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Introduction to CIM: Overview of Production Systems, the product cycle, Automation in
Production Systems, computer’s role in manufacturing, sources and types of data used in 6
manufacturing. The Beginning of CAM: Historical Background,
1 Numerical Control (NC): Basic components of an NC system, coordinate system and motions
control systems. Computer Numerical Control (CNC): features of CNC, machine control unit,
CNC software. Direct Numerical Control and Distributed Numerical Control. Applications,
advantages and disadvantages of NC. Adaptive control of machining system.

1. Introduction to CIM
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) encompasses the entire range of product development and manufacturing
activities with all the functions being carried out with the help of dedicated software packages. The data required for
various functions are passed from one application software to another in a seamless manner. For example, the product
data is created during design. This data has to be transferred from the modeling software to manufacturing software
without any loss of data. CIM uses a common database wherever feasible and communication technologies to
integrate design, manufacturing and associated business functions that combine the automated segments of a factory
or a manufacturing facility. CIM reduces the human component of manufacturing and thereby relieves the process of
its slow, expensive and error-prone component. CIM stands for a holistic and methodological approach to the
activities of the manufacturing enterprise in order to achieve vast improvement in its performance.

Manufacturing engineers are required to achieve the following objectives to be competitive in a global context.
• Reduction in inventory
• Lower the cost of the product
• Reduce waste
• Improve quality
• Increase flexibility in manufacturing to achieve immediate and rapid response to:
• Product changes
• Production changes
• Process change
• Equipment change
• Change of personnel
CIM technology is an enabling technology to meet the above challenges to the manufacturing.



2. Overview of Production Systems

To operate effectively, a manufacturing firm must have systems that allow it to efficiently accomplish its type of
production. Production systems consist of people, equipment, and procedures designed for the combination of
materials and processes that constitute a firm’s manufacturing operations. Production systems can be divided into two
categories: (1) production facilities and (2) manufacturing support systems, as shown in Figure 1.10. Production
facilities refer to the physical equipment and the arrangement of equipment in the factory. Manufacturing support
systems are the procedures used by the company to manage production and solve the technical and logistics problems
encountered in ordering materials, moving work through the factory, and ensuring that products meet quality
standards. Both categories include people. People make these systems work. In general, direct labor workers are
responsible for operating the manufacturing equipment; and professional staff workers are responsible for
manufacturing support.


Production facilities consist of the factory and the production, material handling, and other equipment in the factory.
The equipment comes in direct physical contact with the parts and/or assemblies as they are being made. The facilities
‘‘touch’’ the product. Facilities also include the way the equipment is arranged in the factory—the plant layout. The
equipment is usually organized into logical groupings; which can be called manufacturing systems, such as an
automated production line, or a machine cell consisting of an industrial robot and two machine tools. A manufacturing
company attempts to design its manufacturing systems and organize its factories to serve the particular mission of
each plant in the most efficient way. Over the years, certain types of production facilities have come to be recognized
as the most appropriate way to organize for a given combination of product variety and production quantity, Different
types of facilities are required for each of the three ranges of annual production quantities.


Low-Quantity Production
In the low-quantity range (1–100 units/year), the term job shop is often used to describe the type of production facility.
A job shop makes low quantities of specialized and customized products. The products are typically complex, such as
space capsules, prototype aircraft, and special machinery. The equipment in a job shop is general purpose, and the
labor force is highly skilled. A job shop must be designed for maximum flexibility to deal with the wide product
variations encountered (hard product variety). If the product is large and heavy, and therefore difficult to move, it
typically remains in a single location during its fabrication or assembly. Workers and processing equipment are
brought to the product, rather than moving the product to the equipment. This type of layout is referred to as a fixed-
position layout, shown in Figure 1.9(a). In a pure situation, the product remains in a single location during its entire
production. Examples of such products include ships, aircraft, locomotives, and heavy machinery. In actual practice,
these items are usually built in large modules at single locations, and then the completed modules are brought together
for final assembly using large-capacity cranes. The individual components of these large products are often made in
factories in which the equipment is arranged according to function or type. This arrangement is called a process
layout. The lathes are in one department, the milling machines are in another department, and so on, as in Figure
1.9(b).Different parts, each requiring a different operation sequence, are routed through the departments in the
particular order needed for their processing, usually in batches. The process layout is noted for its flexibility; it can
accommodate a great variety of operation sequences for different part configurations. Its disadvantage is that the
machinery and methods to produce a part are not designed for high efficiency.

Various types of plant layout: (a) fixed-position layout, (b) process layout, (c) cellular layout, and (d) product

Medium Quantity Production

In the medium-quantity range (100–10,000 units annually), two different types of facility are distinguished, depending
on product variety. When product variety is hard, the usual approach is batch production, in which a batch of one
product is made, after which the manufacturing equipment is changed over to produce a batch of the next product, and
so on. The production rate of the equipment is greater than the demand rate for any single product type, and so the
same equipment can be shared among multiple products. The changeover between production runs takes time—time
to change tooling and set up the machinery. This setup time is lost production time, and this is a disadvantage of batch
manufacturing. Batch production is commonly used for make-to-stock situations, in which items are manufactured to
replenish inventory that has been gradually depleted by demand. The equipment is usually arranged in a process
layout, as in Figure 1.9(b). An alternative approach to medium-range production is possible if product variety is soft.
In this case, extensive changeovers between one product style and the next may not be necessary. It is often possible
to configure the manufacturing system so that groups of similar products can be made on the same equipment without
significant lost time because of setup. The processing or assembly of different partsor products is accomplish hedin
cells consisting of several workstations or machines. The term cellular manufacturing is often associated with this type
of production. Each cell is designed to produce a limited variety of part configurations; that is, the cell specializes in


the production of a given set of similar parts, according to the principles of group technology. The layout is called a
cellular layout, depicted in Figure (c).

