcr mar"
hed the loue that the kyngvare towards
his nephewes, he began to be -in great
care: fo; Thigarus Alexanders forme,
had a gratmdfather by the mother tyne,
a kyng of great power, namely Arche-J .
laus king of Capadocia. Ve falles downe
therefote at the hynges mu, to difkolue
and bzcaheth'e Frendflzip that he bare to
maroon his nephewes,and' td leans "pea
kyng in their taufe as he had done : but
he peeuayled nothyng. Therefoee he
lofts _his father, and went to Phcroras
the kyngee bzothst, made a tonfedera
no with bpm, and sermon hym to fru
lkrate the hende that was betweene him
leite aud DecodeMnd alte bellman: htm
pnu Thigarus, the forme of Alexander
that was hangcd . Ko Pheroras came
to the kyng, turned hie muur, and dif
tolued the ' couenauutes _of maryage.
This done, ’Phcl’oras and Antipath ‘
' (that
(that ("ate 'vpon the khnges theone) were
become great trendes, bankettyng one x
the other day and nyght, aud deutung x
they: matters. When this came to the *
kinng eare,he was "dee afcayde of their L(
ttaynes, and commaunded that his bea
the: Warm-ae thoulde tes euetmoee be
banilhed the court. Antipatcr his (anne
was [ent to 0&auian A'ngullus to effa
blurb: the ky'ngdome vnto hym, and to
enter in league with dem. Fox* 19mm
mas fd olde, that he coulde not go. An~
tipa'tcr ioucueying towarde Rome, pal'
fed theough Egypt, detytous to [ee it
baton the death of bis lands Pheroras.
And as he trauayled by the hye mam "
ot Egypt, there came a eettayne mar- CUM
chaunt,hauing a vyall in his hande etofe film“ ’
cenered, which: “pumping: who well y“ '- f
lag: a thyng ofa great pet-ce beluga he [e'e
it,o2 knowe what it is :‘ Antlpatcr mat-4(57
uayled at bis woedee, r and ,Wed hym :MN-J l
what was in the vyall . Wut the teller' 1
tolde him not what itwae,befoee he bad “
bought, tt and payde deace fee" it. Then A
whyfpeted hetn his eaee, tellan hym
that it was a firan po'yton, that would l
kyu dne out df-hande. mm vyall An- .
I D iu tipatcr _ *

tjyhter [mt to ?become to be kept Until'

he returned from Rome. In the meane
fcal'on Vbctora8 dyed, and his wyfe hyo
the vyall. After when Üntäyatcr came
home agayne from Rome, ?hemm
wyfe and he tell at variaunce,infomuch
that the obieaed vnto hym that- he was
the taufe that Dharoraz was banythed
the kynges pzefence, the [oeowe where
ofwas his death . On the other tyde,
chjxmccr went about to accufe. ber„
fowyng oifcoede betweene her and the
kyng,to flirre hym agaynff her . De
tuvoened alfo a certayne Launch o3 gel
ded perfon, to go vnto the kyng,and in
kourme hym,howe that at what time as
he toke ditpleal'ure with 9j1cr0ra8 his
beother, and banyfheo hun bis peefence,
Dherorae pzocured a flcong poyfon, and
gaue it to his wyfe, commaundyng her
to defiroye the kyng therewith . The
kyng hearyng thiszwas weoth with the
Luoacb, and fayde; J fearthed fox that
venome long ago, when it was noyl'ed
that my houfeholde [ernannte-5 woulde
gene it me to deinke, but J *ooulde not
fynde the thyng to be true. Peas .baue
,ben to ralhe in (uche matterezz Mrz put
. - - - .., m2
i z M i ethektetoutans.

my wyfe Warjmi td death without a

taufe, and .Mcxanclra my mother in 7.
lawe, with my two thyldten. When
kmtipacer hearde that the kyng credited
not the Launch, he made cute to the
hyngto "ende hym to Oct-mem the [ea
tende cyme, fo: he was atearde to; the
vyall that was in ?beraten wifes heute.
De had weytten atio with his hende,
howe that he (ent it, intcndyng there
with to poyfon the kyngee fonnes thyl
dten. Zac be tbat ptepatetb :t pF-tte [01
anocber, oft tymca falk-:cb jnc0 ji: bym
[ch-"e, Ho det'yeyng-the ktngto tend him,
he let hym go. After thie,the kyng com
maunded to make fearch'e, if the [Zuna
chez wo;ch were ttue o'; no:- he (ent
hat otall (Worm-ez houl'eholde [ernann
tee, eramined them whether euer they
toulde pereeaue that [We-come was_ in
mynde to hurte hym. They all [ware,
no. Thon the kyng commaunded to
[courge them very coeetbut- they con
feifed nothyng, although come dyed tm
dtr they; handes in the eramiuation.
Home he oedered with diuers kynde ot' . -*
totmentes, offome he caufed to plucke
-out al their teeth.And ae he bad l'ourge a
; H iitj . tete
I. |1' (1.-...- 'F'

* teriayne woman ternannt, whirhe had

hen very trul'tie to yhcroraz, at. length
when the conlde no [enger üandetos
l'trokes, the cryed out and tayde: :Che
holy and bletled God rencnge vs of Ro.
([103 the kyngee wyt'e, Statipaeerx mo
ther,whiche is tante otthls. The kyng
heacyng thel'e woedcs, bad let her alone,
the wylldttclole all. Then (halte the,
Qntipatet made teaflee euery foote fo;
thy beothet Wacom; and hym lelte t 'and
as they eate and deanhe, they denited
howe to poyfon thee, ipeeially when as
SotP-tier was goyng to Octau'tan. Fo;
they tayde e Etceyt we deikroy hym, he
wyll deitroy ve, ae he hath done all the
rhyldeen oihis heute. Woeeouer, he lo
tteth the childzen ot hie tonnee that were
put td death, whiche growe a pace, and
itis pdfttble he may aultec his mynde,
and maite one et them kyng. annpacec
alto tayde io thy btether; The kyng
makes ae though he were muche my
ttende,lmt J trutt hym not. the gaue
me(iaieth he)a hundeeth ponnde weight
ot golde, but all that tatil'tteth not me.
When the kyng hearde this, he-tolde
howe he hadde genenhtlntiyaccr this
; :
* cu: rockt-(113113. F7 . '

-gold tectetly. The woman fayde moec

ouet t There fs yet a Wyatt of_t'trong
poifon in yberoras houfe,that thy forme
"ent ont of Egypt ._ Straygvtway the
kyng cent to yvcrocax wyfe , that uze
fhoulde bzyng hym the Uyall ot poyton
her own felt.When the efpied the kings
[Wach-:3 come to fetche her whether*
the woulde o; no , the gate het bp to the
-top ofthe houl'e and talk her (elf downe
headlong to kyll het fette , becaul'e the'
woulde not fee the. kyngno: ahyde bis
toxmentes . Wut flze dyed not thereok,
whetebpon the kynges metrengeo
beought her in a hoxl'e littec , and [et hoc
*afoze the king. Then the confelled vnto
-hym , 'howe Notiyatcr hio kom-te hadde
Unfpifed with ?become to kil himwith
afltongpoyfon that hehad bought in
Egypt , and "ent to Dbetomx whenhe
went to 0äauiao t And howe thakpbc
.rocax bey-1g at the point of deatb,tepen
ted him therok, thatging that we thonld
neuer gene. that'. venometo-chjpacco,
but poute it out vppqn the ground, that
.the kyngmyght-not be poy'toned there
wttb :and :3| *dyo as he bad_ me,.cattit out
WMI title. that I kept inftbe gtawe o - .
Vh WWW?: * -
.l nc lIQIC 01' '
bottome ,joe J euer teared that whiche'ß?
is name .come to halte - Then at the W
- Ringes tommanndement,the Wall was
bzought tot-2th befoee hym, and there
was alitle of the venome left , where
fer they gaue better ccedite td her
woedes a fo that the kyng was content
with her , and bad his phifltions heal: ‘
her, and the recouered . :This done,the
kyng imp: to Antipatcrtn come home
with [peede,berauie 3} am old ([ayeth he)
and weakr , vncertayne hum; ihnzthg J
thalldye . The kyng had yet alle two o
ther tonnes at Rome, Archelaus q you.
mus . Ho when Antipatcr mm to ann
fwerhis fach-:rs letter-,he fignified vn
to him that his two fonneshad dirtam'ed
the king-and flaundeed him vnto 0&3*
wMBut the king aunlwer-ed him: come
and bey-1g them with this , t J will oe
der them 'ae chou thinkefl good. Not
withflanding Antipatcr lingred and de
law in; the (pure df.6.'moncthes, to ie'e
if he might learn l'omwhat of his fathers
dotngee, but he coulde hear; nothing,
The meikigers that hie father had (ent,
lag: vpon him euery human veged him
to meikeipeede, Wheel-dee at the» ferien
. ,. . ;*r ‘ ' ' Wintng
D7 * cuc Uff0q1jll|ß

monethes ende he tooke hie koutney to

" watdes [latex-1N came to Cckacea.Tbere
heard he that his father had taken dif
- pleaiute with his mother, and banifhedh
vet the court , but he coulde not leatne '
what lhoulde be the taufe t thetfoee he
was Motten in futh keare,thac he would
hane gone backe again and [etc bis touc
ney . But they that wayted vpon him,
beyng defitous to go home to theic hou
[es and familie , ctafted with him , and
petiwaded him that it he (hould now re
tucne backe out of his waye , he lhoulde
iul'tifie bis enmies [ayings to be true.
But it thou come once to the fathets
.pucenceaay they) who loueth tho'e fo in
tirely. tbou (halt peeuayle agaynit thy
foes ,F get the bppct hand of them tha-t
troubled tho'eHo he folowed their coun
[ell,and came to Hietut'alem. When he
entted into the citie,no,man came fmeth
to meete him , no; once. to byd him wel
:come home.qu ai. the peoplehatedhim
:fox his,lie_s,fiaundeto ,-petuereand wit*
ked tounieil , but chiefly foexeate ot the
Ragaz'et wentheFand .to the count
although-with afcatful Waquhen he
W?xo. the Zingst-:eintehe fellDM*
- F
,l ['16 trace 01.'

and dyd his duetie c but the king turned

awaye hie face, and coulde not abyde to
looke vpon him.the went home'therl'oee
-to hie houie with a heauy hart,haugiug
downe his head , and hydyug his face.
There bis mother toloe hym how they:
couniayle concernyug the Wall oi poy
fon was beweayed , 'aud howe the kyng
was wonderfuliye incenied towardea
hym , that encceaied yet his feate moee
and moee. The nett day by the khngce
edmmaundement he was beought fozth:
and beioee all the chief ot Jirael attem
.bled together, the kingi'at toiudge 5n
cjpgccrz cauiex There rehearl'ed the kyng
vnto them his ionneslewduea and [yes,
how he had ieduced him and incited him
to kil his childaen that were of the kings
blood , karte better and moee bertuoue
then he t iniomuche that with a loude
beyee the kyug burit out aud bewayled
his wyfe [Raumhwhom he put to death
without a cauie , ano his two fonnee,
that they thacwere tar otmigvt :beaee
bym.Then Kontakte: lyf-tbp his head,
and. began to ipeake craityly 'and lub
tylly. Fyuthe toeget not to geuegentle
.weedesto pacifie hie father. Math.
'the l-kcrocljeut. * * 79
(but that he coulde not do.) After he" tell
to intreatie iut'uch fett , that all the um'
hier were moued to pitie , and hewailed
bis euyll foztune , not without teures:
[ane only diät-11cm the kynges fetretary,
who loued the kyuges thyldxen that
were put to death.lhe tebuked'them all
that were t"on fo; the ralamitie of Kutt
yater,crying with all hie might t where .
areye Klexantjer and Zrtltobu-lua that
were clayue giltlest Lift bp your heade
and hehold this hloody and wt>ed man
fall into the pit which he him felt made,
fie howr hie foote ie'catched in theuet
that he laid him ielte fo; other. Wache ye -
uotbowe your maker reueugeth your
death, aud tequireth your blood at hie
hand in the tyute ot his deßiuuionsFoe
the wicked man i8 ?pared hut-il the time
ofhis death . Bo the kyughim felt' very .
much int'tuted ,fentto fetcha coudem
ned ptrt'on out of peylout who beyng
beoug'ht heisse them,- and tatiyng a title,
of thecpoitou iu the-Uial,ttl dowu flat-lie
dead tosthwith. Then the kyng tom
mauuded Zotjputcr tube' ratird to pet!
iou, and *'to b'e layde iu Wong treue.
The.ti.yere of* hie raigue , whirhe w:
- t e
'[116 (late ok*
the.lrr.y ete of his age,kyng Derode fell
t'irke,and no remedy , no philirke toulde
he found to helps him . Neythec his ter
uauntes no: phiurians coulde peocnre
hyni anye rrtt , td greuoallye ram-e his
dileaie vpö him,with thonnee of heeathz
and theough the anguiih ot the manifold
euillee that had happened hnto him by
his own tolke.Wherhpon he rryed out,
[aying t W o may he he, that hath none
" left to inccede- him inhie kingdom», noe
' none to go hett-3e hie Cotttn,and meurn
fee him at hie death. Then called-he
to his remembeannce hie wife Warlmj
and hie two tonnes *, reheartyng them
by name 7 howlyng and weepyng tiyll
rontinnally.Uyon a certayne day when
_hiatitkenta tante tote vppon hytn , he
called tohts [ernanntes to tetche hym
tome pleataunt apple to te'e yt he myght
eomfezt hie hearte 2 and when they had
-l ' *btonght it-,-waabeonghthym
-it,_and one» he ated foe a knyt'e. Chen
to ent

' he gathered his tlrength vntd hym, and

reared hym leite dp vpen hie leftarute,
:and-:perreattYng his lyleto heetull of
totowe and lamentation , he tooke the
(knetawnh hia- ryght hand , and tec
* . chtd»
7th: Herodians.‘ - so
cbed bis (way tothzul'f itfnto bis bely.
Wut bis (emanates (kepte to hym , and
caught his arme ,holdyng his banners,
and woulde not futter hym to doc it.
Then wepte he rm and all his lee
uaunteaghat the boyce was heard out
otthe mute, and (hoztlg all the citie
was in a flotte, raping: the kyng is
dead. ,the kyng ie'dead . Antipater be
ing in the mum ‚ heard the noyke , and
afked,what buünes is this : They ann
Then was .hymhe‚ the kyng isteioyfed
glad,and dead . (vom x* * x

detfnlly, laylng huts the Jalours.

Strike of myne irens andlet me out,
that Il may goto the palaice, and Il will
remember tho'e with a good turns. The
kepec annimmt: a fence leaft the kyng
be yet aimed wil go therfoze and know
the tructh , and come agayn by and by.
Antipater l'awe he could not get laufe,
and weptfo; anger at the keptrQo the
kepee came to the coucttwhlch as it was
tolde to the kyng, he commaunded hem
to be vaought to hw peetence . Then tha
lian 8132?.me . W-_hat dyd Antipatex‘
Gum-the) when he heard this mout
magma!) thatz was bean: The im)“
.‚. . aunlweted.
l] _ ‚- Theflateof '
Ö aunlwered : Ve was very glad the'rroh*
j und when hr innulnc nor-[mike of his"
' irens and let hym out ‚ he inept to; am
; .gern The kyng tried out vntd his loans;
[oe howe hc bateth me def-ng yet in my
run: yr he were here , he woulde doe"
nghat he-could to kyll me. Ve wouldnöt
do as my (emanates dyd . , make hafte'
to wget! the kuyfe ont ofmy hände . Us' »
_true as God lyueth, he (halt-teuer harte
than): gapeth ko; . Ko the kyng »com
_| ' maunded he lhoulde biz put to death.
:Z And there was not onrthat wouldein.
treate f0; him , oz deny theking to the
contrarye , but warp . man wasglad dt'
his deflructidn . The kyng commaun
r _ded the keperco bzyng hem rauch-wehe
market place: whirhe done, his head
was [mitten of, und [o he leptc del'ydes
. . bis pnrpdfe . The hung rommaunded
«mogeonßt bis body to böe taken, and ra- _
wen to the citie'of Ankaha ,there to bee
, „ ?bury'ed,'and nor in the citie. That done,
‚man-‚ü 'and the people beyng returnedfrom the ;
x 'hnrtall: the kyng [ent to call all them: a
bits of 3mm together z am: wtogfyng
i 'bis mensch Q he fat dp in-vie hen ‚ and
commaüded to cal-his forme A‘rahgläus,
- on
([1: UCR'OUUUZ. Cl

dpon wbom he layde his handes aud

made hym kyng ouer Jitael.. Then
ihowted euery man t God iaue the kiugz,
Ood [ane the kyng. The king liued fiue
dayes after the execution of Metyutct,
then faynted und died. The time that he "
raigned ouer Jirael, wastourtir yetes.
We was a wotthy watt-ier, a wyfe aud-a
peuvent man, a goodlyutau ot perion, _,: R
hauyng God on bis five. De loned euer , i:
the VINYL-Fille] and Zum-n, with they; x_
comhauyes. De eurythed the ieconde g Z
*houle,mo3ethenall other kynges, and l *
was moze liberall then all the kyngee -*- - -*
that were before dem. this gyttes and „ * z'
tewardes were riche,l'o; he counted golo- -.
and l'yluer,as chatke and Tones. Vektor , : ; .l :l
Jirael in quiet and peace from all they! “- ZL»
cnemiee. Ve b'uyldedallo a moee toy- Z]
alltemple, then dyd kyng Solomon. ' - Z
Buthemadetheyokeoftributeandet- 4. , „k 4.
action in thaelheauyet, andgaue open .r _* j ",- -
eare to euylltongueo. the wao a cruell ' '
bloodlhedet of poooe and innotent pet
tous, aud »tech-13115 his kenne taigued
in his rowme. He wylled beton-bio 4
death that they woutde but-y hym in ' the kl
i Lwciloo,
* ltwo
' dayes ioutney
J i - aud
*haltea* ' - xl
L (tc llacco..

halte from Dieruialeuaßo

in a coifincouered they puthim
with golde, fett here »
.and there with peecioue flones. The bed !
vnder him was wzought with golde and
full ofpzecions neues. Itikewiie, bpon
hie head was a cloth ofraynes powdeed
with peecious ttonee, and vpon that,a
royal crownennade tail tothe left (ide o't'
.M the rotkin e and hpon the ryght (ide was
_ the regall icepter . Upon the beere: was
alie-atloth oi' raynce very tbiche pom,
dted with peecious iteneexriflall, Aime
_ j_ thifiemand very many (aphyees. Then ,
» * >* ' all the chief.: men oi warte went* about
l _ him in they; coateaot_ feute,and deawen

,7 -F
r. »Wo-dee in they; vaude-r, with helmes
*on theyeheades, as in tyme ot, waere..
- Otter them came .archelauz hie ionne
that was made hang. Chen folowed
him all the people. There were fiftie ot
hier ieruauntes_ that went about the
beere, with euery man a chatingdii'he ot
golde in hie vaude, wherein they burut
(westewoodes and perwmeßeuerytoote
tattyng bpon-the hearie puremirrhe, ae
many as went about, hym. .the .was ,
home by certayue great lotdes and no.
bb?WWW-h*on :their .ibo-*wers
* '.„H - ,- t -
W* i,_'
cvet-lekotltaut. - se
:goyngleaiurablymnd with .a maieuie,
tyllthey come to [rotho-1,. where they
buryed him-with great honour, that like
was neuer done to. any kyug. Theke
thynges done, there reinsted together -
iurhe as hated Derede, aud were wery
oi thEyz owue liuee whyleshe-lyued, re.
ioyiing that they had icaped ,his handee,
iaying: we haue lolted till our eyes hlea
red, waytyng to; the death ot Decode
that tyzaunt and bloodiheder, that op- *
[etched vs with iurhe heauie' yokee, aud
left ve uothyug to' liue ou, 'tot the great y
tributese taree that he layde vpou ve.
Yet nowe Nrchclaue hie ionue is wette
then he. Wherefote they confultedzto- -
gtthcr, aud cat'tthryt myndee aud good
wyllre towarde hutlcher the iouue. ot
Zalumuh the* kyuges Filter, one ot the
blood ot Cbafiuouanj, y' went with hym
to Oäauem augultire, requrlkyug hem .
totcauilate the kingdome from-,Meche .,4::_„.,.:.„
laut' to'änctyatcct but he Wdemee k
graunt them their fuite. Zeeaztathethe _- y
confirmed e alfuted thekiugdoutto *Yet*
cbrlaus, who wtoughtwickednee in the
tight oi the lotde. Fo; he matied. hie luo
thec Zille-:March wife ,that had Wide-eb!
I g Nile-(anciet-Z
.l UE [ct-cc 0|.

alexnmlcrmnd commiited other many

great offener-.Thaiayere ot archelom
raigne, ic ehatmced vpon a nyght, he
, dzeamed a became. Jlhym thought he
- tawe. ir. earee ot' toene, very good and .
, full grow'en dpon one ttalke, then came
. a great ore and hopt them hp all at once
. ac one bit: dy and by he waked,and per
. ceaued it waea deeame. Thereioee cal
lyng one of the trage. ot Jirael bnto
hym,he thewed hym vie deeame . The
wyieman tayd i This is the intern-eta
tion ofit. The. ir. eat-es frethe and full,
be' which hytherto thou hatt
raigned . The great ore, ie the great
,king Getau'tan auZuflWTbls yere (von
thalt he removed trom tby kyngdome,
becauie thon hall neglected the wosde of
Gewanth maryed thy beothere wife.
Co this S rcbelaus annfwered hem W
ther good nos bad. Within fine dayes
lx' akter,0äau'1ao came towarde WWW
' lemt and when ih rcbclaur went to tne'ete
t! him, he put him in Nylon, depol'ed hym
'M-Ö -e?,
u '*:.' .:4-* from his kingdome ot Jirael, and made
Rtittpaa hie mother kyng in his fleede.
The turned his name alto,and called him
OTodeThat dene,he returned to Rome
* - Whilcs
the l-leroclxanZ. zz
While. Rocky-_ax was kyng,dyed them
peconr oäiumm auZufiueghesz-ere of
hi' raigneNn'o ?Ibm-'1113 Tiefer l'ucce'edcd
bim. This -änclyaß allo wzought wyc
kednes e [undzy nbhominalions, moee
then any that was akoxe him-ws he rohe -
bis bsothet Philips wife m") hithiche
had nlredy chyldzen by Philxp. Fo; this - P

(hameful usa-Wahn 101m the hihpeieff -xolm 133"?

reboked him: wherfoge chjpazpuv him-ug, .' * . f
to death. There was at that tyme, one
JefusN wife man (if it be lawkull to cal]-[3W
him a man-fox he was a too-ker vfb-W (hk-(1;.
derkull and flaunge weekes, and a tea-
cher ofcuche men as gladly did bears the 3
tcueth, S bad many difciples, both of the
Zewes, and alfo ofthe Gentiles.) This .
man was U:th whom, after he was
accuxed ofthe chiefe rulecs ofoucnation..
and condompned by Wake to be crueifi: ..Ä- "
ed, they neuecthelejle ceafed noc to louezz x4_ : 7
whicheloned him onen from the begin-- 'Ö
ning. Oo there he appeaced the thicdg» , c... . ,
NY ,*.l

day afiußaccozdyng as the pxophetes by -

deuim wfpication had tolho befoze, af» !
well ofthis, as alfa ofmany other won-
decfull things' which lhould be done hy»
hem. And euen vnto this da2 the Chu-
' J ih' (W
'l'bc Nate of' -
ffian iect whiche take their name of himz( :
doch continue. Agaian this man Britt; -'
yqz, of whom we ipak'e befomcanie "l".
lzetiuz Emptroue of Rome, co whom
when 511(1938 refoztvd, be flppxeheuded
hym, and layde hym in icons, and (ent
him into Wayne where he dyed, N1*ch
13118 alle that was depoied befoze,dyed in
the time oi this 'Überzug' raigne. Then
*l* 'Wei-'1118 made MZthy-*l (the [anne of
Mi ilolmluz whom Decade put to death)
Komp-18 h3other',king in bis 'ffeedß The
time that llntlpqz caigned ouec chael,
was.ri. yetes. In ngiypäx tyme dyed
H118 cell-Ä 'Übel-'me Exel-ir, E Cajue fucceeded hym.
ii (delay. Avis Caiuz called himlell a gem would
l'uikec no man to watchip any thyng* in
his empice,but hym (elle. Ve confirmed
not long in his dignitie,but decayed and
7 dicd.After him fucteeded Claucllu8.()lao
äiuzbeyng dead, [Aero (Läel'at 'was em
perour. ZZklppa taigned ouec.Jlrael*.ez.
yetes. In his tyme Met-0 luxe-.oppzeued
Jicael,by ietting miell piefldentes oder
them, whiche left them nothyng to lyue
13mm,: befides that,pmiifl)ed them with
diuere toxmentes, vntyllat length they
wececonitcayncd to rebell agUYnifithe
“ ' Romene
the l-Leroci'tant. 64.
Romane Empire, “and diem (Leibe, to
tyd them feines from vuder hie i'ubietti
on. And aboue all other, one [lotusz
fident e raptaine of the .Romane armer,
mofte greeuouily oppoelfed the Zewes,
and had done many thyngee very wit
kedlyFoe not only had hethed innocent
blood, rauii'hing at his pleaiure, wyues,
edeflowged maydeein the citie of loch*:
but alio tobbeo with great trueltie, rue
tye man of his oodes. the. dyd inhabite
the temple,and pon the beames thereot ;
buuge thofe that he toke difpleature
with. If chaunted that Zerou'tct-„kyng
heut-pat filter came at that time tohzie
tufalem ot'deuotion, to bilite the holye L
place. Hbel'eyng klomzviolently to op- ,
peeife the people, and fox payment of et
actions e tollage to [lea many of themz
eueu atthe euttauuce otthetemple :the * ' *
came fooeth-weping vnto Not-ue', hett»
thing him to be fauourable ano fpare the
people, tot che pitieo them very groatty.
Yet klar-13 relented nothyng, but when ,„. .
the was departed from hem, ve: tloutede » *
merkt her,although the were the-king'ts “.
filter,and that in the temple dt the. leere.
höheren-ae peecetat that timeavaliant 34.:;
zii-.F edel-'.3 '7.
'l'he [fare of
young man, hleatax tonue of hmm the'
bye peieft: the whyles his father was
erecutingphis otkiteuould not ahide to l'e'e
the Jiraelites lo miioadted. at ?10m3
handes,but beyng enkindled with a ter
uent zeale, founded a trumpet, whereby
there aiiembled about hym iooethwith
diuers tompanyes and bandes of young
m*en,gdodly wawyermby whole ayde he
rayied a great commotion, aud encoun
tred with klotua and the Romane [out
dietsmtwhö he made a great haughter,
pzeuayling much, and getting at length
the vpperhande ot hloruzmuerthtewe all
his hoatt,io that klorua was conlteayned
to tlee alone out or Oieruialem, vnto
Egypt. Ju the way aehe fled7he chann
ced to mete with king Üerpya, cöming
from Rome from UeroCZefai-,and going
home into (uncut to whorn klorua detia
red what had happened him thotowe the
youth of the Zewes at Vieruialem. And
as ugrtppa had palfed Egypt, and dene
towarde Vierulalem, his filter hcrootcc
directed hier letters bnto byui, mouyng
him to ioyue with the Jewel!, t to ayde
- » them. The people alio came wholly the
tpate ot.lx. myles out ot the title of ?thre
cke Newman!, 87 U

rnialem to me'ete him,and tel downe flat

betose bym trying, God [ane our kyng
anjpya. But the kyng ftudyed all he
mtghßto pzorure quietnefle and peace to
the ritie -and people . So he entred into
Hierulalemmccompanied with a couple
of noble men of Rome, wotthye cap
taynes, whom he beought with hym in
hie trayne. And when heratue into the
myddefte ofthe ritie , the' people rryed
mainly out bpon hinht'ayiug: Dehner
vs O kyug,and let thy .hande and helpe '
beon our tyde to tuttour vage; we'wtll
neuer moee hoe vnder the .Romance
inbieetion. The kyug hearyug this , py- _
tiedthe people very muthe e notwith
flaudyng_ he was not content that they
were myuded to rebell agaynit the Ro.
maue Empire. Wheretoxe he called-7
together the people,at thenttauure ot?
the roucte ottbe Temple , where were
pteient the eldets ot Jl'rael »z- -and all:
the rhiefe men , with the »hye yeiet't A(
nani t declared onto .themthe power
of the .Romauee , the lkreugth 'of theye
kyngdome, and what nationsrounde
about them they had -t'nbdued z tn "WL y '
koste ae no remayneot them ina-:leute t
J b Whecwts
'l ne_ ttate ot
Wherfoze he betenght them not to pzoj
nolte the Romanes , nos to deflroy the
people remaynyng of Jtrael „the added
„ t mogeouer t 3n- ye wyll gene eare to mine -:
:t'adnyce (taith he) g knoweit we'll dere
beethzen , that there retteth in your
heartesa great. griefe , and mei'elfe
am tollotiotowe and angaiihe that we ,
- are not of power able to withttand the
_Romance . Alben yfyon wyll bee ru
led by my rounrell , ye thall tynde a re
dtetle fo; this matter . k0r del-tere 33
counccll je anti 00c] clelxberatton , there
ja ('at'et'te , :incl ÖMZ-ea como t0 yrof'pe
1-0118 ('ttrccfl'e . Ye (hall iufleyne fota
while the yoke of the Roman raptaines,
till J maye eertifie dlero ot the matter
by my letters, and intreate hym to ridde
ve otthete rulers'. J beteche yon be not
to hatty oflibertie: Warme tenz-x13 liber
tät-,hatte fallen into further capt'tolt'tc 8c
Zreatrr honclthe.There he amongu our
people many eaill ditpoied perionnes,
whole delite is in warres , ko; it is theyt
whole tiudye t amongeik whom ,many'e “
* 'SWF-_79
_good men do alio peryihe . Wheretote
heare my wor-.tes , ae tot them that bie
wyfe-tnaye_ yet-traue_ the matter ,them
i, - telnet;
the l-letocljem. ' * zz*
telu es t_ they that lache erperience ,“ let -
them learue wytdome at my iayinges.
Kepe theretoae fileuce ,whiche (halbe as
*well to myne, as to your owue eommo- FLY-clicki
ditie , fo; J (hall not nede to Weyne my NZZ??
leite , but ipeake the iol'tlyer with leite to be mo
payneeand ye on the other l'yoe may the W :YZ
better heace, aud vnderftaude what J WSW
laye . Jtye _holde not your peace , ye
(hall haue two diicommodities 2 ye (hall
interrupt my communication , aud let
your [eine. from hearyng. Duc nowe
to the purpofe , ye [halbe content and
futter tyll J' weyte to .Rome of there
weitere-,that Geier maye remoue thefe *
euyll color-,and (ende vs them that* bo'e
moee humaine and gentle . nye maye
haue one l'uche , then (hall ye not thinke
your ielues iu bondage , but in libertte,
and wozthylye e to; then onelye is (erni
tude gre'euous z when ae the ruler ie a
bniufte man and wicked . x . -
Now thertoee' (key your felues ,quarell
not with'them t fo; although they bio_ z
wicked,yet wyll they die awamed-to do: ' ; 4 “
wong openly : ae that they do , they do, -. '
it iecretelyälöut We would arcul'e .them
to muche , the! woulderub they; lose- -.
** - z - headers,
I The Rate of
L .
heades,and doit openly: without au
(haute z io fhoulde you make of your
l h iudges and rulers, your open mantra.
M But it were farrc better c0 fufi'cr an vn
47- B“ iufic goucrnour, then a iuflc cncrnic.
KM* 7L Fo; the one cobbeth men piiuily 1 the o
M ther i. an open decke-:yet: psouoke them
i J énottbetfoznmionfioor the wylde booties
i that be tanner mans power, and be kept
a in cheynes , as Lions ', 152mg, and
E iLeoparm : yi a man let chem alone,
they ars quiet and harms no man . But
Z yfa man go to they: denne-ä and angel:
I them,then they wyll flk'e bpon hym and
I weery bym,and other to, that be pee
j ' Q *cent . The fame ye may perceaue in a
K feuer and an ague, which yfa man mull
q ‘ go aboutto cure at the begynnyng , he
x»- , ihnllmakeiemose grizqu : butusz'
xx , wyllremedy it by loaan , the fernen
-7 - cieofitwylleafylybe quenched.. Now
thecfoee cefrayn your (eme-,take bede"
no fer not szar in your copp' v [and the
whole Romane Empire. Ca: ar couc
n tech not yom: hai-me, neythec font. he"
FLFI-?LZD bnto yon that: rulers to hurt you . Vis
' eyes can not fo'e mammalian mm,‘
m his vaude mono 'rom Konica-YU
.-*' er,
ll]- Uclocuallx. C7

therzto; it ie fleflze and blood .' But yt

ye wyll abyde tyll J may tende embai
iadours to Ceel'ar , J doubte not but J
thall remoue their rulers_ , and ryd you
of them peateably without any warte
oe bloodlhed . nye be vtterly determi.
ned t'o reiiif the .Romane Empire , you
wallvnderflaude you bein no wyle a.
ble to doit trozGod is entry where on
theyel'yde , -to that they be Mordes :tho
row out all the woslde -, and all people
ferue them z and (hall, tylltbeyo ende
alio come . Wut yfye wyll not doe this -
foeyour ownel'akee :yet doit to: ,your
own countries take , your rhyldzen and
wyfes ,'the Hanuuarye aud erzielte.,
whom ye are bouuden to loue andipare,
leaft ye raftawaye and vndoe all them
at once . J beierbe you take tny woweo
in good pat-mot J baue ['poben nothyng
but that is toe your wealth , aud that
maye-tutther_ our peace with the .Ro
maneszwbithe J molto wylhe . Ityou
will be ruled and choie peace,J wyll
take your part and do the bel! J can fox -
youttlßutyfyr wyllne-dea haue wetter,
ye (hall baue it alone tee me, 3! will not
mrdle with you . With this MAINZ-L:

.l [1E PAULI 01."
fell on wep'yng, and lo dyd alio all the
eldere with hym,and the men ot moi!
wyidome,the chiete in all zirael c yea
*uM Brit-mt the hye peielke alio eoulde not
retrayne from tearee . Notwithttan
- dyug,lZlcatnrhie floutelonne,with his
toutes ot warlike young men abouthim
they wept not at-all, not would hearken
-Wj o2* gene anye eare to heliome eouniell :
but al at once with they; dtawen [wee
dee ,biolently ruthed hpon the Roman
capitaynee that- came with. Zgrippae,
hue them , theye men , and all the mul
titude that was with hym in Vieruia
Lem aud luclca . The Ewers in luclea .
with the wyteu and godlyelt Jiraelites,
feing what was done , departed from
Dierulalein, tearyng Mero and the cru
eltie otthe Romane-t . Therefore they
- toke the tower oi 8'1011,and remayned
there. *Fee they would not lese' taken of
the Rdmaneeuo bee of the l'ame confeä
deracie with the other . The fedicioua
- leyng that, toke the tempte ofthelotde.
Ho du'cention and ciuill warte-“tell be
i tweue theiedieio-usand theauntientea.
* Fo: when Lleaf'ar heard the Elders 'and
headee ot the people were tledde tothe
- mount
rue te'ei. 63
mount Zion t he and hie company rette
'open them,p2enayled againft them,and
line a great meauy of them . ZZttpyao
perreanyng the power of the ieditious
gtewe apare , he [ent out ot hie rauche*
where he laye without the iewne , two
baliaunt raptaines, one named Dorint,
the other Dhlliypue, with fire thoniand
meinte fuccour thoie Elder- audHages
that were defiroue ot peace. Theke pee
uayled agayno Lichter and the irdicioue “
that toke hie part, made a great (laugh
ter ot them,lkirmilhyug fo; the ipare of
tenen dayee together, and at the length
put them to flyght , aud puti'uedthem
to the temple. From that tyme _fo-ost!)
the warree *intreated mote andmoxe -
betwene “Zlcat'ar aud his computer, and
tlg-1993: with his hoafl and the tages, *- * -
eldcre,and printer that toke they; parte*
Upon a tyme when the, captaynes otto'
thpyat entred the trmyle , rertayne
tutthzote mnrthers,waged by the le
dirious , mirt them teluee amongl't the _
kinges hende-,and getting behind their
hackee ',wounded them with then dag
geta that they-had bid _endet thetriackle,
' .t
. „ . o
1 “c Will,“ UL

to that the kynges couldiour. hauyng

launch and greats acmyng thaazaestn
.eu7,.v-.. ththzhanaes , fuche asthey vfe in the
warres,coulde not welde them in the
pzeal'e . By this meanes many at them
mare (lame, and the fedicioua gate the
htttazpe. Thus Darius and Philippus
with the Romane acmye were put to
flight, and the elaets with the Hage
that were defitous at peace, depacted
out of the towne, and fledde ta kyng
Agrippas. Then hab Elcafhr and the fe
dfcious the whole rule of the title , and
that to all they; great damage . Fox the
fume afthe (editious inctcafed' to fache
outcagioulnes , that they cet a fire kyng
Agrip'pas hours that hehad in Viertel-t
lam , fpaplea ..all his taeafute :and all
‘ that was any thyng tuaazth , they deni
ded amonglt them. They burnt his
brakes at accomptes and bile at aebtes
euetgthane that were in his palette.
Bctoniccs haute alla the kynges fylker
they fette on fire ,and they flue all the
cunnyng artificets that were matfiets
atthe kynges wozkes. Harvey: rule
-and powean the citie gtew euety day
maze and maze gteeua’us then other.
ÜÄ ,kfio Jette-,8.. 69“'
N thoie dayee dwelt the Jewee and
Aramites together-,in all the cities ot
Bieta, amongelt whom alle waere was
mouedcto; the Term-fans beought the
.Romanes into the towne agayntk the
Jewes, and (tue them ae many *as they
coulde finde in the towne. The Damal
tiane alio conl'pited together *to detlroy
al the_Feines that dwelt amongfl them,
which thing they kept iecrete from their
wyues, becauie to; the mofle part they
*fauoured the Joiner-'religion Theetoge
theAramites vpon a ceetayne night ar
m'ed foe the purpole, betet all the wayeo
"andentraunces'iuto the towne and the
houies atio, and flue about ten thoufand
ot the Jewes, commyng hp on them at
hnwares when theywere in their _hedeh
nothyng mitttutkyng any koche matter.
* ' When the Jewes oWiet-uialem hearde
howe the Aramitee had dealt with the
Jewes in they; couutcey 7 todaynly they
putthem felues in armee., und in a futie
- and tage, lyks as it had beit Ilfonsand
-lllzeatee that had lol! their whclyeethey
ranne to Damaico, hurnt they; holdem_ .
put the Damalciaus to the fwoede,man,
' man ano chytde, enen the very ftir."
i. ze i- O Reno
k'gng babes: yea,they3 oxen,lheepe, ca_
mels,and afles,with all other cattel,lea
uyng none algae. And thus they dealt
wich many cities of the hie-fans, fleyng
andltyllyng them, not fpacyng cythec
olde unsung, male 0; female, but de
liming all in molfe cruel! wyte, euen
the beep infantes and futklynges they
haled from they; mothers bzeafies,
and murthered them , inlomuche that
all the whole lande was full of flenehe
ofthedead bodyeethatwece flame, fox
there was no man left to barge the ca.:
hares. Ko the games mafieu all the land
ofthe Aremites, and had deuroyed it,
had not Camus a captayne of the Ro
mance deliuered Bieta and the mummy
m’Zot‘a. The people therefoee departed
whlo frfi Amm, to returue into Iudea,
and in the way they came by Scithopolls
a title ofgairia, entendyng _to belicge it,
fo; it was yet left vntouched, and was
very Wrong. At that tyme 'all'o Feldes
and gramme dwelt together in it. The
Iewes therefoze that mere without, ot
kced peace to the Jewes that dwelt in
j the towne: hut they refm'ed it, ond defi
en them,caylyng at them, and fo; they:
* {rennin
roc ech-cl'. 7U

frendly olker,atquited them with oppeo 'l

betone wordes, and with iniuries alle. ,l
Fo; thoie Jewes that dwelte in the
toeeiayde title with the Aramiteez lo
ued together lylte beetheen, and fox the l

moxe part they were ot the Jleuititall

tribe, (toute mea and hardye. :The heal't i
of the Jewes without the eiiie, iayde
vnto them: We come frrndly- 'onto
you,and woulde ayde you . The other
Jewes within anniwered t We wyll
neyther your ttendfhip nee ayde. The
armye ot the Feines hearyng that, ton l
lented and agreed to tayie they; liege, h

to go to Dieruialrm, and there to re ,cx


mayne. Fo; they had a huge hootie of

golde“ and üluer that they had gotten to By;
gether, of the ipoylts'of Sitia . After |

this, the Hitiane that dwelt in Zelrho i?

polja fayde one to another “t [hut tale the Khon. all "
,Jewes returne agayne and make warte Its "W
vpon ve, lutely' it they“ thouldeio do, the Jlttr' ;
deitructi- ;
_theie Jewee that dwell amongeik vs,
woulde ioyne with them, aud deliutr bp
the _citie into they; handen, and then
woulde they be teuenged hpon ve, ano 4-3
deilroy vs_ ae they hatte done the other
cities of Sitia. Thereioeeäxhey agreefd
/ f.: -“ L' *'
.l ne MUTTI 0c
to iay bnto the Zewrs that inhabited
the eiiie with them: We vnderitaude
' your rountrey men wyll inuade vs a
gainemnd make warte bpon hs 7 wher
to;e depart'ye iooeth of the eitie,- with
your wiuee and chyldzen, and lodge in
the wood nye bnto the titie, tyll they;
armye be gone agayne, and then you
(hall returne vnto bs. The Zewee were
content to tulfill they; myndee, went
l out otthe eiiie, and placed them feines in
the wood. Therewas amongelk them,
a errtayne young man named Zcblmc
011, a good man ot warte, featce, bpygge
made, and very thong withallt he in
tauour of the gentilrs had* flayne many
. ofthe Jewes, and dtftroyed muthe of
the people otEod. Fo; duryng the tinte
that theeree belieged 8c'1th0p0113, he
- - ' iliued out continually, and fhirmithrd
with the hmm-?ok the Jewes, manye
„ ttymre puttyngthem to flight, and ne
_ * fuer woulde _futter them to wal'te the
., k:
towne„ o2 to do any'harme to the inha
Ditauntesthereoi. Nowe ae this Zebj
' 'meon with hie father Haute an houtfl
*olde mamand the rett of the people otthe
thre that dwctt in Zeithopoj'ta, re
' y mayned
the [euer. 7c
mayueo altogether boldly in the woooz -
without miftruttyng any harme: the
Romanes ioyued with the Hirians iu
great number, entred the wood, and
flue the Jewes all that euer they coulde
unde, to the number ot thirteene thon
lande. Zeltlmeon him ['elte with bis fo.
ther and theya familieszhad pitched their
tentes nye hnto a tayre tountayne that
was iu the wood, to whom when they;
enetuyes came to (lea them, and to de
flroye they; whole familiee; chumeon
ranne vpou them with his dsaweu
iwosde,made a great ilanghter ot them,
and ronffrayned them to retire . Wut
when a huge multitude rnuironed hym,
and he pereeaued that all the refl of the*
Jewee were flayne, he with hie honi
holde oulye remaynyng, neyther iawe
he any way to eicape: he (kept vpon a
litle hyll with hie naked [wozde, t'ay- _j
lng: Dearkeu bntomeye Hoirians 2h'
Romanes, and ye that dwell in 8c -
tlwpohz, J wyll ipeake vuto you a tewe
woedes tull ot lamentation and iozowe.
Nowe J. perreaue that iuoly, and not
without a tante ye malte. waere agayntt
tue, without any tauour oe eontidera
Kin' tum
- kk,
'l'be 'eat-tea of'
tton'tvat J] h'aue deliueted yon from the
hoaftes of the Jeweo, and neuer kaffe
' red them to do any ditpleawre to you,
youc wyueo and cvyldeen, noz to“ you!
citie, as they dad done to other cities 'of
Sitia . Fo; J am be that fox yon.: takes
baue warred agaynlt my countrey men,
to pleafe you withau: yea,both they;
blood and myne owne, baue J pledged
vnto you, and baue kept inuiolated the
loue oftktauogets, l1atyng myne owne
people, of wbom, fo; youc, pleafuces 'J
baue flayne ofte both the fathecs and
.the cvyldeen, and nowe you tenqex
cuyll fo; tve good that J baue done _vu- »
to you. But in deede (God of bis i ' e
tudgement bach ttirted you bp to ,
warde mein this [oztz to muctbec me
that baue ("o okte peel'ecued you . News
therefoxe ye (hall beace me wy'tnetfe,
that J (hall tafficientlye and (hacyely
inougl) take vengeaunce of my fette, not
without tage and furie mofle (euerly,
'_ becaufeFvaue nayne my felowes and
freudes, J toyll therefoee lykewyfe "lea
my fette, to be auenged of my fette, fo: ,
my beotbece blood that J baue" fixed, and
[o [hall I be teuenged of they; abtäod. »
' . ,nd
the Leo-ee. 7).'
And ye thall well petteaue me to be ot
that hardyuetke and coutage,that rather
then yelhoulde (lea me, and after boah*:
and blagge howe ye haue killed Zchimc
011, J wyll heteeue my l'elte ot my lyte,
aud punyihe the theddyng of my beo
there blood none otherwifenhen the law
yunylheth a *murtheeer and a mauquel
ler. When he had ipoken this, hie eyes
were filled with blood,and hie face with
tage, and io intlamed with turie,laying
apart allpitie, ranue and caught holoe
oihie tathec,haled hym out of the wood,
ahd hue hym. Then ("tue he his mother,.
lell the ihoulde entreato hym tot the chil
dten, and hc- ioey fox theye takes. Meat
done, hie wyte came runnyng of her
owne accoede,and held hei: neche downe
fo the iwoede, left the flzoulde he con
Wayned to tee her chyldeen dye. Zeta,
8clilmeol13 chyldeen came aud oXered
them ieluee to be ilayue, left'they lhould
lee'the death ot theyz father, o3 tem ayne
after hym to be delyuered to the ene
mies. Atterthie he l'lue all his whole
familie, that not one of hie - fhoulde
tomeiuto the handee of they; enemyee.
Finale , hs sathered their--bodYes
*- ' hz. iih' F.» code
- ..7 "Klq'qx-_

togethct into one place, lyke a baltaunt

„We“ (toute wart-tout, and then boldly goared
wo? bim felfe vpon bis owne fwo;de,left any
WZ/ man eis thoulde impate 'vie lttength,
, 77.27?? o; bantvat ve bad kylled hym. All
MW* this d'cl11meot1 dyd with a great cou
' _ , tage, to 'fake punylhment of vym l'elfe,
7N-- “ became he had velkowed bisloue rather
W vpon fltamtgers, then vpon bis owne
F >7- » people,at1d to declare bis koste and man
.M vood. Do be dyed an abhominable
„.4- and deteftable death, faue onlye it was
4- an acgumente of *his baute mynde.
W' K and great courage, ae it is cayde be
NNZ tote. ' . _
'- »' lx( Owe when the Jewes badtvus re
- belled agaynfl tbe Kontaktes, and_
flayne they; fouldiouts and eaptaynes;
kyng ZZrzppaz went to Rome, and re
. “counted vnto Aero Exlär the Empe
rouc of ,Renmall that was vappened.
ercvpon Mero (ent captayne Cäfl'tuä
(that was at that time in Bicta,and bad
made warte vpon the kyng of Perfia,
had banquit'hed hym and all bis pow
er, and fubdued vfsdominions to the
Romanes) and witb*bym a puükaunt
atmye of .Romane-z commaundyng
742-3... -*
*.»q a..
- * * dent
the lcwcse - 7;
hym fo go into Iudcatn offer peace hum
the people',to comfozt them_,and to *being
them agayne into league with the Ro
ments if it myght be'e. Camus therfoge
toke his iontney towarde ludca, whom
Agrippas met in the mama!) tnfozmeu
hym what harms happened vnto hym of
the Jewes : howe ve had Weed them
peace, und they would none of it , howe
alto they had bucht his palaice and tac-. ,
ken it . Caftius hearing that, was. very_
glad that he had gotten (uch an octofion
to teuenge the blood ok thefuomanee
and Sitia-ts which the lenses had then.
Whetefoee he leuyed a mightie acmye,
andeame to Ccfarea . And whecfoeuec'
he might elpie the goodlielk hm'luingeaas,v
thofe cauled he to bee but-nt; From
theme wente he to the title lapho ,
which he heueged both by land and bye
water, and at length wan it's where ve
flue in the flceates eyght .thoutande
ond toute hundeeth men . * After that he.
came to Iadcs, where he fsz beent all
the countrey about it z and whomfoe
ner he caught without the towne z he
fine them. Wut the citizins o1- Zippori
went ont to meete Taft-mzand beton!)th
e ‘ _ -'” ' . M
'1'116 d'art-ez ot'
him orpearerwhom he (pat-ed, came not
nye theyt towne z not llewe anye that
dwelt in they; countrey. The leoicious
Jewee that were in the eitie otlexmj,
hearyng ot Caltiua rommyngMedde vn
to the mountaineeWut in the way they
lighted vppon parte oi (fettige armie.
wheroithey line. e. C. men,and worin
ded theye captayne Ulaphira . yeet at
length the iedieioue were put to flight, e
many of them (Klauke-3 with his hotte
men purl'ued,ouerthle,we,and deltroyedt
the reft tledde to the mountaynes . '
Then Clephim eaptayne of (aftth ar
mye ,went to Eck-.tea that watt inb
dued to the Romanes ,there to eure his
woundes that the Jewes hadde genen
hung-rom thence went he to Qui-.Putz
whiche aa he woulde h aue allaulted, he
pereeaued it to be furnilhed with a great
power otthe Jewee t iedieious , Their.
hearing that Taifun all'o was comming,
they went purpko to feght with him:
but pereeauyng that Caitiue power was
very great , they determined to eneoun
ter with htm in the playne ot61he0n,
Fo.miles from hieruialem. Whervpon
_the Newer! with they; eompanyeetay
"* “' ned
the letter. '74,'
ned theml'eluee to fle'e , to thiutent they
might ltale the Romanes after them.
And within. bi. dayes they came to (h.
hcon , and there relted . (Zilina purl'ued
after with his whole hoaügyll he came
to 6'1an , whirhe he belteged and a1'
iaulted ali'o . Jt chauuted then vppon
one oi the Habbothes in the moxuyug
watch,the Jewes(armed at all poyntee)
illued out of the towne to gene their e
nemies a Cumliaclo . Bo after they had
geuen a token .ot warte , they marched
towarde the hoaft of Calling , whereor
they llewe. t 1 t . hoeiemeu, and fotemen
e7.thoutand,with the lolte of ouely . 7.2.
ot their owne eompanye . Jiu that bat
tayle dyd well appeare the valiauntneife
ot Wugbas a captayue of the Jewee ar
tnye . One [Zaucüur alio played tbe man
at the fame tyme t tee at the commaun
dement of hie-tier the p3iett,rhietotthe*
tedicioue , be tet the iirit tote within the
Romanee rampe. Then began the Je
wiflze wart-tours to bee famous, after
they had once to manfullye- encountred
with theuomaueeWhis done,()all'1u3 y
,ößrjpyaa (ent they; emballndoure yet
WW agayn to Dierutalem
* 7*. i' ' iq Zlcaiur the
tonne ot Anani the zielt,chieke of the
rebels that were in udca and Bierma
lem , teqm'cyng eace, aud to come in
league with Elca Wise-T the people of
the Zewes thoulde bee vttecly deltcoyed
by the Momauesincucfions and tuna,
fionson euery cydeusot Eleafar tetuied
to heave the legates , and flue one of
* them, becauie he made to many woedes
in periwadyng the peace und league.
Uponthis, Eleafar ailembled the pm
fies and people together to go out and
fyght with Caflius. Caflius peteeauyng
howe hleafar and the people were affec
ted , and what myndee they were-of,
home they had vtterly conipyeed te de
fiter the Romance that were there,
and to coniume them deans , hauyng a
fufficient tryall alle of the feet: and va
liauntneike of the rebels: he detecmyned
fully to go to Rome,foz he pereeaued
be was not able to matche with the fe
qn..._,* mittens e neytvec hie owne power to be't
eompaced with. their.. Whecefoeehe
woulde go fe'e what ende wouloe come
ottth wartet-..and what mantel Exter
maieitie woulde gene . Mkyng hie
tourney tbmzteze to the citie Iapho , be
~ found'
* the [cwcs.
founde there, letters of the Komet-tes,
fo; *lbythec wax they; armye come .
“From theme went he with them and'
his own hoafl to Rome, and made rela
tion *onto (2171.1- ot l'uth thinges as had
chatmced him : lnherat Nero was won
beefng abathetmnn not only he,bnt all mum—4:71;

the people of Rome were [oee at'tonyed

to heart of the great puia'ance and vali
auntnes of the Zeh-ee. Fee the whiche
mute the wat-res ceafcd fox that here, to '
that the land of Iudca was-at great rel}
and quietneS that yete that:th Heafars
means the head tebell,fpectally from the
hands of wicked Caltju8,thatbad (wem
to tcuenge the Romance, and to quite
the Je_th t and that he would listing
all the Jewes.that none thouer be left
alyue. Thectose there are tth that oe
;liuctcd ztracl in the tyme of the "ecoude
temple,nut of the handes of they; ene
mics, what tyme as warch were mo
ued agaynu the Jewee and they; -cotm
trey : what tag me all'o cemmotions and
*tumultes ,began in gtratl. The wette
- bufinefic was made by A ntiochus the
mm king “Macedonia t who hat;
'determined , not to leans one man ,m
~ altgtl.
.l [lc Malle) U'.

:l _ Jlrael . Die milcheuoufnel'fe peeceeded

lo karte,that he flewe of the people of'
'Godnhe Sitges and wife memxexlnces,
Elder-Bond young men z childeen great
. , and [mall, Jlraelitcs , Leuites allo,and
. peicflcs: vntyll all the chiefe men otlu
.Ü Wä- catttheyeheades together and went
FETT-“Jo MLatcxltlnaß kenne ot locbnntm the bye
j'j -» . Fs pzielk in the mounte of Wocljjth , where
7*?" x- be hyd hymlelf fo; the iniquftie of Rotl
-WW- 0c]1u8 and his rulets,ctying vppon htm,
Y t“ Z and laying t Delynec at this (eaten
Z' 4 Q('- the people
thynke of thethyMoede
to ettape (elle ,, whylee
8nd neuer
mol! wycked enemy raungeth thus and
runneth vpon the people , and theadeth
-.thy blood . Fo; the blood of all Jfrael
l what is it hut thy blood , and the eyes
ot euery man are fixed vpon the'e,hoping
that thou (houldett ama and. ayde them
Z1 in this talamltie , that they meye fynde
l deliueraunce by thh meanceh/laccachjax
heacyng this ,wcpt bitterle and layde
vnto them: Feat-e ye not , no; letthel'e
_Wacecicmlnm dykmay yomthe ?WW that
fight fo; yet-,be ye onelye quietHo then
was Waccachmztfirred_ z and delyueeed
Jlrael ont of the hemdee What-NOW,
- and
' W" tnc ICWCS.

-and after he had oueccomed hym , he

..was hye pxielke ko; one yere,and then
'died . 3m whole roume fclcceaded Iudas
his fonneflnhe er'ecuted the ofkyce in the
temple. 6. yetes, and was flayne in bat
tayle . Then his {nether Iochanan was
chieke in the temple. s. yet-es, and dycd S , [W
llkewil'e in battayle.e1*techimhis m M
they Schumon was ruler. xvlii . yet-es, A we
whom Ptcilomz his wyues father poy- 5A4 t
toner at a banker. Then Ioch'anan bis 1'
kenne l'ucceeded his father in thoXice, ‘ -
that ls he that was named Hircanus,
fpgfie of that name fo called, becaufe he
vanqm'fhed akyng of that name called
klima-1113: he raigned.e1.yeres,and been.
aftermarpes raigned Ariflobulus one
yere, he was called the great kyng, be
taufe he fwfi Put the royall ccowne bp
pen his head , and tout-ned the digm'tie
of the bye peieffhood into a kyngdome,
tmhallowyng and fkaym'ng the holy-1e
tvecof . 4- 8 0 . yeces and. iii . monethea
after the retournyng oc Zfracl from
. Babylon . Ve beyng dead, his bzothec
Alexander raigned . Whither” . After
whole death Alexandra his wyfe held.
the kyngdome. (Heere-?81151 eyed. 3m
'khe erat-tea 0t
' - 'whole (teede iucceeded her ionne .Milto
. huluzmnd raygned thee'e yerea. In hie
tpme Vompcia Romayn captain, came
'agaynfl Dieruialem, wan it and appre
hended -urtiwhuluz, bounde hym -in
_ “'
.- ironszand caryed hym captiue to' Rome:
*Ju whole place he osdeyned [*ljrcanue
his beother to iucreiede,who taigned.4.0.
yereo . Ourynghie raigne , rebelled »
M. y ZntlZonquonnc ofthr'tllohulua , l-l'tta
„er (anita brother,a_nd with the ayde of an
armye of the perfiana en'countred ' with
H7. 7M; 'UtrcanuWoke hym peiioner, t [ent hym
.y *to hahylon, cuttyng oihio eat-es, that he
h_ TNF.» would neuer after be'e me'ete,eyther fox
*Na „zäh-,htm pzieflhodm; tot the hyngdoine.511t1
-Zonueraigned. z. yeres. Znhis dayes
'Derode tled,and ioyned himielfe with
,Z„17-er :the Romance , by whole helpe he one ,
*untimer chez. yere oi his raigne, and
-n-»x---*.. 'raigned afterhim. Z7. yeres, and then :
dyed.Aitrr Deredehucteded in the king- '
jdome, Mrcliclauzhis ionne i who was
.3.-.-..*-„*a; 'taken hy the Romance "the, ir. yere
**othisraigne,layde in vonder-,and ent
ded his lyte at RomeNe-rt to him raig
_*lted Sntiyatcr bis mother , who chaun. h
"Led *his namen' called h-imielte therede,
" he
_ »4 the [Wave. 77 , M
heeafgnyng fully ten Yeree, ouercame »HL/?ÜF C
and watksd SpayneMecame the king of ' '5
Hpayne bad ram'lhed and taken away k
his bsothets wyfe,and there dyed. “ Aktec 47'?i-.:Üf.jlä:.>»
hym folofoed .4.3"pr [ohne of Krä
(tobuw: that was he's bzothets fommhe .
raigned thgee and twentie yeres . Aftec
whole death , his forme Merppäs ratg
ned twenti'e yeces. :This is that NRZ-kp.
e paeofwhom we nowe fpeake of, aud of 7.?:3;-

theealamitie that beten in hie tyme - hp

pon Mae', Fox all the whyle thtzt he
ralgned, the wart-es betweene the Ro
manes_ and Jl'cael neuer cealtedFvntyll
the people of (11cch were led captiue tn
to tbepzoom'te. of the Romance, what
tyme alt'o the temple was delt-late. J
meane the defolation ofthe [econde tem- i
ple, whicbe wefawe with our eyes bml- - '* * “
ded and deflro'yed. . . --l e- *
Ve .17. yete of the eatgne of- ky-ng
. NZr-ppax, thfninth dayof the fiftb
moneth that 1K called SF. Mero (2(31- [1x17,
(entapeefent fozbuchtotfecyngee to be ' :7...: x
oficed in the temple at Hierufalem, res C54.;
quicmg peace oftbe eldere and tages of: »“
1ucleaaz1d Viecufalem , and that they
wouldeteceane hym into league wich
Zi . . By "JN".
~ - I 1 he warrcs 0c
w ar them, raving: My requelt is that you
would offer my parent to the iLozu your
_7, God., To; hisferuice and religion lyketh
uke very wel,l'o that 3| deckte you to ioyue
in league with me, acroedyug as you
haue done with themperouts of Rome,
my pZedecefiouts lu tyme pafle. 31 baue
heard what Cafi'mstbe captaiue of mine
*armye hath done bnto you, which: dif
plcafethme'out of meature . Wham:
J alkure vnto you a faythfull league, by
"A4x. the content aud touucell of the Senate
ottaome, that hereafter there [hall ne
uer Roma-ttetaptayne [mm hunde no;
forte againfl you: but rather your head.,
x'*5~.. .
rulecs,and judge-Mulde all Jewel-,and
ofhzierufalem.38ea,tl gri-ppasgourking
(halbe loan: of all your tu' ers, and what
he eommaundeth,.ye (hall do lt. : the Ro
mama mallnnlgehz called .your Imus,
and haue no more to do with you. _Bo
when that: lcgates came tolBiaruralm,
they, went and v(pals: with Anani the
pziclk, iufourmtd hym of Nerocs myude,
and fhewrd hym' bis prefcut, placyng it *
afoxe bum. The parent was this, a bull
foea burnt during, with a great mum:
otgolde _vyeuhis head, his home-.alle
. a . ;- N LKW
che jet-Fee. 76 -
were covered with gold 2 bpon him was
a cloth of purple powdzedwith peecious
itones, there weht- certayne 'afoee -hym
thatcaryed ten talentes ofgold,behynde
folowed very many (heepe fox peace oh
fct'nges. When L1cafet »Auctmex ['onne
hearde thcrofme came and taff ont of the
tempte of the Ati-.311e Act() (Uhr pee
fentesz faying: we wyll not peoyhane
and vnhallowe the famtuarfe ofouc loed
with the .offerinch of fttaungecs. Fo;
our Lost-e Ood wytl accept nothec they.»
burnt offetmges, no; their peace otke
.cinges.When he had ['o layd7he founded
,a tcumpet,fet hie me in aray agaiufk the
hoafl of the Koma-tes that kept -watche
and ward in the chie ofLViecnfalemN-nd
oewc many ofthcm that day, with one
efthey; captainee alto,and another they
toke alyue. The beynga valiaunt man,
.-[eyng the comes-of the Jewee to vtge
bim grenouny,fayd bnto theme raue my
life, ano J wyu yelde me. Unto when.
Meat-1c the rebelll'ware, that he woulde,
. not (lea him, but fpace him fo; bis mam
bood, (fo; he had (lay-te verymany 'of
.the Jewes afoee) whccehpon hey-wet.
hym fette. Then Llcalat layd vnto him 7
t L (j *Wee
"l'he 'sl-tet of
. ..__.u-
like as thy iwoede hath made many-wo
men chyldleike, io (hall thy mother be
made chyldleike of thee aboue all other,
and thetewith contraty to his othe, he
commaundrd his ieruaunt to kyll hym.
Kyng xXx-,tl [dpa ieyng Wilkwas wonder.
tui ioey. Thettoze as he flode in one oth
" *4. . ureateszhe cryed: O thou revell [Ile-far,
J peay God that this miicbiete whereot
thou art cenie, and thy actes, may lyght
' .-*,.x. .
vpon thee and tvy fathers houie *. which
when it tomceto palfe, we wall neuer
bewayle nde be dihnayed at . Jt appea
roth,they (hell haue tomwhat to ds'ztbäf'
ikudye to malte peace and tranqnilitie tn
thy dayes, fox they are fare to be detkroy
ed with thee . Zlxeowe long wylt chou'
tontinue to beyng vs into the where,
thou enemye an' hater ok the Roede
Whydoeit thondefltoy and waffe the
vineyarde otthe Logde God ot hoaflees
Zleal'ar auniwered bym: what, takeft
thou vpon thee the name of a kyng s il' i
thou'be a kyng, why commaundeit then
not vs to be punyihed . Where be tvy
valeatmt iouldiours s let irez“ rente-then
and they together and chatten'me, that
tt may be ttyedwhether_ thou- be a kei-s
,: - 'I _4W n
[UE 16'68. 77

, in dude emo. Thon flandeft a loote of,

and when chou tpeakelt, thy feete ace re
*dye -to tun-1e away, lyke.-as though a
dogge Mulde-.tet bym l'elfe agaynt't .an
armed man and barke at hym,bleatyng
outhlsttotmge . With this he winkcd
'xp-n .the redete his tomplites, to runne
dpon-QF-jppax, and take hym whylee
be heldexhym iu-talke. But that was
peteeauedqtone of Rijppax (ecuaun
W.„whom [Je-bad ,2817deth tot the
,lame putpofe totfande. ouetzagainft htm
a. We Mbe myghttto marke and el'pye
tf-therebeuee- (hot-[de make any [toute
[wm-and to-lethym haue knowe
[edge-,718e tdetemetaying hts- hande
.Lyon hishead, gaue,a figne to-the kyng
to Wayingt .Away,away,toz if thou
taty tuner- fo.|jtle-, the fedttious wyll
'lea theeand ve together. That MM
»päz pecoeaning,he gate htm thence with
allthe "peede 'he myght, and the rebels
.put-[ned .1112111, but in vayne, fo; they
-conloe not ouectake hym. Bo he gate to
*kybo a towne bildet the .Romane-3,
:where ve was .in fanegarde. From
.then-:e be fled to Rome, and declaced to
the Empetouc Neu-z the mtfchiete that
t - L ixj hetetl
.L-._.-. q .l ['16 "JU-'EI or '

befrll atthieruialetn,' and all that redet-"7' "

one Lleal'ar had done to bis during: 'ate' “
l'o howe hie commaundement tok'e nd",
plate. Wherfoee Blei-0 ioyned'bnto htm?
agayne (amor, with ahnt*
wherewith they both en'tr'ed- lncle'a', and x
wanne many walled towneo, amongelt
whiehe,they rated [39110. Fo: the Roi '
manes perceauyng the “power of the
rebelles to encreaie, were atrayde 'eit ;
they lhoulde get lt -into-t-heyt handen, -
wherby it myght be anoyaun'ee in tyme j
to come to the Romance: ehi'etely teyng
it was a notablehauenioetheye thippee . '
to arriue at in luclea'. 'Alter thisz both
Ngrippaz and Cahtuzledde theye armye
towardee Vieruialem, to waere' vp'on
. the rebele, andbtterlyto dettroy them'. »
Lleatar and other ptielkes with .drache
people hearyng that, they -illued out- a'
gaynit them, and foundethe'rn entam
ped in the ways betwetneähierutalem
and 1379110. that after theyhadxioyned '
they: battayle, many di thdxewea were
t'layne- hy the Kontaktes: the reiidue
Caitlin and ZKF-hayat put-:to *flightz-anv '
purlued the rhaie vnto *the'gatee otVie
ruialemz. betteged-alio' the 'eiiie foaöthe 7 x
Z K. - '- (MW
ll)- ICF-c8.
. 7
hate of tbsee dayee. The koutth day
the peieues and the people ilktted »out to
daynely, vnwaces to the Romance, [et
bpon they; campe, and flewe fine chou-
lande footemen,and one thontand vone
men. Cafljusfeyngthat neythet he noe
bie coulde well eftape,he chofe ont kom*
tiethoufande of his beu fouloiets., and
placed them betwirt hie campe and the
punkte, tommaundyng them to (tende
all the nyght foundyng theie ttumpjete,
and making okfyeeszthat he and Üthp.
ya: 'mkght et'eape, and thottheywoutde
not remoueont of they;- place, tyll the
moeowe. TheJewes hearheningto-the
found of the trumpetez-and mnfing what
itthouloe meane, purkued not the Ro(
manee. Butpetteauing in the moening
that they wece'departed towatde CW.
tca, thtee dayee ionrney of, Meat'atwjth'
the people folowed, and in .the waye
fonnde theye- baggage ttcawed, that'the
Romaneebad tea from them to runne
the lyghtlyet, and efcape the eaffliec,
whiche they let lye, and puelued them to
the gates of Ccfarca. 15m Cafijue -and- '
agrjppae gate fatewithin the towne, e
frö thente wm! both togethecto Rome,
'_„j' 7'" zeitu- .Were
'l'bc tem-tee ok*
him otpeacecwhom he [pat-ed, came not
nye they: towne , not üewe anye that
dwelt in they; countrey. The fedicious
Jewes that were in the citie oijypotj,
heatyng ot Ca (tms tommyng,fledde vn
to the mountainesWut in the way they
lighted vppon parte of Caitjue armie, txt-(*4;_
whetotthey fine. 7.. C. men,and wenn
ded theye captayne Slepb'tra , Yet af
length the iedicious wete put to flight, t -
many otthem Ülapb-jta with bis hotte
men purinedwuertheewßand defiroyed:
the fett tledde te the mountaynes . *
Then (Zweier-1 taptayne ot (3(th ar
mye , went to TeNo-ca that was tub
dned to the Romane-z ,there to cute his
woundes that the Jewes hadde genen
himß'trom thence went he to >11t'1p'1tc,
whiche as he woulde haue altanlted, be
perceaued it to be furnithed with a great
power otthe Jewes e tedicious . Theke
hearing that Cait'mz all'o was comming,
they went putpofly to, fyght with him:
but perceauyng that Catth power was
vecy great , they determined to entoun
tec wtth hym in the playne otC-heon,
Fonniies tcom Vierutaiem. Wheevpon
theztewee_ with theyz companhesFW ,
"' *“ ned
- the jenes. 74.'
ned themkelues to flo'e , to thtnte'nt they
might (tale the Romane.- after them.
And within. vi. dayes they came to (Zi.
hcon , and there refled . Cält'lue puriued
after with bis whole hoaft,tyll he came
to 81hc011 , whiche he befieged and at
l'aulted alfa . Jr chaunced then vppon
one of the Babbothes in the moznyng
watch,the Jewes(armed at all poyntes)
il'fued ont otthe towneto gene their e
*' e. . nemies a Cemtieclo . Ho after they had
genen a token .ot warte ,they marched
towarde the hoaft of Calt'tus z whereot
' they llewe. t1?, hoefemen, and fotemen
e7.thoufand,with the [olle of onely . 2,2.
of their owne eompanye . Im that hat
tayle dyd well appeare the valiauntnelke
of Wughez a captayne of the Jiewes ar
mye . One hauajuz all'o played the man
at the fame tyme c fo; at the commaun
dement ot Lleafat the p:iefl,chiefof the
fedicioue , he [et the firfl tote within the
Romanes campe. :Then began the Je
wuhe wart-fonts to hoe tamous,afcec
thEY had once [o manfullye* enconntced
wich theRomanes.This done,()a('tju3 E
öZt-Ippaa [ent they; embacfadoure yet
ente agayn to Dietmaiem to hlcacecxrktkh:
jx, *o
tonne or Anani the mit, ehtete of the -
rebels that were in udea and Dietma
lem , reqm'cyng ease, aud to come in
league with Elea ar,leall the people of
the Jewes thoulde he'e vttecly defltoyed
by the :Romanesfncurüons ano imm
fionson euer)? (911mm: [Auw tefuted
to heave the legates , and flue one of .
* them, herauf: he made to many woedes
in permeaban the peace and league.
Upon this, Eleofar attembleh the peie
(tee and people together to go out and
fyght with Caflcius. Cafl'ius perceauyng
home [Leaer and the people wece affec
ted , und what myndee they were of,
bowe they had vtterly confpyeed to de
[trope the Romaneo that were there, ‘
and to conwme them dem: ‚ hauyng a
fattt'tt'ent ttyall alto ol' the kette and va
liauntneu'e of the rebels: he detecmyned
fully to go to Rome , fox he perceaned
he was not able to matche wich the fe
ditious ‚ neythec hi. owne power to bee
compared withtheics. Whetetoee he
woulde go toe what ende thoulue come
otthis watces,ano what sounle Exec-m
malefkie woulde gene . Mkyng bio
journey thecefoee to the am Iaphß ‚ be
. - founde
the laws. 7§
founde there, letters ot the Romsnes,
tee 'thythet was they; atmye come .
*From theme went he with them and'
his own heat! to Rome, and made rela
tion Unto (Ax-,rot tuch thtnges as had
chamtced him : whetat Nero was won
nettng abathemnn net only he,bnt all
the people ol .Rome were tote alkonyed
to heart of the great poitl'ance and vali
ectmtnes ot the Feines. Fo; the whiche_
taufe the wart-ee (eaten to; that pert, "o '
that the land ot Iudca tnasut great mt
and quietnes that yere thtough Heafars
means the head tebell,l*pecfally from the
' hands of wicked Caltius,th8! had "wem
to teuengethe Rente-nes, and to quite
the Jewest and that he would deflroy
all the Zewemhat none [heuer be left
alyue. fithetfoge there are tth that oe
(liueted J1"rael in the that: of the "ecoude
temple,out of the handes of they; ene.
'mies, what tyme as marten were mo
,ued agayntl the Jewee and they: {new
treyt whattcme alle cemmotionsend
-tumultes beganin gnarl. The tyxfl.
*bufinetlo was made by Antiochus the
wi>ed king nfMaccdonia : who had
*determined , not to leeqe one man. ,tu
- - Ile-Zn.
.l 11c "Ill cd U'.

