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<title>Snapcopy DR to CC1</title>

<h3>Snapcopy DR to CC1</h3>

PR2 on sap0001
PR2-DR on sap0301
CC1 on sap0591

1) DBA Pre-refresh steps

as db2xxx user from $HOME/refresh directory

for Logistics (QLx) systems:

./exp_refresh_objects |tee exp_refresh_objects.log

b) Shutdown DB2 DB on systems being refreshed


This step is no longer required - JJC 11/30/2015

We will not be requesting any de-activation/activation of backup during refreshes
any longer

c) Enter Trouble Ticket to discontinue scheduled CV Hot backups on refreshed

systems to TEIS Backup Team


d) Comment out the crontab entries for CC1

2) Generate the relocate script on sap0001 as db2pr2

Note: Since PR2-DR is in Standby mode, brdb6brt needs to be run in production.


On sap0001 as db2pr2

brdb6brt -bm RETRIEVE_RELOCATE -replace PR2=CC1,db2pr2=db2cc1
scp -p PR2_NODE0000.scr db2cc1@sap0591:

Adjust the script on the Target site (sap0591)


3) SNAP PR2-DR UFSs to CC1

Verify HADR is active : db2pd -db $DB2DBDFT -hadr

Have the AIX Admins initiate the UFS snapshots from PR2-DR to CC1
Source: sap0301 Target: sap0591
------------------- -------------------
/db2/PR2/db2pr2 /db2/CC1/db2cc1
/db2/PR2/log_dir /db2/CC1/log_dir
/db2/PR2/log_dir2 /db2/CC1/log_dir2
/db2/PR2/sapdata1 /db2/CC1/sapdata1
/db2/PR2/sapdata2 /db2/CC1/sapdata2
/db2/PR2/sapdata3 /db2/CC1/sapdata3
/db2/PR2/sapdata4 /db2/CC1/sapdata4
/db2/PR2/sapdata5 /db2/CC1/sapdata5
/db2/PR2/sapdata6 /db2/CC1/sapdata6
/db2/PR2/sapdata7 /db2/CC1/sapdata7
/db2/PR2/sapdata8 /db2/CC1/sapdata8
/db2/PR2/sapdata9 /db2/CC1/sapdata9
/db2/PR2/sapdata10 /db2/CC1/sapdata10
/db2/PR2/sapdata11 /db2/CC1/sapdata11
/db2/PR2/sapdata12 /db2/CC1/sapdata12
/db2/PR2/sapdata13 /db2/CC1/sapdata13
/db2/PR2/sapdata14 /db2/CC1/sapdata14
/db2/PR2/sapdata15 /db2/CC1/sapdata15
/db2/PR2/sapdata16 /db2/CC1/sapdata16

When the snaps are ready: Shutdown PR2-DR

a) shutdown_DB2

b) Finalize the UFS Snapshots

#c) SCP /db2/PR2/db2pr2/NODE0000 from PR2-DR to CC1

# scp -rp /db2/PR2/db2pr2/NODE0000 db2cc1@$sap0591:/db2/CC1/db2cc1/

# ( Possibly make this a separate UFS 1GB and snap it in the future )

d) * verify the UFS sizes on CC1

e) Split the mirror

Restart the standby on the DR Server (wait until refreshed DB has been opened

db2 start hadr on database ${DB2DBDFT} as standby

db2pd -db ${DB2DBDFT} -hadr

4) Change file Owners on CC1 (as root)


sid=`echo ${SID}| awk '{ print tolower($0)}'`
old_sid=`echo ${OLD_SID}| awk '{ print tolower($0)}'`

for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
find /db2/${SID}/sapdata${i} | grep -v "lost+found" | xargs chown db2$

for i in log_dir log_dir2 db2${sid}

find /db2/${SID}/${i} | grep -v "lost+found" | xargs chown db2${sid}:db$

5) Rename UFSs on CC1 (as root continued )


for i in `find /db2/${SID} -name db2${old_sid}`

echo $i | awk '{ new=$0
printf "mv %s %s\n",$1,new }'

for i in `find /db2/${SID} -name ${OLD_SID}`

echo $i | awk '{ new=$0
printf "mv %s %s\n",$1,new }'

