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Environmental Pollution, Vol. 90, No. 2, pp.

263-267, 1995
Copyright © 1995 Elsevier Science Ltd
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Sanna Koivisto
Department of Systems Ecology, Stockholm University, S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
(Received 15 December 1994; accepted 11 March 1995)

Abstract test is the acute immobilisation and reproduction test

Daphnia magna is commonly used in aquatic toxicity for Daphnia (OECD, 1984). In the acute immobilisa-
testing because of many characters that make it easy and tion test, the concentration of a test compound where
economical to culture in the laboratory: it is relatively 50% of neonates are immobilised after 24 or 48 h is
small, has short life cycle, high fecundity, and partheno- determined. The reproduction test is started with new-
genetic reproduction. On the other hand, D. magna born daphnids which are cultured at least two weeks in
differs from other freshwater zooplankters in size, habi- sublethal concentrations of the test compound. During
tat, life-history, and ability to withstand fish predation. this time daphnids should produce three clutches. Mor-
D. magna is a relatively large zooplankton species which tality, timing of the first reproduction, and the number
makes it so vulnerable to fish predation that it is of offspring are observed. Laboratory bred Daphnia
excluded from fish-inhabiting lakes. It occurs mainly in with a known history are used. Any food and water
ephemeral habitats like small ponds and rockpools where can be used provided that they will sustain good repro-
vertebrate predators are rare. As a result, D. magna is duction in Daphnia. The test conditions, such as tem-
seldom an indigenous species in lakes which receive pollu- perature and the number of animals per test
tants, although representativeness is one important crite- concentration are carefully described in the guideline.
rion for the standardised toxicity test species. Small Daphnia magna Straus was already used in toxicity
ponds are unpredictable habitats with large temporal and tests during the 1940s by Anderson (1944), and in the
spatial variability in abiotic factors. Adaptation to this last 20 years it has been extensively used in regulatory
natural abiotic stress may increase pollution tolerance. testing as well as in basic ecotoxicological research. D.
The life-history ofD. magna also differs from that of lake- magna has many properties making it suitable for labo-
inhabiting cladocerans. Large daphnids produce many small ratory testing, such as small size, high fecundity, short
neonates, whereas the opposite is true for small cladocerans. life span, parthenogenetic reproduction, ubiquitous
The large neonate size allows an earlier maturation of occurrence, and ease of laboratory handling (Adema,
small cladocerans compared to daphnids. In a few com- 1978; Baudo, 1987). On the other hand, use of D.
parative studies D. magna tended to be less sensitive to magna has been criticised partly for the same reasons.
toxic substances than other cladocerans, and this may be Although D. magna is widely distributed in natural
due in part to life-history and size differences. aquatic ecosystems, it does not inhabit lakes of the size
which are impacted by pollutants (Koivisto et al.,
Keywords: Daphnia magna, pollution, size, life history, 1992). According to Rand and Petrocelli (1985), species
predation. which are indigenous to or representative of ecosystems
that receive pollutants should be used in toxicity test-
INTRODUCTION ing. In most cases, D. magna fails to meet this criterion.
The lack of D. magna in lakes is explained by strong
Toxicity tests are used for predicting the effects of predation pressure by visually feeding fish (Brooks &
chemicals on living biota, comparing sensitivity of one Dodson, 1965). Koivisto et al. (1992) suggested that the
or more species to different chemicals, and setting rules large size of D. magna may increase its tolerance to
for regulation of discharges. In order to increase relia- toxic substances compared to smaller cladocerans and
bility and replicability of tests within one laboratory as other zooplankton species. D. magna also has a life-history
well as to facilitate the comparison of results among strategy different from that of the smaller cladoceran
laboratories, standardised test methods have been species which live in lakes. Small cladocerans maximise
developed by different organisations like EPA, ASTM reproductive effort at the cost of future survival,
and OECD. One example of a standardised toxicity whereas large cladocerans increase their fecundity by
264 S. Koivisto

Table 1. Lengths (mm) excluding spines of adult females of some holaretie freshwater zooplankton species (Scourfieid & Harding,
1966; Blomqvist et a/., 1976; Slirkki, 1984)

