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Engineering meets aesthetics


ince the early 50’s and 60’s, there

S has been persistence with the devel-

opment and adaptation of felspathic
porcelains. For each new generation of
ceramist, there has always been a new iter-
ation of the same ceramic material to
master. Different layering techniques, dif-
ferent material characteristics and of
course, a whole new series of names and
descriptions for basically the same things
- opalescence, luminescence, fluorescence
and any number of different adjectives to
describe the observations of the developer.
Often some of these different words are
merely a marketing ploy to have us
believe we must adopt this new process to
Figure 2. Many colours and modifiers have been added to achieve these aesthetic
stay up with the times and sell us another
crowns - 11 and 21.
kit of porcelain. With this in mind, we now
have yet another new process/category to The reverse engineering of natural tooth
consider, this time called “gradient engi- structures by the scientists at Heraeus
neered ceramics”. Kulzer made the discovery of the complex
To put it simply, this is the process of interaction between opalescence and fluo-
reverse engineering a tooth and using rescence - one coming from inside the
computers to develop a material to tooth in the dentine; the other interacting
closely match the optical properties of with visible light in the enamel (Figure 4).
natural teeth.
Is it just another marketing idea?
You decide!

Figure 3. In this case, only a little

cervical stain and a crack line have
been added to achieve this natural effect
using HeraCeram.
Figure 4. An amazing dance of light as
Figure 1. Pure quartz being added to create aim was to try to simplify the already over
seen when we view the interplay between
a unique hydro-thermic ceramic material complicated techniques available today. The
the ultraviolet and visible spectrum.
at the Heraeus Kulzer plant in Germany. aim was to enable the ceramist to master the
material easily and not necessarily be a Of course this is nothing new. Many
While companies have been developing master to use it. Simplicity is the key with pioneers in ceramic concepts observed
and modifying felspathic porcelains, there this material. Instead of spending hours these complex dances of light and devel-
has been a tendency to add more and more carefully putting tiny effects of translucency oped new materials and techniques to
bottles of special porcelains to help us obtain and opacity in the body of our crowns and copy them. The problem was that they
particular effects in our ceramic crown. adding areas of coloured translucency, blues always had to adapt the materials readily
However, when Heraeus Kulzer set out to and whites trying to mimic natural opales- available, namely, felspathic porcelain.
develop a new ceramic material, using the cence, we can now let the ceramic do the This usually required the addition of new
Gradient Engineered Ceramic concept, the work for us (Figures 2 and 3). minerals to the materials and sometimes
34 - eLABORATE July/August 2005
made these newly modified materials dif- Definitely not! At first glance, we are
ficult and unpredictable to handle. presented with the standard; opaque, den-
Heraeus Kulzer had the unique advantage tine and enamel, and the obligatory
when creating a new ceramic material that shoulder and stain materials. It’s when we
they could use their vast experience as the use our tried and trusted layering tech-
world’s largest manufacturer of pure niques, we can achieve a crown that looks
quartz glass (Figures 5 and 6). good and matches the shade guide. How-
ever if we look just outside the square and
think about the structure of natural teeth,
we can see that the different layers of den-
tine and enamel interact with each other in
varying degrees, by their layer thickness
(Figures 8 and 9).
Figure 10. These colours are a result
of opalescence rather than the actual
presence of orange or blue in the
enamel; however in the past, we have
tended to add these colours to our crown
in a sometimes vain attempt to recreate
Figures 5. Heraeus Quartz Glass is the natural effects. Most feldspathic porce-
world’s largest manufacturer of high qual- lains do not duplicate this opalescence
ity quartz fibre optics and telecommunica- naturally and must be modified to
tion cable. Figure 6. A reflector created by achieve the same result. The base frit
Heraeus Quartz Glass was placed during Figure 8. If we apply this general princi- used to create the Heraceram enamel
man’s first visit to the moon in 1969. It ple and layer our ceramics in a similar displays opalescence without the
still continues to perform its function of way an amazing transformation takes addition of any special additives.
reflecting a laser beam for measurement place. Our acceptable crown suddenly
back to earth each day. transforms into a natural looking tooth.
Using unique expertise perfected over It is amazing how different a crown can
decades, they were able to computer look by simply varying the layer thick-
model materials to closely match the char- ness of the dentine.
acteristics of natural teeth. Then, with the
most sophisticated and cutting edge pro-
duction technology, create a frit of raw
ceramic correctly resembling nature with
its interaction with both visible and ultra-
violet light (Figure 7).
Figure 9. Varying layer thickness
of enamel.
Figure 11. The Heraceram crown on the
To better understand how we should
right displays exactly the same amount of
apply these layers, there are some funda-
opalescence as the natural tooth on the left.
mental things we need to understand
Giving it a complete life like appearance.
about tooth and light interaction, namely
opalescence and fluorescence.
Opalescence occurs mainly in the enamel The only thing remaining to do is
layer of a tooth and is the result of light refrac- decided on the degree of translucency
tion and reflection. It is influenced by the and the strength of this opalescence.
internal substructure of the enamel itself Even when we use the normal enamel
causing certain wavelengths to be reflected from the basic kit, we see opalescent
Figure 7. The Heraceram Frit and others to be transmitted through the tooth. effects presented without any special
shown here giving wonderful natural To properly understand how this takes place modification. Heraeus Kulzer also
opalescence and fluorescence. is too complicated to explain in this short include a special kit called the matrix kit
article, however suffice it to say that when but I will explain more about how this is
This leap forward in computer-aided frit light is presented to a tooth, most of the wave- used in the next instalment.
design has enabled the ceramic scientists lengths of visible light at the blue end of the The other fundamental consideration
to approach the development of the actual spectrum are reflected from the surface and we make when using Heraceram, or any
ceramic material with a clean slate. They the other wavelengths are refracted, or bent, other ceramic, is Fluorescence. This is the
no longer had to try to modify an old tech- and transmitted through the tooth, into either manifestation of ultraviolet light on teeth
nology, but design a completely different the dentine, or into the oral cavity. This effect subsequently causing the tooth to appear
material called Heraceram. So is it just causes us to see blue and orange hues in the brighter or darker, ultimately affecting the
another ceramic material? incisal edges of teeth (Figures 10 and 11). tooth’s value (Figure 12).
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Figure 12. The samples above show

