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1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of oral communication.

Write a short note on the improvement of oral communication


The advantages of oral communication are as follows:

1. Time saving: When action is required to be taken immediately it is best to transmit a message
2. Cost savings: Cost is involved in any communication. When the communication is needed
within the organization and if it and is completed in orally, it has not needed any paper, pen
or stamp or computer.
3. More powerful: Speech is a more powerful means of persuasion and control.
4. Effectiveness: With the help of variations in the tone, pitch and intensity of voice, the speaker
can convey shades of meaning.
5. Immediate feedback: The speaker can get immediate feedback on whether it is creating a
favorable impression on the receiver or not.
6. Easiness: It is so easy method of communication. It needs little preparation to send a
message. No need of pens, pencils and other writing equipment’s which are needed in written
7. Correction of errors: If any error is expressed at the time of oral communication. It was
possible to rectify at that time.
8. Maintaining secrecy: Interested parties of oral communication can maintain the secrecy of
messages easily.

Some disadvantages of oral communication are:

1. No record: In oral communication, messages are difficult to record. So it is impossible to

preserve the message for future.
2. Distortion of the word: If distortion of the word occurs in oral communication, then main
goals of the organization may be failed.
3. Limited use: The scope of usage of oral communication is limited. It is not suitable for lengthy
4. Probability of omitting main subject: Sometimes, main subject may be omitted to express a
word for communicating. So, expected result may not be achieved.
5. Confused speech: Sometimes the receiver fails to understand the meaning of a message due
to habitual productions of the speaker.
6. Creates misunderstanding: The speaker often gives message without having properly
organized it earlier. As a result, misunderstanding May develops.

Improvement of oral communication:

1. Improving vocabulary will help to reduce one’s weaknesses in speaking.
2. Research more before any presentation and works hard on the selection of words.
3. Be friendly to the audience you are going to communicate.
4. Improve listening skills.
5. Improve non verbal communication skills. The words being spoken should be in accordance
with your body language, facial expressions and gestures.
6. While having presentations make connections with the last presentation.
7. Think before speaking.

2. What is the difference between listening and hearing? Name the different types of listening.


Hearing is the act of perceiving sound and receiving sound waves or vibrations through our ears.
Listening is the act of hearing a sound and understanding what we hear. Hearing is one of the five
senses and it just happens all the time – whether we like it or not – unless we have a hearing
problem. But if we listen, we are consciously choosing what we want to hear. We concentrate on
what we hear in order to understand the message. For example, If I hear a baby crying out loud, I
am using my sense of hearing, but when I hear a baby cry because he is hungry, it is a form of
listening because I have attached a meaning to what I have heard.

Hearing is a skill where we use our ears only. It one of the five senses. Listening uses different
senses, like the sense of hearing, seeing, or sense of touch. Listening is a skill that lets the sound we
hear go through our brain to process the meaning of it. Listening means also observing what we
hear, like the speaker’s behavior and body language, in order to better understand what the
speaker is talking about. Hearing is an involuntary act where we simply receive vibrations through
our ears.

Listening is a form of a communication technique that lets us understand, interpret and put
meaning to what we hear. Listening can build a better relationship with others, while hearing is just
merely receiving sounds through our ears.

Different types of listening are following:

1. Discriminative listening: It is the most basic type of listening whereby the difference
between the sounds is identified.
2. Comprehensive listening: It is the interpretation of the words and ideas. Comprehensive
listening involves understanding the thoughts, ideas, and message.
3. Critical listening : It focuses on evaluating and analyzing information. This is a more active
form of listening that includes evaluating and making judgments.
4. Appreciative listening: In appreciative listening the main intention is to seek certain
information, which will be appreciated.
5. Empathetic listening: When we listen empathetically, we seek to understand the beliefs,
moods, emotions and goals of other people.
6. Therapeutic listening: It is a form of active listening in which the listener helps the speaker
to draw out and understand their feelings and emotions.
7. Dialogic listening: Dialogic listening means learning through conversation.

3. Discuss the definition and meaning of reading.

Reading is defined as a cognitive process that involves decoding symbols to arrive at a meaning.
Reading is an active process of constructing meanings of words. Reading with a purpose helps the
reader to direct information towards a goal and focuses their attention. Although the reasons for
reading may vary, the primary purpose of reading is to understand the text. Reading is a thinking
process. It allows the reader to use what he or she may already know, also called prior knowledge.
During this processing of information, the reader uses strategies to understand what they are
reading, uses themes to organize ideas, and uses textual clues to find the meanings of new words.
Each of the three components of reading is equally important. Let's take a look at the components!
Reading is a process that involves recognizing words, leading to the development of
comprehension. According to research, reading is a process that negotiates the meaning between
the text and its reader. The reading process involves three stages.
The first is the pre-reading stage, which allows the reader to activate background knowledge,
preview the text, and develop a purpose for reading. A strategy for students to utilize during this
stage is to look at the title of the selection and list all the information that comes to mind about the
The second stage occurs during reading, when the reader makes predictions as they read and then
confirms or revises the predictions. For example, double-entry journal enable the reader to write
the text from the reading on one side and their personal reaction on the other side.
The final stage occurs after reading and allows the reader to retell the story, discuss the elements of
a story, answer questions and/or compare it to another text. For example, students can create
summaries, where they take a huge selection and reduce it to its main points for more concise
Comprehension is an intentional, active, and interactive process that occurs before, during and
after a person reads a particular piece of writing.

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