High Production
The high-quantity range (10,000 to millions of units per year) is referred to as mass production. The situation is
characterized by a high demand rate for the product, and the manufacturing system is dedicated to the production of
that single item. Two categories of mass production can be distinguished: quantity production and flow line
production. Quantity production involves the mass production of single parts on single pieces of equipment. It
typically involves standard machines (e.g., stamping presses) equipped with special tooling (e.g., dies and material
handling devices), in effect dedicating the equipment to the production of one part type. Typical layouts used in
quantity production are the process layout and cellular layout. Flow line production involves multiple pieces of
equipment or workstations arranged in sequence, and the work units are physically moved through the sequence to
complete the product. The workstations and equipment are designed specifically for the product to maximize
efficiency. The layout is called a product layout, and the workstations are arranged into one long line, as in Figure (d),
or into a series of connected line segments. The work is usually moved between stations by mechanized conveyor. At
each station, a small amount of the total work is completed on each unit of product. The most familiar example of flow
line production is the assembly line, associated with products such as cars and household appliances. The pure case of
flow line production occurs when there is no variation in the products made on the line. Every product is identical, and
the line is referred to as a single model production line. To successfully market a given product, it is often beneficial to
introduce feature and model variations so that individual customers can choose the exact merchandise that appeals to
them. From a production viewpoint, the feature differences represent a case of soft product variety. The term mixed-
model production line applies to situations in which there is soft variety in the products made on the line. Modern
automobile assembly is an example. Cars coming off the assembly line have variations in options and trim
representing different models and in many cases different nameplates of the same basic car design.

2.2 Manufacturing Support Systems

To operate its facilities efficiently, a company must organize itself to design the processes and equipment, plan and
control the production orders, and satisfy product quality requirements. These functions are accomplished by
manufacturing support systems— people and procedures by which a company manages its production operations.
Most of these support systems do not directly contact the product, but they plan and control its progress through the
factory. Manufacturing support functions are often carried out in the firm by people organized into departments such
as the following:

Manufacturing engineering.
The manufacturing engineering department is responsible for planning the manufacturing processes—deciding what
processes should be used to make the parts and assemble the products. This department is also involved in designing
and ordering the machine tools and other equipment used by the operating departments to accomplish processing and

Production planning and control.

This department is responsible for solving the logistics problem in manufacturing—ordering materials and purchased
parts, scheduling production, and making sure that the operating departments have the necessary capacity to meet the
production schedules.

Quality control.
Producing high-quality products should be a top priority of any manufacturing firm in today’s competitive
environment. It means designing and building products that conform to specifications and satisfy or exceed customer
expectations. Much of this effort is the responsibility of the QC department.

3. The product cycle

A new product progresses through a sequence of stages from introduction to growth, maturity, and decline. This
sequence is known as the product life cycle and is associated with changes in the marketing situation, thus impacting
the marketing strategy and the marketing mix.
The product revenue and profits can be plotted as a function of the life-cycle stages as shown in the graph below:

3.1 Introduction Stage

In the introduction stage, the firm seeks to build product awareness and develop a market for the product. The impact
on the marketing mix is as follows:
 Product branding and quality level is established, and intellectual property protection such as patents and
trademarks are obtained.
 Pricing may be low penetration pricing to build market share rapidly, or high skim pricing to recover
development costs.
 Distribution is selective until consumers show acceptance of the product.
 Promotion is aimed at innovators and early adopters. Marketing communications seeks to build product
awareness and to educate potential consumers about the product.

3.2 Growth Stage

In the growth stage, the firm seeks to build brand preference and increase market share.
 Product quality is maintained and additional features and support services may be added.
 Pricing is maintained as the firm enjoys increasing demand with little competition.
 Distribution channels are added as demand increases and customers accept the product.
 Promotion is aimed at a broader audience.

3.3 Maturity Stage

At maturity, the strong growth in sales diminishes. Competition may appear with similar products. The primary
objective at this point is to defend market share while maximizing profit.
 Product features may be enhanced to differentiate the product from that of competitors.
 Pricing may be lower because of the new competition.
 Distribution becomes more intensive and incentives may be offered to encourage preference over competing
 Promotion emphasizes product differentiation.

3.4 Decline Stage

As sales decline, the firm has several options:
 Maintain the product, possibly rejuvenating it by adding new features and finding new uses.
 Harvest the product - reduce costs and continue to offer it, possibly to a loyal niche segment.
 Discontinue the product, liquidating remaining inventory or selling it to another firm that is willing to
continue the product.
The marketing mix decisions in the decline phase will depend on the selected strategy. For example, the product may
be changed if it is being rejuvenated, or left unchanged if it is being harvested or liquidated. The price may be
maintained if the product is harvested, or reduced drastically if liquidated.



4. Automation in Production Systems

Automation can be defined as the technology by which a process or procedure is performed without human assistance.
Humans may be present as observers or even participants, but the process itself operates under its own self-direction.
Automation is implemented by means of a control system that executes a program of instructions. To automate a
process, power is required to operate the control system and to drive the process itself.
The program of instructions is executed by a control system, the third basic component of an automated system.

Two types of control system can be distinguished: closed loop and open loop.

A closed loop system, also known as a feedback control system, is one in which the process variable of interest
(output of the process) is compared with the corresponding process parameter (input to the process), and any
difference between them is used to drive the output value into agreement with the input. Figure (a) shows the six
elements of a closed loop system: (1) input parameter, (2) process, (3) output variable, (4) feedback sensor, (5)
controller, and (6) actuator. The input parameter represents the desired value of the output variable. The process is the
operation or activity being controlled; more specifically, the output variable is being controlled by the system. A
sensor is used to measure the output variable and feed back its value to the controller, which compares output with
input and makes the required adjustment to reduce any difference. The adjustment is made by means of one or more
actuators, which are hardware devices that physically accomplish the control actions.

The other type of control system is an open loop system, presented in Figure (b). As shown in the diagram, an open
loop system executes the program of instructions without a feedback loop. No measurement of the output variable is
made, so there is no comparison between output and input in an open loop system. In effect, the controller relies on
the expectation that the actuator will have the intended effect on the output variable. Thus, there is always a risk in an
open loop system that the actuator will not function properly or that its actuation will not have the expected effect on
the output. On the other hand, the advantage of an open loop system is that its cost is less than a comparable closed
loop system.


Automated systems used in manufacturing can be classified into three basic types: (1) fixed automation, (2)
programmable automation, and (3) flexible automation.

