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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

2 September 2018 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B


Let Us Live By God’s Law

ince the time Adam and Eve committed their first grave sin, the
human heart has remained exposed to the devastation of violent
passions which lead to acts that destroy individuals and societies.
In the Commandments, God has supplied us with a powerful defense
line that protects us from the violence of these destructive passions
and enables us to live a life of harmony, cooperation and fulfillment.
Our task is to take God’s commandments seriously and make them the
foundation of our moral life.
In this Eucharistic celebration, let us pray in a special manner for
the grace to appreciate God’s Law and to live by it not only as individu-
als but also as a community and as a nation.
September is National Catechetical Month. Let us pray for all
catechists and those whom they teach the faith.

P –Lord Jesus, you uphold the gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of
superiority of God’s Com- God, Son of the Father, you take
mandments over human away the sins of the world, have
traditions and rules. Christ, mercy on us; you take away the
Entrance Antiphon have mercy! sins of the world, receive our
(To be recited only when no Entrance All –Christ, have mercy! prayer; you are seated at the right
Hymn is sung.) hand of the Father, have mercy
P –Lord Jesus, you remind us on us. For you alone are the Holy
Have mercy on me, O Lord, that sin comes from follow- One, you alone are the Lord, you
for I cry to you all the day long. ing the evil passions that alone are the Most High, Jesus
O Lord, you are good and for- nest in our hearts. Lord, Christ, with the Holy Spirit,
giving, full of mercy to all who have mercy! in the glory of God the Father.
call to you. All – Lord, have mercy! Amen!
Greeting P –May almighty God have
Collect (Opening Prayer)
P –Blessed be Jesus, the perfect mercy on us, forgive us our sins,
and bring us to everlasting life. P –God of might, giver of every
model of our moral life. May his good gift, put into our hearts the
grace and peace be with you all! All – Amen!
love of your name, so that, by
All – And with your spirit! deepening our sense of rever-
Penitential Act ence, you may nurture in us what
All – Glory to God in the high- is good and, by your watchful
P –As we prepare to celebrate est, and on earth peace to people care, keep safe what you have
the Sacred Mysteries, let us re- of good will. We praise you, nurtured.
flect on what makes us unworthy we bless you, we adore you, we Through our Lord Jesus
to do so. (Pause) glorify you, we give you thanks Christ, your Son, who lives and
P –Lord Jesus, you came not to for your great glory, Lord God, reigns with you in the unity of
abolish God’s Law but to heavenly King, O God, al- the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
fulfill it. Lord, have mercy! mighty Father. and ever.
All –Lord, have mercy! Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be- All – Amen!
* Whoever walks blameless- who gave greater importance to
ly and does justice; who thinks legal subtleties rather than the
the truth in his heart and slan- essence of God’s law, which is
ders not with his tongue. R. love and mercy.
1st Reading Dt 4:1-2.6-8 * Who harms not his fellow P –The Lord be with you!
Putting God’s law into man, nor takes up a reproach All – And with your spirit!
practice and refraining from against his neighbor; by whom P – A proclamation from the
manipulating it are the clearest the reprobate is despised, while holy Gospel according to
signs of our respect for it. Such he honors those who fear the Mark
is the message conveyed by Mo- Lord. R. All –Glory to you, O Lord!
ses to the people of Israel more
than three thousand years ago * Who lends not his money When the Pharisees with
and to us today. at usury and accepts no bribe some scribes who had come
against the innocent. Whoever from Jerusalem gathered
R –A proclamation from the does these things shall never be around Jesus, they observed
Book of Deuteronomy disturbed. R. that some of his disciples ate
their meals with unclean, that
Moses said to the people: is, unwashed, hands.
“Now, Israel, hear the stat- 2nd Reading Jas 1:17-18.
21-22.27 The Pharisees and, in fact,
utes and decrees which I am all Jews, do not eat without
teaching you to observe, that In this passage, the apostle
James lays great emphasis on carefully washing their hands,
you may live, and may enter keeping the tradition of the
in and take possession of the the need that our faith mani-
fest itself in concrete actions of elders. And on coming from
land which the Lord, the God the marketplace they do not eat
of your fathers, is giving you. Christian love.
without purifying themselves.
In your observance of the com- R –A proclamation from the And there are many other
mandments of the Lord, your Letter of James things that they have tradi-
God, which I enjoin upon you, tionally observed, such as the
you shall not add to what I Dearest brothers and sisters:
All good giving and every purification of cups and jugs
command you, nor subtract and kettles and beds.
from it. perfect gift is from above, com-
ing down from the Father of So the Pharisees and
Observe them carefully, scribes questioned Jesus, “Why
for thus will you give evidence lights, with whom there is no
alteration or shadow caused do your disciples not follow the
of your wisdom and intelli- tradition of the elders but in-
gence to the nations, who will by change. He willed to give us
birth by the word of truth, that stead eat a meal with unclean
hear of all these statutes and hands?” He responded, “Well
say, ‘This great nation is truly we may be a kind of firstfruits
of his creatures. did Isaiah prophesy about you,
a wise and intelligent people.’
Humbly welcome the word hypocrites, as it is written:
For what great nation is there
that has been planted in you ‘This people honors me
that has gods so close to it as
and is able to save your souls. Be with their lips, but their hearts
the Lord, our God, is to us
doers of the word and not hear- are far from me. In vain do
whenever we call upon him?
ers only, deluding yourselves. they worship me, teaching as
Or what great nation has stat-
Religion that is pure and unde- doctrines human precepts.’
utes and decrees that are as
just as this whole law which I filed before our God and Father You disregard God’s com-
is this: to care for orphans and mandment but cling to human
am setting before you today?”
widows in their affliction and tradition.”
The Word of the Lord! Jesus summoned the crowd
All –Thanks be to God! to keep oneself unstained by the
world. again and said to them, “Hear
me, all of you, and understand.
Responsorial Psalm Ps 15 The Word of the Lord! Nothing that enters one from
R –The one who does justice All – Thanks be to God! outside can defile that person,
will live in the presence of but the things that come out
the Lord! Gospel Acclamation from within are what defile.
All – Alleluia! Alleluia! From within people, from their
R. M. Velez
The Father willed to give hearts, come evil thoughts, un-
F Bb F chastity, theft, murder, adul-
    
