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Human Whole-Genome Shotgun Sequencing

James L. Weber1,3 and Eugene W. Myers2
Center for Medical Genetics, Marshfield Medical Research Foundation, Marshfield, Wisconsin 54449;
Department of Computer Science, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721

Large-scale sequencing of the human genome is would be deposited in a common, public database,
now under way (Boguski et al. 1996; Marshall and and only a few or possibly even one large informat-
Pennisi 1996). Although at the beginning of the Ge- ics group would assay the primary task of sequence
nome Project, many doubted the scientific value of assembly. Following initial assembly, gaps in se-
sequencing the entire human genome, these doubts quence coverage would need to be filled and uncer-
have evaporated almost entirely (Gibbs 1995; Olson tainties in assembly would need to be resolved.
1995). Primary reasons for generating the human Sequencing from both ends of relatively long
genomic sequence are listed in Table 1. insert subclones is an essential feature of the plan.
The approach being taken for human genomic Initially, Edwards and colleagues (1990) and, more
sequencing is the same as that used for the Saccha- recently, several other groups (Chen et al. 1993;
romyces cerevisiae and Caenorhabditis elegans ge- Smith et al. 1994; Kupfer et al. 1995; Roach et al.
nomes, namely construction of overlapping arrays 1995; Nurminsky and Hartl 1996) recognized that
of large insert Escherichia coli clones, followed by sequence information from both ends of relatively
complete sequencing of these clones one at a time. long inserts dramatically improves the efficiency of
In this article, we outline an alternative approach to sequence assembly. In contrast to single sequence
sequencing the human and other large genomes, reads from one end of shotgun subclones, the pairs
which we argue is less costly and more informative of sequence reads from both ends have known spac-
than the clone-by-clone approach. ing and orientation. Use of relatively long insert
subclones also aids in the assembly of sequences
containing interspersed repetitive elements. Roach
A Plan for Human Whole-Genome Shotgun and colleagues (1995) showed that use of a mixture
Sequencing of long and short inserts can be as effective in en-
Although there are many conceivable variations, hancing assembly as use of only long inserts. Precise
the crux of our plan involves high-quality, semiau- knowledge of the length of the long insert clones is
tomated sequencing from both ends of very large not required to realize the advantages of end se-
numbers of randomly selected human genomic quencing.
DNA fragments. DNA of high molecular weight pu- Another essential feature of the plan is the at-
rified from at least a few different human donors tachment of quality values to the raw sequences.
would be sheared, size-selected, and cloned into E. The quality values would indicate the likelihood
coli. Insert sizes would fall into two classes. Long that each base call is correct. Quality values would
inserts would be 5–20 kb in size and would be aid sequence assembly (Churchill and Waterman
cloned into plasmid, phage, or possibly cosmid vec- 1992; Giddings et al. 1993; Lawrence and Solovyev
tors. Short inserts would be 0.4–1.2 kb in size and 1994; Lipshutz et al. 1994), would help to distin-
would be cloned into plasmid vectors. Read lengths guish true DNA polymorphisms from sequencing
would be of sufficient magnitude so that the two errors, and would also label uncertain sequences.
sequence reads from the ends of the short inserts Quality values would not obviate the need for rela-
overlap. The ratio of long to short inserts would be tively low error rates in the sequencing (Fleisch-
ù1. Standard, gel-based methods would be utilized mann et al. 1995). Low error rates would minimize
to generate at least 30 billion nucleotides of raw the number of overlapping nucleotides required for
sequence (10-fold coverage of the genome). Many sequence joining and also the ultimate sequence re-
laboratories throughout the world could participate dundancy that is required. Frequent and appropri-
in raw sequence generation, but all sequences ate quality controls would need to be utilized to
ensure that the raw sequence generated is high qual-
Corresponding author.
ity. The quality of the combined sequences from the
E-MAIL; FAX (715) 389-3808. ends of the short inserts would be enhanced because

7:401–409 ©1997 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN 1054-9803/97 $5.00 GENOME RESEARCH 401
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Table 1. Primary Reasons for Sequencing Table 2. Simulation Default Parameters