Fixed Automation: In fixed automation, the processing or assembly steps and their sequence are fixed by the
equipment configuration. The program of instructions is determined by the equipment design and cannot be easily
changed. Each step in the sequence usually involves a simple action, such as feeding a rotating spindle along a linear
trajectory. Although the work cycle consists of simple operations, integrating and coordinating the actions can result
in the need for a rather sophisticated control system, and computer control is often required.
Typical features of fixed automation include
(1) High initial investment for specialized equipment,
(2) High production rates, and
(3) Little or no flexibility to accommodate product variety.
Automated systems with these features can be justified for parts and products that are produced in very large
quantities. The high investment cost can be spread over many units, thus making the cost per unit relatively low
compared to alternative production methods. The automated production lines discussed in the following chapter are
examples of fixed automation.

Programmable Automation: As its name suggests, the equipment in programmable automation is designed with the
capability to change the program of instructions to allow production of different parts or products. New programs can
be prepared for new parts, and the equipment can read each program and execute the encoded instructions. Thus the
features that characterize programmable automation are
(1) High investment in general purpose equipment that can be reprogrammed,
(2) Lower production rates than fixed automation,
(3) Ability to cope with product variety by reprogramming the equipment, and
(4) Suitability for batch production of various part or product styles.
Examples of programmable automation include computer numerical control and industrial robotics.
Flexible Automation: Suitability for batch production is mentioned as one of the features of programmable
automation. The disadvantage of batch production is that lost production time occurs between batches due to
equipment and/or tooling changeovers that are required to accommodate the next batch. Thus, programmable
automation usually suffers from this disadvantage.
Flexible automation is an extension of programmable automation in which there is virtually no lost production time
for setup changes and/or reprogramming. Any required changes in the program of instructions and/or setup can be
accomplished quickly; that is, within the time needed to move the next work unit into position at the machine. A
flexible system is therefore capable of producing a mixture of different parts or products one right after the other
instead of in batches. Features usually associated with flexible automation include
(1) High investment cost for custom engineered equipment,
(2) Medium production rates, and
(3) Continuous production of different part or product styles.

Using some terminology developed, we might say that fixed automation is applicable in situations of hard product
variety, programmable automation is applicable to medium product variety, and flexible automation can be used for
soft product variety.

5. Computer’s Role in Manufacturing

Nine major elements of a CIM system are in Fig. They are:
1. Marketing
2. Product Design
3. Planning
4. Purchase
5. Manufacturing Engineering
6. Factory Automation Hardware
7. Warehousing (Logistics and Supply Chain Management)
8. Finance
9. Information Management



i. Marketing: The need for a product is identified by the marketing division. The specifications of the product, the
projection of manufacturing quantities and the strategy for marketing the product are also decided by the marketing
department. Marketing also works out the manufacturing costs to assess the economic viability of the product.

ii. Product Design: The design department of the company establishes the initial database for production of a
proposed product. In a CIM system this is accomplished through activities such as geometric modeling and computer
aided design while considering the product requirements and concepts generated by the creativity of the design
engineer. Configuration management is an important activity in many designs. Complex designs are usually carried
out by several teams working simultaneously, located often in different parts of the world. The design process is
constrained by the costs that will be incurred in actual production and by the capabilities of the available production
equipment and processes. The design process creates the database required to manufacture the part.

iii. Planning: The planning department takes the database established by the design department and enriches it with
production data and information to produce a plan for the production of the product. Planning involves several
subsystems dealing with materials, facility, process, tools, manpower, capacity, scheduling, outsourcing, assembly,
inspection, logistics etc. In a CIM system, this planning process should be constrained by the production costs and by
the production equipment and process capability, in order to generate an optimized plan.

iv. Purchase: The purchase departments is responsible for placing the purchase orders and follow up, ensure quality
in the production process of the vendor, receive the items, arrange for inspection and supply the items to the stores or
arrange timely delivery depending on the production schedule for eventual supply to manufacture and assembly.

v. Manufacturing Engineering: Manufacturing Engineering is the activity of carrying out the production of the
product, involving further enrichment of the database with performance data and information about the production
equipment and processes. In CIM, this requires activities like CNC programming, simulation and computer aided
scheduling of the production activity. This should include online dynamic scheduling and control based on the real
time performance of the equipment and processes to assure continuous production activity. Often, the need to meet
fluctuating market demand requires the manufacturing system flexible and agile.



vi. Factory Automation Hardware: Factory automation equipment further enriches the database with equipment and
process data, resident either in the operator or the equipment to carry out the production process. In CIM system this
consists of computer controlled process machinery such as CNC machine tools, flexible manufacturing systems
(FMS), Computer controlled robots, material handling systems, computer controlled assembly systems, flexibly
automated inspection systems and so on.

vii. Warehousing: Warehousing is the function involving storage and retrieval of raw materials, components, finished
goods as well as shipment of items. In today’s complex outsourcing scenario and the need for just-in-time supply of
components and subsystems, logistics and supply chain management assume great importance.

viii. Finance: Finance deals with the resources pertaining to money. Planning of investment, working capital, and
cash flow control, realization of receipts, accounting and allocation of funds are the major tasks of the finance
ix. Information Management: Information Management is perhaps one of the crucial tasks in CIM. This involves
master production scheduling, database management, communication, manufacturing systems integration and
management information systems.

6. Sources and Types of Data Used in Manufacturing

Computer Integrated Manufacturing integrates all the functions related to the manufacture. The following are the
major functions among them:
i. Computer aided engineering covering design, analysis, simulation and optimization.
ii. Computer aided manufacturing
iii. Operations Management
iv. Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Warehousing and other functions.
In the ideal case, all these and their related functions use the same database as shown in Fig. 8.1. In essence, the
successful implementation of CIM lies in the efficient way relevant data is shared among the different segments of
The information required for manufacturing is complex covering a wide range of disciplines and serving a multitude
of inter-related yet vastly differing needs. The CIM database comprises basically four classes of data:
i. Product Data: Data about parts to be manufactured. It includes text and geometry data.


ii. Manufacturing Data: The information as to how the parts are to be manufactured is available in production
iii. Operational Data: Closely related to manufacturing data but describes the things specific to production, such
as lot size, schedule, assembly sequence, qualification scheme etc.
iv. Resource Data: This is closely related to operational data but describes the resources involved in operations,
such as materials, machines, human resources and money.

