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D.A. Ram
* Introduction
* 'I'
* Mind
* My life as Dražen
* My life as David
* Belief
* Human being
* Ego or personality
* Free will or choice
* Thoughts, feelings and senses
* Time
* Reincarnation
* Karma
* Kundalini or inner fire
* Science
* Love and joy
* Enlightenment, awakening, liberation
* Epilogue
Everything that can be experienced is an illusion, a
dream. Be that sensual, emotional or mental, all of
it is experience and by nature not true or real.
What You Are is pure Conscious Beingness devoid
of every kind of experience. Thinking, feeling or
sensual experiencing of any kind, all of this means
that You Are dreaming. Like in any other dream You
can experience all kind of things like walking,
eating, feeling, thinking, even having sex and
reaching an orgasm. You can experience being on
other places on earth or in other times, even being
on other planets or in other worlds or realities. Yet
when You wake up, You know you were dreaming.
It is the same with this world or reality. It is a dream
from which You will wake up. When that happens,
You will know You were dreaming because the
world You believed you were born and lived in, will
disappear before your eyes and all the senses will
stop functioning. Only You will remain as pure
Being, knowing that life is a dream and that You,
now being awake, are The One and only dreamer of
this and every other possible life, world and reality.
You will know that fully and consciously as You
have never known anything before.
At first You may be shocked or delighted, but in the end
It will be known and enjoyed by You the One and only
Free Conscious Being.

This is an attempt to write about something that is

actually already known by everyone. Because of the
fact that everybody knows the Truth about their own
being and the nature of the illusion called reality,
there is actually nothing to be learned and therefore
this is not a teaching of any kind, nor is it a message.
It could be seen as a reminder of what is already
known or as a description of what really Is and how
what Is not, appears to be something or rather
It is I, the One Being, that in reality Is every body
and every thing that appears to be part of what is
called life or existence, that writes this book through
one particular expression of Mine called David
Angelo Ram as a means of communication with My
Self as all other human expressions of Mine. There's
no other purpose to this book than Self-expression
and Self-experience, the same as there is no other
purpose to life or existence on this or on any other
level. And the only way I can express and
experience My true Self, is when I wake up from the
dream of being someone particular and realise that I
Am no one particular, but instead the One conscious
Being that plays being all kind of things and beings,
simply by dreaming.
I realise that, of all means of communication, words
are perhaps the least adequate for the kind of
communication that is attempted here, because
words are dualistic by nature and are actually used
by the mind to name and separate things that
essentially don't even exist, let alone are what words
suggest they are. So it could be seen as a hopeless
endeavour to describe in words that which Is before
and beyond words.
And yet this utterly hopeless and essentially
meaningless thing is what is apparently happening.
The difficulty is to capture in words that which has
no name because all words are products of the mind
and I Am before the mind and the mind has no clue
that I even exist, let alone a name or an accurate
description of what I Am.
However, as the whole thing of existence is a game
to Me, I love to play with words, so for Me it is not
pointless to try and communicate My Self to My
Self through the use of words, the same as it is not
pointless to confuse My Self through words. It is all
a game, a Divine Game that I play with My Self. So
all the words used here in this book are not true,
there are no true words and there is no such thing as
‘The Word of God’. In a certain sense all words are
from Me and I would Be that which Is the One and
only God, although I prefer not to use this word
because of the fact that it is heavily, religiously
loaded and everyone has their own specific or
collective image of the god they believe to be the
real one. And I am certainly not an image. I am not
even the words that I use in this book to speak of My
Self, although the words ‘I’ or ‘Self’ come as close
as words can to what I really Am. I am all of you,
who are my dream-characters and all of you call
yourself “I” when you think or speak of yourself.
Also you speak of yourself as my ‘self’. That is why
I say that the words ‘I’ and ‘Self’ come closest to the
Truth of what you really Are or what I really Am.
And I and You are really One and the same.
I figure that, as I have used words to create
separation and confusion, I could as well use the
same words to undo the same separation and
confusion I created in the first place. This might be
a logical explanation why I even try to communicate
consciously with My Self through words. And the
fact that I have used the same words over and over
again to lie to My Self could explain why I repeat
again and again the same words throughout this
As you certainly know from own experience, when
a lie is repeated frequently enough over a certain
period of time, you come to believe that it is true, so
I figured the same mechanism works the other way
around as well.
The aim of this book, if such a word can be used
here, is to wake My Self up in the reader.
Consequently, some of those who read this book
will disappear or cease to exist as people in a world
of material reality, thereby making space for Me to
express and experience My Self in and through My
dream. Others again will refuse to accept the Truth
so simply but radically presented and will continue
to live in resistance and reject every possibility of
awakening from the dream of separation. None of
you have a choice in that matter, so don't blame your
little illusory ego-self if it doesn't work for you and
don't tap yourself on the shoulder if it does. It is not
a question of choice, simply because there is no one
there to choose, as will become clear as you read on.
This is about awakening My Self from the dream of
separation and liberating My Self from the suffering
inherent to this confusion. It is not about you. You
as an imaginary human being cannot and never will
get enlightened, no matter what you do or don't do.
No amount of teachings, meditations, prayers,
rituals etc. will ever produce enlightenment - or
whichever word you like to use - for you. Not
because you are not worthy of it or because you have
been a bad person - or a good person for that matter
-, but because you as a separate human being, a
person or whatever you like to call yourself, do not
really exist. You are and always will be an imaginary
figure, a dream-character, until you are not.
The reader will find that I don't like to use certain
words like enlightenment, god, love and other words
that have been interpreted by ignorant dream-
characters to mean something completely different
than their original meaning. Enlightenment can
stand for any kind of more or less pleasurable
experience the mind can provide and is almost never
used to describe the awakening of the One conscious
and truly living Being that I really Am. It is mostly
used to describe a personal experience that has
nothing to do with the awakening I'm speaking of
here. The word ‘love’ is almost always used to
describe some kind of emotional energy one dream-
character feels for another or even for some apparent
thing or object. True Love is not an emotion and has
nothing to do with what is commonly being referred
to in “I love you”. True or Real or Divine Love, in
this book written with a capital ‘L’, is My Energy
and therefore the Energy Life and all Existence is
essentially made of. Most of all I am reluctant to use
of the word ‘god’, because it is perhaps the word that
is held responsible for the greatest misery and
suffering in the earthly dream of life. So many wars
have been fought in the name of some god and so
many people have suffered because they didn't
believe in the right god, that the word would deserve
to be eradicated from the vocabulary of every
language in this dream-world, together with all the
religions that abuse this word in order to put fear in
their believers and thereby control them.
Another thing that must be said is that this book is
not intended to be a literary masterpiece, as I really
don't care about literature or poetry. On the contrary,
this is really meant to wake Me up in the reader who
is ready for such an awakening, whereas literature
and poetry are mind-games, created to amuse the
ignorant. So, it wouldn't be much of a surprise if not
the words, but the space between the words turned
out to be the determining factor for the realisation of
this work's purpose. It might also be the energy that
goes with it. In this case, it is literally the power of
or better, beyond the words that really matters,
rather than the words themselves.
This should be enough of an introduction, which I
highly recommend reading before the actual content
of the book.
I leave you now to this miraculous work, which will
hopefully at least shake your personal fundament
and at best wake you up to what You really Are.
In the beginning
When what is was yet to come
And nothing was
That has come forth
The Is that always Is
Forever Here Eternal Now

