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Annals of Botany 87: 729±735, 2001

doi:10.1006/anbo.2001.1402, available online at on

Molecular Cytogenetic Analysis of Polyploidization in the Anther Tapetum of Diploid and

Autotetraploid Arabidopsis thaliana Plants
Department of Plant Anatomy and Cytology, University of Silesia, Jagiellonska 28, 40-032 Katowice, Poland

Received: 31 August 2000 Returned for revision: 22 November 2000 Accepted: 5 February 2001 Published electronically: 5 April 2001

Like those of most angiosperms, vegetative tissues of Arabidopsis thaliana undergo high levels of endopolyploidiza-
tion. One such tissue is the anther tapetum which plays a role in male sporo- and gametogenesis. The degree of
polyploidization of the tapetum varies from species to species. Although the role of this process is not yet fully
understood, it may be linked to functioning of the tapetum, increasing the copy number of genes needed for the
synthesis of speci®c factors required by developing pollen mother cells (PMCs) and pollen grains. The present study
focused on polyploidization during the development of the tapetum of Arabidopsis thaliana. The aim was to outline
the mode of tapetum polyploidization in this model plant species and to establish an ecient method for analysing
ploidy levels in di€erentiated cells. The course and degree of tapetum polyploidization in Arabidopsis was analysed in
interphase nuclei using ¯uorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with repetitive DNA (45S rDNA). The stages of
development of the tapetum were analysed alongside meiosis in PMCs. The majority of tapetal cells undergo two,
maximally three, rounds of divisions. Tapetal nuclei have usually divided by metaphase I of meiosis of PMCs. The
pattern of tapetum polyploidization was similar in diploid and autotetraploid plants and is thus not a€ected by
increasing amounts of maternal plant DNA. The tapetum of autotetraploid plants exhibits a higher frequency of
additional division than seen in diploid plants. # 2001 Annals of Botany Company

Key words: Arabidopsis thaliana, autotetraploid, FISH, rDNA polyploidization, tapetum.