Human Genomic DNA
35-nucleotide overlap required for sequence
Complete sequencing of all genes joining
Determine intron/exon structure of all genes 10-fold genome coverage
Map genes and other sequences 400-nucleotide read lengths
Reveal noncoding regulatory sequences 15% variation in insert sizes
Identify polymorphisms 10,000-nucleotide average size for long inserts
Develop methodology for other genomes 700-nucleotide average size for short inserts
Uncover the unexpected 1:1 ratio of long to short inserts
100 kb spacing between STSs
300-nucleotide STS length
20% of genome comprised of SINEs with
300-nucleotide lengths
5% of genome comprised of LINEs with
the overlapping segment occurs at the ends of the 1500-nucleotide lengths
sequence reads where base calling is typically least 4:1 ratio of SINEs to LINEs

Feasibility of Whole-Genome Shotgun Sequencing

The feasibility of human whole-genome shotgun se- ent contigs. Scaffolds, by definition, contain discon-
quencing was evaluated by computer simulation de- tinuities, but the positions and approximate sizes of
signed to determine whether sufficient coverage the discontinuities are known. The simulation con-
and linkage information would result from such an firmed that coverage of the genome is largely a func-
approach. The simulation considered sequencing tion of the amount of raw sequence generated
from both ends of two classes of inserts, long and (Lander and Waterman 1988; Fleischmann et al.
short. The simulation also modeled both short and 1995). As shown in Table 3, the average simulated
long interspersed repetitive elements (SINEs and contig length increased dramatically as the fold cov-
LINEs). To be conservative, all interspersed repeats erage of the genome increased from 0.5 to 10. Av-
were considered to be identical in sequence so that erage contig length was also dependent on the
overlaps in reads that fell within repetitive elements amount of interspersed repetitive DNA and the ratio
were useless for joining sequences. Many param- of long to short inserts (Fig. 1). Increasing amounts
eters such as fold coverage of the genome, sequence of repetitive DNA led to shorter average contigs.
read length, amount of repetitive DNA, ratio of long Even at 50% total repetitive DNA, however, maxi-
to short inserts, and nucleotides of overlap required mum contig length was still near 100 kb. When
to join sequences were varied in the simulations. long-to-short insert ratios were greater than 1, con-
Default parameters (Table 2) are assumed to be in
force unless otherwise stated. The default value for
LINE length was conservatively chosen to be 1.5 kb,
Table 3. Simulated Effects of Genome
because although full-length LINE-1 (L1) elements
are 6–7 kb in length, the vast majority of human L1
elements are truncated with average length ∼0.7 kb Fold coverage Average contig length (kb)
(Smit et al. 1995; A. Smit, pers. comm.). Note that
the simulation does not solve an assembly problem 0.5 0.85
1 1.0
over simulated data, but instead analyzes the nature
2 1.5
of the sampling obtained. Details of the simulation,
4 4.8
including source code, can be obtained from Gene 6 17.7
Myers ( 8 65.8
Two outcomes of the simulation, contig length 10 226
and scaffold length, were monitored particularly
closely. Contigs are defined as sequence assemblies All simulation parameters other than fold coverage were set to
default values (see Table 2). Average contig length excluded
without any discontinuities. Scaffolds (Roach et al.
those contigs consisting of only single reads. The single-read
1995) are defined as collections of two or more con- contigs comprised only ∼0.1% of all reads.
tigs joined by long inserts whose ends are in differ-


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Although a large amount of computing power

