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424 DOI: 10.1002/maco.200805141 Materials and Corrosion 2009, 60, No.

Influence of turbulent flow on the corrosion of

Al-Zn-Mg galvanic anode in artificial
seawater media
M. C. Quevedo and J. Genesca*

The effect of hydrodynamics on the corrosion of Al(14 wt%)- rate. The effect of increasing the rotation rate is to increase the avail-
Zn(8 wt%)-Mg alloy in artificial seawater media at room tempera- ability of oxygen at the surface, which in turn will polarize the corrosion
ture was studied in a rotating cylinder electrode (RCE) system under reaction in the more noble direction. The corrosion rate also increases
turbulent flow conditions. Five different rotation rates were studied: 100, with increase in RCE rotation rate. This reflects the fact that the rate of
1000, 3000, 5000, and 7000 rpm. The corrosion rates were measured by corrosion is controlled, at least in part, by the rate of mass transfer. In this
electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). For the system studied, case, the effect of increase in the rotation rate on the corrosion rate is to
the steady-state corrosion potential increased with increase in rotation increase the interfacial concentration of the reactant (oxygen).

1 Introduction state, typically only the propellers and small regions on the
hull where the coatings may not be adequate (including small
Aluminum anodes have long been used in the fight against breaks in the paint, which are referred to as paint holidays)
corrosion. Applications for aluminum anodes include ship require protection.
hulls, tank interiors, offshore structures, submerged pipe- Whereas ships propellers are normally very well
lines, piers, pilings, etc. Aluminum alloy is the only anode protected, the hull near propellers is not fully protected.
material that is safe for use in all types of water. It is lighter Additionally, in typical propellers operating in ships in
and protects better than zinc. Some other advantages of service, the Reynolds number is ordinarily of sufficient
aluminum are: magnitude so that turbulent flow occurs about the propeller
services. Then it seems necessary to perform corrosion
research under turbulent flow conditions. Accordingly,
 Due to the fact that the capacity of aluminum (2700 A-h/ hydrodynamic factors are to be taken into account in the
Kg) is almost 3.5 times higher than zinc (780 A-h/kg) total analysis of the kinetics of galvanic anodes degradation. Mass
amount of required anode material is less. This results in a transfer and surface shear effects may have a profound effect
cheaper cathodic protection (CP) system to that given by on the rate of anode degradation, either by modifying the rate
Zn with an equal protection level. of transport of chemical species to or from the surface or by
 As a total weight of anode material for a system using shear-stripping protective films from the alloy/solution
aluminum is less compared to a system using zinc anodes, interface. As a result, an accurate simulation of corrosion
the installation costs for a system using aluminum anodes phenomena that occur in the propeller environments can be
will also be less. made in the laboratory only if the hydrodynamic effects are
 In brackish water, aluminum anodes work more efficiently taken into account.
than zinc, due to the higher driving voltage of aluminum. The effect of fluid velocity on the corrosion rate of metals
in condensed media is a very well-known issue. The
Recently the Al-Zn-Mg alloy has been pointed out as a corrosion of metals and alloys in condensed media involves
promising alloy system to be studied due to its low electrode at least three fundamental steps:
potential and high current capacity to be used as galvanic
anode [1,2]. 1. Transport of the reactant to the metal surface.
Understanding how CP works on ships involves con- 2. Electron exchange resulting in metal loss.
sideration of the ship as an electrochemical system. Cathodes 3. Transport of the corrosion products from the surface to the
(hull/propeller) are protected regions, and anodes are either bulk solution.
discrete small pieces of sacrificial metal or electron source
points dispersed along the underwater hull at various Because the three steps occur in series, any one of them
intervals. For a ship at sea, the wetted surface area of the can control the rate of the overall process. Accordingly, it is
hull and the appendages (like bilge keel, rudder, and necessary to take into account both charge transfer and mass
propeller) are the cathodes that require CP. In a new hull transfer phenomena when describing the corrosion of metals
in aqueous solutions.

