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Activate Your Love Energy Field

A Free Report by Scott & Shannon Peck

Get All the Love You Could Ever Want!

It’s time to activate your love energy field to attract all the love you could ever want!

Just think. Love is everywhere present as an energy. Yet, are you experiencing this
energy? Or are you sitting back feeling more like love is passing you by? Maybe others
have that kind of luck, but not you!

Well, luck doesn’t have anything to do with it.

Even as you sit here reading this article, you are an energy field of love. Love’s energy is
everywhere, even where you are sitting – even within you. Love’s energy is always
engaged. But are you consciously engaged with it? Is your energy field activated? Are
you getting all the love you could ever want?

Let’s do a quick check in. As you sit here, what’s your energy read-out? Are you tired,
frustrated, worried? Or, could you possibly start releasing the old negative energies for
something better? You could become engaged with the energy of love as you open your
heart for it. It’s that easy.

Maybe you’ve been thinking of love as mostly “out there,” and really, all you need is to
start within your own energy field. It’s actually “in here.” Looking for love “out there”
may fill your love tank by 30% (and let’s face it, the process is exhausting), but looking
within can “up” your love tank to being filled to the brim. You can have all the love you
could ever want by starting from a place within yourself. It’s a mindset shift.

Ever notice when you’re attracted to someone how much confidence they have? Maybe
even a glow? These are attractors and they come from a field of love that the person is
exuding. Maybe it’s just that they go around with an open heart, ready for love. Maybe
it’s that they share acts of loving kindness, consideration, gratitude, or acknowledgment.
All these are powerful attractors in your love energy field right now, ready for you to
access. Go ahead and try as you continue to read this.

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When you learn how to generate love from the inside, you can have all the love you could
ever want. When you do, you’ll be a powerful attractor to others. You will be the one
who’s perceived to be confident and glowing, though you may not even notice. You will
stand out.

Here’s how to increase your love energy field. (Good news, it’s easy.)

Empty your tank and make more room for love.

If your tank is already full you can’t add anything. Let’s take a look at what mostly fills
your tank and see how much it is a love energy attractor.

This is where you take a look at the energy attractor blocks that sabotage love. Here’s a
list of blockers:

 inner talk about yourself that causes you to feel negative about yourself.
 Old hurts that make you think you’re angry with someone.
 Frustration with yourself that you haven’t done better in the love department
 Feeling like a failure of past poor choices.

All these lead to poor energy love attractors. You can probably even feel it as you read

Fill your tank with love.

Have you ever dated someone you knew wasn’t the One, but you held on because you
didn’t’ want to be alone? And you knew it was a compromise but you stayed way too long?
Or have you ever had sex with someone new just for the feeling of intimacy even though
you knew that, if you checked within, you’d feel empty and not full? These steps don’t
work for you. They keep you in an old place of still longing for love.

How do you feel when you feel genuinely loved? You feel appreciated, acknowledged,
seen, understood, and accepted. These are extremely high energy tractors for love.

Let it register that you are experiencing love.

Now that you’ve begun to energize your love attractor field within, start manifesting
love in your life. The more often you express love, the more you will also gain it in
return. The universe rewards loving acts. Just like you. People want the feeling of being
loved. So give it to them. Give to others exactly what you’d like to receive. You want to

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be recognized, then give recognition to another. You want to be appreciated, then give
appreciation to another. See how easy?

Realize, we don’t live in a perfect world. You’re going to make mistakes, have “off” days
and a return of not feeling loved. But be loving to yourself as you implement a new way
of relating to people. Give yourself some time to try to energize for love, to feel
awkward, to go outside your comfort zone, and build the life of love you want with the
feeling of love filling you. As any new habit is practiced, it becomes more ingrained and
automatic. You hardly remember the old days before you learned the new habit. And
your new norm is a high love energy attractor field.

The one thing that could add dramatically to your high love energy attractor is a social
support system. Just like weight loss programs, those which include a person or group to
meet with weekly, create twice the weight loss of participants who take a more
traditional program without support. (per a year long study report from the Journal of
the American Medical Association)

Unless you are getting regular social support and motivation, the likelihood of your
sticking to your program for any length of time is less than 5%.

As we shared in the beginning of this report, in order of you to have all the love you
could ever want, there are two things you need to do.

1. Become aware of and release negative emotions holding you down and preventing
you from love.
2. Create all the love you could ever want by giving out what you wish to receive. And
be sure you give to others the feeling of love from your heart. Also, be sure you
select someone who is also loving and who will actually respond. Picking a person
whose heart is not love-active won’t give you results. You know who they are. They
rarely acknowledge or praise or give you the intimate feeling. Don’t pick one of

Even if you master all the above, the secret ingredient in love success is almost always
community support and motivation. It’s how you actually accelerate your love potential
and love success. Staying active in love and motivated will help you to continue the flow
and the feeling of love, which will keep you coming back over and over.

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P.S. In April, 2012, we will be releasing our full system, “Ultimate Intimacy, 5 Stages
to Creating a Deep Relationship.” It will be by invitation and it will combine everything
we’ve discussed and lots more in a 5-week “hold your hand and walk you through it”
teleseries program to get you generating your love attractor beams!

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