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4 Subject Pronoun Usage | in Formulaic Sequences | Evidence from Peninsular Spanish Pekka Posio Pala Posi et Pronoun Usage a Ferman Sanuerces a1} Feuueney of cata ver tokens ab an ampliying lect jag SPP expression a tele data rom Menian avd Day ‘New York City, the fair grops vt person and regular versus morphology only show a signi fama a sy created by the speaker (Erman and Wavien Spanish, Buller (1997, 65) re at te highest is 92 pe igh Tesueney verbs ea However, comparison ofthe re studies in tis volume suggest tsa pally depen onthe dale question ‘nits cant be taken a a deiniionalenteion na corps- bed tn, bypotesis tobe confirmed by’ psychotings DATA AND METHODOLOGY ‘The cups pt ofthe subsection Converacines ofthe COREC (Corp raferecia del 2). Tis selection of an ute! Pronoun Usage in Fermube Sequences a) Table 44 Frequent ver Propo Verb fom Raw frequency vot forms ‘séknow- 196 aT 3% he aus 16 2% im 8 2% ha aUe-386 a 2% dice sy 390 2% | digo say-130 1% | go havea | vay gots 6 is i 8 ws a snot mong te oye hear 250.mirERATIVE BS mes): sabes kaow 256 2 sey be 1S os 1% hrnoe avx-teL 50 1% ras a2 0 1% 0250 “4 1% remos ave 18 a 1% Tote Da ae Table 4.2 Subject expression in ist person singular E ANALYSIS AND RESULTS: “The following subsections present the results of the analysis. Th fading fore _rammatclpesson ae discussed separately. at anus faa cee | vor go I8e ” 16 106 ie Fst Penson SwncULan ae a “Table 42 presots the aumbers of nail and expressed subjects and he promomisal alee =i a bu ira vet oem. Te average SPP expression toy be-186 B 5 11% digo say-150, 3 26 2% in previews saison Peinsuar Spanish (e, Fae - ; a 31,89 perce by Bariquez 1984, 348; 31 percent by Cameron 1992, 239). ‘The dil: be aus m2 ieniant? 1 nt 338 36 a 598% a 2% oy Petia ete aot found to occurin any eco the da, Table. summarizes the formulaic sequences ‘SPP eapression| No SPP win SPP Total ‘ale don't know what to say to you, pal hin is Chrismas 170 255 165% In aditon to subject expression pallens, another chaste that fereites the te negated (208 64 20% peudo-quaitve digo M48 23% someaive digo 7 1 8 las otter uses 1 1 2 : Teal Bus 2s “Fore arco = a ie, Sequences with creo 1 think’ (2b) eV qué vawpasar? ees) om “Ard wha’ going happen?” complement pistmicevidental parenthetical creo 8 5 B 388, ere ue nov pas a : Saat ee oon nk nothings going to happen rem withthe vb form sé "Thaw" ae tonal Penintlat Now: Panel pai wih Ta iy met 1 p= 0195 eaten Sequences witrbe have’ sis. Such a connection betwen polarity and SPP presence is be vie These so oe Calo 2012 rer per fos 28 | Toral 3% i No ea ni Wh ae to mank the following itm uncon, the vos fri occurs ms Ich of contete dialogue witout Pala Posie omplement intoeodby the complemenizer gue. Tas (4) where the she undevined sequence bas 2 formule char (0) mie uneca sedge on da, iB ee Br... imabook, (8) cYotros medetos? “And otter models?” 40> ¥ ofros models gue ta “Aad other models tha <519 No re calor nome gas No, [don eLorg?, digo, cblanca? Buero. is colo! ‘Anexan (6) (Ce spener tells abowt aus company e has found tha offers ip rom ‘Maid to Vigo fr 2,700 pesca.) 4 jot Pronoun Usage in Fame Sequences 7) ‘The sequence digo yo ako has» regula pragmatic Funeson i discourse ily marks the previnaly wnered pro speaker ‘he bighost SPP express SPP expression in ther sis on iferent var nllos 2012, Biker and Gay 2012, (tiv ad Serrano 2010; sue more likely to oor 1 le ere 0, de cols todo son. son tambidn inal ploces Cokes ac big eu bra queens mi, ere, de Lao 1 you remember bring me. bok of vine tha you] have, Calvino” “Lor anores lea ‘itil te pronoun yo clea sets ceo apa fen 0 the sequeace (0) creo ge tesebles in many "The high xgression eae yccaning verb forms. Ih English expression Peta Posie Pragoun Usage in Formula Sequnoss ‘econo Penson Sinautan ‘Tho second pe SPP expression Ver form No SPP with SPP Taal rate “aye hear-2SG IMPERATIVE 8 ° “eS Ow 1% sana *Loow, ove “LisTEN ‘Accanbe observed in table 4S, the diference i ins ate ony sigiica ‘nd person singular verb wes "You www" ‘The ver Form sabes ‘you Know! occurs typically in itesropative ‘etal intrrogative clauses (ex. 9a) ora a sytotically otic rel with sng intonation (ex. 9)* Tho thi most frequent context i the n Peta Pasa Table 4.5. Foralaie sequences with 28G vet forms SPP Constructions with sabes you expression non" Wo SPP witn SPP ‘ale Incgative clauses a B ag imecrogative panicle gaeber? 