J. Genesca, M. C. Quevedo In this context, we present in this paper the first results
Departamento Ingenieria Metalurgica, Facultad Quimica, obtained concerning the effect that turbulent flow has on the
UNAM, Ciudad Universitaria, 04510 México D.F. (Mexico) corrosion kinetics and mechanism of Al-Zn-Mg galvanic
E-mail: anodes recently developed for marine applications. ß 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Materials and Corrosion 2009, 60, No. 6 Influence of turbulent flow on the corrosion of Al-Zn-Mg galvanic anode 425

2 Experimental 3 Results and discussion

Al, Zn, and Mg elements of commercial purity (99.5%), 3.1 Microstructure

previously weighed, were placed into a SiC crucible and
melted into a resistance furnace under an argon protective The microstructure observed in chill-cast ingots consisted
atmosphere. The liquid melt was gravity cast into a steel chill mainly of a-Al dendrites and the eutectic a þ t in
mold. The selected alloy composition was chosen in such interdendritic regions, following the dendritic arms [1], as
way that it lies between the maximum concentration of solute shown in Fig. 1. The microstructure was revealed by etching
at equilibrium (Ceeqmax ) and in the a þ t field, as indicated in the samples in a solution containing 10 g of NaOH in 90 mL
the phase diagram [3]. The alloy composition of as-cast of distilled water. Figure 1 shows the microstructure
ingots was determined by emission spectroscopy analysis, observed in the optical microscope corresponding to the
and the results are shown in Table 1. The resulting ingots, as-cast condition. The eutectic was identified by micro-
2 kg of weight approximately, were cut out in sections analysis. Figures 2 and 3 show the microstructure and
parallel to the heat flow. The samples were observed under energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) microanalysis of the as-cast
optical (Zeiss-Olympus) and scanning electron (Jeol JSM and heat-treated ingots, respectively.
5900 LB) microscopes. Finally, a heat treatment at 400 8C
during 5 h under an argon protective atmosphere was
realized. 3.2 Electrochemical behavior
EIS measurements were conducted by using a Gill AC
potentiostat from ACM Instruments over a frequency range The RCE has been used extensively in corrosion research
of 10 kHz to 10 mHz (10 points per decade) superimposing a because of the fact that the flow is essentially turbulent even
10 mV AC signal. Potentiodynamic polarization curves were at very low rotational velocities [7,8]. The critical Reynolds
carried out with a Gill AC potentiostat at a sweep rate of number, Re, for the transition from laminar to turbulent flow
60 mV/min. lies within the range 50–300 for a smooth laboratory RCE
The aqueous solution was synthetic seawater prepared [9]. The RCE provides a relatively large surface area and is
according to ASTM D1141 standard [4]. All experiments well suited to turbulent flow laboratory studies of corrosion.
were performed at atmospheric pressure (Mexico City) and In the laminar flow regime (Re < 50), the Sherwood number,
room temperature, 20 8C. All the experiments were carried Sh, was found to be constant (Sh ¼ 37) and was independent
out in triplicate to check the reproducibility of the results. of Re. For turbulent flow (Re > 300), the mass transfer rate
Because the experimental error of the series was minimum, was correlated as
we only presented a plot of the three similar plots obtained.
The conventional three-electrode system was used. The
RCE, Pine Instrument model AFMSRX was used to simulate Sh ¼ 0:97Re0:64 (1)
turbulent flow conditions. Different rotation speeds such as
100, 1000, 3000, 5000, and 7000 rpm were tested. The open
circuit potential, Ecorr, was measured for 45 min approxi- In the present work, the range from 100 to 7000 rpm was
mately before each polarization run. selected as the peripheral velocity of the rotating electrode
Potentiodynamic polarization curves were obtained by giving a Re number between 754 and 52 800. Eisenberg et al.
first sweeping the voltage at a scan rate of 1 mV/s from the [10] showed that in the range of 103 < Re > 105 equation (2)
corrosion potential into the cathodic region. This sweep rate is a straight-line approximation over a more-limited Re
was selected as the fastest possible so that any further number range.
decrease in the sweep rate does not significantly change the
current measured. All electrochemical tests were carried out
on clean samples and in freshly prepared solutions.
An airtight three-electrode electrochemical cell was used,
as described previously [5]. The working electrode (WE) was
machined from the parent material, the as-cast Al alloy ingot
and had a diameter of 1.2 cm and an exposure area of
3.071 cm2. The counter electrode was a rod of sintered
graphite, while a saturated calomel electrode (SCE), was
used as the reference electrode. The Al alloy surface was first
polished with 600 grit SiC paper then was cleaned and
degreased with acetone and finally washed with distilled
water. Following these preparations, the polarization tests
were initiated.
Anode electrochemical efficiency, e, was in the order 50–
60%, for both the as-cast and heat-treated Al-alloy, as Fig. 1. Microstructure observed in optical microscope of the chill-
determined following NACE TM 0190-98 standard [6]. cast ingots of Al(13.8%)-Zn(8.8%)-Mg alloy

