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What is your Body Language Telling Him or Her?

What is their
Body Language Telling You? In-depth Articles.

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How To Use Body Language To Attract Women
By: Jack Jimmy

A lot of people are not aware that body language is one of the ways you can use to attract women.
Between flirting and body language you could get a woman very interested in you, but you have to do
it the right way. Women are sensitive so try to follow these tips.

First off, make sure you maintain eye contact with the woman you are trying to talk to. By having eye
contact with her you let her know you are very interested in what she is saying, not only that she will
think you are listening, which you should be. Women often say a man has nice eyes, so give her the
chance to really see you looking at her and showering her with attention, she might end up saying you
have nice eyes, which shows she is interested and attracted.

Another form of body language is your closeness factor. How close are you standing to the woman of
interest? If she is talking to you, and you are having a conversation, move a little closer but not too
close. You still want her to give her personal space, but if you can invade that just a tiny bit, you will
give her a sense of what it might be like to be close to you, make sure you have a good perfume on. By
doing this you will also be able to exchange scents. Women are very attracted to scents, and every little
bit can help.

Flash a nice smile. This can be the first thing you can do from a distance. You don't want to overdo it
but a nice friendly smile will make a huge difference. Keep smiling when you approach her and when
you start talking to her. Try to keep smiling the whole time, even while talking you can smile with your

Your voice also plays an important role as well. A deep voice that is warm and welcoming can turn a
woman on, she could immediately be attracted to you just based on your voice. Just make sure your
voice isn't shaky, and doesn't show how nervous you might be, it is better for you to be too loud than
for the woman not to be able to understand you. Women absolutely love confidence, and it shows in
everything you do, even your voice.

Last but not least is your posture. This isn't all about back posture either. This doesn't mean to slouch,
as that isn't attractive, but what it means is that you have to be welcoming in how you stand while
talking to her. Your hands should not be crossed against your middle, or on your hips, but they should
be relaxed and even moving while talking. The more comfortable you are with yourself the more she
will feed into that.
This is called an open posture, the visual signs send sexual cues to a woman's brain because you are
again confident.

One of the most important things you can do is be confident in yourself when approaching a woman.
This will make it all more natural for you, and the more natural for you, the easier it will be for a
woman to be attracted to you. Work on these things and women are going to be more open to your
flirting, approaching and talking to them.
About the author: To read more on how to use body language to attract women visit or

To make use of the information in this guide, you need to find a partner.
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Understanding Body Language On A First Date
By: My Relationship Tips

People communicate through nonverbal cues more often than through verbal cues. It’s just that we
don’t know that we are doing so.

This is the reason why experts agree that one of the keys to maintaining good communication with
other people is to learn how to understand the nonverbal cues that they emit. For instance, when dating,
there are body language cues that say whether a person is interested or not.

Here are some dating body language that you should learn to read the next time you went out on a date.

Going to your direction

Just as a person who is interested will directly go to a person, their dating body language will also point
in the direction of the person they are interested in. People will lean towards you or point in your
direction, whether it be with the foot, the leg or the whole body. People who are really into you will
also exhibit a body language that is relaxed exhibiting trust and at the same time with tension.

Looking at the face

When dating for the first time, people whose interests were aroused will exhibit a common set of body
language. Their eyebrows will rise, their eyes will dilate and their lips will part after smiling. One of
the classic dating body language is the hair toss, where she will touch her hair and then look at you.
With women, they will usually smile a lot and even giggle a couple of times at things that you say.
Another dating body language that you should watch out for is the willingness to expose her wrists,
palms and the inside of their arms.

Looking straight in the eye

Though not all people have the courage to exhibit this particular dating body language, it is
nevertheless effective. People who look at you straight in the eye during conversations are found to be
more attractive and more approachable. They are also considered to be more honest. People who make
the effort to look at you in the eye are genuinely interested in you and in what you are saying.
Otherwise they wouldn’t waste much time. One should remember though that this is not true for all
kinds of people. Some people actually become shyer when talking to a person they really like. Their
dating body language become more closeted and nervous. They would refuse to look directly at the eye
and may bow down their heads all the time. Know the difference.