Cladocera Calanoida
Daphnia magna 5-6 Limnocalanus sp. 2.5-3
D. pulex 2.5-3.5 Eurytemora sp. 1.3-2.2
D. longispina 2.5-3 Eudiaptomus sp. 1.3-1.5
D. galeata 2.5 Heterocope sp. 2-5
D. cristata 1.5 A cartia sp. 1.1-1.5
D. cucullata 1.5-2.5
Bosmina longirostris 0.7 Cyelopoida
B. coregoni 0.5-1.5 Cyclops sp; 1.6-2.8
B. longispina 0.6-1.2 Megacyclops sp. 3-5
Chydorus sphaericus 0.5 A canthocyclops sp. 1.5-1.9
Ceriodaphnia sp. <1.5 Mesocyclops sp. 0.9-1.3
Sida crystallina 4 Thermocyclops sp. 1
Lirnnosida frontosa 1.3-2
Diaphanosoma brachyurum 1-6 Rotifera
Holopedium gibberum 2.5 Brachionus sp. 0.2-0-5
Bythotrephes sp. 2-3 Notholca sp. 0.1~0.4
Leptodora kindtff 10 Keratella sp. 0.52-0.4
Polyphemus sp. 1-2 Asplanchna sp. 1.5
Synchaeta sp. 0.3~).6

postponing reproductive effort to a later part of the life concentration. A common explanation is the greater
cycle (Lynch, 1980). Daphnids produce large clutches surface area to volume ratio which could increase the
of small neonates, whereas the opposite is true for uptake rate of toxicants to small individuals
smaller cladocerans like Bosmina sp. and Chydorus sp. (Krantzberg, 1989). The other proposals are higher
(Lynch, 1980; Koivisto et al., 1992). Large neonate size metabolic rate of small animals (WiUiamson, 1980), bio-
allows rapid maturation and shortens the time to first dilution in rapidly growing animals (Groulx &
reproduction. In this paper I focus on: (i) the ecological Lasenby, 1992), and the different diet of small individu-
differences between D. magna and other cladoceran als (Lasenby & Van Duyn, 1992). However, the expla-
species; and (ii) the problems in extrapolating results nations are speculative, and the reasons underlying the
from D. rnagna toxicity tests to other cladoceran relationship between metal concentration and body size
species, or to zooplankton in general. remain to be examined thoroughly (Lasenby & Van
Duyn, 1992).
Body size should be most important when chemicals
THE SIZE OF Daphnia magna
are mainly adsorbed to the surface (Krantzberg, 1989).
Freshwater zooplankton is dominated by three taxo- In cladocerans, the main uptake route of metals is
nomic groups: Rotifera, Cladocera, and Copepoda. direct from water through the body surface (Carney et
Most taxa have adult lengths less than 2.5 mm (Table al., 1986), and therefore large size should be favourable
1). D. magna is the largest herbivorous cladoceran in in metal-contaminated environments. When D. magna
the northern hemisphere, with an adult size of 5 to 6 is used to estimate safe toxicant concentrations for zoo-
mm. Body size is an important factor which influences plankton, the hazard may be underestimated if smaller
the accumulation of toxicants to the animals (Boyden, species are more susceptible to the transfer of toxicants
1974; Krantzberg, 1989). For example, the correlation across the integument than are D. magna. In several
between body weight and metal concentration 0zg if1) interspecific comparisons large-sized Daphnia tended to
can be positive, negative, or insignificant (Boyden, be more tolerant to toxic substances than smaller zoo-
1974; Strong & Luoma, 1981). The positive correlation plankton species (Winner & Farrell, 1976; Takahashi et
between the body weight and metal concentration can al., 1987; Koivisto et al., 1992).
be explained by age: larger individuals are older, and
have accumulated the metal during a longer time than
THE HABITAT OF Daphnia magna
younger individuals (Groulx & Lasenby, 1992). The
negative correlation between the body size and metal D. magna lives in eutrophic small ponds and rockpools
concentration has been found in fish, aquatic insect lar- (Hebert, 1978) Some ponds are persistent, but others
vae, crustaceans, and molluscs (Boyden, 1974; Newman are temporary and dry up during periods of drought;
& Doubet, 1989; Groulx & Lasenby, 1992; Lasenby & other ponds freeze solid in winter. Such environments are
Van Duyn, 1992). In these studies the body burden unpredictable with wide fluctuations in pH, temperature,
(total metal content of individual) was higher, but the oxygen concentration, salinity, and other abiotic factors
metal concentration (/~g if1) was lower in larger indi- (Ganning, 1971). However, D. magna is well adapted to
viduals. Several mechanisms have been proposed to such fluctuations: it tolerates low oxygen conditions,
explain the relationship between body size and metal high pH, wide ranges of salinity and temperature, and
Is Daphnia magna ecologically representative? 265