Table 1. Chemical composition of Al alloy as determined by emission spectroscopy analysis.

Element Al Zn Mg Si Cu Fe Mn Ni Ti Sr

wt% Bal. 13.76 8.79 0.0803 0.3669 0.2832 0.1033 0.0018 0.0052 0.0001
426 Quevedo and Genesca Materials and Corrosion 2009, 60, No. 6

Fig. 2. Microstructure and microanalysis of the as-cast Al(13.8%)-Zn(8.8%)-Mg alloy. SEM mapping of Al, Zn, Mg, Si, and Cu chemical

Figure 4 shows the behavior of the corrosion potential, The effect of flow on the anodic and cathodic polarization
Ecorr, as a function of the rotation rate of RCE. As can be curves of the studied Al-alloy is presented in Fig. 5 at
observed, the relationship between Ecorr and u0.7 is not as different RCE rotation rates. As can be observed the effect of
good as can be expected, which constitutes possible evidence flow is especially significant on the cathodic polarization
that the corrosion process is not under total mass-transfer mechanism and significant differences between laminar and
control. But Ecorr values show a clear tendency to be more turbulent flow regime can be noted. Under quiescent
anodic as RCE rotation rate increases. It is interesting to note conditions, the anodic behavior shows an active–passive
that the flow regime, laminar or turbulent, seems to be more transition, while the cathodic mechanism seems to be typical
important that the effect of the rotation rate. of a charge transfer process. A Tafel region with a slope of
The measured Ecorr values are in the interval between 128 mV/decade, possibly related to the oxygen reduction
1269 and 955 mV (SCE) and are similar to the previously reaction (ORR) can be noticed, while at more cathodic
obtained by other authors such as Barbucci et al. [1], potentials H2O reduction could take place.
Orozco et al. [2], Foley and Trazskoma [11], and Talavera The effect of flow significantly affects both anodic and
et al. [12] working with Al-alloys of similar chemical cathodic polarization behavior. The anodic part of the
composition. polarization curve shows a typical resistive behavior, which
Materials and Corrosion 2009, 60, No. 6 Influence of turbulent flow on the corrosion of Al-Zn-Mg galvanic anode 427

Fig. 3. Microstructure and microanalysis of the heat-treated Al(13.8%)-Zn(8.8%)-Mg alloy. SEM mapping of Al, Zn, Mg, Si, and Cu
chemical elements

can be attributed to the formation of a corrosion products 3.3 Assessing mass transfer control
layer. Cathodic polarization curve shows a classical diffusion
conduct. Two limiting current density regions can clearly be To determine if mass transfer controls the cathodic process
observed before the water reduction reaction could take under the experimental conditions prevailing in this study,
place. one might measure the limiting current density at several
RCE rotation rates at the same potential in the cathodic
0 polarization curve. The hydrodynamics must be turbulent at
-200 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 all times.
Figure 5 shows the potentiodynamic polarization curves
Ecorr , mV vs sce

