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CASEBOOK SERIES GENERAL EDITOR A. £, DYSON ‘THE COTHICK NOVEL lame inthe Nor aeton of Cass ae te ea development the iy aint hye ein i W lates Cua of Orant 174) Beco Vath 780), Lani’ The Men (Fh hn Rais ter i197 an ay Sys Fenn {uth DeSage bre, hegre fe een sr agin ran perce ol store ‘penne ei and pial srr ey Bathe uy flr es ca rosy niin er st alot pein of wl chee a the pl ery enfceer “he per of ne ‘he Erin rcs the erent tpn oi ation cueory mrt try monet altars he Nh caary silt oles ete peer Toe etn ice ne Aven, Ele Barks An Bras Caere, Wie Cali, Marg Sade Files Sgmind fen, Sans Mio ih Maron Cebu, Cra hr Hoel, anes ag Rack Har, Semel lon ale sly, Samed Ke 8 Niel Rar an eco, any Poe. Pra Henry Ca Ronn, ‘Cog un, Se Wate Soa, Ean W. Sale aioe M3 Tae sui, Vtr Sa Seer acing Ltn, Ui “Thecsted plan fhe Maclin Cacho ere embrace fo cae of ook, Teavtal Authors Hench ne coe cans ong ese rs ‘Sent eer es ocelot cosy ed wera (Ste General Themes Thc feces alae ney he? ach Cann hing tte the tf mde rim. alng ith aac tar seeer se meen Telnet dh nates” esoteric pane, Eah rte te ie der hein sctrt tne tyenor he nde inn te QO 3 z 2 a EB 5 - 2 3 a a9vs MoLDIA Aa aautag CASEBOOK SERIES GENERAL EDITOR A. E, DYSON The Gothick Novel A SELECTION OF CRITICAL ESSAYS EDITED BY VICTOR SAGE Seto abd aise nd eo mater ‘Mitr Sage 150 _Abighi seed No epaducon copy a nsmision of thpubiaton my Sends without ten permiion ‘No pargrph fh plain may be repre copied ‘pesca hes pinion ene ‘heprasson "Deg and Pte Ac 18 oe Se es peri tte ye Copgh Licensing Agee) 9 Ttebasr Court te Lenaon woke pon who does sy unauor ct a reation ois "pulicaoe naybe ale to rmialproseeuo od cl Se oe ge Feb 1980 by sre nada PRES cD ‘SAN 0-85-S40-1papersack Aca nook ie Pinte in Hong Rog eit 50,1992 807 579 CONTENTS iat Bars Prefect atti are One: Cia! Comm & Opin 170-1040 sor oreo (1730), p,3L—soeno nen (1757), p. 33 tuan weno (1702), peat cotentpor (1797), p30 ‘Stn Ae Ue 8p on (Cotnan 6 = Mange saan (100), 948 — new ‘aan noms (616), p.12-rhouss ove reacocx (188), pe aim wacren seore (OBIS) p38 & (1924), p56 fons owe (15 6S aye earn score (1827). 65— [eau (1, p69 vem cus (1802), 9.72 Part Two Thi Cntr Stas ron sanraaun: ‘Explain Sapenaira (1916) Stuun nnto The Uncaney” (11) overt rourane The Cothe Romance (152) won ect King Death (1938), ior Bop ta (1952) ‘Sone morow Eos mes Nar and Surat (885) ‘Mtoe ators Phe Gch England (915) {tc nevsn: The Stations Ferro Lone’ (1960) toner te vewte Ti Mas. Br Revol pst the Lins of Han Nati (1273) cons tot mois ional Tetique im Radli’s stort unex me matt Many Shales Monseous Eve (19) 6 a i ne 10 ws M6 130 52 sueverjourson (1750) everyone knows the orignal, and can detec any deviation fom ‘racic of raemblane: Otber wens are safe, except fom he Slice of kamg, but theo nein Oger Fook ere commen Trader a the perl executed was censured by ashocmaker whe Tappened to stops his way a the Venus of Apel: Bur the fear of not beng approved ae jut opyers of human ‘manners i nx the mos important concern that ay auto o this fort oughta have bee hi, Thee books are writen chit fo {he yours, the ignorant, ana the le to whom they serves tes ‘cond, and inedetons int i. They ate the entertainment ‘minds unfurnished with sean and tberelce easly susceptible ot Imnprensions not xd by principle, and theeore easily lowing {he current of any, not informed by experience, and consequealy open to every ise suggeston and paral account. "Tha the highest degree everence abou be paid t youth nd ‘hat noching indecent shoal be sere to approach the eye ot fag ae precepts extored by sense and rte om an ancient ‘eter, by no mean eminent for chastity of tough The same Kind, Uho' no the mame degre a auto, equied a everything which Ista efore them, to secre them fom uns pees, perverse pinion and incongruous combinations of mages Ta heromancstarmery writen, every raacion and sentiment wa o remote fom all that passes amoag me, that the reader was in'very le danger of making any applications to imal the ‘rues and crimes were equally beyond ie sphere of activity and er amsed inl! with heroes an with tntry, dlveres ad Dsectos, as with beings of another specs, whine actions were equated epor mutes tthe een, and wh ad either ts tov exalence in common wi hinele Suns: exc fm Teal. (Stay, 31 March 1730, 1. [64 The capi i eid fom a phrase te. Le stu Morp' pnion tha otc wae Cay i et a the ‘esos of Sets Ror inode To oes wi he SY a] Newel, oe eden a Jon's wn adlton to aman sor Inston page above | Part One: Comment. bre, 190 98 Edmund Burke (1757) Of he Sublime Whatever i Bite in any sore wo exit the ideas of pain, and danger, thats say, whatever isin any sor terble, oi eomersant about terble objects or opertea na manner anaogout to tern, 8 