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Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2001 28; 1015±1021

Chemical degradation of composite restoratives

A . U . J . Y A P * , ², S . H . L . T A N * , S . S . C . W E E * , C . W . L E E * ,
E . L . C . L I M * & K . Y . Z E N G ² *Department of Restorative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, and ²Institute of Materials Research
and Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore

SUMMARY The chemical environment is one aspect solution (E). After conditioning, the specimens were
of the oral environment, which could have an again subjected to hardness testing and sectioned.
appreciable in¯uence on the in vivo degradation of Change in hardness (DH) was computed and the
composite restoratives. The effects of chemical thickness of the degradation layer (DL) was meas-
media on surface hardness of four composite restor- ured using a computerized image analysis system at
atives (Silux [SX], Z100 [ZO], Ariston [AR] and 600´ magni®cation. Results of statistical analysis
Sure®l [SF]) were investigated. The relationship (ANOVA /Scheffe's [P < 0á05]) of DH based on mater-
between hardness and the thickness of the degra- ials were as follows: SX ± E > all other mediums;
dation layer was also studied. Thirty six specimens ZO ± W > C; and AR ± S, W, E > H (> indicates signi-
(3 ´ 4 ´ 2 mm) were made for each material. Fol- ®cantly greater hardness change). No signi®cant
lowing polymerization, the specimens were stored difference in DH was observed between the different
in arti®cial saliva at 37 °C for 24 h. The specimens chemicals for SF. The effects of chemical media on
were then randomly divided into six groups of six, DH were found to be material dependent. A signi®-
subjected to microhardness testing (load = 500 gf, cant but weak positive correlation (Pearson's corre-
dwell time = 15 s) and stored in the following lation [P < 0á05]) exists between change in hardness
chemicals for 1 week at 37 °C: arti®cial saliva (S), and thickness of the degradation layer.
distilled water (W), 0á02 N citric acid (C), 0á02 N lactic KEYWORDS: chemical, composite, degradation,
acid (L), heptane (H) and 75±25% ethanol±water environment, hardness

posites cannot be attributed to wear alone, but involves

chemical degradation as well. In vivo, composite resins
A composite material may be de®ned as three- may either be exposed intermittently or continuously
dimensional combinations of at least two chemically to chemical agents found in saliva, food and beverages.
different materials with a distinct interface (Phillips, Intermittent exposure occurs during eating or drinking
1981). Dental composite resins essentially comprise of until teeth are cleaned. Continuous exposure may,
the resin matrix (organic phase), ®ller-matrix coupling however, occur as chemical agents can be absorbed by
agent (interface), ®ller particles (dispersed phase) and adherent debris (such as calculus or food particles) at
other minor additions including polymerization initi- the margins of restorations or be produced by bacterial
ators, stabilizers and colouring pigments. From micro- decomposition of debris. Polymerization shrinkage and
defect analysis on biopsies (Wu et al., 1984) containing the diffusion of moisture through the resin component
composite restorations, damage is observed on both may lead to the initiation and propagation of micro-
stress and non-stress bearing surfaces. Degradation of cracks at the tooth±restoration interface and in the resin
composites in the oral environment in the absence of matrix. This process could provide a supply of chemical
loading and abrasive forces has also been reported by agents and a path for further diffusion into the
Roulet and Walti (1984) and Van Groeningen et al. restorative material, which may result in more rapid
(1986). The results stipulate that degradation of com- degradation (Lee et al., 1995).

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Table 1. Technical pro®les of the composites evaluated

Filler size Filler content

Material Manufacturer Type Polymer Fillers (lm) (% by volume) Shade

Silux Plus 3M Dental Products, Micro®ll BisGMA Silica 0á04 40 Y

(Lot no. 19980106) St Paul, MN 55144 TEGDMA (mean)
Z100 3M Dental Products, Mini®ll BisGMA Zirconia 0á5±0á7 66 A2
(Lot no. 19980203) St. Paul, MN 55144 TEGDMA Silica (mean)
Sure®l Dentsply-Caulk, Mini®ll Urethane- Ba-Boron- 0á8 65 A
(Lot no. 980709) Milford, DE 19963 modi®ed Fluorosilicate (mean)
BisGMA glass, Silica
Ariston pHc Vivadent Schaan, Midi®ll BisGMA Ba-Al- 1á3 59 U
(Lot no. A06719) Liechtenstein Fluorosilicate (mean)
UDMA Glass
Dimeth-acrylate Alkaline, Glass
Silica, Ytterbium

BisGMA ˆ Bisphenol A-glycidyl methacrylate.

