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ht. J. Heat Mass 7iens/er. Vol. 15, pp. 301-314. Pergamon Press 1972.

Printed in Great Britain




Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College. Exhibition Road, London S.W.7. England

(Received 18 December 1970 and in revisedform 17 May 1971)

Abstract-The paper presents a new model of turbulence in which the local turbulent viscosity is deter-
mined from the solution of transport equations for the turbulence kinetic energy and the energy dissipation
rate. The major component of this work has been the provision of a suitable form of the model for regions
where the turbulence Reynolds number is low.
The model has been applied to the prediction of wall boundary-layer flows in which streamwise accelera-
tions are so severe that the boundary layer reverts partially towards laminar. In all cases, the predicted
hydrodynamic and heat-transfer development of the boundary layers is in close agreement with the
measured behaviour.

NOMENCLATURE Rii, two point velocity correlation at point

A+, a constant appearing in the Van Driest pu;(p)ui(p + cj) where tj has compo-
formula for effective viscosity ; nents cl. c2 and r3 ;
skin friction coefficient ~,J$pu~~ ; R 2, momentum thickness Reynolds number,
cp specific heat at constant pressure ;
empirical constants appearing in k - E p: $1 - u/uc) dy :
turbulence model ; s
empirical functions of turbulence Rey- t. time ;
2 nolds number appearing in k - E tur- U. Zocal mean velocity parallel to wall;
bulence model : uV friction velocity (z,/p)+ ;
H, shape factor : u+, dimensionless value of u : u/u, ;
U’. fluctuating velocity parallel to wall in
the mean flow direction ;
0’3 fluctuating velocity normal to the wall ;
W’, fluctuating velocity parallel to wall and
normal to the mean flow direction ;
K acceleration parameter : (v/u’,J du,/dx ;
X, Cartesian coordinate in the mean flow
k. turbulence kinetic energy,
direction ;
Y, Cartesian coordinate normal to the
(dL + u” + W’q. wall ;
2 ’ y+. dimensionless value of y : u,y/v;

k turbulent thermal conductivity ;

LT’ characteristic turbulence length scale ; Greek letters
1 mixing length ; E. rate of dissipation of turbulence kinetic
R”: Reynolds number of turbulence, energy ;
dk+ll/4 ; K. Von KArmAn mixing-length constant;
302 W. P. JONES and B. E. LAUNDER

F dynamic viscosity : Moretti and Kays [3] for example. show a

I’. kinematic viscosity : rapid fall of Stanton number in regions of
P- density; severe acceleration and a corresponding rise
@, Prandtl number : downstream therefrom where the boundary
z. total shear stress : ,u(&/~Y) - pu’u’. layer reverts back to turbulent again. However.
their data showed detectable dips in the Stanton
Subscripts number even for accelerations where K did not
G, free boundary of the layer ; exceed lop6 ; that is. barely one third of the
w. wall : value required to cause a complete degeneration
7: turbulent; of the turbulent flow towards laminar. More
i. .L sufftces taking values 1,2 and 3. recent measurements of the mean velocity
profiles in equilibrium accelerating flows (Laun-
der and Sti~~chcombe [7]. Jones [S], Loyd.
1. INTRODUC~ON Moffat and Kays [S]) have traced the cause
The phenomenon in question of these pre-laminarization dips : over a range of
THE BEHAVIOUR of turbulent boundary layers accelerations. while the boundary layer remains
in accelerating flows is a subject which has essentially turbulent. the viscous sublayer
attracted a number of experimental examina- becomes progressively thicker (in terms of
tions in recent years. The most important J-‘+) as k: is increased, thereby increasing the
finding to be established by these studies is thermal resistance of this near-wall region.
that, when the acceleration is severe enough,
the originally turbulent layer undergoes a Prediction of Eaminarization
reversion towards laminar [2X]. The The development, in the past few years.
phenomenon has been variously styled “lamin- of computational procedures for solving the
arization”. “reverse-transition”, “inverse-transi- partial differential equations governing two-
tion” and “re-laminarization” ; the first of these dimensional boundary layers has enabled atten-
is the term adopted in the present paper. tion to be directed to modelling the turbulent
The majority of the measurements of strongly transport processes. The first extensive explora-
accelerated boundary layers have been of highly tion of the capabiIities of a turbulence model
non-equilibrium flows ; that is, of flows where appears to have been provided by Patankar and
the structure undergoes rapid evolution in the Spalding [ll]. They showed that the Prandtl
direction of flow. In these cases it is not possible mixing-length hypothesis. could be employed
to ascribe a single parameter to denote precisely to provide accurate predictions of a wide variety
when laminarization will occur. However, it is of boundary-layer flows. Their predictions of
well established that when the acceleration is of Moretti and Kays’ data, however, failed to
sufficient magnitude for the parameter K, display any dip in regions of rapid acceleration ;
defined as (V/U:) du,ldx, to exceed about 3 x as a result the predicted heat-transfer rates at
10e6, a reversion to laminar flow will eventually the end of the acceleration were typically twice
ensue. It is noted that accelerations at least an as high as the measured values.
order of magnitude larger than the above com- We have said above that the cause of the
monly arise in rocket nozzles and in flow over diminished level of Stanton number may be
turbine blades; the phenomenon thus has attributed to the progressive thickening of the
substantial practical importance. viscous layer in the accelerated region. For this
Measurements of local Stanton numbers reason we may expect imperfections in the pre-
in accelerating flow provide a sensitive indicator scription ofthe turbulence model in the viscosity-
of the occurrence of laminarization. The data of dependent sublayer to be the primary cause of

