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My name is Dwi Fitri Wulandari, I am a midwifery student in Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang.

Representative student of Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang for pemilihan mahasiswa berprestasi
poltekkes kemenkes 2018.

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a degenerative disease that increases every year in countries around
the world. According to the ​International Diabetic Federation (IDF, 2015) ​the global
prevalence rate of DM patients by ​2014 is 8.3%​ of the total population in the world and has
increased​ in 2014 to ​387 million cases​. According to WHO Globally, diabetics are estimated to
be ​422 million​ adults by ​2014​, compared to 1
​ 08 million in 1980. ​This represents a significant
increase from ​4.7% to 8.5%​ in the adult population.
Indonesia is a countrysequence of ​7​ with a ​patients with DM​ number of ​8.5 million​ people,
after China, India, USA, Brazil, Russia and Mexico.
Women are more at risk of DM because they are physically women because they have a
greater chance of increasing their body mass index. According to the International of Diabetic
Federation (IDF, 2017). It is estimated that there are ​204 million women (20-79 years)​ living
with diabetes. This amount is projected to increase to ​308 million by 2045​, one in three women
with diabetes is of reproductive age.
Indonesia is also experiencing the same thing as the world research data, the data in
Riskesdas​ in ​2013​ describes the proportion of people with diabetes mellitus in women have a
higher incidence than in men, from the data obtained was​ 5.6%​ in men and ​7.7%​ in women, if
the estimated population of Indonesia ​aged 15 years and over​ in ​2013​ is ​176.689.336 people​,
then ​the absolute number​ of ​people with diabetes mellitus​ about ​12 million people​.

Diabetes mellitus that attacks pregnancy more commonly referred to as gestational diabetes
mellitus (DMG) is ​a carbohydrate intolerance​ that occurs during pregnancy progresses.
Incidence of ​DMG,​has experienced an increase in ​sver the6-8 years​ lastand it is linked to ​the
According to the ​International of Diabetic Federation (IDF, 2017)​ By ​2017​ there are ​21.3
million​ or ​16.2%​ of live births have some form of ​hyperglycemia in pregnancy​. It is estimated
that ​85.1% is​ due to​ gestational diabetes​. Diabetes in pregnancy is still a thing to be
overcome, so it will not affect the live birth.
Efforts to help overcome the ​problem of diabetes mellitus​ that is necessary to regulate ​blood
sugar ​to be in ​normal conditions. One strategy is to consume food at least raise blood
sugar but gives a sense of satiety
In general, foods that ​raise blood glucose levels​ ​quickly​ have a ​high Glycemic​Index,while
food raises blood sugar levels slowly have a low Glycemic Index.
Parboiled rice​ can be used as one of healthy food alternative.
The processing of parboiled rice is quite easy and reaches all people, because I realize that
staple food in Indonesia is rice, and regular rice has high ​Glycemic Index​ .processing is
Parboiled Rice​ intended in addition to avoiding damage to nutrient content as well as to lower
the Glycemic Index of the rice produced. The process involves soaking dried grain milled in
warm water with a certain temperature for 2-4 hours, steaming for 20 minutes, drying, and finally
rolling into Parboiled rice. It is very easy because the tools and materials used are also available
in all circles of society.

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