TEDGMA ˆ Triethylene glycol dimethacrylate.
UDMA ˆ Urethane dimethacrylate.

The chemical environment is one aspect of the oral specimens were made for each material. After the 24 h
environment, which could have an appreciable in¯u- storage period, the specimens blotted dry and subjected
ence on the in vivo degradation of composite restor- to hardness testing. The specimens were positioned
atives. This study investigated the effects of six chemical centrally beneath the indenter of a digital microhard-
media (arti®cial saliva, distilled water, citric acid, lactic ness tester§ (FM7) and a 500 gf load was applied
acid, heptane and ethanol±water solution) on the through the indenter with a dwell time of 15 s. The
surface hardness of four composite restoratives. The Knoop Hardness Number (KHN) of each specimen was
thickness of the degradation layer (DL), which is recorded (I1). The specimens were then randomly
de®ned as the outermost layer of composite that is divided into six groups of six specimens and condi-
affected by the action of chemicals, was also measured tioned for 1 week at 37 °C in arti®cial saliva control (S)
and correlated to change in hardness (DH). and the following chemicals: distilled water (W), 0á02 N
citric acid (C), 0á02 N lactic acid (L), heptane (H) and
75±25% ethanol±water solution (E). After conditioning
Materials and methods
in arti®cial saliva and the various food-simulating
The visible-light cured composite restoratives investi- liquids for 1 week at 37 °C, the hardness of individual
gated are listed in Table 1. The composites were placed specimens were re-measured (I2) at a site adjacent to
in rectangular recesses (4 mm length ´ 3 mm the initial indentation. The change in hardness (DH)
breath ´ 2 mm depth) of customized acrylic moulds was then calculated using the following equation:
and covered with acetate strips*. A glass slide was DH ˆ I1 ÿ I2
placed over the acetate strips and pressure was applied
to extrude excess material. The restoratives were light- Where I1 is the KHN pre-conditioning and I2 is the KHN
polymerized according to manufacturers' cure-times after conditioning.
(40 s) through the glass slide with a Spectrum Curing After microhardness testing, the specimens were
Light². Immediately after light polymerization, the sectioned breath-wise with a diamond disc at
acetate strips were discarded and the composites were 3000 rpm. using a sectioning device (Accutom 5)¶.
stored in arti®cial saliva³ for 24 h at 37 °C. A total of 36 The cross-sections of the specimens were then viewed at
600´ magni®cation using a stereomicroscope** (BX60)
*Hawe-Neos Dental, Bioggio, Switzerland. Future-Tech Corp., Tokyo, Japan.
² ¶
Dentsply Inc., Milford, DE 19963, USA. Struers, Copenhagen, Denmark.
NUH Pharmacy Laboratory, Singapore. **Olympus, Tokyo, Japan.

ã 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 28; 1015±1021


Table 2. Mean change in hardness

Silux Plus Z100 Ariston pHc Sure®l
(DH) and thickness of degradation
layer (DL) in lm for the different Material Medium DH DL DH DL DH DL DH DL
Arti®cial saliva ±3á35 6á94 ±1á76 3á12 16á13 43á95 ±1á65 6á61
(3á45) (1á01) (16á40) (0á94) (11á54) (4á56) (6á85) (0á69)
Distilled water ±0á98 6á51 20á38 6á92 9á48 14á57 ±0á10 7á33
(1á81) (0á96) (12á91) (0á39) (6á27) (0á96) (4á13) (0á44)
Citric acid ±3á97 7á61 ±7á25 6á62 4á10 12á42 ±6á37 9á31
(2á01) (1á92) (12á91) (0á67) (3á96) (2á11) (5á99) (0á85)
Lactic acid ±3á22 10á38 2á93 5á32 5á78 14á90 11á02 9á33
(2á10) (0á94) (6á71) (0á57) (3á41) (1á94) (12á93) (0á85)
Heptane ±0á23 18á55 1á23 6á20 ±5á15 14á13 4á02 3á98
(2á79) (3á17) (11á82) (1á59) (2á78) (1á21) (16á73) (0á66)
Ethanol±water 9á40 10á51 4á56 7á55 17á27 6á54 8á65 4á81
Solution (4á86) (0á39) (9á32) (0á41) (7á12) (7á60) (10á97) (0á28)