us birth by the word of

    
truth, that we may be a tery, greed, malice, deceit, li-
kind of firstfruits of his centiousness, envy, blasphemy,
creatures. arrogance, folly. All these evils
The one who does justice will live in the come from within and they de-
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Bb C F
     Gospel Mk 7:1-8.14-15.21-23
In today’s passage Jesus at-
The Gospel of the Lord!
All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
presence of the Lord! tacks the scribes and Pharisees Christ!

2 September 2018
Homily word and good example, and P –Lift up your hearts!
that their behavior may always All – We lift them up to the Lord!
Profession of Faith be guided by God’s law, let us P –Let us give thanks to the
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed) pray! R. Lord our God!
All –I believe in one God, the Fa- C –For all Religion teachers, All – It is right and just!
ther almighty, maker of heaven that they may lead their students P –It is truly right and just, our
and earth, of all things visible to appreciate the Gospel values duty and our salvation, always
and invisible. and motivate them to live ac- and everywhere to give you
I believe in one Lord Jesus cording to those values, let us thanks, Lord, holy Father, al-
Christ, the Only Begotten Son pray! R. mighty and eternal God, through
of God, born of the Father be- C –For the youth all over the Christ our Lord.
fore all ages. God from God, For out of compassion for
world, especially in our country,
Light from Light, true God from the waywardness that is ours, he
true God, begotten, not made, that they may reject whatever is
degrading and unworthy of man, humbled himself and was born of
consubstantial with the Father; the Virgin; by the passion of the
through him all things were and practise what ennobles them,
let us pray! R. Cross, he freed us from unend-
made. For us men and for our ing death, and by rising from the
salvation he came down from C –For all of us, that we may dead, he gave us life eternal.
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy keep our hearts free from all And so, with Angels and
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- evil thoughts and desires, let us
gin Mary, and became man.* Archangels, with Thrones and
pray! R. Dominions, and with all the
For our sake he was crucified
C –For all those involved in hosts and Powers of heaven, we
under Pontius Pilate, he suf-
fered death and was buried, and the catechetical ministry, that sing the hymn of your glory, as
rose again on the third day in they may be supported by their without end we acclaim:
accordance with the Scriptures. community in their important All – Holy, holy, holy . . .
He ascended into heaven and is mission of teaching the faith, let
seated at the right hand of the us pray! R. Memorial Acclamation
Father. He will come again in C – Let us pray in silence for our P –The mystery of faith!
glory to judge the living and the personal intentions. (Pause) All –When we eat this Bread
dead and his kingdom will have Let us pray! R.
no end. and drink this Cup, we pro-
I believe in the Holy Spirit, P –Lord God, You sent Your claim your Death, O Lord,
the Lord, the giver of life, who Son to remind us of the need to until you come again!
proceeds from the Father and have the right priorities in life.
the Son, who with the Father Grant us the grace to know what
and the Son is adored and glori- is right, do what is good and
fied, who has spoken through persevere in Your service till the
the prophets. end of our life.
I believe in one, holy, cath- All – Amen! All – Our Father . . .
olic and apostolic Church. I P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
confess one Baptism for the All –For the kingdom, the
forgiveness of sins and I look power, and the glory are
forward to the resurrection of yours, now and for ever!
the dead and the life of the world
to come. Amen! Preparation of the Gifts
Sign of Peace
P –Pray, brethren . . .
Prayer of the Faithful All – May the Lord accept the Breaking of the Bread
P –Today the Gospel reminds sacrifice at your hands, for the
praise and glory of his name, All – Lamb of God, you take
us of the great importance of
for our good and the good of all away the sins of the world: have
cultivating the right moral dispo-
his holy Church. mercy on us. (2x)
sitions and of obeying God’s law.
Lamb of God, you take
Full of confidence in His love for
Prayer over the Offerings away the sins of the world:
us, we pray:
grant us peace.
All – Source of all holiness, hear P –May this sacred offering,
us! O Lord, confer on us always the
blessing of salvation, that what Communion
C –For the Church and her lead- it celebrates in mystery it may P –This is Jesus, the Lamb of
ers, that they may always keep accomplish in power. God who takes away the sins
their priorities right, without be- Through Christ our Lord. of the world. Blessed are those
ing swayed bypassing fads or All – Amen! called to his Supper.
rampant moral decadence, let us All –Lord, I am not worthy
pray! R. Preface II that you should enter under
C –For all parents, that they P –The Lord be with you! my roof, but only say the word
may teach their children through All – And with your spirit! and my soul shall be healed.
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Communion Antiphon Through Christ our Lord. and minds in the knowl-
(To be recited only when no All – Amen! edge and love that opens
Communion Hymn is sung.) the door of eternal life.
How great is the goodness, All – Amen!
Lord, that you keep for those P –And may the blessing of
who fear you. almighty God: the Father,
and the Son, and the Holy
Prayer after Communion P –The Lord be with you. Spirit, descend upon you
P –Renewed by this bread from All – And with your spirit! and remain with you for
the heavenly table, we beseech P –Bow your heads and pray ever.
you, Lord, that, being the food for God’s blessing. (Pause) All – Amen!
of charity, it may confirm our May the peace of God P –Go in peace, glorifying the
hearts and stir us to serve you in which is beyond all under- Lord by your life.
our neighbor. standing keep your hearts All – Thanks be to God!

