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CPT 1082

Asas Rekabentuk Produk

is a visual language,

and as with any language,

there are elements that go

together to form more

structured forms of


In sketching or drawing,

we use line as one of

the most basic components

in visual communication.

Line does not exist in reality,

but it is a mere representation

of the edge of an object.

Before you begin, remember to relax.

There’s nothing worse than sketching when stressed out.

Stress will kill your creativity, and the natural flow of things.

Sketches Process

Understanding an assignment.

There are more writing that sketching.

A focus is examining problems and

analysing the content.

thumbnail sketches
IDEATION sketches 

Sketches that are created by

designers while developing an

idea of a product.

-­‐  This  type  of  sketches  is  best  during  brainstorm  session.  
-­‐  Producing  a  real  shape  /  form  of  the  product  with  exploring  a  basic  shape/form  with  the  
adapta<on  of  organic  or/with  symmetric  shape.  Something  roughly  made  without  ideas.  
-­‐  Transferring/  transla<ng  an  analysed  research  data  (Analysis)  into  2D  sketch  
-­‐  Minimum  of  5-­‐10  ideas  
Quality of line

Lines come in different thicknesses or weights. Depending on the tool you’re using, you may get a heavier or lighter line.

Line weight is a means of using heavier lines to bring important details to the “forefront” or attention of the viewer of a sketch.

Proper use of line weights or thickness when sketching, can help you
communicate important details such as overlap and depth.

Lines can communicate

01 different qualities as well.

Gestural lines may be used to

communicate feeling or emotion, or merely 02
add interest to a sketch.

03 Contour lines communicate

Gesture + Lost/Implied Lines + Contour Lines form.

Construction lines combined with

heavier lines show the makeup of the 04
form you are drawing.

Varied Line Weight + Contour Lines

Construction Lines
With a combination of lines in
succession, shape is formed.

Shape is a two dimensional representation of form, and typically represents a

view of the subject in an orthographic projection.

I Simply put, it’s the outline of an object.

Form is then simply represented using lines in perspective along with

elements such as contour lines, shadow, and shading, to show depth,
breadth, and height.

Proper use of perspective along with the aforementioned techniques in a two

dimensional medium, will allow you to create compelling three dimensional
forms while sketching.

I Always warm up and practice drawing lines with your shoulder.

Drawing with the shoulder allows you to have optimal control
through the entire stroke, and will lead to cleaner lines.
Thank you

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