Standard deviation (SD) in brackets.

– s

Fig. 1. Mean change in hardness − −

(DH) for the different composites.

and computerized image analysis software (analysis effects of chemical media on DH/DL of individual
3á0)²². The thickness of the degradation layer (DL) of composites and compare DH/DL between different
each specimen was obtained from the average of three composites in the same medium. Correlation DH and
readings. The mean DH and DL for each material± DL was done using Pearson's product±moment correla-
chemical combination was calculated and tabulated. For tion at a signi®cance level of 0á01.
all statistical analyses, a signi®cance level of 0á05 was
used. Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA ) was
performed on DH and DL data, with restorative material
and chemical medium as main effects, and all possible The mean DH values and thickness of DL of the
combinations of these variables as interaction effects in different composites are shown in Table 2 and Figs 1
the ANOVA model. Post hoc Scheffe's test was used to and 2. Results of statistical analysis are presented in
test for differences among means³³. One-way ANOVA Tables 3 and 4. A negative DH, which indicates an
was also performed with materials and chemical increase in hardness, was observed for Silux after
medium as independent variables to determine the conditioning in all media with the exception of
ethanol±water solution. For Z100 and Ariston, an
Softimaging Systems, Frankfurt, Germany. increase in hardness was observed after conditioning
SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL 60611, USA. in arti®cial saliva and citric acid, and heptane,

ã 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 28; 1015±1021

1018 A . U . J . Y A P et al.

– s

Fig. 2. Mean thickness of degrada-
tion layer (DL) for the different

Table 3. Results of statistical

Materials Property Differences
analysis based on materials
Silux Plus DH Ethanol±water solution > saliva, distilled water, citric acid, lactic acid,
DL Heptane > saliva, distilled water, citric acid, lactic acid, ethanol±water
solution; Lactic acid, ethanol±water solution > saliva, distilled water
Z100 DH Distilled water > citric acid
DL Distilled water, citric acid, lactic acid, heptane, ethanol±water solu-
tion > saliva; Ethanol±water solution > lactic acid
Ariston DH Saliva, distilled water, ethanol-water solution > heptane
pHc DL Saliva > distilled water, citric acid, lactic acid, heptane, ethanol±water
solution; Distilled water, citric acid, lactic acid, heptane > ethanol±water
Sure®l DH NS
DL Saliva, distilled water, citric acid, lactic acid > heptane, ethanol±water
solution; Citric acid, lactic acid > saliva, distilled water

Results on one-way ANOVA and Scheffe's test (P < 0.05); > indicates statistical signi®cance
and NS indicates no signi®cance.

