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Bangunan gedung dan lingkungannya seperti bangunan bertingkat tinggi,

hotel, mal, sentra ekonomi/pusat perdagangan, bangunan industri besar,
depo bahan bakar, dan kompleks apartemen harus mendapat prioritas.
Bangunanbangunan tersebut sering disebut sebagai “target hazards”,
mengindikasikan adanya bahaya terhadap jiwa manusia yang lebih besar
dari rata-rata atau kompleksitas operasi pemadaman yang diprakirakan.

Target Hazard Analysis


Target Hazard Analysis is a configuration of ArcMap that can be

used by fire service personnel to identify and quantify properties
that should be targeted for pre-incident planning to mitigate such a

Target Hazard Analysis can also be used by other public safety

agencies to analyze hazard scenarios based on user-defined criteria.
It allows public safety agencies to efficiently identify potentially
hazardous properties across an entire community.

Target Hazard Analysis requires specific software.

Requirement Description
 ArcMap 10.4 - 10.6
 Microsoft Excel (for viewing and using spreadsheets in the

What you get

When you download the Target Hazard Analysis, you'll find the
following files:

Directory Item Description

A spreadsheet template containing
Application TargetHazard.xlsx user-defined criteria and values
used during the analysis.
A map document used to identify
and quantify properties that should
MapsandGeodatabase TargetHazardMap.mxd be targeted for pre-incident
planning to mitigate such a loss.

Fire Hydrant Inspection


Fire Hydrant Inspection is a configuration of Collector for ArcGIS

that can be used by fire personnel to inspect fire hydrants and ensure
that every hydrant in a district performs properly and reliably when
an emergency occurs. It also enables fire fighters to maintain and
improve their knowledge of first due areas so they can easily locate
hydrants and access or open them when needed.

Fire Hydrant Inspection offers a map-based view of an inspection

program that allows fire operations staff to load hydrant information
provided by their utility, assign inspections to a station or shift crew,
and publish fire hydrant inspection maps that can be used to conduct
field inspections. If you don't currently have hydrant information in
your GIS or you discover missing hydrants while in the field, you
can collect missing hydrants with your location-aware smartphone.


To deploy Fire Hydrant Inspection with the ArcGIS Solutions

Deployment Tool requires specific software.

Requirement Description
Requirement Description

Solution deployment

 ArcGIS Pro 1.4 - 2.1 (Basic, Standard, or Advanced)

Solution hosting
Software  ArcGIS Online subscription, or
 ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5 - 10.6 (Standard or Advanced)
with managed data store


Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS is only

supported on ArcGIS Online.
 Collector for ArcGIS
Applications  Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS = TRIAL ONLINE

Step 1D: Identify Target Hazards
One component of conducting a community risk assessment is to
identify specific target hazards within your service area. These are
sometimes referred to as “critical facilities.” Examples of critical
facilities might include:

· Hospitals
· Assisted living centers
· Community shelters
· Schools
· Airports
· Important government offices
· Emergency operations centers
· Hazardous materials sites
· Roadways
· Water/sewage treatment facilities
· Communications systems

You should also consider for inclusion among your list of target
hazards, buildings with substantial value to the community
(economic, historic, other), and other facilities that, if damaged or
destroyed, would have a significant negative impact on the

Important Definitions

The definition of target hazards will vary among jurisdictions, and

will be partially defined by your organization. FEMA defines these
as: “facilities in either the public or private sector that provide
essential products and services to the general public, are otherwise
necessary to preserve the welfare and quality of life in the
community, or fulfill important public safety, emergency response,
and/or disaster recovery functions.” In order to conduct an effective
target hazard assessment, some key definitions must be understood:
Hazards: Known physical features that can ignite and sustain
combustion, or existing features (natural or manmade) that have the
potential to cause negative impacts to life, property and/or natural

Values: Community assets, including life, property and natural


Target Hazard Data

In most communities, the local assessor’s office will have a

database that includes a listing of all the tax parcels within a
community. Tax parcel information includes the property
boundaries, use description, building area, number of floors,
assessed values, and more.

Some fire departments maintain occupancy data in their records

management systems. Typically, this is acquired from information
gathered from regular property inspections. Such systems may
provide much more comprehensive information for identifying
target hazards, and enable you to generate detailed reports that
describe significant hazards. In some jurisdictions, property
inspections are performed by government organizations outside of
the fire department. In these cases, this can be another valuable data
source to help in identifying your target hazards.

Using Fire Crews to Identify Target


One option that can assist in determining target hazards is to utilize

fire crews to identify facilities within their station’s emergency
response service areas. Firefighters assigned to a particular station
often have good insight into critical structures and facilities within
their area. Sometimes referred to as a “windshield survey,”
companies can be assigned to drive around their district and identify
various target hazards. If possible, they can perform more
comprehensive inspections and pre-incident surveys, and document
important details. This information can be combined with other
target hazard data to develop the final analysis.