Jirael . this miicheuouinelte pteteeded

lo iarre z that he tlewe of the people ot
God,the Hager. and wiie menäheincesz
Where-,and young men , childeen great
and imall, zlraelites , Ileuitee alio,and
pziefleet vntyll all the rhieie men otlu
(Al;- catt theye headee together and went
ÄGJFÄFMW Watcatlnaa kenne of l0cbannt1 the hye
:7 . 7:' .peiell in the mounte of moaach , where
be hyd hymielt too the iniquitie of Zott
9S 0(11118 and hie rulereurying vppon him, ke. -7r
t* Z and iaying_ 2 Oelyuec at this ieaion
“WF- the people 'oi the Iloede , and neuer
"'74 thynke to eicape thy [elle , whyles the
molt wycked enemy raungeth thus and
runneth vpon thy people , aud theadeth
-:thy blood. Foetheblood oi all Jiracl
what ioitbut thy blood, and the eyes -
of euery man are firedvpon the'e,hoping
that thou thouldeft allih and. ayde them
in this calamitie , that they maye iynde
deliuerauuce by thy meanceQ/lattathjaz
hearyng this ,wept bitterly, and iayde
vnto them t Feare ye not , not let theie
_Wacecloniane dyimay pointhe Loeb l'hal
fight to; you,be ye onelye quietHo then
was Matratth flirred , and delyuered
Jirael out of the handts okönt'iocbur,
. and 1c "cm

and after he had ouertomed hym , he *

..was bee peietke to; one yermmd then
died. Im whote roume l'ucceaded [uch-8
bis tonne,who er'etuted the ofiyce in the
temple. 6. yeres, and was fiayne in bat
,tayle . Then his beother [ocbauan was
thiel'e in the temple . 8 . yrres, and dycd
lihewite in battayle, After him hie beo (Z “7'4
ther Ich-memt was ruler . rvtii . yeree, n 4774M?)

whom Nto'lomte his wyuee father poy (ÜF/?'

foned at a banket. Then lochcmen bis
forme lucceeded his father tnthotfice,
that fs he that was named Ujrcanue,
fyxlte of that name lo called, bet-ante he
vanquifhed akyng ot' that name called
Aha-mus: he ratgned.7.1.yeres,and dyed.
_Atterwarpes raigned Urtltobnjut one
- yere,hewas called the great kyng, be
caule he tytft put the royall trowne bp
pon hfs head , and tourned the dignitie
of the bye peieflhood into a kyngdome,
vnhallowyng and ttaym'ng the holy-tee
therot . 4. 8 0 . yeces and. iii . monetbee
after the retoutnyng ot Zttacl from
l Babylon . the beyng dead, hie bzothee
»Alexana-:r raigned . erbityeree . After
whote death ölcxuncjtn his wyfe hrlde
the' kyngdome. tx. yertezane eyed. In
* whote
.1. ...- " ...1. ».7 q.

- whoi'e (teede iucceeded het i'onne Drift()

l - bu1u3,and taygned thte'e yet-es. Jin his
i . _ tytne Kompeja Romayn captain, came
z *agaynfi Dierhtaiem, wan it and appxe
i , hended *>t'1fl0b111ua, bounde htm in
x iconsZand caryed hym captiue to Rome:
*In whoie place he oneyneo L-l'itcanuz
'his beother to i'ucceede,who taigned.4.0.
yet-es . Durynghis taigne , rebelled -
MDF* _, :Znttßonuazl'onne of/Rt'tf'tohuina , l-l'tt
-. (411113 b;othet:and with the ayde ot an
N atmye ofthe petüam encountted with
Ö4 *'L-l'trcauuegoke hym peiionec, f [ent dem
W .7 »td Lodz-1011, cuttyng of hie eat-es, that he
[xx-.4 Fxthould neuer aktec be'e me'ete,eythet tot .'
_te 7„zZ-Z*>.;,the p3ieflhod,o; fox the kyngdomeNut'y , '
QM.; _AW-Zonuetaigned. z. yetee. Znhie dayes
NZ “7Wi :theRomanes
Decode fied, and
, byioyned
helpe hewith
x ?Zn-c't 3011113 chez. ycte ot his raigne, and
; 'fraigncd after him. Z7. yetes, and then
. , Foyed, After Veteoe,fncceded in the king
-dome, Mehclauehis ionne t who was
'taken _by the Romance the. it. yete
**othisraigne,layde _in bondee,and en- e
ded hielyte at ,RenteNett to him raig- .
hted Zocjpater his btotheit , 'who chann
Lged -bis nameza' called himielfe there?,
.h , e
_ __ 7 the lei-tee, 7g '
hei-afgnyng fully ten heree, ouetcame »YZ-„Z
and waüed Spayne,becauie the hing of '
Hpayne had ranifhed and taken away
bis' bsothers wyfe,and there dyed.' Aftec
dem tolowed *ASt-typen, ionne of an
[tat-nine that was his bzothets konnehe 4
raigned thzee and twentie yeres . Akte.:
whofe death , his (anne Mijppa'? ratg
ned twenti'e yeree. This is that .QZ-ix)
, pa; ofwhom we nowe ipeake tif, and ot
theealamitie that betell in hie tymc hp
pon chaei. Fo; all the whyie that he
caigned, the wat-tee betweene the Ro
manes_ and Jirael neuer reau'ed, - dntyll
the people oflmica were led captiue in
to thepeouitfce ot the Romance, what
tyme atio the temple was det'olate. J
meant the deiolation ok the fetonde tem
ple, whiche we iawe with our eyes buil
ded and deflro'yed. * - '
ihm-r. yere ot the raigne of kyng
- KSt-Mae, theninth day of the fiffb'
'moneth that is- called ZF. diet-o (ech-ir [ale.
fentaptefenttotbncntottetynges to be L "- p
offred in the temyle at Dieruiaiem, re-x j'
quiting peace ofthe elders and tages of: 0*
Lucie-t, and Dierufalem, and' that they
woulde teceane hym into league wird
*,C 3-. . K. ' them..
' ' 1 [LE 7731768 01:

- qe- thciu, taying: My reun is that you

would offer my peelent to the Load yout
--God, fo; hisieruice and religion lyketh
me very wehfo that J defice you to ioyns
in league with me, accoedyng as you
haue done with themperours of Rome,
my peedecetfonrs m cyme palte. Il haue
heatd what Cäültutbe captaineofmiue
armye hath done vnto you, whiche dif
plcatethmeout of meafute . Whetfoee
g Mute vuto you a iaythfull league, by
the content and 'touncell of the Senate
oWome, tbathereafter there thall ne
uer Romane captayne ftyere hunde no;
fcote agoinü you: hut rather. your hende,
tulets,andiudgeszflzalhe ollJewes,and
watbeloeoe ofallyouc tulets, uudwhat . x
he commaundeth,.ye thall do it. e the _Ro
manen 'hall onlye be called ,your losdes,
und-hatte no moto to do with you. Io
when there legates came toFlhieruiulem,
they went and ,[pake with Qua-11 the
pziefl, infoutmtd hym of Ueroczmynde,
und lhcwcd hem' his peefcnt, placyug it
atote hym. The peefeut wos this,a bull
toea vutnt otkting,1oith a great crowno
okgolde _dy-in his head, his home-.alle
._ . . ': .., were
cltc INFOS. , 76' *
* . were covered. with gold x vpon him was
a cloth otpnrple powdzedwitv peetions
flones, there went- cectayne 'atoee -hym
thateaeyed ten tatentes ofgold,behynde
' 1 folowed very many cheepe foz peace of
fcingee. When hlcafcr *Anantex conne
heacde thcrof,h'e came and caü ont of the ,
_ temple of the Rhede Aero (321711* pxe
. (ente-z* (aying: we whll not peophane
and vnvallowe the famtuarte ofont [ned
with the ,offeringes of ltranngera. Fox
one Made God wytl accept nothec theye
but-nt offermges, nee their peace offe
xjnges.When he had fo fayd,he founded
:.,a trumpet,tet hie me in aray againft the
. :hoaft of the Romance that kept watche
.and ward in the citie ofLViecnfalemNnd
flewe many ofthem that day, with one
eftheye captatnee allo,and another they
, toke atyne. Ve beyng a valiaunt man,
- E feyng the toutes of the Jewes to vrge
bim gteuouny,fayd vnto them; (ane my
. lite, and J wyll yelde me. Unto when.
-Llcatar the rebell (ware, that he would-e, .
.not [tea him, but [pace d'im fo; bis man» ,
,Hood-(fm be bad l'layne bekam-my ot
.be Jewes afoee),wbcrevpon he eye-lden» *
hem leite.. When file-..acer layd vnte him-- .
: ag *121m
'[he 'art-ce ot
like as thy iwozde hath made manywo- ' -
men chyldlell'e , l'o lhall thy mother b'e - '
made chyldlelte of thee aboue all other, -
and therewith contrary to his othe, he >
commaunded hie ieruaunt to kyll hymz - -
Kyng Üerppa ieyng chi-,was wonder
ful [dry. Theriote as he hode in one ot y »
ureatesme ctyedr O thou rebell Llcatarz* -
J peay God that this milthiete whereot
thou“ art tante, and ihy attes, may lyght
bpon thee and thy iathere houl'e t which'
when it comes to patte, we (hall neuer
bewayle not be dlimayed at .- Jt appea
rethzthey (hall hatte tomwhat to earth-at*
fludye to malte peace and tranquilitie in'- -
thy day'ee, fox they are iure to be deltrdy-*
- ed with thee. Howe long wylt thou:
continue to beyng ve into the -bayers,
thou enemye an' hater- ol' the ?loade
Why-doeit thoudeltroy and wal'te the
vineyarde 'otthe ?beide God ot hoalteee* '
Zleaf'ar auutwered hym; what, taketh »
thou- vpon thee the name ot a kynge ti' '
thoubeakyng,whycommanndelt thou -
not vs to he punythed . Where be thy -
valeaunt l'ouldioure s let ieez come-then .
and they together and ehaitrn'tnez- that
tt may be tiyedwhether thou- be a ker-g"
“- ' _ 4 n
the [6768.
-' 77
-Z _ _. tn eeed'e oem.. Thon flandeft aloot'e of,
_and when chou tpealtetk, thy teete atere
4 ,dye -to eunne away, -lykezae. though a
' dogge (wollte-,let hym telte agayntt *an
armed manand ,barke at hym,bleatyng
outhjetotmge. With ,this be winked
Manche redete hie tomplicee, to runne
bpon-Üerppat, and take hym- whylee
he heldehym in-ta'llte. But that was
petceaued-otone ot -Zgrippao (ernann
ttsotwhom he had .zappoynted toe the
_ .tante purpote teflande euer-againtt htm »
. ae nyeaeve_ mygbt, to marke and el'py'e
(Meret-ellen lhoulde make any (toute
hymzand tolethym haue know
.tet-ge.; the theretoee ,laying hie hande
r ,.vpon hieheao, gauea ligne tothe kyng
to fleen'ayingt Away,away,to; it chou
--taty :netter to.litle-, the fedtttous -wyll
-tlea theeand ve together. That NJW.
»pat petoeautng,he gate htm thence with
alt thetpeede -he myght, and the rebels
* :put-fuel) -hym, but tn vayne, to; they
-coulde not ouertake hem. Bo be gate to
»layho a towne bnoec the Romanes,
:where he wae .in tauegarde. From
: thente he fled to Rome, and declared to
the Empecour net-oz the milthiete that
„3.2 _. L in hole!!
'[116 AKKU-"65 ot' '*
befeli attßietuialemz and all that 'teeth-'V '1 Ä
des htc-Far had dene to his dating; 'at-“
[o howe hie commaundement take nd:""7"__-* .|
Witt-feet:htc-roteyaedvntohim- 7 q >
agayne (WW, with t't--huge atmyez- '
wherewith they both' Needle-:lea: and
'wanne many wailed *towneeh amongei'
whiehe,they rated lapho. Fo; the' Roi
manes perceanyng the power of the
tevelles to encteaie, were aktayde keit
they ihoulde
:wherby get itbeinto-them
it myght anoyauneehandes,
in tyme i
to come to the Romance: ehtetely ieyng
it was a notable'hauentoz-theye ihip'pe's _
to active at in ]uclea'.' After this, both
,RF-*typth and Caitmzledde they; atmye
towatdes Viecuialem, to wette' iiyon
. the redete, and'vtterly to deftcoy 'theme
Meat-at* ano» other Mielkes with »mii-'che
people heatyng that, they :itfned out- a'
gayntt them, and tennde them entma
pedin the waye betweene-Yiecuialem
and [Ulf-110. tei-t after they:hatt::i_oyned
theyehattayle, many ot the-Feldes were
[iayne hy the Romane-t the teiidne
Calttne and Ötzi-ipr put ifo flight', MW
puciued the chate vn'to-the'gates of“ tete
cntatemzj bettegedatio* the. 'citie tot-the* -f
tpace '
"'*7"' [el]- 1677:3.

hate ot theee dayes. She tourth day.

the paiefles and the people ilkned *out io
daynely, vnwaresto the Romance, (et
bpon they; campe, and flewe fine thou
iande footemen,and one thouiand hotte
men.- Cetin-3 ieyn'g that n'eyther he noe
his coalde well eitapehe thote ont four
tie thoui'ande of his hett fouldiecs, and
placed them betwirt his campe and the
ptieffee, tommanndyng them to ltande
all the nyght [onndyng theie trumpets,
and making offyteszthat he and W19.
pa: 'in'yght el'cape, and thattheylhoulde_
noteemoueout ot theye plate, tyll the
moeowe. The Jewes heatkeningto the
found ot the trumpets,-and making what
it ihoulde meane, pnriued not the --Ro-f
meines. Wutperceauing in the mot-img
that they were'departed towaede Cem-.
tea, thzee dayee iourney ot, [Lie-1(31- with
the people tolowed, and in the. waye
fonnde theye baggage ttcawed, thatthe
Romanee-had takt from them to runne
the lyghtlyet, and eicape the eaitl'iec,
whithe they let lye, and puriued them to
the gates otCefarqa. tönt Caitqu and
mzzrjypa: gate fatetwithin the towne, e
ftöthente went Wh together-to WW
' e...ä“. 7;“ ' ' * '' * iin_ tphere
.[.llk- "KllDon '

where they detlared vntodlcro the Ent-

perour, -hdwe they fped at Wierufalettt'
Und as they were makyng relation-'ot
this vnto the Emperour, there came
alta a pofie out of Perüa, with ttdtnges
that the kyng ot Perl'ia was reuolted*
from the Romance Mathieu-There
thyngee trouhled the E'mpeeour (oecz to'
tee almolte all fall from bymz that here
totoee hadobayed the Empire *dt* the.
Ro nes. '*;;,*.**,;;:'.y

Tthe came timereturned father.

», Manor, captayue of the' hoafi “that
d)ch had tout into the weft parteszas
66kmanj'c,8rjta"1ne,and Zpa'rne, whithe
lande-the had fubdued and beonght vn
der the (uhiection of WWW htm W120
declared what mil'chiefe the peietfes had _
weoughtto the Romane hoafl in .wol-a,
hdwe they had flayne the .Romanesj
and fo kooeth all the tale au' he had heard
ot SZrlhppa and Calöunkicbe dtfple'a
(ed hatyafian very greatly.“ After' this; ,
txt-2:0 [ent ?Wye-16.111 taptayne, aud his'
forme L'j'tuz, to reuenge the Romanes
hppon the Perüane and Jewes, ge
uyng in commauudemeut to rate they; '
- _ walled
“l'- lb h' q'.
' Ualled towneszto beate downe what
[oeuer they konnde, .without fparyng
; . 'any bodye, eytver men oz women,
*chylde'en o; infantee , [uckyng babes oz
olde folkee., but to tleaall. Ho 7afpa /7/...
(jena: and "kn-18 fette Fozwacde with a
ehofen and picked armye ofehe Ro
mance-,pause the feas and came to >11.
ofthieahefed ont Wall-hey; captaynee, W7on
theä( ot: the petnttpatl and, matt .expert
wacryonrs , of whem -Z-lofcpn :pgng
that *weote this bitte-ey was onez Fehn.: 1. :b 727*
by'tve deuinefauonc ant-not igno;aunt*“*'
h tnteatEe ot armes , nee WWU-tevi :CNN
WQWK.Whye1-etefl,and [Zie
-ferr hisForme . Ta'thele'thzeethey come:
mitted the wholetanantWee-,WWW
it to them hy 'Qatar-game Waren-fue
nitnee of-w'arce. One-third“ parte ther
foee(which-wa1 where Galilankcom-ths'
lande-.or dlcphtat't »and -beyonde) tell-td
[czth .hepeieuez kenne -ot .Sono-15k'
bis honoucamx - gloeee tz whom fee 11i.:
weethyneäe they named7alt'o [aux-holte" '
beWhe*“-wW thenannoynt'ed z ap
"dy-Wdsz 'confeeratedto »the wartes
The feeonde lot came rovech by *the
> ,K- L lub-che
x ..ld-i" Mc'.on*

which tellvnto' Qua-ni they-,bye pxteä w

eiiie othaierulalem., and-the eountrey
about it, witha ehargeto ,repaire the ,
walten ol' the citie, to iufteyne the kennt:: *
of hath-tum it hethoulde come l'o karte.
The third lot fellto hleafar. the l'onne ot
Qnan'ttbe peiett, to. whom waaioyned
eaptaine lchoteua,.and other lem-tho
raptaynes . thy the vertue ot thia letter'
fell to them thewhole :lande of -:lch0m,
froin L13: x vnto .the red "taz *Ehe reite:
ok the: lande from [erlebt-ita Luplxmtezz
- with that alle thatie» beyond .the-einer,
'nd all ,the lande of Wetopotamla ,-:tell
to captaynexhleaatthcelotte.: Weather
zertneee- alte; allem-:a5 andren-he, *Loan
thtelt ysieiieaa they .-roinmttted erbeten.;
eed titles ,- WWKWZ WWW'WW bonn-
dee of WmexWh (Egypt-..han
[jan. taltyng hie-touruey .witbhie healt
rrom- antwchta z eame bis
teures in MathML-Wo; he-harrdeuiied:
anhoetermined thus with * hl'UKW
. Krit teiunadetlöaliha'r ',-audaiteu ,to try*
what they could-.dein tua-award. the . *
kenne_ oiQorion-.hauyng-,intelligmeezot x -
this biepurpoiezdeparted tre*Willi: -
lem torhalileemuilt vp the town-LKW
-t. _tre
»uv .lb-'f P'

,were deltto'yed,and repafreo "their wals,

gate-,barreetand palacee: oadeyned alle
captayneeotterthe peoplez to leadeand
goueme them',t'ome ot thoufandes,tome
of hundtedteztrihunes, ano deeueianek
Ve inurutted the people 'alle 'in teatee ot
warres z whatthe toundee-ot-trumpete
ügnlfled , what founde terued to fall tr'
aray, what to gathet the_ toutdiourd toj
gether,and what to deutde 'them-x And
after he had intttucted thetn the know?
o [edge and teates ot waere 4 he taYd-vnto
them in this wyl'e . Zee [hall bnderl'tan'd 7h
(deare Jttaelttes) that ye goto fight at
this-*peelent “agaynt'te your enemtee. *3“
Whecefoze let no etteminatete'aee 'oueri
come your harte , no; dil'may you at the'
tight of-your enemiescvut play'the ment
and take a good tourage-vnto you , to
fight tee yourcities, ko; yout We, e
fo; your felueo . the not awawofdeathz
but rathet. bee (toute in 'the detente ot
your countryenhattye dann led away
from that-.dato fight- foztthe [annuatye _
ot theLoeoeztha-ttt bte nottteyned ano
polluted With? the v'n'cleauelle :stehe
MntWMConfiäettltot lt 'tt hattet-t0 (lee
*m WWFLWW ro [moin *CINEMA-:anti
- bonäoZe.
. ..-.qu

bauch-Ze. Theretoee when as ye wall;

come to ioyne with your enemiea , and
thall W any otthem heat-en downe and .
attemptto cyce agaynezwboioeuek ot
youie by'e and teeth deutete-iteth
the zealezotyour GOD-z whetewtth it
hecemmetieeoato teuenge hieyqnareli,
and* beyng mon-d :thetewith „, Theke
hem that he neuer -eyte- agayne.
But yt y-,ou the" lie, anye- ofyenr fe
towee dowttezheengienkyndied with
the zealeofyeut-God , reimt hymtrom -
the handes titthe *enemiee ,want-Uthe
be not yetitayne , ,tm-ebene the bee
dead .,ye ,than-do, what :ye cannot-Wye
byminztve Ileaetitee bucyell. Und td yt
we [hall ehotetathee to dye the-.tete lyue,
we wallpzoteet .in out wattee. Methan
dye tootbemltenaunt ot ottr.-Ood;,and
vehement toutes z 113ng :them to
the-tight of “lite in heat-en.: ;At*tet:hehad .
l'ayde tdi-,hechote out. of chez-Keines. le.
. thoniand foetemen, andi-ut tewe hotte
men.And outet_ thece he (hole-..hi .-.hnn
deed ot the*er , iuche-aaxmeetxthem
woulde not Menke tcomtm, ten from ,
an hundzed ,. a hundeed -ftom. a :thou
tandaathouiande from ten_ thonfande.
» - - With
the 16,68. 7 r"

With' themloteyb went to the citie

or Agrippas that were in (mie; z to win
them . Fox: Agnppas ltutke to the Ro
manes were it tygvt a; weong“,with
all the power he coulöe make. {Be went'
fitll to Tiarua a great' title that belon
ged to Agrippa, where ae both his trea
cure and muuiti'on of warte lay. When
be ap'pJoched thecltie . ve "paketo'the -
people vppon the walter! , “andMet-ed
them peace ,v on condition that they
(houtde open the gates , and deliuer vn
to hym all the mature of Agripas and'
all his aetnellee t Chi. ykthey locale:
do,he chen wouloe kpare them and (lea
none'ot them . Were it n'ot better fo;
you (-caieth he) to take parte with them_
that defende the famenary otOod_ , and
bis inheritaunce , then to ioytte your
ayde with Agnppas , whithete confo
'erate with our enemies and auayletb
vs , augmenan the power of them
that hate vs , to that he reful'eth not to
kyghtagaynlt the tan-mary of the it m, -
ano the people of his inheritaunce. The
men *ok the towue condefcending to lo.
(cybmpened the gate-'z and he entryng
the totem; made peace with_ them',an
. l - I -_ v cyb- .
* l L16 '731768 01'

'vugodly perfo'nsthat were there.abdut

fire hundteth men , and layde them in
-irons , tendyng them to *fra-m whtche'
he had akute taken t the other .wickelt
men that had ayded 73(pa(15ln,bk put
tothe lwoede . Wut the chiete gouet- '
uour of the towne he appeehended a
lme,caried him “out ofthe cttte,and com
maunded one of hie fouldiours to cut
ot his handee toethwith. Then the cap
tayne belonght -lotephzi'aying t3] beferh
thee my Iton 3 letbut orte' ot my hande
he cut ok,a'ud thothe'r to he left me. This
luite Lofeph and his fouldt'ours laught
to» [come , iudgyng hym to be ttd vali
auut manmoz ot anye haute tout-age t
yet l0t'eylt had his fouldiour to gene
hym_ the fwoede in his owne vaude, and
let hym cut ofwhether hande he lilt,and
leaue hym whiche he wyll . Ho* the Ro
*ma-1e- captayne tokethe fwoede and cut
othis left hand him felfe , leauyng hym
the right,and fo was he let go. the came
therfoee vuto 73pr (*t'xms eampe to wew
what fhame was done'hym. 'After this
. *the titizt'ns of Zipyorj rebelled- alle,
kmalt'yug aleague with Watte-[1311 aud
the Romane-t hoafl. Jokeyh beyngißer
' “' : t ed
the 1mm. IZ
tiüed ot this, made thyther with hie
whole hoafl to bellege it :but the towne
abid the konnt otthe aflaultnhat [0(*cy1'1
could peeuaile nothing again!! thher
toee he befieged ita long t'eafon,

WBoat that tyme, it was ügnified

allo to them of Dierufalem, that
*the ZKM-:1011ich had entced in keendihyp
with the Romanee. They (ent thertoee
Neger the Edomite, and Ichjloch the
Babylonian, and lcbocaneo wich a po
wer ofthe common people; theie came
to >(lca10n,and befieged ita great ipace.
Within the towne was aRomane cap
tayne called .how-11113, a valeaunt man
xand a good warriour,he vpon a cettaine
night in the moening watthe,iil'ued out
of the towne with bis company„to gene
a cam'tletcjc) fo the Jewee that. befieged
the towne,entred their campe,and made
a great daughter, continuyng the fame
tyll it was day lygbt, io that about ten
thout'ande of the Jewes there flayne,
the reif neuer moned ont otthepe place,
taping c It is better fee be to dye inthio g
battayle,then to flee from our enemyee.
Theretogethey tokea good heart vnto
' *_ 1 Fi ' them.
1 11¢ "MMI 01: ~
them, and ftode mantntly in they; (tati
_ ons and plates, tcuflyng in the Ibm.,
God of afraei. And when it was day,
theyau'o ketthemfeluesin acay agaynl't '
Antonie,fl21138 many of his men, not
without [olle alto of they; owne part: to:
Schiloh the Babylonian, and lchochct
nan of lgietul'alem, were both flayne by
the Romance, with other alfn of the,
Jewes, to the number of eygvtthom
lande üghty'ng men, that were vndee
8c]1'1]0band Ichochanan. And neuer a
one of the Jewylhe captayncs efcaped
that conflict,fau_e onlye Neger the Edo
mite,whiche hydde hum l'elfe in a cer
tayne [epulchze that was there in the
play-1e, whom the Romane-3 in they:
portute fought, but founde hym not. »
Wherefoze they m a fuse the wombat ~ »
-it burnt tounde about the l'epulthze
wherein helay hde and toucumed all
the tcees, (heubbes, and buthes, but
tame not nye thelepulchee. Fo; Ne
get had called vnto the Mane with his
whole heart, to delyuee hym this once
from his enemyes, lelkjhe .thoulde be
l'hamefully handled ofthem, pzomykyng
et another tyme to be tedye to -dye vale
t -auntly
the Icwes.‘ 86
aunthg in hls-quarell. be Neger etca
pen the Romanes by the hetpe ot the
God otJttaehtn whom he put his fehlt.
- Hhoetlye- after lent the Icrofolimltcs
muche people to Af'kalona, to the num
her ofeyghteene thom'ande good men ot
warte, to barge the bodyes ot the gems
that wecethete [lehne in the conflictes
by Antonie. They fought all'o the body
otNeger the Wdomite, bot they tounde
it not, tyll at length be cryed vnto them
out ofthe fepulrhze, kaying: J am here,
to: 45311 hath deliuered me out of. the'
handesotmyneenemyes, to the entent
J mare yet be auenged * of them in the
watt-es of the theme; Bo Negcr declared
bnto them at large, all thynges home
they chaunted vnto hum: wheretoee the
Jewes reioyted wendet-fully, that they. '
had founde hym alyue, that he was fa
ued by (uch a mitacle, and that the Loeb
bad deliueted hym. Therefoze they put x x '\

they; continence in the-Leute„ beleuyng

that God woulde be pxetent with them
to ayde thenmnhereol’ this neliueraunee
nlNcgcr they take to; a lure figue and
taken, The Roma-tes kept them within.
thetowne'tozteate ot the mnltttude ot»
‘1 - W (F the
The "art-es of
the Jewes that were come to buche the
bungee. Ho the Jewee buryed.all-the
bodyes of they: owtte part that were
Hague tn both battayles, to: the Ro
manes were notable to pzohtbite and
let them, but helde them tn the towne.
Und when the buriall was finithed, they
toke Neger with them to Diemfaleußto
gene God thankes there to; his deline
raunreat that peeient. Then Iofeph
the peiel't gatheced bis ttteugth, and
came vpon Afkalon with hie whole ar
mye,au*anlted them,gotthevppet hand,
and wanne the towne; after line An-'
tome and all his people with'the (woede,
that otall the baleaunt men of warte
that were with hum, not one efraped.
ilBefioes this, all the vangee and ham
lets that were there about without the
towne, he burnt them every one. And
in lyke mane: -l'erued he all .the townes _
and hhllages there about, that had en
tredin league with the Romance, ne
yng both Jewe. and Romanee that
- ,weltin them-with the [wotdßaema'ny
1 A. she tounoe, anuthepzhoufeshe went..
1 1‘; f --Thie done, Iofeph returnedagayne to
I h: lepori,feughtmtththem,auu gacethe
the ler-ee. 8x
bpper hande :there thed he mache blood
of the people that had conipired with
the Romanee, vtterly deflroyed them,
burnt all'otveye cities and vfllages, led
they; wyues and chyldeen peyi'oaecs
away to Diecuialem, and what Ro
maneo [oeuer he founde there, he put
them to the fwosde. When ae Wipafi
an and "l'tcae hie ionne heard of all that
Lotcph had weought agaynik the Roa
manei,both howe he ilewe they: gart
fons as many as he coulde finde in Oa
lilee,and all'o all the Jewes that hadde
made anye league-with hym and hie
forme, they were wonderfull Woche,
andinagreatrage . They toke there- ,
foee they; journey, and came to het.
celma, otherwyi'e called helm, where
as at that peeien't agaypae kyng ot
Laa-:a was abydyngz _and fonrtie thou
i'ande men with hym, all good mea ot ;y- '
waere, and archece entry one: Theke
ioyned_ them MUSS with ?Ifyaüaoe
achtye, *by whiche meanee _the Ro
maneo rampe became very huge. Boze
ouer, ont of other nations rounde about_
Luclca, good men of warte without
y number ioyned with WWW. the_
Elk' US'
-..- "q-...o'.. .

had ayde alto oral the belt men otwarre

out of Mel'opocamja, NeumZotZt,Nltux,
Zlneatzycrfia, Cbaklea, Wec_cä0nja,and
dnt dfthe peouinres of the people ol' the
Eau :pw-,the people of WWF-n: [0b,
Decker-,and Zehe, with all peom'nces
karte and nearezthat were bnder the [ub
icctidn ofthe Zewes, calje of the yoke
.from they; neckee, and rebelled agaynft
the dominion of Dierufalem, ioynyng
they: power with the Romanee armye,
to ayde l/afpazjan and *kth Fes thefe
were atoze tubiertee vnto the Jewes,
that [dee had burthened them, where
tote they came to ayde the Romanes,
,und to inuade Dieruialem and the peo
ple ot the Jewee. Wut the Edomitee
,had not pet atkociate them feluee with
-l/afpafixm and 'kit-13, tee they were itt
fubiettion td the Jewes, and ierued
them: Hothat not dne of them ayded
the Romane-t. Fo; long bekose they had
,moned warte agaynl't Diet-nl'sz and
coulde not gette the victoeiet tmc the
Jewes pzeuapled agaynlk them, and
tubdued them. L-l'lrcetttuä alte the fickt
ktmg ot the Jewes, citrumrized them.
They dwelt Zille in Hiecnlalem, kept
- * " “" _wet-ht
..11. 4.' " '07.

watehe and wat-de 'about the heute ot

the Losde,and his touenaunt, without
all rebellion agaynfi the Jewes and le
rol'01'1m'1ccx. Und at that peefent was
thirtie thoukande ofthe beff of the Edo
mites in Dierhtalemgo hope the walles,
. and the houke otthe Losde.
After this, Näfpal'tan and *[*itus with
all they; hoaft, toke they; journey from
Ncho, and came to Galileo, and in the
mounte they pytched they; tentts.
* Whereotwhen tydynges was bgougbt
to10teph,howe the hoafte ot the. .Ro
maneslay vpon the mount ot Oalilee,
and howe Wfpafiao had fent atose him
- a great power to tepayze the beoktn -
wayes, to fyll the holes, and cette
downe the hylles, to leuell the way thet
his people myght packe the better, fox
he was tote moued agaynft the Jewes t
Lotepb illan out okZ1py01-j wich alt his '
power , tet hkgoh them, and (lewe
them with the fwoede, takyng fache
hengeaunce 'ot them,.as nenet was
the lyke afoze, to. hie God was with *
hym. ?aG-.Nen and 7km: heacyng
ot this, determinedto "etvpon Loteyh
* __ W it'h . at
tx") _
x |1'»aux
r, f::
at vnwaree, and to betet all the wayes,
that he thoulde etcape ol' no üde . Wet, -
Joteph had intelligence of they; com
myngtwherefose he tette ijyor't, ano
e* went to 'Über-'12, whyther ?allzeist
tolowed with bis hoaik . Joteph pet-rea
uyng themcommyng, fled from thence
to Lorpat-a the biggefl citie l'n al Galilee,
cloted hp the gates, and there remay
ned with his armye.

?Den tent Mathew-1 tertayne noble
men in embattage dnto Joteph, to
debate the matter with hem in this
wyte. fatpaejart generall of the Ro'
mane armye, detyeeth to knowe what
it thould auayle thee to be thus pende bp
within a walleo townezhe wyls thee ra
ther to come tooeth to entreate of peace
with hym, and enter in a league toge
ther, tot it malbe to; thy auayle to terue
Tata- Emperour or the Romaues, that
thou mayeitlyue, and not be deflroyed,
not yet any otthe people with thee
Then Joteph tent embatl'adoure againe
to Vatpaxnn, demaundyng truce tot a
Fewe dayes, that he myght commune ot
the matter with the yeoylezand let them
hndete '
UHC :catch

vnderttande his tooedese pecaduentute

(tayeth he) they wylbe penwaded to
make peace with the'e, and then wyll we
p enter in league with the Romane Em
pire. Ho Vafpafian ceafl'ed from figh
tyng agayntk Iofeph , permittyng hym
to deliverate ot the thyltg. Upon that
Iofcph (ent Embafl'adours to all the
people at Hierukalem , to the peieflee,
chiefe men,rulete,and to the tell of
the people, lettyng them to mgr Vafi
pafiansmgnne . pa (hall nnuetitannefig~
bzetluen and frendes , that Vafpafian _
general! of the Romane. l'ent his Em
balkadoures vnto me, inquiryng what
it thould auayle vs to be fo [lift. againtk '
tbenmmu not rather to come fooeth and
to entreat of peace and to ioyne in lea
gne together , that wemaye ferne the
Emperout of the Romance , fo to [aus
our then-,and not to be det'tcoeed .~ And
J pzap you why mull ye lol'e your lpnes,
your wyue- , youtfonnee and. dangh- .
term-why wyll re all fall together bpm
the (mane s that both they that (halbe
left algae among you,thalbe led cat-cine
out of your countrey to a people that yo T
mm knew.- 7 whole language Ye vn
' P v_ denken.
'1 ne WZII‘I'CS 01‘
derftande not c and pour counitey' to be'e'
made deiolate , your ianctnarye layde
matte , that there [hall not bee ["o mache
as one man left to enter into it . Neuec
futter this you that be'e wyie men , but
- rather ceteane my couni'ayle , and come
hither to vs , that we may Deliberate to
gether what conditions of peace we (hal
make toi the ianegarde of pom: lyues,
rather then to bee delfroyed,and that ye.
may vie the commodities ofyont conn
trey,beyng at reft and peace therin. For
lyfe and quictnes, is to Be preferred be
fore death and banifhment. The inha
bitauntes therfoie ok igtetul'alem zboth
*peiectes , ehiefe men , cnlers , and all the
noble men of Iudca, with them! of the
people,ientvnto Joieph,iaying. Take
hede to thy [elf, that thou nenetjconlent
Unto this,to teteaue conditions of peace
with them 2 but be'e i'icong and bolde to
. kyght ,vntyil koche tyme as thon- (halt
conl'ume them , e: tyll chou and all the
people eye in battayleL and "o (halt than
. light in fight-es ofthe It oeds fo; his peo
-ple and his kanctnary , with the cities ot
one God z In the meane ieaionzbe as be
maye , io thy power bee not with them.
- ' ' :When
/ .
cnc ICWCS. 90
When Joteph heard the determina
tion of the people of Vierufalem , howe
all toztes with one tonfente wylled by
the emballadours the continuance cof
the mama , he was wonderfull wzoth,
and in a great fnrye he (flash ont with
-all his people , and tet them in araye
agaynue Vafpafian and the Romane
hoafk,in whiche conflitt were tlayne vr
_ry many ofthe Jewes'. And from that ,
.day fozward, Vafpafian began' earnefl
_ly a fearcely to warte vpon the Jeu-es.
152 depacted from thence to the title
.Gcrartafl great title in the bygher Oa
lile'e: belleged it and wan it, rated tt,and
new: all the people , man, woman and
childe,Oreuzlhepe,Camelles and'Al'fee,
leanyng nothyng alias. And then he 2
layde z nowe begin J] to be reuenged,fot , _
theRomanes whiche the gum mar. * '
Ltvered tn the land ot-luda. From'thence
he “departem'btought his army/to [or-h
pm where Joleph contained. 'The firu
day that he encamped about Iorpata, he Kx
releued his .touldiers with meate aaa ,
minke plentie , and made; “them go'oo'
eheare , then 'fm-an sum; man with
MTU-,V Ö!? 8! ?bs '3?" WWW* W'
" 19:
'l'be d'art-ea ok
ly , the Romane armye gaue a great
fhout, and betet the title rounde about
on euery flde. In this bufinel'fe [0(*epl't
ftoode vppon a certayne towee 7 from,
whente be behelde the huge rampe of
the Romanee t wherefoee he fotmded
fooeth a trumpet z gane a lygne to bat
tayle,iffned ont with the whole power
of the Zewes that be had wird beneand
tet vppon the .Romance campe ac the
foote of the hyll, rontlnuyng the fyght
from momyng vntyll nyght. And when
it began to be darke ,they reall'ed fygh- K
tyng,and departed the one (det from the '
' other,the Zewee into the towne, tbe
.Komanee to they; tentee . In this bat- l
tayle were verye manyflayne on both* l
parties, *aiwell Jewee ae Romanee.
The Komanes aduaunfyng them
telnee,peoudly and (tontly iayd: we will
quitklyvanquiwethislitle nation , ae
we haue fubdued all other nations
that we hane ronqnered , that they (hall
andy bs no 'nose t and afterwardes we
(halbe at relt . The Ilewes allo on tho
ther fide entouraged themie'lues againfi
the Romanes ,laying t Atthistyme
we wyll all dye together fo; the zeale of
** the
"' * ' *' kthe [Wet. * 79]
the tanctuary of our God, and'neuer tut
fec thefe vucleane petionnes to pollute
it : and when we haue once deltcoyed*
them,we wall-e quiet. Ho what fox-the
peide ot the Romanee of thone ihde,
and the ikyfnecked uuhboznee of the
Jewee on thother , muche people was
flame in that fight , to; it coutinued tyll
the (econde,thirde, and fourth day. Jn
this whyle all the Jewes that dwelt u
bout' lorputeßfied tex/*aipafiane eampe,t
ioyned themielues to the Rome-nes to
' ayde them. And euer ae lofeph fkirmi
- thed with* 7-1(yaüan without the citie,
_7afpafian [ent apower to attault the
citie. Bo-lofcpb und hie men fought
.with ?Apulien without the towne,aud- *
the Jewes that were within . the towne
detended the walles agaynlk the toutes
otthe Romanesghat was a leitet hoatt "
made out of the maynearmyeWut the
Jewes that were left within the town,
began to diminiihe euery daye,hntyll
very fewe were left. The hardyefl atio
ofJofephsiouldiours, and the woxthielt
young menne that tought without,
were all_tlaine,a very tewe except, with "
whom Mey!: fied, and retouered heil?,
. , . * *F e e
'the "att-ee 'ot'
telt'e into the towne , ramperyng tipp."
the gatee after hym. But as Methana-1
with all bis armye betieged [ocean-i: ar -* '
longwhyle, he etpyed at length a con.
duict without ,that ranne into the citie,
wherot the ciiczens dzonke , becaute
the water therotwas good and tweetet
that he cutte 'ot , and deriucd the waters
therofbetydee the towne , that it coulde'
no moto come into the citie,whereby
the inhabitauntes ot the citie were de.
ititute ok beuerage , hauyng nothyng
left them hut wel waters. Iloteph ther
foee perceauing that the conduitt water,
wherot they were alwayes accui'tomed
to deinke, was taken away-3 coneeaued
with himteltet * * - *
Nowe wyll the Romanee heagge and'
hoalk agaynh vs,and thynke to take ve
at there pleature ,» whyles wehaue uo *
water,but thalbe contirayned *tadye tot'
thirl'f.ihe tok'e thertoee garmeutes:, and _ *
dypped them in the well wateta7that"
were inthetowne , and hanged-them'
here and there ouer the wallee,to' de
clare bntothehtomanesthat they had
water plentie in the towue“ z tee the!!
ihould conceaue any hope ok _twitt win!
- ' nyng
_»_ „7., _
1 * the let-tet; ?Z '
nyngthetowne-,thynkyng eyhad ne
water-s. Then tommaunded :itpäfjan
- a mount to ve'e rayfed nye to the towne h
fide , to plant an iron ram vpon, to bet
ter the wants with“ , and beate them
downe. Che maner of themakyngof Au iron
an iron ram,is thus. Feel! they take a Ram*
great long thicke beame , vpon_ chef-'ots
part_ wherot they put a great l'trong
head , made like vnto a came head with
hoznes, all ofpzincipall lkrong iron ,the
weyght thetot ie as muche as halte the
beame, and coueretb the beame alio to
themiddes. :Chen taflen theyinto the '*
grounde ouer againl't the place that they
entende to hattet, two great treeelyke
mafkes of fhippes,bttwene whiche,they
bange the beame that ie called the ram
with very utong topes made ofhempe,
the belt that may be gotten,and iron
wire twifked together.- Atthe bindet
part of this heame from the walward,
are ringes ofiron iurely kalkened , with
topes made of hempe and wire tyed to
them c that whcn the afl'aultere wyll
hattet the wailee , they pufhe fozwarde
the beame as though it were akpcarez
and kauen hie hrung-Mute among??
- . e
1 DC warres 0t
the Tones. Then hang they weyghtes
at the ringes in the hinder parte , and
muthe people a far of take holde ot the
rohes that come theoth the tinges be
hinde , and hale tth hynder part ofthe
beame vpon the gcounde : and by fache
meanest they fhake the wall,that they
make it to quake agayne . Ohne in ma
nye places they weeft and weenrhe out
_ the Hones of the bufldyng , l'o that after
tuardee the wall falle- downe. There
bee atio other maner ot engine , as an
iron ram,bpon. iiii. wheles bound with
- iron,and faitened with iron naylee. Wo
this they make.iiii. fe'ete as hath a ram,
oemoßastbe bygneffe of the beamea
requireth w Who bigge't fo; the matte
partei. of. rrrz cnbitee longe , and the
[eau often. Andiloke howe many feete
the rammt hath, io many whetles hath
it alto . Foo euery wheete hatb bis foote
by hum , and when they wyll harter a
wall , certayne men appointed thervnto
death it flri't a good way of,then.a great
multitnde ofmen take holde of the bin
net part therof , hy toute posters n: le
nets of wood that are put thetinaand
- Wh all they: (way W toewacdethe
the lcwcs. Oz
.Ramme to mike the wall that they will
hattet. The head ofthis icon .Kamine
that goeth vpöhwhe'elee', hath no homes,
butteblunßmade of the ffrongelt hinde
nftmn, with a lnen'herfull-thltkeuetke.
They. haue atio bpon both {gees of the
engyne, a pentale of-wood fez the latte
game of them that l'haue footth the
,Laa-nme behynde, from the artowes oe.
Home of them that are vpon the walles.
'The inmates that Tichs vted at, 19w
ruralem, to; the molt part tanne all ,bp
pen wheeles. Of the other-[ou, he had 4-*:-..
onlye two, ae-lue ihall detlace in his -"
plate. The beame ofthis Ramme that
we euen home niftttheh, was -as thiche
as ten men could fadom,the length thew '
of, was tiftie whites. at was alio ho
-lowe within, and filled with nee hydes,
folded and l'owed together. Me wood
ferued to: none other purpefe, then that
the fawion ofthelethec myght be M as
vponamolde. Titel)an part of the L“
beame was couetcd- one.: with iron 7:44,23
plates. Theileathet wasputwtthin,
that the beame thoulde not hgeahe with
the poyle of the wayghtes thatwere: . _*
hanged by thechngee ,behyndetwhenee “ {*4
.- v Ni( ._-mflPK
"1'11: warrcs or
men appoynted to; the put-pole', haled
at the tapes to value backe the beame.
The .wood thetetoee that went about
thetethet, l'etued to hepe the [ether in
täthtö. They coueted it with icon plate,
left tth that kept the walles, thould tet
- tn on fpze. The hoznee that were open
the head efthe Ramme, .were as many*
as they Wed, but neuer fewer then ten,
and then the beame was twentie cu
bikes long, no; alto mo then fiftie,and
then the heame was a hund-ed cubites:
in length. Wetwixt euety hozne was'
thefpace ofa tubite, and euety home
ions as thitke ao'a man canine fathom;
the length was one cubt'te and a halte
at the leaf!, The wodden wall oz pen-
tare was as long as the lethet that was
put within the beame, and it was tet on
both the ft'deetowarde the hyndet part:
ofthe.beame,* to defende the men that
labouteo to hattet the wants, left they
thouln be hurt with. actowes o; dattes.
:Che Ramme that Vafpafianrm'eo -at
Iorpata whtch 'he befieged, and mein it,"
was made in thisrogt; The length ther
okwae fiftte eubiteo, it havirtb. homes
in The heathith was as with: ae ten
- . men *
' the [cu-ea. 94
men, euery hoene atio was ae thi>e as
one man, and hetwitt euery home the
t'pace of one cuhite. The wayght that
was hanged en the hynder part, was a»
thoutand t fine bunt-tod talenteo, euety*
talent ie about a handged Troy weight.
The men that lahoureo in the etectyng
ot this engine, were fittceue hundert. _
To remoue it from one place to ano
ther,o3 from one title to another, were
appoynted an hundzed and fittie yoke ot
oren, os els theee hundzed couple ot ho;
tes and utules. When »ae they ihouloe
attault any toetee oe cities that itode tip-
pon hylles, then mulk they deutde it in
partz t btyng it hp to the fiege by perce
mele, and there tet it together agayne.
Nowe when the Romanen had battrted '
the walles of lot-pain, and [oN-911 per-
ceaued the wall to thakee he toke gtcat
kackewfilted them ful ot ehatte,and han
ged them downe hy the walles, that the '
hoenes of the Ramme coutde» not come
nie the ftoueoot the weihhut light vpon*
the tarhewwht'che hy the realen ot theye
tottnette or the chatte z -hyndered anh
beake the uralte, that the wall-'was leite ,
hurt. .Fo'etuche ie the nature .ot fette
,. N 1F_ thynhtex e .
.l nc warrcs 0|;- '

thyngee, to gene backe to the hardentnd

to wenkentheye teste. But-17afpasian
tepitg the fubttltt'e of Iofcph, vfed alu:
petit-,ie to; politic: to; he (cut into :the
' towne tecretelh Feines, fpyes, whiche
when the battertes thonlde be, myght
cutatnndtr the toms that the fackes
there than to, and with them flip downe
the weites, where the Romanes were
redye to ceteaue themghat they fhoulde
not hurt them in the fall: and immediat
the they flroke the wall with the Ram.
There was at that pzefent in the citie, a
certayne valimmt man, named Elcafar,
ot the heute ot Anani the bye pxiet't that
then dwelt at Lhierul'alem. This Elcafar
percennyngthe .Romance to go about
to hattet Datum the walles as they' ugh
bekotezplurked ont of the wall a myght-ie
fiche, fothathe made a great hole oz
“ gapye, whereat he (ltd downe the wall,
nnd tyght (krydlyng Upon the engine,
made fafi an iron chayne -to the hoenes
thcreot, ond gate tap agayne' quicklye
*und ntmblye from the beame into the -
towhe with the chayne in hie bandeztoz
the trail was not very hye aboue *his
- htahoe he [tone brot: the Ram. mam
: .3, x - ~ ot er
7th: Letter. 97
other tail felowes toke holde vpon the _
chayne,and _faltened it to pyllers and
* walles in the towne,that the Romance
myght rather be conflrayned to bxeahe
they-t Kamine, then take it away from
thente. Thepeieit Lie-tigt yet once a
gaine holdly went downe and täte bpon
the beame, ilew-fiftiemen that lahoureo
aboutthe Komme, and the keit ho put
- heyngflight: then returned
ideawen into the
by ageyne towne,
from - the
beame hy them thatiwere within ,ch
towne , greatly reioyfing in his man*
h'oodM Afterthat, went he vp vpon a
hye towzexfrom whente he >tnmbied
downe with *q myghtie kostet n great
flone and* a harde,- vyon the head of the
Kammezhhsakeitnhathoth ag'reatpar-t
, of the head andthe hoenes-fell vpon' the
gronnye.- Moe-the iron that it was rotie
red withälljwao olde and“ rufliez' [h that
tt - waffed end »haken ?-th'ere- '
wicht-hezwpesmw weredidez-Aiterthat . '
Mehwrwent ane--agaynwz-toke part
"dfthe heahthät was-bedhenrahhhnried
it into“ fiie'töwne, them-*name that re
“ waynedZ-Whe iiewe oxyntto flight. _
z (gehe ästhers'ihot- at hym,-and» wounheo
l .k I' . - N ih hem
'[716 Fat-tet ok' »,
hym with fiue ateowesMhetfote by the
hclpe othie felowes bpon the *Lt-altes, be
climed bp , othetwyfe he had not; ben
able fo; the gticte of his woundes. Che
pcoyle then gaue a .Haute fo.; zioy of the
victozie of the woethy pZieft Lie-far _that
had oayne the Roma-tes , and bet-ken
' their räumte whetin they put- theic con
fideuce, and beought part ot it into the
towne,e faltened it with an icon chayne
that the Romance could net pqtit backe_
Wayne to themmo; baue the vl'e, ofit af
.tecwardm Whecfoee diuers ofthe balt
auntefl titizene _of [gtx-ara _acmed them
(sl-'cethqtday- ,bee-1g (three .with the
great courage'thettvejhed (seheint-tea
.Nu-,and weht downe, hewedtho _heame ..
.into peetes,p3ottght the-WW. with the
xringss, aqd two mattes withtvem inte
,the fvw-1e F. and the >th dxed htc-t»
:cam-ich greattenownW-o'ne that-bad
fought fox the fangeexjoef: the. tec-eve.
» -Wkoebjsxcopw ani-WWW? Afra!,
: ehlyke a-tßytqullletugsnt IWanldiet
of the Need-:Gem KujhyMkad-W
, ned kos- bqreint-*hemjh und
:andfaetbkulneeaeeokxxtwe 1mawa
. t x--;- :L - > *. . * 7
* f 2
the [met. Os'
thy memozie alte to; that he had wog-:d
battayle with the enemies ofthe Kunde.
The young men ot* the Feines keyng
this, und (pecially two ofthem, the one
called Ultra, the other [Php-15, men of
wyfoome and v'ndecfkandyng, and ther
wich eepect in the waccee, beyng mo
ued with zeale fo; the Ooo ot Fttael .
opened the gates and itrned out agaynft
the .K'tomaneex chicmiched with them,
and clewe many of then'. Wut ac length
they wecellayne them feluee in the nur,
mithe-foz the fanauaeie oftheye God,foe
Jl'rael and their counttey. When 10,-.
Feyh l'an the warte; to enereake moee
e mot? z he th'ued out, ano made a great
[laughtec in the Romance tentes,bucnt
the' monnce and' engines ot warte that '
.the .Romane- had tefle, .by whithe'
meanes the wartee wated yet hoatee
znd hoatet,infomnche that, lol'eylmz re,
pulfed the Romane», Fee when they
faw the Jewe- fo _detperately gene theic
lyuee fo; ,them God and lande, they
won-[denen abydetheyxtoete. fake-th.
311 teyng hi- men (hei-the, he ftode bp,
and entontageothent, ethoetyng them
:„. ,t these wo;er
' anoheomiz'es,
t N im_ aktuell
* 'kbe wertet ok
golde and uluek, as meate and dzinke,
whecwith the Romanes alluced,foughc
with lolöpb :hat day vnto the "u-me fet
tyng, and asth'e battahle waeed hatte,
the Feldes wohnded Wafpasian with an
arcowe in his ryght legge, whiche foee
dikmayed the-Romaneezwhen they "awe
the blood runne ddwne bis legge: and
that day was a rose fight betweene' the
Jewes aud the Roma-tes. 71cm feyng
hie father wo need, fose abaazedxanne
t'o hymto he ,e hYm, td whout bis fa
ther fayde e howe ie it my kenne, that “
then art thus alkonyed, take heart to
thee,and with-*a coucage rec-engethy fa
ther okchefe Jewes that hehe nowe-the -
better hande of'vs. Hd both 1'ch
_and 731]);181311'* wich all :hw- _whole
boalk fought that day a very [dee fight,
and many were flahne of both 'parte-s'.
yeawety few were left-on lolöybeäpaftz' '
with whom he returned into* the tdwnet
The neet day. the .Route-nee ra-yled _a
üewe 'neunte-'in üeede of that *that '10.
[cph had legend, and plänted another
_iron Ramäw-thetevpon bet-'Wette' ewo“
,poues'accozdyfi'glxöz fo; Watyasjanhad -
-bxought tom-e o'f-thie [oete with chem
the' letter. _ F7'
from Rome, hut other hatteryng hättet
vpon wheetes had he with hem thyztie,
what moze , what leite , the by gger toet'
were ot.rrt.cubitee lougnhe leaftm. the
beoughf atio ten engines to hurle great»
and waightie ltonee withull, whiche he
ptated about the welle-.The Romanen.
therfote renued the wat-res taftaultee
agaynik the towne as they were wonte . .
akute. But the towne was nowe deko
late and naked ot the ltoutett warlyke
menue , to: they *were all _tiayne in _the
fighteo . Albert Jul'th remayned ano
a kewe with hym , who went euery one
t the women atto to detend 'the wailes',
- tot there was atmet! no men fette fitte
totthe wartet' Then the Rome-nee_
flong with thenginee that 'tote on 'the
mount, tionen :into the towne on" euery_
tyde. Jtchauncedthatay " ' tt'one hit' ,
a womanwith' ehyldew'i .“ “rt-:ches bio?:
-lence , '_thattt pattedtheough her both-e.
and caryed- the rhylde with-_it by the;
(yaeeothaitea Ww.WWy:rafiw ano- .
rayted yet other mount-es alle "_z from_ .
* . whenretheyflyngedlkon'ee, Zand auch_
therlyke_ eh'ahnce happened .* ttttoyne'
came and hydone otJoieyhet nie-1131B::
.l UC T3176' 0L' >
* warte , a valiaunt man o in "uch a [.1pr
_. thatitdedided bis head from his body,
, and madeitflie alacge myle of. i
xi*: "

MTtve came time one ofthe Romane

fouldtours dem'fed .with hym *felfe
bowe to flryke Jofeph wich a denomed,
arcowze gate him vndec the wall where 7
Jofeph was, to accomplilh hieyucyofe. .
Wut Jofepv el'pied bim, and „ eryed vntd_
bimchold tvy hände tbou wickedfelowe,
and do not kyll me.With that the felow_
Lack fomewhat afyde 7 beyng_ akrayd ac
Jofephs voice-_and (odeynlye the Jewee ' ,
out ofthe_ tdwne poweedhec .hohle vpcm '
him 'tomthe wall , that_ hie (kin was
(kalded ofzand he can away n>ed,how_3 ' Ä
'ins and Leutnstotl1eRWSne8xex-1pe."
» where he dyedFaf'p-lfiaq and his kenne
*[*jtuewm fullydetecmmedcocqntinue *
theafl'au'lc dneyllehe . xlvijj .sz eme* ,
withftaddyngthe walle's Wye-fd hye '
tha'x they could nocxwinthe Fewjxe .Yek
ac wanv -ka: men _were co. (du :fpenc
Ldithintheßexone,atyd Myth-WW?
ned aliue fd wychered Wehe-JLU_qu thac
- theylwecenotdble enyeglgngecxeeßc.
" ' "YZ
cnc LCFEJ. ' *

nyihetheye watche vyponth'e *wailesi*

This vpon a certayne nyght Wipaiion
and 'l'icnt vnderlkandyng , ikaied the
wollte _ara quarter where watthmen
werelatkyng , and after them manye oe:
ther of the .Romane ionidiouro folowed,
which went downe on the iniyde„and
brake open the greate gate ot the town
whereat entred the whole armye otthe
.Romane- . Und beyng within the
towne , founded they; trumyettes, and
-flxonted bnto battayle . The Jewea
,with the a larame , tnmult , and hnrly
burly ot the Romanes , awaked ontot
they: Repesmd were cost-atrayed. - NW
witt'iandyng entry man toke hym to hie
wet-yon, and doew to the market plate
ae tat! as theymyght . »or-hey had made
_the market place of the towne io large,
ofyucyol'e, that yfany bufines thonlde
happen! there myght come_ together the
whole WiWi-they wonlde_ t And tech-.e
toktd *NW-them, theyxawe. the Ro
mane array entryng intathetownt hy
thewaethatcame tet-mW Watgake.
Mheßjottght- they with theRemantsz*
Foyer-:Win the market place where
they Tode, _erhoZtyng oneanothek ,VTI-:ige
„'t _ . a t
- N 'l'be Patte-ok'
tahft'tg "Z "ef vs dye bete wgvtyng , *und
neuer (uffet durfeluee to be'e taken ai
lyueWut JFofeph with hing*
wosthh men all , fled'ont ofthe towne_
into a wood ,where they -fouttde a - cet.
tatne t'aue , and hid them Fett-es therein.
All the tect ot the citizens were hay-1e' '
in that tonflicte , tot they woulde not
yelde no; commtt them feines vnto the'
Momanes ,they tcut'ted them L "o title.
Fo; on a tyme a cectayne'Zewe be'.
lought a ,Romane fouldiout to raue
hie lyfe , and the Romane (wette vnto ,l
x htm,tayiug*: God dealethusandthhs
with meet? (lea the'e, thecewze yelde
and come hythec to me.. The Jewe ce
quired hym to gene bym bis tyght hand
that he myght “truck bym , und - the Ro- -
mayne tetch hem his lettehand'* The
Jewe beyng difmayed in that gteat
tears, markt not that is was bis lette
hände: But when the Watte-had
once holdothymme werben-1W *with
that vaude, att-d with bis tyght'toke? his
Woede and que the Felde that then'was
naked , hauyng talk *away* his weapon
vpon trau ottheRomahe.Whe_t1-the
Iewes [am: howe the Romane-.- -te- t
me 1CW¢50 ., JN
garnet: not his othe , but (ine the Xewe,
that vpon fruit ot his peomelle and the
.the had yelded hym felfe bnto hym;
they determined to dye altogether , and
nenetto fruit the .Romanes . Where.
vppon they .teiolned with them ielucs
vtterlye to bye to; the holyneile of the
loan God of Jttael . But in lo doyng,
they flue much people of the Romanes,
and fact-e moe then they had done in
any other battayle: yet at the length
the titie was taken . When ,Vafpafian
had knowledge where Jofeph was be
come , and ot his company , he tent Ni
cat-101- , Pllcr'mus and Gallicanus with
him to Jolepb ,to wyll hym to cenie
foozth,anh he woulde baue his lyfe and
not bee flame. Uponthat-Joi'eph deva.
ten the matter with them. that were _
with him in the den,requiting they; ao. - -
nice. Fo; my patteflaieth he)and he will
folow .my connecth thinke bellewe go
bnto them , hut bppon this condition,
that they wyll make hs. a tozmatl an".
eaunee atom: lyues , effectually: as we
(hall require tvem,whith»donez J Doubt
not but Vafpafian when we come hum
hm, wyll extende htetauout towarch
' - “s.
*l .[16 PAULI 01'
ve.' When thoie menne peceeaued
1 Foteph to lite enclined to yelde vnto the
_* Reinenesnhey taydevnto hem. .We
' ntatn'ayle at the'e ( O ?tinte Joteph)
' y atthee we tay,thatwa ehoten outof
thom'andes- ot people, ?md peomoted -
tinte the peiefthood and kyngdome , to
fenctifie and halowe the Loxde G O O
ot thael, watt alte apoynted graund
captayne ot to huge an hdai'f,t hatt i'e'ene"
with thyne eyes the thametnll cepeeche
otthy people, with the ditpleafnces and
damage's of thy the'epe , that then hatte
yet any defite to lyue in this diihdnoutx
What feet! thou ,that then wouldetke
detyee to tyue td; s thoutdeft thou not
rather dettte death then lyfes Mead
nentutethdn pettwadefk thy fette tha-t
they call the'e to raue thy tyfe , oe fox thy
commoditiecbut without douhte this
were a bayne pettwaiion. Fee they call
thee to; none ether entent, then to take
thee aly'ne,and td beagge how they hatte
taken Ioteph,that was tonfeccated and
addict to the watteßandmake it. an at
gument that they; power pzotpeteth.
Nowethertope ( euc denke btothec and
our peinte ) confider that this they wylt
the werte. too
do t yea yfthey raue thy lyie. But put
the take “they put the'e to death twere it
not better fo; thee to dye of thine owne
fwo;de,then ot-theyes' e Mehr it were ,
fo; nothyng but foz this , it io better toe
the'e to dye then to lyuetleaft thou thou]
' deu heace they: repeoches , theye bp
bsaydynges, and they: quatrellyngee.
And ytthey perferue thee alyue, neuer
thynke they do it to; thy good , but ra
ther tot thyne ignomtnie and khame,
which is far greuoui'er then death it icli'.
-_'m»-1'- Wherefoee our deare beother and' *our
peince , what cömeth in thy mynd , that
thou purpol'ette tolyue after that thou **
hah left thy people and thy beethten :- e
to what purpote ietueth thy“ lyie after
they be gone e Marke and conüder dili
gently what Yoyiee (ot weather.- me
mo;y)our maitter dyd , how he ipake be
tote God touehyug the people of Jirael; *
O pardon theye finueehayeth he) o3 ela
blot me quite out of thy bookethat thou x
haft wxytten t howe he woulde_ not lyue
atterthe deltruction of his people , al
though the almightye tayde ,vnto bpm:
let me alone, that J maye weeake myne
,anger vppon them and _toniume
.“ 4-- e
c ue 'hatth 0c t
Why doeft not thoueall to thy temetw.
beatmce Aaron his beothce that went
betwitt lyfe and death,in withftandyng
the angel that plaged the people , ano
offered hym fette to dye toshis people,
that the plague myght ceafl'e from J(
taelsWheceis king81u1e,and hie fonne
chottotban that kought fo; the people*
ofGod,and dyed in the fieldes Coulde
not 82111.: haue faued hie lyfe and his
connes both .t .ykhe had ben (o difpofeds
Wut he ,when he fade Mael hatte the
ouetthzowe -in the battayle , had no de
fite to lyue any longer , but choce rather
death then lyfe , and woulde not beZe ke
perated from his beethten- nochec in
[yfe not death,afwell he *, es lchcmachan
his (onne , thofedeacely beloued and
mofle amiabL-e menue ( es the fctiptute
tetmeth them) Why ooel't thon not
remember (out deate Heime) the tigh
teoufnee of Oauid the anoyntedotthe
. Loede ,who [eyng a moffe greeuous pe
lkilenceto tage vppon the people :1th
tae1,fayde s Let thy hände ( »O Logde) 3]
betethethöe bee tourned vppon me and
my fathets boule. FUJI am 'he that
haue finned,31 baue tcanfgcetted; es f?:
- *' the e
7 Lu» rune.” M(

'thefe-thy theepe, what heme they done

_what haue'they ottended s where is the
holy lawe fmothered and ttyfled in thy
heart a Art'not than an annointed pziefl
that halt declated and caught vs the ho
the lawe , whereby we myght, ,leacne
home to lone out hozd God withall out
heart, and with all out kohle, and _with
- all out flcength a if it he ("o that the [er.
nice mm conülteth not in this,' that'
we choulhe [one whom he loueth, and
bye to; hie touenaunt and [anctuarie, to
-gethet with his [emanates that _be
flayne to; the vnitie of the name ot the
31.0te t Whettin flandeth it then- Daft
not thou oft tymes caught and ptoued
vnto vs, howe that entry man that dy
eth in marten to: the mane, htstanctua
~ tie, hie people; and hislawe, he ie th* be
mantel: in the _JZ-mes lot, and made
i ' thallmt
-woethy. toteego*eueclaltyng datknefle
vnto the great lyght,e and

not chou that Iofcph the pzieft that halt

. ,ctyed to often in battaylet J am Ibfcph
- the pziet't, contettated- to battayle, that

hauejhomeh'my lyke to; the people of

“ .theimzhemie fanctuaeie', and his lande
Wut um when chou hat't'yelded "the
I - , ' Oi (elf.
- .l tthuclcdoc

fette vnto them, aud they oedet thee die.

pttetully,what wilt thou [ay vnto them,
ot what amendee cantt thou hatte at
theyehandtss J] put the cafe they catt
tn thy teeth, and [ay thy wogdee be but
[yes: howe (halt thou auoyde that re
pooche Art not thou he that taydelk mm
thoulde fight to: the people of God, tm
tyll they dye in the conflict, and in to do
yug, they; death fhould be a tauufome
- to; theye itunes: aud that they were cure
to-go to that great light, that ie the light
'otlyte s Whichetfit be true accoxdyng
as thou haft [ayde, why then wylt thou
thunue death,a11d not folowe the people
thatare gone betoee thee to that fame
tyght s Euer hytherto thou hatt had the
vpper hande whcrcfoeuer thou cametkz
tutomuch that they that hearde et thee,
tremhlod fee feat-e; and nowe wylt thou
ytlde thy lyte into captiuitie to the Ro
mance, ae a vyle flaue :- Shall not this
thy dithouour redounde alle vnto the
people o-Wod s Thon that art a peinte,
a kyng,and pziett, wylt thou be bdunde
in theynes s Euere man (hall (ac-,this
ts he that hath genen his fouldieucs, -
andthe relk ot hts people to dye, but

bath taued hyttt fette, and bis owne lyfe'

Ho when-they had made anende of
talke, erde-man deewe out his [woxde,
and' camevnto hym in the myddet'f ot'
the caue, [aying t theatefl chou, chou
jezt-:ph out petnce, ttthou wylt be ruled
by vs: Fyelt we fhall (Lea thee as a Jtozd
and a great peinte, and thou thalt chote
what death chou whlt dye on,that chou,
mayet't dye honontavly. But ifthou te
fufe to dye honel'tly, aauce tby* fette of
this, thatwe wylleuery man ("et vpdn
thee and oea thee. Jdl'epb aunfwered
In deede J1 knowe my beetheen,thac "
your lud-,des ate iulte and true . Fox
who is fo madde to deüte to lyuo tn this
hut-[he butlyes and woulde God that
he woulde call my toute vntd bym, and
receaue it vnto hymall'o. Fo; Z am
not ignozaunt that it were mdee erde
dient fee me todhe then to [hoe, foz the
great ttoubles that haue paffed thzough
my beaynes. Wut he knoweth the
, fecretes ot mens beattesz and he it is,
that geueth lyfe vntd menne. Jt ie
l O O 'O' that clofeth toutes within the
bodyes, andletteth them out agayne,
x_ becaut'e be is the lyuyng O O W, iu
f Dg whdke_
.l me warm 01
"f whole haunts temayne the faults and
fpirites stall lyuyng matures. hatb
left with vs a [pitite ofolyfe, a cloi'ed -
it hp, within out bodyes'. What is he
then that wyll open that he hath flint:
Zlxzowe lhallwe loaf: that he woulde
baue buttan and knyt fafix within its-.
Do he not all knowe howe the lyfe is a
“ thyng that he hath left with vs to tape,
and that we ate hie (ernannte-:- Je
then we ca'ftaway this baton that God
take it, wall he not wozthyly he dit'plea
"ed with bs, fo that we (hall not finde
lyte in the place of the lyuyng with
beabam out father of famous memo-i
tye,and with out tuft and godiye men
out foßcfathers a Do you not knows,
that t ey went not vnto God baton
they were called, and when they were
calledghey came, and fo dealt God with.
allholy and godlye men . m: Wohle-t
- our maiuet of woethy memo:ie,the elect
otOod, ye knows that the Lotte God
“of Jitaelfayde: get theer bpon this
mountayne Abarimflnb to he dyd. 'Wut
- he' mouths not have 'done it of hyut fette,
had not Goo called 'hymz Wheteby
he may 'fee it ia not iawefull- 'fox' a man
' ' * to ; ,
: W
to furrender his lyte hnto God, ertept* ,
he require -it agayne. Take erample
(J peay you) ot Job, what tyme he curit
_. the day that he was home-in. Wyght
- not heeyther haue hanged hymlelietot '
t baue runne vpon aknyfe,oz at the leaft,
baue folowed his wyues couniayle to
curfe God and dye s Notwithitandpng
he abode pacientlye in mol'te ertreme
payne, waytyng tyll God demaunded
agayne hislyie, and then reitoee it vn
to his Itoede God, and woulde not re-- .
ttoeeit vndemaunded, but taryed tyll
hie appoynted ende came . Kyng Dae
-uid alio offamous memoeie iayd: [cenie
thou m)- lykc 0m: of' eit-3 p'mtolcle anti.
per-[011. Fo; he knewe that the lyie was
y inclofed in the bodye, and that none
myght let it tooeth but God. J wote
wellthat death io a great cdmmoditie,
to he that the foule may returne in hie
"*-duetyme vuto God,that gaue it vs . 31
knowc alfo that he .that dye'th in the
-warreo of the Morde, he (hall come to
the great lyght. Wut J knowe not
what can appeaie Gods wzath towarde _
thel'ouie-otthat man that kylleth htm ..
. telte,an'd malteth hatt to rettete hie toule l
. 7 g) ig heroee »
.l [lc "Üllchl

bekoee his tyme,and without the Llode

callyng . Whecefoze my trendes and
beetheen, J woulde ye (houlde knowe it,
J am no moee cowarde then yon, and J
oo not difagtee-with you, becaute F] am
-ot a kainte heart fox teate ot" thefe pee
cent calamitiee: but that J knowe J 2
thouloe commit a heynous otkence a
gayntt the Leeds, if 31 thonwe kyll my
fette. And howe (ay ye (you ptinces)tvat
(ficke hnto youc God, to yon Il fpeake,
tellme who thallmake infecteflton vnto
God fo; vs, it weflzonlde commit thi
finne and cche kyll other s Woulde not
a man iudge hym a flaue, a foole, a fro
watde perfon, a tebell, and a defperate
man, that woulde be foeced with any
miten'e to be fo mad, that becaute all
thinges fall not out as he woulde wifhe,
woulde thertoze hang o3 det'petatly mm:
.thec hym fette with his owne handess
Huch ye know the law thus punyfhetht .
Theye ryght hande ie ent ot, wherwith
they koeced them l'elues to dye7thenzthey
ate left vnbucycd, as men that haue de
Reoyed they; owne cooles . 11512 what
teafon then (hall we kyll om: lelues t* „J
woutde wythe that we myght he flaynß
n... ...- 7' ...7. .