I N T RO D U C T I O N processes involved in polyploidization have been proposed

(Avanzi, 1950; Berger et al., 1951; Mechelke, 1952; Davis,
The anther tapetum is involved in the process of male sporo-
1961; Bhandari et al., 1976; Oksala and Therman, 1977;
and gametogenesis, playing a key role during microspore
and pollen grain development. Its most signi®cant functions Bhandari, 1984; D'Amato, 1984).
are nutrition (Maheshwari, 1950; Esau, 1961) and secretion The present study focuses on polyploidization during the
of enzymes and various substances needed for pollen wall development of the tapetum of Arabidopsis thaliana plants
formation (Bhandari, 1984; D'Amato, 1984; Pacini, 1997). with varying ploidy levels (diploid and autotetraploid). This
Two types of tapetum are distinguished in plants: secretory approach has several aims: (1) to analyse the degree and
and ameboidal. The tapetum of Arabidopsis thaliana, typical mode of polyploidization of the tapetum of Arabidopsis
of that of all Brassicaceae, is of the secretory type and was thaliana; (2) to elaborate the outline of tapetum poly-
described as a single layer of binucleate cells in a mature ploidization that could be used in the analysis of tapetum
state ( for references see Pacini, 1997). Analyses of anther development in mutants, especially those that show
development both in wild type A. thaliana plants and in disturbances in male meiosis; (3) to determine whether the
male-sterile mutants have usually involved ultrastructural, ploidy level of the maternal plant has an e€ect on the
genetic, molecular and biochemical studies of tapetal cells pattern of tapetum polyploidization; and (4) to establish an
(e.g. Dawson et al., 1993; Chaudhury et al., 1994; Owen and ecient method for the determination of ploidy level in
Makaro€, 1995). However, there is still very little infor- specialized, di€erentiated cell types.
mation available on the cytogenetics of tapetum develop- rRNA genes are highly repetitive sequences present in
ment in A. thaliana. every plant cell, they are easy to map by in situ
Cells of the secretory tapetum are usually polyploid and hybridization and are routinely used in plant laboratories
(or) multinuclear (D'Amato, 1984). The number of nuclei is (Schmidt and Heslop-Harrison, 1998). The number of 45S
species-speci®c and varies depending on the stage of rDNA sites in the Arabidopsis thaliana genome is constant
development of the tapetum and processes involved in its in all ecotypes examined to date, in contrast to 5S rDNA
polyploidization (Pacini, 1997). Numerous cytological loci which exhibit ecotype-speci®c polymorphism in num-
studies have described changes in ploidy level in tapetal ber and localization (Fransz et al., 1998). For these reasons,
cells in several plant species, and some hypotheses on the 45S rDNA was chosen in the present study as a marker for
the determination of ploidy level in interphase nuclei of the
* For correspondence at: Department of Higher Plant Systematics
and Evolution, Institute of Botany, University of Vienna, Rennweg 14,
tapetum. The application of FISH ( ¯uorescence in situ
A-1030, Vienna, Austria. Fax ‡43 1 4277 9541, e-mail hweiss@ s1. hybridization) and analysis of the number and size of in situ hybridization signals made it possible to outline the details
0305-7364/01/060729+07 $35.00/00 # 2001 Annals of Botany Company
730 Weiss and MaluszynskaÐCytogenetic Analysis of the Arabidopsis Tapetum
of tapetal nuclei polyploidization in Arabidopsis thaliana. After stringent washes (2  SSC, 0.1  SSC, 2  SSC at
The preferential fusion of 45S rDNA loci of chromosome 4, 40 8C, 5 min each) the preparations were counterstained
observed in diploid somatic nuclei of Arabidopsis (Weiss with DAPI (2 mg ml ÿ1) and mounted in antifade bu€er
and Maluszynska, 1998; Weiss, 1999), did not a€ect the CITIFLUOR (AF1, Pelco Int. Redding, USA). Analyses
precision of the distinction between certain ploidy levels were made with an epi¯uorescent microscope (OLYMPUS)
(2n, 4n, and higher ploidy). The proposed scheme of using appropriate ®lters. Pictures were taken with CCD
tapetum polyploidization may be useful in analysing the camera and processed with image analysis software
tapetum in developmental mutants of Arabidopsis. Analyses (AnalySIS; OLYMPUS) using only functions that are
indicate that the pattern of polyploidization is not applied equally to all pixels in the image.
in¯uenced by the ploidy level (2n and 4n) of the maternal Stages of tapetum development were determined and
plant. related to development of pollen mother cells (PMCs) and
pollen (Ross et al., 1996). Of the six stamens present in
Arabidopsis ¯owers, meiosis occurs earlier in the two outer
(shorter) ones and later in four inner (longer) ones, but
Plants of diploid Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. (2n ˆ 10) within an individual stamen, development of tapetal cells
and of its autotetraploid line (2n ˆ 4x ˆ 20), ecotype and PMCs is highly synchronized. Therefore, each prep-
Wilna, were grown in test tubes on MS medium (Murashige aration consisted of one ¯ower bud with additional
and Skoog, 1962) at 21 8C, 16/8 h photoperiod. Tetraploid separation of individual anthers from the given ¯ower
plants were originally obtained from diploid seedlings, bud over the slide. This allowed us to analyse separately the
Wilna ecotype, after colchicine treatment (Maluszynska tapetum of shorter and longer stamens, which appeared to
et al., 1990). Polyploid plants analysed in the present work di€er in developmental stage. Anthers from ten ¯ower buds
were of a stable tetraploid line obtained from a single C1 from ®ve randomly selected plants and 200 tapetal cells
plant and cultivated for more than 20 generations. Flower were analysed for each stage of tapetum development both
buds in appropriate stages of development (Ross et al., for diploids and tetraploids. The size of ¯ower buds in
1996; Table 1) were collected from the ®rst in¯orescence diploid and tetraploid plants with corresponding stages of
that appeared before stem bolting (Vieira et al., 1990). The male meiosis in anthers is given in Table 1. These
buds were ®xed in ethanol : acetic acid (3 : 1) for 12 h and parameters were taken into account during the ®rst
stored at ÿ20 8C until use. selection of buds for tapetum analysis. To mark more
Chromosomes and nuclei from ¯ower buds (Table 1) were precisely the developmental stages of the tapetum, the stage
prepared according to the method described by Ross et al. of PMC development was determined in stamens in which
(1996) with minor modi®cations. For each preparation one the tapetum was analysed.
¯ower bud was used. Brie¯y, after washing o€ the ®xative,
the material was digested with 0.4 % cytohelicase (w/v;
Sigma, Taufkirchen, Germany), 0.4 % cellulase Onozuka
(w/v; Serva, Heidelberg, Germany) and 0.4 % pectolyase Tapetal cell development was related to the developmental
(w/v; Sigma, Germany) for 5 h at 37 8C. Squash prep- stages of meiocytes (PMCs). The tapetal cells of A. thaliana
arations were made in a drop of 60 % acetic acid. After were distinguishable from other somatic cells in ¯ower buds
removing coverslips, slides were air-dried and checked for already in the premeiotic stage. Their nuclei were round and
quality of spreading and developmental stages after staining surrounded by a layer of cytoplasm, and their chromatin
with DAPI (40 ,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole; 2 mg ml ÿ1). The was denser and more intensely stained with DAPI than that
slides chosen were destained, re®xed with ethanol : acetic in other cells. The tapetum began to divide before meiosis
acid (3 : 1) to maintain chromosome structure and stored at started in PMCs, when ¯ower buds were smaller than 0.04
4 8C until use. and 0.09 mm in diploid and tetraploid plants respectively
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) followed the (Table 1).
method developed for Arabidopsis by Maluszynska and Chromosomes of Arabidopsis are small and dicult to
Heslop-Harrison (1991) with minor modi®cations. The separate out from tapetal cells, especially in material that is
probe used for FISH was 45S (18S±25S) rDNA from not pre-treated with 8-hydroxyquinoline so as not to
A. thaliana, directly labelled with Cy3 by nick translation disturb meiotic division in PMCs. Mitotic chromosomes
(Amersham, Oxford, UK) according to the manufacturer's of the tapetum are not very informative with regard to
instructions. The denaturation of slides and the hybridiza- ploidy level determination since they are sticky and clumped
tion mixture was carried out separately. Chromosome together (Fig. 1C, D); neither do interphase nuclei stained
preparations were denatured in 70 % formamide in 2  with DAPI provide enough information about ploidy level.
SSC (standard saline citrate) on a hot plate (Hybaid However, when combined with FISH using repetitive 45S
Thermal Cycler PCR-in situ, Hybaid Ltd, Ashford, UK) rDNA, tapetal interphase nuclei appeared to be convenient
at 86 8C for 5 min. The hybridization mixture (60 % and informative for the determination of tapetum poly-
formamide, 10 % dextran sulfate, salmon sperm blocking ploidization.
DNA in 100  the excess of the labelled probe, 2  SSC Two pairs of NOR chromosomes are present in somatic
and 2 ng ml ÿ1 of labelled probe) was denatured for 10 min cells of ¯ower buds in diploid Arabidopsis (Wilna ecotype)
at 95 8C in a waterbath and kept on ice for at least 5 min. (Fig. 1A) and four pairs in the tetraploid genome (Fig. 1D).
Hybridization was carried out overnight (18±20 h) at 37 8C. The number of FISH signals during interphase in
Weiss and MaluszynskaÐCytogenetic Analysis of the Arabidopsis Tapetum 731
T A B L E 1. The size (mm) of Arabidopsis thaliana ¯ower buds, Wilna ecotype, in subsequent developmental stages correlated
with the stage of male meiosis in pollen mother cells

