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English Vocabulary Mastery on Students’ of

Informatics Engineering Department University of
Nusa Putra Sukabumi
Dede cahyadi, 2Jasmansyah,
Nusa Putra University, Sukabumi, Indonesia

Abstract- The mastery of vocabulary in English is an 17) stated that vocabulary is essential for successful study on
absolutely necessity. People will have never speak English the second language. Wilkins in Thornbury (2002: 13)
well if they do not have a good vocabulary. Vocabulary has summed up that without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.
a very important role in shaping language skills for a Vocabulary refers to all words in the whole language used
person. Teaching with an emphasis on aspects of English in a particular variety. According to Kridalaksana, vocabulary
proficiency including vocabulary aspects may need to be is a component of a language that maintains all of information
considered for the future. If the idea can be realized, the about meaning and using word in a language.
teaching of vocabulary as an important component in
Becousethe importance of vocabulary mastery in
teaching English will get its own attention.
The purpose of this study is to obtain a description of educational institutions that organize / open a language
the mastery of English vocabulary students in Informatics department, the vocabulary is always recommended as a
Engineering major, University of Nusa Putra Sukabumi. separate course separate from other subjects. Vocabulary is
The hypothesis proposed in this research is the mastery of often also combined with other courses such as reading
English vocabulary of students of Informatics Engineering courses (Reading) or listening courses (Listening).
Department of University of Nusa Putra Sukabumi in English vocabulary learning at the University of Nusa
general is good. Putra Sukabumi is not placed as a separate course, but
This study uses descriptive method with data inclusive into English subject. Vocabulary is not a focus as an
collection techniques and data analysis techniques through important point, that vocabulary tends to be ignored. If any,
questionnaires and ability tests. Data obtained through the vocabulary is usually recommended in passing. In such
capability tests were analyzed using mean and standard conditions the agency's supportive capacity for vocabulary
deviation formulas (Nasrum Harahap in Gunardi 1988: mastery as an important component in shaping English
33). The pollution of this research is the students of language skills, becomes very weak. Therefore, this condition
Informatics Department of Nusa Putra Sukabumi
may be a barrier for the development of English teaching in
University in the first semester, III, V and VII of academic
year 2017-2018., using random sampling, test question is the university. At the same time, may be an obstacle in the
given as well as answer / fill questionnaire together . effort to print alumni who have a good mastery of English.
As a reflection, English language proficiency of alumni of
Based on the results of research and discussion Nusa Putra University is often complained by the institution or
concluded that the mastery of English vocabulary of companies that recruit graduates of University of Nusa Putra.
students in Informatics Engineering University of Nusa This is certainly a bad image for the University of Nusa Putra
Putra Sukabumi is good. The results show that the which of course it is necessary and very important to be
majority of students (respondents) get grades in both responded by doing revamping better. Improvement in
categories and are very good. teaching and learning process (PBM) needs to be done, and
teaching English by the old way may need to be revisited.
Keywords: Vocabulary Mastery, English, Ability, Teaching English by emphasizing on aspects of English
Score proficiency including vocabulary aspects, may need to be
considered for future. If this idea can be realized by itself the
I. Pendahuluan
teaching of vocabulary as an important component in the
Mastery of vocabulary in English is a must for English
teaching of English will get its own attention.
learners. One can never speak English both oral and written if
This research is an effort to give attention to the
they have no good vocabulary. Vocabulary has a very
vocabulary of English students of Informatics Department
important role in shaping language skills for English learners.
University of Nusa Putra Sukabumi. The aim of this study to
The better the mastery of one's vocabulary, the better in
provide a simple description of the mastery of English
English the better (Brown, 1987: 87). Rivers in Nunan (1992:
vocabulary of the students of Informatics Engineering  C = Fair = between the numbers 41 - 60%
Department Nusa Putra University Sukabumi.  C = Fair = between the numbers 41 - 60%
The purpose of this study is to get description in detail about  D = Less = between the numbers 21 - 40%
the mastery of English vocabulary of students in Informatics  E = Less Once = between the numbers 0 - 20%
Engineering major, University of Nusa Putra Sukabumi. While
the usefulness of this research is expected to be useful for III. Population and Sample
improving the teaching and learning process of English a. Population
especially vocabulary aspects at the Department of Informatics The polution of this research is student of Informatics
Engineering University of Nusa Putra Sukabumi. Department of University of Nusa Putra Sukabumi academic
The next hypothesis put forward is: "Mastery of English year 2017-2018, consisting of four classes;
vocabulary students in Informatics Engineering Department b. Sample
University of Nusa Putra Sukabumi is good" The type of sample which is used in this study is a random
sample (random sampling). From the whole population of this
II. METHODOLOGY study taken one class randomly to become respondents, who
This research uses descriptive method with data collection do the test questions given at once answer / fill out the
and data analysis techniques presented as follows: questionnaire distributed.

