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Kanji Meaning Romaji

購買 Purchase koubai
約定 Bond, agreement, contract yakujyou
部門 Department bumon
権限 Power, Authority, Jurisdiction kengen
与える to give, to present, to award ataeru
購買注文書 Purchase order sheet koubai chuubunsho
注文書 Purchase order, Order form, Order note chuubunsho
注文 Order chuumon
要求 Demand, requisition youkyuu
法人 Corporate body, corporate person, corporation houjin
編集作業 Editing work henshuu sagyou
処理 Transaction shori
請求書 Invoice seikyuusho
更新 Renewal, update koushin
正確 Accurate seikaku
借方残高勘定 Debit balance calculation karikatazandakakanjyou
経過期間 transitional period keikakikan
年齢 Aging nenrei
回収 collection kaishuu
準備金 reserve fund jyunbikin
用意 preparation youi
海外通貨 Foreign currency kaigaitsuuka
負債 Liabilities fusai
当該期間 Applicable time limit tougaikikan
提供 offer teikyou
為替 currency exchange kawase
変換 conversion, transformation henkan
為替相場 exchange rates kawase souba
変動 fluctuation hendou
評価額 Estimated value hyoukagaku
損益計算書 income statement sonekikeisansho
計上 summing up keijyou
仮勘定 suspense account karikanjyou
残高 balances zandaka
毎四半期 Every quarter maishihanki
債務 Liabilities saimu
実際に Actually Jissaini
支払い Payment shiharai
経理 Accounting keiri
AP担当者 Ap person Ap tantousha
修正 modification, correction shuusei
支払金額 payment total shiharai kingaku
金額 Total kingaku
差額 Difference sagaku
調整勘定 account adjustment chouseikanjyou
記帳する make an entry, update one's bankbook kichou suru
管理する administrate, manage, check kanri suru
適宜管理 Proper management tekigikanri
中間面 interface chuukanmen
共通 common kyoutsuu
有効性 validity yuukousei
検査する check out, examine, check up kensa suru
取引先 customer torihikisaki
管理表 Management report kanrihyou
出力 Output shutsuryoku
内容 content, Matter naiyou
精査する examine carefully, fully examine seisasuru
承認を受ける receive the approval shounin o ukeru
検索 Search, find kensaku
順次 in order jyunji
相殺する offsetting each other, balance out, cancel sousai suru
見込み chance, hope, possibility, expectation mikomi
認める admit, accept, agree mitomeru
返金 repayment, pay back, refund henkin
要請する request, appeal yousei suru
事項 item, particular jikou
不可能 impossibility fukanou
償却 depreciation, charge off, amortization shoukyaku
勘定 account, calculation kanjyou
定期的に periodically, regularly, on a regular basis teikitekini
証拠 proof, evidence, witness shouko
経過する pass off, elapse keikasuru
確認する confirm, verify kakunin suru
含む contain, include,comprise fukumu
回収不能 non recoverable, uncollectible kaishuufunou
計算 calculation, counting, working out keisan
特定の particular, specific tokuteino
負債額 amount of debt fusaigaku
記録 record, register kiroku
関係 relation, connection kankei
取引 Transaction torihiki
外貨 Foreign currency gaika
会計帳簿 account book, accounting record, financial book kaikeichouba
別途登録 special entry betto touroku
自動的に automatically jidoutekini
換算する convert kansan suru
単位 unit tani
変更 change, modification henkou
為替換算 exchange conversion kawase kansan
差額 balance amount, difference sagaku
損益 profit and loss soneki
自動記帳 automatic entry jidoukichou
勘定残高明細 account balance details kanjyou zandaka meisai
使用 use shiyou
月末残高 monthly balance getsumatsu zandaka
精算 reset total, adjustment seisan
勘定決済 account settlement kanjyoukessan
存在 being, existence sonzai
一時的に temporarily ichijitekini
未払費用 accrued liability, outstanding expenses miharaihiyou
別途 special betto
広告宣伝費 advertisement expenses koukokusendenhi
包括契約 inclusive contract houkatsukeiyaku
到着次第 as soon as one arrives touchakushidai
伝票 check, expense sheet, form denpyou
添付 attach, append tenpu
未満 under, below miman
低い low, short hikui
重要性 importance, significance jyuuyousei
適宜債務 proper liabilities, proper debt tekigisaimu
物品 goods buppin
受領書 receipt jyuryousho
送付 delivery soufu
要件 requirement youken
繰り戻す carry back kurimodosu
その際は in that case sonosaiwa
適切な to the point, appropriate tekisetsuna
確立する consolidate, build up, establish kakuritsu suru