departures between experiment and prediction. flow over turbine blades, accelerations occur
Patankar and Spalding employed algebraic wall which are several times greater than in the
functions for this region which were based on a experiments set up in the laboratory, by reference
modification to the Van Driest proposal [lo]. to which turbulence models are assessed. More-
They supposed that the mixing length, I,, was over, besides mass transfer through the blade
modified by viscosity according to the formula : wall (for transpiration-cooled blades). there will
be large variations in temperature, and hence
of viscosity and density, normal to the wall;
and the effects of stream-line curvature and high
where, following Van Driest, A+ was ascribed free-stream turbulence intensities may be
the constant value, 26. The turbulent viscosity expected to appreciable. It may plausibly be
pLTwas then obtained from the mixing length argued that, for such complex flows, a model as
relation : simple as the mixing-length hypothesis will
never provide the degree of predictive accuracy
,uT =
plm2 -- ;

and the turbulent thermal conductivity, k,,

that a designer needs.
With the above considerations in mind, the
authors have embarked on the task of providing
deduced from the supposition that a more elaborate description of the turbulent
motion than is embodied in the mixing length
or. E F = 0.9. model. The path taken is similar to that adopted
T by Ng and Spalding [17], Rodi and Spalding
[IS], Spalding [19] and Harlow and Nakayama
For both momentum and heat transport, the
[22] wherein convective transport equations
total effective transport coefficients were taken
are solved for two scalar properties of turbulence
as the sum of the laminar and turbulent values.
from which characteristic velocity and length
More recently. numerous workers have pro-
scales of the turbulence may be deduced.
posed modifications to the Van Driest hypo-
The present model is most closely related to
thesis which purport to provide more universally
Harlow and Nakayama’s ; for, like these authors,
valid mixing-length distribution. These pro-
we calculate the turbulence length scale by
posals have included: making A+ a function of
solving a transport equation for the dissipation
the local dimensionless pressure gradient or
rate of turbulence energy. Moreover, each model
mass-transfer rate [12, 131; replacing r, in the
contains proposals for the way in which mole-
exponential term of equation (1) by a Couette-
cular viscosity exerts direct influence on the
flow expression [ 141; determining A+ by way
turbulence when the turbulent Reynolds num-
of an ordinary differential equation which
ber is low* (it is the inclusion of these Reynolds-
describes its rate of change in the stream-wise
number effects which is crucial for the prediction
direction [15, 161. While a number of the above
of laminarizing flows). But though the general
proposals do represent an improvement on
approach is the same in each model, the detailed
equation (l), there appears to be no evidence
proposals are substantially different. The only
that a wholly satisfactory prescription of I,
wall flow for which Harlow and Nakayama
has yet been devised.
provided predictions was flow in a pipe; here
The present contribution agreement with data was poor and the dis-
It is proper that the problem of devising more crepancies suggested that it was their low-
accurate prescriptions of the near-wall variation
* By comparison. the models of Spalding and his co-
of mixing-length should continue to attract workers are limited to regions of flow where the Reynolds
attention. However. it is well to recall that, in number is high.
304 W. P. JONES and B. E. LAUNDER