would be required to perform the sequence similar-
ity searches necessary for assembly, such power is
already available. Using conservative and sensitive
overlap detection algorithms, it would currently be
possible to span sequence-tagged sites (STSs) spaced
at 100 kb at a rate of at least one STS pair per day per
100 mips (million instructions per second) worksta-
tion. With a cluster of 100 such workstations the
assembly of the entire human genome would take
300 days. By using less sensitive, but faster, overlap
detection software, this time could be reduced by
nearly a factor of 10. Note also that the power of
computer processors has doubled every 18 months
Figure 1 Average simulation contig length as a func- for many years, and this trend is likely to continue
tion of repeat density and long-to-short insert ratio. At (Patterson 1995). If contemplated machines such as
each level of repetitive DNA, 80% of the repeats were the 3-teraflop supercomputer planned in 1998 for
assumed to be SINES and 20% LINES. All simulation Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Macil-
parameters not specified in the plots were set to de- wain 1996) were recruited to the task of assembly,
fault values (see Table 2). Average contig length ex- then the human genome could be assembled, in
cluded those contigs consisting of only single reads. principle, in 4 min.
The single-read contigs comprised only ∼0.1% of all It is important to realize that because of signifi-
cant progress in the genetic and physical mapping
of STSs (Olson et al. 1989), the real task of shotgun
sequence assembly would be greatly simplified to
tig length was largely independent of the ratio. the task of building contigs and scaffolds that span
These results were only modestly affected by read adjacent STSs. Each of the STSs would serve as a
length (from 200 to 800 bases) and by the minimum nucleation site for this linking process. Already
overlap required for sequence joining (from 20 to 60 >30,000 total human STSs, including >16,000 genes,
bases) (data not shown). have been physically mapped, and the tally is in-
Given the large number of contigs that would creasing rapidly (Cox et al. 1994; Hudson et al.
be generated with the whole-genome shotgun ap- 1995; Schuler et al. 1996 and Web sites listed
proach, a pivotal question is whether the simulation therein). Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) (Adams et
contigs could be ordered into scaffolds. For a hypo- al. 1991, 1995; Hillier et al. 1996) are particularly
thetical human chromosome, 400 Mb in size, one valuable for sequence assembly because the coding
scaffold spanning the entire chromosome length sequences are often interrupted by introns. For the
was obtained in each of 100 simulation iterations. purposes of assembly, a single EST will therefore
After assembly, an average of 160 contigs and six usually be the equivalent of an array of ordered
small scaffolds remained unconnected to the single, STSs, a nearly ideal framework for assembly. Plans to
very large scaffold (scaffolds can overlap without be- generate full-length cDNA sequences (Marshall
ing connected by common sequence). 1996) will only enhance the utility of these se-
Using the default parameters, only ∼16,000 gaps quences for assembly. Some genes like the dystro-
between contigs (0.04% of the genome) with aver- phin and neurofibromatosis I genes, for example,
age size of ∼70 bp and maximum size <1700 bp re- cover enormous segments of the genome (2.3 and
mained after assembly. Although filling these gaps 0.35 Mb, respectively) (Heim et al. 1995; Prior et al.
would certainly require a large effort, because the 1995). Assuming, conservatively, a total of 80,000
gaps are short, it should be possible to fill virtually human ESTs and an average of three exons per se-
all of them using PCR. Additional effort, if deemed quence, a grand total of >250,000 STSs with an av-
necessary, would be required to sequence the erage spacing of only 12 kb is already available for
complementary strand of segments with only assembly (Table 4).
single-strand coverage. Simulation results indicate At present, the process for human whole-
that under default conditions, 616,000 of these genome shotgun sequence assembly can only be
single-stranded regions would exist with an average projected. Nevertheless, a possible senario for as-
size of 106 bases. sembly would be to begin with all existing mapped


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to both whole-genome shotgun and clone-by-clone