6) Create soft link sapcc1 (as root)

cd /db2/PR2
ln -s /db2/CC1/db2dump/PR2/log_archive2

7) Create directory structures from above command sets (as db2xxx)

cd /db2/CC1/db2dump
mkdir PR2
cd PR2
mkdir log_archive2

8) Run db2inidb and finish the rollforward on CC1/QS1 (as db2xxx)

for CC1

db2inidb CC1 as snapshot relocate using PR2_NODE0000.scr

Relocating database...
Files and control structures were changed successfully.
Database was catalogued successfully.
DBT1000I The tool completed successfully.
Database relocation was successful.
DBT1008N Database "CC1" is not a split mirror image.

9) Disable the Standby setting in CC1

db2 update db cfg for $DB2DBDFT using BLOCKNONLOGGED NO immediate

db2 update db cfg for $DB2DBDFT using LOGINDEXBUILD OFF immediate
db2 update db cfg for $DB2DBDFT using HADR_LOCAL_HOST NULL
db2 update db cfg for $DB2DBDFT using HADR_LOCAL_SVC NULL
db2 update db cfg for $DB2DBDFT using HADR_REMOTE_HOST NULL
db2 update db cfg for $DB2DBDFT using HADR_REMOTE_SVC NULL
db2 update db cfg for $DB2DBDFT using HADR_REMOTE_INST NULL
db2 update db cfg for $DB2DBDFT using HADR_TIMEOUT 120

db2 stop hadr on database $DB2DBDFT

db2pd -db ${DB2DBDFT} -hadr

10) Reconfigue CV for CC1/QS1


db2 update db cfg for ${DB2DBDFT} using VENDOROPT "'CvClientName=$

db2 update db cfg for ${DB2DBDFT} using LOGARCHOPT1 "'CvClientName=$
db2 update db cfg for ${DB2DBDFT} using LOGARCHMETH1
db2 update db cfg for ${DB2DBDFT} using LOGARCHCOMPR1 ON
db2 "update db cfg for ${DB2DBDFT} using OVERFLOWLOGPATH /db2/$
{DB2DBDFT}/log_retrieve immediate"


10a) Temporary step for CC1 only - change the logprimary and logsecondary counts
before the rollforward.

db2 update db cfg for ${DB2DBDFT} USING LOGPRIMARY 40

db2 update db cfg for ${DB2DBDFT} USING LOGSECOND 40

10b) Temporary step for CC1 only - remove the mirrorlog to speed up the rollforward

db2 update db cfg for ${DB2DBDFT} using MIRRORLOGPATH DEFAULT

11) Finish the rollfoward, finish the log configuration

db2 rollforward database $DB2DBDFT complete

DB20000I The ROLLFORWARD command completed successfully.

Verify the log size, resize if needed

( db2 connect to $DB2DBDFT

printf "Description Parameter Current
Value Delayed Value\n"
db2 get db cfg for $DB2DBDFT show detail | grep LOGFILSIZ

for CC1
db2 update db cfg for ${DB2DBDFT} USING LOGFILSIZ 524288

for all

db2 update db cfg for ${DB2DBDFT} using LOGARCHMETH2 OFF

db2 update db cfg for ${DB2DBDFT} using LOGARCHOPT2 OFF
db2 update db cfg for ${DB2DBDFT} using LOGARCHCOMPR2 OFF


12) Set Instance Memory

set_mem # a function defined in ~/.functions

Make sure $CONFIG/db_specific_${DB2DBDFT}.sh matches this setting

13) update groups SYS groups if needed

db2 get dbm cfg | grep -i "group name"



db2 update dbm cfg using SYSADM_GROUP DB${DB2DBDFT}ADM immediate

db2 update dbm cfg using SYSCTRL_GROUP DB${DB2DBDFT}CTL immediate
db2 update dbm cfg using SYSMAINT_GROUP DB${DB2DBDFT}MNT immediate
db2 update dbm cfg using SYSMON_GROUP DB${DB2DBDFT}MON immediate

14) update security settings, Change ownership of DB2 tables: on CC1 as db2pr2

###### One time setup only ######################################

# smitty user # to add/adjust the account
# After the password is updated, be sure to update
# vi /etc/security/passwd
# db2xxx:
# password =
# lastupdate = 1354654922
# -> remove flags = ADMCHG
# -> insert if needed flags = NOCHECK