Reynolds-number proposals which were chiefly At high Reynolds numbers, E may be assumed
at fault. proportional to pk*/l; equation (4) may thus be
The present model has undergone a sub- recast as :
stantially wider program of testing. When
pT = c,pk2/e (7)
applied to the prediction of non-equilibrium
flows in strongly negative pressure gradients, where c,, is a constant.
the predictions faithfully reproduce the observed Equation (5)(7) represent the limiting form
reversion towards laminar flow and the con- to which the present model reduces in regions
sequent diminishing of the Stanton number. where the direct influence of molecular viscosity
is negligible. The model contains five empirical
constants which are assigned the values given
The high-Reynolds-number form of’ the model
7Me 1. Thr r&es of the empirical c’omtunt.v in the high-
In the present paper it is assumed that the Re~nold.~-ntrmbe~,fo~m qf‘the k - E model of ttrrhulencc
turbulent shear stress is related to the mean rate
of strain via a turbulent viscosity, i.e. Cu (‘1 (‘2 Oh 06

0.09 1.55 ‘4 I.0 I.3

Following the practice of several workers (e.g. The terms containing ok and CJ~in equations
[20]), we take the turbulent viscosity to be (5) and (6) represent respectively the diffusion
determined uniquely by the local values of rates of k and E. These constants therefore
density, turbulence kinetic energy, k and a possess the significance of turbulent Prandtl
turbulence length scale. 1. Thus for dimen- numbers for the transport processes in question :
sional homogeneity : that their values should lie close to unity accords
with expectations.
/LT = c;ptk+1 (4)
The model at low turbulence Reynolds numbers
where CLis a constant. In the present model an In order to provide predictions of the flow
equation for k is solved. and the length scale is within the viscous layer adjacent to the wall, the
determined from the solution of an equation for form of the model given above must be enlarged
the rate of dissipation of turbulence kinetic in three ways. These are :
energy. E. Hanjalic 1211 has found that the (i) viscous diffusion of k and Emust be included.
following form of the k and E equations may (ii) the terms containing the c’s in equations
provide the basis for satisfactory predictions of (6) and (7) will become dependent upon the
a diversity of high Reynolds-number jlows both Reynolds number of turbulence.
near to and remote from walls. (iii) further terms must be added to account for
Turbulence energ) the fact that the dissipation processes are
not isotropic.
The complete form of the turbulence model
used in this work is given below and this is
Energy dissipation
* Hanjalic [?l] adopted slightly different values of the
constants from those quoted in Table I (c,,= O-07. c , I 45
and CT,= I-I). In practice. the difference between predictions
obtained with his constants and with those used here is
_,!Et (6) barely discernible.
2 k’

followed by a discussion of the terms contained may serve to indicate the need for some such
therein. term and the reason for its precise form.
Turbulence energy The need for the term arises from the fact
that there are decisive computational advantages
from letting Ego to zero at the wall ; E may there-
fore be interpreted as the isotropic part of the
energy dissipation.* Now. the total dissipation
(8) rate is not zero at the wall ; it is given by :
Energy dissipation Totaldissipation/,=,

p&$+5)$] = \f[(g)’ + (FJJ-,. (13)

2 Measurements of the instantaneous velocity

- c,f$ profile within the viscous sublayer (Bakewell
[23]) have shown that at any instant of time the
a211\ velocity varies linearly with y. This finding
+2.o/LpL, 7 . (Y implies that u’ and w’ may be written :
( ?Y )
Turbulent viscosity formula u’ = a(t) y
w’ = b(t) y (14)
FT = q,fppk2/~. (10)
where u(t) and b(t) are functions of time whose
Turbulent thermal conductivity formula
mean value is zero. With the insertion of
k, = cg~1~IO.9. (11) equation (14) into (13) there results:
In the above equation set, the c’s and the (T’S Total dissipation lyco = v(aL + bL). (15)
retain the values assigned to them in Table 1; the
If, further. v’, the normal component of fluctuat-
influence of Reynolds number mentioned under
ing velocity is presumed negligible, we obtain
(ii) above is introduced by way of thef’s which
from equation (5) the following expression for
are assigned the following forms :
the variation of kinetic energy near the wall :
f, = 1.0
f2 = 1.0 - 0.3 exp(-R2) (12) k = (u’~ + ~‘~)/2 = vY2. (16)