Sitting with arms crossed

This dating body language spells “don’t come closer” in big bold silent letters. A very protective stance,
crossing the arms shows a need for people to back away because there is a problem with trust. This is
one body language that tells you that you just made the worst impression on someone. Some people
who are not into relationships unconsciously adopt this dating body language to show that they are not

Batting their eyelash

This dating body language and flirting style may seem a bit archaic to you, having been there during
the time of Scarlett O’ Hara but it sure is effective with the men. Only the women, however, can get
away with this particular brand of dating body language. Men who try to bat their eyelash would
probably appear as if they have a tic in their eyes and might need a psychiatrist.
About the author: My Relationship Tips ( is your one stop for relationship advice.

To make use of the information in this guide, you need to find a partner.
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Flirting Body Language – How Flirting With Your Body Can Be a Double-Edged
By: Mike Lee

Flirting is one of the most common social means of communication, wherein men and women engage
in the exchange of subtle cues to get noticed and appreciated.

Humans resort to display flirting body language to appease themselves with the idea that they are
acceptable and desirable. No matter how much we deny it, within every individual is a yearning to be

Shown in different perspectives and levels, flirting body language may manifest in the form of both
random gestures and the most complex and seemingly reversed types of actions that usually come with

Usually, flirting is not bad in itself if done in a harmless and sociable manner. In addition, it may be
considered as it is by just spending time with someone.

Flirting in this concept may be defined as accommodating the idea of accepting a person, and not
because of a romantic objective by which it is often misconceived.

However, the heart is also set to confuse the mind, especially when any of the flirting body language is
constantly offered to a person. More often than not, the personal make up of each individual is set to
seek an ever-insatiable need for attention and acceptance.

This places flirting from a point of casual friendship to a deeper sense of affection. An unwary mind
would often spell disaster as you fall into the pit called infatuation.

You could be sending someone the wrong signals; or you might be misinterpreting another's. Thus, in
order to avoid the embarrassment, and possibly the heartache, you will need to know how to read
flirting body language effectively.

Eye Magnet

Simple eye contact may indicate the start of a more engaging interaction. It begins with being able to
establish a connection, even by just exchanging a glance or, if you may, a stare.

In a deeper level, the eyes are able to convey what mere words cannot express. In a properly set
environment, a steady and softly expressed gaze may be readily interpreted by the other person as
romantic and may send mixed signals. Even batting an eyelash more than three times in one second can
be interpreted as inviting.


Flirting body language can also be conveyed through touch. Done too aggressively, it can make the
other person feel threatened and invaded; when done too lightly, you could fail in sending out the right

Touch is more complex than we think because we don’t know what parts of the body are more
susceptible for the acceptance of subtle gestures.

Think of it this way: A person is like a fort -- he has to know what areas are relatively weak or least
guarded. If you want things to go in your favor, you must target these key touch points to win.


Attention is one of the most subtle but successful forms of flirting. It takes time to get another person's
attention, and having it can give you the power to change another individual's mind. However, this can
also be very misleading, especially if the person falls for it and you had not intended on offering mutual

Flirting body language is a double-edged sword; which means it may also backfire on the one doing it.
In short, you might find yourself falling into your own trap. Nevertheless, unless you’re seeking some
thrill and complexity, engaging in clean and wholesome flirting is a good way to enhance your social
About the author: Discover how you can mesmerize the opposite sex with flirting body language and by using conversational hypnosis and seduction techniques. Grab your
FREE course that reveals 10 groundbreaking persuasion secrets at

To make use of the information in this guide, you need to find a partner.
Meeting people can be tough, SinglesNet can help. It's the internets #1 dating site,
filled with thousands of women and men looking to meet someone just like you. Don't wait
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Body Language And Flirting Signs
By: James S

Things done subconsciously play the key role in man-woman relationship and often are the determining
factor in how they perceive each other. First impression is the strongest and most long lasting – experts
say it only takes little less than two to four minutes to arrive at a decision whether one likes a person or
not. Body language is hugely responsible for all impressions we make on other people. For this reason
body language and flirting are absolutely inseparable from each other.

The way somebody walks or stands may leave a great impression on other person. People tend to make
snap judgments about others, so body language and flirting can be interwoven intricately. Since the
body does the talking and also the flirting, one may be able to judge whether a person is flirting or not
by studying these signs.

Understanding body language is not so simple, and it should not be judged by only one thing. One
should not jump into conclusions too fast. There are certain signals given off by a person, and knowing
these body language and flirting signs, one may be able to judge whether someone is flirting or not.
The first signal one should look at is the flirting triangle or when people that are not too well known to
each other, move their eyes in a zigzag motion. The body language in a flirtatious situation will see the
eyes widening at the bottom to include the body as well as the face. Intense flirting will often result in
eye to eye contact as well as looking long and hard at the mouth.