Sues of the nln, hat iit productive of the tongest emotion Src the mind is capable of eling Tay the strongest emotion, Breau Tam salsied the ideas of pai ave much more powerfal than thone wlth eter on che pat af pleasure Without al doubt, the torments which we may be made er are much renter in their eleee ‘on the ody and mind, than any. pleasres which the more Lerma soluptury could suggest or chan the Lives Imagination, and he mt sound and exit sensible bd could ‘oy. Nay Lam ingest dou, wheter any man could be ound ‘oho wool eam’ ie of the most peeetsatstction, a he pice of ing ti the torent, which sie infted i few ours om the late unfortunate regi in France’ ut ax aia i rong in operation am pleasure, so death is in general much mote ‘Sling den than pains Deease there ae ey fe pias, however ‘huis, whi afe noe peered to dents ayy what generally tales pain Use, 'T may says more painful iy that Ie ‘heleed a an xmitary ofthis King of tenors, When danger ot Di pes too nearly, hey ar incapable of giving any delight, ad [re implysernbe but at certain denen and” wih cera ‘ofeasons, they maybe, apd they are delightful as we every day operons, The Gnas of hs T tall endevotr to keine fercaher (OF de pasion cased by the subline "The pasion cause by the great and sume i nate, when those ‘aure operte ot powell Astonahiment nd atnshanent iethat tte ofthe woth in wise le motion re eanpended, its tome degre of hoor thi ease the mind iw earl ith Ie caged, tha cant entertain ny eter, aor by conaequcnce ‘esson on that objet which employ it Hence arses the rent pee the subline, hat fr fom being produced by them, ieantpates 4 roweno seer (1757) ‘ur seasonings, and hari ut om by a ieeile free. Astonish tent as Ihave sais the lec of he sublime nt highest degre the friar eects ate admiration, eeverence and respect Teor No passion so cualy robs the mind of alts powers of acting find remorng at tear Forfar being a0 apprehension of pain “ean ieopertes ina manne that eembls seal pain, Weatever therefore ere, with rgard to sgh, subline to, wheter thir eau of tro, be ended ith reataes of dimension or no Tarik is impose to lack on any tng a fing, or eonteanpble, that my be dangerous There ace many animal, who though far fiom bring large, ar yet capable of rasing teas of the sie, Drcause they ate considered as objet of terror. As serpents aed Prosonour hal of lowe all Kinds And to thing? of great ‘Ginensions if we annex an adventitne eno tron they bene witout comparison greater. leet plain ofa vart extent or Land, 5 eatin ao mean tea the pospet af such a plan: may be as CGcnsve ar prspet ofthe been Dut ca ever fl the id Sith any thing so great atthe ocean ite? Thier owing fo several ‘huts, bute owing to mone more tha thi chat the rani an objet of no small tor. Indeed terror ial eases whatoever, ‘ther more openly er Inet he ruling peacple of the subi ‘Several languages bear a strong testimony to the aint of these ‘eas They fequetly use the same word, to sig indifereny the modes ofasmamet or aration ad theae of tere, BOE iin grec, ether far or wonder, Seti tebe or respectable: yo evereiceof 10 fear, Fr in lati, what edd i in reek" The Romans used the verb sigs, 2 teem which stongly ‘harks dhe sate o's astonished mind, to expres the elt ihe {imple fer or of asoismen the word atu, (chunderrack) {is equalycapesive of the alae of tse Hens and donot the {fenth coment, ad the english ees! ad amacoen, ois fut a levy the Kindred emotions wise attend ear and wonder? ‘They who have a move general kuowledge of languages, could produc, [mike doubt, many ober and equally thing examples Obey “To make any thing very tebe, cbacurey seems in generl wo be secesary. When we how the fil extent of sy danger, won we ‘hn secusam our eyes iy a great dal of the apprebesion Part Om: Comment 175 1840 $5 vanishes. Every one wil be sensible ofthis, who considers how {rely ight ads to oar dread all canes of danger nd how truck the moons of ghats and goblins, of which none can form ‘ear ides, aller minds which ive edt wo the popular tales ‘Smcering wh sr of being. hone despot government, wich Srelounded un the pasions of met, ad pep upon te passion ttfean beep thei cies malar may be rom the public eye. The policy as been the same ia many casero algon” Almost al the Feten temples mere dark? Even in the barbarous temples ofthe ‘Amesana a hs day, they keep vio ina dark part ofthe but, Wich consecrated to his work. Fee ths parpoe oo the dra Jvformed all heir eremonies inthe bosom ofthe darkest wo, Eoin he shade of he cde and mot spreading cas. No enon Sere beter to have undertood the stot of Gesghteninge or “esting eb ting, may ae the expression in thei rongest git by the re of a judious obscurity, than Milton. His

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