f, = exp [ -2,5/(1 + R/50)] i

From the above result it may readily be deduced
where R = pk2/p& may be interpreted as the
Reynolds number of turbulence. As equation
(12) indicates, we have, at present, been able * The total dissipation may be written in terms of a two
point velocity correlation tensor as follows :
to detect no advantage from makingf, a function
of R.
The viscous diffusion terms in equations (8)
and (9) (i.e. p akjay and ,u &/lay) are “exact” in
so far as they appear in the exact form of the The first term is the square brackets is usually negligible for
transport equations for k and E.The same is not high-Reynolds-number flow regions. the main contribu-
tion to E coming from the second term which is here called
the case, however, with the last term on the the isotropic dissipation and which is exactly zero at the
right of equation (8). The following argument wall.
306 W. P. JONES and B. E. LAUNDER

that provides a variation off, similar to that of the

above equation.
2\ v(d + bL). (17)
’ ay Boundary conditions for the turbulence
The equivalence of the right-hand sides of The following boundary conditions are im-
equations (15) and (17) confirms that the new posed on the equations for k and E :
term in equation (9) does indeed reduce to the
at y=O; k-0, ~~0. (19)
energy dissipation rate at the wall.
The last term on the right of equation (9) is also dk,
one which does not appear in the high-Reynolds-
at y=y,; UG-=-EG (20)
number form of the model. Here the authors
can provide no physical argument for its adop- llGz = - c,f,E,2/k, (21)
tion. Its inclusion is simply due to the fact that
without it the peak level of turbulence kinetic where G subscripts denote free-stream condi-
energy at y+ z 20 did not accord with experi- tions.* Equations (20) and (21) are, of course, the
ment. Several other forms were tried including limiting free-stream forms of equations (8) and
choosingf, to be a function of Reynolds num- (9) respectively.
ber. The form quoted is however, the only one
which generated the desired profile of k near
Solution of the equations
the wall.
The governing set ofparabolic partial differen-
To conclude the discussion of the form of the
tial equations (comprising equations (8) and (9)
model, it may be helpful to mention the path
together with the mean momentum equation
followed in choosing the Reynolds number
and. for flows involving heat transfer. the stagna-
functions fi and & which appear in equations
tion enthalpy equation) have been solved for
(9) and (10). The function fi was chosen so that
steady flow conditions by means of a modified
the model, when applied to the calculation of
version of the finite-difference procedure of
the decay of isotropic grid turbulence, accorded
Patankar and Spalding [ 111. One hundred cross
with experiment for both high and low turbu-
stream intervals were employed of which about
lence intensities. In order to estimate the form
half were distributed within the region where
of the function f, attention was first confined
y+ was less than 50. Typically the forward-step
to the prediction of constant stress Couette
size was chosen as @3 times the local boundary-
flows wherein equation (10) was not used to
layer thickness. Calculations performed with
calculate the turbulent viscosity. Instead pu,
other forward step sizes and various numbers
was obtained by way of the Van Driest form of
and distributions ofcross-stream intervals estab-
the mixing length formula, equation (1). This
lished that the above values gave sufficient
practice enabled attention to be focussed simply
computational accuracy.
on the equation for E which was then adjusted
For the initial profiles of U. k and E, required
to produce a reasonable turbulent energy
to start the computations, estimated ‘fully
distribution in the viscous sublayer region.
turbulent profiles’ were utilised. In all cases the
Thereafter, equation (10) was inverted to provide
calculations were started well upstream of the
a preliminary estimate off, :
region of interest: as a result, the predictions

* Here. ‘free stream’ refers to a region sufficiently far

from the wall for cross-stream gradients in all dependent
The algebraic form given in equation (12) variables to be negligible.