# CC1
# * The db2pr2 AIX account needs to be created on sap0591
# User NAME : db2pr2
# User ID : 60018
# Primary Group : dbcc1adm
# Group SET : dbcc1adm,sapinst,sapsys,dbcc1mnt
# HOME directory : /db2/db2pr2
# Initial PROGRAM : /usr/bin/ksh
# set the password to 0myG...

su - db2pr2


export PATH

db2 -t
connect to CC1;
grant dbadm , secadm, sqladm, wlmadm on database to user db2cc1;
grant dbadm on database to user cc1adm;

select substr(grantor,1,10) as grantor,grantortype,substr(grantee,1,15)

as grantee, granteetype,
substr(rolename,1,30) as rolename, roleid, admin from sysibm.sysroleauth;

Change ownership of DB2 tables ( as db2pr2 on CC1 )

for CC1

db2 connect to CC1

db2 "select substr(TABSCHEMA,1,10) as tabschema,substr(owner,1,10) as
owner,substr(TABNAME,1,40) as tabname
from syscat.tables where OWNER in ('DB2PR2') order by tabname"

db2 connect to CC1

db2 -t "select substr('db2 \"transfer ownership of '||case when type='T' then
'TABLE ' when type='V' then 'VIEW ' end||
rtrim(tabschema)||'.'||rtrim(TABNAME)||' to user db2cc1 preserve
from syscat.tables where OWNER in ('DB2PR2') and TYPE in ('T','V')
order by type,tabschema,tabname;"

Under the configuration drop down, there is Data Collection Framework.

That gives two options, select Collector Configuration. You then have to
click on each Data Collector
to update the collection interval. I matched the intervals to the same ones
on CC1.

15) Rebind (as db2xxx)

cd $BIN
for i in `ls -1 *.bnd`
db2 bind ${i} ACTION REPLACE OWNER `whoami` COLLECTION db2dba

16) Parameter settings did not copy : CHECK ON THIS ....

set SAP 10.1 parameters


check clean
check clean


17) rename tablespaces and update tablespaces in virtual table views on CC1

db2 update db cfg for $DB2DBDFT using CATALOGCACHE_SZ 40000 immediate

cd to $HOME/refresh

db2 -t "select substr('db6util -rtvt '||tbsp_name||' CC1#'||

from sysibmadm.tbsp_utilization where tbsp_name like 'PR2#%' order by
tbsp_name;" > $HOME/refresh/update_virtual_tables


Make sure the final result is 0 rows. The following SQL is executed at the

db2 -t "select substr('db2 rename tablespace '||tbsp_name||' to CC1#'||

from sysibmadm.tbsp_utilization where tbsp_name like 'PR2#%' order by

Open several windows to submit several virtual table renames at once. The
commands are in the file $HOME/refresh/update_virtual_tables.
Make sure to group both the data and index tablespaces when running the
updates. Run the POOLD and POOLI tablespaces first.
The commands will look like this:

db6util -rtvt PR2#BTABD CC1#BTABD

db6util -rtvt PR2#BTABI CC1#BTABI

18) update SAP catalog entries


In the $HOME/refresh directory. Run the following three scripts in any order
and verify the output:

They run the following SQL:

db2 "create table sapr3.tsdb6_save as (select * from sapr3.tsdb6) definition

db2 "insert into sapr3.tsdb6_save select * from sapr3.tsdb6"
db2 -t "update sapr3.tsdb6 set
tabspace = 'CC1#'||substr(tabspace,5,length(tabspace)-4),
indspace = 'CC1#'||substr(indspace,5,length(indspace)-4)
where substr(tabspace,1,4) = 'PR2#';"

db2 "select distinct substr(tabspace,1,15) as tabspace,substr(indspace,1,15)

as indspace from sapr3.tsdb6 order by 1"

db2 "create table sapr3.iadb6_save as (select * from sapr3.iadb6) definition

db2 "insert into sapr3.iadb6_save select * from sapr3.iadb6"

db2 -t "update sapr3.iadb6 set

tabspace = 'CC1#'||substr(tabspace,5,length(tabspace)-4)
where substr(tabspace,1,4) = 'PR2#';"