現在 now, presently genzai
可能性 possibility, capability kanousei
会計期間 accounting period, financial period kaikeikikan
確実に absolutely, certainly kakujitsuni
処理手順 proceedures shoritejyun
銀行 bank ginkou
送信 sending, transmission soushin
口座情報 account information kouzajyouhou
口座 account kouza
再調査 follow up, reexamination, review saichousa
依頼 request irai
電話料金 telephone fee denwa ryoukin
都度 in each case, each tsudo
照合する check off, check up, check shougou
発行する bring out, publish, issue hakko suru
小切手 cheque kogitte
調査する inquire, investigate, check, find out chousasuru
紛失する be missing funshitsu
発注 promotion, shipping order, order placement, order hacchuu
契約 contract, agreement keiyaku
締結 conclusion teiketsu
遡及 retroaction, retroactivity sokyuu
価格 cost, figure kakaku
訂正 correction, rectification teisei
購買部門 purchasing department koubaibumon
担当部門 charge section tantoubumon
通知する advertise, inform, give notice tsuuchisuru
首尾一貫した consistent shubiikkanshita
業務 service, operation, practice gyoumu
正式な authoritative seishiki
書面 sheet shomen
与信制度 credit system yoshinseido
現状 present conditions genjyou
運用 operation unyou
指示 assignment, designation shiji
反映 reflection hanei
満たす to satisfy, fill, fulfill mitasu
信用基準 credit standard shinyou kijyun
会社 company kaisha
損失 loss, cost, detriment sonshitsu
守る cover, preserve, protect mamoru
初回出荷 initial shipment shokaishukka
顧客 customer kokyaku
信頼 reliance shinrai
情報源 source of information jyouhougen
設定する configure, install, set up settei suru
抜粋 abstract, extract bassui
信用 trust, confidence, credit shinyou
認可する give approval, give license, approve ninka
判断する judge, decide, conclude handan suru
過去 the past kako
受ける catch, receive ukeru
売掛金 account receivable urikakekin
累積額 accumulated amount ruisekigaku
越える get across, cross over koeru
作成 create sakusei
超過分 excess, surplus choukabun
信用枠 credit line shinyouwaku
記載する describe, list, mention kisai suru
留保する reserve, retain ryuuho suru
架空 fictitious kakuu
二重 doubleness futae
無効 invalidation, invalidity mukou
回収 collection kaishuu
開始する start, beginning, inauguration kaishi suru
施設 establishment, service, facility shisetsu
移動する move over, transfer, shifting idou suru
材料 ingredient, material zairyou
車両 car, compartment sharyou
書類 document, materials shorui
事前に beforehand jizen
連番 sequence number, serial renban
調整 regulation, adjustment chousei
示す indicate shimesu
転記する memory transfer tenki suru
正当な reasonable, rightful seitouna
数量 quantity, figure suuryou
財務 finance, treasury zaimu
実地棚卸 Actual inventory jicchi tanaoroshi
人員 personnel, manpower jinin
計画 plan, schedule, project keikaku
年間 per annum, for the year, year nenkan
中間 interlevel, intermediate term chuukan
入荷 arrival of goods nyuuka
部品 parts buhin
在庫 backlog, stock zaiko
停止 stoppage, stop teishi
頻度 frequency, repetition hindo
関する to concern, to be related kansuru
予定通り as planned yoteidoori
継続的に continuously, without interruption keizokutekini
在庫会議 stock meeting zaiko kaigi
議事録 conference minutes, proceeding, records of meeting gijiroku
入手する acquire, obtain, receive nyuushu suru
在庫方法 stock method zaiko houhou
方法に here and there, everywhere houhouni
遵守 observance jyunshu
比例 proportion hirei
現実的な realistic, practical genjitsutekina
許容差 allowance kyoyousa
許可する give approval, give permission, permit kyoka suru
拒否する refuse, reject kyohi suru
基準 standard kijyun
基準値 standard value kijyunchi
差異 difference sai
説明可能な explicable setsumei kanouna
得失 advantages and disadvantages tokushitsu
会議終了 conference is over kaigishuuryou
準拠 compliance jyunkyo
是正措置 corrective measure, correction measures zesei sochi
正確性 strictness seikakusei
図る plan hakaru
恒久的 permanently koukyuuteki
解決 solution, resolution, decision kaiketsu
根本原因 primary cause konbongenin
定義 definition teigi
再発防止 preventative measure saihatsuboushi
文書化 documentation monjyoka
手順 procedure, methodology tejyun
実施 enforcement jisshi
対象 coverage, target, subject taishou