were found to be little influenced by initial most reliable of the available data. For Reynolds
conditions. numbers greater than 2.5 x lo3 the predicted
parameters agree with the correlated values
3. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF within 1 per cent. For Reynolds numbers below
PREDICTIONS this value, however, there is a small but system-
Figures l-3 provide comparison between the atic departure of the predictions from the
experimental and predicted properties of the correlations ; the predicted shape factor being
hydrodynamic turbulent boundary layer in marginally too high. and the skin friction
zero pressure gradient. In Fig. 1 the predicted coefficient rather more noticeably too low. As
mean velocity, turbulence energy and shear far as shape factor is concerned, we do not
stress profiles at a value of R, = 7700 are com- believe the difference is significant considering
pared with Klebanoff’s data [24]. Towards the that, at these low Reynolds numbers, the experi-
outer edge of the boundary layer, the predicted mental value of H may be expected to depend
profiles of k and Z do not fall quite as rapidly on the method of inducing transition.
as the measurements. In other respects, however, The principal reason for the discrepancy in
the predictions are in excellent accord with the skin friction coefficient may be deduced from
data. Figure 2 displays the variation of Fig. 3 which plots the mean velocity profile at
boundary-layer shape factor and skin friction several Reynolds numbers in u+ N y+ coordin-
coefficient with local Reynolds number, based ates. The predicted profiles display a quite
on the momentum thickness of the boundary detectable Reynolds number dependence within
layer; comparison is made with Coles’ [25] what is usually referred to as the “universal”
correlations of what he considered to be the region of the boundary layer (50 < y+ < 200,

Y. in.

FIG. 1. Boundary layer in zero pressure gradient. Profiles of mean velocity. turbulence energy
and shear stress.
308 W. P. JONES and B. E. LAUNDER

\ - 14
0-0 ;
5- .

“0 . Predictions
x4 ’ x
- Coles’ correlation [25]
. -10
3 O-0
l-.._. l-*oO

I \ I I I I
0 2 4 6 a IO 12 14

R, x 10-3

FIG. 2. Boundary layer in zero pressure gradient. Variation of H and c, vs. R,

u+:’ In y++ 5.0


FIG. 3. Boundary layer in zero pressure gradient. Mean velocity profiles in universal co-
----------_ 1 IUN Ul-

say). Now, Coles was guided in estimating the Figure 4 compares the predicted mean velo-
local skin friction coefficients by the notion city profile for K = 2.2 x 10e6 with the
that the logarithmic region of the boundary measurements of Jones [S]. There is some
layer was universal (Fig. 3 includes his proposal discrepancy between the detailed shape of the
for the logarithmic law). If, therefore, the true profiles, but the main point of note is that the
turbulent boundary layer does possess a predictions, like the measurements, show that
Reynolds-number dependence similar to that the velocity profile for y+ > 30 lies considerably
shown by the predictions, by overlooking this above the “universal” logarithmic law. By com-
dependence, Coles’ estimated values would parison, predictions obtained with the mixing
have been too high by an amount which accords length hypothesis, (with the mixing length near
reasonably with the difference between the
correlation and the prediction in Fig. 3.
Attention is now directed to accelerating
flows : these, it is recalled, provided the motiva- ~ ‘:-;;;;;
tion for developing the turbulence model pre-
sented in Section 2. Firstly, the hydrodynamic
predictions of similar sink-flow turbulent zi’
boundary layers are considered. Experimentally \
Laminor solution
this type of boundary layer may be realised by I.o / \
accelerating fluid through converging planes. Experiments
The special relevance of these boundary layers >
A Badrinorayonon
has been discussed in detail elsewhere [7, 121; . Loyd e/ 01
0 Jones
here it may suffice to remark that when the self- I I I
preserving state is reached, the acceleration 0 I 2 3

parameter, K and the boundary-layer para-
meters c,, R, and H are all invariant with x. FIG. 5. Sink flow boundary layers. Variation of c, with K.