it produces diapause eggs (ephippia), allowing survival studies of stress tolerance of different cladocerans are
in otherwise lethal environmental conditions (Koba- rare (Winner & Farrell, 1976; Elnabarawy et al., 1986;
yashi & Gondi, 1985; Maclsaac et al., 1985; Arn6r & Winner, 1988; Koivisto et al., 1992), and consequently
Koivisto, 1993). little is known about the effects of toxicants on the life-
It has been suggested that species which tolerate a history traits of cladocerans other than D. magna, D.
high degree of natural abiotic stress may be preadapted pulex or Ceriodaphnia dubia (Ingersoll & Winner, 1982;
to tolerate pollution stress as well (Fisher, 1977; Bodar et al., 1988; Belanger & Cherry, 1990). The most
LeBlanc, 1985). This would imply a lesser sensitivity of often studied life-history traits are survival, body length
D. magna to toxicants, compared to zooplankton and brood size. The life-history responses of D. magna
species living in more stable (lake) environments. vary depending on the specific toxicant, but also
Koivisto et al. (1992) compared the copper tolerance of depending on the population used in the experiment
daphnids living in ponds (D. magna, D. pulex) to lake- (Baird et al., 1990; Soares et al., 1992). It should be
living cladocerans (D. galeata, B. longirostris, C. determined if smaller cladocerans react to specific toxi-
sphaericus) and found that the latter species were more cants by the same life-history traits as D. magna, and if
sensitive. However, it was not possible to distinguish variation in responses is larger within or between
the habitat effects from other effects, e.g. size. There- species.
fore, further tests of this hypothesis are needed.
Predation by planktivorous fish has a major impact on
Predation is probably the most important cause of zooplankton species composition, abundance, age and
cladoceran mortality in nature, and both vertebrate size structure (Brooks & Dodson, 1965; Vanni,
and invertebrate predation are regarded as major fac- 1987a, b). The body size of zooplankton prey has been
tors in the evolution of cladoceran life histories (Lynch, shown to be an important criterion in food selection of
1980). Larger (>2.5 mm) daphnids only thrive in fishless visually feeding fish. However, body shape, coloration
habitats, and are therefore mainly exposed to predation and transparency also influence the vulnerability of
from invertebrates, such as phantom midge larvae prey (Kerfoot et al., 1980; Zaret, 1980). Compared to
(Chaoborus sp.) (Vanni, 1988; Swift, 1992). Such inver- lake-living daphnids, D. magna is large (Table 1) and
tebrate predators are able to feed only on juvenile relatively strongly coloured. As a result, D. magna is
instars. After attaining a certain size, the daphnids are unable to survive fish predation and is rarely found in
less vulnerable to invertebrate predation; this leads to environments inhabited by fish (Hebert, 1978). In
increased adult survival. Small cladocerans remain experiments, D. magna is rapidly eliminated by plank-
exposed to invertebrate predation during their whole tivorous fish (Ranta et al., 1987; Pont et al., 1991).
life cycle, but with increasing size their vulnerability to Daphnids that coexist with planktivorous fish are
visually feeding fish increases (Lynch, 1980; Vonder smaller and more transparent than D. magna (Hebert,
Brink & Vanni, 1993). In contrast to large daphnids, 1978). Many lake-living cladocerans show cyclomor-
small cladocerans suffer from reduced adult survival. phosis (seasonal changes in body morphology), thought
Hence, life-history strategies of small and large clado- to confer some protection against predation (Jacobs,
cerans are in accordance with theoretical predictions: 1987; De Stasio et al., 1990). Behavioural responses
small cladocerans maximise reproductive effort at the such as vertical migration and swarming, can also
cost of future survival, whereas large cladocerans decrease the risk of predation (Kerfoot et al., 1980).
increase their fecundity by postponing reproductive For example, cyclopoid and calanoid copepods avoid
effort to a later part of the life cycle (Gadgil & Bossert, predation by rapid escape movements.
1970; Reznick et al., 1990). Consequently, daphnids Until recently, the effects of xenobiotics on
produce larger clutches compared to smaller cladocer- interspecific interactions (predation, competition), or
ans like Bosmina sp. and Chydorus sp. (Koivisto et al., community and ecosystem properties have received far
1992). Size of a small cladoceran neonate is large rela- less attention than have impacts on individual species
tive to the adult, which allows rapid maturation and (Cairns, 1984; Clements & Kiffney, 1994). However,
shortens the time to first reproduction, whereas the size these kinds of effects are important to understand,
of a large daphnid neonate is small compared to that of when impacts of pollutants on ecosystems must be pre-
adults. dicted. For example, the outcome of predation may
The relationship of life-history strategy to stress vary according to which species is more sensitive to
tolerance has not been studied from an ecotoxicological pollution; if the predator is more sensitive, it may be
point of view. However, it is possible that species with less efficient, and if the prey species is more sensitive, it
different life histories could react differently to stress. may be more susceptible to predation. Both conse-
Collins (1980) has proposed that, under stress condi- quences are supported in empirical studies (Clements et
tions, organisms preserve the life-history traits most al., 1989; Sandheinrich & Atchison, 1990; Gorham &
important for fitness, at the cost of less critical ones. Vodopich, 1992). It is not possible to study interactive
The most vital life-history traits are not necessarily effects of pollution and predation on natural zooplank-
the same for large and small cladocerans. Comparative ton communities in Daphnia bioassays, which, of
266 S. Koivisto