Table 4. Human STSs
sequencing approaches.
Type Number The feasibility of whole-genome shotgun se-
quencing was also supported by the recent success
STRPs 10,000 achieved by Venter and colleagues in sequencing
Nonpolymorphic anonymous 5,000 three bacterial genomes with sizes ranging from 0.6
Genes (ESTs) 80,000 (23) to 1.8 Mb (Fleischman et al. 1995; Fraser et al. 1995;
Total 255,000 Bult et al. 1996). Neither raw sequence generation,
sequence assembly, nor sequence finishing was an
impediment to the shotgun sequencing of the bac-
terial chromosomes. Distances between human STSs
are much smaller than the sizes of the bacterial ge-
STSs (including ESTs) within a specific chromo- Our strategy for whole-genome shotgun se-
somal interval, to add shotgun reads in a very con- quencing is also entirely consistent with the bacte-
servative fashion utilizing only sequence overlaps of rial artificial chromosome (BAC) end sequencing
high probability, to meld these growing assemblies strategy proposed recently by Venter et al. (1996).
to unmapped STSs within the database, and then to Although we feel that large-scale BAC end sequenc-
add in lower probability overlapping sequences. The ing would probably not be absolutely required, it
sequence assemblies would continually be exam- would certainly assist in the assembly of the shot-
ined for disagreements with EST structure or with gun sequence fragments. BAC clones would likely
existing map information and also for the presence span some arrays of tandem repeats that are too
of forks or loops, which would indicate the presence large for our ‘‘long insert’’ clones.
of unrecognized interspersed (forks) or tandem
(loops) repeats, or other errors in assembly or clon-
Advantages of Whole-Genome Shotgun Sequencing
ing artifacts. Software for assembly on this scale
does not exist, but we have begun work in this di- Whole-genome shotgun sequencing of human ge-
rection. Our initial perception is that STS anchors nomic DNA holds a number of important advan-
provide sufficient directional information to allow tages compared to conventional clone-by-clone se-
resolution of low copy number repeats (of any scale) quencing. Foremost among these advantages are de-
and that high copy number repeats can be factored tection of large numbers of DNA polymorphisms,
as a consensus sequence that can be resolved at spe- more complete and less artifactual coverage of the
cific sites on a case-by-case basis. The development genome, and improved speed and cost.
of such software poses difficult technical questions, A significant fraction of all common human
but we believe these are surmountable in a several DNA polymorphisms can be detected through shot-
man–year horizon. We note, for example, that hu- gun sequencing. Polymorphisms are important be-
man coding sequences have been assembled from cause they are used to map genes through linkage
individual reads by several groups despite the pres- analysis (Terwilliger and Ott, 1994), to presymp-
ence of sequence errors, polymorphisms, alternative tomatically predict disease status (Antonarakis
splicing, and repetitive elements (Schuler et al. 1989; Weber 1994), to detect submicroscopic chro-
1996). Also, software developed for assembly of hu- mosomal rearrangements (Lupski et al. 1991), to
man sequences would be applied in the future to identify individuals in, for example, paternity and
many other organisms. forensic testing (Hagelberg et al. 1991; Frigeau and
Whole-genome shotgun sequencing would not Fourney 1993; Smith 1995; Urquhart et al. 1995),
result in a single unbroken sequence for entire chro- and to study a wide range of biological phenomena
mosomes. Even using recombination and restric- such as evolution (Bowcock and Cavalli-Sforza
tion-deficient E. coli strains (Chalker et al. 1988; Ra- 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994; Jorde et al. 1995), popu-
leigh et al. 1988; Doherty et al. 1993), a small por- lation biology (Edwards et al. 1992; Deka et al. 1995;
tion of the genome would likely be resistant to Morell et al. 1995), and recombination (Tanzi et al.
cloning or would not yield stable clones. Sequences 1992; Weber et al. 1993). Polymorphisms within
from long arrays of tandem repeats such as centro- coding and regulatory elements are also the source
meric satellite DNA, rDNA repeats, and some mini- of relative risk for many common diseases. Com-
satellites would not be able to be assembled per- mon variants of the apolipoprotein E gene on chro-
fectly. Note, however, that these limitations apply mosome 19, for example, strongly influence an in-