Mirroring a person’s behavior is another body language and flirting sign that means that there is quite a
bit of attraction involved, since it implies being at the same level of attraction. One more body
language and flirting sign is when someone raises their eyebrows and lets them fall. If a person is
flirting, he or she would also raise the eyebrows in return. Be sure to catch this sign as it usually is only
fleeting, lasting a bare fifth of a second!

Another body language and flirting signal indicating that one person is attracted to another is their body
pointing in the direction of the person to whom they are attracted. Pointing one’s body in the direction
of another is a subtle way of communicating strong attraction, and the other person may take the hint.
Blinking is one more body language and flirting sign: if a person likes another, he or she will generally
try to match the other’s blink rate and keep in sync with it, which is both fun as well as increases the
attraction for the other.

However, one should never jump into conclusions or misinterpret body language and flirting signs. The
best thing to do in order to avoid mistakes is to look for grouped behavior patterns which together add
up to being a signal that a person is indeed attracted and is actually flirting.
About the author:

To make use of the information in this guide, you need to find a partner.
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Are You Making These Body Language Mistakes With Women?
By: Clark Cassidy

Most experts agree that around 90-93% of all conversation between two human beings happen non-
verbally. This means that only 10% of any conversation is verbal! The remainder 90% of the
conversation comes directly from your body language.

Like it or not, you are ALWAYS talking to people through your body language. Even when you're
saying nothing - sometimes you could be telling a story. For example, when you see someone at a
coffee shop typing away on a laptop you usually assume they are busy working on a project or
something and that hey don't want to be bothered. Perhaps your at a park and you see someone sweaty
with some baggy clothes on - you know almost immediately that they are probably working out.

Body language is twice as important when picking up and attracting women. Women LOVE
confidence, this is probably the biggest factor when attracting women. However, most guys naturally
give off body language that is the exact opposite of confidence. Instead, they give off the body
language of a person who is extremely shy, anxious, nervous, or even closed-off socially.

Lucky for you, I have been researching this for years and I have cataloged the most common mistakes
that men make.

Here are 4 of the most common body language mistakes most men make when picking up women:

Hands In Your Pockets - This shows that you are insecure and that you are closed off. Yeah the "Fonz"
used to do it all the time, but you're not the Fonz so don't do it, ever.

Slouching - This shows that you are insecure and that you aren't confident socially. When you slouch,
you are sending off the message that you don't want to be seen and this will make you look shy and
probably boring.

Fidgeting - This shows that you are extremely nervous and anxious. A confident man is a man who is
controlled in his movements. If you ever look at a rock star, a musician, a millionaire CEO, a celebrity,
they are never fidgeting during interviews. They are confident in what they do.

Tonality - Although this is technically talking, how you talk is even more important. If you are talking
too fast you show the woman that you are nervous and that you are not a very social person. Also, by
talking too fast and by not controlling your tone and voice you open yourself up for stuttering and other
mistakes. Slow down!

By removing these three damaging behaviors you will instantly see an improvement in the way women
(and people in general) talk to you! You will also usually immediately begin to feel more confident in
yourself, naturally. Also, by applying these ideas and getting rid of this bad behavior, your ability to
seduce women will greatly increase.

Confidence is the 'magic-bullet' when it comes to women, and if you aren't sending off these signals all
the time then you are wasting your time. Without great confident body language, you are swimming
upstream with no life jacket
About the author: Clark Cassidy is the author of Successful Seduction, a brand new (already ranked #1) guide that teaches men exactly how to pick up, attract, and seduce
women by walking you through step-by-step! To learn more and get a FREE ebook about curing your Approach Anxiety, visit!

To make use of the information in this guide, you need to find a partner.
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Sexual Body Language
By: Michael Dat

Sexual body language is great tool in the dating game and in marriage. Imagine how amazing it is that
you are able to tell the person that you want him (or her!) sexually just by simply using sexual body
language. And seriously, this sexual body language is not very hard to do too. Some of them come
naturally to you, so you would not need to worry about learning 101 kinds of sexual body language just
to hint to your spouse or date.