y = 3.6664x - 1156.2 corresponding to the ASTM seawater solution at 20 8C.
R2 = 0.5651 Regarding the cathodic polarization curves the following
features can be observed in Fig. 5. At all rotation rates two
-1000 well-defined cathodic limiting current density, ilim, regions
-1200 can be observed. These regions are clearly affected by the
-1400 rotation rate of the electrode and, in general terms, as the
(u, cm.s-1)0.7
rotation rate of the electrode increases the value of current
density at which ilim appear also increases. These facts can
Fig. 4. Corrosion potential, Ecorr as a function of RCE rotation rate suggest that a diffusion-controlled process taking place on
in synthetic seawater at room temperature the surface of the electrode is being measured.
428 Quevedo and Genesca Materials and Corrosion 2009, 60, No. 6

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
0.8 -1100 mV

i lim , -2
-1400 mV
-800 0.6
0.5 O2 theoretical
0.4 y = 0.0027x + 5E-06 Lineal (-1400 mV)
0.3 R2 = 1
E, mV vs sce

-1000 Lineal (O2 theoretical)

0 RPM 0.2
1000 RPM
3000 RPM 0.1 Lineal (-1100 mV)
5000 RPM
7000 RPM
0 20 40 60 80
-1 0.7
(u, cm.s )
Fig. 7. Theoretical limiting current density as a function of RCE
-1500 rotation rate for O2 reduction reaction

Log i,
plotted versus the rotation rate of the electrode to a power of
Fig. 5. Potentiodynamic polarization curves of Al(13.8%)- 0.7, u0:7
RCE , to obtain Fig. 6. In this figure, the rotation rate of
Zn(8.8%)-Mg alloy in synthetic seawater at room temperature at the electrode is expressed as the peripheral velocity, uRCE.
different RCE rotation rates To determine if the cathodic process is under mass transfer
control, an analysis of the cathodic branch of the polarization
Two plateaus (diffusion-limited current) were observed in curve could be realized, Fig. 6. In this figure the ilim
the cathodic region at each RCE rotation rate for this experimental data obtained at two different potentials, 1100
hydrodynamic system. These plateaus could be due to the and 1400 mV (SCE) within the mass transfer region of the
reduction of O2 diffusing through the diffusion boundary polarization curve, Fig. 5, are represented by the rhombus
layer only or to the reduction of O2 diffusing through the and square markers. Plotting those ilim values as a function of
diffusion boundary layer and an incompletely reduced the RCE rotation rate, Fig. 6, a linear relationship can be
surface film, depending on the value of the RCE rotation rate. observed. This analysis shows that the measured ilim is
In both the cases, the plateau is controlled by mass transfer. affected by the rotation rate of the electrode and follows the
According to the analysis proposed by Schmitt and linear behavior predicted for the RCE equation proposed by
Rothmann [13] and Mendoza [14], it is possible to establish Eisenberg et al. [10], Equation (2), which can be expressed in
the different cathodic reactions involved in a system a simplified form by Equation (3):
controlled by mass transfer and under flow turbulent
conditions. ilim;i ¼ Ai u0:7 (3)
As proposed by Eisenberg et al. [10], it is possible to
calculate the individual contributions to the cathodic current
using the equation: which constitutes an experimental confirmation that the
cathodic process is mass transfer controlled.
0:30 0:344 0:644 0:7
To demonstrate if the cathodic reaction corresponds to the
ilim ¼ 0:0791nFCi dRCE y Di uRCE (2) proposed ORR