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dividual’s risk of developing late onset Alzheimer’s and biases in the coverage of these clones will, to a
disease (Saunders et al. 1993; Kamboh 1995; Kam- large degree, be eliminated by whole-genome shot-
boh et al. 1995). Many highly informative human gun sequencing. Many of the cosmid clones pro-
DNA polymorphisms based on short tandem re- jected for use in sequencing have been developed
peats have already been identified, but the vast ma- from hybrid tissue culture cell lines which, them-
jority of the much more frequent biallelic base sub- selves, have been propagated for many cell genera-
stitution and short insertion/deletion polymor- tions. Rearrangements and artifacts have undoubt-
phisms remain unknown (Kwok et al. 1994, 1996). edly been introduced into the cloned material dur-
Although allele frequencies vary widely, most hu- ing this process. Although BACs/PACs (P1-derived
man DNA polymorphisms are common to all popu- artificial chromosomes) appear to be more stable
lations (Bowcock and Cavalli-Sforza 1991; Jorde et than cosmids, artifacts such as chimeras and dele-
al. 1995; Bowcock et al. 1994; Deka et al. 1995; Ed- tions still occur at a significant frequency (Kim et al.
wards et al. 1992; Morell et al. 1995). 1996; Boysen et al. 1997). By starting with total hu-
DNA polymorphisms would not usually be de- man genomic DNA, many of these artifacts will be
tected through clone-by-clone sequencing because eliminated. The cosmid or BAC/PAC assemblies will
only one variant for each genomic region would be also likely exclude at least some long arrays of tan-
sampled. If the genome is sequenced through the dem repeats. The genome will be more equally rep-
clone-by-clone approach, then much additional resented with shotgun sequencing using small in-
funding would be required to identify the polymor- serts. In addition, overlaps between large insert
phisms at a later date and many years would be lost. clones will lead to largely unproductive duplicative
Calculation of the exact fraction of polymorphisms sequencing or to the expenditure of resources to
that would be identified through whole-genome avoid this duplication.
shotgun sequencing requires a distribution of poly- Whole-genome shotgun sequencing would also
morphisms as a function of informativeness, which be less expensive and therefore faster than the
is not yet known. However by generating 6 billion clone-by-clone approach. The steps of preparation,
nucleotides of raw sequence from each of five un- mapping, storage, and tracking of tens of thousands
related individuals, it can be calculated that ∼65% of of sequence-ready large-insert clones; parallel gen-
all 20% heterozygosity biallelic polymorphisms and eration, storage and tracking of subclones for each
>99% of all 80% multiallelic polymorphisms would, of the large insert clones; and avoidance of large-
for example, be detected. To optimize polymor- insert clone overlap would be entirely eliminated
phism detection, DNA should ideally be sequenced with shotgun sequencing. The processes of se-
from donors with widely differing geographic an- quence assembly and sequence finishing could be
cestry. carried out much more efficiently in central facili-
Sequencing errors would likely be encountered ties. Reducing the process of DNA sequencing to the
much more frequently in whole-genome shotgun core task of raw sequence generation would also al-
sequencing than true polymorphisms. Sequencing low efforts to be focused on driving down the costs
error rates would likely be at least 1%, whereas the of a few relatively straightforward procedures in
rate of polymorphisms would likely be on the order large factory-like operations. With shotgun se-
of 0.1%. Although confirmation may be necessary quencing there would be no need to wait for expen-
in many cases, several factors would allow many of sive, sequence-ready large-insert clone assemblies to
the polymorphisms to be identified despite the be generated and no need to sequence one chromo-
background of sequencing errors. True polymor- some or one chromosomal segment at a time. To
phisms would often have multiple sequence reads date, no one has generated overlapping cosmid or
per allele, true polymorphisms would usually have BAC/PAC assemblies that span even significant por-
high-quality values attached to each allele, and true tions of human chromosomes without many gaps
polymorphisms do not occur randomly thoughout (Ashworth et al. 1995; Doggett et al. 1995). Perhaps
the genome. Specific sequence features will spot- this can be accomplished eventually but only
light polymorphisms. For example, it has been through great effort, time, and cost. The assertion
known for many years that CpG dinucleotides are that collection of large-insert templates for sequenc-
more commonly polymorphic than other dinucleo- ing is trivial is simply wrong. Although initiation of
tides (Schumm et al. 1988; Deininger and Batzer genome-wide sequence assembly would probably
1993; Becker et al. 1996; Sommer and Ketterling not be worthwhile until ∼2.5-fold sequence cover-
1996). age was obtained, completion of partial cDNA se-
Rearrangements in the large insert contig clones quences, identification of regulatory regions, defini-