# The gazing game

Believe it or not but the kind of gaze that you send out can send different kind of messages. If you are
with your dream date and you notice that he or she is giving you the alluring gaze, then it just means
that he or she is having the hots for you! Fret not if you don’t know how to give the proper gaze. Some
of these come naturally to you. When you are attracted to the person, you tend to give the dreamy-and-
sexy gaze back.

#2 Check out the hands

Are the fists clenched tightly or it placed openly on the table. If you check out that your dreamdate is
rubbing his nose, sliding rings over his fingers or just playing around with loose coins in his pocket,
then it is a sign that he is increasingly more excited.

#3 The Mouth

Everyone knows the mouth is a strong sexual body language gesture. You will definitely notice this
when your date starts drinking, eating or smoking faster. Even putting things in your mouth can mean
that you are sexually interested and are trying to seduce him sexually. Just like how girls lick ice cream

#4 Touching Test

Are you confused whether he is sending the right signals to you? To double confirm, use the touching
test. Touch his hand, shoulder or arm. If you notice that he returns the touch, then you guys are
definitely heading somewhere.
#5 Subconscious autoerotic touching

When we think of something sexual, we will tend to touch ourselves to seductive reasons. Girls and
guys rub their upper arms, hips and thighs subconsciously when they are feeling the sexual connection
with their date. When we are sexually excited, our skin tends to be more sensitive and this is the reason
why when he touches you, it feels good.

#6 Kiss

A kiss seals it all sometimes. Kisses are strong signals that help to tell you whether or not the date is
heading into the right direction. If you notice that your date keeps on touching his mouth or tilts his
head as you are talking to him, then you should anticipate a kiss coming your way. Start with a slow
and gentle kiss and if he doesn’t pull back, then it just means that he is happy to continue.

These are just some of the sexual body language that you should look out for when you are on a date.
Learn to pay attention to body language and you will find that romancing is not that hard after all.
About the author: Michael Dat specializes in dating techniques for men. Visit for more dating and seduction tips.

To make use of the information in this guide, you need to find a partner.
Meeting people can be tough, SinglesNet can help. It's the internets #1 dating site,
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Alpha Body Language: What It Is And How To Get It
By: My Relationship Tips

Perhaps you have been wondering why other men get more attracted glances from the opposite sexes
than you when you thought that there’s nothing really that much difference between them and you
especially if you’d talk about physical appearances. And because you worry too much about this
concern, you probably have splurged and treat yourself to gigantic makeovers just to make sure you
won’t be left behind in terms of alpha male visual appearance or even aiming to outdo this lucky male
species around. This action of yours could bring your aura a difference and could elevate your charm
into a higher level but it seems this is not entirely enough. Those lucky guys are still getting those
glances from the dreamy eyes of many women. What could be those alpha males possess that you

With this case at hand, you should have looked long ago on how your vibes are affecting those human
beings who belong to the opposite sexes. Notice how high-status-man strut their trot around; notice
how they move carelessly but confidently; notice how they project so well when you thought they
really lack the real value of a face or physique. Perhaps, you have been too consumed on the belief that
physical being per se is the most important aspect in order to attract women. This is where you could be
wrong but you can change your outlook easily and emanate the charm and attraction you so crave
about. The secret of alpha males lies in their body language.

The truth why these males move around with so much difference than the likes of you is they know
how to project their body language and ooze with so much animalistic appeal that make them hot stuff
among women. The alpha male’s body language make women drool over them they practically would
follow them around just so they’d get a chance to meet these hot stuffs. These alpha males move
around with ease, natural, and relaxed way you would almost believe they are oblivious to what is
happening around them but in truth, alert and smart enough to know the buzz around.

Alpha males don’t allow worries to grasp their attention too much, they let these slip away from them
and instead take things in neutral manner so that they won’t dwell much on thoughts that would take
their logical sense away. You would find these alpha males generally move unhurriedly but with an
exact sense of direction and greater control of time so that they evidence of nervousness won’t appear
and do not produce jerky movements like that with beta males. Simple body languages like these are
not that difficult to master.

If you would want to portray aura like of those alpha males and end those lousy beta male movements
of yours, it wouldn’t take you long before you realize that more women would be clamoring for your
attention. First off, start with assessing your body language. Perhaps you only need to break the thin
line etched between being a beta male and transform yourself into an alpha male. Perhaps, your body
language is the one that needs a total makeover and gain that impression and characteristic that alpha
males are rich of. By starting to eliminate your body language or your movements and behaviors that
convey lack of confidence on your part or being unsure of yourself, this could be the turning point to
release those unconscious turn-off habits of yours.