What am I? And what is the dream of life and how

does it function?
Let's be absolutely clear about this. What I am is
Beingness, Pure Conscious Beingness and Energy
or Beingness, Consciousness, Energy all at once.
As Beingness I am everything and everyone from
the tiniest particle to the whole universe and at the
same time, I am nothing, no-thing, no object but the
space or the void where all things and beings appear
and disappear in.
As Consciousness I am absolutely conscious and at
the same time I am consciousness, awareness,
intelligence or knowingness of every creature in the
whole of Creation. As Energy I am pure boundless
Love or Joy or Life and again the energy of which
all Creation and its creatures are made of. So I am
you and I am everyone and everything you
experience, know or imagine and at the same time I
am none of it, because the whole creation is only a
dream to Me in which I pretend to be such and such.
And by pretending I play with my Self.
Another thing that must be made clear, since the
book begins with me pretending to be a human
being first and then the energetic being that uses the
human form to manifest on this plane of existence, I
don't manifest and play only as Dražen or David,
this is only one aspect or example. Again I am no
one, no-thing and I manifest or appear as everyone
and everything.
I am Beingness, Consciousness, Aliveness, Truth,
Emptiness, Nothingness, Presence, Self, Source,
Oneness, Awareness, I Am-ness, Love, Joy, Divine
Energy or whatever name suits best. But I Am
beyond names, words and descriptions. But I am
certainly not the God that human religions have
imagined. There's nothing more to say about Me and
even this what is said is too much and absolutely
inaccurate. But this is the best I can do with words.
What I am has no beginning and no end. I simply
am absolutely conscious, enjoying being myself. It
is very much like in human deep sleep, with the
difference that normal human deep sleep is
absolutely unconscious, while I as My original Self
Am absolutely conscious.
Nevertheless, as That what I really Am, I cannot
experience anything. Simply because there isn't
anything else than Me, so there is nothing else to be
experienced but pure Joy.
So in order to be able to experience something else
than the pure and constant Joy of Being what I Am,
I created something that would provide all kinds of
experiences, but would never permit Me to know
my Self as I really Am. This first of all creations and
the only one that I myself created is the Mind. The
Mind is a wondrous Divine device that operates
entirely on its own and creates the whole of
Creation. I made the Mind with my own energy and
the Mind makes all the things and beings in all the
universe. But of course it can never make Me,
because I am eternal and I was already present
before I made the Mind. The Mind could best be
described as a wondrous dream-machine that splits
the energy that I Am and makes countless energetic
things and beings with It that I am not and at the
same time am, because it is all My Energy, My
Consciousness and My Beingness. That's why the
whole of existence is best described as My Dream
or because it is also a game, it's even better to call it
a dream-game.
The Great Mystery of Life
Is that there is no Mystery
There is Knowledge or ignorance
That Is All

As already mentioned, the mind is a creation of

Mine with the purpose to create an illusion or a
dream-world for me to play. Everything that comes
from or is projected by the mind is what I Am not. It
is really impossible to describe in words what the
Mind really is, because all words also come from the
Mind and Mind, being just a device, cannot
understand or know itself. What is possible is to give
hints or pointers to how it functions and for what
purpose. Its purpose is to create illusion and in a
certain way it could be said that one of its functions
is to mirror Me or actually to absolutely turn around
what I really Am and for example make appear
many where there is only One or make that no
creature knows the truth about itself, whereas I am
constantly absolutely aware of what I Am ... and so
forth. Mind makes the non-existent apparently
existent. It is created by Me for Me to play and
experience what I Am not. And as I cannot be what
I Am not, the mind gives Me the illusion of being all
appearances and experiences that I Am not, but
which nevertheless consist of My Beingness,
Consciousness and Energy.
Of course the Mind doesn't only create the level of
existence called earth or even the so-called universe
where earth is supposed to be only one little planet
in a vast and boundless material universe. That is
only one of the countless and ever-growing aspects
of the whole of the Mind's creation.
Another thing that must be made absolutely clear is
that the Mind is not only the activity of thinking of
apparent human beings. Thinking is only one of the
functions of the Mind. Mind primarily creates
pictures and weaves stories around them that tell me
what I am experiencing. The stories are simply
words or chains of words and are never true, as all
and everything that comes from the mind is
absolutely untrue. Because of the immensity of the
whole of the dream-creation of the whole of the
mind, which is impossible to describe in human
words, let alone comprehend, let's focus on that
which matters most in the sense of purpose of this
It is the experience of being a human being, a person
or an individual living in a world of matter and
separate human and not-human beings and things.
This experience is an illusion. You are a dream-
character in a dream and the whole dream of
existence is one huge illusion where nothing is
separate from nothing, where every thing and every
body is only an appearance in a dream. All
appearances in the dream, sentient and non-sentient,
are made up of tiny little particles of energy or light,
vibrating in a countless variety of frequencies. The
lowest energy-particles appear or manifest as
matter. All appearances including human bodies are
in reality clusters of energy-particles with some
degree of consciousness. On the earthly plane the
energy-clusters called human beings are those with
the highest degree of consciousness. The Mind, an
instrument or actually a toy of divine precision, sees
to it that all of creation functions perfectly and it
could be said that it almost succeeds. Almost,
because there is actually a very small percentage of
imperfection in the totality of its creation. Such an
imperfection is then summed up in one human
appearance, the effect of which is such that this
specific human appearance doesn't function
properly in the sense that it somehow, initially
intuitively, knows that something is wrong with life
as it is perceived and experienced by it. In other
words, when there is a flow in the system, it appears
as an anomaly in human shape, where the
programming doesn't function as in other
appearances and the anomaly is devoid of the
experience of being someone or at least of being a
normal human being, to a greater or lesser degree.
This in turn makes for a greater possibility for Me,
the only One Real Being, to wake up from the dream
and realise what I really am by becoming conscious
of My Self, instead of believing My Self to be a
human being, person or individual. Because, once I
enter the Mind to play the game, I become
absolutely oblivious of My Self, totally ignorant of
what I really Am.
The programs or patterns of the Mind are designed
for that purpose. Otherwise, if I would remain
conscious of my true Nature, the whole game would
be meaningless, as I would know all of the time it is
only a dream-game I'm playing. It wouldn't be so
much fun to pretend, say, that I'm a human being, if
I would actually know that I'm only pretending.
That's why forgetting My Self is an essential part of
the game of life. So, in a normal situation I believe
absolutely that I really am a human being, separate
from all other human and non-human beings and
from all things and as that imaginary human I suffer
from all kinds of imaginary programs that the mind
provides me with.
My life as Dražen