Plant Premeiosis Prophase I Metaphase IÐdiads Diads-tetrads

Diploid 50.04 + 0.01 0.04±0.1 + 0.02 0.11±0.16 + 0.03 0.16±0.25 + 0.02

Tetraploid 50.09 + 0.01 0.09±0.20 + 0.03 0.20±0.30 + 0.05 0.30±0.50 + 0.1

For each type of plant, 100 ¯ower buds were measured for each class (marked by meiotic stages).

of the cells were binucleate. Both nuclei were diploid with

three to four signals of 45S rDNA-FISH (Fig. 2B). In about
3 % of cells, a single tetraploid nucleus with ®ve to eight 45S
rDNA signals was observed. This ®rst, very synchronized
division seemed to occur in all tapetal cells.
Most of the binucleate tapetal cells underwent a second,
also synchronous cell cycle, during or shortly after
pachytene. As a result, two tetraploid nuclei were observed
in each cell which indicates that this cycle was endomitosis
or restitution mitosis (Fig. 2C). rDNA-FISH revealed the
presence of ®ve to eight signals in each of the nuclei. These
signals were similar in size to those in unicellular tapetal
cells in the premeiotic stage. Six and a half percent of
tapetal cells had three nuclei, two of which were the same
size and diploid, and one which was bigger and tetraploid.
Cells with one nucleus with a ploidy level reaching 16n were
observed rarely (2.5 %). About 30 % of tapetal cells
analysed remained binucleate with two diploid nuclei.
After this division the majority of cells remained at a stable
ploidy level until disintegration, which took place during
pollen grain maturation. An additional third cycle occurred
F I G . 1. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with 45S rDNA in in about 0.05 % of cells. This third division resulted in cells
chromosomes and interphase nuclei of Arabidopsis thaliana plants. A, with two octaploid nuclei with ten to 16 rDNA-FISH
Mitotic chromosomes in somatic tissues of diploid ¯ower buds; B,
interphase nucleus in a somatic cell of a diploid plant; C and D, sticky signals each. Fragments and micronuclei were not observed
chromosomes in a tapetal cell of a diploid (C) and tetraploid (D) plant. after any of the divisions in the tapetum of Arabidopsis. The
Bar ˆ 5 mm. results are summarized in Fig. 3A.