As mentioned earlier, the key to being an alpha male is by being relaxed in all your movements. If you
ooze a natural appeal, you could be easily trap attention and instantly get noticed by those human
species belonging to opposite sexes without exerting too much effort on your part.
About the author: My Relationship Tips ( is your one stop for relationship advice.

To make use of the information in this guide, you need to find a partner.
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Is She Interested In Me: How To Decode Her Body Language
By: Pick Up Guide

Women are generally known to be very talkative. Give them a chance to start talking and they will
definitely shoot the breeze, unloading several months’ worth of hormonal challenges unto your simple
yes-or-no questions.

Hence, you would tend to think that with their knack in lip fluttering, they would find the other
mediums of communication completely useless.

However, man’s fine female friends are a “bilingual” to a certain extent, and she is as articulate in body
language as she is in the words on paper.

Therefore, when it comes to feelings and relationships, women would use other forms to convey their
message. They would use such tools to convey their message without going into trouble. They would
literally try to do it on their own little way.

According to some experts, the only problem is that even if women have their own set of language, it is
still hard for the amateurs to decode the body language. In fact, body languages are only seen clearly in
about 1 out of 1,000 contacts with men.

Hence, the only way to succeed in analyzing if the woman really likes you is to decode the body
language that they may have been projecting but were taken for granted because you do not understand
its meaning.

So to make certain you do not make a hash of translation, here is a list of definitions that would identify
the most common moves that would literally tell you that she is interested in you an dhow to react on
the actions.


You are talking to a chick at a bar, and you notice her slowly running her hand up and down her
forearm. It is a rash! It is a twitch!

No! It is a tactile woman!

She loves the feel of things on her hand, and most probably the rest of her body. A simple movement
like that speaks pages. It is like telling you, “Look at my hand, pretend it is yours.”

What to do: “Look but do not touch” does not apply here. Give her a few strokes but keep your hands
on neutral territory.

A touch on the shoulder, a tap on the top of her hand would be enough. If she is telling you what you
hope she is telling you, she will easily focus her tactile fixation on you.

The Hair-Behind-Ear Tuck

Most women have this technique down pat. It may be an affection of the typical and much sought-after
demure lady.

For the most part, it shows that your girl is a preneer. She likes to have every strand of hair to be in
place; and a single one of them is out of line. That is the ear tuck power.

What to do: Pay her a compliment. Any compliment will do, but a “I like your hair like that” may just
be the ticket that she has been waiting from you.

Of course, you have heard that flattery would not get you anywhere, but it will be a good start. Do not
start off with it, though, because it is just a damn lame line. But throw it into a crucial part of the
conversation, and hopefully, she will soon be doing her preening for you.

Puppy Dog Eyes

Awww! She is so cute. Those big doe eyes are practically begging for assistance. She needs your help
and you must willingly give it.

Although this tactic is used mostly for flat tires and bus seats, it works quite well in the flirting and
pick-up scene as well.

What to do: When the puppy dog’s eyes come on, jump into action. Snap your fingers and order a drink
for her. Offer her a chair. Do not overdo it though, because women are totally capable of themselves,
and the only reason why she appears like a damsel in distress is the fact that she likes you and she is
interested to know you better.

The Laugh and Touch Combo

At an appropriate time in the conversation, you whip out your favorite gay bar joke to seal the deal with
your date. She laughs unabashedly, leans towards you, and plants an unassuming hand on your thigh,
arm, or shoulder.

So she thinks you are funny, right? Wrong. The upside down, though, is that she is into you, downright
interested in you, despite the lame-ass joke. This is her way of showing you that she is easy to get along
with and open to possibilities that involve you.

What to do: Talk about things that border on the intimate, but end with a self-deprecating joke. This
will keep you from going too heavy but at the same time, it sends out the signal that you like her too
and that you are comfortable with her.

The bottom line is that men should not be more focused on decoding the body language alone. Trigger
the quest by providing appropriate responses in return. That would surely end you both in such an
exciting world of “getting-to-know-you-better” stage.
About the author: For more great tips on dating and picking up women, check out our free dating articles at Pick Up Success Guide (

To make use of the information in this guide, you need to find a partner.
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