where the ilim are in A/m2, F the Faraday constant, n the O2 þ 2H2 O þ 4e ! 4OH (4)
number of electrons involved in the electrochemical
reaction, dRCE the diameter of the cylinder (m), y the it is necessary to calculate the theoretical limiting current
kinematic viscosity of the solution (m2/s), Ci the bulk density of ORR at the different RCE rotation rates using the
concentration of the chemical specie (mol  m3), Di the Eisenberg et al. [10] proposed equation.
diffusion coefficient (m2/s), and uRCE is the peripheral To determine the theoretical relationship between ilim and
velocity of the RCE. u0:7
RCE for O2 reduction, the values of density and kinematic
The above expression for the RCE proposed by Eisenberg viscosity were calculated according to the analysis proposed
et al. [10] is considered and the values of limiting current by Mendoza [14]. The other parameters, like the O2 diffusion
densities ilim are taken from Fig. 5 at each rotation rate and coefficients, were taken from reference [15]. Substituting
these parameters, the theoretical relationship for O2 reduc-
tion reaction can be obtained, as shown in Fig. 7.
0.8 y = 0.0104x + 0.0784 As can be seen in Fig. 7, good fitting is obtained for the ilim
0.7 R2 = 0.9433 values corresponding to 1100 mV (SCE), allowing then to
i lim, -2

-1100 mV
0.5 -1400 mV
propose that the ORR occurs at the first plateau of the
0.4 y = 0.0022x + 0.0144 Lineal (-1100 mV)
cathodic polarization curve, in the potential range between
R2 = 0.9762 Lineal (-1400 mV)
1000 and 1200 mV (SCE).
0.1 3.4 Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
0 20 40 60 80
(EIS) analysis
(u, cm.s-1)0.7
EIS was used as an alternative tool to get more information
Fig. 6. Limiting current density as a function of RCE rotation rates about the effect of flow on the corrosion mechanism. Figure 8
at two different potentials, 1100 and 1400 mV (SCE) within the shows the Nyquist and Bode diagrams for the Al-Zn-Mg
mass transfer region of the cathodic polarization curves shown in alloy immersed in synthetic seawater. Important differences
Fig. 5 can be noticed between laminar and turbulent flow regimes.
Materials and Corrosion 2009, 60, No. 6 Influence of turbulent flow on the corrosion of Al-Zn-Mg galvanic anode 429

Fig. 8. Impedance diagrams of Al-Zn-Mg alloy in synthetic seawater at different RCE rotation rates

The Nyquist diagram reveals a single capacitive semicircle. According to Silverman [16] if the slope of the regression,
The diameter of this semicircle, that can be attributed to the 0.69, lies between about 0.65 and 0.75, the corrosion rate is
charge-transfer resistance, Rct, is higher in laminar than in likely to be significantly influenced or even controlled by
turbulent regime. Under laminar flow conditions, Rct reach mass transfer, as this is the case.
values of 1132 Vcm2, while under the turbulent conditions
Rct values decrease significantly, 99.39, 70.67, 67.15, and 4 Conclusions
59.7 Vcm2 for the different rotation rates 1000, 3000, 5000,
and 7000 rpm, respectively. Flow exerts a marked effect on the electrochemical
One useful method to characterize the mass transfer behavior of the studied Al-Zn-Mg alloy.
influence on the corrosion process is the analysis proposed by Experimental evidence was provided to support the
Silverman [16]. Plotting the inverse of Rct, 1/Rct, as a influence of turbulent flow conditions on the corrosion rate
measure of the estimate corrosion rate versus the logarithm and the mechanism of the cathodic reaction.
of the rotation rate as measured in rpm, as can be seen in It has been demonstrated that under turbulent flow regime
Fig. 9, a linear relationship can be observed. If the data points the cathodic process, the ORR, is mass transfer control.
or slope are similar to those expected from the literature- The corrosion rate of the studied Al-Zn-Mg alloy is
derived relationship for the rotating cylinder, mass transfer significantly influenced or even controlled by mass transfer.
probably controls the corrosion rate.
Performing a linear regression of the data points, a
reasonable agreement between the measured and calculated
values of the regression can be observed, providing Acknowledgements: This work was made on the frame of
experimental evidence that corrosion rate under turbulent the following projects: CONACYT NC-204 and CONACYT-
flow conditions could be diffusion controlled, with O2 SEMAR 11513.
transport being the most probable mass transfer process. During this work, Marcela C. Quevedo was supported by
a PhD scholarship from Mexican Council for Science and
1 Technology, CONACYT (Mexico).
1 10 100 1000 10000

1/Rct, Ohm -2

y = 5E-05x 0.6926
R2 = 0.9166
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