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FORM TP 2019004 JANUARY 20I8


. Paper 01 - General Proficiency

I hour 15 minures

18 JAI\ruARY2018 (p.m.)


I This test consists of 60 items. You will have I hour and l5 minutes to answer them.
2. In addition to this test booklel you should have an answer sheet.

3 Each item in this tist hasJicur suqFgsted apw-eT lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you
are about to answer and decide which choice is best.

4. On your answer shee! find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space hav-
ing the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at tlre sample item betow.

Samole Item

The SI unit of length is the Samole Answer

(A) mete
(B) nenfton
(C) second
(D) kilogram

The best answer to this item is "metre',, so (A) has been shaded.

5. If you ,want to change your answer, enase it completely before you fill in your new choice.
6. When you.are told-to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you
cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You may return to that item laler. -

7. You may do any rough work in this booklet.

8. f igures are not necessarily. drawn to scale. r :


9. You may use a silent, non-piogrammable calculator to answer items.



1 Particles of a solid tannot move about 5. Two particles have the following composi-
freely because the tions:

(A) particles have a high densitY (D l0protons, l2neutrons, l0electons

(B) forces ofattraction are very strong (iD l0protons, l1 neutrons, l0electrons
(c) forces of attraction are very weak
(D) particles canncbe easily compressed Therefore, BOTH particles are

(A) anions
2. Which of the following processes does (B) isotopes
NOT provide evidence in support of the (c) cations
particulate nature of matter? (D) metals

(A) Osmosis
(B) Diffusion 6. In the notation "cl
th" number 17
(c) Filtration represents the
(D) Brownian motion
(A) charge
(B) mass number
J. Which of the following mixtures are (C) oxidation state
arranged in order of INCREASING (D) atomic number
particle size?

(A) Solutions,colloids,suspensions 7, What mass of oxygen atoms contains the

(B) Solutions,suspensions,colloids same number .9f moles as I 12 g of sulfur
(C) Colloids,solutions,suspensions atoms?
(D) Suspensions,colloids,solutions
[RAM: O: 16; S:32]

4. Sulfuric acid is a stronger acid than (A) 0.56 g

ethanoic acid (acetic acid) in aqueous (B) 5.60 g
solution because sulfinic acid (C) 56.00 g
(D) 560.00 g
(A) is more corrosivethan ethanoic acid
(B) is more concentrated than ethanoic
acid 8. Which ofthe following halogens is a liquid
(c) ionizes to a greater extent than at room temperature?
ethanoic acid
(D) causes sugarto char whereas ethanoic (A) Iodine
acid does not (B) Bromine
(c) Fluorine
(D) Chlorine


9 Sodium chloride has a high melting point 12. 'lonic bond formation'results from the
(A) donation of electons from a non-
(A) sodium has a high melting point metal to a metal to achieve stability
(B) chlorine is a powerful oxidizing agent (B) donation ofelectrons from a metal to
(c) dre crystals do notabsort heat readily a non-metal to achieve stability
(D) the ions are bound by strong (C) attraction between the positively
electrostatic forces charged ions of a metal and a pool
of electrons
(D) sharing of electrons between the
l0 A new element R shows chemical atoms of a metal and non-metal
properties similar to the element sodium. . to achieve stabiliry
What is the correct formula ofa compound
formed with R and sulfur?
13. Sulfur and oxygen are in the same group
(A) R,S of the periodic table because
(B) Rs2
(c) RS (A) they can react with each other
(D) LS, (B) they can form covalent compounds
(C) they have the same number of
electrons in their outer shell
It.em 11 refers to the following diagram. (D) the atomic number of sulfur is I 6 and
the relative atomic mass ofgxygen
is 16
- 14. An acid can be defined as a
(A) proton donor
(B) neutron donor
(c) proton acceptor
(D) neutron acceptor

15. A salt was heated with a certain base. The

gas evolved turned moist red litmus paper
blue. Which ofthe following ions does the
11 The diagram above represents the arrange- salt contain?
ment of atoms in
(A) Nitrate(V;
(A) sulfur ' (B) Ammonium
(B) benzene (c) Sulfate(VI)
(c) graphite (D) Carbonate
(D) diamond

The rOlative atomic mass of carton is

number 18
L6. The caloium ion has an oxidation and that of oxygen is 16' Therefore,
88 'g
of +Zbecause thi calcium atom has of carbon dioxide consists of
(A) two elecEons in its otrtermostshell 3.1 moles of carbon dioxide
(B) six electrons in its outermost shell of carbon and32moles of
(B) 12 moles
(c) two allotroPes oxygen
(D) two isotoPes
(c) I moieof carbon atoms and2 moles
of oxYgen atoms
(D) 2 moles of carbon atoms and 4 moles
Item 17 refers to the following graph which of oxygen atoms
t*-tttt"nariationof thepHof themixturc
a fixed
formea wn* Solution Y is added to
19 A piece of metal is reacted with an acid
volume of Solution X' to produce hydrogen gas' Which 9f thl
foliowing procedures should be employed
in orderio increase the rate ofthe reaction?

