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These are definition of transportation tools.

Please write the given names of transportation to

the most proper definition. Monorail, parachute and unicycle.
1. ______________is a vehicle that touches the ground with only one wheel. The most
common variation has a frame with a saddle, and has a pedal-driven direct drive.
2. ______________is a railroad in which the track consists of a single rail, typically
elevated, with the trains suspended from it or balancing on it.
3. ______________is a device used to slow the motion of an object through an
atmosphere by creating drag. Parachutes are usually made out of light, strong fabric,
originally silk, now most commonly nylon.

Complete the sentences with the given words. Jet pack, floating scateboard, microlight and
4. You don’t need to know how to fly a plane if you want to use the___________.
5. You need to know to land when you use a_____________.

Write T (True) for the true sentence and F (False) for the false sentence according to the
How people will get around
Hi, i am Teguh. Of course we don’t know how people will get around in the future, but i
think there’ll be a big changes. I think people will move around without polluting the air and
transport will be a lot of safer than it is today. Cars, for example, will be emission-free, and
they’ll be driverless because a computer will drive these cars of the future. There won’t be
any accidents.
Tell me what you think!
6. In the fiture, people will pollute the air when they travel.
7. Cars will be emission-free.

Read the text below and answer the question!

A problem for Patrick
Phoebe and Alex read the instructions very carefully. They were both a bit nervous, but they
understood how to fly the jet packs now. Phoebe looked up at the sky, but she couldn’t see
Patrick anywhere. “OK”, she said. “1, 2, 3 – go!” Alex and Phoebe pressed the yellow button
and up they went. It was an amazing feeling as they went higher and higher.
8. How did Phoebe and Alex feel about flying the jet packs?
Look at the pictures and answer the question!

9. How is gondola different from others? Explain in 3 to 5 sentences!


10. The history of creating cars is long. It need, at least, two centuries to build up car from
the propelled car until the people feel worry about the air polution. Look at the short
history below and then match them, in order to, make order story based on the true
1769 The first speed limits
1801 The world’s biggest motor company begins
1865 The first UK steam cars
1896 Pollution control
1903 The first self-propelled car
1965 The first motor car death

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