ot oureuemfes, rather then we fhoulde"

to fhamefully mutthec our Wlues,wdec
by euec akt we (hc-uwe be taken fo;
, manfleers. -kany man (lea bim fell-Ws
didÖuulew 'ye commended, wich
*'*k.'7- out doubt he commtttetv a heyuous
cryme, aud fucve a one as no l'atiffactiou
caube made fox. Mendes that,he (hal
be ceckeuedjaynte bearted, aud as ons
that difpayxetb of vis cetouerie. Wher
fose ouc foeekatvers- baue caught vs:
H man 0u3bt not t0 clif'pu'xre 0kl1i8 [auc.
Zen-(le ancj cleljucrauocc, urbich c0r11
metb of'60cl, 110 mot leben cke &tg-[c '18
Limo bjecbroce c0 cut ic. Fo; kyug
6261612 of famous memoeie, when be
heard thefe wozdes of Wfaias, that wee
tby peophete c Nuke cb)- e-ell, ami [ac
cb)- thx-:13:8 In 'a (taz-,tor tbou 1“[131c etz-e„
am] not ef'capct Neuertbelelke be kainted
noßnoe cealted to peuy vnto God koeth
peolongyug of bis ly'ke -in this woelde,
that he might amende bis like,aud [ende
a better [oule vuto God . :Men tbe
Loede God of chael, feyug his vnwe
'ryed aud lfroug hope, with bis cepeu
:auanuffred hem to line. uv. yeces yet
: . O ii!) lougec.

longer. But ask-oz Haute, he .was not
appoynted kyng ouer Jirael after the
Leedee mynde, but alonely by the peo
plee,that ctaued vpon Bamuelzscuc ee
a Sing t0 rajZoe (mer 178. Wherevpon
atterwarde God departed from Saule,
fox he was not obedient to Gods wyll,
but went about by texte to eitablifhe hie
kyngdome. :Che Loede then ieyng the
wickedneffe ofhis heart,gaue him ouer,
and chol'e hym* another to be kyng euer
his people,annoyntyng Dauid hie ier
uaunt, whyleethat Saule was yet li
uyng. Whiche Saule perreauyng,
perietuted Dauid, and labouted with
ali his endeuour to detkroy hem, betaui'e
he knewe God was with hym, and
peoi'pered all that he dyd c whereae com,
trary, all went backwarde with bym.
Fo; theie tauies, X lay, he thoie rather
to dye then liue, and woulde not liue at.“
ter the people ot Mael was ouerthgo'.
wen in the monntaynes ot (Bühne. And
in myne opinion, he ilewe him ielte to;
nothyng, but fee that he was a taynte
heatted cowarde,and vtterly dtipayeed
ethi- fanegarde. Fox although he ?*in;
\Y “F” "* " "' i "I

Len: ~there: vncjrcumcif'ed come and

man: me through: gaet yfhe had ben of
tt valiaunt courage,he would haue (tan
ded to his' defence vnto the death : pec
aduentuce G O ‘QD would hane deliue
red him.115ut he conttary,all in dilpayxe
psocnred hymlelfe and his tonne a
wantequ death . But he lhall confider
this , he was an vnmectifull kyng , and
theme: dyd GOD tyd hym out of the
mummy» as he dyd not [pare his owne
lyre and his tonnes t lo dyd he not {pare
others. Andwhere as he alleage Aaron
vnto mee] would knowe ot you,why be
dyd put hymlelte betwene the lyuyng
and the dead . Was it not becanfe he
woulde turn: away the plague fireman
rael-Ilhe had knowen that he hmeelfo
thoulde haue bene (teilten therewith :
doublelke he would not baue flryuena
gaunt! the flriker . flint trullyng in the
holines ol' his righteoul'nelle,he [tone ve
fote the angel to deliuechcael from that
miterie. J am not to bee compared with
Aaron , albeit 3| am one othie childsen,
and neuer yet in all my life did J lhzinke
to .ven-tec my lyfe in the wan-ea of the
LoadeAnduowe J am not determined
Ob ff' *xx*
.. ..- 1. ..---.. o.

to kyli my kette ,letk J thoulde ffnne a

gaynft Godzand tpoyle my foule ot hope
of faluation . J knowe it well , itwcre
moee erpedient fo; me to bee fiayne of
“ myne enemies, then that JZ thoulde (lea
my fette. And yfye [ay the too-d, let bs
go fooeth and fodaynely tet vppon om:
enemies,to kyl] , o3 be kylledt'n the bat
tayte of the Logde , and (o (hall we doe
well; peradnentuce O O D wyll gene
them into our handes.k0r 60c] '13 able c0
(tmc ufo-cl li.)- ä (mal :tt-true, at b)- a Zrcac.
When yf you tee me to bee atrayde of
myne enemies fwozde , yefhall-thtreby
knows me to be a daftarde,and one that
fawneth vpon hie enemies , and hun
teth foztbeyz fauour . Wut you lhall fee
me go afoze you , as a valiaunt manne
thonlde z not once tourne my face from
death.What dyd 2e euer te'e in me, that
ye fhoulde iudge me kearefulls Wed ye 1_

euer knowe me to rekute to fight s In

the towne ot lorpaca J haus euer kepte
my quarter and warde , and euery daye
haue J fought with myne enemiee,
*whomI baue not (pat-ed, but impay
red , and that not alttle, whyles It de
tcnded that litle title. 4F. dayee a
..1u- ... " va. .oo

gayuit them. Foez thought with my*

teiiezperaduentureJ may deyue away
the ennemiee ot the at O .RO G out
otourlande , and putte them hy Vie
rui'alem,thatthey go not thyther. And
io haueJ toughten with them tyll all
my valiaunt Houldioure be'e fpente,
and nonelekte but you . J couldeno
longer withttande they; ioece , yet 3]
woulde not yelde my ielte as a pzyio
ner vnto them t thetfoee Ii fledde hythee
with you into this Cane. Nowe there
toee beetheen , ye wall hnderftande that
death is commodioue and good in de'ede,
which commeth in this tyme . But ic
ie neyther good no; godly, fo; a manne
_to kyll hymielte and his bsother , io
go att'erwacde io; that de'ede into tech
and perdition . And what other thyng
ran moze clearly fette ioonh a manncs
manhood and haute mynde-with hie
,hope in GOD, then to; a man to futter
pacientlye, whatl'oeuet chaunieth vnto
.hym ,vntyll his ende come . Weholde,
the Lyons and other heaitee,howc they
are wontto withttande they; adueria
ties that lye in wayte fee them , to the
intente .ther maye tauetheyz lyueet
K i
k 7
.* * * Whois 'i
4. ...- "c-...pol

Whore armoure is they; t'o'etv and

flames , wherewtth neuertheletre they
hurt not themfelues, but vfe them a
gamut other that afl'atle them , tyll they
eyther ouercomßoz be'z oueccommcd. -
We , although we baue_ no warlyke
weapons , pet hath nature armed vs as
wellasthem: fox albeit we ba*: not of
t'nch ikrength as they , yet haue we [uch
acmoure , that we maye defende our
fetues therewith both from manne and
heath 915ut how can we boeake the hand
of lone one to another that pzoceedeth
from God ,which hath rhofen bs to his
people and inheritaunce to fanatfie
hym e How then mane we. be'e enemies
together,ano one kytl another s If that
bee true, as he can not denye it, that al
though we be many thoufandes, yet we
are counced as one foule . and members
of one body : then how can any manne'
euer finde in his heart to flryke his own
eyes oe fo'ete , o3 any other of his mem
Ines to deflroy it ,except be be mad and
belides htmteltee Moseouer deare bee
thzen and frendes,conljder to what enne . .
the Water ofa lhippe doth abyde the
tempett ofthe Seas , and flryueth daye
tvetctect. [07
aud nyght with the auddes therofxdotb
> be it not to [aus the chip and his lyt'ekrö
deathst l'o be it, he would williugly to;
the nonce put hymfelfe in ieopatdy of
tempel'f, oetuune vpon totkes t woulde
not the marchaunt men fay,Ke!e yondec
.defpcrate fellow that defttoyetv bimkclf,
his thippe , with the matchauutes,and
they: rycheflesBuppol'e an eartvly kung
fhoulde geue his officets to kepe cer
tayne peecious Jewelstwece it not cou
uenient that 'they t'houlde kepethem till
-fuche tyme as he fhoulde calt fo; them
agayne s It they' Mulde at theye plea
ture caae them away befose the kung
call foe them , than they not* moue hym
to angec s .And yf a man come into the
peelence of a kyug vntalled, wyll not
the kyng the>e hyuz , and faye vuto
_hytn e what doth chou hete befoee J call
thee e* Ho uowe, all the toutes of Jcrael
are the Koedes , who both bettowed
them vnto menacc'ozdyug to bis :nettye - '
and good pleafure e Who all'o wyll re
_ceaue them vnto hYm * agayue when it
pleafetv himsand whö'hie tttne is come,
euery [oule that depart vnto his-place ot .'
tetk. Lhecfoee yfa-mau wyll with bis
_ „ haut-co *
I 11,'.- "41. l LJ U'.

owne handeelette foozth hie i-'oule ont

othie cloiure befoee his tyme, G OV
wyll not receaue itmeyther fhall- it finde'
any refl,but bee deitcoyed. And whyes
Wecauieitis erpulied and theufle out
oi his place befoee his tyme , and betoee'
GOD do call it: wherioee it ihall wan
der inconflantly tee euer. Whye their
(my deare beethzen and frendeeh doe
. you aduiie va to kytl one another , and
to 'erhell and banyfhe our toutes from
be , they not called fee s Vowe canne
, wexput away this opptobzies Howe can
we make amendes fo; this iynnee
*N Who (hall peay and make interceflion
to; vee And with .this Koieph burftout
on wepyng aboundanilye , but they
laught hym io ieozue. '

then Feieph-helde bhhie handes to

heauen,iaying- t Thon hoade al
myghtie art our father , thou hatte tha
pened vs,and by thy great mercy taken
bs ot the clay :thou art he that leadett
bs in thy tayth , and the muititude oi
thy mercyes and beuignitie towatdee
vs bach not ceatfed. And although our
cm'. lek'cs. [oo

flunes haueteperated bs fromth ,yet

fieuertveleX-s,we are tvy handywozko
euery one of vs , and of [tengo baue ben
called tvy people. Thon act Ltoxde due.:
all creatures and cooles . Thon doelf
what tho'u wilt , and no man dare Wye
“ to the"e,why doefltvou co 2 Thon arte
our father,we are clay , tvou haft genen
'os ouclhape and fachfon. Therefoze Ye IK -'Ü'

tt pteafethäs to take ouc toules , take*

them bytbe handes of thyne aungels,
that we committe none euyll agaynffe
them . And yf thefe my fellowes tbac
boZe pxefencwith me,wyll nocbo'c pac
takers of my psaycr : Bevolde .my
1ny alone , fox the which.: J bete-:be
thy benigne clemmcte , ykit plcal'e the's
to take it, fox thongaueu _it me , there
foze do with it wvatloeuer wall' käme
goodtvnto the'e,it isin tby hannes, chou
Kenda it me , aud haft pßcfewed it with
' in me.J wyll not dcflroy tt my reite , o;
lette tt out ok pxyfon , befoze chou de
maunde tt. Fo; tbou know-:ft that ZZ“
man can 110c [7m: Aicbouc tb)- cLecree 8c :.
appoz-ncmcot , foLerxqzcke be mo :102
1176 k'jcbouc tits käme , Unto WEB there
foze do J lyfte bp myne eyes , thou that
a. 1.* "kl-".7".

dwetlett in heauen, to deale mercitully

with thy feruauntes and with me , tu
_tourne our- heartes that we content not
bnto_ this , to murther our [elues . If
thou hno'we any amongeft them,that
- entrnde fo wyck'ed _an aue , J bereche
theme!) Ltoede my O OD , let me finde
fauour in thyne eyes , geue them *an
hearte to heare holetome counl'ayle,that
J may deliuer my felfe and myne owne
lyfe, whithe' J commendr into thy han
des , that thou wouldefl receaue it vnto
the'e , fo: in thy hande ie the lyfe of ene-4
ry lyuyng creaturcWhns Lohan Joteph
had finithed his psayer , he turned hym
bnto his teloweo , and (aluted them.
Then fayd they t thmketk thou therkoge
to mo ue our myndes , becaufe thou haft
pzayed vnto OMV fox thy- fette ano fo;
vs:- dyd not we tel! choc ere whyle , lyke
as we tell the nowe ,that we are deter
mincd to dye by one* meanes .o3 others
wherekoee faye thy mynde , and tel' vs
what kynde ofdeath thou wylt ende thy
Lyfe , fo; we hatte .euer knowen the'e a
tulk man and a wozthy Prince, therfose
art thou woxthy to dye ftrft.Jo[eph per
. * »ceauyngthatthisfelowes torte -vtterly
. > O.
. „
(|1; xcr'cd. (U,

determined to dye, aud woulde geue uo

eare to hie periwaflous, tot he coulde hy
no reai'ous deawe them to hie opinion,
he went tuhtilie to wozke with them ou
this wyl'e e Beyng it wyll he udue other
wyi'e »beetheen quoth he, Ii wyll fhewe
you my deuiie . zee are determined to
dye ye i'ay, and that vpou your owne
Wehe-,theere there is no better way,
then to do 'it by lot,iu this wyie. Let vs
takt lottee amougett our teluee, that we u
may he ioyued together by couples,th_en
wyll we caitlottes whiche couple (hall
dye welt. Attenthey two (hall cait lottee
betweeue them, whether (hall kyll his
felowe, he that remayueth, lhali choie
hym one of the ieconde couple to kyll
hym. Boykewyl'e the teconde couple wall
talk -lottes betweeue themielues , who
_lhail dye tyei't, and he that io leite, (hall
'there him" one ot the third couple, whom
he hath -a kaufte to be kylled of. Lhen
they-ihalltrye hy lot who ihall dye tyeik,
who. heyiig uayue, the other may choie
hym internem the four'th couple to kyll
hym,and io oui'tytl all be ila'yue,that we
tee-'not the-raptiuitie otourpeople. The
lai't couple that wall remayne, (hall do
' Zh i thus '
thusermme one vpon the others [wosde,
o; els let them cafle lottes betwöene
them felues, and vpon whom it falleth,
lethym dye fyzu. But foeafmucbe as
we are fonrtio ano one, fo that we can
notbeiuflly ioyned in couples: let .vs
cafflotces fyzlt ofall, and (ee whiche of ,
vs Galli-ysz be flayne, and when heis l
once out of the way, then let vs_ dcuide
the cooples. De that is to be oayne kika',
let hym chofe out one of the fyzfl cou
ple to be flayne Wand when he is dead,
the fyzlk couple (hall calk lot-tes, and do
as Il haus deuiled. Then every man
[iked bis deuike (whiche was Gods do!
yng, who heacde lo(ep]1c3 pzoycr) Fand_
fayde all with one mouth, we wyll do
es thou haff deuifed, and co thee it, pec
taynetv to deutdetbe men., »cmd to cafte
the lot-tes . 1017:9!) aunfwered; Wut let
vs lweare by the name-othe LW, '
that this deuite.wall Kandez beratified, _
and pecfourmed. Wherevuto theyüac
tosded, and [ware all. by the name ofthe
Loede, fhatthey *woulde baue that: de_
nice to be catified and, .kept- lvbicbechz ,
Fcph had inuented of caflyng. of wem. '
Böhm_ Iofcyh _hegag xx _Wake lots, job.
. 'Zh-7W
thoulde-he thelodde man, aud ittyght
bpon leh0jacla a peieft, foune of Zha-lcjm
a Galileamwhith was a baleauut man, -
' aud chieteft iu euery councel next to l0-,
Feyh, audthe peincfpall pecfwadec ot"
this whtked fact .to kyll them felues. Af
ter that,dyd he craftle deuide them into
couplee, (o-that the lot ot his own'e com
ple came toosthlaft ofallz who lohed to
he taued andttuued. in God, beleuyng
that he woulde deliuet bum from this„
abhomiuahle deede. :Che lchoja-cla chole
hym one ofthefytft couple, who newe.
hem. That done, the fyett ,couple takt*
lottes hetweeue them, fo the. one kylled .
his telowe, aud chofe hym out of the (e-z
coude couple to kyllhym. Then they ot
the "econde couple eau lottee .hetweene
h themleluee iuthe peel'euce ot [ofelzltDnd
the one kylled the other, then he *that ee- *
mayned,tvole him one of the'thitde ton-
. pls, tolleahkm. .- Audi-1 this 'matter _dydt
they, tytttvee Wallllayuezaud none.
lett-altue- hut-Jofephaud'hts feleWwbo
(ayd vuto tat-phhoto, let ve cattlettes
that we may; goto out bescheeu. 10(th
aunlweced hem, wewylhdo [oz it chou
Beko dilpol'ed, c, hut ßrlxheate me 3] yeay
, t . .Z , D h* thte
.l 11247731'ku ot
thee tpeake a tewe thynges in thyne
eat-ee. Tell me, haue not theie (innere
rebelled agaynit Ood in thus murthe
ryng-ofthem ielueeto t'haruefully, ney.
thertoulde J :by any meanee diiwade
them, no; hate them from thie opinion.
Whereioze ihould we two (inne againfl
- God io gteuouily,and againtt our owne
i'oulee erthelot woulde io fall that-'J
ihoulde kyllthee, J ihoulde be counted
amanilear, and that wosthyly: and it
may io ehaunte that J thall ettape- after
thee, and iaue my lyfe t 15m it. the lot
fhould io fall that thou (houldett [lea-me,
thou ihouldelt betaken atio fo; a mut
therer,aud peraduenture thou thouldeü
,n'ot eicapeaiterme, yea, although thou
thinkefl yes. But ailurethy ieli'e otthie, .
we loi'e our hope in God, inai'muthe ae
we anne:- agaynii our cooles. Fo: all
_thete men that thouteett heare dead, lo,
they haue' unned a'gaynü.- their owne
. toutes, dying withoutoiicipline *and all
good oedet. Jithou wylt ray, howe wall
we do to; out othe that we baue l'wome. _cp-_t
" * "Doeflthou not know, that he tbat broa
Lcetba iii-[cken other, noch natbyng 'etc-
tech-7 htmtgtxce Femme-'Wyk W7
:._: - flcayued
cnc leute-8. .' ' nc
[Wyatt. to. perfonrme an oth vnto Godz
hat to the, kepjng ofvis laws-x, aud bete
. bpon it: la that Daniel fayeths- (l baua
[Marne-.ana Wllycrk'ourmez) Fo; _ney
tvet vowe nos oche,that ia made-agaian
the commanudementes otOod, can bo
ratified kew-_teGodz -And that: .moto fs,
beton tvat we (ware, our fatvecs (ware
kW a great, wbyle ago ,attbt-.mount of
8Wahatthey *and they .Wittnau would
kept tve lawelof-the Dom., Yoyles ,aus
madea couenauntwitbthem qun the
fame. and ,not only with them tbat then
were theregbutxall'o with vsuozowe then
date,le he fo. kolde tattoo-aextobuake
the laws quodz and, bectme Wan-luck
* _ler-,loyngitlsqne oftbe-tentommaunx
dat-neuwaerpselfelyz »"l'boutlxalc pol: »
-lcz-_ll .. Wherefm my bsetherz chou (halt
Wderlkande' that we node-notf-bt- tolliti
tus not cateful fo; tve othe_ that' wehaue
made, -butratberto: Wake lc„ tot, .God -
Ullith be düpleal'edwitb vs. .foetltatz
F.: J;- bwug: awayde .If-,thea- tvycked
perfonsztbafiye noweheaceuoad, dya
tnueut thiafubtyll means-z and way ,to
Ware that:J„-migbt [aue my life. Wvou
thetstote my b;othet,itthou wylt be cu
aÄJ - * x5 tg K led
.l [LE "31768 01"-7 '
led by myne aduiie, -thoii thatt'fau'e khy
lyte and myne,and J wyii takt _no lottes,
nozpertourme the othe that we made?"
77W!) '18 110c Zoot] in cite_ latte." Jtthou
wyit not, J1 wyll withttaude thee, and
fight with ihee,to kill thee andikape my
leite. Und with this Joiephlept backe,
and dei-,we out his iwotdeNanding ouer
againfl hym at his deten'mto 'kee what
1 his kelowe woulde auniwere."1his comi
paniou hearyng this, fluered neytbec
vaude noz toute againfl'h'ym, but -i'ayde't ,
SWF am content,do what thou'thinkefl
good, becauie chou attatna'n of God“.
And bleu'ed .be the Kozde God of Jitiiei,
that hath not withd'eawen his merty
from me, but made me tube :in thy tot,
wherebymy toute is i'a'uedZ from goyng
to heit t ihy'iot ie a* mus-ion Fo; the
(oi-ä.: A711 Wi: *lcaue cite (Wifi-Ze of* (w;
nei-*8, "3'011 the 10c 0Fth 'mit . Much' ei
beüdes 'this ipake Joiepheß ' competition i'
tmto himztoe he'was tote atrayde 'ofhim,
left he thoulde baue kyiiedk Wu" it they
had enco'untred together": ide Jio'i'eyh
wasche bettermanot his hani-es, aud
theretozeJofepb choie hynt into hi. Lot,
that he myght he able tomakexhis haute :i
the letter. ' tre *
'ie good withhim. Jiu this poyutJoieph
played the wyie mans part t io; he vita-"
ped hy thismeanes, both from the'hau
des of thote wicked "dolce-,audalco from
hietelowei 1

?Verfoie Iiol'ephtailed our oi the caue

*.; to captayne MjcanoiMnd iayd to him
mthie wytee* Wylt thou peomyie nie,
that ueytherthou nor any of thy men
thathe here* with thee, oe' in the Ro
maues campe,thall kyll vs, befoze thou
[JW brought bs vuto Äaipafiauä and let
hym do with ve as he thinlteth good .
dhc'auor auuiwered: Bo and io deale
God with me,il'J| fuifill uotthy requeik,
ifiobe itthou- wylt come tooeth vuto
me together with the ,men that thou
hatt with thee". loicph auniwered. Ii'
wyltome-foosth buto theezand io many'
mo ofve ao he alyuet fo; io ie it come
to paihe,that iomeothe be dead here in
the caue, wheretoee howe can they come
wanhähhheni'aid hhcanortueuer thinke
(freude goieph) that J] am .come to de
. reaue ihre, come footth aud truck iu thy
HoodeGodFoethou-nedeituot to trace; '
'diet-h fawawiearehuto me, the-,hy
* the.
.|. [LE Katteaom:
the God oifocael, althofigh'he be bit.
_knowen vnto thee. dljcaooeaunfwereoz
J iweate vnto thee, by thatthd_ that
made the wotlde by bis wyldome, that
thou nedeit not to teare me, but boldtg
mayeft come foosth vnto me. Ho Mca
noc made a couenaunt with lokeph and
hie felowe, tontitming and tatifiyng
it in tvtytyhg after the manet ot the
Romane-3: and teachyng it intothe
caue bpon a kpeate, holdyngthe poynte
of the [peace in his owne bands.- lokeyb
toke the wtytyngz-ted it, and belened
Weg-10m then came he foozth to dhca
ttot and htszfetowe with hymh. When
chaxwt fitting vpon his feat'e ot eltate
that was made hym there. in the wood
nyetothe caue, iawe [0(Epl1 come to
watdeehymt he ryie bp and embea.
kyng dem, kytked hem, tet bym on bis 1
ryght hunde, and wept with hym a.
boundauntly, he her-outeth kelowe
atio, placyng hym .betweette' ?oh-"mu
and Galltoanus, whom heb-d' at that
pzeient with hym. Then dit-1:10: acked
bym to; the teft of the ; men „that wece
with bym, wyllyng that-.they Walde
come toozth, and*he'wonldhonont t2?!
-: o
* mc tum-8. - hz
alfoßand dothem uo--haeme .' Ioi'eph' -
deelared the whole .matter vuto hym,
what was become ot them." Wee-103
hearyns otthe pectiuacious ltuhburuj
nelle' ofthe Jewee heat-tee“, aud theyx
wicked intentee, was wendet-Mhz tqu
ued . Ho then he roieand-weutfcom
the-_1te with Joieph “und hie tontyauiou “
vntoW-fyafianlWhen the Romane ati
*mie -faweZolephzthey were gteatly alte?
uyed, aud gaueamightte (heute. Home
reioyied that Joleph was't'aken, (ayiugt
This iu good lucke , that our eyes (halt
le'e our .long expected defire .. * Other
lameuted and letteacestall teomtheye
eyes with peniiue beachte , .fayiug 2 :zu
not this 'that woethye mau'whd made
-q_ ..,'._- > all the :Romane- 'hoaltz-to- quake to:
feat-e , and whoie taute- Wtuwwme“
was kuowen:thedugheut- all Landes-J
Howe-[sit “come-:to hattetth (te-migh
tyeauian-is* »taken-'iu hisowue* tout-2'
tteyMnd-amdnglk hisowuepeople e- - J'
this chaun'ceth 'into 'iu-he* a man to She's
taken tnhisowne lande iu'- the middelt
othis familye and tcen'dest howe (hall
we eitape in a [trau-'ge laudesTettayue
euyll diiyoied perions of the Romane,
-* s Y v loul-_
I. “c "auch KF(

fouldiours went to- ?hip-than and i'ayd;

Hit , you thaildo well to commaunde
this-man to be'ehaine without met-eye,
that hath ben the dei'truuien of toma
ny otthe people ofthe Rome-nee. This
ie the ielte came thatthot the aruowand*
ttrolte youtnthelegge , putte-hym; to
death-and then Wil ye bee inte -hewalt
neuer mouewarte -moee. agayuik you.
Jiyou do not_,ye (hall rie hyui ouedaye
agayne rayl'e an: army agaynihve„anu
dei'troy be. But Jofeph foundetr'enue
(hyppe at_ ,'l'it-tn :fakpuäane Rennes(
handes,wbich eameot the Leah. Meca .
fine whenhehearde thoie wicked anena
woedeehthat Wred ?afyaijavzca :pub
Joieph eit-death. he_ imp-eouedftheyt: ad
nyee,and,partlytn.moehage hetauuted
theme-lying e. „ Well eau-,tell my :ia-the.:
what bB :WW-BTW? wylt you gene
hym to-ipicked teen-oli to (lea that man
thatyeldeth hem leite to ve.» the
teuft of _our -league and handeoiiftWe
thypye zwhieh-eou-uowe .go about-to*
beeake and treuer-.te e Die notraptayue
Uieanoein Weather. name. .KW ' (3,2 *
-l'atazwitb _alt-the_ Romanee. 1 When eo
! uenaunttoith-himzk Taheheede what -'
._ r, you
' TELEFON ' *' '7 l '

:humax-'glatt 'tot treafön that you Fo a;

baut to - bteak'e' 'the Tekat'oall Melitta! -
Poteouerßwhq can-telk'whethe't it-'m'ahoy
fo-happsit'that- toute of* hs votaken- by* '
the Zeleyke aa Folt'ph is- p'u'wn'el: at!" »
W pMnt'wlth WZ' Wbeufahyafiaul
heard _hisfmue's wdzdtsz-it' ploakedhinßj
.hefpated-:tol'ophznot mffetyng-him to- .
be aayaa t7 but “commfttod 71W *to a cet;
taine captahu-ok WN* carisd- him about'
with xhth ?thäough'tho cities , together“
with king .LX-"Zr'lßpm Aftöf this-,falpr(ZI
remoued his campo? to 'jk-[mich, wh'iche
allo ts called lle-.110, t' fcöfhe'nce'he went
to (Lo-[aua, a-“gxeat >th“an they ot '
the citie-l'anof'ephäth'ay ct'iedv'jttoWM ,
yafian,ltyll-hym,kyll hym 'Föt-'thswlll
“one day heart occafioit-'ttj' Wo' 'gesat
tdacrts agayutk-'thss x "lauf Walhalla?
gaue no eace to them . Whyles he Wok" -
at (Zefal-ja , tydynges came to bunt_
:hottesme ot Napbv [WWW Üt'td" [pt-LZ ,
led*xtho:Jflok 'tha-t were-[WWW ,bnd'eß
ht'- domintous with a 'Wqu tft-("pat

ix: 31: kthct'eof -, cvumzäundeo'to'

lay' in waite fdzthemz-tvab. thoy my'ght
l- Wmetw'ithall .. ,Ho th'etalüat“ avant?:
, YWlWoattthne, *aud it _
l, 4
l x|c*"äclcäot

tteated ,Wing bntohim e go and dee

ae than wyit ,- tot thy honoura take J
wylidoio-muthe to; the'e . 2o hgrippa
went to them,-and ipahe trendeiy and
peateabiye vnto,_them , ani-.they recea
uedhym iniykemauer, hut they meant
deceyteriaying .7 .Thon act our Itozde
and kyog t to whom theretoee doth all
that ia-ot-any 412ch otto bee deflred in
.alt Jirael-belong,bnt vnto theee ther
foee-comeuete hntohs ,- and dehate the
matter with tb? [ernannte-i . *NiZr'ipyea
rtedytyngtheye woedeezeame hatde to
the citie,and ae he lyflened to them that
_talhedwith :hymz onecatkagreat flotte
from the wall,which -lyght iui't betwtne
, hie wouiderszwith iuthxviolente ,that
*Wake-bein pioffrateto the. ,grounde
make .hie .ba-:ke with .one of bis
- atmtäßxiq,.: Bucht-.coruauuteaflepte
to .hh-i1. tokehym bp , anecaryea hin
to Wipafiaa-x-Wvo teens dem to rose
hurt 2. iii-atezhe wouide neuergo from -
then'cettyii- -he hadde taken the titie,
*ende-deren »them in lykewanet as- he
dydde 'fiat-ua , to leaue neuera marine
aiyue theriu-.dF The Romane phyfiti
, aus dyd-beqowe
- i * fache
' diiigence
*“ about_
' .NZ-tip.
'* [|1: lWEJ.

ng-jppas , that 'they cut-cd hyut. 17,3(

paz'tan in this tage agaynfi the Ecken
,cjanx,becaufe they had .wouuded the
kyng , .hefleged and alkaulted them.
The Jewes within the towne encoue
ragedone another, tayingtt lette hs
lkyche to it-uowe and pluye. the„ menue,
fox we haue none other hope to iaue
our tyues , ieyng we haus thus osdered
the kyng. Cextayne (wohnten of: them
therfoeeih'ued , aud eucountryug with
the Komm-tes, made a great flaughtec
amongeft them. After that,the Ro
manes, uddeelled they: engines, planted
they: iron Rammes that they bzought
with ibem-agaynfl the walies -, and by
that tyme nyght came , bum-ed a :great
7 parte theceot dowueto the earth , that
?akpaxjun aud much people with bym
m'yght, enter at they: pleai'ucef. .xs-uf -
73(gääi3xt gaue: commanudemeut .co
hiuaxmeey-that they Would- noten???
thathhghtihth-the .towue-,i hut (kunde
t WWW-e' tbe wall-pWielt-testw
thtwyxmyght [Wow-:to winne it,
'-: Notwccbcteupens.kWh-Wyeuxthöt
.WW *be heut-.butentW- .When the

[1 x - j
_ ..v '- -_--v‘ __

thu'szrunue' one vpon the others Wem.; l

o; els let them cafle lotus betwe'ene
them felaes, and vpon whom it falleth,
lethym we fmfi. But fosafmuche as
we are fourtie and one, fo that we can
notbeiuflly ioyned in maples: let .vs ‘
:afilnttes fggtt nfall, and fee whiche of
hs thallml't be Uayne, and when heis
once out of the way, then let its dcuide
the couples. »De that is to he Hague mu,
let hym chore out one of the -fysfl eon
pie to be Rayne ohand when be is dead,
the that! couple (hall eau lattes, and do
as a! haue deuifed.- Then euery man
liken his deuike (which: wasGods do!
my, who hearde Iofephcs pmer) Fand_
fayde all with one mouth, we mall do
as thou haft deuil'ed, and to thee it, pec
tayneth to deuide the men, and to tails
the lattes . Iofeph aunfwered.: 215mm
vs l'weare by the ,name of„ the Med!,
that this deuife wall (fande, beratified, _ »
and perfourmed. Wherevnto they„ac
cosded, and [ware all by the name oftbe
Losdeuhattbey woulde haue that_ de
uife to he catified and kept, whichew.
feph hadtnuented of aligns of Wee. '
; - x .
. 17116 [W28. '* *' [to
thoulde-he theodde man, and ttlyght
bpon lehojacla a peielt, lonne othhelctm
a Galilean,which was a valeaunt man, >
* and chietett in euety councel nett to 10-.
teph, and-the peincipall perl'wadec ot
this wycked fact to kyll them felues. Af
ter that,dyd he ctattyly deuide them into
couples, [o that the lot ot his owne com
pie came toosth lan otallzt who lohed_ to
he iaued andttulked. in God, belcuyng
that he woulde deliuet hym from this.
abbominahie deede. :The [cbojacia chote.
hym one oftheiyeft couple, who Rewe.
hym. _Thatdonu the fyeftcouple talk*
lottes betweeue them, io the, one kylled
his felowe, and ehofe hym one of the (LO
conde couple to kyllhym. Then they ot *1

the teconde couple eat! lottes hetwe'ene . LF


, thcmlelues inthe peel'ence of lot-:hihdnd

the 'one kylled the other, then he--that- re
maynedz'thoie him one ofthe'thit-de cdu-
g pie to (lea-hem. . And_ in thismanet dyd,
they, tell-they Wall itaynuand none ,
tayd *onto tut-ph,go_xto, let bs cattlottes
that we may goto one beetheen. Lotgyh
aunfwered' hem, wewylhdo [oz it thou
he io. dityoied; but firlxheare me 3| yeae
. , . , V 'F 7-'ny
l nanarreaot

thee ipoake a iewe thynges in thyne"

earee. Tell me, haue not theie finnere
tebelied agayni't Ood in thus murthe
ryng-okthemieiuee to thamefuliy, ney.
thet'eoulde J by any meanee diiwade
them, nos hale them from this opinion.
Wheretoee lhould we two (inne againik
. Godio gteuouily,and againfl our owne
toutes ?Mithelot ihoulde io fall thatJ
thoulde kyllthe'e, J thoulde be counted
a manilear,- and that wozthyly c and it
may io chaunce that Ii thall eicape after
thee, and iauemy lyfe . tönt it the lot
t'hould io fall that thou thouldett i'iea» me,
thou ihouldeit be taken alio io; a mut
therer,and petaduenture thou thouidefk
not eitapeatterme, yea, although thou
thinkei't yes. But ailurethy ielie ofthte,
we loi'e our hope in God, inaimuche as
weunne'.:agaynft our foules. Fo; all
.theie men that thouieel't heare dead, lo,
they haue united agaynit - their owne '
foulee,dying withoutdiiciplineand all
good oeder. 'ztthou wylt (ay, bowe wall
we do to; our othe that we haue i'wome.
" "Doeflthou not know, that he that [zi-ea.
[cetb a hielten othe, äotb natiian "ic-.*
_lccclh btmielt'e _e Fee a _manteuer con
' 4,: ' -_ ' * Wayned
kk]- lWEJ. -* ' [ll
Wyaed to_ petfoarme an otb *onto Oodz
but to the kepjng ofhis lawee; aud here»
. bpon it; (s tht Daniel l'ayeth 2' (l baue
[Agent-.ano nylllpcrkdurmez) Fo; -ney
tber vowe no- othmhat ie madeagaiulk
the commanudementes oqudz can be
cattfied beweeGod. -And that: moee fs,
beton that we [ware, our fathers l"ware
feel! a great wbyle ago attho »mount of
Zell-'ladbethey and they childeen would
keve the laweof-the Leede., Poytes _alte
madea couenauntwtththem vpon the
fame, and ,not only with them that then
were Whutzallo with bezlhowe then
daeewe be fo. .volvo totwearettobscake
the lawe ofGodz aud become .mau-teet
* lerozleyngitte one oftbetentommaum
demeutee, etpeellely , -Übou [halt x10: »
-lcz-ll . Wherefose my weiber, thou walk
.vndeeflande' that we nede-uot-be folliti
tus not oaeeful tot the othe that' we haue
made, -buttatbecto-beeake it, to; .God »
,wtlueuec .be .dllpleafed with vs. .foethate
Fee J;- beeng: eteayoe of-zthefe .wecked
petfonszthatlye noweheaceeead, dye
inne-tt thietuhtyll meanee-,ano way ,to
llueaee thatXmight [ane my Ute-Thea
thetefose my bsothecufthou wylt beru
ht. - ze th l led
.l L16 WWII' ' K
led hy-ntyne aduiie', -thoij wahr-ine: flit!
lyfe and m'yn'e,and J talk no times,
no; perkourme the othe that ,we mat-'et'
KW/bjcb '18 110T Zoocljtn"t]1elaarei Jtthou
wylt not, Ii wyii withttande Wee, and
fight with thee,to kill thee andihape tny “
leite. Und with this Joiephlept backe.;
and deewe out his iwo;de,ifanding ouer
againfl hym at hie defentßto'iee what
7 his felowe woaide auniwtre. comi
panion 'hearyng this, ikutred “neythee
hande not toote againt't'h'ym, but -taydet _
LVZ am content,do what thoathiuke'lk
good, hecauie chou art a- 'man of God'.
And blcu'ed .he the Itozde God ot zitaei,
that hath not withdxawen his merty
from nie, but made me tobe-in thy lot,
whereby-my faule teia'uedikrom -goyng
to heut-tha lot ie a' -iuike lot.» - Fo- the
[ot-(jo tua-ll ?mit -Lcaue cbo (WiKi-Ze of* tio.;
nei-8, 790!) cite lot okcbe [UK. Mitthei
befideethietpake Fotophhe-eompanion _
"into himgos he'was rote afrayd'e ofhim,
leffhe-thduwe hauekyiied'; haut' tt they “
had, .encountred together) to'ekJo'ieph
waswedettermanot his handee, and
theretoze Jokeph choie hym into bis "lot,
that he myght he able tomake : hie pat*
7. ' te
the lautet. tot
tio good withhim. Ju this pohnt Joteph
played the wyi'e maus part c. to; he otto-7
ped by this weanes, both from the'hau
des ofthoto wicked fooiesMudalto from
bis telowet t - -- _ *
l*'1-"Ihert'ote' Joieyhxalted out ot. the caue
„- to captayne hlicanar,audi'ayd to him
iu this wyfe x* Wylt thou ptomyi'e me,
thatneyther thou not any of thy men
thathe here with thee, o3' inthe Ro
manes oampe,lhalt kytl vs, beio;e thou
h'aik thought vs buto 7:11“pofiahs aud let
hym do with vs as he thinheth good .'
Wet-nor auutw'ered: Ho aud io deals
God with me,ifJ] kuiüll uotthy requeft;
tftobe it thou-wth come tooßth vuto
me together with the .men that-thou
hatt with theo. lotcyh ouniwered. J*
wyl come foostv_ vnto thee,and io many'
md ofvs as he alyuec fo; io is it come
to paikeghat iomeotbs be demt here in
the raue, wherei'ote howe can they come
tcotthsThen-iaid Realm-:neuer thinke
(freude Joieph) that J am :come to de
ceaue thce, come footth and *tcufl iu thy
p' WädeGod,to3thounedeü-notto keare.“ *
l** Joi'eph
C* ZF; (Wort-Ware ,vnto me, Witz-.ku
. tv*

' s.
»l [16 'Wlka 0W?
the God otchael, althofigh'he he vw
.knowen 'onto thee. chanovaunfloetedz
J [weate vnto thee, hy thathd that
madecve wotldehy his wyldome, that
thou nedeft not to teare me, hut holdem
mayeft come toosth vnto me. Ho dl'xca
nor made a tonenaunt with (0(*ep11 and
his telowe , tonficming andttatifiyng
tt in wzytyng after the manet ot the
.Romanes :- and reach-eng it intothe
caue vpen a fpeaoe, holdyugthe poynte
of the t'peate tn hts owne hands. [ou-,ph
toke the wtytyngzred it, and beleued
dljcaoorx then came he tooeth to dljca
oor and hts>felowe with hyma. When
WWU fitting vpon his feat'e of elfate
that was made hym there. in the wood
nyeto the teue, (uwe [oft-ph come to.
words-hem: he ryce hp 'and emwa
[yng hym, kyffed hym, tet hym on his
cyght hände, and weptwith bym a
boundauntly , he honoucedthis felowe
alte, placyug hym .betweette' Volt-'mot
and Golljcaous, whom hdl-d' at that
peefent with hym. Thefidhmnm afked
hym to; the reft of (that were
with hym, wyllyng: that :they 'Walde
come foozth, andhewouwhononr
-: o
UL- lWEJ." > W

aliozand dothem 'nohatme .' Jofeph" -

declared the whole matter vnto hem,
what was -beeonte of Wim' di'iczauoc
»heaeyng ot the pettinacious'fluhhutnk
nette of the Jeweshearissz'and theyx
wicked intentes, was'wondettuily tus_
ued* . Kochen he .ro'ie'andwenttcom
' theme-with Joteph fMid MZ' -toutpaniini
bntthpaiianthentheRomani-x ats
mie-iaweJofeph-they were greatly atio?
nyed, aud gauea mighiie thoute. Home
reioyi'ed that Joleph was taken, fayingt
This is good lucke , that out eyes thai!
tee one *long expected defire .- t Othet
iamented and tetteacestali ttonitheye
eyes with peniiue heatte's , -iaying 2 ._ zu
not this 'that wozthye manwhd made'
all the Romanes *hotho quake im'
teure , and whoie fame? and renowuie
„-*_ '- |_t-* was knowen: the'oughout- ati Feindes-Y'
Howe'isit 'come-to hattetth iomigh
tye ami-nis taken in his owne“ com-'2*
tceyand-aMonglk his ownepeo'ple e- *It
this cha'nnteth ontoiuthe a man to
taken in his owne 'lande in- the middelt
othis familye and ttendes t_ howe ih'all
we eftape in a flraunge lande-Cettayne
euyll ditpoied perlh'ns of the Romane.
.. „; Y v . iouh_
.l 11c "auch m.

iouldiours went to-i/atpafi-w and tade

Sir, yon (halldo well to commaunde
this-man to bee ilaine without metcye,'
that hath ben the det'truction ot toma
ny otthe people of the Romanee.- Chic
is the ielfe iamethat ihot the aruow and
flroke you in» the'legge , putte-hym .to
death,and then wall yebse inte *he (hall
neuer mouewarte mm. agayni'i you.
Jtyon do not-ee ihali rie hem one daye
agayne rayie an army agayni'teve ,and
dettroy ve. But Joieph founuetr'ende
wyppe at.,"l"1tua ,7Wptüjant konnte*
handee,whith tameot the Load. Ohm ,
Fuze when he heardethoie wirken .mens
WMV.“th *defired ?afyaija'ih to :put
Joieph iii-death.- , he impeoued thein ad
nyte,and patilyinmoekage he'tanuted
themaayingt , Wyll you tell my father
UW( lle Nik-USM 3' welt you: W*
dem, io-wickedtouneell to .hea that man
thatyeldeth-bym leite to ve: the
craft of one-league aud vaude-oftma
ihypye Z whiehteou-nowe go, about-to*
bzeahe and feuikrate e Die notraptaeue
[Titan-»vin mytathero-nameand-Cw e
Netzhaut). alt the Ramones z ..nahen eo
' ue'naimt with-:him z'_ Taheheede what -
t_ 2.7, you
* MEL-"EF- ' ' -' " [14

.sarah-Alete 'lot treat-Zn that you go ae

boot to-hteake' the Wetateall-»udelitiex -
Mwuetzwho 'can-felt whether it-“ntaye
foha'pyeath'at toute ot- oe estate-1!“ by*
, the Zewetßlyke as Joieph io-peicone't "ati »
W peekfntwith We' WWflTahyahan»
heard hie [times woseeszit'yleafedhinuf
ehetpaeed-Jofephmot hlttetyng-him to- .
be Wyatt' but commich hym »to a :cet
taine captaitte-of lei-,e catiöhhim about!
with *hem Wough 'the' cities “, togethee'
with-king-xayaßpmatter WWU-JW(jä
remoued hie campeto Uhl-zähle», whiche
alte iecalled ach0, o“ tröfhe'itc'ehe went
to Chef-1W, a-igreat Miet-When they ot -
the-titte-l'awzofephätheyctted*Wiek/1W ,
yäumzkyllhymell h'y'tjt ,Steht [ze-wm
one day-be eh» occafio'tito" We' 'gl-sah
Warte-ägayütt'the'e; " Witt Wä'lhcihää
gaue no eaee to them . Whyles he wat( -
at Uefa-*13 , tydynges came to hym_ (hat
the.“qu ot yaplm tuuadtd- -aao-,cyoyz .
lee-?quee 'that were-WWW endet -
hi. dominione with' a haute. WGZ-"37*
311 Week-*z cömejaonheo* to' .4
lay in wette WWW-:WMV Wh:
y- W met w'tthall .. 'Hoth'eee'waj 'ati-am?,
* WWWuttheWe z' had tt .
Z-„Z- ' x *x
- -- 'Kap-y 'kl-'i
tante tot-age: „thatwhmxthe pirateo
'were gene data-:dauerte t WiWi-eu
mtr-:d the fait-ne , and take-jk; without
great reliiience , hecauie theeelouldiees
were abient.; When the -
retourned with_ they. Nauiezana -iawe
the ,Romance .in the _citie .z :there-labou
red, to areine' and fette a lande e hut io.
» deynly ahuge :tempeite anita: mkghtye l
Wine deoue alle they; wippta:agaynit
the eockes that- were in the-tea theatre,
(toz there was no hauen tot thiypeNand
they-were loltemaueeot-:them:
and inch -aalwamme to landez the; Ro
manee ane„ _.hßheythat-weredeowned
inthe (ea _and llayne.: by thegmmmegz
.hinein *nambec- fahre thoeiaaaez good
mmne-»obwaxce e betet-eathem
Rae-1e fache tawdßalathaaieadeeall
" IBW Ü?:F;ll-t:i . : - ;; e? :Ja: :kt: *.- * ..- k
.zh-1 .UN-'plc
>- ».e .at .at

FWBWMefyaM-i t„ Ria,
:- izler'iceeaad-Xaahaaztwoähwmme
* tante-ease:sz lite (quite .WN-who
went .- .kW-p endeten-.the .Downe
of deten-,ethac-.were iuW-.j :7W
theadydL'iaehie thenaä.;32Wthat
7 helded hntoWn,he,caaeaxtheyZ.-lyeee:
t e , and
*"7- chi-.1MB 1th
. and whoioeuer withltode hyut-he huet
' Pozeouet 'all the *cities- that :*hetonged
to >erpr in GalilWhe tutto-ed them'
bitte hytü agayne,.onety-"l'jakua except.),
- which he v'tterlyratedzä-aud une ati the
mankyudztpeeialiytuche astoete apt to
the waere. *,Folde 'atio they:: Zwyue'h'auo
chyldteß 'tk-Aud- this wasche "only
in-WVW-,that "kmh WWW.
rigourTatid erttemitie butoxKÄ-ti'xjätjah -
departyttg thenc'e,tooke> histourneyto* y '
(Jamal-1, which ie a citie tippen the
ota inountayne. The name thereot-ie
called (Ja-mh , ot an WebsueF-woede
651W],that-ttgnifieth to quite ot to do
a' good (time/z' becaute »it is the bei' "cih
:te that-'he'longeth to .AF-what, aud? fkk
inhahitaun'tes the'ceot were'alt--verye
richt-.The citie atio calledäcfeucju was'
not tat-re diltauut from it_ ,*a* touuttey
. eeptenyched with x- good townee, Gar
dens, -veookes--aud alt-kyuoe--ot fruit
fi'll WWF.“- »Mßtjpy'a beton* ' Weißt-ij
> an*.that-he»'woulde-not he *hd-this etz'
fie: let megoxfirfleii'aiöth Wario. "ottee
i them' peace“ theradueutuce-they :mit
, take'it *Z that 'they uiaye' tauetheys lyues
_ from WWW'. Yakyaijau'wa'oini , -
- t( > ' treated,
1. “TUM-8L":

tteateogayinghntohim e- ge“ ago-m

astvou* wylt ,*- foe tby vom-uke fake J*
wylldo-fo-muchetoetho'- . Jo thiypxt
went-to themNnd fpake. fcendely and
peateahlye but-.them , and-.theycecea
uedhym mlykexmener, hut they meant
deceyte-jfaytng,.7 *Thon act out Leave
»aud kyog 2. to .whom theretoee doch alt
that foot-any psch-oe to bt'e deflred in
,all chaelbelong ,but onto thöe- s thec
fozecome-uece vote-,vs 5 and debut the
matter with thy fernauntes . :LtZr'lpyät
ccedY-tyngtheyz woedes„„came hardeto
the citiezand es be lytfeued to them that
talkedwifhhym, onetawagteat flotte
(kom the wall,whtch -lyght in!! hetwene
bio thonldecsewith [uchviolence , that
-itlkcoktbym Mikka-ew the. .grounde
haette-:hie hatke with .one of bis
- Mucki-.fokueunteeflepte
to, hem-tokehtm bp», »aodcaryed vom.
to Ypfpaham:Wbo-feyns bymlo We
hurt 2, (wa-eve wonlde neuet_go.ftom -
the-iceytyll--he hadde taken the citie,
-ondgosdeted .theminlykegztaner as he
dydoe MANN.) le'ane neuetamanne
alyue *thertn* : Why-Romont* pbyfiti
7 anodydhet'towe fache eiligenee about
"* -kllc I." E).

ZZÜYW s that they cured hyut. 17,3(

putiaoin this tage agaynfl the Jelen
ctam,becaui'e they had .wounded the
kyng , .heiteged and attaulted them.
Che Jewes within the towne ent-tue
' raged- one another, (flying; lette bs
ttytke to it nowe. and playe menue,
ko; we haue none other hoye to iaue
out lyues- , ieyng we baue thus oedeted
thehyug. Oettayne Wut-:tuen of: them
thertoeeiitued , aud encountryng with
the Romanes, made a great flaughtec
amongefl them. After thahthe Ro
manes addeeited they2.englnes,planted
theyeiton Rammes that they thought
with them-agaynfl the wahes , andby
that tyme nyght came , baitred a :great
- parte theteof downeto the earth , that
Mathew-n and much people_ with dem
myght enter at they: pleaiure . Beef
Walhaajtixt gaue: commanndement .to
hisutmeeethat thcywquwe note-lt??
thathyghtMe-the .towne ,. hut (lande
und;ch the wall-e Well. WW»
_haut-zeheyzuyght _ieh-howeto _winne it,
Nonvtcbwnpene, :bee .whole-not 'ist
r-uled beheet-hutenttty- :Men the
JW??- WtthkM-W kh? ÜN?? .

F .
.l |1: "ill-[Ü p'.

with chayne'e'zand cloiedthewayee oi »

the-citie , entrappyng-them in iuche a ,
[one , that they coulde go nother one
way nos other.After that ietbpon them.
- and bette them downe enen there , io
that* they were all iiaine [ane 'tenmenne
that fiedde with hiawatha z and* a cap
taine named Zutun, one oithe beit men
of warte in alt the' Romanee armye,
hymtheJeweepuri'ued andilue. ahnt
4 Uakyae'ian und. hie,tledde to the mount
taynee , that he myght be there in kaue
garde. And teomthenee he [ent to '17i
tnzhia ionne thatwae in Zitat“, too the
Romane' armie. that he had cent. with
hem into Letzte , whiche 'L'itua led into

5-" _Yvetly after z 'Naipafian gathered

- - - 'nidioute and repayeed hie armyez
ioyne'd with-_'thxippaz company, and
'returned to* Zeta-ice , wan it, and ilewe
'themZ enerytnanyzleauyng; _none alyne.
" And “aka-waere went to other', cities
oi Galilee,an'd toke thnnzteeuyngthem
in iyke entscheidende eameto the
_ ritie called Uairehi , weiche wat-awa
: led townez and etall the townee of; de
- - " . eure
:11: [WW.
tenee**th3oughoutallGalileo, none left.
but it. This-he hefteged, btcaule 'the
cher were cefooted-mauy cuttheotee and:
wi>edpecfons without al feare WOM,
"eiche as were tohbere and teuere of the
lande of. lttctea .- e Emougeft hohem was*
a* -certayne, mam named lebocbhuxmj“
teacned,wyfezand pendeutztpecially to
domil'chiefeza Wut tomtoetloucz 'ai-1d?
of fache eloquerice, thatzhe- eoulde* zper-q
twade eunnyngly, and;diffwade men
from that they had :purpofedz :thefides
»thiszhe 'was-a t'uuttherer, ceoyetocthya
blood'z-and todo any: macht-?tex a-greae
tobt-etz: and one that? euet. gapcd attee
othetm'ens-geodesz hy-whtthe mean-xs
he was 'become very» ehchoe: :Wheree
foee therereloeted bnto hym-Nll. Payne
perfonsxmaxqoearo, rebele,:ano:catt"ia1to
lyke hymxlelfezgeuyug; hymzlaegeeeec
wardes,that they-might beef biete-acce
m'tie, hie btetheen and adherentes, ano
heto be *the-23. head.- Time *Was [cut .to
"thia ct'tie byhis tatheteto eff-et them cons
ditions-:ot-yeoce-z- „*Whythet: when he
wascomejhe [ent. hieeuwatladours to
the *cttizefle to- intreate thepeoce with
them.; Wbervnto.theettizelteyaccozdedz .'4,"
.l i Qt'. and
.l 116 erat-rc: oc
and wereredye to enter in league with
'l'tttta When as this wicked lebocba.
zum perceaued the auncieut men ot the
towne, and the beadee woulde _rrceaue
peace, he commaunded hie companions
to kepe the watlee,to let chem fiom ipea
*kyng with the Romanes, and that they
woulde geue the Romane.: they; aan
iwere. Ho therefoee iedttious [choche
mn made auntwere to the embaiiadour
of *käme t'aying: to moeowe hauewe a'
tolempne teen to the Ilozde God, tell .
thy mattker "fitue thereioee, that he »
gratmt bs truce to; two dayes, ,and the
thirde day we wyll grue hym aanfwere.
Wherewith "[itua was coutent,and oe
t'erred the ao'ault fo; two dayee.- Thete
tbyngee were done vpon Whytiun
etten ,7» whiche was called the keait of
weekee and haraett. The nyght atoee
*the thirde day appoynted was come,
Let-ochman--and hie complicee , gate
them out of the towne ,and fled tea*
warde Vieruialem, ere '["itua knewe
thereot. On the moeowe he [ent his
embatl'adoar to demaunde theyz ann
iwcre, what they would do. They aan.
fwered: wedeiyze to ritter in .a league
FM“, 7
' the Iewes. us
Wyöaz kde tiie are yours, to do you
whatpleafoceyout heart del'iretb, vpon
“the condition that none of the Romance
üutt'eytbec our bodyes o; gnomes. Titus
bp'on this madepeace with them, con
ürmyng it by wzytyng-[ealed, fox the
better acfuraunee“ thereof. be they ope
jjed the gates, and Titus came into the
towne“ with hie whole armye, and the
Jewes teteaued hym with great ioye,
bonoutyng hym 'very muche .- Then
Titusinqui'teu'foz Ichochanan ano his
eonreneratewflbe titizens declaceo vnto
hum, howe he fled by nyght with all his
towards Wiecufalem . Titus hearyng
that, [ent after to purine hym; yet they
famine hym not, he had made futhe
fpeede. Notwithflandyngmtany ofthe
people that went out ofthe towne with
dem, that they myght eitape the denn
get, both men, women, and thyldzen,
olde and impotent perfons, they ouer
take, fietnethem enery one, and retur
ned with a great tpoyle. After this Ti
tus wanne all the cities in Gaul-2e, and
cet enters in them. Then Vafpafian
dillodged from thente, and came to the
mount Tabormhithe ?Zw inome We: _ . _
tothtcxoc* . -
if continually, the-heysht fly-.tot WW! 7-»
furlongce, end vpon the top (sa-plaan
tritt'. fucylonges heoade,_ Thythec [ent, "
'WOW-mens of .hi-,captaynes called;
9413W?, Loki-:ht toke--the- mount-*yu
and the towue that-flotte theceo'n.. 1,511.;
here. J ,well .lehne-.ek .the-,hit'toeie'ot the,
celk ofthe .bottayles,that-.were kongt in
other-pxacee-in the lande of. .thael ano
Oakleeeendlpeekeooome of ,them iq -
-: tbitbooke,fosztvey'beatmofl-lnnume-7 -
::.,tthe.endwe.hatxe:madexmsw *
t;- _
* » . 7- ._ ..-Ft'Wfälbt :Rh-.7* ,- :: .
- ' 'WIND-ext:: - *
* :77* ..a-".47,
7* *»
*' x .
-- l ..
. „ 7;„ f'
--7 "z 1:* -
. .
' * .7*
j ..JZ , .UZ



j ,

-- - cnc (Mt. ' [lO
u _GWh-“te Uthexexe F

kit-o. t . * hf'tijctntalcmz( v

-- Moe Witwe dif

ez* ccihe the battaylee
ot__lhiecuialem, and
_ howe the citie [past
7 heiieged by the Ro
7 manes,wherei'n we m
. d _willdeclace allthin- *
as out manec is, , andiayth
Z tuily, accoedyng_ to_ the betit-ie of that
,was done» Jtcauxeto palle therefoeeas
)cbdchänan the'Oaliiean was fled to
* 'Hietiii'altWhe'tounde there men meet'e
fox _his putyole, iniurious petious, hwit- c
ked men, ninttheces. -deceauexez*:hlooe
theaders'ianinfinite numhet,'*-Foe;out l '_
,'otalltountreesäwttvinthe iandeqf-'Jlk- '
_du,thece reyayeed' thytheeah men ot
Hatte, to defende the [anauacie fof out*
*Odo-j' and-Wei the des wie!! Wem-ex
'Yki tbat-:W-:Lßhekeweitelelwxhwap' ,.
ZW, W' WWW-?WMV ?tu-'lied ("LW '
Reutte-e'kheewtekh ,and Westin-ö ,
heute-deuiting-iwttv *hem "of" .eltxtheee
WWW-Ho (atmet-auto confyieeo with
t .--- /Q u) theie
thoierutthtoteetoiay handee 7 f the
ryrhe men ot the eiiie, and to oyle
them of they; goodes, aud this was
they; maner. Whenthey eipied any
notabie rythe man of the eitie, they
woulde after this ion quarreii with him:
Art not thou heihat hatt (ent letters to
the Romance», and to Pipette-1, to be
tray the citie vnto them e Chus would
they eramine hym beioze the people;
and when he woulde auniwere, God
toebyd J fhoulde i'oh do; then wouloe
they beyng in godleite perions, limbeii
ot' the deuill,ot' they; owne company, to
beare falle wytneile agaynit hym, that
he myght be condemned to death by the
lawe to; a rebell. Löhne dealt they with
*' Kneipen and (objet, both noble_ men,
and ot the chiei'e of the eiiie t and: they;
-goodes with all they; iewels, the (editi
ous ceai'ed fox them ieluee. They “pickt
'quarrels atio to_ the hye peiei'tesz theuft
them from theye charges,that they could
not erecute they: feruiee. .Woeeouer'z
they caite iottes who ihoulde hatte* the
peieitee office, and who'fijoulde he no :
wie-tk. Fox they helde thepeietthoodkand
teruice ot God, to; toyee, gende:- 'and
k i , . L
'lx' .l'- 'I 'io' * / lbu

triflee. be the lotte tell vpon one-that

was called Pani, the tonne ot Pcnicl, a
carterly hufbandman,- ignoeaunt what
belonged to the peitfles office, to that he
was vtterly vnwoethy of the petelthoodt
yet they made hym hye petetk too all that.
fo tight a matter made they ofthe peieft
hood. The good and godly men of Hie
eulalem few the power ot there cutti
anthem: wycked pectons bear.: [uche
*twindgßthey (kacke together, and meter, -
mined to withltande them by fWeWbe
people theretote- eacnettly moued with
anger, let vpon them, and encountreo
with them in [ache [ost, that the fight
. was great on both finest in-the (makes,
tn the market place, in the temple, and
in the entraunce of the temple, tyll all
the ritte was fylled full of dead bungee,
and "layne men. Fo; there was not to
muche ae one ttreate, hut there was
fomelkpamithee in tc. The' people at
length gat the bpper hende of the cutti
ans, fez they were eageelye tet,and
earnetklye dent agayntt them. The
fedttione therefoee (eyng them feines,
not able to“ make they: partie good
with the people, fiedde euexy man _
L) m (iu into V
intothe temple oi the-Loadw-flmtit *7W
ter them, aud there remayuede :But
avant the hye Weft:: ieyng. the wycked
to he_ fled to the temple, whiled-the peo
ple to crafl'e theyeughting with-them in_
theholytemple oi the Lotte-steif 'they
_4 Nthoulde polluteit_ with the 4blood and,
" dead tathaiee ot the-te wyclted pectoris.
The peopletherefote leite of the tight,
Then Nimmt_ betet the templeroundo
_ about with a fire thouiaade . of- the heit
_and pickedit meu of the peoplez well
, armed all of them with iachee and tal
lettea,and-aiwellweaponed, with eue
rye maune a twoede, a target, aud- -a
(peace o3 pihe, to kepe the» temyle that
they thoulde not“ route watch.. Vote.
_ euer, »Koat-il cal! in hie mynilß. that be
,tiaeethe iuuadyng them in the tem
_x ple,whiche _were in no wyt'e ieemely,
it ihoulde atio be as gceata damage, :if
the people ot the itezde woulde one riue
and ititke another iii the verye tem.
ple. Foetheie cauiee be Leni: Embac- -
.cadoura fil-.jcbocbauao :the Oatilean.
1 :chiete eaptayne- of the nieditious aud
-thieues, offeran hym petit-,2'. but lebt).
* .thai-mu tefal-edit. Foetheleditiauechad
t : ; : * „Mc
,FsZsthQ-Edomitee- to come ano
ayde_,them:,:,„Whefe Edomiteshad ben
euer from-,theys fyeft begynnyng very“
hardie and valiannt mem-,and warljkez
»yet werethey fuhiecte .to the Jewes» x
* .Fl-q;- kj'xreanps kyng ot'- luck-[z had con
quered them, ond caufed them to bee
circumcized, brudyng fache of them,
as were the. belt warrjours to this - fer
nire :Fo flande in armes, and kepe
watehe ,and werde vpon. the-walles 'of
Piccolo-lem W and nyghtz-ano the ref'r
ok- .them .to paye tribute co, .the Jewes.
Upon-a rercayne night came. rrii. thou
fande oktbefe Edomites 7 all good men
ofwarce, .agaynfl Hiermalemz When
* 'Qnanithe bye peieü andthe people tha:
- were with hymz heard. the noyfe of the
Edomices armye x he went vppou. the
wahre, and :demounded-of them whar
' ' they wereFrom-.whencetheyeame,and
whithec they would_- They aunfwered:
Weare Edomitesz :anorame out'ok
- Mgmt-a to viüte the Weed God. and hie
temple »z and .to (Es in what* cafe his 'peo
_- plc_ (kanoethrfoxthjewecomearcoedyug
- * to oor,;a,ccuftome-d maner
*_ ?** “meer-31.131WunfweredZZe-ou arezdyfx *
* __k- N v femvlers »
femblers and notas yourwoedee 'dot
lhewemeyther come he to teekeGod and
his fanctuacyemoe yet to ayde his peo
ple,but rather to the [opposan ot lc
bochanan,graunde captayne of thqu
Were it not better to; yonto alt-*ft the
kanctuary of God , then there flüqu le
dicious perform, thotcouet nothyng-elo
then to tape watt the honte eraser: ,anu
to deftroy- his people .- They in the mol!
holye citie ofGod , do thee the btood of
->iufl,godly,*and innocentm'en : through
whote wickednelte the Romance baue
- the vpper hände vppon vs, hecaufewe
bane tiulll war-res at home with the
fedictous , and erternall with the .Ro
mama. pea,the wickedneu'e otthe fe* ~
nideuste growen fo tar ,that the matte
p part ot ve hadde rather bee uayne-ot the
Romane. , then ot our between the
Jewes.Jtto be it, ye bee come to mayn
tayne thenßye [hall vhdemande that he;
oftende om: item God gretloull-y , to
helpe finners aud muttherere ,"that
tread the people of O OO bnder'theyt
-fe'ete , lykeasmen' treadeGrapee in a
wyne metre, aud-make'the Temple_ of
the we: a dwellyng plate of man'quel*
lere and wicked periounes." Zee-iaye ye ,
come to ie'eke the Lotde 2 howe is it then
that ye are thus in armes after the ma
ner_ ot warte 3- Ye thall vndetflande,
.we (hut not the gates of the towne he
ca'ul'e ol' y'ou ,left you woulde come in,
after 'your accultomed mannet e hut he
,eani'e ofyour armoure and weapons
. ,that you/baue with you , whiche are in
itrumentes ot' deftruction , a verye hn
me'ete falhion to come and biüte the
, ,Losdewith .1 You fhoulde rather haue
comethith otterynges , iacrlfices , con'
, telliomand yeayle. Notwithftandyug,
ytye will enter into the towne to; deuo- “
tion iake,ye are welcome: hut ye muite
laye awaye your weapons , and io en
ter in 'peaceablye . The Edomites
aunlwered . We maruayle not allt
tle at the'e tobi-he arte the bye ptielkez '
our Lotde and mediatour ,and at the
reif of the Mielkes of the Itoede , ,with
the Ewers and Judgee ot 'the people
that bee ptei'ent with the'e o and your x
wosdee ie'eme [haunge in our eat-es.
Fes we vuderflande ,you take vs . ro; l i
yourtn'emhesMnd eventian you floh
he oi our entraunce into [the eit-texte.
.1. . ,g .k . e_
hititethettotdeehod Rechnet-aha.
med maner. an that we be armedae ye
obiecte vnto bs t do ye not hn'owe that
Wakyaa'ian dzaweth nyeto'ro't'ne WWW '
holy cities This we hearyn'g'ett'wae
the taufe that we tooke ourweapone
with vs, to come to'ayde yduzjatialtepe
the towne,' ae we daneben_ *,wpnte
theie manye yeree. ahnt howe_ _thoulde
ye gather this ,z that we eometoiup.
. poet the wyrkedand_ _i'edicioua that_ _hoe
_ with you: when astrom the Nite daye
that euer we and _our fathere were cir
cumriied,we neuer (warned :from the*
'Itawetand _tommaundemßWWithe
att-ide 2 Mitte ek there bei? ajitt, com
maundement in the iawe thatbyddeth
a manne to itrenghten and mayntayne
the power of the wycked, tothewhiche
we are bounde to hearken, and_ to ayde -
theie e God iotbyd we thoulde doethie;
toe we alt z both that' bee here , 'and _the
other Edomitee alie,- hie terua'untee, ot
the Lord and die Welten mahnt-,teue
*7 and detehdeth'etaieezthe peopla.',;end
tvehoukeottvehndnf Whhkcethee
; werethustatßenetegetbetttvete;rote
ahteat -cihuoe ,' *andz'iyghtenynges
* x'* -h were
"- coe “meh- lxz h
, .wette[ene with We, and dark-leite with
,_migbtje thundec'clappes, and thowers
hfhaplßthat all that fawy it were won
derfqtlyeafcayde, Whetecoze the people
WW, ,WOW ,left not only the walles.
hut *FB-,1311:1 atfotfoz-they coulde nßt_ abide
toMMy:lox1gec-:Wut Qua-*i WKO' '
heart hut-1hth abid (tyto. 'Wk' .td-(S
hqxciblellgnesof heanxmz- whiche-hyß“
appßacßtbathtmightjudge whatxbey.
betekenedz :And ve gaue his ,judge-netz(
th,WW-*t mtaccotdyng to thextrueth)
that _,the* thundec--and hayle with thß
. packenemxfignifiedxqöhds Wye, by the _.
hhye'wheceht, theyQouldje hefende the
[auctfiacye'oftbe Losde.- Un!! - [WWW
xiuhgedeau- »the Ewers that-were with
[WW-without pcrceZuyhk-that Uttth
ügnexbetokenedthe my!? thatW
- came vpon Hierufalemand alt-'3 [ra-21.3
-Wk'eu they that were .hut in the tem
:ylez per-eaued tha-t they that kepte' ,the
watch-:Mose the gate-ot-.tve .temple
|2 l wehe fltdde alco the feare:of.tve tempetk,
,they-WD und opmedths Doms of the
-.temtfle.äahd>inthatdarkneu1,whichah *
(WWW-Ws (q gut-LWLW couidettox :
(IWW-Fo!the,.witkux->hereofznet- -
t ' ' _f -fhfk
*l he "73MB 0|."
eher durfte any of the towne once looks .
out oihis doeee , they were t'o tearde of
thoie terrible figiiee ot the Elemente:
yet came thot'e detperate telowes ," the_
tedicioue out of the temple , dene to
warde the waliea without all tearewith
iawte and other inflrumenteez to cut a
tunder the bat-res of the gate-i.; _And
when the crathyng ot the thunder-and
hayle was greatefijthen* laboured- they
hardcu,in weaily'ng a iunder the* locke
and boltes ofthe gatee, [eit theyth'oulde
be yetceauedtind 'euer whan the *than-z
der tlap was pair 11W" 'flayed they and
left of tyll it came agayueThue played
they till they had bzohen and'opened' the
gates 7 and let in the Edomites into the
titie,who beyng-onte come in, waudged
hereetvere fo; that night,deu-it'tng-how *
they might tet vpon the cttizene otthe
towne,aud ivtterly deffroy theme They
-called aut fyetk they; contederateex that
remayned in the 'Wple , blongt them
theme, and ioyned“ altogethefwith the
Eoomttee, .tioearyng one to .anotherz
that they -thoulde be one-peopleaud one
armie.' andre-_throitwbeyne'ioxoafe
derated together „ they Unterhalt-ZW;
the [6,68. [2+
nightsgomofthe people ol'God'Nll good
' -men of woman good men of waere, be.
[ide. innumerable othec,thot they killed
otthetommon people. In the mowing
they layde handel! on the tyche men,
haled them heme iudges, and the. lex.
einem ‚ which othecwyte bo'e called San
hedrin,tnhotn they called together ‚ and
there wicked lebdcbxman the Galilean,
t'pake bnto them in this immun» tom
demne ye not thel'e rich cobbes,that hatte
made a tenfyitatte with the Romane-Z,
and determine to hett-ay this holy citie
into they; handes e Namely one Sec‘ha—
riahu a inflman,yetfit, godly , and bec
tuo'us,one that kann the lo;d,and loued
both "god t man: but fez his ricth only I
which were very great,this Ichochauan
Wayne of. the [mittens uyMenuen
hym , wyllyng thelders to condemne
hym to death', fo: that he um: ,loyned
with mm enemies ( as he fayde) to he
tray the titieto them. The „um, tie
.ders a 8")de. him“!!! woedw.
und perceauing that both he andzthe :eff ‘
of bis.. bloody hunde, delyeed notbyug
alle: then to make this man amayec, ol
-though theyknewe hem -to _he wolle io- -
‚ neemt;
..'i' BUT "u-1:301. i"" "Q

Wen:: they-wem acid-(de greathF.