L Increasing the temperatnre at which

pE ' the reaction is carried out
tr. Subdividingthe Piece of metal
m. Reducing the concentration of the

Voldme ofYadded(cm) (A) I and II onlY

(B) I and.[II onlY
(c) II and III onlY
Which ofthe following pairs of substances (D) I, II and III
can represent solutions X andY?

20 Which of the following pairs of elements

x Y exhibit allotroPY?

(A) HCl., Ito (A) Sulfur and carbon

(B) Sulfur and nitrogen
(B) KOH({) HrO Carbon and chlorine
(D) Nitrogen and PhosPhorus
(c) HC\, KOH("q)

(D) KOH("q) HCI(,q) is

'B 2L. In which of the following processes
fractional distillation NOT used?

(A) Refining of crude Petoleum

(B) Conversion of alkanes into alkenes
(c) Separation of liquid airinto nitrogen
and oxYgen
(D) Separation of ethanol from a
fermentation mixture

Items 22-24 refer to the following' 25 Which of the following substances reacts
information with an acid, liberating a gas which turns
lime water'milky'?
A piece of calcium was added to some
distilled water in a container and the (A) Methyl orange
following observations were recorded- (B) Barium chloride
(c) Calcium carbonate
l. The reaction w:ls rapid. (D) Magnesium metal
2. Bubbles of gas evolved.
3. A cloudy suspension formed.
4. The temperature increased. Item 26 refers to the following energy
profile diagram..

22. The gas produced is expected to


(A) relight a glowing splint >1

(B) give a'pop'with a lighted splint EO
i) Rcaden8
(C) turn acidified aqueous potassium tr
dichromate green
(D) decolorize acidified aqueous
potassium man ganate(Vl I) Rcaction path

23 The 'cloudy' susfension was pioduced 26. From the enerry profile diagram above, it
because in water can be said that'the reactants

(A) calcium hydroxide is slightly soluble (A) cannot be converted into producG
(B) calcium oxide is slightly soluble (B) absorb energy to form products
(C) calcium carbonate is insoluble (C) give out heat when they react
(D) calcium sulfate is insoluble (D) give enerry to products

24 A sample of the suspension was filtered 27. The oxidation numberofsilicon inNarSiO,
and the pH of the filtrate determined. ls
The expected pH of the filtrate should be
approximately (A) I
(B) 2
(A) 3 (c) 3
(B) 5 (D) 4
(c) 7
(D) I0

sodium 32' A suitable drying agent for a laboratory

28. When a concentrate'd solution of
preparation of ammonia is
chloride is electrolysed using carbon
(A) calcium oxide
(B) calcium chloride
(A) chlorine is liberated at the anode
sodium is liberated at the cathode
(c) anhydrous coPPer sulfate
(D) concentrated sulfuric acid
(c) the solution at the anode is aoidic
(D) the solution atthe cathode is acidic

33 Which of the following metals will NOT

displace hydrogen from dilute hydrochloric
29 The rate of a chemical reaction does NOT
depend on the

ofi catalYst (A) Zinc

(A) pnesence
(B) Iron
(B) concentration of the rcactants
(c) temperahre of the reacting system
(c) Copper
(D) Aluminium
(D) ener5/ change associated with the

34 Potasiium is ametal. From'this information

Which of thg following elements form an
ONLY it may be deduced that potassium
' acidic oxide when burnt in air?
(A) is soft
(B) is very reactive
I Aluminium
(c) has a low melting Point
tI Carbon
(D) is a good conductor of electricitY
m Nitrogen

(A) I and II
(B) I and III 35. An alloY is
(c) II and III
(A) atype of element
(D) I, II and III
(B) a mixture of metals
(c) a compound of inetals
(D) the same as aluminium
31. When a piece ofmagnesium ribbon is bumt
in air, magnesium oxide is formed' It is
then placed in water and tisted with litmus
36. Which of the following gases forms white
solution, which hrrns blue.
fumes when a glass rod, dipped in aqueous
ammonia, is held in it?
The above exPeriment shows that
magnesiup oxide is
(A) Ammonia
(B) Nitrogen(IV) oxide
(A) acidic
(B) basic
(c) .Hydrogen
(D) Steam
(c) neutral
(p) insoluble

Items 37-38 refer to the extraction of 40 Which of the following is/are true of non
aluminium from bauxite. metals?