23 6 we _yasabes you aealy kaon’ be ° 0% ‘you can’ ¢ INF 1 ° - 3 i 23% (Exphaning se comets of anew jo) re Bh. tare de . contact cn e usuario de "And then (se) does. reports. task of. eontaet with he use, ‘now. (You Insker ad Guy's (2012, 539) dt fom speaks of Meriean and Dominican o the verb fo sabes “you know’ jet pronoun 02 percent) Assoring thi sabes is wed fe sma purposes i those varieties he Finsr Pensow PLURAL SPP expression in fist petson plus seoece, and no significant diferences emerge tetven the tres ver forms examined here (sce able 4.6). Tle 6 Sebjoc exoressin in fst person plral Exgressed ‘Subjest er form subjects subjects ——Tolal_—_exqressed vaos 60-1. 7 T Tie om pos aX 1PL 8 1 56 on seemos hae-T0 2 3 2 10% Teal 5 226, Om “Jose Fans cent TH 1 Pronoun Usage in Formule Sequences a ‘Sequences with vamos ‘we go’ Mo SPP With SPP Total ry nortan dicousepute fue sry pee ecraeceeteaceciea vos vere or er “we #10ca0N er speakabou Tore Sconce om Tat = eae IEA TONICE cui ive diferent pretence of notes seems ja} and the expression vamos @ Ese que ena maree Shoe “Tho one that do make Wa Shoe ar ye, pero vmas, ev, en de prt madre vl eo gu sane que ver: irs "Yo qulera que eateehico se casey sfaiying so much.” Pata Pos “Let's move ts more Let's goto another table where we could see the snset (118) ove fos its gué gi 6B ute! Pron Usa lle A.B Subjct expres person wit Fate of PP SPP Total exprossion Sass Sa a agg ha a6 4 9 mo esborsa ae 38 cad ° Hous 8 = ot ir’ stop to bay 3 wens for nie sales.) enw wha (0 sy 109 CORPORA ‘COREC = Marcos Mi seo (1982) Corpus orl de rejeven contenporine, Universidad AutGnora de Mode, Ava Mark, (2002) “Conus det Bspaot (100 rycorposiseepenol.o, Accessed NOTES local patterns of SPP expression and placement inthe above-mentioned sequences are among most frequent ones in spoken dacourse, secouting forthe SPP raze in hem i perspective ter is no reason to exclude seen 36 one end ofthe coin between itence of non-arable sequences 16 wen the otal Ae corns eontining 1 56 perce the echo the once obtined the present seletion of dats seit Press uate, Christopher 8. 197. "Repeated word combinations ia spoken and writen texts sranunar” In Fund eas: Recent Develop 1H, Connelly, Gomer Gonzilez, and Sosa M, Doval Suite, 221-262, Asteria Philadel phi: Joba Benjaias. ybue, Joon, nd Sandra A Thompson. 1997. "Thee frequency affect in stan “erkeley Linguistics Seiety 23:378- 388, 997. "Acousiiliy theory in avaible synax of Spanish" Journal of Prag ‘mates 2829-67, suet Prono Usa yale Sequences 1) Davison, Bid 1996, “Praguatic weight” and Spanish subj prnoans: The rag tite and discourse wes of "asd yo" a syken Maid Spanish 254) 543-5659, De Cal, Barbara 20 eorer referees in English and Handbook of Second Language Aca by Catherine, Doughty a Michael E. Long, 62-103, Oxf: Backwel iV. 1984, pronombrepertonal ger ml exgua espa ables Mads Institato Mizu de Cervates, oe of lexical frequency in syntactic vt itt Demonte, 1209-1273 Madi Espa Calpe Hopper, Pool, 1987. “Emergent grammar" Berkeley Lin Posio Pek. 2011, “Spon 4710):253-282 Ip deh igo esebaS7Smgnipubie/VinquezRozas CariaMiguel CLO? pl, Wray, Ace. 2002, Fovnulac Language andthe Lescon, Cambridge: Cumbre Uni verity Pres PART Il SUBJECT PRONOUN EXPRESSION IN SPANISH IN CONTACT WITH OTHER LANGUAGES

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