. lebocbananleyng them wepe fo; Zecfiaä
mbu, and thac.they loc-.We not con-H
dempne hym refpectyngbiswflice and
integritie x- hat, quotv heMo yexvez
gyn to mournebefoze there be any-WU
Recent-*J woulde J Walde-nme!,- come
where God bach to do, but ikye ozder 'vs
thus in-'youc indgementes,ye (halbe the
fyzutvatwe wyll laye volde of, ?nd we
wyll [fein iudgementoucleluesz tobi(
xerne-tvemactersof tvepeopleof God,
accoedyng .Us wo tvynke good.- Then
laying a part all fhame, with *an* obl'tt
nacemynde- the wickcd '(ch ,hoyfed- dp
Zecöacjsbuz* carykd bym out of the place
_' of Fudgemmt, Unddsoughcdym 511p_ to“
xbe top-of averie 'bis towße Why
endezok;thß :towne ,From -wbeflce ..key
twuükw'yowne headlongMnd bedjeo
:Wye at ethe walles [yde in the- vale- of
Iebßfc'lfäpbäc- .- :The psicßea checkt-2e
were [0'312 Maike oktbeio 7Wue--paues1
and tve" Möges>“alfo.:wixb>tho1Eldecs-, x »
ieyng tbs Mekkßdnes of Zebycbzczuq ano
“ the tefl of the 'fedittous.- M;le]10cbaoan
bad geuen :vom Warnng *and laydez
» '- except ye gene, -fenteuee Won-xxx??

du.; ACWC). ll;
man that we (hall btyng vnto you, "ac
coedyng tocouc myndes,be ye au'uced, yo '
(hallall of you go the fame way, that
Scchariahu iS gone betoze you . After
that, they appechended a int't man and a
riche,that wat beloued ot all the towne,
inhch name was Gel-mien, furnantrh
baliaunt,ann he was a valiaunt man _
in vht'zzmmufl expert in the wartet-,ther
to mm and wittie, and a man of a pure
and petfit lyer One that was euer the'
taz*de in battaile,whenfoeuet they had
any conflict agayntt the (Ventile-z that
befiegtn igierufalcm: und this was his
acculkomed manna- When the enemies ,
marched to- toyne battayle with the '
32mm: would' runne vpon themwith i
tut-he fom,and make daughter of them,
that. [pita of they; heartcs, he woulde
deine them to tetice,and by that meant;
his body was full ok [hats, his fate and
head wonderfullye mangled with the
woundes that he had teteaued in bat
raglan, that hehad ben in to; the people
of the Load. pct nowe becaul'e he would*
' nottolowe that matte crutll vyllaynes
* mynde Ichuchanan, and take his part,
Ichochanan com-maunded h'ym to ve ap_
. ~ _1g i peehendtd

pzohenoeo Und bzought befoxe hpm, und'

when he was eome,ka'yd thus Unto him.
shaken)? mglmetthp houl'e in a (taye,
aim :onfeiTo thy [tlke *onto the lLozoc, fog
there is no way with thce but death.
Und fothey led hym out of the towne
to kylthym there, left there thouloe be
any bufines about his death, tf they had
puthym todeuth within the towne;
Fo; all the citizens of 19iorufalem lo
ueo hym, aud he [ykewyfe loued them.
When they were come to the place of
execution, Goriniun fell downe afoze
them, and [wrought them with teams,
in this wyfe. Heyng ye haue l'o deter
mined that ye tole nech [tea me, when
as notwithflaudyug 3 haue committed
no crime, no; any thyng offended, und“
thatye my" in 'no wyfe [pat-e me, al
though J ve innocent as you known
well moth your "eines z yet J belcthe(
you, let me ohtayue this one thyng at
your handes , that you woulde do fo*
muche at the [cu lupin at my requet'me
to burp my body, other fauoch norm:
not. They made hym annlwcre: If
thou haw not [pokeu onto vs therof,we_
him thought to ham: _done it, fo; to we.
. were
[116 16'768. [26*
were determined with our feines. Wut
nowe teyngthou art to beide' as to de
maunde this of vs, we wyll ("lea theez
but buryall gettelt thou none, thy body
lhalbe taff toozth-vnto the heafles of the *
earth and toutes of the ayee . (Fox-jojon
yet befought them to the contrary, vn- t
till the molk cruel [cliocbanati l'troke him
and kleine hym,and after theewe out his
*bodyto the bealtee of the fields. :This
done they returned into the title.

- ätyafienin the meane "eaten derte

nye Dieruialem, fee he had pitched
bis tentes at Ceiaria, where he relreued
bislarmie, and payde his (onldiere great *
[pages: wherefoee they taryed in that
- citfe many dayes. Fo; when Mithriler
bnderffode ot*the ciuill warree in Vietn
taiem, he fayde vnto his people; let ds
make no hafte to befiege Dierui'alemnilt
fache tyme-as they baue (laine one ano- t 7 ' ** *
ther amongelt them feines, and to at:
length they; pßydewylbe pulled downe,
whenae they fee the felues waffe away
lm'th ciuill warees, hunger and thurft.
Fo; fäl'pafiao wasa wonderfull peli
uke-“man in all feates of wartesend bis .
-- '. k R q' wyldome
.l 11? heart-ea 0c
wyidome neuer turned hym to mose .
commoditiezthen in this deuil'e only. Ko
he toionrned at Ceiaria with his men *
many dayee. Jnthe meane ieaiou, the
people ot" Vierutalem made warte bpon'
jedochcman anahis compliteaz vntyll
innumcravle of - them were dettroyed,'
tome ot them were ttayne with iwoedes,
toute the teditioue (kickt with thozt dag
gets. Fox certayne ot the ieditioue tari
ed (hegt daggcrs ierretly vndrr their gar
mentee, wherewith they woulde come
iodaynely vpon au honeit and luft man,
aud theatthym to the heart, that-he .
fhould tail downe dead in the place with.
out knowledge who (frohe hym . Ho by
this meaneszwhat with twoedes in open
trayce, and what with daggere tercetly, .
very many of the people were namen tar
mo. that way, then by. the Ramanes, im '
tomuche that nowe very fewe citizene
were left aliue. Theis when lehochenan *
had gotten tbe vpper hande ot the eiiie,
he made an atmie out otthierutalem, to 3
go and take the cities that had made
peace with Veiyefiaozwhtche they tar-c
ked and rated to-.the groundez andwho
freut-r _they wand in them, Roma-'nes o3
( . Jeweaz
"WUK-E'FE). . ,x * ,.
., U7.„. .
7“' . * Feines„ they (keine them. Bea, lc'bvebazex **
naxxweqt wifvtvem' bim felfe, to ayde _. -
* them, .fpoylyng and caryfng away al(
- theryeheffetvatxtvey founde .injthenn -
--Tbeyt'oke *aud the citie Comm, that
flodebeyonde Jozdane, whereas- they. *
remayned. Then the inhabitauntesef
7 -YJieyufalemDotv p;ieftes,eldecs,andtbe *
reif of the peqple, [ent Embatkadours
'to ?afpafianz todefyze peace with hmm“
*and fuccoures agaynlk .]6[10c(1W11, and
»hiewicked cavble, wvjcve dayly in *the
-towne flewe very many okthe peopLe of
God. :Eve citizens* alfo of (Zeta-ka» (ent 7
* Ombaltadours vnto 73 [yafian,faHing:
-chhou wch belozde oqec thelande of ,
Fuclea, andethe cit'ieokißierucalemz -and _
deficelk to aguce the rule thereoß and
-elkablifheit vnto thee : then fiearken vn
*-to our counfailßand come vnto vs with
[3 ' out_ delay, to deliuec vs from the handes
t*of*lc::k10c:lqemx:111, and the* wicked [editich -
:pecfonsz-that witvall theyz »mygvt ende-
'-uouc to'fpoyle alt om: goooes, and to'get
-tbexdomtnion ouevvä, our wyues, and
- chyldzengo none oxbec-purpofezk-»hen by '.
| -that-meanes-to-deltcoy bedvtterly, that
"no xewfiäfim of-vs fhouldebe left. Mo
* ... 2W, -bee. *
l U“ L "VLN, ,
a. 11'- .

be -it thou wyit come and valiauittlye

-withftande them with thy power-we
,wyli ali'o fight agaynik them within the
.towne,tylithey be alliiahne, and then
chou (heit be out Loed. And that done,
chou mayeit go to Viecufalem without
any impedimentoe hinderaunce of an!
man, toetheh alfo of that citie defyze
the [eme, and woulde gladly become
iubiectee to the Romanes. When as
thecefoge _VZ-(*yaljau heacde the petiti
ons ofthe citizens of 62mm, he toke his
journey thythec to fuccout them, and
, ,detected to go to lßteruialem. But Le*
bockiciitott hearde ofhis tepayee, where
foze he ilewe the chiefe gouecnouc och.
.tarxgflnd gate him out of the towne with
his tompanions, und toke them to they;
feete,detecmining to 'flee into a cectayne
-x wood. &Glyx-tönt) hauyng knowledge
there-it, made out after them, [endyng »
one ?Ui-50m8, who ouertoke them and
' made a great (laughtec oftvem. And in
his cetournetowarde (Jethro-_Upon JW' ,
daneiyde, helyghtvpon-muche people i
' goyngto Wiecofalemz- thattheh meght
. eicape togethet- with the; [edifious.
Them Loh50x-u3 dzoue, .backe ,onto the“
7 “nec
tiuee, where he une thicteene thom'ande
of them,the cel! leaped into gingham and
mere e;einnee,to the number delete-tt.
thoufande men, womenzand chyldzen,
with muche cattell that were all det-w
ned together in the cyuec,infomuch that
the chanel ofJYoedane was fo [time and “
lkopt with dead bodyes, that the waters
ryle and .ranne one: the bankee here
and there into the fieldes and plagues.
Jeet at the length the {haters enereafeb,
and bare the carkales downe the cyuer,
as karte as the tea of Scdom, whim is
the (ea of pitch, othecwyte called the
[alt [ea, and all the bankes of Jjoedane
lay full of dead bungee. . After this,l/'a (
pafian toke his ioucney from thence,and
went into 'the lande of Event, where he
wanne two l'trong cities, the one called
Lagarith , the other Ccphar 'l'ochI and
flue a ten'thoul'ande of the people therol', p
lead'yng the ceft awaye into bondage..
' From thence he dillodged, and came to
a* tow'ne called Che-macth-cü, mhiehev
he tobt-ned." Zn-(this cicie were well
lpelnges of hotte'wacecs, tcou't whence
lbs-hdctehatheecji Tiberi'ah-hauggb‘m ’ ,» . 5
I *l v:Ws natural( Philoleßhets
*' '*Rlitj* -l and
a. ...- um--- o.

and Afironomers of that countrBYzbolde

an opinion that thel'e are the heades of
all the hoate well lpzinges in that whole
~ counttey. Depactyng from theme, he
came to gamma and wanne it. Then
tepayeed he agayne all the townes» that
he had lubdued, t made bp their walles,
plating gattftme therein to ayde hym.
what tyme he flzoulde bcfiege Vierula
lem. That done, he returned to Cela
ria, to take mufkecof his whole acmie,
and psepared to go td bcüege Dietma
lem. Wut in the meane (eaten, came
putleuauntes from Rome, and bxought
dem moans that Nero the Emperour
was dead, and howe that as* he was a
buntyng in the countrey, the fyze of the
Flow came downe from heaueu, and fell
vpon him that he died ot it. After hath
taigned Galba, not one whole here : fo;
afnze it was fully enden, _he was' Hague
by the noble men of Rome,- and Vitcl
ltus created in his lkeade, aFoolez yet a
lose cruellman'z *mache genen-to omn- -- '
kennctle, 'to ' that-he was tn’all-pogntee
bnwozthye 'of the Kontakte' Empite.
- The noble-men' etiianmef'that _were
Wh“ VafPafim - bearan this- großt
lye difdayned *ar that matter and fayde':
Was-there-neuer a noble man of Rome
, leite to be placed in the Empire, but
ye mufle chole a deunken wyne font
fer s Why dyd ye not rather elect that
myghtie peince Taipeh-an that is a here
with vs, a lage and wyie man , therto
allo molk valiannt , one that ro'nquered
manye cities, and vanqnilhed many na
tions,and thole mofte fierceeWhatpait- y
kannt kynges hath he tubdued bnder the
Romane-empire :- howe farre and wyde
hath he enlarged the dominione ok the
Romanes c' And now when as the em
pire ought to haue benbeftowed vpon
half-33ern, o3 "eme one lyke vnto hymz
and none inch coulde be founde amongit
you 2* ye beftowed it bpon a foole , and a
blowbole deunkarde , wherein ye harte
donebery vnditcretely. Well, the em
pire of Rome (hall harte a better *empt
rour one daye, and G O O l'aye Amen.
Whervpon .the peinree that there there_
layde they-2 heades together, and decroed
to peorlaime lie-[pattern Emperour
TherfoZe with one content ,Whey went
vnto; 7a? ,mani-andi
t .Thourlhaizt iayde the'C-mpiks
be our head-tot vnio hem, ,

. _- - _R » v beton-_
belongeth to l'uche a one: and thdu thalt
haue the dominion ouer vs . Wut 7ai'- -
paejatt refuied to take it bpon hym , and
woulde in no wyte content vuto them.
' w Notwithtlandyng they compelled hym,
and placed hym vpon a theone of mate
i'tie,iettyng an imperiall trowne vpon
his head :which he woulde haue put a
way,and pulled of with hie hande , be
cauie he would not be'e Emperour .
Wheretoee the Romane taptaynes
dzewe out they; iwotdes 1 and iayde c
Thon [halt be'e Emperour and raigne
ouer vs,therto,te refuie it not i if thou
oo ,thou thalt dye vypon our twoedes.
haiyaeian theretoee t'eyng hym ielte
»couiirayned , beyng'atrayde of hislyieh
he was content to futter hym felt'e to
be peotlaimed Emperour . Then all
the army was iwotne bnto hym , and
he t'ate vpon'the royall feate , as Empe
rour,and kyng otkyuges. .

T* Ihe _riuill warres at Die'ruialeutem

' y created'moee and moze,and niuche
blood wasthedde thoeowe the wieked
nette hf [olioclumau rapta'y'ne- of: -ßljß
_thieues ,- alymhe_
* a, - -
_of the' wenn(
._2 and
thzottgh the cuttheote murtherers that
,were with him,who had al euen fwotne
the vtte'r decktuction of the citie of the
Poet-e, and the deathes of his people ,
:There was all'o an other cuttheote ruf
kfian,ot'a.noble houfe in [occh at Z[hi-:ru
-lalem about tbefame tyme,called 8ch
mc011,who began alfo to folowe [>10
(hamma matters in fleyng innocentes,
and robbyng and reading in Oterula
lem. Fo; tem-mi the hye pxtett had once
appointed him peinceand chiefe captaine
of Dierulalem: and atterwardes finding
hym an enemie, banyched him the citie;
*Whecfoee 8(11'1m20u went and gate
hym a rout of vntheyftes , murtherers,
and thieues , oaflyng in his mynde and
faying t Ercepte J ioyne my fette with
[uch good feldwes , J (hall neuer be a
ble to be'e reuenged of .Want and hie
altilkauntes that haue thus banyt'yed
-me out of Dietmalem into eryle weong
fully., bnto my great difhononr. Shall
J', that haue ben in (uch elkare, nowe be
,;cal't out-.ome dignttle, .and be ronflraye
;ned to_ wander here and there as a ba
- .nyched man We wenttherfoee thtough
“ “ ,all theieittesof .lucjea- and Ealile'e,*cl?u
' ; ns *
„fing to be pxociaimed in the t'tretes and
-market places , andient his letters
*where he coulde not come hyml'elfe, .in
this maner and fourme c Whofoeuer ii *t
"flethto be rydde from the bondage of
-his maiäer , oe hath had any iniurie _in
"his rountrey , oe what (ernannt-[outer
*defireth to be (et atlibertie, oewho fo
*can not abyde the rule of his father oe '

*his mail'ter , all that be'ein oebte and

-ltande in fears of they; credftoursw'x
-keare the iudges _fox theadyng any in
-notent blood ,and therfoee lurketh lo- '
*litaryiy in woodes o3 mountaynes, yf
there be any man that is accufed of any
-notoeioue cryme , ,and in anye daungee
-theretoee e to bee [hotte, whoroeuer -ie
-dil'poi'eo to'robbe and reaue 7 to do in
-iurie audit-Jong 1 to haunte hooees, to
Reale, to marther , to eate and dzynke
-atother mens'cofte, without labour oi'
*hie handes : tethym reichte-to me ,' Ii
-wyu deiiuec h'ymfrom theyoke, and i
-daunger - ofthe lawee, and , wyli fynde
»him hie tytl o'tboties and fpoyiee.Lhere i
-auembled :bnto hym about t'wentye
*thoul'and men, all. murtherers ,Weite-e,
f *rebeileez lawietfe perfonnee,wicked and '
e11.: oc nt cd. l) l'

teditiono men. Then began Ichämeon

alt'o to here the Jrcaelites, to tonrne alt:
vpüde -downe whereloeuer he came. -
When the titizensdf Diernfalem , the -
p;ielkes,elders,and 44.133111 the hye peiefk, .
heard tydynges of 8c11jme0o3 defpitefull“
wickednetfe , howe he helde on flyu op- .
peefcing the people ofGodzthey-were ve
»ty penfiue , kaying c nowe wyll this fe
lowe moze trouble vs then lebocbhnon,
hoe he neuer fo ernell ... They conl'ulted
therkoze and agre'edz fecretely to* ("ende
apower agaynft hym , that myght [o
daynly fall .vppon hymf, andonerrunne
hymägheraduentncehay they) theymaye
(teahym o3 take hym alyxue , befoze his
wickednelke gcowe to further incom*
nenience , and ioyne hym [elfewith.
our foes 2 then tha-ll they 'auayle bo
both with-tn the towne and without.
_ They made out therefoee agayMe hym
a great army of Jccaelites and .Newes
with Charetteßahd h_oxte_men,and foot
men in greattnumher , whiche came
where *the campe lay,oud found hym in
the 'come -fieldes -det'ttoying of the
grayne, pullyng downe of bat-nes , ond
bncnyng all, both come 'and Miu-:ZW- ,
: - *5m
.l [16 "ZWEI 0L

Then the lemföl'imjcaq dem'ded theei

army,and tet vpon Zcbjmcone tentes '
i'odaynly , [moto downe his tenteszand
* made a great fiaughfe-k vpon the fediti- '
ouseiöut mostly after Zebjmem! gat the '».
vpper hande of the people ofGod, kos he
came vppon them in the night (eaten,
and made a ioze flaughtec amongi'ttbe.
Then they that cemayned toke them
feines to flygvt towardes Dierukalem,
and Ich'imcczn puciued them,kyllyng
them vnto the hai-de gates of Dietma
lem,io that manye ofthem were flayne -
in the waye, and .very keine eicaped . Af
tec this Zehen-:011 went and moned *
warte bpon *the Edomites, to i'ubdue
them vnto dem felt, which befoeewere
bnder the dominion otthelEroiobmicex.
And fickt he came to the citie Zak-:Never
wyiecatled (332a , toxic was thekirfl
citie within theboxders. otEdome , ae.
men-come from J(Sterntalem. Wut the
Edomites met hyin in the kielde. in
great number , and ioyned with dem,
but nothec part had the victoxyecwher
- fine at length theyxetired both . Then
was Zcb'imeon in io ' geeat a tage when
- Ks he coulde not ecm-come there Edo-4
: cnc rette-8, - 132 .
' mitee,that he wytht'hym telte'ont'ot. e
, hie [>er he ceailed fightyng a' whyle,
and encamped hymielte in the bogders
ofthe lande ot', Odome ryght agaynlk
it , and there abode thynkyng to let bp
pon them at an other tyme.
Andaehe was deuifing howe to
order: all thynges , there came vnto
hym an Edomite called Jacob , one -ot
the rhiefeltemen amongeil them , and
awarriour. the hearyng of Zchlmconz
peoclamation , was moued to come and
enter in league with hym z and thervp
pen iayde vnto hym t Neuer letteit
dilcomtoet thee that chou couldeu not
ouercome theEdomitee at the firtt bat
tayle . Fl' chou wylt bee rated by *my
counrell, thou flzalt winne all the ci-"
ties in the whole lande , and Il wyl-l de
-liuer them into thy handee. Zchlmeoo
dellred to knowe howe: therefoee iayde,
he, let vs here thy councell,and ihewe
bs howe it may be beought about', and
when it is come to parte, then .wyll we
honour thee and rewacde the accoz
dyngly. Jacob fayde, gene me the one
halte of thyne army , which J wyll lead -
with me into_ _an amvuflze _t then. (Zelt
"' " ' t du
e .
l .
4 .1'- "ull'ua U'.

thou in the moenyng betynies t'et thy_

men in aray agayntt the Odomites > fox;
* * attale , and when thou thalt-perceaue:
* them come agayntt eher 2 then make ae
,..thou'gh thou fiest , vntyll thou hafte.
*ftaled them out of the towne intothe
fieldes to puriue the'e-.* Then wyll It_
with my men come ont-oi our ambut'he,
aud make tpe'ede to the gates, where we
(hall kyll the warders , and todaynrlye
- .enter the towne , lyhewyie hyll all that
y we finde there , aud let vp a flagge_ bp
po'n the tower of the towne . Then
when -the-Edomitee i'hall la'e that, theye"
heartee wyll bo'e dead to; ioeowe: then
mayctt thou turne -agayne- vpon theme
aud beate 'them downe at thy' 'pleaiure
O3 ytthoulyhe uot this deuice 1 heare
yet another way. JZ haue beua captaine
amongl't them a long whyle , .therefoze
J wyll“ returne in the nyght ieat'on in
to the towne 7 yf the watthe eramine
me from whrnce J rome,J wil tel them
J come from Zcb'tmeoiia campe a why
- thrr Jwent ae a ipye x- hßhe'n wyll Zgo -
to the'eidere ofthe towne,and wil them *
to let-nie haue *a companye of the belle
touldioura :and Jiwill being Zchimeon“
mt: [Wk-8.* 13;
into fheyzhandes, if he let vpon ve a
gayne. Fo; J baue vewed his campe,
and his power; and vnderflande that he
entendes to moeowe to encermcddle “
with vs, whiche thou (holt do in deed'e._, -
/-q_1- And when thou feelt me to mine out a- "l
gaynu thee, thou (halt fet thp fiatfe m '
the'refl, and come towardes me,- then
mu J 'fake me to flight,and cal! u teate
in the Edomites heartes, that they than
flee alto, whiche done, chou mayefi pur.
,tue to flea them at my pleafure, uner
come them, and enter the cowne. Then
that towne great Ala once take-1,. thou
[halt quickly wynne all the cefl. When
Schimeon had hearde this, he went and
vbelt'betttteia with his owne totmeell, und
they lykte the lau neutfe belt : luherfoge,
that they concludedxvpou. be Jacob-the
. Edomite returned by nyghc to Afa, aud
, decluced to tve-auncientteok the town-?z
mi"; howe he had ven in Schlmeons (UWE. -
.und had vewed .his auntie, whereby he
' „had couceaued good hope; that he theulu
:delyuec Schimconl (uw they; hallan
:tha-tw. me eluers‘theteteze‘mane hm!
graun'de capcayue,aud chiefe of all they;
men of warte, thatan euccy man tn _
r' . hi un
'this inure. ' Fozafmuche as none of“ you
are fo erpectin the knowledge of mat, -
fare asis Jacob, thetekose hehoueth it
you to i'olowe hym tn all thyngest it he
fetto;warde,fet ye tozwacde, where as
he pttcheth his cent, pitch: ye alto, if he
fiayg'tay ye, when as he fleeth. flee ye,
to be (huet, when he returnethz then re
turne ye, and go not one heete bseadth
from that that he mall commaunde you,
neyther one way not other . Upon the _
next mo;owe,8ch1mc0_o ifcued out of vis _
campe with all his acmietand vpon that
allemhled Jacob his men, and went out _
to meete hym. Wut when they came at
the poynt redy to ioyne, and Schimcon
with his company had charged than
(kauee agaynfl them, hy and by Jacob
left the fielde, turned his backe and [led,
and the thief: (ouldlours that were a
bouthYm. fled with bum. The tell of
.the people feyng they; captain: flte,they
toke them Muss ltkewifc to flight ,entry
man z then Schimcon purfnyng, made a
a .great [laughter of them,and wannethe
towne,h3yngyng them* vnder his [uh
iection. And when he had “facked the
t houfes otthem that were flat-ne oufßthe
x - '~ do.
, cnc wette. 84.
Edomites, and tpoyied they; good-33,
whiche was very much : the refi that he
toke peiioners and kept alyue, he made
peace withaii, and ioyncd them vnto
' " his owne campe. After that he depar
ted from thence,accompanied with tour,
tie thoni'ande good. fighting men, part
Edomites, and pattJewes, and came _,
to Cbebr071,which he womand detttoy
ed- all theye gcayne and come fieldes.
yet 'afterwatdes he repayeed thcye*
weites, and iuche otthem ae were leite *
alyue, made peace with 8c]11me011,w[)o
receaued them into league with htm.
and they became his men, ond tolowed
hym in his wattes. Ho he diflodged
fcom thence with hie whole armye,
- -whiche by the accem'on of the Che-bt()
njt68,waö nowe wonderfully encreaied,
and determined to innade Viecuialem.
' And when_ he came nye the citie, he
taungcd here and. there, deffroyiugtthe
fcnites that were vpon the ground-*z
and atio they; come. Captayne heim.
than-m hauynginteliigente of Zchjmc. "
0m commyng to befiege the townez
and howe he had deftroyed the tieideot_
thought to hatte gone out otthiewieiitm ,
t.; Ö q » 8nd
'l'lie T31'cm 01- -
- and to tight with bim, but he darf( not,
fox his [pyes .had told hym that be tbould *
not be able to onercome hem, be had
h [o piiiikaunt an acmie, and [o well ap
pointed. Yet neuerthelefle be ii'tued out,
andlaye in an ambuihe to; Zhimecm.
In the meanei'pace by chaunce,8cl1jmc.
e 0x13 wyfe (chat was [led out of Lhiecufa
|em with het men and women "ernann
t'ee towacde ber huibande, fox feace left
_ x t'be fboulde be flayne fo: bet butbandes*
fake, ifflze l'boulde baue tatyed at Die
cufalem 2) pai'fed by where he lay in bis
ambnfhe. Der be toke and beougbt a
gabne to Diemfalem, not a litle peonde
et fache a ina-y„ thinking nowe we wall
baue 8cb'1tt16011 at our pleafute, feyng .“
*we baue bis wyte om: peyioner: be lo
ueth ber tointierly,that be_ wyll do fox
_ betriebe whatioeuec we wyu baue bym.
White came to chtjmeoot care„ who
bad taken at that tyme inany ot lcho
chem-15mm, and cutte of they: ryght
handes, fendyng .them io with lbame
_to Dietuialem to they; maiftet. the
(ent moeeouec Embafladoure to leho.
cbanatizwyllyng hem to (ende bym bis
wyfe in lutbe cott, tbat the myghttome
. , to
.1.» .umm.» * BS
to-hym with all that was here: oe it he
reful'ed to do ft, he lhoulde be the er
tremelier handeled, to; he wouloe take
the towne a: it were long, and to leho- _
chanans l'hame, cutte ofthe handes and
leg'g'es of all them that dyd inhabite it.
Ichochzman hearyng this, was rage a
frayde,and all they that were _with him,
and therefoee they rent hym his wyket
Wherevpdn 8ch1mc0o, kept hym with
out the towne. And as Schimeon play
ed the tiraunt without, (o lykewyfe dyd
Iéhochanan within . Fo; chochanans
touldious rauit'hed the M'raelftes mines,
and then innocent blood . Shoxtly af
ter SChImCOH left the towne to; a (pace,
and returned into Edomea, fox he had
mm: that the men dt mutt power, and
therycheu ['th of that countrey rebel
led. Wherevpon he racket: and (pay
led all the townes of Eddmea, and left:
them nothyng : infomuehe thathe was
become very ryche, and then returned
- to Dierufalem, vxyngyng the Odomttes
lohko with hym, that were meete kde
the wartet and many of the Iewes re
{oxen vnto-hym alto, and with his po- x
»wer he befieged ZVierufalem, euen at the
H a; - harde
_.lllu" .......

hatde gatee. Zeet the tteannie of::lqh0-.

(bemalt and his complices teacfed; not, -
butincreafed moee und moeedßyly-in
Diecufalem,infomuche that they. fattght
the ctttzens of Diecut'alem to mutthec
theye neyghhouts, and to commit ad
ultrie with they; wyuest by whiche
'meanes fotm'cation was cyfe"and com
mon in the citie. Ma, many of the
people und youth (haued theyz beatdes
lettyng they; beste of there heades,
gtowe, and accompanycd them [elues
.with women, that thecevy they *myght
.eretcit'e they; adultrie the kater, and not
be elpyed. Whiche (inne dyd wonder
fullye deflle the towne ot Viecufalem,
and without doubt tutthered the deko
tation thereof. The gates alto- of the
towne were 'clofed bp, that no man
might go in no; out. And who fo went
out, fell into the handes of 8chtmc0n,
und was flat-net they that tatyed-with
tn,wece conflrayned to fee befoee they;
faces,they; theme in euety flreate and.
comcc. And if any man fotmde 'any
fault,hewas [lehne fltayght by leho.
* cbt-nat] the moftetruell taptayne of the
.ledittoue rein-[tee. The -cittzens there-7
e ,ft-Ze
me tee-ee.» I36 -'
foee feyng the tirannie of Ieho'chanan to
be without meat-tre, they atkembled" al
together, and enco untced with lehochg..
nan, and were flax-ne a wendet-full fozt
ot- them in that conflicte. And eeceßte "
p the Oden-sites that were flee to Viern
[elem to; thetirannie of Schimcon ban
fuceoueed the eitizens, the whole peopke
dt lgierufalem had ben Utterly deftwy
ethane flayne euery mothers forme by»
lehochäoan, his power was fo great.
Then Anamtbe vwe pziel't, and the o
ther pefelkes, with the auncient, fayth
Ml, and tages, and the rette of the peo
ple of Viecutalem; feyng the wycked
nette of Iehochanan, and that they could
not futter it any longer, confultedto
gethec to delyuer by the towneto ' Schi
mcon, to bey-1g hem in, and make him
they; kyng, to helpe-them agaynft Icho.
cha-13m ,h whom they ,toke to be fette
“mm wycked then 86bm1e0n7 bopyng
that“ inggbt come to palm-*that Schi
mcon thoutde [lea Iehochangn at length
Whey cent-thde Amittai the mien,
v to Séhirrncon, to bxyng hym intoxthe
- uw'ne. 15!]! Sc'h'lmcon craftle :WCM
, it, fakt-1g 't-what wet-[dz come into the_
_*x* " I H lit] ' mime
3 aa' " ..c--..- '

towneto yonthathateme, and of late_

banyfhed me your towne. yet* .they
ceafled not lo, but (ent the (ame Ümit-:al
to hym agayne, to entceate hym in the
nenne of all the people to come into the
citie. And hy this meanes, vpon a cer
tayne nyght appoynted, he entred into
Dierutelem with hie whole atmye.
Notwithftandyng, he was no foonec
'within the towne, but, he beake his pw. '
myle and league that he had made with
the citizens, and wheteae he had peomi
led to luccouc them and ayde them,
nowe he was alteced end became 'theyz
enemje, ioynyng hym felfe with. [ebo
(benen. And they two rebellee eaigned
fn-the_ eitie of Diecufalem by contl'e, one_
one moneth, and another another . Ho .
where befoeeZchlmednz commyng,they
thought muehe to beare the yohe and, _
oppxefcion ofone ledttlous perlen :now
were they co/nl'ttayned to holde downe
they; wouldets, and _beeeethe yoke of
two. zeet within a fewe - dahes after,
_there tell a.- vacjaunee .ehe dlfcezde bee »
tweene* lebocbanen *and -chümeou, ae
bone Reelerpzleflzthe fonnex ok „Ina-oi_ l
- Why:- hielt .- *Wh* Mehr, blue-_the :
-e-»x x *x F
.r -77

beginne.: and, fyelte tower of (edition a

mongelt the Jiraelites, whom schuhe
011 would nowe haue put to death,to be
weokm of his father that banifhed hym
out oflhtetuialem: but lcbocbanao toke
t Lleataczpartzanddeiended hym . Fee
Llcafar was .alwayee [ebook-mana
k frende,and ayded hym. _this-father was
bye peielk , and bare a great rule in Vie
ruialem,whetetoee [Klo-[at was ofgreat
eitimation and aucthoettfe with the cl.,
ders 7 kothat they durlk not tepeehenoe*
hym,and his father atio looked negli
gently _bnto-hym, and lethym do what
heltlt , berauce [oe-had no mo tonneo but
bgm. Ho he wasthe ficft that attembled
naughtie perioneitogethet., and_ helde4
_ euer on lebocbanaoa tyde,tcom his fitlke
- commyugtoähierutalem.. And tot hi.
» take_ fell deutüon tdiflention -betweene *
lebocbauan and chur'ncoo 7 (What they ,
x became_ ,enemiesz and warred, the one
, byon thothee euer after, ao we (hall de
clare hereatter. .
-, _ et“
FN, (W whileÄZ-it'yaaian had "ent >71-,
, _ h Louie and-Wankjm'mux (two noble -
? tuen audof hie eounfelli), to .Rome-a- .
*l » 4“ ' Hb„ ,gaynlt
F. ...- "ac-.La U!

gaynfl 71Wle , that they might make

bym out otthe way,and then woulde be *
come to .Rome to receaue the imperi'at]
crowne there.Tboie.e. captaynes went
thertoee and rayfed an army , by whoie
ayde they "et bppon ?nehmen-1d new
bim , not without much ado r fo; there
were (iayne that day at Rome . 80 . P'.
good men otwarre. When ?hip-than
had woed that he was diipatthed , be
made i'pe'ede to Rome t'o bis coxonation,
deuidyng firfl bis army in two partes,
wherof he toke thone with him toRome
asa iauegarde tot hYmiett whattoeuet
thonld happen t ?t the other be left with
71m3 his tonne,to beliege Oieruialem
wirbelt. Do departyng,he [etc bis fonne
'l'icuz att-tiexanclrjanommaunding bim
to rcmayne there till [ut-he tyme as he
chonld figniüe b-nto bym otherwyie by
bislettnmand ihew him what belbould
do , t that in no wyie he ihould attempt
the liege of thi-eruialem in 'the meant
ipactxl"'1cm aunl'wered, J (hall do dear-e
t'tber accotdyng vnto your commaun
dement, fox to you it belongeth to com
maunde , and to meto obey. Latte-[jan
toke with hirn king .XJ-rippat EWunäbäe
r t. * 'hu
' his fame t to; he feared letk they woulde
'- rebell, and me got-?ph peiett atio as pei
toner talk bound in chaynes , to; io had
his mantel! moued htm,iayinche can
not (ay the contracy , but that we hatte
found no ügne of rebellion in Noteph hi
thetto , neythec thinke we that he hath
gone about any: but who can tell when
we ace gone heme , whether he wil fle'e
to {Bieruraim helpe to ict them at vnitie_
and concotdenhen they make hym their
kyng , and after he be'e the i'oeet enemie
bnto vs . :Seüdee this,you thai! haue
ne'ede ot him in this journeyzhe beyng a
man oftueh great pzubente tt witdomc,
that whoioeuec foloweth his connieli,
thall being his matters to good and fop’
tunate fuccetl'e.-Vafpasian thought their
adm'ie good , and take me pgit'unet with
hymnogethec with kyng Agrippssam
hisfomte , albeit they had no iron bp
- on themnteyther of hande no; tote , but
only had they; kepecs appointee them,
that they -ihould not lieu ai'yde . And as
Vafpafian time nye Rome , all the titt
tens came Heath to meet him , and mew
ued hym with great ioye and myghtie
- themes. Then tontmaunded he me g:
. e
a. ..- Iva-ave o..

be put in patron , but Agrippas and his

tonne he let go at libertie . The nei-te
dai_- , altembled all the Senate oi'Rome
to create Vafpafian Empecout , after
the manner of the Romanes , with
whom was Agrippas and his ionne . J
atio entteated the Jayioe to let me hatte ,
kepers with me , and io to beyng me to
the place where he (houloe be crowned
and treated (Za-[ac : whithe the Jaylout
gcaunte'd me , and went with me hum;
(elf to the place , and beought me where
3! might l'o'e all that was done. Within
fewe dayes after , Vafpafiantooke dif
pieaiute with Agrippas vponthe info;
mation oi cettayne euyll diipofed pec
Ions that had flaundered hym, and pec
iwaded Vafpasian that he went about
to rebell, and h'owe he had fentlettecs W
to {Biemfalem , concernyng the [ame t“ ;
matters.mhettoze Vafpastan put both
hpm and his tonne Munabas to health.
This bekeu. iii. yetes and a halte betoze
the deflcuction ofVietufaleniWoteot-ec.
befer this de'ede, the continqu factifite
ceafedFoz a W . OC . and nentie _Wye-t.
as icwzitten in Daniel . Coop. :2. And
from the tymc that the contmuall ragi
... Fig-1 - cc
:oc chI. [39
fice (brake :alten Mraz-,ami :ibomjoatjcm
(halbe put into clcfoläcjoo , a thouümcje
290 linz-ez , 'The tameyere and moneth
, that GZl-jppaz was put to death, GOD
moued the mynde ofl/'atpolig-1 to re
member me with hie mercy, wheret'oze'
he commannded that J] fhould be fetcved
out of Nylon, and biought to his pee
fence . And as J floode in icons beloee
bym,();e('ar bad me welcome, and l'pake
comfoetablye vnto me , faying e Thon
knoweff well that J haue euer lo ned
the'e from the daye J firlk fawe cher, and
although J baue kept the'e continuoliy*
in duraunre , do -not thynke J dyd it of
any euill will o2 malice toward th>,but '
rather male chou periwade thy folie , J_
dyd it lefi the Romane Rhymes lhoulde
difdayne our enny the'e and (WH-?e hete
this felow , that m our wat-res hath en
domaged vs fo greatly , nowe goeth he
checkmate with vs , in as great fauoue
as wetllet vs kyll hym and put him our
of the way. Wut my freude zoceph i bie -J
thon of good rheare , J wyll de'lüier thee
_ from theke iron bondes, and thou Chair*
bee with mein no worte cacezthen es
oneofmy rhiefe WWW. *And z wyll
' > [ende
.. “v u ..o-»q o.

[ende the'e into Jewzfe to my l'onne Ti;v

rus,to whom thou (halt bo'e as a father
anoa :ounfrllour. Thon knowet't, Ti: . l
rusmasbo that toke_ pitta on tho'e , and
would not futter this td be put to death.
322a he hath funogp tomes moued me to
telea"e tho: of thy bondes , and to ho
nnur the's , which J baue ditfered to do,
onclytfoz this :aufe that J women the'e.
J'made hym annfincre: tönt how can J
be quiet o; in fucetie of my lyke, as long
RSI] am in {by company ano thy Iona”,
[eyng A grippas and his [anne more in
ndcentlye yutto death by you e Catfar
aunnnstzoziaolo thy peace Jofeph,J ne
uer token fo: any goodnelte of Agtippas_
and his ("o-me. Qflnou knoweft not what
*they had wxought agayntt my maieflie,
-end bomb they went about- to robe".
Thon haft bzent they; bones with thy
handes. Duett chou not knowehowe J
* ?hononted him ano bis fonno m Jeweie,
Minamoqu not futter mono-army: to
annoy any of his cities? J1 aunlwered.
?cz-,z knows it was [o , as your matc
me layeth.“ Then cayde he 2 but-fo; all
this hath Agrippas tequited, me agame
with euytl . 4m what t-yme ds than; .
..77 „ we lcwcs. [4-0
am a: 1mm: in Jewsie went about“;
' make me Emperonr, thinking me 'tom
_ what mate' meet to rule the empire then
‘Viccllius: Agrippas pertwaded with thö *
_ x that they ,that-[de not make moEmpe
tour ,*afkirmyng that there was *no
tvyng, in me mozthpe wherefoze they
_ mouth pzomnte me to that digintie.And
after when he' came to Rome , he went
from one bilhop to another, and canted
them to go to thehie bil'hopno assure me
of inch primes as in my contcience J,
-knewe nothing at athhfzy chi-JZ) peceea.
ued that A grippas heart was tui vita-1
cour and rebellion , and therefoze J ind
ged hym to death. For va:th as »
njcsis, there it is meet that condignc pu
mfhcmcnt fhould not be lackyh'g . And
*3 put his [anne to death likew-yie . For
the (anne of a traitour ought‘not to liuc
qun the earth,bccauf'c-that in hishearb
-tc'txmjnetb the work: of his (acht-1",an -
pconccaucd & borne ofa rcbcihous (Mio. ~
L Wut J haue tounde thee almayes faith
l (tnilandtruezandthectoercommende , w
‘5, mm fonne to thy wy'idome." With this,
-he-.cnmmannded my icons to bien-1km
' :away from me: and beyng teten-[ed and 'ä'

_ .ltrtfhtaltcsor . -- .-- tZ'* -l
"'*Pat libertiemeiet me honorahly amdnga
the sznces and Senatoan . Then* ,
fayde J onto bym . Js not this agteat L
_dithonour vnto me,tbat thonlde bee ]
delinered from my hot-.demand neuer- , :
tbelee my tountremen that he with me -
to he kept in pxiion flyll s Nowe there
foze yt J.,baue founde fauonr in thy
light,and ytihoti wllt do any thyng *at
my fute,looi'e the hondeelikewyte ofalt
the reltot the Jiraelites that be'e with
me: -iet them at 1ihertie.alio,and tboti
(halt be atkured that J wiltbe thy taitb
' full counfellourzwbyle my lyie lafleth,
and an enemye to thy mee, to make
warte hppon them that ailayle thee. .
'K/'xiipafiao graunted Foitph bis requet't,'
.and willed them to be letat libertie , ae
»many aewete peyi'mers* with Joieph'. *
' i Hhoetly after [ent bezieieph to hie fonne
' '1'1an that abode at that preient at >
j . * *Lex-intime in Egypte z to whom he weit *
' concernyng Joieph-in this wyfe.Jl tende
-vtito thee hereimy beloued forme ) Jo- N
teph a» weinte ottbe Jewesm man ot ee- A
7 'periente,trayned in warte , in-wbom i3
great wiidomeihe ihalbe thy ' father and
iaythtuu countellour 3 thou (halt not oo
. 4 agaynik
c: ZWEI. - [4|
agaynlk his con-teeth' neythec one :way
no; other,fo3 he is a wyte man. Where
fose' thou their reuerence and bottom:
hym accosdyng as he is wog-thx'.- fo.; the "
Leo-de his God is with bim, and beleue
noccafhly any manzthat (hall detame
Iofephvnto thee. ZW', cache.: put hym
. to death ffcaight way, that wyll acciiie
hym: fotzxoieph is a faythfull niemand
a good councellour, and who [o is ruled
by his councell, _fhall haus peofpecous
fuccelle in that he goeth about.. There
-fose whenIJofeph thai] come vnto ther
.after he hath refceched hym felfe -a tewe
dayes-ofhis laboures and tcauayies of' -
, the (ea-then lhalt thou peepacethyne
expedicion againtkDiecul'alem to befiege
it. And if theJewes rec-eaue thee peace
ably,and w'yll [ubmit them felues bndec
the Romane Empire: chen beware chou
endamage them in nothyng, but rather
cepayzetheyz cities, end let thembe free '
from al t-rivute fo; the fyace of two yet-es,
.yet of this condition, tha-t thziie euetZy
yere they [et a flagge with the acmes of
-the Roma-tes open* they; loi-lies', that
) :is to (ay, at they; tbeee folemptie teams. -
- when aszall the It'caclites are ,ii-ont to . '
ü - K5. i.-" . reicht
7]]67731'1'68 ot
tet-:zt to Vicentetem, to appeare* befoee '**Ä
the Wette they; God. Moe-teuer, they
the! offer fo; vs enery feafl,a faccifiee bp
'on the moft holy auxtec that is in Hiern
'falem . And ttthey refut'e to make peace
'with thee,thou (halt vttecly race theyz
- -townes, and whot'oeuet is lefte aly'ue,
“and efcape the [woede: thofe (halt thou
Ieade away captiue.. szo be t't they de
!yee to hatte Fofephto ve theye kyttg, we
“are content thecewith. Zn any Lvyle re
“meber to be ruler hy Zofepbes eomtcell,
be lhalbe the ("Wet-,and thou .his [ohne.
,After thie,Joteph deperted from Rome,
e and came to Klemme-Nato 'l'ttuß who
'hearyng oleofephes-arrinall,wtts won
deroue glad, and all the amt'cient and
»wife men with hym. Fo; Jokeph was
full of the fpt'ctte ofwyfdomewudetuan
:dyng,counfayle, valiauntnca'e, know
_ ,led'gez and feat-e okOod.- Whercfoxe he
went foooth-to meete hym accompanyed
(with the captaynes ofthe Romanes at
, mye,and teceaued 'hym with great bo
ttom'. Then Fofeph delt'ttetcdto "l'itoz, »
7'th fathccs letters :- Whtehe 7&th ha.
uyng read, fayde vnto Jofeph . Whet
foeucrmy father hath weytteu in tbeke
* letters
cnt: 16'768. ' lx“
lettersz Z7 woulde haue done no [elle hy
myne owne accoede .e but nowe .that my
father admonyl'heth me of- thc fame, J
ought to do it the moxe. Whecefoee re
mayne here with me, and J wyll be thy
kenne, anothou (halt be my father, to
rule and gouekne me with thy councell.
Ho [ofepb abode with L*'m18 at .Alexan
äxjaa whole monelh after he came from
Rome . Then roniultcd they together
- to go to Vitrnialem and befiege it, fox
Lot-ph vnderfiode well inough, that thia
came (il-*the (akut, tmc( that 1118 W01“ch
coolcle nor bc lettecj x101- ]1Z-oäcrccl. *['ltue
therefozc and [0(cpb with hym, depar
ted from Mlcxaocli-ja wich allthey; are .
myezt pitchrd theye teures at chopohz,
from theme they came hy water to 'kha
11W., [o fooeth to lraclca, and (WWW
that, came to Debüt. Fromthencothcy ,
trauayled thzough. the defekte to 8.1316
.* ' Iou'tmz after that to Nici-011,(o do ,63221,
' 'ne-rt to Mt[(310,11, then to lnhaam, after
to laylw, :andloto Ccf'axm.- :In: thele
,iourneys he. wanne aan), thfhalomahd
x, Iayho, with all they; towne-and taflels.
lying avoutthem.
* c't.“
_ l *ww-Tl)
.. :M Tb?

mm T KSW-ü12W oftberaigne urvarpa;

flan, the tenthmoneth and -feuenth
day ofthe fame,came Titus with Jofeph
und his flcmte to Eckart-3,8. famous title,
huylcby kyngDetode. Ju this cicte be
(oioutned, vntyllhiswhole l)an were.
come together, afwell- of .Romane-,as
ofothec nations that were vnder the do
minim of the Romanes, and came to
am them in the liege of Dierufalem.
T-hetefoze Titus atmie was wonderful!
huge and puifl'aunt, whecwithhe above
at Cefaria, tyll the colde of wyntec was
pal't, arm the moneth of Af meme nye.
uly. The [ame yete the cin-ill wat-tes grams
and encr'eafed in Victufalem, fa; the ci
mm flowe one another without any
truce, rat 0; quietnzsmo not in wynter,
when as wat-ces were went to scare,
but hammer and Inputs: both,- the-ware.
neuer ltinted betweene Schimeon, [cho
. chanan, and Meat-?tre Mo; the Lowe the
- fame-me had (ent amongelk them of
- igierufalem, atoutneutke fpitite ot gio
- dinelke, that the people were dem'ded in
- to thtee pattes 2- whertot the fyzfl and
- belt, tolowed Anani the *pziefß who - a!
- that fume bag flayntd, vnhalowed, and
the lewcs. I4;
tut'pended his office of pefefihood . Ano
ther part folowed l'editious Iehochamn,
the them, motte ccuelll Schimcon . Do
that in the mit-delt ot Diecutalem was
ciuill wartes , and without, the eto
manta atmie made waves from Ccfana,
enen to Dierufalem: by' the meancs
wherok, no man bunt go tooeth fo; feare
left he lhoulde fall *into the enemyes
hands, no; enter into the towne to hei-1g
any -netefl'aties thythet. Anani beyng a
pecfit godly man, and feyng the com
mon weale of Diertttalem to ve gone:
ned by the pleafute of the fedttiouszgau'e
-ouet his thyme part that flache to hum,
to Elcafar his kenne, which was the tirlt
aucthonc of refinement he that gane
the t'yefl-octaflon, that was taufe. alte of
*all the milchiefe that betet( in „Ihteruta
viemevmu in the wholeland of ludca. Fox
he began a tonl'pitatie agaynfl the- Ro
mane nations, and pzouoked chael to
tebell agaynft the Romanes, and to lay
bat-.des Upon them . Wherfoee there a(
lembled vnto [editjons Elcafa'r,[clmdah,
Chczron , Schimeon‘, and Clx'tl't'cj'ahn,
young men otthe nobles ot-ihiecutatemz
'Elcafar with hit' company take the, teat, h
L! Ü) P“,
.l [16 heart-ca 0).'
plc,and the courtes aboutit, appointing . '
othie men, come to be lpyee, »fometo'
kepe watche and Werde about the tem
ple ot the Morde. 'nt lcboclicman, who'
becaote otthe great rel'oet ot people vw'
to bym, was flronger then Llcalarl [JB
toke the market place and ltreates, the
lower part ot the citie. Then Ichimeon
the lerol'olom'ite tolte the hygheil part
ot thetowne, wherehy hie men anoyed
)el10cbaoan5 part idee with flynges and
troikebowee. Betweene their theee ther
foee was mott cruell batta'yle in Viera
talem,to3 the ipace of toute dayee, with
' out ceaiyng oe any heeathyngmnd euery
day very many were flaynez fo that the
x blood of the Zlewes that werel'laynexan
euery where aboundauntly theough the
market place and flreateei yea, enen to
x „the temple ot the hoed,lilte hnto a fludde
tharhad come of great [heures. And vn
to the' ,cheiholdeeofthe gatee otthe tem
ple, the dead hodye's ouetwhelmed one
another hyheapee, kde no man buryed
* them. lehocltonati bauyng .lbs myddle
part ofthe towne, bad Zchimcon on» the
one tyde hym, and hie-tier on-the other.
Bucd'cliitneon badthe hett plarez- from
- t

whence he might anoy both leboctmnsn

E Lleäf'ar. Lteal'ttr dyd alio what he could
to endomage Zebjmxon . And [>0ch
mn that was in theniiddeft, encombted
them both,notwtthttandyng to lttte pur
pofe . Fo; ZcbjmeonZ company hang
ltones, and lhot at them tote.; but when
hs lebocbtmane part flang lykewyte at
them, the t'tones redounded ageyne bp
pon them feines. Thus amongelt theie
thtee,the bhttayle was tote, and enn-_ea
(ed euety dawthat all men were in great
terronr and teare therot. Then altem;
bled to the temple mache people _of the
pzieftes and elders, bekechyng theie in
tet'tiue and domelticall enemyes, not to
pollqte and oefyle the temple with they:
Flaughters,and were almolte all flayne
fo; they: labour. The (ame day was
*tthine the pgiett öganj and lotua a pticlt,
boch of the chiefelt peieffes, ano Zecha'.
rjebo. theß-motfe faythfull peophete of
the home* Then had the continoall fa
...crifice' teafed (7te and thirtie dayesc
Fot'e-tiertfintyll _that tyme,'was there
ß gente good. men o3 other at Viernfalem,
' ._.that .offered alwaye f (anime to; the
Z'IL-oehe,.j,'tjd_t1t_nowe „when they wohlhe_
"3__. “: " Lift] ' 'hatte
.|. a1.- "k-...90x

hatte confirmed it, and the pziel'fes layde

the factiflces vpon the aulter, the (editi
ous woulde rmme vpon them and kyu*
them, that the petefles bodyes and theye
cattell that they woulde hatte facrificed,
thould all fall dead to the gtounde toge
thee. They that refoeted alfo out ofthe
countrey of-Wietul'alem to; dcuotions
take, the feditioue flewe and vttetly de
(troyed them,that almott no_ one ofthem
was lette alyue. Mozeoueczthe dead bo
dyee, atmen laye catfe in the temple,-and
that without number tcode 'endet-the
teete: _zeeaz the dead body of the peieü
that was off'etyng facrtficez lay bpon the - '
earth togetherwt'th hie oaeryng. And
,when any man woulde offer any, ("acti
fice, ftraightway one oe other of the (edi
tio us woulde üepto hym and' kyll hym,
- that the blood'et'the facrt'fice* and [am]
:ficec thouloebemittgledtogether. _3m
mache that the pauement ot the temple,
beyng all et machte, tha-amade to_ _my- .
'pecye 'with *the blood and fatte_ot thetit
tvatwerotflayne,that "TDM-:tomat
_ go vyon it without -fallyhgz“_/And-the
petet't (houlde) no loonertla'yeyhattde on
the (acrifice, but he *wae'*fiayne, .Sand
- - Weight.
Lllb 1‘ W c). [+7

lkrayght another dead bodye thonlde

fall vppon hym, ttraunger and other,
they fpared none.. Ho thus thedead bo
byes ot' the good and bad , cleane and
vncleane,wi>ed and vertuous , thiete
and true man , lay one Upon an other,
and they; blood myrtetogethec in the
midl't of the temple ', without -cekpect
otany man ,what degree oz condition
l'oeuec he were of. Whecfoee the tight
and flaughter warte great,both in the
towne ano in the temple. jFoz whom
koeuer the teditious onettame , they tet
fire on them houleo alro . Whech the
firetooke into the greote mens houl'es
that were nye the temple , and into the
floze houfee , wheteas agayntk tymes
of nerel'fitie and beü'egynges of the
towne z were layed *op in iter ,-cotnez
*wyneMnd oyle, to the number of 'a
_thoufande and toute hundteth tkm
_ honfeo,allfi1defnll of vyttales. Fo_
' the Ewers and other gouty men,what
tame as .qupafiafi was in mommy .K .
'made bp the oozes of* thofe gatnec hou
Tee , anol'ageo
[nfttcient in vittualles
to: two hund-ech into them, 3a
men to; twentie here ,'anonowe-in this
* *e Tab . one.
one battayle of the tedicious, they wer.»
_bxent euery one flicke and ffone , which
was a (ps-,dy taufe of famine andhun
ger in Diecutalem. At the [ametyme
alfa the fedin'ous putled downe,and ra.
(ed all the fayze houfes and goodly buil
dyngeS, that there thoulde be no mona
ment orany noble houl'e left to anye of
the tittzens ofOiecm'alem. Ho this you
we at that tyme the il,er vifited the
citizens of Viecufalem with kom-e kind
ot'plagues , twozde , peflilence , hunger
and fyze c hel'ydes this , a tyft alte-»was
added ,the ruyne and decay of all bean
tifull and goegeous buyldynges . And
whecetoeuee a man turned hym , ,there
was nothyng but defolation, pollutton
(namely of the tempke and all holye
thynges) vpzeares , without all rette
and cetnge , no helpe, noefuccouc , but
euery comec ofixziecutalem was full et t
howlyng and yellyng, waylyxtg .j and
. wo'epyng , Fohbyng and fighyng ofwo
men andehtldzen. Here that-lp ye heace
“ the coat-211g and gronyng _of ,Wundey
„men , not yet- thozowe dead _*,- therethe
mont-Whg acid 'automation the the Ol
,.yeretvatßhmx were flax-1e '.22 :tb-7W(
kl lc .lc U Ed' [+0

tions e yonder, ch'yldxen crying out fo;

hunger . To ve thoxt , molt [ozowtnlt -
oppselkidn' of them that lyued,done by
the fedttious . Huch voyces were made
euer? where, that happy and t'oztcmate
was he that betoee this day diedeand vn
happye and in a wofull 'cafe were all
[uch astemayned ali'ue tote'e this daye;
Allthete thynges when J1 Joteph beacd
tydynges of; J face my bearde with my
bandes , and salt afthes vpon my head,
fittyng in great toeow vpon the ground,
bewaylyng the mifecie and calamitie o'

L/F-Zced this lamentation madeJloteph

vpon Z[Meute-[enn Dow ts the hoj
tyecitie (quoth he)layde waft,- that was
went tobe mate happye and mate rc
nowned,then all the peduinces bpon
theeaeths Pott-e' ische cute-that was
hecetofoee in wehe hy'ghnetke and dig
nitiemow -bsought *ander the tootetho
7 towe the [tunes ot the ?eitizensf thetofs
wheceas (ometyme was" the dwetlyng'
place otthe taythwll: nowe beace rule
there fache men as pzouctke and fiytee
Gods weath agaynt't it , and turm138:;
_ --- u ..--7- ...

waye from they; God „ walter-g :it aa »7

tbieues . - Jin the whirhe,i'omtyme. re
maenedxthe btyghtnes ofthe Godhead,
tt is now become a by woed and . a mot.
kyng (koche td the enemiee ,- repleny.
lbed with blood of wounded and oayne
-men. In fledeof mirth 1 gladnelle , re
ioyltng 9 harpes , and pcalteries; is fox'
, , rowe , lyghyng , heart beeakes , mone
nyng , and pent'iuenell'e cominen in
place . Earn as heretotoee the peieites
erecuted the ieruice oi' the Lord in one
ryng fattificee t io likewyie nowe ledi
tions perions murther Godly and faltb
tu-ll men. Where was wont to bee the
dwellyng plateof moft wyie. and peu
dent men t nowe is it made a common
holtry ot --wirlted murtherere r tbieues.
. O &We GOD ot Jirael,haue not an
.gellestntymeyaite come downe from
_ .heauento earth-"to fight thy battaylee.- -
j baue not the -üaddea ot the ieas perle
-tnted them» _that periecuted the'e s z bach
:not the eartvtw'alowed vpfehem-that
--delpyied the'e e and the wyndee irattred
them &runder that' made incurrectiena
-agaynft theerand thunder from heauen
deflroyed thyne_ enemeea s." and tlaerea
. _ harte
7-. cttc Lßflcd.
'+7 .
' haue fought agayntt thy. these t 7What
meanes this theretoee , and howe com-
meth it to packe ,that chou hyddelt thy.
face from vs s to whombkil'tthou beta.;
ken the theepe of the pattnrc 2 Lake bpj,
ponvs our Ood,and beholde the peo-- *7
ple and enheritannce,that thon b3ough-.
felt out of Egypt with a myghtte pewz:
et,and a ltrong hende c 'with wonders. . . “
and ftgnes, leadyng them bntyll this
day tnthytayth :take p'itie vpon them.
in thy mercye , and ertende not thy
weath agaynt'te thy teruauntes. *
Where art thou Woytes the fonne ot
amram :*- ttande bp and teethy people
and flocke otlhe'epe which *-thon feddetk
au thytyte with thy wyfedome: fee how.
Wolues and. 'tions tears them t' [se. _
howe the Jtraelites arehecome *fees
ok-theys owne :lynes and toutes t --Zeea
.walter-t. and hel'troyers _ate [pxong hp
ofthey; ownefelnes. Meholde the hem.
ple ok.Ood,ko3whofe fake-thoulyftedtt- “' '
vpthylkatte euer thetee, wherewith- '
7, thouttruckelt and deuidedttit , that it
:was'made dtye grounde , to-thatthec
chaelttes patted th*3ongh',and“ et'caped.
(Wesen-units. ' Remember tbyytayer.
7 wven
,], le "qlzcooc

tians hy the meyer , that they fledde

fo; feate of the came . Nowe therefoxe
ye hcatdemen ot Fitael, atkemhleto
gethec and lyfken with your eates , and
heat-e my woedes thatJ wyll ipeake
in your eates this day. Tell me , what
is become of yone peayer that ye hatte
made fo: the people oi' Zirael , to des
.tende and toutne awaye from them all
' weath,iadignationz trivuiation , fa
tye, and immiffione of euyll fpititeee
Howe ie it that nowe ye tee not the
tanctuaty turned into avyle fintke of
.blood c' Fee the dead bodyee of peiefles
lye in the myde of it. The holye citie
-Wiecul'alemis become a ftcaunge citie.
:as though the name of the Itoed had ne
*ttetheninitt and the fanctuaty of the .
-Itoedis in that cafe* at this peeient z as
thoughthe deuine Oedhead had neuec
. dwelt thetein: tot the tempie is turned
into aden of. thin-es , aiodgyng of (edi
“ tiousperione,a tahetnaele otttuel mut
thererexAndwho. lo fle'eth thtther, fo; re
tuge , there *they he hatt-tet ae the (editi
4;oue hauemurfltetedin the middelt ther
ot .Avant the-bye ptieu , and 10km *a
peieft alle, that were peincee and ehiefe
cnc tet-es. [4.9
psiefles, the mofi reuerent amongefl the
people ofOod, whom ere this, kynges
and. nations had befought and deüred
they; kamm, but neuer talke they;
flayne bodyecz in the myddel't ofthe tem
ple. The nobilitte alle of Dierm'alem,
the eloets of [mia, and tages of Xtrael,
whole frendlhip kynges *and nations
baue [ought, and deücedto make peace
with:- they lye now flame here and there
" h tnthe mtddefk oflhieculalem, ate meate
hnto the toules of the ayee, and hcafles
ottheüelde, to dogges am) rauens, be
came there is no man ' to hutye- them.
Theke dyed not to; theye otkences, but
becaute they founoe fault with the M.
caelttes when they firmen. Howe are
they flayne in thee (O Vierufa'lem thou
holye title, tenowned twoughout the
wholeearth) all iult mem all holy men,
whom the [editious hatte got* the* vppec
hande of, thofe helhoundes and-hlood.
[uckers that haus bzought all thel'e . mit.
chiejes vpon thee; Howe are the [hielte
of the Kon-e, ahd his psophetes (lehne,
amongelt-thole holy men s. Fox betet?
. the holy temple,was the peophete-Zeclma
' :tabu that iufi und holY man, bochctfd'- .
- '* U i " , aud
.l [LE TINTI 01'

and mucthecedt yea,without all but-y

all, neyther was his blood coueted wtth ,.
eatth, but yet l'tyll wandzeth about and
muttteth inthee. The blood of nnen'.
alte and lotu- the chtete puettes, tua.
yet neuer coueted , whithe were both
tlayne in thy temple, as men be wont to
kyllthieuest yea,the blood otthe godly
young men , and valiaunt men, that
woulde haut reuenged them, was med
alle hy the fedittous, lyke fiuddeo of wa
- tec. Doweare the heartes of the people
- turned fo auckwardly, that they wyll
- heate no admonition otiuü men :- 115m:
- arelike vnto blockithe images,that my
- thet (ce not heute, nos yet vndert'tande
. any thyng. .All healkes be they neuer (o
beuttt'he, allplantes, and thyngesthat
growe vpon the earth, withflande them
that inuade them to'do them iniurie,
and endeuoue to auoyde the fotce ot their
enemie: hut thy chyldeen that tvou ke
pefl within thee, are chaunged into ene
mies, und one bzothet murthereth ano
ther with the twoede. Where is nowe
thy valtauntnefienhou that neuer woul
deft bowe to beatethe yoke of the Om
tiles byonthy Walder', but hal't ease
- .- * away
the lee-et. [J0
away the bondage of the Egyptians,“
Philitkines, Atamites, Am'rians, Chal
deiehPecijai-is, and Wet-es s. Where ts - .
the ikrength that God gaue to the (beif
m0natt'1te8,-tbat with a vecy [mall com
pany _defended thee, and peeuayled a-.
gaintt the huge and puihaunt acmye of. .
the Grekes , detttoyed the itoute [ouldi- *
out-s ofthabyldn, vanquithed the migh
tie armye ofthe Berühmt, tlewe Won't- »
tiarux and Zoctochus,.and pin-med they;
aemyes, mahyng great tlaughtecs ot
then-,and fyliyng allpiaces full ot dead
caekafes oi' the Oentüest They woulde
notbe culed .by (innere, but ventred
them ieluce to dye, omyng theyx lyues,
not tot they; ionnes and daughters t . but
teethe ianctuaci'e ot the Wade and his
teihple, let'tttthouide be pelluted with
the idols ot the Ventile-s Where tc
maynethhowe the todde ot God, that-
holy todde that budded and »bloifemed in i
tvedayee ot-gladuefles Now'e ia both*
the (peingee wytheted, and ' the » todde -it
fette alle. :The rodde of ta-yth ia wetth
ded,the codde of the kyngdommhe rodde
alte otthy people, ttom whence the hm»- .
lye lawe is taken awaye, neythcr :is ,7
e Wh thcte
.l [16 WL'ku 0L
ple,and the courtes about it, appointing
ofhie men, keine to he ipyee, come “to
kepe watcbe and wxrde about the tem
ple ot the Morde. 'ut lcboclicmam who*
- becaul'e of the great reioxt of people bm
'to bym; was (tronger then kleiner: he
toke the niarhet place and flreates, the
lower part ot the title. Then 8chime0n
the ler0i0l0mtce rohe the hyghei't part
of the townc, wherehy bis men anoyed
)el10cl1a11ao8part idee witb flynges and
troitebowee. Between-e theie theee ther
foee was moft cruell battayle in Dierh
falemztoe the ipace of toute dayee, with
out ceai'yng oe any beeathyngmnd euery
day very many were flayne“, io that the
x blood otthe Jewes that were-flaynenan
euery where aboundauntle theough the
market place and ltreates: yea, euen to
..the temple ottbe Lordaihe hnto a fludde
tbat had come ot great i'hourte. And hn
to the ,thutholoeeotthe gatee ot the tem
ple, the dead bodyee ouetwhelmed one
another by'heapea, to; no man buryed
- them. loh0cb'anat1 hauyng the t'nyddw
part otthe towne, had Zehjmeon on- the
_one tyde bym, and leichter-.on-the . other.
BchClnmee-n hadthe beit_ place:: front
-. k» - whence»
-..7 -- .- 'v' .

whence he might andy both lehochanan

E Lleal'ar. Lleal'ar dyd alio what he could
to endomage Ichjmxon . And [chocha.
mn that was in themiddeft, encombted
them both,notwithttandyng to lttle pur
pole. Fo; Zcb'lmtona company klang
ftones, and [hot at them fare.; bn't when
as lebocbanana part hang lykewyte at
them, the _ltones redounded agayne bp
pon them telnes. :Kt-bus amongett thete
th;ee,the battayle was tote, and encrea
(ed euery dankbar all men were in great
terrour and teare therof. Then attem
bled to the temple murhe people ot the
pzieftes andelders, bekerhyng there in
- - tet'tine and dometticall enemyee, not to
pollute and defyle the temple wich theyz
llaughters, and were almofte all hayne
to: they; labour. The (ame day was
Winethe paielt xXx-,ani and lotua a peioff,
both of the rhiefelt peiettee, and Zecha'.
tjahqxthehvufle faythfull peophete of
the Lott-ex? Then had the continuall fa
hrt-fire teated fire and thirtie dayest
*tot'enerfvntyll that tyme,'was there
:Feine good-men o3 other at Hierufalem,
:that *eltered alwaye , farrtfice to; ,the
:,Jtoeye. _that _nowe (when- they woulde
' . *:
" y' With' hatte
' 1. [1T "

hatte continued it, and the pzieltee layde

the ia'ccificee vponthe aulter, the (editi
ouo woulde tunne vpon them and kyll'
them, that the peiet'tes bodyee and they;
eattell that they woulde haue faetifiied,
thonld all fall-dead to the gtounde toge
thet. They that refoeted atio out ofthe
- tountrey of Dierufalem tot dcuotions
fake, the ieditious oewe and dttetly de
ttroyed them,that almot't no; one ofthem
was lette aiyue. ehoteouecuhedead ho
dyee_ ofmen laye ealke in the temple,-and
that without number tcode -vndecthe
feete: yeaäthe dead body oi' the peiett
that waeoffetyng i'actificez lay vpon the * '
earth together with his oXetyng. And
tuhen'any man woulde oitec * any_ ("acti
tice, i'traightway one oe other otthe (edi
tio ue woulde lteyto hym and' kyll hym,
- that the blood' ot'the facrificea and fam'x
.7ficer thouldebe'mingledtogethec. 3711W
?mache that the pauementot the .Leim-ie,
.bey-ig all ek "machte, Pak-made [q paie
yetye 'withthe blood and fatteoi' them e
- tha-wereiflaenmhat "amade-*Wiek
go vpon it without *kallyngT-'Andthe
peieft thoulde' no *foonerälaye-h'ande on
the iacrifice, hut he UW'WLKW :and
» * a - , era-gh
h( 1o lc U cd. [4.)

flrayght an other dead bodye fhoulde

fall vppon hym, ltraunger und other,
they tpated none.. Bo thus the dead bo
dyes otthe good and bad , cleane und
bntleane,wicked and vertuous 7 thiefe
and true man , lay one vpon an other,
_aud they; blood myrte together _in the
mide of the temple “, without refpeu
ofany man ,what degree o3 condition
foeuer he were of. Whertoee the fight
and üaughter warte great,both in the
towne and in the temple . Fox hohem
l'oeuer the (editious ouercame ,they tet
fire on they; houtes atto . Wherhy the
üretooke into the greute mens houteo
that were nye the temple z and into the
(toze houfes , wheteas agayntt tymes
of neceffitie and beftegyngeo ot the
towne: werelayed bp in (tote ,*tome,
ywyne,and oyle, to the number of a
* thoutande“ and toute hun'deeth floze
houfeo, _all fildetull ot vyttalee. Fo;
“ the Eldero and other godly memwhar
tyme äsKÜtkyafioö was tn Galile'e,they ._ .
*mode bp the doeeo of- thot'e gatner hou
-'|'es I, audlayed tn vjuualles into them-.
quitient _fox two hundeeth thoutande
men fee twentie yere , andnotoe-tn this
-> ec»- Tv _ one.
one battayle of the tedicious, they wet.
bzent euery one ftiche and ikone , which_
was a [peedy taufe ot famine andhun
ger in Dieruialem. At the "ame tyme
atio the ieditious pulled downe,and ta
ted all the tayze houies and goodly buil
dynges, that there ihoulde he no monit
mentotany noble houie left to anye of
the citizene of Vieruialem. Ko this you
fe'e at that tyme the hotde vifited the
citizens ot Ztxzietuieilem 'with toute kind
ofplagues , iwotde , peifilence , hunger
and tyze : heiydee this, a iytt alio was
added , the ruyne and -decay of all bean
tiiull and gotgeous huyldynges . Und
whereioenex aman turned hym, _there
_was nothyug but deiolätion , polluiton
(namely oi the tempie' and all, holye
thynges) bptoares , without all teile
and retuge , no helpe , noi'uccour , but
euery cozner otihierutalem was fullot
howlyng and yellyng, waylyng ,_'and
- wo'epyng , iobbyng and üghyng ofwo
x men and ehildzen._1herethould ye heare
“ the roaryng and gronyng of: wenan
_men , _not yet thozowe_ dead, there the
moutnyng and lamentation fee the El
ise-erbauten were Wen.- be :cbt-.FW
' t
* - -
. K * x ' "W
mc ach-cz. 1+0
tions t yonder, ch'yldeen trying out to;
hunger. To ve ihoet, moft foxowtult -
oppteifto'n ot them that lyued,oone by
the feditious . Huch voyces were made
euety where, that, happy and foztnnate
was h'e that betoze this day died-and vn
happye and in a wotnll “cafe were all
[uch as remayned ali'ne to 'to'e this daye."
All thete thynges when J Joieph heard
tydynges of; J tare my bearde with my
handee , and eat't aithee vpon my head,
üttyng in great (Now vpon the ground,
bewaylyng the miierie and calamitie o'
L/F'Nd thielamentation madezioieph
* vpon Zthiernihlem; Bowie the hoi
tyecitie (quoth he)layde wach that was
wont to be moee happye and moze re
nowned,then all the ptouinees bpon
theearth e Z(home ische eittethat was
heretofoee in kurve hyghneae W dig
nitie,now .bgoughtvnder the tootetho
_- rowe the fir-nee of the icitizens( thetofe
whereas tometymo was' the dwrttyag
plate otthe taythfnll: nowe heare cute
there tnche men as peouoke and flytre
Gods weath agayni't it , and turne13a?:
.. --- .. M.-.- u.

wayetrom they; God „wa-rent; rt ae*

thieues. - Jlnthe whicbeziomtyme tee* .
maynedthe heyghtnes otthe Godhead,
tt is now become a by woed anda mot.
kyng ltorke to the enemiee , repleny
fhed with blood oi wounded and ilayne
men'. In flede. of mirtb , gladneife , re.
ioyltng e harpes , and pialterieei ie fo»
, rowe , iyghyng , heart beeahes , mour.
nyng , and penfiueneu'e commen in
place . Euen ae heretotoee the ptiettes
ereruted the feruice ot the Iboed _ in offe
ryng iacrifices e. io likewyie nowe (edi
tious perione marther Godly. and kaithz
tull men. Where was wont to be'e the
dwellyng "plateot moft wyie: and peu
dent men r nowe is it made a common
holtry ot --wirked murtherere r tbieues.
. O tbozde GOD ot Jirael,haue not an
-gelleein tyme paite. come downe from
-heauen-to-earth-to fight thy hattayleee
x baue net the »fliiddea ot the ceae perle
(LK ' -cuted them that -periecuted thee 2 . bach
:not the. earthtwalowed vptb'emthat
-deipyi'ed the'e t and the wyndee hattred
them a- rundet »tb at' made incurreuiona
-agayni't theerand thunder treat heauen
deitroyed thent enemrea -k' and hartes
. ' p i ha'ue
.cnc ac' (ö.
. “1-7 .
hane kought agay ntt thy. these *What
meanes this therefoee , and howe com-
methitto patle ,that thou hyddeft thy.
face from vs s to' whomhal'tthou beta-.
ken the theepe ot thy paiturcs Lake vpj.
ponvs our God _, and beholde thy peo- W)
ple and enheritannce,that thou bee ugh-.
teu ont of Egypt with a myghtie palm.
er,andaftrong hande t with wondersx. 7
and ftgnes, leadyng them bntyll-this-_
day in thy fayth c take pttie vpon them.
tnthy mercye , and ertende not_ thy
weatv agaynfie thy ieruauntea.
Where art thon Moyies the fonne ok
.Amrum :- t'tande bp and [sethy people*
and flocke otfheepe which **thon feddett
all thy lyfe with thy wyfedome: ra how.
Woluee and Lions teare them t the. _
howe the Ziraelites arerberome .toes- _
e eitheye owne tyues .and foxles r -Zeea
. walter-,tt and *dettroyersare fpwng, hp
oftheha ownetewee .“ *1hehotde the peo
' ple etched , the whol'e fake -thonlyftedtt
-vp-thyttafke ouer theefea, wherewith- "
thouftruckefi and deuidedltlt z that tt
, was made deye grounde , fo-„thatthe"
p. Jfraelites'pau'ed th;ough'.and eicaped.
t y *theyeenemiea Remember thypeayer.
.„ * when
.l ll'. "GUI-..o U1.

