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Body System Checklist

Circulatory System

•Circulates blood

Major functions of circulatory system

•Transports oxygen, pumps blood

Diagram that includes the major parts - heart, artery, vein, capillary -
and list the function(s) ofeach.

Describe each of the components of blood- red blood cells, white

blood cells, platelets, &plasma

● Red blood cells- transports oxygen and CO2 to and from the
● White blood cells- counteracting foreign substances and disease.
● Platelets- involved in blood clotting, colorless.
● Plasma- fluid of blood in which, fat globules are suspended.
Describe the path blood travels through your body
● Enters the heart through two veins, blood flows from your right
atrium into your right ventricle through the open tricuspid valve.
Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body.
Use 2 examples.

● The respiratory system brings oxygen into the human body and
gets rid of CO2, allowing heart to pump blood.
● Skeletal system allows red and white blood cells to be carried
through the whole body by the circulatory system.
Describe two diseases associated with your body system

● Heart attack and Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)

Digestive System

•Takes in food and extracts it

Major functions of digestive system

•absorbs nutrients, removes waste products

Diagram that includes the major parts - mouth, esophagus, stomach,

small intestine, liver,pancreas, and large intestine - and list the

function(s) of each.

Describe the path food travels throughout the digestive system.

•The throat (pharynx) receives the food from your mouth and the
esophagus carries it to your stomach and trachea.

Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body.
Use 2 examples.

● The circulatory and digestive produce energy for the body.

● The circulatory system is a transport system for endocrine

Endocrine System

● Chemical messenger system of hormones

Major functions of endocrine system

•Carries hormones into the circulatory system

Describe what hormones are and what they do

● Substance produced in an organism and transported in tissue

fluids to stimulate cells or tissue into action.
Diagram that includes the major parts - hypothalamus, pituitary,
thymus, thyroid, parathyroid,adrenals, pancreas, ovaries, and testes -

and list the function(s) of each.

Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body.
Use at least 2 examples.

•Works with nervous system to control important bodily functions.

● Circulatory system is a transport system

Describe 2 diseases associated with your body system.

● Parathyroid disease
● Hypothyroidism
Excretory System

● Remove waste from body

Major functions of excretory system

● Removes waste
Diagram that includes the major parts - lungs, kidneys, urinary
bladder, ureter, urethra, liver,and skin - and list the function(s) of

Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body.
You will need at least 2examples.

•Circulatory system, blood passes through one kidney. Uric acid and
water removed from blood.

● Filters compounds from blood stream and collects them in urine:

digestive system.
Find 5 fun facts about your body system.

•The bladder is around the same size and weight as the brain

● You will produce 7,850,000,000,000 gallons of urine. 1/12 of Lake

● Each kidney you may have as many as 6.487 billion nephrons.
● In 1 day your blood will pass through your kidneys 300 times on
● Average person pees 3000 times a year.
Describe 2 diseases associated with your body system.

● Thyroid disease
● Metabolic syndrome
Muscular System

•Organ system consisting of skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles.

Major functions of muscular system

● allow movement

Describe the function and locations of each type of muscle

skeletal muscle, smooth muscle,and cardiac muscle

•Skeletal- occur in muscles which are attached to skeleton. Move the


● Smooth- in walls of hollow visceral organs (uterus). Helps push out

urine, move food through digestive tract, determines blood flow
in arteries.
● Cardiac- walls of the heart. Pump blood throughout the body
Diagram that includes the major muscles in the body - biceps, oblique
abdominis, sartorius,deltoid, orbicularis oculi, sternomastoid,
gastrocnemius, pectoral, temporalis, gluteus maximus,quadriceps,
tibialis, masseter, rectus abdominis, and triceps

Describe how muscles work in pairs to make parts of the body move
using the biceps and tricepsas an example.

•When one muscle is contracted, the other muscle from the pair is
always elongated. For example, the biceps and triceps muscles work
together to allow you to bend and straighten your elbow. When you
want to bend your elbow, your biceps muscle contracts and, at the
same time, the triceps muscle relaxes

Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body.
You will need at least 2examples.

•The brain controls the contraction of the skeletal muscle.

● Muscles connect to your skeleton

Describe 2 diseases associated with your body system.

● Myositis
● Fibromyalgia
Nervous System

•Transmits signals to and from different parts of the body

Description and major functions of the central nervous system and

peripheral nervous system.

•PNS- connect to the CNS to the limbs and organs, serving as a relay
between brain and spinal cord and the rest of the body.

Diagram that includes the major parts - brain, spinal cord, nerves, and
neurons - and list thefunction(s) of each.

Describe the path a nerve impulse travels throughout your body from
stimulus to response.

•connect sensory and motor neurons and interpret the impulse; only in
the brain and spinal cord. When a stimulus is received by a sensory
neuron, the impulse (or message) is carried through fibrous extensions
called dendrites to the cell body.

Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body.
You will need at least 2examples.

● Endocrine system works with nervous system to control the

creation of specific hormones and enzymes.
● Heart function and fluid circulation are triggered by the nervous
Describe 2 diseases associated with your body system.

● Horner syndrome is a combination of signs and symptoms caused

by the disruption of a nerve pathway from the brain to the face
and eye on one side of the body.
● Ataxia is a degenerative disease of the nervous system.

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