GIS-Based Target Hazard Analysis

Target hazards should be contained in listings and/or maps (which

distinguish target hazards from other structures) that depict the
details and locations of the vulnerable areas and critical structures
and facilities. Probably the most effective method of generating a
target hazard analysis is the use of a GIS-based model. As
mentioned previously, GIS is being widely used among local
government entities.

Oliver suggests that a GIS-based assessment is comprised of four

elements: 5

1. Identifying/classifying community hazards.

2. Identifying risk factors, potential and probability.
3. Identifying/classifying community assets/values.
4. Fusing all of the elements into a visual display of the existing hazards:
their potential impact on values, and the risk or likelihood of an
unwanted event.
Data sources previously mentioned will be necessary to enable a
complete GIS target hazard analysis. These data elements are
available in most communities, and will be critical in the process of
building the target hazard analysis. Sources should include (but not
be limited to):
 Utilities locations (electric, gas, etc.)
 Tax parcels
 Previous fire & other incidents
 Zip code boundaries
 Water supplies & hydrants
 Occupancy data
 Street layers
 Hazmat permits
 Assessed value
 Block groups (Census tracts
II. Contoh Pre-Fire Planning

Instansi Pemadam SOP .

Pre –Fire Planning

Pre-Fire Planning (model contoh)

a. Tujuan
Dalam rangka bersiap diri menghadapi insiden darurat
kebakaran, IPK telah memberlakukan sebuah program “pre-fire
planning”. Tujuan dari program ini adalah mengidentifikasi
semua “target hazards” dalam wilayah kota dan
mengembangkan pre-fire plan kepada wilayah kota tersebut.
Program akan menyajikan informasi yang terstruktur dan
familiarisasi bahaya-bahaya yang teridentifikasi untuk
kepentingan pasukan pemadam kebakaran.
b. Lingkup
Aspek-aspek perencanaan pra-insiden dan proses-proses
refamiliarisasi yang diadakan oleh personil pemadam kebakaran.
c. Identifikasi Bahaya
Pre-fire plan harus dibuat bagi bangunan gedung atau
penggunaan bangunan yang dapat dianggap “target hazards”.
Sebuah “target hazard” mempunyai karakteristik khusus seperti
jiwa manusia, nilai properti, produk (misal; bahan-bahan
berbahaya), atau karakteristik lainnya yang membuat pre-fire
plan penting untuk dipersiapkan. Kepala Sektor pemadam
kebakaran harus memilih bangunan gedung atau penggunaan
bangunan yang memenuhi kriteria “target hazards”. Kepala
Wilayah pemadam kebakaran harus mengkaji daftar properti
yang diajukan untuk pembuatan pre-fire plan nya untuk
menjamin pemenuhan kriteria dan pemrioritasan. Salinan daftar
final harus dikirim kepada Kepala Dinas.
d. Klasifikasi Target Hazard
1). Target Hazards Besar (Major)
• Fasilitas Rumah Sakit;

• Mal;
• Fasilitas Lembaga Pemasyarakatan;
• Setiap fasilitas penggunaan bangunan sebagaimana
ditentukan oleh Kepala Wilayah; dan
• Lingkungan dengan bahan-bahan berbahaya
(diidentifikasi dan diinspeksi oleh Tim Bahan-Bahan
Berbahaya (B3).
2) Target Hazards
• Tempat pertemuan umum besar (lebih dari 500 orang);
• Tangki timbun bahan bakar (flammable dan
combustible) padat, cair, dan gas;
• Sekolah;
• Pusat Pertokoan;
• Bangunan gedung tinggi;
• Hotel;
• Tempat peribadatan;
• Setiap penggunaan bangunan yang berbahaya
sebagaimana ditentukan oleh Kepala IPK; dan
• Komplek apartemen/condominium/rusunawa/ rusunami.
Pengkategorian ini tidak mengesampingkan pertimbangan
Kepala Sektor dan Kepala Wilayah IPK mengenai bahaya
dari sebuah penggunaan bangunan khusus sebagaimana
ditentukan oleh potensi kerugiannya yang signifikan baik
jiwa dan atau properti.

e. Waktu Pengulangan (Frequency)

Pre-fire planning merupakan sebuah kegiatan tambahan bagi
regu-regu pemadam kebakaran dalam basis per tahun.
Kebijakan dalam pre-fire planning ini tidak bermaksud bahwa
bangunan gedung dan penggunaan bangunan yang tidak
termasuk sebagai “target hazards” dibuatkan pre-fire plan nya
sebagai sebuah kegiatan “membuat pekerjaan”. Jika semua
“Target Hazards” telah mempunyai informasi yang lengkap
dalam pre-fire plan masing-masing, maka harus diadakan kajian
terhadap semua pre-fire plan eksisting sebagai bagian dari
proses refamiliarisasi.


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