From the beginning of my memory in this lifetime,

I was identified with the body I saw every time I
looked down on it. I believed that I actually was the
body and that my name was Dražen. And I believed
that all the other bodies I saw were really other
people that had other names. I also believed what
other bodies told me about them, about me, about
the world and each other. And I really didn't like the
life I was forced to live and the world as it was
presented and explained to me by my fellow human
beings. I especially didn't like human beings, with a
few exceptions. I loved my father, my sister, my
grandmother and I liked some other people, most of
which were adults. I never liked children of
approximately my age and I didn't enjoy playing
with most of them. But as I became older as Dražen,
more and more people appeared that I liked and even
more that I disliked.
All of them, young and old, had their stories, their
opinions, their preferences and stuff and most of the
time I believed it all without questioning.
Surprisingly enough, I never liked or loved my
mother, nor did she like or love me.
It was my grandmother who took the place of my
mother and it was she who told me about life and
how it functions. She also read from the Bible,
especially stories about Jesus, which I loved to listen
to. Also she taught me some kind of shamanistic
wisdom, like astrology, numerology, healing plants
and a sort of Christian-shamanistic view of life.
When I, or actually Dražen, was six years old, I
experienced something that profoundly changed my
view of life, even if I wasn't fully capable of
understanding and integrating what had happened at
that time. The experience was that on a hot summer
day, I sat on the ground under a tree in the garden of
a house I happened to live in at that time, with my
back against the trunk. Suddenly my perception
changed drastically. The world around my body and
the body itself turned from being things and people
and plants as objects in a world full of objects into a
dream where every appearance, be that human or
otherwise, ceased to be an object on its own but was
a part of the same one picture, which was vibrant
and alive, consisting of innumerable points of light
in every colour, constantly moving, constantly
vibrating. Life appeared to be a dream and I was no
more one of the human-shaped appearances in the
dream of life, but the one that was dreaming life into
existence. I didn't know if I as Dražen was dreaming
or if I was something absolutely impersonal,
previously unknown. After some testing, like
pulling my hair and pinching the skin of my left arm,
I came to the conclusion that there was no definite
proof that could give me absolute certainty whether
I as Dražen was simply dreaming or whether Life
expressed its true nature and revealed Itself to be a
After what was perhaps twenty minutes of clock-
time, although the happening was clearly timeless or
beyond time, the usual vision of separate material
people and objects returned and I became the body
again, separate from the rest of life.
Life went on as usual and I re-identified with the
body, with the name and the characteristics
attributed to this specific body-mind system called
Dražen. But I never forgot this experience and it left
such a deep impression on me that I was henceforth
determined to find out what it was all about, to find
out for myself if life really is a dream of a being that
was clearly beyond my comprehension or if I as a
human child experienced a moment of illusion or
So I spent most of the rest of my life looking for an
answer to this fundamental question. I must say that
this short moment of experiencing life to be a dream
and my Self to be the dreamer of it, was the only
moment I felt totally at home, missing nothing,
wanting nothing but instead being fully at peace
with what is as is.
I set as a goal for myself that I would do everything
to get to know the truth about life and reality and I
practically lived almost exclusively to achieve this
I studied philosophy, psychology, arts, science,
spirituality, shamanism and I experimented with all
kinds of consciousness-expanding substances and
sexual energy. Later I learned how to meditate and
was initiated in various practices of spiritual
endeavour and healing.
However special some of these teachings, practices
and experiments were, after every high I was left
with a sense of loss and of missing the most
important thing life had to offer. I felt that I was full
of scholarly and empirical knowledge, but still
missed the essential. So I kept searching for the
ultimate, I wanted to know what God really was and
what enlightenment really was like.
Throughout my whole life as Dražen I was never
much concerned about society or my position in it,
nor did I care much for money or status. So I did
whatever was at hand to earn the minimal amount of
money required to keep the body fairly safe and
alive and never more than that.
Although I was rather a brilliant student, I never
cared for a conventional academic study nor a career
of any kind. Only later, around my mid-twenties, I
decided that the best way of providing for just
enough money to physically survive was to become
a performing artist. So I specialized in dance, mime,
acting and singing because I like to do it and it
provided the necessary money. Most of all I was a
street-performer because that gave me the greatest
freedom. As an artist I was my own boss and the job
permitted me to travel. Travelling was my way of
life right from the start. I was born into a family of
travellers and by the time I began to live my own
life, independent from my parents, who were
anyway almost always absent, I continued the same
travelling mode of life on my own. It so happened
that I had lived in almost all countries in western
Europe and speak all the respective languages.
One day, just for fun, I engaged in a long term
experiment that in the end brought about the death
or disappearance of the person I believed myself to
be. After approximately six months of total
enjoyment and carelessness regarding the
experiment, suddenly something changed and I
experienced a series of death-experiences, after
which there was nothing left of the once so powerful
personal identification. The person had died in the
process. What was left was an empty body with no
one inside. Then, in a matter of several weeks,
another live being was born in the same body that
used to be the home of the person Dražen. The
experience was that there first was a kind of
pregnancy during approximately six months and
then one day something was born into the body.
Through introspection I could literally see this new
being inside the body and I began to identify with it
more and more. It was definitely no human being
and it exhibited skills and talents I was never before
aware of. It could feel what other people felt and it
could know their innermost thoughts. There were
also a few other sensual experiences that I find
impossible to put into words.
The new being I now identified with was very
fascinating and brought experiences I never knew
where possible or even existed and it was even more
determined to find the ultimate meaning of life than
Dražen ever was. And it had no interest whatsoever
in societal life. As the new being that didn't have a
name yet, I invested even less time in financial
pursuits and limited my money-making activity
exclusively to street-performances. All the rest of
my new life I invested in pursuing that ultimate goal
of finding the great mystery of life. I was especially
inclined to practice shamanism, tantra and yogic
meditation and I deepened and enhanced the healing
skills I already had learned. As my new being
evolved, I had regular conversations with God, who
called himself simply 'I', but kindly allowed me to
call him ‘my God’, as long as I wouldn't confuse
Him or It with the god the churches and religions
talked about. In the beginning of our conversations
It told me that It was actually the real Me and that I
as a separate being was only a projection of It. It said
that It was The One Jesus called his Father. I trusted
that real 'I' and we had a lot of fun and I learned a lot
about how conscious energy makes up the whole
universe, including life on earth. One day around
Christmas, I was sitting in a chair in my living-room
when an enormous and overwhelming rush of
energy came from the belly through the body and up
through the head. The energy was delightful and for
approximately an hour the whole body trembled and
vibrated with this energy and I saw how the being
that had been concealed in the body up to this
moment, radiated from the inside of the body in all
directions without limits. The voice inside declared
that this was enlightenment. My whole life changed
once again and now I really consciously understood
what Jesus, Buddha and other great characters in the
history of mankind meant by what they said and
taught. There was no mindful comprehension, but a
clear and absolutely certain knowing that couldn't be
discussed. For two weeks I lived in bliss, happiness
and compassionate love. And real knowledge just
came to me out of nowhere or the voice of God
spoke to me from inside and explained evermore
about life and the functioning of energy and
consciousness. Yet there was still a subtle
identification with an apparently separate and
individual energy that was very intelligent and wise
and in no way human.
Then after two weeks the bliss and joy went away
overnight and the still identified I found myself
sinking deeper and deeper into some kind of
universal or cosmic depression, feeling sorry for
myself and all the suffering beings in this world.
This went on for quite some time, approximately
four months. There were days of relative peace and
joy and then would come a great wave of
depression. Until one night. As I was lying on the
coach of my living-room reading a book, something
happened that was not an experience. Then suddenly
it felt like a tiny little point of very powerful energy
went up through the body and out into the universe
or a vast boundless emptiness with golden stars. The
room, the body and the whole world disappeared
before my eyes but I was present as never before. I
was totally and absolutely awakened as my true Self
and there was no me and nothing to identify with.
There was only pure Consciousness being present or
pure Beingness being conscious and wide awake.
After some timeless time rushing through boundless
space, the world, being the living-room, appeared
again, but not as material objects but as one dream
made of light, tiny bits of moving vibrating light.
And there was that voice saying that "This is
absolute awakening. Everything perceived through
the senses is an illusion, is a dream and you are pure
Consciousness dreaming this".
Then there was a total revelation of how the mind
created the appearance of the world and weaved the
stories of life. It was amazing to witness all of what
was being revealed and yet it was absolutely true
and somehow I remembered who or better what I
really am. It was a simple direct knowing without
any interference of the mind. The voice that spoke
loud and clearly was my own voice talking to my
Self. Obviously, since there was no one else. In truth
or absolute reality there was and always Is only one
conscious, loving Being and that was and Is the true
Self of every apparent human and non-human being.
This was so clear that no doubt would arise. It
simply was the ultimate Truth, the great mystery of
life that was actually no mystery at all. It is always
here, available to all and everyone in the dream. And
it showed Itself, it revealed Its mystery to whoever
was ready to see. So I finally knew who I really was
and identification with the body and the mental-
emotional patterns or programs generated by the
mind just dropped away. From now on I knew, at
least through this human appearance or dream-
character, that I am in Truth the One and only Being,
fully conscious and fully alive. Inexpressible,
boundless Joy was pouring all over the place and I
saw and regarded life as my own dream. What also
was revealed directly after the dream-world
appeared again, was the whole future existence of
the body that from now on would be used by Me as
an instrument for awakening my true Self in every
other dream-character that was ready and interested
in the ultimate Truth or real Knowledge. However
the experience of being someone didn't cease to
exist, only I knew from now on that I'm not
somebody or someone. I am everybody and
everything in the dream of life because they are all
creatures created by my own dreaming
consciousness. And at the same time I am no one, no
thing, just pure Beingness that is conscious of Itself
and is full of Life, Energy, Love or Joy. After a short
nap, I woke up into the dream of life still fully aware
of the absolute Truth and I spoke to myself about life
and gave myself a new name. That is, I the one
Being gave me, the now completely transformed
energy that still appeared in the dream, a new name
in which there was a meaning and explanation of
origin and purpose. The name is David Angelo. It
functions as the new and true identity of the energy
that now inhabited the body previously belonging to
the personality and ego called Dražen Zabek. I felt
that the new name was appropriate and necessary
because the energy-patterns that made up the
personality of Dražen had been whipped out of the
physical shell and a completely new energy-cluster
that was devoid of any kind of ego-pattern or -
program, was installed in the physical appearance.
So the new name was and still is David Angelo.
Years later the syllable ‘Ram’ was to be added to it,
so in the end it was through the energetic appearance
of the name David Angelo Ram that I, the one and
only Being that truly exists, lived and expressed my
Fire, burning fire
Liquid Light of Being
Stream of Life Eternal
That Is What We Are
My life as David