_' when ae in tyme ot famine and lacke

- of- foode , thou obtaynedfle fo; them
'meate from heaucn , and at thetame
'tyme when they were weetye ot they;
-lyues fo; thicft ,then baoughteft water
-out of the matt hard cocke. Come tooeth
.Zarah moike holye peieike oi' (Jod , that
-dydft put thy ielte' betwecne the lyuyng,
- and the dead , to tutne away the plague
-From 'Ilitael z and (holmi the dci'tcoy
.er,thathe lhouide not come -nye thely
uyng. Aryie out ot tby.graue thou Vlu
neea , that moued with fuche fernenct'e,
dydft teuenge the* gloey and mat'elkie o'
the Itozde God ot *-Jicael. Come and
runne theongh 'thel'e- tediciouaiit thy fu
tyez whichemurther the people 'ot God
and hie packte-3*. Awahe chou-Lama,
that dydft theowe downe thewaltee ot'
]crjcb0 with the ioundeand fhouteof
-thy ttumpettese that the »holye patches
.*-helde in they; handes . Come now and
:fee thy 'people that thou :madeft ..te en
hecite manye nations,and toconquer
'malt puiffaunt liynges ,*howe they kyll
one another,how they furder and helpe
-- toeward the idolater to rule and harte the
dominion of thy holye lande„ that thou
. i_ ' gaueik
. (UE ISUZU. l+ö

gaueft thy people Zifroel to enherlte .

Why fleapcfl thou hyng Demo, awake
und come with the iounde of thy Piel
trye and hai-pe , to iyng the -holye plai
meo . Aike account ot thy iweetewoz
des that
otthis are ceated
people ,i and from
out ofthe
all moutheo
moutheo , becauie of the malicioul'nes
thereof .* *Zoe howe they; peynces be'e
tranftournxrd tnto-enemies ano deftroy.
'ers 2' anddo not as thou dydfte (good
*kyng Dauid -) thot dyddett gcue thyue
owne lyfe to; theyzo , ioying c [cc ch)
'liancle,0 [Nec] , [ze tourt) ccj :tenz-oft mc,
uncl anz-nit the [mul'c of'n17 t'otber, am]
60 110c tell ypon tby 960x11.: t0 (leftroz-o
>ch - Where art thou [Illu-:ur s come c
'fee what thou caufl do , tt thou canlt rei
_ tue the rcrnnaunt of Jfrael , and fynde
'them any gappe to [tape at .' Dyditnot
thou by thy peayer beyug the power ot
the Siriano to ei towne of deteuee z and
' *peeuäyiett-agaynflthem-.without dynt
*ot-twoede o3 battayle , aud beoughteu
. “themdownßimittyngthemwithbltnd
* quelle, that-they! 'turned' thW-enmitie
ktowarde Jlrael'intoloue e ,In deede,
:thou wolkhe“ that panquilhedtt theHi
, . 4 * _czßno
j, ..v "u-xbox".

tians by thy mapee , that they fledde

fo; teure of the fame . Nowe therekoze
ye heardemen of arm, afl'emhle to. e,
gcther aud lyfteu with your eures , and
heute my memes that J wyll fpeake
in your eures this day. Tell me , what
is become of your pzayer that ye haue
made to; the people of Zfrael , to des
,tende and tourue awaye from them all
' weath,iudignation-, tribulation , tu- -
the, and immiffions of euyll fpltites- ‘
Howe ie it that nowr ye le'e not the
tauctuary turned into angle fincke of
.blood a Fuß the dead bungee of pgieltes
lye iu the mydfl of it . The holye citie
-Dierufalemts become a (traunge citie,
.as though the name of the Weed had ne
.uer beuin tt: aud the (anuuary of the .u
Med fein that cafe at this pzefent , as '
thoughthe deuine mama had neuer
. dwelt therein a to; the temple is turned
into amen octhteues -, alongan of (edi
*7tious perfons,a tabernacle ot cruel mut
:-therere,-Aud who. [o fleeth thither. to; re
fuge , there *they be [lathe :- as the (editi
-Cous hauemurthered-*tu the middeft ther
of Anani the bye pzielt , :and Iofua a _
Paiell allo„that were palates aud thiefe '
the leeres. ' [4.9
peielkes, the mofi renerent amongeft the
" ' people o'fOod, whom ere this, kyngee
“ and. nations had beionght and defired
they; tanour, but neuer cafke they;
flayne bodyee in the myddefl ot the tem
ple. The nobilitie atio of Dieruialem,
the elders of [mia, and tages of Jirael,
whole ftendt'hip kynges *and nations
hane tought, and deüredto make peace
with: they lye now ilaine here and there
.'_ inthe middeft'otthierulalem, are meate
' bnto the toules ofthe ayze, and beafles
ofthe fielde, to dogges am' ranens, be
catu'e there is no man 'to butye- them.
Theke dyed not to: them oikences, but
becanie they tounde fault with the -M
raelites when they finned. thx-we ate
they ilayne in thee (O Diernialem thon
holye title, tenowned theoughout the
wholeearth) all init men,- all holy men,
whom the ieditions hane got the* vpper
- hande of, thote helhoundts and-blood
[tickets that haue beonght all thele . mit.
'Z 'chiefes vpon ihre: Howe ate the peieites
t"a ot the Made, and his peophetes ilayne,
amongett-thote holy men t' Fog; hetote
the holytemple,was the peophetescchc.
* nalmthat init and holy man, chhcrcd“
Wi , ane
'l' lie heart-ea ol
and murtherede yea,without all bury- *
all, neytber was bis blood touered with":
earth, but yet i'tyllwandzeth about and
muttreth in thee. The blood ot amo'.
alio and 10613 the chiete peteltee, wa.
yet neuer eonered , whicbe were both
tlayne in thy temple, ae men be went to
kyllthieuesr yea,the blood of the godly
young men, and haliauntmen, that
woulde baue reuenged them, was (bed
alio by the ieditioue, lyke uuddee etwa
* ter. Deine-are the beartee ot the people
- turned - io au>wardly, that they wyll
- beare no admonition otiult men e Wut
- arelihe vnto blockithe imageathat ney
- ther fee not heare, not yet bndert'tande
. any thyna., .All bealkes be they neuer io
beutifhe, allplantes, and tbynges that
growe dpon the earth, witbilande them
that' inuade them to'do them iniurie,
and endeuonr to auoyde the teste of their
enemie: but thy tbyldeen that tbou ke
pel't within thee, are chaungedinto ene
mies, and one brother murthereth ano
ther with the iwozde. Where ie nowe
tby valiauntuetleahou that neuer woul
eeil bowe to beare the yohe ot the Oen- .
tiles hpouthy wouldn't, but _hatt take
the Letter. [F0
away the'bondage of the Egyptians,*
Philitkines, Aramites, Altirtans, Chal
deis, therüans, and Medes .4 Where ie 4 .
the ltrength that God gane to the Chat.
monanjce3,that with a very (mall com
pany defended thee, and pteuayled a3..
gatnlt the huge and puiltannt armye of
the Grekes , dettroyed the (toute touldi- *
onrs ofwabylon. banquithed the migh
tie armye otthe Dechant, llewe _lO-mt- -
ttarua and Mottocbtw7and pnri'ned they;
armyes, makyng great ilaughters ot
them,and fyllyng all places full ot dead
carkai'es ot the Ventile-ee They wonlde
not be ruled ,by [innere, but ventred
them ieluce to dye, offcyng they; lynes,
not t'o; they; ionnes and daughters t. but
tot the ianctnarie oi' the Morde and hie
reinplezleftitflzonlde be polluted with
the tools of the Oentiless Where rc
mayneth-nowe the rodde of God, that
holy rodde that bndded and blolkemed in»
thedayea ot-gladueflee Now'e is both
the (pet-iger; wythered, and ' the . rodde -it
t'elte alle. :The rodde ofta-yth is wythex
red,the rodde ot the kyngdomenhe'rodde
alte oithy people, from whence the htta .
lye lawe is taken aware, neyther *is -
t th h there
. 711e heart-ea ot'
3* there any man that »7. can teil where to
dzawe any waters of the heauenly mer
cye. Alas the mercytnll men that hatte
'ben-in times yalttotheye btetheen both
- aliueand dead t howe arethey now tur'
ned into maik cruell tiraontee, and haue
, mercyof no man e. Where ia ,the multi
* tude- of theyemermes, wherewith they,
„ were wont honourablye to »burye they::
deade Nowe the mies of they; dead
. hodyee couer the face ot the wholeearth,
and there is no body 'w'yll vouchlafe to
burye them: yea,they that woulde, can::
not be tutti-ed, hut (teayght wayee com
meth other to them, and kyls them he
foee they can do it, fo that they atio dye
and lye vnburied,and ate flrowed about
here and there in the fieldee . Suche is
the guyi'e in thee nowe adayee,: neyther
the father »to hnrye _the (anne, »not the *
(anne .the father,- the [edin'oua watche t'.
diligentlye thoie that he dead, lett- any
man thouldeburythemtiwhtthetf they _ 7
do, they are atio hayne [ty-them, and lye
vnhurye-d. them ielues.. The temyle ot
the Boede that is-in, ther, and. was wout
to tmell iweetely .ot .ipycce,. anoynt
mentee; and yerfumeei howe wir nowe
_ choked
the Iewes. ' 15:
choked wit-h carfan mange, and matte
pelkilent flenche of dead bodyes , and
blood of the wounded s Why" t'tceates are
fltowe'd full of dead men, come tum-.e
thiaqu with 'glaues and iaue'lins, and
other dead fo; hunger t'yea, they that ce
mayne yet altue in the citie, ace as 'good
asdead alto, and may be taken fez no
lelre. Fox they ate weerye of they: lines,
becaut'e ofthe pelkilent dampe of the
deadbody'es, the contagioufnes where
oi, hath cal't many into matte daunge
tous dif'eal'es, and hath ben the death of
numbers "alre'dye. This may woethy
, lye feeme to be it that -Dauid the an
noynted of'tbe God of Jacob,the plea
[aunt and fweete muficall Poet of Ikea
el, fyeaketh of; Lordc the Gentylcs are
commeninto thync inhentaunce, they
_ baue polluted the temple ofthy holynes.
And woulde rowan it had ben Gem -
tyles that thdu hat-delt bzought hp, "003 *
rythed-and exalted to do this deedez td':
cebell and (inne agayntt thee,and to pole
' lutetbus the holy temple thatts in thee.
1:01- in the malicioufnes oE-an cnc-117e, a* -
man fyndcth the half: of his comfort:
(**battti'tfie malicé of?! frendc,‘ there isv no
‘ “ ~'" ' -2 * U it] comfort
'l'he tem-tee ot
comkdrt ot 311 . Zeea, the very thyldzen
that then haft beead, beonght bp, and
peomoted, the fette-fame h'aue flntfed the
temple of the Lhoede that te in thee, with
vnhuryed carkafee, euety ,man kyllyng
htsneyghbouc, and the feditions (affe
-ryng no man to buche them t but fleyng
, all that attempt to beftowe any futhe
woehe ot metcy vpon the dead, in fache
text, that they fall dead vpon the coefes . ,
whithe they wonlde haue bncyed; and
by thatmeanes both the toefes lye tafie
ont in the fielde, no better then the cac
kafes of beutte beattes that be fonnde
in defert places . Yea, the iniqnitie and -
- ctneltie ot thy citizens (O Vwrucalem)
is growenfo karte, that they were not »
content onlye to kyll they; neygbbontet '
_but they mutke alte hewe they; mtfeta
ble lymmes in peeces, fox ele they
thought they we're not futfiticntlye ce
. .nenged e although that in co doyng, ma
nyetymes the flenche of the dead,toke
. woetljy-e vengeaqnte agayne of the ly
eyng. hy ,We-.1s :me Web-1mm x
. .hie dtCeafes. Atlthece enyuestate come
: bpm-.the cvyldzen, betonte theyhaue
- foequcutvelaweoftWWe-Weue
,*:T ,
the leteet. 'txt
tranigrelfed his conenaunt that he made
with they; btethsen, becanie all'o they -
baue ünned agaynlk the Loede God ot
theyetathers, in cheadyng 'the blood ot
iutt men and innocentes that were in
thee, euenin the temple ot the Lowe.
And therefoee ate out fotowfhll tigh
inses ml'ltipll'ed 3 and one wepynges
dayly encteal'ed, fo; that'we hatte ben
the taufe of all theie enyls that are be
fallen hs, and ate not yet ended. .O
Lezde our God , one tfmnee ate gone
ouer ont heades, and the wycked acte
' that we hane committed in thy fight,
areinnnmerable. The Lost-e our Ood
is ryghteous, it is we that hane rebelled
agaynlk his wyll, we hane peophaned
and vnhalowed hislawe, we haue beo
ken hie tonenaunt. And euer the mose
that his weath enkyndled agaynlt ve,
the mote hane we tranigrelled agaynlt
hym. Whetefoee to hym belongcth
-iuflice and indgement, he hath woethy.
-lye poured the furie ot his dilpleal'ure
.bpon vstto bs onlye belongeth theme, -
.aswehaue abonndauntly at this day.. .
7- Wut he' wyll once toutne- ag'ayhe.
:nnd-baue merty- vypon vs? benqth
' :13:54 - Uli) all
.l ne PAULI 01"

all our finnes, and talk them all into the

deepe bottomee ot the tea. So heit.

W Fter theie thyngea, the thirde day

oitbe firit moneth in the kytft yere .
ot the raigne of ?aby-16311, [true bis
ionne toke mutter of bis men in the
playne ot (katana, to knowe the rertayne
number of them, whiche he had not '
done atoee, [inte bis father-e departmet
and he tounde them very manye, into
muche that they almoit feemedto toner
the earth. This done, he toke hie tour
ney from Tefal-la with bis power, and
,came to Zamana, where the citizens re
eeaued bym with great ioy, and did bym' '
mathe honour. Whereioge he ipared
them, and dyd them n. harme . From
.theme became to Zielona, thlrtie fur
_ longes from Winnie-lem, there he pyt
ehed bis tenteazand leauyng them there',
tdke fire hundtefh boeiemen with bym,
and came-to Vieruialem te viewe *the
towne , to. knowe what heyght the
wallee were, what ttrength there was '
in the towne, iperially'of the (editioaa,
ot whdm euery wheregreat rumour
[IWF, finally, to MMM peaceablye all '
rue leeres. [FZ
fache as were del'ytous of peace. Sitzes '“ -
he came to the wall, he *iawe no man
neyther ge out not in t tot the gatee
were (hut vp,and the iedittous had layd
an ambufhe without the towne to trap
'l'trqä,who went i'omewhat befoze ac
tdmpanyed with a tewe , the reft kolo
wyng a ptetie waye behinde. Whyles
thertote he was in vewyng the walles,
' the feditious iftned ont ottheyt ambufh
thattthey had layde nye hnto »Mt-1011;.,
and tet vpon the backe ot"l"1tux men be
hinde. Then ilfued an other [ost out of
the towne', io that they had *l'jtut be
twene them , and runnyng vpon hym,
ieperated hym front bis men, and enui
roned'hym on euery fidßwhete they llne
.lt.ot hismen,andmyghthaue flayne -7 '
hem alkoz kane that they toneted to* take '. .
hym alyue . 'l'ttua ieyng hymlelfe betet,
and toziakcn ot his owne menue, that
thought it was impottible tothym to el'
Newsweek-ing RW not ». ' l
-abouttokillhym,buttotakehim aliue: *
ntoteouer,that he toulde in no wyteef-x
tape except he wonlde make antrrupti
on and runne two-.1gb theytbandes t he '
-tokeagodd heart vnto htm-,and vali
:;.,-f-“* “ “ U h auntle
.l nc 7731768 0L'

.atmtly bsake thxongh, (ieyng whomi'oej

mercame in hie way to lay hold of hym,
-and io eicaped. Ill' they had entended to
-haue llayne hym,they myght haue done
it: but beyng detirous to take hym a
lyne (aa is iayde) they abfta'yned from
ttciking hym,and [o they lofle hym.And
God woulde not delyner hym into their
handes, that by hym he myght t'coutge
Jfrael. But the Jewee feeyng hytn to
be thus el'caped, repented tote that they
had not kylled hym, iaying one to ano
ther: What meant we that we kytled
hym not whyle we myghte it is yll han
dled ofha. Therfoee they purl'ued hym,
hurlyng and thootyng after hym with
engynee of warte, but they eoulde not
. ouectake hym x 'oe God pteierued hym,
,that he myght arterwarde delyuer Vie
,.eut'alem into hishandes. Ko he retour
-ned to Zielona , e'perceaned theheartea
of kyngee to bein thehandea of God.
.The nette moeowe btought .Mt-a all
,hie army to Dieruialem , deterutynyng
to encampe. hymfelfe tippen themount
Oltuectwherefoee he flrit ipake vnto his
fouldiours in this wyi'e. This-Wye -ye
go .fo fight agaynfi a motto mightie na
v Za)) * * tion.
tion., where warmes bee Wong as Li
ons,valiannt as Voerde-,and ntmble as
.kawnes that tunne in the mountaynes,
to onertucne thariotes and "uch as fit
bpon them. Nowe theekoze take good
heactee vnto yon, and be couragtoue:
fo; fo it ftandes you in hande . Do not
_ ,tbynke them to be lyke the nations that
hecetofoee ye hane had to do withall: J
my fette baue eeperience otherwyfe oe
theye baliauntnes and Wightes of
*warceThis fayde , he macthed in aray
molt fronle , that they would not bee
fcatred a (under, and gane them charge,
fpectally to the vawacd to take he'ede of
flumblyng vpon Welles oe Celtetns,
wheteby they myght be hyndzed , fox as
yet the day was (carte beoken ,2 and_ be
fydee that , 'l'jtua had knowledge howe
the Jewea fearyng of his commingzhad
: digged fectet ttenches e pittals. Wher
foze to auoyde them, he led his hoafl hy
the monnt 0]juct,in whiche place tt ne
_ net camejn they; mindes to_ dtgge . .
Thecetose when be came to the mount
, 011W, heencamped there_ agayntt Hie
tnl'alem , tyght onec agayntt_ the .beooke
. _ p 7 e
.l nc 'ZWEI ot ' Wt

the villa-nd many tymee ran veöy 'tha ' .*i

towe. "kmh campe was about fire tue
|onges from the towne . The nert'mo
. rowe they of the towne feyng 'l'itue to
be encampe'd vpon-tbe mount 0111m,
the captaines ot the "editious with their:
companyes ao'embled together , and fell
at argument euecy man with another,
entendyng to turne they; crue'ltie' bp
pon the Romane- , confyemyng and
ratifiyng the fame attonement and pur_
poie,hy fwearyng one to an other z an'
fo became peace amongit them. ere- -
tote to'ynyng together that befeze were
thze'e teuerall pactes , they* iet open the
»gatesz and all the bel'te of them illued
*out with an hoecihle noyl'e and fhoute.
that “they made the Romanes atrayde
witha'u,in iuthe wyt'e, that they tled be
foze the 'l'eoitions z whiche fodaynly dyd
tet vpon them an vnwaces. Wut 'l'jcuä
feyng his men fle'e , rebnked them,i'ay
ing c 'Are ye not aihamed of this tyme
tous towardnes , when ye ace io many,
*and a hnndzeth fe; one otthetne What
ignominie ts'it , *io many to be tepulied
otto tewe s Whetwithalt "l'th flayed
them '7' and_ bsought them mantnlty' to
t , " Uith
the [Wet.
witht'tand the Jeweezto that very many
were oayne on both i'ydes. hhntthe,
.Romanes were not able long to abyde
the fette ot the Jewes , 'albtit that 71.
tot with his picked and motte valiannt
iouldioure dyd mantullye kepe theyz
grounde, and neuer reculed . ?jene alio i
labonred to eneourage the reif to_ fight:
but they were io dylmayed that they
_ wyite net-whatto do. Forte foefake
'kit-oa they were alhamed , and to refiik
the violence ot .the Jewes they. were
not able. Notwithflandyng "l'jcne and* '
. hie tompanye made thrye partie good_
agaynfl the Jewee z who at .length left
the fielde , and withdeewe themtelute
towarde the*towne.-Tben 71th: bcyng
weoth with his ionldioure that they
had fled from theJlewee,iaid vnto them;
: Shall J not-be auenged ot their Zewese
(hall io fewe of them puthe toflyght!
not able to (lande in they; handee 2 and
wyllye fle'e oe retnle z leyng. me abyd'e
by itsLöhe nett day "l"'1th tohe al his ar.
mie,iaue a fewe thathe left in his camp
to kepe the baggagc 1 and wentdowne
the mountt011uet „ tettyng his men m
.hattayle ray euen agayhfl thegatee ot
x x. It* 4 ' > the
-_ . ".l he warres of
the titie . *Then erhoeted he them“ to"
play the men , and although they were “
come downe the hyfdyet they thoutde
not feare the semen to; they; eampe
that they had left dehinde them : to; the
hzoke Ccdron(fflyetb hehe betwene one
.campe and the Jiraelitee . With thet'e
woedes they were entourage!) , and de
'termined to encountec with the Jewel
vndet the wailee hatde at the gatee of
the citie,tcuflyng to the fauegacd and
defence otthe bzohe Qedmn. The cap. *
taynes of the ieditious lykewyte vied
poliicie; Fes they denidyng they: men,
[ent one company to pafl'e (odaynly the
beoke Ccdron, to inuade and lpoyle the
Romane campe that were left In the
mount 01mcchhefe therfnge went and“
tooght with the Romane-t vppon the
mounte,and name them out of theye
camy'e . Titus lookyng behynde h'ym,
and petceanyng that the Jewes hadde
gotten one.: the bet-ke , and »were in Ö
- hende with bis menue, he was wan
detfnlly -afrayde , t'o'eyng hymielte to
tnuitonned with battayles on euerye
thee. They within the towne-when
they Fl'awe theyz telewes once at* the -
- mount
_ thechcS. _ x 156
mount 01th , they opened the gates,
ttl'tten witball they; power thatwas
left in the towne, and eneountred with
Titus, where he had (echte men tn m \‘ '
rap ouet agaynlk the gate: where _they
made a great ftaughtet of *the Romans:
which: ntfyzuns to auenge the thame
{gotten the day batsman: not,but float.
y withflode they; texte. Alto the Jewe
toke heart vnto them, fought man fully,
and bet downe the Romane-,that at.
h length they tokio them to flight toward
the mount Oliuet, to that tn they: flight
many of them were (lay-1e by theFewe.
that pucfucd the chal'e. Upon chi-,di
_ ntrs of Titus rouwtoatsfltyng them
Muss betet both vet'oee and. behyude)
eounfelled Titus to fle'e with them unto
the mountaines to raue hie lite , Mt he
fhould be tlayne by the Feldessz they
all together with him . Fo; tbou (taye
thwart a great Mane ot mange kyng
domes,and God that one day being thin
,'- v_
to the impetiall crowne otnutitozu thy
father. Nowe that-fuzz ifthou wouldeu 7 *
-bee nutme- ofthe Zelt-es , we are all but
dead , and what good (homo the death
_do other to' thy [ele veto Wet, to hoe
tiaynelyke one ofvs:-
.l l1'- Zaet
Äi'l'l'ö! 0!:"l'jtua woulde * x

notbe ruted vy'them , nee receaue they;

t* ' without
couniell ,once turnyng
but kepte hie his face,iaying:
grounde holt-lye
L will chotctatber t0 >76 tritt) [tonour,
then t0 [tue with theme. And with that
: _ he rufhed upon the .Zlewes that were
nye hym, and compellcd them to recule.
When the Jewes that had enuironned
the Romane campeziawe that t they
tette the Romaneszand came fiockyng t
about 'L'ttueby toutes , attaylyng hym
on e'ueryiyde_ , endeuouryng atio with
:atltveys' meght to ouercharss hem,
. wherethzough in that place'wae'a tote
aud :vehement fight , and muche 'people
' ttayne 'en hothpartiestyea,"l'tcueicapte :
* narowtye had'd'iedin
fight,and. from heyng itayne"
dead-ent in that
cettaine of x

hievatiatiut idutdioure' -not retur

nethnto“ hym -, and "reicu'ed hym* out of '
. i the 'Feweahandee
chiefe . Thatda'y.
ot]th iouldiouts were
llayne.. the
- theFewee tetyeed to therapie-rear the
- walteettdeTheinothat went to the
mount Ohuer, returned homcwarde by
- the haette Carl-911. The ..Romane-zie
**7 y'ngthat , puriued thema when-yon (ve
., . ?1- - Jewks
1...' .11." Bu). [F7

,4' Jewes tonrned agayne vpon the .Ko-i

maneo, who fled hy and hy . Thus the
Jewes put - the .Romane-a to fiight thztfe
vpon one day.. ,. - : *
h T came to hafte then, that the ertet
nall wacres panfed, and intel'tihe ti
nill watt-es teuiued moft tertibly- amon
geft .the [editioue at Diecufalem. --Foz
vpponthe tickt- day of' the hye lolemne
feat! ofxeafleouemaptayne .lebocbanon
and his men 'came into the temple of the
atom, where he was honoutahly recta
ned of the poieftee . and elders, *with the
teft ofthe comminaltie. And when they*
were within ,they taff of they; vppec
garmentes, vndet whiche theywere aca- e
med with coatee »of fenee, and two-des
tyed to “theye thighes. After that .they
betet the dezeezand--layde hdlde- okthe
peielkes, newethem-and-the people-alte,
their heactes wasto cruellybentagainft
they; bzethzen, ,neythet regacdyng .the
teuecent countenaunces ot » olde :ment:
Fnoe-e'n-clynyngto the pzayece of them
that betought them', without fparyng_
eythet women o; chytdeen, no'- not the
kutkyng babes'. .Thi- done,leh0ch31mz
. 7 *7_ f
X l* (todo »
'itode bp and openly pzutefien, that hey-7
the.: Scilimeon, no; Eleafar, no; any of
the cell of the eaptayuee of the (editioue,
no; any man els,fhoulde haue the lone
raintiexiu that citie, but he. The other
heatyug that Iehochzman had weought
iuche dilpleaiute to the people of God in
the temple, that: together aud ilewe ve. . ;
tye many of Ichochamns part, but in
themeane iealon, what ofthe one pam. .
aud what of the other, the Jfraelitee
went to weatkealnd were flame in great .
number. Tidiuges came to Titushntne
the Feldes couipired agaiult themieluee,
aud Heme one another dayly, whereat,
he reioyl'ed greatly, aud came with his
whole hoai'x' to .the toivue, where be
touude certayne Feldes' without that
_ had fled becaul'e otthe tage of the eiuill
, wat-ces. When they fame Titus, they
eameaud beiougl1t:hym* to enter the
towne aud deliuer 'them'l'rom the cru
eltie ot the reunions, aud they woulde be
1' his l'etuauu'tes'e fo; thefe wartee had
- mane them almolk weerie oi' they; lines.
' pet Titus gaue litlereeditto they; tale,
although they made tua-ny woedes to
_yetitoade hym that “was true. ..J-oe he
" - z remem
the elWEJ. [J3

remembeed howe within'theee dayee a

- tote, he iawe thezewes tight agaynft
him egarly allwith one accoede, lo ear
neitly one relcaingand defen'dy'ng ano
ther ,-that no dilcoede appeared. tobe
amongeft them . Wheretoze he woulde
not beleue theytwoedes, ,in that they re
. quired futcour and ered to yelde . Lind
, :asthey were thus debating the matter,
-l'odainely they hearde an vproeein the
towne, and, wonderfull hnrlyburly,tome
trying open the gatee and let "l"'1]:118
, rome in, other tryed (hut the: gates, and
let net the Romanes come imThen ter
taine vpö the wallee called vnto the Lae
mane'e, fpedyly to come vnto the towne,
and they woulde open them the 7 gates,
.that they myght enter in , rcquefty'ng
.the _Romanes to deliner them from the
tirannie oftve weltweit-,ieh (lay they)we
thould be ,all ilaine bythe handee otthele
rauinous: and_ cruel-l .leditioue pet-ions.
The Rentanrsthertoee ran to the' gate-e.- r
and when they appeothed nie the walles,
' and were come within dannger,'tee. ";
Jewes hurled (tonee trö the walles, and
' thotarrowee at themMeyng very many
. -,otthetaomanee.
., 4, g qTheotheeeewee
?Zh alle
i that
.l UETIWQ! *

- that were without the towne, and had'

befought 'km-8 to delyuer them from
the handes of the ieditious, began to a1"
kahle the Romance that were gone to
the walleo, with [uche koste, that many
„- otthem they Rewe, the refidue they put
* ' to flight, and the Jewes folowed the
chaie almoft to _Lt "1:10:13, hehe the Jewe
morkt and flouted the Romanes,calling
them-freche water fonloiers, men otno
experience, and innocent fooles that-ne
. uer tawe the ttaynes of warte befooe t
klappyng alio their targetsstnd (hakyng
theyel'wozdes againtk them in mockage. "
The Romane captaynes lcyng there
thynges, they toke great diidayne at the
matter, and in a great yee woulde haue
turned backe vpon the Fewes ogayne,
had not "L"“xtuz cauied the rctreate to be
htowen. Upon this, 71m3 aflembled au
histonnfellouro, captayneand fouldt
onrs together, and iayde-vnto.- them in. . '
this wyle. . Z1 hane a l'uificient trioll, and
vndecftandewellinough your valiannt
nette and eouragehnofl woethy men and
oeare fouldiere) whiehetarre pafleth the
ltrength ano manhooo of all other »nati
ons, and not ontye in this -mofte tft-.kl
-' - x* tFi cnt
e MLB. - F9
* * L
teutvettue do yeetcel: ,but atio iu know
ledgeand flaightes otwacre,in wiidome
e toeecatt ye houe ben thiete of all other.
" Nowe thecefoee beethzen aud. tcendes, J
matuayle not fo' greatly at" the Jewes
fubtiltie aud craft in they; (weatyug to .
you fo; the petiwadyug ota thyng, aud, *
t after kepe not theyz othe; but this fee
metb wonderful] -to me,- that ye futter
your ielues tkill to be deceaued ok them„
and to be flayne by theyz wyles. Fox alt
the wit ye haue, toulde not delyuet you
out otthey; tnares,but uowe yet againe
the thitde times ye haue -apptoched the
wals, and this is the thitde time ye haue
k ben put to the toyle fee ' your labour-u
And all this commeth betaul'e * ye wyll
not be ruled by me, but traut'gtetke your
generall and Loedeo commauudement.
Wutnotoe my [uethzen take heede what
ye do hereatter, it betommeth you not to
*difovey my toom-,Wiebe ye haue done'
otteuttmes. Do ye not remember a cer
tayue noble mau ofouc' cotmtcey, iu the
wacces ot auguiiuz (Za-tar aseynit the
Vulkane, how he put his owne fonue to
death, betaut'e that contrary to-*his* »ta-5
there“_cömaunoemeutWho wasgrannde
4; in' .any-v1.1'.
("create-Tot ' ' "- '

captaine 'oithe ar'mye vnder ' augonah

he'had fought with hie“enetnies tyea-,alß- 4 ,
though he hytled theee Pertiane. Wut
what ipeahe J of once '- ye haue' often-
times iet title hy my commaundements,
thirmiihingdayly with the Feines, ano
that without
of oeder al diicretion,raihly
i wherehy and out .
you may gather,youcl
enterpeiies haue no good iinceiie.- Ff
you continue theie manera, it t'hall 're-
dounde vnto * your owne *dithonoumä
' ' “herfoeeitwere better toiyoutoteaue.
*ot their partei-,and lay away'your ptidez“
contumacie, and nubbernnea c whiche if
ye do,thingea ihalbein better iauegarde.
Puch mate ipahe "kinn to his men,reb'u
-tn'ug them warpetymot mentioned here,
-but declared at large in the votume that
Ä? .wewettunto-theitaomanes. When he
*had (aide, his peinces and-captaynee fell
euery one peoitrate to the earth, und he
iought him of pardon tot their rathnee,
in that they had io dnaduiiedly and with
* outoeder againft his minde, encounteed
*wich tbehielten-i. When 'l'icuz takyng
„pitie oi them, pardoned themzrequeitin'g
** them to beware hereafter- that they com
mitted nothing againit his commaunde
[UE tcttea. T60

ment,nother in mum no; deede, and to

doyngWey fhonlde haue his kaltem-,and
anoyde bis diipleaiure and manger-to
death fo: the conttaty. But if they retu
led to do it,he would not [part any man,
whattoeuer he were that thoutde traut
gretfe his commaundement,hut put hirn
to death,and gene his body to be eaten ot .
the foules of the awe. They auniwered
all with one voycet We are' content
with thefe conditions,and will do what
[other thou thalt commaunde vs. After
this, Titus confidering howe earnettly
the Ierofolomitcs were "et one agaynfl
another, howe they were betonte Kathe
cruell and moztall enemies, that ecbe of
- _them tontpired others death : he cauted
the pittes, cet'ternes, and trenches that
were about erntalem, to be damde bp
c (topf with earth, that the wayes might
be leuelled to; hisarmfe. That done, he
_encampt hum fette nearer the wailes.
: Aga-init which attempt,the Jewes ickued
_not ont of the towne aitet they; acculko
med manet,to put. them backe from the
. mam. Fox Schimcon was otherwyl'e
- occu-piedme had entertayned. r. 9x9. men
' tithe bett ot the "edition-t_ slams, und
' '" '.
(HZ-*9( ' ' ioyned
'l ['16 "LUTZ 01.' - *"4"
ioyned hymfelte to Jacob the-TLthmtitez:F
captayne of nine thoufanpe Odomitest? D
with whom hehad'made a confpicaciezi* l
vttec-ly to defttoy captaynetlchochzoaox. x
And fettyng
hym vponhym,they
to flee into compekled
the court ot» the tem'ple, ÄH
where he temayned in the gate of thet- -
enttaunce of the temple with eyghe
thoufande and toute ht'mdeeth good men“
ot warte, all well appeynted .in iatkee. t
Death: alt'o was agaynfl hym, and ioyj Y
md with Zchjmconmecomming an ene- 7
mie to hym that *bett-zehad faued hi'
1yfe,-_and l'o they both together alkayled
Lehoebamn, neglettyng-the - defense o'
the Motte." By this meanes the .Roi
manes encamped them l'elues about the l
wallee atthey:pleaturexayfingtowzeez *
and tattyngtcenches to plant tbey'e' iron F
Kammee vpo'n, 'to batter- 4- the -walles.
The common people ot* the Fewee that
were findet the tme and gouetnement
of the theee fedittous captaynee, na'mee
lYe 8cbäme0nZL-Lwefät», and lewch
112m (whithe althohgh they were' yll
inough an, yet? the titatmie* of [ebo
cb'a'natt karte paffed th'tmeon, and Zchj
meoo_ wae. terre wette ' then Öle-1(3- e 3'
, „ F3.,
' ulvltvwcai - lot
thenghT-:leafär wa"- the head aucthout“
andUtlk begynnec otledition in all M*
me!) were amongelk" them as 'fheepe
redyeto bee kylled. Fo; the fozefayde
fedttions täpthhnes, flewe the people at
theys pleal'utes , and team them in
- to haunts, eauyng lattes vppon them
whethoulde hatte whithe, fo that"one“*
had;anothets men, and another man'
bis. And this-ugh they not onlye with
they; owne men , but _alle with all the
tett of the people, in'l'uthe mm, that
when the Romanes made any aftau'lt,‘
then ioyned they 'together as one man
to ceüft the *Romane-e and» when they
, had genen them a-repnlfe , then woulde* '
. theytetnme to they; cinil-wartes , and?
fall together by the eat-es among'tbem“
telnet . Extreme and dxeadful was the"
- Will-conflict at that *lenken* hetwe'ne the
' ' these fozefayde taptaynes': and "o rege
that-the blood Weameddowne the cha-i
“ nell out of the gates of Vietnfalem, like"
a. a hzneke that tnn'neth out ot a konn
, tayne-nnd* wellfpeyng. The .Romane-t)
' , fehng-itzwere mouth-mitt) much pine, v
tothat-they-wexjte bittetlhe. "Wut-Fox
fe'phthat'was amt-tng:thXenstoa-e41???i
- ll' "c-9..."- v1.

hen with l'o gceatheatttneue z' th‘at be

butft out into a foeowfull lamenkation
lifiyng bp his moral! voyce in thin wife.

Q1Das alas Dierufaletxt , the citie ot

the great kyngDowPhll J now
cal that at this names oe. what name that!
J genetth bomttpme thou wall cal
led (chu3,otlehutaeha that buylded this
fggfi in all this lande . After that , thy
name was chck, that is iul'ttce: whet
vpon the king Ichoram was called Wal
kizcdck , to; he was a ryghteous hung t
and becaofe he-tatgned in thee with iu
Rite , thetzfoze was thy name chek.
Chen ctghteo ufnee bad hie avydyng m
that, and thy height fiat-re that mined in
that was 2cäclc.Yoeeouet-, in this -tyme
watt chou called Schalem , as the [trip.
tute witnelketh z and Malkizcdck kyng
of Zchalemza that becanl'e the inqm'tte of
the people that dwelt in this was then '
tulfllled. Fo; at that tyme there-kbm
ham ouc fatheccof lunatth mem-3M) k.. *
wozthip God in theft , and to take that to
his enhetltaunce,to plant-in this .the
»tote ot'good woekes.Wheredponthe ta
, bemaole of God_ _remayneth in
t' t, ',. ‘ t '
-q .7 -77 lg*

, thisdayee aeittoas reuealed onto .the

fame out father abi-aham, Jn-tbe'e ( lay
Ihle the fauttuary of the Klo-de. Fox in ,
that plate-dy!: &bt-.bum bynde his only“ -
_ fonue vpon the-top ot- one of thy hylles
thatistulled'mount ll/lorwh,holy ano.
halowed: andthecetoee art chou called' -
Hiecul'alem, betonte out rather Nähm
ham- (of famous memo-ye) called the'
'place ot thy tanttuaty Quoten jjrceb,tve
Mode thall l'e'e. :Then thy late name*
beyng Zchalem ,this ioyned-t'o it z made'
it ljrcfhalem; Fo; the Loede-God wall
beholdetheplaee of thy fanttuarye,*ac' -
what tyme *ae it [halbe 8chalem , that
is :pure , vncoecupte , without lache o3
(potte: but whenl'oeuet lt is polluteoa'
anddetyled aeitis at this ouye , then'
wyll he tutne away his tate-fcontit. '
Futthermoee thou art alle called-lotus"
thalajm the-:rose :'becaul'e- 'hat'who l'o"
" bndetl'tande the dignitie aud woetby
nette otthe place whetin thy tanteuac'y
is , lhall byd'the angels ot heaven to?
teache- iu -it ,the doutine ot the holye.
ghofl ,and the [pleite ot-wyfed'ome ano
vnoecfluudyug . ,wherwitb [it's „thyl- -
_tuen-ano the buleacued in thy lain-ut??o
*_- ..- '1 ..5.... q.

be made wyie . the atio that miniiireth“

in thy temple,had on a garment oi. iiit.'>
colours , Hharlet ,Uiolet , Wilke , and
.heut-pls. Sharlet in the reipecte otthe
heanens that be aboue the firmamentt
'Water and Witte coloures (whiche bee
'made-otflare)hecauie of the earthe 'ot
whiche they come: finallye ,' Purple' in
reipect of- the iea where Purple te got
ten-. Theriote when ae the peiefl came
into the teniple to miniiter ,apparay
tedin theie . iiii . coloures , he iayde be.
tote the almightye God: J am come
. to pxeientmyielfe herein thy iyght *( O
Leeds oithe woelde) iu toute kyndee ot
colours , that do repeeient the partee oi
thy woetde , and in iuche wyie do J ap.
peace beioeethee,ae though J ihoulde
bzyng alt the whole woelde into thy
fight . Qoteouer ,the foeeiayde appa
rayle was garnyt'hed with _pure golde
and pteciousttonee , after * the tykenetre
oi the tribeozoi the ionnes oti lacobz
who was called -Jirael -t that in: that
garmenthe mygbt hauethe ioueraina*
' tie-beioie the angels that heaboue,and
hy them peeuayle to* bzyng the dertue
ofthe hotyeghoike tbythe whiche they
“ ihould
utc xx" ca. IO!

thould obtan wyfdome that dwell in

the“e,and p3olpecln-they3 lkndye and
fayth ,that they mygvthaue' wycdome
and vnderflandyng together . Die
taunts -alfo were gyeded with lynnen
floppee, wherewith he coueted his- [e
ccetepartes :fee it becommeth misfits
.nett-of all other patrons to be lhamtaft
and bat'hfull , fpecially when he lhoulhe '
mintth in the two fanauaeies. Fo;
there ate-two lamtuaries 3 .the vttee
and the inner , whiehe is the fanaum
fanaorumm the holyeft of all. Ju -the
bttec , the -psiefles minil'tec as the hhe
pziefle tommaundeth them-e but in the
inner , that is thefanétum fanétorum,
entceth no man kane .thehye pziet't on- '
ly, and that hut-once a yere . Fo; in it
v was the attke of the touenauntot the
mm 7 in the whiche were layde bp the
two tables ofthe touenaunt that God
made with the people of arm! in the
mount Sinai . V Meta-ta alto the tod of
Baron-that flozilhed and beeught tot-3th
leaves . . an thele were in »the fyxtl
temple Welse.- -it was* yet flandyng.
Otter agaynflthe tanttuarye instant“.
'tapete 03 mm ,- vyyon _the which:
r if ' * “ * apptareo
I. |1' "q-1'.) o.

-appeated the miracle to kyng Chef'

klelm. And thon Diethtalem at that
tyme was fttonger then other cities,
»Lady ot all peoninces :to: great kynges
e and peyncee'buyldedthe'e .' Kyng the
rode mache etalted thee rayl'yng thy
wallee onhcyght , and betydee that al
_;to , detencedthee,with another wall,
* that he named Zntocb'tä , of Antwch
aRomane , who liberally gaue muehe
money towarde the tepayeyng ot the
1 rnynes and-detayes that were in thIe.
Howe commcth it to pafle there-tote
thatthou att beought thuelowe s the
Oentiles hatte* the rule ouet thee nowe
and befiege the'e, ralyng thoe and ca
Ftyng the'e-downe t yea ,they are nowe
_“ ln-the mydt'te otthee. - Wo bee-to bs fee
'* ontfinnes -, to; the hantynefl'e of thy
_ t'ttength is dathed z the fanctuarye ie
' trode'n- dndec the toote “,and made a
tynke ot the blood ot oayne- perfonee.
Deynke now of thy cut-(Q Dierncalem)
with thy daughter Sion, deynk-Jtaye
*the cup ot beeation- and, getefe together
with hett tee* yet the :tyme than-come
that vifions (hall 'bee teuealed , and te
demption allo itxelte ,'thatthy chellth
, _ , - a
*j*- wuv Av" \1-‘0 '/ "UP

“ wall retoucne to they; matter; , with the

health of they; rede'emer. :"1"hen (hau):
the tyme of frcndfhippc z and then
fhait thou drynkc the cuppe of health
and confolation. After this , Titus
went t'o vewe what way he myght bett
atlault the citie , and as he deuiced wtth
hym felfe,he el'pyed a plaine on that fine
where the fepulehge of Iochanan the hye
paint was ,inhereas he uayed a tubule,
> and fen-t one of his capteynes that were
there with hymtalled Nicanor , to com
mon with the genres that were vypon
the {mileage mone them to peace, hub
]yng hym to [ay thus hate them . .
Freude-z, my iLezne Titus ie defirous
to fpate you,and to make a league with
you , that ye myght be at quiet,and out
v otthis daungec of deflcum'on. And pt
yon be re ntfpoteu to content therevnto,
Titus (hall make aleague with you yet
befoze nyght . [qm-mot went .and
fpake with the people tn fache were as
Titushau wylled hym . The Jewe
gaue hum no wosde to aunfwece , but
heldetheyxpeace t wherefoze Nicanor ,_
{puke bnto them agayne , *and as he ~
if“ talkyng
M‘ hate
'*"““ 'them
" M ,onetcont the
wallesffcoke hym-with an arrode
kylled hym.Whereat 'l'jtuewaseme
dyng wet-th that they lhoulde ,thoote at*
bis captayne offeryng them peace zand
htsdeath gceened hym marnelouflye .. .
Whetefose he commaunded* [adders,
veakes,flynges,icon rammes , ande
tvec engines-of wart-ew be beoughtto
aflaulte the towne . ,Ko the fouldioues
beought an icon ramme to. battex the
.walle , and planted it vpon a mount“
amedyngly. The Jewes feyng that,
were (oee afcayde t wherefoee the these
[editious captaynes ioyned themfelues
in tcendfhippeMnd fooethwith opened
the gates ,im-eh hut, and bet -the ,Ro
manes from they; pe'eces, *and-engine_
thatwere nowe cedy ,addeelled , tettyng
ficeon the ramme , fly'nges , and all the
other engins,afewe ekcepted 1 whiche
' _ ,Mutand hismennefauedh fcomthe
hüte . ,In this conflicte the men of Meet.
xmchja that feruedxfjcuz ,- behaued
[elueslyketallfetlowes in therefeuyng
of theflynges from the Jewes.: yet the
Jewes pzeuayled., and -gate the bppec
hande ofthem., tyn '1"“m18 -came witha
Wrong power of picked men -to. ("noeh-Fr
> . e t e
A _ * coe 16'728. '4' W ;
..t-be Nie-Mount.nawhereaatwelue otthe
(tout-eit Jewes were llayne. Jnthe "ante ,
fkyemiihe lcbocltanav a captayne ot the -
Edomiiesnhat came-to ayde the Jewee,
was ilayne by an Arabian,that camebe
hynde hym, aud ficoke hym with an' at*- -
rowe, whyles he was talkyng with the Ü
Romance that had entreated hym to
come vnto them. Fox whom_ the' Edo
. mites moucned and lamentcd tote, to; .
„be was a good man otwarte. The nett
nyght cettayne of the [editious, chiefely .
of ,lebocbanana and' Zebimcmi'z compat
nye, illued out, and came to the thzee .
.woodden towece that_ 'l'ttue had ereeted
betoxe-the wallee, to viewe out ofthem
the towne, a to lee what the Jewes dyd,
whete he had allo tet both within ano
without them to; they; detence, a“ great -
garrilon otvaliauutlouldioute. W'ho- -
toeuec 'wete nye the-towees, thote *the
Jewes kleine, the other kledde ?to "1'":an
campe. Che Romance that were-wilh- -
in 'the toweesknowy'ng nochan 'ot the -
matter, undicuftyugtothem that "wet-e"
cet about the toweee tel they; iauegxnoc“, -
l'lept all the nyght. Altec the Ileth hau
thus (layne the Romance watche, ano
- Y: i put
putthem to fight, they, came to the
tomes with (nines, and cut the teete a
runner, fo that they fell fodaynely toge
ther with them that were within, which
were very many, and flewe them entry
one; Titus heacyng thealarme, and the
crathyng of the fallyng of the tomes,
'was tote atrayde,and all his whole ar
' mye, and not knowyng what the _mat
ter wes,they durfl not flucre towarde it:
to the Feldes returned cleats into the
towne. _On the motowe, Titus thought
*hie whole power to the walles, and
' luhhles the games were at they; conten
tionetn the towne, he addtefted, another
iron Wme, wherewich he fodaynely
uralte the htter wall, and battered tt
rhtough. Wherevpon, the people* that
wardeothat wall, were tayne to with
daawe them' felues, within the [aue
game otthe (econdewall. Then Titus
,tommeunded hie touldt'ere to rate to the
grounde that wall that he had pearfcd,
and to c'arye amaze the flone's thereof,
that they lhoulde 'be no let not hynde
raunce to hie men“. This was the motte
'tuhftauncjall andfttrongeft wall of all,
. thicker then both the other, andbwa:
\ ,
me tee-es. 366
buylded by 192mm ‚Me Romance Ia’ -
bouryng eameflly in the defacing ofthe
Utter mall, were Hanne tn great num.
~ bet hy the Jewes from the myddle wall,
befoze they could-e finiwe they; purpul'e.
The chiefe of the'fletnts, potteauyng
:that Titus had not onlye taken, but al
to .quite pulled downe the ‚mm: wall,
and howe there was name but 'two
walles lette about the minne, ttwent
to they": heat-tes , and made them: take
about them. Thu-eme began the ledi
tious name, earneltly-to thinke of hm'.
tte and mmon amongelk them feines:
l'o that they deuided the lahme amom,
gefl them into time .waroes . Jehlqchat
nan was appoynted vnto [hat, mam
that is on the Notthpatt of the (enn-lex
beude the Antloch'ta. That part of-the
'towne that wo's towarde. the, ‚mme
of lochanan the WM [MST, wax :at
trivuted to Schlmcon’. :To «Elgafar
was committed the kepyug of the walte
Lhel'e ethottyng -oneanotdec to ging;
the men, dyd. valianntlye cefit'te the
Romane-ä: to that the mamma ‚mm
began to _be Inge und bathe. The .Ro
. manta; ‚in; they; renown: ane fame.
' ze t; [Wes
,_ Nochmal-6801: - . -
- laydeon toadet-and the Jewes aga'yne :
flache ftyfly. to they; detence,-teyngtheye
ende at hande, itthey were fla-cke.- "kinn .
nowe-and then erhoeted his fonldionrs
to play the men, peomyfyng them. that
" woalde hahau'ntly make any enterpn'le
bp on the Jewee, aboundaunce- of golde,
lylaer, and muche honour* withall.»
Then *ffepte fooeth one of bis lonldi
onto, named (oo-ZUMZ, and put hym
(elteamongefl the toutes of the -Fewes
that were ifl'ued out ot the towne,whete
he flewe a couple of the chiete of them,
and _fltaight reeouered him l'elfe agayne
within the array ot the Roma-tes. Wut
the :_Iewee theynhte not from the Ro
manes, fo; they werein a teruent tage
and_ _a wonder-toll dit-oayne t andto fuc
theruzthey: tom-age, -Zchjmeon came vn- _
to hie men, and c'ryed vpon them with
alonde voy'ce,t"aying.. Fo.; the* teue
rente ofGod tre-idee, flee-not' this day,
whoi'oener dothktleez let hym be -tnre he
challdye koeit, and his honie deltroyed.
"Lärm atio-admonyflzeehie to kepetheyz
araye, and not to geue backe to Zeta-11:7
0o. :Chen -went he -hym fette. to that» .
part of the towne, where lctwchauanz_

x .
me (ct-5W.: [97
wurde was., thore he, caufed an icon *. _,t., _;x.

Rammeto be planted- and heut' againft

the wall, (foze there was a large plaine.)
There was at that tyme in Oierutalem,
'one called Watch-,who gate "to hz'ym a
company ot-tbe fedi-tious, knd thotte
“frqmthe'walles *into the Romane» ac
my'e, where he newe- very many,* cdu..
“' pellyng the reftto- retyze. This [(W
20k -wtth nine other call telowesz where
of he was the Umm-1:1,- defended »one
'part otthstowne,-- Nowe as the» Ro
manes bended'theRamme to-battefthe
wall, XLanwr cryed bnto Mm» the
[ecke thee my Lowe-"LW, be .metcy
full co this motto-tamo uscitie that is _gl
mol'te bette_ downe- älcedye, do wor-*de
taceictvtterly, buttake pitieofthe (am. U'-.“:.-M

marie-that is ("n-[it, und dsflroy not the

--bahttationofthe-Itoxde (God;- WWW Ü-1.:.,
. ._q
bis roquel't 'commaunded his mm to
Way, and ts leane of batter'yng the' wall.
4 Wen laydeh'e to [Qosm- e Conte foozth
bytheewme, and chou (halt taue'thy
lywzJ wyu parddn thee, thou [half njot
be demoyed. ,Wow- -agnfvzecddv-J
*wyufeeifz can perfwade there-my te
', Y itj lowes ,
.l [LE T3176 0c

low'cs to come with me. But he dyd it

bpon colour, fo; none other caul'e,- then
ccaftyly to .tryltle out tyme,:whecehy ho
myght cauce 71mm leaue ofthe affch
foxawhyle. Ko he fpahe vnto bis“ w_
lowes whiche knewe his-mynde,that the
.Romanes my'ght heace t » Let »be *go
downe and fleeto the Romane' army-t;
Then theydeewe outtheye (wax-dee, as e

thougbthey woulde kyllhym, and flry- '

hyng vpon his harneyes, he fell downe
to the gcounde in the fight of the 1W.:- ,
ments, whiche were ignoeaunt of his
deceyte. Then one ofthe Romane-e let
Nee an acc-we, that wonndeo [Lancoe
vpou the face, and glamtcing from hYm,
Rewe another that lto'de by hym . Then
kann» cryed out. What do yes well
yethoote at ve that defyee to be at peaoe
with you, whiche ye gcatmted yonf
fehle-,and nowe well bzeake yon.: pw'
mikethatye made vnto bee Js thisthe
rewarde my Losde 1'1ch that thou rene
heeft me, fo: goyng about to (lee but'
thees that thy louldioucs (hall lhoote at
me, heaan me to require condition;
the lehren. tCZ
ot'peacez- Nowe theretoee my Lone,
may itpleaie thee to l'ende hyther l'ome.
man othonout, to whom Il maye come
deluxe _and receaue affuraunce ot thy
peomyl'e, to be as one ot thyue owne'
men. '['jtua thynhyng he ment good“
fayth, l'yalte bnto Joiepl) , wyllyng_
hym to go and make peace with the.
Jewein his name, then to bsyng hym_
bnto hym, that he. myght fynde l'aue
arde othi-slyte, from the_ common de
uction. Jofeph auntwered: Why
wylttvou tende mee! what haue J of
tended theee haue J not euer done thee_
true ano taythfull teruices Therefoee
il'thou beare me 'any good wyll o2 fa
uour,l'ende me udt vnto hym whom Z
cannot fruit; Fo; 'Zoteph milkrufle-d'.
come l'ubtiltie, knowyng [(311th akoze,
Ho "l'jcuz cent one captayne Ljapruz, who.
layde bnto [(tmtorx come downe 'ano
let vs go together to_ (Ya-[arg laune.
7](at1t0t*de[*ireq hym to holde_ abxode bis ' *
clohe lappe, that he myght hut-le hym.
'downe his money that' he had there.
*(lelt the Jewes perceauyug it, woulde.
talteittrom hym) aud then he wouloe
_ ze iitj toute
tomc downe. Und as lim-118. hcldo bp x
his [ap to receaue th'e'm'oney that [iz-m
c0r fpake of: [(antm* wichall his -mny
caftdowne 21 grcat (Lone, whiche 113m3
_efpiyngßlept afyde and auoydcdc- but if
lyghc bpon one ofhis felowes and flew'e
hym. 71W was wonderqu wsoth at
this, and foozthwith planted yet ang.
_thcc icon Ramme agaynlk the wall, and
at length la'ydo it flat vpon the groundß.
Then commacmdcd "[jcuz to make fyzös
hbouc the* wall, wheceas- the. Jewes
xhoulde xfcapc by.. [Amor feyng chat,
woulde haue fled, and as he made - backe
to [caps the fyzes, the wayght of his ac
mour bare hyxn downe into the MEN-1d
thexe_„he dyed,-mo3e decyzous of death,
then lyfe. 'Then entred the *Romanes
withinthe fcconde wall,-agaynfl whom
the [editious ifl'uedßnd fought wich [uch
*vehement fojzcc, thqc-they -pzeuayled "q
gaynh theyz-enemysz, flewe many pf_
the Roma-WWW fozced the reif to re
tyxe vntothe'fyzfl wall-„that they had
beat-n how-12 :acc-3e. 3m this. (kysz
M113 hym folie coke a bowe, anth at_ .
ths Iewee m (uch; wyfe, chat* noc que_ -3
of bf- ac'rqweswece (peak in bay-e,
' - . “ . . nc' h
7;), '
...l'- x' " ...7. .ua

Hut that it dyd toute anptaunce vnto the

x' Jewes. The Feines not'witvltaetdyng
'gaue them the tepult'e ttemkthe town'e,
and ttjey were 17 ot able _to make _them
pattie good wttbtvem, Within teure
dayes afte_c,7came hnto_*'l"1_tt_18 4a news
fupplye ottould'ie'ucs out ot all quarter
' fo; teUthe the uotpanes,by whete helps
they peeu'a'yled agaynt't the Feines „at
- ( tßmes_ ,a3 theytfluey_ out ot_ the “
towne z .and confirayned them to with
dza'we them tetuez withiu'the' malte-z.
Yet 'kith pittyng the mitecable'ftato
ot' the ,Citie,Lemple , and people of
the Lt-qxdez' at tvat tyme commamtyed
*bis people. to, withdsawe. tbcmkelqcs
'frqmtbewatles , „and to ottve
* * attaulte fo; a' whyle ,3 that ve mugbtkßot
"te-?peace vnto the. Lew-?3 , to Wut they
?wax-we,.- ndwe.::b> toute-tt to fuhmitto
WMA??? zvnto .fixe Romayes x' to
.haut Weft-WM .without dat-Week
deflxusioäl::-,„Wtze.requo he gave-them
fta-stoßftuxdWe-s. Anp-_pppontbefitc
'day- became. .to:. (LTE: gate-ot >ch (Citie
Wet-akhe ttcgyghtwayecpied
0x1 and ,lebochqux tqgethecz pzepatyx'tg:
.ef *
„., 4N„
.l [1c 'Ik-CCF 0]."

otwarret tot all the Jeweo had agreeo

together with one accded and one mind,
tote 7'1th perceauyng the Jewee to he's
i'o deineratly iet,that they had euen vo
* wedihey; lynee to death the began “to
oifer and peopoie vnto them condition-x
of peace,and charpely to repeoue and
biantetheyx obftinate tkuhhurnee, tay
ing: J haue nat-ue wonne two ofyour
walles,and ye haue but one left. Ther
fo;e,it_y'ou wyli continue ftyll in this
fette wylied trowardneo t what wyll ye
do (*molte miterable cteaturee) when as
J ihall atchiue alio the thyede wall , and,
quite deikroy your citie , pullyng downe,
your temple and all. Why do ye not
rather tauour, and [pare your oiüne_
lyrics, your wirres and chyldten s* tönt
the Jewee tet' bpon a iolemne obifi
natie , wohl-de inne_ wyie heare *kinn*
tpeaite, Theretoee '('itua (ent Joihph to
declare hie mynd vnto them in (hebe-e,
that they *niyght tately credite bis ptoe_
miles , and the peace- that was offeed.,
Joteph thecetoee went,and (todo euer
agaynfl the gate , kepyng- hymfelte a
loete ont-ee he, wa. atrayde to come uke .
*- t .t
WWW-"ck * * 17a -
the well ,knowyn'gthat the people ha. t
ted hYm,.he.cau[e he had yelded hymcette /
to the Romanes. the called thetfote mt
to them alouoe'shearken ollye DMM-t ' -
ond Jewes , J wyll detlace vnto you??
that , that (hall be'e to yom: comme-*exz- *7'
pitieThen the people gone eace *7 . 7
hnto Joteph, who (pake _,
- o hnto ,themin chi.
wyfeg.: a -
x X

y " 77 WWW-r _AWD-eher W'
_ z _ _elte- (thjZEnZ (Fl-lichen_ _ *i
--.;-.-.“,:%*(*316W-*-* * p

Ott-would 'er'e
.this (good peo
» *» - *pie oWiernfa- h
' *x . Whane fonght
i io earneülye, j
whylee your
cities were yet
x flandyng, and
“ your lande re
pleniched with people, ere euer this mii'
chiete had lighted vyon you.Nowe that
with murders and hanghtecs amongeik
your [eines, yon dehroyed one another,
and poliuted the temple ofthe kanctuary
with the blood ot the murthered , hatte
not fpared your ohme lyues, yon _are be
come few in number, afmall feet ofyon .7
lettxwhat hope haue you to peenayle-A
gaine,yon haue flirred here and pzouo
ked a baliaunt Nation , whiche is ruler
.ouer all people , and hath iuhdued all _o- f l
therlandes , whjehe atio hath thoie na.
tions in inbiectiqrz bieder them, whiehe
, tometyme
tomet-yme taigued ouer youi-llsecyd'es j
this,you wage battayie with the Roa* -
manes without all diicrelion oe w'yiea '
. dome, without any renton of this m'olt
famous title, without anyreuth of the' * '
ianctuarye otthe heede , without anye
compafliou ofyour owne lyues . * NW' -
ther yet do 'you koeiake .your purpoie: tot
J perceaue you to continue in-this fame'
ieliewyll to- withflande the» Romance_
', uill,whichisnothyng el's,th'en to [p'Fede
abzode this calamitie-turthet,both vpon"
the people ot-Ood , andhponhis holye '“
temple . Alben J am not atraydeon'elye
tot this holye temple-, and ' mon renov
med citie , [eit it (hould be'raced' -ahode- x
l'ttoyed t but fo: 'the iactiltcce l aud hutnt
ottringes 'left they Would cealte" , aa the
dayly tactitite is ceaffed.And why :_-- Foo
we hauelinned againlt our Lowe God?,
Wheretoee- -* is his.. ihadowe oepar'teo
from beebecauie'that ln this-l'ame* femi
ple we haue kept wartesnuahyngitan .
habt-tation ofthe wicked,a taberuatle o't
(editious perions:yea,eueuthe minifleta
and-holye. men ot'Sod haue ye murthe'
red ,and within-the walles otthe temple- -
,hauex ye thed innocent blood without
.l 11c "Allchl

meofure . Poe nowe (deare -beetheem

mache what oedinauuce , what engine,
what inflcumentes ot deüruction, ace
addeelted to beate downe the temple,the
fire is alredye kyndlcd to [et a fire the
[antworte: And loe enen youe very ene
miee are lo pititnll ofyoue Templmvat
they woulde not houe it 'efaced . Bub
you (denke bsethoen ond frendee 7) why
are you kedde with no remoxfe ot your
felueenhat your enemtee moye once re
moue from you thele engine of warte.
What haue you now left to trult vnto,
when ae two otyouc (volles are -alredy
hatte-ed downe, and one onelye cemay
neth e You will (eye peeaduenture, we
put not ouc trufle in our wallee, _but in
“our Ood . Are ye not aware that your
God bach long agone genen you euer,
and hath turned-hym to your enemiee,
betonte they heue with gjkeater honout
*and reuerence woofhipped his name,
then we whiche rebellioufly ace falten
awoye from hyme Wbetefoon O D
omueth not ve , but ouc enemiee e info
muche,that eecept it be'e in fuche coun
treys 1 whereao eythec fo; ertremexolde
ofthe one fyde , oe exceedyng heate ?In
t e
* . .. ./5
the other , no man is able to ahyde t all
Landes , all Nations are bndec they;
dominlion. Tellme, J peay you, what
ecpcttatien hatte yon,t"eyng God hath
made them atecront vneo all nations
vppon the earth, who ierueth them.
Why wyll not yon ohey them,that yon
maye lyue,and notpetyt'hee Oo you not
eqnfider,tt is come to they: turne to
rule onec all , that Ood hath committed
dominion vnto them , and ayded them
with bis alliüanncee .Remember yon
nothowe Wohin tymee patt ayded the
Egyptianszinl'omnche that they obtey.
ned the dominion oner all the whole
woelde :- but afterwarde departed from
them, and allifled yon to get the'ioue
raintie ouet ether nations- After- that
"fo-iohe you agayne , and gaue the Em
pire vnto the Chalcleja , (Tan-jene and
Methana, which raigned kam and lvyde
onet many countteye s Nowe atio hatt.
he genen them ouec , and helpeth the
.Romanee thefe many yttee , io that
they beate cnle onec all- zt you wyll ob
_ tencandiaye. To whatententihoulde »
O O W gene the dominion bnto the
Romaneezoz other Nations euer the
7 WMA*:
„>._ 7T
* i .l [LE '737173 0]:

wende , and-'euer his e'nhrritaunte and

people' alionhiche is an holye people, a
peculiar and 'tpeciail nation -ot all the
earth-'e Hhouide you mt'heaihanied 'to
taythis ,-.* with what' diic'tetion can you
wonder-at thie,knowyng_ that ?all man
Kynd'one and _othet,ate_ the handywoeke
otetiod ", 'who
ano whorn eralteth
he lyfl'e "whom he
he theuüeth lyike, x
Zee iaye 'yebee the chi-ideen otOod , and
bis 'peoprt pohem'on,[pire to
thei'oueraintie: theretoee it'tan not he'e »
thatOodfhoulde determine _any thyns
dppon you-hy channce,toetune,o3loz- .
dayne enger 'enddii'pleal'ure ,J grant-tt.
aaa": _wor “ye what-The thadowe o2 pzo
terti'on ot the Jtozd'e _.hath toeiakenyou,
beca'nie ot your finnee and , t'tanfgcetii
'ons "agay'nft the temple and hie holy-mi? ;
: nifleks.. tei-we :bel-:can eo!- Wei-ppm
' ' hie We, whenas he'hath withdeawen
his louyn'g counienannce from you-,and
yoni: *itunes-hatte made a deuotce. bee
tweneyoo and" hyme F_zieh mydeajre evil_
deen and-hsethze'n ,_-let neuer this imagi
nation enterinto yonr hearteeztoeit_thal -
nothyng auaYle you . Why wyit 'you
my deare beethten ,and trendee z make
.warte ,
([12 1Mc8.
waere bpon the Romaness' whtn. ae
they are loedes ouer nations, and' haue
pearcedtheltreates of lncjja, and of all
. Meg ofthe tea, euen to the great Ocean
tea, and from thence to all the partes ot
the' Watt, whofe dominionertend'ethto
the ertreame partes of the earth e Zeea,
euen -to Beitaine, and oncr all Prot ertajtt
lande, whirhe is ennironned onpenery
t'yde with [eat, whofe people is huge
lyke Oiauntee, ofa bigge ltatnrezand ot
a mightie courage,mol'te expert archers,
and valiaunt lonldionrs in battayle.
Lo whont when the captayne of the
Romanes came, they gane hym the re
pulie,and woulde not he fubdned: but
when the peinces otthe Romance came,
they beonght them into l'ubiection and
(eruitude vnder the Romanes. i tem you
lay (my beetheen and frendee) you wyll
rather all dye, then ferne the peinces ot
the Oenttles; and that death ia better
foiyon then lyfe, to he 'deyutn to tee
ti with your eyes the ralamittes ot the ,
ianctuarie and people ot God." Marche
the hyflozies and Chtontclee from the
* tytne ofyour auncetouce. Whenwae

'[Ü,l thet*euer any tyme wherein you were

__ -, 1 2i ' .tree
.|. ..dc "u-...7.F 1

“frce from the yolte oftheOenti-ltee Oo'

*you not linowe that Lacoh our father of 4.-!

worthy memoeie , -who ?was alwayeo*

'20 mom) Out-,and God with hem, -tolie hie
ionrney into Egyptno-be a flraunger in
70h a ftraimge land amongeff a peoude kind
ot" people, leik he,hie chyldzen,houflzolde, t
- .and cart-e11, ihould periihe with hunger-t
There he had with hym his. rmionnes,
whiche he had hegotten, and dwelt there
.eiiio with his-lmall familie, fox teare ot'
M the greeuoue tamine that was at that
M o tyme. .Remember-you »not when that
, Xucia8iwiti] his beetheen went downe in
.f to Egyytehowe l0lrpb wait moued as
a [trauriger-to picke a quarell againfl bis
beetheen, to beyng them into bondage,
-i. ,hearyng yet in hie mynde what iniurie
.t they had done hym s Wherefoee come oi
them he :allein peylon, and ihandeled
themathie pleaiurezwith craftie accu
Ä“ ' lation-'z cipcrially lach, who was the
/i irhiete amongeit them, otwhom* all the
:eree -tohe theye name, who_ if -he had
hen ie diiyoied, had hett-'able -to lay lo
* Feph at his foote a thonlande tymeei, not
*-7774 hnowynghym to be lofcph. Where
-foreiwhen he was io» roughly and [o
* L“. ' .WWE r
, z, -
*- (no tretea. t7z
thatpely taönted ofhym, he myght haue y
* „kylleo hym in his tage. Fox he was a
verybolde man and a hardie, and of a
. noble toni-age, whiche iufely had not
- foiced a ryfhe to baue ilayne that Egyp
tian, and moto of his fellowea. _Not
* withitandyng he dyd not fo, but contra
rie, fubmitted hym felfe vndery the yoke
of loteyb, talled hym his ttoed and good
maifler,iuppoimg him to be ionie Egyp
tian, humbled himfelfe hefoze hym, co,
obtayne his petition, and to get come,
leik his father-,his beethzen, and theye fa
milie lhoulde dye fo; hunger* What
fhoulde N lay oflofcpb,fo beautifull,l'o '
wyl'e and wittie a mantwas net he faine
to ferne in Miet-.108 houl'e, wherein al
though his wyfdome was well hnowen,
infomuche that Vliarao tet moee by hym,
then by al the noble men thatwere then
alyue, was alle called lozde great mai
ltermnd ,1)l1cit308 father; neuerthelefl'czbe
bumbly beiought Wat-a0 that he myght
tut'tayne his father and beetheeu with_
beead, _hnowyng that at that- tyme the_
dominion belonged to Mint-:10 and' bis
people, beyng genen them of GOD.
a And although yf totchh had lyt'te to re
2 2: ij 7 turne
* l [16 P7317630( *