CIM Data Base

6.1 Database Requirements of CIM

A major challenge facing the implementation of CIM is to establish the type of data needed to bridge the mechanical
design and manufacturing functions. Following is the list of varied tasks one might expect to accomplish in a CIM
i. Designing assemblies and performing tolerance analysis on those assemblies.
ii. Preparing production drawings of assemblies, individual parts, tooling, fixtures and other manufacturing
iii. Creating analytical models of parts for structural, kinematical and thermal analysis
iv. (FEM, MeM etc).
v. Calculating weights, volumes, centres of gravity and other mass properties and costs of manufacturing (cost
vi. Classifying existing parts according to shape, function, and the process by which they are manufactured and
retrieving these parts from the parts library on demand (Group technology and coding).
vii. Preparing part lists and bill of materials (BOM).
viii. Preparing process plans for individual part manufacture and assembly (Variant or Generative).
ix. Programming CNC machines for processing complete parts (CAM).


x. Designing work cells and programming the movement of components in those cells using work handling
devices like robots, conveyors, AGV’s/ RGV’s, etc. (Cellular manufacture).
xi. Controlling engineering changes and maintaining associativity between design and manufacturing (PDM,
VPDM, concurrent associativity etc).
xii. Preparing programs to handle components or manipulate production equipment (like welding torches or
xiii. Preparing inspection programs including programs for CNC co-ordinate measuring machines [CNC CMM’s].

The exchange of graphic information has been advanced with increasing acceptance of Initial Graphics Exchange
Specification (IGES) and STEP.

6.2 Data Base

A data base can be defined as a collection of data in a single location designed to be used by different programmers
for a variety of applications. The term database denotes a common base of data collection designed to be used by
different programmers. More specifically it is a collection of logically related data stored together in a set of files
intended to serve one or more applications in an optimal fashion. Data are stored such that they are independent of the
data. A database must also have a predetermined structure and organization suitable for access, interpretation, or
processing either manually or automatically. A database not only stores the data but also provides several ways to
view the data depending upon the needs of the user. There are several classifications of data.

I. Physical data: These are data stored in the computer’s storage device. The volume of data required by a
manufacturing company is so large that secondary storage devices such as hard discs, tapes, CD-ROMs, and other
digital storage devices of several gigabyte capacities will be used.
II. Logical data: This indicates how a user views the physical data. The distinction between the physical data and the
corresponding logical view is that the user conceptualizes certain meaningful relationships among the physical data
elements. For example, we may have a set of items and quantities recorded in files. The logical view or
interpretation of these sets of data can be that the items represent components available in stores and that the
quantities recorded correspond to their inventory.
III. Data independence: Database management systems (DBMS) are used by the users to manage the physical data.
DBMS makes a distinction between the two namely, the user and the physical data. Changes in the organization of
physical data and or in the storage device parameters are absorbed by DBMS and therefore do not affect the user or
more accurately, the application program. This flexibility is absent in the traditional file systems.

6.3 Objectives of Database

A database serves the following objectives:
• Reduce or eliminate redundant data
• Integrate existing data
• Provide security
• Share data among users
• Incorporate changes quickly and effectively
• Exercise effective control over data
• Simplify the method of using data
• Reduce the cost of storage and retrieval of data
• Improve accuracy and integrity of data

7. The Beginning of CAM: Historical Background

A major contribution to this development was made by John Parsons who developed a technique to machine accurate
templates to manufacture helicopter blades. This involved calculating 200 points on a curve and drilling them on a
precision jig mill. He subsequently developed in 1948 a 3-D method of machining using ball end mill on a SIP jig
bore and a De Vlieg jig mill. The successive settings of the tool were determined using the IBM punched card reader.
Parsons was later entrusted with the development of a (NC) milling machine working on the same principle. The U S
Air Force was the funding agency for the NC development. Parsons found that card reader is too slow and approached
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to develop a tape reader and power drive for the proposed machine. The
collaboration between Parsons and M I T ran into difficulties later. U S Air force, then, awarded a contract to M I T.
The Servomechanisms Laboratory of M I T developed the first N C Machine in 1952. Giddings and Lewis, General
Electric and Bendix are the companies who took interest in developing NC technology,in its early years.
The development of the machine hardware and the programming technique called Automatic Positioning of Tools
(APT) was undertaken almost simultaneously at MIT. It must also be noted here that another project undertaken at that
time at M I T (Whirl Wind Project) led to development of Interactive Computer Graphics. This ultimately ledto the
development of CAD technology through stages like 2-D drafting, 3-D modeling, surface modeling, solid modeling
etc. The project to develop drives resulted in the development of DC variable speed drives. The first CNC system
developed at MIT used relays. Subsequent developments in electronics and VLSI design led to the development of
present generation CNC machines and computer aided manufacturing technology.
The efforts to integrate CAD and CAM and later all other activities connected with manufacture resulted in the
development of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. (CIM). It can be said that the path breaking development of John
Parsons is the beginning of the CIM technology.
Presently, all the NC machines produced are computer numerical control machines, as the NC system (or CNC
system) is designed and built around one or more microprocessors. CNC Machine tools now form a major part of
output of machine tools in advanced countries.


Development of CNC machines closely followed the developments in computer technology. Therefore the generations
of CNC technology bear a close resemblance to generations of digital computers.

First Generation: The control system of the first generation numerically controls machines was built with vacuum
tubes and associated devices. The system was bulky, consumed lot of power and reliability was poor.

Second Generation: Second Generation machines were built with transistors. The size of the control elements was
reduced. However, all the functions had to be realized through electronic circuits. The number of printed circuits
boards was large. Since there were thousands of components and connections involved, the reliability was again poor.