respectively. A negative DH was also observed for tion resulted in signi®cantly greater hardness change
Sure®l specimens which were conditioned in arti®cial compared with all other chemical media. A signi®cant
saliva, distilled water and citric acid. Ranking of DH and difference in DH was also observed between water and
DL by media varied for the different composites. citric acid for Z100 and between heptane and saliva,
Ranking of DH values by media from most negative water, ethanol±water solution for Ariston. No signi®-
to positive were as follows: Silux ± C < S < L < W < cant difference in DH between media was observed for
H < E; Z100 ± C < S < H < L < E < W; Ariston ± Sure®l. For Silux, thickness of DL after conditioning in
H < C < L < W < S < E; and Sure®l ± C < S < W < heptane was signi®cantly greater than that observed
H < E < L. Ranking of DL in lm by media from the after conditioning in all other chemical media. In
smallest to the largest were as follows: Silux ± addition, conditioning in lactic acid and ethanol±water
W < S < C < L < E < H; Z100 ± S < L < H < C < solution resulted in signi®cantly larger DL than saliva
W < E; Ariston ± E < C < H < W < L < S; and Sure®l and water. For Z100, conditioning in arti®cial saliva
± H < E < S < W < C < L. resulted in a signi®cantly smaller DL compared with all
Signi®cant differences in DH values between differ- other media. A signi®cantly larger DL was observed
ent media for individual composites are re¯ected in after conditioning of Z100 in ethanol±water solution
Table 3. For Silux, conditioning in ethanol±water solu- when compared with lactic acid. Conditioning of

ã 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 28; 1015±1021


Table 4. Results of statistical analysis based on chemical media Two-way ANOVA of DH and DL showed signi®cant
interaction between materials and chemical media. The
Media Property Difference effects of chemical media on hardness and degradation
Arti®cial saliva DH Ariston > Silux layer thickness are therefore material dependent. A
DL Ariston > Silux, Z100, Sure®l signi®cant but weak positive correlation (correlation
Distilled water DH Z100 > Silux, Sure®l coef®cient r ˆ 0á20) exists between DH and DL.
DL Ariston > Silux, Z100, Sure®l
Citric acid DH NS
DL Ariston > Silux, Z100, Sure®l Discussion
Lactic acid DH Sure®l > Silux
DL Ariston > Silux, Z100, Sure®l The chemical agents used in this study were amongst
Silux, Sure®l > Z100 those recommended in the `FDA Guidelines' (FDA,
Heptane DH NS 1976, 1988) to be used as food simulators. Heptane
DL Silux > Z100, Ariston, Sure®l
simulates butter, fatty meats and vegetable oils. Ethanol
Ariston > Z100, Sure®l
Ethanol±water DH NS solution, citric and lactic acids simulate certain bever-
solution DL Silux > Z100, Ariston, Sure®l ages (including alcoholic ones), vegetables, fruits, can-
Z100 > Ariston, Sure®l dy and syrup. Conditioning in arti®cial saliva was used
Ariston > Sure®l as control. To minimize the oxygen inhibition layer,
Results on one-way ANOVA and Scheffe's test (P < 0.05); which may in¯uence the results, the composites were
> indicates statistical signi®cance and NS indicates no signi®cance. cured against an acetate strip (Finger & Jùrgensen,
1976). The depth of inhibition when composites are
Ariston in arti®cial saliva resulted in signi®cantly exposed to atmospheric air varies between composites
greater DL than in all other mediums. The DL after and ranged from 25 to 105 mlm (Finger & Jùrgensen,
conditioning in heptane, water, citric and lactic acids 1976). Hardness is de®ned as the resistance to perma-
were in turn signi®cantly larger than that after condi- nent indentation or penetration. It is, however, dif®cult
tioning in ethanol±water solution. For Sure®l, condi- to formulate a de®nition that is completely acceptable,
tioning in saliva, water, citric and lactic acids resulted in as any test method will involve a complex interaction of
a signi®cantly greater DL than in heptane and ethanol± stresses in the test material from the force applied.
water solution. DL with citric and lactic acids was Despite this condition, the most common concept of
signi®cantly larger than that with saliva and water. hard and soft substances is the relative resistance to
No signi®cant difference in DH was observed penetration when indented by a hard asperity (McCabe,
between composites when conditioned in citric acid, 1994). Amongst the properties related to hardness of a
heptane and ethanol±water solution (Fig. 1). In arti®- material are proportional limit, ductility, strength and
cial saliva, all composites demonstrated an increase in wear (Anusavice, 1996).
surface hardness with the exception of Ariston. After Chemical softening of restoratives may result in
conditioning in lactic acid, all composites experienced a decreased physico-mechanical properties. The latter
decrease in hardness with the exception of Silux. Both includes diametral tensile strength (Lee et al., 1994)
Ariston and Sure®l had signi®cantly greater DH than and fracture toughness (Ferracane & Marker, 1992),
Silux. Z100 underwent a signi®cantly greater change in hardness and wear (Wu & McKinney, 1982). As the
hardness compared with Silux and Sure®l after condi- greatest change in hardness had been shown to occur
tioning in water. The only medium, which resulted in a within the ®rst 7 days (Kao, 1989) and hardness of
consistent decrease in hardness of all composites after composites is affected by conditioning for 7 days
conditioning, was 75±25% ethanol±water solution. (McKinney & Wu, 1985), this period of conditioning
After conditioning in arti®cial saliva, water, citric and was selected for this experiment. As the restorative
lactic acids, Ariston had signi®cantly larger DL than the materials were not exposed to any mechanical forces,
other composites (Fig. 2). The largest DL (43á95 lm) any observed changes in hardness would be from
was observed after conditioning Ariston in arti®cial chemical reaction or dissolution. The 24-h storage
saliva. After conditioning in organic solvents (i.e. period in arti®cial saliva before hardness testing was
heptane and ethanol±water solution), Silux had signi- essential for elution of unreacted components from the
®cantly larger DL than all other composites. composites (Ferracane & Condon, 1990) and to allow

