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Name of Drug Classification and Mechanism Indication and Contraindication Side Effects or Adverse Nursing Responsibilities
(Dosage, Route, Frequency, of Action Reactions
 Bronchospasm Monitor effectiveness of
Generic Name: Classification: Indication:  Angioedema therapy and advent of
Acetylcysteine Treatment of respiratory  Rashes adverse/allergic effects.
Mucolytic agent affections characterized by thick  Pruritus Instruct patient in
and viscous hypersecretions:  Nausea and Vomiting, appropriate use and adverse
Brand Name: Mechanism of Action: acute bronchitis, chronic effects to report.
Fluimucil Exerts mucolytic action through bronchitis and its exacerbations;  Syncope, Sweating,
its free sulfhydryl group which pulmonary emphysema, Arthralgia, Blurred
opens up the disulfide bonds in mucoviscidosis and
Dosage: vision, Disturbances of
the mucoproteins thus lowering bronchiectasis.
1amp. liver function
mucous viscosity. The exact
mechanism of action in Contraindication:
acetaminophen toxicity is Contraindicated in patient with
Route: unknown. It is thought to act by severe hypertension; severe.
IV providing substrate for Coronary artery disease,
conjugation with the toxic hypersensitivity to
metabolite pseudoedephrine, acrivastine or
any component; renal
Frequency: impairment.

11am, 11pm

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