16 -

. Experiment K = 2-2 X 10e6

- Present predictton

- - Mixing length predictions

equation (I)

0 102

FIG. 4. Sink-flow boimdary layers. Mean velocity profiles for K =

2.2 x 10-6.
310 W. P. JONES and B. E. LAUNDER

the wall given by equation (1)) fall below the In summarizing the above predictions of
logarithmic line. equilibrium sink flows, it may be stated that,
Figure 5 shows the variation of skin friction while detailed discrepancies exist, the overall
with K for sink flow boundary layers. The features, such as the variation of cf with K, the
ordinate c~/c,~ denotes the value of the local thickening of the viscous layer and the collapse
skin friction coefficient divided by the value of to a laminar flow for a value of K near 3 x 10e6.
cJ for a laminar boundary layer at the same are in accord with experimental data. The
value of K. Here it should be mentioned that measure of agreement achieved may be regarded
the task of determining the value of c, by as a major achievement of the model.
experiment is not an easy one. Thus, even though The final (and, from a practical viewpoint, the
the experimental data lie on a smooth line their most important) class of problems to be con-
accuracy is not certain within a tolerance of sidered in this paper is that of heat transfer
about + 10 per cent (the value quoted by Loyd. through non-equilibrium accelerated boundary
Moffat and Kays [9]). The shaded region in layers. Predicted variations of Stanton number
Fig. 5 denotes the f 10 per cent band about a are compared with measurements of Moretti
mean line through the data. and Kays [3] and Filetti [26] in Fig. 6-9. In all
From the figure it may be deduced that : the experiments considered, the acceleration is
preceded by a development length of between
(0 for values of K greater than 1.2 x 10m6, 4 ft and 5 ft in which the free stream velocity
the present model predicts values of cJ
is uniform : a step change in wall temperature is
which are within the band of experimental
applied at x = 2 ft and downstream therefrom.
uncertainty (for less severe accelerations
the wall temperature is maintained nearly
the model gives skin friction coefficients
which are a few per cent too low).
For Filetti’s run (3) and Moretti and Kays’
(ii) for values of K greater than 10e6 the
run (42) shown in Figs. 6 and 7. the accelerations
mixing-length predictions give values of
were such that the value of K was fairly uniform.
cf which are too high, the error increasing
with values of about 2.0 x 10pb and 3.2 x 10m6
rapidly with K.
respectively. In each case there is a marked
A particular striking outcome of the predic- drop in Stanton number in the region of
tions with the k _ E model is that for values of acceleration and a rise downstream therefrom.
K in excess of 3.2 x 10F6 no turbulent solution The predictions consistently mirror this experi-
exists. That is to say. if one starts the predictions mental behaviour though for each test the
with an initially turbulent boundary layer and Stanton numbers are somewhat lower than the
then applies the acceleration, the turbulence measured, even upstream of the acceleration.
gradually decays away and the mean velocity Indeed, for the data shown in Fig. 6, the largest
profile collapses to that appropriate to laminar discrepancy between measurement and predic-
flow. To the authors knowledge there is at tion (about 15 per cent) occurs in the region
present no definitive experimental data avail- 3 ft < x < 4 ft where the pressure gradient is
able that pinpoint the value of K at which zero. To the authors’ knowledge all other
degeneration to laminar flow occurs. Some very theoretical models that have been applied to the
recent unpublished data of the authors’ suggest prediction of this flow exhibit lower values of St
that for K = 3.0 x 10V6 the boundary layer than the measured over this region of the flow.
is probably decaying to laminar ; but the rate of In view of this. the present predictions may be
decay is too slow and the length of the test deemed to be satisfactory.
section too short for any definite conclusions For the data shown in Figs. 8 and 9, K varied
to be drawn at present. roughly sinusoidally reaching peak values of

; ._.++!I\
- Present predictions

x. ft

FIG. 6. Variation of% vs. x. Filetti run 3.

- i
x l Moretti and Kays run 42
G -Present predictions

I lw

! x
C 2 4
x, ft

FIG. 7. Variation of St vs. x. Moretti and Kays run 42.

- i

“9 2 -
G ‘0
. Maretti and Kays run IO
I- - Present predictions

0 2 4 6
x. ft

FIG. 8. Variation of St vs. x. Moretti and Kays run 10.

312 W. P. JONES and B. E. LAUNDER

4 x lo-’ and 7 x 10m6 respectively. In Fig. 8 tions on the hydrodynamic and thermal develop-
the predictions like the measurements, show a ment of the boundary layer.
rapid falling off in Stanton number in the region
of severe acceleration. The predictions, however,
exhibit too rapid recovery as the acceleration 4. CONCLUSIONS

dies away. A similar behaviour is displayed in 1. The paper has presented a turbulence
Fig. 9 for the more severe of the accelerations. model in which the local value of turbulent

I .