Arabidopsis nuclei can be lower than the total number of Tetraploid plants
rDNA loci because of 45S rDNA loci association (see also The stages of tapetum development described above for
Weiss and Maluszynska, 1998; Bauwens et al., 1991). Due diploid Wilna genotypes were also observed in tetraploid
to this association, diploid Arabidopsis tapetum nuclei have plants. During the premeiotic stage, uninucleate tapetal
two to four signals (with three signals being observed most cells were larger than both other somatic cells and PMCs.
often; Fig. 1B) and tetraploid nuclei have ®ve to eight This di€erence in size was more distinct than in diploid
signals. In the octaploid nuclei, ten to 16 signals of FISH plants. At this stage, tapetal nuclei were tetraploid with six
rDNA are present. Therefore, despite the tendency for to eight signals of 45S rDNA-FISH (Fig. 2D). About 95 %
association, the range of rDNA signals distinguishes the of tapetal cells entered mitosis before or during pachytene
di€erent ploidy levels of tapetal nuclei of Arabidopsis. and this division led to the formation of binucleate cells.
Each of the two nuclei was tetraploid with six, seven or
eight rDNA hybridization signals (Fig. 2E). In 5 % of the
Diploid plants
cells, one octaploid nucleus was present. In pachytene or
During the premeiotic stage when PMCs started to early diplotene, 83 % of tapetal cells synchronously entered
enlarge and di€ered distinctly from other ¯ower bud cells, the second cycle and became binucleate with two octaploid
the cells bordering the PMCs were uninucleate. At this stage nuclei (Fig. 2F). Eleven percent of the tapetal cells became
tapetal cell nuclei were round and showed strong, uniform trinucleate (4n ‡ 4n ‡ 8n), 2.5 % of cells had one nucleus
DAPI ¯uorescence indicating a higher degree of chromatin with a ploidy level reaching 16n and 3 % of cells remained
condensation than found in nuclei of other vegetative cells. with two tetraploid nuclei. Nuclei of 0.5 % of the tapetal
There were usually three 45S rDNA signals after FISH cells underwent additional division after which two 32n
(Fig. 2A). Beginning at the leptotene, tapetal cells under- nuclei were observed. The timing and mode of tapetal cell
went mitosis without cytokinesis. By pachytene, almost all disintegration seemed to be similar to that in diploid plants.
732 Weiss and MaluszynskaÐCytogenetic Analysis of the Arabidopsis Tapetum

F I G . 2. The most frequently observed course of tapetal cell development in Arabidopsis thaliana plants analysed after FISH with 45S rDNA. A±C,
Diploid plants; D±F, tetraploid plants. Bar ˆ 10 mm.

No fragments or micronuclei were observed. Results are of ploidy level changes in the tapetum with reference to the
summarized in Fig. 3B. stage of microsporocyte development. By analysing rDNA
signal numbers in interphase nuclei, we hereby con®rm
earlier general indications that tapetal cells of Arabidopsis
DISCUSSION are uninucleate during the premeiotic and early meiotic
stages of PMC development (Dawson et al., 1993; Zajac,
The pattern of Arabidopsis thaliana tapetum 1997). Most changes in ploidy level of nuclei of tapetal cells
occurred during prophase I of male meiosis and were
Previous studies of changes in the nuclear compartment ®nished by metaphase I. A similar situation has been
during tapetum development in A. thaliana have indicated observed in tapetal cells of other plant species (reviewed in
that the ploidy level and number of nuclei change (Dawson Bhandari, 1984; D'Amato, 1984) e.g. Eremurus (Oksala and
et al., 1993; Zajac, 1997). However, there has been no report Therman, 1977) and Antirrhinum majus (Berger et al.,
Weiss and MaluszynskaÐCytogenetic Analysis of the Arabidopsis Tapetum 733

2n 4n
AM 100% RM/EM -pachytene AM 100% EM/RM

2n 4n 4n 4n 8n
95% 5% Pachytene 5%
-metaphase I 95%


2n 4n 4n
4n 4n 4n 8n 16n
2n 4n 4n 8n 8n
2n 2n 8n
30% 6.5% 63% 0.5% 3.5% 11% 83% 2.5%
8n 16n
0.05% 16n
F I G . 3. Schematic representation of polyploidization and development of nuclei of tapetal cells in Arabidopsis thaliana as related to developmental
stages of pollen mother cells. A, Diploid plants; B, tetraploid plants. RM/EM, Restitution mitosis/endomitosis; AM, acytokinetic mitosis; SF,
spindle fusion.