course, is not only the problem of test species, but also Boyden, C. R. (1974). Trace element content and body size in
an inherent nature of the test method. molluscs. Nature, 251, 311-14.
Brooks, J. L. & Dodson, S. I. (1965). Predation, body size,
and composition of plankton. Science, 150, 28-35.
CONCLUSIONS Cairns, J., Jr (1984). Are single species toxicity tests alone
adequate for estimating environmental hazard? Environ.
All of the features discussed above are inter-connected. Monit. Assess., 4, 259-73.
D. magna is vulnerable to fish predation because of its Carney, G. C., Shore, P. & Chandra, H. (1986). The uptake
large size and the lack of ability to survive fish preda- of cadmium from a dietary and soluble source by the crus-
tacean Daphnia magna. Environ. Res., 39, 290-8.
tion excludes D. magna from lakes. D. magna repre- Clements, W. H., Cherry, D. S. & Cairns, J. J. (1989). The
sents a life-history strategy of large daphnids, evolved influence of copper exposure on predator-prey interactions
as an adaptation against invertebrate predators with in aquatic insect communities. Freshwater Biol., 21, 483-8.
higher abundance in the absence of fish. From the eco- Clements, W. H. & Kiffney, P. M. (1994). Assessing contami-
logical point of view I suggest that D. magna is not a nant effects at higher levels of biological organization. Env-
iron. Toxicol. Chem., 13, 357-9.
representative zooplankton species; hence, it is possible Collins, N. C. (1980). Developmental responses to food limi-
that the results of D. magna toxicity tests may give mis- tation as indicators of environmental conditions for Ephy-
leading information when they are extrapolated to nat- dra cinerea Jones (Diptera). Ecology, 61, 650-61.
ural zooplankton communities. There is no doubt that De Stasio, B. T., Jr, Howard, E., Hanson, R. & Black,
D. magna is an excellent test organism for screening R. W., II (1990). Cyclomorphosis in species in New England
lakes, USA. Verh. Int. Ver. Limnol., 24, 481-6.
tests where the relative toxicity of chemicals is studied. Elnabarawy, M. T., Welter, A. N. & Robideau, R. (1986).
But this kind of testing may have little to do with pre- Relative sensitivity of three daphnid species to selected organic
dicting the effects arising from xenobiotics in natural and inorganic chemicals. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 5, 393-8.
ecosystems. To gain more information about the poten- Fisher, N. S. (1977). On the differential sensitivity of estuar-
tial for ecological damage, we must also study the ine and open-ocean diatoms to exotic chemical stress. Am.
Natur., 111, 871-95.
responses o f species that play essential roles in these Gadgil, M. & Bossert, W. H. (1970). Life historical conse-
communities and develop test systems that better corre- quences of natural selection. Am. Natur., 104, 1-24.
spond to real nature. Ganning, B. (1971). Studies on chemical, physical and biolog-
ical conditions in Swedish rockpool ecosystems. Ophelia, 9,
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Gorham, C. T. & Vodopich, D. S. (1992). Effects of acidic
pH on predation rates and survivorship of damselfly
The author thanks R. Elmgren and N. Kautsky for nymphs. Hydrobiologia, 242, 51-62.
suggestions that greatly improved the readability of this Groulx, G. R. & Lasenby, D. C. (1992). Temporal and spa-
review. M. Arn6r, J. Giesy, T. La Point, and an anony- tial variation in the amount of cadmium in the phantom
mous referee are gratefully acknowledged for critical midge larvae (Chaoborus spp.). Arch. Environ. Contam.
Toxicol., 23, 370-4.
comments on this manuscript. The financial support Hebert, P. D. N. (1978). The population biology of Daphnia
was provided by the Swedish Environmental Protection (Crustacea, Daphnidae). Biol. Rev., 53, 387-426.
Agency. Ingersoll, C. G. & Winner, R. W. (1982). Effect on Daphnia
pulex (de Geer) of daily pulse exposures to copper or cad-
mium. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 1, 321-7.
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