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Painting Tips For Beginners

It isn’t easy choosing your art supplies. One of the

main dilemmas is that there are so many different
options out there. It also isn’t easy choosing
paints. If you’ve never painted before, which one
do you choose? This article will focus on acrylics
and watercolors. There are a lot of factors that set
the two apart. Choosing the right one for you
involves knowing all about each one and deciding
which one suits your needs best. And You can
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and get an idea from there.
Touching up your painting and drying time:

If you want to be able to re-work your painting,

you should go with acrylics. They’re a lot more
opaque and are much easier to manipulate. They
dry very quickly and are very forgiving. It’s very
easy to go back and correct a mistake with
acrylics, whereas it’s more difficult with
watercolors. Though watercolors can dry quickly
when you use a hairdryer, their very nature makes
it difficult to touch your painting up. If you want to
be able to correct yourself as you go along, it’s
best to stick with acrylics.
Mixing colors

If you want to mix your colors on the canvas,

watercolors are the ones to go for. They are very
easy to mix and blend together very easily.
Acrylics can be mixed in a similar way to
watercolors, but watercolors are still the easiest to
mix. However, mixing watercolors too much can
result in paintings looking unclear and brown.
Painting large areas

Watercolors are great for painting large areas. If you have a large
space that doesn’t necessarily need a lot of detail, watercolors will
cover it nicely. Mixing a tube of watercolor paint with water can
make it cover a large area — at least several yards, in fact. If you
want a lot of detail everywhere and want to pay attention equal
attention to every part of the painting, acrylics are probably best.


With acrylics, it’s easy to tell where the brush has been. Painting
with acrylics leaves brushstrokes on the canvas, whereas painting
with watercolors doesn’t leave brush strokes. If you paint with
watercolors, the result is a painting that looks a lot more fluid and
organic. Some like brushstrokes to be visible in the paintings, while
others don’t.

If it’s simply a matter of money, you should go with watercolors

because they are usually cheaper and also buy Alessandro
Andreuccetti Watercolor Painting. This is because they last much
longer than acrylics — you can use several tubes of acrylic paint on
a single painting but with watercolors, you usually don’t even use
up a full tube. You also don’t need much equipment to paint with
watercolors. If you’re a beginner it’s a good idea to start with the
basics and buy more equipment — and more expensive paints — as
you get more confident with painting.


Acrylics are very easy to get used to and are very often suggested
to beginners because of this. Watercolors need a bit more practice
to master because of their fluidity and because it isn’t as easy to
cover mistakes and retouch areas of your painting. With
watercolors, you have to be extra careful because it’s easy for a
single drop of water to ruin parts of your painting. Completing a
watercolor painting requires a lot more skill and patience than
finishing an acrylic painting.
Other factors

With acrylics, you can paint on practically anything, including wood,

cardboard, plastic and many more. Watercolor paints are best
suited to paper, though acrylics can also be painted on to paper.
Acrylics tend to have a more layered effect and dry shiny, whereas
watercolors dry flat and aren’t at all shiny. Watercolors usually look
the same, no matter how much they cost, whereas with acrylics
you get a much nicer result if you use more expensive paints.

Your choice

Ultimately it’s down to you. Every painter’s different and wants

different things. If you like the sound of one type of paint, give it a
go and see if it works for you. Acrylics are probably best for
beginners who are still learning the ins and outs of painting
Watercolors are best for those who like their paintings to be fluid,
loose and free-flowing. Which one do you think’s best for you?

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