I. They are reducing agents.

37. Cryolite is used II. They are capable of replacing
hydrogen in acids to form salts.
(A) to lower the melting point of the III. They are generally poor conductors
electrolye of elecricity.
(B) as a sourceof additional ions
(C) to protect the carbon anode (A) III only
(D) as the electrolye (B) I and II only
(C). I and III only
(D) I, II and III
38. The carbon anode tends to

(A) reactwith the cryolite 41. The main substances responsible for acid
(B) be oxidized by orygen ratn are
(C) dissolve in the electolyte
(D) be oxidized by fluorine frorn cryolite (A) chlorofluorccarbons
(B) sulfur dioxide and sulfur trioxide
(c) lead compounds in exhaust fumes
39 Which of the following elements is an (D) carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide
important constituent of chlorophyll?

(A) Iron 42. Which of the following elements is the

(B) Copper MOST electropositive?
(C) Calcium
(D) Magnesium (A) Zinc
(B) Copper
(c) Magnesium
(D) Aluminium

Item 43 refers to the following sequence of reactions involving iron compounds, where I, II, III
and IV represent the progressive stages in the sequence.

FeCO, --i-- FeO -pFerO, -r-i> F"r(SO),

43. A suitable reagent that could be used at stage IV is

(A) steam
(B) hydrogen
(c) solid copper oxide
(D) aqueous sodium hydroxide


44 Which of the following features is NOT tnre of all homologous series of compounds?

The members of the.series have

(A) similar chemical ProPerties

(B) the same emPirical formula
(c) the same functional grouP
(D) the same general formula

of moleoular formula CrHrO' with the following

Item 45 refers to two organic compounds, I and II,

lll lll
lll lll
Compound I Compoundll

45. Compounds I and II are known as the

(A) isomers of CrHrO

(B) isotopes of C,H.O
(c) condlnsed formulae of CrHP
(D) molecular formulae of CrI\O

46. The compound 2-bromobutane has a' Items 49-50 referto the following general
structural formula of formulae.


I rll nzn
(A) E-C - c -c -c -E (B) c.H2r*2

(c) CnH2'*loH
HE (D) c.H2,*'cooH
E ll
,)" c-c.-E
I tl
Br E. E In answering Items 4F50, each option may
be used once, more than once or not at all.

I tll
(c) E-C - c -c -c -E 49 Which of the above is the formula of a
I compound that undergoes a substitution
E. BrEE reaction with bromine?

I' 50 Which of the above is the formula of a
lll compound which burns with a sooryflame?
(D) E-C-'C-c-E
EBrE 51 Which ofthe following statements aretrue
ofalkanes and alkenes?

47. Which of the following about ethane is I. Both burn in air to give carbon
corect? dioxide and water.
H E II. Alkanes undergo substitution
(A) Structural formula C=C reaotions whilst alkenes undergo
E E . addition reactions.
m. Alkanes.are saturated hydrocarbons
(B) Molecular formula- CrHo whilst alkenes are unsaturated
(C). Empiricalformula-CH, hydrocarbons.
(D) General formula- Cn 4,*,
(A) I and U only
(B) I and III only
48 Which of the following substances would (c) Il and III only
an alkane react?. (D) I, II and III

(A) Chlorine
(B) Hydrogen
(C) Ethanol
(D) Steam

Items 52-53 refer to the following options.

(A; Addition
(B) Isomerism
(c) Esterification
(D) Polymerization

In answering Items 52-53, each option may be used once, more than once or not at all

52. What is the name of the catalysed reaction which uses an alcohol and an organic acid?

53. What is the name ofthe process in which proteins are formed from amino acids?

54. Which of the following equations represents the fermentation of sugars, using glucose as the

(A) C6H.2O6-2C2H5OH +2CO2

(B) 6CO, + 6HrO --+ C6H,2O6 + 602

(c) C.H,rOr.t- 60z* 6CO, + 6H2O

(D) C6HEO6 * CrH,rO.+ C,rHrrO,, + H2O

55. When large alkane molecules are cracked, s6. Which.of the following ar€ reactions of
the products are a mixture of ethanoic acid?

(A) small alkane molecules It forms a salt with aqueous sodium

(B) small alkene molecules hydroxide.
(c) large and small alkane molecules II It liberates carbon dioxide from a
(D) small alkane and small alkene carbonate.
molecules III It liberates hydrogen on contact with
a strongly electropositive metal.

(A) I and II only

(B) I and III only
(c) 'll and III only
(D) I, II and III

- tl-

57 Which of the following compounds can 58. Which of the NOT formed
. decolorize potassium manganate(V[f? from condensation polymerization?

(A) Polyalkenes
EE (B) Polyamides

(C) Polyesters
tt Polysaccharides

59 It is better to use soapless detergents for

E E washing in hard water than it is to use soap
because soapless detergents
(B) c
E E (A) are cheaperttran soaps
(B) are more biodegradable tlran soaps
EEE (c) are more soluble in hard water than

E-C-C-C-E (D)
form an insoluble scum in hard water
60. Which ofthe following hydrocarbons is the
HE MAJORconstituent of natural gas?
(D) tl
E-CrC-E (A) Methane
E_C-H (D) Butane



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