3- l\
J t

10 %
0 2- 5.
l Moretti ond Kays run II
- Present predictions

” z 4 6
x, ft

FIG. 9. Variation of St vs. Y. Moretti and Kays run 11

Agreement between measurement and predic- viscosity is determined from the solution of
tion is even better here than in Fig. 8. At the end transport equations for the turbulence energy
of the acceleration. however, the predicted and the turbulence-energy-dissipation rate. The
boundary layer reverts towards turbulent more main contribution of this research has been the
quickly than the measurements suggest. provision of a suitable form for these equations
That such a discrepancy should arise is not within the region near the wall where viscosity
surprising for, in the last two cases, the accelera- exerts a direct influence on the turbulence
tions are so severe that the employment of a structure.
turbulent-viscosity concept may be expected to 2. The model has been applied to the predic-
lead to shear stresses which are seriously in tion of a number of strongly accelerated
error. boundary-layer flows. A few detailed discrepan-
Notwithstanding its limitations. however. it cies between experiment and prediction have
appears that the present turbulence model emerged: but, overall. the model has been
provides greater predictive accuracy than any shown to be remarkably successful in predicting
other currently available for strongly accelerated the hydrodynamic and thermal consequences
boundary-layer flows. Moreover. because it of the acceleration. The model appears to offer
determines the length scale of turbulence by substantially greater predictive accuracy than
way of a differential transport equation, it may has so far been achieved with mixing-length
be expected that the model will be equally models.
successful at taking account of the influence of 3. More extensive testing of the model is
surface mass transfer and fluid property varia- needed particularly for flows in which surface

mass fluxes and fluid property variation are Il. S. V. PATANKAR and D. B. SPALDING. Heat and Mass
Transfer in Boundary Layers. Morgan-Grampian Press.
London (1967).
12. B. E. LAUNDER and W. P. JONES, Sink flow turbulent
boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech. 38, 817-831 (1969).
The research reported herein has been supported by the 13. T. E. POWELL and A. B. STRONG. Calculation of the
Science Research Council under Contract No. B/SR/5049. two-dimensional turbulent boundary layer with mass
All the numerical computations have been performed by addition and heat transfer. Proceedings of the 1970
means of digital computers under the control of the Univer- Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Institute (1970).
sity of London Computing Centre. 14. T. CEBECI, A. M. 0. SMITH and G. MOSINSKIS. Sol&on
of the incompressible turbulent boundary layer equa-
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R&sum&-L’article presente un nouveau modkle de turbulence dans lequel la viscositt turbulente locale est
dtterminte g partir de la solution des equations de transport pour l’tnergie cinCtique de turbulence et la
vitesse de dissipation d’Cnergie. La majeure partie de ce travail a Ctt I’blaboration d’une forme adequate
du mod?le pour des rCgions oi le nombre de Reynolds de turbulence est faible.
Le modtle a BtC applique g la prCdiction des tcoulements g couche limite g la paroi dans lesquels des
accCltrations longitudinales sont si fortes que la couche limite redevient partiellement laminaire. Dans
tous les cas, le dtveloppement hydrodynamique et thermique p&u des couches limites est en parfait
accord avec le comportement observC.
314 W. P. JONES and B. E. LAUNDER



Zusammenfassung-Die Arbeit behandelt ein neuse Turbulenzmodell, bei dem die ortliche turbulente
Zlhigkeit aus der Losung der Transportgleichungen fiir die kinetische Energie der Turbulenz und der
Energiedissipatibn bestimmt wird. Der Hauptteil dieser Arbeit bestand darin, eine passende Form des
Modells fur Bereiche zu schaffen, in denen die Reynoldszahl der Turbulenz niedrig ist.
Das Model1 ist auf die Bestimmung von Wandgrenzschichtstrlmungen angewandt worden, bein denen
so starke Beschleunigungen in Striimungsrichtung auftreten, dass die Grenzschicht teilweise in den
laminaren Bereicht umschllgt. In allen FLllettist die berechnete Entwicklung der hydrodynamischen und
therm&hen Grenzschicht in guter Ubereinstimmung mit dem gemessenen Verhalten.


3aaa¶e2f AaHHOti pa6oTbI 6bmo co3~aHHe COOTBeTCTByIO~erO BHAa MoAemi ~JIH o6nacTeit C

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