明確 clarify, define meikaku
設置 establishment, set setchi
理由 reason, account riyuu
影響 influence, effect, impact eikyou
理解 understanding rikai
数える number, count kazoeru
社内手続き company internal procedure shanaitetsuduki
組み立て assembly, framing, make up kumitate
確かめる check, confirm, verify, look tashikameru
直前 right before chokuzen
直後 right after chokugo
出荷 shipping shukka
除外 deselection, exception jyogai
顕著 prominence kencho
区別 differentiation, distinction kubetsu
初回 first time shokai
編集 book making, compilation henshuu
以外 with the exception of igai
時期 age, season jiki
明細 breakdown meisai
電子 electron denshi
職務分掌 segregation of duties shokumu bunshou
受入 acceptance ukeire
報告書 transaction, account record houkokusho
明記 clear notification meiki
兼任 combination of offices kennin
製造 production, fabrication seizou
品質 caliber, quality hinshitsu
認識 acknowledgment ninshiki
懸念 common concern kenen
速やかに immediately, rapidly sumiyaka
元帳 ledger, account book motochou
選択 preference, adoption, selection sentaku
毎回 each time maikai
異なる two different things kotonaru
手続き proceedure, step tetsuduki
輸送中 in transit yusouchuu
滞納 default of payment tainou
制御 control seigyo
盗難 property loss tounan
堅牢な robust kenrouna
厳しい crucial, cruel kibishii
生産 manufacturing, production seisan
倉庫 godown,storage plant, depository of goods souko
非生産 non-production hiseisan
設ける set up, establish moukeru
一覧表 catalog ichiranhyou
固定資産 Fixed assets koteishisan
保有 tenure, retention, maintenance hoyuu
取得 acquisition shutoku
責任 responsibility sekinin
分離 segrigation bunri
組織役割表 organization responsibility chart soshikiyakuwarihyou
追加 addition tsuika
新規 new shinki
既存 existing kison
大幅 deep, drastic oohaba
予算 Estimated value yosan
超過 over run chouka
保証 warranty, assurance hoshou
健全な sound, healthy kenzen
分析 analysis bunseki
全体に entirely zentaini
一貫性 consistency ikkansei
指針 guideline, indicator shishin
内部統制 internal control naibu tousei
要件 requirement youken
規定 regulation kitei
業務慣習 Business practices gyoumu kanshuu
整備 maintenance, development seibi
最低限 minimum saiteigen
各部署 each department kakubusho
要素 elements youso
検証する validate the evidence kenshousuru
掲示 billing, notice keiji
報告 reporting houkoku
方法 methods houhou
沿う along sou
雇用 Employment koyou
時間 amount of time jikan
給与額 payroll kyuuyogaku
時給 hourly pay jikyuu
賃金 wage chingin
福利 welfare fukuri
厚生 public welfare kousei
補助 subsidiary hojyou
失業 unemployment shitsugyou
給付 benefits package kyuufu
残業費 overtime expenses zangyouhi
月次 monthly tsukinami
見直し revision minaoshi
準拠する to comply jyuunkyo suru
勤怠表 working management table kintaihyou
対応する corresponding taiyou suru
提出 presentation teishutsu
詳細 detail shousai
財務分析 financial analysis zaimubunseki
用件 business youken
職務権限 administrative authority shokumukengen
残留価値 residual value zanryuukachi
効果 effect, result kouka
度合い degree, level doai
裏付 proof, support, evidence uraduke
資料 materials, data shiryou
主要な shuyou major
提案する propose, suggested teian suru
潜在的 potential senzaiteki
構築する build up, establish kouchiku
存在する existing, remain in existence sonzai suru
軽減する reduce,diminish keigen
形式 form, format keishiki
統一 unification, consolidation touitsu
合致する conforming, correspond gacchisuru
適宜 accordingly tekigi
市場 market shijyou
真正な bona fide, true and correct shinseina
申請 application shinsei
標準 standard hyoujyun
会計指針 Accounting guidelines kaikeishishin
年次 annual nenji
責任者 responsible party, responsible official sekininsha
要求事項 claims postulated youkyuujikou
方針 objective, policy houshin
既存 existing kison
活動 action, movement, effort katsudou
法人組織 corporation body, business council houjinsoshiki
部署 one's post of duty, unit busho
内部報告 Internal reporting naibuhoukoku
作業指示書 Work instruction, operating instructions sagyoushijisho
見積書 Bill of estimation, estimation sheet mitsumorisho
会計指針 Accounting guidelines kaikeishishin

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