Should We Follow Traditions?

by Jess P. Balon
Traditions and social conventions are part and parcel before the time of Christ, when they “forgot” their Lord-
of our life. They are signs of our links with the past and Savior and adopted ways of life typical of the neighboring
our dependence on it. Such traditions and conventions peoples who “knew nothing of the Lord.” Thus, they aban-
can be a precious heritage that enriches us in many doned the “Source of living water” and dug for themselves
ways. They embody the customs and ways of life that are “broken cisterns that hold no water.” (See Jer 2:13.)
fruit of the wisdom of past centuries, and are handed over Against such danger there is only one remedy: to
from one generation to another as a sort of “cultural gift.” cling to the freshness of God’s Word and the living
As such, they may contain genuine values which deserve Tradition of the Church, kept alive by the perennial
to be preserved and assimilated by all. vitality of the Holy Spirit. Our lives should be molded
But certain conventions and traditions (not sacred only by the sound instruction coming from God’s com-
Tradition, with capital “T”), may contain also elements mandments, and the teaching and example of Christ
that are no longer relevant to present situations and coming to us through the Church. Sound discernment
aspirations. In other cases, traditions may become a is always needed. Mere human traditions and conven-
hindrance to creativity and to the desire to find new ways tions can be followed only if and to the extent that they
of viewing and doing things. Exclusive attachment to are in keeping with the positive revelation of the divine
traditions may prevent progress. This is so because will, and remain open to the continuous call of God to be
they are always in danger of becoming either lifeless ever new, ever greater, ever closer to Him who is both
relics of the past, or enslaving chains. the root and the future of man.
They become “lifeless relics” when they are reduced
to empty formalities because they have lost the original
values which used to make them rich and meaningful.
Certain religious traditions may also become heavy
chains that fetter us to the past, dampening or prevent-
ing altogether the vital thrust toward new and genuine
ways of relating to God and among ourselves. Under
their negative influence, we may come to forget, as it
happened to the Jews at the time of Jesus, that “the
Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath”
(Mk 2:27). Worse still, some traditions may become
idols when we put them at par with, or even above,
the positive manifestation of God’s will.
An opposite defect is the forsaking of time-honored
traditions in order to start following new ways of life that A reminder:
look more appealing or “fashionable.” We are constantly September is “Catechetical Month.”
in danger of dropping value-laden traditions in order
to follow the latest fads and innovations propagated Be aware of the importance and need
by the surrounding environment. The Israelites had of catechesis, especially for our children
committed such a mistake more than once and long and youth.

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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, G. Ramos, J. Domingo, A. Adsuara, V. David, D. Daguio
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