db2 select distinct tabspace from sapr3.iadb6 order by tabspace

db2 "create table sapr3.tadb6_save as (select * from sapr3.tadb6) definition

db2 "insert into sapr3.tadb6_save select * from sapr3.tadb6"

db2 -t "update sapr3.tadb6 set

tabspace = 'CC1#'||substr(tabspace,5,length(tabspace)-4)
where substr(tabspace,1,4) = 'PR2#';"

db2 select distinct tabspace from sapr3.tadb6 order by tabspace

20) Review the Post conversion steps/ DBA Team Post work

as db2xxx user from $HOME/refresh directory

For Logistics (QLx) systems:

a) Run scripts to truncate and import saved tables:

materialize_virtual_tables | materialize_virtual_tables.log
truncate_objects |tee truncate_objects.log
import_refresh_objects |tee import_refresh_objects.log

b) Before running updates, set the num_log_span to 0 and LOGSECOND to 160 for
the updates:

db2 connect
db2 update db cfg for ${DB2DBDFT} USING NUM_LOG_SPAN 0 immediate
db2 get db cfg for $DB2DBDFT show detail | grep NUM_LOG_SPAN
db2 update db cfg for ${DB2DBDFT} USING LOGSECOND 160
db2 get db cfg for $DB2DBDFT show detail | grep LOGSECOND

Open three windows and run the following sql:

db2 -tvf update1.sql |tee update1.log
db2 -tvf update2.sql |tee update2.log
db2 -tvf update3.sql |tee update3.log

c) Set the mirrlog destination and do the required database bounce before
starting the NAST update:

db2 update db cfg for ${DB2DBDFT} USING MIRRORLOGPATH /db2/$


d) Run the nast update:

nast_update.sql |nast_update.log

e) After NAST update has finished, set num_log_span back to 20 and logsecond
back to 40:

db2 connect
db2 update db cfg for ${DB2DBDFT} USING NUM_LOG_SPAN 20 immediate
db2 get db cfg for $DB2DBDFT show detail | grep NUM_LOG_SPAN
db2 update db cfg for ${DB2DBDFT} USING LOGSECOND 40
db2 get db cfg for $DB2DBDFT show detail | grep LOGSECOND

21) Verify logprimary and logsecond counts and update if needed


logprimary should be 40

For Logistics (CLx) systems:

logsecond should be 40

If changes needed for either:

db2 update db cfg for ${DB2DBDFT} USING LOGPRIMARY 40

For Logistics (CLx)

db2 update db cfg for ${DB2DBDFT} USING LOGSECOND 40


log_config (to verify the changes)

Count the actual logs on the system (should be 40) - cycle again if needed.

find_logs | grep "\.LOG"| wc -l


This step is no longer required - JJC 11/30/2015

We will not be requesting any de-activation/activation of backup during refreshes
any longer

22) Enter Trouble Ticket to continue scheduled CV Hot backups on refreshed systems
to TEIS Backup Team (specify date on when they should once again start)


23) Backup the DB

24) UN-Comment out crontab entries for CC1

and then activate the crontab jobs as db2$sid

crontab /var/spool/cron/crontabs/db2${sid}

25) After systems have been turned over to users, go into DBACOCKPIT and set up the
REORGCHK job to run on Sundays at noon.
a) sign onto SAP for that system and run the DBACOCKPIT transaction.
b) if given the option at the main screen, choose sapgui for the display
c) expand the Jobs tab on the left side of screen
d) double click on the "DBA Planning Calendar" option
e) on the top right hand side of the screen will be a box titled "Action Pad".
Scroll down to the "REORGCHK for all Tables" choice and double click it.
f) a window will pop up. clock on the tab titled Recurrence.
g) on that screen, under Recurrence Pattern, select Week(s) and make sure only
Sunday is checked.
h) under Recurrence Range, the start date should be the following Sunday. If
it isn't, correct it.
i) At the top of the screen, set the time to 12:00:00 and press enter.
j) If all looks right, click the Add button at the bottom of the screen to
schedule the job.
k) This will take you back to the DBA Planning Calendar screen. Refresh the
screen and verify the job is scheduled to run on the next Sunday.

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