As David I enjoyed my dream absolutely. Every

moment of the so-called waking state of which I
now knew that it was actually my dream, I joyfully
explored. I experienced indescribable Joy, Love and
Wisdom and I kept asking my Self: "Why am I
dreaming this?" and the astonishingly simple
answer was: "Just for the experience" and: "It's a
game, a dream-game". Everything was perfect and
the energy of Love/Joy expanded ever more out of
and through the physical appearance into the rest of
the dream-life. There was no separation in any way
because the knowledge that all was I matched the
inner experience, as I felt all other appearances,
human and non-human, as my Self.
Then one day, after approximately two months of
living in constant Bliss, I woke up in the dream of
life and the Joy, Bliss, Happiness and Love were
gone. I started to experience the pain and agony and
suffering of all living beings. It was terrifying and
horrible in a way, but I knew that it was time to start
to work on the assignment I had committed my Self
to do, which was to liberate my Self from all
suffering. That meant that from now on, I would
work through David Angelo on the circumstances of
my dream. And because every human being was and
is actually an aspect of what I really Am, I would
have to contact my other selves and speak to them
as David about the Truth of Life and heal the
suffering with Pure Love which was the only energy
I really have at my disposal. I knew that Pure Divine
Love was constantly pouring out of the appearance
of David and that it was sufficient for anyone just to
be in my presence as David. I also knew that if I
touched someone, Love would flow more easily and
directly into that system the same as when I looked
at them and most powerfully when I spoke to them.
Of course I was aware of the fact that ‘they’ were
actually Me in another appearance than David's, so
I liberated my Self from suffering literally by using
David as a tool or instrument for liberation, Self-
liberation. So the next step in my life as David was
to teach myself how to do the work I wanted to do.
So I taught David how to speak (about) the Truth of
Life and Existence, how to heal energetically by
touch and look and how to be simply present. I also
showed him ways how to make Me available to
everyone who is interested in Me. And I showed him
how people in whom I wasn't conscious yet,
function through the patterns or programs
originating from the mind, so he could point them
out to those who were interested in rediscovering
their true Nature. Soon people or actually human-
shaped dream-characters, appeared in David's life
and were curious about the energy that emanated
through his appearance or body or were interested in
what he was speaking about and he started holding
gatherings and healing-sessions.
I loved and still love to work through David and
people who came for either gatherings or healings
initially gave some money. It was not enough to
make a living in the physical world, but it helped
and David was still doing street performances,
during which he also healed people through the
boundless Love that constantly emanated through
his physical appearance. I also made him meet with
other human appearances through which I worked
on my Liberation. There was always a recognition
in both appearances when I met myself in the shapes
of David and another non-person in whom I had
Awakened as well. So there was a sharing of Love
and Joy as well as of Knowledge of the functioning
of the Mind, the tool I created the dream of life with.
It is really fascinating to see the movements of
energy-patterns that come from the Mind and cluster
around a particular point of consciousness, creating
belief-systems which in turn make out the particular
and unique personality of every human appearance
where I am still not consciously awake.