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tion of intron/exon boundaries, and identification Americans spend ∼$35 billion per year, public and
of polymorphisms are all tasks that could be under- private, on biomedical research (Silverstein et al.
taken continuously from the start of shotgun se- 1995). If the efficiency of this research is improved
quence generation. The large number of laborato- by even 1%, and this is probably a gross underesti-
ries worldwide undertaking position cloning mate, then savings would be $350 million per year,
projects, for example, could utilize the shotgun se- far more than the cost of sequencing. Whole-
quences from the outset. genome shotgun sequencing will allow these sav-
Estimating the actual costs of human genomic ings to be realized far sooner than with clone-by-
sequencing is certainly hazardous. Nevertheless, our clone sequencing. We should generate as much of
best effort is summarized in Table 5. Assuming op- the critical sequence information as rapidly as pos-
timistically that clone-by-clone sequencing of hu- sible and leave cleanup of gaps and problematic re-
man DNA can be completed for $0.30 per finished gions for future years.
base, and assuming that sequencing is completed by It is not too late to change strategies for se-
the end of the year 2003, an average cost per year of quencing the human genome. Only a few percent of
$130 million is calculated. Assuming conservatively the sequence has been generated at this time. Even
a cost of $0.01 for generation of a single base of raw if the human genome is not sequenced via the shot-
sequence, spending of $130 million per year would gun approach, there are still many other large ge-
give 10-fold coverage by about the end of the mil- nomes that will be sequenced in the future, includ-
lennium with $90 million remaining for software ing many agriculturally important species. It will
development and computer assembly. Filling gaps likely be too expensive to sequence other large ge-
and resolving uncertainties would add additional nomes via the clone-by-clone approach. A possible
costs to whole-genome shotgun sequencing in the general strategy for sequencing other large genomes
next century. would be a random cDNA sequencing project, fol-
We assert that the goals listed in Table 1 are the lowed possibly by some radiation hybrid physical
true motivation for sequencing the human genome, mapping of the ESTs, followed by whole-genome
not the accomplishment of some arbitrary, mythi- shotgunning.
cal goal of 99.99% accuracy of a single, artifactual About a decade ago, when the Genome Project
(in places) and nonrepresentative copy of the ge- was just being contemplated, Fred Blattner pro-
nome. Most research laboratories, both public and posed whole-genome shotgun sequencing of both
private, want discrete genomic sequence informa- the E. coli and human genomes. His proposals were
tion, and they want it as early as possible. They are neglected. Today, no one considers for a moment
interested in information such as the intron/exon sequencing bacterial genomes by any method other
structure of specific genes, the polymorphisms that than whole-genome shotgun sequencing. Even at
may occur in specific coding and regulatory se- several dollars per finished base the human se-
quences, and lists of coding sequences that lie quence is probably one of the greatest bargains in
within specific chromosomal intervals. The sooner human history. We laud efforts now under way in
this critical information is available, the sooner it several large sequencing centers to generate human
can be applied to accelerating research progress. genomic sequence. The reality, however, is that re-
search dollars are always limited. We should se-
quence the human and other eukaryotic genomes
using the most rapid, cost effective, and productive
Table 5. Costs of Human Genomic

Clone by clone
$0.30 per finished base Adams, M.D., J.M. Kelley, J.D. Gocayne, M. Dubnick, M.H.
$130 million per year for 7 years Polymeropoulos, H. Xiao, C.R. Merril, A. Wu, B. Olde, R.F.
Total $900 million spent by end of 2003 Morenco, A.R. Kerlavage, W.R. McCombie, and J.C. Venter.
Shotgun 1991. Complementary DNA sequencing: Expressed sequence
tags and human genome project. Science 252: 1651–1656.
$0.01 per raw base
$130 million for 3 years would provide
Adams, M.D., A.R. Kerlavage, R.D. Fleischmann, R.A.
102 coverage plus an additional $90 million
Fuldner, C.J. Bult, N.H. Lee, E.F. Kirkness, K.G. Welnstock,
for informatics
J.D. Gocayne, O. White, G. Sutton, J.A. Blake, R.C. Brandon,
M.-W. Chlu, R.A. Clayton, R.T. Cline, M.D. Cotton, J.


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Human Whole-Genome Shotgun Sequencing

James L. Weber and Eugene W. Myers

Genome Res. 1997 7: 401-409

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