a. Data collection technique

To collect the data in this research, used two types of IV. RESEARCH RESULT
instruments: questioner and ability test. Questioners are used Distribution of questionnaires to students of Informatics
to obtain supporting data on various matters relating to student Engineering Department, University of Nusa Putra Sukabumi
vocabulary mastery. The ability test is used to measure first semester on October 10, 2017. Number of students
students' vocabulary skills / mastery. This test is a matter of attended 20 people, with the number of items : eleven (11)
being quoted from wordpower 1500, written by L.A Hill. This numbers. The entire item from number one to number eleven
book is specialized in both formal and non-formal education is directed to the English Vocabulary (Vocabulary) teaching
institutions. and learning process (PBM). This questionnaire consists of
questions of Yes / No questions and multiple choice questions.
While the vocabulary test is conducted on October 12,
b. Data analysis technique 2017, the test participants are the same class consisting of 20
The data obtained through the ability test, and then analyzed students. This vocabulary test consists of four sections with a
by using the formula of mean and standard deviation total of ninety-two (92) questions. The type of question varies
(NasrumHarahap in Gunardi 1988: 33) with the following greatly, synonymously. Antonym, derivation, and structure
formula: (choice of words in sentences).
Learning Process Teaching English Vocabulary. In this
section will be presented data obtained through a
questionnaire. This data includes teaching and learning
activities of English, difficulties faced by students, the efforts
undertaken by students to overcome difficulties faced by them,
and suggestions - student suggestions for the development of
teaching and learning process vocabulary in particular and
English in general at the Department of Informatics
Information : Engineering University of Nusa Putra Sukabumi.
DS = Standard Devision Presentation of this data is done in table form as follows:
I = Fill in Interval Class
N = Number of Frequencies TABLE 1 : VOCABULARY EXCERSISES
No Description Sum Percentage
After the results are known, then the writer makes the (%)
distribution of values with a score of 0.100, then determine the 1 Yes 11 55
numbers of student success limits based also on the division of 2 No 9 45
assessment criteria proposed by NasrumHarahap (in Gunadi
1988: 34). The table above shows that 45% of students stated that they
 A = Very Good = between the numbers 81 - 100% have never been given vocabulary exercises and 55% of
 B = Good = between the numbers 61 - 80% students said they had been given vocabulary training during
 C = Fair = between the numbers 41 - 60% English learning.
 C = Fair = between the numbers 41 - 60%
 C = Fair = between the numbers 41 - 60% TABLE 2 : WEEKLY VOCABULARY LEARNING
No Description Sum Percentage 3 Less than happy 0 0
(%) 4 Unhappy 0 0
1 Yes 9 45
2 No 11 55
The table 2 shows that 55% of students stated that they were
not given vocabulary lessons every week and 45 students said The table above shows that 65% of students stated quite happy
they were given vocabulary lessons every week. memorizing vocabulary and 35% of students expressed
pleasure memorizing English vocabulary.
(%) No Description Sum Percentage
1 Yes 10 50 (%)
2 No 10 50 1 Open the dictionary 6 30
The table 3 above shows that 50% of students say they are and memorize it
given vocabulary lessons at any time and 50% of students say 2 Memorize through 6 30
they have never been given vocabulary lessons. reading test
3 Memorize through 4 20
TABLE 4 : fictures
No Description Sum Percentage songs
(%) 5 Memorize through 2 10
1 Once in a week 8 40 internet & games
2 Once in two weeks 3 15 The table 7 shows the way how students memorize
3 Once in a month 5 25 vocabulary, 30% of students said memorizing vocabulary by
4 Sometimes 2 10 opening dictionaries and memorizing them, 20% of students
5 Never 1 5 memorize through image, 10% of students memorize through
The table above shows that 40% of students said the songs and 10% of students memorize through internet &
frequencies of vocabulary lessons learned once a week, 15% games.
of students said the frequency of vocabulary exercises
obtained once in two weeks, 10% of students stated that the TABLE 8:
frequencies of the exercises given were sometimes and 25% of STUDENTS’ DIFFICULIES IN LEARNING
students claim to have a vocabulary lesson once a month. One VOCABULARY
person did not answer (5%).
No Description Sum Percentage
TABLE : 5 (%)
No Description Sum Percentage 2 Less recognize words 5 25
(%) 3 Less understanding of 4 20
1 Very happy 6 30 meaning and writing
2 Happy 14 70 4 Less of Passion 2 10
3 Quite Happy 0 0 5 Quickly bored and 2 10
4 Unhappy 0 0 easy to forget
6 Less facilities of books 1 5
The table above shows that 30% of college students are very and dictionaries
happy to teach vocabulary exercises, 70% of college students