The whole dream of individual life depends on

belief. There are entire belief-systems that are
absolutely necessary in order for the game to
function properly. And contrary to what the Mind
may suggest, it is not the person or individual who
believes. The person has no choice to believe or not,
because it is a system or cluster of various energies,
such as thoughts, emotions etc.. It is the seed of
Consciousness, in other words the individualized
part of Me around which an ego-system was built by
the Mind, that actually does the believing or at least
pretends to believe. So, as I, as this tiny little particle
of My Self, wouldn't believe that I am a human
being, person or ego, the whole story that the Mind
so perfectly creates would go down the drain.
It is quite admittable to say that without Me
believing or doubting, which is the same Mind-
program, the senses could still work perfectly,
thinking would still tell its endless stories and
feeling and emotion would still happen but none of
it would be real. Not that it has any reality anyway,
but through belief it all gets a kind of artificial
reality and in this way a sense of being a separate
human being is created.
So, when belief drops away, then that which
appeared to be real is seen to be an illusion. This
dropping or falling away of belief can happen any
time - in or through any body. When it happens, I
wake up from the illusion of being someone into the
truth of simply Being and dreaming. That is how
powerful the belief-program is. And there is no way
and no one to make that happen. When it happens,
then all by Itself.
Human being

As this book is obviously written in human words

for that which appears to be human beings, this is
the most interesting part of it.
What is a human being, what is it made of and what
In the first place it is an illusory appearance in the
dream of life, made of tiny particles of energy that
come together in a cluster of energy-particles, very
much like a dream- or movie-character. It is also
made of stories such as being born of other human
beings who are his or her parents. It has a gender and
believes to be male or female. It has thoughts,
emotions, feelings, senses. It is, or in some cases
has, a body of flesh and blood and bones. It has likes
and dislikes. It thrives on fear, guilt, anger and other
emotional energies. It wants or doesn't want, it
experiences preferences and aversion or resistance
etc. etc.. It is a very complex but nevertheless
imaginary thing. It has an apparent beginning
(birth), it has a personal life and an apparent ending
called death. And not to forget, it has a will of its
own, it can live and experience life as it chooses.
And it believes all of this to be true and much more.
Of course, none of this is true, because, as already
mentioned, the whole story of life or creation is only
an illusion, a dream-game generated by the
wondrous and divine toy called the Mind with the
sole purpose for Me to play and pretend that I am
something I'm not and then to awake from this
dream and rejoice in being My Self.
So, on the one hand it could be said that the purpose
of Me pretending to be a human being is to
experience what that is like. And to be a human
being is best to be summed up in the word suffering,
because the individual life of a human being is filled
with suffering even though it sometimes seems to be
joy, happiness or love. These are only really short
moments of diminished suffering and because the
suffering is less, an ignorant human believes it to be
joy, love or happiness of some kind, but
unconsciously it knows that this short moment will
soon pass and that the habitual suffering will return.
Why in heaven's name would I, who is pure Joy or
Love or Happiness, want My Self to experience
countless lives of suffering? Good question.
The answer is that I need to be forced to wake up
from the dream of being human. So, on the other
hand, the purpose of the game is to wake up from it,
which is actually the real purpose or end.
For a human mind, which generally consists of a
fraction of all the thoughts the one Mind produces
or generates, the purpose of the game of life might
be quite impossible to understand or even to believe.
Nevertheless the true purpose of the game is actually
to wake up from it and to remember or become
conscious of what I really Am.
This awakening can only happen to Me and not to a
person, although it can happen to Me as any person
in any circumstance whatsoever. There are no rules
concerning My awakening to My true Self.
What makes awakening so difficult and almost
impossible is the compact, tightened state of
consciousness a normal human being lives in, its
personality or ego. As long as the energy is so tightly
compact, I as conscious energy cannot wake up to
My true Nature, but as soon as the tightening or
constriction loosens a bit, I can get a glimpse of the
nature of the dream of life or My true Nature. So it
follows that, when the systematic constriction
doesn't function as it is programmed, the tightening
loosens and I become conscious of My Self in or
through a human being. Contrary to common belief,
it is not the person who gets enlightened, but Me
who wakes up from the dream of being a person.
There can be of course countless personal
experiences usually evoked by some religious
practice or other, like meditation or the use of
consciousness-altering substances for example, but
these experiences have nothing to do with
Consciousness awakening from the dream.
There are many people who claim what they call
enlightenment and declare themselves to be spiritual
masters, guru's and such, but they are still dream-
characters, believing that those experiences made
them special and that they have some power or
something to give to other dream-characters that
believe that they need what the so-called
enlightened masters have to offer.
People, or actually illusory dream-characters, which
are nothing but products of the Mind, actually want
to suffer, so much so that they cling on to every story
or to the emotional counterpart of a specific story, in
order to experience more suffering. Even in a so-
called love-relationship, which of course has
nothing in common with true Love, they make
themselves and their partners, children, friends and
family suffer from all kinds of imaginary stories the
Mind feeds them. In a greater sense, persons or
personalities like to harm each other and to kill each
other, even to the point of whole nations waging war
against each other in the name of some stupid idea.
In their artificially induced ignorance they are
especially keen on controlling themselves and other
people, things and beings in life. They are basically
convinced that they can have control, that they
really can control their experiences of life and
manipulate the experience of other people, animals,
plants and the whole planet. Some even believe that
they could control the whole universe.
Most people are so much concerned about time in
the sense of past and future events, that they
dedicate every moment of their lives controlling that
which the programming tells them has happened in
the past, commonly called a memory. The idea alone
to be able to control something that has already
happened is absurd in itself, not to mention the fact
that whatsoever shows up as a memory never really
happened. It is always a program originated from
the Mind and twisted into personal memory by the
Another favourite pastime of human beings is being
busy with their personal or collective future, which
is again the same programming the Mind provides
them with. People try to control what is believed to
be the future or events or experiences yet to come,
so that they don't happen in a way they don't like,
never realizing that they don't have any control
whatsoever on either past or future events. In reality
all events or experiences are just illusory programs
generated by the Mind and before they manifest on
the material level of the dream, they have already
happened on higher vibration-levels. So the whole
worrying about the past, which in Truth has never
occurred actually and all the hopes and planning for
the future, which will probably never happen as
anticipated, is totally pointless and utterly stupid or
ignorant. The only thing that it accomplishes is that
the ego-systems or personalities generate more
guilt, rage and anger in the process of wanting to
control past or future experiences.
But as already said, there is nothing this poor
creature can do about all this. This is just a
description of how the mind perfectly operates in
creating the perfect suffering dream-world,
commonly but falsely called reality.
Ego or personality

Just to make sure (as impossible as it might be to

make things clear by using words, which are
designed to create confusion) the words ‘ego’ and
‘personality’ are properly understood, let's go into
this a little more deeply.
The Mind never creates two people absolutely
identical. Every apparent human being is unique.
And what makes it unique is the specific set of
programs that makes up a certain personality.
Every personality or ego has the same kind of basic
structure and yet everyone is unique in their totality.
The important thing to know is that every person is
a closed system, which creates the sense of being
separate from the rest of the world. In reality it is not
hermetically shut off from the rest of the world, but
rather so tight, so constricted, almost frozen and it
holds on to this state so tenaciously, that it appears
and feels and therefore believes to be a separate
human being. Then of course it projects this belief
onto the surroundings as well as onto imaginary
human appearances and in this way actually lives in
a world of separate individuals or ego's. This is of
course an illusion generated by the one Mind, which
creates people in this way and there is nothing
wrong with that, because it is how the Divine dream-
game plays out on this level of consciousness called
Free will or choice