-turnetnto the lande ot Cent-ton,th a

"his tathers whole houtholde , without
?har-0zleaue; no man coulde haue let
_ ted-hym to do it, fox he bare the greatefl
p tuleat-thattyme in Egypt, yet dyd he
not fo . Zentarnjn alte was lykened to a
tauening woolte too his feaeceneszwben
he was fetched agaynehy toece of l0."
[ephez-tkewarde , taynyng a lye bpon
* hym,howe chaunted he did not kyll htm
O2 els when he alone pucfued Zentxmnn
and his other heetheene could not he it he
had lift haue flayne the telowe, and burt
ed hymz "o that the matter thoner neuer
hauetotneto lyght. Notwithftandyng :
they dyd nothyng to no; fo: hut lnäae . '
wyfely waying the etaltations and oe
tections ,“- the peomotione and ditgra
eingeo, with the common courlee ot the
- wozloe t“ retourned agayne with his boe
thzen into the citie, went to lot-:ph and
betoughthym,vntyll hie bowels were
moued to pitte,aud he was knowen ot
hie btetheen. All thet'e thingee doth the
mofle holy lawe ot the ?toede rehearle
vnto ve, and pütteth vs in mynde of, fo: *
' this intent, that we may learne to beace
tot necetlitiee kalte, the yohe o7 hym that
cnc uvex. (74.
hath the peeeminence and rule fox. his
tyme. Neythec let any indge oe thinke
that Ioteph otfended God,in that he tub
mt'tted. hem fette vndet the yoke ot llhxx*
taotfozit ie no thame teea wyt'e man
to ctouthe bnto hym., whol'e helpe- he
t'tandeth tn neede ot,whattoeuet he be,
mathe .note if he be a kyng o3 a Ltd-de.
Oo ye not knowe that out tathets were
in bondage to kyng ?hart-0 in Egypt-k
Wut after the Loede tememwed the co
nenaunt that he made with our tathers,
and had determined to leade them out
ot Egyptt he ient Wohle- oue mail'tec ot -
famous memoeie, hie, angell, vie cho
i'en, who knewe the Loede to be with :CAN

hyunwheceby be was able to defltoye

whoioeuet dyd eyte agayntt hym . 'Ne
uetthelettexwhen he came to yharaoz .
peeience, who then bare rule in Egypt,
“he Mwed not hymfelte in armes, but
rathee with thunder and hayle, that
Dhecao might well petteane and knowe, -
Geh waethe Loede. Butatwhattyme -
i ee ?lt-1W
_famour opptefl'ed
maiitec _ebyJtcaelitee
Woytes to, -
Gods helpe,
thought them ontot Egypt, with a
Ktong hand and a ttcetched tooeth arme.
2 ih agaenlk
.l. 116 WQI'XCS Of

agagntt the Egyptiane, whom he pu

"(than with continua“ plagues, hy that:
mamas deliuecyng the Ntcaelites out of
the haudee of they; lama ond matters,
and beyugyug them to the mounte of
God, made them hams of all goodnes,
that is to [amt tha mafia holy lama of
Ood . And after Iofua ban fubdued the
holy lande to the Maelites,and that they'
iuhohited it, there chaunced vnto out ta
thecs,tymes of aduecftties, as it is mem
tioued in the bookes of the peophetes, fo
that they were couftrayned to ferne the
kgng-anfchur a long [eaten, and the
kynges of Pcrfia, to _the Chaldcis alto
were wein bondage, although not ve
rye gceeuouozbut tolletable. Woxeouer,
with other kynges ot the Gentiles we
had mama, aud lometymes we were
put to toyles,toutetymes tue had the bp
pechande. gamma vtharat’aza my* bee
th;en,tell me,what lhame were tt to you
.ttyou weret'uhie'ct
inhatara you to he to compared'
the .Romanese oz ' I
to othet

nations that batman them dominiert e

Do *you not lee that the .Ramones
caigne ouer your enemyes, aud bears'
h rule euer them that fometymes were
' your
' loc ITUW.

your maiiters aud hatere e* Were it not

reafon that you fhould loue them,which -
- baue brought downe your enemies,
and reuenged you of them- Which-e*
notwithftandyng you hane nothyng at
all done, but rather baue hated them,
as men voyde of all perceauyng, with
out waying and confideriugz that tinte
the tyme ye were vnder them, Ye“ haue*
alwayes lyued in malte quietnetfe and*
peace. Il my lelfe whenzt withltode the»
Komanes in Galilee, knewe very well
that 3| ihould be ouercommed at length, .
hut Z] roulde do nothyng fox the (editi
ous perions that were with me, whiche
woulde in no wyfe folowe my coun
l'ayle t yea,it itode me in hande to take -
heede ol' myne owne perfon,that J were
not killed otthemmfcerzl had once roun
felled and moued them to gene hp the
towne. Whecetote l'eyng the matter
floode io, and God knewe my heart: z
thought hett to fight agaynlt the tio-
manes ae J mought, aud when ocraljon
l'erued to efcape to the Romane-end take
it. Further, whenZl was in the raue
with my tourtie companitms, J] had ben.
tolle and vndone, had not God gehen
_ t 2 iii) . me
1. ll'- 'hahaha ok* '

me conncellemakyng me .a way to ef.“

cape and iaue my lyfe. Foe they had al
moit ttayne me, berauie J gane them
councellto yelde them lelnes to the Roi
man-es, and to ohey them. Fo; J1 iawe
this was the tyme tot the Romanes to
beare rule, and that God had appoyn
ted them to he Mordes ouer all nations.
Foethio io his man'er, lyke ao aboue he
hath made i'o'meto he rulers ooer other
[einer euen l'o beneath all'o he hathiet
rulers oner *the kynges of the earth»
Who ran controll hym that is itronger
then he- The Romance at. this pze.
[ent hane the dominioni-.ouer all lande
and people, ouer the [ZP-xdt'iane, Delfin
'3115, Dechant, andCbaläc'it, (to euery
one ofthei'e you daneben -in bondage)
and oner other nations all'o, whirhe ne
uertheleffe, tyll they; groonde, iowe,
mowe,plant,and gather in they: fruites:
and who hat-h the profit of thel'e goodea
and labour hut the Romane-.s who
whyles the other toyle and tranayle,
lyue inpeace and tei! them [einer.
Wherekoee marke this alio_ my bee
theen: the kyngeo of Wacccloujaonce
had the rule ot the whole worlde, "pe-Li
x * a y
ht... Lunuaa I70

allg in the tyme of Ale nach at Macc

(Loni-i: but at this daye they] empire is
taken from them , and they are become
fubieuee to the Ramones. They when
the humane: firct let vpon them , were
bei-y hauty und toye , vettrmined to re
tilt the Romanes : ,fintmithl’tjauupng
they were ouercome of the Roi-itunes,
and are bndet they; iubiection _at this
day.What ihould J] ipeake otthe people
ot the Philiflinee ,whithehcretofoee ah
wages haue vered and anoyed you: doch
not the meanel't amongett all the pun
tee of the ,Roma-tes beare rule one:
them 2* What hope then haue you to ei'
tape ,when ye knowe the Philiflines
were euer i'tronger then you , and you
were oftentymes ouertome of them: as
to; etample,baule your king was Elaine
by them. Wut you wyll [aYWauid the
anoynted of the Itozd otzirael , puued
them downe, and beought them into
fubiettion.Wote ye whatsthen God lo
ken upon you with a immutable counte
naunte,and fought your battaylee thn
fette : but at this daye heisin no were
patient with you , to; he both turned a
way bis countenaunce otiaiuatiö from
, ’ zv you:
.. ...- 1. ...l ...1 v..

you,b'ecaute you haue ünned agaynilt'

hym.And whiche otyou can iay he hath
intelligence otthe ieccete ot the Wade“,
oz hath teceaued any [uch watch woed,
as God gaue ac that tyme vnto Dauide:
.111111.7. KNX/ben chou [halt beat-e a (Zunäc- 0h'
2.4 monyno- *m the toppea of'tbe Manuel-zt
treee , then (*l-talt chou i'et torte-orale , kot
the!) [ball the [nt-cl 30 kdl-tb before tb)
kace t0 [tutto the tentea am] cam ea of*
the lyh'tljllmea Whoioeuer (May) hath- *
knowledge otany iuche tolten, let hym
teuele it to hie neyghbout , and J] could
well content to folowe it . But feyng
thece is no inch thing-heatken vnto me
my oeate hzetheen, come and ferne the
Koma-tes in peace and tcanqnillt'tie. Je
[halbe no' dtiheneftte foeyou , with the
kyngee otycrlia to ve tuhtect to the Ro
manes e they that tomtyme were your
mailkers,thal-l be now yo ut teloweo and
companione . But tt you wyll petienee
and flande in yout opinion fiyll , J wylh
enter into this diicourie with you t Tell*
me J play you when were enec youc
auntetonts tree , e when were they not
entangled with the wan-ee of the Gen
ttleezand the dominion ot thett nationse *
me teurer. Z77
- Dadyou not euer the victozy trom the*
tyme you came out ot Egypt vntyll the
reigne ot 831116 the ionne of CjasÖo long
ae the'ltoed was your kyng,yon were in
i your to no man,Butatterthatyoue
onelykyng. you terued Ood as

euyll and cosrnpt delire (kirred yon to he

yeke otthe Lowe, e left he thoulo reigne
alone, to choie a man to hauethe domi
nion ouer you,accoedyng as the cuflome
was in other nations (Z1 meane ZWch
the ionne otCn, and-the other -hyngee
euery one)then terned you hym,you and
your ionnes , and the chietcft ot you he
tame his minifiers , your goodlyel'te
daughter-3 were made his contectiona
ries, his cookes, and his bakere. Atter
Joule ,reigned David , ot wotthy mc
mozy , who rnled oner many nations.
But euen he alle beought you into bon
dage,and put diuers of you todeatb z to
iatil'fie his pleaiure withall. De beyng*
dead ,yon ierued 8010111011 hie (anne, -
who neuer a whyt leite then the other-,i
euen as he lyited »ererriied dominion
ouer you t he alio toke dy your i'otmrs
c daughtere, and made them his (lautef
After this, came other motte wicked_
. hyngee:
ax.-- '1 _-...*'..

kynges : ro» that from that tyme yom:

counttey began to go to weacke, and-he
that was the bett amdngeft them was
ReboboamMJvich fayd vnto you-my fa- _
tbec coecected you with whippes, but* *
I wyll fcoutge you with Bcoepions.
And l'o dyd the cel't oftve kynges, which
caigned after hymc very few of them
pleat'ed God . Allthothet weonght ab
homfnation , not one of them dyd anye:
good; o3 catgned in the feace ofthe 103d.
» Und in this'manet remayned the Em
pyze long tyme with you , vntyll the
kynges ot Ebalcicä came “and [ed yon
xaptiue info Saw-[on , where as you
were kept vntyll Chorefchez tyme,kyng
of Verlia , who "ent yon agayne into
h your countrey with a wonderful] deale
ofgolde and fyluet , with great bone-tr,
which was counted vnto hym fo; righ
teoul'nes. After Cborcfcbcä death z rock
agaynlt, yon-the maik wicked kyngesot
Orece, who waccyng vppon you , gave
you great ouertheowes, vntyll God ffir.
red. vp the -fpitite- of- ,certayne .tage
Mielkes of the-Lock of Ebakmqmnmvu
' "ceuenged youtiniurie's., At that tyme,
yon were bsetheen and_ feendes with Ze
K - .. q
tot: ,terre-3. [73
Romance, and trendt'hip grew betwirt s
- “you manye yereo .: After that you fell
from the florke of Chat-homo": 7 whiche
had deliuered you t and ehole ouewhoie
name was Derode ,who oppeefied you
greuoufly . After hym fucreeded Zeche.
Lana his tonne , he yet layed a _toter yoke
vpon yomwheretoee fallyng from hym,
ye peotrlted neuer after -to *lerne the
kynges of lucla . Ho goyng to the Ro.
manea,wi|lyngly you tuhmitted your
l'eluee vnder they; lubiection ,to lerne
QuZu(tas the emperour,who otdted you
gentylly . Dym you terued as other na
tions dyd,and it was to yourpeayl'e, be..
cauie ye were vnder a good gouernour.
Therfoee now my bzethten and childsen
of my people , what meaneyou at this
prefent, that you haue determined to
dye,and do not rather lpate your l'elues
aud your childzee Confider J belech you
- the thynges that grow hpon the earth-
x andal liutng 'rreaturewbealtemwoemee
that cre'epe vppon 'the grounde , towlee -
of the ayee , and tyt'hee of the tea*: Do *
you'not fee howe euer the ltronger hatb - '
the dominion ouer the weakere neyther -
ie tt any tel-_alte dt thame teethe theater
. , „. - _. o
'- "c-1....".

to gene place and obey that whiche is

l'tronget. Fo; the Ihre_ and Ooate are in
- awe of the Lion , the Ramone and the
Oweotthe Woolte , the Cowe and the
ziaiybe fearethe Beate, the Ooate the
Liberdnhe Danke ie afrayd ot theilrgle,
theOoue ot the Danke . Way thema. -
ner oi beafles and hyedes amongft their
owne kynde , you i'hall ne euer the big
ger and fironger to be maiiler ouer the
leite and weaher . And io in all other
thyngesnhe itronger (et them ielnes be- _
foee the weaker alwayee . Wherefoge -
ye moetall men learne ye hereat t dyd
not one „God malie all thyngee , and he
hym ielfe hath dominion ouer them all;
Notwithitandyng all thyngeo are io
knit together amonglt them ielues,that
no one thing ca [rand without another.
Wut he that holoes hp all thyngs,is the
blefied God, who yf he litt can being the
all into duit agaynahie name he ertold
fo: euer. Walze erample F peay you ot
the partes ofthe whole woeld, yon (hall
" [e one part to bt in iubienion , an other
1 ',4 to bear-e rule-r tllze not the to (titte necked
“ to peruert the natural] courico of the
woeldezbut rather let your election to
...u- xq. "k-7. '777

toto the toutes and eueutes of the fame:

which yi you do, you fhaibe efle'emed fo;
wife men. Now then my deare couutte- *
men , neuer thyuke it lhame fo; you to
ferue the Rowanee: it is tyme fox-you
nowe to returne to the Load with your
whole hearte , aud then euen you atio
(hall haue the domiuiou ouer other na
ttoußorcozdyug to your defyee . This
that] then come to pafre , when you to
lowe your Lozde God 'with all your
(trength. _Therfoee neuer thynkethat
the Romanes , whiche baue rule ouer
you at this day , are of leite power then
other *people that heretofose haue had
the dominion oucr you. Fo; they ate a
mightie nation ,their Empire and rule
ouer other people they haue frö aboue,
as J baue peoued to you by the fimiliz
tudes ot beuite beaftes, which accoxding
to nature beare rule one ouer an other.
Notwithflanding,tn mankynd itthoulo
neuer huue come to pall'e ,that the bi x
ger thoulde io haue the dominiou _. ou r
theleile, vulclle fo; they; (jones, to;
the whiche they are io puniihed , that
oueis rompelled to bowe his nerhvn
* k
per another-z yoke . Nowetherioseuxtp
.“ *'*' ' de re
deare people , take hnmilitie and mckej
mes vnto yon , neuer couet to alter the
lahm ot nature , but rather .reteaue my
wozdee and folow my couniell, obey the
.Romance , petit and redy to malte a
*league with yon , accoedyng to they;
bouutitulnetle ,that you may line and
-do full well. When Joieph the ptieff
- had ipoken theiethyngesinthe hearing
- otthe citizins ot Vieruialem , they butü
-out and weptzgnaihed with theyz teeth, . 7
»and eayled atYioieph ouet the. wollte,
.hutlyng ftonee and dattes at hym to
-hane kylled hym . Therfoee when Jo
ieph iawe that they woulde not folowe
his conniayle,but were io ftytfe necked,
he--hegan to tehuke them molt (hatpely,
trying vntozt'he'nt in this wyie. Woe to
alt ftowarde'peoplez and inch ae tebell
agaynft theltotde God: whatmeane ye
yo'u weetchee , what haue ye to leane
v'nto that ye ate io lknhhntne , when as
'neuettheletke the Koede is gone from
you-c* Foeyou ate wiched people , and
hatte finned agaynu hym. Howe can
,your unnes he putged, whiche ye hatte 7
committed_ in the temple ot the Lowe
by fheadyng ot innocent ,blood wiwo-:lex
. a
the ler-et. i tso .

aueh-W 'Zee are matte -gyltie,to2 ye

' hauetoughtin the 'temple and ianctna
rie-ot the trode ye han'e detyled it with
the dead bodyeeotthe'm whom ye baue
day-'1e in the ntydeett thereot. Weitere
.-7 ' that, ye haue tutpenoed ano bnhalowed
(the name of the Ltoede, with your figh
tingeszmakyng warres vpon your Zab
both day, bpon your t'olemne and-tem'.
nalldayee. p Tell me ndwe ye trowarde
rebell'ee t whether dyd yuer your fonfae
"there pteuayle agayntt they; enemyes.
with ipeare and thielde, o3 rather with.
peayer,penannte,and pntenette of heart,
wherewith they terued Gewand agayne
he deltueted them e tönt you, what haue
ye to ttufl vnto,when ae ye are vntay'ch
tnlt e zeour thadowe and peotettion ie-de- -
parted from you, and your Loser-God
aydeth your enemies, whole power he
'maintayneth to dem-ey you. Jtyon ima
gineto be delinered'* with your 'iwoedea
anotpearee, yda are koully dereaned,
whereaa God wonlde not that ye would
et'rape the hands of your enrmies.- Open
your eyes, and [ee what Dauid the am
noynted ot the -lboede iaydet hot :the
battle 'rz-ll (arte :tex-rhet- b)- [nZt-rjc“ not
'i ' . Aa i . (peace.
l nqwartcs 01'

(pt-are. Callto your remembaunce (he

very tool-e) A braham your father which
begat you , by what meaneo he .um
came Pharao the kyng of Egypt, who
violently had taken away Sara his in?“
from hym : furely none other way dyd
he obtayne the victoeie, then by pzayee
vnto the iLozoeJnho flyztcd the [pleite of
Pharao, and put him in mynde to ceflm
hym his mete Sara deane and dndefiled. -
Abraham mas quiet in bis bed, and at
reft from all troubles: but Pharao that
great lozne and ruler, he was punyfhed
in the meane feal’on with great plagues;
heoaul'e of Sam whom he had taken to
-hym by violence to deflouce hoc, whiche
woo woulde not mm, but rather hm
couered Plzaraus fleiheJhat he was fame
to [heme the leccete pactes of his body to
phtfitionßto fe'e if they could heale them.
15m who can cure thinficmt'ties whiche
God, tendeszoo who knowes his intents:
.Fee who [meme that Iekhaciahus byleo
coulde he bealed with a platte.: of time,
a} Norman Sirus lepgie, with the water..
.of Iordanc , o3 the byttec meters with -
' mozmmooo ve Wherefooe when as no
.den could cure ?hama-he was glad an.
fayne' ~
the Abraham
V taynetotpeake let-ex. fame, and [sg
_- _ increate hem to may bnto God to take
away from hym this plague, and [o by
bis pzayec Pharao retoueten. Then
Pharao appareleu Sara m pgeetnus gar
me'nt'es, gave het gyftes, both golde and
fyluer,and pzecious Tones, and [eat her
home honefl,puce,-and holy to Abraham,
lying then in his owne houfe. lfaac at,
[o when he was mum out by Abimc
- tech kyng of the Dhiltftinesz and had
with hem the bonde [emanates of his
fathers honlhotde,to the number of. vin'.
hunnzeth and. mm. with whom Abra—
ham had etfcomfited flue kyngcs, helydo
many other md of his familte, ro that he
had ben ltronginough to haue tnuadcd
the Phuiuines z yet he woulde not do it,
but with all meekeuefle and humilitie,
he vlcd hym relfe towarde the kyng of
that countrey . Notwitbftandyng, after
he was deyuen out of that lande, the
Philiflines came vntö hum, and enn-ea

x ted hym, raping: We perteaue the

item GOOD with thee. cc. as it is
wzytten in the ['cciptnre. ?What that!

t we [ay-ot lacob when he tled from the

pzefentent hie bznthet Efau, he caryed
.Aa _tx norden
'l' he "art-ez ok
nothan with hym but a bare flaffe.
wherewith ve pafced ouer the tuner Joe
dane,asitts Witten; With my t'tatfe
patled 31 this gunman. Die neteffaries
that he take with hem fo; his journey,
was p3ayer,wherewith he made all his
wart-es. That was it fo; the whithe
God alltfted him, when he went away
to Laban, and when he returned from
hym, when alle he was delivered out of
the handes of his heather Efau- that
fought to kyllhym. Woeeouer, by the
way as he returned, when he w3aflled
with a set-tame man and ortet-came htm.
Oh Morde, who is able to number the
mercyes of the Manama the mare-alle
whirhe he-weonght with our fathers of
wozthy memoeie, Abraham, lfaac, and
jäcolzs Whatmould J [peake och/107W
our wepheardghe-mandfOt-d, that fea
red the rrueltie otPharaQ,hntgll he imgt
in the lawe,.tl1at he .had calledthettame
ofhis forme Eliafar, to; he layd the um
of his father helped hum, and delivered
hym out of the handee of [Fb-730.* An.
when he came bett-3e Pharao tuhtlifltt
Jtraelout nfhiei hann'es, and-to leave
them outer Egyptswhat thing-elt- over
- - tame
the ICWCS. :82
came he the tiratmt withall, then with
wager: Did he not ouectheowe the peide
of Pharao and his chacmets, onlye with
the cod ofthe Leedewhiehe he had with
hym :- Wheewith atio he i'mote Egypt
with ten plagues,and deuided the l'ea in
to.rii. pathes e And at the red [ea Moy
fcs retitlen not Pharao and his hdaff
with foece of armes, hut with wager:
Inhetfnze ?immo and all his were mm.
ned in the become ofthe tea. Wut May7
fes [ang a fang otpeayie vnto *out Odd,
, inher the fouldiours .of the Egyptian-e
pecythed, that came agaynfl Meych and
the people ofJii-ael with weapdns, hop'
fes,and chaciotes. Notwithlkanding,by
the meanes of Moyfes pzayee they were
ouerwhelmed all in the (ea, i'o that not
one otthem eicaped. Whois igndeaunt
ot this, that paayec is of maze foace then
all tnltwmentes of warte a that it (pee:
deth and'hal'teneth the helpe ofthe Weed,
i end his [auf-1g health-Oo you not know
when iofin the minii'tec nt'Moyfes pai
fen ouec 'Iordan, that» he was a' warlike
man, and, had with hym very many
h matt valiaunt toutdiecs :- Nedertheleire
he demoped not the tenen walles ot
. ' - Za [ij lcricho
l. (lc "MW 01.'

Lcricho hy tozce ot waere, hut all onlye

with pzayer, and with the lhoutee and
noyie ot the peieflee ot the Wide, one
foeetathers e Knowe ye not howe that
peaier-auayled (Jeet-:0:1,when ae he with
theo'e hundeed men vanqnithed the whole
heatt ot Methan Zmelelc, and the people
n the Walt. Zi piayer had not helped
bl.)sz peay you what had theee bundeed -
men ben able to do agaynit io great a
mnltitndee Marke (ye fonde people)
what chaunced in the arke of the tone
uannt ot the Jtoede, that the Philtitines
toke away. Our tathere truly tue/re not
able to recouer it by they; two-des and
foece of armesthnt with that piayet that
the init men oi that age made, the arke
was_ bionght agayne vnto hie place.
Confider the tytnee, ot k-leZelc'ia kyng ot
[näe,wben as Zilinacberib king ot öffne
came hp blaiphemtng and rayling bpon
the iannuarie .eiche Weed God othoattee.
hieatvyng out the. pit-de and malie. ot
*bis heart. Weinbar meanes was h.
ouerthtowe'ne ,dyd ont iaihere ener
come hem by ,koste via-:meet Nay with.,
out douhtt, but with peayee and i'uppli
cation, _Fee liceelcia the_ _keng went
t- i. - * Bm!
* and put on apparell meete'tox peayert
in fleede oia ihielde,he toke iacltcloth,foe
a helmet,he catt dntt vpon hie head, and
in iteede otarrowes and a twoede, he tet
hande vpon peayer and (application.
.And the peayer that l-lceclcia made,
mounted hp to tarre as no arrowe had
ben euer able to ilee t to that his one pe
-tition and peayer ouertheewe. 187. then.
tande matte valiaunt men oithe hoatt ot'
Zennacbettb. Furthermore, the kyng
ot lnclanind kyng ot lt'rael, and kyng of
Läomioynyng they; powere together,
inuaded the Woahnex, and in a wyl
dernetre and
i lande,they vnocrupied
were and baren
in great perill deye
the thirflt
What peofited them they; artyllerie and
furniture ot warree Oyd there not
[Tue out tot them at_ the inttaunt peayz
e'r ot hliiouz alpxophete and man of
God,plen_tie etwaters_ in thedeieet, unit
a'hzooke in the wyloernette s_- Carne ie
netto patfe atio hy the_ peayer of the; t
tante Startmthat a, wonderinil huclye ,
bnriye,a rumblyng, ani-.tattyng otehaq.
tiefes o'twarre and of hoei'es,_wae heard;
- in the cam'peeptthe sicianzhe'iieging the
i' tttieotZamari-Mith the whithe nor!“e
Aa iiiF, the;
- -.- "u--"..-- -

the 8jrjan8 beyng afcayde,fled,nd man. H

pnrl'uingno; folowyng them .- Ye know '
alfo that by the peayec ot the fozefayde
peophete, the famine and lache of. bietet
alesthat was in the towne ot Jamarja,
was turned into great aboundaunce
and plentie,in[omuch that thirtie Ophas
o3 meafqres of fine mealßwece lolde tot
one peece of üluer. Oo you not (ee (mot:
fooliche men) howe our toeetachecs had
the victoey euer by pzayet z- Wut let vs
come to the beginning agayne, t "peake
heb/107W, what time as he helde vp his
handes towarde heauen: had not chael
the v'ppcc hande ofthe ömdelcjcez by hie;
pgayet :- lotua alte by his paayec Wyed
the Hunne and Woo-1e in the fight :ot
- the people of Machand the Dun-1e ftode
(tyll in Ctbcon, and the Woo-1e in the
baley d ..Mom that the euenyng was
c'haungedintd noone day, and to Ilka
el vahquithed they; enemt'es . 83o1yfqn
alco that tn'ofl valiaunt Gigant, bat-_2h
(uch time as he had (ihned :did not God
euecmoze heate hie Naher, and meh-he_
gate the victoxy tbecebye Akte.: he hadx
once finned, he decdyed, as *any dtbet:
mea-1e perfekt. Likewite alcohmsöauläk
el! the wvyle ve walked perfectelye and
peu-eig, bis peayer_ encceafed bis vali
anzxmeeand flcengtv 2 but after ve bad
once Mum-,God left, hym,and gaue bim
euer. David alfa kyng ofchaej,offa
mon-memoeyezfrom :ve tyme This . ,
Mathe-ty!! bis lack end_ 5 bis valiauntncs
neuer_ fayxed hymeand whys becaufe he
alwayee was helped by vis peaycr, ney
cher woulde be euer fight agaynfle bis
countremen and natiue people , Lohan
as Saule pecfecnted hym. Wherkoee he
peeuayled agalnfl vis_enemies , and be
caul'e he abfkayned to, lay his vanees_
vpmhis beetbzcnetherkose aftecwacde '
.all _nations feared hym. Oyd note-ZW
kyng of lucja,accempanied with .a (mall
number of men, make an *expeojtqu ae
gayan the >e>1dyjan3 ,x and peayngw
cbezeozd Godzcayd outvie wyfeMW , "
Inexeccje [move-c not qbac c0 (I0, bu!: our
*Hz-_ße Zr; bene 'pay >80 7; sec. Wulf-W
My?? cv- axmfghtie dyd dem-,and (the
bjctozyejolowed ,fx-_that ML?: Rewe-'xx
(he 'ZWW "fth *MOON-1118, ten vom*:
. Weib_thoufande/men.Deboxzeaxpxophe
fixe,sz der peayer .bequem to.pam greac
. kWUquri-ehWhatfleallI telloxptx
Na _h ,ue-s
I |1' "auxdux

vers other iutt e godly women,whfch by

tbeicpzaiecs obtained manythinngel _ '
me (ye madde men) knowe ee not what
- Dtm-:12131111 king' of [häa dydslße hauing
*ware-es with the Edomites, vanqnifhed
-them,and led them peyl'onece with they;
-wyues and chyldeen and Idoles alfo to
-Dierufalem: chen tell to woefhippfng of
-the "ame Jdotes that he had taken front
the Edomitee , faying bnto them :you
-äce they which baue faued um therekoee_
*do J woelhip yon , and by you hatte. J
-oueccommed the Edemites. Oo wbom -
-when a peophet otthe load came t afked .
* -bym , why fehell chou and tecuelk the
Gods okthat people that were not able
-to deliuec them* out of thy handee "Sy
and by he taunted the peophet agaynej
Z -faying e who' in'a'be tve'e of 'thekyjigeä
-counl'eleWhe'ctose 'after thaßhewas no'_
»nme cepeehended of the peophet, toe the*
Weed bad determined to dem-eye hmmm:
-tt is wxjttetz in the bot-ke- ot the Chem,
.nicles of the kynges qt-luäa. Wet-fm.
he wastaken peiconec atteewme lyke
a Foee, when ae he eeught agaynlke
10.18 kyng 'o'f'xtcael in 8ctbfcbeme(cb.
- In! [ew-e he compared te elowe and,
HUF 1c P (d. |0)

alle theme oe thtub t And 10213- hnto the

noble and hhe Celler tree . Ikea all the
'euilles that euer happened vnto ve in
any age, it came ofour fclues t fo; out
Loth God is tighteous in all his woskcs
that euer he wZought vpon vs . Out e
nemies dyd vs neuer fo much hatme,as
wede to our feines , and to ouc owne
lines . Ye wote, the gentiles tooke the
ptecious vellele of our ian'ctuacy away
to Zabel , and heought vs them agayue
vndellled t butwe pollnted and defileh
them our (eines , and the temple alle
with innocent blood, whiche we thedde.
ahaundantly within it , addyng iin-tes
to finnes'euec mo and moMuakyng the
lawe with aut euill actes . Fo; who
thought the Roma-tes firt'f agayntk the
exitie of Dieculalem , hut l-ljrcanuä and
erfiobulWe'F-oz they beyng at Attenti
on hetwirt themielues, andone hatyng
the other , called the Remanee agaynlk
' > thlscilie. Who hsought amo-u and
.Lolita Minte- ot the Romance agayhif
ß"*_"qi' Viecufalomhut theme beyng at vari
ante fe; the kyngdom with the heute oi*
Cbakmonaniccä. Who alle called diem
()xl'ax to xaigne euer best-idee you it not
* LW.
your ieluee e* Nowe thertoie why rebell
re agaynil the Empire and dominion of
the litomanes e Jtyou will lay, hecauie . ._. BZ-e

the Romane pieftdent Lao-neue nede

red you to bad: had it not hen meet ra
ther to eomplayne of hym to the Empe
rour , then to rebell agaynit the Roma
nes , and to make warte agaynil them- *
Wut you will iay , we rebelled agaynit
dla-0 Catanhecauie he dyd de to muche
wrong. W herefoee then rehell ye nowe
agaynft l/'aiyafian Tekken-,a moi! merci- .
full man , and one whiche neuer harte
you s M why make ye not peace wich
his ionne , to be'e vnder hym , attoedyng
as other nations be,that ye myght lyue,
and not periihe e Vaue ye not a iuftiei
ent pioie of .his clementie and merty
inlnee, when as he hath taufe to be cru
ell vpon no man io mache ae upon me,
whiche dtewe- out my twozd againit the
.Romane- „and kylled manye: ot theme
Notwithflandyng , neyther he not the
ren otthe Romanes haue done me any
harme.Yea , ratherthey ,hatte behowed
many heneiitee upon metand, although
Il was inthey; hannes , yet* they hatte»
ianed- my lyte . J conietfe , that heiß-3e
t ee
the leeres. 186'
they had me pxytoner , J woulde gladlg
x . many tymes haut: fledde to them, but J
x could neuer do it, tot 31 was euer afrayd
of my wy>ed companions 3- [ew they
would haue kylch me „ aud l'o my death
had ben *to no purpofe . But uowe J
peayfe the Logo God without ceallyng,
becaufe that fox his vmneaturable mer
cies fake , he woulde not futter me to boa
entanglcd in the "ame mifchiefes that
you be imNeyther mouths J with to bee
- companionokfuche [oft vnthziktcs and
cal'taway'es-as you be ,which baue 'bed
the blood of innocentes in the temple
ofthe Kozdz 3m deede yf J had ben with
gong thould haue ben voydeof all hope
awe be , feyug ye [part not your 'owne
lyue's , and your owne contumacä- am.
flubberncs ia made a .mare kde you.- by":
gr pm you , with how great mifchiefeo
you are laden. F221! the Loede is not a
mougtkyduztnlomuch that thtoug-h the
warreswhtch you ham; miwamnngti h
hour mm ", -_atmolke the ?watero of
dchxloach are'deyed bppe ,-whirhe here- -
toto-e when the nations made Wat-re*
agath you , flowed- in "greatabounw
dauurezand mm: ouer'the hanks; on- a
~- bath - ' '
l [1C "IKEA 01'
both üdes. Wut you ate otierthwatt re.
helles that houe euer peouoked the load
Ood vuto weathhyou häue made flat-gb."
tere due bppon another in the middefi
et the tempie of the Lose: how can then
the gloey of the Jet-:de dweli amongeik
you e Knowe yenot becach ot bio-ach
aud bis cougregation z the Lowe iayde
vnto (X407er and to his peopteeZepmco
70m* [cluee from umouu tij cooZtha*
tion , :mu l [bull conäime them in *a
DMM(th 0F 311 676? 115m you are' harte
'1110M then they.Fo2 without allremoxs
ez pitie,ye pull downe the temple of the
Lowe with your owue handes,and you
your teluee l'et fire on the ianuuacye,
which mau nob'e kyngee .und moit holy -
Net-hete- builded 7 aud beüdee all this,
ye ueithee (pure your ionnes im_ daugh
tets . Quo although J bee in the m
manee eampe,yetz am uot abient trom
-you, cos my moft deariy beloued wife is
with you , the wyte of_my youth,whom
*J can not "et lyghtly by at this peeieut,
:although J neuer had ehyldeen by het 2
.but rather loue her mofle eutierly „ be
cauie the came of a mol! houefl and godq
the heute. My deate father and mothce:
Cn€ lCWCSc [57

are alto with you , becye aged pea-tons:

fozm-y father is at this day a hunnzeth
aud cms-122m olde , aud my 'mother
- toute feoze and flue: but the yet-ex ofmy
.life are very fewe, euill and full of tribu
lation and [mine , about tbzereoze and
feuen, ncytbcr baue J lyued yet fo long,
that atteman to nature J would heme
to dye. Now therfoeegfrobe i-t you trulk
not me , but fuppofe J baue peopofed
there thiugesto you deceytful-lye , und
that there is uo-truü of T itus coneuaut'
and bone-eu.: that his league (hould be:
to your hinderaunce and dilcommodi
lie: go to, cf it come ro to pafle , it (hale
lawkul fo; you to kill my father and mo
. cdu-,aud my wimp“ a [were vnto you
by the lo3d our God, that Z mall deliuec
my lyre alfe into your game; 1,thae 25%
maye do with me what ue We: and by
that meanes wall the blunt: of my pa
rentes , my mines, E mine be in pledge.
Thum-3e let the auucieut of the cute
come Foo-tv 3 and I wall make a league
betwixt them aud eur imue MWH nd
doubt ye not, but a8, hitberco tbeumne
.God would you (houlde be-aiklicted aud y.
\ ,

BMW?" by the gouememeut of thx _-y a,

e, . 'RW T
1 oc'Mktex-ot _
,Romance 2' to hereatt'et, he Exakt bene
-üie you thetby and do ye goodzyf ['o he' if'
'you will once' atknowledge and eonfelle
that all deminion ie chaunged and al
tered “at his cominaundement, and that:
*- " 7? ? God humbleth wvom he [Wand egal-1s
whom he litt he i'et'teth a'ioft'. Wut -perz
i-wade your feines of this , that ask-_mg
as ye retuie to be iub'iecte vnto the Rd
man'es,to longye flyer-e agaynlt your
[eines *Gods weath and hye diipleaiuret
and befides that, betet the longer and
peolong your redemption aud deliuez
rannte , not only to your ielues,but at
to to your polieritie. Now therefote my
bee'theen , J thought it my parte to de“
tla're alltheie thyng'ee“ bnto'you , aud it- -,
Kein your _,povier to choie whether ye
jjü-z f3; who fo wmz iet hym gene eace * ,
bnto menue-who uotzlst hem WWW* '
frommytouniell. *
:FVeyeople hearing theie tooedes ano
' iayinges of Joieph theyxiel'fzwept
huonderfullyMoe they coulde baue ben
, content to haue folowed his touniell.
-At this tyme "L'it'uz gaue commaunoe
:meutto al the ,Romane-ige "end ago-3:
_W NW. FZ? ' '
the Jewes that were peyi'oners, and the'
[ - Blaues, into the citie. By what meanes,
5K, /he fhyfted from hym fette the blood of
* the (ernannteezand layde it vppon the
nechee oft-heir maitters t to; 'kinn toko
*pitie oithem theongh totephes oeation,
and hie good conncell . The common
people ol' the Feines defired nothyng
moee then to hatte commed foozth. and
to' fall at agreement to make peace with
*[in bnt Zcbjmeon, Lleafat', and le
bocbanan, captaines ot the teditious,iet
[thong watch and warde* at entry gate.
chaegyng them to kyll all that wonlde.,
go fozth. Thu- nmny wet-e kylled whj?
the woulde hauefied teeth to ."l'icux, and -
the citie of_letul'alem was cloi'ed hp,thae
no man conlde get out nde in.. Jn the
meane teaion fell a greatdearth. and fa.
mine in lcrutalem, iniotnnthe that the
feditiono leacched enery'mans vente d
[eller to; toode. And hecaute atectaine
hontholdec withltoode them,the_yky_lled
hym. Thne they dealt with *altnen that
dwelled at lemialem, tell the* hinnal'o '
in the towne was all 'tpent ,y that-men .y
began to cette doun'g- and hemmen-:m K _ .
creme-nee *to eate. .by whiche meat-c.- i
..p .. * “ ' tobi -
..- .1.- ...4.-

mache of the-“people dyed Fo; hunger;

Whoioeuer at that. tyme could get any
hearhes o3 reotesnnyce, ierpentee, ot o
ther creepyng womiee whatioeuer they
were toeate, he was counted happy,be.
tante he had ion nde meate to infleyne e '
laue his lyie with'al in that hard tamine t .
* andterrible hunger. Yozeouer, who io
hadde any coenein üozethat no man
knewe of, he was atrayde to tende it' to
the inyll, oe halte it, hecauie ottbewio- . .
:ltednee of the' iedirioue, left they woulde
take away item them their futtenanctt
Wherioee many did eate the deye coene
bngrounde in their iellers peiuilie. At
that tyme alle were erceeding rich men
in Jeruialem which ilale meate one itö
another-,io that the father catcht meate
ttö the ionne, the ionne from the father,
the mother inatcht front her childrennhe
childeenlikewiie trö their mother.; and_ .
"uch as fledde out at the gates„ oe other
wiie let theÖngßlues downe ouer h wal
les' in the n t ieaion vnwares to-the
te'oicioue perione, the Romance-,ltylleo
them without. This euyll .therioeeand
dtilretre_ encreaied io long, tylthe people
Bademantel- ,aithac cette-et .on cv
-w. ?Wh- .
the let-W.- ' ' “196
earth, f'cö the movie to the widefztiö the
noust to the weielif whecby a most? gie
nous pefiilehcefoiowed,io that innume
table people oft-he ?How dyedz und there
e, was human to bu'cy them.,When they
chu'üccd to finde any dead hozie o; othe
. - beakt in thetowne, a man thuid ice ma
ny Fikaelites (fryue tzfyght fee-it,- in all
phyntes lyke totamyihed rauens iygh
tyng- vpö a dead_cackalke,fo that in i'uch
cöteiitions very many wer flaine.Thee
fose when diuers mm with their wyues
.k chyiozen gate out ofthe citie to gathec
heaibes to eate, E chaunced among the
Roma-tes,- the Romance layde hoide of
the litle chylheen, e kylled then-,iaying-ß
we wyll diipatch theie, leite when the!
growe once to mans (Late, they make
warte vppon vs, as their _fathexoz doeh
this day. Ho many as came out of the'
gates ofthe citie nowe t then, the
manes kyliedz F bangod them 'mon gaiy'
'Wes outcagainft che-_gues-*ofzecuiäz
1e, .to the_ uambexekzoo. After the came
maner Zebhmcynzlcbycbaoänj E [Man
dealt:iviththoie Rente-tea ivhomthey
touid by any-irayuo-eatch,ehen hangep
then! 'ok "Vol.7 kh!: UML-Sc - WWW-ZM
?F ,i- :i3 b h_ - hatte
'[be trat-tee 01*
atio they could perceaue would' flee bntd
the Romanes, they haugedthem lyke
wyte euer the wants, toth'e number of -
Fiue hundeeth.15ut1*'1tu3 gaue roman-_14
-demeut *td all his fouldioure, that no": _
man bppou pai'ne of death, Woulde-kyllt
any otthemthat fled out ok-leaknx, *-9
Foz'heitoke pitie of the [huet-cet, and_ >
reaaed net to ipeake fceudlye t loun '.
lye td the Lcroboljmlted Z tothat he went-7.* .,
yet once agaiue to the walles,ai.d Make -
vnto the Feldes ou this-ioete. WJ.
befeche you the touuttll of Joitpbz aud
come to me, that you may-lyue, and net * 4
periflze vtteriy. Opa-:e your people,wa ,
wyl you oppieu'e them vered with hun- i
ger, thirft, peflileute, and beiiegyu'ge *
15m the fedicious htariug71uu.ipeake,
were wendettullyineeni'ed, aud _intend
ee to» adde mike-biete typen miichiefe,_
handelyngyetmoze' truellyethe people c ,
dtGod. Woeeouer, they rayled at 17km.
to peouoke hytn to-auger, that he might K t
leaue 'oftpeakyug to the people, lphiche 7
had uowe almoftelefte their obedieute
and teure oftheiediciouaWherfosethe :
[edition-i tpake thus vutoy Romance."
Icio better _texte _to die' ko": hunger, and
- *“ t.- -.
'the Tewcs. 190
to be kylled in this affliction, fo to come ~
_to the blill'e and lyght we hope-fo; : then - 6;) .
"eo Ignean teeth; mofk holy temple of
mam defyled and demoyed. When ~
1 . Titus Uwe-this, he tömaund'ed an icon
*kanfme-to, be (et to the wall to hatter it,
.7 - the?, he 'in'yght delyuer thol'e pooze Wec
thee ocjt oncbjmeoo, Elcalhr, and Iei
-pbÖcbäoanthandes. who hetde them in
~ is capticzee. At the fame tyme, as they
' etetten that engin to the wall, it tumu
neu-bete mast" the campe a certaine
'young mamwhofe name was Mcma- ,
_ ganithmnt of Antiochué of Macedonia
one ofthe kynges of the Grecians, who
came at Vatpafians commanndement
to ayde Titus. The fame young man
was very l'wyfte, a good runner, and a
hardie fo uldyer,but he lather: difcretion.
t Ve came to. Titus and Kayne : J can not
* but maruayle at thy foutdters that ban.
qm'lhe all nations, and dare not let bp
you there Feines, and kyll them. Titus
heatgngthe youngkyng (ay ko, Implem
.' ,andfaydec Oowechauncesic, that be
yng of this iudgment, thou buckleft not
thy felfe, and makeu thee redy to do like
asthoul'apett: Why dxawelk thou not
a, “' 315]} ti; out_
- Über-tattoo of' -
out thy fwotde, to declare thy mauhood
vponthem s Wherfoee the young kyng
eucouraged hym ielfe, and called toge
ther al hie Wacecjonlan foulo'youcouhen
appioched to the Zeweez and *began to
lkyemyfhe with them, ihootyng with
their bowes and arrowes apaceewut ao
length the Jewee handled them fo, that
not one otthe Wuceclon'latix, raue oulye
the younghtng, which by his good foot
:manfhip and fwytc runuyng get away,
T returned to 'käme That Wemäßavin
was of the kynrede of* Zlexonclec the
great, kyng of hlocccloni'oI whicve had
the .dominiou otthe whole woelde, and
whom all nations und people ltoode in -
awyokxlofepbuä the peiclt demaunded
ofhytu whofe lonne he. waS ,- the anno*
fweredt Leonie otthe ieede ofthlcxan.
(lex-z Jilmths tenth from* hym. Lot'epb
fayde e Jitmaywell be asthou hatt (aid,
that chou-art' ot the fucceition of .Ale e:
onc'lee, too the haleanntuee oftby hearts
that thouhailthewedzdeclateth no lefle..
Dowrhett thou malt vuderltandezthat
the Romane-z“ hauedduewtiely to uw*
uayueteö thalmult at this u'meZbecaule
theyWethey-thouldhaujeto howto-h
- ?7 xx: -,- „t . ?mug
the len-cs. the*
a molk valeannt nation, which thon'ha
nyng to well tcyed, maylt tepost andre
ltifie when chou art Wed the qneikion,
- /

Z Fter this, 'l'jtna denidcd his whole

armie, and laydthem poiuily in am'
huthee roimde abont the walles. the
pzepared moeeoner toute rammeo of irö
to'batter the walles. Of theie, one he
planted vpon the iyde ot the place called
Notochjä, the engin was thirtie cuhitee
long. The fame nyght tapitaine leho.
(ba-mn with his companie iti'ned fooeth,
and vndermined thegrou nde vndet the
wheeles of the wagone *that bare the
rammez pnttyng pitched boozdesmyled,
and done oner with beymftone, in the
trenches vndet: the wheeles, and vnder
the hooxoes they fpzead leother, whirhe
lykewiie was imeared e doneoner with
pitche, oylt,-a“nd beymltone. Then they
tec-fire vpon the booedes, which hnrned
tyl they came to the teete ot the comme:
and theyonte tet ati-ce." and bar-nt, the
eng-in fell vppon the watche that was
ap poynted to kepe it, beyng atleepe,and
ltylled- them. - Whereat the Ramones
“c7 ' muthxdilmayed,
““ “W and litt'.
W iayde; Jt8"!?

'-1'he naruto?
not potlthle we fhoulde ailaulte thlst'i
tie herraitert to: they haue burnte all
* nur engines of warte wherewith we
haue iuhdneo all other kyngdomce 2. t'o
, that nowe oti'yftteiron rammee which
we brought with ho, we ,hadde but tyue
leite, and the ieditions zewes haue
burnt thiee of ihem, wat we nowe
do e thowe thall we harter the walles
hereatters Who Jewes vponthe walles
hearyng their werdet, Rowted them,
and laught them to (come. Wheretoie
'1'1tu8inrenied with anget, commaum
dcd rhother there rammee to be addeei.
[ed in the place otthat which was. went.
In' the meane ieaion,whyles, the Ro.
manes were at werke, toute young
men mouedwith a great zeale, whole
names were, :an 'k hepatlua (Jalilceua,
then (71:33:11; Cbcbtomta, the thitde.
.'lorm'inne 'Zehdroramta, the_ fourth- Ne..
eine ler0i017mlta. Their all armed,iilu
ed ont into the eampe ot the. Momanee,
thatthenflode abouttheirthtte engine
and iron' rahmen, deutung how to bat
ter the wallee. otjthe citiegot whom
iome thoie young men hellen, *the other
. .3 xx., :M m
the let-oe; . ' t9:
to kepe ot all them that apptothed nye
the engines,whyle the, other two, Icro
' folymitanus E Schomronita daubed the
timber with a certayne matter whiche
they had pzepared to make it take fire,
e flraightway cet kite vpon them,t'o that
fodenlne the ram-neo were on a lyght
_ fire. When they all toute ioyned toge
ther, withfloode the Uomanes that they
would nottome at the engine to quench
the firebhnztly the rammes *tell downe,
and the Romane- {tone aloofe, huclyng
Runes, t lbootyng thithe at thöxtot they
were atrayde to come nye them,becanfe
of their great featceneu'e, although they
were .itj. 23. men that kept h rammes .
fleet there toute tet nothing by them,noz
neuer went och ground til the cammes
were cleane beent vp,lhot the .Romanen
neuer fo thicke at them. Titus heatyng
otthe valiantnelle of there young men,
and the harmeo that they had. none hate
the .Romane- z made [peeve with his
whole hoat't to kane the 'rammes ttö the
firemen to appeehend thofeyoung men.
Then toozthwith itkueo out Schimcon,
Ichochanan', and Eleafar ," capitayne.
otthe (edition-,withthtit (vun-tours,
' . [oundyng
*L'bc trat-tra of*
foundyng their trumyets, and made the
Romanes, retyxez that they roulde not
come nye the fyee, aud t'o refcued the
toute young men front the Romane
that had enuirdnned them round about.
Jnthatikirnnlhewere kylied ten thou
[ande men and-fine hundeeth. .Then ga
thetedtogether all the whole armye of '
the ,Romanee, to allault the Jewes at
once, aWtochyng harde to the wall-:e ot
Jerui'alem, .there they rryed vnto the
Jethro, iayiuge What, are ye Dren o;
Ooateszthatyou tight dpon this fafhidn
bpdu the wallese Wyll ye he. taken in
the myddeu otthe citie, lyke ae' Open
and ,Ooatee are taken in their foldeee Ni'
ye be men come too-tb, and let vs trie
out manhoodhere in thie playne. Wut
you by Withaud at -vnwaree tet upon
them that: hehe our engine, (natchyng
then-t dpiyhe aezit were Wines ihoulde
Mattheweepyieä then runne awaye into
the towneztie the -wdluee runne inte the
wood. :If there be any nianhood in you,
dcbqlde we :ate redet here, ,come toonh
to tee-,id- many [oe co many, and then we “
.white-what ende wyll come therrot.
When the, DytaanZ gt _the [edietous -
e_i__* heart-.q
the I'ewcs; - » - [JJ
._ 7-. heat-de that, they tpeke vnto the me;
r'iours that mete in Jeruerth whiche
et-y o'u mu go out with ve to there bog;
ges, to lhewe eur fugue and (tc-machts
in; the [anctuaey and citie of the Losdet
Eben ftue hunnzeth tall telemes nttheic
owne. aceoede im'wd out vpon the Ro:
menektodaynely, tlewe. vin'. W. men;
' and* compelled the relt to-tecule from the'
weites. The Romenes-then' mat what
bah'antnetfe the Jewee had, fo; the m
memes were in number . rl. thoutando
I - fyghtyng men, * and the Jewes were
onely fine bm1d;eth, inherent not one of
them was kylled in that [hirn-ichs. The
Komanesafatce of (hot at the Feldes *
and hucted flones, to whom the IeweF
Kayne : come hyther to' vs, are not yon
they that “called ve footth, 'and peouokes'
_vs to cenie-to you,- Why come he “net
name new: p ou go-abdut to dzyue vs?
away'withectowes-_and [team What;
do“ *yethkuke-be; to be dogg'es' *.- and that
we ace 'au-aid of your trauma re we_ not
mens m, we areyourWittm- arm-bet:~ '
ters, ide-ge mm away trom‘b'e, ae re'e;
uauntw'flee from their mailkere, whet; - "
_theytotews-themto beatethe'mz -
" Tim!
'l'bc 'ortet-ak' -
71m3 lehnshis armiemart to be ard;
and part to be ilayne, he cryed to ht.
people,laying: Js it not a Game fo; yon
ye Romane-t,- and a wonderqu great
dilhonour z to fire from the Jewee t'o
hunger beateu, tamiwed, almolt dead *
fo: thirlk,aud heüegede ala-,heine thai!
ye put away this your rebukoaud igno
mir-les when ao all nations which het-ee.
totoee ye baue mofl valiauntly iubdued,
(hall heare that ye fiee from thele dead
Jewes, whole whole lande we baue in
polletfion, "o that they baue nothyng
left but this only towußwhich we haue -
alle io hattered, that they haue hut one
only wall to detend theme theüdes this,
theyate very tewe„ we are. innumera.,
hle.- they baue no nation- to ayde them,
wehaue- helpefot ,all lande. c, why then
hoye tlee' .from-theix iegbt. lyke astve
Wü imhottnt-hytdea -flet »from ,the
Cate s. -What-thouohtbe Moe-how.
dud haiatde-them.keluee; defyeratly tot
their female-..and land-.2 why do note-m
“the fame alte-intheie-wactestto set. you
arenowme-.ot-valiauutueilet There, the
Jewei- pteuayltd .chat dar. Mahal-„the
per handex wheceleteexheetelurue:
._...m 4 m
r 'Mi
into the towne with great 'gloeyzhautng
put the Romane-a to io great a foyie.
"l'ttue tommannded his to addeeu'e and
peepare »h two other ram-neo that were
Left, tobatter the wallesok Dierni'alent
withallx Whertoee the .Romane Car
pentererait a trenche,toptepare and ier'
bp the , rammeo within it, in inch place
as 'L'ttuo had alligned themThe Jewes
were ware otit wettenongh, hut wyn
ked at the matter ae. yet,vnty_llthey had
planted the maifler heames -hetweene
the ltandyng polkesHo when the wozke
was finilhed, euen to the hangyng hp of
the engine hetwirt the fiandyng pottesz
to thake the wall withall, the .Romanee
beyng ietnre and boyde ot care-,nothyng
miltrnttyng that the Jeweo woulde
ltnrre,betauie they hadhenqniet a fewe
nyghtes, and neuer iilned foozth of the
citie. Upona certayne nyght a peetye
whyle hetose daye, the .theee!-p;incipall
captaynee ofthe i'edicione came and catt » -
their headee together to deuii'e- what
they lhonld do.lZlc;1tar gane this couniel,
and iaydet zeon two the talk tyme Wed
out, bncnt theee rammeeZt gate you re"
WW enyaßeycthogaeeaewvym
['_ c --: .* .7 »C
' -' ~' 1 11¢ WQI‘I‘CS 01*
'tn-we Rm he the gates,end J mum *
out with my men againft the ,Romane-3
to get me a name atio. The other atm
fwered: go then .a Gods name Unto
them, the Lhozde Ood of the fanttuan':
iuhtthe ie in Fernfalem *lhalbepeelent
with thee,but beware thou be not (Kain,
and in any wife then be not taken alu-e.
To whom he auniweced: the Weed God
fheilihepe me, to; Upon the tcuft of the
ryghteouinefie of my father Anani the*
bye peiel't, and his finceceferuice hum
450mm?" JL tet vpon them, Elcafar then
log: :hole an hundeeth valennnt fouldi
gum, and* with them hetttutn out at
the towne beit-2e day. The (ame nyght
the Rome-.nes had made fit-ce about
their engine where they watched, ve
cani'eot thecolde. The artifiec'ts nnd ‘
fouldioucs that kept watche and werde
about the femmes, were in .number a
hunmeth and time. The day was the
MWSt-er. 2.7. of the moneth ot' Kiflcf, ,which was
the.i17.-moneth that Titus hadhefteged x
getufalem. Elcafar anuhtatompanpe
thus-beyng ilkued out, came and-founde
[eine. of the ,Roma-tes inoethngebout
.the We.: ether: "Wk-Theke. in.; .tb-*ey
'I-“O, - wurde',
Lllc 1C“ co.

teams, kylled them all, that not one

remayneo. Then come of Elcafars com
gauge l'etfme vpon the rammes, burnt
the flandyng pofles, ropes, chaynes,
and other inflrumentes of warre. The
arttficers that were there, they appZe
hended alyue, and burnt them, fo that
no man efcaped. When it was Wye,
?true-was aware of the [mo-ke of the
Me„ mountynghp hem toute, and
ftynckyng oflthe wood and men toge
thee: he theme towardes the, place there.
me with his hum, to fee what the mat
ter was. Elcafar (tt-the meane [eaten
and his companye, take as they myght
get, entry man apeece of the engines
out ot the fyeez oz tome or their heaven _
that they had kylled, and returned with
greattoy, floutyng the Romance, and
tanghyng them to fcoeue bythr-_wayez
tyl ,they tame to the gutes otzorulaleuk _
where they were receaned >thqu
and Ichochanan with great-homme.

i Zehn-e attetthis,tame mauyfouldiour. .

_7 ano great* ba-noesxot ene-..out oh all h
nations_ that were" fuhirct In : the: W
wet y? the. WWW-7.,!! I'm
to whont "l'iruz declared 'what had hani
pened hym in that fie'ge,the l'tontnefle ot
the Newest and howe they had anoyed
many wayee the Romane armie, ad
dyng moeeouer and atkyng theme dyd
ye euer tee toure-men'withllande terme
thouiand andiuuehundeeth; ivthat they
altogether roulde neither ouertheowe
them,no3take'them pltl'on'ersh7 butthe
toute -flewe' the other., lyke ati-it hadben
toppee of* Cowcummer's inty'tten- ot »
with moit thar'pe twotde'se When they
heart-Ws, they wondsed all very' much.
Then-"ihren (halte *onto-hie hoatk, and
to them whieh were newly-repayzed vn
to hym, fd WWII WW aduii'eand befle »
touniell-what was to be done, leite we
ihouldebe ai'hainedil'aith he) ben-3e all
them that'- thall hereafter haare ot our l
watt-ee;- These-aueh- an'd malte ann
cient ot the nations that were newely
rometo hieayde'wuniwetedtItit'pleafe
youemaieuiezletthe Romane-e beeath a
whyle and take" their reite, whithe are
nowe (etched-teich the tundey battayles x
otthe Jeweaz'- and tee who-"are" not [o
heoken 'dated tabuur but freche and lufly,
lhall trywh'atithe Newer-ran'de, watan
43.? '- not
'.11- -REL' (Z. [NU

not thynke that they are able to with'.

fiande lo great a multitude. But the
peinces .of the Romance deiired 71m.
that he would not pecmit them this,lelk
he t'houlde encceale their owne logowes",
yipecaduentucethey fhould be diitom
fited(iay they)otthe Feldes, E the mat
ter redoimde imto our (home. Foeif we
which ace-acquaynted with themz »and
knowe theic manec of fyght,can-not lm,
t'teyne their violence c how (hall they do
it that neuer had peofeof- the (ktength Ze
fozce of the Jewes s They (halbe to thö
lyke Ffope whiche groweth vppon' the
walles, in compatifö of the Teuer tteek
' of [WWW. The other' ("ayd c Nay,they
Douwe do well enough with themiAnd
- they vrged "käme [o inftantly', that they
conftcayned hym to gtaunt- them their
deflce. Thenlitu: gene them leaue to
tet vpon the zeweohhynkmg with htm
felfe,peraduenture the Newes 'meye he
put to the wozi'e of theie that wyll fyght
without any teure, not knowyng 'the
foece of ,the Jewee :(de the .Romance
that haue had ttyall of their ftre'ngth',
fyght fearefully o weekly. Ho the loede's
* - the Wange
“ natione
i check-ont of
CE! their
4|. 11|; 1'.“th 0].

armles toutetroee thoul'and men, kenne

thonfande Woccclomam, twentie thou
l'ande engllfhe Noname, fine thoulande
Sramjtea, ten thoutand Ritt-Keane, ten
thoul'ande valiaunt Zutguucliant, ftue
thoul'ande [LeäatanHlau ofall ten thou
l'ande Vet-(Zimt E Cbaläeauz. Theke ther
Foee went into the plaine whiche ia by'
thetepulchte of [ocbaoan the hye pelelt,
and from thence uiade an allault vpon
the Xeweo thatwere hpon the wallcs,
fettyug hp their icalyng ladders. lebt).
-cbaiilatt layde vnto Zcblwcoo E [Arafat
:hio compantdno t It you thyuke good J
-wyll tune todath and [kyemyihe with
-thel'e vncircumciied, to let the lee what
3| can do. Zcb'lmcon aunlwercdt abet
,two ot vs do it, and the thirde kepe the
gates e walles, fo: chou alone art able
to do nothyng agaynü them, they are io
many. [lenkt-11* alowed this aduice, ofte
ryug himl'tlfe to beare lcltocbanan com
panie. Zebimcon bad them go, i'ayingc
the ltoede ot the ianrtuarie gene them
into your handea, and deale not with
you at this tinte acooeding to your wo;
kee. ÜbenchNbauan and Elealat illu
ed wahre. hundeed good tuen ofwarZ:
, . ...-0
'. *l* ,ä *-4-*
' ' t
..a ['- ..v " 'an

"the ninth' daye ot the moneth 'l'etcchz Decetn

(whichwae the tenth month that 'ihn-3
had bci'ieged Jetnialem) and onectheew
ot the -gentiles otthathoane lvtj. thou
tande e* fine hundteth membeiidee theeo'
thonl'aude whom they take ptil'onere t
bat ot the Jewea were no mo hayne in
; q 'that tyght then onlye tenen, whole boa“
dies with muthe reioycyng and gceatö
triumph they caryed with them into the
townez and buryed them there', lelt per
adnenture the *oncircumciied thonlde
hane mifoedered them. The gentileo
that were left, with great thame and
diihononr returned tinte-71W, who
repechended them beeauie they would.
not betone the Romance. The netto
day tolowyng-. the Fewes beonght teeth '
the theee thoulande nobleo and genile'
men that'they had taken peil'onero, ann
plucked out of entry one oi' them an
eye, and tntte ot enery man the tone'
"hand, atierient them backe with thame , h
and reyeorhe to "l'ttot campe. Then:
'L'jctn coniulted with all hieptinres
what were heike to do with the _attac
liteot and-*when enety inan-had iayde
hie myndezhelyhed neuer a mana cdu-tc_
"A, :x ' "'* ' *“ NJ tel'.
1. (1': Falke-,8 of

_ kell,but fayde vnto them 3 Well, J hatte

- deuifed this with my [elfe, which J wyl
folowe, ond no man (halt beyng me fcö
- my purpofe c We wyu kepe the fiege
without any ucfaulte, o3 fkyemyfhe , fo:
their victuols failed them long ago,and
t'o they (halbe famifhed. 115 el'ydes this,
when they [ball fee vs ceaffe to fyght
with them, they wyll fall at vartaunce
amougfl them felues, aud kyll one ano
ther. Thiscounfellwas thought good
ot an *1"'tch peinces 7 wheretoze they be..
[ieged the towneas *l*wa cömaunded,
aud clofed bp all the wayes of the* citie
rounde about, lett the Jewes fhoulde as
they had done befoee, come vpon them
at vnwates. They appoyuted mozeo
uec watch day and nyght, to take heede
that no man thoulde »come out of the
towue to gathec heacbes fo) their futte
naunce. Then entreafed the hunger in
Jerufalem, whiche y? it had uot ben [o
greeuous, the title had neuer benwon c.
foz the fouloioucs of the townewere
lyghtec then Egles , and featcec then
Mons. There dyed thecekoee of 'the fa
mine wonderful] many of the-*lcr0F0174
_mth fo that the Jeweo could not fyndo
_ *-: Mc?
the tem-„t, [93
place to bury them in, they were fd ma
ny in euery place ot the towne. Wany'e .„
*eau their dead tolkes into theit welles,
and tumbled in them felues after, and F' "
dyedWany all'o made the telues grau'es,
and went into them alyue, where they.
NN t

taried day and night,and dyed vnmourz

ned foe. Fox all mournyng and accul'to
med lamentation the the dead was lefte
dt,becaufe of the vnmeafurable famfne,
whiche was to great that it can not be
tolde, and J can not rehearte the thou
t'andth part of the mitchiefthat tolowed
of the hunger. "l'mxz teyng the innume
cable carkates ot the dead that were taff
into the beodke [(1cjr0n lyke Wang-,was
wonderfullye amafed with feace, and
lkretched out his hat-.des towarde hea
den,1"aying: Loxde God ofheauen and
earth, whom the Jtraetiteeh'el'euetn,
tlenfe me _from chi-*unnez _whi'th rqrel'y
J1 um not the taufe: of: the Z] required
.peateofcth'emz-bt'tt'they estate-j *ib * *Und *
they them felue's *are* tohgcot'th'i's 'mil'
hhiete, they have-h18ued-agayne-thect -'
dwne fouteshend-lyuee e _J betethe “thee
recken it er?? me fox-a kytxhez' (hat the
Meet-*_„.,te!etätheone x ,' '
,'. du. "ac-'a

.Weßthat tyme, certaine wicked per.

_ . tens otleruialmnaanndeted Zune.
to] the pzieüe faliely, l'aying to capitaine
' Zeig-mon: Veh-side, _hmmm the bye
pxieüe which dyd let thee into the citie,
goeth about to flee to the tentee of the.
Romance, Thon hafi erperience ot his
great wyt and wyfedome, howe he alko
knoweth all the iecrete wayee »vntothe
towne, temple , and ianctuarie e and
who can' tell whether he wyll beyug the
.Romance come nyght at mydnyght in
to the cine g', Therefoze Zchimeon l'ent
xertaine to tetche Mantel_ and hie, toute
[ouneo vnto hym. , -
.They that were [ent, ,brought amjccaj
. _and but there of his [onnee,toa one was_
tledde, t'o the .Romance , and came tu
1ol'epb., When Mantel with the othee
Lotte:ch to »Zebuneonz nseiencexhe be!
louabtbem bewirken-*c leur-butte- be
put .>quth hy aud-.het lets .(kaitv ve) I
WxMuetx-Fsethe death-..tmqu
.The-1,_ thhtxchhW hard hear-red,
and wouldnot: _ K Waiti- t to: it
* _Wade wyllthat xttaißiyulde be put
, . -nylhe'di hecaute he wae xhKhex-,ngerof
achte*:ch into LEWÜMZS'ZIZWWY
7 , 7 * *
* ' * [El
co:: [ETW.