ã 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 28; 1015±1021

1020 A . U . J . Y A P et al.

for composite post-cure, if any, to occur (Yap, 1997). A of matrix expansion. The high energy levels resulting
negative DH, which indicates an increase in hardness, from strained Si±O±Si bonds, makes the ®llers more
was observed with Silux after conditioning in all media susceptible to stress corrosion attack resulting in com-
with the exception of ethanol±water solution. A neg- plete or partial debonding of ®llers (SoÈderholm, 1983)
ative DH was also observed for Z100 conditioned in which decreases hardness. However, not all glasses are
arti®cial saliva and citric acid, Ariston conditioned in affected to the same degree. Composites containing zinc
heptane, and Sure®l conditioned in arti®cial saliva, and barium glasses have been shown to be more
water and citric acid. This increase in hardness over the susceptible to aqueous attack compared with quartz
1 week conditioning period re¯ects a progressive cross- (SoÈderholm, 1983; Oysñd & Ruyter, 1986). From the
linking reaction that occurs following light-activation of present experiment, it appears that zirconia glasses are
composite resins (Watts et al., 1987). This suggests also susceptible to aqueous attack. This may be com-
appreciable residual concentration of free radicals in pounded by the smaller ®ller surface area associated
the composites after light polymerization. with the spherical shape of zirconia/silica ®llers that
When Silux specimens were stored in 75±25% may decrease bonding of ®llers to the resin matrix. The
ethanol±water solution, signi®cant softening was noted DH of Z100 was signi®cantly greater than that of Silux
when compared with all other chemical media. This and Sure®l after conditioning in water. The degradation
solution has been the solvent of choice to simulate layer of Z100 after conditioning in saliva was signi®-
accelerated ageing of restorations as it has a solubility cantly lower than that in all other media and condi-
parameter, which matches that of BisGMA (Wu & tioning in ethanol±water solution resulted in larger DL
McKinney, 1982; McKinney & Wu, 1985). In the values than conditioning in lactic acid. DL range was,
present study, ethanol±water solution was the only however, small and varied from 3á12 in arti®cial saliva
media that consistently softened all four BisGMA-based to 7á55 for ethanol±water solution.
composite resins (Fig. 1). The thickest degradation layer For Ariston, conditioning in heptane resulted in
was, however, observed after conditioning Silux in signi®cantly different DH values compared with saliva,
heptane which being an organic solvent, like ethanol± water and ethanol±water solution. Conditioning in
water solution, has the potential for polymer damage. heptane resulted in an increase in hardness. Two
The thick degradation layer did not appear to affect possible explanations are that heptane reduces oxygen
hardness. Silux had signi®cantly greater DL than all inhibition during post-curing and eliminates leaching
other composites after conditioning in both organic out of silica and combined metal in ®llers, which occurs
chemical liquids, i.e. heptane and ethanol±water solu- from conditioning in aqueous solutions (SoÈderholm,
tion. This can be explained in part by the higher resin 1983). The signi®cant positive effect of heptane with
content of Silux compared with the other composites. regard to hardness change was, however, noted only
Z100 was the most susceptible to the softening effect with Ariston. This may be attributed to the open
of water and had the largest DH for all material±media structure of Ariston that is required for more effective
combination (Fig. 1). A signi®cant softening of Z100 ¯uoride and ionic release (Combe & Douglas, 1998).
was observed after conditioning in water as compared This open structure increases solvent diffusion (which is
with citric acid. Surface hardness of composites was reduced by heptane) that also explains the signi®cantly
found to be signi®cantly affected by both water sorption larger degradation layer noted with Ariston as com-
and the contact time with the aqueous media (Hansen, pared with all the other composites after conditioning
1983). In addition to the effects upon the resin matrix, in arti®cial saliva (which consists mainly of water),
degradation of the resin±®ller interface and inorganic water, citric and lactic acids (Fig. 2). In addition, the
®llers may also play a role in the reduction of surface degradation layer of Ariston in ethanol±water solution
hardness (SoÈderholm, 1981). The latter is the more and heptane was signi®cantly larger than Sure®l, and
favoured explanation for the result of Z100 as all four Z100 and Sure®l, respectively. The degradation layer of
composites investigated were BisGMA-based. Z100 Ariston in arti®cial saliva was signi®cantly greater than
utilizes synthetic zirconia/silica ®llers, which like other that in all other media.
silica ®llers have irregularly distributed Si±O±Si bonds. For Sure®l, no signi®cant difference in DH was
Swelling from water sorption by the resin matrix could observed after conditioning in the different chemical
induce stress around the stiff ®ller inclusions as a result media. After conditioning in lactic acid, Sure®l had a