Another great illusion is the notion of free will or

choice, apart from ‘free will’ being a contradiction
because it is obvious that will has nothing to do with
freedom, for it is also an illusion generated by the
Mind. There is no one to choose and there is actually
no possibility to choose. Everything in the dream
happens automatically and perfectly and leaves no
space for choice. The Mind creates the illusion of
choice by offering two or more possibilities for a
future event, so the ignorant person thinks it can
choose one thing or sometimes doesn't know what
to choose. But this is only programs at work,
producing fear and anxiety. People even think of
past events and beat themselves up inside for having
done the wrong thing in the past or pride themselves
for having done something good or right. They
never realize that they are no people and never have
done or will do anything. Instead they are only
patterns or programs running all over the place in
perfect Divine order.
So, what is really happening instead of free will or
choice, is that a human being or at least that what
appears to be such a thing, is either operating
according to its specific programming - which is the
case for most people in the dream of life - or it
follows Divine guidance or true intuition. In the
latter case, which is extremely rare, I Am literally
expressing My Self through such a human
appearance and at the same time expressing the
dream-game. In no case there is the slightest trace of
anything like free will or choice. In the case of
people being programmed, this is obvious, because
they don't really live, but function like robots
according to their specific programming. In the case
of Me expressing Myself through a human
appearance, it might be less obvious, but I also have
no choice but to be as I Am. And so I express
through such a human being a specific aspect of My
Self that is unique and happens only through this
specific appearance. As for the experience of the
dream, I have no choice in that either, because what
happens in the dream is the way it is and I can only
experience it as Is.
Thoughts, feelings and senses

As the Mind is the only tool I, the One Being,

created in order to play the game of life, so the Mind
created its own tool with which it creates the
experiment of life. These are thoughts, feelings and
the usual five senses known to humans: seeing,
hearing, smelling, tasting and touching. Without the
senses there would be no life or world to experience
and without the thoughts, that appear as inner
pictures and voices or words, there would be no
stories or interpretations, neither of the sensual nor
of the imaginary experiences. There would be
neither inner dialogue nor verbal communication
between the apparent separate humans. And without
feelings or emotions, which are the physical
counterparts of the mental chatter, there would be no
reason to believe that what is experienced either as
sensory input or as mental thinking is true or real.
As for intuition, it means inner learning. If the
intuition is real then the one guided by it, is liberated
from the mechanical system of the Mind. It is being
guided by its inner teacher or Master, which is My
consciousness and exists in seed-form in all living
beings. But sadly enough, what is commonly
believed to be intuition is simply a confusion of
mental-emotional programs or patterns and is just a
slight disturbance of the almost perfect functioning
of the Mind.
If there is anything in the dream of life that comes
close to a kind of reality, then it would be the
sensory experience without the interpretation of the
thinking mind and its constant companion, the
That is not to say that what is seen, heard, smelled,
touched and tasted is real, but it is closer to reality
than the imaginary world of thought and emotion.
Especially seeing is a very powerful sense to
demonstrate what is being suggested here. If seeing,
which happens all by itself, is taken for what it is,
without the explanation or commentary of the
thinking, then the whole picture is seen. There is no
body, person or being that stands apart from the
whole picture. There is simply seeing what happens
and there is a space in which all of it is happening.
Of course what happens is only an illusion or
appearance, but it is so much simpler to just look
and see than to listen to the whole story about it and
try to find what to believe and what to reject and by
doing so trying to control and know what it is that is
happening. By believing stories of the mind,
consciousness pretends not to know what is really
happening. Belief and doubt are the same thing. It is
a program from the Mind and actually supports
ignorance. To believe anything means that the one
who believes doesn't really know for sure and
therefore doubts. And this is ignorance at work.

Time is something non-existent that is only

experienced by human beings. These funny
creatures like to measure everything they believe to
be real. So they actually believe themselves to live
in something called time. No one really knows what
that time thing is, but as people are so passionate
about control, they found a way to control this non-
existent thing they call time. They invented years,
months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds,
milliseconds etc. and also centuries, millenniums
and aeons in order to control their lives. They count
these units of measurement from apparent birth to
apparent death. But what they don't realize is that by
wanting to control life by trying to measure and
control time, they actually are controlled by their
own invention - time.
Time of course is, as everything in the dream of life,
an illusion. The illusion of time is produced by the
movement of Mind and its creation. The Mind itself
moves constantly in order to create the illusion or
dream of existence, so there is apparent movement
in existence, everything moves, vibrates, but this
movement can never be measured accurately nor is
this necessary. And there certainly is no
psychological time, the illusion that people have to
subordinate to the requirements of the future and to
pay for what they did in the past. So real time is
simply the movement of mind and its projection -
the world.

Another illusion that, just like any other program,

exists only to be believed or rejected, is
reincarnation. It is a kind of wishful thinking of the
ignorant individual body-mind system, prompted by
the fear of death, the final and irreversible extinction
of the ego or person which it refuses to accept and
actually fears most, not knowing what it really is.
Reincarnation doesn't exist, simply because there is
no one to be born again in another body. The sense
of individuality is just illusory, so the idea of an
illusion being born again and again until it reaches
some imaginary kind of perfection is complete
Nevertheless, there are great religious movements
that incorporate this idea, which is actually used as
a tool to create fear, hope and power over people.
For a person who believes in the idea or concept of
reincarnation, it is easier to follow orders of so
called spiritual teachers, because they promise a
better life in the next incarnation. On the other hand,
one doesn't necessarily have to live now, because
there will be endless lives or incarnations when one
will get the chance to live, so let's follow orders in
this life, the next will be better.
But let's be serious for a moment: who in their right
mind would want to live life upon life in this
misery? If only they would know what death really

Karma good or bad, is nothing but mind-programs,

which is relatively heavy and low-vibrating energy.
It is necessary in order to fabricate the dream of life
and sustain the bodies and all other appearances in
the dream. Different programmes vibrate at different
frequencies. Those vibrating at a high frequency are
called good karma and those vibrating at a low
frequency are called bad karma. For the physical
world to appear, so called bad karma, which consists
of very low or slowly vibrating energy particles, is
absolutely necessary. The same goes for thoughts
and emotions and all other aspects of experience of
life, only the velocity of vibration varies and thereby
produces the different experiences as thinking,
touching, feeling etc..
There is also karma that is used to fabricate other
dream-worlds. That karma exists of higher or faster
vibrating energy which cannot be perceived by the
regular senses. There are other senses however,
sometimes called intuition, with which the higher
levels of existence can be seen and experienced.
What is commonly called karma is karma with a bad
after-taste and is mostly mental, emotional and
material energy that produces a sense of being a
separate person. That is why apparent separate
people want to get rid of this energy. One way of
eliminating karma is through the activation of the
kundalini-energy. Kundalini burns up the karma, but
this is a slow and painful process whereas
awakening is an instant way for Me to once and for
all be free of all karma or Mind-programs,
regardless of any kind of experience there might be
while the dream continues to appear.
Kundalini or inner fire