.*- fel he into his handele, which koig'ooo'x

*i* rewarded hym with euyl. Ichimeon cö.
k mounded a "ost of muttherers to-place
i N loictgivpon the walles in the i'yglif
otthe_ Roma-tee., and tayoe vnto hymc'
k Secu chou Q1111ch :- why do not the
d , Romanes deliuer and reiche ihee out ot
my handes,thee Ii lay, which wouldeff“
haue fled'de away vnto them t' Mmltta't
aunlioered nothyug to this, but uylibe.“
kought ,hyin that befoee his death he:
myghtkytfe his fon-tes , and byd them
farewell; hut Ichimcoo vtterly denyed*
hym. Whertose &tritt-ii wept aloudezhrx
taying to hie connes; J beought (dear-e:
chyloeen) J beought this. theete into*
this towiie, wherekoee J am counted.
nowe to; a theefe my folie. Ali this mii.
chicte whithe is come vppon me *and*
you, it is myite owne doyng, betani'e J
hzought this ieditious vylloyne into
*' this holy eiiie. J tho/ughtthen, perao
> uentuce he wyl bea helpe to the townee
but it is nowe peoued contrary, toi he
_ hath bena moit cruell ennemie of the
fame. It was not enough fo; vs to keys
one i'editious perion ,"'lcl-*iocbanan J
means, which.; toke vnto'hym Lleafac
' . ' ' Ctiitt _WI
I. |1. "Kl-..a xa..

the iich 'begyn'ner of [edition e- but J

muit beyng in alio this wiched chnmc.
0n,whirhe io ioyned to our tote to de
ltroy vs. Judeedez neuer beought him
into; any loue J] bare vnto hym, but all
the peieikeo and the whole moltitude. of
the people (ent me to fetche hym: not
withftandyng, .J am wooethy of this
tuite iudgeme'nt of God, becaaie J tolte
vpon me .luthe an ambaltage. What
thouldez lpeake ottheethou malt wic
Ked Zcb'ttiieoti r' tot whyther foeuer thou
tut-neff thee, thou beyngeft all. thynges
out offrame. In deede thou dealeft iult- -
lye with me, becauie J haue l'ynned vn
to Ood, to hie people, a his eiiie, in that
3| baue beought thee in, to be a. plague
to it, wheteioee F am woethy to be ltd
ned. Notwithflandyng, it had ben thy
partthou wiched inurtherer, to delyuer
me and my konnte-from the handes oi
the other ieoitious, tot Il baue-weoughr
chem' diipleaiure, but to thee haue J
done good. .ihr-wehen, our God wyl not
alter not-change his iudgmenteo,whieh“
is,that I ihouldefallinto the (woede of
-thy handez totthat J made thee' to enter
'mochte-?rith wherein ItoitendedVod
* " .i 57;;- .ji grey
ene' 167768.

grenouilysiiener Ii had pnrpoi'ed to flee

bnto the Romane-'ty coulde J not hane
done it betoee J beought in thees to; at
that tyme baret't thon no rule oner vs.
And befoee we called in thee, lcb0cba.
nen with his (edition was an otkence
vnto this citie.Wherfoee we pcrtwaded
all the auncient of the towne, that thon
thouldett be an ayde vnto vs, to dgyue
out ont foes: hut then in whom we put
our trult, art become our enemie t yea,
thou hatt ben woeie then they, tot the
other put men t'o death ptiuilye, thou
doeit it openlye. Who is he that hath
flcengthned the power of themntaneoe
Urt not thon he whichehatt kylled the
. touldiouro otOod in the myddefk of this
citie Vieruialemstoe few hane ben (tante
without. 7ma- woulde haue made peace
with vo, takyng pitie vpon vs; but that
7ame dyddeltthou let ano hynder, enery
'day monyng newe warree, and lti'rryng
newe battaylee. Titus' gaue charge to
hie iouldionre to laye no -ha'ndes vpo'n x
the temple't but thon haft: polluted and ,
deftled the tet'nple ot-the Lto'wehhedding_ ,
blood without mealnre' in": the-ntyddes'
therof. &Tito; went backe tromho bps-Zn
,_ , :o ' » e
.1 11c ".11 .ca q'.
„the holy* day of theLozde, and eeafi'ed
from kyghtyng,iaying, Oo and edlerue
your holy feaftes in peace ; but thou vn
halowedft the feaile of the Lowe, and
lathedll out the contiuuall tyee with im
neemt blood . All thel'e euyls whiche
thou halt committed thou muctherer,
ate imputed vuto me,becaufe J beoughf
thee into the towue, Nowe therfoze this
vengeauuco is appoynted to myne age
of the Itotd God, and by chy haudes [hdl
Z goto my graue with ioeowe, hecaule
J hy my tooliihuefle was a docc iu this
milchiefe that ie [thought by cheeAlbe
it_ nowe thdu wicked chlmcott , in this
that than ,kyllet't me eco that myne eyes
may fee, the _burnyng ot the temple, it .
pleafeth .me very wellxbut what needech
thee thM-„mutthecet to put my [onnes
to death het-'3e my face-*why doelt th ou
nottyaee MAM/We' .Wdulde God chat
lytte 'ae- I (hall not tee the humyng of
the'cemple, lo alle I: myght not .tee the
blood ot my thildxeu fhed hetm my face. _4c
* Wut -tphatthell-.J oo when Oed heth
delt-2 [Lerch the htto ,the handee of a malt -
:eiche-_mens- We that were the atmet
thtte yereuialt. , abhoeted lcltocheocm
- . _hecaute
'fo-1" 7.' c' 'o7' Ft. M

betonte he mucthered olde men wfthout

all-teuerence, but he Rewe no young
men: chou deflroyefl olde and young,
great and-[mall, wtthout any pttie o3
mercte.l-c1_10ch311ä mourned fo; the dead,
and huryed them altoetheu playelt vpon
tnt'trumentes ac their butyals, fingelk
to the heute, and foundeü the Trumpet.
Then (pake he to Zcbtmeoox teruannt,
who wae ccdye with a [woede in his
vaude, and an are to kyll hym, and to
cut ot hie head,faying : Oo to nowßand
erecute Zcbtmeon_ :hy matflers com
maundementebehead [onnes in fyght o'
their father, and let me heare the voyce
of crueltie in my fonnes,which notwithy
ttandyng J toegeue thee. Fo; as J (hall
fee and heare that agaynlt my wylle fo
J dare (eye chou kylleft them not wyl
lynglye. Woulde God that ch1'1mcon
wouloe futter me to kylke my fonnes,
and whiles J) am aliue to emheate them
hzthey dye. Wut thou gehtle minifierz
in one thyug fhewe thy pitie towacdes
me, that when chou hau put my formed*
and me :to erecution, [eperate not out
hodyea, neythec lay in [under they;
rohes from meh?? but lo, that mh bode
4* .We
l ,l nc Yille ([1:

'may lye bppermofl and couertheirs, to

.defende them from the toutes of the aire,
leite they deuour my ionnes bodyes, fox
.it may foztune they may he buryed . J
.beiethe thee alio that my mouth and
tongue when I am dead maye -tonche
my ionneafaree, that io J “maye both
embzace and kyite them. tönt what do
Jdetay delinger-any [enger, ieyng the
enemie denyes me thiez to kiike them
whyles we are yet alyueeßee thou ther
foee that our bodyes be not i'euered; and
yi- Zchimeon wyll not permit this, that :
dur bodyes may be ioyned in this world,
yet can he not let ouriouiea to be ioyned.
Fox, after J (halbe once dead, J doubt
not hut J (hall tee the lyght ofthe Ieoxd.
Die ionnes hearyng their father; wo;
dee,.beganto weepe very tote with their
,tatherzwhd iayde vnto them. Alaa my
ionnes why weepe ye s- what auayleth
teares *-2 whyddye not rather.go bet'oee
me, and J wylltolowe as 3|- mayet fo;
what fhould J] do nowe,feyiigi15odhath
genen me into the hands of a moit 'true'
tiraunt, who ipareth neithermyne agez
not your youth :- Wut »F truly khalt »
lyue togetheriu the iyght of-the-Ibdedt.
* F) „tz, ' ' q*
me lCWCS. ~~202

Und-although J cannot be rum-en nowe

toteeyou enough, yet when we that! ..L'

come thyther, we (halbe fatitfied with

beholdyng one another. Go ye therefoze
mytdeare tonnes and peepare bs a place.
O that 3| myght go befoze you,the item
knowethJ woulde do it glanlgeAIBut ye
my tonnes, maruell neuer at this that
is chaunced vnto vs, fo; it ie no newe
thyng.The lyke happeneo bekoee this in
the tyme of the Charm0n311.jte8,wben as
Antiochus by his wickedneffe, put to
death the (euen bgethgen, young men,in
the [yght of their mother, whiche wa
a tyghteons and a. godlye woman, who
chaunced to fynde this mercie at the
items handes, that the myght hilfe-het
tonnes and embeafe them, as they alfo
hilt one another befoee they dyed. All'
' they were put to death by the crueltie'
of the vncitcumcited kyng ofthe Macc
donizms : yet obtayned they that, which
h is denyed at this day to vs that ace put
_ to death by Schimcon , who hath the
“ name of an 1mm“,- who beareth allo
the conenaunt of out father flhzaham.
in his flelhe. And woulde God it wyghf
?NW 9.5 x1,- W!! 9! .thxxx F!!! Vs W“
'5, - I t. (3 o'
l [16 'TINTI 0L'

otrel'i,whieh alheit it wyl not be graue-i3

ted, yet we fhalbetheir neyghbours, ke
yng that we allo dye fo; the lawe ot the
Loede. Thertote he-ot good comfoet my
l'onnes,and lament-not to; my fake. Fox H
J judge this my miterie eaiier, aud not
l'o great as the calamitie ot Zlcjlciabit,
whole ionnes were firit kylled, then his
eyes put out by the king ot Chaläea, aud
he lyued many yeres after t we are fo
much the mote happyer in my mynde,
becauie we mal die together. Then layd
Zmittai to Ichimccme [ernannt whiehe
ehould kil him: Wake lpeede F peay cher,
and kyll me firlte befoee my childeen die,
then after kyll them allo, that we maye ,
bye together t foeio it is-moee erpedient
fo; vs, then to leey temple oi the hoede i
turned into a butchery oe flaughterhouie
to llea men in. After cryed he vnlo God,
faying' t J] beleche thee O Loede ..God
molk higb1which dwellelt iu the highefl'-,
iudge this 8(11'1 meon atcozdyug to his
woekes, rewacde hym attoedyng to his
del'eruynges. Fo; thou art. the God al
myghtie and deeadt'nll,let not this thiefe
,bye therfoee amonglt.the"*'peoyle ot thy
- eau-iu. x;th ?hat hie Heath, may- b
?“ z * _ieuered
.oc tca'ck. ä»
tenered from the death of other men ',ler
hynt dye a hoertvle and/a todaine death, “*/
let hym haue no tyme to conteite his
finneo, and to returne hym ielte to thee, /// “_Ic-:74* *_

that thou mayefi receaue hym (to; thou

art wont to receaue them whiche tnrne
to thee by repentaunte) too he is not
woethye of repentaunte , whiche hath
tpoyled e watted many goodly thynges
in thy temple, beiyhee that, hath mut
dered mofle holye men in the fame. To
thintent thertote that thy indgementeo
may be declared in hym, J beiethe thee
malte hynt to be taken captiue of hiN
enemiee, together with his wyfe, chyl.
been, and familie, and all that euer lone
“ hym. Neither gene vnto hie ioule anye '
part with the people ot God, not let his
poetion be with the init men in thy laura'
tuarie, fo; he io vnwotthy of them, be- -
cauie he hath not only tinned hym ielte,
but hath cauied Jirael to iinne.Where-*
tote let his indgement and tentence go
fooeth front thy tight,that he may l'ee hin
wyte, chyldzen, and his whole houie led
into captinitie tt bondage befoee hie face."
einerde let him dye a t'trannge deathz
.a ...WWW-uch
x_- >
1 [lc Wilfl'C) of

fach as neuer man heacoe oi, let hym be

killed of mofl swell men, which when
they haue [mitten ham, may after quar
ter hym atio whyles he is yet alyue, and
that he may fee his go into bondageälet
him alio be a tucie bekoee all that that fee
himWoeeouec let him pecteaue that my
leagues and deftenye ta better then his,
when as 3| go vnto thee , in that great
yght,which he (halbe depxiued of. fitter u
there woxdes, Amittai iayde to th'e fer, '
uaunt who was appoynted to kill hem:
31 beieche thee, .let me fynde iomuch fa
uouc at thy handelt-,that when thou halt
(layne my ionnea,thou wouldefl kyll me
with the fame flame, whyle it is'yec
wet with the blood of my tonnes, that ‘
out blood maye be myngled, and this
'may be a recreation to my route. Kill me
alto in the iyght of the Roma-tes, that
they maye auenge me and my tonnes
,vpon this motto ccuell Zchimccm, they
(halbe witnefles agaynit hym , that zi
was not thelcfcende, Wut'woulde Ood
my matters were all in that ftate as x
they wet-e veto-ze, to; then ihoulde they 1
pecteaue -me to be an chemie of Schl- ,
_ty-0:18. at!!! a freude of their-3. Magma
' od
the lenee. W4_
God J had withfkanded 8cb'1medtj at the
fyglt io eacneflly, ae J] made warte vpon
the Roma-tee, that J myght haut andy.
ded hie crueltie from the people of .God
When he had fayde all there thingee, he _
peayed befoee Ood almightie, iayingt,
OOod whithe dwelletk in the hyghect,
thon only att mol't mightie and ieaceful,
open nowe the eyes otthy iudgementes, *
conüdet and iudge betwitt me and te- .
ditfons 8cj1'ime0t1, whol'e maliceis be
kommen vnmeaturable vpon the people -. f
of God, that he _whiche (headeth the
blood of them that feare thee in the mim_
delt of the templez may be rebuked ok*
thee with thy rebukinges, accoedyng to
hie woekese make ipeedie vengannce,
and pxolon-g not,and that fo; the deathes
fake ofthy iainttes, foe the iudgementes
ace the iudgemeotes ot tcueth . Then
8ch'm1e0n gaue commaundement to
toute cuttheotes ot his, that theee ot
them thoulde kill Ümitta'tä thzee ionnes
befoee thtye fathtrs face, and the foutth *
dulde kyll Ümitca'thim ielte,and fo the
lood of the -i'onnes was mitt with-the -
hioodottheyz father. Atterw'acde schi
meom "ernannt toke the body of Name
Dd i* tai
'l'be trat-tea 01-"
ta'i, andlaydeit 'bpon the bodyes ot his
tennee _as his. defyee was, then tum bled
- themouer the walles; After that, com- _
maunded 8cb'1meon that Chananebu the
hye pziett ihoulde beyut to death, whole
- body was caftxvnto the bodyes-ot Naar
rahand his ionnee.-5 haft-ue alte the
fctibe,one ot the noble, men tei-Viermet
lem, was kylled at the [ame tyme t and
ten mo init men of hie kinred and' houke,
becauie they mourned fo; the death ot
Nciiluu. It foetuned whyle Zeinmeon
_was a kyllyng of thoie ten,certayne fuh
lkanciall ryche men patied by“, and were
wonderfullye amaied, when they ia'we
the thyng,iaying one to another.: Oowe
long wyll God futter the malice ok Zchj
me011,811d wyll not featehe out the blood
ofqu menmoe reuenge them a-Certaine
ieditious perione hearyng this, tolde it
vnto Zcb'imctm,wbo eommaunded them
'to be appeehended, and murthered the
fame day. After this, there pahedliya »
leuen ot the noble men ot lhieruialem, »
whiehe ieyng, two and tourtie inno
eentee to be put to death by chttmeon,
they lytt hp they; eyes to the heauens,
and iayde_: O Xbox-de Odo ot Jirael,
, - '2 - W howe
>77- 7
the [ek-ee. 2h; ' l '
D* howe long wylt thou holde thy hunde,
and kepe in thyne auge.: agaynft theke.
trankgcehou'rs ofthy wyll.- which when
8cl1'1mcon hearde of, he commaunded
them to: be appeehended, and hylled
them with his owne handes. Lleäfar the
fonne ot .Knecht-WWW key-1g' the ma- *
11'.:er wyckednee-,of Zchjm'eou to be
great, that he made away the' iulke und*
godly men of the citie, and that there
wat-?no hope kette s be toke “the towze 'ok
* Diecdfalem, remayned in it, ent-.kept
' it with his. [ebmich alfo acaptaihe oucc*
a thouftmde men, whiche kept a tukret
that 8cb1mcollhad made to put fuck and
godly men fnz gate hym bp vpon “the t
top of the walles,' and cryed to the 15c:
maneszifpecaduentuce thehwoulde dc-K
11'ch hym, andthe cel! that were at VW -
rufatem. Whecet'oze he went about to>
x efeape with his thoutande *men 'that he
Z had. with bym, and camejtotoarde the
Romanes. *Wut thWomanes tcufted
- them nohthinkmg Wad fpoken this fo!
" deceipt: whecxoxe_ theytame not to helpe
bym. 8Wth Upon thts'kylled, [>11
.cl-18, and( the: thoufande meh* which:: he
bad-with hym, and) commaunhed they;
* ' :Od q“ bodhee
'l'be "ortet of'
bodyes to be tumhled ouee the walles in
the light of the Romanes. Then 8c:qu
meon cryed ,to .the ptinces and captaynes
otthe Romanes,iayingt Lo,thel"e are
lehnch company, thefe woulde haue
eome'fooeth hnto you, take they; eatka
fes to youand reuiue theniagaine if you.
* can,oe els deliuer the 'tefiwhiehe yet line
out of our' handes .

(JOIN the peielt, father of [oN-ph j

the yzielt, whithe wiote this booke to :*
the Jiraelites, was at that tyme in '7
bondes and peyfon in a certayne tureet, l
a man of great age,hpon a hundeeth and *'
i thirtie, and no man“ couldetome to hym,
noztro hym. loieph therefoee went to *
the turret where his father was kept, to
.-bnderitande howe hedyd. De behelde h
alle theturret a karte of, ifhe myght ei'
pye his father and comfott hym . And as
he paited by, lokyng bp to the tutret,the
feditious hueled a-itone at hym, whiche »
hit hymon 'the head, that-it ouertheewe ,
hem. Theieditious feyng.*L0(eyh mee *
out of his-eharret, to go
- downe vnto hymt but-when "kinn bad '
knowledge thereot, he" :cent tdith
: .: " licensth
the 16'768. 206
fitength to helpe hym hp agayue, and to
no [wong.
defeaue hymThefeditious goyng
that his enemies dydabout
hym _ I *

7' to take Ioléph, founded a trumpet very

tonne, whiche when Iofephes mother
that was kept tn Scl'nmeons heute heard,
beyug uowe very olde. let-tv. pet-es, ac
ked what was the taufe of that hurlye
butlye. Theytolde het,that the (editie
nus ifiued out at that thoute agaynlk Io
fcph to take hym. When the hearde
*that,*by aud by the tan out of the houl'e
' that the waekept iu,and clymed tap the
wallee, ae lutkyly ae though the had ben
a young gyele of foutte'eue yete oldeztare
her heete, aud ctyed out', weyyug aud
raging befete all them that were tue-7
l'ent: Js my hope then 'come to this:
coulde 31 euer baue looked that J fhoulde
haue oueelyued my kenne, aud that J
thoulde notbe fulkted to fee hym, .and to
* *bury hym a' 3| bad tcufked he than": baue
bucyed me, audthat he thoulde haue ben
, a helpe to me in myne age, aud when
' mywhole familie by the reunions mas
almofle made away aud extiuguilhedc
yet J tayde (hau comfost me. Newe
WW what [hall 3| do, when I haue
' ' Dei u none
* _ -, , 'l'be »Wu-'es 0c l
- l mnefeftto comfoet me ofW-:dly-xhyl(
'7,' dzen thatz bace,fo3 betweeneztbejfedw
-' tions and the gentiles dudencmiesz-cbey . .
f haue flame eyghtßnefonnesthacJ-xhad,
and what walle do :no-we from heute.
fooxth, but couet death-:fd: J-defice not.
to lyuedowe *any longer. :And howe
(houide J receaue any-confolationzwhen
J1 [ee'my kenne-deadNfid J can not bury ,
hims Lowe chat J might dye by and by,
MZ] can-_not- line aux-longer, finde my
four-e 10“(th js dead . She went bp yet
facthec .vpon 'the :wallexß- thll 1he came.
koche tudxet**whece her hucbande was
' (nx-Momendacetcht out .ber handes
- towadde beauen z- ungcwjth a loude
voyce x O my forme qucyh, my fonne
e where arcthou a- couwW-fpeake vnto
me,and cdmfoxt me. The teditious bea
dyug herz laught her to- (come Z but che
,Romanes when :they .heacde her , and
knewedflakcyb that iewas, his mother,
theywepteand lmnented-hec. cafe, and
many of *the MMS-alfa that »were in
Diecufalemc but >2wa .fayne to re
fraynezitxlcuthehlhdnlde be -pecceaued
of 'Zcbjmecmx ccueil 'MffdMeS -. _ WWU
[0&9]ng ,mother-[MMM 3th *feditjous
7L/ . x: f *_ „H thai
coe 16'768. / eo7
thatwere by her vpon the walles 2 why
do ye not kyll me atio, whiche bare l0
_f Fephmy tonne, and nurit hym-with
there beeattese Ye enemies 'of the Leslie
baue murthered hym with other iutte
and cyghteous men, why kyll ye not me
all'o s God be iudge-betwirt me and yon.
that haue killed my ionne gyltlefle. Whe
l'editious auniwered-het 2 canlt thou not
if thou lilke , tumhle downe ourr the
walland dye s we wle gene thee good
leade. When thou halt done to,the the.
manes (hall take thee hp, and bury thee
honoutably , becauie that thou art 10
:[6be mother,who is they; trende. Sehe
annfweredc howe thoulde J] do this ruill
vnto my fette, to kyll my leite, and con
flrayne my toute to go kooeth ot my bo
dye, bekoee that God do call it 3' it J
l'houlde do fo, J t'houlde haue no hope
left in the woelde to come, ko; no body
wyll bury them: whom they perceaue to
hatte killed them (eines, Theteand [uch
lyke,whyle the real'oned wyiely, the te-.
ditioua bearde, and motked her. Wher
toee the weht the _moee aboundanntlh,
fo that the Ron-ante and other godlye
. men hearyng her wyl'domr, tonlde not
* r _, Od titj ahttaYne
I. lab "flll'u'q' l ,

abüayne from_ wepyng . loi'epb whe l

he hearde hismother ipeake, he gate on_
acmour,and aypzoched to the wall, ao'
companyed with mdfle valiaunt Ko
manee, to defende hym from the ar
rowes otthe Newer, and fpake to his
*mochte Feare not my deare mother,
not take no thought kde me, kde J baue
eicaped the handee of the ieditious, God
hath not iuftered me to come into they;
“ - handes. WherefoeeJhaue hearde thee
woedes ot thoi'e wy'cked councelloure,
that aduiied thee to kyll thy [elfez and
thyne aunlwere agayne to them,whiche
betotethou gaueit them J knewe then
wouldelt aunfwere. God toebid 3| [ay,
God tozbid that 10feyhea mother and
the wyfe of Cotton, choulde content td
the councell ot the wytked. Where
toze (my deare mother) be content, and
beare the yoke of the (i'editioue patient
lye, and humble thy telte .betoee them.
Vene: (treue aZaz-nlt the mjl'crjea anti
calamlcjea of' title» tyme, erbich tbou
canft not alter n0r remeäje. Fo; they
.'ihall peryl'he z but 'we (hall flande and

?Here were certayne men otthieru
talent at that tyme that came to the
gates ,ouercame the warde , and gate
out with they; wfues and childaen , and
"o eicaped to the Romance , became
they coulde no [enger abyde the famine _
and the iniquitie otthe ieditious. They
were taythwll eltizens and of great auc- '
thoeitie , whom when Jokeph heard of,
he beought to packe that 71m3 (Jared
them and rereaued them to mercy. Fo. -
Joleph bare witnel'te and repozted toz
them that they were noble men oWie
rnfalem. Wherefoee the .Romanes re.
ceaned them , and gaue them foode and
initenaunce, but certayne oftbem could
not bzooke no; take it becaul'e ot they;
great hunger wherewith they had ben
long pyned , and when the meate del
cended downe into they; bellyes, they
dyed l'trayght . They; litle chyldeen
atio when they kawe beeade, they fell
vppon it , and receauedit in deede with
they. faethzbut they were not ableto
cheweit,and dyed boldyng the beeade
betwyrttheyeteeth. 'l'ltua teyng them
/dye when they taojed ot meat,had rnetb
l and competition vppon them , and was
* Wd v . very
.1. ...- "

very ioey , faying vnto loieyh." What

(hall Z] do foe thy people., whiehe affone
as they begyn to eate , dye flaygbtwaye
[Lofepli anniwered: My Itozde, 31 re
Xmember J] baue l'e'enethis experience,
that they whiche fait long, and afteu
woulde take meate , fytll': they deynhe
a litle iodden mylhe, oe els eate of a .
tei-tayne roene called 8imel-, foddeu
in mylke,wherewith they itrengtheu
they; bowelles befoze they take meate::
fpecially inch as waihed theough wyl
dernelces , whoie bowelles were long
empty , when they came to places in- .
habited and founde meate , they w'ere
went to vie. this meanes . j, Therefoee
'L'itut eoinmaunded his men to do as
Lofcph bad them, whereby many of the
Jewes eeeouered , and manye dyed of.
the flire . 'Theke Jewes whiche were
eieaped thus out of Hieruialem to the
' campes of-the Romanes , had iwalo- 4 *
wed bp "Left theyegolde , l'yluer , aud _ .
. peeeions itunes to hyde them, lelk they.
ihoulde be founde of the feditious.
*They thetetoee whitve. retouered and
htooked' meate ,when they- woulde ia
tiifie nature ,they went alone out of.
:_ the

the campe ,'andattec fought they; golde'

and üluec and pzecious (tones, whiche
were _difgetted in they: emementes, Z
and they euecy daye -. . At length
certayne Mamtccs and &tobt-1x13 'et'py
ing-the Feines *-to vlethis tafhioo , told
itamongefl they; fellowes one to ano
. thet,and made a confpiracie to taye
wayte fox the Iewes, and' whom -1'o euer
that they gate , they rypt theyx bellyeo,
to finde the golde and other Jeweltco '
* whiche the Jewes had hyothete. And
by this! meaneg the >r3111'1tc3 and S*
- tobi-x118 had murdzed two thoucande '
Feldes. Bot when 'l'jcuz heard of this,
he was wonderful'. waothe , and tom
maunded them to bee appzehended-that
had done this wickedde'ede , and* to hoe:
put to death ,whofe goodes were geuen
to the Jewes that remayned alyue., : ; 7
* They, that wereput-to death fozthia
- facto, were two thoufand Mramitea-and- '
_ Nrabjana together . After tbi3,'["1tua
ecpying bit-“peinces and captaynes to .
haue decked they; acmout with? golde
and,ü.lner,fome of themalco to [peace.
golden lceptetßand (ome ofüluec, with.
other omamentes typen theez heasz
Z "V "“!|'Iq|.

he called them together', and fayd vnto:

theme Kaye awaye this geace , there
thynges ace they that pzoudked the a.
rannte-8 and Strabjana to weeke thi
wickednefle agaynfle thefe pooee and
nnterable Jewea whiche fledde toozth
vnto vs z that they myght lyue vndec
out ptotecn'on . The eaptaynes chert-ue"
and peinces of the Romane-z heatyng
the commaundement of "fin-3 ,"wece
obedient , and ttcaygbt layde awaye
from them thote denamentes of golde
and üluec . 'l''1ms all'o gaue commann
dement that the rette ot the QMM-1118
and the aramjcex thoulde be banythed
the campe, and that no man hereaftec
thoulde commit any (uch heYnous deede
agaynlktheJewes. Notwtthflandyng,
when as any Mtamite o3 Zrabjan could
get anye Jewe karte out ot the campe
that no man [oe it, he kylled hyn't . Of
the Romanes in the eampe, no man ey
. ther dyd o3 tayde any euul to the Jewes,
[ane certayne bngodly 'rnftiane whiche
hadleatned at the Mannes and .Mahj
-ns thofe euyll and wicked Mucke-t
the they alte when they chaunted to
*meetwtthany Jewe outdf the can-hei
tbelet'te.' * :to '
ytthere were no man bye ,they ltylled
. „ hym ,and toke away his gold and filnet *
that lay hydde in his bowelles . _ When *
this came to 'l'th eare, he commaun
ded to make peoclamation in this wyie.
Whot'oenec he be'e that hath lerne,
heard , o3 kn'owen anye thyng ot this
hoetible deede , whiche is committed
of certayue .Romance bpon the Jewee,
o3 whofoeuec hath done any (uch thyng
hym ielfe,let hym come and make rec»
lation to 'l'itua,which ythe do, the mat
ter thalbe koegeuen hym,yf not , he (hall
beare the burden of his owne wickelt
nel'fe,and flande at bis petyllyt anye
thyng be peoned by hym here-after.
Theretoee certayne Roma-tee whiche
knewe with them feines that they had
committed the deede , and beyng atrayd
of 'Lime ,. real'oned with them felues
p thus e the do not confeife vnto hym
the trueth , .he wyll by 'his wytedome
fearche ont thefe ottendoars,and pd
nythe them by death. Whetetoee tru
ltyng vnto "l'itue wdedes tet-the peo'..
clamatton., they came. all-.x whdl'oedec
bad eyther done tt hymt'elfe ',7 -dtknow- *
en othecto doit ,and declared tesa:: ,
>- - p - tc - -
'l'be erat-tes of' '
."l'truxztaying t - This haue J done, this
haue 31 knowen , this was J acceitarye.
hnto , and-baue not hytherto made thee.
ptiuie therdnto . There were oft-hem.
in number thee'e hundeeth and .twenty'
men that made this confeikion, air that.»
'Lienz commaundea id be cafl into boate
Queue ,and *to be buened:. *This done; l
the Jewre were moee take euer after
in the Romanea campe without all
ieopacdy , no man hurtyng them eyther
in wozd o3 de'ede., zeea, yt any Romane
tounde a“-Z;eweab3ode .wanderan 1 he
condqu hym gentylly and :peaceably
into the campe. There wasa certayne
. Herthe of, Dieruialem at thattyme,a
taythtull mamwh'die name was Mena
chen-ionne of Zerulc the Strike, whole
F auncetours hadde ierued Liam: the
Hertha ., oiwoethy memogye, in Zabe
„L" * 10h zhe heyng akeper of theleait gate
4», whiche was in Dierufalem vppon that
x *'fide towaede the .beooke [Ceuta-tt* , noted
' the number eithed'ead that'Wrecart'td
tooeth vo ,.huryt'ug by- that' gate z and
found they came:to.1tz.W.8.T-.ti 8. per.
[one, which-Zweite all of thexnoblea and
genilemen x _oe at-the leaft oki-the inb
- - Lee-12
the lWEI. :09" ,
lkauaclalleft ol' theztewee. '1"th8 on a
tyme(l0tcpl1 beyng peetent) al'ked 'the p
quelkion ot thote» peinces ot the Jewes
whiche were fled vnto hym, l'aytng c Il
thargeyon vpon your fidelttiezto'thew
me howe manye Jewes be dead in the ,
towne,'l'ence the tymezl befiegedtt to
this daye. They gaue'hym the number
theretoee , euery man ae karte as they
Knewe , ofthe dead which were-caryed
tooeth at all the gates to be buryed: and
the komme eame to. vli .hundeeth thou- W
"ande ,fine hundzeth, ieuentte and fiue, e
belydes them that enery where laye e -- 4
dead in the houies and meatese decide .FN/*
- them-alta that were tlay'ue in the tem-»WN
ple,and they that laye'heteandthece-W- ,
vnburyed. Whirhe when*)'jtu8 heard'e, /efi
' he marueyled greatly, and ta'yde: Jet-.W
well knowrn„ to the Iloz'de Ood ofheaa P /
uenzthat I] am not the taufe otthei'ee
uylles. IWF!, defired to bee hat* peace :NW
with. them ortet then once , but-thete- “ o
dttious- euermoeewoalde uothyng,
warte-warte. x. -f x?: ecm- ."r» .h er '
l 'B1- * * RZ' ':,;:J'._.:,771 "-1.9" '

Tthat tyme the hung-:ebegan to ' . »

ware very great _in thetowne a- .
, ' ' -“"' - Yongetk '
As": "Gila-JV; , 1
mangelt the ieditions , whiche neuer
lackte beweethis,toe they tooke it ale l
weyes from other men hy [one , tylt'
nowe at the length they were him-elm (
with hunger theml'eluee: io that after 1
they had eaten hp all they; hozfes , they ‘
eat alfothey; doung, and the teacher of l
the tharei tes. Neythee was there left
any greene homes of the trees z no: any l
hearbee that the iedittoue myght get l
q to eate. Foethe Romanee' had hewed ,
mew downe all themen-,and ent downe all 1
. . x I 7. the halbes rounde about Dieruialem by
p . kchecpaceot.rnt.mytes,cochatthewhole ‘
, ‘ * fielde and territoeie ofViernfalem was i
m: ipoyled, whiche heretofoee was reple
f _ q nylhed with marueylone goodly gar
* dene and matte pleaiaunt yaradyles.
- ._ 7 After that, the Mommies made hp an
other iron ramme , very terrible : this
" , ‘ they bended agaynft the walles,to*fe'e y!
-- 41-h there were any fouldiouce let'te in the
* _ townew (tout ae they were in tymes
peu. When thecaptaynee ofthe (edi
tiousfawe that , they iu'ned ont with
they; companyons agaynfle the ,Ro
_ mane: ,"and one very many ofthem in
_, that rhyzmythe. Wharton Titus'rayh :
_ _ * u
r _ .H v_._-‘_ . .-.__._-l|-_A_
Inc leerer. e 217.

it- is not wyfdome to tight with them

any maze, but rather with the Ram to
(halte ano hattet the wall, to; they haue
no mo but this wall left, and io we may'
_beyng in our whole hoal't at once vpon .
them,*and lubdue the l'editious. This
mantel ot' Titus mas liked of al the pimp
tee and people. The tapfaines of the ie
dittous milirulting no leite then the .Ro-:
manes intended,that they woulde be ot
tupied hereaiter in battering they; wall,
beganto buylde a tonntermure within,
one: agaynlt the plate lphere *the Ro
manee weought with they; Ram, which
was in the plaine by the tombe ofl0cl13
nan the hye pziell, foe there was none
other plate beüdes that they myght ap
peothe vnto with, their Ram. And there
' the Romance had made two beeathee
in_ the two other wallee bett-ee. The ie
ditious made this tountermuro, betauie
they were not able to .bm-ne the. iron
Maurine,” they had done betoee, heth
now almolt familhed and to pined away. -
that they toulde (carte Lande-won then:
legges. Foxit they had ben 'io luftie ae
they were beioze, aud able to let a Eyes ~
the engine, theRomanes had neuerben -
- Eei able
,l [16 Takt-5 0|." t

able-to wynne the' towne, hat fhoulde

hane ben compelled to leaae the -atkault,
as they were confirayned to gene once
lkyemithing and fightyng. On a ter
-tayne tyme,when the :Romanes »fledzthe
:fedittoue purluyng and kyllyng 'many
otrhem, laydet the Romanen wyll once
he weerie, leane of theye üege, and go
theyewayes, that we may dwell at li
'hertie, and turne to the ?wehe *our Ood.
Und when they returned at this tyme, ,
*o3 at any tyme peolperonlly into the
towne, they oppeelled the people the
moee trnelly, erattyng toode of them,
7 »and laying: gene ha meate, it ye wyll
not, we 'wylleate your flethe and your x
tonnes. *Wut the Romanestoke con
rage -to them lelnee, determined to
hghtflontly, and layde one to another:
let ba (ficke td it harde, _and be halt'
aunt in ourfightes, ttchalbe thame fox
„veto fleefromthele tecble and hunger
*.l'tarnrd Jewce, whiche are moee lyke
,dead images, then lynyng perlona.
Therfosechey began most e'arneflly to
tet vpon th'e walles, and to make a bat
terie l'odaynly, they bet downe a great
hart ofthat inner wall wht'rh the Zewee
* . * had
the [Wet. etz
had newly e'rected, and' gave a gteat
thoute, taying; *Dierdi'alem is wanne,
. we haue gotten the towne . Wut when
they looked a litlepturthec, they ei'pied:
another countermure raii'ed ouer againlt
the beeache: Wherefoee-the Jewee thoe
rowe the towne gaue alioa great fhoute,
and founded their trumpettes, reioyfing
*that they had buylded another newe
eountermure to; that whiche was 'bat
tred downe. The lame was iii captaine
Lehorhaoantwatde. Che .Romance fe
yng the couutetmure, and hearyng the'
Zewce make tuthe trinmphes in the
towne, were muche alkonied, all theye'
ioy was dai'hed and turnedinto dumpew
io that they coulde not tell what they
thoulde do with that ttubburne people ot
[hieruialem, which had done them i'uthe
damages . The Romanes let vpon the _
towne agayne another waye, whom
"l'jcux wylled rather to remoue the eu
gin, and to dende it to the newe wall,
'whylee it was yet greene and bnietlrd,
taping: let vs hattet it, and we' lhall tee
it fall by and by, and then (hall we enter
the towne. The .Romane captaynea
folowed* not "l"in eonncell. but-ftaled
- E e ß' the
l lle WZIUTS Of
the weites which they had hatte-ed. The"
Jewes detendyng they; tountermure,
fought with the Romanes within the
beeachexeyulied them from the wall and
the townßaltd [o hauyng abated muche
the ffcength of the Kontaktes, returned
to they; looginges. Then [aide come of
*the Romance: we wyll neuer befiege
this towne any longer, to; we wall not
"be able to get it tubules we lyue. And
therefoee let vs 'make vp and depact,bez
foee we be all deftroyed with this fieget
fo; except we do (mine [hall all be conta
med thecin. "1'1th "ey-1g his [calamari
to make io hacde a matter of the an
' nyng otthe towne, called them all toge
thec,and rape vnto them: Tell me nowe
ye Romane punto-,do ye not know that
all warm: and other [mijn-e(ka whatf'oc
her they be, are more ben-(je, and require
Greater drllgcncc. in the cndc, then in the
fieginning e in whlthe who co trample,
ifthey faynt in the ende.; do they not la
bour in bagne e euen as- your labour
(halbe in' vayue, ifye gene ouec the liege
nowe. minutiae: a wip, when it hath
- xempalfen the whole [ea, and is new:
redye to atiue atthe time, bcyng tau,
*Rx* ',-L „7,- td
che lWW * - 214.
bled with a "t'emyel't , ir the mary-tere*
_thonlde then be negligent, the _lhyp may
eai'yly be lolt, and all they whtehe ate in
it peryihe, the maryners diiapoynted of
theye purpoie, in that they than) not a7.
tayne vnto the place which they coueted
to come vnto. Jtikewil'e bulldersnf they
finit'he not they; woeke, bnt leane ot a
toee they make an ende, is no't all they;
labour lofl 'e lp'ent in vayne s wufvand
men alko,ikthey-tyll, they; _groundez and
then fowett 'with teede't -thall *they not
lool'e they; p'ayneszbnlelle they -wyll all'o
'mow its-zn like manerZyon hane tough
ten very long 'agaynft thisettiex many
princes otyon andwosthy *men-baue ben
tlayne, an'd'nowe yon-may_ teeithe tre-m;
geu walles ot the towne are wehen 'and
made equall with the- earth, 'the- people
your adnerfaries is contumed with hun
gerzyeailenoßandfwoedee Whatihall
tt then auayl'eyou all that eher 'yon hane
done, yt 'yon' halte your diltgente. and
wyll'nttfintwethe works ot the üegea
Dane yon not then e'nployed your la_
b'onetn bayne- s And why flxonlde this.
newe 'wall - io ditnmye yon s yea, why
do ye- not peeyate'yonr telne- to beats..
t “. .i - E e in* downs,
.1. 1!- 'att-Eq'. " ' f

dev-netvis-newe wall, whiebe is wurde

,Fclenderec-tven the other-cbm that y.
bauecaft downes Ffw be _itye woulde
determine to leave ottve üege, bad (t not
ben better fo; you to baue done ic at the
begynnyng, wvyles your *armye was
yet wholes Nov-e, when ae you ace
fewe, and* yxmc mofle valiaunt [huldi
omks Uayne-,why do yonnoc rather
cvofe to dyetven fta-lines 'Dyk no!: Yon
once entep this towne, in the:an of
Wee-0 (Zefal-,to defende die "UWE Nom
fvecefoze when 7317936311 my, fache.:
raigneßk, who is not onlye of:gre,atec
power_ then [Te-0, hoe-.flo ,mW-_gem
“tle towards..yon then euer, ine-[quo.
ifm-_n woulde abate and (Lacke your en
*degoxue and diligence , ic Mulde ,be to
Font-Wafwameand repeocve. Why
»take -ye-nqc :encample of thece Jewee 1
daliauntnefce, when) _newe- alcedyg_
.Wede- .WW-.1W.and Weine bach wa.
-Lted-..lo-tva-ctbey.bauenoxvopo; .kette-m.
* aueh-?Tekkech fith ,WW-m nen-c
WW ix-,LW Mey-Mot :lee WYWW.
.dev-.e (We. of;-.-.tbem Ws
*towneMnlJ bqloly_mlayle ya!!th with'
guck-.WWW Mey-Neues., Wem-t1?? l
* that fometymes they dye to; it e- Which
nynges they do to: none other taufe,
then to get them ptayfe and renowne to:
they: geeatpzomelte. When as Time >
had well debated there thynges,and (uch
like in the eaves of his fouldiouts, a cer
tayne baliaunt man named Sabizmus,
‘ l'ayde Unto his felowes: Who ro dare
l go with me to alloult there games, let
\ bym come hythec to me, that we may'
fulfill the tommaundement of Czlars
tonne our [de and captatne.And fooeth
with he toke his target, and _his dedwne
[wc-:dem his hande,made towarde the ,
towne with a leuen tall felowes totem,
yng hym, whole baliauntnen‘e and com
tage Titus wondeced at greatly. The
Jewes kept theye mauve vpdn that part'
of the wall, whete the Roma-tes bad
had a tepulte oflate z fo when they fame
Sabianusatlb bis company deawe talks
towards them, they began to affayle
hem with tft-nes and arcowes', but Sa
binus fettynglyghtat them, target: the
Jewes. bhoztloone otthe Jewes met
, with hem, and gene hym fach a blowe,
| thathefelled hym to the gtaundetyet -" A
; gate he hp againea‘txtgu fonghtro; al that
I .Y ' o u; 'Wunde
a. luv u ....-aoo
I L l
wounde'mantully, ao one that had ea
ther [ewe his-lyfe, then to fight,-ty[
another Atraelite came and heme hym
out thghh Ehzee alto of »his telotnes
were kylled fyghtyng valiauntly in the
place, *the other eyght returned to the
mmpeJo foze wounded, that they -dyed
the nert day euery one. Further, other
Romanes teyng Sabianus ane,and (kodi
gag to do the [yke: the nert nygdt they
toke a countaile Upon a twentt'e of them,
ano agreed to attault the towne.» This 1
they: entetpaife when they vttered to the
ttanoaroe bearer ot Titus, he and ma
nye other ot' the .Romanes went with
them. They atlfealyng together, and
dammean bp by the beef-ches, gate '
bp Upon the wall, founded a trumpet,
and gane a great thonte. The Jewes
beyng at them rette, as men oppeeft
with hunger and wearynelle, and hea
ryng this larum* and (heute ot the Ro
mance, were wonderfnlty amulet, ~not
knowyng what the matter meant,
3oz howe they thoulde eefende them
telues. Titus-alto hearde the thontee
nnd when he had tnquired the matter,
be-ehot'e ont certayne valiannt menzand
' kg' lb!, '.7' -

dene towatde the -beeaehes with them.

In the meane ieaion the daye was beo
ken., and the Jewes ryi'yng from they;
flepe, el'pyed 'l'ltua bppon the walles,
and marueyled thereat greatly . The
Rdmanesthetefoee gathecyug toward
'Zl'jruatameverye thytk into the towne,
fome by the beeathee of the wall,and o
theriome thtough the bault, whereby
the Zewes were wont now and then to
make irruptions , and to recouer them
felues within the towne agaynee The
Zewes tet themielues iu aray agaynlt
the ,Romanes in the very entry otthe
temple e vpon whom the Romance ran
with theye deaw'en iwoedes , tot they
had none other armouremoe the Jewee
neyther,beyng i'o haflyly taken at iueh a
[eden. The battaylewared very harde
and wondertull vehementon both par
ties, the lyke was neuer te'ene r in 'hiern
lalemznot hatde ot in any tymesfog eue
ry man claue heard to hie nett felowe,
and no man could tle'e on no udeWhei-x
tote the battails wart flronge, with cla
moutes and thouteo on both parties:
now' the toytull ihoutee of the vanqui
(here , nowe the waitingea on the otxsr
Nr,.- ..,
; c e
üde otthem that were put to them-Te."
The Romanes enrouraged and erhoe
ted one another to fight , (ayingt this t9
the day whiche we haue long toked fee.
The Jewes agayne toke heart vnto ch
taytngüt bootes not to fle'e henre,but to:
the glozy of .the Ihr-:de and of bis temple
let vs dye mantutlye ae neretkitie ron
ltrayneth bs e and fo doyng,we (halbe
rounted fee farrifires and ottcynges.
Which earneflnea on both fides , filled
the entry okthe court ofthe Loede with
blood,that it flode lyke vnto a poole o'äa
ponde. And that fight continued from
that momy ng , vntyll that daye teure
date-Then a certatne fouldier of Mette,
whofe name was (Joh-1113 , a valiatmt
man-as was any amongelk all the com
- pany"otl(ucciim, ve feyng the Feines to
peenayle and to have the vpperhande of
the Roma-tes , whtrhe nowe had left of
fightyng and fied , the Jewes purfuyng
themttn a tage he rat-me agaynft them,
and met“ them at the new wall that tie
roc] buüdedgalled äntocbjaNzotte them
backe, and madethem take thentry of
, the tempte agaynezwbeteas Nokias im
to the ,routes ot the Jewe- 7 he want-.tote
. _ onn
'll' .'- " '.7'

l wonnded ota'certay'neJewe.And when

he perreaned hymfelfe wonnded , he
woulde haue-lept barke,but ftumbled at
a flone in the panement of the court ok
the t'emple,and fell downe, where he,
fought yet (till ,till a certayne Jewe ln'l
led hym outright. the tought in de'ede
very boldly andvalianntly,but vnwarea l
lyettoe he conüdered not his ground
wherin he had to do with the Jewes.
'km13 waiting fo: 801111113 returne , and
hearyng hem to be flayne , woulde haue
gone hymielte to reicne the rel't of hie
whicbe were with hym e but his men
wonlde not futter hym , fearyng lei! he
hymtelfthould be oayne . The Jewea
therefoee gat the hpyer hande that day,
and tlue wonderfull many Romane-r- in
. that-hattayle,l'poylyng them alio(whieh
'* were kylled) ofthey; armoure . Theke
were the names of the Jewes that made
that ikyemyl'hsyOt thetomtiany otcap
tayne lcbotbanan, Uefa, and lyhtacbwf
8cl1imc0x13 companye ,Wiek-.l1 t, and
,lala-WWW of the Enemies-,ano >
Möwe-13' :le-kWh, ot l
Zitat-ir the kenne of Sta-tabWb'lK with
there :WW .made this den??? -

tet of the Romanes in the enttaunte '

of the temple , and dzone them backe to
the Nocochia, whecethey kept them bp
that they coulde not got oquhetefose
when 71th: pecteaued that the Noto.
chja was in the Romanee waye ,* ano
hyndzed them t he caufed it to be'e rated
and pulled downe to the ground. Theke
thinges were done vppon the. v. day of
Imamthe thyed moneth , vpon the euen
otthe folempne feuiuau day of weekes,
whithe othetwice “ie called Lentewlt,
and that was thetifii. moneth from the
beYnnyng ofL'jcoz liege WWU' this
- *- - ..

.8 Doztly after , vppon the thyodday ot *

the featte of weekee -, the Jewes es
' many' ae wece atjßieculalemMept holi
d'ay,an"d ee1>3atedthe 'featt . "fm-3 ta
kyng wüka [Reply the fonne of 60.
two , weht-Wo *the heute of the [anten
'aty where' the fedjtioue and touldiece ot
the Jewes- were gatheteo togethet , and
calledbnto [check-doo ?und the cette ot
the captayfle'eof 'the tedittohs, to wbom *
he fpake by the mea-teeotloteybzbeyne
hie intetpeetet ,-inthv wyxe . UAH-'taz
.x . ' ac
'"jflfstsöfßäL" “7 W' :'
hätv“Üfofütple Meyer-'Uthe- ("tb-'uf
' ' kedffious'jcchbänäu?) LL)le hattthou'
beought _bpr it this great euyll *and
. milchiefe's Zi fo beit chou ttufl l'o- muele
to thx! t'ttengt-h e come wosth to' vswith- , -
thy men into theZ-fieldes z and we: that!
fight-with the'e thy fill. *Js not .thisyouf
' folempne tefliuall days Why thm wle
ye fight in that place where ye (hohl-de
Mer your [acriüc'es :- Zee 'pollute and'
defile the tanauaty _ofy'our God and his'
name , and we fpare it , knowyng it- is
'the houfe quodzfind thonly taufe why e
we make waere bpon you, is your (kub
hurnxkifneckednes , that you wyll not'
kubmit : yopc feines to" vs,whom GOD
hath genen the-*dominion vnto , whoke
»_ will ye laboure in vayne te difappdynkß
EYther'therfo;e,yfye wi! 'fight nd*7mo3e,-.
hamble your felucs vndec: our- *fubie'ctö
on- , 'that ye may [aus your [Ye-'exe _92 e13 'h *7:*
yfye-bede'te'rmtned flyud'ß'pccacxxyx* _.x j .
fightwith ve , then get yet-week!) from
heuce" z and 'fette vs: ge into the :kleines-,t
there-to let ouc battailes fu Mexx-.7WD '
wyltyedefileyour-fanuuaWavdijexx -
the wdelhyppyng' of your Wed ?WWF-:7'
_DVDRW-:this [halte TKtuZzyätteJk
.'i 7.
1 lie "at-rex 01'

btamyng they; flubbutnnes inthat they

had defiled theye temple, and yet ceatted ,
notto polluteit mode and mom parteiy
with fayee wozdes und gentlencs, er*
hoetyng them to yeelde ,udmonythyng
- them not to refifle fo mightie an army,
when asthcy coulde not doit without '
* dannger ot vttec deflruction. Theke
and many other thynges [ofepb expeeß '
(ed in Vet-ene -to the people , as "kit-13
willed hym , but the Jewes mmlwered
neuer a wodeo; Lchochxman had genen
a charge that no man ihoulde fpeake.
Then captapne )e]10cb3t1;111 aunfwered
"Ficux hymielfeFayinchecan o'ec no
kynde of (actiiices moxe acceptabte to 44*_
Ood , then to vowe, ieopatde , and ha
bandon our owne bodyes and '-blood fo.
_his names fake. Whettoee we will dye
kW in this our towne , and wyu neuer
come in bondage to let-ue you . 'time
made hyu) 'auniwete by 10icpb, taking:
This youc citie , J gtannt is a holye ci
tie,and your temple is mol! holy, which
-no man-doch denye. But ye baue gre
euouoye finned,tn that ye hatte polluted
,the templeof tveätoede your God , by
-lhsadYug in it the _innoceme blood ot
- ' .- (times
[[16 [ETW. W
“fainteo and peieifes otOod, with other
malt godly and holy men.1l5y what rea
i'on-ran ye then ray that'you wall be ac
cepted tot i'acrifites and ofteringee be
foee God e zaea , rather God abhotreth
and detefleth you btterly , when as he
requireth iu his iacrificee that they
thoulde haue no dekaut no; ipot e but ye
are all to bt'e ipotted ,io that no tounde
plate io in you. Foo tell me (F peay you)
yf there be any moxe abhomiitable ipot
in man then iynne ,- when as he trank
greil'eth the lawe ofO OO as ye haue
done :- Neytheris there any wyiedome
ot intelligence in you . Foe wyfe men ,
woulte wyiely beare with the talami
tier oftymes,-and hnowe the: couri'ee of
-thingesxlhowe then are ye lo foolyihe to
[aye th ae ye are an attepta'ble- aud well
pleaiing iacritice vnto Ood , .when ao
B ye reiyile the will oWod to ptoudlye e
> (Wut thou chocbanan and the-'reif ot the
teditioue 'captaynes that are'with tha, ' ' '
, tell me , art not thou a mottall man,
tubiette vnto the griefes and verationa
otthielyie,aud wogmee meate as we
,ka- Bhoulde ht not dyiplrate thee that
thoulde take awaye a table o3 [urhehlyke
> . ' * t ene
*l [18 PAULI 01'
thyng peepared to the honour ot thEez
and wouldeff thou take it in good part,
and holde hym ercnfed that fhould do fo
vnto the'e e' Why then haft thon taken
away the karritites otthy GOD out of
his ttmple , and haft flutfed itwtth in
nmnetable dead bodyes s Who ran fee
oe heare this , and abftayne from we
pyng , when he thatlknowe fo manye »
Jl'raetites to haue [naked death by the,
and 8ch'1me011,and Menü-.r thx' feloweee x
Neyther cantt thou yet apply thy mynde
to reafle and [eane ot thy malyce , and
yet nenertheletre pertwadefl thy fette
the whyle that God is with thee , ano
that then .with thy felowes art an ar
- eeptahle and well pleafyng [*acrifice vn
to God : nothyng perteanyng that your
unnee [eyetateth you, and keyeth you a
[under moee fttongety then any Weaten
wall . Ftis trnez conteffe thatttbeo ;
rommeth entry valiaunt man to flande
Routely tn the defenre of his people ,'ct-.
nie, and countrey . kor '1c 718 better c0 67a
'yohauntlz- ztbezt t0 come into the ("ub
jcäjon of' [1te enemzt'tbac Zoctb about *
. ?to p1u>eb7m [wm bie re1'1Z'1011 , am]
_ ?ch-Ju: 117mont ok'hjo :rot-nett)- .- Wut J
.. ' came
the [mea:
'cameuot hythet to; that iuteut,to Main
you from your lame, o3 tohauyfhe you*
out of your lande,o3 els to detkroy it aud
i houeciti'es: but thiststhecauke_ oft-ug
'commyug hithec,to offer you peatezand
'to make a- league with you, th at you
the-uwe take upon you our poke, and be
dur fubiettes as ye were betoee.Whete
we youeuet heare ofa people_ in ahthe
wuzlde, that vath “Riven them feluea
to mercyfuu and gentle, both towatdes
"other, c towacde you, as we haue done-.L
Hannide the capitaine of the Carthagi
manmftet he had wafledout countrey,
'and at Length was taken hy vs, was he
not had in great houout and reputation
bf Wyand with "uch huma-nttie hande
ten, that we made hxm kyug ofhie peo
ple.- And [o dealt we with Antiochus the
maceci0ujän,aud other kyngesthat we
(toke peico'uete.“ zae hxagge that ue hehe
"the watche'df-yourOod -: Why then fo
'uwe he not the example of lech'aniah
?Ä: *xx-mc kyngs who to "ane the temple o'

I! »*yo'ur god from deutet-tion, and leo; your

abo ?peopte alfa th'ould be led away into vom
1,11* 'nagem be deflcoyed with the. [wc-ade'.
W “'yeelded vhlqmiett’e and' hishoufe into the
M, _ e
F?! WWW.
. , .Y ' “'[heufarteo of* l
- ?handes of the kung' of the Cholelecs;
:Why ware you not your owne lyues, x
your title, audl'auctuactes Nowe ther
toge beachten vnto me, und J wyl make
-.a league with you hefote the god of this l
hohle, who walhe awitnee hetwitt me '
.aud you,by whom J fweate that J wyl
:neue-c bzeake chic. leagußneither do you
:any hutme, no3 fpoyle your goodes, not
„leade hol-„away captiue, not yet confli
xtute any tulcc oueoyou hut a* Jewe ot
-yout ownenatiö, tuen lotcph the pzielt
.which is“ with me fhalveeouepeince, if
*you think-eit- gooo: andall the taochtall l
ane alle which ace with me,lhal ceturne l
ao you home againet ye [hall inhabite *
. cyour owne lande, ye (hall haue the vie i
:ofthefcuiteethetotwith peace aud qui. '
Wes, without any towuption o3 alte
:ration ofthe leruice ofyout,god.Whet
Fete ttedite; me to make aleague with
xyou.- And mathe may ttulke methe het
-tec-yelhall hauepleogea, loteph a noy
Ihle man_ .oft-our countcey, e other-pein
*tes t hohle meh otthe Romance-.Come ,
&UKW thetfoze and-iutceate a peace with 1
Fee, bowe- your thouldetazt kümble your
* *ne-lies?exeeqtysuyteacallxtvequ*-x
7:*»0 N." e c
. t
the [mea: -
tions do“, and as you haus done your
(clots in the tyme of Nm CAN, that.
m: may lyue, t not be deltcoyed, kepyng
your religion "ate and founde. 'Iofcph
the pziett hearyng 'the wo;ch of Tltus
and his dementia, in that he was myh
dcd to [part the games, burft out alums:
r wcpt in the pxetcnre of the capitaines
'. and ot the frditioue very bytterty, but
they nothyng regarded it. lofeph there.
tote Icing that Titus roulde do not!)an
with theteditious, (aid buts their ptin..
ces z J' marurll nothyng though this ct
tie tende to decolatidn a deftcuctiott, to;
“ F knows the ende of it is at bands. Wut,
this tsit that Amaru-:ll mol!, , that yo
harte read the book.: nfDaniel, and vn
dcrftande it not,which ts nowe tutfytled
I in atlpoyntcs, E yet neuera one ofyou
doch marke (t. ,The continual! facritth
is alrch meatch -a good-whyte ago, the,
annoynted patefte_ is cut away and put
humus. :Theft-Mages althdng they
be mol! manifet'tz pit your hearts; tam
not beleue them. And many other wos
m fpake Iofeph, tut ot admonit ton am!
contolation, but the Jewesretuted to
hear? bim.ij as he W made. W' md!
isa ' *' *FW $11“!
The wan-es of
therfnze, and the revisions had fo hardc
ned their nettes, TItUS turned human!
heparth out ot Ieruialcm, [aying: m:
vs get vs hence, leite their finms dc.
time vs. Whetctoxe he* pytched his
teures without the eine, m the (amo
place where he encampen at the txt-ae.
Fo; he was afcayde both to; bymtelfe
ann his atmie,leue they that-[de be cm
cumuented-and dann (mann flame cruz
e1|yin fo great a titte'as that was. C cr
dame of the parties at that tyme, and of 3
the nobles otthe towne,wtth other gem ;
~ _ kymeh,dyd wyfely fee to them (einen, 1
am came fooetb to Titus, fubmittyng
them "eines to his met-tio, and were re
ream othym peaceably with great hm
twat: -Whom l'lrus tommaunnen to be'
nunmeuim ß land ot60t'chen,whete
in man: {:80 the Ifraclltcs dwelt, in the
Bapeanl'lacob their father, and Iofcph
lozneerEgypt Mythe- tent he them,
and gane it them in pottem'on, to them _
' und to their heit-es fez ma, tommaum
ding a rampante of the Chaldees to fake
summa them, tyll they-came to the lane
ot Gokhcn. Tltus directed has letters al
ß IIIsz Romane pzzßwnt wmcym‘gs
- e.- - e et
the Icwcs. 225
tet euer Egypt, to take pitie off; Jewe
that he bad placed in the lande of-Iof.
chcn, to fnfleyue and fuccouc them, and
to tee that no Romane 0; other thouloe
do them hat-me, o; anoye them by any
meanes. Many othetalto of the Jewes
eoueted to go foozth of Icrufalem, but
tvey were dllapoynted by the leditlous,
thattvey could not do as tveßlntended.
And who tau tel whether they were en
tangled tutth their olnne finnes, and de
flentento deftcucflon with their fedici.
ons h;eth;en,tnhen es their vanch .allo
were polluteo with the crueltie and ini.
quitie of the feotttouo: Wherfoxe the fe
dttious cloled vp all the wayee about
the temple,that none of the Jewes lobt.
eve were in Ierul‘alcm mygvt get out to
'km-8. When 71mg knewe that many
of the Feldes were delirous to flee vnto
hym, and coulde not becaufe of_the _fedl-z
ttoue: he went again to the place where
he was befoze, and Iofeph with dem.,
who wven the people tame to be tvere
math Tttus, they fell a weean M tat-de
vnco hem: We acknowledge out [im
nes, and the ttantgteltlfi of our fathers,[ '
we heme all [warned out otthe way a
4. ll..- . MLM
'['he TM'ku of'
againff the ?toto out Goo, fo; we know
the mercie and gentleneo ot 71m3 the
[onne of Ceethr, and that he taketh yitie
vpon vet but what can we do, when ic
is not in our power to flee vnto hym,
beeauie ol' the crueltie of the [editiouss
The feditions hearyng» them talkyng
with [ofcpb il! the perlence WLAN!, E.
that they lpake reuerently of hym, and
honoured his father, callyng him am:
they ranne vpon them with their deawz
- en [woxdes, to kyll them. Then cryed
.they vnto W118 :_Deareloede e maiiier
rttcne ve.Ll:he Roma-tes therfoee made
oftize l'editious. Do ryife there a tray m
the mydoeit of the temple, betweene the
'7 ,Romance e the Jewes. The Romane.:
tledde into the place called inmftuln [an,
(Komm, which was the holyeft of all, e
the Jewte folowed after, and (tue them
even* therc.- 71m5 ttandyng without,
cryed vnto lclt0chemtm, and "tlde vnto
hymt theatel't then thou [chocbaoan,
is notthy wichednes yet great enough
Wylt chou neuer make an ende of ihy
milchietr s ?Where is the honoe ot thy
Odo,- Z8 tt_ not weitten _in the lawe ot
e your.
the [Wee. 2.2.x
yourÖGod of the Zäoäwm [uu80mmz,
thatuo urauugm: ought to come am,.
but onlyethe hhe petefie, uud thatbut*
once o yece, becautc it ie the bolyelk of
al;- And now how ducelk chou befo hold»
to kyll thofe that ace elcaped vnto it:
And howe dare you thedde the blood of
the vuciccumcil'ed thecein,whom ye ah
hoxre, aud yet mtxe their blood with
youcos The Logo youc God ie my wit
netke, that J would not haue this houfe
deflcoyedeutyouc owue wicked woex .
kes und your owue handee pull it
dowue. And would Ood you would ce
.eaue ouc peace, whiche yfit were once
done, we woulde hououc this houfe of,
the (uuccuarie und temple of the Lowe;
yea,we woulde depact away from you.“
Wut your heat-tes are hatdeued lyke
icon, und your neckes and foeeheades
ace become obLinace as. [138W, to youc:
owue vudoyug. Fox ye (hall cacyyouc
owue (tunes, aud dye iu the lande of the:
Ramones. J aud my fathecs hout'e
ace inuoceut aud giltlecfe ofyouc death.,
usthe Logos und bis temple in whole '
peefeucewo lkuude,fholl heute vs wit
ueffe this_ day, But Wet! h? [We. th::
. ' " . . uo
' *'““* ,l 3 [ 'x6 wertet 0! l

hohe okthe l'editioue gaue any regard-:h

to his wozdee, he chole out of bis* Ro- x*
maliee thirtie thoufande haltaunt fygh- l
tyng men, and gaue them commaunde- ll
'ment to take and ottupte the tntrye of l
,' thetemple, whithe ie a holy court, and
determined to go with them hym [elte t l
but his nobles woulde not futter hym, l
but wylled hym to remayne vpoua hye [
plate, where hr myght heholde his io ul
dioers tyght . And when they tee thee a
. karte of, their heartes lhalbe tomtoeted,
“ and they (hall tyght accozdyng as chou
wylt wythe them 2 but come not at the
eutrye of the temple thy leite, leite chou
be dclktoyed amongl't other. "l"1:118 kolo
' wed the tounlell othie taptainee, and
went not at that tyme with hie men to
the battell. the made thiefe captaines of
that hoü Watt-[tua E [Loft'mz,
two noble memwhö he commaonded to
l'et bpö the Jewes that nyght, »wth they
- thoulde be a heepe with weerynes. The
' Romance therfoee doyng after hie com
maundementg'et vpon the Jewes. But .
the Jewes hauyng intelligence of the
„ matter, kept dih'gcnt watch, and with
lkoohe the Immanes haliaunily all that.
' nyght.
the-lehnte. 224.'
nyght. Wut the Romanes were not
_hafty'to fyght tn the darke, featyng [ecke
it mygbt turne to then: owne hartne.
Offene thetfote as it .was dayghe Fewcs
deuided them felucs, and beflowed their
companies at the gates of thentcannce,
,C and fought [yke men. 1(3r11ju5 c *Z 0Ü1u8
betet the temple connde about, that not
: one ofthe Feines myght etcape out, und
1 fo thehattayle encreal'ed betweene them
: fo; the [pace Whg". dayeß fometytne the
.Roman-:s gettyng the* vppet hande of
, the Jewes, deyuyng them within the
cntcaunce c fometyme the Iewes em'
conragyng them felues made the Ro.
manee rechte, and purfued them to the
weites ot the hncochja t In this manee
fought they the(e.vtj.dayes. Akterwarde
the Romanee returned backe from the -
Jewee, and woulde not fyght hande to -
hände-with them any moee.Then "l'ij
cömaundeo the walles of the chochia
- tb be pulled downe further, that there
myght be place tothie whole ho'au to
entec . The femme tn the meane [eaten
gcewe mote gceeuous, [o that no foode
i was nowelett. Fo; the Jewee began*
x nowe to We out and fleate heeft-Wife?
- an
'['bemttreok' _ 1
'Und other beaitee whatioener they could
catehe,enen out of the Rome-mes tempo,
that they myght Nette them iome meate
and (Wayne their lines. Which they
doyng oftentymes , at the length the
Momaynee peeteaued tt,and were won
dertnllye ditpleaied with the matter.
' Wheeefoee they ("et watehe *and waede
tounde abount the campe,left by the dil'z ,
eeitofthe ?ew-:e they lhonld be ipoyled
of their cattell. Bo after that, the Zewes
couer Realeno moee from thettte.Ai-*tet- :
wurde* notwithftandyng they armed
them ielnes, and illned outat the ealte
gate, and'beake the wollthat 71m3 had »
eayied to; hie owne iatetie, left y Jewes
thoulde illue out vpon a fednyne, and
come vpon hymat vnwaces. U cott ot
tail telowesthecfoee ot the youth of the
Jewes, iil'ued out by the beeathes of the
well, and gat vp quickly to the mount
Olive'te, wheceae they fonnde hotlee,
mulee,a(lee,ottd much other tattell, und
fiaying their Repets, they deoue them
betoee them with great lhoutes into the
townWLhe Romanes pecteauing that,
purined them. Whecefoze the young
.men yehioed_ the ieluee into two bank-ee:
7.“ . ' ' ' ' the
f ß W:
yf the let-ez; *227
the one' to dxyue the bootie,and the othee
* to tei'ttt the Romance, Ho there was a
[we fyght betwitt them, but the Iewes
gate the vppet hende, and went theic
wqyee cleate with the pan towatde Je
rul'alem. Fox the Jewes came fooeth,
eonlktayned by the netefl'itie of hunger,
and tought to; theit lyuyung 2 the Ro
manee had no taufe to fyght, (am: onely
fo; theme to fee their cette] d;iuen away
befche their eyes, to; othetwyfe they put
not their lyues in ieopatdy to fight vntd
death asthe Jewes dyd, yet was there
many of the ,Romanee [layne in that
kyght. The Jewee whyle the Romance
putfued them in bühne, theyga'te into
the towne with theit fpoyle and peaye,
and utayghtwaye tut-ned bpon the .Ro-.
manes and dxyue them backe, putfuyng:
them agayne tyll they came almofte
to 71W tampe z whiche when the
other Roma-tes (awe, they came to
the refcue of their fclowcs, and pur
- (ned agayne thofe young men to Ryll
them o3 to take them, alhett they etc-*peu
to the towne without any hatme, [ane
that they tohe 'a boy and beought .hym
vnto 1'tms. the that_ tohethis Yaddeaelaßx
x > ea c
- 'l'he nat-res?! l
talled pom-e13. Ko the Romane-Z 'peec' l
uayled agaynfl the Xewes at that tyme, ;
and tot a rertayne tolten of virtoeieghey
had this young Jewe peil'oner. Vorna
_ that toke hym,wae had in great 'eflima
- tion to: that atte, ot1'1tu3 and all the ,
.Ro-name, l'1tu3 apparclled the hoy,and ,
eommitted hym to [atophoz to kepe._ '
This boy had a vtothet among-ik them
that el'caped into the towne, a vyle pec
fon'age, euyll fauouted, and of a lowe
tkature, bis. name was [Wachau. l
leyng his btotaer taken ptiloner, com. l
' meth tor-3th of the tombe of Loclianan l
the hie peieft ontr agatnft the Romanea, ,
and ctyed vnto 'kn-1;, and to all the ar
mie, laying t Fi there be euer a man
amongu you, let hym come .fooeth vnto
me, here wyll J ahyde hym, and tyght
h with hym vpon this groundet and ye
(hall .knowe this day whether the Ro
manes hz the Jewes be the better men.
The Romance defpiied hym, yet dat-ft
they not nteddle with hy'mzhut iayde: yf
the kyli hym„we lhalt neuer he counted
the hecter men the [uch an arte,and yf he
theatee hyll any 'of va, tt fhonlde be a
great_ dich-mot to he gayne ot a weetcheo
ehe Icwes. Kö
-. eaytitfewhzchan tayd to the Roman-*sc
' Dom much ts the man-*good of the m.
- meines to be regardedm our 2pm Dane
not you ben "Layne and put to flyght hy
: les-'W hat were yeu then pfthat bandes
and companies of the Oentrlee came
, not euery dayto ayde you: ykthcy had
not refrel'l'hed you, we had long ago ea
; ten you bp. We ban: deflroycd our
felnes ene another with ciutll warrcs,to
: thatweare butfewe left, hut what are
pom* Who is fo hardy ofthe belt ofyou
all to come and declare his Wrength, and
to fyght with mes J am one of the
met-meh and eutcaffes ok thezewes:
pinks you 'out the ehiefel'f and valtantelk
man among!! you all, e you (hallhnowe
by and by whether part is maze valiant.
When Ionathan hadde "p-.ken thus
pxooelye, there came for-3th one tut-tbs
mofl valiantefl [ohtdiours of the Ro.
mama, whot'e name was Pomas, the
[ame that had taken the bxother 'of this
Ionathan, and beought hym to Txtus,
became no toner at lomchm, but he
- was kyllcd of hym (teaygbtwaye, lea.
uyng behynde hym a diuers tnheritaüce
eo Jonathan and lb: Roma-tee'. Co
:9? ' " " * " lonathaq
"kh-J wert-ee 06' ,
[Methan a fame ot toetitude and halo;
auntnetle: to the Rom-ante [haute ano
reptoche. When [Quark-111 had to 178th
*FW* the Romane, the Zeweethaunged hie
name,and called hyut [ebooetbau by an
honotable name, and gaoe him a iccptet
Wet-[- ot' dominionin his hande. But lehona
than when he had gotteu this vtctozie,
gaue not the gloxie to God, but at'crtbed
t tt to his owne peowelte, and became
' verye peoude withall, he was not eon
tent with one victoeie, but wouldc yet
peouoke the Romanemraylyng at them,
and tallyng totanother valeaunt cham
pion to be (ent io hym,that J' might kyll
hym(taith Wand declare my foxce b pen
hym. And tuen es he tayoe to, one of the
Romance whote 'name was port-tan
2 [frohe hym thzough with an arrowe at
.viewer-Wand kylled. hymWy whote ee
ample wemay perceaußlc “13 euer)- man:
patc, (>ch t0 kalte [wette, that *alten
they-ouercome_,tl1cjr enem'tet, tbczr re
wett-_110; 011er much, - 1101* *at-exe prouäc
far the Meter, [01* who ltuowctb what
enäethez- [hell bene ,them (alu-:8? Theke
Menge-Monet. the: Feines -l'eyng the
. walteeotthetemgletthetheee.wallees
, *.7-xjx'2?, xhhf
the hattet. * 227
that cdmpafled the towne, to be rated a
puldedowne, hnowyng alfo that they
had no hope left, not any thyng to fruit
vntox they confulted what were beflto
beldone. There was a great huge honie
_ioy'nyng bpon the [ide of the temple that
kyng Bott-mon had huylded, ota great
hehshhwhole walies alfo the kyngec
of the-ieeonde temple had -rayted on
hei-aha' hand had decked it with tymhet -
of Niere and Ceder trces. The Newes
_went and annoynted euery where the
Weder tymver ot the hohle with _ heim
.t'ton'eand pitche aboundaütly.Ho when
.the Romanee came agayne to the tem
:ple to attault the Jewes, and put-(ned
-them _vnto that palaire t they entre!: the
palaice after the Jewes (who went out
:agDiYne another way), and kome clymed
:hp to the hatttementee ot'- the haute, q
:ther cet dp laddets- .to [tale it. Theft
:retoyced they wonderfufly,iayingt the
Ihaiattie»tatahen , nowe hauethe Newer;
Zoo plate leite to'fieehvnto foxtefuget. x
:TW .wherz the Roman-ea had got-text
,the palaice.- *W the hohle was them-s
_futtdt them, aeettayneJewea young
r.d n
*U16 *Mll'kEZ 0h*
went and (hut hp the. palaiteyand i'et fire F
on the gates lief-:3e annoyntedfxwith
heimfkone and pitehe. And i'trayght-way
the i'th wallee otthe houie, e the whole
buytdyng began to lie-on a lyght-fyxe, io
thath Romaneshedno way to el'cape,
becaule-thefyee eompalledche heute on
euer-y iyde. The “Jewes alt'o ueodein
ham-:lle roundeeibdut the houkezlelkany
*ot-the Romane-e thoulee-eieape. Whee
foee lo many oft-he Romane-e_ es“ entred
the hohle, were'dei'teoyed _with the tyee,
_ which was'.-rttj . thouiande ,men of
,- Wat-ee'. Droehoeryng the ceye-of the
Koma-tee that '.pety'ilflzed in the fyee,
inade-ipeede with his men to come and
-kel'euethem, but-they coulde not deliuet
*them out'ofthefire itwenti'o vehement
-lye, whetfoee 71m: and his wept very
Aitterlye; Thehtomanee that werea
Bone-*won the heulewhen they fawe
ktheyämaiftec *käme weepe, and thefice
7te v'ebetweene themzthat neither coulde
come at other, they teile them ielues
kowne headlong-from :the battlemen
7 "Ite- of the hohle whichezwae very hye,
:und -dyed,i"aying t we wyll-dye in '171cm
:Nett-1te, to Jette-»ve a name tha-xy.
'|1' 4b" w'

The Jewes _kepte the gatee ot the pa.