ã 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 28; 1015±1021


signi®cantly larger DH than Silux. Lactic acid may cause FINGER , W. & JùRGENSEN , D.S. (1976) Inhibition of polymerization
chemical dissolution of the ¯uorosilicate glass ®llers in by oxygen in composite ®lling materials and enamel sealers.
Schweizerische Monatsschrift Fur Zahnheilkunde, 86, 812.
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cements (Roulet & Walti, 1984). The degradation layer of Health, Education and Welfare, Washington DC, USA.
of Sure®l after conditioning in arti®cial saliva, water, FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DIVISION OF FOOD
citric and lactic acids was signi®cantly greater than that CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY (1988) Recommendations for
of organic solvents. Amongst the fore mentioned group, Chemistry Data for Indirect Food Additives Petitions, p. 9. Depart-
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DL values obtained with citric and lactic acids was
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Two-way ANOVA of DH and DL showed that the Dental Research, 93, 280.
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coef®cient r was only 0á20. The changes in surface LEE , S.Y., GREENER , E.H. & MENIS , D.L. (1995) Detection of
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Conclusions OYSáD , H. & RUYTER , I.E. (1986) Water sorption and ®ller
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Within the limitations of this study, we may conclude
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that: PHILLIPS , R.W. (1981) Past, present and future of composite
1. Both organic solvents and water/weak acids may systems. Dental Clinics of North America, 25, 209.
degrade composite resins. ROULET , J.F. & WALTI , C. (1984) In¯uence of oral ¯uid on
2. The effects of chemical media on change in surface composite resins and glass ionomer cement. Journal of Prosthetic
Dentistry, 52, 182.
hardness and thickness of degradation layer is material
SoÈDERHOLM , K.J. (1981) Degradation of ®llers in experimental
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3. All composites are softened by 75±25% ethanol± SoÈDERHOLM , K.J. (1983) Leaking of ®llers in dental composites.
water solution. Journal of Dental Research, 62, 126.
4. A thicker degradation layer is weakly associated with VAN GROENINGEN , G., JONGEBLOED , W. & ARENDS , J. (1986)
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WATTS , D.C., AMER , O., & COMBE , R.C. (1987) Surface hardness
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ã 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 28; 1015±1021

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