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Mónica Monica

é uma menina expressiva.

is an expressive Fazgirl.
little corresponder cada sentimento
Match a feeling a uma imagem
to each picture.

ANGRY Com Medo
SCARED Com fome
SAD Com Sono
Com Nojo
COLD Frio Relaxada
HAPPY Pensativa

Sassy, intrepid Monica loves to paint and What Color Is a Kiss?

sees her world in every color of the
by Rocio Bonilla
rainbow. But one question stumps her:
what color is a kiss? She paints and paints, ISBN 978-1-58089-739-6
in search of an answer.
Monica loves her red spaghetti. From the plate, find the correct piece that goes in Monica’s mouth.

Sassy, intrepid Monica loves to paint and What Color Is a Kiss?

sees her world in every color of the
by Rocio Bonilla
rainbow. But one question stumps her:
what color is a kiss? She paints and paints, ISBN 978-1-58089-739-6
in search of an answer.
Monica’s Favorite Colors


*Which one of these colors does not

appear in the background below?

Sassy, intrepid Monica loves to paint and What Color Is a Kiss?

sees her world in every color of the
by Rocio Bonilla
rainbow. But one question stumps her:
what color is a kiss? She paints and paints, ISBN 978-1-58089-739-6
in search of an answer.
What color do you think a kiss is? Can you help Monica paint a picture of a kiss?

Sassy, intrepid Monica loves to paint and What Color Is a Kiss?

sees her world in every color of the
by Rocio Bonilla
rainbow. But one question stumps her:
what color is a kiss? She paints and paints, ISBN 978-1-58089-739-6
in search of an answer.
Color and decorate the cupcakes. Pick your favorite to share with Monica. (She looks hungry!)

Sassy, intrepid Monica loves to paint and What Color Is a Kiss?

sees her world in every color of the
by Rocio Bonilla
rainbow. But one question stumps her:
what color is a kiss? She paints and paints, ISBN 978-1-58089-739-6
in search of an answer.
Brrr! It’s cold! Warm up Monica and her forest friends by
adding color and decorations to this scene.

Sassy, intrepid Monica loves to paint and What Color Is a Kiss?

sees her world in every color of the
by Rocio Bonilla
rainbow. But one question stumps her:
what color is a kiss? She paints and paints, ISBN 978-1-58089-739-6
in search of an answer.

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