Third Generation: Third generation NC machines were built with integrated circuits. The IC’s with medium scale
integration improved the reliability of the system. Drive technology also made considerable progress. Thyristor
controlled DC drive become popular during this period. Reliable and compact DC controllers were developed both for
main drives and for the control of servomotors for axes feed drive.
The various logic functions in the early NC systems (during 50’s and 60’s) were realized through fixed circuitry and
hence were called hard-wired systems. The integration of minicomputers with NC machines that led to the
development of CNC machine tools was one of the two major significant developments during mid 60’s. Initially
minicomputers were interfaced with NC machine tools. This development helped to introduce the much needed
flexibility. From the totally hardwired design, the design of the NC machine tools became soft-wired. Instead of
reading and executing programs block by block it was now possible to store the program in the computer memory and
execute the program. Several limitations of the NC systems could also be overcome by CNC systems. Program editing
became much easier and several NC functions could be implemented in software. The other development was the
evolution the concept of Direct Numerical Control (DNC) technique by which several NC machine tools could be
controlled from a single computer. This technology enabled the NC user to by-pass the tape reader and control a
number of NC machine tools from a single computer. DNC system manufacturers also introduced the concept of NC
data transfer from a computer or remote station using telecommunication wires. A detailed description of DNC
systems is provided later in this chapter.

Fourth Generation: Towards the end of 70’s the computer design underwent changes and microprocessor came to be
used as the CPU of computers. This change also influenced the design of NC machines. The designers started
developing NC systems around microprocessors. This simplified the logic and control and design and instead of
PCB’s in the case of NC machines, the entire control could be implemented with just one PCB for CNC machines.
Initially 8 and 16 bit microprocessors were used. Later control systems with several processors (Multi-processing
Systems) were introduced. The reliability of the system was considerably improved. The developments in CNC
systems still continue.
Today many CNC systems are based on 32 bit as well as 64 bit microprocessors. Several personal computer based
CNC systems are also available in the market.

8. Numerical Control (NC):

Numerical control can be defined as a form of programmable automation in which process is controlled by numbers,
letters and symbols. In NC, the numbers form a program of instructions designed for a particular work part or job.
When job changes the program instruction are also changes. This capability to change a program for each new job
gives NC its flexibility.
NC machines are method of automation, where automation of medium and small volume production is done by some
controls under the instructions of a program. Various definitions of NC are :


A system in which actions are controlled by direct insertion of Numerical Data at some point. The system must
automatically interpret at least some portion of this data by Electronic Industries Association (EIA).

Numerical Control is defined as a form of software controlled automation, in which the process is controlled by
alphanumeric characters or symbols.

8.1 Basic components of an NC system

According to these definitions, a program is prepared which consists of blocks, blocks consisting of combination of
characters and numbers in sequence describing the position of the tool and job, the cutting speed and feed. The data
converted into coded instructions which are called a Part Program. As the job changes, the instructions of part
program are also changed. The other instructions which can be included may be for tool changing or coolant on and
off. It is easy to encode a new program than to change the machinery for flexibility, thus a rising the need of an NC
machine tool.

Numerical Control (NC) Machine Tool

The program or set of instructions, languages, punched cards, magnetic tape, punched paper tape and other such
information processing items are referred to as software. This software controls the sequence of movement of an NC.
That is why these numerical controls are sometimes called software controlled machines by NC lies entirely in the
programming. The programmer plans the operations and their sequence from seeing the drawing and writes
instructions in tabulated blocks of information, known as Part Program on a program manuscript. Then these
instructions are punched on the control tape. Tape reader reads the codes and sends it to Machine Control Unit, which
conversely converts them into the machine movements of machine tool.
Machine Control Unit (MCU)
NC machine tool has a main unit, which is known as Machine Control Unit, consists of some electronic hardware that
reads the NC programme, interprets it and conversely translates it for mechanical actions of the machine tool.
A typical Machine Control Unit may consist of the following units :
Input or Reader Unit
This unit consists of electro-mechanical devices used to collect the input from punched tape, cards, magnetic tape
and disk. Then drive it through the system under a reading head, interpret the coded information and collect it again
for reuse.
A block of information, consisting of words, is read from tape and stored into temporary memory called buffer.
One block may contain one complete set of instruction words in sequence. The function of this memory is to keep
on storing the next block of words when the machine is doing processing of previous block.
The function of the processor is to coordinate and control the functions of other units, by giving ready signals to
them at appropriate point of time.
Output Channels
The data stored in the memory is converted into actuation signal and supplied through output channels in the form
of pulses.
Control Panel
The control panel has the switches, indicators, Manual Data Input (MDI) and dials for providing information to the
Feedback Channels
Feedback channel is to check whether the operations are done in the way we want to, the feedback is sent through
feedback channels by position and velocity.


The MCU may be of three types:

Housed MCU
Machine Control Unit may be mounted on the machine tool or may be built in the casing of the machine.
Swing Around MCU
Machine Control Unit is directly mounted on the machine, which can swing around it and can be adjusted as per
requirement of the operator’s position.
Stand Alone MCU
Machine Control Unit is enclosed in a separate cabinet which is installed at some remote or same place near to the

Machine Tool
Machine tool is the main components of a numerical control system, which executes the operations. It may consist of
worktable, cutting tools, jigs and fixtures, motors for driving spindle and coolant and lubricating system. The latest
development in the numerical control machine tool is the versatile machining center. This is a single machine capable
of doing a number of operations such as milling, boring, drilling, reaming, and tapping by Automatic Tool Changer
(ATC) under the control of tool selection instruction.

8.2 Coordinate System

NC system can be classified on the number of directions of motion they are capable to control simultaneously on a
machine tool. Each free body has six degree of freedom, three positive or negative translations along x, y, and z-axis,
and three rotations clockwise or counter clockwise about these axes.
Commercial NC system is capable of controlling simultaneously two, two and half, three, four and five degrees of
freedom, or axes. The NC systems which control three linear translations (3-axis systems), or three linear translations
and one rotation of the worktable (4-axis systems) are the most common.

Coordinate System (Milling and Drilling Operations)

Coordinate System (Turning Operations)

8.3 Motions Control Systems

There are two basic types of control systems in numerical control, point-to-point and contouring.