1951). The role of polyploidization of di€erentiated tissues can be tested by analysing development of the tapeum in
is not yet fully understood. It is generally assumed that male meiotic mutants arrested in di€erent stages of
polyploidization occurs to amplify desirable genes necess- prophase I. The presented outline of wild-type Arabidopsis
ary for the synthesis of products in a given tissue without tapetum polyploidization may be useful for such analyses.
cell division, which otherwise requires additional energy
and time (Leitch, 2000). We speculate that in a short-lived
and specialized tissue such as the tapetum, polyploidization
Processes involved in tapetal cell polyploidization
needs to be accomplished quickly, before the tapetum starts
to di€erentiate and secrete substances that support pollen Somatic tissues of Arabidopsis thaliana show high levels
grain development, as also concluded by Oksala and of endopolyploidization (Galbraith et al., 1991). The
Therman (1977) for Eremurus. number and size of centromeric heterochromatin signals
Several studies have suggested a relationship between detected by FISH in interphase nuclei indicated that
tapetal cells and PMCs (see Bhandari, 1984; Leitch, 2000). endoreduplication is a major process involved in somatic
The association of homologous chromosomes in tapetal cell polyploidization in Arabidopsis (Maluszynska and
cells has been shown to occur in parallel with pairing of Heslop-Harrison, 1991). Both endoreduplication and endo-
homologues in PMCs in a wheat cultivar carrying a barley mitoses were found in callus in vitro culture (Fras and
substitution. Thus, the existence of `di€usable' factors, Maluszynska, 1995). The polyploidization of tapetal nuclei
originating either from PMCs or from the tapetum, which involves several types of mitotic divisions (reviewed by
a€ect pairing of homologues in both types of cells has been Bhandari, 1984; D'Amato, 1984). Analysis of interphase
suggested. These factors seem to be unique since the pairing nuclei does not permit one to draw direct conclusions about
of homologous chromosomes has not been observed in the cell processes involved in polyploidization, however it
other somatic, dividing tissues, except for the tapetum and does exclude some of them. The increased number but
PMCs at the early premeiotic stage and prophase I similar size of FISH-rDNA signals observed in tapetal
(Aragon-Alcaide et al., 1997). Extrapolating these results, nuclei of all ploidy levels suggests that no endoreduplication
it can be speculated that other factors may also exist that takes place during polyploidization. This is in agreement
correlate the pattern of divisions in tapetal cells with PMC with analysis of the Eremurus tapetum by Oksala and
development during prophase I of meiosis. This hypothesis Therman (1977).
734 Weiss and MaluszynskaÐCytogenetic Analysis of the Arabidopsis Tapetum
The ®rst division in a secretory tapetum is usually mitosis interphase (Bauwens et al., 1991; Weiss, 1999), the number
not followed by cytokinesis. The doubling of ploidy level of loci was stable in all Arabidopsis accessions analysed
within each of the nuclei in the tapetum after the second cell (Fransz et al., 1998), making it possible to distinguish
division suggests endomitosis or restitution mitosis. This between di€erent ploidy levels. Therefore, 45S rDNA-FISH
may also hold true for the third and ®nal cycle which occurs may successfully be used to determine ploidy level in
occasionally in the Arabidopsis tapetum. Endomitosis was mixoploid, di€erentiated tissues of Arabidopsis.
also considered to take place during the second division in
the tapetum of Eremurus (Oksala and Therman, 1977) and
Antirrhinum majus (Berger et al., 1951; Mechelke, 1952). AC K N OW L E D G E M E N T S
Thus, development of the tapetum of Arabidopsis follows The study was supported by a grant from the Polish
the scheme suggested by Oksala and Therman (1977) for National Committee of Scienti®c Research, No. 6PO3C
Eremurus, and accepted by many scientists (Bhandari, 06613. The authors thank Prof. J.S. Heslop-Harrison and
1984). The nature of the second and third divisions may be two anonymous referees for valuable comments on a
connected to mitotic spindle disturbance (Oksala and previous version of the manuscript.
Therman, 1977; D'Amato, 1984). Additionally, the lack
of chromosome segregation and cytokinesis saves energy
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