[ai-:ee and it they perceaued any man go
about to etcape out ot' the ttte,ox to come
.downe of the battlementes, them they
Ö _kylled .with theit (woedes. Zn that tyee
was a-tectaine noble man of the (Locke
' :othyngeeh whote name was [oanttuä,
.to whom the Jewes ctyed, and flowted
hym, taying.: Come hytbet to vs, that
thou maytt iaue thy lyte, and not be de
fltoyed t :but he dutft not go out at the
gate, featyng lclt the Jewes would kylt
hym., Whettoze he dsewe outbis [wozu
and theulk him (cite theough betoee theie
faces. Un other noble man alto wash. .'
- that fire, whote name was Srtorjut,
who lokyng foosth from the toppe ofthe
heute, tawe one of his deate trendes by
,Fttuawhich was called [uch-8, to whö
»Atem-'tus called,layingt Wy deate trend
[41ch get onthyne armout and come
hyther, that J may teape downe vppon
thee, and thou mayefi teteaue me. Utz
i dye, J mahethee mjne heit-ee yt than .
k dye,thy thildeen (hal inhetite m'y- goods.
e Wherefoee (atch ranne and helde bi
lappe open at the houte tyde,.t Mttorjue
x *leayt downe, and lyght vpon hym with
l Og ß (eiche

fuch wayght that they both dyed there“

51mm. Titus cömaunded the wucüaemt
'that they two made befoee their death
-to be Mitten vpon almost: with blood,
-and their kcendchip to be noted in the
theonicles of {3 Roma-tes, that it might
be an example to all men to mm true
_ *fcendfhip bye. At that tum: thetfoge the t
games teuenged them Mata meetlye l
welbpon the Romane-s. The fire bunt
',tyll itcame to the hours nfCliifkiiahu \
- kyng of Ichudah, and had almofl taken
?the temple of the 'Wee z which the Ro- ‘
'maneslwngmanw out of the towne, x
'and gate them to their tent'es, a great ;
-patt ot them beyng bellman by the ‘
-crueltie of the Jewes, fo that feweof
*them remayned. The tel! timings lag:
figll in their liege manna about the
towne, raging: we [ballast be able to
'wyn the towne by the (mom, but ra.
the: we mutt befayne to mat them' to
patina by famine, mhmfoze they com
fpalten it on every tyne. Zn the towne
name had they no victnale latte.
lTiBere was a certain: notable ryche
? woman at. Icrufalcm , of a noble
[yo-'ke all», ,_whoke _name me_ Woo-o,
. l p "t I A I l
ulu x'. W ..3. T

her dwellyng was beyonde Lot-clan z but

when the perceaued the warrrs to grow
mote c mote in the tyme ot Vat‘pafian,
the came' vp with her neyghboure to
Icrutalem, bggngpng with her not only
ber men fernanntes and women fer
.uanntesz and all her whole familie : but
_all'o her gushes and when, which were
,becy great. When the hunger was' ~' ' "
greeuons at lemfalem, and the teem»
due' went from heute td heute to [elta, "
meats, they came all'o t'o this womans ' ‘
heute, and take away from her by texte
_all that enec the had, and _lette her nd
,thyng cemaynyng. 1th this meanes the'
,was dppeelled with very great hunger,
[to that the wywed her fette out of the
wozlde, but her tyme was nut yet come
to we. Wherfoee that the myght flake
her hunger and "Weine her lute, the be
gan to tctape int chaffe and Butte to;
beauee doung, b coulde tynde none.
Hhe had one tonne, and when the ("uwe
thetamine ware greater e greater vpon
her, the layde afide al womanhod e mer. 1
cie, e toke vpon her an hoerible crueltie. , - l
Fee when the heard her boy weepe and 1
II Q_ efozmeatwhich the had netto gene 4
,„ Es Ä. t .Dym
' hym, the tayde vnto hym t What
J do my konnee Fo: the weath ot 'xxx-1d'
hath enutroned the whole titie, in euery
cotner therof tamine raigneth: without
the titie the fwosde kylleth bp an, wtth.
in we flande in feare of the [editious t
_,ourkenemies peeuaylt: without, in the
D "towne are fires, hnrnynges, and ruines »
Wk h'oul'ee, famine, Heltilente, tpoylyng, l
,Wand deftroyin'gz l'o that J can not feede
thee my tonne. Now therfoze my lonne
' MW ytz lhouloe dye tot hunger, to whom
lhoulde J leaue thee heyng yet-a chyldes ,
'J hoped one-e, that when chou wouldelf »
“come to mans trace, thou woaldeu'haue ;
fufleyu'ed my'ne age-with meate,d3iuke,
'and tloth, andatter when J lhould dye,
to hury me honoeablye, lyke as J was
myuded t'o bury thee, yt thou wouldefi
baue dyed- hefoee me. Wut 'ndwe my
tonne thou art ao good as dead alredye,
fo; J? baue no- meate to hzyng thee bp
withall, becaul'e ofthie great famine e
crueltie otthe enemies both within und
without, ztthou thouldelt dYe nowe a
. »a monglt other , thou fhouldeft :haue no
- good noe honoeabletombe as J woulde
whfhe thee. Whettoze J baue-thought
*- -. - . " good
' [MEZ.

good to'chofe thee a iepulchtez ene_ mine_

owne body, [etke then fhou'ldeq dyßand
,dogges eate thee in the t'tceates. Ii, wy'l
.,_ße-. thertote be thy graue, anothou (halt be
my foode.And fo; that,that itthou hadlf
tyned and growen to mans_ (face, thoit
oughtett by tight to haue nonrtlhed inet..
nowe feede me with xhy fleihe,and with_ f
it fulkeyne myne age ,veto-e that famine
denonr thee,and thy body be contained.
Render therefote vnto thy mother: that;
which the gane vnto thee, h *kde then ca(
melt of her, and thou khaltretnrne into
her. Fo; J wyll [Whg thee into the reife
fame ihoppe, tn the which the bzeath_ of
tyte was beeathed into thy nocethsylleed
fozaimuche asthonart my welheloned:
contre, whöI baue loued alwayes with
- all my firengthz be theriose meate'toz,
thy mother-an tgnominie and cepeoche.
to the [editions, that hy violence hane
taken away_ ont thode.. Wherefoze my.
Neuheit-eau my boyce, andipt'teyne my;
i .ulZe and 'me [ef-:x ?nd go Wit-?nde that
, ia! determined fox thee by my handesz
.y kette beta the garden ot ?eien and»
l 'zatacliletIibe then meate tot; the, - and as
'i tete!?N ehtht-tbeleditiene
f 7* *EMI* tha-7
The warres of
they may be comyelled to (ay, Lo :1
* man hath kyllcd her fonnc, and hath-ca,
ten hym'. Ho, when che had thus [po
hen to hektonneg'he folie the chyldezand
turning ber face away no the would fee
hymhye, we kylled-hym with a Imam,
am: after cnc his body into cectaine pee
as, wheceof [eme the rotten, fome the
fodde : and when the had eaten of them,
_he layde vp the tel! to kepe. The "a
mm: of the flethe refled when ir came
out into the flceates to the people, they
[ayde one to another? fee here is a fmell_
pfcott meate, Which thyng came to the ,
knowledge of the l'editious at length,
who went into the haute of the woman
and [puke eoughly vnto her: why thom
pet! thou bane meate to lyne with, and
the we to; hunger:: The woman made
them aunfwece, and fayde onto them c
ilBe not difpleafed J befeche you with_
your handemayde fo; this, to; yon "hau
tee J bane referned part to: you. *Byt
you downe therefoeez nnd-J wyll heyng'
'tt you; thatye may mite therof, eo; it is;
between meatefinb by and *by the [any
the tobte, and tet befogethem'p'o'rt of the.
?held-:s uemczkayins- WeIkmm,—
. ~' K * ll l
hexe is a thyldes hand, fee here his toote
ahiyothet pattee: and neneetepozt thai:
tt is any other. womane childe but mine'
own.: only ionne that ye knewwith me,
" - hym J bare, and all'o 'hatte eaten parte,
and parte J haue kept fo; you. Whitbe
when we had ipoken, the butlt out and P.,
,- weyt,layirigi Oh m'y [ohne, my konnt,
l f howe i'weete wait thou to me whyles
- thon yet lyuedit, and nowe at thy death
L alio thon art iweetet to me then honye.
Fo; thou halt not only tedde me in this
molt gteenons tamine,but thou haft dez
fended me ttomfthe weath of the "editi
ous, whetwith they were incenied to
watdes me, when the imell otthc meat
beought them into my houie . Nowe
thettoee ate they become my freude-FN,
they l'yt at my table, and Ii hatte made
them a tealt with t-by-flewe. After ihe
turned het to the ieditions, and bad the
eate and iatiltie them ieluee: to; why
y (iaith the) ihonlde ye abhoete my meate
*V which Il hane iethetoee you .- 31 haue ia
h tlifieh my, ielie therwith, why thetetoee
' 'do you not oate ot the tlelh oi my lonnee
l . Watte e tee how iweete my fonneS-fltlh
| i i833] hate. layyewyl .lay itwie ,good meat.
i - Eg itij _ WW)
What needeth pitte s Ought ye to be
moee moued therwtth then a womms kl
nye wyl tn no wyle eate otthe facriftco '
of my fonne, whö as J haue eaten ther
of my fette 2 (hall not this be a lhame fee
you, that J] thouldehaue a better hearts
aud greater courage then you;- Weholde
J haue peepaced a tayee table fo; you
moft valiaunt men, why eate ye not-Ss
l tt not a good trau that J haue deefl; to;
your and it wat-.your wyl that Z thould
make you this fehlt. Jt hadde ben my
part rather to haue ben moued with
pitie of my fonnc, then youcst and how
chaunceth it therefoee that ye are moee
mercyfullthen J .- Are not_ ye they that
[poyled my heute, aud left me no kynoe
_ okfoode »kos me and my kenne -,-- Are not
ye theytth'at conflcayned me to make
youthie teafl, ndtwithttandyng y great
hunger that J baue e Why then eate yo
not therof,when ae ye were the auctoze
and the cauters" thatz dyd this deede s
The Jeweshearyng this matter, were
wondectutly-lmytten into tadnette: yca F
euen the goueruours _ofthe fedttt'ous be.
gan to ttoupe when they heerd of this,[o
chattth att-in a- matter deltced death,
F. _„ 4.,_- they

they were l'o amaied at this boerible act.

My therefoze of the common people
'tale out in 'the nyght fooeth dt Jecuiaz
lem with all their fubflannce,to the'Roz
* .moves camp'e,and thewed 'km13 ofthis,
who wept therat, and was-Wye fo: the _
matter exceedynglye, howyng bp bis
hani-es to heauen, and trying: Thon"
Ko'eoe God ot the wohde» Ood of this
houie,to whom all tetrete'zare kuow'enj
which atio knowelt myhe'artz-?that Z
came not agay'ntt this title Laß “deficous
of wacres, but rather ofp'ea'cez which Z
euer offered them, but yet the' citizens
thereot euecmoee retuied it, 'although 3( „
ottentymes intreatedtve'm: And when '
they det'tcoyed one anothet'ljytheic tim!!
dictention 7- J 'woulde' hehe -deliueced
them, but J tounde them'klwa'yes lyke'
molk tierte and cruell- b'e'attes, nothyng
(path-ng them telues. *And this miichiete'
is come nowe [o karte, that a woman
hath eaten-her owne flethe,being dziuett
thereuhtebymolt extreme necetkitie. J
hauehe-ardßend my foiefatbers baue'
tolde *mean the power thatthou haft er'.
erciied in tim-es pat't towards-z them and
their - Where., howe- th-y name » dwelt
* * “ 4 gmongq
amongü them. Ftoe thou htoughteft the
out of Egypt with a flrong hande,and a
ftretchedxootth arme out of the houte of
hondage, to whö alio thou deuidedlt the
lea,leddeft them theough *it dzye, und
deownedft their enemiee in the water:
_ Mixe-,ronducted thy people thtough the
wildernelle,and teddeft them with beead
from heauen, thoutauiedlt quaylee to
Nee onto-the, and broughtefl out water
out of the totlte fo; them. At lengtwthou
bwughtefl them into this holy' lande hy
great und terrible miracleo and won.
dere. Foethou dtyedthvp the water-e ot
loräune, and madeft them flande ae it
were on: abeape tyll they were patfed x
huet. Thon cauiedlt the Henne and the
ehoone alfo to flay their tourt'e fo; thy
peoplee take, tyll they myght hanquithe
j their ene-uwe. :Thon wooldeltalco that
_thy name-.Mulde dwell amongft them,
and thou gauofl them thie titie by inve
ritaunce. x Deu-rent them *thou thotedtt
foe thy (elta to-.he WWW' , whithe
myght eoeteet thy people, teathe them,
und leade them in thy right wayne gelte
them warnyng :of miieries. folowyng,
?heut-se myself??? hW-'NLLÖÄUUW
e112 n
.- t- *ß t U16 167708.
andbeware ot them. Thon flirt-edit hn:
w'yfe men amongfl them, to _the intenß
:than myght' knowe what hätte to be
done .- ehoteouer, thon ,dn-_hett there
them ptieltee to ferne _theez' '6nd to vierte:
:hy people [ti-ae!, Tettayn'egodly men_
of them. .alfa thou neldel! ,vum tötet ann,
in a fiety Eharriote chou taryedflk them(
hp into heauennßhon [mocca the tantes
ot the kyng of nitro-?Fand kylledft ir() '
them.cltrtv.thontande mem-Theke andy
dinets other thyngeo hatte J leatned oe,
iny toteiathers t: yea, and Lofexzh the;
ptiett a very wyfe man, hathtold'e me a7;
great part otthe fame. And nowe Wade_
God, this people which_ Zi hane flrynen;
agayntk, 31 woulde haue iaydethey had
ttnfted tnthee: but then (eefl they trntk'
not in the (antun heatthz but in then',
owne twozde . Thon: feelt ano' ' hentai
tende they be, _notwithflandyng thy"
terrible fignes, and wonoe'rewherewithj
then' hätt fought tm mßüdeagayntt thß.;
which-“theywiitnotac noihtedgeTheh;
tay,r'he_te ie no man tan_ being vs vnoerz; '
Welthits Kon? ont-,God *wall .hen-e*
bs dea 'tthpugb we befwlckxd ?tote-a;
thnth' ae [o3 'onto' taken he -rayneo btead'
„a“ etz-ta ' , ' “ g ?qan
downe from veauen , deuided the- tea."
beougbt out watere foozth of the .buche
Recke, ant-:flade the coucfes of the
Yunnexnd all fo; WMI-ut they conüdec
noctvat than Hewedfl tbqke fig-ice to
fdelr fathersFo; their rigbteo'ufneß fake.
. »anz- :bete MYeichkean chou half
[Broken in .oqc jv'ac'ces, to make theic
[ik-idexdefolg'te'N-and to' lay wao: theic'
Äxte-„kecäqfedfxche multitUdeyok theic x
üaßfWeWnSZand howe chou bau con.“
fgmedxvexn wüvfwozde,peflilence,and '
.Ami-ne» (hat,th lare (ayue. to eate- the
qesze .oc- theixxbyldsen. Andyet ko; au
(bie, they c'an _not fyfid'e in their heartes
to humblethem (felues befoze theemoe to
a'cknowledgethyhande to väue _ben bp
pd'i' them fo; the!: wiekequWesJ au'o
Mixe/no: ben vety eacnelk vppn- them,
[171K baue aug-,med them euer gently. 3x
4 fd be' it “chou Ref-'vlt
myxbandes, I wyll 'not-deliuer chem into.
get me heoce-fcom.
cbecemou-wicked wen, and flee awaye.
t'xjxl'aue mylyfe; *left J alla pe'cylhe in'.
their f!nncs,'__wvö::c'vdn [halt Merci)wa
j 7 tdö,a's tvdq difidelkdqecthzqwe-Zeä01uk
| 4WD; Wbetefoee, lee, I wyu ge; me'
quxyktbßxylsxda W, (keeps, teewe be.
' ' “" “ KEY-ee!!
-j" 'll' .lk- "L35

deffroyed with theim'foa ont eyen tio-'tee

Zcäöm that was ouertheowen in' theyz
l "moers, Ma, but thiehatdeneth they.
heartee alle lyke iromthat they iayiwh'y
thdulde we not be lyke to our father-a ir'
crueltiee Fog' our toeetather Bibi-aba!!!
when ae he had but one onely ionne, he
went to tacrifice him to the hoewwhom
in deede J do not repsehend fo; this fact;
foewhye Z knowe not the miiterie ther
ot,albeit Z matuell howe h'e had no pitie
x on hieionne.J hane heatde alio ota ter*
, tayne kyng ot theiro, who the lame day
» he let fozwardes to the warres, made a
; vowe to Ood that he wouldotfer a iacrt- -
fire,it he thonld hane good incteife in his
[hartes,- and when he returned from the
warrcwhe ottted to god his only dangh- *
ter, and io perfourmedhie vowe that he
had vowed vnto Wed. And hereby J
knowe they are men oia itubb urne (pi
» cite; fox whatioeuer it geueth them in
i their headee to do,that they thinke-mulf
needes he done, and they are a naughtie
4 people , and moite hcynono finnete'.
i WhetetoeeZ ercept thou wylt delyuer
l- them to nie,J wil gene ouer the wat-res?,
| to; J] wil notbe ilayne' wirhthemwithx
" ,i . y ' '7 ou y
' :hut *alliudgemente When "kit-13 had
4 __i'ayde all; theie thynges, he tommaunded
,to het-'1g an treu' ramme,and to hende it
_ :Ugaynü the newe wall which the (editi
,ou- had rayted, that they myght hattet
,the thailand cart tt downe. Then came
teeth many of the n-oblee of the tedicious
vnto Tinte. and made-peace with hym.
whö he ptated .amor-git his chiefe men. i
:Zihoetlye aftermthe Romance_ tet a fire
-_ . a. tettayne gate ot the ten-pie z that
was thußwhot'e dooee was covered once
Hithtylaett and whyle the tymhee ot it
hutnt, the tiluer melted aud ranne vyon
the gtounde. Bo when the gate was ez
Ziemthere appeared the way which goeth
to the Zentrum (anätotum o; holyeit of
. ahAu'oone ae “l'ituz iawe i-t,he honoured
.tt with-great .reuerente, and fosbad hie
people that no man thoulde come nye it,
tayingt *takeheede ye meddle not with
this heute, tytl we take further delivera
tion what is to be doue in the matter.
Whettoee he commaunded psoclamati
.nn to he made theovghontalt his* campe,
in this wyi'e. Whoioeuer tommeth nye
this kannuacie, (halt futter death fo; it.
,Ve ayyoyntep _alte a wrong bande ot
; x.“ . t .
..11c .cc r' ca. .7,
men to hepe the temple, that ft were not
L fuifienced and vnhalowed by any of his.
Wut his princes and captayuee auniwe
red hymtayinge vnlccte this houtc -be tet .
R fire, thou (halt neuer lubooe this peo
ple, feeat'much aa to [ane it, they vowe
them [cities-to dye . Notwithltandyng
71m3 woulde not hearken to their coun
[ell in this matter, but appoynted of his
*louldiours and "uch Jewes as had made
. ,peace with hym,to kepe werde, geuyng
them charge to kepe the temple t 8311e
*cum [3nft0rum,leff it thould be polluted,
tyll they-had contulted vpon the matter.
-The tcdicioua Jewes that remayned ii'
*13qu31cm,teyng the Romanes departed
*from the temple, and leauyng the war
*ders there behynde them, they ran bpm
them with their Wozdes diawen, and
[lewe them vp cleane, lettyng neuera
man [tape. Which "kreuz hearyng of, he
thought his whole armie thither againf'
the-fedicious, and kyiteo many ot them,
the refl tledde to the mount Zion. The
nert daye the Romanes (et tyee- vppon
the Zunftum [attä'torum , laying wood
to the ooozes that were covered ouer
VW W!?- W! WIG. M? V WZ:
be 'after the golde wart hotte, and the
tymbcc otthe gates was once beent, the
honle of the San&um fanélorum am;
"open (that all men my'ght l'ee it) the. ir.
day ot the fifth moneth, *which was the
luly. very fame day that it was opened alko
in. the tyme ot the Chaldcis. The m.
manes therefoee, when they had gotten
tvat dooee of the Sanetum [WKN-um
' *once open, and had entree into tt, they
made great joy, and gene a great fhout,
.whyleg the Znut'tum [änätorum was a
,tx-:ek which when Titus rawe, he made
greactpeede to quenche the fyee, and to
[auc. the» '8311ä'tjlm finétorum, but he
toulde not doit, there dyd to many (et it
-a fyze into many places. 71m3 therefoso
ccyed *onto them, that they fhoulde not
do fo z but they woulde not heace hym.
Fox likens a vehement fludde urinate:
bgeaketh all thynges, and dziuoth them
butane 'betoge it : euen to with a tut-ions
:violent-e the Gentiles cutthed vpon the
temple of the Lowe, the type flamyng
mine and then out of meat'ure. Ohne
Titus cryed-vpon them in vaynex wher
-foee when Tnus' tame he coulde notre
tcayne the .people _from the 8:1me
'.- .4 _ fanélotum
[UCI-"68. ' '

fanaorum with 'woxdes,he dene out his

kwosde, blamth the captaynes of his
owne people, and the other that were
not Romanes he kylled them, fox they
in tyme pafl were maze wo'nt to fpoyle
the temple, nenertheleu'e he coulde not
(jay them, no; put them backe. Ve cry
ed flyu vpon them notwtthflandyng, ttll
- he was (ohooxfe, thathe coulde crhe no
longer. The peiet'fes whiche were in
the Sanéium fané‘torum, withftode the
Romane-z floutly,till they were no maze
able to l'lft bp their handes againfl them.
Wherfoee when the {meme fame there
thee none" other [auegarde lefte, they
lept into the meant: diuers otherJFewcs
with them, that had hyd them [eines
in the Sanétum fanétorum, and fo were
, all bzent together: to: they fayde, what
x fhoulde we lyue any longer, nowe that
the temple is beents Titus teallen not
to ftryke the people, to share them from
the temple, that they fhoulde not ftnne
agaynfl the SanCtum fanétorum, but no
man woulde obey bum, to; they were
many that' fpoyled the temple . "fxqu
therefozc veyng ko weerie, that all hie
flrcng-th fayled hym c he fell downe bp
Oh i peu
pun the gtotmde. Ho when he (uwe h
peeuayled nothth with his trying:
left ot toehiddtngthem. After that the
houte of the Sané’tum fanélqrum was
bumbTitus tote and entred into it, aqn
tawe the glam and magnificence thmf,
and beleued that _tt was the houfe of the
3mm, to; as yet the' that had not vtterly
contumcd all, to that he tapas: nowe J
wet perceaue that this is none othec then
the hunt: of Ood,and the Dwelling of the
God of heauens , neythec was it fo;
nought that the Jewes (tone to warmth
_ them the Intent: thereof, no: the gen
tiles alto dyd 'not without a taufe [ende
gala: and unter to this temple from the
tattth pattzs of the woude. Fox great
is the glow of this ttmpte, anp it tat-re
pack-:rh the temple of the Romanes, and
all the temples of the gentiteo that euer
3: tawe. .The God otheaueu; which: ts
v the than of this houl'e, take vengeaunce
- of the fedittous, whore mtftheunus and
heynous deedes baue beought this euylt
*Upon it. The [editious that yet tem-ty
ned atigtttul'alem, teyng the Sanétum
fanfitorum to be burnt z they [et the fett
otthetcmplea that them feines, cmd all
: ~ ' the
;,L the Icwe's. "'*" ' 237
*the but:st alte that were fylled full ot'
‘ tteal'ure,and al kinds of ptecious iewels.
Und where they.. imam there was yet
("eme victuuleetekt, they (et it a fyee alto,
lefl the Romajtes (heute bane any com
moditte by it, [trying: nowe that the
Zattth fanfiorun] is watted, what:
(bovine we line any longer, and then
what nede hatte) we of &my other vuyl
dynges o; houfes s 'After this, the ,Ro
manna quenched the fire,and hp tet their
tools and images in the temple, and ot
(no burnt oftringes vnto them, dlatphe
myng, raylyng, *and morkyng at. the .
games andtheyz lawns in the peefence
oftheytidots.- " _ _
Al‘Bnuthat'timzmas there acertm'ne - .
Icwe that peophecied a [yo vn'to the
Mittens that remaynedyet at Vierufa
. lem, binning them to play' th'e mem-and
- rem't they: enemiee z fox nowe (taieth he)
than the temple-be buylded by it cette
-tpithoutma'ns hand, that God mag de- '
flare his power bnto the Romance',
whiche news glam in them [clues that
they hatte euer-come* the games. There
foteifye wyll fight souch egaan the
_ , 19:) ii I50
aomaneenhts day (hall the temple be
hutlded by it fette. Wheretoee the (editi
qua let vpon the Romane-3, and Rewe
many ofthem. So the Romanee enkin
deled with me, hannlenthe people cru
etly, kytlyng them lyke theepe» where
they had tauouted them hythectoä. All
there thynges happe'ned vnto the people,
becaufe they gaue trediteto the fall'e paw
phete, and marked not the fig-tes that
appeared atthierufalem. Fox the yece
next befoze the comm'yng "of Vafpafian,
there mas reene a (karte oder the temple,
fo beyght, as though a man had had ma
nye deawen [leagues in _his hand at once.
And at the fame tyme as the tkaere ap
peacedin the tyme of the ['olemne teal!
tatled Pall‘ach , that whole nyght the
temple was as lgght and as cleare, as
though ithad ben mydday, and it con
tinued [o by the (pate at tenen dayes ot
the fcalk. The men of vnderlkandyng
in Jtraelknewe well though, that this .
was an cuyll figue„ but- the rel'f of the
people intecpeeted it in good part . The
very fametyme alto, they bsoughta
Veto-et fo; a burnt otkeryng, whiche
when the waettld and fltoken downe
' ;: ' that
We lcwes. - , ez!
that they myght metre her, the ralued a
l iLamhe. This miracie (they rayde) like!
I wife made fez them,and peetended good.
' Us alto this that foloweth,they interpze
ted to good. There was a certayne gate
that was called the Eau gate, a great
and wonderous heauie gate,that was
neuer opened* nde thutte but_ twentie
men bad inough to do about it, the ere
kyng ofthe gimmes and ho'okea where
at myght be-heard a tarre of. This gate
was founde open without any mans
helpezand they coulde not that it, tyll a
great number allembled and ioyned
their flrengthes together. After this,
there was feene ouer the temple and the
San&um fané‘torum, by the [pate of a
whole nygbt, a face of a man wonder
full terrible . There appeared all'o at
that tyu'te fierie chariots and hozt'emen,
and greathoaftes in the tkye commyng
‘ nye to Vierufalem, and all the lande of
. ]url;l. Zn the fealf alto ot werke-3, the
- peiei'ies hearde a' man walkyng in the
l temple, and-taying with a great and a
l wonderqu terrible hate bdyrec Come,
I let vs go away out: of this temple, and
I get vs hence. Wut [pecially there was
l Kehl() * one
one paffyngxall there. a tertayne man
in the tine, ot a bate and lowe degree,
'whole name was Ichorcua, the l'onne-of
Chananciahu, began to tcye vpon the
keaft of _ the tabecnaclee with a loude
hum ohthie wyfe. A voycc from the
[xxxka voycc from the WENN voycc From
_ the konto wyndes of the hcaucns,a voycc
agaynfl'Hicrufalcm, a voycc agaynfl the
templc,a voycc again“ the bridegromc,
awroycc agaynlt the bride, and a voycc
againfl' the whole people“ Eb!” be try.
ed very often, fo that the citizens of 19m
rul’alem hated hym, and [agile to hpm:
What ctyelk then alwayes this cry-s
Wut the gonetnout that then was in the
citie, foebad the citizens to [ay any thing
to hym, rapperth hym to be betydes
ham felfe and mad. Thetefoze he neuer
left trying fo: the {pate of font-e here,
tytl the metres began, raging: Wo to
DietnfalemNnd to the fanauatie thetof.
When the wattes were ,once begnn,and
the towne befiegtd , it foxtuned as he
wandeted about vpon the walles. cry
mg after his olde maner, he ant:th this:
, Wo vnto my felts: and with that a
Wnetame out of an engine from .the
campe, and [mit out his beam-tes. At
' that tyme alte there was a weytyng
komme, gtauen in a ltone of olde,whiche
the Jewes read i the wozdes were thefe.
?Über tyme the bu71ä7n30k* the tem'
ylc (halbe br0qut t0 kom-e [quel-e, the-1
“1c N13le (Felix-07a! . Nowe when the
wacbtu was taken ano rated by the
.Romane '> and the walles of the tem
ple were a obzokem the Jewes making
fpeede to tepayee the cuinee and delapi
hations, without any remembeaunce ot
this [cctptute, they made the temple
'once fquate. Beudesthieghere wasa
['ceipture founde in the wall of the Zaoc
tum (huet-0mm on this wyfe. 7711m
the "[1016 [PNG-nod- of'th ccmyle l*[13]
[de kourc [qu-tre,then [hall a &YUZ re'iZoo
ooet [i'm-:1, :incl that [(7113 auc] mLer
[ballrajZne 011cc :11] the [tmch of' [keel.
Home interpeeted this vpon the kyng
of chael. Wut the peieltee feyde, it
ts the kyng o3 rule.: ot the Romanee.
The whole atmye ot the Romanes be
yng nowe tommed into the temple,* and
| the Jewes alco fledde to the mounte
t Zion i the Romane-.tet hp theye tools
|- tn the_ temple of the Rhede, and
t' , ' Oh iii) offered
mm (artifice vnto them,b1atpheming
and raylyng at the games and they:
God. At that tyme there ,came downe
to the Romane-W litle boy of the pxielkes
from the mount Sion, whiche went to a
captayne of the Romanesthat was ke
pet otthe temple, and defyxed hum to
gene hym tome water to Intake. the
take pitie oftheboy, and bad ,gene hem
water. The huge takyng the- bettell
that the water was in., fyzlt mauke
hym felfe, then ranne away with the
rette. The captayne-ranne -atter hym
hym l'elfe, but he woulde not ouertake
hym,okapurpofe, became he was deli
tcd with the boyes doyng, wheretoee
helethym go to: the noncecfo he gm l
bp to the peiefles and gaue them deinke.
On a tyme when the Romanes were
at they; facrifice in the pzefence of Titus
thehJ-itnzne, certayne of the mm:
tame and befought Titus that he would
not knit them. To whom Titus made ,
aunfwcre: why do he wyt'he to lyue
nowe, and not rather to dye with »
your beethten that hatte abutment death
fez the Geddes fake of, this houfee n
Then Titus commaunded hie mußte.
. ~ It
„ ,
kyll thermandto dyed they . After 'ch11
1116011 and lebocnanan (ent embalca
dours to 'L'Itua to require peace 2 to whö "
71W made aunlwere in this wyleye
afke thtethyng to late ,- and howe tom
metb it to packe thatye nowe entteate
foFyour lyues , when that of [o great a
number ofpeople , ye baue lefto none
faue a very few. When as allo ye baue
walted all thyuges mol't cruelly and del'
peratlye ' Now after all thel'e your_ mil"
cheuous attes ye require peacezwvith ye
would neuer receaue ofme , although J
deljred you neuer t'o ofte. J-oe itpitt'ed
me to "ee your people,1"ome '-to bee vered
with hunger , and fome to be talk out or .
the title without any buriall . Wut yo
hardened your neckes, and 'woulde ne
. _ uer admit any peace tyll all the people
were del'troyed . Therefoeellrus re
paebended them with many other wo;
des ,faying vntothem 7 Cell me you
feditious,you wirken and unfull per
fons , baue notyou flayne the people of
the Loade 2. you (et bis houfe on fyxe, _
-you bwught vpyon this titie all this
mirrbjefe.. Howe can you therefore per
fwade your (eluee , o2 peetume to- de
- Dh h fire
mg!“ 0! *
fire the fauegatde ot'youc lines-andwhy
wyll yo lyue alone of al the Pages, righ
teous,innocent , wont? , 'and holy men,
Lohom ye baue Hague without any mec
me a Von-e may 31 commit this , not to
be auenged organ, that hauedone me fo
much mitchiefe a gee defice-kyfe, and yet
pertenec and continue in your malice
flyll , holdyng you.: [memes tn yon.:
hanoes and bcyng in armes , neuer-the
leh'e ye entreate me to_ [aus your [Lues.
Dane we not nowe taken the title , and
alto the t'empte , and the Sanaum fan:
{torumz'baue we not burnt it with twee
What is there left to: you to put any
hope in e* t what lake ye fo; to cemayne
Wharton talk away your flames, and
lane away your armour, and then come
vnto me and entteat me , and then (halt
3: knowe what 3] hatte todo , pecaduen
tute J thalve gracious vnto yon , and
patdon you your l-yues. The captaynes _
ok the 'teditious , Schimcon emu 13110
chanan made aunfwece to Titus t We
kane two-ne by the item out .God,who
is God otheauen and earthnhat we wa
neuer-beare thy yokemoe ferne thee, no;
make anye peace with thee, to hefasten
. "to
vnto th'ofe." News thectoeey fit be thy
pleal'ute to fhewe vs mercy , futter bs to
» go out of the citie, and we wyll take ouc
- iourney into the wyldetnefl'ex whiche
yf thou wylt gtaunt vs , we wyll repozt
that we haut found tauout at thy hand:
yf notzwe lvyll temayne in this place to
"se whatwe
manec wallwedetermine,
ot death wyll dye. and what x
When 7W heard this ,he was won
detfully wzoth aud faydt temayneth the
peide otyout beattes , andthe-vardneffe
ofyout ueckes yet with you [kyll , al
though ye bee taken s yet ye dare bo'e fo
bolde to faye , we haue fwoeue that we
wyll not bears tby Yoke s Zeeanxe haus
[wome vnto death , kde ye baue defpy.
(ed lyfe , when as your citieis won-1e,
the houl'e of the 8:11th kauften-um is
butnte , and no cefuge is leite you.
Whttewith then can ye put awaye
youtignominie and thame , aud what
ts your hope yf a manne mygvt al'ke;1
Then gaue "l'jcut commaundement
to the .Koan ,that they fhdulde.
not omitte any oputunitie to tet vy
pon the [editious, and by one mcancs
_OZ , other' f'
* demoye
m * Zcb'tmeou
7 ' and Le
hochanan’. 'There was at that tyme ä ,
t cettayne man' of the kynges blood, -
whofe name was Scrach, hettccompa- '
nyed with all hie heethxen and tonnes
that were there with htm ot the kynges
blood, came downe from the mount
Sm to Titus, who teceauedthem ho."
no;eblye,and gentytly omen them.
When Ichochanan and Zcbtmeon bm
derftode that Scrach and the refl- were
gone , and had ye'elded them to Titus:
‘ they went and [et fyee bp'pon all that
was in the kyngee palaite, that the Ro
mama fhoulde baue no commodttie
thetby. -

F .mmthence they went to the tem

ple , where they fauna: certayne no
ble men and captaynee, whom Titus
had put in aucthozitie about the tem
plezof whom mm were chiefe t one cap
tayne of the hozfemen , the fetonde of
the thanth , and the thftd of the tote
men, hym they kylled, and tooke hie
tompauton alyue. This betought them
that had taken him , that he myght be'e
hzought to Ichtmcon they-captaynlee
([1- lc" EJ.

, tet bym (fayeth hewo with me as he litt,

i“. and in this oue thynglet me tyude fa
uout at your handes. They agreed,and
beought hym to Zcbimeoozwho tom
maunded hie fecuauntee attone as he
was come to flea hym. 3 Wut whyle he
that was appoynted to this buüueffe
made delay, and kylled hynt not by and
by 3 he whypte dowue of the hyll , efca
pedzaud came to '1"thwho commaun
ded hym out othie tyght , beyng wzoth
with hym ,that he had uot tought vnto
death ,father then to bee taken quiche.
Wut with the Jewes was he wonder
fullye difpleafed, that they had (o dit'
--fpitefully oedeced his men; wherefoze
he tommaunded to kill all the Jeweshs a
mauyas could be tounde in the tftetee
ofthecttie,whom he would haue [pa
red ketoeez aud cauted peoclamatiou to
heemade theoughout all hie campefoe
theyela-tette . Then dyed manye ot the
Jewes, fo that euety place was full ot
deux. bodyee. The men of warte of the
WWW whithe-wece with Zcbjmc.
on pecteauyug. howe the matter went,
they [ent embaffadoute tot-W to defire
peace , and to faue they; lyuce i thJiKJhe
--_. . en
when'it came to Zebjmeone eace , he
went vnto them , and (tue the chiefe of
. them , and they; noble men c the ceft of
the people of the Edomites fled vnto
_ 71m2. From thattyme fooxth "l'tta'e
commannded his men to bfe no moee.
crueltie vpon the Jewes. Home after
flkd Lebocbetmn and Zehen-toom , and
hyd them tetuee in certayne caues.The
refl otthe chief men of the Jewes -that
were'wtththcm,feyng them noweto
be fled, came downe fcom the mount
vnto "käme , and fell downe vpon they;
face betoze him vpon the ground,wbom
*[th receaued gentylly. As toz the ledi
tious that were with Zeb'tmeou and Le
hoclmnan , they fought tyll they all dy
edtogethec. :Chen came tooxth vnto
'[jtuz one 10W a peiefl , kenne of Zehe f.
tat the bye psiefk7b2yngyng with hym *
two candelflickes of golde whiche were
in the tanauaryz end the tables of gente,
with other veflels of unter and golde,
and alte the holye beam-es .decked Wh
golde end put:qu flotte-3,81! two-Be
gene vnto 71m8 c who made hymtlht'eke
peieft ouee them that eemayned, nette
vnte Lofcyh the 113th fozL'ttuz gave
* * L0fcyl1
mx.“ 24]..) _

Lofeph ancthoeitie al'wel ouer the ptiefls

and Reutte-s , as ouer the whole peo
ple otthe Jewes. Then was (Forum
the fatheeoflofeph that tmytte this hi
floeie,baought out of the peifon with his
wyfe and chyldeen, among wbom was
ene 8011ia11,70[cpbc8 -yenger mother,
be was a very wyfe and a godtye peiefl,
by whoin Ood beflowed ma'nye bene
fitee vppon the Jfraclitee . Fo; "1'1qu
leite hym at Dierufalemand tolte bpm
, i [cphee
not with hym liued
father W [>de ]0[cy]1.
after the .[0
eit-ie was
taken. rr. monethce, and dyed. They
tooke then alfo one Obi-1235 a peielk,
who was keper -of the treafure boufe,
ke beweayed and detected to the .Ro
mance all the treafutee of the yeielkes,
1nd they; veflementes: he gaue alfo
vnto Ficus a wolle »pzecious oyle,
with [werte odours ano perfumes, and
garmentee alfo- of purple, whiehe the 4
kyngee -of the feronde temple haede
genen . Wherfoee both this ?him-33
and [olli-1 whom we mentioned afoee,
tranfgrel'fed the couenaunt of the Weed',
and offended EPDM that they deliue
red hie iewellee to the ruemiee of hie
. people,
people , whiche they ougbt not to haue
done ,* but rather to haue dyed to; the
glogy ofthe iLogoe , as the other peteltes
dyd , whiche cal'fe them lelues into the
fhge . Abus was the citie ok Vier-:la
lem taken,with all the peecious thinges
that were therein: and Tim:: went vp
to the mount 81oo,toke it, and rated the'
watles thereof . Uppon a thxe'e nape:
after , Iehochanan [dee bert wich hum
ger, left his place where he lu>ed , and
came to Titus , fell downe afoge- hynt
and kylkcd his fe'ece, raging :raue me,O
Pozde ken; . Titus commaunded hym
to bee keteed with iron cheynes , and
when he had cauted hem-,to be'e catyed
about the tampefo bound z and to bee
mocked of all men by the fpace of. dii.
eaves , he commauuded to hang hym,
and fo gat he a (uit end and kit rewacde
to: his crueltie'. Afterwarde came Sch'u
moon alfo toozth of his den , beyug one
nen with famine , he had put on k5- ngly
appacell,and memo hym fell’e a fat-re of
* to the Remane hoalt: who feyug hem,
were aftayd to go to hym , but he called
vnto theuuaud al' kt to; (eme captayne.
Then one came foozth and rogue vnto
." con
Ihh'lrheon, tell me who thou art, and J
wyll not kyll thee s Zebtmeon auulwez '
1 redtherefoee and tolde hymt J am Icht
moon, that [editious captayne of the“
Jewes, whiche haue made you l'o mache'
a'do, noweJ befeche thee l'hewe m'e fo ,
7 'muche fauour asto beyng me to 'l'jtua
thy maiftert whithe hedyd. '[1ch there
-fose when he cawe Zcb'tm'eoo', he com'
maunded hym to be fall hounde, and to
- -beled' about the" whole hoaft, that he
»mygbt be deluded and merkt. After
warde he was put toa tote death: tyxlt
his head was llriclten of, then he was
tut in man eeces, .talk vnto doggee.
Ko he diet-?a abhominable death, being
punyfhed coe his iniqm'tie. .
h ' . 1» -
VO number of the Feldes, afwell
citizens ae other, that came vnto
4 that teal't to Vierulalem, whithe were
flayne partly hy" the Romance, partly
by the feditioue, duryng the-whole tyme
ofthel'ewarteszwae knowento bea le- -
nen hnn'dteththoulande, bel'ydes them
whole number was not knowent Only
- they were counted whithe were (lay-1e
and buryed. wefides them-they a"
Ii i were
dklechöämit and-&Mmqu dyed witk
lLlca'farthe (lob-1e of WW Wiek.
Tkey'thacwe'ce led paylon'exe hy 17713
' ' to Rome, .were fitteen'e thoul'ande mcg.
'kino therefozo- with -Zlof'egk, *we-nf l'
Rome, leauyn'g Zonian [oO-911R?qu
they ac leiecucalem, who was aßpoyn- l
ted cvecviefe peielk oe them the.: abc-le 7
: tveret foztvat dtd lol'epb rquof_ "1'1- l
cu3,whicbe he peckourmed. The chiti- ;
-oue were all llayne in that *battaylß l
L lbvicve they-tdkem *vaude tes the peo
*, '- pl'es'fakeanth-e temple of the Ilode
*They altg that
w'ere putto '17-ch x'oke
vyködeßtbes'. ZW pxyfoners,
ve lxefcr. x
nel). many tolle" mockyng (lockes "neue
ryocitie wvexehe-pa'ltedbym ewayto ,
Rome,and-i11 euefy townozhecKnJmann. ;
dev fometo be'bÖthFoostb änd calls »
vnto the Lions, tyll tlxey were all confo
' k *Q .xi *x *

“ ?Were wasaceetayne' people at that

'tyme dwellyng amongell the moun
taynes of Mac, that were called 513*
t1ch whole power Mexxmclcr kyng of
chclooja fearyng, clode them in on
every lyde, Thisyeoyle_ glthot'gh Ye?
a l
' bahnoknowledgeotthehte of iron no; j
ernten-,7, Yetthis wasxtheit meiner :that Y
Meet them ,with .azgrtat pole hu'rnt a >
,title atthtende, woulde put *to .flight tt, l
,hu-tote!: good fouldiours, were they ne- »
_C hetfowellapp'oyuted aud armed. Un. . . l
1 tyllthieherethey were alwayee thutin: ':
,' hut nowe heyug oppeelted with a_ great l
. *dearthhndtawiuetheonghout all they; _
' Z land, they (entembaltadoureto thepem* ZZ]
- ple of Uncle-m they; ueyghhours, requiz
*'ryng them that they woulde opeu'the * -' ?l
flraightee otthe mountayneo, thafthey- '
myght come fooethzwithrtheir whoes,
und chyldz'ento teekethem toode'.- Wehe" .
Zuchonzgcauntehtheyt requeftee, ope- *
ned them the entrauncee of the 'moun
taynes. Ko theyrent *tooethMandering
here an hett,hud Ü) Kling diuere coun
- treys-j yll at length they toke they: ,h
iouruey towards the* mountaynee ot ä“
the lahde och/12W, where they tounde' M, . x
ho;fee,uamely in the defekt vfb-1216.31( ' . , Ä
amongett the people ot amt. 2:th
gotethocehotfesz lept vpou them, and
*entred the lande ot mache. The pech"
,hent o; ruler ot the touutrey heuryug
there-ot, fied 'onto the hyghelt helles,
Fi h [eau-Zug
f Rx : i
-ieanyng his wyie ane chyldeen [why-de
hymteehaftemewae te atcayoe ot the
hlanlcex,know2ngtheys valiauntnette.
Straight way he (ent to them embalka
deutete make peace with them, and he*
wenlde let them hane vittayles' , vpen
this condition, that .they theulee mt
- ipeyle hie eonnttee. They made ann.
_ [werexitie be it he wenide kepe them,
ane let them hane toede to; thelp'acexet
' “F ene-meneihnyll the coene in they; owne
counter we're texte, they woulee re
thtne home agahne at the moii'ethes
„z, ende. Fee we delyee not (lay they) the
_.ägqlde deuteteez beyng "men lepaeated
Q *fcemelll etttöcxoneie- and* traffiqne with
»,'ethecpeeplß neeany thyng e'ls then x
xfeodewefeekenef. This theypreqneii '
, the rulee gcauntedthem, Kind'let them
,_ haueacertayne geayne called Pill, lee
xe- *den with one kynde et Mi'he ee ether.
.W44 The number ei them was tenen then.
lande, a hundeeth e fiftte, ane fine then
t'ende,e -hundeeth' and fouetie percent.
When themencth was ended, and the
_ Zlanitcebnderllode the come in theyx
_ ew'ne 'countcey was type, they depacted
ent-efthe lande et M3435, accoedyng as
. ' - 7.' * ' " tth
.coe ter'cx. ' - 7 L46 _
flzeyhadfw'ome, and returned towa'rde
they; owne tountreyx And as they were
a“goyng bomewarde, Micha-latex kyng
_ortet-nat -came agayni't them to .anoy
them, mynoyug to dsiue them from' bis
' ..-e'oalkes, 'lelkthey fhoulde waffe his foun
trey. There-newhile they yalted theough
k bis' counteey goyng toward they; ownez
j Weltatlathmade' waere vpon *themzbut
*| .hie/,men were braten downe by cher-&13
| _11'1tc_8,»lyks as Camelles tail bpon“ the '9
l gröund when a-firong man treades _them . -
l downe. Then one of the young men of
the Meute-Zain difpite put_ a röpe about - K*
Wtcbrjclacee netkez and deewe hytn after
him,vnfo bis greatthame. Wichejäacca
gate out hie fluosde, and cut 'a fundet_ the
rope andc fledx To when' the Manicee
lokyngybackenaio 2 Vo thy way,get thee
bomez ano moue »no moee waere vpou
ve bereafter, fo; we were not mynded to
waffe tby lande, no; yet to kyll thy peo
ple. Fo; if we bad euer intended it,
eonlde we not baue done it long ago,
when *as nothing i's betwirt vs and you,
but the mountaines of are-rar e Wut we
were ofthis minde,that we thould great
lye Wende to kill men owne (hape
and *
and-[tkenes._ße'e nowe vowe Sic-:Meier
whiche went about to fubdue the whole
- eactv,an'd to declace bis power,c1oced vs
' *bp within eur'landet why s becaufe ve
was afcezy'de we wenlde come out vpon
bim. Wut we laught him to "come when
._ *ve die it. wae had lifled,we coulde baue
*, ' . 4er bym from lhnttyng ve in, and to
, *make no peace with hym: but we fosced
not-de doingee. Fox it is one cuflqme
*2** to kepe bo wftvin our conntrey,we l'eeke
- “F none otherland,wben Wem: owneland
' ,7 is better-*then any other. It pleafed v.
a: well tbac'he incloted vs, that the cruell
wywe veaffes wbiebe are in the mo un
taynee ot>73rat,coulde baue no pallage
to WWW canre wvywe came out now,
was nothing eis,th that we were gree
ned with a great deartb x. and (oe detec
mined to be no [enger from home, then
.t . * tyll oncowne fcuites ware cipe.. then to
" retourne as you fee we dmzcwe bad von
'minde to'wyn your lande, bad :we not
den_ able vtterly to baue ouereome yon,
, _and to baue ,guten the dominien. euer
you e Duettther Ye noe youtcountrey Z
vid euer delite bs gteatlyn'oe our manu.
thker fax (com your-x. Box-We theng
the ten-ee. n _ _:
: Wegen, when he had keptvs eos a mo
: neth, we dyd hym no harme, we are 'not -
» wont to hurt men as ye are_ , that can
not be content with your owne lkambut
ment ochevpon other mens where.
rannte. erde therefose go and returne_
: to your owne countrey, and fd wyll we -. .y
to ours. without doyng you any moer
harmet -wherfoeeye nede not he akrayde
of hs. Bo the ölanicea went home to c,
theyz owne countreys, hauyng tlayne ol' - 4
, Mttbrjclateapedple theee hundoeth thdu- : _
, fand men,and neueraone oftheyeowne .Z "
: was killed. ?tt-13 hearyng ot this, wa. -
: defiro-ue to go bnto them,to let them hnä
, derlkande bis valianntnee: but heednlde
, not tompalte it, hecanfe all hie belt men
* were "peut in the warres at Vierul'alem.
Wherefoee he determined to returne to
Rome after he had taken Dierufalem,
where he abode as yet befides the (Kuro
cbja. Therehe had intelligente that di.
nero of the Iewes were gathered toge
thermn'th whdm was Llcafar the lonne
of Want the p3iefl,who during the (Lege,
ned bnto a tertayne holde called WWW,
wherbpdn many oftheJewes refozted to
him. '["ttut hearing tdi-,y many had idy
*Ä u*- J i
ned them telues to Llcatar, feated tea ab
tec' hie departute, Llcäl'ar myght from
thence make a code, and take Vierme
lse-,t to kill bp. all the Romaneszwhiche
thoqldehe no (mall damage-to the ,Ro
' maneempire, Whetefote he-made out
agaynlk hym; andrent thythec -one 8'117
chexxh a nob e man of Rome,with a great
-hoaft to be ege Me:jra,but hehcquld not
h getit. Whecfoee he fent bntoL-'jtutfoz l
.. an icon Damme, to hattet the _wle x
7 thhall. Whiche after he had teceaued,
7 ' he bet oowne the wallee ot (Act-elta ther
7 wtthj. The Jewee feyng that, cayfeda
great counttrmure within of wood and
tymbex,whiche the Romanesxet fire in,
and bucht. .Atterthat theyall'aulteh the
x _towne- from moznyng till nisbßat what '
time the_ Romane-3 left of,fuppoung they
were not able to pzeuayle agayn'tt Uta.
facz defencein_ the darke..
Zlezkar in the meane [eaten called an_
- attemblie ot all the th,iefe men of the
* Jewes
x:: were with hymexnd fajd vn
*to in this wyte.-Ceme hythee ye H
- feede ot Lebt-[baut and kinle petetkhoodz
whiche haue vntill this dah-_eqetpxehayt
. _ let
H 'UIIMJM I. we" "v
... T w

.led tcgaynü the-enemies oWod z am vs

beute your advice what is bett to bo'e - 1
finite ägainfl thismnltitude that is com
men 'bp-_m bs at humatesgae [ee that, at ,
chi-time chiefly it benommer vs tc_- tg
tom the coutage and haltauntues ofouc *
fezetathete, mheremtth they were in ' _ ‘
tyme pal't tunnel: . Confider moxeouec *
that zum thynghath his end , and that
*' there ate fomtymes in warm when as „
meWtewquc to fetch:the pucfuteg'omz ‚ t '
"tymetofle'etrom the came whom t _y
mm ‚ and to humble _then'tfeluex e? ~ - ,
im them,v And it is no Game to be k1qu
bled and difgtaccd ‚'whcn as all, thingcs
haue their, determigatc end; filbgif who.
fo is of a haut courage ‚ be' muft :Fo elta»
bliflJe ,bis-heart , that he quail not with
team-,then that] he he eéemeu a helium * '
man 1 31fye thetfelze be ofthatcoutage
* that he feare net death z then will F ,call
eouyaliaqntnunM 'nouvelle-Qant- “
der the fom'tudeot Abraham ontfatheß
and_th kalte that he mm; bauyng. but
- one mleetnune, lobt-'118W bare. hm,
hm it' WW ‚ he neuer .tkaggew no;
Wed am to atterhimvp_ to the MM
mitts; “um: WWF-uvm the!!ng
‚ -=‘;by . m
inet that he lh'eulde kyll hym,bnt nee.“
twaded hym-ielfmolf' certaynly that he
theuld peentote hym te the lite and tight
ef the Lexezieeakmnch ae fe; the leueof
God , and at hie commaundement he
lhenld haus killed hym. Way the thyng
that letehijeho the full kyng- dyd -, who
iettyng at nonght this weetehed lifezand
ai'piring to-enetlaflyng telicitie, woulde
3 not anoyd the ieopardie ofhie lite,'when
- . ae he myght hane done it. J-e; although
?het-ao Uecke- tayd he came net agatntt
- hymzbnt agayntt the kyngefthe Chal
clcez,yet would not Loicbj'iabu heare bim
bnt rather peece'edyng againlt yharao in
armee,wae qayne in the hattayle , and
went bitte that great lyght in the gar
den etparadiie,whiehe ie the let and-en
heritannce ofthe iult. We knowe that
in this woelde no man teceaneth the re
fvard 'eihie righteeulnee, but it ie layd
bp wehhm in' theiither woeldzwhere' he
thali teape the_ ltntte ot hie -reghteout'.
nee, that he hath" tewne-in this wende,
Neythee deth long -lyfe in this '*woelde
peefitea man te-'thehteynyng et ecm-la
flyng blute ', except he weake :righteeut
net-,and lead hie lautet-teeth etdaer
3 e. co ..e-"my- .-7.
intolighttlyke ae tontrarywyi'e , weit
» nes oflyfe hindeetb no man from euer
laifyng happyneite, if io beit , his ioule
baue no defett in thoie thinges that per
tayne to the wotlde to come. Fox label
- whiehe was itayne of his beother , ly
ued no long lyfe t yet whan hehad en- -
ded it, he obteyned euerlaftyng reite.
Wut Cain that iiued long in this woele,
was ei wanderer and 'a runnagate in
this earth, and after this lyfe , went to
perpetuailmiferie. Nowetherfoee my
bzetheen , yfwe alio wall iyueianye len,
ger,our lyfe (halbe a miierable life , and
our dayes, dayee of banitie and trauell;
yea,our foule ae long ae it (hall rem'aine
in this body , it ihalbe toile'v with great
tribulationtbut if itonte go foozth, then
wall it reioyte , and neuer bee afrayde .
And allthe dayee that itie. 'in the body,
it neuer . iynneth wwpyngand mout
nyng: fox it ie the fpirite of iyfe, whithe
ie hedged in* within the bodye , iyn
newea„ benes , andWchoes,
none otbetwtke then yf it were boundo
wird chaynee. Theipirite-ie-alio that
whiche-quitkueth the fleflie z rbatie to
ben-eftheduikefthe earth-toten!) canc
64- rk*
1. _,
7 “ no
'not quicken the fpicite . Befides thts,
.the fpiciteis that whithe- obtecnetl) W
* marketh the flelhe ,- and tearcheth the
weekes them-t , fo long as it is in the
body. Jeet!, the fiefhe can not fe'e the [pi
_rite , but the [pleite teeth the flelhe al
weyee , neytbet ie there any member
of the bodye hydde from it . The eyes
alte ot the bodye can not perceatte what
» , tyme the l'p'irite refoeteth to the flethe
end departeth“ from the fame *z the the
fpitit otmßnuuhtchis bis toute, is from 1
7 heauen :hut the flefhe is taken from the
earthWhertoze the toute may remaine
withoutthe hodyz but not lykewyte the
body without the .toutes 'and when the
fpttite comes to the fiet'he , it bifiteth it
usa neyghbontis wont to goe and ce
his neyghbouc , and quitkeneth' it 7 and
when agayne .it depacteth from it , the
flefhedyetthe tt the toute will tolowe
-the heute-tot the fiethe ,- then* this is the
death otthe--foule c but tfiit gene no eat-e
bnto theaoch,then 'hall the coole come
to the-light orltte,and the flelh [hal dye.
Whetetos'e theto'ule fe glad- when ttde
_,patteth ont otZthe bodygyke ae one that_
hath ben beende , is well apayo'e tut-Zn
' Z, ' e
heisdimicfed out ofpxiion." Fo; all the
» while that the foule ts kept cloi'ed in the
flelh'e ,it is as it were a flane , in matte
:harde and greeuous bondage , vnder a
harde maifter. Therfoee when it depar
teth from the body,it is glad, beraufe it_ . V,
mufi go to the garden ofparadiie.Thns "'
h ye lee that in thisxlyfe the touleis rom- v k l
pared to a bonde [ernannt and nape. :
Woche maze then this did he dii'touriet
of the immoetalitie and biellednes of the
coole betoee them , which we haue omit, *
h ten here. And maltth then a'degremon
' from that , he [amented and wept matte
bitterlh fo; the cafe of the ritie oWiern
faiem,i"aying. -

Wigete is now the ritt-e of Viernialenrxx! -

that great t populous titie :mlme
istha'pmofl beautiful! titfie of Sion, that
holye citie whiche reioyied the whole
earth e Dh thou Inozt'hip of Mae] , the
mhzth of our heartee , whyther isthy
gloey come e where is thy _magnifjrence
O Vieruialems where be the hile ofthe
daughter of Sion e where be ber kynges
and prince-e s where* be the khnges that
were haunt to come to inquire. of ver
f' “ " " welfare
welter-e in her gates s where are ber ta
ges and elders , her young and maik ya
liaunt men , whiche were ioconde and
-mery in her (freies vpon her [abhothee
. and feltinal meyer-where ie her famou
- (amtuarte , the dwellyng of the almigh
tte Ood s where ie the houl'e of (anäwm
finäwrum , the hahitation ot holyneite,
_.7 wherein no man might tet Wkote but
l „the hye peieft, whirhem all age-onelye '
nce a yere entted into ice Wut_ now,D
ieruiale_m,thou watt once replentfhe'
with people , and renowned amongeik
khnges_, beloueo ot God , in the"e was
eflablimed the [tete of the kyngdome
F* otiuflice and ioogement , whole üreics
' were poueo with molte peecious mar
ble , where wollee glittred ano t'hyned
with the [ame flotte, whole gatee euery
one were plateo with golde and' ty]
ucr , whoie wallee were buylded with
great [jones moü honozohlye , where
peicues in the midch oi the iamtuary
lyke to angeht. WOOD and ptyhceo ot
holynetle, ich [act-ihres and but-nt oi
tringee made the loed louing tothe'e and
the people. Dowe art thou nowe itqu
toll of oayue men and carcaiee, wkhirve
T- ' ane
: baue petyflgedietttehythefivozd , toute
ä by;taminsand howe ace thy ionnes that
dweltjnthe'e, and the ltreungecs atio
that-reichted vnto'thc'e,to bottom* thy
feat'tes , btought to wine newe in thes
. Howe art then fallen "com-the height ot
thy pxyde, and how att then ("et a iyeexc
went euenvnto thy foundation-,and , *
att lett deio_late-and iolitatiesWhat eye
ls ['o hacde that can beholde fhc'e -.- what
Y heart io ikony that tan ahide to "se th'N.
' Weine att-then become a burying place'
oi carkuies e and howe are thy t'treatee
made beide and deflituteotlyuyng crea
tuceee and they which heretotose were
teplenithed with lyuyng, ace .to-we flui
fed with-dead . Wow hath the ethe- ot
fitecouered thee, that the iunne can not
come atthe'ee Howe' do the auncient'
men which-ein tymee pack dyd fit iitihe
midct of kW , in the feat of wyiedome,
iudgment,and White: nowe they fit hy
- the caccal'es ofthey;thild3ex1,te dayexe e
Fway crowes and beaTee ?tem them,ha x

uing their hoace heade beipxiökled with

dul't anhaches , in [jede otthey; *Zieh-he
Und th'oie women thy daughtth that
txxx-_ft-tbstxyyxttyeih .W holst-ds dk
. . W
vl|ll_§v , - .:

them that made that ncfolata, not that

- they may lyue,butto be vnhalowed 'and
polluteds whothall "Ö allthel'e thy nges
in thee , and (hall deüre to lyue ,' rather
then to dye s who knowyngthy magen"
ücence that thou bat:an 'oflate , and
mammal! fo'e thyne tgnomin'ie and the
_difhonone of the fame ,will not chute to
e s' And would God* we had ben dead' x
efoze,that we myght not haue'fe'ene in
*those tby repeochsoe who would bey-1g to
' 'paae that_ wemyght latk eyes , that we
amine not bee compelled - to tee there
mifchiefes that are in the mtds of the'es
And beholde we lyue a mafia rozoinfull
lyfe , fo; out enemies euen mine aim
m2 he dead,cafte lattes vpon our "o-mes ;
' - and Daughters to dem'de them among! '
them to bs'- theyzfecuaunfes and händ
mamas . When Elcafarbab auuwtbis
lamentation, he fpake to the people that
was with hummus . * ~

N Ww therfoze batman and frames

- ' take compalfiö ofyouc Macs, your
mines and mammal) old men which
- -beewith youelet them not bee led into
~ *- Manage without all mertyzthat they he
“ not 9 ~
'not conftrayned to mourne vnder the
handes oftheir enemies. Fo; yf ye do
this, ye leeie without all doubt al places
that are peepared fox you in the woelde
ofryghteouines, neither (ball ye baue
any part in the light of lyfe. Zeea rather
with your owne handes kyll them e Jive
yfye wyll do fo, they (halbe countedas ,.
faerifiees moile aceeptable vnto God.
Und that done, we wyll after ia'ue out
vppou our enemies, and fyght agaynlki:
them tyl we die valiauntly fo; the glon , '
ofthe Wide. Fee we wyll neuer futter
them to bynde bs with bondes and
ehaynes, as bonde ilauee in the handes
ofthe vutirtumcifed. Neither wyll we
fee dur auncieut men to be haled _by the
beardee befoee our eyes moll miierably,
noe yet our maydeszwyueszt daughters
to be peoyhanedF vnhalowed, t defloW.
red,no2- our ionnes trying to vs, t we
tan not helye them. Fo: what ihall our
lyfe auayle vs, after that our lande is
_ deiolate, our ianttuarie rated, the Ro
manesrauifbe our wyues :t daughters
befoee our eyes, and din-seite our fonnee . -
wich moit greeudus and harde yokea x f
, Nowelherfose it iecbette _. tee ve td kyll
. -- Kiki all
an our wyues and nbflngzn,fnbol'e blood
God {gal accept thankfully as the blood
of burnt offery ngee, and after we wyll
[true out Upon the Romane-3, fyght tyll
we be all deucoyed, and oye fo: the glo
rie of the Leo-de our God. Elm: men
therfoee went E gatvered together their
wyues and daughtero, em Weed them,
and kyfled them, fayingt Js 'it not bet
ter ko; you to up: in your holy mummy
. a hnnnaablg, then to be ledde awaye into
bondage with great ignominie c thame
Z- 'into the landes otyouc Bunnies, and be
tompelied to we befon the (holes of'the
gentilee.- Theke tayingee when the peo
ple had heaede, they deoue fooztb that
' 'nyght in great (mom: e penfyfnee, we
'pyng and makyng great lamentation :
but they al confch with one accosd, that
they had rather: dye then lyue. Thec
foee afloone as it was day, Elcafars com
'panions kylled their mums c cbeldeen,
and carte their bodies into tve teuer-tes
*and welles that were in Mczirah, couc
“ryng c floppyng them with earth. Ac
terwarde ifl'ned Eleafar the psielt kWh
of the towne with alibi: men. E foeted
_n battektvyon the_ Romane-s, “but?
., a
ll": REUTI. zäz -
the Jeweekylled a great number, and
,fought fo long tyll they al dyed manu-l
; [yefoe the Ltd-WOW. „
»| ,8W 1"th left a remnaunt of [true] 1-.)
x the eine [afnabzand the vtlagee ther
| ubout, ein the_ cittie Zlcccr, and WoW-t,
l a their villages t in which place [Labe
,- 10chanantonne el' Zaklcaj was appoyn
» ted chiefet 8011W the p3ieft,yongecpbto
thcc. to l0kepb the peteft,was put in am:
tou'tte by 'km-8 fo; [ofcybce (alte, ouec
all the Yewcs which were at LexuMcm.
Qtß [ametyme wae Katcbbag a pet-tee
otlfrac1pht to death, E-Lfcbmeel kenne
,- of L111"(ba thehye psieftMoseouer 71th:
was mynded tqhaue *put [Kal-..ban (Za.
meh-:Macher otttat(bb-13,111 death: but
Räbbxmxlycbanan kenne URL-:1cm made
cute tot heinz t obtayned pardon fo: his
lyfe. This Rahden, lockmnxm was he
thät came too-th of [crukalcm in the be
ginning whi Wafyafiao father of71cus
came fiel! agatnfl le'rufalä, whö 72W.
Nun honoee'o gccatly: ln l'o much as wbö
he returned to Rome, he cömended this
Rahden Locbxman eo bis fon 71cu3,cotm
maunding him to bone; htm, fox he pec
x eeatxey he_ tt wife mäZl'xtut tatgned
' ,WE *We
' ' 'l ße hart-eso! |
two yeres alter he had taken lemlalemz
and dyedähe was a very eloquent man,
expert in the latine and' greke tongue, t »
weit others worker tn hoch the tongues. »
the loued moft entirely iullice and cquh '
tie: to; he walted the citie ok -Leculalem
*againlt his'wyll, and beyng compelled
therevnto. zeea all the milchiefe that
* .,
tame-vpon tt,happened theough
the :maltce and naughtynes
'- *e *of the leditious, as we
'haue touched
Morbus rarre ot the
. K* warres olthe
* tec'onde

a .
F'?72erMeter/7 the etc-2
e . .x *-,._ Wüloooklmt
.. , _ ,
' .-'-'
*.- t (ale-n. _ “*
..-- 'N' 7-.: * 4* _ - _
.-74 „...x .
L . 7 * f 7. .

d j
x _p ehs'jcewet.

* * Ve Jicaelites were ten ty'mes led

into captim'tie. Foure tymes by -
the handes of Zankerjbsind foure
' tymes by thucba'clneZZr, once
by 7afy363n, and once by iuperiticious
.Acht-111. Jiirft inuaded them Zanhcrjb,
and tranipoied the Kubedjcet, the (Za
chcez, and the halte trive of WMÜÜZ. the
toke away alio the golden Calte whiche
:lcroboam the (WI of Rebell: had made.
De led them into klaiah, What, to the
_fludde of602xm, and tothe cities otthe
WcäegOhis captiuitie was in the time
MLM-1:311', their-une ot (Lem-11121.
7 The ieronde captiuitie'. Uoüa the ii.
kenne oi 81-1 remayned, and flue pekäb
3 the forme of [Lemaha Atterwardhe be
came the (ernannt and [nbiette of Zero.
*bc-,kilo ieuen yeree. Then came 83:1!?th
the (econde tyme, and caryed awaye
the* tribes ot &fc-tr, ll'acbat, Zebulcm,
c Mephcah, of whom he let go tree only
.one of euery eyght. De toke awaye ab
lo another Watte that _ was in SLK-kl.
. x er
* i After: the death of M132, raigned l-lieqh

Zeclelcja. web!: hie [on-1e in hie (tede' toute yecee'

The tourth yereefwhoie raigne, Zen.
f". bei-ib came and enteemhed Zumeria, be
tiegin'gic thzee yet'emnd at length toke
- it, in the lietv yore of the caigne of l-ljt
lcjahu. Ko leode he away the ltraehcez
that were inämarja,ehe cribe ok Ephra. Z
,4 t
"m1 end Wee-(ke. :This ielthe thirde
'4' eaptiuitie. ' “
hl * [ic-j. When [TabucbacineMr had raigned
?alice-*lb gyghcyetes, he made warres againfie
'gehäuse-1, ]eru(*a]cn1, beyngyng with hym the
[E. (Zlmteam heeftickes :ont of quxloo,
Leb'iopiä, klett-Mei,>fljm, and Icpbat
l, uauim Z andas he warreo vpon laclee,
he teke in that coueitcey a hundeeth and
fiflie miesen the which there were two
z. m'hes, [mju and 811116021, whom be toke
wich hym, and cauied them fooethwith
l to .be ledde. into Ualab and l-lä bo 1-,vntyl
the kyng of the Lclnopjane rebelled a
gainft- him,whoi'e kingdome wax on the
hy'ndec pal-_tes of [IN-pt. Then takyng
:lucla c 81me0n wich him,he made waere
with the kyng of Ltblop'ia. Ho the holy
and bleich God placed them in decke
mountaynee. Were was. teure captiub
- fies
tiee, hereby ten tribes went into eriie
by anherjiz. There remayned yet of
Lucia T17. W. aud oneniamin Tree. W.
in lerufalcm, ouer whom raigned [412
lc'iahu. Woeeouer, Zahhccib came out of
*Ethiopia agaynw lcrulalem the fyftb
tyme,leadyng with hym Cr. thoufand c
but the hdlye Loade ouertheewe hym
_ there, ae it is weitten, Nm] the any-el of*
the [..oi-cl Mut-113 Foot-tb, (more in the
alwch of Zilin- Clxxxy. thoul'an'clo
men. Vis people therefote was llayne,
- and no man leite but Zaubeer and his
twoionnes, and UabucbacweZZir, and
Uebuinmclan. This flaughter was in
- the fourteentb yere of l-lificixihu. From
whiehe ouertbeowez vntyll the tyme
* that Uabucbacanar inuaded the [eure:
_in the raigne oflcl10'1alc1mz were a-hun
deeth and feuen yeree. * . .
The fourth yere of lebh'ialcjm ram b*
Mahucbaclnewir the kiel! tyme, anbra
ryed away theee thouiande and twentie
and theee oftbe ttibee of loch and Zen.
Kamin, and of other ttibes ieuen thou
l'ande, all the able men, and all their po
wer, byndyug them with ehaynee.
.Elf-his ie the fyfth taptiuitie. . x.
_7.-,_ .- .-,
_' _ Neuen
bt'. Denen yeres after this captiuttfe
came Nabuchadnczar an *other tyme,
huts Dophna a citie pt Antioche, from
whence he led toute thoufande and fire
hundzeth of the tribe of Iuda, and of
Beniamin‘ fiftie thoul'ande, 'of *the other
tribes tenen thoufande. This traf-m'
gcation 'made he in Babylon, which tg
, the firt captiuitie.
sh. Furthermoee, betwth the (txt: vom
dage-and the teuenth, were. ri. yeres of
-k'1 the raigne ot Zldkiahu. When Nabu
(hack-2223- had rafgnedwimyeces, ‘ he
came-the thirde tyme vnto lerufalcm,
and ouercommyng Zidkiahu, he beam
the temple,and take away the pflicht-,the
'waren [ca, and the fucnitures that So.
lomon maqe, and all the veu'els of the
honl'e of the Rohde, and the treat'uces of
the hom'e ofthe kyng which was in Ic~
ruralem: all the vell'ell he rent to Baby;
lon. De flue alfo of the Ifi'aclitcs ix'. C.
W. and ohe, befydes them that were
Hague betaufe ofthe blood of Zachari
as. The Leuitcs uoode fingyng a tong
whyles [laughter mas mane of them,
but they were not able to finifhe it bez
feze the enemies cntced the temple, and
founue them ftandyng _in they; place;
* with {hashes in they; bandes. Check-ee
‘ he cacyed away in this capti'uitie the
h [cause which “were of the feede nth/10y;
, fcs .vi. THW. whom when the Ventile
had beought vnto the'riuers ‘ofBabyloti,
: they demamided of rue-gem: Sing y
, a Yong of Sxonk And byand bythey
gnawed of the toppes of 'their finger
with theft teethJagtng: Howe [hall m_
flag the fong ofthe Lorde in a (ki-aud c
, lande? 'Andtheblelfed macaw-that - ' '
*they* woulde not fing a thug,- he *looked*
“them and placed them on the further:
{Que at &rx-hama. @qzeouer; he tranc
W. whiche were all' home-of luda and
Bcniamin.‘ Wheceof he-left in Ierufa.
1cm WW. fettyng ouec :dem fo; they;
_ culec chalia the tonne of .Ahikam';
who was flayve after lfm-ici* :ve (anne
_ utNecania: whereupon: the i'fraeh'tea-t k_
-be'yng afrayde, Jfled their countrey. into
Egypt; This is the feuenth tranfmigra
_'tion and bondage.- ' -
The. rxvtj. yere okther'aign'eof Na- mg,
‘buchadnczar,bB-IOBB Egypt and Tire;
autumn the gems that mere therein,
i - ' which
- whiche delcended ot 8113.011 and Wonhl
and of the landehoederyng 'open [fra ch?
_vntyll they led lcremjc and Zamch with l
_ them' into hey-phThie ie the eyght tape
ttnitte. Then the [freelch that remay-x
.ned aline (n [XY-phoeparted vnto Klett.
Väth-:and remayned init vntyll they l
grewe ano enc'realed 'onto many th on
_landeetano who lo lawe not their-"stone,
*lawe ne glozte. in hie tyme. Fo; there
was in it the lanctuarie, the anlter, the
nitringell. incenlesz the oedinounce ol
-Cweao, .of faces, the houlee erfand-'mono ,
..lehooleo without number, men of great
.luhflauncenlchewand power..1l5ttt wir
hed '['toZlettuz made waere bpon them,
_and _llne very many ofthem. After came
_Slexanäer agaynlt them, who llue alle
_many of them. Thele are the.vitj.capti
' nitiee oe bondages which helell tn the
kirtt hohle, and tyme otthe firfl temple. l
m_ Alter the delolation ol the firlt houle
' ,lrr.yeres, 61m3 the lonne ot l-l eltec lent
:vnto Kleben-1W Zerolzabcl, [Kart-t ([1, and
his whole loelet'ie, ano they hoylded the
leconoe hohle.» Thenafter. iih'. yeres ot
,the raigne of Time-after the honle was
4 eilt-eheth :tt-ro went ,front .Mhz-lo;
t 7 ;: .t - - - *W
* 7**
with fourtie theuiahd* is companie; '
*and the Acacth were ifiicted and
bered vnder 6'1th the fpace oßrrritj.
yetes. Then came Mcxancler the kyng.
»of Wach-(10m3 and fine (Lt-us, and when
:ve had raigned.tij.yeree, he dyed. After
bim came toute viurpers,whith ancted
*JULI-121'1ch .clrviij. yeres. :hat after i
- *that the ionnes oi ["lakmonäi came, they
-t'iue thoie viurpers, and takyng the do
minion from them, raigned them ie'ues
-ciij.yeree Then raigned one l-lcrooe
theieruaont ot Uhl'mona'l, who kylled
his matfkers, ant-they; whole familie,
latte one mayde whomyhe .loued .7 Wut
the clymyng vp to the toppe of an houi'e,
-i'ayde: There is no body left alyue of
my fathers houie bot J) alone t fo the
cette her ielie headiong from the toppe
.of the houie, and dyed. Ueroäe dyo
-laye her in Oonye; and peeferued her fo. -
the (pareof [euen yore. :There were
that iayde he had carnal] copulation '
with her after the was dead. kicrocle ano
Zerpp-*iehis kenne, and W0nabo2 hie i
nephewe, helde .the kyngdome ahum i
dzeth and the-:e yeree.Do hatt chou kom-e
.hüdxeth e thze yeree ofthe (econd bouie.
Thehcmheßeexeaeao See-rand *räu- z
' hie wyues (em-.Fam- waiked the fccondz.
bo nie, cacying away vnto Rome.
This is the ninth tcantmigrationhhoa
euer, one chccr remayned after the de.
folation and wa'ikyng okfhe (WW ,
and tivi) yefes. ' **
r. After that, Rüti-anna who hfed (oper.
(kleid-1 with hohes, made warrevpon
„them, and eranipoied lit-.el from they;
countcey whenhe had [peyled etz com ;
ueying them into Hpayue. This is the ;
tenth captiuitie. >
aymh. 4 This herzen_ vanquit'ihed the Jewea '
(which rebelled the iecond tyme agaynlk
the .Rome-nee) withatinall and vttec
dehructionFoehiddingand not iuffering
them in any wyte to enter into Jerufaz
lem,which he had began to foetifie with
Nokia, deeyltcong walles, and cauied it to ve
.Ulqu called kielxa,-aftec hie'name. Ve eaufed
iame'tl.y»4*7.;px'f* all'o a Howe to be grauen oner the
-chiefe gate of the citie,'and the
' z Jewes hnder heefeete* »
-carued in flone, in
.,* -. ateken of theie -
. n .» -lubiection.
Ä'U* h") ,*x W* :Q- :fpxÜif . 7- . L


*tlmprmtttl at; „ .W
Homie-2 WOW-_let (Wee/2'* h
' "z-arcleby Kleber(ch luZZe, ' ' ' h
h Printer-ro the Weaver 7' _ i
WSW." F»- l

.lei-'7.' '
* ...x-. _*V * * xl
_ 'ganynullegioßcgle l* "l
*y . -

. WZh y Ll
* y

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