In point-to-point system, also called positioning, each axis of the machine is driven separately by ball screw,
depending on the type of operation, at different velocities. The machine moves initially at maximum velocity in order
to reduce nonproductive time, but decelerates as the tool reaches its numerically defined position. Thus in an operation
such as drilling or punching, the positioning and cutting take place sequentially. The time required in the operation is
minimized for efficiency. Point-to-point systems are used mainly in drilling, punching, and straight milling operations.
In the contouring system, also known as the continuous path system, positioning and cutting operations are both
along controlled paths but at different velocities. Because the tool cuts as it travels along the path, accurate control and
synchronization of velocities and movements are important. The contouring system is used on lathes, milling
machines, grinders, welding machinery and machining centers.

8.3.1 Motor and Lead Screw Arrangement in a NC Positioning System

Converts the coordinates specified in the NC part program into relative positions and velocities between tool and
workpart during processing
Leadscrew pitch p - table is moved a distance equal to the pitch for each revolution
Table velocity (e.g., feed rate in machining) is set by the RPM of leadscrew

To provide x-y capability, a single-axis system is piggybacked on top of a second perpendicular axis

Two Basic Types of Control in NC

Open loop system: Operates without verifying that the actual position is equal to the specified position
Closed loop control system: Uses feedback measurement to verify that the actual position is equal to the specified

Motor and Lead Screw Arrangement in a NC Positioning System

8.4 Types of NC System

Machine controls are divided into three groups:

(a) Traditional numerical control (NC);

(b) Computer numerical control (CNC);
(c) Distributed numerical control (DNC).

The original numerical control machines were referred to as NC machine tool. They have “hardwired” control,
whereby control is accomplished through the use of punched paper (or plastic) tapes or cards. Tapes tend to wear, and
become dirty, thus causing misreading. Many other problems arise from the use of NC tapes, for example the need to
manual reload the NC tapes for each new part and the lack of program editing abilities, which increases the lead time.
The end of NC tapes was the result of two competing developments, CNC and DNC.

CNC refers to a system that has a local computer to store all required numerical data. While CNC was used to enhance
tapes for a while, they eventually allowed the use of other storage media, magnetic tapes and hard disks. The
advantages of CNC systems include but are not limited to the possibility to store and execute a number of large
programs (especially if a three or more dimensional machining of complex shapes is considered), to allow editing of
programs, to execute cycles of machining commands, etc.

The development of CNC over many years, along with the development of local area networking, has evolved in the
modern concept of DNC. Distributed numerical control is similar to CNC, except a remote computer is used to control
a number of machines. An off-site mainframe host computer holds programs for all parts to be produced in the DNC
facility. Programs are downloaded from the mainframe computer, and then the local controller feeds instructions to the
hardwired NC machine. The recent developments use a central computer which communicates with local CNC
computers (also called Direct Numerical Control).

9. Features of CNC
The brain of a CNC machine is the control system. This is designed around one or more of the advanced
microprocessors. Because of the advancement in the hardware technology, CNC systems are highly reliable with a
very high mean time between failures. Several control systems, which are dedicated to different families of machines,
are available today. Each model will have several variations to cater to the various requirements of machine tool
builders and users. Several new CNC systems are fitted with PC based CNC systems too. A CNC system can be fitted
to machine tools in order to effect control over several machine functions. In order to perform these functions, a CNC
system is characterized by a number of features. These functions can be broadly classified as follows:
i. Control system features
ii. Memory features
iii. Programming features
iv. PLC features
v. Diagnostic features

9.1 Control System Features

These features provide information about the characteristics of the CNC system and its capabilities. Important features
are given below:
9.1.1 Technology of System
Currently two types of architectures are being used in CNC systems
Single microprocessor architecture: In this type of system a 16, 32 or 64 bit microprocessor is used.
Multiprocessor architecture: This type of the architecture is widely used in many CNC systems today. The control
functions are carried out by a set of microprocessors, each doing an assigned task. This concept helps to implement
various functions faster. Both hardware and software structures are modular thereby enhancing the flexibility of the
9.1.2 Executive Program
The executive program contains the intelligence needed to carry out different tasks in CNC system. The executive
program is resident usually in EPROM/Bubble memory.
9.1.3 Other System Features
Other features of CNC system are:
• C R T display and alphanumeric keyboard
• Manual data input (M D I) and operator programming
• System resolution, ex: 0.1µm, 0.5 µm, 1 µm or 10 µm
• Feed and rapid traverse rates
• Spindle Speeds - directly programmable or through S codes
• Modes of operation like M D I, Single step, Auto etc.
• Operating controls like Jog, feedrate and spindle speed override, axis select switch, edit, reference, dry run, test
9.1.4 Axis Calibration
This is a very useful feature for obtaining higher positioning accuracy. The error in the pitch of the lead screw can be
compensated with this feature.
9.1.5 Reversal Error (Backlash) Compensation
Backlash is due to the play between the screw and nut. Backlash will cause lost motion when the slides are reversed.
Even pre-loaded ball screws may develop backlash in the course of time. This feature effects automatic compensation
every time the slide is reversed. Error due to backlash in the lead screw can thus be minimized.
9.1.6 Pitch Error Compensation


There are several classes of accuracy for ball screws. There will always be some error from pitch to pitch, however
accurate the screw may be. Pitch error will cause error in positioning as well as thread cutting. Hence there is a need to
compensate pitch error. The positioning errors that might arise due to error in pitch are compensated through software.
9.1.7 Tool Nose Radius Compensation
The radius of the tool will introduce positioning errors in contouring. This error is compensated by the tool nose radius
compensation function.
9.2 Memory Features


Some standard programming features include:
• Absolute/Incremental programming
• Decimal point programming
• Diameter/Radius Programming
• Linear, circular and helical interpolation
• Multiple part program storage
• Sequence number search
• Feed/min or feed/rev Programming
• Dwell programming (In block containing dwell code, there is no slide movement)
• Tool length and diameter compensation - The control has a storage area (tool buffer) for making modification to the
program due to errors in tool setting length and diameters
• Position preset.
9.3.1 Parametric Programming
Parameters are freely assigned by the control for the purpose of arithmetic calculation in a part program.
Trigonometric operations are also possible with R parameters.
9.3.2 Canned Cycles (Fixed Cycles)
This is a powerful control feature intended to shorten the length of the part program thereby conserving memory
space. Canned cycles are single block multi pass fixed cycles.
Examples: Canned cycles for rough turning and peck drilling in CNC Lathes. Canned cycles for drilling, boring and
tapping in machining centres.