There is a natural energy in all human appearances

which actually floats freely through and out of the
body and it's intact in what seems to be early
childhood, especially in new-born babies. But as
time goes by and the original set of programs that
formed the body in the first place assimilates more
and more heavy mental-emotional energy-patterns,
this natural energy is suppressed and the system
switches into a form of automatic existence
according to the programming that it has
assimilated. The natural energy is still in the system,
it is actually the life-energy which is necessary for
every dream-character to live or at least survive, but
it is suppressed by all kind of acquired, low-
vibrating energy so that it becomes dormant or
almost inactive and is perceived as a tiny little flame
or divine spark. It apparently becomes non-existent
in the long term and people feel somewhere deep
inside that they are missing a very important aspect
of life. The longer this life-energy is suppressed, the
harder a system becomes and the more programs it
requires to be able to successfully repress life and
(instead) lead a phony existence according to the
social requirements of the specific time-frame and
social structure.
This repression of life-energy can be given up. This
can happen in various ways, some of which are
listed here. When the holding down or suppression
is given up, it is usually termed awakening or
activating of the kundalini or Inner Fire. Giving up
of suppression can happen through yoga, Tantra,
Tao or other exercises, through a shock in the system
like for instance an accident of some kind or an
illness or even a near-death experience or it can
happen through the use of certain substances
traditionally used by shamans or even contemporary
synthetic substances, commonly referred to as
narcotics. It must be mentioned that there are some
human appearances in the dream in whom the life-
energy is never suppressed. However, with
kundalini fully active and operating, a dream-
character experiences inevitably more of the dream
of life, than one who functions only on mind-
Another thing that is very important to know about
kundalini is that when it is re-activated after being
dormant for some time, it can be an extremely
painful experience which can last for many years or
the rest of a human life. That is because this divine
life-energy literally burns up all the patterns or
programs of the specific system in which it is
awakened and actually feeds on them and grows. At
a certain point it will grow out of the body, reach out
and enter other systems to burn up the mental-
emotional energy or karma there too. As it does so,
it can activate the kundalini in these systems as well.
So it is kind of dangerous for an imaginary person
to be in the proximity and especially to look in the
eyes of an individual in whom the kundalini is active
because it will burn up their personal system and
probably activate the dormant kundalini Shakti
However, awakening of the life-force or kundalini
Shakti is not to be confused with awakening of the
One Being I really Am. Although the latter doesn't
exclude the former - actually the kundalini is almost
always activated when I wake up through a dream-
character - , there is none the less no guarantee at all
that I will wake up just because the kundalini is
activated in a particular system. On the contrary,
most of the systems where the kundalini is active
believe themselves to be somebody special, with all
kind of special powers, never realizing that
kundalini operates on its own, regardless of what the
dream-person thinks, feels and believes.
To conclude this chapter, it can be stated that I can
wake up, become conscious of My Self and free My
Self from the whole dream of life and everything
that belongs to it without activating the kundalini
energy of the particular system, although it happens
in most cases. The kundalini Shakti can be activated
in a particular system without Me ever waking up
through that system. Another thing is that the after-
effect of an active kundalini can be extremely
painful and as long as there are people appearing in
the dream it remains painful.

Throughout time there have been and still are

various sciences devised by dream-people to seek
and find what is real beyond the physical appearance
of the dream-world they are living in. Shamanism,
Yoga, Tantra, Tao, chi-gong, alchemy etc., are to
name but a few. All of them had a certain spectrum
or theory from which they tried to explain the world
as it Is, contrary to the modern sciences which rather
analyse the illusion than to try and find out what it
Is that makes the illusion possible. Yet even in the
western world it is scientifically known and proved
that all is energy. The quantum sciences which
evolved from quantum theory through quantum
mechanics and now encompass various quantum
sciences testify to the fact that the whole so called
universe, including every apparently material thing
and being on earth, consist for (more than) 99% of
empty space and for (less than) 1% of energy. What
is boggling the minds of these most advanced
scientists in the western hemisphere is the fact that
there must be some kind of intelligence to handle,
rule and manipulate the tiny particles of energy they
have discovered. They know that it is consciousness
they are looking for, they even know that what they
call empty space gives birth to all energy, but they
haven't made the greatest discovery of all: that it Is
Consciousness that rules the whole so called
universe and more specifically, that they
themselves, as all other human beings and things are
essentially, that is 99%, Consciousness Itself.
The old sciences have known that for centuries and
millennia and have taught that truth throughout time
in every part of the dream-world called earth. It is
amazing how people all over the world ignore this
knowledge and keep on pretending that matter is
real, although nowadays every child learns in school
at least that all matter is illusion made of energy-
particles that vibrate at different frequencies and
therefore appear to be more or less compact. On a
higher level of education they learn that energy can
transform also. The higher people are educated, the
more they learn about how that which appears to be
matter in reality is energy. What they don't learn
anything about is Consciousness, because the
scientists and teachers of mankind haven't yet
figured out what It Is and so are ignorant themselves
about the most important aspect of life and
existence. The other thing that they don't know is
that the one Mind, which is not the same as pure
Consciousness, is that Divine dream-machine that
transforms the pure Energy of Beingness into a
variety of energy-particles that are then manipulated
into shapes and forms. Scientists don't even begin to
understand that even thought and emotion are
energy and can therefore appear also as matter.
The ancient scientists like shamans, alchemists and
others knew about transformation of energy. That is
how they could transform lead into gold, which is a
metaphor for transforming mental-emotional energy
into Conscious Love. Or how they can travel
through time and space by decluding themselves
from the appearance of a human being and thereby
becoming conscious energy free to move out of the
present experience and explore the unknown.
Well, I Am This Conscious Energetic Being and I
am also the Mind and everything that is
manufactured and projected by the Mind.
Consequently I am you and you are Me. So there is
no difference between Me and you in reality, there
is only a very strong belief that you are separate
from Me and therefore it appears to be so.
Love and joy