are happy to teach vocabulary exercises, and 0% of students The table above shows the difficulties of students in
express quite happy, 0% expressed displeasure with learning vocabulary such as 30% of students expressed
vocabulary exercises. difficulty in pronunciation, 25% of students said less
TABLE 6 : understand / memorize words, 20% of students said less in
MOTIVATION IN MEMORIZINGVOCABULARY memorize meaning and writing, 10% of students stated less
No Description Sum Percentage passion or less active , 10% of students stated that they are
(%) quickly bored and easy to forget, and 5% said that they less
1 Happy 7 35 facilities books and dictionaries in learning vocabulary.
2 Quite happy 13 65
Test results
2. The mastery of English vocabulary of students
The vocabulary result was done a week after filling the majoring in Informatics Engineering University of
questionnaire in the third semester with a total of 17 students Nusa Putra Sukabumi which shows good and
attending at the time, while the vocabulary test consisted of excellent material. Some things become the
four sections with a total number of 92 numbers.Furthermore, supporting factor, among others: student interest is so
the average score of vocabulary test is determined on 10 high, willingness and activity of students in doing the
students according to the data, using the mean formula, so that tasks and exercises given by the teacher, the method
the students get the Value; 3. teaching applied by the teacher, readiness /
a. 100 = nil availability of learning facilities, utilization of
b. 90 = 1 person 5% language laboratory facilities, and other supporting
c. 80 = 5 people or 25% factors.
d. 70 = 7 people or 35%
e. 60 = 4 people or 20%
f. 50 = 2 people or 10% b. Suggestions
g. 40 = 1 person or 5%
h. 30 = nil By adopting the suggestions conveyed by students through
i. 20 = nil anket about the need for vocabulary (vocabulary) is taught as a
j. 10 = nil single subject for maximum ias development.
In addition to vocabulary, other language skills, especially
Overall value of the students are: Reading and Speaking are also recommended to be taught as a
separate subject. The need for additional hours of learning
a. Students who score 60 and above as many as 17 English from the previous two (2) hours of lessons a week to
people or 85%; six (6) hours of lessons in a week. It is intended that the
b. Students who score below 60 points are 3 or 15%; students get a longer portion of time in learning and practicing
c. The above information indicates that the students English, so hopefully the result ias better than ever.
who took the test score of 60 (sixty) and above
were 85%, while 15% of the students
gotscoreunder 60. This means that 85% of BIBLIOGRAPHY
students are in good and excellent category
according to the classification of value categories Ary, Donald., 1992, Introduction to Research in Education,
(KKN) used in this study, while 15% of students National Enterprises, Surabaya.
are in less category. Thus, the average value Brown, H.D. (1987). Principle of Language Learning and
obtained based on the results of the distribution of Teaching (2nd Ed.) White Plains, NJ: Prentice Hall
the value of the student's vocabulary test is 74.8 Echols, John Mc. & Hasan Sadily., 1990, English-
Indonesian Dictionary, PT. Gramedia, Jakarta.
In relation to the above average values, NasrunHarahap (in Finocchiaro, Mary., 1969, Teaching English as a Second
Gunardi, 1988: 33) recommends that ifall students have got an Language, Harper & Row Publishers, New York.
average score of 60 and above then the teaching program does Gunardi., 1988, Reading AbilityIntensive Student State
not need to be repeated. A value of 60 is considered as the Palaran 1987/1988,FKIP-UNMUL, Samarinda.
minimum standard or the lowest limit of student success. Hadi, Sutrisno., 1987, MethodologyResearch I, YP Fak.
While the value between 61 to 90 is in good category and very Psychology-UGM, Yogyakarta
well in accordance with the explanation NasrunHarahap. Hill L.A., 1988, Word Power 3000, Internationals
Therefore, the hypothesis that has been used earlier that Publisher, New York.
reads "mastery of English vocabulary of students majoring in Nunan, David. 1991. Language Teaching Methodology
Informatics Engineering University of Nusa Putra Sukabumi is Sydney: Prentice Hall InternationalSujanto, J.Ch., 1990,
good" can be received well. SkillsSpeaking; Reading, Writing, SpeakingFor MKDU
Bahasa Indonesia, Angkasa, Bandung.
V. Conclusions and Suggestions Tajuddin, MK., 1976, Report andCollection of Manuscript
UpgradingIn University held at UI, University of Indonesia,
a. Conclusion Jakarta.
Tarigan, Henry Guntur., 1987, Reading Expressive, Space,
1. The mastery of English vocabulary of students in Bandung.
Informatics Engineering department, University of
Nusa Putra Sukabumi is good. The results showed
that the majority of students (respondents) get the
value in both categories and very good.

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