differing fluorescence depending on the
value. From left to right is A1 - A4. Figure 14.When we start out from the
opaque layer with a material that closely
When we consider a crown and how matches natural fluorescence and we
ultraviolet light will react with our have an enamel material which closely
ceramic, we should try to use a material matches natural opalescence, the only
that will present some degree of fluores- other thing to consider is the dentine
cence, and that fluorescence should only structure. This is where Heraeus Kulzer’s
be manifested in the same areas as it is in concept of gradient engineering really Figure 15. To reproduce natural tooth
natural teeth (Figure 13). comes into its own. If we look at the fluorescence, we should start with a fluo-
underlying layer of dentine in a tooth rescent opaque material, since the most
without the enamel, we would see a fluorescent part of the tooth is deep inside.
rough, uneven layer varying in opacity in
some areas, namely the mamelon Figure 16.
regions. If we layer the dentine material
of Heraceram in a similar way and allow
the thicker parts of the dentine to reflect
a little more light and the thicker areas
of enamel to have an influence on the
degree of opalescence, we can start to
see an interaction between these layers
and also a subtle influence on the value
caused by the underlying fluorescence in
the opaque.

many fancy effects of fluorescence, we

just leave the natural influence of the fluo-
rescent opaque material to compensate the
tooth’s natural fluorescence (Figure 14).
Figure 13. Natural teeth display varying All this adds up to us being able to
degrees of fluorescence, strongest from simply vary the layers of dentine and
the pulp. enamel and allow the ceramic to do the
work for us, by imitating the natural inter-
We now know that ultraviolet light action with light (Figure 16).
causes fluorescence most strongly from Next time we will explore how special Ray Sharkey has owned his own
deep inside the tooth and so we start our materials in the Heraceram Matrix kit laboratory on Queensland’s sunshine
crown with Heraceram opaque, an opaque allow us to control many of the more coast since 1985 and has lectured on
material that displays a similar fluores- subtle influences we see in teeth when we various aspects of dental technology since
cence. We can also control the amount of want to go the extra mile and create a truly 1992. In 1994, he was hand picked by
fluorescence in other areas of the tooth by spectacular ceramic imitation of nature. famous Swiss ceramist Willi Geller to be
various other materials also included in the first Australian member of the
the matrix kit and again, I will cover these Heraceram is available from Heraeus Oral Design® group. Recently he has
in more detail next time. Heraeus Kulzer Kulzer Australia. For further information, taught hands on technique courses in
set out to design a material that should be contact Jeff Lauretti on (02) 9417-8411 China, Korea and New Zealand for Her-
easy to use - if we don’t want to do too or 0432-327-848. aeus Kulzer on Heraceram.
36 - eLABORATE July/August 2005

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