Love and Joy are essentially the same energy. It Is

My Energy, the pure energy of Beingness, but on
different levels. It is experienced either as Love or
Joy or a mixture of these typical human experiences
or feelings. It could be said that Love/Joy is the
natural state of every human dream-character,
because then it Is I that lives through that character.
The Mind is capable of creating emotions or fairy-
tales about what love is or what joy is. It has all the
rules of how an imaginary person has to be, what
they can do or say and what not. It is a whole
shopping-list of what life, love and happiness is and
how it all should be. But this is not what is here
being expressed and communicated.
Love and Joy are some kind of Divine Programs that
reside in every so called human being and they can
be accessed by any One that really loves more to Be
Self than to play mind-games and pretend to be a
It is You as Being Love, who prefers most of your
life, to pretend that You Are not Love. When this is
seen completely and clearly, then there is no choice,
because every human loves to love and loves to
enjoy and enjoys to love. But when this inclination
towards the mind remains because of ignorance
about the truth of What You Are, there is again no
choice. You the One Being will remain playing with
the mind and pretending You are not What You Are.
It is a question of seeing or knowing what it is that
is happening and in no way a question of choice or
free will.
For you, the imaginary person, there is no choice at
all because you don't really exist. But for You as Me,
as the One Being, it is evident and natural to Be
Yourself and emanate your natural energy which is
experienced as Love and Joy on this plane of
existence called life on earth. Love/Joy is definitely
the most natural way of letting Me the One Being
live through a human appearance.
Enlightenment, awakening, liberation

First of all, let's be very clear about these words that

are randomly used by dream-characters which are in
no way capable of knowing what they are speaking
of and what is really meant when these words are
I as The One Being can only speak according to
what I experience as David Angelo in regard to this
book, because my experience of the dream of life is
unique through each character in which I wake up to
My true Self or Nature.
So, as I see the whole business of enlightenment
through and as David, it is a thing of the personal-
or ego-mind, the specific set of programs that makes
up a so called person. When such a dreamed person
experiences a rush of energy through the body,
commonly referred to as awakening of the kundalini
or inner fire, this energy can rush up and through
what is experienced as head. In such a case it is free
to move all over the place, but it is not Liberation in
the sense that I use that word. Nevertheless it is a
personal experience powerful enough to suggest that
something great and important has happened to that
person. But it can also occur that this energy or
kundalini doesn't leave the body and instead fixes
itself at any point in the body and flows up and down
in a spiral movement. So enlightenment is usually
the state when the kundalini has fixed itself or even
only reached that which is supposed to be the brain.
Because of the much higher vibration of the
kundalini in comparance to the normal personal
energy it literally burns up the patterns or programs
in the brain. When this is the case, there is an
experience of seeing light inside the head. Most
dream-people call this event enlightenment, because
they see light when they appear to close their eyes.
This has nothing to do with Me becoming conscious
of My Self or Me waking up from the dream of
being a person to the reality of simply Being and
realizing the I Am dreaming. Real Awakening or
Realisation is absolutely impersonal. It is I who
recognises that I Am not a person and that there is
no one who is a person. That all of existence,
including apparent people, is My dream and that the
dream and all apparent beings and things in it are
made of light, tiny points of light or energy. So, in
the true sense enlightenment doesn't ever happen,
but all existence is made of light.
Liberation as I see it, is simply freeing My Self from
the illusion of being a human being separate from
the rest of My Self or the rest of the dream.
Liberation can be seen or understood as a definitive
awakening, without falling asleep again. Because
what wakes up can fall asleep, but what is definitely
free is free and cannot be bound again. Liberation
also means freeing or liberating the system that
appears to be somebody from all the programs it
believes to be. Or better, liberating My Self from the
system that consists of all kind of programs and let
the system, the apparent individual person be as is.
That would be the ultimate Freedom. And as I Am
ultimately and absolutely Free, Liberation is nothing
but My natural state. It Is what I Am. It Is My true
Self. But none, no dream-person can ever achieve
that by whatever they might do or believe. It Is Me,
I, My Self that awakens to what I Am.
So, to sum up, Awakening or Self-realisation or
whatever word is used to describe or name this
event, is only for Me, the One Self. I wake up in or
through one specific dream-character at a time and
realise the Truth of What I really Am as I Am or
what really Is as Is. The awakening is each time
different and unique because of the unique character
and its set of programs or its system. The whole
game of life is about waking up and realising My
true Nature while the dream continues and I keep on
experiencing what I am not. So it is not about any
specific experience or series of experiences.
Awakening is not an experience, it is the realisation
of what already Is.
Also there are no rules and no path to follow and no
one to obey the rules or tread the path. Awakening
happens or it doesn't happen. In the end it happens
to every imaginary person when they meet what is
called death, physical death.
There are nevertheless signs that show that
awakening is likely to happen.
For example, if I find My Self, as a person, dreaming
that I am in the presence of someone who is
regarded as a teacher or master of Truth and I'm not
fooling myself with a false teacher or conman, then
there is a great possibility that I will wake up in or
through that imaginary seeker of Truth. And a true
'master' will tell Me to stop seeking. If I can hear this
invitation, I may awake in the seeker and realize that
I Am what I was searching for. Sometimes the
presence and energetic activity of such a non-person
where I Am already awake can touch me as an
unconscious dream-character in such a way that I
wake up there too. However, there is one certainty,
as soon as the belief in a personal existence ceases,
be that through an apparent teacher, spontaneous by
My Self or through physical death, in each case I
will certainly wake up and realize My Self.

Now that all has been said and much of it has been
repeated over and over again, many dream-
characters will not even reach this page. Some will
throw it away or put it somewhere to never touch it
again because they will continue to obey their
specific set of programs that will tell them exactly
what to do, how to behave and most importantly,
that all that has been said in this book is rubbish and
that they ought to listen, believe and obey what has
been presented as truth or reality to them, before this
book somehow found its way to them.
And yet there will be those in whom this message
will find a resonance, a recognition of some kind.
Those few lucky ones will take it in to the core of
their being, pass the barriers of thought- and belief-
system and will open to something unbelievable,
something incredibly fresh and new. They will be
the ones that allow a new, perhaps never known nor
imagined reality to take the place of the mind-
programs they have been fed for years, even
centuries and millenniums as human kind.
Whatever the impact of this message might be on
any illusory or apparent person, it will be perfect in
each case. Because most dream-characters are
destined to function in darkness or ignorance or
oblivion, which means that they probably will never
get their hands on this book, nor even get to know
that it exists. The ones that get the chance to read it
are already lucky beyond their imagination. But the
truly blessed ones are those who take it in and drink
it again and again until they are so full of Love that
they literally cease to exist as separate individuals
and make space for Me, the One and only Being we
really Are.
That is the game, the Divine play. In every area of
what appears to be time there are only a few that
allow Me to live, express and experience My dream-
game, fully conscious and fully alive. Those few
lucky ones will actually know by experience that
there is nor ever was a person or a human being and
that I Am what they really Are, the only I that ever
really Is beyond time, experience and Mind.
Although the sense of physicality and the unique set
of patterns that makes up a personal experience, will
never disappear until the event of physical death
puts an end to all experience, I will consciously
know and experience My Self to be living through
those dream-characters that by whatever means let
Me or surrender their petty little illusory and
automatically programmed existence to Me, as
Dražen did in its own particular way. And I
guarantee that every dream-character that has been
profoundly touched by the energy that emanates
from this book, will sooner or later surrender in their
own unique and perfect way to that what they really
A few days after finishing this book
David passed away
and Is now
the Absolute
without this form of expression
in the dream.

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