9.4 Programmable Logic Controller

Programmable logic controller is a software oriented machine interface between the CNC system and machine tool
functions such as miscellaneous functions (coolant on / off, pallet operation, spindle speed functions (M00, M01,
M03, M04, etc) and tool functions). Signals from CNC to PLC are on /off type. The programmable logic controllers
available today are microprocessor-based units, which are integrated into the CNC system.

The programmable logic controllers have memory space to store interface programs.
Some of the common P L C features are listed below:
Number of inputs and outputs 24, 32, 48 etc., (Both analog and digital)
Memory capacity 4 k, 8 k etc.
High-speed microprocessor to execute sequence program processing time of the order of milliseconds
Software timers and counters
Data exchange between CNC and PLC

9.5 Diagnostic Features

The CNC systems have diagnostics features for faults or error conditions. Diagnostics are software programs, which
check the functioning of the CNC system at various levels.
The control system manufacturer gives detailed use and applications of these diagnostic programs. Diagnostics can be
grouped as follows:
i. Real time diagnostics
ii. On-line diagnostics
iii. Off-line diagnostics
Real Time Diagnostics:
D C power supply voltages, low voltage and real time clock are monitored. In case of failure of any one of these,
control system automatically assumes the emergency stop conditions and shuts down the drives.
On-line Diagnostics:
On-line diagnostics are active during machine operation. Diagnostic messages are either readable from C R T screen
or from LED Indicators. Program diagnostics detect programming errors. (Syntax, Parity etc.)
Off-line Diagnostics:
It is provided in the form of a CD-ROM or ROM board (PCB). Following a malfunction, the off-line diagnostic
programs are to be loaded which check the different areas of the system and respond with error codes / error
description on C R T Display. Diagnostics are very powerful features of CNC systems. To be productive, the system
should have a low MTTR (Mean Time to Repair).

Remote Diagnostics:
It is now possible to send diagnostic programs through Internet to check the errors in CNC Machines. This enables
manufacturers to locate faults even if the machine is located in a remote place in another country.

10. CNC software.

In machine tool applications, the task of programming the system is called NC part programming because the program
is prepared for a given part. It is usually accomplished by someone familiar with the metalworking process who has
learned the programming procedure for the particular equipment in the plant. For other processes, other terms may be
used for programming, but the principles are similar and a trained individual is needed to prepare the program.
Computer systems are used extensively to prepare NC programs.
Part programming requires the programmer to define the points, lines, and surfaces of the workpart in the axis system,
and to control the movement of the cutting tool relative to these defined part features. Several part programming
techniques are available, the most important of which are (1) manual part programming, (2) computer-assisted part
programming, (3) CAD/CAM-assisted part programming, and (4) manual data input.
Manual Part Programming For simple point-to-point machining jobs, such as drilling operations, manual
programming is often the easiest and most economical method. Manual part programming uses basic numerical data
and special alphanumeric codes to define the steps in the process. For example, to perform a drilling operation, a
command of the following type is entered:
N010 X70:0 Y85:5 F175 S500
Each ‘‘word’’ in the statement specifies a detail in the drilling operation. The n-word (n010) is simply a sequence
number for the statement. The x- and y-words indicate the x and y coordinate positions (x = 70.0 mm and y = 85.5
mm). The f-word and s-word specify the feed rate and spindle speed to be used in the drilling operation (feed
rate=175mm/min and spindle speed =500 rev/min). The complete NC part program consists of a sequence of
statements similar to the above command.

Computer-Assisted Part Programming Computer-assisted part programming involves the use of a high-level
programming language. It is suited to the programming of more complex jobs than manual programming. The first
part programming language was APT (Automatically Programmed Tooling), developed as an extension of the original
NC machine tool research and first used in production around 1960.
In APT, the part programming task is divided into two steps: (1) definition of part geometry and (2) specification of
tool path and operation sequence. In step 1, the part programmer defines the geometry of the workpart by means of
basic geometric elements such as points, lines, planes, circles, and cylinders. These elements are defined using APT
geometry statements, such as
P1 =POINT=25:0; 150:0
L1 =LINE=P1; P2


P1 is a point defined in the x-y plane located at x =25 mm and y =150 mm. L1 is a line that goes through points P1
and P2. Similar statements can be used to define circles, cylinders, and other geometry elements. Most workpart
shapes can be described using statements like these to define their surfaces, corners, edges, and hole locations.

Specification of the tool path is accomplished with APT motion statements. A typical statement for point-to-point
operation is
This directs the tool to move from its current location to a position defined by P1, where P1 has been defined by a
previousAPT geometry statement. Continuous path commands use geometry elements such as lines, circles, and
planes. For example, the command
directs the tool to go right (GORGT) along line L3 until it is positioned just past line L4 (of course, L4 must be a line
that intersects L3). Additional APT statements are used to define operating parameters such as feed rates, spindle
speeds, tool sizes, and tolerances. When completed, the part programmer enters the APT program into the computer,
where it is processed to generate low-level statements (similar to statements prepared in manual part programming)
that can be used by a particular machine tool.

CAD/CAM-Assisted Part Programming The use of CAD/CAM takes computer assisted part programming a step
further by using a computer graphics system (CAD/ CAM system) to interact with the programmer as the part
program is being prepared. In the conventional use of APT, a complete program is written and then entered into the
computer for processing. Many programming errors are not detected until computer processing. When a CAD/CAM
system is used, the programmer receives immediate visual verification when each statement is entered, to determine
whether the statement is correct. When part geometry is entered by the programmer, the element is graphically
displayed on the monitor. When the tool path is constructed, the programmer can see exactly how the motion
commands will move the tool relative to the part. Errors can be corrected immediately rather than after the entire
program has been written.
Interaction between programmer and programming system is a significant benefit of CAD/CAM-assisted
programming. There are other important benefits of using CAD/ CAM in NC part programming. First, the design of
the product and its components may have been accomplished on a CAD/CAM system. The resulting design database,
including the geometric definition of each part, can be retrieved by the NC programmer to use as the starting geometry
for part programming. This retrieval saves valuable time compared to reconstructing the part from scratch using the
APT geometry statements.
Second, special software routines are available in CAD/CAM-assisted part programming to automate portions of the
tool path generation, such as profile milling around the outside periphery of a part, milling a pocket into the surface of
a part, surface contouring, and certain point-to-point operations. These routines are called by the part programmer as
special macro commands. Their use results in significant savings in programming time and effort.

Manual Data Input Manual data input (MDI) is a method in which a machine operator enters the part program in the
factory. The method involves use of a CRT display with graphics capability at the machine tool controls. NC part
programming statements are entered using a menu-driven procedure that requires minimum training of the machine
tool operator. Because part programming is simplified and does not require a special staff of NC part programmers,
MDI is a way for small machine shops to economically implement numerical control into their operations.

11. Direct Numerical Control and Distributed Numerical Control.

Early NC machines used a tape reader for storing and inputting the program into the memory of the NC machine tool.
Because of the unreliability of the tape reader as well as the low speed of operation NC engineers were searching for a
suitable alternative. The advent of CNC in mid-sixtees opened up the possibility of improving the performance of
NC machines by interfacing them with minicomputers. Yet another significant technological development was the
interfacing of several NC machines with a computer, which can store the part programs and transfer them to the NC
machine concerned as and when needed. The computer is connected between the tape reader and the NC machine
thereby by passing the tape reader. This system was therefore called as behind the tape reader system (BTR). This
development became very popular with NC machine users because of a number of significant advantages.
i. A number of NC machines can be connected to a single computer. In many cases a single computer can manage
all the machines on a shop floor.
ii. Programs in full or in segments can be transferred to the NC machines in a multiplexing mode.
iii. The computer can be conveniently used for program editing.
iv. Since the computer has large memories there is no limitation on the number or size of programs stored.
v. The computer can be used for other tasks like program creation using computer aided part program generation
software as well as for operation management tasks like production planning, scheduling etc.



DNC System

12. Applications
Computer numerical control is applied to a variety of machines. Most of these find ready application in aircraft,
automobile and general engineering industry. Some of them are listed below:
1. Machining Centre
a. Horizontal
b. Vertical
c. Universal
2. CNC Lathes
3. CNC Turning Centres
4. Turn-mill Centres
5. CNC Milling/Drilling Machines, Plane Milling Machines
6. Gear Hobbing Machines
7. Gear Shaping Machines
8. Wire Cut EDM/EDM
9. Tube Bending
10. Electron Beam Welding
11. Co-ordinate Measuring Machines
12. Grinding Machines
a. Surface Grinder
b. Cylindrical Grinder
c. Centreless Grinder
13. Tool and Cutter Grinder
14. CNC Boring and Jig Boring Machines
15. PCB Drilling Machines
16. Press Brakes
17. CNC Guillotines
18. CNC Transfer Lines, SPM’s
19. Electrochemical Milling Machines
20. Abrasive Water Jet Cutting Machines
21. Flow Forming Machines
22. Roll Forming Machines
23. Turret Punch Press

13. Advantages and Disadvantages of NC

The major advantages of NC over conventional methods of machine control are as follows :
Higher Precision
NC machine tools are capable of machining at very close tolerances, in some operations as small as 0.005 mm.
Better Quality
NC systems are capable of maintaining constant working conditions for all parts in a batch thus ensuring less spread of
quality characteristics.
Higher Productivity
NC machine tools reduce drastically the non machining time. Adjusting the machine tool for a different product is as
easy as changing the computer program and tool turret with the new set of cutting tools required for the particular part.
Multi-operational Machining


Some NC machine tools, for example machine centers, are capable of accomplishing a very high number of machining
operations thus reducing significantly the number of machine tools in the workshops.
Low Operator Qualification
The role of the operation of a NC machine is simply to upload the work piece and to download the finished part. In
some cases, industrial robots are employed for material handling, thus eliminating the human operator.
Less Time
An easy adjustment of the machine, adjustment requires less time.

14. Adaptive control of machining system

Adaptive control system is a logical ex tension of the CNC-mechanism. In CNC mechanism the cutting speed and feed
rates are prescribed by the part programmer. The determination of these operating parameters depends on the
Knowledge and experience regarding the work piece, tool materials, coolant conditions and other factors. By contrast
in adaptive control machining, there is improvement in the production rate and reduction in the machining cost as a
result of calculating and setting of optimal parameters during machining. This calculation is based on measurements
of process variables in real time and followed by a subsequent on-line adjustments of the parameters subjected to
machining constraints in order to optimize the performance of the overall system.
Adaptive control possesses attributes of both feedback control and optimal control. Like a feedback system
measurements are taken on certain process variables. Like an optimal system, an overall measure of performance is
used. In adaptive control, this measure is called the index of performance (IP). The feature that distinguishes adaptive
control from other two types is that an adaptive system is designed to operate in a time varying environment. It is not
usual for a system to exist in environments that change over the course of time. An adaptive control system is
designed to operate for the changing environment by monitoring its performance and altering accordingly, some
aspects of its control mechanism to achieve optimal or near optimal routine. The feedback and optimal systems
operate in a known or deterministic environment. If the environment changes significantly, these systems might not
respond in the manner intended by the designer. On the other hand, the AC system evaluates the environment, more
accurately. It evaluates its performance within the environment and makes the necessary changes in its control
characteristics or if possible, to optimize its performance.
14.1 Where to Use Adaptive Control
One of the principal reasons for using NC is that it reduces the non-productive time in a machining operation. This
time saving is achieved by reducing such elements as work piece handling time, set up for job, tool changes and other
sources of operator and machine delay.
1. Adaptive control is not suitable for every machining situation. In general, the following characteristics can be
used to identify situations where adaptive control can be beneficially applied. The in-process time consumes a
significant portion of the machining cycle time.
2. There are significant sources of variability in the job for which AC can compensate.
3. The cost of operating the machine tool is high.
4. The typical jobs involve steels, titanium and high strength alloys.


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